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Over the years, Ive collected many books on Judo, and with the increasing popularity of the Internet, it has become easier than ever to find out-of-print Judo books. I hope to show you how to locate books on the Internet, and to show you which ones are b>worth/b> purchasing. My opinions are only mine, of course, and others may have a greater or lesser opinion of any particular /> br /> On this site, youll also find various Judo a href/page/0718/articles>articles/a> that either I wrote, or find of interest. Please note that this site is geared to people who already have some knowledge of Judo. If you wish to learn about Judo, there are far superior sites already in existence, and I have no desire to try to compete with them. If you are looking for a general overview of Judo topics, the a target_window href>Judo Information Site/a>, is arguably the best site on the /> br /> You will discover that most photos on this site can be clicked on to show a larger version of the photo. If you have any suggestions to improve this site, or reviews youd like to see or add to, Id be happy to hear from you!/p> p aligncenter>b>NEW/b>: Please take time to review this new site: a target_blank href>>... contains interesting information on Godo./p> p aligncenter>b>NEWEST REVIEW:/b> a href/review/16313/black-belt-judo-skills-techniques-judo-unleashed>Judo Unleashed by Neil Ohlenkamp!/a>/p> p> /p>center> strong>u>font size+1>Kindle Users! a href>Judo Books For Your Kindle Here!/a>/font>/u> /strong>br>br>strong>u>font size+1>Heres a throw few have seen! a href>Helmudts Throw/a>/font>/u> /strong>/center>p> /p> table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td width50>p aligncenter>b>Judo News/b>/p>br />CaRP a target_blank href>XML error: SYSTEM or PUBLIC, the URI is missing at line 1 - /a>br />/td> td width50>p aligncenter>b>BestJudo News/b>/p> p>08/22/09 Completely new site! Moved website to Drupal CMS. New Hosting again! a href/page/16312/bestjudo-gets-facelift-new-website-features>More Info Here!/a>br /> 12/07/08 Changed Host Servers Again! Hostmonster couldnt keep up. Bear with me as I institute the changes here!br /> 01/24/07 Changed Host Servers - Hostmonster offers unlimited domains, 200Gb space, and 2,000Gb bandwidth for just $4.95/mo!br /> 08/28/06 New Link Software Added - Click on Links to add your favorite websites!br /> 08/26/06 New Guestbook added - hopefully this will cut down on the spam!br /> 05/15/06 JudoInfo now has a dictionary of Judo terms. Give it a try!br /> 03/27/06 Ive started a Judo Blog in place of the discussion /> 03/16/06 Finally fixed the Guestbook - after so many years!br /> 02/18/06 Moved Website to new host, better search engine /> 06/22/02 Added 17 a href/page/1665/judo-book-reviews-new>New Reviews/a> and 5 new articles to /> 12/16/01 Added a new article a href/article/1233/shiro-saigo-judos-secret-weapon>Shiro Saigo, Judos Secret Weapon?/a>br /> 09/16/01 Added 12 a href/page/1665/judo-book-reviews-new>New Reviews/a> to /> 07/21/01 Added one a href/article/0823/classical-osotogari-does-work-rebuttal-steve-cunningham>Rebuttal/a>, several new articles, and 25 a href/page/0720/other-book-reviews>Book Reviews/a>br /> 06/03/01 Added 2 articles, one by a href/article/0928/martial-arts-breaking-it-down-aikido>Kirk Lawson/a>, and one by a href/article/0929/go-rin-no-sho-book-five-rings-miyamoto-musashi>Musashi/a>br /> 06/02/01 Added 11 a href/page/1665/judo-book-reviews-new>New Reviews/a> to /> 05/14/01 Added a href>Judo Stamp Listings/a>... Thanks to Ronald Allen Charles!!br /> 05/12/01 Added a href/article/0926/martial-arts-books-id-see>Books Id Like to See/a> and a href/article/0927/interesting-judo-photos>Interesting Judo Photos/a>br /> 05/06/01 Added a href/page/1361/judo-book-reviews-rating>Reviews by Rating/a> and a href/page/1362/judo-book-library-starting-suggestions>Starting Recommendations/a>br /> 05/05/01 Rewrote Best Judo website without /> 04/30/01 Added an article: a href/article/0925/bjj-better-judo style>i>Is BJJ Better Than Judo?/i>/a>br /> 04/28/01 Optimized all graphics, major HTML validate and /> 04/26/01 Two Crossword Puzzles added. 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Osotogari/a>/h2> span classsubmitted>Submitted by Khadaji on Mon, 08/17/2009 - 20:00/span> div classcontent>!-- google_ad_section_start -->p>Note the non-classical placement of Okanos driver leg./p>!-- google_ad_section_end -->div classfield field-type-emvideo field-field-emfield> div classfield-items> div classfield-item odd> a href/movie/17333/isao-okano-osotogari>img src altSee video titleSee video width120 height90 />/a> /div> /div>/div>/div> div classclear-block clear>/div> div classlinks>» ul classlinks inline>li classnode_read_more first last>a href/movie/17333/isao-okano-osotogari titleRead the rest of Isao Okano - Osotogari.>Read more/a>/li>/ul>/div> /div> /div>!--close views_slideshow_div_1_20--> div idviews_slideshow_div_1_21 classviews_slideshow_hidden> div classnode> h2 classtitle>a href/movie/17334/karate-vs-bear>Karate vs. Bear/a>/h2> span classsubmitted>Submitted by Khadaji on Mon, 08/17/2009 - 20:24/span> div classcontent>!-- google_ad_section_start -->p>I guess Tomoenage would be out of the question.../p>!-- google_ad_section_end -->div classfield field-type-emvideo field-field-emfield> div classfield-items> div classfield-item odd> a href/movie/17334/karate-vs-bear>img src altSee video titleSee video width120 height90 />/a> /div> /div>/div>/div> div classclear-block clear>/div> div classlinks>» ul classlinks inline>li classnode_read_more first last>a href/movie/17334/karate-vs-bear titleRead the rest of Karate vs. Bear.>Read more/a>/li>/ul>/div> /div> /div>!--close views_slideshow_div_1_21--> div idviews_slideshow_div_1_22 classviews_slideshow_hidden> div classnode> h2 classtitle>a href/movie/09342/worst-judo-ever>Worst 'Judo' Ever!/a>/h2> span classsubmitted>Submitted by Khadaji on Wed, 09/09/2009 - 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The Argument Against Evolution - Part 2 /a>/li>li>a href/blog/08300/khadaji/using-wordpress-cms>Using Wordpress as a CMS. /a>/li>li>a href/blog/23299/khadaji/general-intelligence-jfk-rfk-assassinations>General Intelligence… JFK & RFK Assassinations/a>/li>li>a href/blog/17298/khadaji/kenka-yotsu-uchikomi-don%E2%80%99t-forget-it>Kenka Yotsu in Uchikomi - Don’t Forget it! /a>/li>li classlast>a href/blog/08297/khadaji/uchikomi-newaza-forgotten-combination>Uchikomi & Newaza - the Forgotten Combination/a>/li>/ul>/div>div classmore-link>a href/blog titleRead the latest blog entries.>more/a>/div> /div> /div>div classblock block-block unstyled-block idblock-block-5> div classcontent> p classrtecenter>SCRIPT typetext/javascript languageJavaScript src>/SCRIPT>/p> /div> /div> /div> div idmain> div idsqueeze> h1 classtitle>/h1> div classtabs>/div> p> /p> h1 classrtecenter>Welcome To BestJudo!/h1> p>The main purpose of this site is to provide you with detailed book a href/page/1358/judo-book-reviews-title>reviews/a> of Judo books. Over the years, Ive collected many books on Judo, and with the increasing popularity of the Internet, it has become easier than ever to find out-of-print Judo books. I hope to show you how to locate books on the Internet, and to show you which ones are b>worth/b> purchasing. My opinions are only mine, of course, and others may have a greater or lesser opinion of any particular /> br /> On this site, youll also find various Judo a href/page/0718/articles>articles/a> that either I wrote, or find of interest. Please note that this site is geared to people who already have some knowledge of Judo. If you wish to learn about Judo, there are far superior sites already in existence, and I have no desire to try to compete with them. If you are looking for a general overview of Judo topics, the a target_window href>Judo Information Site/a>, is arguably the best site on the /> br /> You will discover that most photos on this site can be clicked on to show a larger version of the photo. If you have any suggestions to improve this site, or reviews youd like to see or add to, Id be happy to hear from you!/p> p aligncenter>b>NEW/b>: Please take time to review this new site: a target_blank href>>... contains interesting information on Godo./p> p aligncenter>b>NEWEST REVIEW:/b> a href/review/16313/black-belt-judo-skills-techniques-judo-unleashed>Judo Unleashed by Neil Ohlenkamp!/a>/p> p> /p>center> strong>u>font size+1>Kindle Users! a href>Judo Books For Your Kindle Here!/a>/font>/u> /strong>br>br>strong>u>font size+1>Heres a throw few have seen! a href>Helmudts Throw/a>/font>/u> /strong>/center>p> /p> table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td width50>p aligncenter>b>Judo News/b>/p>br />CaRP a target_blank href>XML error: SYSTEM or PUBLIC, the URI is missing at line 1 - /a>br />/td> td width50>p aligncenter>b>BestJudo News/b>/p> p>08/22/09 Completely new site! Moved website to Drupal CMS. New Hosting again! a href/page/16312/bestjudo-gets-facelift-new-website-features>More Info Here!/a>br /> 12/07/08 Changed Host Servers Again! Hostmonster couldnt keep up. Bear with me as I institute the changes here!br /> 01/24/07 Changed Host Servers - Hostmonster offers unlimited domains, 200Gb space, and 2,000Gb bandwidth for just $4.95/mo!br /> 08/28/06 New Link Software Added - Click on Links to add your favorite websites!br /> 08/26/06 New Guestbook added - hopefully this will cut down on the spam!br /> 05/15/06 JudoInfo now has a dictionary of Judo terms. Give it a try!br /> 03/27/06 Ive started a Judo Blog in place of the discussion /> 03/16/06 Finally fixed the Guestbook - after so many years!br /> 02/18/06 Moved Website to new host, better search engine /> 06/22/02 Added 17 a href/page/1665/judo-book-reviews-new>New Reviews/a> and 5 new articles to /> 12/16/01 Added a new article a href/article/1233/shiro-saigo-judos-secret-weapon>Shiro Saigo, Judos Secret Weapon?/a>br /> 09/16/01 Added 12 a href/page/1665/judo-book-reviews-new>New Reviews/a> to /> 07/21/01 Added one a href/article/0823/classical-osotogari-does-work-rebuttal-steve-cunningham>Rebuttal/a>, several new articles, and 25 a href/page/0720/other-book-reviews>Book Reviews/a>br /> 06/03/01 Added 2 articles, one by a href/article/0928/martial-arts-breaking-it-down-aikido>Kirk Lawson/a>, and one by a href/article/0929/go-rin-no-sho-book-five-rings-miyamoto-musashi>Musashi/a>br /> 06/02/01 Added 11 a href/page/1665/judo-book-reviews-new>New Reviews/a> to /> 05/14/01 Added a href>Judo Stamp Listings/a>... Thanks to Ronald Allen Charles!!br /> 05/12/01 Added a href/article/0926/martial-arts-books-id-see>Books Id Like to See/a> and a href/article/0927/interesting-judo-photos>Interesting Judo Photos/a>br /> 05/06/01 Added a href/page/1361/judo-book-reviews-rating>Reviews by Rating/a> and a href/page/1362/judo-book-library-starting-suggestions>Starting Recommendations/a>br /> 05/05/01 Rewrote Best Judo website without /> 04/30/01 Added an article: a href/article/0925/bjj-better-judo style>i>Is BJJ Better Than Judo?/i>/a>br /> 04/28/01 Optimized all graphics, major HTML validate and /> 04/26/01 Two Crossword Puzzles added. This Whats New section /> 04/21/01 Best Judo Website receives first /> br /> /p>/td> /tr>/table>div classadvertisement group-tids-0 idgroup-id-tids-0>script typetext/javascript src>/script>/div>div classadvertisement group-tids-1 idgroup-id-tids-1>script typetext/javascript src>/script>/div>div classadvertisement group-tids-2 idgroup-id-tids-2>script typetext/javascript src>/script>/div> /div>!--/squeeze--> /div>!--/main--> div idsidebar-right> div classblock block-search unstyled-block idblock-search-0> div classcontent> form action/ accept-charsetUTF-8 methodpost idsearch-block-form>div>div classcontainer-inline> div classform-item idedit-search-block-form-1-wrapper> label foredit-search-block-form-1>Search this site: /label> input typetext maxlength128 namesearch_block_form idedit-search-block-form-1 size15 value titleEnter the terms you wish to search for. classform-text />/div>input typesubmit nameop idedit-submit-1 valueSearch classform-submit />input typehidden nameform_build_id idform-757b176ad89d0ad24ebddb3c45c45826 valueform-757b176ad89d0ad24ebddb3c45c45826 />input typehidden nameform_id idedit-search-block-form valuesearch_block_form />/div>/div>/form> /div> /div>div classblock block-views unstyled-block idblock-views-Judo_Video_Slideshow-block_1> div classcontent> div classview view-Judo-Video-Slideshow view-id-Judo_Video_Slideshow view-display-id-block_1 view-dom-id-1> div classview-content> div idviews_slideshow_main_1 classviews_slideshow_main> div idviews_slideshow_teaser_section_1 classviews_slideshow_teaser_section> div idviews_slideshow_div_1_0 > div classnode> h2 classtitle>a href/movie/15309/human-weapon-judo>Human Weapon - Judo/a>/h2> span classsubmitted>Submitted by Khadaji on Sat, 08/15/2009 - 16:59/span> div classcontent>!-- google_ad_section_start -->!-- google_ad_section_end -->div classfield field-type-emvideo field-field-emfield> div classfield-items> div classfield-item odd> a href/movie/15309/human-weapon-judo>img src altSee video titleSee video width120 height90 />/a> /div> /div>/div>/div> div classclear-block clear>/div> /div> /div>!--close views_slideshow_div_1_0--> div idviews_slideshow_div_1_1 classviews_slideshow_hidden> div classnode> h2 classtitle>a href/movie/15310/judo-ippon>Judo Ippon/a>/h2> span classsubmitted>Submitted by Khadaji on Sat, 08/15/2009 - 19:32/span> div classcontent>!-- google_ad_section_start -->!-- google_ad_section_end -->div classfield field-type-emvideo field-field-emfield> div classfield-items> div classfield-item odd> a href/movie/15310/judo-ippon>img src altSee video titleSee video width120 height90 />/a> /div> /div>/div>/div> div classclear-block clear>/div> /div> /div>!--close views_slideshow_div_1_1--> div idviews_slideshow_div_1_2 classviews_slideshow_hidden> div classnode> h2 classtitle>a href/movie/16315/nage-no-kata>Nage No Kata/a>/h2> span classsubmitted>Submitted by Khadaji on Sun, 08/16/2009 - 17:53/span> div classcontent>!-- google_ad_section_start -->!-- google_ad_section_end -->div classfield field-type-emvideo field-field-emfield> div classfield-items> div classfield-item odd> a href/movie/16315/nage-no-kata>img src altSee video titleSee video width120 height90 />/a> /div> /div>/div>/div> div classclear-block clear>/div> /div> /div>!--close views_slideshow_div_1_2--> div idviews_slideshow_div_1_3 classviews_slideshow_hidden> div classnode> h2 classtitle>a href/movie/16316/belt-tie>Belt Tie/a>/h2> span classsubmitted>Submitted by Khadaji on Sun, 08/16/2009 - 17:55/span> div classcontent>!-- google_ad_section_start -->!-- google_ad_section_end -->div classfield field-type-emvideo field-field-emfield> div classfield-items> div classfield-item odd> a href/movie/16316/belt-tie>img src altSee video titleSee video width120 height90 />/a> /div> /div>/div>/div> div classclear-block clear>/div> /div> /div>!--close views_slideshow_div_1_3--> div idviews_slideshow_div_1_4 classviews_slideshow_hidden> div classnode> h2 classtitle>a href/movie/16317/judo-vs-boxing>Judo vs. Boxing/a>/h2> span classsubmitted>Submitted by Khadaji on Sun, 08/16/2009 - 17:57/span> div classcontent>!-- google_ad_section_start -->!-- google_ad_section_end -->div classfield field-type-emvideo field-field-emfield> div classfield-items> div classfield-item odd> a href/movie/16317/judo-vs-boxing>img src altSee video titleSee video width120 height90 />/a> /div> /div>/div>/div> div classclear-block clear>/div> /div> /div>!--close views_slideshow_div_1_4--> div idviews_slideshow_div_1_5 classviews_slideshow_hidden> div classnode> h2 classtitle>a href/movie/16318/kyuzo-mifune>Kyuzo Mifune/a>/h2> span classsubmitted>Submitted by Khadaji on Sun, 08/16/2009 - 18:01/span> div classcontent>!-- google_ad_section_start -->!-- google_ad_section_end -->div classfield field-type-emvideo field-field-emfield> div classfield-items> div classfield-item odd> a href/movie/16318/kyuzo-mifune>img src altSee video titleSee video width120 height90 />/a> /div> /div>/div>/div> div classclear-block clear>/div> /div> /div>!--close views_slideshow_div_1_5--> div idviews_slideshow_div_1_6 classviews_slideshow_hidden> div classnode> h2 classtitle>a href/movie/16319/judo-vs-bjj>Judo vs. BJJ/a>/h2> span classsubmitted>Submitted by Khadaji on Sun, 08/16/2009 - 18:04/span> div classcontent>!-- google_ad_section_start -->!-- google_ad_section_end -->div classfield field-type-emvideo field-field-emfield> div classfield-items> div classfield-item odd> a href/movie/16319/judo-vs-bjj>img src altSee video titleSee video width120 height90 />/a> /div> /div>/div>/div> div classclear-block clear>/div> /div> /div>!--close views_slideshow_div_1_6--> div idviews_slideshow_div_1_7 classviews_slideshow_hidden> div classnode> h2 classtitle>a href/movie/16320/kyuzo-mifune-2>Kyuzo Mifune 2/a>/h2> span classsubmitted>Submitted by Khadaji on Sun, 08/16/2009 - 18:11/span> div classcontent>!-- google_ad_section_start -->!-- google_ad_section_end -->div classfield field-type-emvideo field-field-emfield> div classfield-items> div classfield-item odd> a href/movie/16320/kyuzo-mifune-2>img src altSee video titleSee video width120 height90 />/a> /div> /div>/div>/div> div classclear-block clear>/div> /div> /div>!--close views_slideshow_div_1_7--> div idviews_slideshow_div_1_8 classviews_slideshow_hidden> div classnode> h2 classtitle>a href/movie/16321/doug-rogers-1>Doug Rogers 1/a>/h2> span classsubmitted>Submitted by Khadaji on Sun, 08/16/2009 - 18:18/span> div classcontent>!-- google_ad_section_start -->!-- google_ad_section_end -->div classfield field-type-emvideo field-field-emfield> div classfield-items> div classfield-item odd> a href/movie/16321/doug-rogers-1>img src altSee video titleSee video width120 height90 />/a> /div> /div>/div>/div> div classclear-block clear>/div> /div> /div>!--close views_slideshow_div_1_8--> div idviews_slideshow_div_1_9 classviews_slideshow_hidden> div classnode> h2 classtitle>a href/movie/16322/doug-rogers-2>Doug Rogers 2/a>/h2> span classsubmitted>Submitted by Khadaji on Sun, 08/16/2009 - 18:19/span> div classcontent>!-- google_ad_section_start -->!-- google_ad_section_end -->div classfield field-type-emvideo field-field-emfield> div classfield-items> div classfield-item odd> a href/movie/16322/doug-rogers-2>img src altSee video titleSee video width120 height90 />/a> /div> /div>/div>/div> div classclear-block clear>/div> /div> /div>!--close views_slideshow_div_1_9--> div idviews_slideshow_div_1_10 classviews_slideshow_hidden> div classnode> h2 classtitle>a href/movie/16323/kime-no-kata>Kime No Kata/a>/h2> span classsubmitted>Submitted by Khadaji on Sun, 08/16/2009 - 18:24/span> div classcontent>!-- google_ad_section_start -->!-- google_ad_section_end -->div classfield field-type-emvideo field-field-emfield> div classfield-items> div classfield-item odd> a href/movie/16323/kime-no-kata>img src altSee video titleSee video width120 height90 />/a> /div> /div>/div>/div> div classclear-block clear>/div> /div> /div>!--close views_slideshow_div_1_10--> div idviews_slideshow_div_1_11 classviews_slideshow_hidden> div classnode> h2 classtitle>a href/movie/16324/fold-judogi>Fold Judogi/a>/h2> span classsubmitted>Submitted by Khadaji on Sun, 08/16/2009 - 18:37/span> div classcontent>!-- google_ad_section_start -->!-- google_ad_section_end -->div classfield field-type-emvideo field-field-emfield> div classfield-items> div classfield-item odd> a href/movie/16324/fold-judogi>img src altSee video titleSee video width120 height90 />/a> /div> /div>/div>/div> div classclear-block clear>/div> /div> /div>!--close views_slideshow_div_1_11--> div idviews_slideshow_div_1_12 classviews_slideshow_hidden> div classnode> h2 classtitle>a href/movie/16325/jujigatame>Jujigatame/a>/h2> span classsubmitted>Submitted by Khadaji on Sun, 08/16/2009 - 18:40/span> div classcontent>!-- google_ad_section_start -->!-- google_ad_section_end -->div classfield field-type-emvideo field-field-emfield> div classfield-items> div classfield-item odd> a href/movie/16325/jujigatame>img src altSee video titleSee video width120 height90 />/a> /div> /div>/div>/div> div classclear-block clear>/div> /div> /div>!--close views_slideshow_div_1_12--> div idviews_slideshow_div_1_13 classviews_slideshow_hidden> div classnode> h2 classtitle>a href/movie/16326/doug-rogers-3>Doug Rogers 3/a>/h2> span classsubmitted>Submitted by Khadaji on Sun, 08/16/2009 - 18:44/span> div classcontent>!-- google_ad_section_start -->!-- google_ad_section_end -->div classfield field-type-emvideo field-field-emfield> div classfield-items> div classfield-item odd> a href/movie/16326/doug-rogers-3>img src altSee video titleSee video width120 height90 />/a> /div> /div>/div>/div> div classclear-block clear>/div> /div> /div>!--close views_slideshow_div_1_13--> div idviews_slideshow_div_1_14 classviews_slideshow_hidden> div classnode> h2 classtitle>a href/movie/16327/half-guard-pass>Half Guard Pass/a>/h2> span classsubmitted>Submitted by Khadaji on Sun, 08/16/2009 - 18:52/span> div classcontent>!-- google_ad_section_start -->!-- google_ad_section_end -->div classfield field-type-emvideo field-field-emfield> div classfield-items> div classfield-item odd> a href/movie/16327/half-guard-pass>img src altSee video titleSee video width120 height90 />/a> /div> /div>/div>/div> div classclear-block clear>/div> /div> /div>!--close views_slideshow_div_1_14--> div idviews_slideshow_div_1_15 classviews_slideshow_hidden> div classnode> h2 classtitle>a href/movie/16328/belt-tie-traditional>Belt Tie - Traditional/a>/h2> span classsubmitted>Submitted by Khadaji on Sun, 08/16/2009 - 19:50/span> div classcontent>!-- google_ad_section_start -->!-- google_ad_section_end -->div classfield field-type-emvideo field-field-emfield> div classfield-items> div classfield-item odd> a href/movie/16328/belt-tie-traditional>img src altSee video titleSee video width120 height90 />/a> /div> /div>/div>/div> div classclear-block clear>/div> /div> /div>!--close views_slideshow_div_1_15--> div idviews_slideshow_div_1_16 classviews_slideshow_hidden> div classnode> h2 classtitle>a href/movie/16329/judo-vs-wrestling>Judo vs. Wrestling/a>/h2> span classsubmitted>Submitted by Khadaji on Sun, 08/16/2009 - 20:16/span> div classcontent>!-- google_ad_section_start -->!-- google_ad_section_end -->div classfield field-type-emvideo field-field-emfield> div classfield-items> div classfield-item odd> a href/movie/16329/judo-vs-wrestling>img src altSee video titleSee video width120 height90 />/a> /div> /div>/div>/div> div classclear-block clear>/div> /div> /div>!--close views_slideshow_div_1_16--> div idviews_slideshow_div_1_17 classviews_slideshow_hidden> div classnode> h2 classtitle>a href/movie/16330/interesting-throws>Interesting Throws/a>/h2> span classsubmitted>Submitted by Khadaji on Sun, 08/16/2009 - 20:20/span> div classcontent>!-- google_ad_section_start -->!-- google_ad_section_end -->div classfield field-type-emvideo field-field-emfield> div classfield-items> div classfield-item odd> a href/movie/16330/interesting-throws>img src altSee video titleSee video width120 height90 />/a> /div> /div>/div>/div> div classclear-block clear>/div> /div> /div>!--close views_slideshow_div_1_17--> div idviews_slideshow_div_1_18 classviews_slideshow_hidden> div classnode> h2 classtitle>a href/movie/17331/masahiko-kimura>Masahiko Kimura/a>/h2> span classsubmitted>Submitted by Khadaji on Sun, 08/16/2009 - 21:59/span> div classcontent>!-- google_ad_section_start -->!-- google_ad_section_end -->div classfield field-type-emvideo field-field-emfield> div classfield-items> div classfield-item odd> a href/movie/17331/masahiko-kimura>img src altSee video titleSee video width120 height90 />/a> /div> /div>/div>/div> div classclear-block clear>/div> /div> /div>!--close views_slideshow_div_1_18--> div idviews_slideshow_div_1_19 classviews_slideshow_hidden> div classnode> h2 classtitle>a href/movie/17332/sutemiwaza>Sutemiwaza/a>/h2> span classsubmitted>Submitted by Khadaji on Sun, 08/16/2009 - 22:11/span> div classcontent>!-- google_ad_section_start -->p>Bet you cant watch it just once!/p>!-- google_ad_section_end -->div classfield field-type-emvideo field-field-emfield> div classfield-items> div classfield-item odd> a href/movie/17332/sutemiwaza>img src altSee video titleSee video width120 height90 />/a> /div> /div>/div>/div> div classclear-block clear>/div> div classlinks>» ul classlinks inline>li classnode_read_more first last>a href/movie/17332/sutemiwaza titleRead the rest of Sutemiwaza.>Read more/a>/li>/ul>/div> /div> /div>!--close views_slideshow_div_1_19--> div idviews_slideshow_div_1_20 classviews_slideshow_hidden> div classnode> h2 classtitle>a href/movie/17333/isao-okano-osotogari>Isao Okano - Osotogari/a>/h2> span classsubmitted>Submitted by Khadaji on Mon, 08/17/2009 - 20:00/span> div classcontent>!-- google_ad_section_start -->p>Note the non-classical placement of Okanos driver leg./p>!-- google_ad_section_end -->div classfield field-type-emvideo field-field-emfield> div classfield-items> div classfield-item odd> a href/movie/17333/isao-okano-osotogari>img src altSee video titleSee video width120 height90 />/a> /div> /div>/div>/div> div classclear-block clear>/div> div classlinks>» ul classlinks inline>li classnode_read_more first last>a href/movie/17333/isao-okano-osotogari titleRead the rest of Isao Okano - Osotogari.>Read more/a>/li>/ul>/div> /div> /div>!--close views_slideshow_div_1_20--> div idviews_slideshow_div_1_21 classviews_slideshow_hidden> div classnode> h2 classtitle>a href/movie/17334/karate-vs-bear>Karate vs. Bear/a>/h2> span classsubmitted>Submitted by Khadaji on Mon, 08/17/2009 - 20:24/span> div classcontent>!-- google_ad_section_start -->p>I guess Tomoenage would be out of the question.../p>!-- google_ad_section_end -->div classfield field-type-emvideo field-field-emfield> div classfield-items> div classfield-item odd> a href/movie/17334/karate-vs-bear>img src altSee video titleSee video width120 height90 />/a> /div> /div>/div>/div> div classclear-block clear>/div> div classlinks>» ul classlinks inline>li classnode_read_more first last>a href/movie/17334/karate-vs-bear titleRead the rest of Karate vs. Bear.>Read more/a>/li>/ul>/div> /div> /div>!--close views_slideshow_div_1_21--> div idviews_slideshow_div_1_22 classviews_slideshow_hidden> div classnode> h2 classtitle>a href/movie/09342/worst-judo-ever>Worst 'Judo' Ever!/a>/h2> span classsubmitted>Submitted by Khadaji on Wed, 09/09/2009 - 20:44/span> div classcontent>!-- google_ad_section_start -->!-- google_ad_section_end -->div classfield field-type-emvideo field-field-emfield> div classfield-items> div classfield-item odd> a href/movie/09342/worst-judo-ever>img src altSee video titleSee video width120 height90 />/a> /div> /div>/div>/div> div classclear-block clear>/div> /div> /div>!--close views_slideshow_div_1_22--> div idviews_slideshow_div_1_23 classviews_slideshow_hidden> div classnode> h2 classtitle>a href/movie/11343/arm-drag-sumigaeshi-setup>Arm Drag Sumigaeshi Setup/a>/h2> span classsubmitted>Submitted by Khadaji on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 18:25/span> div classcontent>!-- google_ad_section_start -->!-- google_ad_section_end -->div classfield field-type-emvideo field-field-emfield> div classfield-items> div classfield-item odd> a href/movie/11343/arm-drag-sumigaeshi-setup>img src altSee video titleSee video width120 height90 />/a> /div> /div>/div>/div> div classclear-block clear>/div> /div> /div>!--close views_slideshow_div_1_23-->/div>!--close views_slideshow_no_display-->/div>!--close views_slideshow_main_1--> /div> /div> /div> /div>div classblock block-block unstyled-block idblock-block-6> h2 classtitle> Great Websites to Visit! /h2> div classcontent> a href>Best Judo Info Site Online/a>br>a href>Judo Wikipedia/a>br>a href>Make Money With A Website!/a>br>a href>Site Sift/a>br>a href>GYM 101/a>br>a href>Bass Fishing/a>br>a href>Jujitsu Techniques/a>br> /div> /div>div classblock block-user unstyled-block idblock-user-3> h2 classtitle> Whos online /h2> div classcontent> There are currently em>0 users/em> and em>2 guests/em> online. /div> /div>div classblock block-user unstyled-block idblock-user-2> h2 classtitle> Whos new /h2> div classcontent> div classitem-list>ul>li classfirst>dggybb17/li>li>oTfYrSlXdE/li>li>Iuhrkareo/li>li>Tiemizept/li>li>axhndfshqm/li>li>Welselwkv/li>li>qokuzwfttp/li>li>Loyalielota/li>li>SalpSkiff/li>li classlast>yomikowvcy/li>/ul>/div> /div> /div>div classblock block-block unstyled-block idblock-block-3> div classcontent> p>center>br />a href relnofollow>img src/sites/default/files/images/ssurf.gif width108 height34 altSafe Website Rating />/a>br />center>/center>/center>/p> /div> /div> /div> /div>!--middle-container--> div styleclear:both>/div> div idfooter> div idfooter-message> br />a href titleRoopleTheme!>img src/sites/all/themes/whitejazz/roopletheme.png altRoopleTheme!/>/a> /div>!--footer-message--> /div>!--footer--> div idfooter-wrapper classclear-block> div classfooter-right> div classfooter-left>/div>!-- /footer-left --> /div>!-- /footer-right --> /div>!-- /footer-wrapper --> script typetext/javascript src/sites/all/modules/adsense/contrib/adsense_click/adsense_click.js>/script>script typetext/javascript src/sites/default/files/googleanalytics/ga.js?Z>/script>script typetext/javascript src/sites/all/modules/google_analytics/googleanalytics.js?Z>/script>script typetext/javascript>!--//-->!CDATA//>!--try{var pageTracker _gat._getTracker(UA-1102649-3);pageTracker._trackPageview();} catch(err) {}//-->!>/script> /div>/body>/html>
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