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Michala Petri, recorder - Hille Perl, viola da gamba - Mahan Esfahani, harpsichord 1: Allegro moderato 2: Siciliano 3: Allegro Street Date: Novemb/p> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-video> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-145 pm-thumb border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>00:48/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-145>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altPetri/Hannibal Duo: "Jumping Jack" by Carl Nielsen width145>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link titlePetri/Hannibal Duo: "Jumping Jack" by Carl Nielsen>Petri/Hannibal Duo: Jumping Jack by Carl Nielsen/a>/h3> div classpm-video-attr> span classpm-video-attr-author>by a href>Administrator/a>/span> span classpm-video-attr-since>small>Added time datetime2019-12-06T18:08:24+0000 titleFriday, December 6, 2019 6:08 PM>5 years ago/time>/small>/span> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>606 Views / 0 Likes/small>/span> /div> p classpm-video-attr-desc>Michala Petri, recorder and Lars Hannibal, guitar play live by Carl Nielsen Jumping Jack! Also avaiable on the new OUR Recordings release Garden Party./p> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-video> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-145 pm-thumb border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>01:10/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-145>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altPetri/Hannibal Duo: "The Musical Clock" by Carl Nielsen width145>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link titlePetri/Hannibal Duo: "The Musical Clock" by Carl Nielsen>Petri/Hannibal Duo: The Musical Clock by Carl Nielsen/a>/h3> div classpm-video-attr> span classpm-video-attr-author>by a href>Administrator/a>/span> span classpm-video-attr-since>small>Added time datetime2019-12-06T18:08:24+0000 titleFriday, December 6, 2019 6:08 PM>5 years ago/time>/small>/span> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>736 Views / 0 Likes/small>/span> /div> p classpm-video-attr-desc>Michala Petri, recorder and Lars Hannibal, guitar play live by Carl Nielsen The Musical Clock Also avaiable on the new OUR Recordings release Garden Party./p> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-video> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-145 pm-thumb border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>02:08/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-145>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altPetri/Hannibal Duo: "A Short Waltz" by Carl Nielsen width145>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link titlePetri/Hannibal Duo: "A Short Waltz" by Carl Nielsen>Petri/Hannibal Duo: A Short Waltz by Carl Nielsen/a>/h3> div classpm-video-attr> span classpm-video-attr-author>by a href>Administrator/a>/span> span classpm-video-attr-since>small>Added time datetime2019-12-06T18:08:24+0000 titleFriday, December 6, 2019 6:08 PM>5 years ago/time>/small>/span> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>604 Views / 0 Likes/small>/span> /div> p classpm-video-attr-desc>Michala Petri, recorder and Lars Hannibal, guitar play live by Carl Nielsen A Short Waltz Also avaiable on the new OUR Recordings release Garden Party./p> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-video> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-145 pm-thumb border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>03:23/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-145>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altMichala Petri & Lars Hannibal: ”Dreams” by Lars Hannibal width145>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link titleMichala Petri & Lars Hannibal: ”Dreams” by Lars Hannibal>Michala Petri & Lars Hannibal: ”Dreams” by Lars Hannibal/a>/h3> div classpm-video-attr> span classpm-video-attr-author>by a href>Administrator/a>/span> span classpm-video-attr-since>small>Added time datetime2019-12-06T18:08:24+0000 titleFriday, December 6, 2019 6:08 PM>5 years ago/time>/small>/span> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>860 Views / 0 Likes/small>/span> /div> p classpm-video-attr-desc>”Dreams” performed live by Petri/Hannibal Duo: The music is available on the new CD “Garden Party” with Petri/Hannibal Duo on OUR Recordings./p> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-video> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-145 pm-thumb border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>02:00/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-145>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altPetri/Hannibal Duo: "The Wagtail and the Cuckoo" by Asger Lund Christiansen width145>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link titlePetri/Hannibal Duo: "The Wagtail and the Cuckoo" by Asger Lund Christiansen>Petri/Hannibal Duo: The Wagtail and the Cuckoo by Asger Lund Christiansen/a>/h3> div classpm-video-attr> span classpm-video-attr-author>by a href>Administrator/a>/span> span classpm-video-attr-since>small>Added time datetime2019-12-06T18:08:24+0000 titleFriday, December 6, 2019 6:08 PM>5 years ago/time>/small>/span> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>659 Views / 0 Likes/small>/span> /div> p classpm-video-attr-desc>Michala Petri, recorder and Lars Hannibal, guitar play live by Asger Lund Christiansen The Wagtail and the Cuckoo Also avaiable on the new OUR Recordings release Garden Party/p> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-video> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-145 pm-thumb border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>04:06/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-145>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altEgberto Gismonti`s “Karate” - Live 360 degree width145>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link titleEgberto Gismonti`s “Karate” - Live 360 degree>Egberto Gismonti`s “Karate” - Live 360 degree/a>/h3> div classpm-video-attr> span classpm-video-attr-author>by a href>Administrator/a>/span> span classpm-video-attr-since>small>Added time datetime2019-12-06T18:08:24+0000 titleFriday, December 6, 2019 6:08 PM>5 years ago/time>/small>/span> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>979 Views / 0 Likes/small>/span> /div> p classpm-video-attr-desc>Live 360 degree Audio/Video recording. Egberto Gismonti`s “Karate” with Michala Petri, recorder, Daniel Murray, guitar and Marilyn Mazur, percussion/p> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-video> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-145 pm-thumb border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>06:53/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-145>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altMichala Petri, Marilyn Mazur and Daniel Murray performs live “A Fala Da Paixao” width145>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link titleMichala Petri, Marilyn Mazur and Daniel Murray performs live “A Fala Da Paixao”>Michala Petri, Marilyn Mazur and Daniel Murray performs live “A Fala Da Paixao”/a>/h3> div classpm-video-attr> span classpm-video-attr-author>by a href>Administrator/a>/span> span classpm-video-attr-since>small>Added time datetime2019-12-06T18:08:24+0000 titleFriday, December 6, 2019 6:08 PM>5 years ago/time>/small>/span> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>657 Views / 0 Likes/small>/span> /div> p classpm-video-attr-desc>Michala Petri, Marilyn Mazur and Daniel Murray performs live “A Fala Da Paixao” by Egberto Gismondi December 2016 in Koncertkirken, Copenhagen. This Video is a 360 ò audio and visual. To get the full effect use headphones, and turn around with you “mouse”/p> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-video> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-145 pm-thumb border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>12:48/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-145>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altMichala Petri: “A Pacifying Weapon” by Sean Hickey (part lII) width145>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link titleMichala Petri: “A Pacifying Weapon” by Sean Hickey (part lII)>Michala Petri: “A Pacifying Weapon” by Sean Hickey (part lII)/a>/h3> div classpm-video-attr> span classpm-video-attr-author>by a href>Administrator/a>/span> span classpm-video-attr-since>small>Added time datetime2019-12-06T18:08:24+0000 titleFriday, December 6, 2019 6:08 PM>5 years ago/time>/small>/span> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>658 Views / 0 Likes/small>/span> /div> p classpm-video-attr-desc>-Michala Petri and Royal Danish Academy of Music Concert Band conducted by Jean Thorel play “A Pacifying Weapon” Part IIl by Sean Hickey,- Worldpremiere! Michala is associated with the Royal Danish Academy of Music as adjunct professor. Once the idea came/p> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-video> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-145 pm-thumb border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>08:52/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-145>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altMichala Petri: “A Pacifying Weapon” by Sean Hickey (part lI) width145>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link titleMichala Petri: “A Pacifying Weapon” by Sean Hickey (part lI)>Michala Petri: “A Pacifying Weapon” by Sean Hickey (part lI)/a>/h3> div classpm-video-attr> span classpm-video-attr-author>by a href>Administrator/a>/span> span classpm-video-attr-since>small>Added time datetime2019-12-06T18:08:24+0000 titleFriday, December 6, 2019 6:08 PM>5 years ago/time>/small>/span> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>680 Views / 0 Likes/small>/span> /div> p classpm-video-attr-desc>-Michala Petri and Royal Danish Academy of Music Concert Band conducted by Jean Thorel play “A Pacifying Weapon” Part lI by Sean Hickey,- Worldpremiere! Michala is associated with the Royal Danish Academy of Music as adjunct professor. Once the idea came /p> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-video> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-145 pm-thumb border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>12:00/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-145>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altJohann Sebastian Bach: Sonata F Major BWV 1035 - Petri/Perl/Esfahani width145>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link titleJohann Sebastian Bach: Sonata F Major BWV 1035 - Petri/Perl/Esfahani>Johann Sebastian Bach: Sonata F Major BWV 1035 - Petri/Perl/Esfahani/a>/h3> div classpm-video-attr> span classpm-video-attr-author>by a href>Administrator/a>/span> span classpm-video-attr-since>small>Added time datetime2019-12-06T18:08:24+0000 titleFriday, December 6, 2019 6:08 PM>5 years ago/time>/small>/span> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>686 Views / 0 Likes/small>/span> /div> p classpm-video-attr-desc>Johann Sebastian Bach: Sonata F Major BWV 1035 for alto recorder and basso continuo (original E-Major) Michala Petri, recorder - Hille Perl, viola da gamba - Mahan Esfahani, harpsichord 1: Allegro ma non tanto 2: Allegro 3: Siciliano 4: Allegro Street Dat/p> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-video> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-145 pm-thumb border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>08:18/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-145>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altMichala Petri: “A Pacifying Weapon” by Sean Hickey (part l) width145>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link titleMichala Petri: “A Pacifying Weapon” by Sean Hickey (part l)>Michala Petri: “A Pacifying Weapon” by Sean Hickey (part l)/a>/h3> div classpm-video-attr> span classpm-video-attr-author>by a href>Administrator/a>/span> span classpm-video-attr-since>small>Added time datetime2019-12-06T18:08:24+0000 titleFriday, December 6, 2019 6:08 PM>5 years ago/time>/small>/span> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>726 Views / 0 Likes/small>/span> /div> p classpm-video-attr-desc>-Michala Petri and Royal Danish Academy of Music Concert Band conducted by Jean Thorel play “A Pacifying Weapon” Part l by Sean Hickey,- Worldpremiere! Michala is associated with the Royal Danish Academy of Music as adjunct professor. Once the idea came u/p> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-video> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-145 pm-thumb border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>08:17/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-145>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altJohann Sebastian Bach: Sonata C Major BWV 1033 - Petri/Perl/Esfahani width145>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link titleJohann Sebastian Bach: Sonata C Major BWV 1033 - Petri/Perl/Esfahani>Johann Sebastian Bach: Sonata C Major BWV 1033 - Petri/Perl/Esfahani/a>/h3> div classpm-video-attr> span classpm-video-attr-author>by a href>Administrator/a>/span> span classpm-video-attr-since>small>Added time datetime2019-12-06T18:08:24+0000 titleFriday, December 6, 2019 6:08 PM>5 years ago/time>/small>/span> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>668 Views / 0 Likes/small>/span> /div> p classpm-video-attr-desc>Johann Sebastian Bach: Sonata C Major BWV 1033 for soprano recorder and basso continuo. Michala Petri, recorder - Hille Perl, viola da gamba - Mahan Esfahani, harpsichord 1: Allegro – Presto 2: Allegro 3: Adagio 4: Menuetto 1 + 2 Recorded in Garnisons Chu/p> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-video> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-145 pm-thumb border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>16:49/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-145>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altJohann Sebastian Bach: Sonata B minor BWV 1030 - Petri/Perl/Esfahani width145>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link titleJohann Sebastian Bach: Sonata B minor BWV 1030 - Petri/Perl/Esfahani>Johann Sebastian Bach: Sonata B minor BWV 1030 - Petri/Perl/Esfahani/a>/h3> div classpm-video-attr> span classpm-video-attr-author>by a href>Administrator/a>/span> span classpm-video-attr-since>small>Added time datetime2019-12-06T18:08:24+0000 titleFriday, December 6, 2019 6:08 PM>5 years ago/time>/small>/span> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>573 Views / 0 Likes/small>/span> /div> p classpm-video-attr-desc>Johann Sebastian Bach: Sonata B minor BWV 1030 for recorder, concertato harpsichord and viola da gamba. Michala Petri, recorder - Hille Perl, viola da gamba - Mahan Esfahani, harpsichord 1: Andante 2: Largo e dolce 3: Presto 4: Allegro/p> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-video> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-145 pm-thumb border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>12:56/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-145>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altSammartini Concerto for recorder & strings in F-Major (Michala Petri and Concerto Copenhagen) width145>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link titleSammartini Concerto for recorder & strings in F-Major (Michala Petri and Concerto Copenhagen)>Sammartini Concerto for recorder & strings in F-Major (Michala Petri and Concerto Copenhagen)/a>/h3> div classpm-video-attr> span classpm-video-attr-author>by a href>Administrator/a>/span> span classpm-video-attr-since>small>Added time datetime2019-12-06T18:08:24+0000 titleFriday, December 6, 2019 6:08 PM>5 years ago/time>/small>/span> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>570 Views / 0 Likes/small>/span> /div> p classpm-video-attr-desc>Michala Petri and Concerto Copenhagen conducted by Lars Ulrik Mortensen plays Giuseppe Sammartini Concerto for recorder and strings in F-Major live from Garnisonskirken in Copenhagen October 3th 2017 I. Allegro II. Siciliano III. Allegro assai/p> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-video> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-145 pm-thumb border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>09:55/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-145>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altSunleif Rasmussen: Variations on Sorrig og Glæde (Dedicated to Michala Petri) width145>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link titleSunleif Rasmussen: Variations on Sorrig og Glæde (Dedicated to Michala Petri)>Sunleif Rasmussen: Variations on Sorrig og Glæde (Dedicated to Michala Petri)/a>/h3> div classpm-video-attr> span classpm-video-attr-author>by a href>Administrator/a>/span> span classpm-video-attr-since>small>Added time datetime2019-12-06T18:08:24+0000 titleFriday, December 6, 2019 6:08 PM>5 years ago/time>/small>/span> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>660 Views / 0 Likes/small>/span> /div> p classpm-video-attr-desc>Michala Petri play Sunleif Rasmussen: Variations on Sorrig og Glæde for recorder solo (Dedicated Michala Petri)Contemporary Music Live recorded in Garnisonskirken, Copenhagen October 3th 2017/p> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-video> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-145 pm-thumb border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>11:21/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-145>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altAntonio Vivaldi: Recorder Concerto c-minor RV441 (Michala Petri & Concerto Copenhagen) width145>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link titleAntonio Vivaldi: Recorder Concerto c-minor RV441 (Michala Petri & Concerto Copenhagen)>Antonio Vivaldi: Recorder Concerto c-minor RV441 (Michala Petri & Concerto Copenhagen)/a>/h3> div classpm-video-attr> span classpm-video-attr-author>by a href>Administrator/a>/span> span classpm-video-attr-since>small>Added time datetime2019-12-06T18:08:24+0000 titleFriday, December 6, 2019 6:08 PM>5 years ago/time>/small>/span> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>653 Views / 0 Likes/small>/span> /div> p classpm-video-attr-desc>Michala Petri and Concerto Copenhagen conducted by Lars Ulrik Mortensen live at Garnisonskirken, Copenhagen October the 3rd 2017. Antonio Vivaldi: Recorder Concerto c-minor RV441 I. Allegro non molto II. Largo III. Allegro/p> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-video> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-145 pm-thumb border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>02:58/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-145>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altGarden Party: Petri/Hannibal Duo 25 Year Anniversary CD PROMO width145>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link titleGarden Party: Petri/Hannibal Duo 25 Year Anniversary CD PROMO>Garden Party: Petri/Hannibal Duo 25 Year Anniversary CD PROMO/a>/h3> div classpm-video-attr> span classpm-video-attr-author>by a href>Administrator/a>/span> span classpm-video-attr-since>small>Added time datetime2019-12-06T18:08:24+0000 titleFriday, December 6, 2019 6:08 PM>5 years ago/time>/small>/span> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>623 Views / 0 Likes/small>/span> /div> p classpm-video-attr-desc>Petri/Hannibal Duo 25 Year Anniversary release with music by Edvard Grieg, Carl Nielsen, Edouard Lalo, Asger Lund Christiansen, Lars Hannibal and Zhang Weiliang. Carl Nielsen (1865-1931) : Humoresque Bagatelles Op. 11 Hello! Hello! (Allegretto) The Spinni/p> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-video> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-145 pm-thumb border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>01:05/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-145>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altMichala Petri & Lars Hannibal: "Hallo! Hallo!" by Carl Nielsen width145>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link titleMichala Petri & Lars Hannibal: "Hallo! Hallo!" by Carl Nielsen>Michala Petri & Lars Hannibal: Hallo! Hallo! by Carl Nielsen/a>/h3> div classpm-video-attr> span classpm-video-attr-author>by a href>Administrator/a>/span> span classpm-video-attr-since>small>Added time datetime2019-12-06T18:08:24+0000 titleFriday, December 6, 2019 6:08 PM>5 years ago/time>/small>/span> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>701 Views / 0 Likes/small>/span> /div> p classpm-video-attr-desc>Petri/Hanibal Duo play live by Carl Nielsen Hallo! Hallo! Also avaiable on the new OUR Recordings release Garden Party./p> span classpm-video-li-info> span classlabel label-featured>Featured/span> /span> /div> /li> /ul> /div>!-- .element-videos --> div classclearfix>/div> /div>!-- #primary --> /div>!-- .span8 --> div classspan4 idsecondary> div classwidget> div classpm-ad-zone aligncenter>iframe src scrollingno frameborder0 styleborder:none; overflow:hidden; width:292px; height:270px; allowTransparencytrue>/iframe>img src width1 height1 border0 />/div> /div>!-- .widget --> div classwidget> div classbtn-group btn-group-sort pm-slide-control> button classbtn btn-mini prev idpm-slide-top-prev>i classpm-vc-sprite arr-l>/i>/button> button classbtn btn-mini next idpm-slide-top-next>i classpm-vc-sprite arr-r>/i>/button> /div> h4>Popular videos/h4> ul classpm-ul-top-videos idpm-ul-top-videos> li> div classpm-li-top-videos> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-106 pm-thumb-top border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>05:16/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-106>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altPinkuyllu (Cusco) - Pinkuyllu y Charango Caneño-Música de Chiaraje y Carnavales width106>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link>Pinkuyllu (Cusco) - Pinkuyllu y Charango Caneño-Música de Chiaraje y Carnavales/a>/h3> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>109.5k Views/small>/span> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-top-videos> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-106 pm-thumb-top border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>05:12/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-106>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altdonsiau - Taiwan Winson xiao width106>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link>donsiau - Taiwan Winson xiao/a>/h3> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>109.3k Views/small>/span> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-top-videos> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-106 pm-thumb-top border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>15:23/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-106>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altJ21 尺八 SHAKUHACHI Flûte de bambou 前半 福田輝久 杵屋子邦 width106>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link>J21 尺八 SHAKUHACHI Flûte de bambou 前半 福田輝久 杵屋子邦/a>/h3> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>108.1k Views/small>/span> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-top-videos> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-106 pm-thumb-top border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>05:23/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-106>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altPablo Salcedo -- Protecting the Animals (Protegiendo a los Animales) width106>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link>Pablo Salcedo -- Protecting the Animals (Protegiendo a los Animales)/a>/h3> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>107.4k Views/small>/span> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-top-videos> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-106 pm-thumb-top border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>05:03/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-106>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altPablo Salcedo - Pablo Salcedo "Perceiving something beautiful" - Live (ocarina) width106>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link>Pablo Salcedo - Pablo Salcedo Perceiving something beautiful - Live (ocarina)/a>/h3> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>9,243 Views/small>/span> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-top-videos> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-106 pm-thumb-top border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>02:07/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-106>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altNikolay Doktorov - Nikolay Doktorov at I World Flutes Festival width106>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link>Nikolay Doktorov - Nikolay Doktorov at I World Flutes Festival/a>/h3> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>8,563 Views/small>/span> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-top-videos> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-106 pm-thumb-top border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>09:25/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-106>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altConjunto SIKURI Cemduc - 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Bartók: Romanian Folk Dances. Flute: Anna-Majlinda Spiro, Piano: Amir Xhakoviq width106>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link>B. Bartók: Romanian Folk Dances. Flute: Anna-Majlinda Spiro, Piano: Amir Xhakoviq/a>/h3> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>5,063 Views/small>/span> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-top-videos> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-106 pm-thumb-top border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>12:54/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-106>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altJ22 尺八 SHAKUHACHI Flûte de bambou 後半 福田輝久 杵屋子邦 width106>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link>J22 尺八 SHAKUHACHI Flûte de bambou 後半 福田輝久 杵屋子邦/a>/h3> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>4,943 Views/small>/span> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-top-videos> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-106 pm-thumb-top border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>05:06/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-106>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altTadashi Tajima - flauta Shakuhachi width106>span 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Michala Petri, recorder - Hille Perl, viola da gamba - Mahan Esfahani, harpsichord 1: Allegro moderato 2: Siciliano 3: Allegro Street Date: Novemb/p> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-video> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-145 pm-thumb border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>00:48/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-145>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altPetri/Hannibal Duo: "Jumping Jack" by Carl Nielsen width145>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link titlePetri/Hannibal Duo: "Jumping Jack" by Carl Nielsen>Petri/Hannibal Duo: Jumping Jack by Carl Nielsen/a>/h3> div classpm-video-attr> span classpm-video-attr-author>by a href>Administrator/a>/span> span classpm-video-attr-since>small>Added time datetime2019-12-06T18:08:24+0000 titleFriday, December 6, 2019 6:08 PM>5 years ago/time>/small>/span> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>606 Views / 0 Likes/small>/span> /div> p classpm-video-attr-desc>Michala Petri, recorder and Lars Hannibal, guitar play live by Carl Nielsen Jumping Jack! Also avaiable on the new OUR Recordings release Garden Party./p> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-video> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-145 pm-thumb border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>01:10/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-145>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altPetri/Hannibal Duo: "The Musical Clock" by Carl Nielsen width145>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link titlePetri/Hannibal Duo: "The Musical Clock" by Carl Nielsen>Petri/Hannibal Duo: The Musical Clock by Carl Nielsen/a>/h3> div classpm-video-attr> span classpm-video-attr-author>by a href>Administrator/a>/span> span classpm-video-attr-since>small>Added time datetime2019-12-06T18:08:24+0000 titleFriday, December 6, 2019 6:08 PM>5 years ago/time>/small>/span> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>736 Views / 0 Likes/small>/span> /div> p classpm-video-attr-desc>Michala Petri, recorder and Lars Hannibal, guitar play live by Carl Nielsen The Musical Clock Also avaiable on the new OUR Recordings release Garden Party./p> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-video> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-145 pm-thumb border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>02:08/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-145>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altPetri/Hannibal Duo: "A Short Waltz" by Carl Nielsen width145>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link titlePetri/Hannibal Duo: "A Short Waltz" by Carl Nielsen>Petri/Hannibal Duo: A Short Waltz by Carl Nielsen/a>/h3> div classpm-video-attr> span classpm-video-attr-author>by a href>Administrator/a>/span> span classpm-video-attr-since>small>Added time datetime2019-12-06T18:08:24+0000 titleFriday, December 6, 2019 6:08 PM>5 years ago/time>/small>/span> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>604 Views / 0 Likes/small>/span> /div> p classpm-video-attr-desc>Michala Petri, recorder and Lars Hannibal, guitar play live by Carl Nielsen A Short Waltz Also avaiable on the new OUR Recordings release Garden Party./p> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-video> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-145 pm-thumb border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>03:23/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-145>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altMichala Petri & Lars Hannibal: ”Dreams” by Lars Hannibal width145>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link titleMichala Petri & Lars Hannibal: ”Dreams” by Lars Hannibal>Michala Petri & Lars Hannibal: ”Dreams” by Lars Hannibal/a>/h3> div classpm-video-attr> span classpm-video-attr-author>by a href>Administrator/a>/span> span classpm-video-attr-since>small>Added time datetime2019-12-06T18:08:24+0000 titleFriday, December 6, 2019 6:08 PM>5 years ago/time>/small>/span> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>860 Views / 0 Likes/small>/span> /div> p classpm-video-attr-desc>”Dreams” performed live by Petri/Hannibal Duo: The music is available on the new CD “Garden Party” with Petri/Hannibal Duo on OUR Recordings./p> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-video> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-145 pm-thumb border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>02:00/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-145>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altPetri/Hannibal Duo: "The Wagtail and the Cuckoo" by Asger Lund Christiansen width145>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link titlePetri/Hannibal Duo: "The Wagtail and the Cuckoo" by Asger Lund Christiansen>Petri/Hannibal Duo: The Wagtail and the Cuckoo by Asger Lund Christiansen/a>/h3> div classpm-video-attr> span classpm-video-attr-author>by a href>Administrator/a>/span> span classpm-video-attr-since>small>Added time datetime2019-12-06T18:08:24+0000 titleFriday, December 6, 2019 6:08 PM>5 years ago/time>/small>/span> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>659 Views / 0 Likes/small>/span> /div> p classpm-video-attr-desc>Michala Petri, recorder and Lars Hannibal, guitar play live by Asger Lund Christiansen The Wagtail and the Cuckoo Also avaiable on the new OUR Recordings release Garden Party/p> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-video> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-145 pm-thumb border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>04:06/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-145>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altEgberto Gismonti`s “Karate” - Live 360 degree width145>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link titleEgberto Gismonti`s “Karate” - Live 360 degree>Egberto Gismonti`s “Karate” - Live 360 degree/a>/h3> div classpm-video-attr> span classpm-video-attr-author>by a href>Administrator/a>/span> span classpm-video-attr-since>small>Added time datetime2019-12-06T18:08:24+0000 titleFriday, December 6, 2019 6:08 PM>5 years ago/time>/small>/span> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>979 Views / 0 Likes/small>/span> /div> p classpm-video-attr-desc>Live 360 degree Audio/Video recording. Egberto Gismonti`s “Karate” with Michala Petri, recorder, Daniel Murray, guitar and Marilyn Mazur, percussion/p> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-video> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-145 pm-thumb border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>06:53/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-145>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altMichala Petri, Marilyn Mazur and Daniel Murray performs live “A Fala Da Paixao” width145>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link titleMichala Petri, Marilyn Mazur and Daniel Murray performs live “A Fala Da Paixao”>Michala Petri, Marilyn Mazur and Daniel Murray performs live “A Fala Da Paixao”/a>/h3> div classpm-video-attr> span classpm-video-attr-author>by a href>Administrator/a>/span> span classpm-video-attr-since>small>Added time datetime2019-12-06T18:08:24+0000 titleFriday, December 6, 2019 6:08 PM>5 years ago/time>/small>/span> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>657 Views / 0 Likes/small>/span> /div> p classpm-video-attr-desc>Michala Petri, Marilyn Mazur and Daniel Murray performs live “A Fala Da Paixao” by Egberto Gismondi December 2016 in Koncertkirken, Copenhagen. This Video is a 360 ò audio and visual. To get the full effect use headphones, and turn around with you “mouse”/p> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-video> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-145 pm-thumb border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>12:48/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-145>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altMichala Petri: “A Pacifying Weapon” by Sean Hickey (part lII) width145>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link titleMichala Petri: “A Pacifying Weapon” by Sean Hickey (part lII)>Michala Petri: “A Pacifying Weapon” by Sean Hickey (part lII)/a>/h3> div classpm-video-attr> span classpm-video-attr-author>by a href>Administrator/a>/span> span classpm-video-attr-since>small>Added time datetime2019-12-06T18:08:24+0000 titleFriday, December 6, 2019 6:08 PM>5 years ago/time>/small>/span> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>658 Views / 0 Likes/small>/span> /div> p classpm-video-attr-desc>-Michala Petri and Royal Danish Academy of Music Concert Band conducted by Jean Thorel play “A Pacifying Weapon” Part IIl by Sean Hickey,- Worldpremiere! Michala is associated with the Royal Danish Academy of Music as adjunct professor. Once the idea came/p> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-video> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-145 pm-thumb border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>08:52/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-145>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altMichala Petri: “A Pacifying Weapon” by Sean Hickey (part lI) width145>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link titleMichala Petri: “A Pacifying Weapon” by Sean Hickey (part lI)>Michala Petri: “A Pacifying Weapon” by Sean Hickey (part lI)/a>/h3> div classpm-video-attr> span classpm-video-attr-author>by a href>Administrator/a>/span> span classpm-video-attr-since>small>Added time datetime2019-12-06T18:08:24+0000 titleFriday, December 6, 2019 6:08 PM>5 years ago/time>/small>/span> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>680 Views / 0 Likes/small>/span> /div> p classpm-video-attr-desc>-Michala Petri and Royal Danish Academy of Music Concert Band conducted by Jean Thorel play “A Pacifying Weapon” Part lI by Sean Hickey,- Worldpremiere! Michala is associated with the Royal Danish Academy of Music as adjunct professor. Once the idea came /p> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-video> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-145 pm-thumb border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>12:00/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-145>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altJohann Sebastian Bach: Sonata F Major BWV 1035 - Petri/Perl/Esfahani width145>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link titleJohann Sebastian Bach: Sonata F Major BWV 1035 - Petri/Perl/Esfahani>Johann Sebastian Bach: Sonata F Major BWV 1035 - Petri/Perl/Esfahani/a>/h3> div classpm-video-attr> span classpm-video-attr-author>by a href>Administrator/a>/span> span classpm-video-attr-since>small>Added time datetime2019-12-06T18:08:24+0000 titleFriday, December 6, 2019 6:08 PM>5 years ago/time>/small>/span> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>686 Views / 0 Likes/small>/span> /div> p classpm-video-attr-desc>Johann Sebastian Bach: Sonata F Major BWV 1035 for alto recorder and basso continuo (original E-Major) Michala Petri, recorder - Hille Perl, viola da gamba - Mahan Esfahani, harpsichord 1: Allegro ma non tanto 2: Allegro 3: Siciliano 4: Allegro Street Dat/p> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-video> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-145 pm-thumb border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>08:18/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-145>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altMichala Petri: “A Pacifying Weapon” by Sean Hickey (part l) width145>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link titleMichala Petri: “A Pacifying Weapon” by Sean Hickey (part l)>Michala Petri: “A Pacifying Weapon” by Sean Hickey (part l)/a>/h3> div classpm-video-attr> span classpm-video-attr-author>by a href>Administrator/a>/span> span classpm-video-attr-since>small>Added time datetime2019-12-06T18:08:24+0000 titleFriday, December 6, 2019 6:08 PM>5 years ago/time>/small>/span> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>726 Views / 0 Likes/small>/span> /div> p classpm-video-attr-desc>-Michala Petri and Royal Danish Academy of Music Concert Band conducted by Jean Thorel play “A Pacifying Weapon” Part l by Sean Hickey,- Worldpremiere! Michala is associated with the Royal Danish Academy of Music as adjunct professor. Once the idea came u/p> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-video> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-145 pm-thumb border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>08:17/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-145>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altJohann Sebastian Bach: Sonata C Major BWV 1033 - Petri/Perl/Esfahani width145>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link titleJohann Sebastian Bach: Sonata C Major BWV 1033 - Petri/Perl/Esfahani>Johann Sebastian Bach: Sonata C Major BWV 1033 - Petri/Perl/Esfahani/a>/h3> div classpm-video-attr> span classpm-video-attr-author>by a href>Administrator/a>/span> span classpm-video-attr-since>small>Added time datetime2019-12-06T18:08:24+0000 titleFriday, December 6, 2019 6:08 PM>5 years ago/time>/small>/span> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>668 Views / 0 Likes/small>/span> /div> p classpm-video-attr-desc>Johann Sebastian Bach: Sonata C Major BWV 1033 for soprano recorder and basso continuo. Michala Petri, recorder - Hille Perl, viola da gamba - Mahan Esfahani, harpsichord 1: Allegro – Presto 2: Allegro 3: Adagio 4: Menuetto 1 + 2 Recorded in Garnisons Chu/p> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-video> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-145 pm-thumb border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>16:49/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-145>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altJohann Sebastian Bach: Sonata B minor BWV 1030 - Petri/Perl/Esfahani width145>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link titleJohann Sebastian Bach: Sonata B minor BWV 1030 - Petri/Perl/Esfahani>Johann Sebastian Bach: Sonata B minor BWV 1030 - Petri/Perl/Esfahani/a>/h3> div classpm-video-attr> span classpm-video-attr-author>by a href>Administrator/a>/span> span classpm-video-attr-since>small>Added time datetime2019-12-06T18:08:24+0000 titleFriday, December 6, 2019 6:08 PM>5 years ago/time>/small>/span> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>573 Views / 0 Likes/small>/span> /div> p classpm-video-attr-desc>Johann Sebastian Bach: Sonata B minor BWV 1030 for recorder, concertato harpsichord and viola da gamba. Michala Petri, recorder - Hille Perl, viola da gamba - Mahan Esfahani, harpsichord 1: Andante 2: Largo e dolce 3: Presto 4: Allegro/p> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-video> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-145 pm-thumb border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>12:56/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-145>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altSammartini Concerto for recorder & strings in F-Major (Michala Petri and Concerto Copenhagen) width145>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link titleSammartini Concerto for recorder & strings in F-Major (Michala Petri and Concerto Copenhagen)>Sammartini Concerto for recorder & strings in F-Major (Michala Petri and Concerto Copenhagen)/a>/h3> div classpm-video-attr> span classpm-video-attr-author>by a href>Administrator/a>/span> span classpm-video-attr-since>small>Added time datetime2019-12-06T18:08:24+0000 titleFriday, December 6, 2019 6:08 PM>5 years ago/time>/small>/span> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>570 Views / 0 Likes/small>/span> /div> p classpm-video-attr-desc>Michala Petri and Concerto Copenhagen conducted by Lars Ulrik Mortensen plays Giuseppe Sammartini Concerto for recorder and strings in F-Major live from Garnisonskirken in Copenhagen October 3th 2017 I. Allegro II. Siciliano III. Allegro assai/p> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-video> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-145 pm-thumb border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>09:55/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-145>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altSunleif Rasmussen: Variations on Sorrig og Glæde (Dedicated to Michala Petri) width145>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link titleSunleif Rasmussen: Variations on Sorrig og Glæde (Dedicated to Michala Petri)>Sunleif Rasmussen: Variations on Sorrig og Glæde (Dedicated to Michala Petri)/a>/h3> div classpm-video-attr> span classpm-video-attr-author>by a href>Administrator/a>/span> span classpm-video-attr-since>small>Added time datetime2019-12-06T18:08:24+0000 titleFriday, December 6, 2019 6:08 PM>5 years ago/time>/small>/span> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>660 Views / 0 Likes/small>/span> /div> p classpm-video-attr-desc>Michala Petri play Sunleif Rasmussen: Variations on Sorrig og Glæde for recorder solo (Dedicated Michala Petri)Contemporary Music Live recorded in Garnisonskirken, Copenhagen October 3th 2017/p> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-video> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-145 pm-thumb border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>11:21/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-145>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altAntonio Vivaldi: Recorder Concerto c-minor RV441 (Michala Petri & Concerto Copenhagen) width145>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link titleAntonio Vivaldi: Recorder Concerto c-minor RV441 (Michala Petri & Concerto Copenhagen)>Antonio Vivaldi: Recorder Concerto c-minor RV441 (Michala Petri & Concerto Copenhagen)/a>/h3> div classpm-video-attr> span classpm-video-attr-author>by a href>Administrator/a>/span> span classpm-video-attr-since>small>Added time datetime2019-12-06T18:08:24+0000 titleFriday, December 6, 2019 6:08 PM>5 years ago/time>/small>/span> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>653 Views / 0 Likes/small>/span> /div> p classpm-video-attr-desc>Michala Petri and Concerto Copenhagen conducted by Lars Ulrik Mortensen live at Garnisonskirken, Copenhagen October the 3rd 2017. Antonio Vivaldi: Recorder Concerto c-minor RV441 I. Allegro non molto II. Largo III. Allegro/p> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-video> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-145 pm-thumb border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>02:58/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-145>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altGarden Party: Petri/Hannibal Duo 25 Year Anniversary CD PROMO width145>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link titleGarden Party: Petri/Hannibal Duo 25 Year Anniversary CD PROMO>Garden Party: Petri/Hannibal Duo 25 Year Anniversary CD PROMO/a>/h3> div classpm-video-attr> span classpm-video-attr-author>by a href>Administrator/a>/span> span classpm-video-attr-since>small>Added time datetime2019-12-06T18:08:24+0000 titleFriday, December 6, 2019 6:08 PM>5 years ago/time>/small>/span> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>623 Views / 0 Likes/small>/span> /div> p classpm-video-attr-desc>Petri/Hannibal Duo 25 Year Anniversary release with music by Edvard Grieg, Carl Nielsen, Edouard Lalo, Asger Lund Christiansen, Lars Hannibal and Zhang Weiliang. Carl Nielsen (1865-1931) : Humoresque Bagatelles Op. 11 Hello! Hello! (Allegretto) The Spinni/p> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-video> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-145 pm-thumb border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>01:05/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-145>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altMichala Petri & Lars Hannibal: "Hallo! Hallo!" by Carl Nielsen width145>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link titleMichala Petri & Lars Hannibal: "Hallo! Hallo!" by Carl Nielsen>Michala Petri & Lars Hannibal: Hallo! Hallo! by Carl Nielsen/a>/h3> div classpm-video-attr> span classpm-video-attr-author>by a href>Administrator/a>/span> span classpm-video-attr-since>small>Added time datetime2019-12-06T18:08:24+0000 titleFriday, December 6, 2019 6:08 PM>5 years ago/time>/small>/span> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>701 Views / 0 Likes/small>/span> /div> p classpm-video-attr-desc>Petri/Hanibal Duo play live by Carl Nielsen Hallo! Hallo! Also avaiable on the new OUR Recordings release Garden Party./p> span classpm-video-li-info> span classlabel label-featured>Featured/span> /span> /div> /li> /ul> /div>!-- .element-videos --> div classclearfix>/div> /div>!-- #primary --> /div>!-- .span8 --> div classspan4 idsecondary> div classwidget> div classpm-ad-zone aligncenter>iframe src scrollingno frameborder0 styleborder:none; overflow:hidden; width:292px; height:270px; allowTransparencytrue>/iframe>img src width1 height1 border0 />/div> /div>!-- .widget --> div classwidget> div classbtn-group btn-group-sort pm-slide-control> button classbtn btn-mini prev idpm-slide-top-prev>i classpm-vc-sprite arr-l>/i>/button> button classbtn btn-mini next idpm-slide-top-next>i classpm-vc-sprite arr-r>/i>/button> /div> h4>Popular videos/h4> ul classpm-ul-top-videos idpm-ul-top-videos> li> div classpm-li-top-videos> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-106 pm-thumb-top border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>05:16/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-106>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altPinkuyllu (Cusco) - Pinkuyllu y Charango Caneño-Música de Chiaraje y Carnavales width106>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link>Pinkuyllu (Cusco) - Pinkuyllu y Charango Caneño-Música de Chiaraje y Carnavales/a>/h3> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>109.5k Views/small>/span> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-top-videos> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-106 pm-thumb-top border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>05:12/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-106>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altdonsiau - Taiwan Winson xiao width106>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link>donsiau - Taiwan Winson xiao/a>/h3> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>109.3k Views/small>/span> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-top-videos> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-106 pm-thumb-top border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>15:23/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-106>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altJ21 尺八 SHAKUHACHI Flûte de bambou 前半 福田輝久 杵屋子邦 width106>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link>J21 尺八 SHAKUHACHI Flûte de bambou 前半 福田輝久 杵屋子邦/a>/h3> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>108.1k Views/small>/span> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-top-videos> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-106 pm-thumb-top border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>05:23/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-106>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altPablo Salcedo -- Protecting the Animals (Protegiendo a los Animales) width106>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link>Pablo Salcedo -- Protecting the Animals (Protegiendo a los Animales)/a>/h3> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>107.4k Views/small>/span> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-top-videos> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-106 pm-thumb-top border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>05:03/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-106>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altPablo Salcedo - Pablo Salcedo "Perceiving something beautiful" - Live (ocarina) width106>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link>Pablo Salcedo - Pablo Salcedo Perceiving something beautiful - Live (ocarina)/a>/h3> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>9,243 Views/small>/span> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-top-videos> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-106 pm-thumb-top border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>02:07/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-106>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altNikolay Doktorov - Nikolay Doktorov at I World Flutes Festival width106>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link>Nikolay Doktorov - Nikolay Doktorov at I World Flutes Festival/a>/h3> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>8,563 Views/small>/span> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-top-videos> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-106 pm-thumb-top border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>09:25/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-106>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altConjunto SIKURI Cemduc - 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Bartók: Romanian Folk Dances. Flute: Anna-Majlinda Spiro, Piano: Amir Xhakoviq width106>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link>B. Bartók: Romanian Folk Dances. Flute: Anna-Majlinda Spiro, Piano: Amir Xhakoviq/a>/h3> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>5,063 Views/small>/span> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-top-videos> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-106 pm-thumb-top border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>12:54/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-106>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altJ22 尺八 SHAKUHACHI Flûte de bambou 後半 福田輝久 杵屋子邦 width106>span classvertical-align>/span>/span>/a> /span> h3>a href classpm-title-link>J22 尺八 SHAKUHACHI Flûte de bambou 後半 福田輝久 杵屋子邦/a>/h3> span classpm-video-attr-numbers>small>4,943 Views/small>/span> /div> /li> li> div classpm-li-top-videos> span classpm-video-thumb pm-thumb-106 pm-thumb-top border-radius2> span classpm-video-li-thumb-info> span classpm-label-duration border-radius3 opac7>05:06/span> /span> a href classpm-thumb-fix pm-thumb-106>span classpm-thumb-fix-clip>img src altTadashi Tajima - flauta Shakuhachi width106>span 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