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data-pkws_home_offers_title data-typetext>OUR CARS /span>/h2> div classrow> div classcol-lg-8 col-lg-offset-2 col-md-10 col-md-offset-1 col-xs-12> div classsection-subtitle>span classwc-editable data-pkws_home_offers_desc data-typeplaintext>Check our group categories /span>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classrow columns> div classcol-md-4 col-xs-12> div class cms-e-section> div classwc-thumb btn-gallery-replace> img altGroup A titleGroup A src data-vapp/web/upload/medium/mirage-1979.jpg classimg-responsive wc-image loadinglazy> /div> div classcolumns-item> h3 classh3 wc-editable data-modelpjContentRecord data-fieldfield_28 data-typetext data-foreign_id72>Group A/h3> div classoffer-price> span>From /span> strong>₱ 850/strong> span>To 1,200/span> /div> div classparagraph wc-editable data-modelpjContentRecord data-fieldfield_29 data-typetextarea data-foreign_id72>Group A - Hatchback Automatic Transmission/div> /div> div classoffer-actions text-center> a href classbtn btn-info 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data-modelpjContentRecord data-fieldfield_28 data-typetext data-foreign_id74>Group C/h3> div classoffer-price> span>From/span> strong>₱ 1,000/strong> span>To 1,950/span> /div> div classparagraph wc-editable data-modelpjContentRecord data-fieldfield_29 data-typetextarea data-foreign_id74>Group B - Sedan Automatic Transmission/div> /div> div classoffer-actions text-center> a href classbtn btn-info target_self>Book now /a> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 col-xs-12> div class cms-e-section> div classwc-thumb btn-gallery-replace> img altGroup D titleGroup D src data-vapp/web/upload/medium/civic-2024-1992.jpg classimg-responsive wc-image loadinglazy> /div> div classcolumns-item> h3 classh3 wc-editable data-modelpjContentRecord data-fieldfield_28 data-typetext data-foreign_id75>Group D/h3> div classoffer-price> span>From/span> strong>₱ 1,100/strong> span>To 2,650/span> /div> div classparagraph wc-editable data-modelpjContentRecord data-fieldfield_29 data-typetextarea data-foreign_id75>Group D - Premium Sedan Automatic/div> /div> div classoffer-actions text-center> a href classbtn btn-info target_self>BOOK NOW/a> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 col-xs-12> div class cms-e-section> div classwc-thumb btn-gallery-replace> img altGroup E titleGroup E src data-vapp/web/upload/medium/avanza-1998-1993.jpg classimg-responsive wc-image loadinglazy> /div> div classcolumns-item> h3 classh3 wc-editable data-modelpjContentRecord data-fieldfield_28 data-typetext data-foreign_id76>Group E/h3> div classoffer-price> span>From/span> strong>₱ 1,450/strong> span>To 2,650/span> /div> div classparagraph wc-editable data-modelpjContentRecord data-fieldfield_29 data-typetextarea data-foreign_id76>Group E - MPV Automatic Transmission/div> /div> div classoffer-actions text-center> a href classbtn btn-info target_self>BOOK NOW/a> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 col-xs-12> div class cms-e-section> div classwc-thumb btn-gallery-replace> img altGroup F titleGroup F src data-vapp/web/upload/medium/innova-1997.jpg classimg-responsive wc-image loadinglazy> /div> div classcolumns-item> h3 classh3 wc-editable data-modelpjContentRecord data-fieldfield_28 data-typetext data-foreign_id77>Group F/h3> div classoffer-price> span>From/span> strong>₱ 1,550/strong> span>To 3,250/span> /div> div classparagraph wc-editable data-modelpjContentRecord data-fieldfield_29 data-typetextarea data-foreign_id77>Group F - AUV Automatic Transmission/div> /div> div classoffer-actions text-center> a href classbtn btn-info target_self>BOOK NOW/a> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 col-xs-12> div class cms-e-section> div classwc-thumb btn-gallery-replace> img altGroup G titleGroup G src data-vapp/web/upload/medium/hi-ace-1998.jpg classimg-responsive wc-image loadinglazy> /div> div classcolumns-item> h3 classh3 wc-editable data-modelpjContentRecord data-fieldfield_28 data-typetext data-foreign_id78>Group G/h3> div classoffer-price> span>From/span> strong>₱ 1,950/strong> span>To 4,100/span> /div> div classparagraph wc-editable data-modelpjContentRecord data-fieldfield_29 data-typetextarea data-foreign_id78>Group G - Van Manual Transmission/div> /div> div classoffer-actions text-center> a href classbtn btn-info target_self>BOOK NOW/a> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 col-xs-12> div class cms-e-section> div classwc-thumb btn-gallery-replace> img altGROUP H titleGROUP H src data-vapp/web/upload/medium/everest-2004.jpg classimg-responsive wc-image loadinglazy> /div> div classcolumns-item> h3 classh3 wc-editable data-modelpjContentRecord data-fieldfield_28 data-typetext data-foreign_id79>GROUP H/h3> div classoffer-price> span>From/span> strong>₱ 1,650/strong> span>To 3,550/span> /div> div classparagraph wc-editable data-modelpjContentRecord data-fieldfield_29 data-typetextarea data-foreign_id79>Group H - SUV Automatic Transmission/div> /div> div classoffer-actions text-center> a href classbtn btn-info target_self>BOOK NOW/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classsection section-services idsection-services> div classcontainer> div classsection-head> div classcms-e-section> h2 classh2>span classwc-editable data-pkws_home_service_title data-typetext>Services/span>/h2> div classrow> div classcol-lg-8 col-lg-offset-2 col-md-10 col-md-offset-1 col-xs-12> div classsection-subtitle>span classwc-editable data-pkws_home_service_desc data-typeplaintext>We provide complete car rental solutions/span>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classrow columns> div classcol-md-4 col-xs-12> div classservice cms-e-section> div classservices-item-icon> img srcbus-1-1-9.svg altbus-1> /div> div classcolumns-item> h3 classh3 wc-editable data-modelpjContentRecord data-fieldfield_140 data-typetext data-foreign_id55>PRIVATE CUSTOMER/h3> div classparagraph wc-editable data-modelpjContentRecord data-fieldfield_137 data-typetextarea data-foreign_id55>We offer a long and short term car rental deals for private customers, with or without driver with unlimited mileage all over Luzon area. We also provide car delivery and car pick up all the way to the customer house./div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 col-xs-12> div classservice cms-e-section> div classservices-item-icon> img srccab-1-9.svg altcab> /div> div classcolumns-item> h3 classh3 wc-editable data-modelpjContentRecord data-fieldfield_140 data-typetext data-foreign_id56>CORPORATE ACCOUNTS/h3> div classparagraph wc-editable data-modelpjContentRecord data-fieldfield_137 data-typetextarea data-foreign_id56>We offer a long term deals for corporate accounts, including monthly car maintenance, car rescue, car tracking with GPS and dedicated account manager to coordinate all corporation needs/div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 col-xs-12> div classservice cms-e-section> div classservices-item-icon> img srcbus-1-9.svg altbus> /div> div classcolumns-item> h3 classh3 wc-editable data-modelpjContentRecord data-fieldfield_140 data-typetext data-foreign_id57>SHUTTLE SERVICES/h3> div classparagraph wc-editable data-modelpjContentRecord data-fieldfield_137 data-typetextarea data-foreign_id57>We provide shuttle services to the biggest companies in the Philippines, with big new vans and executive drivers to any point in Metro Manila and the entire Luzon area. Our shuttle service cars are equipped with GPS system for the passengers to see the exact shuttle location. /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classsection section-services idsection-services> div classcontainer> div classsection-head> div classcontainer cms-e-section> h2 classh2>span classwc-editable data-pkws_about_me_title data-typetext>Anis Transport: For Your Van and Car Rental Service Needs in Manila, Philippines/span>/h2> div classrow> div classcol-lg-8 col-lg-offset-2 col-md-10 col-md-offset-1 col-xs-12> div classsection-subtitle>span classwc-editable data-pkws_about_me_sub_title data-typeplaintext>/span>/div> /div> /div> div classrow> div classcol-lg-10 col-lg-offset-1> div classparagragh>div classwc-editable data-pkws_about_me_desc data-typeplaintext>p alignjustify>We, at Anis Transport, are committed in providing you excellent strong>cheap van and car rental in Manila/strong>, Quezon City, Philippines. We provide you flexible offerings including transfer services, car rental, van rentals, group tour, corporate services, shuttles services for companies, a href>airport transfer/a>, bridal services, long and short term leases with the option of hiring driver or self drive. If you are planning to visit your next holiday or business trip to Philippines then don’t forget to contact Anis Transport for your car or van rental needs. strong>Last minutes booking available too!/strong>br>Value-for-Money is a vital factor that we consider at Anis Transport Car Rental in order to establish good and lasting business relationship with our client. Our discount car or van rental services are tagged with the best prices there are in the market to assure>strong>Rent a Car or Van in Manila with Anis Transport/strong> to Make Your Next Holiday Trip Hassle Free. strong>Both Driver and Self Drive Option Available When You Hire a Car or Van from Us./strong>br>Whether you are looking for strong>Long Term or Monthly Car & Van Rental in Manila, Philippines/strong>, you will get the cheapest rate. This makes us different from other Car rental or Car Lease company in Manila those are offering high prices. Our Car & Van Rental services are available with the option of Self Drive & with Driver. strong>Pick-up & Drop-off and car delivery facility available both for self drive and with driver service./strong>br>We are offering strong>long term & monthly Car Lease/strong>, a href>Shuttle Services/a> for businesses or corporate in Metro Manila and all over Luzon island. At Anis Transport, we understand the importance of Car lease for corporate sector and for that reason we are offering Corporate Discounts on Long Term Car>strong>For Affordable Round Trip Rates from Manila- Baguio-Manila, Call Us Today!!!!/strong>/p>/div>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classsection section-testimonials idsection-testimonials> div classcontainer> div classsection-head> div classcms-e-section> h2 classh2>span classwc-editable data-pkws_home_testimonial_title data-typetext>Testimonials/span>/h2> div classrow> div classcol-lg-8 col-lg-offset-2 col-md-10 col-md-offset-1 col-xs-12> div classsection-subtitle>span classwc-editable data-pkws_home_testimonial_desc data-typeplaintext>Read what our customers have to say about our fleet and services./span>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classquotes>/div> div idtestimonial classcarousel slide testimonial data-ridecarousel> ol classcarousel-indicators roletablist> li roletab aria-controlst-panel0 idt-tab0 aria-selectedtrue data-target#testimonial data-slide-to0 classactive>/li>li roletab aria-controlst-panel1 idt-tab1 aria-selectedfalse data-target#testimonial data-slide-to1>/li>li roletab aria-controlst-panel2 idt-tab2 aria-selectedfalse data-target#testimonial data-slide-to2>/li>li roletab aria-controlst-panel3 idt-tab3 aria-selectedfalse data-target#testimonial data-slide-to3>/li>li roletab aria-controlst-panel4 idt-tab4 aria-selectedfalse data-target#testimonial data-slide-to4>/li>li roletab aria-controlst-panel5 idt-tab5 aria-selectedfalse data-target#testimonial data-slide-to5>/li>li roletab aria-controlst-panel6 idt-tab6 aria-selectedfalse data-target#testimonial data-slide-to6>/li>li roletab aria-controlst-panel7 idt-tab7 aria-selectedfalse data-target#testimonial data-slide-to7>/li>li roletab aria-controlst-panel8 idt-tab8 aria-selectedfalse data-target#testimonial data-slide-to8>/li>li roletab aria-controlst-panel9 idt-tab9 aria-selectedfalse data-target#testimonial data-slide-to9>/li> /ol> div classcarousel-inner> div roletabpanel idt-panel0 aria-labelledbyt-tab0 classitem testimonial-item active> div classrow> div classcol-lg-10 col-lg-offset-1 cms-e-section> div classparagragh wc-editable data-modelpjContentRecord data-fieldfield_145 data-typeplaintext data-foreign_id95>Highly recommend this car rental service! The staff were incredibly friendly and helpful, and they ensured everything was clear and transparent throughout the process. The pricing was competitive and upfront, with no hidden feesMarch 2024/div> p>strong classwc-editable data-modelpjContentRecord data-fieldfield_144 data-typetext data-foreign_id95>Bien Nguyen Van/strong>/p> /div> /div> /div> div roletabpanel idt-panel1 aria-labelledbyt-tab1 classitem testimonial-item> div classrow> div classcol-lg-10 col-lg-offset-1 cms-e-section> div classparagragh wc-editable data-modelpjContentRecord data-fieldfield_145 data-typeplaintext data-foreign_id101>Ms. Ali’s amazing to coordinate with. I had to book a car last minute very last minute but she was very accommodating. When I encountered problems with processing my payment she was very patient and kind and offered me still amazing customer service. The driver was also very kind and prompt. I highly recommend their services and will definitely avail it whenever I’m in the country or in need of a driver. The prices are also very reasonable as I’ve compared services of other companies. So nice to see that there still are companies that don’t overcharge for car rentals with a driver. You guys are the best!April 2024/div> p>strong classwc-editable data-modelpjContentRecord data-fieldfield_144 data-typetext data-foreign_id101>M T/strong>/p> /div> /div> /div> div roletabpanel idt-panel2 aria-labelledbyt-tab2 classitem testimonial-item> div classrow> div classcol-lg-10 col-lg-offset-1 cms-e-section> div classparagragh wc-editable data-modelpjContentRecord data-fieldfield_145 data-typeplaintext data-foreign_id97>I rented a car for three days, and everything went wonderfully, from the arrangement to the return. I highly recommend it and hope for the appearance of some referral program.There was only one moment - when I came to return the car, three days later, I parked near their office, and when they went to pick up the car to re-park it, they couldn't start it because the battery died. I'm afraid to imagine if this happened to me somewhere on the road, as I had a baby with me. Otherwise, there are no complaints. March 2024/div> p>strong classwc-editable data-modelpjContentRecord data-fieldfield_144 data-typetext data-foreign_id97>Алексей Шуравин/strong>/p> /div> /div> /div> div roletabpanel idt-panel3 aria-labelledbyt-tab3 classitem testimonial-item> div classrow> div classcol-lg-10 col-lg-offset-1 cms-e-section> div classparagragh wc-editable data-modelpjContentRecord data-fieldfield_145 data-typeplaintext data-foreign_id98>Anis Transport exceeded my expectations! From the moment I booked until I returned the vehicle, their customer service was exceptional. The car was in pristine condition despite the year model, and the pick-up and drop-off process was seamless. Their rates were competitive, and I appreciated the transparency throughout the rental period. I highly recommend Anis Transport to anyone looking for a reliable and hassle-free car rental experience. April 2024/div> p>strong classwc-editable data-modelpjContentRecord data-fieldfield_144 data-typetext data-foreign_id98>Markerick Perez/strong>/p> /div> /div> /div> div roletabpanel idt-panel4 aria-labelledbyt-tab4 classitem testimonial-item> div classrow> div classcol-lg-10 col-lg-offset-1 cms-e-section> div classparagragh wc-editable data-modelpjContentRecord data-fieldfield_145 data-typeplaintext data-foreign_id99>I've rented from Anis Transport multiple times now, and they never disappoint. The staff is always friendly and accommodating, making the rental process effortless. The vehicles are well-maintained and clean, ensuring a comfortable ride every time. Plus, their pricing is fair and transparent, with no hidden fees. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Anis Transport to anyone in need of a reliable car rental service. April 2024/div> p>strong classwc-editable data-modelpjContentRecord data-fieldfield_144 data-typetext data-foreign_id99>Raymomond Santos/strong>/p> /div> /div> /div> div roletabpanel idt-panel5 aria-labelledbyt-tab5 classitem testimonial-item> div classrow> div classcol-lg-10 col-lg-offset-1 cms-e-section> div classparagragh wc-editable data-modelpjContentRecord data-fieldfield_145 data-typeplaintext data-foreign_id96>Anis Transport exceeded my expectations in every way possible. From the moment I inquired about renting a car to the drop-off, their team was incredibly professional and helpful. The vehicle I rented was in immaculate condition, and I felt safe and comfortable throughout my journey. Their rates are competitive, and the level of service they provide is unmatched. I'll definitely be using Anis Transport for all my future rental needs. April 2024/div> p>strong classwc-editable data-modelpjContentRecord data-fieldfield_144 data-typetext data-foreign_id96>david anthony taguna/strong>/p> /div> /div> /div> div roletabpanel idt-panel6 aria-labelledbyt-tab6 classitem testimonial-item> div classrow> div classcol-lg-10 col-lg-offset-1 cms-e-section> div classparagragh wc-editable data-modelpjContentRecord data-fieldfield_145 data-typeplaintext data-foreign_id102>Our experience with Anis Transport and their driver was exceptional! The driver was punctual, professional, and courteous throughout our trip. The car was in great condition, and we felt safe and comfortable the entire time. Thank you for the excellent service!. April 2024/div> p>strong classwc-editable data-modelpjContentRecord data-fieldfield_144 data-typetext data-foreign_id102>Eric Diolata/strong>/p> /div> /div> /div> div roletabpanel idt-panel7 aria-labelledbyt-tab7 classitem testimonial-item> div classrow> div classcol-lg-10 col-lg-offset-1 cms-e-section> div classparagragh wc-editable data-modelpjContentRecord data-fieldfield_145 data-typeplaintext data-foreign_id103>Great service, very helpful and competent staff. Car was as promised and all arrangements were smooth and proficient.The staff go out of their way to make the rental process as seamless as possible.I had my car delivered and picked up from the location of my choice and it really helped with my travel arrangements. January 2024/div> p>strong classwc-editable data-modelpjContentRecord data-fieldfield_144 data-typetext data-foreign_id103>Harrison Liddle/strong>/p> /div> /div> /div> div roletabpanel idt-panel8 aria-labelledbyt-tab8 classitem testimonial-item> div classrow> div classcol-lg-10 col-lg-offset-1 cms-e-section> div classparagragh wc-editable data-modelpjContentRecord data-fieldfield_145 data-typeplaintext data-foreign_id104>Anis Transport's 24/7 service saved our trip! We encountered unexpected delays, but their round-the-clock availability ensured we had a reliable ride whenever we needed it. Their commitment to customer satisfaction is truly commendable. April 2024/div> p>strong classwc-editable data-modelpjContentRecord data-fieldfield_144 data-typetext data-foreign_id104>Delete Bong Coranez Bong Coranez/strong>/p> /div> /div> /div> div roletabpanel idt-panel9 aria-labelledbyt-tab9 classitem testimonial-item> div classrow> div classcol-lg-10 col-lg-offset-1 cms-e-section> div classparagragh wc-editable data-modelpjContentRecord data-fieldfield_145 data-typeplaintext data-foreign_id100>Anis has a great and very accommodating staff, particularly Ms Chona and Sir Julian. They were very responsive to us when we needed them. We rented a Toyota Fortuner and it was well maintained and runs really well. No issues with the car, the transaction and the staff! They were flexible with pick up and drop off dates, times and location. Looking forward to our next rental and watching out for new car models in the future, hopefully!. March 2024/div> p>strong classwc-editable data-modelpjContentRecord data-fieldfield_144 data-typetext data-foreign_id100>Bambi Bandong/strong>/p> /div> /div> /div> /div> a classleft carousel-control href#testimonial rolebutton data-slideprev aria-labelPrev> span classglyphicon glyphicon-menu-left aria-hiddentrue>/span> span classsr-only>/span> /a> a classright carousel-control href#testimonial rolebutton data-slidenext aria-labelNext> span classglyphicon glyphicon-menu-right aria-hiddentrue>/span> span classsr-only>/span> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> footer classfooter idsection-contact> div classfooter-nav> div classcontainer cms-e-section> ul> li>a hrefreservations.html>Reservations/a>/li> li>a href./>Home/a>/li> li>a hreffleet.html>Fleet/a>/li> li>a hreflocations.html>Locations/a>/li> li>a hrefabout-us.html>About Us/a>/li> li>a hrefterms.html>Terms/a>/li> li>a hrefprivacy-policy.html>Privacy Policy/a>/li> li>a hrefcontact-us.html>Contact Us/a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> div classsection> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-sm-6 col-xs-12> p classcopyright cms-e-section>© 2024 a href./>Anis Transport/a> | span classwc-editable data-pkws_rights_reserved data-typetext>All rights reserved/span>/p> p classcredits credits-secondary>a href target_blank relnoopener>Car Rental Website/a> by a href target_blank relnoopener>>/p> /div> div classcol-sm-6 col-xs-12 text-right> ul classsocials socials-secondary cms-e-section > li>a href target_blank classico-facebook relnoopener>facebook/a>/li>li>a href target_blank classico-twitter relnoopener>twitter/a>/li>li>a href target_blank classico-linkedin relnoopener>linkedin/a>/li>li>a href target_blank classico-instagram relnoopener>instagram/a>/li>li>a href target_blank classico-pinterest relnoopener>pinterest/a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div>/footer> /div> noscript iddeferred-styles> link relstylesheet typetext/css href iddeferred-sheet> /noscript> script> (function (w, d) { var loadDeferredStyles function() { var addStylesNode d.getElementById(deferred-styles); var replacement d.createElement(div); replacement.innerHTML addStylesNode.textContent; d.body.appendChild(replacement); var img d.createElement(img); img.onerror function () { w.setTimeout(function() { d.body.classList ? 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