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Elles seront supprimées après le traitement de celle-ci. Vous pouvez retirer votre consentement à nimporte quel moment en faisant la demande à a>>. Des informations détaillées concernant la confidentialité de vos données sont disponibles sur la page a href/pages/politique-de-confidentialite>politique de confidentialité/a>./p> /label> /div> div classflex flex-col sm:flex-row justify-center items-center w-full sm:mt-4 gap-4> div classform> div> input typesubmit valueEnvoyer classbtn btn-secondary btn-alelor> /div> /div> /div> /form> /div>/section> section idvideo-hero classw-full h-screen lg:h-105vh relative flex> div classbg-black opacity-10 z-0 absolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-full >/div> div classabsolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-full> video classw-full h-full object-cover loop autoplay muted playsInline> source src typevideo/mp4> source src typevideo/webm> /video> /div>/section> section idarticle-home class py-16 lg:pt-12 lg:pb-12 relative overflow-hidden> div classhidden xl:block scene-parallax absolute -top-12 -left-4 w-56 h-56 xxl:w-64 xxl:h-64 z-1> img data-depth0.3 loadinglazy classw-full h-full object-contain src/img/elt/feuille.png alt>/div>div classhidden xl:block scene-parallax absolute top-0 -right-12 w-64 h-64 xxl:w-72 xxl:h-72 z-1> img data-depth0.1 loadinglazy classw-full h-full object-contain src/img/elt/fleur.png alt>/div> div classwrapper intro> h1 classtext-center title-left>L'artisan de tous vos accords/h1> p classtitle-right italic text-center text-2xl lg:text-3xl xxl:text-4xl>Fabricant familial et indépendant en Alsace depuis 1873/p> img loadinglazy classw-16 h-12 mx-auto mt-8 object-contain src/img/elt/deco-intro-alelor.svg alt> /div> div classpb-16 pt-16 lg:py-20 relative overflow-hidden px-8> div classhidden xl:block absolute top-20 left--150px md:left--200px lg:left--175px xxl:left--230px w-333px xxl:w-441px h-96 xxl:h-30rem py-16> img loadinglazy src idslider-articles-une-prev-img classh-full object-contain w-full object-contain transitioning duration-300 alt> img loadinglazy classabsolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-full transitioning object-cover -z-1 src/img/bg/fond-sauces.png alt> div classscene-parallax absolute -top-16 -right-16 w-32 h-32 xxl:w-40 xxl:h-40 z-1 > img loadinglazy data-depth0.8 classobject-contain w-full h-full src/img/elt/feuille-flou.png alt> /div> /div> div classhidden xl:block absolute top-20 right--150px md:right--200px lg:right--175px xxl:right--230px w-333px xxl:w-441px h-96 xxl:h-30rem py-16> img loadinglazy src idslider-articles-une-next-img classh-full object-contain w-full object-contain transitioning duration-300 alt> img loadinglazy classabsolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-full object-cover transitioning -z-1 src/img/bg/fond-moutardes.png alt> div classscene-parallax absolute -bottom-8 -left-16 w-32 h-32 xxl:w-40 xxl:h-40 z-1> img loadinglazy data-depth0.8 classobject-contain w-full h-full src/img/elt/graine-flou.png alt> /div> /div> div idslider-articles-une classswiper-container relative w-full lg:w-815px xxl:w-980px mx-auto overflow-hidden > div classswiper-wrapper> div classswiper-slide !h-auto data-img data-img-cat/img/bg/fond-moutardes.png> div classflex flex-col sm:flex-row items-stretch justify-center gap-x-8% relative bg-white border-white border-2 h-full> div classabsolute top-4 left-0 uppercase flex items-center z-1 justify-center gap-2 pl-2 pr-12 py-2 etiquette-info> svg xmlns classflex-none w-4 h-4 text-black relative> use href/img/icones/heart-alelor.svg#heart>/use> /svg> span classtext-xs text-black relative>Incontournable/span> /div> a classblock relative w-full lg:w-42% ml-10 sm:ml-5 h-64 sm:h-80 lg:h-96 xxl:h-30rem py-12 sm:py-16 href target_blank title> img loadinglazy classabsolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-full object-cover z-0 src/img/bg/fond-moutardes.png alt> img loadinglazy classw-full h-full object-contain relative z-1 src altMoutarde Douce d'Alsace Tube> svg xmlns classhidden sm:block absolute abs-center mt-14 ml-24 md:ml-32 xxl:ml-44 z-0 h-12 w-28 md:h-16 md:w-40 xxl:w-44 xxl:h-20 text-secondary-500> use href/img/elt/arrow-product.svg#arrow>/use> /svg> /a> div classw-full lg:w-1/2 article-info bg-white mt-6 sm:mt-0 h-full flex flex-col > h2>Les envies span>du moment/span>/h2> div classmt-4 lg:mt-8> h3>Moutarde Douce d'Alsace Tube/h3> ul classmt-6 w-full xl:w-2/3> div classflex w-full items-center gap-4 mb-4> svg xmlns classflex-none w-8 h-8 lg:w-10 lg:h-10 text-secondary-300> use href/img/icones/france.svg#france>/use> /svg> p classtext-base xxl:text-xl>Fabriqué en France/p> /div> div classflex w-full items-center gap-4 mb-4> p classtext-base xxl:text-xl>Fine et onctueuse/p> /div> div classflex w-full items-center gap-4 mb-4> p classtext-base xxl:text-xl>Format pratique/p> /div> /ul> a target_blank href title classbtn btn-alelor btn-secondary mt-6 block w-max>Découvrir/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide !h-auto data-img data-img-cat/img/bg/fond-moutardes.png> div classflex flex-col sm:flex-row items-stretch justify-center gap-x-8% relative bg-white border-white border-2 h-full> div classabsolute top-4 left-0 uppercase flex items-center z-1 justify-center gap-2 pl-2 pr-12 py-2 etiquette-info> svg xmlns classflex-none w-4 h-4 text-black relative> use href/img/icones/heart-alelor.svg#heart>/use> /svg> span classtext-xs text-black relative>Incontournable/span> /div> a classblock relative w-full lg:w-42% ml-10 sm:ml-5 h-64 sm:h-80 lg:h-96 xxl:h-30rem py-12 sm:py-16 href target_blank title> img loadinglazy classabsolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-full object-cover z-0 src/img/bg/fond-moutardes.png alt> img loadinglazy classw-full h-full object-contain relative z-1 src altMoutarde à Knacks> svg xmlns classhidden sm:block absolute abs-center mt-14 ml-24 md:ml-32 xxl:ml-44 z-0 h-12 w-28 md:h-16 md:w-40 xxl:w-44 xxl:h-20 text-secondary-500> use href/img/elt/arrow-product.svg#arrow>/use> /svg> /a> div classw-full lg:w-1/2 article-info bg-white mt-6 sm:mt-0 h-full flex flex-col > h2>Les envies span>du moment/span>/h2> div classmt-4 lg:mt-8> h3>Moutarde à Knacks/h3> ul classmt-6 w-full xl:w-2/3> div classflex w-full items-center gap-4 mb-4> svg xmlns classflex-none w-8 h-8 lg:w-10 lg:h-10 text-secondary-300> use href/img/icones/france.svg#france>/use> /svg> p classtext-base xxl:text-xl>Fabriqué en France/p> /div> div classflex w-full items-center gap-4 mb-4> p classtext-base xxl:text-xl>Sans additifs/p> /div> div classflex w-full items-center gap-4 mb-4> p classtext-base xxl:text-xl>Graines de moutarde française/p> /div> /ul> a target_blank href title classbtn btn-alelor btn-secondary mt-6 block w-max>Découvrir/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide !h-auto data-img data-img-cat/img/bg/fond-moutardes.png> div classflex flex-col sm:flex-row items-stretch justify-center gap-x-8% relative bg-white border-white border-2 h-full> div classabsolute top-4 left-0 uppercase flex items-center z-1 justify-center gap-2 pl-2 pr-12 py-2 etiquette-info> svg xmlns classflex-none w-4 h-4 text-black relative> use href/img/icones/heart-alelor.svg#heart>/use> /svg> span classtext-xs text-black relative>Incontournable/span> /div> a classblock relative w-full lg:w-42% ml-10 sm:ml-5 h-64 sm:h-80 lg:h-96 xxl:h-30rem py-12 sm:py-16 href target_blank title> img loadinglazy classabsolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-full object-cover z-0 src/img/bg/fond-moutardes.png alt> img loadinglazy classw-full h-full object-contain relative z-1 src altMoutarde Forte de Strasbourg> svg xmlns classhidden sm:block absolute abs-center mt-14 ml-24 md:ml-32 xxl:ml-44 z-0 h-12 w-28 md:h-16 md:w-40 xxl:w-44 xxl:h-20 text-secondary-500> use href/img/elt/arrow-product.svg#arrow>/use> /svg> /a> div classw-full lg:w-1/2 article-info bg-white mt-6 sm:mt-0 h-full flex flex-col > h2>Les envies span>du moment/span>/h2> div classmt-4 lg:mt-8> h3>Moutarde Forte de Strasbourg/h3> ul classmt-6 w-full xl:w-2/3> div classflex w-full items-center gap-4 mb-4> p classtext-base xxl:text-xl>Forte et puissante/p> /div> div classflex w-full items-center gap-4 mb-4> svg xmlns classflex-none w-8 h-8 lg:w-10 lg:h-10 text-secondary-300> use href/img/icones/france.svg#france>/use> /svg> p classtext-base xxl:text-xl>Fabriqué en France/p> /div> div classflex w-full items-center gap-4 mb-4> p classtext-base xxl:text-xl>Graines de moutarde françaises/p> /div> /ul> a target_blank href title classbtn btn-alelor btn-secondary mt-6 block w-max>Découvrir/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide !h-auto data-img data-img-cat/img/bg/fond-sauces.png> div classflex flex-col sm:flex-row items-stretch justify-center gap-x-8% relative bg-white border-white border-2 h-full> div classabsolute top-4 left-0 uppercase flex items-center z-1 justify-center gap-2 pl-2 pr-12 py-2 etiquette-info> svg xmlns classflex-none w-4 h-4 text-black relative> use href/img/icones/heart-alelor.svg#heart>/use> /svg> span classtext-xs text-black relative>Incontournable/span> /div> a classblock relative w-full lg:w-42% ml-10 sm:ml-5 h-64 sm:h-80 lg:h-96 xxl:h-30rem py-12 sm:py-16 href target_blank title> img loadinglazy classabsolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-full object-cover z-0 src/img/bg/fond-sauces.png alt> img loadinglazy classw-full h-full object-contain relative z-1 src altSauce Aïoli> svg xmlns classhidden sm:block absolute abs-center mt-14 ml-24 md:ml-32 xxl:ml-44 z-0 h-12 w-28 md:h-16 md:w-40 xxl:w-44 xxl:h-20 text-secondary-500> use href/img/elt/arrow-product.svg#arrow>/use> /svg> /a> div classw-full lg:w-1/2 article-info bg-white mt-6 sm:mt-0 h-full flex flex-col > h2>Les envies span>du moment/span>/h2> div classmt-4 lg:mt-8> h3>Sauce Aïoli/h3> ul classmt-6 w-full xl:w-2/3> div classflex w-full items-center gap-4 mb-4> svg xmlns classflex-none w-8 h-8 lg:w-10 lg:h-10 text-secondary-300> use href/img/icones/france.svg#france>/use> /svg> p classtext-base xxl:text-xl>Fabriqué en France/p> /div> div classflex w-full items-center gap-4 mb-4> p classtext-base xxl:text-xl>Œuf plein air français/p> /div> div classflex w-full items-center gap-4 mb-4> p classtext-base xxl:text-xl>Sans conservateurs/p> /div> /ul> a target_blank href title classbtn btn-alelor btn-secondary mt-6 block w-max>Découvrir/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide !h-auto data-img data-img-cat/img/bg/fond-sauces.png> div classflex flex-col sm:flex-row items-stretch justify-center gap-x-8% relative bg-white border-white border-2 h-full> div classabsolute top-4 left-0 uppercase flex items-center z-1 justify-center gap-2 pl-2 pr-12 py-2 etiquette-info> svg xmlns classflex-none w-4 h-4 text-black relative> use href/img/icones/heart-alelor.svg#heart>/use> /svg> span classtext-xs text-black relative>Incontournable/span> /div> a classblock relative w-full lg:w-42% ml-10 sm:ml-5 h-64 sm:h-80 lg:h-96 xxl:h-30rem py-12 sm:py-16 href target_blank title> img loadinglazy classabsolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-full object-cover z-0 src/img/bg/fond-sauces.png alt> img loadinglazy classw-full h-full object-contain relative z-1 src altSauce Burger> svg xmlns classhidden sm:block absolute abs-center mt-14 ml-24 md:ml-32 xxl:ml-44 z-0 h-12 w-28 md:h-16 md:w-40 xxl:w-44 xxl:h-20 text-secondary-500> use href/img/elt/arrow-product.svg#arrow>/use> /svg> /a> div classw-full lg:w-1/2 article-info bg-white mt-6 sm:mt-0 h-full flex flex-col > h2>Les envies span>du moment/span>/h2> div classmt-4 lg:mt-8> h3>Sauce Burger/h3> ul classmt-6 w-full xl:w-2/3> div classflex w-full items-center gap-4 mb-4> svg xmlns classflex-none w-8 h-8 lg:w-10 lg:h-10 text-secondary-300> use href/img/icones/france.svg#france>/use> /svg> p classtext-base xxl:text-xl>Fabriqué en France/p> /div> div classflex w-full items-center gap-4 mb-4> p classtext-base xxl:text-xl>Œuf plein air français/p> /div> div classflex w-full items-center gap-4 mb-4> p classtext-base xxl:text-xl>Sans conservateurs/p> /div> /ul> a target_blank href title classbtn btn-alelor btn-secondary mt-6 block w-max>Découvrir/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide !h-auto data-img data-img-cat/img/bg/fond-cornichons-et-pickles.png> div classflex flex-col sm:flex-row items-stretch justify-center gap-x-8% relative bg-white border-white border-2 h-full> div classabsolute top-4 left-0 uppercase flex items-center z-1 justify-center gap-2 pl-2 pr-12 py-2 etiquette-info> svg xmlns classflex-none w-4 h-4 text-black relative> use href/img/icones/heart-alelor.svg#heart>/use> /svg> span classtext-xs text-black relative>Incontournable/span> /div> a classblock relative w-full lg:w-42% ml-10 sm:ml-5 h-64 sm:h-80 lg:h-96 xxl:h-30rem py-12 sm:py-16 href target_blank title> img loadinglazy classabsolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-full object-cover z-0 src/img/bg/fond-cornichons-et-pickles.png alt> img loadinglazy classw-full h-full object-contain relative z-1 src altCornichons aigres-doux Français> svg xmlns classhidden sm:block absolute abs-center mt-14 ml-24 md:ml-32 xxl:ml-44 z-0 h-12 w-28 md:h-16 md:w-40 xxl:w-44 xxl:h-20 text-secondary-500> use href/img/elt/arrow-product.svg#arrow>/use> /svg> /a> div classw-full lg:w-1/2 article-info bg-white mt-6 sm:mt-0 h-full flex flex-col > h2>Les envies span>du moment/span>/h2> div classmt-4 lg:mt-8> h3>Cornichons aigres-doux Français/h3> ul classmt-6 w-full xl:w-2/3> div classflex w-full items-center gap-4 mb-4> p classtext-base xxl:text-xl>Cultivés en France/p> /div> div classflex w-full items-center gap-4 mb-4> p classtext-base xxl:text-xl>Récoltés à la main/p> /div> div classflex w-full items-center gap-4 mb-4> p classtext-base xxl:text-xl>Sans conservateurs/p> /div> /ul> a target_blank href title classbtn btn-alelor btn-secondary mt-6 block w-max>Découvrir/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide !h-auto data-img data-img-cat/img/bg/fond-raiforts.png> div classflex flex-col sm:flex-row items-stretch justify-center gap-x-8% relative bg-white border-white border-2 h-full> div classabsolute top-4 left-0 uppercase flex items-center z-1 justify-center gap-2 pl-2 pr-12 py-2 etiquette-info> svg xmlns classflex-none w-4 h-4 text-black relative> use href/img/icones/heart-alelor.svg#heart>/use> /svg> span classtext-xs text-black relative>Incontournable/span> /div> a classblock relative w-full lg:w-42% ml-10 sm:ml-5 h-64 sm:h-80 lg:h-96 xxl:h-30rem py-12 sm:py-16 href target_blank title> img loadinglazy classabsolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-full object-cover z-0 src/img/bg/fond-raiforts.png alt> img loadinglazy classw-full h-full object-contain relative z-1 src altRacines de raifort en vrac> svg xmlns classhidden sm:block absolute abs-center mt-14 ml-24 md:ml-32 xxl:ml-44 z-0 h-12 w-28 md:h-16 md:w-40 xxl:w-44 xxl:h-20 text-secondary-500> use href/img/elt/arrow-product.svg#arrow>/use> /svg> /a> div classw-full lg:w-1/2 article-info bg-white mt-6 sm:mt-0 h-full flex flex-col > h2>Les envies span>du moment/span>/h2> div classmt-4 lg:mt-8> h3>Racines de raifort en vrac/h3> ul classmt-6 w-full xl:w-2/3> div classflex w-full items-center gap-4 mb-4> p classtext-base xxl:text-xl>Racines fraîches/p> /div> div classflex w-full items-center gap-4 mb-4> p classtext-base xxl:text-xl>Cultivé en Alsace/p> /div> div classflex w-full items-center gap-4 mb-4> p classtext-base xxl:text-xl>Partenariat avec nos producteurs locaux/p> /div> /ul> a target_blank href title classbtn btn-alelor btn-secondary mt-6 block w-max>Découvrir/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide !h-auto data-img data-img-cat/img/bg/fond-raiforts.png> div classflex flex-col sm:flex-row items-stretch justify-center gap-x-8% relative bg-white border-white border-2 h-full> div classabsolute top-4 left-0 uppercase flex items-center z-1 justify-center gap-2 pl-2 pr-12 py-2 etiquette-info> svg xmlns classflex-none w-4 h-4 text-black relative> use href/img/icones/heart-alelor.svg#heart>/use> /svg> span classtext-xs text-black relative>Incontournable/span> /div> a classblock relative w-full lg:w-42% ml-10 sm:ml-5 h-64 sm:h-80 lg:h-96 xxl:h-30rem py-12 sm:py-16 href target_blank title> img loadinglazy classabsolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-full object-cover z-0 src/img/bg/fond-raiforts.png alt> img loadinglazy classw-full h-full object-contain relative z-1 src altRacines de raifort Bio en vrac> svg xmlns classhidden sm:block absolute abs-center mt-14 ml-24 md:ml-32 xxl:ml-44 z-0 h-12 w-28 md:h-16 md:w-40 xxl:w-44 xxl:h-20 text-secondary-500> use href/img/elt/arrow-product.svg#arrow>/use> /svg> /a> div classw-full lg:w-1/2 article-info bg-white mt-6 sm:mt-0 h-full flex flex-col > h2>Les envies span>du moment/span>/h2> div classmt-4 lg:mt-8> h3>Racines de raifort Bio en vrac/h3> a target_blank href title classbtn btn-alelor btn-secondary mt-6 block w-max>Découvrir/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide !h-auto data-img data-img-cat/img/bg/fond-sauces.png> div classflex flex-col sm:flex-row items-stretch justify-center gap-x-8% relative bg-white border-white border-2 h-full> div classabsolute top-4 left-0 uppercase flex items-center z-1 justify-center gap-2 pl-2 pr-12 py-2 etiquette-info> svg xmlns classflex-none w-4 h-4 text-black relative> use href/img/icones/heart-alelor.svg#heart>/use> /svg> span classtext-xs text-black relative>Incontournable/span> /div> a classblock relative w-full lg:w-42% ml-10 sm:ml-5 h-64 sm:h-80 lg:h-96 xxl:h-30rem py-12 sm:py-16 href target_blank title> img loadinglazy classabsolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-full object-cover z-0 src/img/bg/fond-sauces.png alt> img loadinglazy classw-full h-full object-contain relative z-1 src altPack 4 Sauces> svg xmlns classhidden sm:block absolute abs-center mt-14 ml-24 md:ml-32 xxl:ml-44 z-0 h-12 w-28 md:h-16 md:w-40 xxl:w-44 xxl:h-20 text-secondary-500> use href/img/elt/arrow-product.svg#arrow>/use> /svg> /a> div classw-full lg:w-1/2 article-info bg-white mt-6 sm:mt-0 h-full flex flex-col > h2>Les envies span>du moment/span>/h2> div classmt-4 lg:mt-8> h3>Pack 4 Sauces/h3> ul classmt-6 w-full xl:w-2/3> div classflex w-full items-center gap-4 mb-4> p classtext-base xxl:text-xl>Sans conservateurs/p> /div> div classflex w-full items-center gap-4 mb-4> p classtext-base xxl:text-xl>Œuf plein air français/p> /div> div classflex w-full items-center gap-4 mb-4> svg xmlns classflex-none w-8 h-8 lg:w-10 lg:h-10 text-secondary-300> use href/img/icones/france.svg#france>/use> /svg> p classtext-base xxl:text-xl>Fabriqué en France/p> /div> /ul> a target_blank href title classbtn btn-alelor btn-secondary mt-6 block w-max>Découvrir/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classswiper-articles_prev absolute bottom-0 lg:bottom-auto lg:y-center left-8 xl:left-48 xxl:left-60 z-10 cursor-pointer > i classfa-light fa-arrow-left text-4xl>/i> /div> div classswiper-articles_next absolute bottom-0 lg:bottom-auto lg:y-center right-8 xl:right-48 xxl:right-60 z-10 cursor-pointer> i classfa-light fa-arrow-right text-4xl >/i> /div> /div> /section> section idpanels classrelative overflow-hidden> div classcuillere-cats hidden xl:block fixed w-40 h-36 xxl:w-56 xxl:h-52 left-0 top-16 xxl:top-12 z-10 opacity-0 invisible transitioning> img loadinglazy classcuillere w-full h-full object-contain object-left src/img/elt/cuillere.png alt> img loadinglazy classcuillere-cat src/img/elt/moutardes.png alt> img loadinglazy classcuillere-cat src/img/elt/raiforts.png alt> img loadinglazy classcuillere-cat src/img/elt/sauces.png alt> img loadinglazy classcuillere-cat src/img/elt/cornichons-et-pickles.png alt> /div> div classnav-categorie-panel hidden xl:flex flex-col gap-7 fixed opacity-0 invisible transitioning left-10 xxl:left-24 y-center z-10> a href#moutardes classpanel-icon opacity-25 hover:opacity-100 transitioning > svg xmlns classtext-black cursor-pointer w-10 h-10 relative> use href/img/icones/moutardes.svg#moutardes>/use> /svg> /a> a href#raiforts classpanel-icon opacity-25 hover:opacity-100 transitioning > svg xmlns classtext-black cursor-pointer w-10 h-10 relative> use href/img/icones/raiforts.svg#raiforts>/use> /svg> /a> a href#sauces classpanel-icon opacity-25 hover:opacity-100 transitioning > svg xmlns classtext-black cursor-pointer w-10 h-10 relative> use href/img/icones/sauces.svg#sauces>/use> /svg> /a> a href#cornichons-et-pickles classpanel-icon opacity-25 hover:opacity-100 transitioning > svg xmlns classtext-black cursor-pointer w-10 h-10 relative> use href/img/icones/cornichons-et-pickles.svg#cornichons-et-pickles>/use> /svg> /a> /div> div classhidden lg:block products pointer-events-none fixed y-center right-0 opacity-0 invisible transitioning w-3/5 h-52 sm:h-72 lg:h-55vh z-1> img loadinglazy classproduct src alt> img loadinglazy classproduct src alt> img loadinglazy classproduct src alt> img loadinglazy classproduct src alt> /div> div idmoutardes classpanel w-full overflow-hidden pt-16 lg:py-0 lg:h-screen flex flex-col lg:flex-row items-center justify-between relative style background-color:#fcf6c5 > div classpx-8 lg:pr-0 xl:pl-32 xxl:pl-60 w-full lg:w-35% xxl:w-2/5 relative> h2 classtitle-right-cat>span>Nos/span> moutardes/h2> div classmy-6 lg:my-10> p>p>span stylefont-weight: 400;>Alélor soutient des agriculteurs alsaciens pour relancer la filière de la graine de moutarde en Alsace. Retrouvez nos moutardes de tradition, comme l’emblématique Moutarde douce d’Alsace, la Moutarde Forte de Dijon ou la Moutarde à l’Ancienne. Savourez notre gamme large de moutardes aromatisées, à l’Ail des Ours, au Miel ou au Basilic, ou découvrez nos moutardes inspirées du terroir d’Alsace, au Riesling, à la Bière ou au Raifort. Un large choix d’intensité de piquant pour combler toutes vos envies !/span>/p>/p> /div> a classbtn btn-alelor btn-secondary href/categories/1-moutardes title>Découvrez nos span classlowercase>Moutardes/span>/a> /div> div classw-full lg:w-3/5 h-full relative flex items-center mt-12 lg:mt-0 pb-16 lg:pb-0> img loadinglazy classlg:hidden relative z-1 drop-shadow-2xl h-52 sm:h-72 w-full object-contain src/img/tmp/produit-moutardes.png alt> div classscene-parallax hidden lg:block absolute top-12% right-16 w-1/4 z-1 !rotate--4deg> div data-depth0.3 classshadow-md bg-white p-2 scotch-panel-l h-52> img classw-full h-full object-cover src/img/tmp/5-melange-print.jpg alt> /div> /div> div classscene-parallax hidden lg:block !rotate-4deg absolute top-26% -right-8 w-27% z-1> div data-depth0.1 classshadow-md bg-white p-2 scotch-panel-r h-56 > img classw-full h-full object-cover src/img/tmp/AdobeStock_231888572-print.jpg alt> /div> /div> img loadinglazy classabsolute -top-20% -right-30% lg:top-auto lg:right-auto lg:-bottom-20% lg:-left-25% h-45% w-75% z-1 object-contain src/img/elt/graine-2.png alt> div classscene-parallax absolute -top-5% right-10% lg:top-auto lg:right-auto lg:bottom-5% lg:left-10% h-22% w-auto z-1 > img loadinglazy data-depth0.2 classw-full h-full object-contain src/img/elt/pot-moutardes.png alt> /div>img loadinglazy classabsolute top-0 right-0 object-left-top h-100% w-110% object-cover z-0 src/img/elt/fond-illustration-moutardes.svg alt>div classhidden lg:block absolute w-full h-67% xl:h-75% bottom-0 -right-4> svg idCalque_2 xmlns width100% viewBox0 0 600.2 430.05> clipPath idshape-img-cat> path dm600.2,430.05V21.85l-3.51,5.46V0l-40.2,13.66-3.51,30.05-16.39,8.59-31.61,10.15v-26.15l-62.83,83.12-5.85-19.9-17.17,23.41-29.27,22.63h-22.63l-33.17,43.71-41.76,4.68-26.15,26.54-56.2,26.93-5.85,17.17-33.17,10.15s-46.83,21.07-51.51,28.49c-4.68,7.41-43.71,57.76-43.71,57.76l-34.34,12.1L0,430.05h600.2Z/> /clipPath> image classw-full clip-pathurl(#shape-img-cat) xlink:href alt>/image> /svg>/div> /div> /div> div idraiforts classpanel w-full overflow-hidden pt-16 lg:py-0 lg:h-screen flex flex-col lg:flex-row items-center justify-between relative style background-color:#f0e3ba > div classpx-8 lg:pr-0 xl:pl-32 xxl:pl-60 w-full lg:w-35% xxl:w-2/5 relative> h2 classtitle-right-cat>span>Nos/span> raiforts/h2> div classmy-6 lg:my-10> p>p>span stylefont-weight: 400;>Condiment incontournable de la gastronomie alsacienne, le raifort se consomme toute l’année. Sa saveur riche et épicée, et son goût piquant mais pas brûlant, en font un exhausteur de goût naturel. Il relève viandes, poissons, sauces et légumes. Nos racines de raifort sont cultivées en Alsace selon un savoir-faire traditionnel. /span>/p>/p> /div> a classbtn btn-alelor btn-secondary href/categories/2-raiforts title>Découvrez nos span classlowercase>Raiforts/span>/a> /div> div classw-full lg:w-3/5 h-full relative flex items-center mt-12 lg:mt-0 pb-16 lg:pb-0> img loadinglazy classlg:hidden relative z-1 drop-shadow-2xl h-52 sm:h-72 w-full object-contain src/img/tmp/produit-raiforts.png alt> div classscene-parallax hidden lg:block absolute top-12% right-16 w-1/4 z-1 !rotate--4deg> div data-depth0.3 classshadow-md bg-white p-2 scotch-panel-l h-52> img classw-full h-full object-cover src/img/tmp/5-melange-print.jpg alt> /div> /div> div classscene-parallax hidden lg:block !rotate-4deg absolute top-26% -right-8 w-27% z-1> div data-depth0.1 classshadow-md bg-white p-2 scotch-panel-r h-56 > img classw-full h-full object-cover src/img/tmp/AdobeStock_231888572-print.jpg alt> /div> /div> img loadinglazy classabsolute -top-15% -right-5% lg:top-auto lg:right-auto lg:bottom-5% lg:-left-5% h-25% w-40% z-1 object-contain src/img/elt/plante.png alt> div classscene-parallax absolute bottom-5% left-5% h-22% w-auto z-1> img data-depth0.3 classw-full h-full object-contain src/img/elt/AdobeStock_104850587.png alt> /div>img loadinglazy classabsolute top-0 right-0 object-left-top h-100% w-110% object-cover z-0 src/img/elt/fond-illustration-raiforts.svg alt>div classhidden lg:block absolute w-full h-67% xl:h-75% bottom-0 -right-4> svg idCalque_2 xmlns width100% viewBox0 0 600.2 430.05> clipPath idshape-img-cat> path dm600.2,430.05V21.85l-3.51,5.46V0l-40.2,13.66-3.51,30.05-16.39,8.59-31.61,10.15v-26.15l-62.83,83.12-5.85-19.9-17.17,23.41-29.27,22.63h-22.63l-33.17,43.71-41.76,4.68-26.15,26.54-56.2,26.93-5.85,17.17-33.17,10.15s-46.83,21.07-51.51,28.49c-4.68,7.41-43.71,57.76-43.71,57.76l-34.34,12.1L0,430.05h600.2Z/> /clipPath> image classw-full clip-pathurl(#shape-img-cat) xlink:href alt>/image> /svg>/div> /div> /div> div idsauces classpanel w-full overflow-hidden pt-16 lg:py-0 lg:h-screen flex flex-col lg:flex-row items-center justify-between relative style background-color:#e4ebbb > div classpx-8 lg:pr-0 xl:pl-32 xxl:pl-60 w-full lg:w-35% xxl:w-2/5 relative> h2 classtitle-right-cat>span>Nos/span> sauces/h2> div classmy-6 lg:my-10> p>p>span stylefont-weight: 400;>Goûtez à l’onctuosité de nos mayonnaises inspirées du fait-maison. Nos mayonnaises Nature et à l’Ail des Ours sont fabriquées en Alsace avec les meilleurs ingrédients et sans conservateurs. Nouveau : craquez pour nos nouvelles sauces condimentaires : Aïoli, Béarnaise, Burger et Tartare. /span>/p>/p> /div> a classbtn btn-alelor btn-secondary href/categories/3-sauces title>Découvrez nos span classlowercase>Sauces/span>/a> /div> div classw-full lg:w-3/5 h-full relative flex items-center mt-12 lg:mt-0 pb-16 lg:pb-0> img loadinglazy classlg:hidden relative z-1 drop-shadow-2xl h-52 sm:h-72 w-full object-contain src/img/tmp/produit-sauces.png alt> div classscene-parallax hidden lg:block absolute top-12% right-16 w-1/4 z-1 !rotate--4deg> div data-depth0.3 classshadow-md bg-white p-2 scotch-panel-l h-52> img classw-full h-full object-cover src/img/tmp/5-melange-print.jpg alt> /div> /div> div classscene-parallax hidden lg:block !rotate-4deg absolute top-26% -right-8 w-27% z-1> div data-depth0.1 classshadow-md bg-white p-2 scotch-panel-r h-56 > img classw-full h-full object-cover src/img/tmp/AdobeStock_231888572-print.jpg alt> /div> /div> div classscene-parallax absolute bottom-5% -0 left-10% h-30% w-auto z-1 > img loadinglazy data-depth0.3 classw-full h-full object-contain src/img/elt/deco-bas-sauces.png alt> /div>img loadinglazy classabsolute top-0 right-0 object-left-top h-100% w-110% object-cover z-0 src/img/elt/fond-illustration-sauces.svg alt>div classhidden lg:block absolute w-full h-67% xl:h-75% bottom-0 -right-4> svg idCalque_2 xmlns width100% viewBox0 0 600.2 430.05> clipPath idshape-img-cat> path dm600.2,430.05V21.85l-3.51,5.46V0l-40.2,13.66-3.51,30.05-16.39,8.59-31.61,10.15v-26.15l-62.83,83.12-5.85-19.9-17.17,23.41-29.27,22.63h-22.63l-33.17,43.71-41.76,4.68-26.15,26.54-56.2,26.93-5.85,17.17-33.17,10.15s-46.83,21.07-51.51,28.49c-4.68,7.41-43.71,57.76-43.71,57.76l-34.34,12.1L0,430.05h600.2Z/> /clipPath> image classw-full clip-pathurl(#shape-img-cat) xlink:href alt>/image> /svg>/div> /div> /div> div idcornichons-et-pickles classpanel w-full overflow-hidden pt-16 lg:py-0 lg:h-screen flex flex-col lg:flex-row items-center justify-between relative style background-color:#d4e79e > div classpx-8 lg:pr-0 xl:pl-32 xxl:pl-60 w-full lg:w-35% xxl:w-2/5 relative> h2 classtitle-right-cat>span>Nos/span> cornichons et pickles/h2> div classmy-6 lg:my-10> p>p>span stylefont-weight: 400;>Agrémentez vos assiettes et sandwichs avec nos cornichons, pickles et petits légumes. Prêts à consommer, pratiques et savoureux, ils donneront du pep’s à vos plats. Cornichons, câpres, betteraves rouges, olives vertes ou noires, oignons blancs et autres condiments apporteront du croquant à vos préparations. Découvrez également nos variétés de cornichons : spécial burgers en rondelles, spécial apéro en sticks ou spécial sandwichs en lamelles./span>/p>/p> /div> a classbtn btn-alelor btn-secondary href/categories/4-cornichons-et-pickles title>Découvrez nos span classlowercase>cornichons/span>/a> /div> div classw-full lg:w-3/5 h-full relative flex items-center mt-12 lg:mt-0 pb-16 lg:pb-0> img loadinglazy classlg:hidden relative z-1 drop-shadow-2xl h-52 sm:h-72 w-full object-contain src/img/tmp/produit-cornichons-et-pickles.png alt> div classscene-parallax hidden lg:block absolute top-12% right-16 w-1/4 z-1 !rotate--4deg> div data-depth0.3 classshadow-md bg-white p-2 scotch-panel-l h-52> img classw-full h-full object-cover src alt> /div> /div> div classscene-parallax hidden lg:block !rotate-4deg absolute top-26% -right-8 w-27% z-1> div data-depth0.1 classshadow-md bg-white p-2 scotch-panel-r h-56 > img classw-full h-full object-cover src alt> /div> /div> div classscene-parallax absolute bottom-5% -0 left-10% h-30% w-auto z-1 > img loadinglazy data-depth0.3 classw-full h-full object-contain src/img/elt/deco-bas-cornichons-et-pickles.png alt> /div>img loadinglazy classabsolute top-0 right-0 object-left-top h-100% w-110% object-cover z-0 src/img/elt/fond-illustration-cornichons-et-pickles.svg alt>div classhidden lg:block absolute w-full h-67% xl:h-75% bottom-0 -right-4> svg idCalque_2 xmlns width100% viewBox0 0 600.2 430.05> clipPath idshape-img-cat> path dm600.2,430.05V21.85l-3.51,5.46V0l-40.2,13.66-3.51,30.05-16.39,8.59-31.61,10.15v-26.15l-62.83,83.12-5.85-19.9-17.17,23.41-29.27,22.63h-22.63l-33.17,43.71-41.76,4.68-26.15,26.54-56.2,26.93-5.85,17.17-33.17,10.15s-46.83,21.07-51.51,28.49c-4.68,7.41-43.71,57.76-43.71,57.76l-34.34,12.1L0,430.05h600.2Z/> /clipPath> image classw-full clip-pathurl(#shape-img-cat) xlink:href alt>/image> /svg>/div> /div> /div> /section> section idhistoire-accueil classbg-primary-300 pt-20 lg:pt-40 relative overflow-hidden texture> div idartisan classwrapper flex flex flex-col-reverse lg:flex-row justify-between sm:mb-32 xxl:mb-12 relative> div classw-full lg:w-1/2 relative pointer-events-none> div classabsolute z-0 top-32 right-0 ml-auto w-fit h-32 xs:h-44 sm:h-64 md:h-80 lg:h-56 xl:h-72 xxl:h-23rem drop-shadow-md > svg idCalque_2 xmlns viewBox0 0 227.53 187.92 height100% width100%> defs> style> .cls-1 { fill: #fff; stroke-width: 0px; } /style> /defs> clipPath idpapier> path classcls-1 dm227.53,0H0v185.51c.21-.08.44-.14.68-.15,1.95-.11,2.25,2.68,4.2,2.56,1.95-.11,1.88-.78,3.83-.89,1.95-.11,1.81-1.42,3.76-1.54,1.95-.11,1.9-.59,3.84-.7,1.95-.11,2.12,1.56,4.07,1.44,1.95-.11,1.87-.83,3.82-.94s1.91-.49,3.86-.6c1.95-.11,1.93-.32,3.87-.43,1.95-.11,2.17,1.95,4.12,1.84s1.61-3.22,3.56-3.33c1.95-.11,2.27,2.93,4.22,2.82s1.63-3.09,3.57-3.21c1.94-.11,2.18,2.06,4.12,1.95,1.95-.11,1.77-1.73,3.72-1.84,1.94-.11,1.96.01,3.9-.1,1.94-.11,1.86-.86,3.8-.97,1.95-.11,1.93-.22,3.88-.33,1.95-.11,2.21,2.34,4.16,2.23,1.95-.11,1.86-.93,3.8-1.05,1.95-.11,1.82-1.29,3.77-1.4,1.95-.11,2.1,1.34,4.05,1.22,1.95-.11,1.84-1.09,3.79-1.2,1.95-.11,1.9-.51,3.85-.62,1.94-.11,2.22,2.47,4.17,2.36,1.95-.11,1.94-.14,3.89-.26,1.95-.11,1.71-2.27,3.66-2.38,1.94-.11,2.1,1.29,4.04,1.17,1.94-.11,1.87-.85,3.81-.96,1.95-.11,1.81-1.37,3.76-1.49,1.94-.11,2.23,2.54,4.18,2.43,1.94-.11,1.78-1.64,3.72-1.76,1.94-.11,1.83-1.16,3.78-1.27,1.94-.11,1.95-.03,3.9-.15,1.95-.11,2.02.54,3.96.43,1.94-.11,1.92-.38,3.86-.49,1.94-.11,2.16,1.94,4.11,1.83,1.94-.11,1.99.31,3.93.19,1.94-.11,1.89-.65,3.83-.76,1.95-.11,1.83-1.17,3.78-1.28,1.94-.11,1.77-1.78,3.71-1.9,1.94-.11,2.1,1.37,4.05,1.25,1.94-.11,1.91-.38,3.86-.5,1.94-.11,1.82-1.26,3.76-1.37,1.94-.11,2.03.67,3.97.55,1.94-.11,1.88-.71,3.82-.82s2.01.53,3.96.42,1.98.21,3.93.1c1.94-.11,1.85-.97,3.8-1.08,1.94-.11,2.25,2.73,4.19,2.62,1.94-.11,1.79-1.55,3.73-1.66,1.94-.11,1.99.35,3.93.23,1.94-.11,1.81-1.36,3.75-1.47,1.94-.11,2.02.65,3.96.53,1.94-.11,1.99.33,3.93.22s1.87-.8,3.81-.91c1.94-.11,1.81-1.4,3.75-1.52,1.94-.11,2.24,2.68,4.19,2.56s1.81-1.33,3.76-1.44c.36-.02.72.02,1.08.09V0Z/> /clipPath> image clip-pathurl(#papier) class h-full xlink:href/img/bg/colte-colin.jpg>/image> /svg> /div> div class img-histoire-deco ml-14 w-55% h-32 xs:h-48 sm:h-64 relative> div classbg-white p-2 xs:p-3 relative z-1 h-full lg:h-auto shadow-md> img loadinglazy classw-full h-full object-cover relative src/img/bg/1956-print.jpg alt> img loadinglazy classabsolute -top-6 x-center w-8 h-10 sm:w-10 sm:h-14 object-contain src/img/elt/pin.svg alt> /div> /div> div classrelative scotch-l w-37% mt-8 md:mt-24 lg:mt-0 xl:mt-4.5rem lg:-ml-14> img loadinglazy classw-full h-full object-cover src/img/bg/Reclame-Stumpf-1975-print.png alt> /div>/div> div classw-full lg:w-42% mb-16 lg:mb-0> h2 classmb-6 title-left-histoire>Lartisan de tous vos accords span>depuis 150 ans/span>/h2> p>p>La Moutarderie Alélor a été fondée en 1873. Très attachée à son strong>terroir alsacien/strong>, Alélor est la dernière moutarderie d’Alsace et la seule entreprise en France à transformer les racines de />br />strong>Entreprise familiale de vingt-salariés/strong>, Alélor s’est dotée d’un outil industriel performant tout en préservant son savoir-faire authentique. Une attention particulière est apportée à la strong>préservation de l’environnement/strong> (tri et valorisation de nos déchets, énergies renouvelables, lutte contre le gaspillage, etc) et à la strong>transparence de nos recettes /strong>(développement de recettes sans additifs, gamme de condiments biologiques, origine aussi locale que possible des ingrédients)./p>p>br />br />/p>p>a classbtn btn-alelor btn-secondary href/pages/notre-histoire>Découvrir notre histoire/a>/p> /p> /div> /div> div idproduction class flex flex flex-col justify-between lg:flex-row pb-24 lg:pb-36 px-8 xl:px-32 xxl:px-60 relative> div class w-full lg:w-44% pt-24> h2 classmb-6 title-right-histoire>Une production br>span> artisanale, locale et de qualité/span>/h2> p>p>Alélor collabore avec la Chambre d’Agriculture d’Alsace pour soutenir une filière agricole locale et durable, dans le but de pouvoir ainsi maîtriser son approvisionnement en matière première aussi locale que possible./p>p>br />Alélor a ainsi réimplanté la culture de la strong>graine de moutarde en Alsace/strong>. Une trentaine d’agriculteurs partenaires nous fournissent en graines françaises chaque année. Nos racines de raifort sont cultivées en Alsace, puisstrong> triées et coupées à la main/strong>, selon un strong>savoir-faire traditionnel/strong>. Nos mayonnaises et sauces sont confectionnées de la manière la plus naturelle et la moins chimique possible, strong>comme à la maison/strong>, avec des œufs plein air français et sans conservateurs. Enfin, nos cornichons sont cultivés en France ou en Allemagne. Ils sont strong>récoltés chaque jour à la main/strong> et strong>préparés frais/strong> rapidement après la cueillette selon la tradition de l’aigre-doux d’Alsace./p>p>br />br />/p>p>a classbtn btn-alelor btn-secondary href/pages/nos-engagements>Découvrir nos engagements/a>/p>/p> /div> div classw-full lg:w-48% mt-16 lg:mt-0 pointer-events-none> div classbg-white p-3 pb-8 sm:pb-12 xs:mr-8 sm:mr-12 ml-auto lg:-mr-12 w-full xs:w-3/5 h-52 sm:h-72 lg:h-20rem relative z-1 shadow-md scotch-r> img loadinglazy classw-full h-full object-cover relative src/img/bg/IMG_3084-print.jpg alt> /div> div classhidden xs:block bg-white -mt-24 ml-4 sm:ml-12 lg:ml-0 lg:-mt-12 p-3 w-2/5 h-56 sm:h-80 lg:h-22rem relative z-1 shadow-md> img loadinglazy classw-full h-full object-cover relative src/img/bg/AdobeStock_162956002.jpg alt> img loadinglazy classabsolute -top-6 x-center w-10 h-14 object-contain rotateX -ml-6 src/img/elt/pin.svg alt> /div> img loadinglazy classw-3/5 xs:w-3/5 sm:w-35% h-full object-contain object-right-bottom absolute bottom-0 right-0 z-1 src/img/elt/montage-main-moutarde-01.png alt>/div> /div> /section> section idactualite-accueil classpy-20 lg:py-28 px-8 lg:pr-0 xl:pl-32 xxl:pl-60 overflow-hidden relative> div classscene-parallax hidden sm:block absolute w-24 h-40 lg:w-40 lg:h-64 xxl:w-52 xxl:h-72 -left-4 top-16> img loadinglazy data-depth0.1 classw-full h-full object-contain src/img/elt/feuille-2.png alt>/div>div classscene-parallax absolute w-16 h-16 lg:w-24 lg:h-24 xxl:w-28 xxl:h-28 left-0 sm:left-8 xxl:left-12 top-52 sm:top-72 lg:top-22rem xxl:top-96 > img loadinglazy data-depth0.4 classw-full h-full object-contain src/img/elt/feuille-flou-2.png alt>/div>div classscene-parallax absolute w-24 h-40 sm:w-40 sm:h-64 lg:w-44 xxl:w-52 lg:h-72 xxl:h-80 left-0 bottom-0> img loadinglazy data-depth0.2 classw-full h-full object-contain src/img/elt/fleur-2.png alt>/div> div classlg:pr-8 xl:pr-32 xxl:pr-60 flex flex-wrap items-center gap-6 justify-between mb-16 xxl:mb-20 sm:ml-20> h2>Nos dernières span>actualités/span>/h2> div classflex items-center gap-4 follow-rs> p classfont-bold text-xl lg:text-2xl relative>Suivez-nous/p> a href titleFacebook target_blank> svg xmlns classw-6 h-6 sm:w-7 sm:h-7 xxl:w-8 xxl:h-8 transitioning> use href/img/icones/facebook.svg#facebook>/use> /svg> /a> a href titleInstagram target_blank> svg xmlns classw-6 h-6 sm:w-7 sm:h-7 xxl:w-8 xxl:h-8 transitioning> use href/img/icones/instagram.svg#instagram>/use> /svg> /a> /div> /div> div classrelative> div idslider-actualites classswiper-container relative w-full overflow-hidden pl-14 sm:pl-0 sm:ml-20> div classswiper-wrapper> div classswiper-slide> a classblock h-64 xs:h-80 lg:h-96 xxl:h-29rem relative group href/actualites/strasbourg-nouvelle-capitale-francaise-de-la-moutarde/25 > img classw-full h-full object-cover src alt> div classbg-hover-alelor absolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-full opacity-0 transitioning group-hover:opacity-100 > /div> div classbtn btn-secondary z-1 absolute flex items-center w-max gap-2 rounded-full hover:bg-secondary abs-center opacity-0 transitioning group-hover:opacity-100> i classfa-thin fa-newspaper text-xl text-black>/i> Voir lactualité /div> /a> div classmt-4> div classflex items-center gap-2 mb-2> i classfa-thin fa-newspaper text-xl text-secondary transitioning>/i> p classtext-grey-500 font-light>05/07/2024/p> /div> h3 classtext-xl xxl:text-2xl>Strasbourg, nouvelle capitale française de la moutarde/h3> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide> a classblock h-64 xs:h-80 lg:h-96 xxl:h-29rem relative group href target_blank> img loadinglazy classw-full h-full object-cover src alt> div classbg-hover-alelor absolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-full opacity-0 transitioning group-hover:opacity-100 > /div> div classbtn btn-secondary z-1 absolute flex items-center w-max gap-2 rounded-full hover:bg-secondary abs-center opacity-0 transitioning group-hover:opacity-100> svg xmlns classw-5 h-5 text-black> use href/img/icones/facebook.svg#facebook>/use> /svg> Voir la publication /div> /a> div classmt-4> div classflex items-center gap-2 mb-2> svg xmlns classw-5 h-5 text-secondary transitioning> use href/img/icones/facebook.svg#facebook>/use> /svg> p classtext-grey-500 font-light>25/12/2024/p> /div> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide> a classblock h-64 xs:h-80 lg:h-96 xxl:h-29rem relative group href target_blank> img loadinglazy classw-full h-full object-cover src alt> div classbg-hover-alelor absolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-full opacity-0 transitioning group-hover:opacity-100 > /div> div classbtn btn-secondary z-1 absolute flex items-center w-max gap-2 rounded-full hover:bg-secondary abs-center opacity-0 transitioning group-hover:opacity-100> svg xmlns classw-5 h-5 text-black> use href/img/icones/facebook.svg#facebook>/use> /svg> Voir la publication /div> /a> div classmt-4> div classflex items-center gap-2 mb-2> svg xmlns classw-5 h-5 text-secondary transitioning> use href/img/icones/facebook.svg#facebook>/use> /svg> p classtext-grey-500 font-light>19/12/2024/p> /div> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide> a classblock h-64 xs:h-80 lg:h-96 xxl:h-29rem relative group href target_blank> img loadinglazy classw-full h-full object-cover src alt> div classbg-hover-alelor absolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-full opacity-0 transitioning group-hover:opacity-100 > /div> div classbtn btn-secondary z-1 absolute flex items-center w-max gap-2 rounded-full hover:bg-secondary abs-center opacity-0 transitioning group-hover:opacity-100> svg xmlns classw-5 h-5 text-black> use href/img/icones/facebook.svg#facebook>/use> /svg> Voir la publication /div> /a> div classmt-4> div classflex items-center gap-2 mb-2> svg xmlns classw-5 h-5 text-secondary transitioning> use href/img/icones/facebook.svg#facebook>/use> /svg> p classtext-grey-500 font-light>17/12/2024/p> /div> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide> a classblock h-64 xs:h-80 lg:h-96 xxl:h-29rem relative group href target_blank> img loadinglazy classw-full h-full object-cover src alt> div classbg-hover-alelor absolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-full opacity-0 transitioning group-hover:opacity-100 > /div> div classbtn btn-secondary z-1 absolute flex items-center w-max gap-2 rounded-full hover:bg-secondary abs-center opacity-0 transitioning group-hover:opacity-100> svg xmlns classw-5 h-5 text-black> use href/img/icones/facebook.svg#facebook>/use> /svg> Voir la publication /div> /a> div classmt-4> div classflex items-center gap-2 mb-2> svg xmlns classw-5 h-5 text-secondary transitioning> use href/img/icones/facebook.svg#facebook>/use> /svg> p classtext-grey-500 font-light>10/12/2024/p> /div> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide> a classblock h-64 xs:h-80 lg:h-96 xxl:h-29rem relative group href target_blank> img loadinglazy classw-full h-full object-cover src alt> div classbg-hover-alelor absolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-full opacity-0 transitioning group-hover:opacity-100 > /div> div classbtn btn-secondary z-1 absolute flex items-center w-max gap-2 rounded-full hover:bg-secondary abs-center opacity-0 transitioning group-hover:opacity-100> svg xmlns classw-5 h-5 text-black> use href/img/icones/facebook.svg#facebook>/use> /svg> Voir la publication /div> /a> div classmt-4> div classflex items-center gap-2 mb-2> svg xmlns classw-5 h-5 text-secondary transitioning> use href/img/icones/facebook.svg#facebook>/use> /svg> p classtext-grey-500 font-light>05/12/2024/p> /div> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide> a classblock h-64 xs:h-80 lg:h-96 xxl:h-29rem relative group href target_blank> img loadinglazy classw-full h-full object-cover src alt> div classbg-hover-alelor absolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-full opacity-0 transitioning group-hover:opacity-100 > /div> div classbtn btn-secondary z-1 absolute flex items-center w-max gap-2 rounded-full hover:bg-secondary abs-center opacity-0 transitioning group-hover:opacity-100> svg xmlns classw-5 h-5 text-black> use href/img/icones/facebook.svg#facebook>/use> /svg> Voir la publication /div> /a> div classmt-4> div classflex items-center gap-2 mb-2> svg xmlns classw-5 h-5 text-secondary transitioning> use href/img/icones/facebook.svg#facebook>/use> /svg> p classtext-grey-500 font-light>03/12/2024/p> /div> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide> a classblock h-64 xs:h-80 lg:h-96 xxl:h-29rem relative group href target_blank> img loadinglazy classw-full h-full object-cover src alt> div classbg-hover-alelor absolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-full opacity-0 transitioning group-hover:opacity-100 > /div> div classbtn btn-secondary z-1 absolute flex items-center w-max gap-2 rounded-full hover:bg-secondary abs-center opacity-0 transitioning group-hover:opacity-100> svg xmlns classw-5 h-5 text-black> use href/img/icones/facebook.svg#facebook>/use> /svg> Voir la publication /div> /a> div classmt-4> div classflex items-center gap-2 mb-2> svg xmlns classw-5 h-5 text-secondary transitioning> use href/img/icones/facebook.svg#facebook>/use> /svg> p classtext-grey-500 font-light>29/11/2024/p> /div> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide> a classblock h-64 xs:h-80 lg:h-96 xxl:h-29rem relative group href target_blank> img loadinglazy classw-full h-full object-cover src alt> div classbg-hover-alelor absolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-full opacity-0 transitioning group-hover:opacity-100 > /div> div classbtn btn-secondary z-1 absolute flex items-center w-max gap-2 rounded-full hover:bg-secondary abs-center opacity-0 transitioning group-hover:opacity-100> svg xmlns classw-5 h-5 text-black> use href/img/icones/facebook.svg#facebook>/use> /svg> Voir la publication /div> /a> div classmt-4> div classflex items-center gap-2 mb-2> svg xmlns classw-5 h-5 text-secondary transitioning> use href/img/icones/facebook.svg#facebook>/use> /svg> p classtext-grey-500 font-light>28/11/2024/p> /div> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide> a classblock h-64 xs:h-80 lg:h-96 xxl:h-29rem relative group href target_blank> img loadinglazy classw-full h-full object-cover src alt> div classbg-hover-alelor absolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-full opacity-0 transitioning group-hover:opacity-100 > /div> div classbtn btn-secondary z-1 absolute flex items-center w-max gap-2 rounded-full hover:bg-secondary abs-center opacity-0 transitioning group-hover:opacity-100> svg xmlns classw-5 h-5 text-black> use href/img/icones/facebook.svg#facebook>/use> /svg> Voir la publication /div> /a> div classmt-4> div classflex items-center gap-2 mb-2> svg xmlns classw-5 h-5 text-secondary transitioning> use href/img/icones/facebook.svg#facebook>/use> /svg> p classtext-grey-500 font-light>13/11/2024/p> /div> /div> /div> /div>/div>div classswiper-actu_next absolute -mt-16 y-center left-0 z-10 cursor-pointer rotate-180> i classfa-light fa-arrow-right text-4xl >/i>/div> /div> /section> section classrecettes relative flex flex-col-reverse md:flex-row z-0 justify-between wrapper pb-24 md:pb-0 overflow-hidden> div classscene-parallax w-44 h-44 absolute -bottom-20 -right-12 md:right-auto md:-left-8 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/a> /div> div classswiper-slide block> a href/pages/recette/choucroute-alsacienne-a-la-moutarde/45 title classblock group cadre-recette h-full> div classblock h-64 p-3 bg-white relative group > div classabsolute top-0 left-0 flex items-center z-11 justify-center w-full h-full opacity-0 group-hover:opacity-100 transitioning> button classbtn btn-alelor btn-secondary hover:bg-secondary hover:text-black>Voir la recette/button> /div> div classw-full h-full overflow-hidden> img loadinglazy classw-full h-full object-cover transitioning group-hover:scale-105 src alt> /div> /div> div classbg-white pb-4 pt-1 px-3 text-center flex flex-col items-center justify-center> h3 classtext-lg xxl:text-xl font-semibold italic text-black>Choucroute alsacienne à la Moutarde/h3> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide block> a href/pages/recette/macarons-au-raifort/46 title classblock group cadre-recette h-full> div classblock h-64 p-3 bg-white relative group > div classabsolute top-0 left-0 flex items-center 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classtext-lg xxl:text-xl font-semibold italic text-black>Mini-croissants à la saucisse/h3> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide block> a href/pages/recette/veloute-de-topinambours-au-raifort/51 title classblock group cadre-recette h-full> div classblock h-64 p-3 bg-white relative group > div classabsolute top-0 left-0 flex items-center z-11 justify-center w-full h-full opacity-0 group-hover:opacity-100 transitioning> button classbtn btn-alelor btn-secondary hover:bg-secondary hover:text-black>Voir la recette/button> /div> div classw-full h-full overflow-hidden> img loadinglazy classw-full h-full object-cover transitioning group-hover:scale-105 src alt> /div> /div> div classbg-white pb-4 pt-1 px-3 text-center flex flex-col items-center justify-center> h3 classtext-lg xxl:text-xl font-semibold italic text-black>Velouté de topinambours au raifort/h3> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide block> a href/pages/recette/carottes-glacees/52 title classblock group cadre-recette h-full> div 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recette/button> /div> div classw-full h-full overflow-hidden> img loadinglazy classw-full h-full object-cover transitioning group-hover:scale-105 src alt> /div> /div> div classbg-white pb-4 pt-1 px-3 text-center flex flex-col items-center justify-center> h3 classtext-lg xxl:text-xl font-semibold italic text-black>Palette à la diable/h3> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide block> a href/pages/recette/elixir-detox-minceur-au-raifort/54 title classblock group cadre-recette h-full> div classblock h-64 p-3 bg-white relative group > div classabsolute top-0 left-0 flex items-center z-11 justify-center w-full h-full opacity-0 group-hover:opacity-100 transitioning> button classbtn btn-alelor btn-secondary hover:bg-secondary hover:text-black>Voir la recette/button> /div> div classw-full h-full overflow-hidden> img loadinglazy classw-full h-full object-cover transitioning group-hover:scale-105 src alt> /div> /div> div classbg-white pb-4 pt-1 px-3 text-center flex flex-col items-center justify-center> h3 classtext-lg xxl:text-xl font-semibold italic text-black>Elixir Détox Minceur au Raifort/h3> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide block> a href/pages/recette/vinaigrette-a-lalsacienne/55 title classblock group cadre-recette h-full> div classblock h-64 p-3 bg-white relative group > div classabsolute top-0 left-0 flex items-center z-11 justify-center w-full h-full opacity-0 group-hover:opacity-100 transitioning> button classbtn btn-alelor btn-secondary hover:bg-secondary hover:text-black>Voir la recette/button> /div> div classw-full h-full overflow-hidden> img loadinglazy classw-full h-full object-cover transitioning group-hover:scale-105 src alt> /div> /div> div classbg-white pb-4 pt-1 px-3 text-center flex flex-col items-center justify-center> h3 classtext-lg xxl:text-xl font-semibold italic text-black>Vinaigrette à l'alsacienne/h3> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide block> a href/pages/recette/sauce-raifort-pomme/58 title classblock group cadre-recette h-full> div classblock h-64 p-3 bg-white relative group > div classabsolute top-0 left-0 flex items-center z-11 justify-center w-full h-full opacity-0 group-hover:opacity-100 transitioning> button classbtn btn-alelor btn-secondary hover:bg-secondary hover:text-black>Voir la recette/button> /div> div classw-full h-full overflow-hidden> img loadinglazy classw-full h-full object-cover transitioning group-hover:scale-105 src alt> /div> /div> div classbg-white pb-4 pt-1 px-3 text-center flex flex-col items-center justify-center> h3 classtext-lg xxl:text-xl font-semibold italic text-black>Sauce raifort-pomme/h3> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide block> a href/pages/recette/le-harissa-dog/60 title classblock group cadre-recette h-full> div classblock h-64 p-3 bg-white relative group > div classabsolute top-0 left-0 flex items-center z-11 justify-center w-full h-full opacity-0 group-hover:opacity-100 transitioning> button classbtn btn-alelor btn-secondary hover:bg-secondary hover:text-black>Voir 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justify-center> h3 classtext-lg xxl:text-xl font-semibold italic text-black>Steak tartare à la moutarde "Condiment"/h3> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide block> a href/pages/recette/bechamel-a-la-moutarde-douce-naturelle/62 title classblock group cadre-recette h-full> div classblock h-64 p-3 bg-white relative group > div classabsolute top-0 left-0 flex items-center z-11 justify-center w-full h-full opacity-0 group-hover:opacity-100 transitioning> button classbtn btn-alelor btn-secondary hover:bg-secondary hover:text-black>Voir la recette/button> /div> div classw-full h-full overflow-hidden> img loadinglazy classw-full h-full object-cover transitioning group-hover:scale-105 src alt> /div> /div> div classbg-white pb-4 pt-1 px-3 text-center flex flex-col items-center justify-center> h3 classtext-lg xxl:text-xl font-semibold italic text-black>Béchamel à la moutarde douce naturelle/h3> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide block> a href/pages/recette/fleischknepfle-au-raifort/75 title 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Savourez et créatifs, nos condiments vous accompagneront également de l’apéritif au dessert./p>p> /p>p>br />a classbtn btn-alelor btn-secondary href/pages/recettes>Découvrir nos recettes/a>/p>/p> /div> div classw-44 h-44 lg:w-64 lg:h-64 scene-parallax absolute bottom-8 md:-bottom-4 lg:-bottom-24 -left-8 lg:-left-20> img loadinglazy data-depth0.2 classobject-contain w-full h-full src/img/elt/feuille-3.png alt> /div> /div> /section> section idpopup-1 classpopup hidden fixed top-0 p-8 left-0 bg-grey-900 bg-opacity-75 z-50 grid place-items-center h-screen w-screen> div classpopup-content relative bg-white pt-6 pb-2 px-8> button idpopup-close-1 classpopup-close absolute right-2 top-1> i classfas fa-times text-primary-500 text-2xl>/i> /button> p>Message/p> /div>/section> /main> script typetext/javascript>var agSiteId 10382;/script> script src typetext/javascript>/script> footer classrelative> div classrelative bg-primary text-black flex flex-wrap gap-y-8 sm:gap-y-4 justify-between wrapper items-start pt-12 lg:pt-16 pb-24 > img loadinglazy classhidden lg:block w-full h-110% pointer-events-none z-0 object-cover absolute -top-8 left-0 object-right-top src/img/elt/bg-footer.png alt> img loadinglazy classlg:hidden w-full h-110% z-0 pointer-events-none object-contain absolute -top-8 left-0 object-top src/img/bg/bg-footer-mobile.png alt> div classrelative w-full sm:w-45p lg:w-fit> h3>Contact/h3> p>4 rue de la Gare/p> p>67850 Mietesheim/p> a classtext-black hover:text-secondary-500 block w-max mt-4 hreftel:+33388903185 title target_blank>03 88 90 31 85/a> a classtext-black hover:text-secondary-500 block w-max mb-4 title target_blank>> div classflex items-center> a href titleFacebook target_blank> svg xmlns classw-7 h-7 text-black hover:text-secondary-500 transition-all> use href/img/icones/facebook.svg#facebook>/use> /svg> /a> a href titleInstagram target_blank classml-3 mr-4> svg xmlns classw-7 h-7 text-black hover:text-secondary-500 transition-all> use href/img/icones/instagram.svg#instagram>/use> /svg> /a> a href titleLinkedin target_blank> svg xmlns classw-7 h-7 text-black hover:text-secondary-500 transition-all> use href/img/icones/linkedin.svg#linkedin>/use> /svg> /a> /div> /div> div classrelative w-full sm:w-45p lg:w-1/4> h3>Commandez nos produits en ligne/h3> div> p>a href/pages/vous-etes-un-professionnel>Vous êtes un professionnel ?/a>br />em>span stylefont-size: 10pt;>Retrouvez nos produits adaptés à votre métiers revendeurs, bouchers, industriels, />/span>/em>br />a href/pages/espace-presse>Espace Presse/a>br />br />a href/pages/candidature-spontanee>Candidature spontanée/a>/p> /div> /div> div classrelative w-full sm:w-45p lg:w-1/4> div classnewsletter relative w-full> h3>Abonnez-vous à notre newsletter/h3> form classrelative w-full form-newsletter methodpost> input idemail-newsletter-header typeemail placeholderVotre adresse mail class!py-1 text-black w-full> label foremail-newsletter-header classpopup-open absolute y-center right-0 h-full z-20 cursor-pointer data-id2> input class!py-3 opacity-0 invisible !absolute !w-12 !h-full typesubmit /> span classblock bg-black rounded-full w-12 h-full flex items-center justify-center pointer-events-none> i classfa-light fa-paper-plane text-white text-xl>/i> /span> /label> /form> /div> div classmt-8> h3>Découvrez aussi nos autres marques/h3> div classflex flex-wrap justify-start gap-4% gap-y-4 items-center> a href target_blank title> img loadinglazy classw-36 object-contain src/img/logo/logo-dtr.svg altLogo Domaines des Terres Rouges> /a> a href title target_blank> img loadinglazy classh-4.50rem object-contain src/img/logo/logo-pique-assiette.svg altLogo Pique Assiettes> /a> /div> /div> /div> div classrelative w-full sm:w-45p lg:w-1/4 labels> p>img src/medias/labels/label-epv.png alt width80 height80 /> img src/medias/labels/label-pme.png alt width90 height80 /> img src/medias/labels/label-alsace.png alt width80 height80 />/p> /div> /div> div classbg-primary-700 py-4 px-4 lg:!text-xs flex flex-wrap justify-center items-center text-black relative z-10> a href/pages/mentions-legales class!text-xs hover:text-secondary-500>Mentions légales/a> span classmx-2> - 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