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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Wed, 08 May 2024 09:20:56 GMTServer: ApacheLast-Modified: Fri, 01 May 2009 10:58:44 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 3664Content-Type: text/html HTML>HEAD> META contenttext/html; charsetwindows-1252 http-equivContent-Type> META namedescription contentlow-cost online availability calendar for holiday cottages> META namekeywords contentonline availability, availability online, online availability calendar, online availability page, online availability service, availability, online cottage availability, holiday cottages, holiday accommodation, page, calendar, online, prices, rates, rental, inquiries, low-cost, cheap> TITLE>Welcome to AvailabilityWizard/TITLE>/HEAD>BODY aLink#800000 bgColor#ffffff link#800000>DIV aligncenter> TABLE BORDER0 WIDTH605> TR> TD>A HREFawlogo7.nvm>IMG SRCawlogo7.gif WIDTH605 HEIGHT131 BORDER0 ISMAP USEMAP#awlogo7>/A>MAP NAMEawlogo7> AREA SHAPERECT HREFfaq.html COORDS549,103,593,129> AREA SHAPERECT HREFexample.html COORDS406,102,473,129> AREA SHAPERECT HREFindex.html COORDS250,102,300,129> AREA SHAPERECT HREFsignin.html COORDS349,102,401,128> AREA SHAPERECT HREFjoin.html COORDS303,102,347,129> AREA SHAPERECT HREFfeatures.html COORDS480,103,546,130> /MAP> /TD> /TR> /TABLE>/DIV>DIV aligncenter> TABLE border0 width605> TR> TD>FONT color#000000 faceArial size4>STRONG>Welcome to AvailabilityWizard/STRONG> /FONT>/TD> /TR> TR> TD> /TD> /TR> TR> TD bgcolor#c2d6ff >FONT color#000000 faceArial size2>B>What is AvailabilityWizard?/B>/FONT>/TD> /TR> TR> TD >FONT color#000000 faceArial size2>AvailabilityWizard provides a low-cost availability page for your holiday accommodation, with easy to use online updating.BR> It takes only a few minutes to A HREFjoin.html>B>I>join/I>/B>/A> and set up your availability page - and you start with a no-strings-attatched one month free trial subscription.BR> Add a link to the page from your own site - and keep your customers up to date with your latest prices and availability.BR> You can use AvailabilityWizard to display just price, just availability, or both price and availability. You can even change what is shown to suit your
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Wed, 08 May 2024 09:20:56 GMTServer: ApacheLast-Modified: Fri, 01 May 2009 10:58:44 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 3664Content-Type: text/html HTML>HEAD> META contenttext/html; charsetwindows-1252 http-equivContent-Type> META namedescription contentlow-cost online availability calendar for holiday cottages> META namekeywords contentonline availability, availability online, online availability calendar, online availability page, online availability service, availability, online cottage availability, holiday cottages, holiday accommodation, page, calendar, online, prices, rates, rental, inquiries, low-cost, cheap> TITLE>Welcome to AvailabilityWizard/TITLE>/HEAD>BODY aLink#800000 bgColor#ffffff link#800000>DIV aligncenter> TABLE BORDER0 WIDTH605> TR> TD>A HREFawlogo7.nvm>IMG SRCawlogo7.gif WIDTH605 HEIGHT131 BORDER0 ISMAP USEMAP#awlogo7>/A>MAP NAMEawlogo7> AREA SHAPERECT HREFfaq.html COORDS549,103,593,129> AREA SHAPERECT HREFexample.html COORDS406,102,473,129> AREA SHAPERECT HREFindex.html COORDS250,102,300,129> AREA SHAPERECT HREFsignin.html COORDS349,102,401,128> AREA SHAPERECT HREFjoin.html COORDS303,102,347,129> AREA SHAPERECT HREFfeatures.html COORDS480,103,546,130> /MAP> /TD> /TR> /TABLE>/DIV>DIV aligncenter> TABLE border0 width605> TR> TD>FONT color#000000 faceArial size4>STRONG>Welcome to AvailabilityWizard/STRONG> /FONT>/TD> /TR> TR> TD> /TD> /TR> TR> TD bgcolor#c2d6ff >FONT color#000000 faceArial size2>B>What is AvailabilityWizard?/B>/FONT>/TD> /TR> TR> TD >FONT color#000000 faceArial size2>AvailabilityWizard provides a low-cost availability page for your holiday accommodation, with easy to use online updating.BR> It takes only a few minutes to A HREFjoin.html>B>I>join/I>/B>/A> and set up your availability page - and you start with a no-strings-attatched one month free trial subscription.BR> Add a link to the page from your own site - and keep your customers up to date with your latest prices and availability.BR> You can use AvailabilityWizard to display just price, just availability, or both price and availability. You can even change what is shown to suit your
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