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design a multi-modal engineered connectivity solution./p> p classinfo-p>We are interested in working with you or your business to provide the best end-to-end solutions available. IDV has solutions to integrate data and voice services for your home and business./p> p>a classbtn btn-primary form-control href/page/high-speed-internet-access rolebutton>Check Out Our Services Here/a>/p> /div> /div> div classcol-sm-5> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classitem> div classjumbotron hosting-slide> div classrow> div classcol-sm-5> /div> div classcol-sm-6> div classjumbo-txt-wrapper> img classjumbo-logo-img srcassets/img/logo/idv-hosting.png alt/> p classinfo-p>Whether youve got an existing website, or are looking to get a new site off the ground, IDV has the solution for you. /p> p classinfo-p>If youre looking for a reliable, local hosting provider for your existing website, we can help you get your content moved over to our redundant servers with little work on your part. /p> p>a classbtn btn-primary form-control href/page/web-hosting rolebutton>See Our Web Services Here/a>/p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classitem> div classjumbotron voice-slide> div classrow> div classcol-sm-offset-1 col-sm-6> div classjumbo-txt-wrapper> img classjumbo-logo-img srcassets/img/logo/idv-voice.png alt/> p classinfo-p>If your company has a Voice over IP network in place, IDV can get you connected to the rest of the world./p> p classinfo-p>Have you been frustrated by low quality calls, dropped calls or other problems? These are not a function of the technology but rather a function of your SIP gateway service./p> p>a classbtn btn-primary form-control href/page/voipsip rolebutton>See What IDV Can Offer Your Business/a>/p> /div> /div> div classcol-sm-5> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classitem> div classjumbotron it-support-slide> div classrow> div classcol-sm-5> /div> div classcol-sm-6> div classjumbo-txt-wrapper> img classjumbo-logo-img srcassets/img/logo/idv-it-support.png alt/> p classinfo-p>IDV offers services for Computer Hardware, Servers, and Networking equipment - Repairs, upgrades, and troubleshooting./p> p classinfo-p>We are computer technology implementors and managers. IDV IT Relationships start at just $10/month and include these benefits./p> p>a classbtn btn-primary form-control href/page/on-site-service rolebutton>See How Our IT-Support Team Can Help You/a>/p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- Controls --> a classleft carousel-control href#idv-hero-carousel rolebutton data-slideprev> span classglyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left aria-hiddentrue>/span> span classsr-only>Previous/span> /a> a classright carousel-control href#idv-hero-carousel rolebutton data-slidenext> span classglyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right aria-hiddentrue>/span> span classsr-only>Next/span> /a> /div> /div>/section> section classenterprise-services> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-sm-12> div classfit> h3 classbigtitle>Enterprise-Class Service without Enterprise-Class pricing/h3> ul classservices-list clearfix> li> a href/page/high-speed-internet-access title> article> svg xmlns xmlns:xlink version1.1 idLayer_1 x0px y0px width16px height16px viewBox0 0 16 16 enable-backgroundnew 0 0 16 16 xml:spacepreserve>g>path fill#C2BABA dM12.594 1.137c-1.043 0.348-2.533 1.27-3.311 2.047L5.041 7.426c-0.389 0.389-0.389 1.025 0 1.414l2.121 2.121c0.389 0.389 1.025 0.389 1.414 0l4.242-4.242c0.777-0.777 1.699-2.268 2.047-3.313L16 0 12.594 1.137zM9.637 8.486c-0.586 0.586-1.535 0.586-2.121 0s-0.588-1.535 0-2.121c0.586-0.586 1.535-0.586 2.121 0S10.223 7.9 9.637 8.486zM12.465 5.658c-0.586 0.586-1.535 0.586-2.121 0s-0.586-1.535 0-2.121 1.535-0.586 2.121 0S13.051 5.072 12.465 5.658z>/path>path fill#C2BABA dM2.211 8.84l3.537-3.535c-0.779-0.777-2.051-0.777-2.828 0L0.797 7.426c-0.389 0.389-0.389 1.025 0 1.414S1.822 9.229 2.211 8.84z>/path>path fill#C2BABA dM7.162 13.789c-0.389 0.389-0.389 1.025 0 1.414s1.025 0.389 1.414 0l2.121-2.121c0.777-0.777 0.777-2.051 0-2.828L7.162 13.789z>/path>path fill#C2BABA dM3.979 9.9c-0.193 0.195-0.193 0.514 0 0.707l1.416 1.414c0.193 0.195 0.512 0.195 0.707 0l0.354-0.354L4.332 9.547 3.979 9.9z>/path>path fill#C2BABA dM0 16c2-1 5-3 4-4S1 14 0 16z>/path>/g>/svg> h5>Internet and Private Connectivitybr>/h5> p>Why settle for an expensive off-the-shelf solution? Get a fully redundant multi-modal solution designed, implemented and managed by industry>/p> /article> /a> /li> li> a href/page/web-hosting title> article> svg xmlns xmlns:xlink version1.1 idLayer_1 x0px y0px width15.614px height14px viewBox0 0 15.614 14 enable-backgroundnew 0 0 15.614 14 xml:spacepreserve>g>path fill#4C5991 dM14.807 5.75v-4.5c0-0.689-0.561-1.25-1.25-1.25h-7.5c-0.689 0-1.25 0.561-1.25 1.25V4h-2.75c-0.689 0-1.25 0.561-1.25 1.25v3.5c0 0.689 0.561 1.25 1.25 1.25h5.5c0.689 0 1.25-0.561 1.25-1.25V7h4.75C14.247 7 14.807 6.439 14.807 5.75zM7.557 5c0.138 0 0.25 0.112 0.25 0.25v3.5C7.807 8.888 7.694 9 7.557 9h-5.5c-0.139 0-0.25-0.112-0.25-0.25v-3.5C1.807 5.112 1.918 5 2.057 5H7.557zM13.807 5.75c0 0.138-0.113 0.25-0.25 0.25h-4.75V5.25C8.807 4.561 8.246 4 7.557 4h-1.75V1.25C5.807 1.112 5.918 1 6.057 1h7.5c0.137 0 0.25 0.112 0.25 0.25V5.75z>/path>path fill#4C5991 dM0.026 13.342L0.807 11h8l0.782 2.342c0.051 0.152 0.023 0.32-0.07 0.451C9.424 13.923 9.274 14 9.114 14H0.5c-0.16 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