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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Wed, 19 Feb 2025 02:49:20 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeVary: Accept-EncodingTransfer-Encoding: chunkedContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8 !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN>html xmlns>head>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetiso-8859-1 />meta namegoogle-site-verification contentYjRXc3uQrN36d6tKoKLSyJZZr00p9UM6iQGXlUqf3-0 />title>.:: Albatross Resort ::./title>link relstylesheet hrefcss/style.css typetext/css />script typetext/JavaScript>!--function MM_swapImgRestore() { //v3.0 var i,x,adocument.MM_sr; for(i0;a&&ia.length&&(xai)&&x.oSrc;i++) x.srcx.oSrc;}function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0 var ddocument; if(d.images){ if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_pnew Array(); var i,jd.MM_p.length,aMM_preloadImages.arguments; for(i0; ia.length; i++) if (ai.indexOf(#)!0){ d.MM_pjnew Image; d.MM_pj++.srcai;}}}function MM_findObj(n, d) { //v4.01 var p,i,x; if(!d) ddocument; if((pn.indexOf(?))>0&&parent.frames.length) { dparent.framesn.substring(p+1).document; 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/>/td> td>img srcimg/submit_right.png width19 height25 />/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> /table>/form>/td> /tr> /table>/td> td width527 valigntop>table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td>img srcimg/welcome_txt.jpg width510 height38 />/td> /tr> tr> td stylepadding-left:15px; text-align:justify;>Cox’s Bazar is the most attractive tourist spot of Bangladesh. The small town on the sea shore was founded in 1978. It is almost 152 Kms. south of Chittagong and can be reached by road & air. The main attraction of Cox’s Bazar is its sea beach about 120 Kms. unbroken stretch of sand, the largest in the world. the beach gently slopes down96 Kms.Cox’s Bazar is its sea beach about 120 Kms. unbroken stretch of sand, the largest in the world. the beach gently slopes down96 />/td> /tr> tr> td alignright> !-- table width100 border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td aligncenter valignmiddle classread_more>+a href#> Read More /a>/td> /tr> /table> --> /td> /tr> tr> td height70>img srcimg/food&gallery.jpg width240 height66 />/td> /tr> tr> td>table width100% border0 cellspacing5 cellpadding5> tr> td alignleft>a hrefgallery.php onmouseoutMM_swapImgRestore() onmouseoverMM_swapImage(Image23,,img/h_thumb_1_hover.jpg,1)>img srcimg/h_thumb_1.jpg nameImage23 width230 height75 border0 idImage23 />/a>/td> td alignright>a hrefgallery.php onmouseoutMM_swapImgRestore() onmouseoverMM_swapImage(Image24,,img/h_thumb_2_hover.jpg,1)>img srcimg/h_thumb_2.jpg nameImage24 width230 height75 border0 idImage24 />/a>/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> /table>/td> td width213 valigntop classright_bg>table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 classright_container> tr> td>img srcimg/right_txt.jpg width127 height18 />/td> /tr> tr> td>img srcimg/right_thumb.jpg width167 height57 />/td> /tr> tr> td>Our hotel has a 24-hour reception open for your convenience./td> /tr> tr> td height20 valignbottom>strong>In Addition /strong>/td> /tr> tr> td>table width70% border0 cellspacing2 cellpadding2> tr> td>img srcimg/bullet.jpg width9 height9 />/td> td valigntop>Telephone/td> /tr> tr> td>img srcimg/bullet.jpg width9 height9 />/td> td>Car Parking/td> /tr> tr> td>img srcimg/bullet.jpg width9 height9 />/td> td>Valet Service/td> /tr> tr> td>img srcimg/bullet.jpg width9 height9 />/td> td>Laundry Service/td> /tr> tr> td>img srcimg/bullet.jpg width9 height9 />/td> td>Internet Service/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> tr> td alignright classmore_services_text>a hrefjavascript:>More Services/a>/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> tr> td height60 aligncenter valignmiddle>hr color#9ca998 />table width99% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td width50%>Copyright © 2025 Albatross Resort. All rights Reserved/td> td alignright> Design & Developed by a href target_blank classfooter>WANIT Bangladesh/a> /td> /tr>/table>/td> /tr>/table>/body>/html>
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Wed, 19 Feb 2025 02:49:21 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeVary: Accept-EncodingTransfer-Encoding: chunkedContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8 !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN>html xmlns>head>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetiso-8859-1 />meta namegoogle-site-verification contentYjRXc3uQrN36d6tKoKLSyJZZr00p9UM6iQGXlUqf3-0 />title>.:: Albatross Resort ::./title>link relstylesheet hrefcss/style.css typetext/css />script typetext/JavaScript>!--function MM_swapImgRestore() { //v3.0 var i,x,adocument.MM_sr; for(i0;a&&ia.length&&(xai)&&x.oSrc;i++) x.srcx.oSrc;}function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0 var ddocument; if(d.images){ if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_pnew Array(); var i,jd.MM_p.length,aMM_preloadImages.arguments; for(i0; ia.length; i++) if (ai.indexOf(#)!0){ d.MM_pjnew Image; d.MM_pj++.srcai;}}}function MM_findObj(n, d) { //v4.01 var p,i,x; if(!d) ddocument; if((pn.indexOf(?))>0&&parent.frames.length) { dparent.framesn.substring(p+1).document; 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}); $(function() { $(#datepicker2).datepicker({ changeMonth: true, changeYear: true }); }); /script>table width248 border0 aligncenter cellpadding0 cellspacing0> tr> td valigntop classsaerch_bg>form nameform1 actionreservation.php methodpost>table width200 border0 cellpadding3 cellspacing3 idsearch_container> tr> td>strong>Albatross Resort/strong>/td> /tr> tr> td>Make Your Reservation/td> /tr> tr> td>strong>Check In/strong>/td> /tr> tr> td>table width100% border0 cellspacing2 cellpadding0> tr> td width65% alignleft>label> input typetext nameFromDate iddatepicker /> /label> /td> td width6%> /td> td width29%>/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> tr> td>strong>Check Out/strong>/td> /tr> tr> td>table width100% border0 cellspacing2 cellpadding0> tr> td width65% alignleft>label> input typetext nameToDate iddatepicker2 /> /label> /td> td width6%> /td> td width29%>/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> tr> td aligncenter valignmiddle>table width50% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td>img srcimg/sumit_left.png width19 height25 />/td> td width100% aligncenter classsubmit_bg>input typesubmit namesubmit valueSubmit onclickreturn Empty_field(datepicker,datepicker2,); />/td> td>img srcimg/submit_right.png width19 height25 />/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> /table>/form>/td> /tr> /table>/td> td width527 valigntop>table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td>img srcimg/welcome_txt.jpg width510 height38 />/td> /tr> tr> td stylepadding-left:15px; text-align:justify;>Cox’s Bazar is the most attractive tourist spot of Bangladesh. The small town on the sea shore was founded in 1978. It is almost 152 Kms. south of Chittagong and can be reached by road & air. The main attraction of Cox’s Bazar is its sea beach about 120 Kms. unbroken stretch of sand, the largest in the world. the beach gently slopes down96 Kms.Cox’s Bazar is its sea beach about 120 Kms. unbroken stretch of sand, the largest in the world. the beach gently slopes down96 />/td> /tr> tr> td alignright> !-- table width100 border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td aligncenter valignmiddle classread_more>+a href#> Read More /a>/td> /tr> /table> --> /td> /tr> tr> td height70>img srcimg/food&gallery.jpg width240 height66 />/td> /tr> tr> td>table width100% border0 cellspacing5 cellpadding5> tr> td alignleft>a hrefgallery.php onmouseoutMM_swapImgRestore() onmouseoverMM_swapImage(Image23,,img/h_thumb_1_hover.jpg,1)>img srcimg/h_thumb_1.jpg nameImage23 width230 height75 border0 idImage23 />/a>/td> td alignright>a hrefgallery.php onmouseoutMM_swapImgRestore() onmouseoverMM_swapImage(Image24,,img/h_thumb_2_hover.jpg,1)>img srcimg/h_thumb_2.jpg nameImage24 width230 height75 border0 idImage24 />/a>/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> /table>/td> td width213 valigntop classright_bg>table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 classright_container> tr> td>img srcimg/right_txt.jpg width127 height18 />/td> /tr> tr> td>img srcimg/right_thumb.jpg width167 height57 />/td> /tr> tr> td>Our hotel has a 24-hour reception open for your convenience./td> /tr> tr> td height20 valignbottom>strong>In Addition /strong>/td> /tr> tr> td>table width70% border0 cellspacing2 cellpadding2> tr> td>img srcimg/bullet.jpg width9 height9 />/td> td valigntop>Telephone/td> /tr> tr> td>img srcimg/bullet.jpg width9 height9 />/td> td>Car Parking/td> /tr> tr> td>img srcimg/bullet.jpg width9 height9 />/td> td>Valet Service/td> /tr> tr> td>img srcimg/bullet.jpg width9 height9 />/td> td>Laundry Service/td> /tr> tr> td>img srcimg/bullet.jpg width9 height9 />/td> td>Internet Service/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> tr> td alignright classmore_services_text>a hrefjavascript:>More Services/a>/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> tr> td height60 aligncenter valignmiddle>hr color#9ca998 />table width99% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td width50%>Copyright © 2025 Albatross Resort. All rights Reserved/td> td alignright> Design & Developed by a href target_blank classfooter>WANIT Bangladesh/a> /td> /tr>/table>/td> /tr>/table>/body>/html>
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