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272.704C724.544 262.24 678.272 256 599.584 256c-203.2 0-388.704 94.88-406.4 263.488C178.336 660.96 303.584 768 535.616 768c80.672 0 138.464-6.432 166.336-16z>/path> /symbol> symbol fillnone viewBox0 0 24 24 idicon-date-outline> path stroke-linejoinround stroke-linecapround stroke-miterlimit10 stroke-width2 dM21 22H3c-.55 0-1-.45-1-1v-9h20v9c0 .55-.45 1-1 1Z>/path> path dM17 5h4c.55 0 1 .45 1 1v6H2V6c0-.55.45-1 1-1h4>/path> path stroke-linejoinround stroke-linecapround stroke-miterlimit10 stroke-width2 dM17 5h4c.55 0 1 .45 1 1v6H2V6c0-.55.45-1 1-1h4M14 5h-4>/path> path stroke-miterlimit10 stroke-width2 dM15.5 8c-.83 0-1.5-.67-1.5-1.5v-3c0-.83.67-1.5 1.5-1.5s1.5.67 1.5 1.5v3c0 .83-.67 1.5-1.5 1.5ZM8.5 8C7.67 8 7 7.33 7 6.5v-3C7 2.67 7.67 2 8.5 2s1.5.67 1.5 1.5v3C10 7.33 9.33 8 8.5 8Z>/path> path stroke-linejoinround stroke-linecapround stroke-miterlimit10 stroke-width2 dM17.5 19h1M13.5 19h1M9.5 19h1M5.5 19h1M17.5 15h1M13.5 15h1M9.5 15h1M5.5 15h1>/path> /symbol> symbol viewBox0 0 24 24 idicon-date> path dM21 22H3c-.55 0-1-.45-1-1V11h20v10c0 .55-.45 1-1 1ZM17 5h4c.55 0 1 .45 1 1v5H2V6c0-.55.45-1 1-1h4>/path> path stroke-miterlimit10 stroke-width2 strokecurrentColor dM14 5v1.5c0 .83.67 1.5 1.5 1.5S17 7.33 17 6.5V5M7 5v1.5C7 7.33 7.67 8 8.5 8S10 7.33 10 6.5V5>/path> path dM8.5 8C7.67 8 7 7.33 7 6.5v-3C7 2.67 7.67 2 8.5 2s1.5.67 1.5 1.5v3C10 7.33 9.33 8 8.5 8Z>/path> path stroke-linejoinround stroke-linecapround stroke-miterlimit10 stroke-width2 stroke#221b38 dM17.5 19h1M13.5 19h1M9.5 19h1M5.5 19h1M17.5 15h1M13.5 15h1M9.5 15h1M5.5 15h1>/path> path stroke-linejoinround stroke-miterlimit10 stroke-width2 stroke#221b38 dM22 11H2>/path> path dM15.5 8c-.83 0-1.5-.67-1.5-1.5v-3c0-.83.67-1.5 1.5-1.5s1.5.67 1.5 1.5v3c0 .83-.67 1.5-1.5 1.5Z>/path> /symbol> symbol viewBox0 0 24 24 idicon-dots> path dM12 14a2 2 0 1 0 0-4 2 2 0 0 0 0 4ZM19 14a2 2 0 1 0 0-4 2 2 0 0 0 0 4ZM5 14a2 2 0 1 0 0-4 2 2 0 0 0 0 4Z>/path> /symbol> symbol viewBox0 0 800 600 fillnone idicon-empty-search> path dM183.718 292.003s-13.595 28.135-17.541 22.432c-2.545-3.678-1.164-10.804-1.164-10.804s-17.941 22.245-22.234 18.207c-4.292-4.038-7.703-23.387-2.245-28.635 5.35-5.144 23.504-21.682 29.481-18.908 5.976 2.774 13.703 17.708 13.703 17.708Z fill#F2DEB8>/path> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM146.389 296.493a.529.529 0 0 1 .661.825l-.33-.412-.331-.413Zm-8.922 8.478c-.272.216-.477.377-.526.409a.528.528 0 0 1-.586-.879l.018-.014.096-.075a406.086 406.086 0 0 0 1.509-1.197c.954-.759 2.206-1.759 3.452-2.755l3.414-2.73 1.545-1.237.331.413.33.412-1.546 1.237-3.414 2.73c-1.247.996-2.5 1.997-3.454 2.756l-1.169.93ZM148.233 301.461a.529.529 0 0 1 .659.826l-.329-.413-.33-.413Zm-11.644 10.632c-.088.069-.172.135-.206.158a.529.529 0 0 1-.586-.879l.025-.02.115-.09.419-.33 1.439-1.143c1.179-.938 2.731-2.176 4.278-3.41l4.24-3.384 1.92-1.534.33.413.329.413-1.92 1.534a21372.466 21372.466 0 0 1-8.519 6.794 1189.056 1189.056 0 0 1-1.864 1.478ZM150.076 306.43a.528.528 0 1 1 .659.825l-.329-.412-.33-.413Zm-11.644 10.632a6.248 6.248 0 0 1-. 0 0 1-.586-.879l.025-.02.115-.09.419-.331 1.439-1.143c1.179-.937 2.731-2.175 4.278-3.409l4.24-3.384 1.92-1.534.33.413.329.412-1.92 1.534-4.24 3.385c-1.547 1.234-3.1 2.472-4.279 3.41l-1.441 1.145-.423.333Z fill#C4B6FF>/path> path dM300.475 569.508a1.684 1.684 0 1 0 0-3.371 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.371ZM428.967 572.972a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.372 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.372ZM221.396 580.832a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 .001-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0-.001 3.37ZM218.025 574.565a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.372 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.372ZM94.72 575.776a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.372 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.372ZM442.962 575.097a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 0-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0 0 3.37ZM235.218 567.823a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 0-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0 0 3.37ZM412.79 571.194a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.372 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.372ZM458.803 579.571a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 0-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0 0 3.37ZM399.5 580.275a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 .001-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0-.001 3.37ZM233.532 577.461a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 .001-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0-.001 3.37ZM262.29 572.202a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 0-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0 0 3.37ZM276.467 569.508a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 .001-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0-.001 3.37ZM550.308 575.097a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 .001-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0-.001 3.37ZM209.867 578.589a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 .001-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0-.001 3.37ZM422.533 581.257a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 0-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0 0 3.37ZM201.446 572.879a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 .001-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0-.001 3.37ZM191.417 580.832a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 .001-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0-.001 3.37ZM145.618 575.097a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 .001-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0-.001 3.37ZM504.674 574.658a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.372 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.372ZM289.514 569.508a1.684 1.684 0 1 0 0-3.371 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.371ZM254.883 578.302a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.372 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.372ZM155.364 579.825a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 0-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0 0 3.37ZM249.567 569.508a1.684 1.684 0 1 0 0-3.371 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.371ZM245.328 579.988a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.372 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.372ZM467.78 565.081a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 0-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0 0 3.37ZM449.955 564.24a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 0-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0 0 3.37ZM476.702 573.813a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 0-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0 0 3.37ZM484.763 565.081a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.372 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.372ZM133.467 580.832a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 .001-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0-.001 3.37ZM123.165 575.776a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.372 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.372ZM281.267 578.302a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 0-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0 0 3.37ZM497.689 565.081a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.372 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.372ZM519.006 565.081a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.372 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.372ZM535.071 562.554a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 0-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0 0 3.37ZM271.288 577.461a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 .001-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0-.001 3.37ZM535.958 572.972a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.372 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.372ZM168.841 576.783a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 0-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0 0 3.37ZM183.952 572.879a1.684 1.684 0 1 0 0-3.371 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.371ZM585.378 564.24a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.372 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.372ZM328.387 580.832a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 .001-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0-.001 3.37ZM57.48 576.783a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.372 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.372ZM74.664 579.988a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.372 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.372ZM350.374 579.988a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 0-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0 0 3.37ZM492.806 577.461a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 .001-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0-.001 3.37ZM318.544 572.202a1.684 1.684 0 1 0 0-3.371 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.371ZM338.414 572.202a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 .001-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0-.001 3.37ZM303.846 577.461a1.684 1.684 0 1 0 0-3.371 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.371ZM294.405 577.461a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 .001-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0-.001 3.37ZM599.404 572.972a1.686 1.686 0 1 0-.002-3.372 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 .002 3.372ZM356.24 567.823a1.686 1.686 0 1 0-.002-3.372 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 .002 3.372ZM374.443 570.517a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.372 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.372ZM365.161 578.302a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.372 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.372ZM384.243 571.194a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.372 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.372ZM108.076 580.275a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 .001-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0-.001 3.37ZM556.946 564.24a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 0-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0 0 3.37ZM567.681 572.972a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 0-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0 0 3.37ZM583.693 573.813a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 0-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0 0 3.37ZM388.258 578.302a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 0-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0 0 3.37ZM608.475 562.554a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 0-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0 0 3.37ZM455.116 63.621a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 0-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0 0 3.37ZM583.608 67.085a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.372 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.372ZM376.037 74.945a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.371 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.371ZM372.666 68.678a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.372 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.372ZM249.361 69.889a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.372 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.372ZM597.603 69.21a1.686 1.686 0 1 0-.001-3.371 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 .001 3.371ZM389.859 61.936a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 0-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0 0 3.37ZM567.431 65.307a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.372 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.372ZM613.444 73.684a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 0-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0 0 3.37ZM554.141 74.388a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.372 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.372ZM388.173 71.574a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.371 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.371ZM416.93 66.315a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.371 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.371ZM431.108 63.621a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.371 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.371ZM704.949 69.21a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.371 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.371ZM364.508 72.702a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.371 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.371ZM577.174 75.37a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 0-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0 0 3.37ZM356.087 66.992a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.372 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.372ZM346.058 74.945a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.371 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.371ZM300.259 69.21a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.371 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.371ZM659.315 68.77a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.372 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.372ZM444.155 63.621a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 0-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0 0 3.37ZM409.524 72.415a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.372 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.372ZM310.005 73.938a1.686 1.686 0 1 0-.001-3.371 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 .001 3.371ZM404.208 63.621a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 0-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0 0 3.37ZM399.969 74.1a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.371 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.372ZM622.421 59.194a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 0-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0 0 3.37ZM604.596 58.353a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 0-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0 0 3.37ZM631.343 67.925a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 0-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0 0 3.37ZM639.404 59.194a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.372 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.372ZM288.108 74.945a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.371 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.371ZM277.806 69.889a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.372 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.372ZM435.908 72.415a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 0-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0 0 3.37ZM652.33 59.194a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.372 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.372ZM673.647 59.194a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 0-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0 0 3.37ZM689.712 56.667a1.686 1.686 0 1 0-.001-3.371 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 .001 3.371ZM425.929 71.574a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.371 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.371ZM690.599 67.085a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.372 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.372ZM323.482 70.896a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 0-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0 0 3.37ZM338.593 66.992a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 0-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0 0 3.37ZM740.019 58.353a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.372 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.372ZM483.028 74.945a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.371 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.371ZM212.121 70.896a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.372 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.372ZM229.305 74.1a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.371 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.372ZM505.015 74.1a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 0-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0 0 3.37ZM647.447 71.574a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.371 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.371ZM473.185 66.315a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 0-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0 0 3.37ZM493.055 66.315a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.371 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.371ZM458.487 71.574a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 0-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0 0 3.37ZM449.046 71.574a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.371 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.371ZM754.044 67.085a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.372 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.372ZM510.881 61.936a1.686 1.686 0 1 0-.001-3.372 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 .001 3.372ZM529.084 64.63a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.372 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.372ZM519.802 72.415a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.372 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.372ZM538.884 65.307a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.372 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.372ZM262.717 74.388a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 0-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0 0 3.37ZM711.587 58.353a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 0-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0 0 3.37ZM722.322 67.085a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 0-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0 0 3.37ZM738.334 67.925a1.685 1.685 0 1 0 0-3.37 1.685 1.685 0 0 0 0 3.37ZM542.899 72.415a1.686 1.686 0 1 0-.001-3.371 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 .001 3.371ZM763.115 56.667a1.686 1.686 0 1 0 0-3.371 1.686 1.686 0 0 0 0 3.371Z fill#C4B6FF>/path> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dm49.352 44.155 45.533-22.198 22.199 45.534L71.55 89.689 49.352 44.155Zm1.412.487 21.273 43.634 43.634-21.272-21.272-43.635-43.635 21.273Z fill#C4B6FF>/path> path dm313.519 431.34-13.717 6.688 6.688 13.717 13.717-6.687-6.688-13.718Z fill#B5CDFB>/path> path dm741.69 106.963-19.677 9.593 9.593 19.677 19.677-9.593-9.593-19.677ZM742.095 331.582c0 33.019-8.302 64.105-22.942 91.273-.053.095-.095.18-.148.274C686.43 483.39 622.663 524.32 549.357 524.32c-106.44 0-192.738-86.287-192.738-192.738 0-10.795.888-21.389 2.599-31.72.063-.422.137-.834.211-1.257 14.862-86.192 86.973-152.789 175.774-159.233a190.46 190.46 0 0 1 14.154-.517c58.169 0 110.317 25.762 145.65 66.503 29.343 33.822 47.088 77.953 47.088 126.224Z fill#C4B6FF>/path> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM549.353 127.993c-5.034 0-10.021.179-14.951.547h-.003c-93.805 6.806-169.983 77.159-185.683 168.209a204.979 204.979 0 0 0-2.968 34.837c0 112.454 91.163 203.605 203.605 203.605 77.559 0 145-43.37 179.369-107.187 15.465-28.698 24.235-61.535 24.235-96.418 0-50.993-18.745-97.611-49.743-133.34l.798-.692-.798.692c-37.326-43.039-92.413-70.253-153.861-70.253Zm-15.108-1.56a203.05 203.05 0 0 1 15.108-.552c62.086 0 117.747 27.499 155.457 70.981 31.318 36.098 50.26 83.203 50.26 134.724 0 35.241-8.862 68.422-24.488 97.42-34.723 64.474-102.862 108.298-181.229 108.298-113.609 0-205.717-92.098-205.717-205.718 0-11.994 1.025-23.752 2.998-35.196l1.041.18-1.041-.18c15.863-91.997 92.829-163.079 187.611-169.957Z fill#C4B6FF>/path> path dM719.005 423.131c-32.575 60.26-96.342 101.19-169.648 101.19-106.44 0-192.738-86.287-192.738-192.737 0-10.796.888-21.39 2.599-31.721.528.106 1.056.243 1.584.412 0 0 43.54-28.276 91.019 13.236 47.48 41.5 37.339 157.511 97.969 137.083 60.62-20.428 72.059-31.044 95.751-29.418 23.682 1.637 45.188 6.539 49.149-6.538 3.359-11.091 19.604 3.591 24.315 8.493Z fill#B5CDFB>/path> path dM681.927 331.513c14.27 14.651 8.946 39.093-10.12 46.497-9.506 3.687-18.759 6.708-25.192 7.51-19.414 2.43-38.839 9.718-55.824-28.72-16.995-38.427-40.455-7.679-59.869-26.269-19.425-18.58 34.783-55.845 42.187-127.851 7.405-72.006-23.586-14.566-35.226-16.183-7.521-1.045-5.324-28.086-2.82-47.099.073-.01.137-.021.211-.021 4.573-.348 9.316-.517 14.08-.517a191.612 191.612 0 0 1 144.656 65.921c-12.538 5.968-25.287 10.215-32.829 13.109-18.611 7.13-18.611 48.705-20.924 60.841-1.31 6.866 21.569 32.142 41.67 52.782Z fill#B5CDFB>/path> path dM483.528 149.435c.172-1.166.29-2.348.29-3.561 0-13.408-10.869-24.276-24.276-24.276h-9.012c-13.408 0-24.276 10.868-24.276 24.276h-14.453c-13.407 0-24.276 10.869-24.276 24.276s10.869 24.276 24.276 24.276h59.117c13.408 0 24.276-10.869 24.276-24.276 0-8.783-4.68-16.453-11.666-20.715ZM767.782 385.419h-54.104c-12.271 0-22.218-9.948-22.218-22.218s9.947-22.218 22.218-22.218h54.104c12.271 0 22.218 9.948 22.218 22.218s-9.947 22.218-22.218 22.218Z fill#7D55FF>/path> path dM749.007 363.201h-8.248c-12.27 0-22.217-9.947-22.217-22.218 0-12.27 9.947-22.217 22.217-22.217h8.248c12.271 0 22.218 9.947 22.218 22.217 0 12.271-9.947 22.218-22.218 22.218ZM593.307 173.054c-6.605 0-11.959 5.354-11.959 11.963 0 4.308 11.959 27.272 11.959 27.272s11.963-23.706 11.963-27.272c0-6.609-5.354-11.963-11.963-11.963Zm0 17.642a6.582 6.582 0 0 1 0-13.164 6.584 6.584 0 0 1 6.587 6.582 6.584 6.584 0 0 1-6.587 6.582ZM593.309 217.21c4.029 0 7.295-.868 7.295-1.939 0-1.07-3.266-1.938-7.295-1.938s-7.295.868-7.295 1.938c0 1.071 3.266 1.939 7.295 1.939ZM390.896 381.897c-6.605 0-11.959 5.353-11.959 11.963 0 4.308 11.959 27.272 11.959 27.272s11.963-23.706 11.963-27.272c0-6.61-5.354-11.963-11.963-11.963Zm0 17.642a6.582 6.582 0 0 1 0-13.164 6.583 6.583 0 1 1 0 13.164ZM390.898 426.053c4.029 0 7.295-.868 7.295-1.939 0-1.071-3.266-1.939-7.295-1.939s-7.295.868-7.295 1.939c0 1.071 3.266 1.939 7.295 1.939ZM470.907 200.075a7.18 7.18 0 0 0-7.18 7.184c0 2.587 7.18 16.376 7.18 16.376s7.184-14.235 7.184-16.376a7.182 7.182 0 0 0-7.184-7.184Zm0 10.594a3.953 3.953 0 1 1 .002-7.906 3.953 3.953 0 0 1-.002 7.906ZM470.909 226.589c2.419 0 4.38-.521 4.38-1.164 0-.643-1.961-1.165-4.38-1.165-2.42 0-4.381.522-4.381 1.165s1.961 1.164 4.381 1.164Z fill#7D55FF>/path> path dM344.259 224.019c-.349 2.665-1.716 9.591-3.642 10.909-1.926 1.318-2.16-.862-3.637-.709 fill#414042>/path> path dM304.058 215.153c-4.32 8.095-13.697 17.8-18.176 26.857-4.48 9.058 8.765 21.757 22.773 19.233 5.058-.911 8.471-10.202 10.55-15.965 fill#F2DEB8>/path> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM304.307 214.687a.527.527 0 0 1 .217.714c-2.032 3.808-5.164 7.958-8.355 12.186l-.717.951c-3.449 4.577-6.882 9.229-9.097 13.706-2.085 4.217-.092 9.41 4.331 13.331 4.398 3.898 11.051 6.378 17.875 5.148 1.119-.201 2.187-.874 3.206-1.918 1.018-1.042 1.957-2.424 2.818-3.981 1.722-3.114 3.081-6.839 4.123-9.725a.528.528 0 1 1 .993.358c-1.037 2.876-2.423 6.679-4.192 9.878-.885 1.601-1.877 3.072-2.986 4.208-1.109 1.135-2.364 1.965-3.775 2.22-7.184 1.294-14.157-1.314-18.763-5.398-4.582-4.062-6.971-9.748-4.577-14.589 2.266-4.58 5.761-9.309 9.2-13.873.234-.312.469-.622.702-.931 3.208-4.252 6.291-8.337 8.282-12.068a.528.528 0 0 1 .715-.217Z fill#414042>/path> path dM317.53 244.477c1.895.766 6.731 3.853 9.214 2.831 7.809-3.216 16.436-19.559 19.901-27.712 1.453-3.419 1.356-5.401 2.561-8.529l-23.713-11.928-11.413-3.426-5.844-.45.99 8.885-2.785 1.983-1.362 3.812-.798 3.542 fill#F2DEB8>/path> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dm307.641 194.687 6.537.504 11.511 3.456 24.182 12.163-.172.447c-.541 1.403-.812 2.566-1.093 3.772l-.073.314c-.31 1.323-.658 2.708-1.402 4.46-1.742 4.098-4.779 10.25-8.364 15.788-1.793 2.768-3.731 5.395-5.72 7.536-1.982 2.135-4.047 3.823-6.102 4.669-.758.312-1.644.293-2.52.127-.885-.167-1.82-.497-2.714-.873a42.553 42.553 0 0 1-2.528-1.192l-.239-.12c-.664-.334-1.211-.61-1.612-.772a.528.528 0 1 1 .396-.979c.444.18 1.035.477 1.685.804l.244.123c.758.381 1.604.8 2.464 1.162.863.364 1.72.662 1.437.133 1.921-.067 1.85-.761 3.792-2.322 5.731-4.411 1.934-2.081 3.834-4.654 5.607-7.392 3.546-5.476 6.556-11.572 8.279-15.627.709-1.667 1.04-2.983 1.345-4.287l.075-.318c.251-1.079.507-2.179.967-3.458l-23.249-11.694-11.314-3.396-5.151-.398.953 8.56-2.902 2.067-1.295 3.625-.792 3.511a.528.528 0 0 1-1.03-.232l.805-3.574 1.429-3.998 2.667-1.899-1.026-9.211Z fill#414042>/path> path dM326.308 238.391c. 0 0 0 .396-.474.441.441 0 0 0-.474-.412.422.422 0 0 0-.397.473Z fill#231F20>/path> path dm326.738 237.917-.033.001a.422.422 0 0 0-.397.473.443.443 0 0 0 .442.414l.033-.001a.423.423 0 0 0 .396-.474.441.441 0 0 0-.441-.413Z fill#414042>/path> path dM328.999 240.642a.443.443 0 0 0 .478.409.424.424 0 0 0 .397-.474.442.442 0 0 0-.478-.409.425.425 0 0 0-.397.474Z fill#231F20>/path> path dm329.433 240.167-.037.001a.424.424 0 0 0-.397.474c. 0 0 0 .397-.474.441.441 0 0 0-.441-.41Z fill#414042>/path> path dM331.073 241.827a.442.442 0 0 0 .478.409.422.422 0 0 0 .396-.473.44.44 0 0 0-.477-.409.422.422 0 0 0-.397.473Z fill#231F20>/path> path dm331.505 241.352-.035.002a.422.422 0 0 0-.397.473.44.44 0 0 0 .443.41l.035-.001a.422.422 0 0 0 .396-.473.442.442 0 0 0-.442-.411Z fill#414042>/path> path dM327.222 244.012a.442.442 0 0 0 .478.409.422.422 0 0 0 .397-.473.442.442 0 0 0-.478-.409.424.424 0 0 0-.397.473Z fill#231F20>/path> path dm327.655 243.537-.036.002a.424.424 0 0 0-.397.473c. 0 0 0 .397-.473.442.442 0 0 0-.442-.411Z fill#414042>/path> path dM336.161 231.256c. 0 0 0 .399-.471.443.443 0 0 0-.48-.408.424.424 0 0 0-.398.471Z fill#231F20>/path> path dm336.594 230.785-.035.001a.422.422 0 0 0-.398.47.443.443 0 0 0 .445.409l.034-.001a.423.423 0 0 0 .399-.471.442.442 0 0 0-.445-.408Z fill#414042>/path> path dM326.34 233.945c. 0 0 0 .398-.471.443.443 0 0 0-.48-.408.422.422 0 0 0-.398.471Z fill#231F20>/path> path dm326.774 233.473-.036.001a.422.422 0 0 0-.398.471.442.442 0 0 0 .446.409l.034-.001a.421.421 0 0 0 .398-.471.442.442 0 0 0-.444-.409Z fill#414042>/path> path dM334.355 234.393a.44.44 0 0 0 .478.409c.25-.02.419-.23.396-.479a.439.439 0 0 0-.477-.408.428.428 0 0 0-.397.478Z fill#231F20>/path> path dm334.791 233.914-.039.001a.427.427 0 0 0-.397.478.44.44 0 0 0 .44.41l.038-.002a.427.427 0 0 0 .396-.478.438.438 0 0 0-.438-.409Z fill#414042>/path> path dM330.463 231.702a.44.44 0 0 0 .478.407.424.424 0 0 0 .395-.476.44.44 0 0 0-.478-.407.425.425 0 0 0-.395.476Z fill#231F20>/path> path dm330.896 231.225-.038.001a.425.425 0 0 0-.395.476.44.44 0 0 0 .441.408l.037-.001a.424.424 0 0 0 .395-.476.439.439 0 0 0-.44-.408Z fill#414042>/path> path dM330.021 235.276a.445.445 0 0 0 .479.411.422.422 0 0 0 .398-.472.445.445 0 0 0-.479-.411.422.422 0 0 0-.398.472Z fill#231F20>/path> path dm330.453 234.803-.034.001a.422.422 0 0 0-.398.472.444.444 0 0 0 .446.412l.033-.001a.422.422 0 0 0 .398-.472.444.444 0 0 0-.445-.412Z fill#414042>/path> path dM332.101 237.552a.44.44 0 0 0 .478.409.428.428 0 0 0 .396-.479.438.438 0 0 0-.477-.408.427.427 0 0 0-.397.478Z fill#231F20>/path> path dm332.536 237.072-.038.001a.429.429 0 0 0-.397.479.44.44 0 0 0 .478.408.426.426 0 0 0 .396-.478.44.44 0 0 0-.439-.41Z fill#414042>/path> path dM333.113 239.397c. 0 0 0 .397-.478.44.44 0 0 0-.478-.409.427.427 0 0 0-.396.478Z fill#231F20>/path> path dm333.547 238.918-.038.001a.427.427 0 0 0-.396.478.439.439 0 0 0 .477.409.427.427 0 0 0 .397-.478.44.44 0 0 0-.44-.41Z fill#414042>/path> path dM324.737 242.267a.44.44 0 0 0 .479.405.422.422 0 0 0 .399-.47.44.44 0 0 0-.479-.406.424.424 0 0 0-.399.471Z fill#231F20>/path> path dm325.172 241.795-.036.001a.423.423 0 0 0-.399.471.44.44 0 0 0 .444.407c.012 0 .023 0 .035-.002a.422.422 0 0 0 .399-.47.44.44 0 0 0-.443-.407ZM365.804 204.862c-3.654 3.935-3.586 2.297-6.577 5.106-.54 4.163-1.875 7.449-6.368 7.243-2.213.125-4.105-.129-6.319 0-1.613 1.834-4.618 4.968-6.301 6.635-.785.777-1.703-1.27-1.744-2.074-.147-2.874-.085-10.253-.085-11.983 0-1.729-.016-.487-.039-.565-.672-2.257-6.095-4.151-7.326-4.572-6.027-2.059-13.132-3.654-17.397-7.906-.379-.378-.197-.451-.321-.536-.917-.628-1.54-1.624-2.683-.124-1.143 1.5-2.739 4.879-3.977 6.738-.042 1.23-6.475 9.327-6.397 8.886-.125-4.2 6.916-32.117 10.518-31.554 3.602.564 7.03 2.929 7.857 1.367 3.756-7.088 9.092-6.974 15.725- 2.441 1.102 3.702 1.458 8.157 2.3 19.404 5.481 27.422 1.124-1.102 3.396-2.22 6.793-3.323 10.182 5.503-.143 9.449-3.394 13.371-6.682-1.569 6.413-6.084 18.232-9.738 22.167Z fill#414042>/path> path dM336.422 226.536c.139.856-2.466 1.905-3.244 1.776-5.78-.961-2.954-10.601 1.885-11.069 3.986-.385 5.107 2.805 3.06 5.443-.091.118-.194.217-.271.344 fill#F2DEB8>/path> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM338.38 219.061c-.396-.817-1.414-1.471-3.267-1.292l-.05-.526.05.526c-1.037.1-2.005.696-2.8 1.612-.794.914-1.383 2.113-1.66 3.328-.277 1.221-.229 2.406.182 3.316.399.883 1.156 1.554 2.43 1.765.076.013.292-.001.632-.091a5.906 5.906 0 0 0 1.017-.382c.342-.164.628-.345.813-.514.135-.124.164-.191.17-.207a.528.528 0 0 1 1.046-.145c.081.497-.243.893-.503 1.131-.289.265-.677.498-1.066.687-.395.19-.82.348-1.205.45-.363.097-.765.165-1.077.113l.086-.521-.086.521c-1.617-.268-2.674-1.163-3.22-2.372-.533-1.182-.56-2.617-.249-3.985.313-1.373.976-2.732 1.892-3.787.915-1.053 2.114-1.837 3.497-1.971 2.133-.206 3.669.542 4.318 1.883.636 1.313.317 2.984-.79 4.409l-.415-.322.415.322a3.363 3.363 0 0 1-. 0 0 0-.081.107.528.528 0 1 1-.905-.545 1.95 1.95 0 0 1 .178-.243l.054-.063a1.74 1.74 0 0 0 .074-.089c.941-1.213 1.084-2.455.674-3.301Z fill#414042>/path> path dm336.6 219.075-2.42-.01 2.42.01Z fill#fff>/path> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM333.784 219.063a.396.396 0 0 1 .398-.394l2.42.01a.396.396 0 0 1-.004.792l-2.42-.01a.396.396 0 0 1-.394-.398Z fill#414042>/path> path dM336.981 221.6c-.573-.004-1.146-.005-1.718-.009l1.718.009Z fill#fff>/path> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM334.867 221.589a.396.396 0 0 1 .398-.394l.899.005.819.004a.396.396 0 1 1-.005.792l-.814-.004-.904-.004a.396.396 0 0 1-.393-.399Z fill#414042>/path> path dM304.217 193.861s-11.348 29.678-8.314 34.322c3.034 4.644 16.233 11.364 24.324 6.915 8.091-4.45 9.491-7.41 9.649-11.079.143-3.309 2.605-7.179 6.246-6.808 3.64.371 4.399 5.016 4.399 5.016s6.472-2.831 7.686-8.899c1.214-6.068 2.427-20.961-13.754-18.065-16.181 2.895-30.236-1.402-30.236-1.402ZM316.425 252.273l-2.101-3.468a5.199 5.199 0 0 1 .667-6.264l4.665 2.364-3.231 7.368Z fill#414042>/path> path dm142.781 521.392 11.906-11.315 9.863 14.462-11.703 11.734-12.392-2.379-2.427-7.686 4.753-4.816Z fill#F2DEB8>/path> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM141.752 541.193a2.113 2.113 0 0 1 2.614-1.446c3.375.972 4.796 3.149 5.796 1.494 1.277 2.447 2.417 3.164a2.112 2.112 0 0 1-2.246 3.578c-2.19-1.375-3.234-3.429-3.977-4.891-.106-.208-.206-.405-.302-.586-.793-1.489-1.489-2.448-3.234-2.95a2.113 2.113 0 0 1-1.446-2.615ZM138.619 553.04a2.113 2.113 0 0 1 2.948.489c1.188 1.662 2.399 2.729 3.769 3.724.577.419 1.165.813 1.813 1.248l.458.307c.818.551 1.705 1.16 2.644 1.882a2.113 2.113 0 0 1-2.576 3.349 46.796 46.796 0 0 0-2.428-1.726l-.427-.286c-.651-.438-1.32-.886-1.966-1.355-1.624-1.179-3.201-2.554-4.724-4.685a2.112 2.112 0 0 1 .489-2.947Z fill#7D55FF>/path> path dM130.102 582.348c-2.389-.386-3.513-1.496-5.05-2.453 12.563-9.576 12.731-38.717 6.273-49.832-2.615-4.5-3.245-3.305-7.698-5.265 1.212-.396 1.667-.776 3.023-1.14 4.754-1.279 9.906-2.908 14.99-2.554. 2.048.558 2.342 2.677.543 3.583-.021 1.633-.527 3.952 1.368 6.387 2.232 2.868 3.73 1.447 6.754 3.579.403 5.622-7.75 20.823-8.709 28.09-1.109 8.393-5.195 19.683-14.242 18.218Z fill#C4B6FF>/path> path dM125.13 579.881c-.039.029-.075.015-.078.014-.277-.141-2.599-1.455-3.338-2.25-2.231-2.404-5.478-6.807-3.503-12.643 3.007-8.887 5.213-17.98 2.38-27.105-1.944-6.259-1.984-12.045 3.438-13.148 2.84-.578 5.396.398 7.719 5.312 5.507 11.653 5.835 40.197-6.618 49.82Z fill#F0F1F1>/path> path dM125.571 562.376c-. 1.1-3.252 1.908-6.58.871-9.919-.711-2.291-.726-4.409 1.258-4.812 1.04-.212 1.975.145 2.825 1.944 2.016 4.265 2.136 14.711-2.422 18.233Z fill#B5CDFB>/path> path dm74.698 493.72 13.601-9.208 7.356 15.884-13.358 9.589-11.945-4.315-1.133-7.98 5.479-3.97Z fill#F2DEB8>/path> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM70.433 513.082a2.112 2.112 0 0 1 2.816-.997c3.17 1.512 4.215 3.893 4.892 5.908. 1.602.858 2.623 1.866 3.517a2.113 2.113 0 0 1-2.804 3.161c-1.934-1.715-2.626-3.913-3.12-5.476-.07-.224-.136-.434-.201-.628-.538-1.6-1.068-2.66-2.707-3.442a2.112 2.112 0 0 1-.997-2.816ZM65.399 524.254a2.112 2.112 0 0 1 2.827.967c.899 1.834 1.918 3.085 3.107 1.016.993 1.584 1.528l.4.378a50.582 50.582 0 0 1 2.3 2.29 2.113 2.113 0 0 1-3.091 2.881 46.311 46.311 0 0 0-2.112-2.101l-.373-.352a63.938 63.938 0 0 1-1.718-1.659c-1.408-1.43-2.738-3.045-3.891-5.397a2.113 2.113 0 0 1 .967-2.827Z fill#7D55FF>/path> path dM52.83 551.462c-2.293-.773-3.092-1.696-5.031-3.014 13.964-7.383 18.721-36.032 14.175-48.056-1.84-4.869-2.658-3.793-6.729-6.457 1.26-.192 1.771-.492 3.169-.629 4.9-.481 10.249-1.243 15.205-. 1.928.886 2.124 1.499.196.612-.066-.383. 2.731-.053 3.622-.289 1.608-1.168 3.812.301 6.525 1.732 3.196 3.442 2.04 6.076 4.64-.526 5.612-11.063 19.268-13.202 26.279-2.47 8.098-7.711 18.258-16.395 15.329Z fill#C4B6FF>/path> path dM47.799 548.448c-. 4.425-8.272 8.093-16.88 6.796-26.347-.89-6.492.02-12.207 5.55-12.405 2.895-.104 5.257 1.278 6.742 6.507 3.52 12.399-.841 40.61-14.704 48.058Z fill#F0F1F1>/path> path dM50.886 531.808c-. 0 .024-.095-.071-.925-.769-1.153-1.086-.735-1.022-1.646-2.924-.53-5.01 1.699-3.177 3.108-6.482 2.61-10.117-.342-2.493.007-4.688 2.13-4.764 1.113-.04 2.02.491 2.59 2.499 1.351 4.761-.323 15.594-5.647 18.454Z fill#B5CDFB>/path> path dM260.087 233.913s15.029 2.915 27.704 5.611c12.676 2.697 54.512 23.505 61.057 41.506 2.803 7.709-19.554 15.17-19.85 15.608-.297.439-82.486-23.403-82.486-23.403l13.575-39.322ZM656.37 462.908l-7.155-5.582 2.683-.619 4.55 3.815 7.155-5.827 7.156 5.827 7.157-5.827 7.152 5.827 7.156-5.827 7.155 5.827 7.156-5.827 7.079 5.603 7.143-5.603 7.121 5.603 7.444-5.42 5.692 6.226-1.581.681-4.111-4.46-6.863 4.675-7.551-4.751-7.294 5.659-7.157-5.582-7.156 5.582-7.155-5.582-7.155 5.582-7.153-5.582-7.157 5.582-7.156-5.582-7.155 5.582ZM678.476 476.43l-7.155-5.582 2.682-.619 4.55 3.815 7.156-5.827 7.156 5.827 7.157-5.827 7.152 5.827 7.156-5.827 7.155 5.827 7.155-5.827 7.08 5.603 7.142-5.603 7.122 5.603 7.444-5.42 5.692 6.226-1.581.681-4.111-4.46-6.863 4.675-7.551-4.751-7.294 5.659-7.157-5.582-7.156 5.582-7.155-5.582-7.156 5.582-7.152-5.582-7.157 5.582-7.156-5.582-7.155 5.582Z fill#C4B6FF>/path> path dM420.35 327.382s27.569-8.4 26.176-2.158c-.899 4.027-6.591 7.552-6.591 7.552s26.299-1.77 26.251 3.666c-.048 5.435-11.022 19.857-17.993 19.444-6.833-.404-29.4-2.351-31.262-8.136-1.862-5.785 3.419-20.368 3.419-20.368Z fill#F2DEB8>/path> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dm162.769 423.719 39.689-67.506 24.585 14.455-42.777 72.756-92.78 66.024-16.536-23.237 87.819-62.492Z fill#7D55FF>/path> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dm206.647 344.315 35.937 15.762 27.287 14.853-13.635 25.049-26.22-14.273-34.824-15.274 11.455-26.117Z fill#7D55FF>/path> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dm264.645 383.323-33.719 78.152-65.9 70.054-20.773-19.541 62.47-66.408 31.736-73.555 26.186 11.298Z fill#7D55FF>/path> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dm251.839 271.104-.099.001a1242.121 1242.121 0 0 0-15.327.269c-4.253.103-8.391.234-11.491.395l-.096.005-41.812 29.768-22.054-30.978 45.964-32.724.135-.092a19.795 19.795 0 0 1 5.733-2.69l.045-.013a23.554 23.554 0 0 1 2.283-.523 36.96 36.96 0 0 1 2.737-.368c1.522-.153 3.319-.268 5.1-.36 3.631-.188 8.186-.329 12.534-.435a1279.184 1279.184 0 0 1 15.804-.277l.871-.01c5.375-.337 9.755.737 13.926 2.589l.64.284 77.215 41.332a35.094 35.094 0 0 1 10.914 9.109l.318.4 19.079 26.866 51.995 5.858-4.257 37.786-68.894-7.761-27.756-39.084-73.507-39.347Z fill#C4B6FF>/path> path dM324.73 309.993c-9.601 27.368-40.328 69.281-45.493 74.225-3.898 3.728-23.207-5.694-41.903-16.573a513.763 513.763 0 0 1-22.942-14.207c-6.126-4.035-10.975-7.458-13.478-9.475-11.323-9.147 54.831-87.977 54.831-87.977l23.565 10.805 21.749 9.972 16.985 7.795s10.457 14.704 6.686 25.435Z fill#C4B6FF>/path> path dm223.589 355.171 5.393 3.038c14.496 8.164 32.865 3.032 41.03-11.464l26.374-46.826c8.165-14.496 3.032-32.866-11.463-41.031l-5.394-3.037c-6.99-3.938-15.849-1.462-19.787 5.528l-41.682 74.005c-3.937 6.991-1.462 15.85 5.529 19.787Z fill#414042>/path> path opacity.46 dM291.918 272.572c5.651 2.591 7.971 9.525 4.798 14.872l-.062.104-37.011 62.172c-5.144 8.64-13.172 14.777-22.309 17.925a513.763 513.763 0 0 1-22.942-14.207c-6.126-4.036-10.975-7.458-13.478-9.475-11.323-9.147 54.831-87.977 54.831-87.977l23.565 10.805 12.608 5.781Z fill#414042>/path> path dm287.919 276.868-39.483 75.207c-3.729 7.109-12.507 9.844-19.615 6.116l-5.472-2.884c-10.298-5.408-16.171-15.939-16.129-26.819a30.105 30.105 0 0 1 3.454-13.858l6.95-13.235 18.031-34.35c5.746-10.943 17.682-17.016 29.47-16.224a29.801 29.801 0 0 1 10.066 2.45c.623.275 1.236.571 1.838.887l5.45 3.032c.56.296 1.099.623 1.595.993a13.166 13.166 0 0 1 4.468 5.535c1.764 4.024 1.606 8.904-.623 13.15Z fill#7D55FF>/path> path dM324.709 257.095c-.053.106-.623-.443-1.743-1.003-3.834-1.923-14.185-5.345-33.536 7.056-.296.179-.592.37-.888.57a13.166 13.166 0 0 0-4.468-5.535 41.953 41.953 0 0 1 2.039-1.552c6.802-4.912 16.9-9.106 29.576-5.535 0 0 3.728 1.763 5.788 3.105 1.627 1.056 3.232 2.894 3.232 2.894ZM284.581 238.757c-3.274 3.222-5.978 7.542-8.091 11.778a63.83 63.83 0 0 0-1.299 2.736 29.797 29.797 0 0 0-10.066-2.451 29.897 29.897 0 0 1 1.32-3.232c2.947-6.295 7.119-10.256 8.091-11.144a.612.612 0 0 1 .476-.158c.253.032.739.095 1.658.275 1.732.316 6.19 1.32 7.764 1.668.242.064.327.36.147.528ZM324.727 310.083s-37.806 28.62-56.212 28.319l-3.236 5.97s18.411-1.971 36.359-13.071c17.949-11.1 20.022-12.516 20.881-13.729.737-1.039 2.793-5.476 2.781-7.159-.002-.282-.407-.361-.573-.33Z fill#7D55FF>/path> path dm263.763 347.547-.459-.212a2.276 2.276 0 0 1-1.109-3.021l4.207-9.086a2.276 2.276 0 0 1 3.021-1.108l.459.212a2.275 2.275 0 0 1 1.109 3.021l-4.207 9.085a2.275 2.275 0 0 1-3.021 1.109Z fill#7D55FF>/path> path dm264.152 277.659-22.703-11.919a1.768 1.768 0 0 1 1.643-3.131l22.704 11.92a1.768 1.768 0 0 1-1.644 3.13ZM248.316 319.114l-9.524 15.597a9.805 9.805 0 0 1-12.924 3.572l-18.651-9.789a30.106 30.106 0 0 1 3.454-13.859l6.95-13.235a1.717 1.717 0 0 1 1.088.169l28.868 15.158a1.772 1.772 0 0 1 .739 2.387Z fill#414042>/path> path dM434.979 522.628h-45.65c-11.049 0-20.007-8.957-20.007-20.006 0-11.05 8.958-20.007 20.007-20.007h45.65c11.05 0 20.007 8.957 20.007 20.007 0 11.049-8.957 20.006-20.007 20.006Z fill#C4B6FF>/path> path dM415.461 502.622c-11.05 0-20.007-8.957-20.007-20.007 0-11.049 8.957-20.006 20.007-20.006 11.049 0 20.006 8.957 20.006 20.006 0 11.05-8.957 20.007-20.006 20.007Z fill#C4B6FF>/path> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM236.903 139.387h-66.377v-1.056h66.377v1.056ZM236.903 145.466h-66.377v-1.056h66.377v1.056ZM215.778 151.546h-45.252v-1.057h45.252v1.057ZM215.778 157.625h-34.689v-1.056h34.689v1.056ZM215.778 163.704h-34.689v-1.057h34.689v1.057Z fill#C4B6FF>/path> path dM580.796 297.849c.538-.052.867.379 1.443 1.079-.817-3.477-2.471-9.481-.882-10.946.352-.325 3.351-1.561 4.286 1.481.592-5.464 2.085-12.697 5.854-12.987 4.882-.376 3.387 11.298 2.605 15.929 1.082-1.656 1.164-2.782 2.09-3.136.984-.376 3.276 1.012 2.833 3.12-.438 2.083-.607 4.791-1.137 7.066 1.028-1.154 1.534-1.991 2.413-1.918 1.267.106 2.028 1.995 2.167 2.34 1.227 3.045-.266 6.959-2.834 9.361-2.408 2.253-5.418 2.854-7.474 2.982v6.505h-2.34v-6.536c-4.882-.406-10.423-3.391-11.358-7.787-.635-2.984.896-6.414 2.334-6.553Z fill#7D55FF>/path> path dM576.764 296.897c-.538-.052-.868.379-1.443 1.079.816-3.477 2.47-9.481.882-10.947-.352-.325-3.352-1.56-4.287 1.482-.591-5.464-2.085-12.698-5.854-12.988-4.882-.375-3.386 11.299-2.604 15.93-1.082-1.656-1.165-2.783-2.091-3.136-.984-.376-3.275 1.012-2.832 3.12.437 2.083.606 4.791 1.137 7.066-1.029-1.154-1.535-1.991-2.413-1.918-1.267.106-2.029 1.995-2.168 2.34-1.227 3.045.267 6.959 2.834 9.361 2.409 2.253 5.419 2.854 7.474 2.982v6.505h2.34v-6.536c4.882-.406 10.424-3.391 11.359-7.787.634-2.984-.897-6.414-2.334-6.553Z fill#7D55FF>/path> path dM588.128 304.182c-.538-.052-.867.378-1.443 1.078.816-3.477 2.47-9.481.882-10.946-.352-.325-3.351-1.561-4.286 1.481-.592-5.464-2.086-12.697-5.855-12.987-4.881-.375-3.386 11.299-2.604 15.93-1.082-1.656-1.164-2.783-2.091-3.137-.984-.376-3.275 1.012-2.832 3.12.437 2.084.607 4.792 1.137 7.067-1.028-1.154-1.534-1.992-2.413-1.918-1.267.106-2.028 1.995-2.167 2.34-1.228 3.045.266 6.959 2.834 9.361 2.408 2.253 5.418 2.854 7.473 2.982v6.504h2.341v-6.535c4.882-.406 10.423-3.392 11.358-7.788.635-2.983-.896-6.414-2.334-6.552ZM485.381 466.177c.538-.052.867.378 1.443 1.078-.817-3.477-2.471-9.481-.883-10.946.352-.325 3.352-1.561 4.287 1.481.591-5.464 2.085-12.697 5.854-12.987 4.882-.375 3.386 11.299 2.604 15.93 1.083-1.656 1.165-2.783 2.091-3.137.984-.376 3.275 1.012 2.833 3.121-.438 2.083-.607 4.791-1.137 7.066 1.028-1.154 1.534-1.991 2.413-1.918 1.266.106 2.028 1.995 2.167 2.34 1.227 3.045-.266 6.959-2.834 9.361-2.409 2.253-5.419 2.854-7.474 2.982v6.505h-2.34v-6.536c-4.882-.406-10.423-3.392-11.358-7.788-.635-2.983.896-6.414 2.334-6.552ZM458.083 457.793c-.538-.052-.868.378-1.443 1.078.816-3.477 2.47-9.481.882-10.946-.352-.325-3.352-1.561-4.287 1.481-.591-5.464-2.085-12.697-5.854-12.987-4.881-.375-3.386 11.299-2.604 15.93-1.082-1.656-1.165-2.783-2.091-3.137-.984-.376-3.275 1.012-2.832 3.12.437 2.084.606 4.792 1.137 7.067-1.029-1.154-1.535-1.992-2.413-1.918-1.267.105-2.029 1.995-2.168 2.34-1.227 3.045.267 6.959 2.834 9.361 2.409 2.252 5.419 2.854 7.474 2.982v6.504h2.34v-6.535c4.882-.406 10.424-3.392 11.359-7.788.634-2.984-.897-6.414-2.334-6.552Z fill#C4B6FF>/path> path dM480.911 447.96c-.538-.051-.867.379-1.443 1.079.817-3.477 2.471-9.481.883-10.946-.353-.325-3.352-1.561-4.287 1.481-.591-5.464-2.085-12.697-5.854-12.987-4.882-.376-3.386 11.299-2.604 15.929-1.083-1.656-1.165-2.782-2.091-3.136-.984-.376-3.275 1.012-2.833 3.12.438 2.083.607 4.791 1.137 7.066-1.028-1.154-1.534-1.991-2.413-1.918-1.266.106-2.028 1.995-2.167 2.34-1.227 3.045.266 6.959 2.834 9.361 2.409 2.253 5.419 2.854 7.474 2.982v6.505h2.34v-6.535c4.882-.407 10.423-3.392 11.358-7.788.635-2.984-.896-6.414-2.334-6.553Z fill#C4B6FF>/path> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM453.463 250.754c0-.292.237-.528.529-.528h44.902a.527.527 0 1 1 0 1.056h-44.902a.528.528 0 0 1-.529-.528ZM428.895 250.754c0-.292.236-.528.528-.528h21.309a.527.527 0 1 1 0 1.056h-21.309a.527.527 0 0 1-.528-.528ZM430.665 255.982c0-.292.236-.529.528-.529h44.903a.529.529 0 0 1 0 1.057h-44.903a.528.528 0 0 1-.528-.528ZM406.096 255.982c0-.292.236-.529.528-.529h21.309a.528.528 0 0 1 0 1.057h-21.309a.528.528 0 0 1-.528-.528Z fill#B5CDFB>/path> path dM265.177 276.008s-5.716 2.623-5.341 8.246c.374 5.622 6.747-3.28 5.341-8.246Z fill#414042>/path> path dM625.627 185.437h-16.954v30.691h16.954v-30.691Z fill#C4B6FF>/path> path dM636.073 199.175H619.12v16.953h16.953v-16.953Z fill#C4B6FF>/path> g opacity.7 fill#fff> path dM615.866 187.578h-4.453v8.648h4.453v-8.648ZM622.887 187.578h-4.452v8.648h4.452v-8.648ZM615.866 198.709h-4.453v8.648h4.453v-8.648ZM622.887 198.709h-4.452v8.648h4.452v-8.648Z>/path> /g> path dM613.631 422.75h-16.953v54.433h16.953V422.75Z fill#7D55FF>/path> path dM624.077 460.23h-16.953v16.953h16.953V460.23ZM599.808 448.804h-16.954v28.379h16.954v-28.379Z fill#7D55FF>/path> path dM603.87 448.633h-4.452v8.648h4.452v-8.648ZM610.891 448.633h-4.452v8.648h4.452v-8.648ZM603.87 459.764h-4.452v8.648h4.452v-8.648ZM610.891 459.764h-4.452v8.648h4.452v-8.648ZM603.87 426.087h-4.452v8.648h4.452v-8.648ZM610.891 426.087h-4.452v8.648h4.452v-8.648ZM603.87 437.219h-4.452v8.648h4.452v-8.648ZM610.891 437.219h-4.452v8.648h4.452v-8.648Z fill#B5CDFB>/path> path dM439.588 365.741h-16.953v54.434h16.953v-54.434Z fill#C4B6FF>/path> path dM450.034 403.22h-16.953v16.954h16.953V403.22ZM425.765 391.795h-16.954v28.379h16.954v-28.379Z fill#C4B6FF>/path> path dM429.827 391.624h-4.452v8.648h4.452v-8.648ZM436.848 391.624h-4.452v8.648h4.452v-8.648ZM429.827 402.755h-4.452v8.648h4.452v-8.648ZM436.848 402.755h-4.452v8.648h4.452v-8.648ZM429.827 369.077h-4.452v8.648h4.452v-8.648ZM436.848 369.077h-4.452v8.648h4.452v-8.648ZM429.827 380.208h-4.452v8.648h4.452v-8.648ZM436.848 380.208h-4.452v8.648h4.452v-8.648ZM555.285 365.582c-15.22 0-27.558 12.337-27.558 27.569 0 9.928 27.558 62.848 27.558 62.848s27.569-54.63 27.569-62.848c0-15.232-12.337-27.569-27.569-27.569Zm0 40.656c-8.376 0-15.168-6.792-15.168-15.168s6.792-15.168 15.168-15.168c8.387 0 15.179 6.792 15.179 15.168s-6.792 15.168-15.179 15.168ZM555.291 467.339c9.284 0 16.81-2 16.81-4.468s-7.526-4.468-16.81-4.468c-9.285 0-16.811 2-16.811 4.468s7.526 4.468 16.811 4.468Z fill#7D55FF>/path> path dM259.643 502.137a4.76 4.76 0 1 0 0-9.52 4.76 4.76 0 0 0 0 9.52Z fill#C4B6FF>/path> path dM764.801 566.469a4.76 4.76 0 1 0 0-9.52 4.76 4.76 0 0 0 0 9.52Z fill#F0F1F1>/path> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM324.735 151.826a3.703 3.703 0 1 0 .001-7.407 3.703 3.703 0 0 0-.001 7.407Zm4.76-3.703a4.76 4.76 0 1 1-9.52-.001 4.76 4.76 0 0 1 9.52.001Z fill#C4B6FF>/path> path dM389.859 26.52a4.76 4.76 0 1 0-.001-9.52 4.76 4.76 0 0 0 .001 9.52Z fill#B5CDFB>/path> path dM235.218 193.132a4.76 4.76 0 1 0-.001-9.52 4.76 4.76 0 0 0 .001 9.52Z fill#C4B6FF>/path> path dM676.609 546.537a4.76 4.76 0 1 0 0-9.52 4.76 4.76 0 0 0 0 9.52Z fill#231F20>/path> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM20.84 478.196c5.403 0 9.783-4.38 9.783-9.784 0-5.403-4.38-9.783-9.783-9.783s-9.784 4.38-9.784 9.783c0 5.404 4.38 9.784 9.784 9.784Zm10.84-9.784c0 5.987-4.854 10.84-10.84 10.84-5.987 0-10.84-4.853-10.84-10.84 0-5.986 4.853-10.839 10.84-10.839 5.986 0 10.84 4.853 10.84 10.839ZM761.43 223.116c5.403 0 9.783-4.38 9.783-9.783 0-5.404-4.38-9.784-9.783-9.784s-9.784 4.38-9.784 9.784c0 5.403 4.381 9.783 9.784 9.783Zm10.84-9.783c0 5.986-4.854 10.839-10.84 10.839-5.987 0-10.84-4.853-10.84-10.839 0-5.987 4.853-10.84 10.84-10.84 5.986 0 10.84 4.853 10.84 10.84Z fill#C4B6FF>/path> path dM463.13 132.799a.876.876 0 1 0 .002-1.752.876.876 0 0 0-.002 1.752ZM470.378 137.822a.877.877 0 1 0 0-1.753.877.877 0 0 0 0 1.753ZM463.566 140.654a.877.877 0 1 0 0-1.753.877.877 0 0 0 0 1.753ZM486.155 180.264a.876.876 0 1 0 0-1.751.876.876 0 0 0 0 1.751ZM476.729 164.825a.877.877 0 1 0-.001-1.753.877.877 0 0 0 .001 1.753ZM471.785 154.374a.877.877 0 1 0 0-1.753.877.877 0 0 0 0 1.753ZM476.729 175.848a.876.876 0 1 0 0-1.751.876.876 0 0 0 0 1.751ZM481.452 159.364a1.332 1.332 0 1 0 0-2.664 1.332 1.332 0 0 0 0 2.664ZM486.155 169.631a1.332 1.332 0 1 0 0-2.664 1.332 1.332 0 0 0 0 2.664ZM467.749 188.271a1.332 1.332 0 1 0-.002-2.664 1.332 1.332 0 0 0 .002 2.664ZM474.521 145.07a1.331 1.331 0 1 0 0-2.662 1.331 1.331 0 0 0 0 2.662ZM479.497 186.939a1.332 1.332 0 1 0 0-2.664 1.332 1.332 0 0 0 0 2.664ZM753.061 326.313a.877.877 0 1 0 0-1.753.877.877 0 0 0 0 1.753ZM760.309 331.337a.877.877 0 1 0 0-1.755.877.877 0 0 0 0 1.755ZM753.497 334.168a.876.876 0 1 0 0-1.751.876.876 0 0 0 0 1.751ZM782.857 373.779a.877.877 0 1 0 0-1.755.877.877 0 0 0 0 1.755ZM773.431 358.339a.877.877 0 1 0-.001-1.753.877.877 0 0 0 .001 1.753ZM768.488 347.888a.876.876 0 1 0 0-1.751.876.876 0 0 0 0 1.751ZM773.431 369.362a.876.876 0 1 0 0-1.751.876.876 0 0 0 0 1.751ZM778.155 352.878a1.332 1.332 0 1 0-.002-2.664 1.332 1.332 0 0 0 .002 2.664ZM782.857 363.145a1.331 1.331 0 1 0 .001-2.663 1.331 1.331 0 0 0-.001 2.663ZM764.451 381.785a1.332 1.332 0 1 0 0-2.663 1.332 1.332 0 0 0 0 2.663ZM764.451 338.585a1.332 1.332 0 1 0 0-2.664 1.332 1.332 0 0 0 0 2.664ZM776.199 380.453a1.331 1.331 0 1 0 .001-2.663 1.331 1.331 0 0 0-.001 2.663Z fill#C4B6FF>/path> path dM420.228 472.443a.702.702 0 1 0 .001-1.405.702.702 0 0 0-.001 1.405ZM426.037 476.469a.703.703 0 1 0 0-1.407.703.703 0 0 0 0 1.407ZM420.578 478.738a.702.702 0 1 0 0-1.403.702.702 0 0 0 0 1.403ZM447.125 510.491a.702.702 0 1 0 .001-1.405.702.702 0 0 0-.001 1.405ZM439.57 498.117a.703.703 0 1 0 0-1.407.703.703 0 0 0 0 1.407ZM435.608 489.741a.702.702 0 1 0 .001-1.405.702.702 0 0 0-.001 1.405ZM439.57 506.952a.703.703 0 1 0 0-1.407.703.703 0 0 0 0 1.407ZM443.356 493.74a1.067 1.067 0 1 0 0-2.133 1.067 1.067 0 0 0 0 2.133ZM447.125 501.969a1.067 1.067 0 1 0 0-2.133 1.067 1.067 0 0 0 0 2.133ZM432.373 516.908a1.067 1.067 0 1 0 0-2.133 1.067 1.067 0 0 0 0 2.133ZM429.357 482.278a1.068 1.068 0 1 0 0-2.135 1.068 1.068 0 0 0 0 2.135ZM441.789 515.841a1.067 1.067 0 1 0 0-2.133 1.067 1.067 0 0 0 0 2.133Z fill#B5CDFB>/path> path dM644.739 282.437h-19.182a8.407 8.407 0 0 1 0-16.813h19.182a8.406 8.406 0 1 1 0 16.813Z fill#7D55FF>/path> path dM636.537 274.031a8.406 8.406 0 0 1-8.406-8.407 8.407 8.407 0 0 1 16.813 0 8.407 8.407 0 0 1-8.407 8.407Z fill#7D55FF>/path> path opacity.4 dM95.086 392.277H45.314a5.034 5.034 0 0 1-5.034-5.034V267.565a5.034 5.034 0 0 1 5.034-5.034h49.772a5.034 5.034 0 0 1 5.034 5.034v119.678a5.034 5.034 0 0 1-5.034 5.034Z fill#B5CDFB>/path> path dM95.086 247.28H45.314a5.034 5.034 0 0 1-5.034-5.034v-51.787a5.033 5.033 0 0 1 5.034-5.033h49.772a5.033 5.033 0 0 1 5.034 5.033v51.787a5.034 5.034 0 0 1-5.034 5.034ZM65.578 365.629H38.653a3.484 3.484 0 0 1-3.484-3.484v-.754a3.483 3.483 0 0 1 3.484-3.483h26.925a3.483 3.483 0 0 1 3.484 3.483v.754a3.484 3.484 0 0 1-3.484 3.484Z fill#C4B6FF>/path> path dM102.973 365.629H76.048a3.484 3.484 0 0 1-3.484-3.484v-.754a3.483 3.483 0 0 1 3.484-3.483h26.925a3.483 3.483 0 0 1 3.484 3.483v.754a3.484 3.484 0 0 1-3.484 3.484Z fill#B5CDFB>/path> path dM93.542 328.204H50.945a1.987 1.987 0 0 1-1.987-1.987v-.43c0-1.097.89-1.987 1.987-1.987h42.597c1.097 0 1.987.89 1.987 1.987v.43c0 1.097-.89 1.987-1.987 1.987ZM82.228 336.36H50.945a1.987 1.987 0 0 1-1.987-1.987v-.43c0-1.097.89-1.986 1.987-1.986h31.283c1.097 0 1.987.889 1.987 1.986v.43c0 1.098-.89 1.987-1.987 1.987ZM82.228 344.517H50.945a1.987 1.987 0 0 1-1.987-1.987v-.43c0-1.097.89-1.987 1.987-1.987h31.283c1.097 0 1.987.89 1.987 1.987v.43c0 1.097-.89 1.987-1.987 1.987Z fill#C4B6FF>/path> path dM85.842 239.864H54.559a1.987 1.987 0 0 1-1.987-1.987v-.43c0-1.097.89-1.987 1.986-1.987h31.284c1.097 0 1.987.89 1.987 1.987v.43c0 1.097-.89 1.987-1.987 1.987Z fill#B5CDFB>/path> path dM76.658 383.947H63.743a.91.91 0 0 1-.91-.91v-.197a.91.91 0 0 1 .91-.91h12.915a.91.91 0 0 1 .91.91v.197a.91.91 0 0 1-.91.91Z fill#C4B6FF>/path> path opacity.4 dM96.704 176.797H43.697a3.944 3.944 0 0 1-3.945-3.944V172a3.944 3.944 0 0 1 3.944-3.945h53.008a3.945 3.945 0 0 1 3.944 3.945v.853a3.944 3.944 0 0 1-3.944 3.944Z fill#B5CDFB>/path> path dM51.407 154.173h-8.252a1.365 1.365 0 0 1-1.366-1.365v-.295c0-.755.612-1.366 1.366-1.366h8.252c.754 0 1.366.611 1.366 1.366v.295c0 .754-.612 1.365-1.366 1.365ZM97.245 154.173h-8.252a1.365 1.365 0 0 1-1.365-1.365v-.295c0-.755.61-1.366 1.365-1.366h8.252c.754 0 1.366.611 1.366 1.366v.295c0 .754-.612 1.365-1.366 1.365Z fill#C4B6FF>/path> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM95.529 177.325H44.872v-1.056h50.657v1.056ZM95.529 285.656H44.872V284.6h50.657v1.056ZM95.529 255.434H44.872v-1.057h50.657v1.057Z fill#C4B6FF>/path> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM97.249 311.81c.995 0 1.954-.156 2.851-.445l.324 1.006a10.357 10.357 0 0 1-3.175.496H43.15a10.36 10.36 0 0 1-3.025-.449l.308-1.011c.859.262 1.771.403 2.717.403H97.25Z fill#BBBDBF>/path> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM43.151 149.442a9.308 9.308 0 0 0-9.307 9.308v143.762a9.31 9.31 0 0 0 6.59 8.904l-.308 1.011c-4.247-1.295-7.338-5.243-7.338-9.915V158.75c0-5.724 4.64-10.364 10.363-10.364H97.25c5.724 0 10.364 4.64 10.364 10.364v143.762c0 4.617-3.019 8.527-7.189 9.868l-.324-1.005a9.312 9.312 0 0 0 6.456-8.863V158.75a9.307 9.307 0 0 0-9.307-9.308H43.15Z fill#C4B6FF>/path> path dM81.325 154.793h-22.25a3.494 3.494 0 0 1-3.494-3.494v-3.305h29.238v3.305a3.494 3.494 0 0 1-3.494 3.494Z fill#C4B6FF>/path> path dM50.932 303.065h-5.83a1.865 1.865 0 0 1-1.866-1.865v-5.831c0-1.03.835-1.865 1.865-1.865h5.83c1.031 0 1.866.835 1.866 1.865v5.831c0 1.03-.835 1.865-1.865 1.865Z fill#7D55FF>/path> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM45.101 293.768c-.884 0-1.601.717-1.601 1.601v5.831c0 .884.717 1.601 1.601 1.601h5.83c.885 0 1.602-.717 1.602-1.601v-5.831c0-.884-.717-1.601-1.601-1.601H45.1Zm-2.13 1.601a2.13 2.13 0 0 1 2.13-2.129h5.83a2.13 2.13 0 0 1 2.13 2.129v5.831a2.13 2.13 0 0 1-2.13 2.129h-5.83a2.13 2.13 0 0 1-2.13-2.129v-5.831Z fill#C4B6FF>/path> path dM65.72 303.065h-5.83a1.865 1.865 0 0 1-1.865-1.865v-5.831c0-1.03.835-1.865 1.865-1.865h5.83c1.031 0 1.866.835 1.866 1.865v5.831c0 1.03-.835 1.865-1.865 1.865Z fill#7D55FF>/path> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM59.89 293.768c-.884 0-1.601.717-1.601 1.601v5.831c0 .884.717 1.601 1.601 1.601h5.83c.885 0 1.602-.717 1.602-1.601v-5.831c0-.884-.717-1.601-1.601-1.601h-5.83Zm-2.13 1.601a2.13 2.13 0 0 1 2.13-2.129h5.83a2.13 2.13 0 0 1 2.13 2.129v5.831a2.13 2.13 0 0 1-2.13 2.129h-5.83a2.13 2.13 0 0 1-2.13-2.129v-5.831Z fill#C4B6FF>/path> path dM80.51 303.065h-5.83a1.865 1.865 0 0 1-1.866-1.865v-5.831c0-1.03.835-1.865 1.865-1.865h5.831c1.03 0 1.865.835 1.865 1.865v5.831c0 1.03-.835 1.865-1.865 1.865Z fill#7D55FF>/path> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM74.68 293.768c-.885 0-1.602.717-1.602 1.601v5.831c0 .884.717 1.601 1.601 1.601h5.83c.885 0 1.602-.717 1.602-1.601v-5.831c0-.884-.717-1.601-1.601-1.601h-5.83Zm-2.13 1.601a2.13 2.13 0 0 1 2.13-2.129h5.83a2.13 2.13 0 0 1 2.13 2.129v5.831a2.13 2.13 0 0 1-2.13 2.129h-5.83a2.13 2.13 0 0 1-2.13-2.129v-5.831Z fill#C4B6FF>/path> path dM95.3 303.065h-5.832a1.865 1.865 0 0 1-1.865-1.865v-5.831c0-1.03.835-1.865 1.865-1.865H95.3c1.03 0 1.865.835 1.865 1.865v5.831c0 1.03-.835 1.865-1.865 1.865Z fill#7D55FF>/path> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM89.468 293.768c-.884 0-1.601.717-1.601 1.601v5.831c0 .884.717 1.601 1.601 1.601H95.3c.884 0 1.601-.717 1.601-1.601v-5.831c0-.884-.717-1.601-1.6-1.601h-5.832Zm-2.13 1.601a2.13 2.13 0 0 1 2.13-2.129H95.3a2.13 2.13 0 0 1 2.13 2.129v5.831a2.13 2.13 0 0 1-2.13 2.129h-5.83a2.13 2.13 0 0 1-2.13-2.129v-5.831Z fill#C4B6FF>/path> path dM69.217 200.193a8.186 8.186 0 0 0-8.185 8.189c0 2.949 8.185 18.668 8.185 18.668s8.19-16.227 8.19-18.668a8.187 8.187 0 0 0-8.19-8.189Zm0 11.244c-2.488 0-3.993-1.943-3.993-3.673 0-2.297 2.055-3.818 3.993-3.818 1.78 0 3.497 2.028 3.497 3.818 0 1.561-1.005 3.673-3.497 3.673Z fill#7D55FF>/path> path dM69.219 230.418c2.758 0 4.993-.594 4.993-1.327s-2.235-1.327-4.993-1.327c-2.758 0-4.993.594-4.993 1.327s2.235 1.327 4.993 1.327Z fill#000 fill-opacity.58>/path> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dm467.342 342.32-16.645-.837.053-1.055 16.645.837-.053 1.055ZM463.439 347.316l-18.103-.91.053-1.055 18.103.91-.053 1.055ZM458.072 352.24l-14.864-.91.064-1.054 14.865.91-.065 1.054ZM174.065 524.246l-14.361-13.725.73-.764 14.361 13.725-.73.764ZM101.133 504.51l-10.356-16.952.902-.551 10.355 16.952-.901.551Z fill#C4B6FF>/path> path opacity.46 dM275.191 249.923c.444.19.877.402 1.299.613a63.83 63.83 0 0 0-1.299 2.736 29.797 29.797 0 0 0-10.066-2.451 29.98 29.98 0 0 1 1.32-3.232 29.696 29.696 0 0 1 8.746 2.334ZM289.43 263.147c-.296.179-.592.369-.888.57a13.166 13.166 0 0 0-4.468-5.535 41.96 41.96 0 0 1 2.039-1.553 13.291 13.291 0 0 1 2.429 3.74c.391.887.687 1.816.888 2.778Z fill#414042>/path> path dM141.418 523.274s2.064-6.124 3.127-5.534c1.062.59 3.408 2.082 2.308 2.921-1.099.84-4.121 3.337-4.121 3.337l-1.314-.724ZM72.912 495.596s2.911-5.769 3.88-5.034c.967.735 3.078 2.544 1.87 3.219-1.207.675-4.552 2.718-4.552 2.718l-1.198-.903Z fill#C4B6FF>/path> /symbol> symbol viewBox0 0 24 24 idicon-eye> path dM12 18c-5.52 0-10-6-10-6s4.48-6 10-6 10 6 10 6-4.48 6-10 6Z>/path> path dM12 14.5a2.5 2.5 0 1 0 0-5 2.5 2.5 0 0 0 0 5Z>/path> path stroke-linejoinround stroke-linecapround stroke-miterlimit10 stroke-width2 dM12 14.5a2.5 2.5 0 1 0 0-5 2.5 2.5 0 0 0 0 5Z>/path> /symbol> symbol viewBox0 0 24 24 idicon-folder> path dM19 10H2l3 10h17l-3-10Z clip-ruleevenodd fill-ruleevenodd>/path> path dM22 20V4h-6l-2 2H4v4h15l3 10Z clip-ruleevenodd fill-ruleevenodd>/path> path stroke-linejoinround stroke-linecapround stroke-miterlimit10 stroke-width2 strokecurrentColor dM2 10h17l3 10>/path> /symbol> symbol classicon viewBox0 0 1024 1024 idicon-github> path dM511.543 14.057C228.914 13.943 0 242.743 0 525.143 0 748.457 143.2 938.286 342.629 1008c26.857 6.743 22.742-12.343 22.742-25.371v-88.572C210.286 912.23 204 809.6 193.6 792.457c-21.029-35.886-70.743-45.028-55.886-62.171 35.315-18.172 71.315 4.571 113.029 66.171 30.171 44.686 89.028 37.143 118.857 29.714 6.514-26.857 20.457-50.857 39.657-69.485C248.571 727.886 181.6 629.829 181.6 513.257c0-56.571 18.629-108.571 55.2-150.514-23.314-69.143 2.171-128.343 5.6-137.143 66.4-5.943 135.429 47.543 140.8 51.771C420.914 267.2 464 261.83 512.229 261.83c48.457 0 91.657 5.6 129.714 15.885 12.914-9.828 76.914-55.771 138.628-50.171 3.315 8.8 28.229 66.628 6.286 134.857 37.029 42.057 55.886 94.514 55.886 151.2 0 116.8-67.429 214.971-228.572 243.314a145.714 145.714 0 0 1 43.543 104v128.572c.915 10.285 0 20.457 17.143 20.457 202.4-68.229 348.114-259.429 348.114-484.686 0-282.514-229.028-511.2-511.428-511.2z>/path> /symbol> symbol viewBox0 0 24 24 fillnone idicon-globe> path stroke-linejoinround stroke-linecapround stroke-miterlimit10 fillrgba(0,0,0,0) dM12 22c5.52 0 10-4.48 10-10S17.52 2 12 2 2 6.48 2 12s4.48 10 10 10Z>/path> path stroke-linejoinround stroke-linecapround stroke-miterlimit10 fillrgba(0,0,0,0) dM12 2c13 11 0 20 0 20-13-11 0-20 0-20Z>/path> path stroke-linejoinround stroke-linecapround stroke-miterlimit10 dM2 12h20M5 5s6.1 4 14 0M19 18.8s-6.1-4-14 0>/path> /symbol> symbol viewBox0 0 24 24 idicon-go-back> path dM12 22c5.523 0 10-4.477 10-10S17.523 2 12 2 2 6.477 2 12s4.477 10 10 10Z>/path> path stroke-linejoinround stroke-linecapround stroke-width2 dM6 12h12M12 6l-6 6 6 6>/path> /symbol> symbol viewBox0 0 24 24 idicon-hot> path dM12 22c-2.72 0-7.43-2.67-7.95-7.01-.36-3.04 1.46-5.39 1.96-6 .41 2.11 1.52 3.71 2.94 4 . 0-.11-2.32.07-6.66 2.93-9.99.31-.37.8-.7 1.14-1 .24 2.64.98 4.12 1.8 5 1.11 1.19 2.79 2 3.68 2.38.32 5.88-1.96 7.99C15.85 21.76 13.35 22 13 22h-1Z>/path> path dM14 16a4.023 4.023 0 0 1-4 1c1.13 1.09 2.7 1.5 4 1 2.01-.76 2.83-3.46 2-5-.26-.47-.64-.79-1-1 .43 1.41.04 2.96-1 4Z>/path> path stroke-linejoinround stroke-linecapround stroke-miterlimit10 stroke-width2 dM14 16a4.023 4.023 0 0 1-4 1c1.13 1.09 2.7 1.5 4 1 2.01-.76 2.83-3.46 2-5-.26-.47-.64-.79-1-1 .43 1.41.04 2.96-1 4Z>/path> /symbol> symbol viewBox0 0 24 24 idicon-nav-home> path dM21 10H3v12h18V10Z>/path> path dM17 14h-4v8h4v-8ZM2 10h7l6-8H8l-6 8Z>/path> path dM9 10h13l-7-8-6 8Z>/path> path stroke-linejoinround stroke-miterlimit10 stroke-width1.5 dM17 22v-8h-4v8>/path> path stroke-linejoinround stroke-linecapround stroke-miterlimit10 stroke-width1.5 dm15 2-6 8>/path> path stroke-linejoinround stroke-miterlimit10 stroke-width1.5 dM9 22V10>/path> path stroke-linejoinround stroke-linecapround stroke-miterlimit10 stroke-width1.5 dM2 10h20>/path> /symbol> symbol viewBox0 0 24 24 idicon-nav-menu> path dM6.515 4.121A2 2 0 0 0 5 6.061v.745a2 2 0 0 1 2.283-1.98L17 6.214V4.062a2 2 0 0 0-2.485-1.94l-8 2Z clip-ruleevenodd fill-ruleevenodd>/path> path stroke-linejoinround stroke-linecapround stroke-width1.5 dM5 6.806a2 2 0 0 1 2.283-1.98L17 6.214>/path> path dM5 6.806a2 2 0 0 1 2.283-1.98l10 1.429A2 2 0 0 1 19 8.235v11.959a2 2 0 0 1-2.283 1.98l-10-1.429A2 2 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