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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 16 Mar 2025 12:01:47 GMTServer: ApacheLast-Modified: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 09:48:36 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 16000Content-Type: text/html !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN>html xmlns>head>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetiso-8859-1 />title>World Trade Partnership in Association with G8 Consultants/title>META NAMEdescription CONTENTGlobal Trade Economic Development Advisors. Access the Global Economy through World Trade Centers and other strategies. />META NAMEkeywords CONTENTWorld Trade Partnership,World Trade Center, world trade centre, g8 consultants, peter chen, australia, Economic Development,World Trade,Global Economy,International Business,ISO 9000,ISO 9001,Real Estate Development,Trade Development,Quality Management,Trade Advisors,Regional Economic Development,Business Advisors,International Marketing,Global Business Advisors, joint venture, sabina, g8 management, john dickson, laurence baer, david tilby, wtp, wtc, international trade, global commerce, commercial development, wtca licence application, property development />link relshortcut icon hreffavicon.ico typeimage/x-icon />link hrefwtp.css relstylesheet typetext/css />script typetext/JavaScript>!--function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0 var ddocument; if(d.images){ if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_pnew Array(); var i,jd.MM_p.length,aMM_preloadImages.arguments; for(i0; ia.length; i++) if (ai.indexOf(#)!0){ 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hrefexecutives.htm onmouseoutMM_swapImgRestore() onmouseoverMM_swapImage(Brief Details,,images/briefdetails_MO.jpg,1)>br /> /a>a hrefausoffice.htm onmouseoutMM_swapImgRestore() onmouseoverMM_swapImage(Australian Office,,images/austoffice_MO.jpg,1)>img srcimages/austoffice.jpg altAustralia Contact nameAustralian Office width160 height50 border0 idAustralian Office />/a> /p> p aligncenter>span classstyle2>The links below will take you to World Trade Partnership website in Washington, DC /span>br /> a href target_blank onmouseoverMM_swapImage(Home,,images/1a_home_MO.jpg,1) onmouseoutMM_swapImgRestore()>img srcimages/1_home.jpg altHome nameHome width160 height50 border0 idHome />/a>br /> a href target_blank onmouseoverMM_swapImage(WTC Executives,,images/2a_WTP_Executives_MO.jpg,1) onmouseoutMM_swapImgRestore()>img srcimages/2_WTP_Executives.jpg altWTP Executives nameWTC Executives width160 height50 border0 idWTC Executives />/a>br /> a href target_blank onmouseoverMM_swapImage(Affiliates,,images/3a_Affiliates_MO.jpg,1) onmouseoutMM_swapImgRestore()>img srcimages/3_Affiliates.jpg altAffiliates nameAffiliates width160 height50 border0 idAffiliates />/a>br /> a href target_blank onmouseoverMM_swapImage(WTC Association,,images/4a_WTC_Association_MO.jpg,1) onmouseoutMM_swapImgRestore()>img srcimages/4_WTC_Association.jpg altWTC Association nameWTC Association width160 height50 border0 idWTC Association />/a>br /> a href target_blank onmouseoverMM_swapImage(Why,,images/5a_Why_A_WTC_MO.jpg,1) onmouseoutMM_swapImgRestore()>img srcimages/5_Why_A_WTC.jpg altWhy a WTC? nameWhy width160 height50 border0 idWhy />/a>br /> a href target_blank onmouseoverMM_swapImage(RealEstate,,images/6a_Why_Real_Estate_MO.jpg,1) onmouseoutMM_swapImgRestore()>img srcimages/6_Why_Real_Estate.jpg altWhy Real Estate? nameRealEstate width160 height50 border0 idRealEstate />/a>br /> a href target_blank onmouseoverMM_swapImage(Peace,,images/7a_Peace_and_Stability_MO.jpg,1) onmouseoutMM_swapImgRestore()>img srcimages/7_Peace_and_Stability.jpg altPeace and Stability namePeace width160 height50 border0 idPeace />/a>br /> a href target_blank onmouseoverMM_swapImage(Image10,,images/8a_Government_Services_MO.jpg,1) onmouseoutMM_swapImgRestore()>img srcimages/8_Government_Services.jpg altGovernment Services nameImage10 width160 height50 border0 idImage10 />/a>br /> a href target_blank onmouseoverMM_swapImage(Image11,,images/9a_WTC_Services_MO.jpg,1) onmouseoutMM_swapImgRestore()>img srcimages/9_WTC_Services.jpg altWTC Services nameImage11 width160 height50 border0 idImage11 />/a>br /> a href target_blank onmouseoverMM_swapImage(Image12,,images/10a_Corporate_Services_MO.jpg,1) onmouseoutMM_swapImgRestore()>img srcimages/10_Corporate_Services.jpg altCorporate Services nameImage12 width160 height50 border0 idImage12 />br /> /a>a href target_blank onmouseoverMM_swapImage(Image13,,images/11a_Clients_MO.jpg,1) onmouseoutMM_swapImgRestore()>img srcimages/11_Clients.jpg altClients nameImage13 width160 height50 border0 idImage13 />br /> /a>a href target_blank onmouseoverMM_swapImage(Image14,,images/12a_Monthly_Report_MO.jpg,1) onmouseoutMM_swapImgRestore()>img srcimages/12_Monthly_Report.jpg altMonthly Report nameImage14 width160 height50 border0 idImage14 />br /> /a>a href target_blank onmouseoverMM_swapImage(Image15,,images/13a_Contact_Us_MO.jpg,1) onmouseoutMM_swapImgRestore()>img srcimages/13_Contact_Us.jpg altContact Us nameImage15 width160 height50 border0 idImage15 />/a>/p> p>/p>/td> /tr>/table>!-- #EndLibraryItem -->/td> td width440 alignleft valigntop> div aligncenter>img srcimages/spacer.gif width420 height10 /> br /> script typetext/javascript>AC_FL_RunContent( codebase,,0,19,0,name,WTC opener,width,410,height,273,id,WTC opener,src,flash/Mask002,quality,high,pluginspage,,bgcolor,#FFFFFF,movie,flash/Mask002 ); //end AC code /script> noscript> object classidclsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000 codebase,0,19,0 nameWTC opener width410 height273 idWTC opener> param namemovie valueflash/Mask002.swf /> param namequality valuehigh /> param nameBGCOLOR value#FFFFFF /> embed srcflash/Mask002.swf width410 height273 qualityhigh pluginspage typeapplication/x-shockwave-flash bgcolor#FFFFFF nameWTC opener>/embed> /object> /noscript> /div> p alignleft>/p>div classcontent> h1>WTP and G8 Consultants Form Joint Venture /h1> p>World Trade Partnership LLC in Washington, DC has teamed up with G8 Consultants Pty Ltd A.C.N. 130 541 445 in Australia to form a joint venture partnership to extend the WTP consultancy services to Asia and the Pacific Region. The joint venture is headed by G8 Consultants’ Mr. Peter Chen, a Chinese Australian who is also the Chairman of a href target_blank>Sabina Corporation Limited/a> which has a participating 50% interest in G8 Consultants’ activities. On 18th February 2009 Mr. Chen issued a Market Release on behalf of Sabina to the Australian Securities Exchange announcing the joint venture partnership. /p> h1>Major Real Estate Development Projects/h1> p>The new joint venture leverages G8’s experience and expertise in real estate development, and their authoritative knowledge of the regional market. G8, together with World Trade Partnership, has expertise to assist with every phase of major project development, from conception, through strategic planning and design, project management, and operations. World Trade Partnership’s unique team of industry leaders can bring world level expertise to bear on virtually any aspect of project development./p> h1> Development of World Trade Centers/h1> p>World Trade Partnership together with G8 has great expertise in the development and operation of World Trade Centers. Let us show you how to integrate the World Trade Center model into your qualified real estate development, and significantly enhance the profitability and economic development impact of your project. /p> h1>Sector Expertise/h1> p>The following is only a partial list of sectors for which we can provide cost effective and world class strategic planning and project management teams:/p> p> • Real Estate Developmentbr /> • World Trade Centers br /> • Free Trade Zones br /> • Research Parks br /> • Business Incubators br /> • Airports br /> • Ports br /> • Highway & Road Projects br /> • Water & Sewage Treatment Facilities br /> • Refineries br /> • Traditional and Renewable Power Generation br /> • Telecom & Internet Networks br /> • Convention and Visitors Bureaus/Tourism Promotion br /> • Sister City Relationships br /> • Support and Training for Government Ministries and Agencies br /> • Logistics br /> • Agriculture/Livestock/Fishing br /> • Mining / Oil / Gas br /> • Corporate Restructuring and Quality Management /p> p alignright>a href#top>^ top/a>/p> /div>/td> td width160 alignleft valigntop>img srcimages/spacer.gif width150 height10 />br /> div classsidebar> p aligncenter>img srcimages/sabinalogo.gif width50 height51 />/p> p>b>i>“I believe the present global crisis offers quite an opportunity for WTP/G8 Consultants to identify suitable sites for WTCs in Australia and New Zealand and to have discussions with real estate owners / developers / fund managers about a development strategy that would significantly improve the value of the land and its commercial buildings. The WTC name usually enhances both the rental rates and occupancy levels. In many cases, the facilities outperform the market as a whole, and in all instances, WTCs are amongst the highest identity projects in the local market place. This includes office, retail and hotel space.” /i>/b>br /> br /> span classstyle3>Peter Chen br />Chairman br />G8 Consultants Pty Ltd br />& Sabina Corporation Limited /span>/p> p>b>“i>We are most impressed with Mr. Chen’s vision and his expertise in the property development fields – from innovative concepts to end-use. We are pleased to work with Mr. Chen’s Sabina / G8 Consultants to help establish WTCs in Australia and New Zealand”/i>/b> br /> br /> span classstyle3>John Dickson br /> President br /> World Trade Partnership (WTP)/span>/p> p> b>i>“I can see a broad scope of collaborative opportunities. Certainly Australia is significantly under represented within WTCA and therefore represents a ripe opportunity if we approach it thoughtfully”/i>/b>br /> br /> span classstyle3>Laurence Baer br /> Executive Vice President br /> World Trade Partnership (WTP) /span>/p> /div>/td> /tr>/table>/body>/html>
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 16 Mar 2025 12:01:48 GMTServer: ApacheLast-Modified: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 09:48:36 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 16000Content-Type: text/html !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN>html xmlns>head>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetiso-8859-1 />title>World Trade Partnership in Association with G8 Consultants/title>META NAMEdescription CONTENTGlobal Trade Economic Development Advisors. Access the Global Economy through World Trade Centers and other strategies. />META NAMEkeywords CONTENTWorld Trade Partnership,World Trade Center, world trade centre, g8 consultants, peter chen, australia, Economic Development,World Trade,Global Economy,International Business,ISO 9000,ISO 9001,Real Estate Development,Trade Development,Quality Management,Trade Advisors,Regional Economic Development,Business Advisors,International Marketing,Global Business Advisors, joint venture, sabina, g8 management, john dickson, laurence baer, david tilby, wtp, wtc, international trade, global commerce, commercial development, wtca licence application, property development />link relshortcut icon hreffavicon.ico typeimage/x-icon />link hrefwtp.css relstylesheet typetext/css />script typetext/JavaScript>!--function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0 var ddocument; if(d.images){ if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_pnew Array(); var i,jd.MM_p.length,aMM_preloadImages.arguments; for(i0; ia.length; i++) if (ai.indexOf(#)!0){ 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hrefexecutives.htm onmouseoutMM_swapImgRestore() onmouseoverMM_swapImage(Brief Details,,images/briefdetails_MO.jpg,1)>br /> /a>a hrefausoffice.htm onmouseoutMM_swapImgRestore() onmouseoverMM_swapImage(Australian Office,,images/austoffice_MO.jpg,1)>img srcimages/austoffice.jpg altAustralia Contact nameAustralian Office width160 height50 border0 idAustralian Office />/a> /p> p aligncenter>span classstyle2>The links below will take you to World Trade Partnership website in Washington, DC /span>br /> a href target_blank onmouseoverMM_swapImage(Home,,images/1a_home_MO.jpg,1) onmouseoutMM_swapImgRestore()>img srcimages/1_home.jpg altHome nameHome width160 height50 border0 idHome />/a>br /> a href target_blank onmouseoverMM_swapImage(WTC Executives,,images/2a_WTP_Executives_MO.jpg,1) onmouseoutMM_swapImgRestore()>img srcimages/2_WTP_Executives.jpg altWTP Executives nameWTC Executives width160 height50 border0 idWTC Executives />/a>br /> a href target_blank onmouseoverMM_swapImage(Affiliates,,images/3a_Affiliates_MO.jpg,1) onmouseoutMM_swapImgRestore()>img srcimages/3_Affiliates.jpg altAffiliates nameAffiliates width160 height50 border0 idAffiliates />/a>br /> a href target_blank onmouseoverMM_swapImage(WTC Association,,images/4a_WTC_Association_MO.jpg,1) onmouseoutMM_swapImgRestore()>img srcimages/4_WTC_Association.jpg altWTC Association nameWTC Association width160 height50 border0 idWTC Association />/a>br /> a href target_blank onmouseoverMM_swapImage(Why,,images/5a_Why_A_WTC_MO.jpg,1) onmouseoutMM_swapImgRestore()>img srcimages/5_Why_A_WTC.jpg altWhy a WTC? nameWhy width160 height50 border0 idWhy />/a>br /> a href target_blank onmouseoverMM_swapImage(RealEstate,,images/6a_Why_Real_Estate_MO.jpg,1) onmouseoutMM_swapImgRestore()>img srcimages/6_Why_Real_Estate.jpg altWhy Real Estate? nameRealEstate width160 height50 border0 idRealEstate />/a>br /> a href target_blank onmouseoverMM_swapImage(Peace,,images/7a_Peace_and_Stability_MO.jpg,1) onmouseoutMM_swapImgRestore()>img srcimages/7_Peace_and_Stability.jpg altPeace and Stability namePeace width160 height50 border0 idPeace />/a>br /> a href target_blank onmouseoverMM_swapImage(Image10,,images/8a_Government_Services_MO.jpg,1) onmouseoutMM_swapImgRestore()>img srcimages/8_Government_Services.jpg altGovernment Services nameImage10 width160 height50 border0 idImage10 />/a>br /> a href target_blank onmouseoverMM_swapImage(Image11,,images/9a_WTC_Services_MO.jpg,1) onmouseoutMM_swapImgRestore()>img srcimages/9_WTC_Services.jpg altWTC Services nameImage11 width160 height50 border0 idImage11 />/a>br /> a href target_blank onmouseoverMM_swapImage(Image12,,images/10a_Corporate_Services_MO.jpg,1) onmouseoutMM_swapImgRestore()>img srcimages/10_Corporate_Services.jpg altCorporate Services nameImage12 width160 height50 border0 idImage12 />br /> /a>a href target_blank onmouseoverMM_swapImage(Image13,,images/11a_Clients_MO.jpg,1) onmouseoutMM_swapImgRestore()>img srcimages/11_Clients.jpg altClients nameImage13 width160 height50 border0 idImage13 />br /> /a>a href target_blank onmouseoverMM_swapImage(Image14,,images/12a_Monthly_Report_MO.jpg,1) onmouseoutMM_swapImgRestore()>img srcimages/12_Monthly_Report.jpg altMonthly Report nameImage14 width160 height50 border0 idImage14 />br /> /a>a href target_blank onmouseoverMM_swapImage(Image15,,images/13a_Contact_Us_MO.jpg,1) onmouseoutMM_swapImgRestore()>img srcimages/13_Contact_Us.jpg altContact Us nameImage15 width160 height50 border0 idImage15 />/a>/p> p>/p>/td> /tr>/table>!-- #EndLibraryItem -->/td> td width440 alignleft valigntop> div aligncenter>img srcimages/spacer.gif width420 height10 /> br /> script typetext/javascript>AC_FL_RunContent( codebase,,0,19,0,name,WTC opener,width,410,height,273,id,WTC opener,src,flash/Mask002,quality,high,pluginspage,,bgcolor,#FFFFFF,movie,flash/Mask002 ); //end AC code /script> noscript> object classidclsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000 codebase,0,19,0 nameWTC opener width410 height273 idWTC opener> param namemovie valueflash/Mask002.swf /> param namequality valuehigh /> param nameBGCOLOR value#FFFFFF /> embed srcflash/Mask002.swf width410 height273 qualityhigh pluginspage typeapplication/x-shockwave-flash bgcolor#FFFFFF nameWTC opener>/embed> /object> /noscript> /div> p alignleft>/p>div classcontent> h1>WTP and G8 Consultants Form Joint Venture /h1> p>World Trade Partnership LLC in Washington, DC has teamed up with G8 Consultants Pty Ltd A.C.N. 130 541 445 in Australia to form a joint venture partnership to extend the WTP consultancy services to Asia and the Pacific Region. The joint venture is headed by G8 Consultants’ Mr. Peter Chen, a Chinese Australian who is also the Chairman of a href target_blank>Sabina Corporation Limited/a> which has a participating 50% interest in G8 Consultants’ activities. On 18th February 2009 Mr. Chen issued a Market Release on behalf of Sabina to the Australian Securities Exchange announcing the joint venture partnership. /p> h1>Major Real Estate Development Projects/h1> p>The new joint venture leverages G8’s experience and expertise in real estate development, and their authoritative knowledge of the regional market. G8, together with World Trade Partnership, has expertise to assist with every phase of major project development, from conception, through strategic planning and design, project management, and operations. World Trade Partnership’s unique team of industry leaders can bring world level expertise to bear on virtually any aspect of project development./p> h1> Development of World Trade Centers/h1> p>World Trade Partnership together with G8 has great expertise in the development and operation of World Trade Centers. Let us show you how to integrate the World Trade Center model into your qualified real estate development, and significantly enhance the profitability and economic development impact of your project. /p> h1>Sector Expertise/h1> p>The following is only a partial list of sectors for which we can provide cost effective and world class strategic planning and project management teams:/p> p> • Real Estate Developmentbr /> • World Trade Centers br /> • Free Trade Zones br /> • Research Parks br /> • Business Incubators br /> • Airports br /> • Ports br /> • Highway & Road Projects br /> • Water & Sewage Treatment Facilities br /> • Refineries br /> • Traditional and Renewable Power Generation br /> • Telecom & Internet Networks br /> • Convention and Visitors Bureaus/Tourism Promotion br /> • Sister City Relationships br /> • Support and Training for Government Ministries and Agencies br /> • Logistics br /> • Agriculture/Livestock/Fishing br /> • Mining / Oil / Gas br /> • Corporate Restructuring and Quality Management /p> p alignright>a href#top>^ top/a>/p> /div>/td> td width160 alignleft valigntop>img srcimages/spacer.gif width150 height10 />br /> div classsidebar> p aligncenter>img srcimages/sabinalogo.gif width50 height51 />/p> p>b>i>“I believe the present global crisis offers quite an opportunity for WTP/G8 Consultants to identify suitable sites for WTCs in Australia and New Zealand and to have discussions with real estate owners / developers / fund managers about a development strategy that would significantly improve the value of the land and its commercial buildings. The WTC name usually enhances both the rental rates and occupancy levels. In many cases, the facilities outperform the market as a whole, and in all instances, WTCs are amongst the highest identity projects in the local market place. This includes office, retail and hotel space.” /i>/b>br /> br /> span classstyle3>Peter Chen br />Chairman br />G8 Consultants Pty Ltd br />& Sabina Corporation Limited /span>/p> p>b>“i>We are most impressed with Mr. Chen’s vision and his expertise in the property development fields – from innovative concepts to end-use. We are pleased to work with Mr. Chen’s Sabina / G8 Consultants to help establish WTCs in Australia and New Zealand”/i>/b> br /> br /> span classstyle3>John Dickson br /> President br /> World Trade Partnership (WTP)/span>/p> p> b>i>“I can see a broad scope of collaborative opportunities. Certainly Australia is significantly under represented within WTCA and therefore represents a ripe opportunity if we approach it thoughtfully”/i>/b>br /> br /> span classstyle3>Laurence Baer br /> Executive Vice President br /> World Trade Partnership (WTP) /span>/p> /div>/td> /tr>/table>/body>/html>
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