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It features a 3-meter floating cable and 5-micron filtration to thoroughly clean pool floors, walls, and waterlines. Quick charging and strong waterproofing ensure reliable performance.> The Wireless Pool Cleaning Robot delivers flexible, cor... /a> /p> /li> li classlist-item wow fadeInUp data-wow-delay200ms> div classitem-pic scale-big> a href/products/constantpower-poolbot.html titleWC-1010 ConstantPower PoolBot> img classnlazy data-original//,webp,image/resize,m_pad,h_310,w_310,color_FFFFFF&1 altWC-1010 ConstantPower PoolBot titleWC-1010 ConstantPower PoolBot>/a> /div> h2 classitem-title> a classself-ellipsis href/products/constantpower-poolbot.html titleWC-1010 ConstantPower PoolBot>WC-1010 ConstantPower PoolBot/a> /h2> p classitem-desc> a href/products/constantpower-poolbot.html titleThe Wired Pool Cleaning Robot delivers powerful, consistent cleaning with cable lengths of 17m, 25m, or 40m to fit any pool size. Its 5-micron filtration system and optimized navigation ensure effective debris removal, providing crystal-clear water. Designed for stability and precision, it offers reliable performance for both residential and commercial pools.> The Wired Pool Cleaning Robot delivers powerful, consis... /a> /p> /li> /ul> div classclear> /div> /div> div classitem-box item-box2> div classcate-item wow fadeInDown> div classitem-table> div classitem-cell> p classitem-title> a href/car-polisher.html titleCar polisher styleword-break: keep-all;word-wrap: break-word;> Car polisher /a> /p> /div> /div> /div> ul classbox-list> li classlist-item no_marginl wow fadeInUp data-wow-delay0ms> div classitem-pic scale-big> a href/products/car-buffers-and-polishers-kit-cordless.html titlecar buffers and polishers kit cordless> img classnlazy data-original//,webp,image/resize,m_pad,h_310,w_310,color_FFFFFF&1 altcar buffers and polishers kit cordless titlecar buffers and polishers kit cordless>/a> /div> h2 classitem-title> a classself-ellipsis href/products/car-buffers-and-polishers-kit-cordless.html titlecar buffers and polishers kit cordless>car buffers and polishers kit cordless/a> /h2> p classitem-desc> a href/products/car-buffers-and-polishers-kit-cordless.html titleUpgrade your auto detailing game with our Wholesale OEM&ODM car buffing machine. Our global best price car polishing machine is expertly crafted, delivering a professional automotive polishing experience. Our car buffers powerful and efficient performance every time, with 6 variable speeds and quiet orbital operation. Trust the industry-leading manufacturer for all your auto detailing needs!> Upgrade your auto detailing game with our Wholesale OEM... /a> /p> /li> li classlist-item wow fadeInUp data-wow-delay200ms> div classitem-pic scale-big> a href/products/electric-car-polishing-machine-kits.html titleelectric car polishing machine kits> img classnlazy data-original//,webp,image/resize,m_pad,h_310,w_310,color_FFFFFF&1 altelectric car polishing machine kits titleelectric car polishing machine kits>/a> /div> h2 classitem-title> a classself-ellipsis href/products/electric-car-polishing-machine-kits.html titleelectric car polishing machine kits>electric car polishing machine kits/a> /h2> p classitem-desc> a href/products/electric-car-polishing-machine-kits.html titleWholesale OEM&ODM auto polishing machine, global low price polishing machine, professional auto polishing machine manufacturer> Wholesale OEM&ODM auto polishing machine, global low ... /a> /p> /li> li classlist-item wow fadeInUp data-wow-delay400ms> div classitem-pic scale-big> a href/products/wholesale-oem-odm-cordless-da-polisher.html titlewholesale OEM&ODM Cordless Da Polisher> img classnlazy data-original//,webp,image/resize,m_pad,h_310,w_310,color_FFFFFF&1 altwholesale OEM&ODM Cordless Da Polisher titlewholesale OEM&ODM Cordless Da Polisher>/a> /div> h2 classitem-title> a classself-ellipsis href/products/wholesale-oem-odm-cordless-da-polisher.html titlewholesale OEM&ODM Cordless Da Polisher>wholesale OEM&ODM Cordless Da Polisher/a> /h2> p classitem-desc> a href/products/wholesale-oem-odm-cordless-da-polisher.html titleThe Ansitool J0109 Cordless Orbital Polisher is a dual-action polisher with a long throw that removes scratches and swirls from your painted surfaces without the hassle of a cord! Packaged with two long-lasting batteries, this polisher makes the paint correction process a breeze.> The Ansitool J0109 Cordless Orbital Polisher is a dual... /a> /p> /li> /ul> div classclear> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classindex-about> div classwp> h1 styledisplay: none;> Global best car polisher manufacture and supplier/h1> div classindex-item> p classitem-title wow fadeInDown> a href titleAbout Us> About Us /a> /p> /div> /div> div classlist-item> h1 styledisplay: none;> China best car polisher,car detailing ,car care manufacture and supplier/h1> div classwp fix> div classitem-pic wow fadeInUp> div classab1shipin> a classscale-big titleAbout Our Company> img src titleAbout Our Company altAbout Our Company data-src> /a> /div> /div> div classitem-body> p classitem-title wow fadeInDown> a href/about-us.html titleAbout Our Company> About Our Company /a> /p> div classitem-desc wow fadeInDown> p> a href/about-us.html titleSet up in 2006, focus on dual action polishing machineAs a professional manufacturer with more than 18 years experience, Ansiauto is becoming long partner with world famous brand.Our full range of car polish machine including DA model, orbit from 8mm to 21mm, RO model 800w to 1200w, GA model, Cordless model, Nano model, not only for professional paint detailing also friendly for beginner.In recent years, R&D dept. start to developing more power tools and broaden detailing products to meet more request from customers, ODM&OEM are welcome. All products with CE certification.Except factory, we have an sales office at downtown to attract more excellent young people work together.> Set up in 2006, focus on dual action polishing machineAs a professional manufacturer with more than 18 years experience, Ansiauto is becoming long partner with world famous brand.Our full range of car polish machine including DA model, orbit from 8mm to 21mm, RO model 800w to 1200w, GA model, Cordless model, Nano model, not only for professional paint detailing also friendly for beginner.In recent years, R&D dept. start to developing more power tools and broaden detailing products to meet more request from customers, ODM&OEM ar... /a> /p> /div> a href/about-us.html classitem-btn wow fadeInDown> View More i classiconfont icon-right28>/i> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classindex-news> h1 styledisplay: none;> cordless polisher factory,wholesale nano detail polisher/h1> div classwp> div classindex-item> p classitem-title wow fadeInDown> a href/news/ titleNews Center> News Center /a> /p> /div> div classitem-pic scale-big wow fadeInDown> a href title> img src//,webp,image/resize,m_pad,h_498,w_664,color_FFFFFF&1 title altcar detail> /a> /div> ul classbox-list> li classlist-item wow fadeInUp data-wow-delay0ms> p classitem-title> a classself-ellipsis href/news/effective-methods-of-swimming-poolwater-quality-treatment.html titleEffective methods of swimming poolwater quality treatment>Effective methods of swimming poolwater quality treatment/a> /p> p classitem-date> i classiconfont icon-calendar1>/i>Nov. 20, 2024 /p> p classitem-desc> a href/news/effective-methods-of-swimming-poolwater-quality-treatment.html title> /a> /p> /li> li classlist-item wow fadeInUp data-wow-delay300ms> p classitem-title> a classself-ellipsis href/news/how-to-take-care-of-a-home-swimming-pool.html titleHow to take care of a home swimming pool>How to take care of a home swimming pool/a> /p> p classitem-date> i classiconfont icon-calendar1>/i>Nov. 20, 2024 /p> p classitem-desc> a href/news/how-to-take-care-of-a-home-swimming-pool.html title> /a> /p> /li> li classlist-item wow fadeInUp data-wow-delay600ms> p classitem-title> a classself-ellipsis href/news/how-to-clean-swimming-pool-scale.html titleHow to Clean Swimming Pool Scale>How to Clean Swimming Pool Scale/a> /p> p classitem-date> i classiconfont icon-calendar1>/i>Nov. 20, 2024 /p> p classitem-desc> a href/news/how-to-clean-swimming-pool-scale.html titleHow to clean swimming pool scale? Swimming pool scale cleaning is not thorough, over and over again can notget rid of clean, can only be frequent replacement of equipment...> How to clean swimming pool scale? Swimming pool scale cleaning is not thorough, over and over again can notget rid of clean, can only be ... /a> /p> /li> /ul> div classclear>/div> /div> /div> div classindex-app> h1 styledisplay: none;> Professional dual action polisher ,DA car polisher supplier/h1> div classwp> div classindex-item> p classitem-title wow fadeInDown> a href/products.html titleApplication> Application /a> /p> /div> ul classbox-list> li classlist-item no_marginl wow fadeInUp data-wow-delay0ms> div classitem-pic scale-big> a href/application/dual-action-polisher.html titlecar polishing or waxing> img classnlazy data-original//,webp,image/resize,m_pad,h_300,w_400,color_FFFFFF&1 altcar polishing or waxing titlecar polishing or waxing> /a> /div> p classitem-title> a classself-ellipsis href/application/dual-action-polisher.html titlecar polishing or waxing>car polishing or waxing/a> /p> p classitem-desc> a href/application/dual-action-polisher.html titleRandom action with long throw 21mm orbit yields more work per pass, 6 speed settings from 1700-4800 orbits per minute for precise control> Random action with long throw 21mm orbit yields more work per pass, 6 speed set... /a> /p> /li> li classlist-item wow fadeInUp data-wow-delay200ms> div classitem-pic scale-big> a href/application/cordless-polisher.html titleCordless Polisher> img classnlazy data-original//,webp,image/resize,m_pad,h_300,w_400,color_FFFFFF&1 altCordless Polisher titleCordless Polisher> /a> /div> p classitem-title> a classself-ellipsis href/application/cordless-polisher.html titleCordless Polisher>Cordless Polisher/a> /p> p classitem-desc> a href/application/cordless-polisher.html titleCordless polisher gives you the freedom to work without being tied to extension cords and AC outlets. Equipped with 20V 4.0Ah battery and fast charger> Cordless polisher gives you the freedom to work without being tied to extension... /a> /p> /li> li classlist-item wow fadeInUp data-wow-delay400ms> div classitem-pic scale-big> a href/application/wireless-polishing-machine.html titleWireless Polishing Machine> img classnlazy data-original//,webp,image/resize,m_pad,h_300,w_400,color_FFFFFF&1 altWireless Polishing Machine titleWireless Polishing Machine> /a> /div> p classitem-title> a classself-ellipsis href/application/wireless-polishing-machine.html titleWireless Polishing Machine>Wireless Polishing Machine/a> /p> p classitem-desc> a href/application/wireless-polishing-machine.html titleLow speed for waxing and buffing, high speed for removing paint defects and oxidation, Lightweight and portable design makes it easy for carrying and storage> Low speed for waxing and buffing, high speed for removing paint defects and oxi... /a> /p> /li> /ul> /div> /div> div classindex-video> div classwp> div classindex-item> h1 styledisplay: none;> Wholesale customized car polishing machine with fast delivery /h1> p classitem-title wow fadeInDown> a href/video.html titleVideo> Video /a> /p> /div> /div> div classlist-item> h1 styledisplay: none;> Wholesale OEM&ODM car polishing machine, low price promotion/h1> div classwp fix> div classitem-pic wow fadeInUp> div classitem-videobox> div classitem-video index-video-00> img src//,webp,image/resize,m_pad,h_414,w_414,color_FFFFFF&1 data-src title alt classvideo> /div> /div> /div> div classitem-body> p classitem-title wow fadeInDown> span classitem-title-span title> /span> /p> div classitem-desc wow fadeInDown> p> a href/products.html titleOur full range of car polishers include DA models with rails from 8mm to 21mm, RO models 800w to 1200w, GA models, cordless models, Nano models, not only for professional paint details, but also for beginners. If you are interested in car detail related products such as car brushes, car towels, clay sticks,foam pads,polishing kits,high pressure wash machine spray bottles, etc., please contact us!> Our full range of car polishers include DA models with rails from 8mm to 21mm, RO models 800w to 1200w, GA models, cordless models, Nano models, not only for professional paint details, but also for beginners. If you are interested in car detail related products such as car brushes, car towels, clay sticks,foam pads,polishing kits,high pressure wash machine spray bottles, etc., please contact us! /a> /p> /div> a href/products.html classitem-btn wow fadeInDown> View More i classiconfont icon-right28>/i> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classindex-cer> div classwp> div classindex-item> p classitem-title wow fadeInDown> a href/certificate.html titleCertificate> Certificate /a> /p> /div> div classcer-scroll scroll-box wow fadeInUp> div classscroll-list-box> ul classscroll-list fix baguetteBoxOne> li classlist-item > a classitem-pics an-bd3 href// titleCE report CNAS--l0409> div classitem-box> img src//,webp,image/resize,m_pad,h_277,w_213,color_FFFFFF&1 titleCE report CNAS--l0409 altCE report CNAS--l0409> /div> div classitem-backdrop> div classitem-table> div classitem-cell> i classiconfont icon-search>/i> /div> /div> /div> /a> p classitem-title>CE report CNAS--l0409/p> /li> li classlist-item > a classitem-pics an-bd3 href// titleCE Report> div classitem-box> img src//,webp,image/resize,m_pad,h_277,w_213,color_FFFFFF&1 titleCE Report altCE Report> /div> div classitem-backdrop> div classitem-table> div classitem-cell> i classiconfont icon-search>/i> /div> /div> /div> /a> p classitem-title>CE Report/p> /li> li classlist-item > a classitem-pics an-bd3 href// titleCE> div classitem-box> img src//,webp,image/resize,m_pad,h_277,w_213,color_FFFFFF&1 titleCE altCE> /div> div classitem-backdrop> div classitem-table> div classitem-cell> i classiconfont icon-search>/i> /div> /div> /div> /a> p classitem-title>CE/p> /li> li classlist-item > a classitem-pics an-bd3 href// titleCE-clzj1401173485> div classitem-box> img src//,webp,image/resize,m_pad,h_277,w_213,color_FFFFFF&1 titleCE-clzj1401173485 altCE-clzj1401173485> /div> div classitem-backdrop> div classitem-table> div classitem-cell> i classiconfont icon-search>/i> /div> /div> /div> /a> p classitem-title>CE-clzj1401173485/p> /li> li classlist-item > a classitem-pics an-bd3 href// titleElectrical safety product> div classitem-box> img src//,webp,image/resize,m_pad,h_277,w_213,color_FFFFFF&1 titleElectrical safety product altElectrical safety product> /div> div classitem-backdrop> div classitem-table> div classitem-cell> i classiconfont icon-search>/i> /div> /div> /div> /a> p classitem-title>Electrical safety product/p> /li> li classlist-item > a classitem-pics an-bd3 href// titleISET> div classitem-box> img src//,webp,image/resize,m_pad,h_277,w_213,color_FFFFFF&1 titleISET altISET> /div> div classitem-backdrop> div classitem-table> div classitem-cell> i classiconfont icon-search>/i> /div> /div> /div> /a> p classitem-title>ISET/p> /li> /ul> /div> div classscroll-btns> span classprev scroll-btn iconfont icon-yuanxingjiantouzuo>/span> span classnext scroll-btn iconfont icon-yuanxingjiantouyou>/span> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classindex-download> div classwp> div classindex-item> p classitem-title wow fadeInDown> a href/download.html titleDownload> Download /a> /p> p classitem-desc wow fadeInDown data-wow-delay200ms> a href/products.html titleAs a professional manufacturer with more than 16 years experience, Ansiauto is becoming long partner with world famous brand.> As a professional manufacturer with more than 16 years experience, Ansiauto is becoming long partner with world famous brand. /a> /p> /div> ul classdownload-list> li classlist-item fix wow fadeInUp data-wow-delay0ms > div classitem-body> p classitem-title> a hrefjavascript:; 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