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//$(#checkinDay).val(selectedDate0.getDate()); // $(#checkinMonth).val(selectedDate0.getMonth() + 1); // $(#checkinYear).val(selectedDate0.getFullYear()); $(#arrive).val(selectedDate0.getFullYear()+-+ (selectedDate0.getMonth() + 1) + - + selectedDate0.getDate()); var selectedDate2 new Date(selectedDate0.getTime()+(24*60*60*1000)); $( #datepicker2 ).datepicker( option, minDate, selectedDate2 ); $( #datepicker2 ).datepicker( setDate, selectedDate2); $( #datepicker2 ).datepicker(show); } }); $( #datepicker2 ).datepicker({ showOn: button, buttonImage: images/calendar.png, buttonImageOnly: true , minDate: new Date(2025, 2, 26), onClose: function( selectedDate ) { var selectedDate3 new Date(selectedDate); // $(#checkoutDay).val(selectedDate3.getDate()); // $(#checkoutMonth).val(selectedDate3.getMonth() + 1); // $(#checkoutYear).val(selectedDate3.getFullYear()); $(#Depart).val(selectedDate3.getFullYear()+-+ (selectedDate3.getMonth() + 1) + - + selectedDate3.getDate()); } }); }); function rooms_change(sel){ // $(#numberOfRooms).val(sel.value); } function rooms_adults1(sel){ $(#Adult).val(sel.value); } function rooms_children1(sel){ $(#Child).val(sel.value); } /script>style>#ui-datepicker-div{ font-size:12px;}.ui-datepicker th {padding: 0.2em 0.2em;line-height:20px;}/style>form namefind idfind action methodpost target_blank> input typehidden namechain idchain value22402> input typehidden namehotel idhotel value78694> input typehidden namesrc idsrc value24C> input typehidden nameAdult idAdult value1> input typehidden nameChild idChild value0> input typehidden nameArrive idarrive value2025-03-25> input typehidden nameDepart idDepart value2025-03-26> input typehidden namelang idlang value1> input typehidden namelocale idlocale valueen-US> div classthree columns>p>Check-In:/p> div classfield> input classtext input hinput typetext namezdatepicker iddatepicker value03/25/2025 readonly>/div>/div>div classthree columns>p>Check-Out:/p>div classfield> input classtext input hinput typetext namezdatepicker2 iddatepicker2 value03/26/2025 readonly> /div>/div>div classone columns>label>span classadults>Adults/span> select idadults1 classadults1 onchangerooms_adults1(this);>option value1>1/option> option value2>2/option> option value3>3/option> option value4>4/option> option value5>5/option> option value6>6/option> option value7>7/option> option value8>8/option> option value9>9/option> option value10>10/option> /select> /label>/div> div classone columns>label>span>Children/span> select idchildren1 idchildren1 onchangerooms_children1(this);>option value0>0/option>option value1>1/option>option value2>2/option>option value3>3/option>option value4>4/option>option value5>5/option>/select> /label> /div>div classtwo columns book pull_right> div classpretty medium default btn>input typesubmit valueFind Rooms iddosearch >/div> /div>/form>/div>/div>/div>/div> div classtab-content rbook> form target_blank action methodget nameretrieveReservationForm accept-charsetUTF-8 data-tagwh-retrieve-reservation> input typehidden namechain idchain value22402> input typehidden namehotel idhotel value78694> input typehidden namesrc idsrc value24C> div classrow>p classnote> Fill all field to retrieve your booking to manage. /p>/div> div classrow> div classfive columns> div classfield>p>Email Address/p> input nameemail idemail typeemail value classtext input/> /div>/div> div classthree columns> div classfield>p>Confirmation Number/p> input nameconfirm idconfirm typetext value classtext input/>/div> /div> div classthree columns pull_right> div classpretty medium default btn>input typesubmit valueRetrieve Reservation iddosearch2 >/div> /div> /div> /form> /div>/section> /div>/div>div classclearfix>/div> div classfotorama data-width100% data-autoplaytrue data-stopAutoplayOnActiontrue data-navdots data-arrowstrue data-transitionfade data-transitionduration1000> img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق srcimages/slider/slider-1.jpg />img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق srcimages/slider/slider-2.jpg styledisplay:none;/>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق srcimages/slider/slider-02.jpg styledisplay:none;/>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق srcimages/slider/slider-3.jpg styledisplay:none;/>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق srcimages/slider/slider-4.jpg styledisplay:none;/>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق srcimages/slider/slider-5.jpg styledisplay:none;/>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق srcimages/slider/slider-6.jpg styledisplay:none;/>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق srcimages/slider/slider-7.jpg styledisplay:none;/>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق srcimages/slider/slider-8.jpg styledisplay:none;/>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق srcimages/slider/slider-9.jpg styledisplay:none;/>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق srcimages/slider/slider-10.jpg styledisplay:none;/>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق srcimages/slider/9.jpg styledisplay:none;/>/div>div classtourlinks > div classpull_left>a relnofollow classtour target_blank href>span>Virtual Tour/span>/a>/div> div classpull_right>a classhgallery hrefjavascript:;>span>Photo Gallery/span>/a>/div> /div>/div>!-- Welcome Intro -->div data-targetourhotel classourhotel> div classrow welcome text-center> div classtwelve columns text-center> h2>Al Mashreq Boutique Hotel -/h2> /div> /div> div classrow text-center welcome-in> span classgolden_hr>/span> p> strong styletext-align: right;>Welcome Message /strong>br>br>p classMsoNormal>It’s my pleasure to welcome you to Al Mashreq Boutique Hotel with its exceptional location in downtown Riyadh within the Home Offices Complex at the intersection of the vibrant Al Urubah and Prince Turki Roads. /p>p classMsoNormal>br>/p>p classMsoNormal>b>i>“A Boutique Hotel in the heart of the Capital. “/i>/b>/p>p classMsoNormal>br>/p>p classMsoNormal>Classic themes and Arabian tradition meet at Al Mashreq. Its luxurious guest rooms and suites feature captivating Andalusian decor, with an array of food and beverage options across the globe./p>p classMsoNormal>The hotel stands apart as the finest and the first Luxury Boutique Hotel in Riyadh for its highly individualistic architecture and commitment to offering the highest service standards. As part of the portfolio of Tatweer Holding, the hotel has set its unique niche with its inimitable design and prominent location./p>p classMsoNormal>On behalf of the team, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for choosing our award-winning hotel as your home during your upcoming stay in Riyadh. /p>br>b>General Manager/b>br>br> /p> br>a classmore_gray hrefjavascript:void(); idaboutmore nameaboutmore>More Details/a> /div> div classwelcome2 aboutdiv aboutdivH aboutdivB idaboutdiv nameaboutdiv> div classrow> div classtwelve columns>div classrow> div classfour columns text-center>CHECK IN: span>3span classmeridiem>PM/span> (Early check in available) /span>/div> div classfour columns text-center>CHECK OUT: span>12span classmeridiem>PM/span> (Late check out available) /span>/div> div classfour columns text-center>FRONT DESK : +966 - 800 (122) 2222/div>/div>div classrow> hr>div classsix columns>h4>Languages Spoken By Staff/h4> p>Arabic, English, Hindi, Tagalog/p> h4>Currency /h4> p>SAR , UAE , USD , AUD , BHD ,EUR ,GBP , INR ,KWD ,OMR , QAR /p> h4>PET POLICY/h4> p classMsoNormal stylemargin-bottom:0in>span langEN-GB>Pets are notpermitted on the hotel premises.o:p>/o:p>/span>/p> h4>WIFI/h4> p classMsoNormal stylemargin-bottom:0in>span langEN-GB>Complementaryinterneto:p>/o:p>/span>/p> h4>Mashreq Spa/h4> p>Our standing Mashreq Spa is located on the LG> Open daily from 6:00AM until 00:00 Midnight/p> h4>Services and Facilities of Al Mashreq Spa/h4>ul classsquare>li>Lockers and Relaxing Lounge/li>li>Mineral Water and Cold Towels/li>li>Sauna/li>li>Steam Room/li>li>Jacuzzi/li>li>Personal Trainer/li>li>Indoor Swimming Pool/li>li>Moroccan Bath/li>li>Massage and Physical Treatment/li>li>Training Equipment/li>/ul>h4 styledisplay: inline !important;>FOOD AND BEVERAGE/h4>ul classsquare>li>span stylefont-weight: normal;>Jana International Cuisine/span>/li>li>span stylefont-weight: normal;>Tea Lounge/span>/li>li>span stylefont-weight: normal;>In Room Dinning/span>/li>li>span stylefont-weight: normal;>Al Mashrabiya/span>/li>/ul>h4>PARKING/h4>ul classsquare stylefont-weight: 400;>li>Car parking is available/li>li>Parking Spaces/66 Spaces/li>li>Valet parking is available/li>li>Free basement parking for in-house guests and guests visiting the hotel. Ideal during summer as the car will be parked in cool environment./li>/ul>/div>div classfive columns> h4>ACCESSIBILITY/h4>ul classsquare>li>The hotel has unique rooms with the necessary facilities to accommodate disabled guests./li>li>Guestroom Accessibility Details/li>li>ADA Door Locks & Hardware/li>li>Wheelchair Accessible Closets/li>li>Wheelchair Accessible HVAC & Light Controls/li>li>Furniture can be rearranged for added space/li>li>Wheelchair Accessible Rooms & Routes/li>li>Bathroom Cord/Button Emergency System/li>li>Grab Bars/Adequate Maneuvering Space/Tall Toilets/li>li>Adequate Turning Space/li>li>Padded Plumbing/Clearance Beneath the vanity/li>li>Elevator Accessibility Details/li>li>All Level Elevator Access/li>li>Wheelchair Accessible Elevator/li>li>Elevator Near Accessible Rooms/li>li>Public Area Accessibility Details/li>li>Public Restroom: Padded Plumbing/Vanity Clearance/li>li>Public Restroom: Wheelchair Accessible Stalls/li>li>Wheelchair Accessible Hotel Entrance/li>li>Wheelchair Available/li>li>Wheelchair Accessible Public Restroom/li>li>Restaurant Wheelchair Seating/li>li>Public Facilities Accessible/li>li>Parking Accessibility Details/li>li>Wheelchair Accessible Curb Cuts/Street Parking/li>li>Accessible Parking Spaces with Posted Signs/li>li>Disabled/Accessible Parking/li>li>Wheelchair Accessible Parking/li>/ul> /div>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classwelcome3 hmap> div idmap-canvas classmmap> /div> div classback_bg> div classrow> div classnine columns text-center in_map push_two> span classgold>LOCATION/span> h3>IN THE HEART OF RIYADH/h3> bR>bR> div classtwelve columns text-center> div classweather push_three> /div> /div> p>Home Offices Complex - Al Urubah & Prince Turki Roads intersection br>Po Box 7795, Al Mathar Ash Shamali, br />Riyadh 12334 - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia/p> br>a classmore_gold href>Explore Map/a> /div> /div> /div> /div>/div>div data-targetrooms-and-suites classrow full> div classfull_width text-center rooms> h2>Rooms & Suites/h2> div classrow>p>Al Mashreq Boutique Hotel features 71 rooms and suites with decadent décor and interior, showcasing Arabian taste with state-of-the-art>/p>/div> section classcenter slider room-explore-carousel>div> div classphoto image>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - Deluxe Room srcpics/1604747867.jpg>/div> a href# classmore_white overimg quick_view data-fancyboxqw1 data-qw-formqw-form-1 data-qw-gallqw-gall-1>Explore More/a> div classroom_pics hidden idqw-gall-1>div>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - Luxury Rooms & Suites classload-delay srcimages/status.gif data-originalpics/1604747996.jpg/>/div>/div> h3 classtext-center>Deluxe Room/h3>div idqw-form-1 classhidden> h3>Deluxe Room/h3> p styletext-align:justify;>Our Deluxe Rooms reflect warmth and heritage in their Arabian décor. Some of the rooms have outdoor balconies./p> p styletext-align:center;> br>a classmore_gold relnofollow href target_blank> Book Now/a>/p> /div>/div>div> div classphoto image>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - Premium Room srcimages/premium_room.jpg>/div> a href# classmore_white overimg quick_view data-fancyboxqw2 data-qw-formqw-form-2 data-qw-gallqw-gall-2>Explore More/a> div classroom_pics hidden idqw-gall-2>div>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - Luxury Rooms & Suites classload-delay srcimages/status.gif data-originalpics/1670064783.jpg/>/div>/div> h3 classtext-center>Premium Room/h3>div idqw-form-2 classhidden> h3>Premium Room/h3> p styletext-align:justify;>p styleMARGIN: 0in 0in 8pt classMsoNormal>span styleLINE-HEIGHT: 107%; FONT-FAMILY: Times New Roman,serif; FONT-SIZE: 12pt; mso-ascii-theme-font: major-bidi; mso-hansi-theme-font: major-bidi; mso-bidi-theme-font: major-bidi>Our Premier rooms give an all-new perspective on this vibrant district. Watch the world go by, recline in a relaxing bath, or plan your day’s activities from the spacious workstation./span>/p>/p> p styletext-align:center;> br>a classmore_gold relnofollow href target_blank> Book Now/a>/p> /div>/div>div> div classphoto image>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - Executive Room srcpics/1604748179.jpg>/div> a href# classmore_white overimg quick_view data-fancyboxqw3 data-qw-formqw-form-3 data-qw-gallqw-gall-3>Explore More/a> div classroom_pics hidden idqw-gall-3>div>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - Luxury Rooms & Suites classload-delay srcimages/status.gif data-originalpics/1604748256.jpg/>/div>div>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - Luxury Rooms & Suites classload-delay srcimages/status.gif data-originalpics/1604748276.jpg/>/div>/div> h3 classtext-center>Executive Room/h3>div idqw-form-3 classhidden> h3>Executive Room/h3> p styletext-align:justify;>p styleLINE-HEIGHT: normal; MARGIN: 0in 0in 8pt classMsoNormal>font faceTimes New Roman, serif>The Executive rooms feature Arabian decor and an ambiance that conveys warmth and luxury. Every space delivers the highest quality of furnishing and design finishes in an elegantly styled setting./font>/p>/p> p styletext-align:center;> br>a classmore_gold relnofollow href target_blank> Book Now/a>/p> /div>/div>div> div classphoto image>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - Junior Suite srcpics/1604748501.jpg>/div> a href# classmore_white overimg quick_view data-fancyboxqw4 data-qw-formqw-form-4 data-qw-gallqw-gall-4>Explore More/a> div classroom_pics hidden idqw-gall-4>div>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - Luxury Rooms & Suites classload-delay srcimages/status.gif data-originalpics/1604748560.jpg/>/div>div>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - Luxury Rooms & Suites classload-delay srcimages/status.gif data-originalpics/1604749421.jpg/>/div>/div> h3 classtext-center>Junior Suite/h3>div idqw-form-4 classhidden> h3>Junior Suite/h3> p styletext-align:justify;>p styleLINE-HEIGHT: normal; MARGIN: 0in 0in 8pt classMsoNormal>font faceTimes New Roman, serif>The Junior Suites is generously proportioned, revealing refinement, comfort, and Arabian mystique. The interiors feature an eclectic collection of rare and original artifacts from the middle east./font>/p>/p> p styletext-align:center;> br>a classmore_gold relnofollow href target_blank> Book Now/a>/p> /div>/div>div> div classphoto image>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - Royal Suite srcpics/1510828361.jpg>/div> a href# classmore_white overimg quick_view data-fancyboxqw5 data-qw-formqw-form-5 data-qw-gallqw-gall-5>Explore More/a> div classroom_pics hidden idqw-gall-5>div>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - Luxury Rooms & Suites classload-delay srcimages/status.gif data-originalpics/1510832410.jpg/>/div>div>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - Luxury Rooms & Suites classload-delay srcimages/status.gif data-originalpics/1510832419.jpg/>/div>div>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - Luxury Rooms & Suites classload-delay srcimages/status.gif data-originalpics/1510832420.jpg/>/div>div>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - Luxury Rooms & Suites classload-delay srcimages/status.gif data-originalpics/1510832421.jpg/>/div>/div> h3 classtext-center>Royal Suite/h3>div idqw-form-5 classhidden> h3>Royal Suite/h3> p styletext-align:justify;>p styleLINE-HEIGHT: normal; MARGIN: 0in 0in 8pt classMsoNormal>font faceTimes New Roman, serif>The Royal Suites embody a distinctive ‘Art de Vivre and a grandeur that befits royalty and stays true to the hotel’s Arabian heritage. The interiors are like a vision from the enchanting ‘1001 Nights’ tales with rich colors, regional textures, and iconic furniture. /font>/p>/p> p styletext-align:center;> br>a classmore_gold relnofollow href target_blank> Book Now/a>/p> /div>/div>div> div classphoto image>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - AlMashreq Suite srcpics/1604748853.jpg>/div> a href# classmore_white overimg quick_view data-fancyboxqw6 data-qw-formqw-form-6 data-qw-gallqw-gall-6>Explore More/a> div classroom_pics hidden idqw-gall-6>div>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - Luxury Rooms & Suites classload-delay srcimages/status.gif data-originalpics/1604749378.jpg/>/div>div>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - Luxury Rooms & Suites classload-delay srcimages/status.gif data-originalpics/1604749380.jpg/>/div>div>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - Luxury Rooms & Suites classload-delay srcimages/status.gif data-originalpics/1604749381.jpg/>/div>div>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - Luxury Rooms & Suites classload-delay srcimages/status.gif data-originalpics/1604749382.jpg/>/div>/div> h3 classtext-center>AlMashreq Suite/h3>div idqw-form-6 classhidden> h3>AlMashreq Suite/h3> p styletext-align:justify;>AlMashreq Suites truly blends Arabian heritage and modern luxury design. The suite encompasses unique niches carved out to create an elegant setting separate from the bedroom./p> p styletext-align:center;> br>a classmore_gold relnofollow href target_blank> Book Now/a>/p> /div>/div>/section> /div>/div>div data-targetdining classrow full> div classfull_width gray text-center dining> h2>RESTAURANTS/h2> div classrow rest>div classthree columns nomar text-center > img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - Jana International Cuisine srcpics/1604749672.jpg> h4 classwhiteh>Jana International Cuisine /h4> div classrooms-overlay> a href# classmore_white overroom quick_view data-fancyboxqw7 data-qw-formqw-form-7 data-qw-gallqw-gall-7>Explore More/a> div classroom_pics hidden idqw-gall-7>div>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - AL MASHREQ RESTAURANTS & LOUNGE classload-delay srcimages/status.gif data-originalimages/gall/gall-31.jpg/>/div>div>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - AL MASHREQ RESTAURANTS & LOUNGE classload-delay srcimages/status.gif data-originalimages/gall/gall-30.jpg/>/div>div>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - AL MASHREQ RESTAURANTS & LOUNGE classload-delay srcimages/status.gif data-originalimages/gall/gall-24.jpg/>/div>div>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - AL MASHREQ RESTAURANTS & LOUNGE classload-delay srcimages/status.gif data-originalimages/gall/gall-25.jpg/>/div>div>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - AL MASHREQ RESTAURANTS & LOUNGE classload-delay srcimages/status.gif data-originalimages/gall/gall-26.jpg/>/div>div>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - AL MASHREQ RESTAURANTS & LOUNGE classload-delay srcimages/status.gif data-originalimages/gall/gall-27.jpg/>/div>div>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - AL MASHREQ RESTAURANTS & LOUNGE classload-delay srcimages/status.gif data-originalimages/gall/gall-28.jpg/>/div>div>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - AL MASHREQ RESTAURANTS & LOUNGE classload-delay srcimages/status.gif data-originalimages/gall/gall-32.jpg/>/div>/div> div idqw-form-7 classhidden> h3>Jana International Cuisine /h3> p styletext-align:justify;>p classMsoNormal styleline-height:normal>span stylefont-size: 18.6667px;>The International all-day and fine dining restaurant, Jana, offers daily changing buffet meals in a cozy setting for Breakfast and Lunch. Jana offers a variety of Ala carte choices of dinner crafted by our culinary chef. /span>/p>p classMsoNormal styleline-height:normal>span stylefont-size: 18.6667px;>br>/span>/p>p classMsoNormal styleline-height:normal>span stylefont-size: 18.6667px;>Jana is open from 6 AM to 12 Midnight./span>/p>/p> /div>/div>/div>div classthree columns nomar text-center > img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - Tea Lounge srcpics/1604749749.jpg> h4 classwhiteh>Tea Lounge/h4> div classrooms-overlay> a href# classmore_white overroom quick_view data-fancyboxqw8 data-qw-formqw-form-8 data-qw-gallqw-gall-8>Explore More/a> div classroom_pics hidden idqw-gall-8>div>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - AL MASHREQ RESTAURANTS & LOUNGE classload-delay srcimages/status.gif data-originalimages/gall/gall-29.jpg/>/div>div>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - AL MASHREQ RESTAURANTS & LOUNGE classload-delay srcimages/status.gif data-originalimages/gall/gall-12.jpg/>/div>/div> div idqw-form-8 classhidden> h3>Tea Lounge/h3> p styletext-align:justify;>Tea Lounge offers indulgence in a truly palatial Arabian atmosphere with a view of the gardens of the Home Offices complex. The sophisticated lobby lounge features a selection of gourmet meals, Exclusive tea and coffee served in hand-made oriental glass in a genuinely Arabian atmosphere and modern luxury décor with panoramic views. br>br>The Tea lounge is open from 7 AM to 12 Midnight. /p> /div>/div>/div>div classthree columns nomar text-center > img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - Al Mashrabiya srcpics/1510833065.jpg> h4 classwhiteh>Al Mashrabiya/h4> div classrooms-overlay> a href# classmore_white overroom quick_view data-fancyboxqw9 data-qw-formqw-form-9 data-qw-gallqw-gall-9>Explore More/a> div classroom_pics hidden idqw-gall-9>div>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - AL MASHREQ RESTAURANTS & LOUNGE classload-delay srcimages/status.gif data-originalimages/gall/66.jpg/>/div>div>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - AL MASHREQ RESTAURANTS & LOUNGE classload-delay srcimages/status.gif data-originalimages/gall/62.jpg/>/div>div>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - AL MASHREQ RESTAURANTS & LOUNGE classload-delay srcimages/status.gif data-originalimages/gall/63.jpg/>/div>div>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - AL MASHREQ RESTAURANTS & LOUNGE classload-delay srcimages/status.gif data-originalimages/gall/65.jpg/>/div>/div> div idqw-form-9 classhidden> h3>Al Mashrabiya/h3> p styletext-align:justify;>Encountered with Palm Trees, Water fountains, and traditional Arabian arches, Al Mashrabiya offers an exclusive and unique outdoor setup in the gardens of the Home Offices complex featuring Mediterranean cuisine. It’s the best gateway for guests seeking a calm yet lively atmosphere under the>br>AlMashrabiya is open from 7 AM to 12 Midnight /p> /div>/div>/div>div classthree columns nomar text-center > img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - In-room dining srcpics/1669202106.png> h4 classwhiteh>In-room dining/h4> div classrooms-overlay> a href# classmore_white overroom quick_view data-fancyboxqw10 data-qw-formqw-form-10 data-qw-gallqw-gall-10>Explore More/a> div classroom_pics hidden idqw-gall-10>div>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - AL MASHREQ RESTAURANTS & LOUNGE classload-delay srcimages/status.gif data-originalpics/1669202243.jpeg/>/div>/div> div idqw-form-10 classhidden> h3>In-room dining/h3> p styletext-align:justify;>Ideal for time-zone hopping travelers, impromptu meetings or for quiet, private meal, out extensive menu lets you dine in style in the comfort of your guest room or>In-room dining service 24 hours/p> /div>/div>/div> /div> /div>/div>div data-targetrecreation classrow full> div classrow spa text-center> h2>AlMashreq Spa/h2> div classrow> div classten columns push_one whitebg> p>Al Mashreq offers an exclusive treat for those seeking a relaxing environment to rejuvenate and refresh mind and body/p> a href# classmore_gold quick_view data-fancyboxqw11 data-qw-formqw-form-11 data-qw-gallqw-gall-11>Learn More/a> div classroom_pics hidden idqw-gall-11>div>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - AlMashreq Spa classload-delay srcimages/status.gif data-originalimages/gall/gall-36.jpg/>/div>div>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - AlMashreq Spa classload-delay srcimages/status.gif data-originalimages/gall/gall-37.jpg/>/div>div>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - AlMashreq Spa classload-delay srcimages/status.gif data-originalimages/gall/gall-38.jpg/>/div>div>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - AlMashreq Spa classload-delay srcimages/status.gif data-originalimages/gall/gall-39.jpg/>/div>div>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - AlMashreq Spa classload-delay srcimages/status.gif data-originalimages/gall/gall-40.jpg/>/div>div>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - AlMashreq Spa classload-delay srcimages/status.gif data-originalimages/gall/gall-41.jpg/>/div>div>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - AlMashreq Spa classload-delay srcimages/status.gif data-originalimages/gall/gall-42.jpg/>/div>div>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - AlMashreq Spa classload-delay srcimages/status.gif data-originalimages/gall/gall-43.jpg/>/div>/div> /div>div idqw-form-11 classhidden> p styletext-align:justify;>b>AlMashreq Spabr>/b>br>br>AlMashreq Spa offers an exclusive retreat for those seeking a relaxing environment to rejuvenate and refresh their mind and body.b> for men/b>.br>AlMashreq Spa offers a luxurious sanctuary of relaxation and rejuvenation. Experience signature therapies and techniques infused with Western expertise and Eastern wisdom to blissful effect. for men.Our experienced professionals and exclusive therapies will leave your body and mind wonderfully invigorated by offering Oriental treatment in an inimitable Moroccan Hammam, a Massage room with a private shower, bubble bath, steam room, sauna, and impressive indoor pool. Try our authentic Hammam experience with a blend of organic essence and oil, refreshing your body and soul. br>strong>Fitness Center:/strong>br>Our modern fitness center, with its view over the gardens available for our in-house guests and selected members, not only gives you the freedom to explore the Spa facilities but also gives you the chance to indulge more. State of Art technology machines with built-in TVs, and dedicated and professional trainers are there to keep you in shape. br> b>Exclusive Mens Health Club/b>/p> /div>/div> /div>/div>div data-targetevents classrow full events> div classfull_width text-center dining> h2>Meeting & Events/h2> div classrow meet>div classfour columns nomar text-center > img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - Business Meetings srcpics/1734182008.jpg> h3 classwhiteh>Business Meetings/h3> div classrooms-overlay> a href# classmore_white overroom quick_view data-fancyboxqw12 data-qw-formqw-form-12 data-qw-gallqw-gall-12>Explore More/a> div classroom_pics hidden idqw-gall-12>div>div>b> /b>/div>div>b>Ballroom & Meeting Rooms Capacity:/b>/div>div> /div>div>strong>/strong> /div>table classMsoTableGrid border1 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 stylemargin-left:.25in;border-collapse:collapse;border:none;mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt;mso-yfti-tbllook:1184;mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt> tbody>tr stylemso-yfti-irow:0;mso-yfti-firstrow:yes;height:40.0pt> td width112 valigntop stylewidth:84.1pt;border:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-diagonal-down:.5pt solid windowtext; padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt;height:40.0pt> p classMsoNormal alignright stylemargin-bottom:10.0pt;text-align:right; line-height:normal>b>span stylefont-size:14.0pt;font-family: times,serif; mso-bidi-font-family:times new roman>Shapes o:p>/o:p>/span>/b>/p> p classMsoNormal stylemargin-bottom:10.0pt;line-height:normal>b>span stylefont-size:14.0pt;font-family: times,serif;mso-bidi-font-family:times new roman>Nameso:p>/o:p>/span>/b>/p> /td> td width110 valigntop stylewidth:82.2pt;border:solid windowtext 1.0pt; border-left:none;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt;height:40.0pt> p classMsoNormal aligncenter stylemargin-bottom:10.0pt;text-align:center; line-height:normal>b>span stylefont-size:14.0pt;font-family: times,serif; mso-bidi-font-family:times new roman>Theatero:p>/o:p>/span>/b>/p> p classMsoNormal aligncenter stylemargin-bottom:10.0pt;text-align:center; line-height:normal>b>span stylefont-size:14.0pt;font-family: times,serif; mso-bidi-font-family:times new roman>style/span>/b>span stylefont-size:14.0pt;font-family: times,serif;mso-bidi-font-family:times new roman>o:p>/o:p>/span>/p> /td> td width108 valigntop stylewidth:81.2pt;border:solid windowtext 1.0pt; border-left:none;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt;height:40.0pt> p classMsoNormal aligncenter stylemargin-bottom:10.0pt;text-align:center; line-height:normal>b>span stylefont-size:14.0pt;font-family: times,serif; mso-bidi-font-family:times new roman>Round o:p>/o:p>/span>/b>/p> p classMsoNormal aligncenter stylemargin-bottom:10.0pt;text-align:center; line-height:normal>b>span stylefont-size:14.0pt;font-family: times,serif; mso-bidi-font-family:times new roman>Tableso:p>/o:p>/span>/b>/p> /td> td width114 valigntop stylewidth:85.4pt;border:solid windowtext 1.0pt; border-left:none;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt;height:40.0pt> p classMsoNormal aligncenter stylemargin-bottom:10.0pt;text-align:center; line-height:normal>b>span stylefont-size:14.0pt;font-family: times,serif; mso-bidi-font-family:times new roman>Classroomso:p>/o:p>/span>/b>/p> /td> td width107 valigntop stylewidth:80.6pt;border:solid windowtext 1.0pt; border-left:none;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt;height:40.0pt> p classMsoNormal stylemargin-bottom:10.0pt;line-height:normal>span stylefont-size:14.0pt;font-family: times,serif;mso-bidi-font-family:times new roman> b>U-Shapeo:p>/o:p>/b>/span>/p> /td> /tr> tr> td width112 valigntop stylewidth:84.1pt;border-top:none;border-left: solid windowtext 1.0pt;border-bottom:none;border-right:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-right-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt> p classMsoNormal stylemargin-bottom:10.0pt;line-height:normal>b>span stylefont-size:14.0pt;font-family: times,serif;mso-bidi-font-family:times new roman; mso-bidi-theme-font:major-bidi>Al Hamra/span>/b>span stylefont-size: 14.0pt;font-family: times,serif;mso-bidi-font-family:times new roman>o:p>/o:p>/span>/p> /td> td width110 valigntop stylewidth:82.2pt;border:none;border-right:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-right-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt> p classMsoNormal aligncenter stylemargin-bottom:10.0pt;text-align:center; line-height:normal>span stylefont-size:14.0pt;font-family: times,serif; mso-bidi-font-family:times new roman>170o:p>/o:p>/span>/p> /td> td width108 valigntop stylewidth:81.2pt;border:none;border-right:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-right-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt> p classMsoNormal aligncenter stylemargin-bottom:10.0pt;text-align:center; line-height:normal>span stylefont-size:14.0pt;font-family: times,serif; mso-bidi-font-family:times new roman>100o:p>/o:p>/span>/p> /td> td width114 valigntop stylewidth:85.4pt;border:none;border-right:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-right-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt> p classMsoNormal aligncenter stylemargin-bottom:10.0pt;text-align:center; line-height:normal>span stylefont-size:14.0pt;font-family: times,serif; mso-bidi-font-family:times new roman>80o:p>/o:p>/span>/p> /td> td width107 valigntop stylewidth:80.6pt;border:none;border-right:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-right-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt> p classMsoNormal aligncenter stylemargin-bottom:10.0pt;text-align:center; line-height:normal>span stylefont-size:14.0pt;font-family: times,serif; mso-bidi-font-family:times new roman>39o:p>/o:p>/span>/p> /td> /tr> tr> td width112 valigntop stylewidth:84.1pt;border-top:none;border-left: solid windowtext 1.0pt;border-bottom:none;border-right:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-right-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt> p classMsoNormal stylemargin-bottom:10.0pt;line-height:normal>b>span stylefont-size:14.0pt;font-family: times,serif;mso-bidi-font-family:times new roman; mso-bidi-theme-font:major-bidi>Cordoba/span>/b>span stylefont-size: 14.0pt;font-family: times,serif;mso-bidi-font-family:times new roman>o:p>/o:p>/span>/p> /td> td width110 valigntop stylewidth:82.2pt;border:none;border-right:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-right-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt> p classMsoNormal aligncenter stylemargin-bottom:10.0pt;text-align:center; line-height:normal>span stylefont-size:14.0pt;font-family: times,serif; mso-bidi-font-family:times new roman>100o:p>/o:p>/span>/p> /td> td width108 valigntop stylewidth:81.2pt;border:none;border-right:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-right-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt> p classMsoNormal aligncenter stylemargin-bottom:10.0pt;text-align:center; line-height:normal>span stylefont-size:14.0pt;font-family: times,serif; mso-bidi-font-family:times new roman>60o:p>/o:p>/span>/p> /td> td width114 valigntop stylewidth:85.4pt;border:none;border-right:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-right-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt> p classMsoNormal aligncenter stylemargin-bottom:10.0pt;text-align:center; line-height:normal>span stylefont-size:14.0pt;font-family: times,serif; mso-bidi-font-family:times new roman>70o:p>/o:p>/span>/p> /td> td width107 valigntop stylewidth:80.6pt;border:none;border-right:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-right-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt> p classMsoNormal aligncenter stylemargin-bottom:10.0pt;text-align:center; line-height:normal>span stylefont-size:14.0pt;font-family: times,serif; mso-bidi-font-family:times new roman>60o:p>/o:p>/span>/p> /td> /tr> tr> td width112 valigntop stylewidth:84.1pt;border:solid windowtext 1.0pt; border-top:none;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-bottom-alt: solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-right-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding: 0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt> p classMsoNormal stylemargin-bottom:10.0pt;line-height:normal>b>span stylefont-size:14.0pt;font-family: times,serif;mso-bidi-font-family:times new roman; mso-bidi-theme-font:major-bidi>Al Oroubao:p>/o:p>/span>/b>/p> p classMsoNormal stylemargin-bottom:10.0pt;line-height:normal>b>span stylefont-size:14.0pt;font-family: times,serif;mso-bidi-font-family:times new roman; mso-bidi-theme-font:major-bidi>Granada /span>/b>span stylefont-size: 14.0pt;font-family: times,serif;mso-bidi-font-family:times new roman>o:p>/o:p>/span>/p> /td> td width110 valigntop stylewidth:82.2pt;border-top:none;border-left: none;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.0pt;border-right:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-bottom-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-right-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt> p classMsoNormal aligncenter stylemargin-bottom:10.0pt;text-align:center; line-height:normal>font faceTimes, serif>span stylefont-size: 18.6667px;>50/span>/font>/p> p classMsoNormal aligncenter stylemargin-bottom:0in;text-align:center; line-height:normal>span stylefont-size:14.0pt;font-family: times,serif; mso-bidi-font-family:times new roman>20o:p>/o:p>/span>/p> /td> td width108 valigntop stylewidth:81.2pt;border-top:none;border-left: none;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.0pt;border-right:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-bottom-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-right-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt> p classMsoNormal aligncenter stylemargin-bottom:10.0pt;text-align:center; line-height:normal>font faceTimes, serif>span stylefont-size: 18.6667px;>40/span>/font>/p> p classMsoNormal aligncenter stylemargin-bottom:0in;text-align:center; line-height:normal>span stylefont-size:14.0pt;font-family: times,serif; mso-bidi-font-family:times new roman>15o:p>/o:p>/span>/p> /td> td width114 valigntop stylewidth:85.4pt;border-top:none;border-left: none;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.0pt;border-right:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-bottom-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-right-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt> p classMsoNormal aligncenter stylemargin-bottom:10.0pt;text-align:center; line-height:normal>font faceTimes, serif>span stylefont-size: 18.6667px;>45/span>/font>/p> p classMsoNormal aligncenter stylemargin-bottom:0in;text-align:center; line-height:normal>span stylefont-size:14.0pt;font-family: times,serif; mso-bidi-font-family:times new roman>20o:p>/o:p>/span>/p> /td> td width107 valigntop stylewidth:80.6pt;border-top:none;border-left: none;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.0pt;border-right:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-bottom-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-right-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt> p classMsoNormal aligncenter stylemargin-bottom:10.0pt;text-align:center; line-height:normal>span stylefont-size:14.0pt;font-family: times,serif; mso-bidi-font-family:times new roman>35o:p>/o:p>/span>/p> p classMsoNormal aligncenter stylemargin-bottom:0in;text-align:center; line-height:normal>font faceTimes, serif>span stylefont-size: 18.6667px;>18/span>/font>/p> /td> /tr>/tbody>/table>div>br>p styleLINE-HEIGHT: normal; MARGIN: 0in 0in 8pt classMsoNormal>span styleFONT-FAMILY: Times New Roman,serif; FONT-SIZE: 12pt; mso-ascii-theme-font: major-bidi; mso-hansi-theme-font: major-bidi; mso-bidi-theme-font: major-bidi>o:p> /o:p>/span>/p>/div>/div>div>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - AL MASHREQ RESTAURANTS & LOUNGE classload-delay srcimages/status.gif data-originalpics/1734182070.jpg/>/div>div>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - AL MASHREQ RESTAURANTS & LOUNGE classload-delay srcimages/status.gif data-originalpics/1734182121.jpg/>/div>div>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - AL MASHREQ RESTAURANTS & LOUNGE classload-delay srcimages/status.gif data-originalpics/1734182153.jpg/>/div>div>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - AL MASHREQ RESTAURANTS & LOUNGE classload-delay srcimages/status.gif data-originalpics/1734182208.jpg/>/div>div>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - AL MASHREQ RESTAURANTS & LOUNGE classload-delay srcimages/status.gif data-originalpics/1734182247.jpg/>/div>div>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - AL MASHREQ RESTAURANTS & LOUNGE classload-delay srcimages/status.gif data-originalpics/1734182280.jpg/>/div>/div> div idqw-form-12 classhidden> h3>Business Meetings/h3> p styletext-align:justify;>Al Mashreq Offers exceptional venues for business functions, weddings and gala banquets, exclusive VIP events, and every kind of occasion imaginable. Discreet and stylish design, cutting-edge technology, and remarkable views. The perfect venues to seal the>b>Al Hamra Ballroom/b>br>This natural daylighted and unique Ballroom is the ideal place for your special events and conference with its round shape and fabulous garden view with access to it. Al Hamra is linked to the Hotel and has its entrance to avoid congestion and to add more privacy for your>b>Cordoba Meeting Room/b>br>With its Islamic interior design, this meeting room allows you to accomplish your meeting in a calm>b>Al Orouba Meeting Room/b>br>Those meeting rooms are designed to meet the requirements of small to medium-sized events with natural daylight and equipped with the latest Audiovisual>b>Granada Meeting Room/b>br>Those meeting rooms are designed to meet the requirements of small events with natural daylight and are equipped with the latest Audio-visual>/p> /div>/div>/div>div classfour columns nomar text-center > img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - Weddings srcpics/1604750159.jpg> h3 classwhiteh>Weddings/h3> div classrooms-overlay> a href# classmore_white overroom quick_view data-fancyboxqw13 data-qw-formqw-form-13 data-qw-gallqw-gall-13>Explore More/a> div classroom_pics hidden idqw-gall-13>div>img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - AL MASHREQ RESTAURANTS & LOUNGE classload-delay srcimages/status.gif data-originalimages/gall/gall-45.jpg/>/div>/div> div idqw-form-13 classhidden> h3>Weddings/h3> p styletext-align:justify;>When you celebrate your wedding with us, we ensure that your celebration is in the best hands at AlMashreq Boutique Hotel. AlHamrah Ballroom offers privacy with a separate entrance and floor-to-ceiling windows with views over the palm trees garden. br>br>Our dedicated banquet team will assist you in selecting the perfect menu for you, personalizing every single detail and service to make your special day a memorable>br>b>Book your wedding with us and enjoy our special package with benefits:/b>br>Customized buffet dinner menuTable dining set-up Complimentary stay in the Junior suite for the bride and groom Honeymoon in-room amenities/p> /div>/div>/div>div classfour columns nomar text-center > img altAl Mashreq Boutique Hotel فندق بوتيك المشرق - Social Events srcpics/1513180516.jpeg> h3 classwhiteh>Social Events/h3> div classrooms-overlay> a href# classmore_white overroom quick_view data-fancyboxqw14 data-qw-formqw-form-14 data-qw-gallqw-gall-14>Explore More/a> div classroom_pics hidden idqw-gall-14>/div> div idqw-form-14 classhidden> h3>Social Events/h3> p styletext-align:justify;>AlMashreq Boutique Hotel can offer Al Mashrabiya restaurant at the Hotel Garden for VIP private events, especially at night under the star’s light, for an unforgettable experience./p> /div>/div>/div> /div> /div>/div>div data-targethospitality classrow full hospitality> div classfull_width text-center hospitality welcome-in> h2>AlMashreq Hospitality/h2> div classrow> span classgolden_hr>/span> bR> img srcimages/almashreq_hospitality_logo_en.png />br> p styletext-align:center;>br>AlMashreq Hospitality is a Saudi premium company focusing on hotels development, hotels management, hospitality assets, and property management. br>br>AlMashreq Hospitality opened its first hotel in 2011, AlMashreq Boutique Hotel Riyadh, an award-winning hotel developed, managed, and operated by AlMashreq Hospitality company and part of Small Luxury Hotels of the>br>img srcimages/travel_award.png>/p> /div> /div>div classrow reviews text-center> div classfour columns pull_left push_three review1> div idTA_percentRecommended426 classTA_percentRecommended> ul idYBwtgB5cdMq2 classTA_links iDoXMyfGjO7S> li id66LvSOTnL classV30uzl> a target_blank relnofollow href> img src altTripAdvisor classwidPERIMG idCDSWIDPERLOGO/>/a> /li>/ul>/div> script src>/script> /div> div classthree columns pull_left review2 stylemargin-top:14px> div idTA_tchotel737 classTA_tchotel> ul idESfsC6QAvtwV classTA_links Izu43nFe9> li idveNPOyVskCn classfxKKRjEk> a target_blank relnofollow href> img src altTripAdvisor/>/a>/li>/ul> /div> script src>/script> /div> /div>/div>style>#CDSWIDPER.widPER .widPERLINK a{ font-size:15px;font-family:open sans; text-decoration:none;} #CDSWIDPERLINK{ width: 167px; float: right; } #CDSWIDPERTOP { float: left; width: 122px;}#CDSWIDPERLINK { min-height: 17px; padding: 10px 0 9px;}#CDSWIDPER{ min-height: 93px; width: 290px;}#CDSWIDPER .widPERTALOGO { border: none; float: left; margin-top: 20px;}#CDSWIDPER.border { border-width: 1px; padding-top:5px;}/style> /div>!--contentid -->div classclearfix>/div>!-- Footer -->div classfooter> div classrow> div classtwelve columns> div classfour columns fmap > h4>Contact Us/h4> Orubah road, Prince Turky Alawwal intersectionbr>Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Riyadhbr>P.O. Box 33554 Riyadh 11458br>br>Tel: +966 800 (122) 2222br>Email: info@almashreq.sabr>br> div classrow>ul classsocial>li>a relnofollow href target_blank>i classfa fa-facebook aria-hiddentrue>/i>/a>/li>li>a relnofollow href target_blank>i classfa fa-twitter aria-hiddentrue>/i>/a>/li>li>a relnofollow href target_blank>i classfa fa-instagram aria-hiddentrue>/i>/a>/li>/ul> a hrefAlMashreq-Vat.pdf target_blank styletext-decoration:none;position:relative;display: block; margin-bottom: -25px;float:right;>svg xmlns xmlns:xlink width60pt height80pt viewBox0 0 841.89 595.276 version1.1 stylemargin-top:-45px;>g idsurface1>path style stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:0; dM 0 595.277344 L 841.890625 595.277344 L 841.890625 0 L 0 0 Z M 0 595.277344 />path style stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1; dM 645.589844 411.699219 L 645.589844 74.292969 C 645.589844 47.667969 623.917969 26 597.285156 26 L 263.429688 26 C 236.796875 26 215.128906 47.667969 215.128906 74.292969 L 215.128906 451.402344 L 215.132813 451.398438 L 215.132813 516.695313 C 215.132813 543.332031 236.796875 565 263.425781 565 L 597.285156 565 C 623.921875 565 645.589844 543.332031 645.589844 516.695313 L 645.589844 411.773438 C 645.589844 411.746094 645.589844 411.726563 645.589844 411.699219 />path style stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,36.499023%,28.999329%);fill-opacity:1; dM 262.164063 382.238281 L 598.554688 382.238281 C 605.3125 382.238281 611.511719 384.648438 616.324219 388.640625 L 616.324219 75.339844 C 616.324219 64.851563 607.785156 56.351563 597.25 56.351563 L 263.464844 56.351563 C 252.933594 56.351563 244.390625 64.851563 244.390625 75.339844 L 244.390625 388.640625 C 249.203125 384.648438 255.402344 382.238281 262.164063 382.238281 />path style stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1; dM 300.410156 151.0625 C 280.652344 151.0625 273.636719 138.492188 273.636719 127.722656 C 273.636719 113.9375 285.277344 104.304688 301.9375 104.304688 L 304.601563 104.304688 L 304.601563 100.210938 L 313.441406 100.210938 L 313.441406 142.261719 L 373.285156 142.261719 L 373.285156 104.304688 L 382.121094 104.304688 L 382.121094 142.261719 L 437.90625 142.261719 L 437.90625 104.304688 L 446.566406 104.304688 L 446.566406 151.0625 Z M 299.222656 113.105469 C 291.167969 113.105469 282.476563 118.691406 282.476563 127.722656 C 282.476563 137.769531 290.886719 142.261719 299.222656 142.261719 L 304.601563 142.261719 L 304.601563 113.105469 Z M 314.59375 88.703125 C 314.59375 85.679688 312.074219 83.316406 308.855469 83.316406 C 305.6875 83.316406 303.203125 85.679688 303.203125 88.703125 C 303.203125 91.816406 305.636719 94.167969 308.855469 94.167969 C 312.128906 94.167969 314.59375 91.816406 314.59375 88.703125 M 298.617188 88.703125 C 298.617188 85.679688 296.132813 83.316406 292.964844 83.316406 C 289.792969 83.316406 287.308594 85.679688 287.308594 88.703125 C 287.308594 91.816406 289.738281 94.167969 292.964844 94.167969 C 296.1875 94.167969 298.617188 91.816406 298.617188 88.703125 M 383.523438 162.648438 C 383.523438 159.585938 380.96875 157.179688 377.703125 157.179688 C 374.4375 157.179688 371.878906 159.585938 371.878906 162.648438 C 371.878906 165.8125 374.382813 168.199219 377.703125 168.199219 C 381.019531 168.199219 383.523438 165.8125 383.523438 162.648438 M 433.242188 162.8125 C 433.242188 159.746094 430.757813 157.347656 427.589844 157.347656 C 424.414063 157.347656 421.929688 159.746094 421.929688 162.8125 C 421.929688 165.882813 424.363281 168.199219 427.589844 168.199219 C 430.8125 168.199219 433.242188 165.882813 433.242188 162.8125 M 449.21875 162.8125 C 449.21875 159.746094 446.695313 157.347656 443.480469 157.347656 C 440.3125 157.347656 437.828125 159.746094 437.828125 162.8125 C 437.828125 165.882813 440.257813 168.199219 443.480469 168.199219 C 446.804688 168.199219 449.21875 165.933594 449.21875 162.8125 M 463.6875 169.097656 C 461.8125 169.097656 459.964844 168.84375 458.039063 168.320313 L 456.953125 168.027344 L 459.269531 159.5625 L 460.347656 159.84375 C 461.855469 160.234375 462.414063 160.296875 463.441406 160.296875 C 467.289063 160.296875 468.574219 159.003906 468.574219 151.339844 L 468.574219 104.304688 L 477.414063 104.304688 L 477.414063 142.261719 L 530.367188 142.261719 L 530.367188 104.304688 L 539.210938 104.304688 L 539.210938 109.46875 L 568.097656 109.46875 C 574.851563 109.46875 579.289063 111.25 582.945313 115.425781 C 585.730469 118.554688 587.261719 123.445313 587.261719 129.199219 L 587.261719 151.0625 L 476.445313 151.0625 L 476.472656 151.53125 C 476.796875 158.203125 475.558594 163.046875 472.804688 165.925781 C 469.769531 169.097656 465.664063 169.097656 463.695313 169.097656 Z M 539.210938 142.261719 L 578.421875 142.261719 L 578.421875 129.199219 C 578.421875 125.667969 577.738281 123.257813 576.203125 121.382813 C 574.511719 119.316406 571.785156 118.269531 568.097656 118.269531 L 539.210938 118.269531 Z M 564.121094 96.164063 C 564.121094 93.054688 561.566406 90.613281 558.300781 90.613281 C 555.035156 90.613281 552.480469 93.054688 552.480469 96.164063 C 552.480469 99.328125 554.980469 101.710938 558.300781 101.710938 C 561.621094 101.710938 564.121094 99.328125 564.121094 96.164063 />path style stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1; dM 308.675781 192.539063 C 305.449219 192.539063 303.019531 190.191406 303.019531 187.078125 C 303.019531 184.058594 305.503906 181.691406 308.675781 181.691406 C 311.894531 181.691406 314.414063 184.058594 314.414063 187.078125 C 314.414063 190.191406 311.949219 192.539063 308.675781 192.539063 M 298.4375 187.078125 C 298.4375 184.058594 295.953125 181.691406 292.78125 181.691406 C 289.609375 181.691406 287.128906 184.058594 287.128906 187.078125 C 287.128906 190.191406 289.554688 192.539063 292.78125 192.539063 C 296.007813 192.539063 298.4375 190.191406 298.4375 187.078125 M 435.988281 261.1875 C 435.988281 258.121094 433.507813 255.722656 430.339844 255.722656 C 427.167969 255.722656 424.683594 258.121094 424.683594 261.1875 C 424.683594 264.257813 427.113281 266.570313 430.339844 266.570313 C 433.5625 266.570313 435.988281 264.257813 435.988281 261.1875 M 451.96875 261.1875 C 451.96875 258.121094 449.445313 255.722656 446.230469 255.722656 C 443.058594 255.722656 440.574219 258.121094 440.574219 261.1875 C 440.574219 264.257813 443.007813 266.570313 446.230469 266.570313 C 449.554688 266.570313 451.96875 264.308594 451.96875 261.1875 M 501.296875 190.273438 C 501.296875 187.253906 498.808594 184.890625 495.636719 184.890625 C 492.46875 184.890625 489.984375 187.253906 489.984375 190.273438 C 489.984375 193.386719 492.410156 195.738281 495.636719 195.738281 C 498.863281 195.738281 501.296875 193.386719 501.296875 190.273438 M 517.269531 190.273438 C 517.269531 187.253906 514.746094 184.890625 511.53125 184.890625 C 508.363281 184.890625 505.878906 187.253906 505.878906 190.273438 C 505.878906 193.386719 508.308594 195.738281 511.53125 195.738281 C 514.800781 195.738281 517.269531 193.386719 517.269531 190.273438 M 390.308594 249.570313 L 390.445313 249.4375 L 561.820313 249.4375 L 561.820313 180.707031 L 552.976563 180.707031 L 552.976563 240.636719 L 519.574219 240.636719 L 519.574219 202.679688 L 507.332031 202.679688 C 490.539063 202.679688 479.6875 211.839844 479.6875 226.015625 C 479.6875 231.355469 481.386719 236.027344 484.730469 239.898438 L 485.367188 240.636719 L 443.320313 240.636719 L 443.320313 202.679688 L 434.484375 202.679688 L 434.484375 240.636719 L 395.9375 240.636719 L 396.136719 240.042969 C 396.992188 237.539063 397.425781 234.863281 397.425781 232.085938 C 397.425781 217.800781 386.605469 207.023438 372.253906 207.023438 C 358.464844 207.023438 347.65625 218.03125 347.65625 232.085938 C 347.65625 234.769531 348.085938 237.449219 348.929688 240.050781 L 349.121094 240.636719 L 313.261719 240.636719 L 313.261719 198.578125 L 304.421875 198.578125 L 304.421875 202.679688 L 301.757813 202.679688 C 285.09375 202.679688 273.457031 212.3125 273.457031 226.097656 C 273.457031 237.382813 280.894531 249.4375 301.757813 249.4375 L 354.558594 249.4375 L 354.6875 249.570313 C 359.339844 254.296875 365.574219 256.894531 372.253906 256.894531 C 379.121094 256.894531 385.699219 254.226563 390.308594 249.570313 M 388.589844 232 C 388.589844 241.132813 381.566406 248.015625 372.253906 248.015625 C 363.421875 248.015625 356.5 240.980469 356.5 232 C 356.5 222.929688 363.421875 215.820313 372.253906 215.820313 C 381.71875 215.820313 388.589844 222.625 388.589844 232 M 510.734375 211.480469 L 510.734375 240.636719 L 497.746094 240.636719 L 497.640625 240.574219 C 491.851563 237.191406 488.53125 231.886719 488.53125 226.015625 C 488.53125 216.574219 496.816406 211.480469 504.613281 211.480469 Z M 304.421875 211.480469 L 304.421875 240.636719 L 299.039063 240.636719 C 290.707031 240.636719 282.296875 236.136719 282.296875 226.097656 C 282.296875 217.070313 290.988281 211.480469 299.039063 211.480469 Z M 587.261719 180.707031 L 578.421875 180.707031 L 578.421875 249.4375 L 587.261719 249.4375 Z M 587.261719 180.707031 />path style stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1; dM 308.859375 290.914063 C 305.632813 290.914063 303.199219 288.5625 303.199219 285.445313 C 303.199219 282.429688 305.6875 280.0625 308.859375 280.0625 C 312.078125 280.0625 314.597656 282.429688 314.597656 285.445313 C 314.597656 288.5625 312.128906 290.914063 308.859375 290.914063 M 298.617188 285.445313 C 298.617188 282.429688 296.132813 280.0625 292.964844 280.0625 C 289.792969 280.0625 287.308594 282.429688 287.308594 285.445313 C 287.308594 288.5625 289.738281 290.914063 292.964844 290.914063 C 296.1875 290.914063 298.617188 288.5625 298.617188 285.445313 M 367.515625 347.808594 L 367.515625 301.050781 L 355.273438 301.050781 C 338.480469 301.050781 327.628906 310.210938 327.628906 324.386719 C 327.628906 329.722656 329.320313 334.394531 332.667969 338.269531 L 333.308594 339.007813 L 313.441406 339.007813 L 313.441406 296.953125 L 304.601563 296.953125 L 304.601563 301.050781 L 301.941406 301.050781 C 285.277344 301.050781 273.636719 310.679688 273.636719 324.472656 C 273.636719 335.753906 281.070313 347.808594 301.941406 347.808594 Z M 358.675781 309.851563 L 358.675781 339.007813 L 345.6875 339.007813 L 345.582031 338.945313 C 339.789063 335.558594 336.46875 330.257813 336.46875 324.386719 C 336.46875 317.34375 342.105469 309.851563 352.554688 309.851563 Z M 304.601563 309.851563 L 304.601563 339.007813 L 299.222656 339.007813 C 290.886719 339.007813 282.480469 334.515625 282.480469 324.472656 C 282.480469 315.445313 291.171875 309.851563 299.222656 309.851563 Z M 357.21875 288.558594 C 357.21875 285.449219 354.660156 283.015625 351.398438 283.015625 C 348.136719 283.015625 345.578125 285.449219 345.578125 288.558594 C 345.578125 291.722656 348.082031 294.109375 351.398438 294.109375 C 354.714844 294.109375 357.21875 291.722656 357.21875 288.558594 M 443.828125 292.90625 C 443.828125 289.796875 441.269531 287.359375 438.003906 287.359375 C 434.746094 287.359375 432.1875 289.796875 432.1875 292.90625 C 432.1875 296.070313 434.691406 298.457031 438.003906 298.457031 C 441.324219 298.457031 443.828125 296.070313 443.828125 292.90625 M 525.804688 347.945313 L 525.9375 347.808594 L 561.816406 347.808594 L 561.816406 279.078125 L 552.976563 279.078125 L 552.976563 339.007813 L 531.425781 339.007813 L 531.628906 338.417969 C 532.484375 335.914063 532.921875 333.238281 532.921875 330.453125 C 532.921875 316.167969 522.097656 305.394531 507.746094 305.394531 C 493.960938 305.394531 483.152344 316.40625 483.152344 330.453125 C 483.152344 333.144531 483.582031 335.828125 484.421875 338.425781 L 484.609375 339.007813 L 466.964844 339.007813 L 466.964844 325.945313 C 466.964844 320.191406 465.4375 315.300781 462.652344 312.175781 C 458.996094 307.996094 454.550781 306.214844 447.808594 306.214844 L 419.863281 306.214844 L 419.863281 301.050781 L 411.023438 301.050781 L 411.023438 339.007813 L 389.746094 339.007813 L 389.746094 279.078125 L 380.902344 279.078125 L 380.902344 347.808594 L 490.054688 347.808594 L 490.183594 347.945313 C 494.839844 352.667969 501.074219 355.269531 507.746094 355.269531 C 514.613281 355.269531 521.195313 352.601563 525.804688 347.945313 M 524.078125 330.371094 C 524.078125 339.5 517.058594 346.386719 507.746094 346.386719 C 498.914063 346.386719 491.996094 339.351563 491.996094 330.371094 C 491.996094 321.300781 498.914063 314.199219 507.746094 314.199219 C 517.214844 314.199219 524.078125 321 524.078125 330.371094 M 419.863281 315.015625 L 447.808594 315.015625 C 451.492188 315.015625 454.21875 316.066406 455.910156 318.128906 C 457.441406 320.003906 458.128906 322.414063 458.128906 325.945313 L 458.128906 339.007813 L 419.863281 339.007813 Z M 587.257813 279.078125 L 578.417969 279.078125 L 578.417969 347.8125 L 587.257813 347.8125 Z M 587.257813 279.078125 />path style stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(81.599426%,61.999512%,16.899109%);fill-opacity:1; dM 597.296875 534.648438 L 263.421875 534.648438 C 252.914063 534.648438 244.394531 526.125 244.394531 515.617188 L 244.394531 411.265625 C 244.394531 400.757813 252.914063 392.238281 263.421875 392.238281 L 597.296875 392.238281 C 607.804688 392.238281 616.324219 400.757813 616.324219 411.265625 L 616.324219 515.617188 C 616.324219 526.125 607.804688 534.648438 597.296875 534.648438 />path style stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1; dM 326.0625 489.910156 L 348.566406 414.019531 L 380.113281 414.019531 C 369.648438 445.472656 347.191406 512.871094 346.9375 512.871094 L 305.191406 512.871094 C 304.9375 512.871094 282.480469 445.472656 272.015625 414.019531 L 303.5625 414.019531 />path style stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1; dM 588.652344 414.03125 L 484.09375 414.03125 L 491.980469 436.699219 L 525.398438 436.699219 L 525.398438 512.855469 L 555.382813 512.855469 L 555.382813 436.699219 L 588.703125 436.699219 />path style stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,36.499023%,28.999329%);fill-opacity:1; dM 482.640625 450.234375 L 479.445313 443.273438 C 463.035156 454.015625 435.828125 486.394531 435.828125 486.394531 L 425.847656 475.136719 L 422.226563 487.351563 L 421.761719 489.136719 C 425.5625 494.589844 435.980469 512.867188 435.980469 512.867188 C 459.992188 469.144531 482.640625 450.234375 482.640625 450.234375 />path style stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1; dM 432.1875 436.976563 L 442.460938 471.625 C 448.714844 464.714844 456.976563 456 464.886719 448.847656 C 458.363281 429.375 453.183594 414.015625 453.0625 414.015625 L 411.316406 414.015625 C 411.0625 414.015625 388.601563 481.414063 378.140625 512.867188 L 409.6875 512.867188 />path style stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1; dM 450.28125 497.996094 L 454.691406 512.871094 L 486.238281 512.871094 C 482.390625 501.308594 476.925781 484.890625 471.539063 468.753906 C 465.574219 475.8125 458.183594 485.5 450.28125 497.996094 />/g>/svg>/a> /div> /div> div classthree columns push_one> h4>Site Map/h4> ul classfsquare> li>a hrefindex.php>Home page/a>/li> li>a hrefcontact-us.php>Contact Us/a>/li> li>a hrefoffers-and-promotions.php>Offers & Promotions/a>/li> li>a relnofollow href target_blank>My Bookings/a>/li> /ul> /div> div classfour columns > h4>Newsletter/h4> div idnewsletter_div> p>Subscribe to recieve our new Offers and News/p> form namenewsletter idnewsletter> ul> li classfield>input classtext input typetext namename idname placeholderName required>/li> li classfield>input classemail input typeemail nameemailn idemailn placeholderE-Mail>/li> li classfield>input classphone input typetel namemobile idmobile placeholderMobile required pattern0-9{10,15}>/li> li classfield>div classmedium default btn pull_right>input typesubmit value Subscribe >/div>/li> /ul> /form> /div> /div> /div>/div> div classclearfix>/div> div classrow full fgray> div classrow> div classtwelve columns fcopy text-center>© 2025 Al Mashreq Boutique Hotel, All rights reserved/div> /div> /div>/div>!-- End Footer -->!-- Grab Google CDNs jQuery, fall back to local if offline -->script>window.jQuery || document.write(script srcjs/libs/jquery-1.9.1.min.js>\/script>)/script>script srcjs/libs/gumby.min.js>/script>script srcjs/plugins.js>/script>script srcjs/main.js>/script>script srcjs/docs.min.js>/script>link relstylesheet href />script srcjs/datepicker/jquery-ui.js>/script>script srcjs/libs/jquery-migrate-1.2.1.js>/script> script>$(.booked).css(height,0);$(#booking).click(function() { var hashwindow.location.hash; 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