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classmodule-sub-categories grid12-extend > div classgrid12-6 nav-item page-item grid12-sm-3> div classmodule-sub-categories-img > a itempropurl href> img classfade-on-hover src> /a> /div> a itempropurl classmodule-sub-categories-title href > span itempropname class> Piles domestique /span> /a> /div> div classgrid12-6 nav-item page-item grid12-sm-3> div classmodule-sub-categories-img > a itempropurl href> img classfade-on-hover src> /a> /div> a itempropurl classmodule-sub-categories-title href > span itempropname class> Piles bouton /span> /a> /div> div classgrid12-6 nav-item page-item grid12-sm-3> div classmodule-sub-categories-img > a itempropurl href> img classfade-on-hover src> /a> /div> a itempropurl classmodule-sub-categories-title href > span itempropname class> Piles spécialisées /span> /a> /div> div classgrid12-6 nav-item page-item grid12-sm-3> div classmodule-sub-categories-img > a itempropurl href> img classfade-on-hover src> /a> /div> a itempropurl 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classlevel-top href target> span itempropname>Énergiesbr/> renouvelables/span> span classcaret> /span> /a> span classopener> /span> div classnav-panel--dropdown nav-panel styledisplay:none; > div classnav-panel-inner> div idrow-58395 classgrid12-12 std > div classgrid_84984 column-84984 grid12-6 > div classmodule-sub-categories grid12-extend > div classgrid12-6 nav-item page-item grid12-sm-3> div classmodule-sub-categories-img > a itempropurl href> img classfade-on-hover src> /a> /div> a itempropurl classmodule-sub-categories-title href > span itempropname class> Énergie solaire /span> /a> /div> div classgrid12-6 nav-item page-item grid12-sm-3> div classmodule-sub-categories-img > a itempropurl href> img classfade-on-hover src> /a> /div> a itempropurl classmodule-sub-categories-title href > span itempropname class> Énergie éolienne /span> /a> /div> /div> /div> div classgrid_84985 column-84985 grid12-6 > div classpage-content>div classb2b_panel> img src alt width564 height386 /> span classb2b_panel__tag>Panneaux solaires/span> a href classb2b_panel__btn > Consulter /a> /div>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /li> li classnav-item level0 level-top nav-4 nav-item--parent parent mega> a itempropurl classlevel-top href target> span itempropname>Chargeurs et /br>survolteurs/span> span classcaret> /span> /a> span classopener> /span> div classnav-panel--dropdown nav-panel styledisplay:none; > div classnav-panel-inner> div idrow-58397 classgrid12-12 std > div classgrid_84988 column-84988 grid12-6 > div classmodule-sub-categories grid12-extend > div classgrid12-6 nav-item page-item grid12-sm-3> div classmodule-sub-categories-img > a itempropurl href> img classfade-on-hover src> /a> /div> a itempropurl classmodule-sub-categories-title href > span itempropname class> Chargeurs /span> /a> /div> div classgrid12-6 nav-item page-item grid12-sm-3> div classmodule-sub-categories-img > a itempropurl href> img classfade-on-hover src> /a> /div> a itempropurl classmodule-sub-categories-title href > span itempropname class> Vérificateurs /span> /a> /div> div classgrid12-6 nav-item page-item grid12-sm-3> div classmodule-sub-categories-img > a itempropurl href> img classfade-on-hover src> /a> /div> a itempropurl classmodule-sub-categories-title href > span itempropname class> Survolteurs & Câbles /span> /a> /div> div classgrid12-6 nav-item page-item grid12-sm-3> div classmodule-sub-categories-img > a itempropurl href> img classfade-on-hover src> /a> /div> a itempropurl classmodule-sub-categories-title href > span itempropname class> Bornes de recharge /span> /a> /div> div classgrid12-6 nav-item page-item grid12-sm-3> div classmodule-sub-categories-img > a itempropurl href> img classfade-on-hover src> /a> /div> a itempropurl classmodule-sub-categories-title href > span itempropname class> Pièces /span> /a> /div> div classgrid12-6 nav-item page-item grid12-sm-3> div classmodule-sub-categories-img > a itempropurl href> img classfade-on-hover src> /a> /div> a itempropurl classmodule-sub-categories-title href > span itempropname class> Accessoires /span> /a> /div> /div> /div> div classgrid_84989 column-84989 grid12-6 > div classpage-content>div classb2b_panel> img src alt width564 height386 /> span classb2b_panel__tag>Survolteurs et câbles/span> a href classb2b_panel__btn > Consulter /a> /div>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /li> li classnav-item level0 level-top nav-5 nav-item--parent parent mega> a itempropurl classlevel-top href target> span itempropname>Conversion br/>de courant/span> span classcaret> /span> /a> span classopener> /span> div classnav-panel--dropdown nav-panel styledisplay:none; > div classnav-panel-inner> div idrow-58396 classgrid12-12 std > div classgrid_84986 column-84986 grid12-6 > div classmodule-sub-categories grid12-extend > div classgrid12-6 nav-item page-item grid12-sm-3> div classmodule-sub-categories-img > a itempropurl href> img classfade-on-hover src> /a> /div> a itempropurl classmodule-sub-categories-title href > span itempropname class> Onduleurs /span> /a> /div> div classgrid12-6 nav-item page-item grid12-sm-3> div classmodule-sub-categories-img > a itempropurl href> img classfade-on-hover src> /a> /div> a itempropurl classmodule-sub-categories-title href > span itempropname class> Onduleurs/Chargeurs /span> /a> /div> div classgrid12-6 nav-item page-item grid12-sm-3> div classmodule-sub-categories-img > a itempropurl href> img classfade-on-hover src> /a> /div> a itempropurl classmodule-sub-categories-title href > span itempropname class> UPS /span> /a> /div> div classgrid12-6 nav-item page-item grid12-sm-3> div classmodule-sub-categories-img > a itempropurl href> img classfade-on-hover src> /a> /div> a itempropurl classmodule-sub-categories-title href > span itempropname class> Convertisseurs de voltage CC /span> /a> /div> div classgrid12-6 nav-item page-item grid12-sm-3> div classmodule-sub-categories-img > a itempropurl href> img classfade-on-hover src> /a> /div> a itempropurl classmodule-sub-categories-title href > span itempropname class> Génératrices /span> /a> /div> div classgrid12-6 nav-item page-item grid12-sm-3> div classmodule-sub-categories-img > a itempropurl href> img classfade-on-hover src> /a> /div> a itempropurl classmodule-sub-categories-title href > span itempropname class> Énergie portable /span> /a> /div> /div> /div> div classgrid_84987 column-84987 grid12-6 > div classpage-content>div classb2b_panel> img src alt width564 height386 /> span classb2b_panel__tag>Génératrice/span> a href classb2b_panel__btn > Consulter /a> /div>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /li> li classnav-item level0 level-top nav-6 nav-item--parent parent mega> a itempropurl classlevel-top href target> span itempropname>Lumières et /br>luminaires/span> span classcaret> /span> /a> span classopener> /span> div classnav-panel--dropdown nav-panel styledisplay:none; > div classnav-panel-inner> div idrow-58393 classgrid12-12 std > div classgrid_84980 column-84980 grid12-6 > div classmodule-sub-categories grid12-extend > div classgrid12-4 nav-item page-item grid12-sm-3> div classmodule-sub-categories-img > a itempropurl href> img classfade-on-hover src> /a> /div> a itempropurl classmodule-sub-categories-title href > span itempropname class> Ampoules /span> /a> /div> div classgrid12-4 nav-item page-item grid12-sm-3> div classmodule-sub-categories-img > a itempropurl href> img classfade-on-hover src> /a> /div> a itempropurl classmodule-sub-categories-title href > span itempropname class> Luminaires /span> /a> /div> div classgrid12-4 nav-item page-item grid12-sm-3> div classmodule-sub-categories-img > a itempropurl href> img classfade-on-hover src> /a> /div> a itempropurl classmodule-sub-categories-title href > span itempropname class> Lampes de poche /span> /a> /div> div classgrid12-4 nav-item page-item grid12-sm-3> div classmodule-sub-categories-img > a itempropurl href> img classfade-on-hover src> /a> /div> a itempropurl 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classmodule-sub-categories-title href > span itempropname class> Chauffe-eau au propane /span> /a> /div> div classgrid12-3 nav-item page-item grid12-sm-3> div classmodule-sub-categories-img > a itempropurl href> img classfade-on-hover src> /a> /div> a itempropurl classmodule-sub-categories-title href > span itempropname class> Chauffage au propane /span> /a> /div> div classgrid12-3 nav-item page-item grid12-sm-3> div classmodule-sub-categories-img > a itempropurl href> img classfade-on-hover src> /a> /div> a itempropurl classmodule-sub-categories-title href > span itempropname class> Alarmes et détecteurs /span> /a> /div> div classgrid12-3 nav-item page-item grid12-sm-3> div classmodule-sub-categories-img > a itempropurl href> img classfade-on-hover src> /a> /div> a itempropurl classmodule-sub-categories-title href > span itempropname class> Pompes et accessoires /span> /a> /div> div classgrid12-3 nav-item page-item grid12-sm-3> div classmodule-sub-categories-img > a itempropurl href> img classfade-on-hover src> /a> /div> a itempropurl classmodule-sub-categories-title href > span itempropname class> Saisonnier /span> /a> /div> div classgrid12-3 nav-item page-item grid12-sm-3> div classmodule-sub-categories-img > a itempropurl href> img classfade-on-hover src> /a> /div> a itempropurl classmodule-sub-categories-title href > span itempropname class> Accessoires VR /span> /a> /div> /div> /div> div classgrid_84991 column-84991 grid12-6 > div classpage-content>div classb2b_panel> img src alt width564 height386 /> span classb2b_panel__tag>Appareils CC/span> a href classb2b_panel__btn > Consulter /a> /div>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /li> li classnav-item level0 level-top nav-8 nav-item--parent parent mega> a itempropurl classlevel-top href target> span itempropname>Installation /br>et outils/span> span classcaret> /span> /a> span classopener> /span> div classnav-panel--dropdown nav-panel styledisplay:none; > div classnav-panel-inner> div idrow-58399 classgrid12-12 std > div classgrid_84992 column-84992 grid12-6 > div classmodule-sub-categories grid12-extend > div classgrid12-3 nav-item page-item grid12-sm-3> div classmodule-sub-categories-img > a itempropurl href> img classfade-on-hover src> /a> /div> a itempropurl classmodule-sub-categories-title href > span itempropname class> Câbles /span> /a> /div> div classgrid12-3 nav-item page-item grid12-sm-3> div classmodule-sub-categories-img > a itempropurl href> img classfade-on-hover src> /a> /div> a itempropurl classmodule-sub-categories-title href > span itempropname class> Connexions /span> /a> /div> div classgrid12-3 nav-item page-item grid12-sm-3> div classmodule-sub-categories-img > a itempropurl href> img classfade-on-hover src> /a> /div> a itempropurl classmodule-sub-categories-title href > span itempropname class> Acide et anti-corrosion /span> /a> /div> div classgrid12-3 nav-item page-item grid12-sm-3> div classmodule-sub-categories-img > a itempropurl href> img classfade-on-hover src> /a> /div> a itempropurl classmodule-sub-categories-title href > span itempropname class> Support de batteries /span> /a> /div> div classgrid12-3 nav-item page-item grid12-sm-3> div classmodule-sub-categories-img > a itempropurl href> img classfade-on-hover src> /a> /div> a itempropurl classmodule-sub-categories-title href > span itempropname class> Accessoires CC /span> /a> /div> div classgrid12-3 nav-item page-item grid12-sm-3> div classmodule-sub-categories-img > a itempropurl href> img classfade-on-hover src> /a> /div> a itempropurl classmodule-sub-categories-title href > span itempropname class> Tube thermo /span> /a> /div> div classgrid12-3 nav-item page-item grid12-sm-3> div classmodule-sub-categories-img > a itempropurl href> img classfade-on-hover src> /a> /div> a itempropurl classmodule-sub-categories-title href > span itempropname class> Sécurité /span> /a> /div> div classgrid12-3 nav-item page-item grid12-sm-3> div classmodule-sub-categories-img > a itempropurl href> img classfade-on-hover src> /a> /div> a itempropurl classmodule-sub-categories-title href > span itempropname class> Scellant /span> /a> /div> div classgrid12-3 nav-item page-item grid12-sm-3> div classmodule-sub-categories-img > a itempropurl href> img classfade-on-hover src> /a> /div> a itempropurl classmodule-sub-categories-title href > span itempropname class> Outils divers /span> /a> /div> div classgrid12-3 nav-item page-item grid12-sm-3> div classmodule-sub-categories-img > a itempropurl href> img classfade-on-hover src> /a> /div> a itempropurl classmodule-sub-categories-title href > span itempropname class> Outils électriques /span> /a> /div> div classgrid12-3 nav-item page-item grid12-sm-3> div classmodule-sub-categories-img > a itempropurl href> img classfade-on-hover src> /a> /div> a itempropurl classmodule-sub-categories-title href > span itempropname class> Contrôle et protection de circuit /span> /a> /div> /div> /div> div classgrid_84993 column-84993 grid12-6 > div classpage-content>div classb2b_panel> img src alt width564 height386 /> span classb2b_panel__tag>Outils électriques/span> a href classb2b_panel__btn > Consulter /a> /div>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /li> /ul> /nav>/nav>div classxm-grid-header> div classcontainer > div classgrid-group grid-group-1> div idgrid-container-3884 class grid-container-wrapper col-main grid12-12 in-col1 style> div classstd> div classnested-container idnested-container-3884 stylefloat:left; > div classgrid-container> div idgrid_5659 classgrid-column-wrapper first grid12-12 last> script>if ($(.magasinsShopBtn).length 0) { var strStroes STORES; var urlStroes; var lang $(html).attr(lang); if (lang ! && lang.toLowerCase() fr) { strStroes MAGASINS; urlStroes; } $(.header-top).append(div classmagasinsShopBtn>a href + urlStroes + > + strStroes + /a>/div>); $(.top-links.links-wrapper-separators-left).insertAfter(.header-top .item-left:last).css(float, left);}/script> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>div 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11.4499Z fillcurrentColor strokecurrentColor classcolorStroke stroke-width1.83333 /> path dM7.57497 8.15015H10.875 strokecurrentColor classcolorStroke stroke-width1.83333 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround /> path dM17.475 8.15015H20.775 strokecurrentColor classcolorStroke stroke-width1.83333 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround /> path dM0.875 15.5C0.642935 15.5 0.420376 15.579 0.256281 15.7197C0.092187 15.8603 -3.03747e-07 16.0511 -2.95052e-07 16.25C-2.86357e-07 16.4489 0.092187 16.6397 0.256281 16.7803C0.420376 16.921 0.642935 17 0.875 17L3.5 17L3.5 15.5L0.875 15.5ZM3.375 14.375L3.375 22.625C3.375 22.7245 3.42109 22.8198 3.50314 22.8902C3.58519 22.9605 3.69647 23 3.8125 23L4.6875 23C4.80353 23 4.91481 22.9605 4.99686 22.8902C5.07891 22.8198 5.125 22.7245 5.125 22.625L5.125 22.25L6 22.25C7.00848 22.2499 7.98596 21.9512 8.76719 21.4046C9.54842 20.858 10.0855 20.0969 10.2875 19.25L13 19.25L13 17.75L10.2875 17.75C10.0855 16.9031 9.54841 16.142 8.76719 15.5954C7.98596 15.0488 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9.90257L8.81509 6.98828L0 13.424L0.603774 14.7597L4.22642 13.424C4.10566 12.999 3.92453 11.6026 5.55472 10.9954Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM18.7773 4.0133C18.7773 4.0133 20.0452 2.85973 19.1396 1.58473C18.4754 0.613301 17.5698 0.916872 17.0867 1.09902C16.9056 1.15973 16.8452 1.22044 16.8452 1.22044L10.9283 5.40973L12.8603 8.38473L18.7773 4.0133Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM11.1698 10.2668C11.4717 10.7525 12.1359 10.8739 12.6189 10.5703L12.6793 10.5096C13.1623 10.206 13.283 9.53818 12.9812 9.05247L10.4453 5.10604C10.1434 4.62032 9.47927 4.4989 8.99625 4.80247L8.93587 4.86318C8.45285 5.16675 8.3321 5.83461 8.63398 6.32032L11.1698 10.2668Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM8.39247 13.0597C8.39247 13.0597 8.99625 14.5168 7.18493 15.2454C5.61512 15.9133 4.83021 14.7597 4.64908 14.3347L1.02644 15.7918L1.44908 17.1883L12.1962 15.974L11.6529 12.574L8.39247 13.0597Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM14.0075 11.7239C13.9472 11.1775 13.4038 10.7525 12.8 10.8739H12.6792C12.1358 10.9346 11.7132 11.481 11.8339 12.0882L12.5585 16.7632C12.6189 17.3096 13.1622 17.7346 13.766 17.6132H13.8868C14.4302 17.5525 14.8528 17.006 14.7321 16.3989L14.0075 11.7239Z fillcurrentColor /> defs> clipPath idclip0> rect width32 height17 fillwhite transformtranslate(0 0.916992) /> /clipPath> /defs> /g> g idicon-lumieres viewBox0 0 22 22> path dM12.15 1.55019C12.15 1.19215 12.0077 0.848774 11.7546 0.595601C11.5014 0.342427 11.158 0.200195 10.8 0.200195C10.4419 0.200195 10.0986 0.342427 9.84538 0.595601C9.59221 0.848774 9.44997 1.19215 9.44997 1.55019V2.90019C9.44997 3.25823 9.59221 3.60161 9.84538 3.85479C10.0986 4.10796 10.4419 4.25019 10.8 4.25019C11.158 4.25019 11.5014 4.10796 11.7546 3.85479C12.0077 3.60161 12.15 3.25823 12.15 2.90019V1.55019Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM18.4369 5.27223C18.6828 5.01762 18.8189 4.67661 18.8158 4.32264C18.8127 3.96868 18.6707 3.63008 18.4204 3.37978C18.1701 3.12948 17.8315 2.9875 17.4776 2.98443C17.1236 2.98135 16.7826 3.11742 16.528 3.36334L15.5735 4.31778C15.3276 4.5724 15.1916 4.91341 15.1946 5.26738C15.1977 5.62134 15.3397 5.95994 15.59 6.21024C15.8403 6.46054 16.1789 6.60252 16.5328 6.60559C16.8868 6.60867 17.2278 6.4726 17.4824 6.22668L18.4369 5.27223Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM21.6 11.0001C21.6 11.3582 21.4578 11.7016 21.2046 11.9547C20.9515 12.2079 20.6081 12.3501 20.25 12.3501H18.9C18.542 12.3501 18.1986 12.2079 17.9455 11.9547C17.6923 11.7016 17.55 11.3582 17.55 11.0001C17.55 10.6421 17.6923 10.2987 17.9455 10.0456C18.1986 9.79238 18.542 9.65015 18.9 9.65015H20.25C20.6081 9.65015 20.9515 9.79238 21.2046 10.0456C21.4578 10.2987 21.6 10.6421 21.6 11.0001Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM4.11735 6.22668C4.24188 6.35562 4.39084 6.45847 4.55555 6.52922C4.72025 6.59997 4.8974 6.63721 5.07665 6.63877C5.2559 6.64033 5.43367 6.60617 5.59958 6.53829C5.76549 6.47041 5.91622 6.37017 6.04298 6.24342C6.16973 6.11666 6.26997 5.96593 6.33785 5.80002C6.40573 5.63411 6.43989 5.45634 6.43833 5.27709C6.43677 5.09784 6.39953 4.92069 6.32878 4.75599C6.25803 4.59128 6.15518 4.44232 6.02624 4.31778L5.07179 3.36334C4.81718 3.11742 4.47617 2.98135 4.1222 2.98443C3.76824 2.9875 3.42964 3.12948 3.17934 3.37978C2.92904 3.63008 2.78706 3.96868 2.78399 4.32264C2.78091 4.67661 2.91698 5.01762 3.1629 5.27223L4.11735 6.22668Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM4.05 11.0001C4.05 11.3582 3.90776 11.7016 3.65459 11.9547C3.40142 12.2079 3.05804 12.3501 2.7 12.3501H1.35C0.991957 12.3501 0.648579 12.2079 0.395405 11.9547C0.142232 11.7016 0 11.3582 0 11.0001C0 10.6421 0.142232 10.2987 0.395405 10.0456C0.648579 9.79238 0.991957 9.65015 1.35 9.65015H2.7C3.05804 9.65015 3.40142 9.79238 3.65459 10.0456C3.90776 10.2987 4.05 10.6421 4.05 11.0001Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM8.09985 19.1V17.75H13.4998V19.1C13.4998 19.8161 13.2154 20.5028 12.709 21.0092C12.2027 21.5155 11.5159 21.8 10.7999 21.8C10.0838 21.8 9.39701 21.5155 8.89066 21.0092C8.38432 20.5028 8.09985 19.8161 8.09985 19.1Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM13.4999 16.4003C13.5201 15.9413 13.7807 15.5282 14.1438 15.2406C15.025 14.5457 15.6677 13.5936 15.9827 12.5165C16.2978 11.4395 16.2694 10.2911 15.9017 9.23087C15.5339 8.17068 14.845 7.25139 13.9307 6.60079C13.0164 5.95018 11.9221 5.60059 10.7999 5.60059C9.67773 5.60059 8.58344 5.95018 7.66912 6.60079C6.7548 7.25139 6.06589 8.17068 5.69813 9.23087C5.33036 10.2911 5.30203 11.4395 5.61706 12.5165C5.93209 13.5936 6.57483 14.5457 7.45595 15.2406C7.82045 15.5282 8.07965 15.9413 8.09855 16.4003H13.5012H13.4999Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-mobilites viewBox0 0 28 21> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM10.0705 12.0399C9.71762 12.4281 9.70924 14.901 10.0595 15.2766C10.2286 15.4581 11.0892 15.5605 12.4439 15.5605C14.7332 15.5605 15.3859 15.8643 15.6344 17.0457C17.1785 24.3822 18.617 34.6035 18.6179 38.2422L18.6188 42.1747H20.5596C25.3282 42.1747 29.0882 46.2139 29.0918 51.3408L29.0933 53.4099L34.4418 53.4108L39.7902 53.4117V45.5368C39.7902 33.8242 40.4071 34.4861 29.4919 34.4861H22.1542L22.0409 33.9539C21.9785 33.6612 21.2733 29.4843 20.4741 24.672C18.7213 14.1198 18.5762 13.6912 16.3285 12.4253C15.2081 11.7941 10.5544 11.5076 10.0705 12.0399ZM35.4036 21.2347C30.5525 25.4357 30.9755 24.7863 30.9713 28.0396L30.968 30.701H33.6147H36.2613V29.2844V27.8676L39.6799 25.1154C43.6834 21.8919 43.4821 22.4686 41.5306 19.8188C39.6049 17.2037 40.2234 17.0609 35.4036 21.2347ZM51.7663 34.9266C49.0414 35.9366 46.8479 38.9244 46.8479 41.6263C46.8479 42.0062 46.6422 42.0564 45.0835 42.0564H43.3191V45.8415V49.6266H45.0584H46.7979L46.9386 50.6337C47.5592 55.0732 50.1962 57.0313 55.7253 57.1585L59.199 57.2385V45.8623V34.4861L56.0561 34.4939C53.6185 34.4999 52.6558 34.5971 51.7663 34.9266ZM35.9967 38.5551C36.3403 38.9237 36.3403 41.4039 35.9967 41.7725C35.8275 41.9539 34.9673 42.0564 33.6147 42.0564C31.1092 42.0564 30.968 41.9554 30.968 40.1638C30.968 38.3723 31.1092 38.2713 33.6147 38.2713C34.9673 38.2713 35.8275 38.3737 35.9967 38.5551ZM18.589 46.2115C15.0583 47.3776 13.9681 52.628 16.658 55.513C19.3896 58.4431 24.268 57.2238 25.3428 53.3422C26.6425 48.6472 22.9663 44.7658 18.589 46.2115Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-equipement viewBox0 0 22 22> path dM20.625 22H15.125C14.7383 22 14.4124 21.864 14.1475 21.592C13.8825 21.32 13.75 20.9978 13.75 20.6256V15.128C13.75 14.7415 13.6139 14.4158 13.3418 14.1509C13.0697 13.8861 12.7474 13.7536 12.375 13.7536H9.625C9.23828 13.7536 8.91243 13.8861 8.64746 14.1509C8.38249 14.4158 8.25 14.7415 8.25 15.128V20.6256C8.25 20.9978 8.11393 21.32 7.8418 21.592C7.56966 21.864 7.2474 22 6.875 22H1.35352C1.02409 22 0.716146 21.8604 0.429688 21.5812C0.143229 21.3021 0 20.9907 0 20.6471C0 20.3894 0.0644531 20.1532 0.193359 19.9384L9.32422 7.13934L5.69336 2.07126C5.49284 1.74198 5.44271 1.3948 5.54297 1.02972C5.64323 0.664649 5.85807 0.389054 6.1875 0.202938C6.51693 0.016822 6.86426 -0.029707 7.22949 0.0633511C7.59473 0.156409 7.87044 0.367579 8.05664 0.696862L11 4.79857L13.9219 0.675387C14.1081 0.360421 14.3874 0.15283 14.7598 0.0526136C15.1322 -0.0476028 15.4795 -0.00465291 15.8018 0.181463C16.124 0.367579 16.3353 0.643174 16.4355 1.00825C16.5358 1.37332 16.4928 1.7205 16.3066 2.04978L12.6758 7.13934L21.8066 19.9599C21.9355 20.1889 22 20.4109 22 20.6256C22 20.9692 21.8604 21.2842 21.5811 21.5705C21.3018 21.8568 20.9831 22 20.625 22Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-installation viewBox0 0 26 22> path dM25.5242 8.96844L23.2263 6.74634C22.9216 6.4517 22.5083 6.2862 22.0771 6.2862H19.5V2.35714C19.5 1.05531 18.4087 0 17.0625 0H8.9375C7.59129 0 6.5 1.05531 6.5 2.35714V6.28571H3.92285C3.49172 6.28571 3.07887 6.4512 2.77367 6.74585L0.47582 8.96844C0.171133 9.26308 0 9.66281 0 10.0797V14.1429H6.5V13.3571C6.5 12.923 6.86359 12.5714 7.3125 12.5714H8.9375C9.38641 12.5714 9.75 12.923 9.75 13.3571V14.1429H16.25V13.3571C16.25 12.923 16.6136 12.5714 17.0625 12.5714H18.6875C19.1364 12.5714 19.5 12.923 19.5 13.3571V14.1429H26V10.0792C26 9.66281 25.8289 9.26308 25.5242 8.96844ZM16.25 6.28571H9.75V3.14286H16.25V6.28571ZM19.5 16.5C19.5 16.9341 19.1364 17.2857 18.6875 17.2857H17.0625C16.6136 17.2857 16.25 16.9341 16.25 16.5V15.7143H9.75V16.5C9.75 16.9341 9.38641 17.2857 8.9375 17.2857H7.3125C6.86359 17.2857 6.5 16.9341 6.5 16.5V15.7143H0V20.4286C0 21.2963 0.727695 22 1.625 22H24.375C25.2723 22 26 21.2963 26 20.4286V15.7143H19.5V16.5Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> !-- icon shop submenu --> g idicon-shop_accessoires viewBox0 0 17 14> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM1.47588 0.117042L1.6063 0.237955V1.1305V2.02306H2.47397H3.34164L3.3552 1.11408C3.36832 0.234273 3.37198 0.20209 3.46938 0.111872C3.59802 -0.00726204 3.87899 -0.0152037 4.01218 0.0965668C4.10088 0.170984 4.10499 0.215121 4.10499 1.09874V2.02306H4.41933C4.69361 2.02306 4.74769 2.036 4.84322 2.12461L4.95276 2.22612V5.06344V7.90077L4.84322 8.00228C4.73461 8.103 4.72667 8.10383 3.8839 8.10383C2.89571 8.10383 2.9937 8.0271 3.10386 8.71476C3.3648 10.3438 4.43852 11.7362 6.00386 12.4754C6.90976 12.9032 7.61283 13.0452 8.67848 13.0156C9.46463 12.9938 9.94259 12.904 10.5785 12.6586C12.4262 11.9455 13.7701 10.2527 13.9069 8.46628L13.9346 8.10383H13.105C12.2923 8.10383 12.2728 8.1018 12.1501 8.00401L12.0249 7.9042L12.0117 3.20148C12.0045 1.715 12.0108 0.436176 12.0258 0.35969C12.0409 0.283205 12.1011 0.176191 12.1597 0.121837L12.2663 0.0230553H14.4799C16.7483 0.0230553 16.8122 0.0272331 16.9428 0.18492C16.9843 0.235014 16.9975 0.920114 16.9986 3.07565L17 7.90077L16.8905 8.00228C16.7815 8.10329 16.7763 8.10383 15.8923 8.10383H15.0036L14.972 8.4451C14.8132 10.1595 13.9351 11.6851 12.5126 12.7186C11.6864 13.3189 10.8249 13.6885 9.74934 13.9043C9.11307 14.032 7.84771 14.0319 7.22018 13.9041C5.93684 13.643 4.93268 13.153 4.02423 12.3448C3.44493 11.8294 3.06892 11.3679 2.72794 10.7536C2.31093 10.0024 2.09011 9.29972 2.01867 8.49681L1.98556 8.12451L1.07796 8.10383C0.190703 8.0836 0.168483 8.08096 0.0851784 7.98548C0.00321253 7.8915 0 7.78143 0 5.05687V2.22595L0.118063 2.12448C0.219528 2.03733 0.279184 2.02306 0.541948 2.02306H0.847769V1.09874C0.847769 0.270013 0.855845 0.167881 0.925853 0.111334C1.11209 -0.0390718 1.30971 -0.0370041 1.47588 0.117042ZM12.8058 3.06344V7.35925H14.5013H16.1968V3.06344V0.76764H14.5013H12.8058V3.06344Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM12.8058 3.06344V7.35925H14.5013H16.1968V3.06344V0.76764H14.5013H12.8058V3.06344Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-chargeurs_stations viewBox0 0 18.12 18.09> path dM13.68,0V1.45l2.2,0,0,1.46H13.68V4.4l2.21,0V5.87H13.69V7.35h-.32l-.71,0a6.15,6.15,0,0,1-.71-.12c-.16-.05-.42-.15-.58-.22a5.72,5.72,0,0,1-.56-.35,4.36,4.36,0,0,1-.5-.44,3.48,3.48,0,0,1-.36-.44,4,4,0,0,1-.27-.46,5.32,5.32,0,0,1-.32-.87l-3.86,0-.3.1a3.5,3.5,0,0,0-.56.24,4.61,4.61,0,0,0-.46.29,3,3,0,0,0-.37.34,3.38,3.38,0,0,0-.59.9c0,.12-.13.34-.18.49s-.08.33-.1,4.44h.44L4.65,10C5.88,8.74,5.93,8.7,6.22,8.56a2.35,2.35,0,0,1,.58-.2,18.74,18.74,0,0,1,2.25,0,18.87,18.87,0,0,1,2.25,0,2.29,2.29,0,0,1,.57.2c.,2.85,2.67l.78,0a2.78,2.78,0,0,1,1.06.11,3,3,0,0,1,.51.24,2.6,2.6,0,0,1,.4.33,2.64,2.64,0,0,1,.32.41,4.54,4.54,0,0,1,.21.45c.,3.86H15l-.1.18a3.17,3.17,0,0,1-.25.4,1.86,1.86,0,0,1-.33.35,2.49,2.49,0,0,1-.38.25,3.43,3.43,0,0,1-.48.19,1.44,1.44,0,0,1-.6.07,2.6,2.6,0,0,1-.51-.07L12,17.85a2,2,0,0,1-.53-.41,2.84,2.84,0,0,1-.55-.79H7.21l-.13.25a2.09,2.09,0,0,1-.42.54,1.81,1.81,0,0,1-.53.41L5.71,18a2.85,2.85,0,0,1-.52.07,1.44,1.44,0,0,1-.6-.07,2.88,2.88,0,0,1-.47-.19,2.59,2.59,0,0,1-.39-.25,2.25,2.25,0,0,1-.33-.35,3.86,3.86,0,0,1-.34-.58H0V14.92a9,9,0,0,1,.07-2,4.44,4.44,0,0,1,.17-.48,2.65,2.65,0,0,1,.26-.39,3.31,3.31,0,0,1,.32-.33,4.58,4.58,0,0,1,.63-.36V9.57c0-1,0-2,0-2.24s.06-.55.09-.7a4,4,0,0,1,.16-.57A5.09,5.09,0,0,1,2,5.44c.1-.18.27-.46.38-.62a6,6,0,0,1,.48-.54,5.47,5.47,0,0,1,.59-.49,5.85,5.85,0,0,1,.63-.38,5.5,5.5,0,0,1,.55-.23L5.18,3a29.59,29.59,0,0,1,4.18-.1l0-.15a4.37,4.37,0,0,1,.16-.46,3.53,3.53,0,0,1,.33-.64,4,4,0,0,1,.48-.6A6.77,6.77,0,0,1,11,.59a5,5,0,0,1,.6-.31,6,6,0,0,1,.6-.19A5.41,5.41,0,0,1,13.68,0ZM12,1.7a2.46,2.46,0,0,0-.44.28,1.76,1.76,0,0,0-.37.4,3.79,3.79,0,0,0-.24.39c0,.1-.09.28-.12.39a2.57,2.57,0,0,0-.06.52,2.71,2.71,0,0,0,0,.46c0,.,3.78,0,0,0,.17.35,2.82,2.82,0,0,0,.29.35,2.93,2.93,0,0,0,.34.3,1.94,1.94,0,0,0,.,0,0,0,.17.06s0-.94,0-2.07V1.59ZM5.39,11.31,4,12.72l-2,0a1.24,1.24,0,0,0-.39.37c-.07.15-.08.2-.08,1.11v.94H3.07a2.56,2.56,0,0,1,.23-.47,2.37,2.37,0,0,1,.35-.4,1.91,1.91,0,0,1,.53-.36,2.42,2.42,0,0,1,.47-.18,2.84,2.84,0,0,1,.47,0,2.09,2.09,0,0,1,.53.06,2.54,2.54,0,0,1,.46.17,2,2,0,0,1,.43.28,1.85,1.85,0,0,1,.36.38,2.16,2.16,0,0,1,.23.39l.08.17h3.67a3.64,3.64,0,0,1,.31-.56,2.55,2.55,0,0,1,.35-.38,2.32,2.32,0,0,1,.44-.28,2.85,2.85,0,0,1,.46-.17,2.15,2.15,0,0,1,.53-.06,3.08,3.08,0,0,1,.48,0,2.64,2.64,0,0,1,.46.18,1.91,1.91,0,0,1,.53.36,2.37,2.37,0,0,1,.35.4A1.84,1.84,0,0,1,15,15l0,.14h1.59c0-1.85,0-1.9-.08-2.05a.82.82,0,0,0-.23-.26l-.16-.11-2,0c-2.39-2.39-2.87-2.84-3-2.88A13.27,13.27,0,0,0,9,9.79a10.67,10.67,0,0,0-2.11.06A18.78,18.78,0,0,0,5.39,11.31Zm-.85,4.18a.58.58,0,0,0-.,0,0,0,.,0,0,0,.16.21,1.15,1.15,0,0,0,.,0,0,0,.,0,0,0,.36-.12.61.61,0,0,0,.24-.28.92.92,0,0,0,.09-.32,1,1,0,0,0-.07-.29,1,1,0,0,0-.17-.23.7.7,0,0,0-.23-.15.82.82,0,0,0-.27-.06.87.87,0,0,0-.31.09A1,1,0,0,0,4.54,15.49Zm7.89-.09a.91.91,0,0,0-.,0,0,0,0,.26,1.07,1.07,0,0,0,.,0,0,0,.,0,0,0,.,0,0,0,.36-.06.61.61,0,0,0,.21-.16.72.72,0,0,0,.14-.2.58.58,0,0,0,.05-.34.8.8,0,0,0-.1-.36,1,1,0,0,0-.62-.33.72.72,0,0,0-.28.07A.7.7,0,0,0,12.43,15.4Z fill-ruleevenodd fillcurrentColor /> /g> !-- icon shop batteries --> g idicon-batteries_automobiles viewBox0 0 26 14> path dM17.7273 0L21.2727 4.66667H23.6364C24.9482 4.66667 26 5.705 26 7V10.5H23.6364C23.6364 11.4283 23.2628 12.3185 22.5979 12.9749C21.933 13.6313 21.0312 14 20.0909 14C19.1506 14 18.2488 13.6313 17.5839 12.9749C16.919 12.3185 16.5455 11.4283 16.5455 10.5H9.45455C9.45455 11.4283 9.08101 12.3185 8.41611 12.9749C7.7512 13.6313 6.8494 14 5.90909 14C4.96878 14 4.06698 13.6313 3.40208 12.9749C2.73717 12.3185 2.36364 11.4283 2.36364 10.5H0V7C0 5.705 1.05182 4.66667 2.36364 4.66667L5.90909 0H17.7273ZM11.2273 1.75H6.79545L4.56182 4.66667H11.2273V1.75ZM13 1.75V4.66667H19.0745L16.8409 1.75H13ZM5.90909 8.75C5.43893 8.75 4.98803 8.93437 4.65558 9.26256C4.32313 9.59075 4.13636 10.0359 4.13636 10.5C4.13636 10.9641 4.32313 11.4092 4.65558 11.7374C4.98803 12.0656 5.43893 12.25 5.90909 12.25C6.37925 12.25 6.83015 12.0656 7.1626 11.7374C7.49505 11.4092 7.68182 10.9641 7.68182 10.5C7.68182 10.0359 7.49505 9.59075 7.1626 9.26256C6.83015 8.93437 6.37925 8.75 5.90909 8.75ZM20.0909 8.75C19.6208 8.75 19.1699 8.93437 18.8374 9.26256C18.505 9.59075 18.3182 10.0359 18.3182 10.5C18.3182 10.9641 18.505 11.4092 18.8374 11.7374C19.1699 12.0656 19.6208 12.25 20.0909 12.25C20.5611 12.25 21.012 12.0656 21.3444 11.7374C21.6769 11.4092 21.8636 10.9641 21.8636 10.5C21.8636 10.0359 21.6769 9.59075 21.3444 9.26256C21.012 8.93437 20.5611 8.75 20.0909 8.75Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-batteries_sports viewBox0 0 21 18> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM10.4762 3.2381C11.3704 3.2381 12.0953 2.51322 12.0953 1.61905C12.0953 0.724872 11.3704 0 10.4762 0C9.58205 0 8.85718 0.724872 8.85718 1.61905C8.85718 2.51322 9.58205 3.2381 10.4762 3.2381ZM11.4899 4.64621C11.0116 4.26296 10.4471 3.87286 10.2355 3.77932C9.55609 3.4791 8.86785 3.63977 8.49751 4.18493C8.38939 4.34412 8.07756 5.28276 7.80464 6.27084C7.38432 7.79192 7.31636 8.15255 7.36086 8.62302C7.4101 9.14444 7.40118 9.17626 7.21613 9.13939C7.10762 9.11778 6.14801 8.90435 5.08371 8.66522C4.01931 8.42609 3.02586 8.23312 2.87599 8.23643C2.30641 8.24901 1.99464 9.03066 2.38306 9.47238C2.49827 9.60339 2.91341 9.75388 3.65547 9.93373C5.1731 10.3015 5.81888 10.6167 6.50294 11.3236C7.24579 12.0912 7.63244 12.8799 7.73063 13.8275L7.8062 14.5577L10.2818 14.503L12.7574 14.4483L12.8093 13.9709C12.9902 12.3076 14.1088 10.9345 15.7786 10.3258C16.2927 10.1384 16.5256 10.1109 17.4365 10.1297L18.4962 10.1515L18.6373 9.50481C18.7148 9.1492 18.7777 8.83469 18.7771 8.80593C18.7765 8.77718 18.2872 8.45857 17.6898 8.09787C16.7332 7.52028 16.516 7.33741 15.8698 6.5652C15.2505 5.82527 15.0925 5.68863 14.8577 5.69C14.7047 5.69091 14.495 5.61857 14.3919 5.52911C14.247 5.40352 13.9947 5.36384 13.2818 5.35481L12.3594 5.34309L11.4899 4.64621ZM10.5178 7.50733C10.587 7.26383 10.7057 6.8372 10.7816 6.55927L10.9197 6.05391L11.4092 6.42633L11.8988 6.79875L13.0217 6.77395C14.1035 6.75006 14.1555 6.73948 14.4453 6.48454L14.7461 6.21984L15.1693 6.68289C15.4022 6.93752 15.5809 7.18688 15.5665 7.23711C15.5402 7.32914 11.7928 8.9921 11.6022 8.99631C11.5457 8.99756 11.2502 8.7627 10.9457 8.4743L10.3919 7.95002L10.5178 7.50733ZM20.7621 14.4761C20.7621 16.4222 19.1844 17.9999 17.2383 17.9999C15.2921 17.9999 13.7145 16.4222 13.7145 14.4761C13.7145 12.5299 15.2921 10.9523 17.2383 10.9523C19.1844 10.9523 20.7621 12.5299 20.7621 14.4761ZM18.191 14.4762C18.191 15.0022 17.7646 15.4286 17.2386 15.4286C16.7126 15.4286 16.2862 15.0022 16.2862 14.4762C16.2862 13.9502 16.7126 13.5239 17.2386 13.5239C17.7646 13.5239 18.191 13.9502 18.191 14.4762ZM3.52381 17.9999C5.46996 17.9999 7.04762 16.4222 7.04762 14.4761C7.04762 12.5299 5.46996 10.9523 3.52381 10.9523C1.57766 10.9523 0 12.5299 0 14.4761C0 16.4222 1.57766 17.9999 3.52381 17.9999ZM3.52362 15.4286C4.04961 15.4286 4.476 15.0022 4.476 14.4762C4.476 13.9502 4.04961 13.5239 3.52362 13.5239C2.99764 13.5239 2.57124 13.9502 2.57124 14.4762C2.57124 15.0022 2.99764 15.4286 3.52362 15.4286Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-batteries_demarrage viewBox0 0 24 8> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM0.452244 0.155934C0.318892 0.241556 0.209852 0.36512 0.209852 0.430554C0.209852 0.532593 0.406898 0.549561 1.58962 0.549561C2.36997 0.549561 2.96938 0.518454 2.96938 0.478C2.96938 0.438645 2.86608 0.314925 2.73989 0.203066C2.52047 0.00857008 2.47065 -0.00030687 1.60252 7.34007e-06C0.829033 0.000242998 0.65876 0.0233375 0.452244 0.155934ZM0.0467415 1.00414C0.0116138 1.04114 -0.00799942 1.77584 0.00311279 2.63686L0.0233994 4.20225L0.288239 4.22574C0.638475 4.25669 0.738712 4.12464 0.991842 3.2989C1.31754 2.23624 1.26809 2.27771 2.21036 2.27771C2.73609 2.27771 3.04508 2.24512 3.10363 2.18345C3.20096 2.08094 3.22594 1.19683 3.13577 1.04758C3.10557 0.997467 2.9802 0.944444 2.85728 0.929754C2.41718 0.877124 0.109316 0.938239 0.0467415 1.00414Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM11.5619 2.76867C11.5608 2.80103 10.8982 2.82758 7.64499 2.82758C3.02822 2.82758 1.70305 2.84911 1.60714 2.92577C1.46156 3.04219 1.06769 5.17285 1.14459 5.42806C1.23326 5.72224 2.95894 7.92784 3.13614 7.9734C3.229 7.99728 5.41632 8.00686 10.4413 7.99476L19.5775 7.97277L20.025 7.71637C21.127 7.08481 22.5423 5.7275 22.9929 4.86995C23.3403 4.20861 23.7438 2.91336 23.9063 1.93743C24.0934 0.81444 24.2434 0.864085 21.81 1.2442C18.4511 2.44216 13.5784 2.75966 11.5619 2.76867Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-batteries_decharge viewBox0 0 20 13> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM20 2.62694V1.80981C20 1.63767 19.8233 1.4981 19.6048 1.4981H18.4122V1.2525H18.1357L18.0303 0H16.3085L16.2031 1.2525H15.899V1.4981H4.10099V1.2525H3.79692L3.69208 0H1.97028L1.86516 1.2525H1.58861V1.4981H0.395707C0.177215 1.4981 0 1.63767 0 1.80981V2.62694H0.125206V2.92812H0V12.6878C0 12.8599 0.17694 13 0.395432 13H19.6046C19.8231 13 20 12.8599 20 12.6878V2.92812H19.8748V2.62694H20Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM7.8125 9.06049C6.70913 7.87415 6.72864 6.01463 7.87493 4.86C8.32419 4.40551 8.90834 4.10846 9.54023 4.01317L9.50658 3C8.6195 3.10711 7.79479 3.51132 7.16667 4.14683C5.63063 5.69317 5.6121 8.19024 7.10667 9.77171L6.25744 10.6263L8.94513 10.7732L8.93782 7.92732L7.8125 9.06049ZM11.0548 3.22683L11.0621 6.07268L12.1874 4.94C13.2908 6.12732 13.2713 7.98683 12.125 9.14049C11.6758 9.59509 11.0916 9.89216 10.4597 9.98732L10.4934 11C11.3804 10.8928 12.2052 10.4888 12.8338 9.85366C14.3693 8.30634 14.3878 5.80927 12.8933 4.22878L13.7425 3.37317L11.0548 3.22683Z fillwhite /> /g> g idicon-batteries_scellees viewBox0 0 20 13> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM20 2.62694V1.80981C20 1.63767 19.8233 1.4981 19.6048 1.4981H18.4122V1.2525H18.1357L18.0303 0H16.3085L16.2031 1.2525H15.899V1.4981H4.10099V1.2525H3.79692L3.69208 0H1.97028L1.86516 1.2525H1.58861V1.4981H0.395707C0.177215 1.4981 0 1.63767 0 1.80981V2.62694H0.125206V2.92812H0V12.6878C0 12.8599 0.17694 13 0.395432 13H19.6046C19.8231 13 20 12.8599 20 12.6878V2.92812H19.8748V2.62694H20Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM12.7273 7.08H12.1477V5.12C12.1477 4.50138 11.6594 4 11.0568 4H8.94318C8.34063 4 7.85227 4.50138 7.85227 5.12V7.08H7.27273C7.12187 7.08 7 7.20513 7 7.36V10.72C7 10.8749 7.12187 11 7.27273 11H12.7273C12.8781 11 13 10.8749 13 10.72V7.36C13 7.20513 12.8781 7.08 12.7273 7.08ZM10.2386 9.15375V9.6175C10.2386 9.656 10.208 9.6875 10.1705 9.6875H9.82955C9.79205 9.6875 9.76136 9.656 9.76136 9.6175V9.15375C9.69101 9.10189 9.6385 9.02846 9.61139 8.94401C9.58428 8.85956 9.58396 8.76846 9.6105 8.68382C9.63703 8.59918 9.68903 8.52536 9.75903 8.473C9.82902 8.42063 9.91339 8.39242 10 8.39242C10.0866 8.39242 10.171 8.42063 10.241 8.473C10.311 8.52536 10.363 8.59918 10.3895 8.68382C10.416 8.76846 10.4157 8.85956 10.3886 8.94401C10.3615 9.02846 10.309 9.10189 10.2386 9.15375ZM11.5341 7.08H8.46591V5.12C8.46591 4.84962 8.67983 4.63 8.94318 4.63H11.0568C11.3202 4.63 11.5341 4.84962 11.5341 5.12V7.08Z fillwhite /> /g> g idicon-batteries_commerciales viewBox0 0 18 15> path dM15.435 3.45471C15.2779 3.19364 15.0524 2.97656 14.7809 2.82504C14.5093 2.67353 14.2011 2.59285 13.887 2.59103H11.7V0.863677C11.7 0.634616 11.6052 0.414936 11.4364 0.252965C11.2676 0.0909944 11.0387 0 10.8 0H1.8C1.32261 0 0.864773 0.181988 0.527208 0.50593C0.189642 0.829872 0 1.26923 0 1.72735V10.3641C0.000323768 10.667 0.0836485 10.9645 0.241615 11.2268C0.399582 11.489 0.626636 11.7068 0.9 11.8583C0.867776 12.66 1.16875 13.4412 1.7367 14.0299C2.30465 14.6187 3.09307 14.9668 3.9285 14.9977C4.76393 15.0287 5.57795 14.7399 6.19147 14.1948C6.805 13.6498 7.16778 12.8932 7.2 12.0915H9.99C10.0895 12.8141 10.4593 13.4774 11.0305 13.9579C11.6017 14.4384 12.3354 14.7033 13.095 14.7033C13.8546 14.7033 14.5883 14.4384 15.1595 13.9579C15.7307 13.4774 16.1005 12.8141 16.2 12.0915C16.6774 12.0915 17.1352 11.9095 17.4728 11.5855C17.8104 11.2616 18 10.8222 18 10.3641V7.77309C17.9986 7.61553 17.9552 7.46093 17.874 7.32398L15.435 3.45471ZM11.7 4.31838H13.887L15.507 6.90942H11.7V4.31838ZM4.05 12.9552C3.783 12.9552 3.52199 12.8792 3.29998 12.7368C3.07797 12.5945 2.90494 12.3921 2.80276 12.1554C2.70058 11.9187 2.67385 11.6582 2.72594 11.4069C2.77803 11.1556 2.9066 10.9248 3.09541 10.7436C3.28421 10.5624 3.52475 10.439 3.78663 10.389C4.0485 10.339 4.31994 10.3647 4.56662 10.4627C4.8133 10.5608 5.02414 10.7268 5.17248 10.9399C5.32082 11.1529 5.4 11.4034 5.4 11.6596C5.4 12.0032 5.25777 12.3327 5.00459 12.5757C4.75142 12.8187 4.40804 12.9552 4.05 12.9552ZM13.05 12.9552C12.783 12.9552 12.522 12.8792 12.3 12.7368C12.078 12.5945 11.9049 12.3921 11.8028 12.1554C11.7006 11.9187 11.6738 11.6582 11.7259 11.4069C11.778 11.1556 11.9066 10.9248 12.0954 10.7436C12.2842 10.5624 12.5248 10.439 12.7866 10.389C13.0485 10.339 13.3199 10.3647 13.5666 10.4627C13.8133 10.5608 14.0241 10.7268 14.1725 10.9399C14.3208 11.1529 14.4 11.4034 14.4 11.6596C14.4 12.0032 14.2578 12.3327 14.0046 12.5757C13.7514 12.8187 13.408 12.9552 13.05 12.9552Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-batteries_golf viewBox0 0 20 14> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM15.8607 3.66975L17.4875 7.31978L17.7631 7.42485C18.4577 7.68983 18.9718 8.16322 19.3396 8.8765C19.4251 9.04224 19.4869 9.17789 19.4769 9.17789C19.467 9.17789 19.3006 9.1262 19.1073 9.06305C18.4012 8.83237 17.7544 8.81417 17.0738 9.00581C15.9402 9.325 15.1215 10.1374 14.8264 11.236C14.7431 11.5462 14.7205 12.3047 14.7849 12.6292L14.8176 12.7945L14.3644 12.7951C13.7738 12.7958 7.55523 12.7958 7.27767 12.7951L7.06464 12.7945L7.09583 12.6098C7.11297 12.5081 7.12793 12.25 7.12909 12.0362C7.13914 10.1733 5.44772 8.68825 3.54977 8.89361C2.22025 9.0375 1.13591 9.89969 0.730419 11.1352L0.643244 11.401L0.321622 11.0239L0 10.6468L0.0564678 10.4665C0.0875334 10.3673 0.349417 9.51621 0.638458 8.57512C0.9275 7.63403 1.17575 6.8504 1.1901 6.83371C1.20442 6.81699 1.82489 6.79949 2.56883 6.79483L3.92152 6.78627L3.93169 3.39314L3.9419 0L9.08785 0.00987799L14.2338 0.0197554L15.8607 3.66975ZM5.25746 3.98633V6.72794H7.64811H10.0388L10.4365 7.92375C10.6552 8.58146 10.9318 9.41705 11.0512 9.78065L11.2682 10.4417H12.812H14.3559L14.6332 9.78166C14.7857 9.41864 14.9055 9.10252 14.8993 9.07923C14.8932 9.05593 14.3857 8.57038 13.7716 8.0002L12.655 6.96352L12.4142 7.2107L12.1734 7.45791L11.7562 7.091C11.5267 6.88921 11.3154 6.70134 11.2866 6.6735C11.2434 6.63185 11.3931 6.45736 12.1359 5.68379C12.6318 5.16725 13.0518 4.74465 13.0691 4.74465C13.1044 4.74465 14.0308 5.55679 14.0308 5.5877C14.0308 5.59855 13.9303 5.71514 13.8076 5.84685L13.5844 6.08629L14.2562 6.71896C14.6257 7.06693 15.0651 7.47385 15.2325 7.62322L15.537 7.89478L15.6363 7.63279C15.7255 7.39767 15.7488 7.36815 15.864 7.34521C15.9345 7.33113 16.0083 7.30391 16.028 7.2847C16.0492 7.26409 15.7855 6.62139 15.3843 5.71529C15.0106 4.87131 14.4141 3.52061 14.0588 2.71376L13.4127 1.24675L9.33506 1.24574L5.25746 1.24473V3.98633ZM6.64532 3.99606C6.73457 4.24739 6.85811 4.59734 6.91984 4.77382L7.03206 5.0946L8.04 5.09464H9.04797L9.03696 5.70713L9.026 6.31962H7.55172H6.07744L5.68747 5.15297C5.47296 4.51132 5.30312 3.96969 5.31006 3.94935C5.32361 3.90945 6.31221 3.54585 6.41857 3.54165C6.4657 3.53978 6.52652 3.66174 6.64532 3.99606ZM4.35496 10.1698C4.72878 10.2648 5.0203 10.4249 5.2821 10.6792C6.54219 11.903 5.66051 14.0021 3.88742 13.9995C3.33757 13.9988 2.92818 13.8463 2.53517 13.4961C1.68193 12.7356 1.65186 11.4912 2.46746 10.6917C2.97296 10.1962 3.68428 9.99947 4.35496 10.1698ZM18.492 10.1677C19.509 10.4317 20.1678 11.4364 19.9625 12.4107C19.8731 12.8354 19.718 13.1215 19.4149 13.421C19.009 13.822 18.5726 14 17.9957 14C16.7815 14 15.839 12.9428 16.0193 11.7834C16.1956 10.6498 17.3766 9.87818 18.492 10.1677Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-batteries_blower viewBox0 0 24 25> path dM46.9885 26.0179L46.5494 50.509C46.5445 50.7816 46.3248 51 46.0521 51H33.0406C30.2406 51 30.5068 49 30.5068 46.6667L30.5068 38C30.5068 28.2071 40.2602 25.3301 45.9908 25.0276C46.5493 24.9981 46.9986 25.4587 46.9885 26.0179Z fillcurrentColor /> rect x38.5 y3.44975 width4.17158 height2 rx1 transformrotate(-45 38.5 3.44975) fill#170000 /> rect x41.5 y5.94976 width4.17158 height2 rx1 transformrotate(-45 41.5 5.94976) fill#170000 /> rect x33.5 y8.44975 width4.17158 height2 rx1 transformrotate(-45 33.5 8.44975) fill#170000 /> rect x36.5 y10.9498 width4.17158 height2 rx1 transformrotate(-45 36.5 10.9498) fill#170000 /> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM2 4C1.17157 4 0.5 4.67157 0.5 5.5C0.5 6.32843 1.17157 7 2 7H11.9693L16.6253 30.0638C14.8168 30.368 12.2032 31.8355 12.0112 36.0451C11.9986 36.321 12.2239 36.5455 12.5 36.5455H15.2748C15.3604 36.5455 15.4446 36.5675 15.5193 36.6093L17.2784 37.5955C17.3267 37.6226 17.3702 37.6575 17.407 37.6988L18.2923 38.6914C18.3136 38.7153 18.3326 38.7411 18.3489 38.7686L19.2655 40.3102C19.2866 40.3457 19.3032 40.3837 19.315 40.4233L20.2333 43.5119C20.2575 43.5935 20.2605 43.68 20.242 43.7632L19.433 47.3912C19.3634 47.7036 19.601 48 19.9211 48H27.5541C27.8302 48 28.0541 47.7762 28.0541 47.5V40.3637C28.0541 38.3717 28.1464 33.9246 29.9395 30.8412C30.1477 30.4832 29.9025 30 29.4884 30H28.5V22.5262C28.5 22.2592 28.6067 22.0034 28.7964 21.8156L36.0056 14.678C36.3981 14.2894 36.4013 13.6562 36.0127 13.2638L32.6739 9.89144C32.2856 9.49929 31.6531 9.49577 31.2605 9.88357L21.55 19.4753C21.5472 19.4781 21.5461 19.4823 21.5473 19.4861C21.5494 19.493 21.5442 19.5 21.5369 19.5H21.5219C21.5098 19.5 21.5 19.5098 21.5 19.5219V30H19.6729L14.721 5.47035C14.6506 5.12185 14.4648 4.82614 14.2113 4.61506C13.9384 4.24217 13.4975 4 13 4H2Z fillcurrentColor /> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM13.5 37C10.1863 37 7.5 39.6863 7.5 43C7.5 46.3137 10.1863 49 13.5 49C16.8137 49 19.5 46.3137 19.5 43C19.5 39.6863 16.8137 37 13.5 37ZM5.5 43C5.5 38.5817 9.08172 35 13.5 35C17.9183 35 21.5 38.5817 21.5 43C21.5 47.4183 17.9183 51 13.5 51C9.08172 51 5.5 47.4183 5.5 43Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> !-- icon shop piles --> g idicon-piles_piles viewBox0 0 7 14> path dM6.069 1.4H4.51111V0H2.33333V1.4H0.931C0.42 1.4 0 1.82 0 2.331V13.062C0 13.58 0.42 14 0.931 14H6.062C6.58 14 7 13.58 7 13.069V2.331C7 1.82 6.58 1.4 6.069 1.4Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-piles_special viewBox0 0 20 13> path dM20 1.80981V2.62694H19.8748V2.92812H20V12.6878C20 12.8599 19.8231 13 19.6046 13H0.395432C0.17694 13 0 12.8599 0 12.6878V2.92812H0.125206V2.62694H0V1.80981C0 1.63767 0.177215 1.4981 0.395707 1.4981H1.58861H1.86516H1.97028L4.5 0L5 0.5L3.5 1.5L4.10099 1.4981H15.5L14 0.5L14.5 0L16.9968 1.4981H19.6048C19.8233 1.4981 20 1.63767 20 1.80981Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-piles_remplacement viewBox0 0 16 18> path dM14.2222 5.8C13.6476 4.59936 12.7575 3.58827 11.6528 2.8813C10.5482 2.17433 9.27305 1.79975 7.972 1.8C4.122 1.8 1 5.024 1 9M1.77778 12.2C2.35239 13.4006 3.24247 14.4117 4.34715 15.1187C5.45183 15.8257 6.72695 16.2003 8.028 16.2C11.878 16.2 15 12.976 15 9M5.66667 12.2H1V17M15 1V5.8H10.3333 strokecurrentColor filltransparent stroke-width2 /> /g> g idicon-piles_bouton viewBox0 0 16 16> circle cx8 cy8 r8 fillcurrentColor /> path dM10.5 8.45662H8.46875V10.5H7.53125V8.45662H5.5V7.55479H7.53125V5.5H8.46875V7.55479H10.5V8.45662Z fillwhite /> /g> g idicon-piles_chargeurs viewBox0 0 18 10> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM14.6216 0.234308L14.49 0.115251C14.3222 -0.0364368 14.1227 -0.0384739 13.9347 0.109628C13.864 0.165307 13.8559 0.265878 13.8559 1.0819V1.99205H13.5471C13.2818 1.99205 13.2216 2.0061 13.1192 2.09193L13 2.19184V4.97937C13 7.66217 13.0032 7.77056 13.086 7.8631C13.1701 7.95711 13.1925 7.95972 14.0882 7.97964L15 8V9.069H14H12V3H2.331C1.82 3 1.4 3.42 1.4 3.931V5.48889H0V7.66667H1.4V9.069C1.4 9.58 1.82 10 2.331 10H13.062H16V8H15.0045L16.9209 7.97964C17.7718 7.97964 17.7798 7.97882 17.8894 7.87964L18 7.77969V4.98584V2.192L17.8894 2.09205C17.793 2.0048 17.7384 1.99205 17.4615 1.99205H17.1441V1.0819C17.1441 0.211824 17.14 0.168367 17.0504 0.0950863C16.916 -0.0149677 16.6323 -0.00714756 16.5025 0.110162C16.4041 0.198991 16.4005 0.230684 16.3872 1.09701L16.3735 1.99205H15.4976H14.6216V1.11318V0.234308Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-piles_cellules viewBox0 0 21 14> path dM6.335 3H5.22222V2H3.66667V3H2.665C2.3 3 2 3.3 2 3.665V11.33C2 11.7 2.3 12 2.665 12H6.33C6.7 12 7 11.7 7 11.335V3.665C7 3.3 6.7 3 6.335 3Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM12.335 3H11.2222V2H9.66667V3H8.665C8.3 3 8 3.3 8 3.665V11.33C8 11.7 8.3 12 8.665 12H12.33C12.7 12 13 11.7 13 11.335V3.665C13 3.3 12.7 3 12.335 3Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM18.335 3H17.2222V2H15.6667V3H14.665C14.3 3 14 3.3 14 3.665V11.33C14 11.7 14.3 12 14.665 12H18.33C18.7 12 19 11.7 19 11.335V3.665C19 3.3 18.7 3 18.335 3Z fillcurrentColor /> rect x0.5 y0.5 width20 height13 strokeblack filltransparent /> /g> !-- icon shop energies --> g idicon-energies_solaire viewBox0 0 18 18> path dM1.63636 4.09091H4.09091V1.63636H1.63636V4.09091ZM5.72727 1.63636V4.09091H8.18182V1.63636H5.72727ZM9.81818 1.63636V4.09091H12.2727V1.63636H9.81818ZM13.9091 1.63636V4.09091H16.3636V1.63636H13.9091ZM16.3636 5.72727H13.9091V8.18182H16.3636V5.72727ZM16.3636 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8.92773 13.5847 8.39972C13.5847 7.1397 12.8745 6.03568 11.7962 5.39967L13.5847 0.131574C11.0729 -0.564439 10.297 1.7276 10.297 1.7276L9.23178 4.83566C7.61425 4.99166 6.29918 5.99968 5.86521 7.4157L0 9.15574C0.841644 11.4358 3.32712 10.6798 3.32712 10.6798L6.04932 9.87575C6.49644 10.7638 7.31178 11.4478 8.32438 11.7838V20.3999C8.32438 20.3999 5.69425 20.3999 5.69425 22.8V24H13.5847V22.8C13.5847 22.8 13.5847 20.3999 10.9545 20.3999V11.7838C11.1123 11.7358 11.257 11.6638 11.3885 11.6038ZM7.66685 8.39972C7.66685 7.92232 7.87468 7.46448 8.24461 7.12691C8.61455 6.78933 9.11629 6.59969 9.63945 6.59969C10.1626 6.59969 10.6644 6.78933 11.0343 7.12691C11.4042 7.46448 11.6121 7.92232 11.6121 8.39972C11.6121 8.87712 11.4042 9.33497 11.0343 9.67254C10.6644 10.0101 10.1626 10.1998 9.63945 10.1998C9.11629 10.1998 8.61455 10.0101 8.24461 9.67254C7.87468 9.33497 7.66685 8.87712 7.66685 8.39972Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> !-- icon shop conversion --> g idicon-conversion_onduleurs viewBox0 0 17 13> path dM8.5 0C3.80552 0 0 3.74156 0 8.35714C0 9.88929 0.420573 11.3245 1.15281 12.5589C1.31839 12.8381 1.63389 13 1.96267 13H15.0373C15.3661 13 15.6816 12.8381 15.8472 12.5589C16.5794 11.3245 17 9.88929 17 8.35714C17 3.74156 13.1945 0 8.5 0ZM8.5 1.85714C8.93415 1.85714 9.28448 2.15109 9.39486 2.54342C9.3621 2.609 9.31694 2.66616 9.29304 2.73696L9.02092 3.53989C8.86951 3.64116 8.69715 3.71429 8.5003 3.71429C7.97878 3.71429 7.55585 3.29846 7.55585 2.78571C7.55585 2.27297 7.97849 1.85714 8.5 1.85714ZM2.83333 10.2143C2.31182 10.2143 1.88889 9.79846 1.88889 9.28571C1.88889 8.77297 2.31182 8.35714 2.83333 8.35714C3.35484 8.35714 3.77778 8.77297 3.77778 9.28571C3.77778 9.79846 3.35484 10.2143 2.83333 10.2143ZM4.25 5.57143C3.72849 5.57143 3.30556 5.1556 3.30556 4.64286C3.30556 4.13011 3.72849 3.71429 4.25 3.71429C4.77151 3.71429 5.19444 4.13011 5.19444 4.64286C5.19444 5.1556 4.77151 5.57143 4.25 5.57143ZM11.5331 3.47025L9.72306 8.80953C10.1271 9.1502 10.3889 9.6496 10.3889 10.2143C10.3889 10.5544 10.2891 10.8686 10.1268 11.1429H6.87319C6.71087 10.8686 6.61111 10.5544 6.61111 10.2143C6.61111 9.22942 7.39323 8.43172 8.37899 8.36904L10.1894 3.02946C10.3124 2.665 10.7127 2.46507 11.0854 2.58926C11.4564 2.71085 11.6565 3.10549 11.5331 3.47025ZM11.9658 5.13007L12.4239 3.77929C12.5263 3.74185 12.6343 3.71458 12.75 3.71458C13.2715 3.71458 13.6944 4.1304 13.6944 4.64315C13.6944 5.15589 13.2715 5.57172 12.75 5.57172C12.4141 5.57143 12.1335 5.38949 11.9658 5.13007ZM14.1667 10.2143C13.6452 10.2143 13.2222 9.79846 13.2222 9.28571C13.2222 8.77297 13.6452 8.35714 14.1667 8.35714C14.6882 8.35714 15.1111 8.77297 15.1111 9.28571C15.1111 9.79846 14.6882 10.2143 14.1667 10.2143Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-conversion_ups viewBox0 0 12 19> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM2.49799 5.13365C2.51943 10.204 2.52176 10.27 2.68705 10.4871C2.77914 10.6081 2.97348 10.7858 3.11893 10.8822C3.37992 11.055 3.41824 11.0574 6 11.0574C8.58176 11.0574 8.62008 11.055 8.88107 10.8822C9.02652 10.7858 9.22086 10.6081 9.31295 10.4871C9.47824 10.27 9.48056 10.204 9.50201 5.13365L9.52369 0L10.3421 0.00031149C11.2673 0.000622965 11.5562 0.10925 11.8409 0.563848C11.9969 0.812716 12 0.971958 12 8.79917C12 16.6264 11.9969 16.7856 11.8409 17.0345C11.5931 17.4302 11.2422 17.5977 10.6604 17.598L10.1604 17.5983V18.1486C10.1604 19.0176 10.1867 19 8.88723 19C8.07851 19 7.75656 18.9728 7.69376 18.8991C7.64647 18.8437 7.59711 18.5371 7.58399 18.2178L7.56014 17.6373L5.98 17.6162L4.39985 17.5951V18.2041C4.39985 18.574 4.36217 18.8498 4.30384 18.9065C4.23848 18.9701 3.85644 19 3.10653 19C1.81417 19 1.83961 19.0171 1.83961 18.1486V17.5983L1.33956 17.598C0.757831 17.5977 0.406918 17.4302 0.159054 17.0345C0.00311985 16.7856 -3.65047e-07 16.6264 -3.65047e-07 8.79917C-3.65047e-07 0.971958 0.00311985 0.812716 0.159054 0.563848C0.443801 0.10925 0.732708 0.000622965 1.65791 0.00031149L2.47631 0L2.49799 5.13365ZM8.88027 5.01202C8.88027 9.96463 8.87827 10.0265 8.71441 10.2292L8.54864 10.4344H6H3.45136L3.28559 10.2292C3.12173 10.0265 3.11973 9.96463 3.11973 5.01202V0H6H8.88027V5.01202ZM4.39985 3.03688V4.43852H6H7.60015V3.03688V1.63524H6H4.39985V3.03688ZM4.21223 6.13832C4.04886 6.31399 4.0483 6.34342 4.20551 6.49651C4.31168 6.59977 4.58699 6.61884 5.97096 6.61884C7.66448 6.61884 7.92018 6.57796 7.92018 6.30737C7.92018 6.03693 7.66432 5.99589 5.97768 5.99589C4.49722 5.99589 4.33224 6.00921 4.21223 6.13832ZM4.274 7.37923C4.11622 7.48443 4.0843 7.70223 4.20895 7.82355C4.39345 8.00312 7.60959 8.00016 7.79449 7.82028C7.94482 7.67396 7.95458 7.54003 7.82417 7.4131C7.71672 7.30853 4.42721 7.27715 4.274 7.37923ZM4.16407 8.75525C4.09326 8.83826 4.0915 8.9085 4.15711 9.02779C4.24224 9.18267 4.30928 9.18851 5.99304 9.18851C7.86105 9.18851 7.99803 9.16056 7.88137 8.80291C7.83105 8.64849 7.77304 8.64343 6.0444 8.64343C4.59067 8.64343 4.24176 8.66422 4.16407 8.75525Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-conversion_generatrices viewBox0 0 14 15> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM9.06994 0.104299C9.24308 0.230373 9.26405 0.494399 9.11348 0.651106C9.03088 0.736961 8.85313 0.760231 8.27881 0.760231H7.54904V1.2812V1.80217H6.68099H5.81294V1.2812V0.760231H5.07843C4.42385 0.760231 4.32883 0.744532 4.20524 0.615958C4.12891 0.536562 4.08384 0.424589 4.10508 0.367144C4.12624 0.309629 4.1436 0.232943 4.1436 0.196614C4.1436 0.0379621 4.57476 0.00468966 6.68279 0.000521928C8.60567 -0.00322904 8.94254 0.0114275 9.06994 0.104299ZM10.0057 2.61835C10.1118 2.71427 10.4203 3.42696 10.4203 3.57609C10.4203 3.59374 8.73761 3.60818 6.68099 3.60818C4.3285 3.60818 2.94168 3.58339 2.94168 3.54129C2.94168 3.50448 3.00418 3.30915 3.08051 3.10715C3.33271 2.44004 3.00058 2.49679 6.65054 2.49679C9.62222 2.49679 9.8817 2.50617 10.0057 2.61835ZM13.2362 4.41777C13.328 4.50418 13.3583 4.63359 13.3583 4.93873V5.34474H6.68099H0.00365804V4.9329C0.00365804 4.65116 0.0367775 4.48667 0.108559 4.41193C0.202509 4.31427 0.888938 4.30281 6.66383 4.30281C12.5722 4.30281 13.1244 4.31246 13.2362 4.41777ZM13.3428 7.72382C13.3594 9.24804 13.3315 9.53999 13.1919 9.305C13.1696 9.26735 12.9403 9.16982 12.6824 9.08834C11.6695 8.76833 10.5769 9.0252 9.82041 9.76129C9.19895 10.366 8.82482 11.3436 8.91216 12.1347L8.95242 12.4994H8.4177H7.88291V11.7353C7.88291 11.0638 7.86675 10.9544 7.74936 10.8323C7.61896 10.6966 7.52681 10.6933 3.80974 10.6933H0.00365804V8.366V6.03867L6.6643 6.05638L13.3249 6.0741L13.3428 7.72382ZM12.7934 9.87597C13.2007 10.0935 13.6528 10.5878 13.8477 11.0284C14.0508 11.4875 14.0508 12.3998 13.8477 12.8589C13.6527 13.2998 13.2005 13.7941 12.7934 14.0109C12.3119 14.2674 11.535 14.3068 11.0114 14.1014C10.4869 13.8956 10.0704 13.4918 9.80598 12.9331C9.61721 12.5342 9.58737 12.3993 9.58737 11.9437C9.58737 11.488 9.61721 11.3531 9.80598 10.9542C10.0631 10.4109 10.4806 9.99698 10.9783 9.792C11.4767 9.58667 12.3253 9.62598 12.7934 9.87597ZM7.18179 11.9437V12.4646L3.74884 12.4826C-0.262634 12.5037 0.00365804 12.5496 0.00365804 11.8372V11.3868L3.59272 11.4047L7.18179 11.4227V11.9437ZM3.4091 13.7149V14.2359H3.80974C4.226 14.2359 4.47747 14.3798 4.47747 14.618C4.47747 14.6753 4.41738 14.7847 4.34392 14.8611C4.22133 14.9886 4.12137 15 3.12351 15C1.90396 15 1.73976 14.9503 1.73976 14.5817C1.73976 14.3212 1.89508 14.2359 2.3697 14.2359H2.74136V13.7149V13.194H3.07523H3.4091V13.7149Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-conversion_chargeurs viewBox0 0 19 11> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM1 0C0.447715 0 0 0.447715 0 1V10C0 10.5523 0.447716 11 1 11H17.5429C18.0951 11 18.5429 10.5523 18.5429 10V1C18.5429 0.447715 18.0951 0 17.5429 0H1ZM7.54285 1.88573H11V8.80001H7.54285V1.88573ZM8.48571 2.82859H10.0571V5.97144H8.48571V2.82859ZM16.9714 5.34285C16.9714 5.69 16.69 5.97142 16.3429 5.97142C15.9957 5.97142 15.7143 5.69 15.7143 5.34285C15.7143 4.9957 15.9957 4.71428 16.3429 4.71428C16.69 4.71428 16.9714 4.9957 16.9714 5.34285ZM2.19999 5.97142C2.54714 5.97142 2.82856 5.69 2.82856 5.34285C2.82856 4.9957 2.54714 4.71428 2.19999 4.71428C1.85284 4.71428 1.57142 4.9957 1.57142 5.34285C1.57142 5.69 1.85284 5.97142 2.19999 5.97142Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-conversion_convertisseurs viewBox0 0 18 16> path dM12.2 14.2222C13.4006 13.6476 14.4117 12.7575 15.1187 11.6528C15.8257 10.5482 16.2003 9.27305 16.2 7.972C16.2 4.122 12.976 1 9 1M5.8 1.77778C4.59936 2.35239 3.58827 3.24247 2.8813 4.34715C2.17433 5.45183 1.79975 6.72694 1.8 8.028C1.8 11.878 5.024 15 9 15M5.8 5.66667L5.8 1L1 0.999999M17 15L12.2 15L12.2 10.3333 strokeblack stroke-width2 filltransparent /> path dM9.4 4L7 8.8H8.6V12L11 7.2H9.4V4Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> !-- icon shop chargeurs --> g idicon-chargeurs_chargeurs viewBox0 0 19 17> path dM8.9562 1.7H7.55443V0H2.51814V1.7H1.11638C0.820296 1.7 0.536341 1.81911 0.326979 2.03112C0.117618 2.24313 0 2.53067 0 2.8305V15.8695C0 16.49 0.503629 17 1.11638 17H8.9562C9.56895 17 10.0726 16.49 10.0726 15.8695V10.0952C10.7897 10.1261 11.3615 10.7084 11.3615 11.422V12.2392C11.3615 13.5564 12.3368 14.7348 13.6686 14.8626C15.1964 15.0097 16.4877 13.8263 16.4877 12.3518V8.92513C16.978 8.74899 17.4139 8.44814 17.7478 8.05057C18.1769 7.53977 18.4112 6.90065 18.4113 6.24126V5.66914H18.7057C18.7837 5.66914 18.8586 5.639 18.9138 5.58536C18.969 5.53171 19 5.45895 19 5.38309V4.81097C19 4.7351 18.969 4.66234 18.9138 4.6087C18.8586 4.55505 18.7837 4.52491 18.7057 4.52491H17.8227V2.8903C17.8227 2.73856 17.7607 2.59304 17.6503 2.48575C17.5399 2.37846 17.3902 2.31818 17.234 2.31818C17.0779 2.31818 16.9282 2.37846 16.8178 2.48575C16.7074 2.59304 16.6454 2.73856 16.6454 2.8903V4.52491H14.2907V2.8903C14.2907 2.73856 14.2287 2.59304 14.1183 2.48575C14.0079 2.37846 13.8582 2.31818 13.7021 2.31818C13.546 2.31818 13.3962 2.37846 13.2858 2.48575C13.1754 2.59304 13.1134 2.73856 13.1134 2.8903V4.52491H12.2304C12.1524 4.52491 12.0775 4.55505 12.0223 4.6087C11.9671 4.66234 11.9361 4.7351 11.9361 4.81097V5.38309C11.9361 5.45895 11.9671 5.53171 12.0223 5.58536C12.0775 5.639 12.1524 5.66914 12.2304 5.66914H12.5248V6.24126C12.5249 6.90065 12.7593 7.53977 13.1883 8.05057C13.6151 8.55869 14.2084 8.90882 14.8689 9.04252V12.2993C14.8689 12.7625 14.5485 13.1931 14.0845 13.2685C13.4936 13.3645 12.9803 12.9159 12.9803 12.3518V11.422C12.9803 9.82811 11.6839 8.53221 10.0726 8.50071V2.8305C10.0726 2.53067 9.95496 2.24313 9.7456 2.03112C9.53624 1.81911 9.25228 1.7 8.9562 1.7Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-chargeurs_survolteurs viewBox0 0 28 15> path dM16.4302 2.78593C16.4302 2.78593 17.5396 1.7515 16.7471 0.608185C16.166 -0.262913 15.3736 0.00930705 14.9509 0.172639C14.7924 0.227083 14.7396 0.281527 14.7396 0.281527L9.56224 4.03814L11.2528 6.70588L16.4302 2.78593Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM6.97359 9.75473C6.97359 9.75473 6.44529 8.44808 4.86038 9.04696C3.43396 9.5914 3.59245 10.8436 3.69812 11.2247L0.528302 12.4225L0 11.2247L7.71321 5.45367L9.35095 8.06698L6.97359 9.75473Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM28 14.0014V14.1102C28 14.2191 27.9472 14.328 27.8943 14.4369C27.7358 14.7636 27.366 14.818 27.1019 14.6547C26.9434 14.5458 26.8906 14.328 26.8906 14.1102C26.9434 11.4425 25.7811 11.007 24.6717 11.007C23.2453 10.9525 21.3434 11.3336 20.6038 11.497C20.4453 12.0958 19.917 12.3681 19.6 12.4769C19.4415 12.5314 19.3358 12.5314 19.3358 12.5314L13.049 13.348L12.5736 10.1903L18.966 9.53698C18.966 9.53698 20.0226 9.48254 20.4453 10.2992C21.2377 10.1359 23.1396 9.75476 24.6717 9.8092C26.8906 9.86364 28 11.2792 28 14.0014Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM11.0415 8.66584C10.6189 8.93805 10.0378 8.82917 9.77361 8.39362L7.55474 4.85478C7.29059 4.41923 7.39625 3.82035 7.81889 3.54813L7.87172 3.49369C8.29437 3.22147 8.8755 3.33036 9.13965 3.76591L11.3585 7.30474C11.6227 7.7403 11.517 8.33918 11.0944 8.6114L11.0415 8.66584Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM7.34342 10.898C7.34342 10.898 7.87172 12.2046 6.28681 12.858C4.91323 13.4568 4.22643 12.4224 4.06794 12.0413L0.89813 13.3479L1.26794 14.6001L10.6717 13.5113L10.1962 10.4624L7.34342 10.898Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM11.2 8.93804C11.7283 8.82916 12.2038 9.21026 12.2566 9.70026L12.8906 13.8924C12.9962 14.4369 12.6264 14.9268 12.1509 14.9813H12.0453C11.517 15.0902 11.0415 14.7091 10.9887 14.2191L10.3547 10.0269C10.2491 9.48248 10.6189 8.99248 11.0943 8.93804H11.2Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-chargeurs_verificateurs viewBox0 0 25 25> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM23.9333 1.06884C23.97 1.10551 24 4.75782 24 9.18507V17.2345H17.65H11.3V9.11824V1.002H17.5833C21.0392 1.002 23.8967 1.03206 23.9333 1.06884ZM13.8 4.50902V3.95792V3.40681H17.85H21.9V3.95792V4.50902H17.85H13.8ZM13.8022 9.58477C14.2357 8.42685 15.301 7.48828 16.546 7.16754C18.0918 6.76934 19.639 7.22255 20.6982 8.38387C21.3686 9.11884 21.6418 9.84309 21.6367 10.8717C21.6295 12.323 20.9041 13.5238 19.6206 14.2093C17.5547 15.3127 14.8666 14.4837 13.9219 12.4519C13.5423 11.6355 13.4913 10.415 13.8022 9.58477Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM19.9861 9.18317C21.0778 10.5101 20.6222 12.5102 19.0531 13.2795C18.7404 13.4328 18.2602 13.5678 17.9175 13.599C17.3134 13.6539 16.3 13.4789 16.3 13.3196C16.3 13.2067 19.4813 8.87715 19.5931 8.83808C19.6397 8.82174 19.8165 8.97695 19.9861 9.18317Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM18.4258 8.2C18.5734 8.25852 18.3591 8.6003 17.0954 10.3222C16.2669 11.4511 15.5283 12.4366 15.4539 12.512C15.3398 12.628 15.2786 12.5886 15.0611 12.2592C14.5825 11.5347 14.5379 10.5483 14.9449 9.69269C15.2034 9.1491 15.9862 8.48407 16.602 8.28487C17.1256 8.11543 18.0983 8.07014 18.4258 8.2Z fillcurrentColor /> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM10.2 9.16834V18.3367H12.35H14.5V19.6894V21.0421L11.275 21.0399C8.3561 21.0379 8.012 21.0201 7.65 20.8531C7.1303 20.6132 6.7672 20.2642 6.5085 19.7561C6.3083 19.3629 6.3 19.1992 6.3 15.6353V11.9238H6.75H7.2V9.26854V6.61323H6.75H6.3V6.01202V5.41082H5.75H5.2V6.01202V6.61323H4.6983H4.1967L4.2233 9.24349L4.25 11.8737L4.7217 11.9041L5.1933 11.9346L5.2217 15.8119L5.25 19.6894L5.4948 20.1878C5.8227 20.8555 6.4862 21.5006 7.1804 21.8267L7.75 22.0942L11.025 22.1243C13.6292 22.1483 14.3 22.1811 14.3 22.2847C14.3 22.4352 13.8197 23.1161 13.536 23.3679C13.4297 23.4622 13.1193 23.6426 12.8463 23.7687C12.3544 23.996 12.313 23.998 8.2 23.998H4.05L3.477 23.716C3.1619 23.561 2.7694 23.2704 2.6048 23.0703C2.0234 22.3636 2 22.1717 2 18.1184V14.4289H2.45H2.9V11.7735V9.11824H2.45H2V8.56713V8.01603H1.45H0.9V8.56713V9.11824H0.449999H0V11.7735V14.4289H0.4447H0.889301L0.919699 18.3617L0.949999 22.2946L1.216 22.8632C1.5885 23.6594 2.203 24.2883 2.9856 24.6743L3.6458 25H8.2479H12.85L13.4217 24.7187C14.3606 24.2568 15.1585 23.3384 15.397 22.4449L15.4639 22.1944L17.2596 22.1443C19.0429 22.0945 19.0598 22.0919 19.7223 21.7648C20.8845 21.1911 21.6 20.0934 21.6 18.884V18.3367H23.3H25V9.16834V0H17.6H10.2V9.16834ZM23.9333 1.06884C23.97 1.10551 24 4.75782 24 9.18507V17.2345H17.65H11.3V9.11824V1.002H17.5833C21.0392 1.002 23.8967 1.03206 23.9333 1.06884ZM20.4821 18.9844C20.4298 19.8086 20.0602 20.3656 19.2998 20.7665C18.7923 21.0342 18.7305 21.0421 17.1636 21.042H15.55L15.5186 20.0758C15.5014 19.5444 15.5166 18.9357 15.5524 18.7231L15.6176 18.3367H18.0704H20.5233L20.4821 18.9844Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-chargeurs_pieces viewBox0 0 18 15> path dM17.6706 6.11484L16.0798 4.59978C15.8688 4.39888 15.5827 4.28605 15.2842 4.28605H13.5V1.60714C13.5 0.719531 12.7445 0 11.8125 0H6.1875C5.25551 0 4.5 0.719531 4.5 1.60714V4.28571H2.71582C2.41734 4.28571 2.13152 4.39855 1.92023 4.59944L0.329414 6.11484C0.118477 6.31574 0 6.58828 0 6.87254V9.64286H4.5V9.10714C4.5 8.81116 4.75172 8.57143 5.0625 8.57143H6.1875C6.49828 8.57143 6.75 8.81116 6.75 9.10714V9.64286H11.25V9.10714C11.25 8.81116 11.5017 8.57143 11.8125 8.57143H12.9375C13.2483 8.57143 13.5 8.81116 13.5 9.10714V9.64286H18V6.87221C18 6.58828 17.8815 6.31574 17.6706 6.11484ZM11.25 4.28571H6.75V2.14286H11.25V4.28571ZM13.5 11.25C13.5 11.546 13.2483 11.7857 12.9375 11.7857H11.8125C11.5017 11.7857 11.25 11.546 11.25 11.25V10.7143H6.75V11.25C6.75 11.546 6.49828 11.7857 6.1875 11.7857H5.0625C4.75172 11.7857 4.5 11.546 4.5 11.25V10.7143H0V13.9286C0 14.5202 0.503789 15 1.125 15H16.875C17.4962 15 18 14.5202 18 13.9286V10.7143H13.5V11.25Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> !-- icon shop lumieres --> g idicon-lumieres_ampoules viewBox0 0 12 18> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM9.28371 10.2351C8.89814 10.5404 8.62151 10.979 8.60001 11.4664H2.86524C2.84517 10.979 2.56997 10.5404 2.18297 10.2351C1.24746 9.49732 0.565038 8.4864 0.230561 7.34288C-0.103915 6.19935 -0.0738305 4.98003 0.316633 3.85439C0.707096 2.72875 1.43854 1.75271 2.4093 1.06194C3.38006 0.371178 4.5419 0 5.73334 0C6.92478 0 8.08662 0.371178 9.05738 1.06194C10.0281 1.75271 10.7596 2.72875 11.15 3.85439C11.5405 4.98003 11.5706 6.19935 11.2361 7.34288C10.9016 8.4864 10.2192 9.49732 9.28371 10.2351ZM2.86662 12.8994V14.3327C2.86662 15.093 3.16864 15.8222 3.70625 16.3598C4.24385 16.8974 4.973 17.1994 5.73329 17.1994C6.49358 17.1994 7.22273 16.8974 7.76033 16.3598C8.29794 15.8222 8.59996 15.093 8.59996 14.3327V12.8994H2.86662Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-lumieres_luminaires viewBox0 0 16 17> path dM6.86869 0.85C7.78981 0.85 8.38321 1.17875 8.76989 1.60216C8.35404 1.15461 7.7291 0.85 6.86869 0.85ZM6.86869 0.85C5.86526 0.85 5.25074 1.24012 4.86871 1.71775C4.83504 1.75984 4.80294 1.80294 4.77238 1.84689C5.16994 1.27908 5.84872 0.85 6.86869 0.85ZM12.7825 9.35H6.10638L9.07695 7.24728L9.43586 6.99323V6.5535V3.4C9.43586 3.18122 9.40601 2.73578 9.2034 2.27023C9.3747 2.65162 9.45303 3.05582 9.45303 3.4V6.5535V6.99323L9.81194 7.24728L12.7825 9.35ZM4.28434 3.4C4.28434 2.98819 4.39648 2.49048 4.64581 2.0487C4.32577 2.6206 4.30152 3.20654 4.30152 3.4C4.30152 3.61856 4.2535 3.8745 4.15064 4.11846C4.25747 3.85606 4.28434 3.59665 4.28434 3.4ZM3.93754 4.48933C3.96207 4.4577 3.98493 4.42567 4.00624 4.39335C3.97617 4.44007 3.94366 4.48549 3.90866 4.52916C3.66165 4.83741 3.26142 5.1 2.57576 5.1C3.13265 5.1 3.61862 4.90057 3.93754 4.48933ZM0.867172 5.95V7.65H0.85V1.7H0.867172V4.25V5.1V5.95ZM10.303 16.15H8.58586C8.10278 16.15 7.71869 15.7575 7.71869 15.3V11.9H11.1702V15.3C11.1702 15.7575 10.7861 16.15 10.303 16.15Z fillcurrentColor strokeblack stroke-width1.7 /> /g> g idicon-lumieres_lampes viewBox0 0 16 16> path dM15.7031 13.8281L13.8281 15.7031C13.6302 15.901 13.3906 16 13.1094 16C12.8281 16 12.5885 15.901 12.3906 15.7031L5.70312 9H3C2.72917 9 2.49479 8.90365 2.29688 8.71094C2.09896 8.51823 2 8.28125 2 8L8 2.01562C8.28125 2.01562 8.51823 2.11198 8.71094 2.30469C8.90365 2.4974 9 2.72917 9 3V5.70312L15.7031 12.3906C15.901 12.5885 16 12.8281 16 13.1094C16 13.3906 15.901 13.6302 15.7031 13.8281ZM11.7188 10.3594L9.64062 8.28125C9.45312 8.09375 9.22656 8 8.96094 8C8.69531 8 8.46875 8.09375 8.28125 8.28125C8.09375 8.46875 8 8.69531 8 8.96094C8 9.22656 8.09375 9.45312 8.28125 9.64062L10.3594 11.7188C10.5469 11.9062 10.7734 12 11.0391 12C11.3047 12 11.5312 11.9062 11.7188 11.7188C11.9062 11.5312 12 11.3047 12 11.0391C12 10.7734 11.9062 10.5469 11.7188 10.3594ZM1.375 6.76562C1.21875 6.92188 1.02865 7 0.804688 7C0.580729 7 0.390625 6.92188 0.234375 6.76562C0.078125 6.60938 0 6.42188 0 6.20312C0 5.98438 0.078125 5.79688 0.234375 5.64062L5.64062 0.234375C5.79688 0.078125 5.98438 0 6.20312 0C6.42188 0 6.60938 0.078125 6.76562 0.234375C6.92188 0.390625 7 0.580729 7 0.804688C7 1.02865 6.92188 1.21875 6.76562 1.375L1.375 6.76562Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-lumieres_accessoires viewBox0 0 15 15> path dM13.125 15H1.875C1.35742 15 0.915527 14.8169 0.549316 14.4507C0.183105 14.0845 0 13.6426 0 13.125V1.875C0 1.35742 0.183105 0.915527 0.549316 0.549316C0.915527 0.183105 1.35742 0 1.875 0H13.125C13.6426 0 14.0845 0.183105 14.4507 0.549316C14.8169 0.915527 15 1.35742 15 1.875V13.125C15 13.6426 14.8169 14.0845 14.4507 14.4507C14.0845 14.8169 13.6426 15 13.125 15ZM1.86768 0.9375C1.60889 0.9375 1.38916 1.02783 1.2085 1.2085C1.02783 1.38916 0.9375 1.60889 0.9375 1.86768C0.9375 2.12646 1.02783 2.34863 1.2085 2.53418C1.38916 2.71973 1.60889 2.8125 1.86768 2.8125C2.12646 2.8125 2.34863 2.71973 2.53418 2.53418C2.71973 2.34863 2.8125 2.12646 2.8125 1.86768C2.8125 1.60889 2.71973 1.38916 2.53418 1.2085C2.34863 1.02783 2.12646 0.9375 1.86768 0.9375ZM1.875 12.1875C1.61133 12.1875 1.38916 12.2778 1.2085 12.4585C1.02783 12.6392 0.9375 12.8589 0.9375 13.1177C0.9375 13.3765 1.02783 13.5986 1.2085 13.7842C1.38916 13.9697 1.60889 14.0625 1.86768 14.0625C2.12646 14.0625 2.34863 13.9697 2.53418 13.7842C2.71973 13.5986 2.8125 13.3765 2.8125 13.1177C2.8125 12.8589 2.72217 12.6392 2.5415 12.4585C2.36084 12.2778 2.13867 12.1875 1.875 12.1875ZM11.25 4.6875H3.75C3.48633 4.6875 3.26416 4.77783 3.0835 4.9585C2.90283 5.13916 2.8125 5.36133 2.8125 5.625V9.375C2.8125 9.62891 2.90283 9.84863 3.0835 10.0342C3.26416 10.2197 3.48633 10.3125 3.75 10.3125H11.25C11.5039 10.3125 11.7236 10.2197 11.9092 10.0342C12.0947 9.84863 12.1875 9.62891 12.1875 9.375V5.625C12.1875 5.36133 12.0972 5.13916 11.9165 4.9585C11.7358 4.77783 11.5137 4.6875 11.25 4.6875ZM13.125 0.9375C12.8613 0.9375 12.6392 1.02783 12.4585 1.2085C12.2778 1.38916 12.1875 1.60889 12.1875 1.86768C12.1875 2.12646 12.2778 2.34863 12.4585 2.53418C12.6392 2.71973 12.8589 2.8125 13.1177 2.8125C13.3765 2.8125 13.5986 2.71973 13.7842 2.53418C13.9697 2.34863 14.0625 2.12646 14.0625 1.86768C14.0625 1.60889 13.9722 1.38916 13.7915 1.2085C13.6108 1.02783 13.3887 0.9375 13.125 0.9375ZM13.125 12.1875C12.8613 12.1875 12.6392 12.2778 12.4585 12.4585C12.2778 12.6392 12.1875 12.8589 12.1875 13.1177C12.1875 13.3765 12.2778 13.5986 12.4585 13.7842C12.6392 13.9697 12.8589 14.0625 13.1177 14.0625C13.3765 14.0625 13.5986 13.9697 13.7842 13.7842C13.9697 13.5986 14.0625 13.3765 14.0625 13.1177C14.0625 12.8589 13.9722 12.6392 13.7915 12.4585C13.6108 12.2778 13.3887 12.1875 13.125 12.1875ZM6.5625 9.375H4.6875C4.42383 9.375 4.20166 9.28223 4.021 9.09668C3.84033 8.91113 3.75 8.69141 3.75 8.4375V6.5625C3.75 6.29883 3.84033 6.07666 4.021 5.896C4.20166 5.71533 4.42383 5.625 4.6875 5.625H6.5625C6.81641 5.625 7.03613 5.71533 7.22168 5.896C7.40723 6.07666 7.5 6.29883 7.5 6.5625V8.4375C7.5 8.69141 7.40967 8.91113 7.229 9.09668C7.04834 9.28223 6.82617 9.375 6.5625 9.375Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-lumieres_pieces viewBox0 0 9 18> path dM3.15 0C3.74674 0 4.31903 0.237053 4.74099 0.65901C5.16295 1.08097 5.4 1.65326 5.4 2.25V10.8H6.3V2.223C6.3 1.404 5.967 0.63 5.4 0.045C5.553 -4.35859e-08 5.697 0 5.85 0C6.44674 0 7.01903 0.237053 7.44099 0.65901C7.86295 1.08097 8.1 1.65326 8.1 2.25V10.8H9V13.5C9 13.995 8.595 14.4 8.1 14.4H0.9C0.405 14.4 0 13.995 0 13.5V10.8H0.9V2.25C0.9 1.65326 1.13705 1.08097 1.55901 0.65901C1.98097 0.237053 2.55326 0 3.15 0ZM3.15 1.8C2.898 1.8 2.7 1.998 2.7 2.25V10.8H3.6V2.25C3.6 1.998 3.402 1.8 3.15 1.8ZM1.8 16.2H7.2V17.1C7.2 17.595 6.795 18 6.3 18H2.7C2.205 18 1.8 17.595 1.8 17.1V16.2Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> !-- icon shop mobilites --> g idicon-mobilites_vehicules viewBox0 0 18 19> path dM5.23948 12.9545H11.7007V12.0909C11.7007 10.1823 13.3115 8.63636 15.3003 8.63636H15.9662L14.2564 1.34727C14.1653 0.965622 13.9422 0.62479 13.6236 0.380188C13.3051 0.135586 12.9096 0.00159558 12.5016 0H9.00104V1.72727H12.5016L13.7615 7.125H13.7525C12.7883 7.40391 11.9244 7.93574 11.2582 8.66054C10.592 9.38535 10.15 10.2743 9.98193 11.2273H5.23948C5.02323 10.6388 4.59266 10.1451 4.02711 9.83723C3.46155 9.52935 2.79911 9.42799 2.16183 9.55182C1.09996 9.75046 0.245055 10.5882 0.0470783 11.6073C-0.0267772 11.982 -0.0136023 12.3677 0.0856638 12.7369C0.18493 13.1061 0.367843 13.4498 0.621366 13.7434C0.874889 14.037 1.19278 14.2734 1.55238 14.4356C1.91198 14.5978 2.30443 14.6819 2.70177 14.6818C3.87164 14.6818 4.86152 13.9564 5.23948 12.9545ZM2.70177 12.9545C2.20683 12.9545 1.80188 12.5659 1.80188 12.0909C1.80188 11.6159 2.20683 11.2273 2.70177 11.2273C3.19671 11.2273 3.60167 11.6159 3.60167 12.0909C3.60167 12.5659 3.19671 12.9545 2.70177 12.9545Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM15.3003 9.5C13.8065 9.5 12.6006 10.6573 12.6006 12.0909C12.6006 13.5245 13.8065 14.6818 15.3003 14.6818C16.7941 14.6818 18 13.5245 18 12.0909C18 10.6573 16.7941 9.5 15.3003 9.5ZM15.3003 12.9545C14.8054 12.9545 14.4004 12.5659 14.4004 12.0909C14.4004 11.6159 14.8054 11.2273 15.3003 11.2273C15.7953 11.2273 16.2002 11.6159 16.2002 12.0909C16.2002 12.5659 15.7953 12.9545 15.3003 12.9545ZM8.10115 16.4091H4.50156L9.90094 19V17.2727H13.5005L8.10115 14.6818V16.4091Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM15.3003 12.9545C14.8054 12.9545 14.4004 12.5659 14.4004 12.0909C14.4004 11.6159 14.8054 11.2273 15.3003 11.2273C15.7953 11.2273 16.2002 11.6159 16.2002 12.0909C16.2002 12.5659 15.7953 12.9545 15.3003 12.9545Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM2.70177 12.9545C2.20683 12.9545 1.80188 12.5659 1.80188 12.0909C1.80188 11.6159 2.20683 11.2273 2.70177 11.2273C3.19671 11.2273 3.60167 11.6159 3.60167 12.0909C3.60167 12.5659 3.19671 12.9545 2.70177 12.9545Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-mobilites_chauffage viewBox0 0 14 18> path dM12.25 13.5C12.25 14.49 11.4625 15.3 10.5 15.3H3.5C2.5375 15.3 1.75 14.49 1.75 13.5V7.2C1.75 6.21 2.5375 5.4 3.5 5.4H10.5C11.4625 5.4 12.25 6.21 12.25 7.2V13.5Z fillcurrentColor /> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM10.5 3.6V1.8C10.5 1.32261 10.3156 0.864773 9.98744 0.527208C9.65925 0.189642 9.21413 0 8.75 0H5.25C4.2875 0 3.5 0.81 3.5 1.8V3.6C1.56625 3.6 0 5.211 0 7.2V13.5C0 15.174 1.12 16.569 2.625 16.974V18H11.375V16.974C12.88 16.578 14 15.174 14 13.5V7.2C14 5.211 12.4338 3.6 10.5 3.6ZM8.75 1.8H5.25V3.6H8.75V1.8ZM10.5 15.3C11.4625 15.3 12.25 14.49 12.25 13.5V7.2C12.25 6.21 11.4625 5.4 10.5 5.4H3.5C2.5375 5.4 1.75 6.21 1.75 7.2V13.5C1.75 14.49 2.5375 15.3 3.5 15.3H10.5Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-mobilites_appareils viewBox0 0 12 16> path dM10.2857 0H1.71429C1.25979 0.000476422 0.824047 0.1692 0.502666 0.469155C0.181286 0.76911 0.000510452 1.1758 0 1.6V14.9333C0.000340301 15.2161 0.120858 15.4873 0.335111 15.6872C0.549365 15.8872 0.839857 15.9997 1.14286 16H10.8571C11.1601 15.9997 11.4506 15.8872 11.6649 15.6872C11.8791 15.4873 11.9997 15.2161 12 14.9333V1.6C11.9995 1.1758 11.8187 0.76911 11.4973 0.469155C11.176 0.1692 10.7402 0.000476422 10.2857 0ZM10.8571 14.9333H1.14286V7.46667H10.8571V14.9333ZM10.8571 6.4H1.14286V1.6C1.14304 1.4586 1.2033 1.32304 1.31042 1.22306C1.41755 1.12308 1.56279 1.06683 1.71429 1.06667H10.2857C10.4372 1.06683 10.5825 1.12308 10.6896 1.22306C10.7967 1.32304 10.857 1.4586 10.8571 1.6V6.4Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM10.8571 6.4H1.14286V1.6C1.14304 1.4586 1.2033 1.32304 1.31042 1.22306C1.41755 1.12308 1.56279 1.06683 1.71429 1.06667H10.2857C10.4372 1.06683 10.5825 1.12308 10.6896 1.22306C10.7967 1.32304 10.857 1.4586 10.8571 1.6V6.4ZM3.14286 2.93333H2V5.06667H3.14286V2.93333Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM10.8571 14.9333H1.14286V7.46667H10.8571V14.9333ZM3.14286 8.8H2V12H3.14286V8.8Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-mobilites_audio viewBox0 0 13 14> path dM9.13513 2.64045C10.0046 2.99077 10.7491 3.59196 11.2731 4.36684C11.7971 5.14173 12.0767 6.05494 12.0759 6.98924C12.0767 7.9235 11.7971 8.83665 11.2731 9.61148C10.7491 10.3863 10.0046 10.9874 9.13513 11.3377V12.3159C10.2605 11.9468 11.24 11.233 11.934 10.2765C12.6281 9.31992 13.0011 8.16948 13 6.98924C13 4.50457 11.3806 2.39545 9.13513 1.65939V2.64045ZM9.13513 4.95012C9.43102 5.20183 9.66847 5.51458 9.83106 5.86672C9.99364 6.21886 10.0775 6.60199 10.0768 6.98959C10.0775 7.37715 9.9937 7.76024 9.83111 8.11234C9.66852 8.46443 9.43105 8.77711 9.13513 9.02872V10.0241C10.1857 9.41827 10.8919 8.28601 10.8919 6.98959C10.8921 6.3747 10.7299 5.77057 10.4216 5.23791C10.1132 4.70525 9.66952 4.26282 9.13513 3.95506V4.95012ZM1.05405 9.79242H3.86486L7.02703 13.6477C7.37838 14.1517 8.20054 14.1136 8.43243 13.542V0.465177C8.14748 -0.106029 7.39981 -0.15188 7.02703 0.331475L3.86486 4.20007H1.05405C0.154243 4.20007 0 4.36142 0 5.23748V8.74171C0 9.59642 0.175676 9.79242 1.05405 9.79242Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-mobilites_alarmes viewBox0 0 20 20> path dM9.707 19.709C14.586 19.709 18.707 15.588 18.707 10.709C18.707 5.83 14.586 1.709 9.707 1.709C4.828 1.709 0.707 5.83 0.707 10.709C0.707 15.588 4.828 19.709 9.707 19.709ZM9.707 3.709C13.501 3.709 16.707 6.915 16.707 10.709C16.707 14.503 13.501 17.709 9.707 17.709C5.913 17.709 2.707 14.503 2.707 10.709C2.707 6.915 5.913 3.709 9.707 3.709ZM14.991 1.416L16.403 0L19.413 3L18 4.417L14.991 1.416ZM2.989 0.00300002L4.407 1.415L1.417 4.415L0 3.002L2.989 0.00300002Z fillcurrentColor /> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM9.707 3.709C13.501 3.709 16.707 6.915 16.707 10.709C16.707 14.503 13.501 17.709 9.707 17.709C5.913 17.709 2.707 14.503 2.707 10.709C2.707 6.915 5.913 3.709 9.707 3.709ZM10.707 6.709H8.707V11.709H10.707V6.709ZM10.707 12.709H8.707V14.709H10.707V12.709Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-mobilites_pompes viewBox0 0 14 14> path dM11.9 8.75C11.9 8.75 13.3 10.269 13.3 11.2C13.3 11.5713 13.1525 11.9274 12.8899 12.1899C12.6274 12.4525 12.2713 12.6 11.9 12.6C11.5287 12.6 11.1726 12.4525 10.9101 12.1899C10.6475 11.9274 10.5 11.5713 10.5 11.2C10.5 10.269 11.9 8.75 11.9 8.75ZM2.1 11.2V4.9C1.7287 4.9 1.3726 4.7525 1.11005 4.48995C0.847499 4.2274 0.7 3.8713 0.7 3.5C0.7 3.1287 0.847499 2.7726 1.11005 2.51005C1.3726 2.2475 1.7287 2.1 2.1 2.1V1.4C2.1 1.0287 2.2475 0.672601 2.51005 0.41005C2.7726 0.1475 3.1287 0 3.5 0H4.9C5.2713 0 5.6274 0.1475 5.88995 0.41005C6.1525 0.672601 6.3 1.0287 6.3 1.4V2.1H11.9C12.2713 2.1 12.6274 2.2475 12.8899 2.51005C13.1525 2.7726 13.3 3.1287 13.3 3.5V6.3C13.4857 6.3 13.6637 6.37375 13.795 6.50503C13.9263 6.6363 14 6.81435 14 7C14 7.18565 13.9263 7.3637 13.795 7.49497C13.6637 7.62625 13.4857 7.7 13.3 7.7H10.5C10.3143 7.7 10.1363 7.62625 10.005 7.49497C9.87375 7.3637 9.8 7.18565 9.8 7C9.8 6.81435 9.87375 6.6363 10.005 6.50503C10.1363 6.37375 10.3143 6.3 10.5 6.3V4.9H6.3V11.2H7C7.3713 11.2 7.7274 11.3475 7.98995 11.6101C8.2525 11.8726 8.4 12.2287 8.4 12.6V14H0V12.6C0 12.2287 0.1475 11.8726 0.41005 11.6101C0.672601 11.3475 1.0287 11.2 1.4 11.2H2.1Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-mobilites_propane viewBox0 0 10 16> path dM1.66667 0C0.741667 0 0 0.712 0 1.6V11.2C0 12.088 0.741667 12.8 1.66667 12.8H2.5V14.4H0V16H2.5C3.425 16 4.16667 15.288 4.16667 14.4V12.8H5.83333V14.4C5.83333 15.288 6.575 16 7.5 16H10V14.4H7.5V12.8H8.33333C9.25833 12.8 10 12.088 10 11.2V1.6C10 0.712 9.25833 0 8.33333 0H1.66667ZM5 2.376C5.44203 2.376 5.86595 2.54457 6.17851 2.84463C6.49107 3.14469 6.66667 3.55165 6.66667 3.976C6.66667 4.40035 6.49107 4.80731 6.17851 5.10737C5.86595 5.40743 5.44203 5.576 5 5.576C4.55797 5.576 4.13405 5.40743 3.82149 5.10737C3.50893 4.80731 3.33333 4.40035 3.33333 3.976C3.33333 3.55165 3.50893 3.14469 3.82149 2.84463C4.13405 2.54457 4.55797 2.376 5 2.376ZM3.33333 10H6.66667V11.2H3.33333V10Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-mobilites_seasonal viewBox0 0 18.02 17.62 fillcurrentColor > path dM18,9.08a1,1,0,0,1-.95.36h-.84l.36.41a.59.59,0,0,1,0,.88.58.58,0,0,1-.85,0c-.35-.34-.68-.7-1-1a.75.75,0,0,0-.47-.23c-1.05,0-2.1,0-3.15,0l-.15,0-.12.14a4,4,0,0,1,.52.37c.6.59,1.19,1.2,1.81,1.78a1.12,1.12,0,0,0,.59.25c.44,0,.89,0,1.33,0s.,0c.,0,0,1,.,0,0,1-.92,0,9.83,9.83,0,0,1-.67-.76l-.13.1c0,.15,0,.3,0,.45a.58.58,0,0,1-.,0,0,1-.6-.59c0-.5,0-1,0-1.5a.69.69,0,0,0-.11-.39c-.83-.85-1.67-1.69-2.58-2.6a3.41,3.41,0,0,0-.05.42c0,1.05,0,2.09,0,3.13a.93.93,0,0,0,.23.56c.,1s.37.71.09,1-.61.21-.95-.09L9.82,16c-.26.53.28,1.31-.63,1.64V.08a.58.58,0,0,1,.54.68V1.84c.2-.18.32-.29.45-.39A.58.58,0,0,1,11,1.5a.56.56,0,0,1,0,.84c-.33.35-.7.65-1,1A1.07,1.07,0,0,0,9.74,4c0,1.06,0,2.11,0,3.23A1.14,1.14,0,0,0,10,7.06c.75-.74,1.51-1.48,2.25-2.24a.91.91,0,0,0,.2-.54c0-.43,0-.86,0-1.28s.22-.73.6-.,.08,0,.16,0,.35.23-.22.4-.38.56-.55.46-.45.81-.51,1.11-.2s.22.64-.21,1.07c-.18.18-.38.34-.56.51l0,.11.5,0a.57.57,0,0,1,.,0,0,1-.58.61c-.5,0-1,0-1.51,0a.77.77,0,0,0-.46.15c-.8.77-1.57,1.55-2.35,2.33a.65.65,0,0,0-.09.19h.74c.91,0,1.81,0,2.72,0A1.07,1.07,0,0,0,14.7,8c.33-.28.62-.59.93-.89s.74-.4,1-.1.21.62-.14,1c-.05,0-.13.06-.,1.26-.13,1.69.46Z /> path dM0,8.56A1,1,0,0,1,1.1,8C1.53,8,2,8,2.39,8a.82.82,0,0,1,.,0,0,1-.87.82c-.43,0-.86,0-1.29,0A1,1,0,0,1,0,9.08Z /> path dM8.75,4v9.69a4.67,4.67,0,0,1-4-2.13,4.61,4.61,0,0,1-.13-5.22A4.67,4.67,0,0,1,8.75,4Z /> path dM5.19,13.23c-.1.27-.12.48-.24.6A17,17,0,0,1,3.67,,0,0,1,2.57,15a.79.79,0,0,1,0-1.09A8.53,8.53,0,0,1,3.78,12.7a1,1,0,0,1,.87-.08C4.88,12.71,5,13,5.19,13.23Z /> path dM2.26,3.11a3.23,3.23,0,0,1,.51-.62.68.68,0,0,1,.88.06A14,14,0,0,1,4.93,,0,0,1,3.83,5,15.86,15.86,0,0,1,2.46,3.66C2.36,3.56,2.35,3.37,2.26,3.11Z /> path dM8.73,3.22C8.26,3.17,8,3,8,2.53S8,1.38,8,.81s.29-.64.73-.76Z /> path dM8.74,14.4v3.13c-.45,0-.72-.26-.74-.67,0-.58,0-1.17,0-1.75C8,14.7,8.24,14.51,8.74,14.4Z /> /g> !-- icon shop equipement --> g idicon-equipement_alimentation viewBox0 0 19 19> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM4.91433 16.3671C4.98847 17.6476 5.78166 18.6348 6.96667 18.9215L14.5781 18.908C15.077 18.7635 15.6376 18.3048 15.9107 17.8178L16.1711 17.3533L16.1958 13.87L16.2203 10.3867H17.2302H18.24V8.40222V6.41778H17.9867H17.7333V5.23556V4.05333H15.6644H13.5956V5.23556V6.41778H13.3H13.0044V8.40222V10.3867H14.0178H15.0311V13.753C15.0311 17.039 15.0269 17.1248 14.8548 17.3436L14.8521 17.3471C14.7876 17.429 14.7344 17.4967 14.6708 17.5526C14.3691 17.8178 13.8343 17.8178 10.762 17.8178C10.7528 17.8178 10.7435 17.8178 10.7342 17.8178C8.49418 17.8178 7.18935 17.7861 7.03549 17.7279C6.71198 17.6057 6.33688 17.2414 6.19628 16.9127C6.13236 16.7632 6.08 16.4308 6.08 16.1738V15.7067H8.23333H10.3867V7.85333V0H0.76V7.85333V15.7067H2.81808H4.87608L4.91433 16.3671ZM1.85778 10.8089V5.99556V1.18222H5.57333H9.28889V5.99556V10.8089H5.57333H1.85778ZM14.1867 9.29286V8.44647V7.6H15.6675H17.1483L17.1241 8.42333L17.1 9.24667L15.6433 9.2698L14.1867 9.29286ZM1.85778 14.5244V13.2578V11.9911H5.57333H9.28889V13.2578V14.5244H5.57333H1.85778Z fillcurrentColor /> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM1.85778 13.2578V14.5244H5.57333H9.28889V13.2578V11.9911H5.57333H1.85778V13.2578ZM6.20667 13.8067L6.23166 13.2367L6.25657 12.6667H5.57722H4.89778V13.2613V13.856L5.55222 13.8313L6.20667 13.8067Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM6.23166 13.2367L6.20667 13.8067L5.55222 13.8313L4.89778 13.856V13.2613V12.6667H5.57722H6.25657L6.23166 13.2367Z fillcurrentColor /> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM1.85778 5.99556V10.8089H5.57333H9.28889V5.99556V1.18222H5.57333H1.85778V5.99556ZM6.95375 3.57175C6.99192 3.50732 6.85115 3.36047 6.56919 3.17064C6.32464 3.00588 6.105 2.87128 6.0811 2.87145C6.05728 2.87162 5.47504 3.67908 4.78716 4.66589L3.53653 6.46L4.47049 6.4839C4.98416 6.49699 5.40444 6.53296 5.40444 6.56378C5.40444 6.5946 5.11379 7.07214 4.75853 7.62491C4.24257 8.42781 4.13643 8.64593 4.23075 8.70909C4.59538 8.95305 5.07849 9.22074 5.10509 9.19355C5.12206 9.17632 5.68674 8.32622 6.35985 7.30444L7.5837 5.44667L6.663 5.42277C6.15659 5.40968 5.74222 5.38249 5.74222 5.36239C5.74222 5.34229 6.0013 4.95402 6.31788 4.49962C6.63446 4.04514 6.92056 3.62765 6.95375 3.57175Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM14.1867 8.44647V9.29286L15.6433 9.2698L17.1 9.24667L17.1241 8.42333L17.1483 7.6H15.6675H14.1867V8.44647Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-equipement_couteaux viewBox0 0 19 19> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM9.50197 1.75C8.51256 1.75 7.70763 2.55432 7.70763 3.55V10.7406C7.72743 10.8083 7.73773 10.8791 7.73774 10.9509L7.73817 15.7593C7.73817 15.7667 7.73806 15.774 7.73785 15.7814C7.89269 16.618 8.62524 17.25 9.50197 17.25C10.4914 17.25 11.2963 16.4457 11.2963 15.45V3.55C11.2963 2.55431 10.4914 1.75 9.50197 1.75ZM12.7963 9.74678V15.45C12.7963 17.271 11.323 18.75 9.50197 18.75C7.90468 18.75 6.57551 17.6124 6.27245 16.1039L0.991102 10.8108C0.759925 10.5858 0.575496 10.3172 0.448363 10.0206C0.320297 9.72176 0.252911 9.40046 0.250092 9.07538C0.247274 8.75031 0.309078 8.42789 0.431941 8.12692C0.554805 7.82595 0.736291 7.5524 0.965894 7.32229C1.1955 7.09217 1.46863 6.9101 1.76938 6.78677C2.07014 6.66345 2.39246 6.60137 2.7175 6.6042C3.04254 6.60703 3.36372 6.67472 3.66229 6.80326C3.95867 6.93085 4.22682 7.11586 4.45138 7.34753L6.20763 9.10745V3.55C6.20763 1.72903 7.68099 0.25 9.50197 0.25C11.0312 0.25 12.3153 1.29306 12.6875 2.70575L18.0535 8.08375C18.5036 8.54509 18.7536 9.16537 18.75 9.80986C18.7463 10.4544 18.4892 11.0717 18.034 11.5279C17.5786 11.9842 16.9618 12.2424 16.3173 12.2459C15.6727 12.2495 15.0531 11.9981 14.5927 11.5469L14.5868 11.5411L12.7963 9.74678ZM12.7963 4.93851V7.62325L15.6453 10.4782C15.8232 10.6513 16.0616 10.7473 16.309 10.7459C16.5576 10.7446 16.7959 10.645 16.9722 10.4683C17.1486 10.2916 17.2486 10.052 17.25 9.80136C17.2514 9.55191 17.1551 9.31225 16.9823 9.13379L12.7963 4.93851ZM6.20763 11.231L3.37617 8.39361C3.2888 8.30295 3.18447 8.23065 3.06914 8.181C2.95381 8.13135 2.82984 8.10524 2.70443 8.10415C2.57903 8.10305 2.45462 8.127 2.33846 8.17463C2.2223 8.22226 2.11665 8.29265 2.02773 8.38177C1.93881 8.47089 1.86839 8.57696 1.82068 8.69384C1.77297 8.81072 1.74894 8.93601 1.75004 9.06238C1.75113 9.18875 1.77733 9.3136 1.82706 9.42962C1.87679 9.54564 1.94902 9.65046 2.03947 9.73801L2.04884 9.74708L6.20763 13.9153V11.231Z fillcurrentColor /> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM7.70763 3.55C7.70763 2.55432 8.51256 1.75 9.50197 1.75C10.4914 1.75 11.2963 2.55431 11.2963 3.55V15.45C11.2963 16.4457 10.4914 17.25 9.50197 17.25C8.62524 17.25 7.89269 16.618 7.73785 15.7814C7.73806 15.774 7.73817 15.7667 7.73817 15.7593L7.73774 10.9509C7.73773 10.8791 7.72743 10.8083 7.70763 10.7406V3.55ZM9.50197 2.8C9.91619 2.8 10.252 3.13579 10.252 3.55V3.975C10.252 4.38921 9.91619 4.725 9.50197 4.725C9.08776 4.725 8.75197 4.38921 8.75197 3.975V3.55C8.75197 3.13579 9.08776 2.8 9.50197 2.8ZM9.50197 14.275C9.91619 14.275 10.252 14.6108 10.252 15.025V15.45C10.252 15.8642 9.91619 16.2 9.50197 16.2C9.08776 16.2 8.75197 15.8642 8.75197 15.45V15.025C8.75197 14.6108 9.08776 14.275 9.50197 14.275Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-equipement_cuisson viewBox0 0 14 18> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM9.33333 0H4.66667V1.63636H6.22222V3.27273H3.11111C2.28599 3.27273 1.49467 3.61753 0.911223 4.23129C0.327777 4.84504 0 5.67747 0 6.54545V14.7273C0 15.5953 0.327777 16.4277 0.911223 17.0414C1.49467 17.6552 2.28599 18 3.11111 18H10.8889C11.714 18 12.5053 17.6552 13.0888 17.0414C13.6722 16.4277 14 15.5953 14 14.7273V6.54545C14 5.67747 13.6722 4.84504 13.0888 4.23129C12.5053 3.61753 11.714 3.27273 10.8889 3.27273H7.77778V1.63636H9.33333V0ZM10.8889 4.90909H3.11111C2.69855 4.90909 2.30289 5.08149 2.01117 5.38837C1.71944 5.69525 1.55556 6.11146 1.55556 6.54545H12.4444C12.4444 6.11146 12.2806 5.69525 11.9888 5.38837C11.6971 5.08149 11.3014 4.90909 10.8889 4.90909ZM12.4444 8.18182H1.55556V14.7273C1.55556 15.1613 1.71944 15.5775 2.01117 15.8844C2.30289 16.1912 2.69855 16.3636 3.11111 16.3636H10.8889C11.3014 16.3636 11.6971 16.1912 11.9888 15.8844C12.2806 15.5775 12.4444 15.1613 12.4444 14.7273V8.18182Z fillcurrentColor /> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM12.4444 8.18182H1.55556V14.7273C1.55556 15.1613 1.71944 15.5775 2.01117 15.8844C2.30289 16.1912 2.69855 16.3636 3.11111 16.3636H10.8889C11.3014 16.3636 11.6971 16.1912 11.9888 15.8844C12.2806 15.5775 12.4444 15.1613 12.4444 14.7273V8.18182ZM8.64992 14.0084C9.0875 13.548 9.33333 12.9237 9.33333 12.2727C9.33333 11.6217 9.0875 10.9974 8.64992 10.5371C8.21233 10.0768 7.61884 9.81818 7 9.81818C6.38116 9.81818 5.78767 10.0768 5.35008 10.5371C4.9125 10.9974 4.66667 11.6217 4.66667 12.2727C4.66667 12.9237 4.9125 13.548 5.35008 14.0084C5.78767 14.4687 6.38116 14.7273 7 14.7273C7.61884 14.7273 8.21233 14.4687 8.64992 14.0084Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-equipement_chauffage viewBox0 0 12 17> path dM8.57143 17H3.42857V16.15H8.57143V17ZM12 1.7L8.57143 0H3.42857L0 1.7H2.22728H9.77014H12ZM2.57143 2.55L2.91429 3.4H9.08571L9.42857 2.55H2.57143ZM4.28571 6.8H5.14286V11.05C4.62857 11.05 4.28571 11.39 4.28571 11.9V15.3H7.71429V11.9C7.71429 11.39 7.37143 11.05 6.85714 11.05V6.8H7.71429L8.05714 5.95H3.94286L4.28571 6.8ZM3.6 5.1H8.4L8.74286 4.25H3.25714L3.6 5.1Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM3.42857 16.15H8.57143V16.15C8.57143 15.6806 8.18373 15.3 7.71429 15.3V15.3H4.28571V15.3C3.81627 15.3 3.42857 15.6806 3.42857 16.15V16.15Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM2.57143 2.55H9.42857L9.77014 1.7H2.22728L2.57143 2.55Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-equipement_nettoyage viewBox0 0 15 19> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM10.7469 1.00002H3.96812C1.01777 1.00002 0.792942 2.95715 1.10574 3.99202L3.54482 13.75L3.5495 13.75L11.1702 13.75C11.1702 13.75 13.1439 6.1778 13.6726 3.99202C13.9229 2.95715 13.7108 0.992795 10.7469 1.00002ZM7.40595 4.82503C7.11568 5.4451 6.5789 6.58708 5.8819 7.41328C5.01065 8.44688 6.0995 10.1006 7.40595 10.1006C8.71283 10.1006 9.80168 8.86041 9.36605 7.82681C9.01755 7.00018 7.91425 5.4451 7.40595 4.82503Z fillcurrentColor /> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM14.4988 4.19175C14.6562 3.54079 14.6908 2.53107 14.1333 1.65045V1.65045C13.5276 0.71481 12.489 0.149902 11.3745 0.149902H10.7459H3.96811C2.30007 0.149902 1.17982 0.715686 0.592049 1.65796C0.044508 2.53573 0.0875716 3.54298 0.285699 4.21641L2.69949 13.8732V17.9999C2.69949 18.4694 3.08005 18.8499 3.54949 18.8499H11.1995C11.6689 18.8499 12.0495 18.4694 12.0495 17.9999V13.7499L12.0495 13.7462L12.3095 12.7463C12.5029 12.002 12.7662 10.9868 13.0461 9.90315C13.605 7.73922 14.2325 5.29245 14.4988 4.19175ZM4.2085 12.8999L10.5131 12.8999L10.6641 12.3189C10.8574 11.5751 11.1205 10.5607 11.4001 9.47802C11.9602 7.30939 12.5839 4.87714 12.8464 3.79207C12.9393 3.40815 12.9238 2.91826 12.6969 2.55978C12.5065 2.25903 12.0357 1.84677 10.7489 1.8499L10.7469 1.84991H3.96811C2.6858 1.84991 2.21846 2.26269 2.03443 2.5577C1.81601 2.90785 1.81011 3.38447 1.91938 3.74598L1.92536 3.76575L4.2085 12.8999Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-equipement_accessoires viewBox0 0 15 15> path dM14.0625 15H10.3125C10.0488 15 9.82666 14.9073 9.646 14.7218C9.46533 14.5363 9.375 14.3167 9.375 14.0629V10.3146C9.375 10.051 9.28223 9.82893 9.09668 9.64835C8.91113 9.46776 8.69141 9.37747 8.4375 9.37747H6.5625C6.29883 9.37747 6.07666 9.46776 5.896 9.64835C5.71533 9.82893 5.625 10.051 5.625 10.3146V14.0629C5.625 14.3167 5.53223 14.5363 5.34668 14.7218C5.16113 14.9073 4.94141 15 4.6875 15H0.922852C0.698242 15 0.488281 14.9048 0.292969 14.7145C0.0976563 14.5241 0 14.3118 0 14.0776C0 13.9019 0.0439453 13.7408 0.131836 13.5944L6.35742 4.86773L3.88184 1.41222C3.74512 1.18771 3.71094 0.950998 3.7793 0.702084C3.84766 0.45317 3.99414 0.265264 4.21875 0.138367C4.44336 0.0114696 4.68018 -0.0202548 4.9292 0.0431939C5.17822 0.106643 5.36621 0.250622 5.49316 0.475133L7.5 3.27176L9.49219 0.460491C9.61914 0.245742 9.80957 0.104202 10.0635 0.0358729C10.3174 -0.0324564 10.5542 -0.00317244 10.7739 0.123725C10.9937 0.250622 11.1377 0.438528 11.2061 0.687442C11.2744 0.936356 11.2451 1.17307 11.1182 1.39758L8.64258 4.86773L14.8682 13.609C14.9561 13.7652 15 13.9165 15 14.0629C15 14.2972 14.9048 14.5119 14.7144 14.7072C14.5239 14.9024 14.3066 15 14.0625 15Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-equipement_cloture viewBox0 0 15 16> path dM2.05 12.55V15H12.55V12.55H10.1H7.3H4.5H2.05Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM2.05 1V12.55M4.5 2.75V12.55M4.5 12.55H7.3M4.5 12.55H2.05M7.3 2.75V12.55M7.3 12.55H10.1M10.1 2.75V12.55M10.1 12.55H12.55M13.6 15H1M13.6 12.55H12.55M1 12.55H2.05M12.55 1V12.55M13.6 2.75H1M2.05 12.55V15H12.55V12.55M2.05 12.55H12.55 strokecurrentColor filltransparent stroke-width1.4 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround /> /g> !-- icon shop installation --> g idicon-installation_cables viewBox0 0 16 15> path dM14.2222 14.1667L15.1111 14.1667C15.6 14.1667 16 13.7917 16 13.3333L16 11.6667C16 11.2083 15.6 10.8333 15.1111 10.8333L14.2222 10.8333L14.2222 10L10.6667 10C10.1778 10 9.77778 10.375 9.77778 10.8333L9.77778 11.6667L3.55556 11.6667C2.57778 11.6667 1.77778 10.9167 1.77778 10C1.77778 9.08333 2.57778 8.33333 3.55556 8.33333L12.4444 8.33333C14.4089 8.33333 16 6.84167 16 5C16 3.15833 14.4089 1.66667 12.4444 1.66667L6.22222 1.66667L6.22222 0.833333C6.22222 0.375 5.82222 -4.44885e-07 5.33333 -4.66255e-07L1.77778 -6.21673e-07L1.77778 0.833333L0.888889 0.833333C0.400001 0.833333 9.00856e-07 1.20833 8.80822e-07 1.66667L8.0797e-07 3.33333C7.87935e-07 3.79167 0.4 4.16667 0.888889 4.16667L1.77778 4.16667L1.77778 5L5.33333 5C5.82222 5 6.22222 4.625 6.22222 4.16667L6.22222 3.33333L12.4444 3.33333C13.4222 3.33333 14.2222 4.08333 14.2222 5C14.2222 5.91667 13.4222 6.66667 12.4444 6.66667L3.55556 6.66667C1.59111 6.66667 5.97062e-07 8.15833 5.1656e-07 10C4.36059e-07 11.8417 1.59111 13.3333 3.55556 13.3333L9.77778 13.3333L9.77778 14.1667C9.77778 14.625 10.1778 15 10.6667 15L14.2222 15L14.2222 14.1667Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-installation_outils viewBox0 0 17 17> path dM1.05683 0.000943572L0 1.05772L2.32503 4.31364C2.42291 4.45075 2.55216 4.56248 2.70198 4.6395C2.85181 4.71652 3.01788 4.75662 3.18635 4.75643H3.26033C3.39928 4.75632 3.53689 4.78361 3.66529 4.83674C3.79368 4.88988 3.91033 4.9678 4.00857 5.06607L6.8356 7.89294L4.06987 10.6976C3.59682 10.5584 3.09783 10.5313 2.61249 10.6185C2.12715 10.7057 1.6688 10.9047 1.2738 11.1999C0.878805 11.4951 0.55803 11.8783 0.336922 12.319C0.115814 12.7597 0.000456765 13.2459 0 13.739C0.000633533 14.1934 0.0989235 14.6423 0.288211 15.0553C0.477498 15.4684 0.753359 15.8359 1.09711 16.133C1.44085 16.4302 1.84445 16.6499 2.28056 16.7775C2.71667 16.905 3.17509 16.9373 3.62478 16.8722C4.07446 16.8071 4.5049 16.6461 4.88693 16.4001C5.26896 16.1542 5.59365 15.829 5.83901 15.4465C6.08437 15.0641 6.24466 14.6335 6.30903 14.1837C6.37339 13.7339 6.34032 13.2756 6.21207 12.8397L9.0169 10.0741L10.0399 11.0971L9.71758 12.063C9.65565 12.2491 9.64677 12.4489 9.69194 12.6398C9.73711 12.8308 9.83455 13.0054 9.97334 13.1441L13.5201 16.6906C13.7183 16.8887 13.987 17 14.2673 17C14.5475 17 14.8162 16.8887 15.0144 16.6906L16.6906 15.0145C16.8887 14.8164 17 14.5476 17 14.2674C17 13.9872 16.8887 13.7184 16.6906 13.5203L13.1438 9.97373C13.0051 9.83494 12.8305 9.73751 12.6396 9.69234C12.4486 9.64717 12.2489 9.65605 12.0627 9.71799L11.0968 10.0403L10.0822 9.0258L12.9145 6.23275C13.3844 6.35816 13.8767 6.374 14.3537 6.27905C14.8306 6.18409 15.2794 5.98088 15.6654 5.68507C16.0514 5.38927 16.3643 5.00878 16.5799 4.57294C16.7956 4.1371 16.9083 3.65755 16.9093 3.17127C16.9093 2.887 16.8723 2.61118 16.8015 2.35015L14.5399 4.61271L12.682 4.22804L12.2973 2.37129L14.56 0.108735C14.0217 -0.0359788 13.4549 -0.0362489 12.9165 0.107951C12.3781 0.252152 11.8872 0.535726 11.4934 0.930091C11.0995 1.32446 10.8166 1.81567 10.6731 2.35423C10.5296 2.89278 10.5307 3.45964 10.6761 3.99767L7.88609 6.82771L5.0654 4.00929C4.8672 3.81115 4.75581 3.5424 4.75575 3.26215V3.18712C4.75577 3.01884 4.71559 2.85299 4.63857 2.70337C4.56155 2.55374 4.44991 2.42468 4.31294 2.32691L1.05683 0.000943572ZM11.2511 11.2514C11.3001 11.2022 11.3584 11.1631 11.4226 11.1365C11.4868 11.1098 11.5557 11.0961 11.6252 11.0961C11.6947 11.0961 11.7635 11.1098 11.8277 11.1365C11.8919 11.1631 11.9502 11.2022 11.9993 11.2514L15.1698 14.4217C15.2189 14.4708 15.2579 14.5291 15.2845 14.5933C15.3111 14.6575 15.3248 14.7263 15.3248 14.7958C15.3248 14.8653 15.3111 14.9341 15.2845 14.9983C15.2579 15.0624 15.2189 15.1208 15.1698 15.1699C15.1207 15.219 15.0623 15.258 14.9981 15.2846C14.934 15.3112 14.8652 15.3248 14.7957 15.3248C14.7262 15.3248 14.6574 15.3112 14.5932 15.2846C14.529 15.258 14.4707 15.219 14.4216 15.1699L11.2511 11.9996C11.2018 11.9505 11.1628 11.8922 11.1362 11.828C11.1095 11.7638 11.0958 11.695 11.0958 11.6255C11.0958 11.556 11.1095 11.4871 11.1362 11.423C11.1628 11.3588 11.2018 11.3005 11.2511 11.2514ZM3.1705 11.6255L3.66827 11.8812L4.22733 11.9087L4.53065 12.3789L5.00094 12.6822L5.02841 13.2413L5.28417 13.739L5.02841 14.2368L5.00094 14.7958L4.53065 15.0991L4.22733 15.5694L3.66827 15.5968L3.1705 15.8526L2.67273 15.5968L2.11367 15.5694L1.81036 15.0991L1.34007 14.7958L1.31259 14.2368L1.05683 13.739L1.31259 13.2413L1.34007 12.6822L1.81036 12.3789L2.11367 11.9087L2.67273 11.8812L3.1705 11.6255Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM3.1705 11.6255L3.66827 11.8812L4.22733 11.9087L4.53065 12.3789L5.00094 12.6822L5.02841 13.2413L5.28417 13.739L5.02841 14.2368L5.00094 14.7958L4.53065 15.0991L4.22733 15.5694L3.66827 15.5968L3.1705 15.8526L2.67273 15.5968L2.11367 15.5694L1.81036 15.0991L1.34007 14.7958L1.31259 14.2368L1.05683 13.739L1.31259 13.2413L1.34007 12.6822L1.81036 12.3789L2.11367 11.9087L2.67273 11.8812L3.1705 11.6255Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM11.2511 11.2514C11.3001 11.2022 11.3584 11.1631 11.4226 11.1365C11.4868 11.1098 11.5557 11.0961 11.6252 11.0961C11.6947 11.0961 11.7635 11.1098 11.8277 11.1365C11.8919 11.1631 11.9502 11.2022 11.9993 11.2514L15.1698 14.4217C15.2189 14.4708 15.2579 14.5291 15.2845 14.5933C15.3111 14.6575 15.3248 14.7263 15.3248 14.7958C15.3248 14.8653 15.3111 14.9341 15.2845 14.9983C15.2579 15.0624 15.2189 15.1208 15.1698 15.1699C15.1207 15.219 15.0623 15.258 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fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-energies viewBox0 0 22 23> path dM8.67498 18.6H13.075C13.3667 18.6 13.6465 18.4841 13.8528 18.2778C14.0591 18.0715 14.175 17.7917 14.175 17.5V11.45 strokecurrentColor classcolorStroke filltransparent stroke-width1.83333 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround /> path dM14.175 1V4.85 strokecurrentColor classcolorStroke stroke-width1.83333 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround /> path dM9.15843 3.13354L11.4915 5.46665 strokecurrentColor classcolorStroke stroke-width1.83333 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround /> path dM9.15843 12.6165L11.4915 10.2834 strokecurrentColor classcolorStroke stroke-width1.83333 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround /> path dM19.1915 3.13354L16.859 5.46609 strokecurrentColor classcolorStroke stroke-width1.83333 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround /> path dM19.1915 12.6165L16.859 10.2839 strokecurrentColor classcolorStroke stroke-width1.83333 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround /> path dM14.175 11.4499C15.9975 11.4499 17.475 9.97239 17.475 8.14985C17.475 6.32731 15.9975 4.84985 14.175 4.84985C12.3525 4.84985 10.875 6.32731 10.875 8.14985C10.875 9.97239 12.3525 11.4499 14.175 11.4499Z fillcurrentColor strokecurrentColor classcolorStroke stroke-width1.83333 /> path dM7.57497 8.15015H10.875 strokecurrentColor classcolorStroke stroke-width1.83333 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround /> path dM17.475 8.15015H20.775 strokecurrentColor classcolorStroke stroke-width1.83333 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround /> path dM0.875 15.5C0.642935 15.5 0.420376 15.579 0.256281 15.7197C0.092187 15.8603 -3.03747e-07 16.0511 -2.95052e-07 16.25C-2.86357e-07 16.4489 0.092187 16.6397 0.256281 16.7803C0.420376 16.921 0.642935 17 0.875 17L3.5 17L3.5 15.5L0.875 15.5ZM3.375 14.375L3.375 22.625C3.375 22.7245 3.42109 22.8198 3.50314 22.8902C3.58519 22.9605 3.69647 23 3.8125 23L4.6875 23C4.80353 23 4.91481 22.9605 4.99686 22.8902C5.07891 22.8198 5.125 22.7245 5.125 22.625L5.125 22.25L6 22.25C7.00848 22.2499 7.98596 21.9512 8.76719 21.4046C9.54842 20.858 10.0855 20.0969 10.2875 19.25L13 19.25L13 17.75L10.2875 17.75C10.0855 16.9031 9.54841 16.142 8.76719 15.5954C7.98596 15.0488 7.00848 14.7501 6 14.75L5.125 14.75L5.125 14.375C5.125 14.2755 5.07891 14.1802 4.99686 14.1098C4.91481 14.0395 4.80353 14 4.6875 14L3.8125 14C3.69647 14 3.58519 14.0395 3.50314 14.1098C3.42109 14.1802 3.375 14.2755 3.375 14.375ZM0.875 20C0.642935 20 0.420376 20.079 0.256281 20.2197C0.0921872 20.3603 -1.07045e-07 20.5511 -9.83506e-08 20.75C-8.96559e-08 20.9489 0.0921872 21.1397 0.256282 21.2803C0.420376 21.421 0.642936 21.5 0.875 21.5L3.5 21.5L3.5 20L0.875 20Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-conversion viewBox0 0 23 23> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM19.2443 12.5127C19.769 12.7895 20.2356 13.2056 20.6046 13.7328C21.1512 14.514 21.4498 15.4915 21.45 16.5V17.375H21.825C21.9244 17.375 22.0198 17.4211 22.0901 17.5031C22.1604 17.5852 22.2 17.6965 22.2 17.8125V18.6875C22.2 18.8035 22.1604 18.9148 22.0901 18.9969C22.0198 19.0789 21.9244 19.125 21.825 19.125H20.7V21.625C20.7 21.8571 20.6209 22.0796 20.4803 22.2437C20.3396 22.4078 20.1489 22.5 19.95 22.5C19.751 22.5 19.5603 22.4078 19.4196 22.2437C19.279 22.0796 19.2 21.8571 19.2 21.625V19.125H16.2V21.625C16.2 21.8571 16.1209 22.0796 15.9803 22.2437C15.8396 22.4078 15.6489 22.5 15.45 22.5C15.251 22.5 15.0603 22.4078 14.9196 22.2437C14.779 22.0796 14.7 21.8571 14.7 21.625V19.125H13.575C13.4755 19.125 13.3801 19.0789 13.3098 18.9969C13.2395 18.9148 13.2 18.8035 13.2 18.6875V17.8125C13.2 17.6965 13.2395 17.5852 13.3098 17.5031C13.3801 17.4211 13.4755 17.375 13.575 17.375H13.95L13.95 16.5C13.9501 15.4915 14.2487 14.514 14.7953 13.7328C15.2113 13.1384 15.7514 12.6853 16.3589 12.4137V6.60021C16.3589 4.82927 14.9197 3.38848 13.1506 3.38848H11.8494C11.0526 3.38848 10.4066 2.74191 10.4066 1.94426C10.4066 1.14662 11.0526 0.5 11.8494 0.5H13.1506C16.5107 0.5 19.2443 3.23656 19.2443 6.60021V12.5127ZM8.84937 19.6115H10.1506C10.9474 19.6115 11.5933 20.2582 11.5933 21.0558C11.5933 21.8534 10.9474 22.5 10.1506 22.5H8.84937C5.86991 22.5 3.3833 20.3482 2.85816 17.5155C2.79228 17.3501 2.75566 17.1698 2.75566 16.9809V8.50911H0.468683C0.0954373 8.50911 -0.127535 8.09316 0.0787753 7.7818L3.80848 2.15364C3.99352 1.87438 4.40316 1.87438 4.58825 2.15364L8.31795 7.7818C8.52426 8.09316 8.30124 8.50911 7.92804 8.50911H5.64107V16.3997C5.64107 18.1707 7.08032 19.6115 8.84937 19.6115Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-chargeurs viewBox0 0 32 18> path dM32 16.6419C32 16.5811 32 16.5204 32 16.5204C32 13.4847 30.7321 11.9061 28.1962 11.8454C26.4453 11.7847 24.2717 12.2097 23.366 12.3919C22.883 11.4811 21.6755 11.5419 21.6755 11.5419L14.3698 12.2704L14.9132 15.7919L22.0981 14.8811C22.0981 14.8811 22.2188 14.8811 22.4 14.8204C22.7622 14.699 23.366 14.3954 23.5471 13.7276C24.3924 13.5454 26.566 13.1204 28.1962 13.1811C29.4641 13.1811 30.7924 13.6669 30.7321 16.6419C30.7321 16.8847 30.7924 17.1276 30.9736 17.249C31.2754 17.4311 31.6981 17.3704 31.8792 17.0061C31.9396 16.8847 32 16.7633 32 16.6419Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM5.55472 10.9954C7.36604 10.3276 7.96981 11.7847 7.96981 11.7847L10.6868 9.90257L8.81509 6.98828L0 13.424L0.603774 14.7597L4.22642 13.424C4.10566 12.999 3.92453 11.6026 5.55472 10.9954Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM18.7773 4.0133C18.7773 4.0133 20.0452 2.85973 19.1396 1.58473C18.4754 0.613301 17.5698 0.916872 17.0867 1.09902C16.9056 1.15973 16.8452 1.22044 16.8452 1.22044L10.9283 5.40973L12.8603 8.38473L18.7773 4.0133Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM11.1698 10.2668C11.4717 10.7525 12.1359 10.8739 12.6189 10.5703L12.6793 10.5096C13.1623 10.206 13.283 9.53818 12.9812 9.05247L10.4453 5.10604C10.1434 4.62032 9.47927 4.4989 8.99625 4.80247L8.93587 4.86318C8.45285 5.16675 8.3321 5.83461 8.63398 6.32032L11.1698 10.2668Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM8.39247 13.0597C8.39247 13.0597 8.99625 14.5168 7.18493 15.2454C5.61512 15.9133 4.83021 14.7597 4.64908 14.3347L1.02644 15.7918L1.44908 17.1883L12.1962 15.974L11.6529 12.574L8.39247 13.0597Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM14.0075 11.7239C13.9472 11.1775 13.4038 10.7525 12.8 10.8739H12.6792C12.1358 10.9346 11.7132 11.481 11.8339 12.0882L12.5585 16.7632C12.6189 17.3096 13.1622 17.7346 13.766 17.6132H13.8868C14.4302 17.5525 14.8528 17.006 14.7321 16.3989L14.0075 11.7239Z fillcurrentColor /> defs> clipPath idclip0> rect width32 height17 fillwhite transformtranslate(0 0.916992) /> /clipPath> /defs> /g> g idicon-lumieres viewBox0 0 22 22> path dM12.15 1.55019C12.15 1.19215 12.0077 0.848774 11.7546 0.595601C11.5014 0.342427 11.158 0.200195 10.8 0.200195C10.4419 0.200195 10.0986 0.342427 9.84538 0.595601C9.59221 0.848774 9.44997 1.19215 9.44997 1.55019V2.90019C9.44997 3.25823 9.59221 3.60161 9.84538 3.85479C10.0986 4.10796 10.4419 4.25019 10.8 4.25019C11.158 4.25019 11.5014 4.10796 11.7546 3.85479C12.0077 3.60161 12.15 3.25823 12.15 2.90019V1.55019Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM18.4369 5.27223C18.6828 5.01762 18.8189 4.67661 18.8158 4.32264C18.8127 3.96868 18.6707 3.63008 18.4204 3.37978C18.1701 3.12948 17.8315 2.9875 17.4776 2.98443C17.1236 2.98135 16.7826 3.11742 16.528 3.36334L15.5735 4.31778C15.3276 4.5724 15.1916 4.91341 15.1946 5.26738C15.1977 5.62134 15.3397 5.95994 15.59 6.21024C15.8403 6.46054 16.1789 6.60252 16.5328 6.60559C16.8868 6.60867 17.2278 6.4726 17.4824 6.22668L18.4369 5.27223Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM21.6 11.0001C21.6 11.3582 21.4578 11.7016 21.2046 11.9547C20.9515 12.2079 20.6081 12.3501 20.25 12.3501H18.9C18.542 12.3501 18.1986 12.2079 17.9455 11.9547C17.6923 11.7016 17.55 11.3582 17.55 11.0001C17.55 10.6421 17.6923 10.2987 17.9455 10.0456C18.1986 9.79238 18.542 9.65015 18.9 9.65015H20.25C20.6081 9.65015 20.9515 9.79238 21.2046 10.0456C21.4578 10.2987 21.6 10.6421 21.6 11.0001Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM4.11735 6.22668C4.24188 6.35562 4.39084 6.45847 4.55555 6.52922C4.72025 6.59997 4.8974 6.63721 5.07665 6.63877C5.2559 6.64033 5.43367 6.60617 5.59958 6.53829C5.76549 6.47041 5.91622 6.37017 6.04298 6.24342C6.16973 6.11666 6.26997 5.96593 6.33785 5.80002C6.40573 5.63411 6.43989 5.45634 6.43833 5.27709C6.43677 5.09784 6.39953 4.92069 6.32878 4.75599C6.25803 4.59128 6.15518 4.44232 6.02624 4.31778L5.07179 3.36334C4.81718 3.11742 4.47617 2.98135 4.1222 2.98443C3.76824 2.9875 3.42964 3.12948 3.17934 3.37978C2.92904 3.63008 2.78706 3.96868 2.78399 4.32264C2.78091 4.67661 2.91698 5.01762 3.1629 5.27223L4.11735 6.22668Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM4.05 11.0001C4.05 11.3582 3.90776 11.7016 3.65459 11.9547C3.40142 12.2079 3.05804 12.3501 2.7 12.3501H1.35C0.991957 12.3501 0.648579 12.2079 0.395405 11.9547C0.142232 11.7016 0 11.3582 0 11.0001C0 10.6421 0.142232 10.2987 0.395405 10.0456C0.648579 9.79238 0.991957 9.65015 1.35 9.65015H2.7C3.05804 9.65015 3.40142 9.79238 3.65459 10.0456C3.90776 10.2987 4.05 10.6421 4.05 11.0001Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM8.09985 19.1V17.75H13.4998V19.1C13.4998 19.8161 13.2154 20.5028 12.709 21.0092C12.2027 21.5155 11.5159 21.8 10.7999 21.8C10.0838 21.8 9.39701 21.5155 8.89066 21.0092C8.38432 20.5028 8.09985 19.8161 8.09985 19.1Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM13.4999 16.4003C13.5201 15.9413 13.7807 15.5282 14.1438 15.2406C15.025 14.5457 15.6677 13.5936 15.9827 12.5165C16.2978 11.4395 16.2694 10.2911 15.9017 9.23087C15.5339 8.17068 14.845 7.25139 13.9307 6.60079C13.0164 5.95018 11.9221 5.60059 10.7999 5.60059C9.67773 5.60059 8.58344 5.95018 7.66912 6.60079C6.7548 7.25139 6.06589 8.17068 5.69813 9.23087C5.33036 10.2911 5.30203 11.4395 5.61706 12.5165C5.93209 13.5936 6.57483 14.5457 7.45595 15.2406C7.82045 15.5282 8.07965 15.9413 8.09855 16.4003H13.5012H13.4999Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-mobilites viewBox0 0 28 21> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM10.0705 12.0399C9.71762 12.4281 9.70924 14.901 10.0595 15.2766C10.2286 15.4581 11.0892 15.5605 12.4439 15.5605C14.7332 15.5605 15.3859 15.8643 15.6344 17.0457C17.1785 24.3822 18.617 34.6035 18.6179 38.2422L18.6188 42.1747H20.5596C25.3282 42.1747 29.0882 46.2139 29.0918 51.3408L29.0933 53.4099L34.4418 53.4108L39.7902 53.4117V45.5368C39.7902 33.8242 40.4071 34.4861 29.4919 34.4861H22.1542L22.0409 33.9539C21.9785 33.6612 21.2733 29.4843 20.4741 24.672C18.7213 14.1198 18.5762 13.6912 16.3285 12.4253C15.2081 11.7941 10.5544 11.5076 10.0705 12.0399ZM35.4036 21.2347C30.5525 25.4357 30.9755 24.7863 30.9713 28.0396L30.968 30.701H33.6147H36.2613V29.2844V27.8676L39.6799 25.1154C43.6834 21.8919 43.4821 22.4686 41.5306 19.8188C39.6049 17.2037 40.2234 17.0609 35.4036 21.2347ZM51.7663 34.9266C49.0414 35.9366 46.8479 38.9244 46.8479 41.6263C46.8479 42.0062 46.6422 42.0564 45.0835 42.0564H43.3191V45.8415V49.6266H45.0584H46.7979L46.9386 50.6337C47.5592 55.0732 50.1962 57.0313 55.7253 57.1585L59.199 57.2385V45.8623V34.4861L56.0561 34.4939C53.6185 34.4999 52.6558 34.5971 51.7663 34.9266ZM35.9967 38.5551C36.3403 38.9237 36.3403 41.4039 35.9967 41.7725C35.8275 41.9539 34.9673 42.0564 33.6147 42.0564C31.1092 42.0564 30.968 41.9554 30.968 40.1638C30.968 38.3723 31.1092 38.2713 33.6147 38.2713C34.9673 38.2713 35.8275 38.3737 35.9967 38.5551ZM18.589 46.2115C15.0583 47.3776 13.9681 52.628 16.658 55.513C19.3896 58.4431 24.268 57.2238 25.3428 53.3422C26.6425 48.6472 22.9663 44.7658 18.589 46.2115Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-equipement viewBox0 0 22 22> path dM20.625 22H15.125C14.7383 22 14.4124 21.864 14.1475 21.592C13.8825 21.32 13.75 20.9978 13.75 20.6256V15.128C13.75 14.7415 13.6139 14.4158 13.3418 14.1509C13.0697 13.8861 12.7474 13.7536 12.375 13.7536H9.625C9.23828 13.7536 8.91243 13.8861 8.64746 14.1509C8.38249 14.4158 8.25 14.7415 8.25 15.128V20.6256C8.25 20.9978 8.11393 21.32 7.8418 21.592C7.56966 21.864 7.2474 22 6.875 22H1.35352C1.02409 22 0.716146 21.8604 0.429688 21.5812C0.143229 21.3021 0 20.9907 0 20.6471C0 20.3894 0.0644531 20.1532 0.193359 19.9384L9.32422 7.13934L5.69336 2.07126C5.49284 1.74198 5.44271 1.3948 5.54297 1.02972C5.64323 0.664649 5.85807 0.389054 6.1875 0.202938C6.51693 0.016822 6.86426 -0.029707 7.22949 0.0633511C7.59473 0.156409 7.87044 0.367579 8.05664 0.696862L11 4.79857L13.9219 0.675387C14.1081 0.360421 14.3874 0.15283 14.7598 0.0526136C15.1322 -0.0476028 15.4795 -0.00465291 15.8018 0.181463C16.124 0.367579 16.3353 0.643174 16.4355 1.00825C16.5358 1.37332 16.4928 1.7205 16.3066 2.04978L12.6758 7.13934L21.8066 19.9599C21.9355 20.1889 22 20.4109 22 20.6256C22 20.9692 21.8604 21.2842 21.5811 21.5705C21.3018 21.8568 20.9831 22 20.625 22Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-installation viewBox0 0 26 22> path dM25.5242 8.96844L23.2263 6.74634C22.9216 6.4517 22.5083 6.2862 22.0771 6.2862H19.5V2.35714C19.5 1.05531 18.4087 0 17.0625 0H8.9375C7.59129 0 6.5 1.05531 6.5 2.35714V6.28571H3.92285C3.49172 6.28571 3.07887 6.4512 2.77367 6.74585L0.47582 8.96844C0.171133 9.26308 0 9.66281 0 10.0797V14.1429H6.5V13.3571C6.5 12.923 6.86359 12.5714 7.3125 12.5714H8.9375C9.38641 12.5714 9.75 12.923 9.75 13.3571V14.1429H16.25V13.3571C16.25 12.923 16.6136 12.5714 17.0625 12.5714H18.6875C19.1364 12.5714 19.5 12.923 19.5 13.3571V14.1429H26V10.0792C26 9.66281 25.8289 9.26308 25.5242 8.96844ZM16.25 6.28571H9.75V3.14286H16.25V6.28571ZM19.5 16.5C19.5 16.9341 19.1364 17.2857 18.6875 17.2857H17.0625C16.6136 17.2857 16.25 16.9341 16.25 16.5V15.7143H9.75V16.5C9.75 16.9341 9.38641 17.2857 8.9375 17.2857H7.3125C6.86359 17.2857 6.5 16.9341 6.5 16.5V15.7143H0V20.4286C0 21.2963 0.727695 22 1.625 22H24.375C25.2723 22 26 21.2963 26 20.4286V15.7143H19.5V16.5Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> !-- icon shop submenu --> g idicon-shop_accessoires viewBox0 0 17 14> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM1.47588 0.117042L1.6063 0.237955V1.1305V2.02306H2.47397H3.34164L3.3552 1.11408C3.36832 0.234273 3.37198 0.20209 3.46938 0.111872C3.59802 -0.00726204 3.87899 -0.0152037 4.01218 0.0965668C4.10088 0.170984 4.10499 0.215121 4.10499 1.09874V2.02306H4.41933C4.69361 2.02306 4.74769 2.036 4.84322 2.12461L4.95276 2.22612V5.06344V7.90077L4.84322 8.00228C4.73461 8.103 4.72667 8.10383 3.8839 8.10383C2.89571 8.10383 2.9937 8.0271 3.10386 8.71476C3.3648 10.3438 4.43852 11.7362 6.00386 12.4754C6.90976 12.9032 7.61283 13.0452 8.67848 13.0156C9.46463 12.9938 9.94259 12.904 10.5785 12.6586C12.4262 11.9455 13.7701 10.2527 13.9069 8.46628L13.9346 8.10383H13.105C12.2923 8.10383 12.2728 8.1018 12.1501 8.00401L12.0249 7.9042L12.0117 3.20148C12.0045 1.715 12.0108 0.436176 12.0258 0.35969C12.0409 0.283205 12.1011 0.176191 12.1597 0.121837L12.2663 0.0230553H14.4799C16.7483 0.0230553 16.8122 0.0272331 16.9428 0.18492C16.9843 0.235014 16.9975 0.920114 16.9986 3.07565L17 7.90077L16.8905 8.00228C16.7815 8.10329 16.7763 8.10383 15.8923 8.10383H15.0036L14.972 8.4451C14.8132 10.1595 13.9351 11.6851 12.5126 12.7186C11.6864 13.3189 10.8249 13.6885 9.74934 13.9043C9.11307 14.032 7.84771 14.0319 7.22018 13.9041C5.93684 13.643 4.93268 13.153 4.02423 12.3448C3.44493 11.8294 3.06892 11.3679 2.72794 10.7536C2.31093 10.0024 2.09011 9.29972 2.01867 8.49681L1.98556 8.12451L1.07796 8.10383C0.190703 8.0836 0.168483 8.08096 0.0851784 7.98548C0.00321253 7.8915 0 7.78143 0 5.05687V2.22595L0.118063 2.12448C0.219528 2.03733 0.279184 2.02306 0.541948 2.02306H0.847769V1.09874C0.847769 0.270013 0.855845 0.167881 0.925853 0.111334C1.11209 -0.0390718 1.30971 -0.0370041 1.47588 0.117042ZM12.8058 3.06344V7.35925H14.5013H16.1968V3.06344V0.76764H14.5013H12.8058V3.06344Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM12.8058 3.06344V7.35925H14.5013H16.1968V3.06344V0.76764H14.5013H12.8058V3.06344Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-chargeurs_stations viewBox0 0 18.12 18.09> path dM13.68,0V1.45l2.2,0,0,1.46H13.68V4.4l2.21,0V5.87H13.69V7.35h-.32l-.71,0a6.15,6.15,0,0,1-.71-.12c-.16-.05-.42-.15-.58-.22a5.72,5.72,0,0,1-.56-.35,4.36,4.36,0,0,1-.5-.44,3.48,3.48,0,0,1-.36-.44,4,4,0,0,1-.27-.46,5.32,5.32,0,0,1-.32-.87l-3.86,0-.3.1a3.5,3.5,0,0,0-.56.24,4.61,4.61,0,0,0-.46.29,3,3,0,0,0-.37.34,3.38,3.38,0,0,0-.59.9c0,.12-.13.34-.18.49s-.08.33-.1,4.44h.44L4.65,10C5.88,8.74,5.93,8.7,6.22,8.56a2.35,2.35,0,0,1,.58-.2,18.74,18.74,0,0,1,2.25,0,18.87,18.87,0,0,1,2.25,0,2.29,2.29,0,0,1,.57.2c.,2.85,2.67l.78,0a2.78,2.78,0,0,1,1.06.11,3,3,0,0,1,.51.24,2.6,2.6,0,0,1,.4.33,2.64,2.64,0,0,1,.32.41,4.54,4.54,0,0,1,.21.45c.,3.86H15l-.1.18a3.17,3.17,0,0,1-.25.4,1.86,1.86,0,0,1-.33.35,2.49,2.49,0,0,1-.38.25,3.43,3.43,0,0,1-.48.19,1.44,1.44,0,0,1-.6.07,2.6,2.6,0,0,1-.51-.07L12,17.85a2,2,0,0,1-.53-.41,2.84,2.84,0,0,1-.55-.79H7.21l-.13.25a2.09,2.09,0,0,1-.42.54,1.81,1.81,0,0,1-.53.41L5.71,18a2.85,2.85,0,0,1-.52.07,1.44,1.44,0,0,1-.6-.07,2.88,2.88,0,0,1-.47-.19,2.59,2.59,0,0,1-.39-.25,2.25,2.25,0,0,1-.33-.35,3.86,3.86,0,0,1-.34-.58H0V14.92a9,9,0,0,1,.07-2,4.44,4.44,0,0,1,.17-.48,2.65,2.65,0,0,1,.26-.39,3.31,3.31,0,0,1,.32-.33,4.58,4.58,0,0,1,.63-.36V9.57c0-1,0-2,0-2.24s.06-.55.09-.7a4,4,0,0,1,.16-.57A5.09,5.09,0,0,1,2,5.44c.1-.18.27-.46.38-.62a6,6,0,0,1,.48-.54,5.47,5.47,0,0,1,.59-.49,5.85,5.85,0,0,1,.63-.38,5.5,5.5,0,0,1,.55-.23L5.18,3a29.59,29.59,0,0,1,4.18-.1l0-.15a4.37,4.37,0,0,1,.16-.46,3.53,3.53,0,0,1,.33-.64,4,4,0,0,1,.48-.6A6.77,6.77,0,0,1,11,.59a5,5,0,0,1,.6-.31,6,6,0,0,1,.6-.19A5.41,5.41,0,0,1,13.68,0ZM12,1.7a2.46,2.46,0,0,0-.44.28,1.76,1.76,0,0,0-.37.4,3.79,3.79,0,0,0-.24.39c0,.1-.09.28-.12.39a2.57,2.57,0,0,0-.06.52,2.71,2.71,0,0,0,0,.46c0,.,3.78,0,0,0,.17.35,2.82,2.82,0,0,0,.29.35,2.93,2.93,0,0,0,.34.3,1.94,1.94,0,0,0,.,0,0,0,.17.06s0-.94,0-2.07V1.59ZM5.39,11.31,4,12.72l-2,0a1.24,1.24,0,0,0-.39.37c-.07.15-.08.2-.08,1.11v.94H3.07a2.56,2.56,0,0,1,.23-.47,2.37,2.37,0,0,1,.35-.4,1.91,1.91,0,0,1,.53-.36,2.42,2.42,0,0,1,.47-.18,2.84,2.84,0,0,1,.47,0,2.09,2.09,0,0,1,.53.06,2.54,2.54,0,0,1,.46.17,2,2,0,0,1,.43.28,1.85,1.85,0,0,1,.36.38,2.16,2.16,0,0,1,.23.39l.08.17h3.67a3.64,3.64,0,0,1,.31-.56,2.55,2.55,0,0,1,.35-.38,2.32,2.32,0,0,1,.44-.28,2.85,2.85,0,0,1,.46-.17,2.15,2.15,0,0,1,.53-.06,3.08,3.08,0,0,1,.48,0,2.64,2.64,0,0,1,.46.18,1.91,1.91,0,0,1,.53.36,2.37,2.37,0,0,1,.35.4A1.84,1.84,0,0,1,15,15l0,.14h1.59c0-1.85,0-1.9-.08-2.05a.82.82,0,0,0-.23-.26l-.16-.11-2,0c-2.39-2.39-2.87-2.84-3-2.88A13.27,13.27,0,0,0,9,9.79a10.67,10.67,0,0,0-2.11.06A18.78,18.78,0,0,0,5.39,11.31Zm-.85,4.18a.58.58,0,0,0-.,0,0,0,.,0,0,0,.16.21,1.15,1.15,0,0,0,.,0,0,0,.,0,0,0,.36-.12.61.61,0,0,0,.24-.28.92.92,0,0,0,.09-.32,1,1,0,0,0-.07-.29,1,1,0,0,0-.17-.23.7.7,0,0,0-.23-.15.82.82,0,0,0-.27-.06.87.87,0,0,0-.31.09A1,1,0,0,0,4.54,15.49Zm7.89-.09a.91.91,0,0,0-.,0,0,0,0,.26,1.07,1.07,0,0,0,.,0,0,0,.,0,0,0,.,0,0,0,.36-.06.61.61,0,0,0,.21-.16.72.72,0,0,0,.14-.2.58.58,0,0,0,.05-.34.8.8,0,0,0-.1-.36,1,1,0,0,0-.62-.33.72.72,0,0,0-.28.07A.7.7,0,0,0,12.43,15.4Z fill-ruleevenodd fillcurrentColor /> /g> !-- icon shop batteries --> g idicon-batteries_automobiles viewBox0 0 26 14> path dM17.7273 0L21.2727 4.66667H23.6364C24.9482 4.66667 26 5.705 26 7V10.5H23.6364C23.6364 11.4283 23.2628 12.3185 22.5979 12.9749C21.933 13.6313 21.0312 14 20.0909 14C19.1506 14 18.2488 13.6313 17.5839 12.9749C16.919 12.3185 16.5455 11.4283 16.5455 10.5H9.45455C9.45455 11.4283 9.08101 12.3185 8.41611 12.9749C7.7512 13.6313 6.8494 14 5.90909 14C4.96878 14 4.06698 13.6313 3.40208 12.9749C2.73717 12.3185 2.36364 11.4283 2.36364 10.5H0V7C0 5.705 1.05182 4.66667 2.36364 4.66667L5.90909 0H17.7273ZM11.2273 1.75H6.79545L4.56182 4.66667H11.2273V1.75ZM13 1.75V4.66667H19.0745L16.8409 1.75H13ZM5.90909 8.75C5.43893 8.75 4.98803 8.93437 4.65558 9.26256C4.32313 9.59075 4.13636 10.0359 4.13636 10.5C4.13636 10.9641 4.32313 11.4092 4.65558 11.7374C4.98803 12.0656 5.43893 12.25 5.90909 12.25C6.37925 12.25 6.83015 12.0656 7.1626 11.7374C7.49505 11.4092 7.68182 10.9641 7.68182 10.5C7.68182 10.0359 7.49505 9.59075 7.1626 9.26256C6.83015 8.93437 6.37925 8.75 5.90909 8.75ZM20.0909 8.75C19.6208 8.75 19.1699 8.93437 18.8374 9.26256C18.505 9.59075 18.3182 10.0359 18.3182 10.5C18.3182 10.9641 18.505 11.4092 18.8374 11.7374C19.1699 12.0656 19.6208 12.25 20.0909 12.25C20.5611 12.25 21.012 12.0656 21.3444 11.7374C21.6769 11.4092 21.8636 10.9641 21.8636 10.5C21.8636 10.0359 21.6769 9.59075 21.3444 9.26256C21.012 8.93437 20.5611 8.75 20.0909 8.75Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-batteries_sports viewBox0 0 21 18> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM10.4762 3.2381C11.3704 3.2381 12.0953 2.51322 12.0953 1.61905C12.0953 0.724872 11.3704 0 10.4762 0C9.58205 0 8.85718 0.724872 8.85718 1.61905C8.85718 2.51322 9.58205 3.2381 10.4762 3.2381ZM11.4899 4.64621C11.0116 4.26296 10.4471 3.87286 10.2355 3.77932C9.55609 3.4791 8.86785 3.63977 8.49751 4.18493C8.38939 4.34412 8.07756 5.28276 7.80464 6.27084C7.38432 7.79192 7.31636 8.15255 7.36086 8.62302C7.4101 9.14444 7.40118 9.17626 7.21613 9.13939C7.10762 9.11778 6.14801 8.90435 5.08371 8.66522C4.01931 8.42609 3.02586 8.23312 2.87599 8.23643C2.30641 8.24901 1.99464 9.03066 2.38306 9.47238C2.49827 9.60339 2.91341 9.75388 3.65547 9.93373C5.1731 10.3015 5.81888 10.6167 6.50294 11.3236C7.24579 12.0912 7.63244 12.8799 7.73063 13.8275L7.8062 14.5577L10.2818 14.503L12.7574 14.4483L12.8093 13.9709C12.9902 12.3076 14.1088 10.9345 15.7786 10.3258C16.2927 10.1384 16.5256 10.1109 17.4365 10.1297L18.4962 10.1515L18.6373 9.50481C18.7148 9.1492 18.7777 8.83469 18.7771 8.80593C18.7765 8.77718 18.2872 8.45857 17.6898 8.09787C16.7332 7.52028 16.516 7.33741 15.8698 6.5652C15.2505 5.82527 15.0925 5.68863 14.8577 5.69C14.7047 5.69091 14.495 5.61857 14.3919 5.52911C14.247 5.40352 13.9947 5.36384 13.2818 5.35481L12.3594 5.34309L11.4899 4.64621ZM10.5178 7.50733C10.587 7.26383 10.7057 6.8372 10.7816 6.55927L10.9197 6.05391L11.4092 6.42633L11.8988 6.79875L13.0217 6.77395C14.1035 6.75006 14.1555 6.73948 14.4453 6.48454L14.7461 6.21984L15.1693 6.68289C15.4022 6.93752 15.5809 7.18688 15.5665 7.23711C15.5402 7.32914 11.7928 8.9921 11.6022 8.99631C11.5457 8.99756 11.2502 8.7627 10.9457 8.4743L10.3919 7.95002L10.5178 7.50733ZM20.7621 14.4761C20.7621 16.4222 19.1844 17.9999 17.2383 17.9999C15.2921 17.9999 13.7145 16.4222 13.7145 14.4761C13.7145 12.5299 15.2921 10.9523 17.2383 10.9523C19.1844 10.9523 20.7621 12.5299 20.7621 14.4761ZM18.191 14.4762C18.191 15.0022 17.7646 15.4286 17.2386 15.4286C16.7126 15.4286 16.2862 15.0022 16.2862 14.4762C16.2862 13.9502 16.7126 13.5239 17.2386 13.5239C17.7646 13.5239 18.191 13.9502 18.191 14.4762ZM3.52381 17.9999C5.46996 17.9999 7.04762 16.4222 7.04762 14.4761C7.04762 12.5299 5.46996 10.9523 3.52381 10.9523C1.57766 10.9523 0 12.5299 0 14.4761C0 16.4222 1.57766 17.9999 3.52381 17.9999ZM3.52362 15.4286C4.04961 15.4286 4.476 15.0022 4.476 14.4762C4.476 13.9502 4.04961 13.5239 3.52362 13.5239C2.99764 13.5239 2.57124 13.9502 2.57124 14.4762C2.57124 15.0022 2.99764 15.4286 3.52362 15.4286Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-batteries_demarrage viewBox0 0 24 8> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM0.452244 0.155934C0.318892 0.241556 0.209852 0.36512 0.209852 0.430554C0.209852 0.532593 0.406898 0.549561 1.58962 0.549561C2.36997 0.549561 2.96938 0.518454 2.96938 0.478C2.96938 0.438645 2.86608 0.314925 2.73989 0.203066C2.52047 0.00857008 2.47065 -0.00030687 1.60252 7.34007e-06C0.829033 0.000242998 0.65876 0.0233375 0.452244 0.155934ZM0.0467415 1.00414C0.0116138 1.04114 -0.00799942 1.77584 0.00311279 2.63686L0.0233994 4.20225L0.288239 4.22574C0.638475 4.25669 0.738712 4.12464 0.991842 3.2989C1.31754 2.23624 1.26809 2.27771 2.21036 2.27771C2.73609 2.27771 3.04508 2.24512 3.10363 2.18345C3.20096 2.08094 3.22594 1.19683 3.13577 1.04758C3.10557 0.997467 2.9802 0.944444 2.85728 0.929754C2.41718 0.877124 0.109316 0.938239 0.0467415 1.00414Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM11.5619 2.76867C11.5608 2.80103 10.8982 2.82758 7.64499 2.82758C3.02822 2.82758 1.70305 2.84911 1.60714 2.92577C1.46156 3.04219 1.06769 5.17285 1.14459 5.42806C1.23326 5.72224 2.95894 7.92784 3.13614 7.9734C3.229 7.99728 5.41632 8.00686 10.4413 7.99476L19.5775 7.97277L20.025 7.71637C21.127 7.08481 22.5423 5.7275 22.9929 4.86995C23.3403 4.20861 23.7438 2.91336 23.9063 1.93743C24.0934 0.81444 24.2434 0.864085 21.81 1.2442C18.4511 2.44216 13.5784 2.75966 11.5619 2.76867Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-batteries_decharge viewBox0 0 20 13> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM20 2.62694V1.80981C20 1.63767 19.8233 1.4981 19.6048 1.4981H18.4122V1.2525H18.1357L18.0303 0H16.3085L16.2031 1.2525H15.899V1.4981H4.10099V1.2525H3.79692L3.69208 0H1.97028L1.86516 1.2525H1.58861V1.4981H0.395707C0.177215 1.4981 0 1.63767 0 1.80981V2.62694H0.125206V2.92812H0V12.6878C0 12.8599 0.17694 13 0.395432 13H19.6046C19.8231 13 20 12.8599 20 12.6878V2.92812H19.8748V2.62694H20Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM7.8125 9.06049C6.70913 7.87415 6.72864 6.01463 7.87493 4.86C8.32419 4.40551 8.90834 4.10846 9.54023 4.01317L9.50658 3C8.6195 3.10711 7.79479 3.51132 7.16667 4.14683C5.63063 5.69317 5.6121 8.19024 7.10667 9.77171L6.25744 10.6263L8.94513 10.7732L8.93782 7.92732L7.8125 9.06049ZM11.0548 3.22683L11.0621 6.07268L12.1874 4.94C13.2908 6.12732 13.2713 7.98683 12.125 9.14049C11.6758 9.59509 11.0916 9.89216 10.4597 9.98732L10.4934 11C11.3804 10.8928 12.2052 10.4888 12.8338 9.85366C14.3693 8.30634 14.3878 5.80927 12.8933 4.22878L13.7425 3.37317L11.0548 3.22683Z fillwhite /> /g> g idicon-batteries_scellees viewBox0 0 20 13> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM20 2.62694V1.80981C20 1.63767 19.8233 1.4981 19.6048 1.4981H18.4122V1.2525H18.1357L18.0303 0H16.3085L16.2031 1.2525H15.899V1.4981H4.10099V1.2525H3.79692L3.69208 0H1.97028L1.86516 1.2525H1.58861V1.4981H0.395707C0.177215 1.4981 0 1.63767 0 1.80981V2.62694H0.125206V2.92812H0V12.6878C0 12.8599 0.17694 13 0.395432 13H19.6046C19.8231 13 20 12.8599 20 12.6878V2.92812H19.8748V2.62694H20Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM12.7273 7.08H12.1477V5.12C12.1477 4.50138 11.6594 4 11.0568 4H8.94318C8.34063 4 7.85227 4.50138 7.85227 5.12V7.08H7.27273C7.12187 7.08 7 7.20513 7 7.36V10.72C7 10.8749 7.12187 11 7.27273 11H12.7273C12.8781 11 13 10.8749 13 10.72V7.36C13 7.20513 12.8781 7.08 12.7273 7.08ZM10.2386 9.15375V9.6175C10.2386 9.656 10.208 9.6875 10.1705 9.6875H9.82955C9.79205 9.6875 9.76136 9.656 9.76136 9.6175V9.15375C9.69101 9.10189 9.6385 9.02846 9.61139 8.94401C9.58428 8.85956 9.58396 8.76846 9.6105 8.68382C9.63703 8.59918 9.68903 8.52536 9.75903 8.473C9.82902 8.42063 9.91339 8.39242 10 8.39242C10.0866 8.39242 10.171 8.42063 10.241 8.473C10.311 8.52536 10.363 8.59918 10.3895 8.68382C10.416 8.76846 10.4157 8.85956 10.3886 8.94401C10.3615 9.02846 10.309 9.10189 10.2386 9.15375ZM11.5341 7.08H8.46591V5.12C8.46591 4.84962 8.67983 4.63 8.94318 4.63H11.0568C11.3202 4.63 11.5341 4.84962 11.5341 5.12V7.08Z fillwhite /> /g> g idicon-batteries_commerciales viewBox0 0 18 15> path dM15.435 3.45471C15.2779 3.19364 15.0524 2.97656 14.7809 2.82504C14.5093 2.67353 14.2011 2.59285 13.887 2.59103H11.7V0.863677C11.7 0.634616 11.6052 0.414936 11.4364 0.252965C11.2676 0.0909944 11.0387 0 10.8 0H1.8C1.32261 0 0.864773 0.181988 0.527208 0.50593C0.189642 0.829872 0 1.26923 0 1.72735V10.3641C0.000323768 10.667 0.0836485 10.9645 0.241615 11.2268C0.399582 11.489 0.626636 11.7068 0.9 11.8583C0.867776 12.66 1.16875 13.4412 1.7367 14.0299C2.30465 14.6187 3.09307 14.9668 3.9285 14.9977C4.76393 15.0287 5.57795 14.7399 6.19147 14.1948C6.805 13.6498 7.16778 12.8932 7.2 12.0915H9.99C10.0895 12.8141 10.4593 13.4774 11.0305 13.9579C11.6017 14.4384 12.3354 14.7033 13.095 14.7033C13.8546 14.7033 14.5883 14.4384 15.1595 13.9579C15.7307 13.4774 16.1005 12.8141 16.2 12.0915C16.6774 12.0915 17.1352 11.9095 17.4728 11.5855C17.8104 11.2616 18 10.8222 18 10.3641V7.77309C17.9986 7.61553 17.9552 7.46093 17.874 7.32398L15.435 3.45471ZM11.7 4.31838H13.887L15.507 6.90942H11.7V4.31838ZM4.05 12.9552C3.783 12.9552 3.52199 12.8792 3.29998 12.7368C3.07797 12.5945 2.90494 12.3921 2.80276 12.1554C2.70058 11.9187 2.67385 11.6582 2.72594 11.4069C2.77803 11.1556 2.9066 10.9248 3.09541 10.7436C3.28421 10.5624 3.52475 10.439 3.78663 10.389C4.0485 10.339 4.31994 10.3647 4.56662 10.4627C4.8133 10.5608 5.02414 10.7268 5.17248 10.9399C5.32082 11.1529 5.4 11.4034 5.4 11.6596C5.4 12.0032 5.25777 12.3327 5.00459 12.5757C4.75142 12.8187 4.40804 12.9552 4.05 12.9552ZM13.05 12.9552C12.783 12.9552 12.522 12.8792 12.3 12.7368C12.078 12.5945 11.9049 12.3921 11.8028 12.1554C11.7006 11.9187 11.6738 11.6582 11.7259 11.4069C11.778 11.1556 11.9066 10.9248 12.0954 10.7436C12.2842 10.5624 12.5248 10.439 12.7866 10.389C13.0485 10.339 13.3199 10.3647 13.5666 10.4627C13.8133 10.5608 14.0241 10.7268 14.1725 10.9399C14.3208 11.1529 14.4 11.4034 14.4 11.6596C14.4 12.0032 14.2578 12.3327 14.0046 12.5757C13.7514 12.8187 13.408 12.9552 13.05 12.9552Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-batteries_golf viewBox0 0 20 14> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM15.8607 3.66975L17.4875 7.31978L17.7631 7.42485C18.4577 7.68983 18.9718 8.16322 19.3396 8.8765C19.4251 9.04224 19.4869 9.17789 19.4769 9.17789C19.467 9.17789 19.3006 9.1262 19.1073 9.06305C18.4012 8.83237 17.7544 8.81417 17.0738 9.00581C15.9402 9.325 15.1215 10.1374 14.8264 11.236C14.7431 11.5462 14.7205 12.3047 14.7849 12.6292L14.8176 12.7945L14.3644 12.7951C13.7738 12.7958 7.55523 12.7958 7.27767 12.7951L7.06464 12.7945L7.09583 12.6098C7.11297 12.5081 7.12793 12.25 7.12909 12.0362C7.13914 10.1733 5.44772 8.68825 3.54977 8.89361C2.22025 9.0375 1.13591 9.89969 0.730419 11.1352L0.643244 11.401L0.321622 11.0239L0 10.6468L0.0564678 10.4665C0.0875334 10.3673 0.349417 9.51621 0.638458 8.57512C0.9275 7.63403 1.17575 6.8504 1.1901 6.83371C1.20442 6.81699 1.82489 6.79949 2.56883 6.79483L3.92152 6.78627L3.93169 3.39314L3.9419 0L9.08785 0.00987799L14.2338 0.0197554L15.8607 3.66975ZM5.25746 3.98633V6.72794H7.64811H10.0388L10.4365 7.92375C10.6552 8.58146 10.9318 9.41705 11.0512 9.78065L11.2682 10.4417H12.812H14.3559L14.6332 9.78166C14.7857 9.41864 14.9055 9.10252 14.8993 9.07923C14.8932 9.05593 14.3857 8.57038 13.7716 8.0002L12.655 6.96352L12.4142 7.2107L12.1734 7.45791L11.7562 7.091C11.5267 6.88921 11.3154 6.70134 11.2866 6.6735C11.2434 6.63185 11.3931 6.45736 12.1359 5.68379C12.6318 5.16725 13.0518 4.74465 13.0691 4.74465C13.1044 4.74465 14.0308 5.55679 14.0308 5.5877C14.0308 5.59855 13.9303 5.71514 13.8076 5.84685L13.5844 6.08629L14.2562 6.71896C14.6257 7.06693 15.0651 7.47385 15.2325 7.62322L15.537 7.89478L15.6363 7.63279C15.7255 7.39767 15.7488 7.36815 15.864 7.34521C15.9345 7.33113 16.0083 7.30391 16.028 7.2847C16.0492 7.26409 15.7855 6.62139 15.3843 5.71529C15.0106 4.87131 14.4141 3.52061 14.0588 2.71376L13.4127 1.24675L9.33506 1.24574L5.25746 1.24473V3.98633ZM6.64532 3.99606C6.73457 4.24739 6.85811 4.59734 6.91984 4.77382L7.03206 5.0946L8.04 5.09464H9.04797L9.03696 5.70713L9.026 6.31962H7.55172H6.07744L5.68747 5.15297C5.47296 4.51132 5.30312 3.96969 5.31006 3.94935C5.32361 3.90945 6.31221 3.54585 6.41857 3.54165C6.4657 3.53978 6.52652 3.66174 6.64532 3.99606ZM4.35496 10.1698C4.72878 10.2648 5.0203 10.4249 5.2821 10.6792C6.54219 11.903 5.66051 14.0021 3.88742 13.9995C3.33757 13.9988 2.92818 13.8463 2.53517 13.4961C1.68193 12.7356 1.65186 11.4912 2.46746 10.6917C2.97296 10.1962 3.68428 9.99947 4.35496 10.1698ZM18.492 10.1677C19.509 10.4317 20.1678 11.4364 19.9625 12.4107C19.8731 12.8354 19.718 13.1215 19.4149 13.421C19.009 13.822 18.5726 14 17.9957 14C16.7815 14 15.839 12.9428 16.0193 11.7834C16.1956 10.6498 17.3766 9.87818 18.492 10.1677Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-batteries_blower viewBox0 0 24 25> path dM46.9885 26.0179L46.5494 50.509C46.5445 50.7816 46.3248 51 46.0521 51H33.0406C30.2406 51 30.5068 49 30.5068 46.6667L30.5068 38C30.5068 28.2071 40.2602 25.3301 45.9908 25.0276C46.5493 24.9981 46.9986 25.4587 46.9885 26.0179Z fillcurrentColor /> rect x38.5 y3.44975 width4.17158 height2 rx1 transformrotate(-45 38.5 3.44975) fill#170000 /> rect x41.5 y5.94976 width4.17158 height2 rx1 transformrotate(-45 41.5 5.94976) fill#170000 /> rect x33.5 y8.44975 width4.17158 height2 rx1 transformrotate(-45 33.5 8.44975) fill#170000 /> rect x36.5 y10.9498 width4.17158 height2 rx1 transformrotate(-45 36.5 10.9498) fill#170000 /> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM2 4C1.17157 4 0.5 4.67157 0.5 5.5C0.5 6.32843 1.17157 7 2 7H11.9693L16.6253 30.0638C14.8168 30.368 12.2032 31.8355 12.0112 36.0451C11.9986 36.321 12.2239 36.5455 12.5 36.5455H15.2748C15.3604 36.5455 15.4446 36.5675 15.5193 36.6093L17.2784 37.5955C17.3267 37.6226 17.3702 37.6575 17.407 37.6988L18.2923 38.6914C18.3136 38.7153 18.3326 38.7411 18.3489 38.7686L19.2655 40.3102C19.2866 40.3457 19.3032 40.3837 19.315 40.4233L20.2333 43.5119C20.2575 43.5935 20.2605 43.68 20.242 43.7632L19.433 47.3912C19.3634 47.7036 19.601 48 19.9211 48H27.5541C27.8302 48 28.0541 47.7762 28.0541 47.5V40.3637C28.0541 38.3717 28.1464 33.9246 29.9395 30.8412C30.1477 30.4832 29.9025 30 29.4884 30H28.5V22.5262C28.5 22.2592 28.6067 22.0034 28.7964 21.8156L36.0056 14.678C36.3981 14.2894 36.4013 13.6562 36.0127 13.2638L32.6739 9.89144C32.2856 9.49929 31.6531 9.49577 31.2605 9.88357L21.55 19.4753C21.5472 19.4781 21.5461 19.4823 21.5473 19.4861C21.5494 19.493 21.5442 19.5 21.5369 19.5H21.5219C21.5098 19.5 21.5 19.5098 21.5 19.5219V30H19.6729L14.721 5.47035C14.6506 5.12185 14.4648 4.82614 14.2113 4.61506C13.9384 4.24217 13.4975 4 13 4H2Z fillcurrentColor /> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM13.5 37C10.1863 37 7.5 39.6863 7.5 43C7.5 46.3137 10.1863 49 13.5 49C16.8137 49 19.5 46.3137 19.5 43C19.5 39.6863 16.8137 37 13.5 37ZM5.5 43C5.5 38.5817 9.08172 35 13.5 35C17.9183 35 21.5 38.5817 21.5 43C21.5 47.4183 17.9183 51 13.5 51C9.08172 51 5.5 47.4183 5.5 43Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> !-- icon shop piles --> g idicon-piles_piles viewBox0 0 7 14> path dM6.069 1.4H4.51111V0H2.33333V1.4H0.931C0.42 1.4 0 1.82 0 2.331V13.062C0 13.58 0.42 14 0.931 14H6.062C6.58 14 7 13.58 7 13.069V2.331C7 1.82 6.58 1.4 6.069 1.4Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-piles_special viewBox0 0 20 13> path dM20 1.80981V2.62694H19.8748V2.92812H20V12.6878C20 12.8599 19.8231 13 19.6046 13H0.395432C0.17694 13 0 12.8599 0 12.6878V2.92812H0.125206V2.62694H0V1.80981C0 1.63767 0.177215 1.4981 0.395707 1.4981H1.58861H1.86516H1.97028L4.5 0L5 0.5L3.5 1.5L4.10099 1.4981H15.5L14 0.5L14.5 0L16.9968 1.4981H19.6048C19.8233 1.4981 20 1.63767 20 1.80981Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-piles_remplacement viewBox0 0 16 18> path dM14.2222 5.8C13.6476 4.59936 12.7575 3.58827 11.6528 2.8813C10.5482 2.17433 9.27305 1.79975 7.972 1.8C4.122 1.8 1 5.024 1 9M1.77778 12.2C2.35239 13.4006 3.24247 14.4117 4.34715 15.1187C5.45183 15.8257 6.72695 16.2003 8.028 16.2C11.878 16.2 15 12.976 15 9M5.66667 12.2H1V17M15 1V5.8H10.3333 strokecurrentColor filltransparent stroke-width2 /> /g> g idicon-piles_bouton viewBox0 0 16 16> circle cx8 cy8 r8 fillcurrentColor /> path dM10.5 8.45662H8.46875V10.5H7.53125V8.45662H5.5V7.55479H7.53125V5.5H8.46875V7.55479H10.5V8.45662Z fillwhite /> /g> g idicon-piles_chargeurs viewBox0 0 18 10> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM14.6216 0.234308L14.49 0.115251C14.3222 -0.0364368 14.1227 -0.0384739 13.9347 0.109628C13.864 0.165307 13.8559 0.265878 13.8559 1.0819V1.99205H13.5471C13.2818 1.99205 13.2216 2.0061 13.1192 2.09193L13 2.19184V4.97937C13 7.66217 13.0032 7.77056 13.086 7.8631C13.1701 7.95711 13.1925 7.95972 14.0882 7.97964L15 8V9.069H14H12V3H2.331C1.82 3 1.4 3.42 1.4 3.931V5.48889H0V7.66667H1.4V9.069C1.4 9.58 1.82 10 2.331 10H13.062H16V8H15.0045L16.9209 7.97964C17.7718 7.97964 17.7798 7.97882 17.8894 7.87964L18 7.77969V4.98584V2.192L17.8894 2.09205C17.793 2.0048 17.7384 1.99205 17.4615 1.99205H17.1441V1.0819C17.1441 0.211824 17.14 0.168367 17.0504 0.0950863C16.916 -0.0149677 16.6323 -0.00714756 16.5025 0.110162C16.4041 0.198991 16.4005 0.230684 16.3872 1.09701L16.3735 1.99205H15.4976H14.6216V1.11318V0.234308Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-piles_cellules viewBox0 0 21 14> path dM6.335 3H5.22222V2H3.66667V3H2.665C2.3 3 2 3.3 2 3.665V11.33C2 11.7 2.3 12 2.665 12H6.33C6.7 12 7 11.7 7 11.335V3.665C7 3.3 6.7 3 6.335 3Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM12.335 3H11.2222V2H9.66667V3H8.665C8.3 3 8 3.3 8 3.665V11.33C8 11.7 8.3 12 8.665 12H12.33C12.7 12 13 11.7 13 11.335V3.665C13 3.3 12.7 3 12.335 3Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM18.335 3H17.2222V2H15.6667V3H14.665C14.3 3 14 3.3 14 3.665V11.33C14 11.7 14.3 12 14.665 12H18.33C18.7 12 19 11.7 19 11.335V3.665C19 3.3 18.7 3 18.335 3Z fillcurrentColor /> rect x0.5 y0.5 width20 height13 strokeblack filltransparent /> /g> !-- icon shop energies --> g idicon-energies_solaire viewBox0 0 18 18> path dM1.63636 4.09091H4.09091V1.63636H1.63636V4.09091ZM5.72727 1.63636V4.09091H8.18182V1.63636H5.72727ZM9.81818 1.63636V4.09091H12.2727V1.63636H9.81818ZM13.9091 1.63636V4.09091H16.3636V1.63636H13.9091ZM16.3636 5.72727H13.9091V8.18182H16.3636V5.72727ZM16.3636 9.81818H13.9091V12.2727H16.3636V9.81818ZM12.2727 12.2727V9.81818H9.81818V12.2727H12.2727ZM8.18182 12.2727V9.81818H5.72727V12.2727H8.18182ZM4.09091 12.2727V9.81818H1.63636V12.2727H4.09091ZM1.63636 8.18182H4.09091V5.72727H1.63636V8.18182ZM9.81818 5.72727V8.18182H12.2727V5.72727H9.81818ZM5.72727 5.72727V8.18182H8.18182V5.72727H5.72727ZM1.63636 0H16.3636C16.7976 0 17.2138 0.172402 17.5207 0.47928C17.8276 0.786158 18 1.20237 18 1.63636V12.2727C18 12.7067 17.8276 13.1229 17.5207 13.4298C17.2138 13.7367 16.7976 13.9091 16.3636 13.9091H11.4545V16.3636H13.9091V18H9.81818V13.9091H8.18182V18H4.09091V16.3636H6.54545V13.9091H1.63636C1.20237 13.9091 0.786158 13.7367 0.47928 13.4298C0.172402 13.1229 0 12.7067 0 12.2727V1.63636C0 1.20237 0.172402 0.786158 0.47928 0.47928C0.786158 0.172402 1.20237 0 1.63636 0Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-energies_eolienne viewBox0 0 16 24> path dM11.3885 11.6038L15.1759 15.0958C17.0301 13.3918 15.1759 11.6998 15.1759 11.6998L13.2164 9.88775C13.4532 9.43174 13.5847 8.92773 13.5847 8.39972C13.5847 7.1397 12.8745 6.03568 11.7962 5.39967L13.5847 0.131574C11.0729 -0.564439 10.297 1.7276 10.297 1.7276L9.23178 4.83566C7.61425 4.99166 6.29918 5.99968 5.86521 7.4157L0 9.15574C0.841644 11.4358 3.32712 10.6798 3.32712 10.6798L6.04932 9.87575C6.49644 10.7638 7.31178 11.4478 8.32438 11.7838V20.3999C8.32438 20.3999 5.69425 20.3999 5.69425 22.8V24H13.5847V22.8C13.5847 22.8 13.5847 20.3999 10.9545 20.3999V11.7838C11.1123 11.7358 11.257 11.6638 11.3885 11.6038ZM7.66685 8.39972C7.66685 7.92232 7.87468 7.46448 8.24461 7.12691C8.61455 6.78933 9.11629 6.59969 9.63945 6.59969C10.1626 6.59969 10.6644 6.78933 11.0343 7.12691C11.4042 7.46448 11.6121 7.92232 11.6121 8.39972C11.6121 8.87712 11.4042 9.33497 11.0343 9.67254C10.6644 10.0101 10.1626 10.1998 9.63945 10.1998C9.11629 10.1998 8.61455 10.0101 8.24461 9.67254C7.87468 9.33497 7.66685 8.87712 7.66685 8.39972Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> !-- icon shop conversion --> g idicon-conversion_onduleurs viewBox0 0 17 13> path dM8.5 0C3.80552 0 0 3.74156 0 8.35714C0 9.88929 0.420573 11.3245 1.15281 12.5589C1.31839 12.8381 1.63389 13 1.96267 13H15.0373C15.3661 13 15.6816 12.8381 15.8472 12.5589C16.5794 11.3245 17 9.88929 17 8.35714C17 3.74156 13.1945 0 8.5 0ZM8.5 1.85714C8.93415 1.85714 9.28448 2.15109 9.39486 2.54342C9.3621 2.609 9.31694 2.66616 9.29304 2.73696L9.02092 3.53989C8.86951 3.64116 8.69715 3.71429 8.5003 3.71429C7.97878 3.71429 7.55585 3.29846 7.55585 2.78571C7.55585 2.27297 7.97849 1.85714 8.5 1.85714ZM2.83333 10.2143C2.31182 10.2143 1.88889 9.79846 1.88889 9.28571C1.88889 8.77297 2.31182 8.35714 2.83333 8.35714C3.35484 8.35714 3.77778 8.77297 3.77778 9.28571C3.77778 9.79846 3.35484 10.2143 2.83333 10.2143ZM4.25 5.57143C3.72849 5.57143 3.30556 5.1556 3.30556 4.64286C3.30556 4.13011 3.72849 3.71429 4.25 3.71429C4.77151 3.71429 5.19444 4.13011 5.19444 4.64286C5.19444 5.1556 4.77151 5.57143 4.25 5.57143ZM11.5331 3.47025L9.72306 8.80953C10.1271 9.1502 10.3889 9.6496 10.3889 10.2143C10.3889 10.5544 10.2891 10.8686 10.1268 11.1429H6.87319C6.71087 10.8686 6.61111 10.5544 6.61111 10.2143C6.61111 9.22942 7.39323 8.43172 8.37899 8.36904L10.1894 3.02946C10.3124 2.665 10.7127 2.46507 11.0854 2.58926C11.4564 2.71085 11.6565 3.10549 11.5331 3.47025ZM11.9658 5.13007L12.4239 3.77929C12.5263 3.74185 12.6343 3.71458 12.75 3.71458C13.2715 3.71458 13.6944 4.1304 13.6944 4.64315C13.6944 5.15589 13.2715 5.57172 12.75 5.57172C12.4141 5.57143 12.1335 5.38949 11.9658 5.13007ZM14.1667 10.2143C13.6452 10.2143 13.2222 9.79846 13.2222 9.28571C13.2222 8.77297 13.6452 8.35714 14.1667 8.35714C14.6882 8.35714 15.1111 8.77297 15.1111 9.28571C15.1111 9.79846 14.6882 10.2143 14.1667 10.2143Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-conversion_ups viewBox0 0 12 19> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM2.49799 5.13365C2.51943 10.204 2.52176 10.27 2.68705 10.4871C2.77914 10.6081 2.97348 10.7858 3.11893 10.8822C3.37992 11.055 3.41824 11.0574 6 11.0574C8.58176 11.0574 8.62008 11.055 8.88107 10.8822C9.02652 10.7858 9.22086 10.6081 9.31295 10.4871C9.47824 10.27 9.48056 10.204 9.50201 5.13365L9.52369 0L10.3421 0.00031149C11.2673 0.000622965 11.5562 0.10925 11.8409 0.563848C11.9969 0.812716 12 0.971958 12 8.79917C12 16.6264 11.9969 16.7856 11.8409 17.0345C11.5931 17.4302 11.2422 17.5977 10.6604 17.598L10.1604 17.5983V18.1486C10.1604 19.0176 10.1867 19 8.88723 19C8.07851 19 7.75656 18.9728 7.69376 18.8991C7.64647 18.8437 7.59711 18.5371 7.58399 18.2178L7.56014 17.6373L5.98 17.6162L4.39985 17.5951V18.2041C4.39985 18.574 4.36217 18.8498 4.30384 18.9065C4.23848 18.9701 3.85644 19 3.10653 19C1.81417 19 1.83961 19.0171 1.83961 18.1486V17.5983L1.33956 17.598C0.757831 17.5977 0.406918 17.4302 0.159054 17.0345C0.00311985 16.7856 -3.65047e-07 16.6264 -3.65047e-07 8.79917C-3.65047e-07 0.971958 0.00311985 0.812716 0.159054 0.563848C0.443801 0.10925 0.732708 0.000622965 1.65791 0.00031149L2.47631 0L2.49799 5.13365ZM8.88027 5.01202C8.88027 9.96463 8.87827 10.0265 8.71441 10.2292L8.54864 10.4344H6H3.45136L3.28559 10.2292C3.12173 10.0265 3.11973 9.96463 3.11973 5.01202V0H6H8.88027V5.01202ZM4.39985 3.03688V4.43852H6H7.60015V3.03688V1.63524H6H4.39985V3.03688ZM4.21223 6.13832C4.04886 6.31399 4.0483 6.34342 4.20551 6.49651C4.31168 6.59977 4.58699 6.61884 5.97096 6.61884C7.66448 6.61884 7.92018 6.57796 7.92018 6.30737C7.92018 6.03693 7.66432 5.99589 5.97768 5.99589C4.49722 5.99589 4.33224 6.00921 4.21223 6.13832ZM4.274 7.37923C4.11622 7.48443 4.0843 7.70223 4.20895 7.82355C4.39345 8.00312 7.60959 8.00016 7.79449 7.82028C7.94482 7.67396 7.95458 7.54003 7.82417 7.4131C7.71672 7.30853 4.42721 7.27715 4.274 7.37923ZM4.16407 8.75525C4.09326 8.83826 4.0915 8.9085 4.15711 9.02779C4.24224 9.18267 4.30928 9.18851 5.99304 9.18851C7.86105 9.18851 7.99803 9.16056 7.88137 8.80291C7.83105 8.64849 7.77304 8.64343 6.0444 8.64343C4.59067 8.64343 4.24176 8.66422 4.16407 8.75525Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-conversion_generatrices viewBox0 0 14 15> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM9.06994 0.104299C9.24308 0.230373 9.26405 0.494399 9.11348 0.651106C9.03088 0.736961 8.85313 0.760231 8.27881 0.760231H7.54904V1.2812V1.80217H6.68099H5.81294V1.2812V0.760231H5.07843C4.42385 0.760231 4.32883 0.744532 4.20524 0.615958C4.12891 0.536562 4.08384 0.424589 4.10508 0.367144C4.12624 0.309629 4.1436 0.232943 4.1436 0.196614C4.1436 0.0379621 4.57476 0.00468966 6.68279 0.000521928C8.60567 -0.00322904 8.94254 0.0114275 9.06994 0.104299ZM10.0057 2.61835C10.1118 2.71427 10.4203 3.42696 10.4203 3.57609C10.4203 3.59374 8.73761 3.60818 6.68099 3.60818C4.3285 3.60818 2.94168 3.58339 2.94168 3.54129C2.94168 3.50448 3.00418 3.30915 3.08051 3.10715C3.33271 2.44004 3.00058 2.49679 6.65054 2.49679C9.62222 2.49679 9.8817 2.50617 10.0057 2.61835ZM13.2362 4.41777C13.328 4.50418 13.3583 4.63359 13.3583 4.93873V5.34474H6.68099H0.00365804V4.9329C0.00365804 4.65116 0.0367775 4.48667 0.108559 4.41193C0.202509 4.31427 0.888938 4.30281 6.66383 4.30281C12.5722 4.30281 13.1244 4.31246 13.2362 4.41777ZM13.3428 7.72382C13.3594 9.24804 13.3315 9.53999 13.1919 9.305C13.1696 9.26735 12.9403 9.16982 12.6824 9.08834C11.6695 8.76833 10.5769 9.0252 9.82041 9.76129C9.19895 10.366 8.82482 11.3436 8.91216 12.1347L8.95242 12.4994H8.4177H7.88291V11.7353C7.88291 11.0638 7.86675 10.9544 7.74936 10.8323C7.61896 10.6966 7.52681 10.6933 3.80974 10.6933H0.00365804V8.366V6.03867L6.6643 6.05638L13.3249 6.0741L13.3428 7.72382ZM12.7934 9.87597C13.2007 10.0935 13.6528 10.5878 13.8477 11.0284C14.0508 11.4875 14.0508 12.3998 13.8477 12.8589C13.6527 13.2998 13.2005 13.7941 12.7934 14.0109C12.3119 14.2674 11.535 14.3068 11.0114 14.1014C10.4869 13.8956 10.0704 13.4918 9.80598 12.9331C9.61721 12.5342 9.58737 12.3993 9.58737 11.9437C9.58737 11.488 9.61721 11.3531 9.80598 10.9542C10.0631 10.4109 10.4806 9.99698 10.9783 9.792C11.4767 9.58667 12.3253 9.62598 12.7934 9.87597ZM7.18179 11.9437V12.4646L3.74884 12.4826C-0.262634 12.5037 0.00365804 12.5496 0.00365804 11.8372V11.3868L3.59272 11.4047L7.18179 11.4227V11.9437ZM3.4091 13.7149V14.2359H3.80974C4.226 14.2359 4.47747 14.3798 4.47747 14.618C4.47747 14.6753 4.41738 14.7847 4.34392 14.8611C4.22133 14.9886 4.12137 15 3.12351 15C1.90396 15 1.73976 14.9503 1.73976 14.5817C1.73976 14.3212 1.89508 14.2359 2.3697 14.2359H2.74136V13.7149V13.194H3.07523H3.4091V13.7149Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-conversion_chargeurs viewBox0 0 19 11> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM1 0C0.447715 0 0 0.447715 0 1V10C0 10.5523 0.447716 11 1 11H17.5429C18.0951 11 18.5429 10.5523 18.5429 10V1C18.5429 0.447715 18.0951 0 17.5429 0H1ZM7.54285 1.88573H11V8.80001H7.54285V1.88573ZM8.48571 2.82859H10.0571V5.97144H8.48571V2.82859ZM16.9714 5.34285C16.9714 5.69 16.69 5.97142 16.3429 5.97142C15.9957 5.97142 15.7143 5.69 15.7143 5.34285C15.7143 4.9957 15.9957 4.71428 16.3429 4.71428C16.69 4.71428 16.9714 4.9957 16.9714 5.34285ZM2.19999 5.97142C2.54714 5.97142 2.82856 5.69 2.82856 5.34285C2.82856 4.9957 2.54714 4.71428 2.19999 4.71428C1.85284 4.71428 1.57142 4.9957 1.57142 5.34285C1.57142 5.69 1.85284 5.97142 2.19999 5.97142Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-conversion_convertisseurs viewBox0 0 18 16> path dM12.2 14.2222C13.4006 13.6476 14.4117 12.7575 15.1187 11.6528C15.8257 10.5482 16.2003 9.27305 16.2 7.972C16.2 4.122 12.976 1 9 1M5.8 1.77778C4.59936 2.35239 3.58827 3.24247 2.8813 4.34715C2.17433 5.45183 1.79975 6.72694 1.8 8.028C1.8 11.878 5.024 15 9 15M5.8 5.66667L5.8 1L1 0.999999M17 15L12.2 15L12.2 10.3333 strokeblack stroke-width2 filltransparent /> path dM9.4 4L7 8.8H8.6V12L11 7.2H9.4V4Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> !-- icon shop chargeurs --> g idicon-chargeurs_chargeurs viewBox0 0 19 17> path dM8.9562 1.7H7.55443V0H2.51814V1.7H1.11638C0.820296 1.7 0.536341 1.81911 0.326979 2.03112C0.117618 2.24313 0 2.53067 0 2.8305V15.8695C0 16.49 0.503629 17 1.11638 17H8.9562C9.56895 17 10.0726 16.49 10.0726 15.8695V10.0952C10.7897 10.1261 11.3615 10.7084 11.3615 11.422V12.2392C11.3615 13.5564 12.3368 14.7348 13.6686 14.8626C15.1964 15.0097 16.4877 13.8263 16.4877 12.3518V8.92513C16.978 8.74899 17.4139 8.44814 17.7478 8.05057C18.1769 7.53977 18.4112 6.90065 18.4113 6.24126V5.66914H18.7057C18.7837 5.66914 18.8586 5.639 18.9138 5.58536C18.969 5.53171 19 5.45895 19 5.38309V4.81097C19 4.7351 18.969 4.66234 18.9138 4.6087C18.8586 4.55505 18.7837 4.52491 18.7057 4.52491H17.8227V2.8903C17.8227 2.73856 17.7607 2.59304 17.6503 2.48575C17.5399 2.37846 17.3902 2.31818 17.234 2.31818C17.0779 2.31818 16.9282 2.37846 16.8178 2.48575C16.7074 2.59304 16.6454 2.73856 16.6454 2.8903V4.52491H14.2907V2.8903C14.2907 2.73856 14.2287 2.59304 14.1183 2.48575C14.0079 2.37846 13.8582 2.31818 13.7021 2.31818C13.546 2.31818 13.3962 2.37846 13.2858 2.48575C13.1754 2.59304 13.1134 2.73856 13.1134 2.8903V4.52491H12.2304C12.1524 4.52491 12.0775 4.55505 12.0223 4.6087C11.9671 4.66234 11.9361 4.7351 11.9361 4.81097V5.38309C11.9361 5.45895 11.9671 5.53171 12.0223 5.58536C12.0775 5.639 12.1524 5.66914 12.2304 5.66914H12.5248V6.24126C12.5249 6.90065 12.7593 7.53977 13.1883 8.05057C13.6151 8.55869 14.2084 8.90882 14.8689 9.04252V12.2993C14.8689 12.7625 14.5485 13.1931 14.0845 13.2685C13.4936 13.3645 12.9803 12.9159 12.9803 12.3518V11.422C12.9803 9.82811 11.6839 8.53221 10.0726 8.50071V2.8305C10.0726 2.53067 9.95496 2.24313 9.7456 2.03112C9.53624 1.81911 9.25228 1.7 8.9562 1.7Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-chargeurs_survolteurs viewBox0 0 28 15> path dM16.4302 2.78593C16.4302 2.78593 17.5396 1.7515 16.7471 0.608185C16.166 -0.262913 15.3736 0.00930705 14.9509 0.172639C14.7924 0.227083 14.7396 0.281527 14.7396 0.281527L9.56224 4.03814L11.2528 6.70588L16.4302 2.78593Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM6.97359 9.75473C6.97359 9.75473 6.44529 8.44808 4.86038 9.04696C3.43396 9.5914 3.59245 10.8436 3.69812 11.2247L0.528302 12.4225L0 11.2247L7.71321 5.45367L9.35095 8.06698L6.97359 9.75473Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM28 14.0014V14.1102C28 14.2191 27.9472 14.328 27.8943 14.4369C27.7358 14.7636 27.366 14.818 27.1019 14.6547C26.9434 14.5458 26.8906 14.328 26.8906 14.1102C26.9434 11.4425 25.7811 11.007 24.6717 11.007C23.2453 10.9525 21.3434 11.3336 20.6038 11.497C20.4453 12.0958 19.917 12.3681 19.6 12.4769C19.4415 12.5314 19.3358 12.5314 19.3358 12.5314L13.049 13.348L12.5736 10.1903L18.966 9.53698C18.966 9.53698 20.0226 9.48254 20.4453 10.2992C21.2377 10.1359 23.1396 9.75476 24.6717 9.8092C26.8906 9.86364 28 11.2792 28 14.0014Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM11.0415 8.66584C10.6189 8.93805 10.0378 8.82917 9.77361 8.39362L7.55474 4.85478C7.29059 4.41923 7.39625 3.82035 7.81889 3.54813L7.87172 3.49369C8.29437 3.22147 8.8755 3.33036 9.13965 3.76591L11.3585 7.30474C11.6227 7.7403 11.517 8.33918 11.0944 8.6114L11.0415 8.66584Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM7.34342 10.898C7.34342 10.898 7.87172 12.2046 6.28681 12.858C4.91323 13.4568 4.22643 12.4224 4.06794 12.0413L0.89813 13.3479L1.26794 14.6001L10.6717 13.5113L10.1962 10.4624L7.34342 10.898Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM11.2 8.93804C11.7283 8.82916 12.2038 9.21026 12.2566 9.70026L12.8906 13.8924C12.9962 14.4369 12.6264 14.9268 12.1509 14.9813H12.0453C11.517 15.0902 11.0415 14.7091 10.9887 14.2191L10.3547 10.0269C10.2491 9.48248 10.6189 8.99248 11.0943 8.93804H11.2Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-chargeurs_verificateurs viewBox0 0 25 25> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM23.9333 1.06884C23.97 1.10551 24 4.75782 24 9.18507V17.2345H17.65H11.3V9.11824V1.002H17.5833C21.0392 1.002 23.8967 1.03206 23.9333 1.06884ZM13.8 4.50902V3.95792V3.40681H17.85H21.9V3.95792V4.50902H17.85H13.8ZM13.8022 9.58477C14.2357 8.42685 15.301 7.48828 16.546 7.16754C18.0918 6.76934 19.639 7.22255 20.6982 8.38387C21.3686 9.11884 21.6418 9.84309 21.6367 10.8717C21.6295 12.323 20.9041 13.5238 19.6206 14.2093C17.5547 15.3127 14.8666 14.4837 13.9219 12.4519C13.5423 11.6355 13.4913 10.415 13.8022 9.58477Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM19.9861 9.18317C21.0778 10.5101 20.6222 12.5102 19.0531 13.2795C18.7404 13.4328 18.2602 13.5678 17.9175 13.599C17.3134 13.6539 16.3 13.4789 16.3 13.3196C16.3 13.2067 19.4813 8.87715 19.5931 8.83808C19.6397 8.82174 19.8165 8.97695 19.9861 9.18317Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM18.4258 8.2C18.5734 8.25852 18.3591 8.6003 17.0954 10.3222C16.2669 11.4511 15.5283 12.4366 15.4539 12.512C15.3398 12.628 15.2786 12.5886 15.0611 12.2592C14.5825 11.5347 14.5379 10.5483 14.9449 9.69269C15.2034 9.1491 15.9862 8.48407 16.602 8.28487C17.1256 8.11543 18.0983 8.07014 18.4258 8.2Z fillcurrentColor /> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM10.2 9.16834V18.3367H12.35H14.5V19.6894V21.0421L11.275 21.0399C8.3561 21.0379 8.012 21.0201 7.65 20.8531C7.1303 20.6132 6.7672 20.2642 6.5085 19.7561C6.3083 19.3629 6.3 19.1992 6.3 15.6353V11.9238H6.75H7.2V9.26854V6.61323H6.75H6.3V6.01202V5.41082H5.75H5.2V6.01202V6.61323H4.6983H4.1967L4.2233 9.24349L4.25 11.8737L4.7217 11.9041L5.1933 11.9346L5.2217 15.8119L5.25 19.6894L5.4948 20.1878C5.8227 20.8555 6.4862 21.5006 7.1804 21.8267L7.75 22.0942L11.025 22.1243C13.6292 22.1483 14.3 22.1811 14.3 22.2847C14.3 22.4352 13.8197 23.1161 13.536 23.3679C13.4297 23.4622 13.1193 23.6426 12.8463 23.7687C12.3544 23.996 12.313 23.998 8.2 23.998H4.05L3.477 23.716C3.1619 23.561 2.7694 23.2704 2.6048 23.0703C2.0234 22.3636 2 22.1717 2 18.1184V14.4289H2.45H2.9V11.7735V9.11824H2.45H2V8.56713V8.01603H1.45H0.9V8.56713V9.11824H0.449999H0V11.7735V14.4289H0.4447H0.889301L0.919699 18.3617L0.949999 22.2946L1.216 22.8632C1.5885 23.6594 2.203 24.2883 2.9856 24.6743L3.6458 25H8.2479H12.85L13.4217 24.7187C14.3606 24.2568 15.1585 23.3384 15.397 22.4449L15.4639 22.1944L17.2596 22.1443C19.0429 22.0945 19.0598 22.0919 19.7223 21.7648C20.8845 21.1911 21.6 20.0934 21.6 18.884V18.3367H23.3H25V9.16834V0H17.6H10.2V9.16834ZM23.9333 1.06884C23.97 1.10551 24 4.75782 24 9.18507V17.2345H17.65H11.3V9.11824V1.002H17.5833C21.0392 1.002 23.8967 1.03206 23.9333 1.06884ZM20.4821 18.9844C20.4298 19.8086 20.0602 20.3656 19.2998 20.7665C18.7923 21.0342 18.7305 21.0421 17.1636 21.042H15.55L15.5186 20.0758C15.5014 19.5444 15.5166 18.9357 15.5524 18.7231L15.6176 18.3367H18.0704H20.5233L20.4821 18.9844Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-chargeurs_pieces viewBox0 0 18 15> path dM17.6706 6.11484L16.0798 4.59978C15.8688 4.39888 15.5827 4.28605 15.2842 4.28605H13.5V1.60714C13.5 0.719531 12.7445 0 11.8125 0H6.1875C5.25551 0 4.5 0.719531 4.5 1.60714V4.28571H2.71582C2.41734 4.28571 2.13152 4.39855 1.92023 4.59944L0.329414 6.11484C0.118477 6.31574 0 6.58828 0 6.87254V9.64286H4.5V9.10714C4.5 8.81116 4.75172 8.57143 5.0625 8.57143H6.1875C6.49828 8.57143 6.75 8.81116 6.75 9.10714V9.64286H11.25V9.10714C11.25 8.81116 11.5017 8.57143 11.8125 8.57143H12.9375C13.2483 8.57143 13.5 8.81116 13.5 9.10714V9.64286H18V6.87221C18 6.58828 17.8815 6.31574 17.6706 6.11484ZM11.25 4.28571H6.75V2.14286H11.25V4.28571ZM13.5 11.25C13.5 11.546 13.2483 11.7857 12.9375 11.7857H11.8125C11.5017 11.7857 11.25 11.546 11.25 11.25V10.7143H6.75V11.25C6.75 11.546 6.49828 11.7857 6.1875 11.7857H5.0625C4.75172 11.7857 4.5 11.546 4.5 11.25V10.7143H0V13.9286C0 14.5202 0.503789 15 1.125 15H16.875C17.4962 15 18 14.5202 18 13.9286V10.7143H13.5V11.25Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> !-- icon shop lumieres --> g idicon-lumieres_ampoules viewBox0 0 12 18> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM9.28371 10.2351C8.89814 10.5404 8.62151 10.979 8.60001 11.4664H2.86524C2.84517 10.979 2.56997 10.5404 2.18297 10.2351C1.24746 9.49732 0.565038 8.4864 0.230561 7.34288C-0.103915 6.19935 -0.0738305 4.98003 0.316633 3.85439C0.707096 2.72875 1.43854 1.75271 2.4093 1.06194C3.38006 0.371178 4.5419 0 5.73334 0C6.92478 0 8.08662 0.371178 9.05738 1.06194C10.0281 1.75271 10.7596 2.72875 11.15 3.85439C11.5405 4.98003 11.5706 6.19935 11.2361 7.34288C10.9016 8.4864 10.2192 9.49732 9.28371 10.2351ZM2.86662 12.8994V14.3327C2.86662 15.093 3.16864 15.8222 3.70625 16.3598C4.24385 16.8974 4.973 17.1994 5.73329 17.1994C6.49358 17.1994 7.22273 16.8974 7.76033 16.3598C8.29794 15.8222 8.59996 15.093 8.59996 14.3327V12.8994H2.86662Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-lumieres_luminaires viewBox0 0 16 17> path dM6.86869 0.85C7.78981 0.85 8.38321 1.17875 8.76989 1.60216C8.35404 1.15461 7.7291 0.85 6.86869 0.85ZM6.86869 0.85C5.86526 0.85 5.25074 1.24012 4.86871 1.71775C4.83504 1.75984 4.80294 1.80294 4.77238 1.84689C5.16994 1.27908 5.84872 0.85 6.86869 0.85ZM12.7825 9.35H6.10638L9.07695 7.24728L9.43586 6.99323V6.5535V3.4C9.43586 3.18122 9.40601 2.73578 9.2034 2.27023C9.3747 2.65162 9.45303 3.05582 9.45303 3.4V6.5535V6.99323L9.81194 7.24728L12.7825 9.35ZM4.28434 3.4C4.28434 2.98819 4.39648 2.49048 4.64581 2.0487C4.32577 2.6206 4.30152 3.20654 4.30152 3.4C4.30152 3.61856 4.2535 3.8745 4.15064 4.11846C4.25747 3.85606 4.28434 3.59665 4.28434 3.4ZM3.93754 4.48933C3.96207 4.4577 3.98493 4.42567 4.00624 4.39335C3.97617 4.44007 3.94366 4.48549 3.90866 4.52916C3.66165 4.83741 3.26142 5.1 2.57576 5.1C3.13265 5.1 3.61862 4.90057 3.93754 4.48933ZM0.867172 5.95V7.65H0.85V1.7H0.867172V4.25V5.1V5.95ZM10.303 16.15H8.58586C8.10278 16.15 7.71869 15.7575 7.71869 15.3V11.9H11.1702V15.3C11.1702 15.7575 10.7861 16.15 10.303 16.15Z fillcurrentColor strokeblack stroke-width1.7 /> /g> g idicon-lumieres_lampes viewBox0 0 16 16> path dM15.7031 13.8281L13.8281 15.7031C13.6302 15.901 13.3906 16 13.1094 16C12.8281 16 12.5885 15.901 12.3906 15.7031L5.70312 9H3C2.72917 9 2.49479 8.90365 2.29688 8.71094C2.09896 8.51823 2 8.28125 2 8L8 2.01562C8.28125 2.01562 8.51823 2.11198 8.71094 2.30469C8.90365 2.4974 9 2.72917 9 3V5.70312L15.7031 12.3906C15.901 12.5885 16 12.8281 16 13.1094C16 13.3906 15.901 13.6302 15.7031 13.8281ZM11.7188 10.3594L9.64062 8.28125C9.45312 8.09375 9.22656 8 8.96094 8C8.69531 8 8.46875 8.09375 8.28125 8.28125C8.09375 8.46875 8 8.69531 8 8.96094C8 9.22656 8.09375 9.45312 8.28125 9.64062L10.3594 11.7188C10.5469 11.9062 10.7734 12 11.0391 12C11.3047 12 11.5312 11.9062 11.7188 11.7188C11.9062 11.5312 12 11.3047 12 11.0391C12 10.7734 11.9062 10.5469 11.7188 10.3594ZM1.375 6.76562C1.21875 6.92188 1.02865 7 0.804688 7C0.580729 7 0.390625 6.92188 0.234375 6.76562C0.078125 6.60938 0 6.42188 0 6.20312C0 5.98438 0.078125 5.79688 0.234375 5.64062L5.64062 0.234375C5.79688 0.078125 5.98438 0 6.20312 0C6.42188 0 6.60938 0.078125 6.76562 0.234375C6.92188 0.390625 7 0.580729 7 0.804688C7 1.02865 6.92188 1.21875 6.76562 1.375L1.375 6.76562Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-lumieres_accessoires viewBox0 0 15 15> path dM13.125 15H1.875C1.35742 15 0.915527 14.8169 0.549316 14.4507C0.183105 14.0845 0 13.6426 0 13.125V1.875C0 1.35742 0.183105 0.915527 0.549316 0.549316C0.915527 0.183105 1.35742 0 1.875 0H13.125C13.6426 0 14.0845 0.183105 14.4507 0.549316C14.8169 0.915527 15 1.35742 15 1.875V13.125C15 13.6426 14.8169 14.0845 14.4507 14.4507C14.0845 14.8169 13.6426 15 13.125 15ZM1.86768 0.9375C1.60889 0.9375 1.38916 1.02783 1.2085 1.2085C1.02783 1.38916 0.9375 1.60889 0.9375 1.86768C0.9375 2.12646 1.02783 2.34863 1.2085 2.53418C1.38916 2.71973 1.60889 2.8125 1.86768 2.8125C2.12646 2.8125 2.34863 2.71973 2.53418 2.53418C2.71973 2.34863 2.8125 2.12646 2.8125 1.86768C2.8125 1.60889 2.71973 1.38916 2.53418 1.2085C2.34863 1.02783 2.12646 0.9375 1.86768 0.9375ZM1.875 12.1875C1.61133 12.1875 1.38916 12.2778 1.2085 12.4585C1.02783 12.6392 0.9375 12.8589 0.9375 13.1177C0.9375 13.3765 1.02783 13.5986 1.2085 13.7842C1.38916 13.9697 1.60889 14.0625 1.86768 14.0625C2.12646 14.0625 2.34863 13.9697 2.53418 13.7842C2.71973 13.5986 2.8125 13.3765 2.8125 13.1177C2.8125 12.8589 2.72217 12.6392 2.5415 12.4585C2.36084 12.2778 2.13867 12.1875 1.875 12.1875ZM11.25 4.6875H3.75C3.48633 4.6875 3.26416 4.77783 3.0835 4.9585C2.90283 5.13916 2.8125 5.36133 2.8125 5.625V9.375C2.8125 9.62891 2.90283 9.84863 3.0835 10.0342C3.26416 10.2197 3.48633 10.3125 3.75 10.3125H11.25C11.5039 10.3125 11.7236 10.2197 11.9092 10.0342C12.0947 9.84863 12.1875 9.62891 12.1875 9.375V5.625C12.1875 5.36133 12.0972 5.13916 11.9165 4.9585C11.7358 4.77783 11.5137 4.6875 11.25 4.6875ZM13.125 0.9375C12.8613 0.9375 12.6392 1.02783 12.4585 1.2085C12.2778 1.38916 12.1875 1.60889 12.1875 1.86768C12.1875 2.12646 12.2778 2.34863 12.4585 2.53418C12.6392 2.71973 12.8589 2.8125 13.1177 2.8125C13.3765 2.8125 13.5986 2.71973 13.7842 2.53418C13.9697 2.34863 14.0625 2.12646 14.0625 1.86768C14.0625 1.60889 13.9722 1.38916 13.7915 1.2085C13.6108 1.02783 13.3887 0.9375 13.125 0.9375ZM13.125 12.1875C12.8613 12.1875 12.6392 12.2778 12.4585 12.4585C12.2778 12.6392 12.1875 12.8589 12.1875 13.1177C12.1875 13.3765 12.2778 13.5986 12.4585 13.7842C12.6392 13.9697 12.8589 14.0625 13.1177 14.0625C13.3765 14.0625 13.5986 13.9697 13.7842 13.7842C13.9697 13.5986 14.0625 13.3765 14.0625 13.1177C14.0625 12.8589 13.9722 12.6392 13.7915 12.4585C13.6108 12.2778 13.3887 12.1875 13.125 12.1875ZM6.5625 9.375H4.6875C4.42383 9.375 4.20166 9.28223 4.021 9.09668C3.84033 8.91113 3.75 8.69141 3.75 8.4375V6.5625C3.75 6.29883 3.84033 6.07666 4.021 5.896C4.20166 5.71533 4.42383 5.625 4.6875 5.625H6.5625C6.81641 5.625 7.03613 5.71533 7.22168 5.896C7.40723 6.07666 7.5 6.29883 7.5 6.5625V8.4375C7.5 8.69141 7.40967 8.91113 7.229 9.09668C7.04834 9.28223 6.82617 9.375 6.5625 9.375Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-lumieres_pieces viewBox0 0 9 18> path dM3.15 0C3.74674 0 4.31903 0.237053 4.74099 0.65901C5.16295 1.08097 5.4 1.65326 5.4 2.25V10.8H6.3V2.223C6.3 1.404 5.967 0.63 5.4 0.045C5.553 -4.35859e-08 5.697 0 5.85 0C6.44674 0 7.01903 0.237053 7.44099 0.65901C7.86295 1.08097 8.1 1.65326 8.1 2.25V10.8H9V13.5C9 13.995 8.595 14.4 8.1 14.4H0.9C0.405 14.4 0 13.995 0 13.5V10.8H0.9V2.25C0.9 1.65326 1.13705 1.08097 1.55901 0.65901C1.98097 0.237053 2.55326 0 3.15 0ZM3.15 1.8C2.898 1.8 2.7 1.998 2.7 2.25V10.8H3.6V2.25C3.6 1.998 3.402 1.8 3.15 1.8ZM1.8 16.2H7.2V17.1C7.2 17.595 6.795 18 6.3 18H2.7C2.205 18 1.8 17.595 1.8 17.1V16.2Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> !-- icon shop mobilites --> g idicon-mobilites_vehicules viewBox0 0 18 19> path dM5.23948 12.9545H11.7007V12.0909C11.7007 10.1823 13.3115 8.63636 15.3003 8.63636H15.9662L14.2564 1.34727C14.1653 0.965622 13.9422 0.62479 13.6236 0.380188C13.3051 0.135586 12.9096 0.00159558 12.5016 0H9.00104V1.72727H12.5016L13.7615 7.125H13.7525C12.7883 7.40391 11.9244 7.93574 11.2582 8.66054C10.592 9.38535 10.15 10.2743 9.98193 11.2273H5.23948C5.02323 10.6388 4.59266 10.1451 4.02711 9.83723C3.46155 9.52935 2.79911 9.42799 2.16183 9.55182C1.09996 9.75046 0.245055 10.5882 0.0470783 11.6073C-0.0267772 11.982 -0.0136023 12.3677 0.0856638 12.7369C0.18493 13.1061 0.367843 13.4498 0.621366 13.7434C0.874889 14.037 1.19278 14.2734 1.55238 14.4356C1.91198 14.5978 2.30443 14.6819 2.70177 14.6818C3.87164 14.6818 4.86152 13.9564 5.23948 12.9545ZM2.70177 12.9545C2.20683 12.9545 1.80188 12.5659 1.80188 12.0909C1.80188 11.6159 2.20683 11.2273 2.70177 11.2273C3.19671 11.2273 3.60167 11.6159 3.60167 12.0909C3.60167 12.5659 3.19671 12.9545 2.70177 12.9545Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM15.3003 9.5C13.8065 9.5 12.6006 10.6573 12.6006 12.0909C12.6006 13.5245 13.8065 14.6818 15.3003 14.6818C16.7941 14.6818 18 13.5245 18 12.0909C18 10.6573 16.7941 9.5 15.3003 9.5ZM15.3003 12.9545C14.8054 12.9545 14.4004 12.5659 14.4004 12.0909C14.4004 11.6159 14.8054 11.2273 15.3003 11.2273C15.7953 11.2273 16.2002 11.6159 16.2002 12.0909C16.2002 12.5659 15.7953 12.9545 15.3003 12.9545ZM8.10115 16.4091H4.50156L9.90094 19V17.2727H13.5005L8.10115 14.6818V16.4091Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM15.3003 12.9545C14.8054 12.9545 14.4004 12.5659 14.4004 12.0909C14.4004 11.6159 14.8054 11.2273 15.3003 11.2273C15.7953 11.2273 16.2002 11.6159 16.2002 12.0909C16.2002 12.5659 15.7953 12.9545 15.3003 12.9545Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM2.70177 12.9545C2.20683 12.9545 1.80188 12.5659 1.80188 12.0909C1.80188 11.6159 2.20683 11.2273 2.70177 11.2273C3.19671 11.2273 3.60167 11.6159 3.60167 12.0909C3.60167 12.5659 3.19671 12.9545 2.70177 12.9545Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-mobilites_chauffage viewBox0 0 14 18> path dM12.25 13.5C12.25 14.49 11.4625 15.3 10.5 15.3H3.5C2.5375 15.3 1.75 14.49 1.75 13.5V7.2C1.75 6.21 2.5375 5.4 3.5 5.4H10.5C11.4625 5.4 12.25 6.21 12.25 7.2V13.5Z fillcurrentColor /> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM10.5 3.6V1.8C10.5 1.32261 10.3156 0.864773 9.98744 0.527208C9.65925 0.189642 9.21413 0 8.75 0H5.25C4.2875 0 3.5 0.81 3.5 1.8V3.6C1.56625 3.6 0 5.211 0 7.2V13.5C0 15.174 1.12 16.569 2.625 16.974V18H11.375V16.974C12.88 16.578 14 15.174 14 13.5V7.2C14 5.211 12.4338 3.6 10.5 3.6ZM8.75 1.8H5.25V3.6H8.75V1.8ZM10.5 15.3C11.4625 15.3 12.25 14.49 12.25 13.5V7.2C12.25 6.21 11.4625 5.4 10.5 5.4H3.5C2.5375 5.4 1.75 6.21 1.75 7.2V13.5C1.75 14.49 2.5375 15.3 3.5 15.3H10.5Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-mobilites_appareils viewBox0 0 12 16> path dM10.2857 0H1.71429C1.25979 0.000476422 0.824047 0.1692 0.502666 0.469155C0.181286 0.76911 0.000510452 1.1758 0 1.6V14.9333C0.000340301 15.2161 0.120858 15.4873 0.335111 15.6872C0.549365 15.8872 0.839857 15.9997 1.14286 16H10.8571C11.1601 15.9997 11.4506 15.8872 11.6649 15.6872C11.8791 15.4873 11.9997 15.2161 12 14.9333V1.6C11.9995 1.1758 11.8187 0.76911 11.4973 0.469155C11.176 0.1692 10.7402 0.000476422 10.2857 0ZM10.8571 14.9333H1.14286V7.46667H10.8571V14.9333ZM10.8571 6.4H1.14286V1.6C1.14304 1.4586 1.2033 1.32304 1.31042 1.22306C1.41755 1.12308 1.56279 1.06683 1.71429 1.06667H10.2857C10.4372 1.06683 10.5825 1.12308 10.6896 1.22306C10.7967 1.32304 10.857 1.4586 10.8571 1.6V6.4Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM10.8571 6.4H1.14286V1.6C1.14304 1.4586 1.2033 1.32304 1.31042 1.22306C1.41755 1.12308 1.56279 1.06683 1.71429 1.06667H10.2857C10.4372 1.06683 10.5825 1.12308 10.6896 1.22306C10.7967 1.32304 10.857 1.4586 10.8571 1.6V6.4ZM3.14286 2.93333H2V5.06667H3.14286V2.93333Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM10.8571 14.9333H1.14286V7.46667H10.8571V14.9333ZM3.14286 8.8H2V12H3.14286V8.8Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-mobilites_audio viewBox0 0 13 14> path dM9.13513 2.64045C10.0046 2.99077 10.7491 3.59196 11.2731 4.36684C11.7971 5.14173 12.0767 6.05494 12.0759 6.98924C12.0767 7.9235 11.7971 8.83665 11.2731 9.61148C10.7491 10.3863 10.0046 10.9874 9.13513 11.3377V12.3159C10.2605 11.9468 11.24 11.233 11.934 10.2765C12.6281 9.31992 13.0011 8.16948 13 6.98924C13 4.50457 11.3806 2.39545 9.13513 1.65939V2.64045ZM9.13513 4.95012C9.43102 5.20183 9.66847 5.51458 9.83106 5.86672C9.99364 6.21886 10.0775 6.60199 10.0768 6.98959C10.0775 7.37715 9.9937 7.76024 9.83111 8.11234C9.66852 8.46443 9.43105 8.77711 9.13513 9.02872V10.0241C10.1857 9.41827 10.8919 8.28601 10.8919 6.98959C10.8921 6.3747 10.7299 5.77057 10.4216 5.23791C10.1132 4.70525 9.66952 4.26282 9.13513 3.95506V4.95012ZM1.05405 9.79242H3.86486L7.02703 13.6477C7.37838 14.1517 8.20054 14.1136 8.43243 13.542V0.465177C8.14748 -0.106029 7.39981 -0.15188 7.02703 0.331475L3.86486 4.20007H1.05405C0.154243 4.20007 0 4.36142 0 5.23748V8.74171C0 9.59642 0.175676 9.79242 1.05405 9.79242Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-mobilites_alarmes viewBox0 0 20 20> path dM9.707 19.709C14.586 19.709 18.707 15.588 18.707 10.709C18.707 5.83 14.586 1.709 9.707 1.709C4.828 1.709 0.707 5.83 0.707 10.709C0.707 15.588 4.828 19.709 9.707 19.709ZM9.707 3.709C13.501 3.709 16.707 6.915 16.707 10.709C16.707 14.503 13.501 17.709 9.707 17.709C5.913 17.709 2.707 14.503 2.707 10.709C2.707 6.915 5.913 3.709 9.707 3.709ZM14.991 1.416L16.403 0L19.413 3L18 4.417L14.991 1.416ZM2.989 0.00300002L4.407 1.415L1.417 4.415L0 3.002L2.989 0.00300002Z fillcurrentColor /> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM9.707 3.709C13.501 3.709 16.707 6.915 16.707 10.709C16.707 14.503 13.501 17.709 9.707 17.709C5.913 17.709 2.707 14.503 2.707 10.709C2.707 6.915 5.913 3.709 9.707 3.709ZM10.707 6.709H8.707V11.709H10.707V6.709ZM10.707 12.709H8.707V14.709H10.707V12.709Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-mobilites_pompes viewBox0 0 14 14> path dM11.9 8.75C11.9 8.75 13.3 10.269 13.3 11.2C13.3 11.5713 13.1525 11.9274 12.8899 12.1899C12.6274 12.4525 12.2713 12.6 11.9 12.6C11.5287 12.6 11.1726 12.4525 10.9101 12.1899C10.6475 11.9274 10.5 11.5713 10.5 11.2C10.5 10.269 11.9 8.75 11.9 8.75ZM2.1 11.2V4.9C1.7287 4.9 1.3726 4.7525 1.11005 4.48995C0.847499 4.2274 0.7 3.8713 0.7 3.5C0.7 3.1287 0.847499 2.7726 1.11005 2.51005C1.3726 2.2475 1.7287 2.1 2.1 2.1V1.4C2.1 1.0287 2.2475 0.672601 2.51005 0.41005C2.7726 0.1475 3.1287 0 3.5 0H4.9C5.2713 0 5.6274 0.1475 5.88995 0.41005C6.1525 0.672601 6.3 1.0287 6.3 1.4V2.1H11.9C12.2713 2.1 12.6274 2.2475 12.8899 2.51005C13.1525 2.7726 13.3 3.1287 13.3 3.5V6.3C13.4857 6.3 13.6637 6.37375 13.795 6.50503C13.9263 6.6363 14 6.81435 14 7C14 7.18565 13.9263 7.3637 13.795 7.49497C13.6637 7.62625 13.4857 7.7 13.3 7.7H10.5C10.3143 7.7 10.1363 7.62625 10.005 7.49497C9.87375 7.3637 9.8 7.18565 9.8 7C9.8 6.81435 9.87375 6.6363 10.005 6.50503C10.1363 6.37375 10.3143 6.3 10.5 6.3V4.9H6.3V11.2H7C7.3713 11.2 7.7274 11.3475 7.98995 11.6101C8.2525 11.8726 8.4 12.2287 8.4 12.6V14H0V12.6C0 12.2287 0.1475 11.8726 0.41005 11.6101C0.672601 11.3475 1.0287 11.2 1.4 11.2H2.1Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-mobilites_propane viewBox0 0 10 16> path dM1.66667 0C0.741667 0 0 0.712 0 1.6V11.2C0 12.088 0.741667 12.8 1.66667 12.8H2.5V14.4H0V16H2.5C3.425 16 4.16667 15.288 4.16667 14.4V12.8H5.83333V14.4C5.83333 15.288 6.575 16 7.5 16H10V14.4H7.5V12.8H8.33333C9.25833 12.8 10 12.088 10 11.2V1.6C10 0.712 9.25833 0 8.33333 0H1.66667ZM5 2.376C5.44203 2.376 5.86595 2.54457 6.17851 2.84463C6.49107 3.14469 6.66667 3.55165 6.66667 3.976C6.66667 4.40035 6.49107 4.80731 6.17851 5.10737C5.86595 5.40743 5.44203 5.576 5 5.576C4.55797 5.576 4.13405 5.40743 3.82149 5.10737C3.50893 4.80731 3.33333 4.40035 3.33333 3.976C3.33333 3.55165 3.50893 3.14469 3.82149 2.84463C4.13405 2.54457 4.55797 2.376 5 2.376ZM3.33333 10H6.66667V11.2H3.33333V10Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-mobilites_seasonal viewBox0 0 18.02 17.62 fillcurrentColor> path dM18,9.08a1,1,0,0,1-.95.36h-.84l.36.41a.59.59,0,0,1,0,.88.58.58,0,0,1-.85,0c-.35-.34-.68-.7-1-1a.75.75,0,0,0-.47-.23c-1.05,0-2.1,0-3.15,0l-.15,0-.12.14a4,4,0,0,1,.52.37c.6.59,1.19,1.2,1.81,1.78a1.12,1.12,0,0,0,.59.25c.44,0,.89,0,1.33,0s.,0c.,0,0,1,.,0,0,1-.92,0,9.83,9.83,0,0,1-.67-.76l-.13.1c0,.15,0,.3,0,.45a.58.58,0,0,1-.,0,0,1-.6-.59c0-.5,0-1,0-1.5a.69.69,0,0,0-.11-.39c-.83-.85-1.67-1.69-2.58-2.6a3.41,3.41,0,0,0-.05.42c0,1.05,0,2.09,0,3.13a.93.93,0,0,0,.23.56c.,1s.37.71.09,1-.61.21-.95-.09L9.82,16c-.26.53.28,1.31-.63,1.64V.08a.58.58,0,0,1,.54.68V1.84c.2-.18.32-.29.45-.39A.58.58,0,0,1,11,1.5a.56.56,0,0,1,0,.84c-.33.35-.7.65-1,1A1.07,1.07,0,0,0,9.74,4c0,1.06,0,2.11,0,3.23A1.14,1.14,0,0,0,10,7.06c.75-.74,1.51-1.48,2.25-2.24a.91.91,0,0,0,.2-.54c0-.43,0-.86,0-1.28s.22-.73.6-.,.08,0,.16,0,.35.23-.22.4-.38.56-.55.46-.45.81-.51,1.11-.2s.22.64-.21,1.07c-.18.18-.38.34-.56.51l0,.11.5,0a.57.57,0,0,1,.,0,0,1-.58.61c-.5,0-1,0-1.51,0a.77.77,0,0,0-.46.15c-.8.77-1.57,1.55-2.35,2.33a.65.65,0,0,0-.09.19h.74c.91,0,1.81,0,2.72,0A1.07,1.07,0,0,0,14.7,8c.33-.28.62-.59.93-.89s.74-.4,1-.1.21.62-.14,1c-.05,0-.13.06-.,1.26-.13,1.69.46Z /> path dM0,8.56A1,1,0,0,1,1.1,8C1.53,8,2,8,2.39,8a.82.82,0,0,1,.,0,0,1-.87.82c-.43,0-.86,0-1.29,0A1,1,0,0,1,0,9.08Z /> path dM8.75,4v9.69a4.67,4.67,0,0,1-4-2.13,4.61,4.61,0,0,1-.13-5.22A4.67,4.67,0,0,1,8.75,4Z /> path dM5.19,13.23c-.1.27-.12.48-.24.6A17,17,0,0,1,3.67,,0,0,1,2.57,15a.79.79,0,0,1,0-1.09A8.53,8.53,0,0,1,3.78,12.7a1,1,0,0,1,.87-.08C4.88,12.71,5,13,5.19,13.23Z /> path dM2.26,3.11a3.23,3.23,0,0,1,.51-.62.68.68,0,0,1,.88.06A14,14,0,0,1,4.93,,0,0,1,3.83,5,15.86,15.86,0,0,1,2.46,3.66C2.36,3.56,2.35,3.37,2.26,3.11Z /> path dM8.73,3.22C8.26,3.17,8,3,8,2.53S8,1.38,8,.81s.29-.64.73-.76Z /> path dM8.74,14.4v3.13c-.45,0-.72-.26-.74-.67,0-.58,0-1.17,0-1.75C8,14.7,8.24,14.51,8.74,14.4Z /> /g> !-- icon shop equipement --> g idicon-equipement_alimentation viewBox0 0 19 19> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM4.91433 16.3671C4.98847 17.6476 5.78166 18.6348 6.96667 18.9215L14.5781 18.908C15.077 18.7635 15.6376 18.3048 15.9107 17.8178L16.1711 17.3533L16.1958 13.87L16.2203 10.3867H17.2302H18.24V8.40222V6.41778H17.9867H17.7333V5.23556V4.05333H15.6644H13.5956V5.23556V6.41778H13.3H13.0044V8.40222V10.3867H14.0178H15.0311V13.753C15.0311 17.039 15.0269 17.1248 14.8548 17.3436L14.8521 17.3471C14.7876 17.429 14.7344 17.4967 14.6708 17.5526C14.3691 17.8178 13.8343 17.8178 10.762 17.8178C10.7528 17.8178 10.7435 17.8178 10.7342 17.8178C8.49418 17.8178 7.18935 17.7861 7.03549 17.7279C6.71198 17.6057 6.33688 17.2414 6.19628 16.9127C6.13236 16.7632 6.08 16.4308 6.08 16.1738V15.7067H8.23333H10.3867V7.85333V0H0.76V7.85333V15.7067H2.81808H4.87608L4.91433 16.3671ZM1.85778 10.8089V5.99556V1.18222H5.57333H9.28889V5.99556V10.8089H5.57333H1.85778ZM14.1867 9.29286V8.44647V7.6H15.6675H17.1483L17.1241 8.42333L17.1 9.24667L15.6433 9.2698L14.1867 9.29286ZM1.85778 14.5244V13.2578V11.9911H5.57333H9.28889V13.2578V14.5244H5.57333H1.85778Z fillcurrentColor /> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM1.85778 13.2578V14.5244H5.57333H9.28889V13.2578V11.9911H5.57333H1.85778V13.2578ZM6.20667 13.8067L6.23166 13.2367L6.25657 12.6667H5.57722H4.89778V13.2613V13.856L5.55222 13.8313L6.20667 13.8067Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM6.23166 13.2367L6.20667 13.8067L5.55222 13.8313L4.89778 13.856V13.2613V12.6667H5.57722H6.25657L6.23166 13.2367Z fillcurrentColor /> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM1.85778 5.99556V10.8089H5.57333H9.28889V5.99556V1.18222H5.57333H1.85778V5.99556ZM6.95375 3.57175C6.99192 3.50732 6.85115 3.36047 6.56919 3.17064C6.32464 3.00588 6.105 2.87128 6.0811 2.87145C6.05728 2.87162 5.47504 3.67908 4.78716 4.66589L3.53653 6.46L4.47049 6.4839C4.98416 6.49699 5.40444 6.53296 5.40444 6.56378C5.40444 6.5946 5.11379 7.07214 4.75853 7.62491C4.24257 8.42781 4.13643 8.64593 4.23075 8.70909C4.59538 8.95305 5.07849 9.22074 5.10509 9.19355C5.12206 9.17632 5.68674 8.32622 6.35985 7.30444L7.5837 5.44667L6.663 5.42277C6.15659 5.40968 5.74222 5.38249 5.74222 5.36239C5.74222 5.34229 6.0013 4.95402 6.31788 4.49962C6.63446 4.04514 6.92056 3.62765 6.95375 3.57175Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM14.1867 8.44647V9.29286L15.6433 9.2698L17.1 9.24667L17.1241 8.42333L17.1483 7.6H15.6675H14.1867V8.44647Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-equipement_couteaux viewBox0 0 19 19> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM9.50197 1.75C8.51256 1.75 7.70763 2.55432 7.70763 3.55V10.7406C7.72743 10.8083 7.73773 10.8791 7.73774 10.9509L7.73817 15.7593C7.73817 15.7667 7.73806 15.774 7.73785 15.7814C7.89269 16.618 8.62524 17.25 9.50197 17.25C10.4914 17.25 11.2963 16.4457 11.2963 15.45V3.55C11.2963 2.55431 10.4914 1.75 9.50197 1.75ZM12.7963 9.74678V15.45C12.7963 17.271 11.323 18.75 9.50197 18.75C7.90468 18.75 6.57551 17.6124 6.27245 16.1039L0.991102 10.8108C0.759925 10.5858 0.575496 10.3172 0.448363 10.0206C0.320297 9.72176 0.252911 9.40046 0.250092 9.07538C0.247274 8.75031 0.309078 8.42789 0.431941 8.12692C0.554805 7.82595 0.736291 7.5524 0.965894 7.32229C1.1955 7.09217 1.46863 6.9101 1.76938 6.78677C2.07014 6.66345 2.39246 6.60137 2.7175 6.6042C3.04254 6.60703 3.36372 6.67472 3.66229 6.80326C3.95867 6.93085 4.22682 7.11586 4.45138 7.34753L6.20763 9.10745V3.55C6.20763 1.72903 7.68099 0.25 9.50197 0.25C11.0312 0.25 12.3153 1.29306 12.6875 2.70575L18.0535 8.08375C18.5036 8.54509 18.7536 9.16537 18.75 9.80986C18.7463 10.4544 18.4892 11.0717 18.034 11.5279C17.5786 11.9842 16.9618 12.2424 16.3173 12.2459C15.6727 12.2495 15.0531 11.9981 14.5927 11.5469L14.5868 11.5411L12.7963 9.74678ZM12.7963 4.93851V7.62325L15.6453 10.4782C15.8232 10.6513 16.0616 10.7473 16.309 10.7459C16.5576 10.7446 16.7959 10.645 16.9722 10.4683C17.1486 10.2916 17.2486 10.052 17.25 9.80136C17.2514 9.55191 17.1551 9.31225 16.9823 9.13379L12.7963 4.93851ZM6.20763 11.231L3.37617 8.39361C3.2888 8.30295 3.18447 8.23065 3.06914 8.181C2.95381 8.13135 2.82984 8.10524 2.70443 8.10415C2.57903 8.10305 2.45462 8.127 2.33846 8.17463C2.2223 8.22226 2.11665 8.29265 2.02773 8.38177C1.93881 8.47089 1.86839 8.57696 1.82068 8.69384C1.77297 8.81072 1.74894 8.93601 1.75004 9.06238C1.75113 9.18875 1.77733 9.3136 1.82706 9.42962C1.87679 9.54564 1.94902 9.65046 2.03947 9.73801L2.04884 9.74708L6.20763 13.9153V11.231Z fillcurrentColor /> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM7.70763 3.55C7.70763 2.55432 8.51256 1.75 9.50197 1.75C10.4914 1.75 11.2963 2.55431 11.2963 3.55V15.45C11.2963 16.4457 10.4914 17.25 9.50197 17.25C8.62524 17.25 7.89269 16.618 7.73785 15.7814C7.73806 15.774 7.73817 15.7667 7.73817 15.7593L7.73774 10.9509C7.73773 10.8791 7.72743 10.8083 7.70763 10.7406V3.55ZM9.50197 2.8C9.91619 2.8 10.252 3.13579 10.252 3.55V3.975C10.252 4.38921 9.91619 4.725 9.50197 4.725C9.08776 4.725 8.75197 4.38921 8.75197 3.975V3.55C8.75197 3.13579 9.08776 2.8 9.50197 2.8ZM9.50197 14.275C9.91619 14.275 10.252 14.6108 10.252 15.025V15.45C10.252 15.8642 9.91619 16.2 9.50197 16.2C9.08776 16.2 8.75197 15.8642 8.75197 15.45V15.025C8.75197 14.6108 9.08776 14.275 9.50197 14.275Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-equipement_cuisson viewBox0 0 14 18> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM9.33333 0H4.66667V1.63636H6.22222V3.27273H3.11111C2.28599 3.27273 1.49467 3.61753 0.911223 4.23129C0.327777 4.84504 0 5.67747 0 6.54545V14.7273C0 15.5953 0.327777 16.4277 0.911223 17.0414C1.49467 17.6552 2.28599 18 3.11111 18H10.8889C11.714 18 12.5053 17.6552 13.0888 17.0414C13.6722 16.4277 14 15.5953 14 14.7273V6.54545C14 5.67747 13.6722 4.84504 13.0888 4.23129C12.5053 3.61753 11.714 3.27273 10.8889 3.27273H7.77778V1.63636H9.33333V0ZM10.8889 4.90909H3.11111C2.69855 4.90909 2.30289 5.08149 2.01117 5.38837C1.71944 5.69525 1.55556 6.11146 1.55556 6.54545H12.4444C12.4444 6.11146 12.2806 5.69525 11.9888 5.38837C11.6971 5.08149 11.3014 4.90909 10.8889 4.90909ZM12.4444 8.18182H1.55556V14.7273C1.55556 15.1613 1.71944 15.5775 2.01117 15.8844C2.30289 16.1912 2.69855 16.3636 3.11111 16.3636H10.8889C11.3014 16.3636 11.6971 16.1912 11.9888 15.8844C12.2806 15.5775 12.4444 15.1613 12.4444 14.7273V8.18182Z fillcurrentColor /> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM12.4444 8.18182H1.55556V14.7273C1.55556 15.1613 1.71944 15.5775 2.01117 15.8844C2.30289 16.1912 2.69855 16.3636 3.11111 16.3636H10.8889C11.3014 16.3636 11.6971 16.1912 11.9888 15.8844C12.2806 15.5775 12.4444 15.1613 12.4444 14.7273V8.18182ZM8.64992 14.0084C9.0875 13.548 9.33333 12.9237 9.33333 12.2727C9.33333 11.6217 9.0875 10.9974 8.64992 10.5371C8.21233 10.0768 7.61884 9.81818 7 9.81818C6.38116 9.81818 5.78767 10.0768 5.35008 10.5371C4.9125 10.9974 4.66667 11.6217 4.66667 12.2727C4.66667 12.9237 4.9125 13.548 5.35008 14.0084C5.78767 14.4687 6.38116 14.7273 7 14.7273C7.61884 14.7273 8.21233 14.4687 8.64992 14.0084Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-equipement_chauffage viewBox0 0 12 17> path dM8.57143 17H3.42857V16.15H8.57143V17ZM12 1.7L8.57143 0H3.42857L0 1.7H2.22728H9.77014H12ZM2.57143 2.55L2.91429 3.4H9.08571L9.42857 2.55H2.57143ZM4.28571 6.8H5.14286V11.05C4.62857 11.05 4.28571 11.39 4.28571 11.9V15.3H7.71429V11.9C7.71429 11.39 7.37143 11.05 6.85714 11.05V6.8H7.71429L8.05714 5.95H3.94286L4.28571 6.8ZM3.6 5.1H8.4L8.74286 4.25H3.25714L3.6 5.1Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM3.42857 16.15H8.57143V16.15C8.57143 15.6806 8.18373 15.3 7.71429 15.3V15.3H4.28571V15.3C3.81627 15.3 3.42857 15.6806 3.42857 16.15V16.15Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM2.57143 2.55H9.42857L9.77014 1.7H2.22728L2.57143 2.55Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-equipement_nettoyage viewBox0 0 15 19> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM10.7469 1.00002H3.96812C1.01777 1.00002 0.792942 2.95715 1.10574 3.99202L3.54482 13.75L3.5495 13.75L11.1702 13.75C11.1702 13.75 13.1439 6.1778 13.6726 3.99202C13.9229 2.95715 13.7108 0.992795 10.7469 1.00002ZM7.40595 4.82503C7.11568 5.4451 6.5789 6.58708 5.8819 7.41328C5.01065 8.44688 6.0995 10.1006 7.40595 10.1006C8.71283 10.1006 9.80168 8.86041 9.36605 7.82681C9.01755 7.00018 7.91425 5.4451 7.40595 4.82503Z fillcurrentColor /> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM14.4988 4.19175C14.6562 3.54079 14.6908 2.53107 14.1333 1.65045V1.65045C13.5276 0.71481 12.489 0.149902 11.3745 0.149902H10.7459H3.96811C2.30007 0.149902 1.17982 0.715686 0.592049 1.65796C0.044508 2.53573 0.0875716 3.54298 0.285699 4.21641L2.69949 13.8732V17.9999C2.69949 18.4694 3.08005 18.8499 3.54949 18.8499H11.1995C11.6689 18.8499 12.0495 18.4694 12.0495 17.9999V13.7499L12.0495 13.7462L12.3095 12.7463C12.5029 12.002 12.7662 10.9868 13.0461 9.90315C13.605 7.73922 14.2325 5.29245 14.4988 4.19175ZM4.2085 12.8999L10.5131 12.8999L10.6641 12.3189C10.8574 11.5751 11.1205 10.5607 11.4001 9.47802C11.9602 7.30939 12.5839 4.87714 12.8464 3.79207C12.9393 3.40815 12.9238 2.91826 12.6969 2.55978C12.5065 2.25903 12.0357 1.84677 10.7489 1.8499L10.7469 1.84991H3.96811C2.6858 1.84991 2.21846 2.26269 2.03443 2.5577C1.81601 2.90785 1.81011 3.38447 1.91938 3.74598L1.92536 3.76575L4.2085 12.8999Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-equipement_accessoires viewBox0 0 15 15> path dM14.0625 15H10.3125C10.0488 15 9.82666 14.9073 9.646 14.7218C9.46533 14.5363 9.375 14.3167 9.375 14.0629V10.3146C9.375 10.051 9.28223 9.82893 9.09668 9.64835C8.91113 9.46776 8.69141 9.37747 8.4375 9.37747H6.5625C6.29883 9.37747 6.07666 9.46776 5.896 9.64835C5.71533 9.82893 5.625 10.051 5.625 10.3146V14.0629C5.625 14.3167 5.53223 14.5363 5.34668 14.7218C5.16113 14.9073 4.94141 15 4.6875 15H0.922852C0.698242 15 0.488281 14.9048 0.292969 14.7145C0.0976563 14.5241 0 14.3118 0 14.0776C0 13.9019 0.0439453 13.7408 0.131836 13.5944L6.35742 4.86773L3.88184 1.41222C3.74512 1.18771 3.71094 0.950998 3.7793 0.702084C3.84766 0.45317 3.99414 0.265264 4.21875 0.138367C4.44336 0.0114696 4.68018 -0.0202548 4.9292 0.0431939C5.17822 0.106643 5.36621 0.250622 5.49316 0.475133L7.5 3.27176L9.49219 0.460491C9.61914 0.245742 9.80957 0.104202 10.0635 0.0358729C10.3174 -0.0324564 10.5542 -0.00317244 10.7739 0.123725C10.9937 0.250622 11.1377 0.438528 11.2061 0.687442C11.2744 0.936356 11.2451 1.17307 11.1182 1.39758L8.64258 4.86773L14.8682 13.609C14.9561 13.7652 15 13.9165 15 14.0629C15 14.2972 14.9048 14.5119 14.7144 14.7072C14.5239 14.9024 14.3066 15 14.0625 15Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-equipement_cloture viewBox0 0 15 16> path dM2.05 12.55V15H12.55V12.55H10.1H7.3H4.5H2.05Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM2.05 1V12.55M4.5 2.75V12.55M4.5 12.55H7.3M4.5 12.55H2.05M7.3 2.75V12.55M7.3 12.55H10.1M10.1 2.75V12.55M10.1 12.55H12.55M13.6 15H1M13.6 12.55H12.55M1 12.55H2.05M12.55 1V12.55M13.6 2.75H1M2.05 12.55V15H12.55V12.55M2.05 12.55H12.55 strokecurrentColor filltransparent stroke-width1.4 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround /> /g> !-- icon shop installation --> g idicon-installation_cables viewBox0 0 16 15> path dM14.2222 14.1667L15.1111 14.1667C15.6 14.1667 16 13.7917 16 13.3333L16 11.6667C16 11.2083 15.6 10.8333 15.1111 10.8333L14.2222 10.8333L14.2222 10L10.6667 10C10.1778 10 9.77778 10.375 9.77778 10.8333L9.77778 11.6667L3.55556 11.6667C2.57778 11.6667 1.77778 10.9167 1.77778 10C1.77778 9.08333 2.57778 8.33333 3.55556 8.33333L12.4444 8.33333C14.4089 8.33333 16 6.84167 16 5C16 3.15833 14.4089 1.66667 12.4444 1.66667L6.22222 1.66667L6.22222 0.833333C6.22222 0.375 5.82222 -4.44885e-07 5.33333 -4.66255e-07L1.77778 -6.21673e-07L1.77778 0.833333L0.888889 0.833333C0.400001 0.833333 9.00856e-07 1.20833 8.80822e-07 1.66667L8.0797e-07 3.33333C7.87935e-07 3.79167 0.4 4.16667 0.888889 4.16667L1.77778 4.16667L1.77778 5L5.33333 5C5.82222 5 6.22222 4.625 6.22222 4.16667L6.22222 3.33333L12.4444 3.33333C13.4222 3.33333 14.2222 4.08333 14.2222 5C14.2222 5.91667 13.4222 6.66667 12.4444 6.66667L3.55556 6.66667C1.59111 6.66667 5.97062e-07 8.15833 5.1656e-07 10C4.36059e-07 11.8417 1.59111 13.3333 3.55556 13.3333L9.77778 13.3333L9.77778 14.1667C9.77778 14.625 10.1778 15 10.6667 15L14.2222 15L14.2222 14.1667Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-installation_outils viewBox0 0 17 17> path dM1.05683 0.000943572L0 1.05772L2.32503 4.31364C2.42291 4.45075 2.55216 4.56248 2.70198 4.6395C2.85181 4.71652 3.01788 4.75662 3.18635 4.75643H3.26033C3.39928 4.75632 3.53689 4.78361 3.66529 4.83674C3.79368 4.88988 3.91033 4.9678 4.00857 5.06607L6.8356 7.89294L4.06987 10.6976C3.59682 10.5584 3.09783 10.5313 2.61249 10.6185C2.12715 10.7057 1.6688 10.9047 1.2738 11.1999C0.878805 11.4951 0.55803 11.8783 0.336922 12.319C0.115814 12.7597 0.000456765 13.2459 0 13.739C0.000633533 14.1934 0.0989235 14.6423 0.288211 15.0553C0.477498 15.4684 0.753359 15.8359 1.09711 16.133C1.44085 16.4302 1.84445 16.6499 2.28056 16.7775C2.71667 16.905 3.17509 16.9373 3.62478 16.8722C4.07446 16.8071 4.5049 16.6461 4.88693 16.4001C5.26896 16.1542 5.59365 15.829 5.83901 15.4465C6.08437 15.0641 6.24466 14.6335 6.30903 14.1837C6.37339 13.7339 6.34032 13.2756 6.21207 12.8397L9.0169 10.0741L10.0399 11.0971L9.71758 12.063C9.65565 12.2491 9.64677 12.4489 9.69194 12.6398C9.73711 12.8308 9.83455 13.0054 9.97334 13.1441L13.5201 16.6906C13.7183 16.8887 13.987 17 14.2673 17C14.5475 17 14.8162 16.8887 15.0144 16.6906L16.6906 15.0145C16.8887 14.8164 17 14.5476 17 14.2674C17 13.9872 16.8887 13.7184 16.6906 13.5203L13.1438 9.97373C13.0051 9.83494 12.8305 9.73751 12.6396 9.69234C12.4486 9.64717 12.2489 9.65605 12.0627 9.71799L11.0968 10.0403L10.0822 9.0258L12.9145 6.23275C13.3844 6.35816 13.8767 6.374 14.3537 6.27905C14.8306 6.18409 15.2794 5.98088 15.6654 5.68507C16.0514 5.38927 16.3643 5.00878 16.5799 4.57294C16.7956 4.1371 16.9083 3.65755 16.9093 3.17127C16.9093 2.887 16.8723 2.61118 16.8015 2.35015L14.5399 4.61271L12.682 4.22804L12.2973 2.37129L14.56 0.108735C14.0217 -0.0359788 13.4549 -0.0362489 12.9165 0.107951C12.3781 0.252152 11.8872 0.535726 11.4934 0.930091C11.0995 1.32446 10.8166 1.81567 10.6731 2.35423C10.5296 2.89278 10.5307 3.45964 10.6761 3.99767L7.88609 6.82771L5.0654 4.00929C4.8672 3.81115 4.75581 3.5424 4.75575 3.26215V3.18712C4.75577 3.01884 4.71559 2.85299 4.63857 2.70337C4.56155 2.55374 4.44991 2.42468 4.31294 2.32691L1.05683 0.000943572ZM11.2511 11.2514C11.3001 11.2022 11.3584 11.1631 11.4226 11.1365C11.4868 11.1098 11.5557 11.0961 11.6252 11.0961C11.6947 11.0961 11.7635 11.1098 11.8277 11.1365C11.8919 11.1631 11.9502 11.2022 11.9993 11.2514L15.1698 14.4217C15.2189 14.4708 15.2579 14.5291 15.2845 14.5933C15.3111 14.6575 15.3248 14.7263 15.3248 14.7958C15.3248 14.8653 15.3111 14.9341 15.2845 14.9983C15.2579 15.0624 15.2189 15.1208 15.1698 15.1699C15.1207 15.219 15.0623 15.258 14.9981 15.2846C14.934 15.3112 14.8652 15.3248 14.7957 15.3248C14.7262 15.3248 14.6574 15.3112 14.5932 15.2846C14.529 15.258 14.4707 15.219 14.4216 15.1699L11.2511 11.9996C11.2018 11.9505 11.1628 11.8922 11.1362 11.828C11.1095 11.7638 11.0958 11.695 11.0958 11.6255C11.0958 11.556 11.1095 11.4871 11.1362 11.423C11.1628 11.3588 11.2018 11.3005 11.2511 11.2514ZM3.1705 11.6255L3.66827 11.8812L4.22733 11.9087L4.53065 12.3789L5.00094 12.6822L5.02841 13.2413L5.28417 13.739L5.02841 14.2368L5.00094 14.7958L4.53065 15.0991L4.22733 15.5694L3.66827 15.5968L3.1705 15.8526L2.67273 15.5968L2.11367 15.5694L1.81036 15.0991L1.34007 14.7958L1.31259 14.2368L1.05683 13.739L1.31259 13.2413L1.34007 12.6822L1.81036 12.3789L2.11367 11.9087L2.67273 11.8812L3.1705 11.6255Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM3.1705 11.6255L3.66827 11.8812L4.22733 11.9087L4.53065 12.3789L5.00094 12.6822L5.02841 13.2413L5.28417 13.739L5.02841 14.2368L5.00094 14.7958L4.53065 15.0991L4.22733 15.5694L3.66827 15.5968L3.1705 15.8526L2.67273 15.5968L2.11367 15.5694L1.81036 15.0991L1.34007 14.7958L1.31259 14.2368L1.05683 13.739L1.31259 13.2413L1.34007 12.6822L1.81036 12.3789L2.11367 11.9087L2.67273 11.8812L3.1705 11.6255Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM11.2511 11.2514C11.3001 11.2022 11.3584 11.1631 11.4226 11.1365C11.4868 11.1098 11.5557 11.0961 11.6252 11.0961C11.6947 11.0961 11.7635 11.1098 11.8277 11.1365C11.8919 11.1631 11.9502 11.2022 11.9993 11.2514L15.1698 14.4217C15.2189 14.4708 15.2579 14.5291 15.2845 14.5933C15.3111 14.6575 15.3248 14.7263 15.3248 14.7958C15.3248 14.8653 15.3111 14.9341 15.2845 14.9983C15.2579 15.0624 15.2189 15.1208 15.1698 15.1699C15.1207 15.219 15.0623 15.258 14.9981 15.2846C14.934 15.3112 14.8652 15.3248 14.7957 15.3248C14.7262 15.3248 14.6574 15.3112 14.5932 15.2846C14.529 15.258 14.4707 15.219 14.4216 15.1699L11.2511 11.9996C11.2018 11.9505 11.1628 11.8922 11.1362 11.828C11.1095 11.7638 11.0958 11.695 11.0958 11.6255C11.0958 11.556 11.1095 11.4871 11.1362 11.423C11.1628 11.3588 11.2018 11.3005 11.2511 11.2514Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-installation_controles viewBox0 0 17 17> path dM13.6 7.65H10.897C10.54 6.664 9.605 5.95 8.5 5.95C7.395 5.95 6.46 6.664 6.103 7.65H3.4C3.1195 7.65 1.7 7.565 1.7 5.95V5.1C1.7 3.5445 3.009 3.4 3.4 3.4H12.053C12.41 4.386 13.345 5.1 14.45 5.1C15.1263 5.1 15.7749 4.83134 16.2531 4.35312C16.7313 3.8749 17 3.2263 17 2.55C17 1.8737 16.7313 1.2251 16.2531 0.746878C15.7749 0.26866 15.1263 0 14.45 0C13.345 0 12.41 0.714 12.053 1.7H3.4C2.0315 1.7 0 2.601 0 5.1V5.95C0 8.449 2.0315 9.35 3.4 9.35H6.103C6.46 10.336 7.395 11.05 8.5 11.05C9.605 11.05 10.54 10.336 10.897 9.35H13.6C13.8805 9.35 15.3 9.435 15.3 11.05V11.9C15.3 13.4555 13.991 13.6 13.6 13.6H4.947C4.59 12.614 3.655 11.9 2.55 11.9C1.8737 11.9 1.2251 12.1687 0.746878 12.6469C0.26866 13.1251 0 13.7737 0 14.45C0 15.1263 0.26866 15.7749 0.746878 16.2531C1.2251 16.7313 1.8737 17 2.55 17C3.655 17 4.59 16.286 4.947 15.3H13.6C14.9685 15.3 17 14.3905 17 11.9V11.05C17 8.5595 14.9685 7.65 13.6 7.65ZM14.45 1.7C14.6754 1.7 14.8916 1.78955 15.051 1.94896C15.2104 2.10837 15.3 2.32457 15.3 2.55C15.3 2.77543 15.2104 2.99163 15.051 3.15104C14.8916 3.31045 14.6754 3.4 14.45 3.4C14.2246 3.4 14.0084 3.31045 13.849 3.15104C13.6896 2.99163 13.6 2.77543 13.6 2.55C13.6 2.32457 13.6896 2.10837 13.849 1.94896C14.0084 1.78955 14.2246 1.7 14.45 1.7ZM2.55 15.3C2.32457 15.3 2.10837 15.2104 1.94896 15.051C1.78955 14.8916 1.7 14.6754 1.7 14.45C1.7 14.2246 1.78955 14.0084 1.94896 13.849C2.10837 13.6896 2.32457 13.6 2.55 13.6C2.77543 13.6 2.99163 13.6896 3.15104 13.849C3.31045 14.0084 3.4 14.2246 3.4 14.45C3.4 14.6754 3.31045 14.8916 3.15104 15.051C2.99163 15.2104 2.77543 15.3 2.55 15.3Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-installation_scellant viewBox0 0 11 19> path dM3.22174 9.95238C2.93692 9.95238 2.66377 10.0477 2.46237 10.2174C2.26097 10.3871 2.14783 10.6172 2.14783 10.8571V17.1905H8.59131V10.8571C8.59131 10.6172 8.47816 10.3871 8.27676 10.2174C8.07537 10.0477 7.80221 9.95238 7.51739 9.95238H3.22174ZM4.29565 5.42857V0.904762C4.29565 0.664804 4.4088 0.434674 4.6102 0.264999C4.81159 0.0953228 5.08475 0 5.36957 0C5.65439 0 5.92754 0.0953228 6.12894 0.264999C6.33034 0.434674 6.44348 0.664804 6.44348 0.904762V5.42857H7.51739C7.80221 5.42857 8.07537 5.52389 8.27676 5.69357C8.47816 5.86325 8.59131 6.09338 8.59131 6.33333V8.29667C9.84241 8.67033 10.7391 9.67552 10.7391 10.8571V17.1905C10.7391 17.6704 10.5128 18.1307 10.11 18.47C9.70725 18.8094 9.16094 19 8.59131 19H2.14783C1.57819 19 1.03188 18.8094 0.629084 18.47C0.226288 18.1307 0 17.6704 0 17.1905V10.8571C0 9.67552 0.896718 8.67033 2.14783 8.29667V6.33333C2.14783 6.09338 2.26097 5.86325 2.46237 5.69357C2.66377 5.52389 2.93692 5.42857 3.22174 5.42857H4.29565ZM4.29565 7.2381V8.14286H6.44348V7.2381H4.29565Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM3.22174 9.95238C2.93692 9.95238 2.66377 10.0477 2.46237 10.2174C2.26097 10.3871 2.14783 10.6172 2.14783 10.8571V17.1905H8.59131V10.8571C8.59131 10.6172 8.47816 10.3871 8.27676 10.2174C8.07537 10.0477 7.80221 9.95238 7.51739 9.95238H3.22174Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-installation_connexions viewBox0 0 20 13> path dM2.5 0C2.27899 0 2.06702 0.0622564 1.91074 0.173073C1.75446 0.28389 1.66667 0.43419 1.66667 0.590909V2.81509L0.0883333 5.05345C0.0302545 5.13562 8.67989e-06 5.22627 0 5.31818V8.86364C0 9.02035 0.0877975 9.17066 0.244078 9.28147C0.400358 9.39229 0.61232 9.45455 0.833333 9.45455H1.66667V12.4091C1.66667 12.5658 1.75446 12.7161 1.91074 12.8269C2.06702 12.9377 2.27899 13 2.5 13C2.72101 13 2.93298 12.9377 3.08926 12.8269C3.24554 12.7161 3.33333 12.5658 3.33333 12.4091V9.45455H5V12.4091C5 12.5658 5.0878 12.7161 5.24408 12.8269C5.40036 12.9377 5.61232 13 5.83333 13C6.05435 13 6.26631 12.9377 6.42259 12.8269C6.57887 12.7161 6.66667 12.5658 6.66667 12.4091V9.45455H7.5C7.72101 9.45455 7.93298 9.39229 8.08926 9.28147C8.24554 9.17066 8.33333 9.02035 8.33333 8.86364V5.31818C8.33332 5.22627 8.30308 5.13562 8.245 5.05345L6.66667 2.81509V0.590909C6.66667 0.43419 6.57887 0.28389 6.42259 0.173073C6.26631 0.0622564 6.05435 0 5.83333 0H2.5Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM17.5 11.8182H14.1667C13.9457 11.8182 13.7337 11.7559 13.5774 11.6451C13.4211 11.5343 13.3333 11.384 13.3333 11.2273V9.00309L11.755 6.76473C11.6969 6.68256 11.6667 6.59191 11.6667 6.5V2.95455C11.6667 2.79783 11.7545 2.64753 11.9107 2.53671C12.067 2.42589 12.279 2.36364 12.5 2.36364H13.3333V0.590909C13.3333 0.43419 13.4211 0.28389 13.5774 0.173073C13.7337 0.0622564 13.9457 0 14.1667 0H17.5C17.721 0 17.933 0.0622564 18.0893 0.173073C18.2455 0.28389 18.3333 0.43419 18.3333 0.590909V2.36364H19.1667C19.3877 2.36364 19.5996 2.42589 19.7559 2.53671C19.9122 2.64753 20 2.79783 20 2.95455V6.5C20 6.59191 19.9697 6.68256 19.9117 6.76473L18.3333 9.00309V11.2273C18.3333 11.384 18.2455 11.5343 18.0893 11.6451C17.933 11.7559 17.721 11.8182 17.5 11.8182ZM15 2.36364H16.6667V1.18182H15V2.36364Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM15 2.36364H16.6667V1.18182H15V2.36364Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-installation_tube viewBox0 0 15 16> path dM12.439 0H15V8H12.439V6.54545H8.78049C7.56816 6.54545 6.58537 7.52229 6.58537 8.72727V13.4545H8.04878V16H0V13.4545H1.46341V6.18182C1.46341 3.57102 3.59279 1.45455 6.21951 1.45455H12.439V0Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-installation_securite viewBox0 0 15 17> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM13.125 7.7265C13.125 11.1265 10.7344 14.2715 7.5 15.232C4.26562 14.2715 1.875 11.135 1.875 7.7265V3.7315L7.5 1.819L13.125 3.7315V7.7265ZM3.75 9.35H6.09375V11.475H8.90625V9.35H11.25V6.8H8.90625V4.675H6.09375V6.8H3.75V9.35Z fillcurrentColor /> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM0 2.55L7.5 0L15 2.55V7.7265C15 12.019 11.8031 16.0225 7.5 17C3.19687 16.0225 0 12.019 0 7.7265V2.55ZM7.5 15.232C10.7344 14.2715 13.125 11.1265 13.125 7.7265V3.7315L7.5 1.819L1.875 3.7315V7.7265C1.875 11.135 4.26562 14.2715 7.5 15.232Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-installation_support viewBox0 0 20 20> path dM0 14H20V16H0V14Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM3 18H17V20H3V18Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM11 14V20H9V14H11Z fillcurrentColor /> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM20 2.62694V1.80981C20 1.63767 19.8233 1.4981 19.6048 1.4981H18.4122V1.2525H18.1357L18.0303 0H16.3085L16.2031 1.2525H15.899V1.4981H4.10099V1.2525H3.79692L3.69208 0H1.97028L1.86516 1.2525H1.58861V1.4981H0.395707C0.177215 1.4981 0 1.63767 0 1.80981V2.62694H0.125206V2.92812H0V12.6878C0 12.8599 0.17694 13 0.395432 13H19.6046C19.8231 13 20 12.8599 20 12.6878V2.92812H19.8748V2.62694H20Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> !-- Arrow for white_btn --> g idright-arrow width26 height9 viewBox0 0 26 9 fillnone xmlns> path dM20.626 8.07239V5.5074H0.918457V2.57598H20.626V0.0109863L25.7228 4.04169L20.626 8.07239Z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-tools transformscale(0.03125 0.03125)> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM450.56 465.92c10.24 0 20.48 2.56 30.72 2.56 15.36 0 10.24-15.36 10.24-15.36-7.68-12.8-2.56-30.72 10.24-38.4 10.24-7.68 25.6-7.68 23.040-20.48-10.24 0-46.080-5.12-56.32-5.12l-17.92 76.8zM901.12 225.28l-25.6-10.24v-7.68l-87.040-12.8h-43.52c-2.56 0-5.12 2.56-5.12 5.12v30.72h-33.28v-48.64c0-2.56-2.56-7.68-5.12-5.12l-53.76-15.36v204.8l53.76-20.48c2.56 0 5.12-2.56 5.12-7.68v-43.52h33.28v30.72c0 2.56 2.56 5.12 5.12 5.12h43.52l87.040-12.8v-7.68l25.6-10.24v-74.24zM606.72 163.84c0-7.68-7.68-15.36-15.36-15.36-20.48 0-38.4 0-56.32 0h-2.56c0 0-7.68 15.36-10.24 17.92h-148.48c-2.56 0-23.040-12.8-23.040-12.8h-2.56c-71.68 2.56-138.24 7.68-194.56 12.8-23.040 2.56-89.6 12.8-89.6 76.8s30.72 74.24 43.52 81.92c15.36 7.68 97.28 15.36 117.76 17.92 35.84 20.48 25.6 69.12 23.040 74.24-23.040 35.84-76.8 235.52-79.36 250.88-12.8 2.56-25.6 10.24-30.72 28.16l-17.92 166.4c0 2.56 10.24 12.8 17.92 12.8 51.2 5.12 261.12 5.12 299.52 2.56 30.72 0 51.2-15.36 58.88-25.6v-158.72c0-15.36-15.36-25.6-33.28-25.6h-38.4c-25.6-2.56-28.16-25.6-28.16-25.6-10.24-2.56-15.36-12.8-15.36-23.040s25.6-25.6 25.6-25.6-17.92-12.8-17.92-25.6c2.56-17.92 25.6-23.040 25.6-23.040s-23.040-7.68-20.48-28.16c2.56-10.24 25.6-17.92 25.6-17.92s12.8-66.56 12.8-69.12c0 0 12.8-56.32 15.36-64 2.56 0 2.56 0 2.56 0l102.4 10.24c5.12 0 7.68 0 12.8 2.56 7.68 0 17.92 2.56 25.6 2.56s15.36-7.68 15.36-15.36v-202.24zM512 263.68h-117.76c-10.24 0-20.48-10.24-20.48-20.48v-12.8c0-12.8 10.24-20.48 20.48-20.48h117.76c10.24 0 20.48 10.24 20.48 20.48v12.8c0 10.24-10.24 20.48-20.48 20.48zM1200.64 245.76h-276.48v30.72h276.48l15.36-15.36z fillcurrentColor /> /g> g idicon-batteries_lithium transformscale(0.055 0.055)> path dM12.5 2.881c-4.758 2.185-6.89 4.415-8.962 9.373C.936 18.482 1.27 493.816 3.881 499.5c2.251 4.902 4.82 7.274 9.803 9.051 5.037 1.797 477.327 2.129 483.769.34 5.055-1.403 10.035-6.383 11.438-11.438 1.789-6.442 1.457-479.732-.34-484.769-1.777-4.983-4.149-7.552-9.051-9.803-6.247-2.869-480.753-2.869-487 0M22 255.5V490h468V21H22v234.5M355.228 39.119c-11.041 1.399-21.105 8.907-26.431 19.719-3.588 7.282-3.349 22.519.473 30.304 11.722 23.867 45.482 26.149 60.459 4.086 17.121-25.222-3.78-58.001-34.501-54.109M110 201.5V341h181v-55H172V62h-62v139.5m221 32V341h60V126h-60v107.5M113.798 375.048c-5.683 5.683-2.284 14.541 6.007 15.653 8.769 1.176 13.645-9.404 7.272-15.778-4.086-4.086-9.116-4.038-13.279.125m151.125-.125c-7.823 7.823 1.119 19.726 10.986 14.624 1.545-.799 3.365-2.794 4.044-4.434 4-9.657-7.658-17.561-15.03-10.19M193 414.5V455h16v-17.532c0-19.79.786-23.148 6.19-26.442 6.279-3.829 12.775-2.07 15.256 4.13 1.204 3.009 1.554 7.936 1.554 21.864V455h16.137l-.318-22.25-.319-22.25-2.777-4.723c-6.868-11.685-21.548-13.96-33.473-5.188l-2.25 1.655V374h-16v40.5m-141 2V455h49v-15H68v-62H52v38.5m96-29.5v9h-7v12h7v16.532c0 18.62.617 21.168 6.338 26.192 6.996 6.142 16.546 6.638 24.969 1.296l4.568-2.896-2.943-5.434-2.943-5.433-4.068 2.012c-4.066 2.012-4.068 2.012-6.744.015-2.673-1.993-2.677-2.022-2.953-17.14L163.948 408H178v-12h-14v-18h-16v9m243.03 9.113c-1.359.542-3.946 2.111-5.75 3.487l-3.28 2.502V396h-16v59h15.881l.31-19.579.309-19.579 3.735-3.421c2.735-2.505 4.655-3.421 7.169-3.421 8.864 0 9.596 2.019 9.596 26.45V455h17v-18.596c0-20.357.502-22.497 6.04-25.768 3.141-1.856 8.164-2.132 11.015-.606 4.281 2.29 4.945 5.774 4.945 25.92V455h17.196l-.348-21.779c-.336-21.055-.433-21.943-2.903-26.741-6.86-13.324-27.261-15.28-38.287-3.671l-2.842 2.993-3.658-4.054c-5.62-6.228-13.274-8.371-20.128-5.635M112 425.5V455h17v-59h-17v29.5m151 0V455h16v-59h-16v29.5m32.197-7.25c.344 25.243.937 27.661 8.046 32.811 8.486 6.147 19.083 6.104 26.156-.106 4.268-3.748 4.601-3.708 4.601.545v3.5h16v-59h-16l-.006 16.25c-.007 22.394-1.966 27.716-10.808 29.375-9.733 1.826-12.182-3.677-12.184-27.375L311 396h-16.106l.303 22.25 fill-ruleevenodd /> /g> /svg> div classcontainer> ul classmenuContainer> li classmenu1-item menu_shop> span>Magasinez/span> div classsubmenu__container> ul classsubmenu submenu--linkIcon> li classmenu2-item> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width28 height21 viewBox0 0 28 21> use xlink:href#icon-batteries>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Batteries et accesoires/span > /a> div classsubmenu-withImg submenu-threeCol> div classsubmenu-col1> ul> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width26 height14 viewBox0 0 26 14> use xlink:href#icon-batteries_automobiles>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Automobiles/span > /a> /li> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width21 height18 viewBox0 0 21 18> use xlink:href#icon-batteries_sports>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Sports Motorisés/span > /a> /li> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width24 height8 viewBox0 0 24 8> use xlink:href#icon-batteries_demarrage>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Démarrage Marin/span > /a> /li> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width20 height22 viewBox0 0 43 31 fillnone xmlns> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM4.99532 16.7817C2.3256 18.0601 0.616421 21.2216 1.00095 24.1707C2.12983 32.8302 14.2959 32.0221 14.2959 23.2873C14.2959 18.2086 9.30501 14.7176 4.99532 16.7817ZM9.90482 20.8009C12.9768 24.0312 8.80826 28.8835 5.48658 25.9443C3.10349 23.8356 4.54127 19.7106 7.65895 19.7106C8.62744 19.7106 9.07447 19.9277 9.90482 20.8009ZM32.6559 20.5661C28.8347 22.5462 29.2013 28.4115 33.2524 30.1158C35.0167 30.8584 36.6152 30.5246 38.1143 29.1006C42.4118 25.0179 37.8444 17.8771 32.6559 20.5661ZM36.532 23.1577C38.293 24.6716 37.2101 27.8554 34.9338 27.8554C32.9325 27.8554 31.7871 25.8266 32.719 23.9315C33.4298 22.4856 35.3067 22.1047 36.532 23.1577Z fill#272425 /> path dM4.23359 0.950566C3.74691 2.29639 3.84266 9.52476 4.35678 10.2642C4.74314 10.8199 4.68276 11.0011 3.74691 12.0901C3.17576 12.7551 2.70311 13.4792 2.69671 13.6991C2.6903 13.9191 2.13623 14.4982 1.46537 14.9866C-0.310894 16.2789 -0.466108 17.2886 0.965879 18.2384C1.36413 18.5023 1.68004 18.3587 2.47044 17.5545C8.00323 11.9236 17.3712 18.6216 14.617 26.2393C13.9212 28.1645 14.5704 28.3717 21.2476 28.355L26.6459 28.3419L27.7424 27.3129C28.5737 26.533 28.8911 25.935 29.0543 24.8412C29.8026 19.8228 34.8493 17.5628 38.6162 20.5594C41.5125 22.8637 43.9377 20.5725 41.3561 17.971C40.3324 16.9398 40.0619 16.4677 40.226 15.9986C40.9981 13.7876 40.9237 13.3875 39.6981 13.1588C36.9756 12.6509 36.7424 12.058 38.8434 10.9847C40.5416 10.117 40.5422 9.99838 38.855 8.95847C33.8159 5.85317 26.2659 4.01193 24.0182 5.34043C22.5345 6.2173 21.8516 5.77445 22.3003 4.73623L24.3696 2.48521L23.9752 1.81796L17.2945 8.08806C17.2988 8.09258 17.3032 8.09706 17.3077 8.1015C17.6108 8.40036 18.3737 8.50965 19.3911 7.45969C19.6179 7.22563 19.8504 7.03524 20.0761 6.88636C21.2971 6.08133 22.3236 6.49058 21.2165 7.77683C20.3038 8.83726 20.2526 10.1834 21.0847 11.2348C22.1206 12.5438 22.5292 13.4388 22.5292 14.3985V15.2213H19.3317H16.1344L15.2193 13.3153C14.5762 11.9756 14.3557 11.1396 14.4767 10.5021C14.7731 8.94436 13.9727 8.52654 10.4873 8.41975L7.46257 8.32708L7.44855 5.9141C7.42568 1.90582 5.15542 -1.59934 4.23359 0.950566Z fill#272425 /> path dM19.3911 7.45969C18.3737 8.50965 17.6108 8.40036 17.3077 8.1015L18.0806 8.88847L20.0761 6.88636C19.8504 7.03524 19.6179 7.22563 19.3911 7.45969Z fill#272425 /> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Batteries U1/span > /a> /li> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width17 height14 viewBox0 0 17 14> use xlink:href#icon-shop_accessoires>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Accessoires/span > /a> /li> /ul> /div> div classsubmenu-col2> ul> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width20 height13 viewBox0 0 20 13> use xlink:href#icon-batteries_decharge>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Décharge Profonde/span > /a> /li> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width20 height13 viewBox0 0 20 13> use xlink:href#icon-batteries_scellees>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Scellées/span > /a> /li> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width28 height28 viewBox0 0 32 32> use xlink:href#icon-batteries_lithium>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Lithium/span > /a> /li> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width18 height15 viewBox0 0 18 15> use xlink:href#icon-batteries_commerciales>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Commerciales/span > /a> /li> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width20 height14 viewBox0 0 20 14> use xlink:href#icon-batteries_golf>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Golf/span > /a> /li> /ul> /div> div classsubmenu-img> img src alt /> span classnameProduct> Démarrage Marin /span> a href classbtn-view> Consulter/a > /div> /div> /li> li classmenu2-item> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width32 height18 viewBox0 0 32 18> use xlink:href#icon-chargeurs>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Chargeurs et Survolteurs/span > /a> div classsubmenu-withImg submenu-threeCol> div classsubmenu-col1> ul> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width19 height17 viewBox0 0 19 17> use xlink:href#icon-chargeurs_chargeurs>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Chargeurs/span > /a> /li> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width25 height25 viewBox0 0 25 25> use xlink:href#icon-chargeurs_verificateurs>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text> Vérificateurs /span> /a> /li> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width28 height15 viewBox0 0 28 15> use xlink:href#icon-chargeurs_survolteurs>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Survolteurs & br />Câbles /span> /a> /li> /ul> /div> div classsubmenu-col2> ul> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width18 height15 viewBox0 0 18 15> use xlink:href#icon-chargeurs_pieces>/use>/svg >/span> span classlink_text> Pièces /span> /a> /li> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width17 height14 viewBox0 0 17 14> use xlink:href#icon-shop_accessoires>/use>/svg >/span> span classlink_text> Accessoires /span> /a> /li> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width18.12 height18.09 viewBox0 0 18.12 18.09> use xlink:href#icon-chargeurs_stations>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text> Bornes de recharge /span> /a> /li> /ul> /div> div classsubmenu-img> img src alt /> span classnameProduct> Bornes de recharge /span> a href classbtn-view> Consulter /a> /div> /div> /li> li classmenu2-item> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width32 height22 viewBox0 0 32 22> use xlink:href#icon-piles>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Piles et chargeurs/span > /a> div classsubmenu-withImg submenu-threeCol> div classsubmenu-col1> ul> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width7 height14 viewBox0 0 7 14> use xlink:href#icon-piles_piles>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Piles Domestique/span > /a> /li> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width20 height13 viewBox0 0 20 13> use xlink:href#icon-piles_special>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Piles Spécialisés/span > /a> /li> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width16 height18 viewBox0 0 16 18> use xlink:href#icon-piles_remplacement>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Piles de Remplacement/span > /a> /li> /ul> /div> div classsubmenu-col2> ul> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width16 height16 viewBox0 0 16 16> use xlink:href#icon-piles_bouton>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Piles Bouton/span > /a> /li> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width18 height10 viewBox0 0 18 10> use xlink:href#icon-piles_chargeurs>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Chargeurs et Vérificateurs/span > /a> /li> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width21 height14 viewBox0 0 21 14> use xlink:href#icon-piles_cellules>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Cellules/span > /a> /li> /ul> /div> div classsubmenu-img> img src alt /> span classnameProduct> Piles domestiques /span> a href classbtn-view> Consulter /a> /div> /div> /li> li classmenu2-item> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width22 height23 viewBox0 0 22 23> use xlink:href#icon-energies>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Énergies renouvelables/span > /a> div classsubmenu-withImg submenu-twoCol> div classsubmenu-col1> ul> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width18 height18 viewBox0 0 18 18> use xlink:href#icon-energies_solaire>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Énergie Solaire/span > /a> /li> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width16 height24 viewBox0 0 16 24> use xlink:href#icon-energies_eolienne>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Énergie Éolienne/span > /a> /li> /ul> /div> div classsubmenu-img> img src alt /> span classnameProduct >Panneaux solaires/span > a href classbtn-view >Consulter/a > /div> /div> /li> li classmenu2-item> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width23 height23 viewBox0 0 23 23> use xlink:href#icon-conversion>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Conversion de courant/span > /a> div classsubmenu-withImg submenu-threeCol> div classsubmenu-col1> ul> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width17 height13 viewBox0 0 17 13> use xlink:href#icon-conversion_onduleurs>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Onduleurs/span > /a> /li> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width12 height19 viewBox0 0 12 19> use xlink:href#icon-conversion_ups>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >UPS/span > /a> /li> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg viewBox0 0 923 606 width25 height25> g> path dM597.5,219.5c-.7-.5-1.3-1.1-1.7-1.9-.4-.8-.5-1.7-.4-2.5.1-.9.4-1.7,1-2.4l54.7-67.5h-66.3v111.3h40l6.6-36.3h-31.3c-.9,0-1.7-.2-2.5-.7Z/> path dM709.1,145.2h-41.3l-7,38.2h31.3c.9,0,1.7.2,2.5.7s1.3,1.1,1.7,1.9c.4.8.5,1.7.4,2.5-.1.9-.4,1.7-1,2.4l-53.1,65.6h66.6v-111.3Z/> circle cx607.2 cy293.9 r22.5 transformtranslate(-40.1 484) rotate(-42.2)/> circle cx686.6 cy293.9 r22.5 transformtranslate(-58.2 350.1) rotate(-27.5)/> /g> g> path dM863.1,82.7l-84.9-36.9v.3c-5.7-2.1-11.9-3.3-18.3-3.3h-117V14.9h-135.3v27.9H164.4c-6.2,0-12.2,1.1-17.7,3.1h0s-1.5.6-1.5.6c-.6.2-1.2.5-1.7.7l-81,33.6c-29.6,12.3-48.8,40.9-49,73l-1.2,239.1c-.2,31.7,18.5,60.4,47.4,73.1l52.7,23.2c2.3,22,18.3,40,39.3,45.3-2.3-8.4-3.5-17.2-3.5-26.3,0-56.2,45.7-101.9,101.9-101.9s84.7,30.4,97.5,72.2h318.6c6.5,0,11.8,5.3,11.8,11.8s-5.3,11.8-11.8,11.8h-314.4c.1,2,.2,4.1.2,6.1,0,9.7-1.4,19.1-3.9,27.9h302l11.1,23c2.5,5.1,7.7,8.4,13.4,8.4h63.6c8.2,0,14.8-6.6,14.8-14.8v-16.6h7c27.1,0,49.4-20.6,52.1-47l50.3-21.2c29.5-12.4,48.6-41.2,48.6-73.2v-239.1c0-31.7-18.8-60.3-47.8-72.9ZM99.2,433.9l-21.4-9.4h0c-12.4-5.5-20.4-17.8-20.3-31.3l1.2-239.1c0-13.7,8.3-26,21-31.3l21.1-8.8-1.6,319.9ZM341,265.6l-.8.9h0s-123,0-123,0c-37.9-41.8-37.9-105.6,0-147.3h123l.8.9c36.8,41.5,36.8,104,0,145.5ZM735.1,261.6v46.9c0,12.2-9,22-20.1,22h-136.2c-11.1,0-20.1-9.9-20.1-22v-169.2c0-11.1,9-20.1,20.1-20.1h136.2c11.1,0,20.1,9,20.1,20.1v122.3ZM865.5,394.8c0,13.7-8.2,26.1-20.8,31.4l-21.1,8.9V115.1l21.4,9.3c12.4,5.4,20.5,17.7,20.5,31.2v239.1Z/> rect x231.9 y148.4 width20.9 height37.6/> rect x304.8 y148.4 width20.9 height37.6/> path dM276.1,211.6h0c-6.9,0-12.5,5.6-12.5,12.5v12.5h25v-12.5c0-6.9-5.6-12.5-12.5-12.5Z/> /g> path dM249.7,430.5c-44.3,0-80.3,36-80.3,80.3s36,80.3,80.3,80.3,80.3-36,80.3-80.3-36-80.3-80.3-80.3ZM249.7,527.5c-9.2,0-16.7-7.5-16.7-16.7s7.5-16.7,16.7-16.7,16.7,7.5,16.7,16.7-7.5,16.7-16.7,16.7Z/> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Génératrices/span > /a> /li> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg viewBox0 0 800 606 x100 width25 height25> circle cx296.2 cy377.6 r20.4/> circle cx296.2 cy303.4 r20.4/> path dM585.4,356.6h0c-7.5,0-13.6,6.1-13.6,13.6v13.6h27.3v-13.6c0-7.5-6.1-13.6-13.6-13.6h-.1Z/> rect x613.8 y288.5 width17.5 height41.9/> path dM695.9,153.9h-15.3l-25.3-60c-12.9-30.6-42.7-50.4-75.9-50.4H196c-32.8,0-62.5,19.4-75.5,49.5l-26.4,60.8h-15.2c-30,0-54.3,24.3-54.3,54.3v292.2c0,30,24.3,54.3,54.3,54.3h15v17.2c0,8.5,6.9,15.4,15.4,15.4h65.9c5.9,0,11.3-3.4,13.9-8.7l11.5-23.9h385.6l11.5,23.9c2.6,5.3,7.9,8.7,13.9,8.7h65.9c8.5,0,15.4-6.9,15.4-15.4v-17.2h3.1c30,0,54.3-24.3,54.3-54.3V208.2c0-30-24.3-54.3-54.3-54.3h-.1ZM163.6,111.8c5.6-12.9,18.3-21.2,32.4-21.2h383.5c14.2,0,27,8.5,32.5,21.6l9.2,21.8h-54.2c-14.9-13.8-34.7-21.7-55.8-21.7h-247.2c-21,0-40.8,8-55.7,21.7h-54.4l9.6-22.2h.1ZM91.3,404.2v-127.6c0-11.5,9.3-20.8,20.8-20.8h207.7c12.2,0,22.1,9.3,22.1,20.9v127.8c0,11.5-9.9,20.9-22.1,20.9h-67.3v-.4H112.1c-11.5,0-20.8-9.3-20.8-20.8ZM611.3,519.5H163.5c-6.7,0-12.2-5.5-12.2-12.2s5.5-12.2,12.2-12.2h447.9c6.7,0,12.2,5.5,12.2,12.2s-5.5,12.2-12.2,12.2h-.1ZM653.4,415.5l-.9,1h-134.1c-41.4-45.6-41.4-115.1,0-160.7h134.1l.9,1c40.2,45.3,40.2,113.4,0,158.7Z/> rect x541 y288.5 width17.5 height41.9/> path dM210.2,283h-.6l-7.1,38.8h32.4c.9,0,1.8.3,,1.4,1.2,1.8,2,.4.8.5,1.7.4,2.6,0,.9-.5,1.7-1,2.4l-55.3,68.3h65.4v-114.9h-38.5,0Z/> path dM172,359.9h-30.7c-.9,0-1.8-.3-2.5-.7-.8-.5-1.4-1.2-1.8-2-.4-.8-.5-1.7-.4-2.6s.5-1.7,1-2.4l56.1-69.2h-73.3v114.9h44.7c0,.1,1.8.1,1.8.1l6.9-38h-1.8Z/> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Énergie portable/span > /a> /li> /ul> /div> div classsubmenu-col2> ul> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width19 height11 viewBox0 0 19 11> use xlink:href#icon-conversion_chargeurs>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Onduleurs/ br />Chargeurs/span > /a> /li> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width18 height16 viewBox0 0 18 16> use xlink:href#icon-conversion_convertisseurs>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Convertisseurs br />de Voltage CC/span > /a> /li> /ul> /div> div classsubmenu-img> img src alt /> span classnameProduct >Stations dalimentation portables/span > a href classbtn-view> Consulter /a> /div> /div> /li> li classmenu2-item> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width22 height22 viewBox0 0 22 22> use xlink:href#icon-lumieres>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text> Lumières et luminaires /span> /a> div classsubmenu-withImg submenu-threeCol> div classsubmenu-col1> ul> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width12 height18 viewBox0 0 12 18> use xlink:href#icon-lumieres_ampoules>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Ampoules/span > /a> /li> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width16 height17 viewBox0 0 16 17> use xlink:href#icon-lumieres_luminaires>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Luminaires/span > /a> /li> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width16 height16 viewBox0 0 16 16> use xlink:href#icon-lumieres_lampes>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Lampes de Poche/span > /a> /li> /ul> /div> div classsubmenu-col2> ul> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width15 height15 viewBox0 0 15 15> use xlink:href#icon-lumieres_accessoires>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Accessoires/span > /a> /li> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width9 height18 viewBox0 0 9 18> use xlink:href#icon-lumieres_pieces>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Pièces/span > /a> /li> /ul> /div> div classsubmenu-img> img src alt /> span classnameProduct >Lampe de poches/span > a href classbtn-view >Consulter/a > /div> /div> /li> li classmenu2-item> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width30 height30 viewBox0 0 69 69> use xlink:href#icon-mobilites>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Mobilités, loisir et équipements/span > /a> div classsubmenu-withImg submenu-threeCol> div classsubmenu-col1> ul> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width18 height19 viewBox0 0 18 19> use xlink:href#icon-mobilites_vehicules>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Véhicules br />Électriques/span > /a> /li> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width14 height18 viewBox0 0 14 18> use xlink:href#icon-mobilites_chauffage>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Chauffage au Propane/span > /a> /li> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width12 height16 viewBox0 0 12 16> use xlink:href#icon-mobilites_appareils>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Appareils CC/span > /a> /li> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width13 height14 viewBox0 0 13 14> use xlink:href#icon-mobilites_audio>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text> Audio /span> /a> /li> /ul> /div> div classsubmenu-col2> ul> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width20 height20 viewBox0 0 20 20> use xlink:href#icon-mobilites_alarmes>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Alarmes et Détecteurs/span > /a> /li> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width14 height14 viewBox0 0 14 14> use xlink:href#icon-mobilites_pompes>/use>/svg >/span> span classlink_text> Pompes et Accessoires /span> /a> /li> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width10 height16 viewBox0 0 10 16> use xlink:href#icon-mobilites_propane>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text> Chauffe-eau Au Propane /span> /a> /li> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width18.02 height17.62 viewBox0 0 18.02 17.62> use xlink:href#icon-mobilites_seasonal>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text> Saisonnier /span> /a> /li> /ul> /div> div classsubmenu-img> img src alt /> span classnameProduct >Véhicule électriques/span > a href classbtn-view> Consulter/a > /div> /div> /li> li classmenu2-item> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width22 height22 viewBox0 0 22 22> use xlink:href#icon-equipement>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Équipement Plein Air/span > /a> div classsubmenu-withImg submenu-threeCol> div classsubmenu-col1> ul> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width19 height19 viewBox0 0 19 19> use xlink:href#icon-equipement_alimentation>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Alimentation Portable/span > /a> /li> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width19 height19 viewBox0 0 19 19> use xlink:href#icon-equipement_couteaux>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Couteaux/span > /a> /li> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width14 height18 viewBox0 0 14 18> use xlink:href#icon-equipement_cuisson>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Cuisson/span > /a> /li> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width12 height17 viewBox0 0 12 17> use xlink:href#icon-equipement_chauffage>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Chauffage & Ventilation/span > /a> /li> /ul> /div> div classsubmenu-col2> ul> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width15 height19 viewBox0 0 15 19> use xlink:href#icon-equipement_nettoyage>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Nettoyage/span > /a> /li> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width15 height15 viewBox0 0 15 15> use xlink:href#icon-equipement_accessoires>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Accessoires/span > /a> /li> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width15 height16 viewBox0 0 15 16> use xlink:href#icon-equipement_cloture>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Clôture Électrique/span > /a> /li> /ul> /div> div classsubmenu-img> img src alt /> span classnameProduct> Cuisson /span> a href classbtn-view> Consulter /a> /div> /div> /li> li classmenu2-item> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width26 height22 viewBox0 0 26 22> use xlink:href#icon-installation>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text> Installation et outils /span> /a> div classsubmenu-withImg submenu-threeCol> div classsubmenu-col1> ul> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width16 height15 viewBox0 0 16 15> use xlink:href#icon-installation_cables>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Cables/span > /a> /li> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width17 height17 viewBox0 0 17 17> use xlink:href#icon-installation_outils>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Outils Divers/span > /a> /li> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width26 height23 viewBox0 0 30 30> use xlink:href#icon-tools>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Outils Électriques/span > /a> /li> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width17 height17 viewBox0 0 17 17> use xlink:href#icon-installation_controles>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Controles et br />Protection de br />Circuit/span > /a> /li> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width11 height19 viewBox0 0 11 19> use xlink:href#icon-installation_scellant>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Scellant/span > /a> /li> /ul> /div> div classsubmenu-col2> ul> li> a href> span classlink_icon >svg width20 height13 viewBox0 0 20 13> use xlink:href#icon-installation_connexions>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Connexions/span > /a> /li> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width15 height16 viewBox0 0 15 16> use xlink:href#icon-installation_tube>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Tube Thermo-br />rétractable/span > /a> /li> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width15 height17 viewBox0 0 15 17> use xlink:href#icon-installation_securite>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Sécurité/span > /a> /li> li> a href> span classlink_icon> svg width20 height20 viewBox0 0 20 20> use xlink:href#icon-installation_support>/use> /svg> /span> span classlink_text >Support de br />Batteries/span > /a> /li> 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The selection will be injected into Comments fields and passed on further when Place Order is clicked if (location.pathname.includes(/checkout/onepage)) { var count 0 const mutationObserver new MutationObserver((mutations) > { mutations.forEach((mutation) > { // Review panel if ( opc-review) { count++; var newsletter_heading Subscribe for Newsletter; var newsletter_txt You accept that the Leski Foundation may contact you to share news or ask for donations; if($(html).attr(lang) fr) { newsletter_heading Abonnez-vous à la newsletter; newsletter_txt Vous acceptez d’être contacté par la Fondation Leski pour recevoir des nouvelles ou des demandes de don; } console.log(count); if(count 3) {console.log(count); //Add Newsletter checkbox $(div classdiscount>h2>+newsletter_heading+/h2>div classrego-field>div classinput-box>input typecheckbox classcheckbox value1 namesubscribe_newsletter idsubscribe_newsletter titleSubscribe for Newsletter stylewidth:30px; float:left;>label idnewsletter_label forsubscribe_newsletter>+newsletter_txt+/label>/div>/div>/div>).insertAfter(#checkout-review-table-wrapper .discount:eq(0)); 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console.log(val); var newval strToReplace(val); $(this).val(newval); }});$( .button-search ).mousedown(function() { var val $(#search).val(); console.log(mousedown: +val); var newval strToReplace(val); console.log(new: +newval); $(.ajax-search-flyout).val(newval);}); function strToReplace(str) { console.log(strToReplace: +str); setCookie(mm_ost,str,100); var nst str.trim(); var nst_for_search nst.toLowerCase().normalize(NFD).replace(/\u0300-\u036f/g, ); console.log(The lowercase search term: + nst_for_search); for (var i 0; i st_array.length; i++) { if (st_arrayi0.trim().toLowerCase().normalize(NFD).replace(/\u0300-\u036f/g, ).includes(nst_for_search) ) { console.log(bradly test: + st_arrayi0.trim().toLowerCase().normalize(NFD).replace(/\u0300-\u036f/g, )); console.log(bradly test2: + st_arrayi1); nst nst.toLowerCase().replace(st_arrayi0.trim().toLowerCase().normalize(NFD).replace(/\u0300-\u036f/g, ), st_arrayi1.trim().toLowerCase().normalize(NFD).replace(/\u0300-\u036f/g, )); setCookie(mm_nst,nst,100); console.log(new value: +nst); } } return nst;} // BELOW UPDATES THE SEARCH PAGE IF THE STRINGS ARE CHANGEDupdateSearchPage();function updateSearchPage() { var nst getCookie(mm_nst); var ost getCookie(mm_ost); console.log(cookie new search term:+nst); console.log(cookie old search term:+ost); if (nst && window.location.href.indexOf(product_search) > -1) { $(.category-title h1).html(Showing results for span stylecolor:#ca0705;font-style:italic;>+nst+/span>); $(.category-title h1).after(h2>Search instead for a href.//product_search/?q+ost+ stylecolor:#ca0705>+ost+/a>/h2>); setCookie(mm_ost,0,-100); setCookie(mm_nst,0,-100); }} // Cookies function setCookie(name,value,days) { var expires ; if (days) { var date new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime() + (days*24*60*60*1000)); expires ; expires + date.toUTCString(); } document.cookie name + + (value || ) + expires + ; path/;}function getCookie(name) { var nameEQ name + ; var ca document.cookie.split(;); for(var i0;i ca.length;i++) { var c cai; while (c.charAt(0) ) c c.substring(1,c.length); if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length); } return null;}function eraseCookie(name) { document.cookie name+; Max-Age-99999999;; } function getAllCookies(){ var pairs document.cookie.split(;); var cookies ; for (var i0; ipairs.length; i++){ var pair pairsi.split(); cookies.push(unescape(pair.slice(1).join())); } return cookies;}/script>script>// Obtain logged in users namelet paragraphs document.getElementsByClassName(welcome-msg-user);var fullName (paragraphs0.innerHTML); let first fullName.split( )0;let last fullName.split( )1;console.log(First Name: + first);console.log(Last Name: + last); // Obtain logged in users email// Fetches the values for all cookiesfunction getCookie(name) { var re new RegExp(name + (^;+)); var value re.exec(document.cookie); return (value ! null) ? unescape(value1) : null; } // Get the value for only userId. This is a JWT tokenvar fetchCookie getCookie(userId); // Decodes the JWT tokenfunction parseJwt(token) { try { return JSON.parse(atob(token.split(.)1)); } catch (e) { return null; } }; const jwtToken fetchCookie;const jwtTokenDetails parseJwt(jwtToken);//console.log(JWT Token Details: , jwtTokenDetails); // Returns the email address of the uservar email jwtTokenDetails.user_nameconsole.log(email);/script>script>window.addEventListener(load, () > { // Form Find a battery if (document.getElementById(product-finder-form)) { const labels document.querySelectorAll( #product-finder-form .form-list li label ); const labelsCount labels.length; let iLabel 1; for (const label of labels) { if (iLabel labelsCount) { label.innerHTML iLabel; } iLabel++; } const finderList document.querySelectorAll( #product-finder-form .form-list li ); const selectList document.querySelectorAll( #product-finder-form .form-list li select ); const changeSelect (items) > { for (const element of items) { if ( element.querySelector(select).getAttribute(disabled) disabled ) { element.classList.add(isDisabled); } else { element.classList.remove(isDisabled); } } }; for (const element of selectList) { const observer new MutationObserver((mutations) > { mutations.forEach((mutation) > { if (mutation.type attributes) { changeSelect(finderList); } }); }); observer.observe(element, { attributes: true, attributeFilter: disabled, }); } changeSelect(finderList); }});/script>script>/* 161933000045230 - category page commander en magasin *//* disabled at some point, re-enabled on April 19 by Bradly as per */ $(document).ready(function(){if($(.isPublic).length > 0) { console.log(Category B2C site); $(.item).each(function() { $(this).find(div).each(function() { var $div $(this); var text $div.text(); if (text.indexOf(Commander en magasin) ! -1) { var $newSpan $(span styledisplay:inline-block; width: 195px; border: 6px solid #d71a21; text-align: center;background: #d71a21;>a href!>font colorwhite>Trouver en magasin/font>/a>/span>); $div.append($newSpan); //$div.html(text.replace(Commander en magasin, )).append($newSpan); } if (text.indexOf(Order in Store) ! -1) { var $newSpan $(span styledisplay:inline-block; width: 195px; border: 6px solid #d71a21; text-align: center;background: #d71a21;>a href!>font colorwhite>Order in Store/font>/a>/span>); $div.append($newSpan); //$div.html(text.replace(Commander en magasin, )).append($newSpan); } });});}});/script>script>/* 161933000049351 */if(window.location.href.indexOf(/user/verify/) > -1) { console.log(verification page);if($(.isPublic).length > 0) { // Do nothing} else { var userMessage $(.user_message_text); var userMessageTitle $(.user_message_title); console.log(B2B site); if($(HTML).attr(lang) en) { // English translation if (userMessage.text().includes(The verification key is invalid or expired)) { userMessage.text(You may now proceed to the web store); userMessageTitle.text(Login Successful); } } else { // French translation if (userMessage.text().includes(La clé de vérification nest pas valide ou a expiré)) { userMessage.text(Vous pouvez maintenant accéder à la boutique en ligne); userMessageTitle.text(Connexion réussie); } }}}/script>script>/* 161933000045230 combined v2 */$(document).ready(function() { // Function to run for B2C only if ($(.isPublic).length > 0) { console.log(B2C site); var buttonContent $(HTML).attr(lang) en ? Order in Store : Trouver en magasin; var newDiv $(div classorder-in-store-button stylewidth: 195px; border: 6px solid #d71a21; text-align: center;background: #d71a21;>a href!>font colorwhite> + buttonContent + /font>/a>/div>); // Check if POA is enabled and were on product page. if ($(.module-product-details__cartButton).length && $(#poalable).length && !$(#poalable).hasClass(order-in-store-button-added)) { $(#poalable).replaceWith(newDiv); $(#poalable).addClass(order-in-store-button-added); } // Otherwise, if were on a product page and else if($(.module-product-details__cartButton).length && !$(#poalable).length && $(#add-to-cart-block).text().trim() ) { var $addToCartSection $(#add-to-cart-block); var $existingButton2 $addToCartSection.find(.order-in-store-button); if ($existingButton2.length 0) { $addToCartSection.append(newDiv); } } // Function to check if an element contains special order text function checkElementForSpecialOrder(element) { var optfieldValue $(element).find(.optfield-value); var text optfieldValue.text(); console.log(Checking: + $(element).find(.product-name).text()); //Only add these buttons to special order products that are Out of Stock, i.e. have no add to cart button. if ((text.includes(Special Order) || text.includes(Commande spéciale)) && !$(element).find(.actions.clearer.add-cart-wrapper).find(.button.button.btn-cart.add-cart-button.button.btn-cart).length) { var existingOrderButton $(element).find(.right-column).find(.order-in-store-button); if (existingOrderButton.length 0) { $(element).addClass(special-order-product);console.log(Adding button to: + $(element).find(.product-name).text()); var buttonContent $(html).attr(lang) en ? Order in Store : Trouver en magasin; var newButton $(div classorder-in-store-button stylewidth: 195px; margin-top: 5px; border: 6px solid #d71a21; text-align: center;background: #d71a21;font-size:16px;font-weight:700;>a href!>font colorwhite> + buttonContent + /font>/a>/div>); $(element).find(.actions.clearer.add-cart-wrapper).prepend(newButton); //$(element).find(.right-column).append(newButton); } } } // Mutation Observer configuration var observerConfig { childList: true, subtree: true }; // Callback function for the Mutation Observer var mutationCallback function(mutationsList) { mutationsList.forEach(function(mutation) { if (mutation.type childList) { var addedNodes mutation.addedNodes; $(addedNodes).each(function() { if ($(this).hasClass(item) && !$(this).hasClass(special-order-product)) { checkElementForSpecialOrder(this); } }); } }); }; // Create a Mutation Observer var observer new MutationObserver(mutationCallback); // Observe the document body for changes observer.observe(document.body, observerConfig); // Check for existing elements $(.item).each(function() { // Only execute the following code if the add-cart-button is not present in the actions if (!$(this).find(.actions.clearer.add-cart-wrapper).find(.button.button.btn-cart.add-cart-button.button.btn-cart).length) { checkElementForSpecialOrder(this); //Commented the below out, as it was adding buttons to discontinued items. /*var $div2 $(this).find(.right-column); var $existingButton2 $div2.find(.order-in-store-button); if ($existingButton2.length 0) { var buttonContent2 $(html).attr(lang) en ? Order in Store : Trouver en magasin; var $newButton2 $(div classorder-in-store-button stylewidth: 195px; margin-top: 5px; border: 6px solid #d71a21; text-align: center;background: #d71a21;>a href!>font colorwhite> + buttonContent2 + /font>/a>/div>); $div2.append($newButton2); console.log(Adding button to: + $(this).find(.product-name).text()); }*/ } }); }});/script>script>// 161933000054089 $(document).ready(function() { // Check if the URL contains ?modedetail if (window.location.href.indexOf(?modedetail) ! -1) { // Iterate through each .item-row $(.item-row).each(function() { // Find td:nth-child(3) and convert its text to an integer var tdValue parseInt($(this).find(td:nth-child(3)).text(), 10); // If the integer is greater than 0 and not NaN if (tdValue > 0 && !isNaN(tdValue)) { $(tr td).each(function() { if ($(this).text() No PO for this warehouse || $(this).text() Il ny a pas de bon de commande pour cet entrepôt ) { $(this).text(Date darrivée en stock inconnue / Stock ETA Unknown); return false; // Stop iterating } }); } }); }});/script>script> var dataLayer window.dataLayer || ; dataLayer.push({ event: remarketing, google_tag_params: { ecomm_pagetype: home } }); /script> script> async function loadGoogleApis(func) { for (let i 1; i 10; i++) { if (typeof google ! undefined && typeof google.maps ! undefined && typeof google.maps.places ! undefined) { await func(); return; } await new Promise(resolve > setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); } console.error(Google Maps API failed to load after multiple attempts.); } /script> script async defer src//>/script>/body>/html>
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