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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 22 Mar 2025 17:07:34 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeVary: Accept-EncodingTransfer-Encoding: chunkedContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8 !DOCTYPE HTML>!--if IE 8> html classie8 no-js> !endif-->!--if (gte IE 9)|!(IE)>!--> html classno-js> !--!endif-->head> !-- begin meta --> meta charsetutf-8> meta http-equivX-UA-Compatible contentIE8, IE9, IE10> meta namedescription contentThe most effective on-hold program possible for your business.> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1, maximum-scale1> !-- end meta --> !-- begin CSS --> link hrefstyle.css typetext/css relstylesheet> !--if IE> link hrefcss/ie.css typetext/css relstylesheet> !endif--> link hrefcss/colors/orange.css typetext/css relstylesheet> !-- end CSS --> link hrefimages/favicon.ico typeimage/x-icon relshortcut icon> !-- begin JS --> script srcjs/jquery-1.7.2.min.js typetext/javascript>/script> !-- jQuery --> script srcjs/ie.js typetext/javascript>/script> !-- IE detection --> script srcjs/jquery.easing.1.3.js typetext/javascript>/script> !-- jQuery easing --> script srcjs/modernizr.custom.js typetext/javascript>/script> !-- Modernizr --> !--if IE 8>script srcjs/respond.min.js typetext/javascript>/script>!endif--> !-- Respond --> script srcjs/jquery.polyglot.language.switcher.js typetext/javascript>/script> !-- language switcher --> script srcjs/ddlevelsmenu.js typetext/javascript>/script> !-- drop-down menu --> script typetext/javascript> !-- drop-down menu --> ddlevelsmenu.setup(nav, topbar); 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srcmedia/4smc-home.mp3 typeaudio/mp3 controls preloadtrue autoplay>/audio> /div>/header>!-- end header --> !-- begin content --> section idcontent classcontainer clearfix> !-- begin slider --> section idslider-home> div classflex-container> div classflexslider> ul classslides> li> img srcimages/slider/slides/home-1.jpg althome 1> /li> li> img srcimages/slider/slides/home-2.jpg althome 2> /li> li> img srcimages/slider/slides/home-3.jpg althome 3> /li> li> img srcimages/slider/slides/home-4.jpg althome 4> /li> /ul> /div> /div> /section> !-- end slider --> !-- begin infobox --> section> div classinfobox> div classinfobox-inner> h2>Did you know that 57% of calls are put on hold?/h2> p>Its true! Up to 57% of calls are put or placed on hold. And the majority of callers are left on hold for up to one minute! This can add up to an estimated 3 weeks a year of hold time for your customers according to a survey taken by an independent research company./p> /div> /div> /section> !-- end infobox --> section stylemargin-bottom: 0px;> p>If you run a business, the way you have your customers spend that time is vital. There are many advantages to incorporating on hold marketing into your business. It causes your callers less stress and it leaves them with a positive first impression of your business./p> p>Whether you want to simply provide good customer service by decreasing perceived hold time, or you want to generate interest in other services you provide, on hold is the only move to make!/p> p>This is where we come in. We’re Sound Marketing Concepts, your award winning solution to on hold hang ups./p> p stylemargin-bottom: 0px;>a href target_index.htm>img srcimages/ohm-920px.png stylemargin-top: 40px;/>/a>/p> /section> /section> !-- end content --> !-- begin footer -->footer idfooter> div classcontainer> !-- begin footer top --> div idfooter-top> div classone-fourth> div classwidget> h3>About Us/h3> p>Sound Marketing Concepts provides the most effective on-hold program possible for your business./p> /div> /div> div classone-fourth> div classwidget latest-posts> /div> /div> div classone-fourth> div classwidget contact-info> h3>Massachusetts/h3> p classaddress>strong>Address:/strong> 6 Cooper Pond Road, Rowley, MA 01969/p> p classphone>strong>Phone:/strong> (978) 948-7688/p> p classemail>strong>Email:/strong> a>>/p> /div> /div> div classone-fourth column-last> div classwidget contact-info> !--h3>Connecticut/h3> p classaddress>strong>Address:/strong> 1800 Silas Deane Hwy Suite 7N, Rocky Hill, CT 06067/p> p classphone>strong>Phone:/strong> (860) 257-9367/p> p classfax>strong>Fax:/strong> (860) 257-9375/p> p classemail>strong>Email:/strong> a>>/p>--> /div> /div> /div> !-- end footer top --> !-- begin footer bottom --> div idfooter-bottom> div classone-half> p>Copyright © 2014 Sound Marketing Concepts./p> /div> div classone-half column-last> nav idfooter-nav> ul> li>a hrefindex.php>Home/a> ·/li> li>a hrefabout-us.php>About Us/a> ·/li> li>a hrefvoice-samples.php>Voice Samples/a> ·/li> li>a hrefmusic-samples.php>Music Samples/a> ·/li> li>a hrefequipment.php>Equipment/a> ·/li> li>a hrefcontact-us.php>Contact Us/a>/li> /ul> /nav> /div> /div> !-- end footer bottom --> /div>/footer>!-- end footer -->/div>!-- end container -->/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 22 Mar 2025 17:07:34 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeVary: Accept-EncodingTransfer-Encoding: chunkedContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8 !DOCTYPE HTML>!--if IE 8> html classie8 no-js> !endif-->!--if (gte IE 9)|!(IE)>!--> html classno-js> !--!endif-->head> !-- begin meta --> meta charsetutf-8> meta http-equivX-UA-Compatible contentIE8, IE9, IE10> meta namedescription contentThe most effective on-hold program possible for your business.> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1, maximum-scale1> !-- end meta --> !-- begin CSS --> link hrefstyle.css typetext/css relstylesheet> !--if IE> link hrefcss/ie.css typetext/css relstylesheet> !endif--> link hrefcss/colors/orange.css typetext/css relstylesheet> !-- end CSS --> link hrefimages/favicon.ico typeimage/x-icon relshortcut icon> !-- begin JS --> script srcjs/jquery-1.7.2.min.js typetext/javascript>/script> !-- jQuery --> script srcjs/ie.js typetext/javascript>/script> !-- IE detection --> script srcjs/jquery.easing.1.3.js typetext/javascript>/script> !-- jQuery easing --> script srcjs/modernizr.custom.js typetext/javascript>/script> !-- Modernizr --> !--if IE 8>script srcjs/respond.min.js typetext/javascript>/script>!endif--> !-- Respond --> script srcjs/jquery.polyglot.language.switcher.js typetext/javascript>/script> !-- language switcher --> script srcjs/ddlevelsmenu.js typetext/javascript>/script> !-- drop-down menu --> script typetext/javascript> !-- drop-down menu --> ddlevelsmenu.setup(nav, topbar); 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srcmedia/4smc-home.mp3 typeaudio/mp3 controls preloadtrue autoplay>/audio> /div>/header>!-- end header --> !-- begin content --> section idcontent classcontainer clearfix> !-- begin slider --> section idslider-home> div classflex-container> div classflexslider> ul classslides> li> img srcimages/slider/slides/home-1.jpg althome 1> /li> li> img srcimages/slider/slides/home-2.jpg althome 2> /li> li> img srcimages/slider/slides/home-3.jpg althome 3> /li> li> img srcimages/slider/slides/home-4.jpg althome 4> /li> /ul> /div> /div> /section> !-- end slider --> !-- begin infobox --> section> div classinfobox> div classinfobox-inner> h2>Did you know that 57% of calls are put on hold?/h2> p>Its true! Up to 57% of calls are put or placed on hold. And the majority of callers are left on hold for up to one minute! This can add up to an estimated 3 weeks a year of hold time for your customers according to a survey taken by an independent research company./p> /div> /div> /section> !-- end infobox --> section stylemargin-bottom: 0px;> p>If you run a business, the way you have your customers spend that time is vital. There are many advantages to incorporating on hold marketing into your business. It causes your callers less stress and it leaves them with a positive first impression of your business./p> p>Whether you want to simply provide good customer service by decreasing perceived hold time, or you want to generate interest in other services you provide, on hold is the only move to make!/p> p>This is where we come in. We’re Sound Marketing Concepts, your award winning solution to on hold hang ups./p> p stylemargin-bottom: 0px;>a href target_index.htm>img srcimages/ohm-920px.png stylemargin-top: 40px;/>/a>/p> /section> /section> !-- end content --> !-- begin footer -->footer idfooter> div classcontainer> !-- begin footer top --> div idfooter-top> div classone-fourth> div classwidget> h3>About Us/h3> p>Sound Marketing Concepts provides the most effective on-hold program possible for your business./p> /div> /div> div classone-fourth> div classwidget latest-posts> /div> /div> div classone-fourth> div classwidget contact-info> h3>Massachusetts/h3> p classaddress>strong>Address:/strong> 6 Cooper Pond Road, Rowley, MA 01969/p> p classphone>strong>Phone:/strong> (978) 948-7688/p> p classemail>strong>Email:/strong> a>>/p> /div> /div> div classone-fourth column-last> div classwidget contact-info> !--h3>Connecticut/h3> p classaddress>strong>Address:/strong> 1800 Silas Deane Hwy Suite 7N, Rocky Hill, CT 06067/p> p classphone>strong>Phone:/strong> (860) 257-9367/p> p classfax>strong>Fax:/strong> (860) 257-9375/p> p classemail>strong>Email:/strong> a>>/p>--> /div> /div> /div> !-- end footer top --> !-- begin footer bottom --> div idfooter-bottom> div classone-half> p>Copyright © 2014 Sound Marketing Concepts./p> /div> div classone-half column-last> nav idfooter-nav> ul> li>a hrefindex.php>Home/a> ·/li> li>a hrefabout-us.php>About Us/a> ·/li> li>a hrefvoice-samples.php>Voice Samples/a> ·/li> li>a hrefmusic-samples.php>Music Samples/a> ·/li> li>a hrefequipment.php>Equipment/a> ·/li> li>a hrefcontact-us.php>Contact Us/a>/li> /ul> /nav> /div> /div> !-- end footer bottom --> /div>/footer>!-- end footer -->/div>!-- end container -->/body>/html>
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