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We have received Tennessee’s Highest Rating for Quality Care – 3 Quality STARS and are always striving to exceed those standards./td> td> p styletext-align: center> img border0 srcimg/star-3.gif width50 height47>/td> /tr> /table> p> /div>div idtopo_image3> img srcimages/topo_r1_c8.png width24 height229 /> /div>div idbar>div idbar1>img srcimages/bar_r1_c1.png />/div>div idbar2>a hrefprog_infant.php> img srcimages/care_r1_c1.jpg border0 />/a>a hrefprog_toddler.php>img srcimages/care_r1_c4.jpg border0 />/a>a hrefprog_preschool.php>img srcimages/care_r1_c7.jpg border0 />/a>a hrefprog_school_age.php>img srcimages/care_r1_c11.jpg border0 />/a>/div>div idbar3>img srcimages/bar_r1_c12.png />/div>/div>/div>/body>/html> div classcontainer_16 idsepar>img srcimages/center_top.png />/div>div classcontainer_16 idmain>div classgrid_12 idleft stylewidth: 700px; height: 566px>div idflash>p>img srcimages/image.jpg />/div>div idwelcome>img srcimages/welcome.jpg />/div>div classt1 idtext_mid> div aligncenter> table border0 width98%> tr> td> p alignjustify> span stylefont-weight: 400> font size4 stylefont-size: 12pt>Welcome to All About Kids, a three star center (Highest Award by the State of Tennessee) in the heart of Blounvtille, Tennessee for more than 10 years. All About Kids strives to be the best quality care as possible by creating a place where fun and learning go hand in hand. /font>/span> p alignjustify>span stylefont-weight: 400> font size4 stylefont-size: 12pt>We offer a well-rounded curriculum, fun and exciting daily activities, as well as a learning enriched environment for your child. We strive every day to offer high quality, excellent care to each and every child in our program and we pride ourselves on maintaining a nurturing, loving center for your family. /font>/span> p alignjustify>span stylefont-weight: 400> font size4 stylefont-size: 12pt>At All About Kids, children explore, play and grow. Parents become lifelong friends and the communities in which they live become happier, healthier places to be. /font>/span> p alignjustify> p alignjustify>All About Kids is now manufacturing wooden educational toys and gamesspan stylefont-weight: 400>font size4 stylefont-size: 12pt>. Our online store will be open in January 2017. Sign our newsletter and receive news and discounts on you email. br> br> br> – /font>i>font size4 stylefont-size: 12pt>Marlisa Osborne Moura, Center Director and Owner/font>/i>/span>/td> /tr> /table> /div>/div>/div>div idright>div idright1>body topmargin0 rightmargin0>table border0 width224> tr> td aligncenter> !-- code (PLEASE PLACE IN BODY TAG) -->div idlivezilla_tracking styledisplay:none>/div>script typetext/javascript>var script document.createElement(script);script.asynctrue;script.typetext/javascript;var src;setTimeout(script.srcsrc;document.getElementById(livezilla_tracking).appendChild(script),1);/script>noscript>img src width0 height0 stylevisibility:hidden; alt>/noscript>a hrefjavascript:void(,,width610,height760,left0,top0,resizableyes,menubarno,locationno,statusyes,scrollbarsyes)) classlz_cbl>img src width145 height50 styleborder:0px; altLiveZilla Live Chat Software>/a>!-- --> /td> /tr> tr> td> p aligncenter>br> font color#808080> a target_blank styletext-decoration: none href> img border0 srcimg/ico_facebook.png width16 height16>/a>/font>a target_blank styletext-decoration: none href>font color#808080 size1> FACEBOOK/font>/a>font color#808080 size1> /font> a styletext-decoration: none target_blank href> img border0 srcimg/latera2.gif>font color#808080 size1>PINTEREST/font>/a>font color#808080 size1> a target_blank href> img border0 srcimg/youtube.gif>/a> /font> a target_blank styletext-decoration: none href> font color#808080 size1>VIDEO/font>/a>font color#808080 size1>u>S/u>/font>/td> /tr>/table> table border0 width224> tr> td>p>img srcimages/right_r1_c1.jpg />br>img srcimages/right_r4_c2.jpg />/div>/p>div classt1 idright2>We believe in developing the whole child by meeting their social, emotional, physical, and intellectual needs so that they can learn and grow every day. However, children develop differently at different ages, which is why we offer early education programs designed for certain age> /div>div idright3> a target_blank href> img srcimages/right_r7_c1.jpg border0 />/a>br> a target_blank href> img srcimages/right_r11_c2.jpg border0 />/a>/div>div classt1 idright4>Click on the link above to see how much fun we have learning at All About Kids. /div> p> /td> /tr>/table> /div>/div>div classclear>/div>/div>div classcontainer_16>img srcimages/center_bot.png />/div>!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN>html xmlns>head>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetutf-8 />link hrefcss/960.css relstylesheet typetext/css />link hrefcss/reset.css relstylesheet typetext/css />link hrefcss/template.css relstylesheet typetext/css />/head>body>div classcontainer_16 idfoot>div idfoot1>div idfoot2>img srcimages/foot_r1_c1.png />/div>div classt2 idfoot3>Copyright © All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed in whole or part with out the express written a styletext-decoration: none hrefadmin.php>font color#000000>permission/font>/a>. Website developed by: a target_blank href> font color#000000>>/a>/div>div idfoot4> img border0 srcimages/foot_r1_c23_2016.jpg width104 height86>img srcimages/foot_r1_c26.png />/div>/div>/div>!-- AddThis Smart Layers BEGIN -->!-- Go to to customize -->script typetext/javascript src//>/script>script typetext/javascript> addthis.layers({ theme : light, share : { position : left, numPreferredServices : 5 }, follow : { services : {service: facebook, id: AllAboutKidsEarlyLearning} }, });/script>!-- AddThis Smart Layers END -->!-- code (PLEASE PLACE IN BODY TAG) -->div idlivezilla_tracking styledisplay:none>/div>script typetext/javascript>var script document.createElement(script);script.asynctrue;script.typetext/javascript;var src;setTimeout(script.srcsrc;document.getElementById(livezilla_tracking).appendChild(script),1);/script>noscript>img src width0 height0 stylevisibility:hidden; alt>/noscript>!-- -->/body>/html> /body>/html>
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