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26.8886 5.86489 27.6497 10.6034C27.8796 12.0349 27.9999 13.5029 27.9999 15Z fillurl(#paint1_radial_918_8325)/>g clip-pathurl(#clip0_918_8325)>path dM15 7H8C6.89543 7 6 7.89543 6 9V13C6 14.1046 6.89543 15 8 15L8.00006 16.999C8.00006 17.4444 8.53861 17.6675 8.85358 17.3525L10.7668 15.4393C11.0481 15.158 11.4296 15 11.8274 15H15C16.1046 15 17 14.1046 17 13V9C17 7.89543 16.1046 7 15 7ZM22 14.5V18.5C22 19.6046 21.1046 20.5 20 20.5L19.9999 22.499C19.9999 22.9444 19.4614 23.1675 19.1464 22.8525L17.2332 20.9393C16.9519 20.658 16.5704 20.5 16.1726 20.5H13C11.8954 20.5 11 19.6046 11 18.5V17.059C11 16.7781 11.1116 16.5088 11.3102 16.3102C11.5088 16.1116 11.7781 16 12.059 16H15C16.6568 16 18 14.6568 18 13V12.5H20C21.1046 12.5 22 13.3954 22 14.5Z fillwhite/>/g>defs>radialGradient idpaint0_radial_918_8325 cx0 cy0 r1 gradientUnitsuserSpaceOnUse gradientTransformtranslate(14 13.3731) scale(18.8757 15.7759)>stop offset0.82 stop-color#0B5CFF stop-opacity0/>stop offset0.98 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5.86489 27.6497 10.6034C27.8796 12.0349 27.9999 13.5029 27.9999 15Z fillurl(#paint1_radial_918_8344)/>g clip-pathurl(#clip0_918_8344)>path dM21 18.0625V19.3749C21 20.818 19.8335 21.9871 18.391 21.998V22C18.3866 22 18.3823 21.9993 18.3779 21.9993C18.3756 21.9993 18.3735 22 18.3713 22V21.999C12.0958 21.9882 7.0103 16.911 7 10.6442C6.99761 9.1906 8.17307 8 9.62872 8H10.943C11.9108 8 12.6955 8.7835 12.6955 9.75001V10.7751C12.6955 11.2392 12.5108 11.6844 12.1821 12.0126L11.2627 12.9308C11.0776 13.1157 11.0119 13.3964 11.1122 13.6378C11.909 15.5556 13.4405 17.0876 15.3589 17.8871C15.601 17.988 15.8827 17.9225 16.0682 17.7373L16.9817 16.8251C17.3103 16.4969 17.756 16.3125 18.2208 16.3125H19.2475C20.2154 16.3125 21 17.096 21 18.0625Z fillwhite/>/g>defs>radialGradient idpaint0_radial_918_8344 cx0 cy0 r1 gradientUnitsuserSpaceOnUse gradientTransformtranslate(14 13.3731) scale(18.8757 15.7759)>stop offset0.82 stop-color#0B5CFF stop-opacity0/>stop offset0.98 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27.6497 10.6034C27.8796 12.0349 27.9999 13.5029 27.9999 15Z fillurl(#paint1_radial_918_54)/>g clip-pathurl(#clip0_918_54)>path dM21.5 11.4998V11.8927L15.5449 16.5739C14.6357 17.2897 13.3643 17.2887 12.4551 16.5739L6.5 11.8927V11.4998C6.5 9.84294 7.84314 8.49978 9.5 8.49978H9.75V10.4996C9.75 11.3282 10.4214 11.9996 11.25 11.9996C12.0786 11.9996 12.75 11.3282 12.75 10.4996V8.49978H15.25V10.4996C15.25 11.3282 15.9214 11.9996 16.75 11.9996C17.5786 11.9996 18.25 11.3282 18.25 10.4996V8.49978H18.5C20.1569 8.49978 21.5 9.84294 21.5 11.4998ZM14 18.111C13.2368 18.111 12.4736 17.861 11.8369 17.36L6.5 13.1648V18.5C6.5 20.1568 7.84314 21.5 9.5 21.5H18.5C20.1569 21.5 21.5 20.1568 21.5 18.5V13.1648L16.1631 17.36C15.5264 17.8605 14.7632 18.111 14 18.111ZM16.75 10.9996C17.0264 10.9996 17.25 10.7759 17.25 10.4996V7.50001C17.25 7.22364 17.0264 7 16.75 7C16.4736 7 16.25 7.22364 16.25 7.50001V10.4996C16.25 10.7759 16.4736 10.9996 16.75 10.9996ZM11.25 10.9996C11.5264 10.9996 11.75 10.7759 11.75 10.4996V7.50001C11.75 7.22364 11.5264 7 11.25 7C10.9736 7 10.75 7.22364 10.75 7.50001V10.4996C10.75 10.7759 10.9736 10.9996 11.25 10.9996Z fillwhite/>/g>defs>radialGradient idpaint0_radial_918_54 cx0 cy0 r1 gradientUnitsuserSpaceOnUse gradientTransformtranslate(14 13.3731) scale(18.8757 15.7759)>stop offset0.82 stop-color#0B5CFF stop-opacity0/>stop offset0.98 stop-color#003CB3/>/radialGradient>radialGradient idpaint1_radial_918_54 cx0 cy0 r1 gradientUnitsuserSpaceOnUse gradientTransformtranslate(14 16.6211) scale(18.8689 15.7702)>stop offset0.8 stop-color#0B5CFF stop-opacity0/>stop offset1 stop-color#71A5F1/>/radialGradient>clipPath idclip0_918_54>rect width18 height18 fillwhite transformtranslate(5 6)/>/clipPath>/defs>/svg>a href target_blank>Mail & Calendar/a>/li>li>svg width28 height29 viewBox0 0 28 29 fillnone xmlns>path dM28 15C28 16.4971 27.8796 17.9651 27.6497 19.3965C26.8886 24.1351 23.1351 27.8886 18.3965 28.6497C16.965 28.8796 15.497 29 14 29C12.503 29 11.035 28.8796 9.60355 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19.823 18.7675 20.0183ZM16.7499 10.7499C16.4735 10.7499 16.2499 10.5263 16.2499 10.2499V7.24999C16.2499 6.97363 16.4735 6.75 16.7499 6.75C17.0263 6.75 17.2499 6.97363 17.2499 7.24999V10.2499C17.2499 10.5263 17.0263 10.7499 16.7499 10.7499ZM11.2499 10.7499C10.9735 10.7499 10.7499 10.5263 10.7499 10.2499V7.24999C10.7499 6.97363 10.9735 6.75 11.2499 6.75C11.5263 6.75 11.7499 6.97363 11.7499 7.24999V10.2499C11.7499 10.5263 11.5263 10.7499 11.2499 10.7499ZM18.5 8.25034H18.2499V10.2499C18.2499 11.078 17.578 11.7499 16.7499 11.7499C15.9218 11.7499 15.2499 11.078 15.2499 10.2499V8.25034H12.7499V10.2499C12.7499 11.078 12.078 11.7499 11.2499 11.7499C10.4218 11.7499 9.74991 11.078 9.74991 10.2499V8.25034H9.50003C7.84317 8.25034 6.50003 9.59345 6.50003 11.2503V19.2501C6.50003 20.9069 7.84317 22.25 9.50003 22.25H12.3166C12.5927 22.25 12.8166 22.0261 12.8166 21.75C12.8166 21.4738 12.5927 21.25 12.3166 21.25L9.50003 21.2499C8.39554 21.2499 7.50003 20.3544 7.50003 19.25V14.7501C7.50003 13.6456 8.39554 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19.3965C0.120316 17.965 0 16.4971 0 15C0 13.503 0.120316 12.0349 0.350223 10.6034C1.11135 5.86489 4.86489 2.11125 9.60349 1.35022C11.035 1.12032 12.5029 1 13.9999 1C15.497 1 16.965 1.12032 18.3964 1.35022C23.135 2.11125 26.8885 5.86489 27.6496 10.6034C27.8795 12.0349 27.9999 13.5029 27.9999 15Z fillurl(#paint1_radial_918_3757)/>g clip-pathurl(#clip0_918_3757)>path dM17.5 8H9.5C8.39546 8 7.5 8.89537 7.5 10V20C7.5 21.1045 8.39546 22 9.5 22H11.8172C12.1575 21.4389 12.7587 20.9823 13.5573 20.695C13.0584 20.1968 12.7494 19.5088 12.7494 18.7499C12.7494 17.2335 13.9833 16 15.5 16C16.2949 16 17.0121 16.3391 17.5145 16.8803C17.8895 16.1352 18.6334 15.6246 19.5 15.5358V10C19.5 8.89537 18.6046 8 17.5 8ZM11.5 17.0001H10C9.72379 17.0001 9.5 16.7758 9.5 16.5001C9.5 16.2245 9.72379 16.0001 10 16.0001H11.5C11.7762 16.0001 12 16.2245 12 16.5001C12 16.7758 11.7762 17.0001 11.5 17.0001ZM14.5 14.5001H10C9.72379 14.5001 9.5 14.2758 9.5 14.0001C9.5 13.7245 9.72379 13.5001 10 13.5001H14.5C14.7762 13.5001 15 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12ZM14.1731 17.9999H10.2439C9.86426 17.9999 9.4585 17.6641 9.4585 17.2498C9.4585 16.4216 10.6365 15.75 12.2085 15.75C13.7803 15.75 14.9585 16.4216 14.9585 17.2498C14.9585 17.6641 14.5525 17.9999 14.1731 17.9999ZM14.9995 14.2498C14.9995 13.5596 15.5596 12.9999 16.25 12.9999C16.9404 12.9999 17.4998 13.5596 17.4998 14.2498C17.4998 14.9402 16.9404 15.5 16.25 15.5C15.5596 15.5 14.9995 14.9402 14.9995 14.2498ZM17.8872 17.9999H15.7727C15.8879 17.7704 15.9585 17.5176 15.9585 17.2499C15.9585 16.8571 15.834 16.4973 15.6216 16.176C15.8213 16.146 16.0286 16.125 16.25 16.125C17.5601 16.125 18.5418 16.6846 18.5418 17.3748C18.5418 17.72 18.2036 17.9999 17.8872 17.9999Z fillwhite/>/g>defs>radialGradient idpaint0_radial_918_8480 cx0 cy0 r1 gradientUnitsuserSpaceOnUse gradientTransformtranslate(14 13.3731) scale(18.8757 15.7759)>stop offset0.82 stop-color#0B5CFF stop-opacity0/>stop offset0.98 stop-color#003CB3/>/radialGradient>radialGradient idpaint1_radial_918_8480 cx0 cy0 r1 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fillurl(#paint1_radial_918_7884)/>g clip-pathurl(#clip0_918_7884)>path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM20 8H8C6.89545 8 6 8.89539 6 10V20C6 21.1045 6.89545 22 8 22H20C21.1046 22 22 21.1045 22 20V10C22 8.89539 21.1046 8 20 8ZM12.5 10.75C12.5 10.3357 12.8358 10 13.25 10H14.75C15.1642 10 15.5 10.3357 15.5 10.75V11.25C15.5 11.6642 15.1642 12 14.75 12H13.25C12.8358 12 12.5 11.6642 12.5 11.25V10.75ZM8 10.75C8 10.3357 8.33582 10 8.75 10H10.25C10.6642 10 11 10.3357 11 10.75V11.25C11 11.6642 10.6642 12 10.25 12H8.75C8.33582 12 8 11.6642 8 11.25V10.75ZM20 19.25C20 19.6642 19.6642 20 19.25 20H8.75C8.33582 20 8 19.6642 8 19.25V13.75C8 13.3357 8.33582 13 8.75 13H19.25C19.6642 13 20 13.3357 20 13.75V19.25ZM20 11.25C20 11.6642 19.6642 12 19.25 12H17.75C17.3358 12 17 11.6642 17 11.25V10.75C17 10.3357 17.3358 10 17.75 10H19.25C19.6642 10 20 10.3357 20 10.75V11.25Z fillwhite/>/g>defs>radialGradient idpaint0_radial_918_7884 cx0 cy0 r1 gradientUnitsuserSpaceOnUse gradientTransformtranslate(14 13.3731) scale(18.8757 15.7759)>stop offset0.82 stop-color#0B5CFF stop-opacity0/>stop offset0.98 stop-color#003CB3/>/radialGradient>radialGradient idpaint1_radial_918_7884 cx0 cy0 r1 gradientUnitsuserSpaceOnUse gradientTransformtranslate(13.9999 16.6211) scale(18.8689 15.7702)>stop offset0.8 stop-color#0B5CFF stop-opacity0/>stop offset1 stop-color#71A5F1/>/radialGradient>clipPath idclip0_918_7884>rect width18 height18 fillwhite transformtranslate(5 6)/>/clipPath>/defs>/svg>a href target_blank>Webinars/a/li>/ul>ul classnav-products feature-lists stylemargin-bottom: 10px;>p stylecolor: #666487;font-family: Almaden Sans;font-size: 14px;font-style: normal;font-weight: 500;line-height: 120%;>Developer Tools/p>li>svg width28 height28 viewBox0 0 28 28 fillnone xmlns>path dM28 14C28 15.4971 27.8796 16.9651 27.6497 18.3965C26.8886 23.1351 23.1351 26.8886 18.3965 27.6497C16.965 27.8796 15.497 28 14 28C12.503 28 11.035 27.8796 9.60355 27.6497C4.86494 26.8886 1.11135 23.1351 0.350273 18.3965C0.120366 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14.2866C15.5433 13.7561 15.9986 13.374 16.5428 13.29C16.8158 13.2473 17.096 13.2258 17.3756 13.2258C17.653 13.2258 17.9316 13.2473 18.2027 13.2893C18.7458 13.3728 19.2007 13.7532 19.3903 14.2834L19.4312 14.3987C19.5135 14.6299 19.7515 14.7673 19.9929 14.7229L20.115 14.7004C20.2084 14.6834 20.3024 14.6751 20.3957 14.6751C20.4313 14.6751 20.4648 14.6841 20.4999 14.6865L20.4998 11.0002C21.0511 11.0002 21.5 10.552 21.5 10V8C21.5 7.44772 21.0523 7.00001 20.5 7.00001ZM21.371 17.5425C21.4931 17.3994 21.5357 17.2031 21.4675 17.0281C21.3019 16.6016 21.0719 16.207 20.7889 15.8572C20.6715 15.7112 20.4803 15.6502 20.2957 15.6841L19.6511 15.8027C19.228 15.8809 18.8106 15.6397 18.6667 15.2339L18.4481 14.6184C18.3846 14.4414 18.236 14.3062 18.0505 14.2776C17.83 14.2437 17.6047 14.2258 17.3756 14.2258C17.1447 14.2258 16.9175 14.2437 16.697 14.2781C16.5104 14.3069 16.3619 14.4419 16.2994 14.6191L16.0808 15.2339C15.9368 15.6397 15.5194 15.8809 15.0963 15.8027L14.4545 15.6846C14.27 15.6506 14.0788 15.7119 13.9614 15.8579C13.6784 16.2085 13.4475 16.6038 13.2818 17.0313C13.2146 17.2063 13.2572 17.4023 13.3783 17.5454L13.8033 18.044C14.0825 18.3716 14.0825 18.854 13.8033 19.1819L13.3783 19.6802C13.2572 19.8233 13.2146 20.0193 13.2818 20.1943C13.4475 20.6221 13.6774 21.0171 13.9614 21.3679C14.0788 21.5139 14.27 21.5752 14.4545 21.541L15.0963 21.4229C15.5194 21.345 15.9368 21.586 16.0808 21.992L16.2994 22.6067C16.3619 22.784 16.5104 22.919 16.697 22.9478C16.9175 22.9822 17.1447 23 17.3756 23C17.6047 23 17.83 22.9824 18.0505 22.9483C18.236 22.9197 18.3847 22.7847 18.4481 22.6074L18.6667 21.992C18.8106 21.5859 19.228 21.345 19.6511 21.4229L20.2957 21.5418C20.4803 21.5757 20.6715 21.5144 20.7889 21.3687C21.0719 21.0186 21.3019 20.6243 21.4675 20.1978C21.5357 20.0225 21.4931 19.8262 21.371 19.6834L20.9441 19.1819C20.6649 18.854 20.6649 18.3716 20.9441 18.044L21.371 17.5425ZM17.3784 20.273C16.4617 20.273 15.7184 19.5298 15.7184 18.6131C15.7184 17.6961 16.4617 16.9531 17.3784 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14.1547 216.583 14.332C216.583 14.5093 216.578 14.696 216.569 14.892C216.569 15.0787 216.569 15.256 216.569 15.424C216.569 15.9 216.588 16.3713 216.625 16.838C216.662 17.2953 216.718 17.6827 216.793 18H215.267C215.239 17.8413 215.211 17.6873 215.183 17.538C215.164 17.3887 215.146 17.1833 215.127 16.922C214.894 17.342 214.562 17.6593 214.133 17.874C213.704 18.0793 213.209 18.182 212.649 18.182C212.238 18.182 211.86 18.126 211.515 18.014C211.179 17.9113 210.885 17.762 210.633 17.566C210.39 17.37 210.199 17.1367 210.059 16.866C209.928 16.586 209.863 16.2733 209.863 15.928C209.863 15.4613 209.998 15.074 210.269 14.766C210.54 14.458 210.904 14.206 211.361 14.01C211.828 13.814 212.364 13.6647 212.971 13.562C213.587 13.4593 214.24 13.3707 214.931 13.296V13.114C214.931 12.7967 214.889 12.5353 214.805 12.33C214.721 12.1153 214.604 11.9473 214.455 11.826C214.315 11.6953 214.147 11.6067 213.951 11.56C213.755 11.504 213.54 11.476 213.307 11.476C212.878 11.476 212.518 11.588 212.229 11.812C211.94 12.036 211.786 12.3767 211.767 12.834H210.129C210.157 12.4513 210.255 12.1013 210.423 11.784C210.591 11.4667 210.815 11.196 211.095 10.972C211.384 10.7387 211.72 10.5613 212.103 10.44C212.495 10.3093 212.924 10.244 213.391 10.244ZM219.948 11.518C220.162 11.126 220.461 10.8273 220.844 10.622C221.236 10.4073 221.698 10.3 222.23 10.3C222.687 10.3 223.074 10.37 223.392 10.51C223.718 10.65 223.984 10.8507 224.19 11.112C224.395 11.3733 224.544 11.686 224.638 12.05C224.74 12.414 224.792 12.82 224.792 13.268V18H223.126V13.674C223.126 13.422 223.112 13.1747 223.084 12.932C223.056 12.6893 222.99 12.4747 222.888 12.288C222.794 12.092 222.65 11.938 222.454 11.826C222.267 11.714 222.015 11.658 221.698 11.658C221.38 11.658 221.11 11.7187 220.886 11.84C220.662 11.952 220.48 12.1107 220.34 12.316C220.2 12.5213 220.097 12.7687 220.032 13.058C219.976 13.3473 219.948 13.66 219.948 13.996V18H218.282V10.468H219.948V11.518ZM230.908 12.582C230.824 12.2273 230.628 11.9707 230.32 11.812C230.012 11.6533 229.62 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68.5177 15.718C68.359 15.2327 68.2797 14.7193 68.2797 14.178C68.2797 13.6087 68.3684 13.0907 68.5457 12.624C68.723 12.148 68.9704 11.7373 69.2877 11.392C69.605 11.0467 69.9877 10.7807 70.4357 10.594C70.8837 10.398 71.383 10.3 71.9337 10.3C72.5217 10.3 73.0444 10.412 73.5017 10.636C73.959 10.86 74.3417 11.168 74.6497 11.56C74.9577 11.952 75.1864 12.4187 75.3357 12.96C75.485 13.492 75.541 14.0753 75.5037 14.71H69.9737C69.983 15.0087 70.039 15.2887 70.1417 15.55C70.2537 15.802 70.3984 16.0213 70.5757 16.208C70.753 16.3947 70.9584 16.5393 71.1917 16.642C71.4344 16.7447 71.6957 16.796 71.9757 16.796C72.881 16.796 73.483 16.446 73.7817 15.746H75.4197C75.3357 16.0447 75.205 16.3433 75.0277 16.642C74.8504 16.9313 74.6217 17.1927 74.3417 17.426C74.071 17.65 73.7444 17.832 73.3617 17.972C72.979 18.112 72.5404 18.182 72.0457 18.182ZM71.9337 11.602C71.7004 11.602 71.467 11.6393 71.2337 11.714C71.0097 11.7887 70.8044 11.9053 70.6177 12.064C70.4404 12.2133 70.291 12.4093 70.1697 12.652C70.0484 12.8853 69.983 13.1653 69.9737 13.492H73.8097C73.8004 13.2027 73.7444 12.9413 73.6417 12.708C73.539 12.4653 73.4037 12.2647 73.2357 12.106C73.0677 11.9473 72.8717 11.826 72.6477 11.742C72.4237 11.6487 72.1857 11.602 71.9337 11.602ZM81.0071 12.162C80.7271 12.134 80.4611 12.12 80.2091 12.12C79.9478 12.12 79.7145 12.1527 79.5091 12.218C79.3038 12.274 79.1311 12.3767 78.9911 12.526C78.8511 12.666 78.7438 12.862 78.6691 13.114C78.5945 13.366 78.5571 13.6787 78.5571 14.052V18H76.8911V10.468H78.5291V11.812C78.7345 11.392 79.0098 11.0653 79.3551 10.832C79.7098 10.5893 80.1158 10.4633 80.5731 10.454C80.6385 10.454 80.7085 10.4587 80.7831 10.468C80.8671 10.468 80.9418 10.4727 81.0071 10.482V12.162ZM89.9477 14.458C89.3503 14.514 88.8417 14.5793 88.4217 14.654C88.0017 14.7287 87.6563 14.822 87.3857 14.934C87.115 15.046 86.9143 15.1813 86.7837 15.34C86.6623 15.4893 86.6017 15.6713 86.6017 15.886C86.6017 16.2127 86.7277 16.4693 86.9797 16.656C87.2317 16.8427 87.5677 16.936 87.9877 16.936C88.6037 16.936 89.0843 16.768 89.4297 16.432C89.775 16.0867 89.9477 15.5173 89.9477 14.724V14.458ZM88.3657 10.244C88.8323 10.244 89.2617 10.3 89.6537 10.412C90.055 10.524 90.4003 10.706 90.6897 10.958C90.979 11.21 91.1983 11.5413 91.3477 11.952C91.5063 12.3627 91.581 12.8667 91.5717 13.464C91.5717 13.5573 91.567 13.6833 91.5577 13.842C91.5577 13.9913 91.5577 14.1547 91.5577 14.332C91.5577 14.5093 91.553 14.696 91.5437 14.892C91.5437 15.0787 91.5437 15.256 91.5437 15.424C91.5437 15.9 91.5623 16.3713 91.5997 16.838C91.637 17.2953 91.693 17.6827 91.7677 18H90.2417C90.2137 17.8413 90.1857 17.6873 90.1577 17.538C90.139 17.3887 90.1203 17.1833 90.1017 16.922C89.8683 17.342 89.537 17.6593 89.1077 17.874C88.6783 18.0793 88.1837 18.182 87.6237 18.182C87.213 18.182 86.835 18.126 86.4897 18.014C86.1537 17.9113 85.8597 17.762 85.6077 17.566C85.365 17.37 85.1737 17.1367 85.0337 16.866C84.903 16.586 84.8377 16.2733 84.8377 15.928C84.8377 15.4613 84.973 15.074 85.2437 14.766C85.5143 14.458 85.8783 14.206 86.3357 14.01C86.8023 13.814 87.339 13.6647 87.9457 13.562C88.5617 13.4593 89.215 13.3707 89.9057 13.296V13.114C89.9057 12.7967 89.8637 12.5353 89.7797 12.33C89.6957 12.1153 89.579 11.9473 89.4297 11.826C89.2897 11.6953 89.1217 11.6067 88.9257 11.56C88.7297 11.504 88.515 11.476 88.2817 11.476C87.8523 11.476 87.493 11.588 87.2037 11.812C86.9143 12.036 86.7603 12.3767 86.7417 12.834H85.1037C85.1317 12.4513 85.2297 12.1013 85.3977 11.784C85.5657 11.4667 85.7897 11.196 86.0697 10.972C86.359 10.7387 86.695 10.5613 87.0777 10.44C87.4697 10.3093 87.899 10.244 88.3657 10.244ZM94.9224 18H93.2564V7.85H94.9224V18ZM98.4634 18H96.7974V7.85H98.4634V18ZM105.161 14.234C105.161 14.6727 105.208 15.0553 105.301 15.382C105.404 15.6993 105.544 15.9653 105.721 16.18C105.898 16.3947 106.104 16.558 106.337 16.67C106.58 16.7727 106.836 16.824 107.107 16.824C107.695 16.824 108.152 16.5953 108.479 16.138C108.806 15.6713 108.969 15.0367 108.969 14.234C108.969 13.4407 108.806 12.8153 108.479 12.358C108.152 11.8913 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113.847 13.114C113.772 13.366 113.735 13.6787 113.735 14.052V18H112.069V10.468H113.707V11.812C113.912 11.392 114.188 11.0653 114.533 10.832C114.888 10.5893 115.294 10.4633 115.751 10.454C115.816 10.454 115.886 10.4587 115.961 10.468C116.045 10.468 116.12 10.4727 116.185 10.482V12.162ZM120.237 16.824C120.517 16.824 120.773 16.7727 121.007 16.67C121.24 16.558 121.445 16.3993 121.623 16.194C121.8 15.9793 121.935 15.7133 122.029 15.396C122.131 15.0693 122.183 14.6867 122.183 14.248C122.183 13.8187 122.131 13.4407 122.029 13.114C121.935 12.7873 121.8 12.5167 121.623 12.302C121.445 12.0873 121.24 11.9287 121.007 11.826C120.773 11.714 120.517 11.658 120.237 11.658C119.957 11.658 119.7 11.714 119.467 11.826C119.233 11.9287 119.028 12.0873 118.851 12.302C118.673 12.5167 118.533 12.7873 118.431 13.114C118.337 13.4407 118.291 13.8187 118.291 14.248C118.291 14.6867 118.337 15.0693 118.431 15.396C118.533 15.7133 118.673 15.9793 118.851 16.194C119.028 16.3993 119.233 16.558 119.467 16.67C119.7 16.7727 119.957 16.824 120.237 16.824ZM120.237 10.3C120.713 10.3 121.17 10.3793 121.609 10.538C122.047 10.6967 122.435 10.9393 122.771 11.266C123.116 11.5833 123.391 11.9893 123.597 12.484C123.802 12.9787 123.905 13.5667 123.905 14.248C123.905 14.9293 123.802 15.5173 123.597 16.012C123.391 16.5067 123.116 16.9173 122.771 17.244C122.435 17.5613 122.047 17.7993 121.609 17.958C121.17 18.1073 120.713 18.182 120.237 18.182C119.761 18.182 119.303 18.1073 118.865 17.958C118.426 17.7993 118.034 17.5613 117.689 17.244C117.353 16.9173 117.082 16.5067 116.877 16.012C116.671 15.5173 116.569 14.9293 116.569 14.248C116.569 13.5667 116.671 12.9787 116.877 12.484C117.082 11.9893 117.353 11.5833 117.689 11.266C118.034 10.9393 118.426 10.6967 118.865 10.538C119.303 10.3793 119.761 10.3 120.237 10.3ZM130.314 7.85H131.98V18H130.314V17.006C130.09 17.3793 129.787 17.6687 129.404 17.874C129.021 18.0793 128.578 18.182 128.074 18.182C127.617 18.182 127.187 18.0933 126.786 17.916C126.394 17.7293 126.053 17.4633 125.764 17.118C125.475 16.7727 125.246 16.3573 125.078 15.872C124.919 15.3867 124.84 14.8407 124.84 14.234C124.84 13.6367 124.919 13.0953 125.078 12.61C125.246 12.1247 125.475 11.7093 125.764 11.364C126.053 11.0187 126.394 10.7573 126.786 10.58C127.187 10.3933 127.617 10.3 128.074 10.3C128.578 10.3 129.021 10.4027 129.404 10.608C129.787 10.8133 130.09 11.1027 130.314 11.476V7.85ZM130.384 14.234C130.384 13.8047 130.333 13.4267 130.23 13.1C130.127 12.7733 129.987 12.5073 129.81 12.302C129.642 12.0873 129.437 11.9287 129.194 11.826C128.961 11.714 128.709 11.658 128.438 11.658C127.85 11.658 127.393 11.8913 127.066 12.358C126.739 12.8153 126.576 13.4407 126.576 14.234C126.576 15.0367 126.739 15.6713 127.066 16.138C127.393 16.5953 127.85 16.824 128.438 16.824C128.709 16.824 128.961 16.7727 129.194 16.67C129.437 16.558 129.642 16.3947 129.81 16.18C129.987 15.9653 130.127 15.6993 130.23 15.382C130.333 15.0553 130.384 14.6727 130.384 14.234ZM138.51 16.964C138.295 17.356 137.996 17.6593 137.614 17.874C137.24 18.0793 136.797 18.182 136.284 18.182C135.836 18.182 135.453 18.112 135.136 17.972C134.818 17.832 134.557 17.6313 134.352 17.37C134.146 17.1087 133.997 16.796 133.904 16.432C133.81 16.068 133.764 15.662 133.764 15.214V10.468H135.43V14.808C135.43 15.06 135.444 15.3073 135.472 15.55C135.5 15.7927 135.56 16.012 135.654 16.208C135.747 16.3947 135.887 16.544 136.074 16.656C136.26 16.768 136.508 16.824 136.816 16.824C137.124 16.824 137.385 16.768 137.6 16.656C137.824 16.5347 138.001 16.3713 138.132 16.166C138.262 15.9607 138.356 15.7133 138.412 15.424C138.477 15.1347 138.51 14.822 138.51 14.486V10.468H140.176V18H138.51V16.964ZM145.201 10.3C145.621 10.3 146.018 10.3653 146.391 10.496C146.765 10.6267 147.096 10.8133 147.385 11.056C147.684 11.2893 147.931 11.574 148.127 11.91C148.323 12.246 148.459 12.624 148.533 13.044H146.909C146.835 12.6427 146.648 12.316 146.349 12.064C146.06 11.812 145.663 11.686 145.159 11.686C144.898 11.686 144.651 11.7373 144.417 11.84C144.193 11.9333 143.993 12.0873 143.815 12.302C143.647 12.5073 143.512 12.7687 143.409 13.086C143.316 13.4033 143.269 13.786 143.269 14.234C143.269 14.682 143.316 15.0693 143.409 15.396C143.512 15.7133 143.647 15.9793 143.815 16.194C143.993 16.3993 144.193 16.5533 144.417 16.656C144.651 16.7493 144.898 16.796 145.159 16.796C145.579 16.796 145.957 16.6933 146.293 16.488C146.639 16.2827 146.863 15.928 146.965 15.424H148.589C148.505 15.8627 148.356 16.2547 148.141 16.6C147.927 16.9453 147.665 17.2347 147.357 17.468C147.049 17.7013 146.704 17.8787 146.321 18C145.939 18.1213 145.542 18.182 145.131 18.182C144.571 18.182 144.067 18.084 143.619 17.888C143.181 17.6827 142.807 17.4073 142.499 17.062C142.191 16.7073 141.953 16.292 141.785 15.816C141.627 15.3307 141.547 14.808 141.547 14.248C141.547 13.688 141.627 13.17 141.785 12.694C141.953 12.2087 142.196 11.7887 142.513 11.434C142.831 11.0793 143.213 10.804 143.661 10.608C144.109 10.4027 144.623 10.3 145.201 10.3ZM150.11 8.48H151.776V10.468H153.288V11.672H151.776V15.774C151.776 16.1567 151.836 16.4133 151.958 16.544C152.079 16.6653 152.317 16.726 152.672 16.726H153.274V18H152.042C151.64 18 151.314 17.972 151.062 17.916C150.81 17.8507 150.614 17.7433 150.474 17.594C150.334 17.4447 150.236 17.244 150.18 16.992C150.133 16.7307 150.11 16.4087 150.11 16.026V11.672H148.99V10.468H150.11V8.48ZM159.011 12.582C158.927 12.2273 158.731 11.9707 158.423 11.812C158.115 11.6533 157.723 11.574 157.247 11.574C156.865 11.574 156.533 11.6487 156.253 11.798C155.983 11.938 155.847 12.134 155.847 12.386C155.847 12.8527 156.211 13.1607 156.939 13.31L157.961 13.52C158.335 13.604 158.685 13.702 159.011 13.814C159.347 13.9167 159.637 14.052 159.879 14.22C160.122 14.388 160.313 14.598 160.453 14.85C160.593 15.0927 160.663 15.396 160.663 15.76C160.663 16.152 160.575 16.502 160.397 16.81C160.229 17.1087 159.996 17.3607 159.697 17.566C159.408 17.762 159.067 17.9113 158.675 18.014C158.293 18.126 157.882 18.182 157.443 18.182C156.958 18.182 156.515 18.1167 156.113 17.986C155.721 17.8553 155.381 17.678 155.091 17.454C154.811 17.23 154.583 16.964 154.405 16.656C154.237 16.348 154.135 16.012 154.097 15.648H155.721C155.796 16.0493 155.978 16.362 156.267 16.586C156.557 16.81 156.967 16.922 157.499 16.922C157.966 16.922 158.339 16.838 158.619 16.67C158.899 16.4927 159.039 16.2547 159.039 15.956C159.039 15.6573 158.913 15.4287 158.661 15.27C158.419 15.1113 158.097 14.99 157.695 14.906L156.561 14.668C156.235 14.6027 155.931 14.5187 155.651 14.416C155.371 14.304 155.129 14.164 154.923 13.996C154.727 13.8187 154.569 13.6087 154.447 13.366C154.335 13.114 154.279 12.8153 154.279 12.47C154.279 12.134 154.359 11.8353 154.517 11.574C154.685 11.3033 154.909 11.0747 155.189 10.888C155.469 10.7013 155.796 10.5567 156.169 10.454C156.543 10.3513 156.939 10.3 157.359 10.3C157.751 10.3 158.125 10.3467 158.479 10.44C158.834 10.5333 159.151 10.678 159.431 10.874C159.721 11.0607 159.963 11.2987 160.159 11.588C160.365 11.868 160.505 12.1993 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r1 gradientUnitsuserSpaceOnUse gradientTransformtranslate(14 13.3731) scale(18.8757 15.7759)>stop offset0.82 stop-color#0B5CFF stop-opacity0/>stop offset0.98 stop-color#003CB3/>/radialGradient>radialGradient idpaint1_radial_918_8325 cx0 cy0 r1 gradientUnitsuserSpaceOnUse gradientTransformtranslate(14 16.6211) scale(18.8689 15.7702)>stop offset0.8 stop-color#0B5CFF stop-opacity0/>stop offset1 stop-color#71A5F1/>/radialGradient>clipPath idclip0_918_8325>rect width18 height18 fillwhite transformtranslate(5 6)/>/clipPath>/defs>/svg>a href target_blank>Team Chat/a>/li>li>svg width28 height29 viewBox0 0 28 29 fillnone xmlns>path dM28 15C28 16.4971 27.8796 17.9651 27.6497 19.3965C26.8886 24.1351 23.1351 27.8886 18.3965 28.6497C16.965 28.8796 15.497 29 14 29C12.503 29 11.035 28.8796 9.60355 28.6497C4.86494 27.8886 1.11135 24.1351 0.350273 19.3965C0.120366 17.9651 0 16.4971 0 15C0 13.5029 0.120366 12.0349 0.350273 10.6035C1.11135 5.86489 4.86494 2.11135 9.60355 1.35027C11.035 1.12036 12.503 1 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0.350254 10.6034C1.11138 5.86489 4.86492 2.11125 9.60353 1.35022C11.035 1.12032 12.5029 1 14 1C15.497 1 16.965 1.12032 18.3964 1.35022C23.135 2.11125 26.8886 5.86489 27.6497 10.6034C27.8796 12.0349 27.9999 13.5029 27.9999 15Z fillurl(#paint1_radial_918_8344)/>g clip-pathurl(#clip0_918_8344)>path dM21 18.0625V19.3749C21 20.818 19.8335 21.9871 18.391 21.998V22C18.3866 22 18.3823 21.9993 18.3779 21.9993C18.3756 21.9993 18.3735 22 18.3713 22V21.999C12.0958 21.9882 7.0103 16.911 7 10.6442C6.99761 9.1906 8.17307 8 9.62872 8H10.943C11.9108 8 12.6955 8.7835 12.6955 9.75001V10.7751C12.6955 11.2392 12.5108 11.6844 12.1821 12.0126L11.2627 12.9308C11.0776 13.1157 11.0119 13.3964 11.1122 13.6378C11.909 15.5556 13.4405 17.0876 15.3589 17.8871C15.601 17.988 15.8827 17.9225 16.0682 17.7373L16.9817 16.8251C17.3103 16.4969 17.756 16.3125 18.2208 16.3125H19.2475C20.2154 16.3125 21 17.096 21 18.0625Z fillwhite/>/g>defs>radialGradient idpaint0_radial_918_8344 cx0 cy0 r1 gradientUnitsuserSpaceOnUse 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2.11125 9.60353 1.35022C11.035 1.12032 12.5029 1 14 1C15.497 1 16.965 1.12032 18.3964 1.35022C23.135 2.11125 26.8886 5.86489 27.6497 10.6034C27.8796 12.0349 27.9999 13.5029 27.9999 15Z fillurl(#paint1_radial_918_54)/>g clip-pathurl(#clip0_918_54)>path dM21.5 11.4998V11.8927L15.5449 16.5739C14.6357 17.2897 13.3643 17.2887 12.4551 16.5739L6.5 11.8927V11.4998C6.5 9.84294 7.84314 8.49978 9.5 8.49978H9.75V10.4996C9.75 11.3282 10.4214 11.9996 11.25 11.9996C12.0786 11.9996 12.75 11.3282 12.75 10.4996V8.49978H15.25V10.4996C15.25 11.3282 15.9214 11.9996 16.75 11.9996C17.5786 11.9996 18.25 11.3282 18.25 10.4996V8.49978H18.5C20.1569 8.49978 21.5 9.84294 21.5 11.4998ZM14 18.111C13.2368 18.111 12.4736 17.861 11.8369 17.36L6.5 13.1648V18.5C6.5 20.1568 7.84314 21.5 9.5 21.5H18.5C20.1569 21.5 21.5 20.1568 21.5 18.5V13.1648L16.1631 17.36C15.5264 17.8605 14.7632 18.111 14 18.111ZM16.75 10.9996C17.0264 10.9996 17.25 10.7759 17.25 10.4996V7.50001C17.25 7.22364 17.0264 7 16.75 7C16.4736 7 16.25 7.22364 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18.2497V15.7498C16.4999 15.4734 16.7235 15.2498 16.9999 15.2498C17.2763 15.2498 17.4999 15.4734 17.4999 15.7498V18.0427L18.7675 19.3112C18.9628 19.5066 18.9628 19.823 18.7675 20.0183ZM16.7499 10.7499C16.4735 10.7499 16.2499 10.5263 16.2499 10.2499V7.24999C16.2499 6.97363 16.4735 6.75 16.7499 6.75C17.0263 6.75 17.2499 6.97363 17.2499 7.24999V10.2499C17.2499 10.5263 17.0263 10.7499 16.7499 10.7499ZM11.2499 10.7499C10.9735 10.7499 10.7499 10.5263 10.7499 10.2499V7.24999C10.7499 6.97363 10.9735 6.75 11.2499 6.75C11.5263 6.75 11.7499 6.97363 11.7499 7.24999V10.2499C11.7499 10.5263 11.5263 10.7499 11.2499 10.7499ZM18.5 8.25034H18.2499V10.2499C18.2499 11.078 17.578 11.7499 16.7499 11.7499C15.9218 11.7499 15.2499 11.078 15.2499 10.2499V8.25034H12.7499V10.2499C12.7499 11.078 12.078 11.7499 11.2499 11.7499C10.4218 11.7499 9.74991 11.078 9.74991 10.2499V8.25034H9.50003C7.84317 8.25034 6.50003 9.59345 6.50003 11.2503V19.2501C6.50003 20.9069 7.84317 22.25 9.50003 22.25H12.3166C12.5927 22.25 12.8166 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1.85022C11.035 1.62032 12.5029 1.5 13.9999 1.5C15.497 1.5 16.965 1.62032 18.3964 1.85022C23.135 2.61125 26.8885 6.36489 27.6496 11.1034C27.8795 12.5349 27.9999 14.0029 27.9999 15.5Z fillurl(#paint1_radial_918_8520)/>g clip-pathurl(#clip0_918_8520)>path dM19.0001 8.625H9C7.34314 8.625 6 9.96814 6 11.625V19.625C6 21.2819 7.34314 22.625 9 22.625H19.0001C20.6569 22.625 22.0001 21.2819 22.0001 19.625V11.625C22.0001 9.96814 20.6569 8.625 19.0001 8.625ZM13.922 13.7321L12.4625 13.5026C12.2452 13.4685 12.0661 13.3151 11.9996 13.1063L11.5287 11.6314C11.369 11.1311 11.9064 10.6943 12.3661 10.9508L16.7028 13.3697C17.099 13.5908 17.099 14.159 16.7028 14.3801L12.3658 16.7993C11.9064 17.0557 11.369 16.619 11.5287 16.1187L11.9994 14.6438C12.066 14.435 12.2452 14.2815 12.4625 14.2474L13.9218 14.018C14.0853 13.9923 14.0853 13.7578 13.922 13.7321ZM19.0001 20.125H12.8927C12.6996 20.5656 12.2618 20.875 11.7501 20.875C11.2382 20.875 10.8005 20.5656 10.6073 20.125H9.00012C8.72375 20.125 8.50012 19.9014 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12.75H7.5C7.22363 12.75 7 12.9736 7 13.25C7 13.5264 7.22363 13.75 7.5 13.75H8.75C9.02637 13.75 9.25 13.9736 9.25 14.25C9.25 14.5264 9.02637 14.75 8.75 14.75H7.5C7.22363 14.75 7 14.9736 7 15.25C7 15.5264 7.22363 15.75 7.5 15.75H8.75C9.02637 15.75 9.25 15.9736 9.25 16.25C9.25 16.5264 9.02637 16.75 8.75 16.75H7.5C7.22363 16.75 7 16.9736 7 17.25C7 17.5264 7.22363 17.75 7.5 17.75H8.75C9.02637 17.75 9.25 17.9736 9.25 18.25C9.25 18.5264 9.02637 18.75 8.75 18.75H7.5C7.22363 18.75 7 18.9736 7 19.25C7 19.5264 7.22363 19.75 7.5 19.75H8.75C9.02637 19.75 9.25 19.9736 9.25 20.25C9.25 20.5264 9.02637 20.75 8.75 20.75H8.02521C8.15106 21.8734 9.09296 22.75 10.25 22.75H11.5743C11.527 22.5902 11.5 22.4227 11.5 22.2498C11.5001 21.5826 11.8707 20.9829 12.4674 20.6847L13.7036 20.0665C14.1179 19.8595 14.5818 19.75 15.045 19.75ZM12.25 10.75H16.25C16.5264 10.75 16.75 10.9736 16.75 11.25C16.75 11.5264 16.5264 11.75 16.25 11.75H12.25C11.9736 11.75 11.75 11.5264 11.75 11.25C11.75 10.9736 11.9736 10.75 12.25 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12 16.2245 12 16.5001C12 16.7758 11.7762 17.0001 11.5 17.0001ZM14.5 14.5001H10C9.72379 14.5001 9.5 14.2758 9.5 14.0001C9.5 13.7245 9.72379 13.5001 10 13.5001H14.5C14.7762 13.5001 15 13.7245 15 14.0001C15 14.2758 14.7762 14.5001 14.5 14.5001ZM13.7494 18.7498C13.7494 17.7835 14.5335 17.0001 15.5 17.0001C16.4667 17.0001 17.2494 17.7835 17.2494 18.7498C17.2494 19.7164 16.4667 20.5 15.5 20.5C14.5335 20.5 13.7494 19.7164 13.7494 18.7498ZM19.75 19.5C20.5785 19.5 21.2495 18.8284 21.2495 17.9997C21.2495 17.1716 20.5785 16.5 19.75 16.5C18.9215 16.5 18.2494 17.1716 18.2494 17.9997C18.2494 18.8284 18.9215 19.5 19.75 19.5ZM19.75 20.25C18.8823 20.25 18.144 20.459 17.6482 20.7817C18.5567 21.1596 19.1754 21.7668 19.3995 22.5H21.7146C22.0942 22.5 22.5 22.1642 22.5 21.7497C22.5 20.9216 21.322 20.25 19.75 20.25ZM15.2661 23.3373L14.6239 21.6646C14.579 21.5476 14.451 21.4776 14.3295 21.5069C13.2356 21.7707 12.5 22.3906 12.5 23.1214C12.5 23.6067 12.9429 24 13.357 24H17.6433C18.0574 24 18.5 23.6067 18.5 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19.125H19.0001C19.2765 19.125 19.5001 19.3486 19.5001 19.625C19.5001 19.9014 19.2765 20.125 19.0001 20.125Z fillwhite/>/g>defs>radialGradient idpaint0_radial_918_8520 cx0 cy0 r1 gradientUnitsuserSpaceOnUse gradientTransformtranslate(14 13.8731) scale(18.8757 15.7759)>stop offset0.82 stop-color#0B5CFF stop-opacity0/>stop offset0.98 stop-color#003CB3/>/radialGradient>radialGradient idpaint1_radial_918_8520 cx0 cy0 r1 gradientUnitsuserSpaceOnUse gradientTransformtranslate(13.9999 17.1211) scale(18.8689 15.7702)>stop offset0.8 stop-color#0B5CFF stop-opacity0/>stop offset1 stop-color#71A5F1/>/radialGradient>clipPath idclip0_918_8520>rect width18 height18 fillwhite transformtranslate(5 6.5)/>/clipPath>/defs>/svg>a href target_blank>Clips/a>/li>li>svg width28 height30 viewBox0 0 28 30 fillnone xmlns>path dM28 15.5C28 16.9971 27.8796 18.4651 27.6497 19.8965C26.8886 24.6351 23.1351 28.3886 18.3965 29.1497C16.965 29.3796 15.497 29.5 14 29.5C12.503 29.5 11.035 29.3796 9.60355 29.1497C4.86494 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18.0536C21.0401 18.3996 20.8069 18.6662 20.5116 18.8295ZM12.5 20V22.5C12.5 22.7764 12.2764 23 12 23C11.7236 23 11.5 22.7764 11.5 22.5V20C11.5 19.4482 11.0513 18.9999 10.5 18.9999H8.47604L7.57035 22.6211C7.51371 22.8486 7.3101 23 7.08598 23C7.04594 23 7.00493 22.9951 6.9644 22.9853C6.69634 22.918 6.53325 22.6465 6.60063 22.3789L7.48838 18.8295C7.19303 18.6659 6.95988 18.3996 6.87358 18.0536L6.01519 14.6209C5.94781 14.3534 6.11089 14.0819 6.37896 14.0145C6.64556 13.9491 6.91802 14.1102 6.98491 14.3787L7.8433 17.8114C7.87113 17.9228 7.97074 17.9999 8.08597 17.9999H10.5C11.603 17.9999 12.5 18.8974 12.5 20ZM18 8H9.99999C8.89745 8 7.99999 8.89746 7.99999 10V14C7.99999 15.1025 8.89745 16 9.99999 16H18C19.1025 16 20 15.1025 20 14V10C20 8.89746 19.1025 8 18 8ZM13.9998 9.25024C14.7593 9.25024 15.3743 9.8659 15.3743 10.6251C15.3743 11.3846 14.7593 12.0002 13.9998 12.0002C13.2404 12.0002 12.6243 11.3846 12.6243 10.6251C12.6243 9.8659 13.2404 9.25024 13.9998 9.25024ZM15.7859 14.7502H12.2139C11.8689 14.7502 11.4998 14.4424 11.4998 14.0627C11.4998 13.3034 12.5708 12.6877 13.9998 12.6877C15.4288 12.6877 16.4999 13.3034 16.4999 14.0627C16.4999 14.4424 16.1309 14.7502 15.7859 14.7502Z fillwhite/>/g>defs>radialGradient idpaint0_radial_918_6442 cx0 cy0 r1 gradientUnitsuserSpaceOnUse gradientTransformtranslate(14 13.8731) scale(18.8757 15.7759)>stop offset0.82 stop-color#0B5CFF stop-opacity0/>stop offset0.98 stop-color#003CB3/>/radialGradient>radialGradient idpaint1_radial_918_6442 cx0 cy0 r1 gradientUnitsuserSpaceOnUse gradientTransformtranslate(13.9999 17.1211) scale(18.8689 15.7702)>stop offset0.8 stop-color#0B5CFF stop-opacity0/>stop offset1 stop-color#71A5F1/>/radialGradient>clipPath idclip0_918_6442>rect width18 height18 fillwhite transformtranslate(5 6.5)/>/clipPath>/defs>/svg>a href target_blank>Rooms/a>/li>li>svg width28 height30 viewBox0 0 28 30 fillnone xmlns>path dM28 15.5C28 16.9971 27.8796 18.4651 27.6497 19.8965C26.8886 24.6351 23.1351 28.3886 18.3965 29.1497C16.965 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14.4991H6.99997C6.7241 14.4991 6.47411 14.6113 6.29296 14.7923C6.27831 14.8071 6.27184 14.8284 6.25805 14.8441C6.10242 15.0204 6 15.2457 6 15.499V18.4986C6 18.6365 6.02808 18.768 6.07861 18.8876C6.23022 19.2472 6.58567 19.4998 7.00046 19.4998H7.52364C7.80036 19.4998 8.02362 19.2765 8.02362 18.9998C8.02362 18.9305 8.0097 18.8647 7.98431 18.8048C7.90863 18.6249 7.7309 18.4986 7.52339 18.4986H7.00046V15.4999H12.4998V18.1285C12.4998 18.1977 12.5138 18.2636 12.5392 18.3235C12.6148 18.5036 12.7923 18.6298 13.0003 18.6298C13.2769 18.6298 13.5003 18.4065 13.5003 18.1298V15.4999C13.5003 15.0847 13.2487 14.7298 12.8894 14.5782ZM12.5003 8.5H7.00046C6.46312 8.5 6.03443 8.92389 6.00952 9.45494C6.00879 9.47081 6.00037 9.48411 6.00037 9.50016V12.4997C6.00037 12.5149 6.0083 12.5275 6.00904 12.5425C6.03248 13.0748 6.46215 13.4999 7.00046 13.4999H12.5003C13.0535 13.4999 13.5003 13.0533 13.5003 12.4999V9.49999C13.5003 8.94666 13.0535 8.5 12.5003 8.5ZM21 8.5H15.5002C14.9629 8.5 14.5342 8.92389 14.5093 9.45494C14.5085 9.47081 14.5001 9.48411 14.5001 9.50016V12.4997C14.5001 12.5149 14.508 12.5275 14.5088 12.5425C14.5322 13.0748 14.9619 13.4999 15.5002 13.4999H21C21.5532 13.4999 22 13.0533 22 12.4999V9.49999C22 8.94666 21.5532 8.5 21 8.5ZM12.9401 19.4568C12.9407 19.4568 12.9412 19.4572 12.9418 19.4572C12.9424 19.4572 12.9429 19.4568 12.9434 19.4568H12.9401ZM12.9418 19.4572C12.6326 19.4582 12.3835 19.7074 12.3835 20.0168V19.4568C12.3835 19.1468 12.1335 18.8968 11.8236 18.8968C11.5135 18.8968 11.2635 19.1468 11.2635 19.4568V19.1768C11.2635 18.8668 11.0135 18.6169 10.7035 18.6169C10.3934 18.6169 10.1434 18.8668 10.1434 19.1768V17.2135C10.1434 16.9035 9.89345 16.6535 9.58352 16.6535C9.27359 16.6535 9.0236 16.9035 9.0236 17.2135V20.4334C9.0236 20.6068 8.92692 20.7501 8.77019 20.8301C8.61028 20.9101 8.43695 20.8768 8.31024 20.7668C7.78694 20.3068 7.3569 20.0368 7.08689 20.0034C6.78697 19.9701 6.50024 20.1134 6.50024 20.4334C6.50024 20.5434 6.54699 20.6401 6.64355 20.7368C6.88036 20.9268 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0C15.497 0 16.965 0.120316 18.3964 0.350223C23.135 1.11125 26.8885 4.86489 27.6496 9.60345C27.8795 11.0349 27.9999 12.5029 27.9999 14Z fillurl(#paint1_radial_2168_16146)/>path dM20 8.49995H16.25V9.49995C16.25 10.327 15.5772 11 14.75 11H13.25C12.4229 11 11.75 10.327 11.75 9.49995V8.49995H8C6.89539 8.49995 6 9.3954 6 10.5V17.5C6 18.6046 6.89539 19.5 8 19.5H20C21.1046 19.5 22 18.6046 22 17.5V10.5C22 9.3954 21.1046 8.49995 20 8.49995ZM10.5 11.75C11.2594 11.75 11.8745 12.3657 11.8745 13.1249C11.8745 13.8844 11.2594 14.5 10.5 14.5C9.7406 14.5 9.12451 13.8844 9.12451 13.1249C9.12451 12.3657 9.7406 11.75 10.5 11.75ZM14.75 6.5H13.25C12.9739 6.5 12.75 6.72382 12.75 7V9.49995C12.75 9.77614 12.9739 9.99995 13.25 9.99995H14.75C15.0261 9.99995 15.25 9.77613 15.25 9.49995V7C15.25 6.72381 15.0261 6.5 14.75 6.5ZM12.286 17.25H8.71399C8.36902 17.25 8 16.9422 8 16.5624C8 15.8032 9.07117 15.1875 10.5001 15.1875C11.9291 15.1875 13.0001 15.8032 13.0001 16.5624C13.0001 16.9422 12.6311 17.25 12.286 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26.2773V0.499878H111.56V26.2773H107.328ZM127.555 14.3307V13.9745C127.555 10.7034 125.671 9.70781 123.573 9.70781C121.44 9.70781 119.84 10.8456 119.733 13.1576H115.574C115.858 9.2459 119.094 6.57893 123.715 6.57893C128.302 6.57893 131.894 8.67702 131.787 14.7926C131.787 15.7529 131.715 17.9932 131.715 19.7351C131.715 22.1529 131.929 24.6777 132.284 26.2773H128.409C128.267 25.4592 128.124 24.9973 128.054 23.6821C126.844 25.7437 124.569 26.7392 121.76 26.7392C117.6 26.7392 114.685 24.4989 114.685 21.0151C114.685 16.25 120.551 15.0418 127.555 14.3307ZM119.164 20.9081C119.164 22.5795 120.551 23.5751 122.685 23.5751C125.814 23.5751 127.662 21.9754 127.662 18.7396V17.2821C121.619 17.851 119.164 18.7043 119.164 20.9081ZM148.288 13.69C147.932 11.6637 146.155 10.2415 143.843 10.2415C141.213 10.2415 138.83 12.1973 138.83 16.7132C138.83 21.2643 141.248 23.2189 143.737 23.2189C145.799 23.2189 147.897 22.2951 148.431 19.7351H152.555C151.702 24.2145 147.755 26.7392 143.666 26.7392C138.119 26.7392 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gradientTransformtranslate(14 13.3731) scale(18.8757 15.7759)>stop offset0.82 stop-color#0B5CFF stop-opacity0/>stop offset0.98 stop-color#003CB3/>/radialGradient>radialGradient idpaint1_radial_918_1247 cx0 cy0 r1 gradientUnitsuserSpaceOnUse gradientTransformtranslate(14 16.6211) scale(18.8689 15.7702)>stop offset0.8 stop-color#0B5CFF stop-opacity0/>stop offset1 stop-color#71A5F1/>/radialGradient>clipPath idclip0_918_1247>rect width18 height18 fillwhite transformtranslate(5 6)/>/clipPath>/defs>/svg>a href target_blank>Meetings/a>/li>li>svg width28 height29 viewBox0 0 28 29 fillnone xmlns>path dM28 15C28 16.4971 27.8796 17.9651 27.6497 19.3965C26.8886 24.1351 23.1351 27.8886 18.3965 28.6497C16.965 28.8796 15.497 29 14 29C12.503 29 11.035 28.8796 9.60355 28.6497C4.86494 27.8886 1.11135 24.1351 0.350273 19.3965C0.120366 17.9651 0 16.4971 0 15C0 13.5029 0.120366 12.0349 0.350273 10.6035C1.11135 5.86489 4.86494 2.11135 9.60355 1.35027C11.035 1.12036 12.503 1 14 1C15.497 1 16.965 1.12036 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scale(18.8757 15.7759)>stop offset0.82 stop-color#0B5CFF stop-opacity0/>stop offset0.98 stop-color#003CB3/>/radialGradient>radialGradient idpaint1_radial_918_8325 cx0 cy0 r1 gradientUnitsuserSpaceOnUse gradientTransformtranslate(14 16.6211) scale(18.8689 15.7702)>stop offset0.8 stop-color#0B5CFF stop-opacity0/>stop offset1 stop-color#71A5F1/>/radialGradient>clipPath idclip0_918_8325>rect width18 height18 fillwhite transformtranslate(5 6)/>/clipPath>/defs>/svg>a href target_blank>Team Chat/a>/li>li>svg width28 height29 viewBox0 0 28 29 fillnone xmlns>path dM28 15C28 16.4971 27.8796 17.9651 27.6497 19.3965C26.8886 24.1351 23.1351 27.8886 18.3965 28.6497C16.965 28.8796 15.497 29 14 29C12.503 29 11.035 28.8796 9.60355 28.6497C4.86494 27.8886 1.11135 24.1351 0.350273 19.3965C0.120366 17.9651 0 16.4971 0 15C0 13.5029 0.120366 12.0349 0.350273 10.6035C1.11135 5.86489 4.86494 2.11135 9.60355 1.35027C11.035 1.12036 12.503 1 14 1C15.497 1 16.965 1.12036 18.3965 1.35027C23.1351 2.11135 26.8886 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1.12032 12.5029 1 14 1C15.497 1 16.965 1.12032 18.3964 1.35022C23.135 2.11125 26.8886 5.86489 27.6497 10.6034C27.8796 12.0349 27.9999 13.5029 27.9999 15Z fillurl(#paint1_radial_918_8344)/>g clip-pathurl(#clip0_918_8344)>path dM21 18.0625V19.3749C21 20.818 19.8335 21.9871 18.391 21.998V22C18.3866 22 18.3823 21.9993 18.3779 21.9993C18.3756 21.9993 18.3735 22 18.3713 22V21.999C12.0958 21.9882 7.0103 16.911 7 10.6442C6.99761 9.1906 8.17307 8 9.62872 8H10.943C11.9108 8 12.6955 8.7835 12.6955 9.75001V10.7751C12.6955 11.2392 12.5108 11.6844 12.1821 12.0126L11.2627 12.9308C11.0776 13.1157 11.0119 13.3964 11.1122 13.6378C11.909 15.5556 13.4405 17.0876 15.3589 17.8871C15.601 17.988 15.8827 17.9225 16.0682 17.7373L16.9817 16.8251C17.3103 16.4969 17.756 16.3125 18.2208 16.3125H19.2475C20.2154 16.3125 21 17.096 21 18.0625Z fillwhite/>/g>defs>radialGradient idpaint0_radial_918_8344 cx0 cy0 r1 gradientUnitsuserSpaceOnUse gradientTransformtranslate(14 13.3731) scale(18.8757 15.7759)>stop offset0.82 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21.0522 13.4477 21.5 14 21.5H15C15.4317 21.5 15.7914 21.223 15.9314 20.8397C18.099 20.3605 19.7424 18.8265 19.972 16.9521C21.1251 16.7305 22 15.7171 22 14.4998ZM15 17.5C16.6568 17.5 17.9999 16.157 17.9999 14.5001C17.9999 12.8434 16.6568 11.5002 15 11.5002H13.0001C11.3433 11.5002 10.0002 12.8434 10.0002 14.5001C10.0002 15.385 10.3906 16.1724 11.0001 16.7214V18.4989C11.0001 18.9444 11.5387 19.1675 11.8536 18.8526L13.2061 17.5H15Z fillwhite/>/g>defs>radialGradient idpaint0_radial_918_8439 cx0 cy0 r1 gradientUnitsuserSpaceOnUse gradientTransformtranslate(14 13.3731) scale(18.8757 15.7759)>stop offset0.82 stop-color#0B5CFF stop-opacity0/>stop offset0.98 stop-color#003CB3/>/radialGradient>radialGradient idpaint1_radial_918_8439 cx0 cy0 r1 gradientUnitsuserSpaceOnUse gradientTransformtranslate(13.9999 16.6211) scale(18.8689 15.7702)>stop offset0.8 stop-color#0B5CFF stop-opacity0/>stop offset1 stop-color#71A5F1/>/radialGradient>clipPath idclip0_918_8439>rect width18 height18 fillwhite 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1.35027C11.035 1.12036 12.503 1 14 1C15.497 1 16.965 1.12036 18.3965 1.35027C23.1351 2.11135 26.8886 5.86489 27.6497 10.6035C27.8796 12.0349 28 13.5029 28 15Z fillurl(#paint0_radial_918_1395)/>path dM27.9999 15C27.9999 16.4971 27.8795 17.9651 27.6496 19.3965C26.8885 24.1351 23.135 27.8886 18.3964 28.6497C16.9649 28.8796 15.497 29 13.9999 29C12.5029 29 11.0349 28.8796 9.60349 28.6497C4.86484 27.8886 1.1113 24.1351 0.350223 19.3965C0.120316 17.965 0 16.4971 0 15C0 13.503 0.120316 12.0349 0.350223 10.6034C1.11135 5.86489 4.86489 2.11125 9.60349 1.35022C11.035 1.12032 12.5029 1 13.9999 1C15.497 1 16.965 1.12032 18.3964 1.35022C23.135 2.11125 26.8885 5.86489 27.6496 10.6034C27.8795 12.0349 27.9999 13.5029 27.9999 15Z fillurl(#paint1_radial_918_1395)/>g clip-pathurl(#clip0_918_1395)>path dM21 14.5C21 10.6339 17.8661 7.5 14 7.5C10.1339 7.5 7 10.6339 7 14.5C7 18.3661 10.134 21.5 14 21.5L14.0001 22.9932C14.0001 23.3315 14.3339 23.5852 14.653 23.473C18.3446 22.1738 20.9944 18.6464 20.9994 14.5116C20.9994 14.5077 21 14.5039 21 14.5ZM14.0005 18.5C12.6558 18.5 11.491 17.7291 10.9242 16.6051C10.6971 16.1548 11.2028 15.6954 11.6348 15.9556C12.3256 16.3718 13.1349 16.611 14.0005 16.611C14.8661 16.611 15.6754 16.3718 16.3662 15.9556C16.7982 15.6954 17.304 16.1548 17.0769 16.6051C16.51 17.7291 15.3453 18.5 14.0005 18.5Z fillwhite/>/g>defs>radialGradient idpaint0_radial_918_1395 cx0 cy0 r1 gradientUnitsuserSpaceOnUse gradientTransformtranslate(14 13.3731) scale(18.8757 15.7759)>stop offset0.82 stop-color#0B5CFF stop-opacity0/>stop offset0.98 stop-color#003CB3/>/radialGradient>radialGradient idpaint1_radial_918_1395 cx0 cy0 r1 gradientUnitsuserSpaceOnUse gradientTransformtranslate(13.9999 16.6211) scale(18.8689 15.7702)>stop offset0.8 stop-color#0B5CFF stop-opacity0/>stop offset1 stop-color#71A5F1/>/radialGradient>clipPath idclip0_918_1395>rect width18 height18 fillwhite transformtranslate(5 6)/>/clipPath>/defs>/svg>a href target_blank> Virtual Agent/a>/li>li>svg width28 height29 viewBox0 0 28 29 fillnone xmlns>path dM28 15C28 16.4971 27.8796 17.9651 27.6497 19.3965C26.8886 24.1351 23.1351 27.8886 18.3965 28.6497C16.965 28.8796 15.497 29 14 29C12.503 29 11.035 28.8796 9.60355 28.6497C4.86494 27.8886 1.11135 24.1351 0.350273 19.3965C0.120366 17.9651 0 16.4971 0 15C0 13.5029 0.120366 12.0349 0.350273 10.6035C1.11135 5.86489 4.86494 2.11135 9.60355 1.35027C11.035 1.12036 12.503 1 14 1C15.497 1 16.965 1.12036 18.3965 1.35027C23.1351 2.11135 26.8886 5.86489 27.6497 10.6035C27.8796 12.0349 28 13.5029 28 15Z fill#0B5CFF/>path dM28 15C28 16.4971 27.8796 17.9651 27.6497 19.3965C26.8886 24.1351 23.1351 27.8886 18.3965 28.6497C16.965 28.8796 15.497 29 14 29C12.503 29 11.035 28.8796 9.60355 28.6497C4.86494 27.8886 1.11135 24.1351 0.350273 19.3965C0.120366 17.9651 0 16.4971 0 15C0 13.5029 0.120366 12.0349 0.350273 10.6035C1.11135 5.86489 4.86494 2.11135 9.60355 1.35027C11.035 1.12036 12.503 1 14 1C15.497 1 16.965 1.12036 18.3965 1.35027C23.1351 2.11135 26.8886 5.86489 27.6497 10.6035C27.8796 12.0349 28 13.5029 28 15Z fillurl(#paint0_radial_918_3757)/>path dM27.9999 15C27.9999 16.4971 27.8795 17.9651 27.6496 19.3965C26.8885 24.1351 23.135 27.8886 18.3964 28.6497C16.9649 28.8796 15.497 29 13.9999 29C12.5029 29 11.0349 28.8796 9.60349 28.6497C4.86484 27.8886 1.1113 24.1351 0.350223 19.3965C0.120316 17.965 0 16.4971 0 15C0 13.503 0.120316 12.0349 0.350223 10.6034C1.11135 5.86489 4.86489 2.11125 9.60349 1.35022C11.035 1.12032 12.5029 1 13.9999 1C15.497 1 16.965 1.12032 18.3964 1.35022C23.135 2.11125 26.8885 5.86489 27.6496 10.6034C27.8795 12.0349 27.9999 13.5029 27.9999 15Z fillurl(#paint1_radial_918_3757)/>g clip-pathurl(#clip0_918_3757)>path dM17.5 8H9.5C8.39546 8 7.5 8.89537 7.5 10V20C7.5 21.1045 8.39546 22 9.5 22H11.8172C12.1575 21.4389 12.7587 20.9823 13.5573 20.695C13.0584 20.1968 12.7494 19.5088 12.7494 18.7499C12.7494 17.2335 13.9833 16 15.5 16C16.2949 16 17.0121 16.3391 17.5145 16.8803C17.8895 16.1352 18.6334 15.6246 19.5 15.5358V10C19.5 8.89537 18.6046 8 17.5 8ZM11.5 17.0001H10C9.72379 17.0001 9.5 16.7758 9.5 16.5001C9.5 16.2245 9.72379 16.0001 10 16.0001H11.5C11.7762 16.0001 12 16.2245 12 16.5001C12 16.7758 11.7762 17.0001 11.5 17.0001ZM14.5 14.5001H10C9.72379 14.5001 9.5 14.2758 9.5 14.0001C9.5 13.7245 9.72379 13.5001 10 13.5001H14.5C14.7762 13.5001 15 13.7245 15 14.0001C15 14.2758 14.7762 14.5001 14.5 14.5001ZM13.7494 18.7498C13.7494 17.7835 14.5335 17.0001 15.5 17.0001C16.4667 17.0001 17.2494 17.7835 17.2494 18.7498C17.2494 19.7164 16.4667 20.5 15.5 20.5C14.5335 20.5 13.7494 19.7164 13.7494 18.7498ZM19.75 19.5C20.5785 19.5 21.2495 18.8284 21.2495 17.9997C21.2495 17.1716 20.5785 16.5 19.75 16.5C18.9215 16.5 18.2494 17.1716 18.2494 17.9997C18.2494 18.8284 18.9215 19.5 19.75 19.5ZM19.75 20.25C18.8823 20.25 18.144 20.459 17.6482 20.7817C18.5567 21.1596 19.1754 21.7668 19.3995 22.5H21.7146C22.0942 22.5 22.5 22.1642 22.5 21.7497C22.5 20.9216 21.322 20.25 19.75 20.25ZM15.2661 23.3373L14.6239 21.6646C14.579 21.5476 14.451 21.4776 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idclip0_918_3757>rect width18 height18 fillwhite transformtranslate(5 6)/>/clipPath>/defs>/svg>a href target_blank>Workforce Engagement Management/a>/li>/ul>/div>div styleflex: 1>ul classnew feature-lists>p>Sales/p>li>svg width28 height29 viewBox0 0 28 29 fillnone xmlns>path dM28 15C28 16.4971 27.8796 17.9651 27.6497 19.3965C26.8886 24.1351 23.1351 27.8886 18.3965 28.6497C16.965 28.8796 15.497 29 14 29C12.503 29 11.035 28.8796 9.60355 28.6497C4.86494 27.8886 1.11135 24.1351 0.350273 19.3965C0.120366 17.9651 0 16.4971 0 15C0 13.5029 0.120366 12.0349 0.350273 10.6035C1.11135 5.86489 4.86494 2.11135 9.60355 1.35027C11.035 1.12036 12.503 1 14 1C15.497 1 16.965 1.12036 18.3965 1.35027C23.1351 2.11135 26.8886 5.86489 27.6497 10.6035C27.8796 12.0349 28 13.5029 28 15Z fill#0B5CFF/>path dM28 15C28 16.4971 27.8796 17.9651 27.6497 19.3965C26.8886 24.1351 23.1351 27.8886 18.3965 28.6497C16.965 28.8796 15.497 29 14 29C12.503 29 11.035 28.8796 9.60355 28.6497C4.86494 27.8886 1.11135 24.1351 0.350273 19.3965C0.120366 17.9651 0 16.4971 0 15C0 13.5029 0.120366 12.0349 0.350273 10.6035C1.11135 5.86489 4.86494 2.11135 9.60355 1.35027C11.035 1.12036 12.503 1 14 1C15.497 1 16.965 1.12036 18.3965 1.35027C23.1351 2.11135 26.8886 5.86489 27.6497 10.6035C27.8796 12.0349 28 13.5029 28 15Z fillurl(#paint0_radial_918_9166)/>path dM27.9999 15C27.9999 16.4971 27.8795 17.9651 27.6496 19.3965C26.8885 24.1351 23.135 27.8886 18.3964 28.6497C16.9649 28.8796 15.497 29 13.9999 29C12.5029 29 11.0349 28.8796 9.60349 28.6497C4.86484 27.8886 1.1113 24.1351 0.350223 19.3965C0.120316 17.965 0 16.4971 0 15C0 13.503 0.120316 12.0349 0.350223 10.6034C1.11135 5.86489 4.86489 2.11125 9.60349 1.35022C11.035 1.12032 12.5029 1 13.9999 1C15.497 1 16.965 1.12032 18.3964 1.35022C23.135 2.11125 26.8885 5.86489 27.6496 10.6034C27.8795 12.0349 27.9999 13.5029 27.9999 15Z fillurl(#paint1_radial_918_9166)/>g clip-pathurl(#clip0_918_9166)>path dM14 7.5C9.58191 7.5 6 11.0823 6 15.5008C6 17.4079 6.6814 19.1439 7.80103 20.5121C8.32349 21.1504 9.1233 21.5 9.94825 21.5H18.052C18.8767 21.5 19.6768 21.1504 20.1992 20.5121C21.3189 19.1439 22 17.4079 22 15.5008C22 11.0823 18.4185 7.5 14 7.5ZM11.1714 19.0369C11.0737 19.1346 10.9458 19.1834 10.8179 19.1834C10.6899 19.1834 10.562 19.1346 10.4644 19.0369C8.51513 17.0866 8.51513 13.9145 10.4644 11.9652C11.9335 10.4953 14.0979 10.1367 15.9103 10.8835C15.4994 11.1267 15.0906 11.3689 14.6978 11.6016C13.4446 11.3924 12.0974 11.7457 11.1714 12.6722C9.61181 14.2319 9.61181 16.7692 11.1714 18.3299C11.3667 18.5252 11.3667 18.8416 11.1714 19.0369ZM18.3387 12.0589C17.2993 13.8256 15.9817 16.0768 15.7139 16.5307C15.6283 16.6681 15.532 16.797 15.4143 16.9152C14.6323 17.6965 13.3679 17.6965 12.5859 16.9152C11.8145 16.1349 11.8145 14.8684 12.5859 14.0866C12.7146 13.9638 12.8538 13.8601 12.9929 13.7758C13.4856 13.4816 15.6926 12.1739 17.4282 11.1472C18.0171 10.7981 18.6812 11.4656 18.3387 12.0589Z fillwhite/>/g>defs>radialGradient idpaint0_radial_918_9166 cx0 cy0 r1 gradientUnitsuserSpaceOnUse gradientTransformtranslate(14 13.3731) scale(18.8757 15.7759)>stop offset0.82 stop-color#0B5CFF stop-opacity0/>stop offset0.98 stop-color#003CB3/>/radialGradient>radialGradient idpaint1_radial_918_9166 cx0 cy0 r1 gradientUnitsuserSpaceOnUse gradientTransformtranslate(13.9999 16.6211) scale(18.8689 15.7702)>stop offset0.8 stop-color#0B5CFF stop-opacity0/>stop offset1 stop-color#71A5F1/>/radialGradient>clipPath idclip0_918_9166>rect width18 height18 fillwhite transformtranslate(5 6)/>/clipPath>/defs>/svg>a href target_blank>Revenue Accelerator/a>/li>/ul>/div>/div>div styleflex: 1>ul classnew feature-lists>p>Marketing/p>li>svg width28 height29 viewBox0 0 28 29 fillnone xmlns>path dM28 15C28 16.4971 27.8796 17.9651 27.6497 19.3965C26.8886 24.1351 23.1351 27.8886 18.3965 28.6497C16.965 28.8796 15.497 29 14 29C12.503 29 11.035 28.8796 9.60355 28.6497C4.86494 27.8886 1.11135 24.1351 0.350273 19.3965C0.120366 17.9651 0 16.4971 0 15C0 13.5029 0.120366 12.0349 0.350273 10.6035C1.11135 5.86489 4.86494 2.11135 9.60355 1.35027C11.035 1.12036 12.503 1 14 1C15.497 1 16.965 1.12036 18.3965 1.35027C23.1351 2.11135 26.8886 5.86489 27.6497 10.6035C27.8796 12.0349 28 13.5029 28 15Z fill#0B5CFF/>path dM28 15C28 16.4971 27.8796 17.9651 27.6497 19.3965C26.8886 24.1351 23.1351 27.8886 18.3965 28.6497C16.965 28.8796 15.497 29 14 29C12.503 29 11.035 28.8796 9.60355 28.6497C4.86494 27.8886 1.11135 24.1351 0.350273 19.3965C0.120366 17.9651 0 16.4971 0 15C0 13.5029 0.120366 12.0349 0.350273 10.6035C1.11135 5.86489 4.86494 2.11135 9.60355 1.35027C11.035 1.12036 12.503 1 14 1C15.497 1 16.965 1.12036 18.3965 1.35027C23.1351 2.11135 26.8886 5.86489 27.6497 10.6035C27.8796 12.0349 28 13.5029 28 15Z fillurl(#paint0_radial_918_152)/>path dM27.9999 15C27.9999 16.4971 27.8795 17.9651 27.6496 19.3965C26.8885 24.1351 23.135 27.8886 18.3964 28.6497C16.9649 28.8796 15.497 29 13.9999 29C12.5029 29 11.0349 28.8796 9.60349 28.6497C4.86484 27.8886 1.1113 24.1351 0.350223 19.3965C0.120316 17.965 0 16.4971 0 15C0 13.503 0.120316 12.0349 0.350223 10.6034C1.11135 5.86489 4.86489 2.11125 9.60349 1.35022C11.035 1.12032 12.5029 1 13.9999 1C15.497 1 16.965 1.12032 18.3964 1.35022C23.135 2.11125 26.8885 5.86489 27.6496 10.6034C27.8795 12.0349 27.9999 13.5029 27.9999 15Z fillurl(#paint1_radial_918_152)/>g clip-pathurl(#clip0_918_152)>path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM21.6047 13.5524C21.8188 13.4941 22 13.2904 22 13.0686V10.75C22 9.92157 21.3284 9.25 20.5 9.25H18.5V11C18.5 11.2761 18.2761 11.5 18 11.5C17.7239 11.5 17.5 11.2761 17.5 11V9.25H7.50001C6.67158 9.25 6 9.92157 6 10.75V13.0686C6 13.2904 6.18121 13.4941 6.3953 13.5524C7.03199 13.7257 7.49995 14.3082 7.49995 14.9997C7.49995 15.6913 7.03184 16.2737 6.39499 16.4471C6.18109 16.5054 6 16.7091 6 16.9308V19.25C6 20.0784 6.67157 20.75 7.50001 20.75H17.5V19C17.5 18.7239 17.7239 18.5 18 18.5C18.2761 18.5 18.5 18.7239 18.5 19V20.75H20.5C21.3284 20.75 22 20.0784 22 19.25V16.9308C22 16.7091 21.8189 16.5055 21.605 16.4472C20.9682 16.2737 20.5 15.6913 20.5 14.9997C20.5 14.3082 20.968 13.7257 21.6047 13.5524ZM15.3542 14.7686L14.5305 15.5713C14.4127 15.6863 14.3589 15.8518 14.3867 16.0139L14.5812 17.1476C14.6372 17.4744 14.2943 17.7236 14.0008 17.5693L12.9827 17.0339C12.837 16.9575 12.663 16.9575 12.5173 17.0339L11.4992 17.5693C11.2057 17.7236 10.8628 17.4744 10.9188 17.1476L11.1133 16.0139C11.1411 15.8518 11.0873 15.6863 10.9695 15.5713L10.1458 14.7686C9.90838 14.5371 10.0394 14.1338 10.3675 14.0862L11.5058 13.9208C11.6686 13.8972 11.8094 13.7949 11.8823 13.6472L12.3913 12.6157C12.538 12.3186 12.962 12.3186 13.1087 12.6157L13.6178 13.6472C13.6906 13.7949 13.8314 13.8972 13.9942 13.9208L15.1325 14.0862C15.4606 14.1338 15.5916 14.5371 15.3542 14.7686ZM18.5 16.4997C18.5 16.7759 18.2761 17 18 17C17.7239 17 17.5 16.7761 17.5 16.5V13.4998C17.5 13.2236 17.7239 12.9998 18 12.9998C18.2761 12.9998 18.5 13.2236 18.5 13.4998V16.4997Z fillwhite/>/g>defs>radialGradient idpaint0_radial_918_152 cx0 cy0 r1 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5.86489 4.86489 2.11125 9.60349 1.35022C11.035 1.12032 12.5029 1 13.9999 1C15.497 1 16.965 1.12032 18.3964 1.35022C23.135 2.11125 26.8885 5.86489 27.6496 10.6034C27.8795 12.0349 27.9999 13.5029 27.9999 15Z fillurl(#paint1_radial_918_8480)/>g clip-pathurl(#clip0_918_8480)>path dM21.6047 13.5525C21.8189 13.4941 22 13.2905 22 13.0686V10.75C22 9.92163 21.3284 9.25 20.5 9.25H7.5C6.67163 9.25 6 9.92163 6 10.75V13.0686C6 13.2905 6.18115 13.4941 6.39526 13.5525C7.03198 13.7258 7.5 14.3083 7.5 14.9998C7.5 15.6914 7.03174 16.2737 6.39502 16.4473C6.18115 16.5054 6 16.7092 6 16.9309V19.25C6 20.0784 6.67163 20.75 7.5 20.75H20.5C21.3284 20.75 22 20.0784 22 19.25V16.9309C22 16.7092 21.8189 16.5056 21.605 16.4473C20.9683 16.2737 20.5 15.6914 20.5 14.9998C20.5 14.3081 20.968 13.7258 21.6047 13.5525ZM12.2085 12C13.0369 12 13.7078 12.6716 13.7078 13.4998C13.7078 14.3284 13.0369 15 12.2085 15C11.3799 15 10.7078 14.3284 10.7078 13.4998C10.7078 12.6716 11.3799 12 12.2085 12ZM14.1731 17.9999H10.2439C9.86426 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classimg-container styleflex: 1; max-width: none; display: flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;>a href target_blank>img src altAI-first work platform for human connection>/a>/div>div classcopy-wrapper styleflex: 1>h2 classbigger-font font-happy>AI-first work platform for human connection/h2>div classdesc>Work happy with AI Companion, reimagine teamwork, enhance customer relationships, and enable seamless experiences with a single platform./div>a classdiscoverButton href target_blank>Discover the possibilities/a>div classdisclaimer>*AI Companion is included at no additional cost with the paid services in your Zoom user account and may not be available for all regions and industry verticals. Some features not currently available across all regions or plans and are subject to change./div>/div>/div>/div>div idscreen4>div classscreen4-inner>div classleft-section>div classdesc-container>h2 classbigger-font font-happy idtablist-2>Powering organizations across industries and geographies/h2>p classdesc>Zoom helps consolidate communications, connect people, and collaborate better together in the boardroom, classroom, operating room, and everywhere in between./p>a href target_blank classsolutions-link green-blue-border-link default-link>Explore Industry Solutions/a>/div>/div>div classright-section>ul roletablist aria-labelledbytablist-2>li>div classindustry-card index0 tabindex0 idtab2-1 roletab aria-selectedfalse aria-controlstabpanel2-1 aria-labelEducation>div classindustry-content>svg width44 height29 viewBox0 0 44 29 fillnone xmlns>path dM42.2592 8.68427L22.0007 16.3685L1.74219 8.68427L22.0007 1L42.2592 8.68427Z stroke#00053D stroke-width2 stroke-linecapround 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