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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 18:54:30 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlTransfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-aliveLast-Modified: Fri, 27 Dec 2024 12:17:33 GMTVary: Accept-Encodingcf-cache-status: DYNAMICReport-To: {endpoints:{url:https:\/\/\/report\/v4?sqG9qaTcz4PexWoSh8P8pHg5QVXellHkwndrnVdgbIUcUp7Cs7hEIcqPjzs9SBIAyvDLqN8bYht6wu8nUWAyibEwfwHy490aIIREEM5IQjHmRcdaKKxAmKUs4YyZ7bFRVgg%3D%3D},group:cf-nel,max_age:604800}NEL: {success_fraction:0,report_to:cf-nel,max_age:604800}Server: cloudflareCF-RAY: 8f93c2612c162804-SEAalt-svc: h3:443; ma86400server-timing: cfL4;desc?protoTCP&rtt8802&min_rtt8802&rtt_var4401&sent1&recv3&lost0&retrans0&sent_bytes0&recv_bytes53&delivery_rate0&cwnd247&unsent_bytes0&cid0000000000000000&ts0&x0 !DOCTYPE html>html langen> head> meta charsetUTF-8 /> meta http-equivX-UA-Compatible contentIEedge /> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1.0 /> title>欢迎光临ToWelcome.../title> script srcjs/jquery.min.js>/script> link relstylesheet hrefcss/swiper-bundle.min.css /> link relstylesheet hrefcss/wap.css /> link relshortcut icon hrefimg/h5icon.ico typeimage/x-icon /> /head> body> header> a classbtnl href target_blank>img srcimg/icon_app.png alt />APP/a> div classlogo>/div> a classbtnr href target_blank>img srcimg/icon_service.png alt />客服/a> /header> div classcontainer> div classmain> !-- --------------- 輪播 slider_start -------------- --> div classswiper mySwiper> div classswiper-wrapper> div classswiper-slide slide_img1>/div> div classswiper-slide slide_img2>/div> div classswiper-slide slide_img3>/div> /div> div classswiper-pagination>/div> /div> !-- --------------- 輪播 slider_end -------------- --> div classsimpleu> div classtitle> span classtxt>img srcimg/icon_inte.png alt />/span> span classtxt2 idlineMs0>简易网址/span> span classtxt3 idline0>> /div> div classtitle2> a classtitle2_1 href target_blank>img srcimg/icon_app2.png alt />手机APP/a> div classmenuLine>/div> a href target_blank>img srcimg/icon_coin.png alt />电子钱包/a> div classmenuLine>/div> a href target_blank>img srcimg/icon_service2.png alt />在线客服/a> /div> /div> div classweb> div classlist> span classtext >img srcimg/webicon0.png alt />/span > span classtext2 idlineMs1>110ms/span> span classtext3 idline1>> a href# classthcom idlink1 target_blank>立即进入/a> /div> div classlist> span classtext >img srcimg/webicon0.png alt />/span > span classtext2 idlineMs2>读取中.../span> span classtext3 idline2>读取中.../span> a href# classthcom idlink2 target_blank>立即进入/a> /div> div classlist> span classtext >img srcimg/webicon0.png alt />/span > span classtext2 idlineMs3>读取中.../span> span classtext3 idline3>读取中.../span> a href# classthcom idlink3 target_blank>立即进入/a> /div> div classlist> span classtext >img srcimg/webicon0.png alt />/span > span classtext2 idlineMs4>读取中.../span> span classtext3 idline4>读取中.../span> a href# classthcom idlink4 target_blank>立即进入/a> /div> div classlist> span classtext >img srcimg/webicon0.png alt />/span > span classtext2 idlineMs5>读取中.../span> span classtext3 idline5>读取中.../span> a href# classthcom idlink5 target_blank>立即进入/a> /div> a classwebbtn hrefjavascript:; 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var site ; // 取得 client 端 ip & id function getClientInfo() { var dfd $.Deferred(); $.ajax({ url:, method: GET, timeout: 5000, async: true, }) .success(function (data) { dfd.resolve(data); }) .error(function () { dfd.resolve({}); }); return dfd.promise(); } var bestHost; const getRandomUrl () > { const encodedHosts HostUtils.encodeHosts(hostnames); encodedHosts.sort(() > Math.random() - 0.5); return encodedHosts0; }; function getUrl() { let randomHost getRandomUrl(); return bestHost || randomHost } const appTarget ; var appDownloadPath /web/simple.php#/aioDownload; $(#appDownload, .btnl, .title2_1, .android, .ios).click(function() { appTarget.sort(() > Math.random() - 0.5); $(this).attr(href, appTarget0 + appDownloadPath); }); var ubPath /ub/; $(#ub).click(function() { appTarget.sort(() > Math.random() - 0.5); $(this).attr(href, appTarget0 + ubPath); }); var site ; var browserPath /CustomBrowser/download.html?provider; $(#browser).click(function() { appTarget.sort(() > Math.random() - 0.5); $(this).attr(href, appTarget0 + browserPath + site); }); function reloadLing() { domLen document.getElementsByClassName(thcom).length const shuffledHosts hosts_all.sort(() > Math.random() - 0.5); const selectedHosts shuffledHosts.slice(0, domLen); for (var i 1; i domLen; i++) { // let host selectedHostsi-1; host selectedHostsi-1; let hostname new URL(selectedHostsi-1).hostname; let parts hostname.split(.); let partLen parts.length; if (partLen > 2) { hostname partspartLen - 2 + . + partspartLen - 1; } document.getElementById(lineMs + i).textContent Math.floor(Math.random() * (30 - 10 + 1) + 10) + ms; document.getElementById(link + i).href host; document.getElementById(line + i).textContent www. + hostname; appTarget.push(host); } } window.addEventListener(load, function () { var dfd $.Deferred(); getClientInfo().then(function (clientInfo) { HostUtils.getHost(/api/hostnames, clientInfo) .then(function (hosts) { if (!hosts) { hosts_all hostnames; return dfd.resolve(hostnames); } var len hostnames.length; var hostLen hosts.length; var domLen document.getElementsByClassName(thcom).length; for (var i 0; i domLen - hostLen; i++) { var pickedHost hostnamesMath.floor(Math.random() * hostnames.length); hosts.push(pickedHost); hosts hosts.filter(function (element, index, arr) { if (arr.indexOf(element) ! index) { --i; } return arr.indexOf(element) index; }); } hosts_all hosts; return dfd.resolve(hosts); }) .then(function (hosts) { console.log(hosts); reloadLing() }); }); }); /script> /body>/html>
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 18:54:31 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlTransfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-aliveVary: Accept-EncodingSet-Cookie: X_CACHE_KEYe0dcad5f94ece1904b8a062547b77acf; path/; ExpiresFri, 31-Dec-9999 23:59:59 GMTX-Cache: HITcf-cache-status: DYNAMICReport-To: {endpoints:{url:https:\/\/\/report\/v4?sB3SRYnqv%2FaSpx1HZVJ4QMCwFOkbZ%2BM%2B0eEQ4aXAP3IX0fKckWQOYYk8O2R0oa4yRCWlacI9uJ25mhwC7ZaZksL91DfbpI8K8003ZXyqIKQQn2YADjtkTshY%2BG1oToCUpIw%3D%3D},group:cf-nel,max_age:604800}NEL: {success_fraction:0,report_to:cf-nel,max_age:604800}Server: cloudflareCF-RAY: 8f93c263595feb3e-SEAalt-svc: h3:443; ma86400server-timing: cfL4;desc?protoTCP&rtt10308&min_rtt10179&rtt_var2960&sent5&recv6&lost0&retrans0&sent_bytes2848&recv_bytes725&delivery_rate284507&cwnd252&unsent_bytes0&cide9ce433d733afc71&ts321&x0 !DOCTYPE html>html langen> head> meta charsetUTF-8 /> meta http-equivX-UA-Compatible contentIEedge /> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1.0 /> title>欢迎光临ToWelcome.../title> script srcjs/jquery.min.js>/script> link relstylesheet hrefcss/swiper-bundle.min.css /> link relstylesheet hrefcss/wap.css /> link relshortcut icon hrefimg/h5icon.ico typeimage/x-icon /> /head> body> header> a classbtnl href target_blank>img srcimg/icon_app.png alt />APP/a> div classlogo>/div> a classbtnr href target_blank>img srcimg/icon_service.png alt />客服/a> /header> div classcontainer> div classmain> !-- --------------- 輪播 slider_start -------------- --> div classswiper mySwiper> div classswiper-wrapper> div classswiper-slide slide_img1>/div> div classswiper-slide slide_img2>/div> div classswiper-slide slide_img3>/div> /div> div classswiper-pagination>/div> /div> !-- --------------- 輪播 slider_end -------------- --> div classsimpleu> div classtitle> span classtxt>img srcimg/icon_inte.png alt />/span> span classtxt2 idlineMs0>简易网址/span> span classtxt3 idline0>> /div> div classtitle2> a classtitle2_1 href target_blank>img srcimg/icon_app2.png alt />手机APP/a> div classmenuLine>/div> a href target_blank>img srcimg/icon_coin.png alt />电子钱包/a> div classmenuLine>/div> a href target_blank>img srcimg/icon_service2.png alt />在线客服/a> /div> /div> div classweb> div classlist> span classtext >img srcimg/webicon0.png alt />/span > span classtext2 idlineMs1>110ms/span> span classtext3 idline1>> a href# classthcom idlink1 target_blank>立即进入/a> /div> div classlist> span classtext >img srcimg/webicon0.png alt />/span > span classtext2 idlineMs2>读取中.../span> span classtext3 idline2>读取中.../span> a href# classthcom idlink2 target_blank>立即进入/a> /div> div classlist> span classtext >img srcimg/webicon0.png alt />/span > span classtext2 idlineMs3>读取中.../span> span classtext3 idline3>读取中.../span> a href# classthcom idlink3 target_blank>立即进入/a> /div> div classlist> span classtext >img srcimg/webicon0.png alt />/span > span classtext2 idlineMs4>读取中.../span> span classtext3 idline4>读取中.../span> a href# classthcom idlink4 target_blank>立即进入/a> /div> div classlist> span classtext >img srcimg/webicon0.png alt />/span > span classtext2 idlineMs5>读取中.../span> span classtext3 idline5>读取中.../span> a href# classthcom idlink5 target_blank>立即进入/a> /div> a classwebbtn hrefjavascript:; onclickreloadLing()>刷新线路/a > /div> div classappdl> img class srcimg/apptxt.png alt /> a classandroid href target_blank>/a> a classios href target_blank>/a> /div> /div> /div> footer> div classtxt> 为了您的隐私安全,请勿与“span>国家反诈中心APP/span>”同设备使用 /div> div classtxt2>Copyright © 銀河娛樂場4076.Com版权所有/div> /footer> div idmyDiv>/div> !-- 輪播 --> !-- Swiper JS --> script srcjs/swiper-bundle.min.js>/script> !-- Initialize Swiper --> script> var swiper new Swiper(.mySwiper, { autoplay: true, pagination: { el: .swiper-pagination, clickable: true, }, }); /script> script> //偵測手機瀏覽器高度 const appHeight () > { const doc document.documentElement; const docheightwindow.innerHeight+px;, docheight); console.log(docheight) } window.addEventListener(resize, appHeight) appHeight() /script> script typetext/javascript srcjs/host_utils.js>/script> script> let hosts_all; tim 1; setInterval(tim++, 100); // 預設網域 var wwwrandom www000573.; var hostnames https:// + wwwrandom +, https:// + wwwrandom +, https:// + wwwrandom +, https:// + wwwrandom +, https:// + wwwrandom +,; var site ; // 取得 client 端 ip & id function getClientInfo() { var dfd $.Deferred(); $.ajax({ url:, method: GET, timeout: 5000, async: true, }) .success(function (data) { dfd.resolve(data); }) .error(function () { dfd.resolve({}); }); return dfd.promise(); } var bestHost; const getRandomUrl () > { const encodedHosts HostUtils.encodeHosts(hostnames); encodedHosts.sort(() > Math.random() - 0.5); return encodedHosts0; }; function getUrl() { let randomHost getRandomUrl(); return bestHost || randomHost } const appTarget ; var appDownloadPath /web/simple.php#/aioDownload; $(#appDownload, .btnl, .title2_1, .android, .ios).click(function() { appTarget.sort(() > Math.random() - 0.5); $(this).attr(href, appTarget0 + appDownloadPath); }); var ubPath /ub/; $(#ub).click(function() { appTarget.sort(() > Math.random() - 0.5); $(this).attr(href, appTarget0 + ubPath); }); var site ; var browserPath /CustomBrowser/download.html?provider; $(#browser).click(function() { appTarget.sort(() > Math.random() - 0.5); $(this).attr(href, appTarget0 + browserPath + site); }); function reloadLing() { domLen document.getElementsByClassName(thcom).length const shuffledHosts hosts_all.sort(() > Math.random() - 0.5); const selectedHosts shuffledHosts.slice(0, domLen); for (var i 1; i domLen; i++) { // let host selectedHostsi-1; host selectedHostsi-1; let hostname new URL(selectedHostsi-1).hostname; let parts hostname.split(.); let partLen parts.length; if (partLen > 2) { hostname partspartLen - 2 + . + partspartLen - 1; } document.getElementById(lineMs + i).textContent Math.floor(Math.random() * (30 - 10 + 1) + 10) + ms; document.getElementById(link + i).href host; document.getElementById(line + i).textContent www. + hostname; appTarget.push(host); } } window.addEventListener(load, function () { var dfd $.Deferred(); getClientInfo().then(function (clientInfo) { HostUtils.getHost(/api/hostnames, clientInfo) .then(function (hosts) { if (!hosts) { hosts_all hostnames; return dfd.resolve(hostnames); } var len hostnames.length; var hostLen hosts.length; var domLen document.getElementsByClassName(thcom).length; for (var i 0; i domLen - hostLen; i++) { var pickedHost hostnamesMath.floor(Math.random() * hostnames.length); hosts.push(pickedHost); hosts hosts.filter(function (element, index, arr) { if (arr.indexOf(element) ! index) { --i; } return arr.indexOf(element) index; }); } hosts_all hosts; return dfd.resolve(hosts); }) .then(function (hosts) { console.log(hosts); reloadLing() }); }); }); /script> /body>/html>
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