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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 27 Aug 2023 10:22:44 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Tue, 06 Jun 2023 02:29:10 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 6651Content-Type: text html>head>meta charsetus-ascii>meta http-equivContent-Language contenten-us> title> - The Ultimate Get Smart Website/title> meta namekeywords contentGet Smart, Don Adams, Barbara Feldon, Edward Platt, Leonard Stern, Buck Henry, Mel Brooks, TV comedy, KAOS, Siegfried, Hymie, Maxwell Smart, Agent 99>meta namedescription contentWould you believe..the ultimate Get Smart website with everything you want to know about the series and a whole lot more.>/head>body bgcolor#330099 link#FFFF00 text#FFFFFF vlink#FFFF66>p aligncenter>img border0 height166 srcgraphics/WYBHeader610.jpg width800 />/p>p alignleft>/p>p>font color#FFFFFF faceTimes New Roman>strong>big>font size4>Don't tell me there's a web site that tells you everything you could possibly want to know about Get Smart?/font>/big>/strong>/font>/p>p>/p>p>big>font faceTimes New Roman size4>Yes, strong>>, the oldest Get Smart site on the web has an episode guide, show history, FAQ, bios, lists of gadgets, passwords, agents and much more!/font>/big>/p>p alignleft>big>strong>font faceTimes New Roman size4>I asked you not to tell me that! /font>/strong>/big>/p>table border1 bordercolor#0033CC bordercolordark#3366FF bordercolorlight#000066 idtable2 width100%> tbody> tr> td width20%>b>font faceArial>a hreffaq.html>FAQ/a>/font>/b>/td> td width20%>b>font faceArial>a hrefcast.html>Cast & Character Bios/a>/font>/b>/td> td width20%>b>font faceArial>a hrefepisodes.html>Episode Guide/a>/font>/b>/td> td width20%>b>font faceArial>a hrefhistory.html>Show History/a>/font>/b>/td> td width20%>b>font faceArial>a hrefgather.html>A Cast & Crew Reunion/a>/font>/b>/td> /tr> tr> td width20%>b>font faceArial>a hrefdvd.html>DVD Info and Discounts/a>/font>/b>/td> td width20%>b>font faceArial>a hrefgadgets.html>Gadgets/a>/font>/b>/td> td width20%>b>font faceArial>a hrefpassword.html>Passwords/a>/font>/b>/td> td width20%>b>font faceArial>a hrefphrases.html>Catchphrases/a>/font>/b>/td> td width20%>b>font faceArial>a h
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 27 Aug 2023 10:22:44 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Tue, 06 Jun 2023 02:29:10 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 6651Content-Type: text html>head>meta charsetus-ascii>meta http-equivContent-Language contenten-us> title> - The Ultimate Get Smart Website/title> meta namekeywords contentGet Smart, Don Adams, Barbara Feldon, Edward Platt, Leonard Stern, Buck Henry, Mel Brooks, TV comedy, KAOS, Siegfried, Hymie, Maxwell Smart, Agent 99>meta namedescription contentWould you believe..the ultimate Get Smart website with everything you want to know about the series and a whole lot more.>/head>body bgcolor#330099 link#FFFF00 text#FFFFFF vlink#FFFF66>p aligncenter>img border0 height166 srcgraphics/WYBHeader610.jpg width800 />/p>p alignleft>/p>p>font color#FFFFFF faceTimes New Roman>strong>big>font size4>Don't tell me there's a web site that tells you everything you could possibly want to know about Get Smart?/font>/big>/strong>/font>/p>p>/p>p>big>font faceTimes New Roman size4>Yes, strong>>, the oldest Get Smart site on the web has an episode guide, show history, FAQ, bios, lists of gadgets, passwords, agents and much more!/font>/big>/p>p alignleft>big>strong>font faceTimes New Roman size4>I asked you not to tell me that! /font>/strong>/big>/p>table border1 bordercolor#0033CC bordercolordark#3366FF bordercolorlight#000066 idtable2 width100%> tbody> tr> td width20%>b>font faceArial>a hreffaq.html>FAQ/a>/font>/b>/td> td width20%>b>font faceArial>a hrefcast.html>Cast & Character Bios/a>/font>/b>/td> td width20%>b>font faceArial>a hrefepisodes.html>Episode Guide/a>/font>/b>/td> td width20%>b>font faceArial>a hrefhistory.html>Show History/a>/font>/b>/td> td width20%>b>font faceArial>a hrefgather.html>A Cast & Crew Reunion/a>/font>/b>/td> /tr> tr> td width20%>b>font faceArial>a hrefdvd.html>DVD Info and Discounts/a>/font>/b>/td> td width20%>b>font faceArial>a hrefgadgets.html>Gadgets/a>/font>/b>/td> td width20%>b>font faceArial>a hrefpassword.html>Passwords/a>/font>/b>/td> td width20%>b>font faceArial>a hrefphrases.html>Catchphrases/a>/font>/b>/td> td width20%>b>font faceArial>a h
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