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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Thu, 07 Nov 2024 13:39:11 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Tue, 30 Jun 2015 19:54:36 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 41505Vary: Accept-Encoding,User-AgentContent-Type: text/html !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN>html>head>title>World City Photo Archive/title>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetiso-8859-1>/head>body backgroundbackground.gif>div aligncenter> p>font faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif>img srcmainlogov6.jpg width800 height200 border0 usemap#Map>/font> /p> table width800 border0> tr> td>p aligncenter>font size2 faceCourier New, Courier, mono>strong>Serving up aerial photos and skyline views of world cities on the internet since 1998br> Housing /strong>/font>strong>font color#008000 size3 faceCourier New, Courier, mono>12,000+/font>font size2 faceCourier New, Courier, mono> photos from Aalborg to Zurich and many cities in between!br> Update 7.50 - October 26, 2006/font>/strong>/p> p aligncenter>strong>font color#FF0000 size4 faceCourier New, Courier, mono> /font>/strong>strong>font size2 faceCourier New, Courier, mono>All non-photographic content ©1998-2006 Sean Breazeal, Salt Lake City, Utahbr> All photographs are assumed to be copyrighted by their photographer and no commercial use of them can be allowed on any website. No photo may be used in a printed paper form for any publication whatsoever./font>/strong>/p> p aligncenter>font faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif>strong> font color#FF0000>These photos are not mine! I did not take them and they MAY NOT be used by ANY company, magazine, commercial website, or any other use other than personal enjoyment on a private computer./font>/strong>font color#FF0000> /font>/font>/p> p aligncenter>font size-1 faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif> I do not own the images, I am not a stock photo company, and I cannot give permission to commercially use them. Youll have to ask the original photographer. Read the FAQ on how to find and contact them. If you simply want to download some for desktop wallpaper, a school report, or another completely personal use, be my guest!/font>/p> p aligncenter>font size-1 faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif>If you, Webshots users and city forum posters especially, find a personal photo of yours on this site that I downloaded and you do not want it also displayed here, e-mail me at the address below and it will be deleted ASAP. I have tried to be as diligent as possible in asking permission but I also, in my zeal and excitement at finding great photos, no doubt have forgotten to ask a number of people./font>font faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif> /font>/p> p aligncenter>font size2 faceCourier New, Courier, mono>a hreffaq.htm>img srcbutton-faq.gif altFrequently Asked Questions width105 height45 border0>/a> a hreflandmarks.htm>img srcbutton-landmarks.gif altFamous world landmarks width105 height45 border0>/a> a hreflinks.htm>img srcbutton-links.gif altLinks to more city photo sites width105 height45 border0>/a> a hrefweburls.txt>img srcbutton-weburls.gif altURLs to pages from which these photos came from width105 height45 border0>/a> a href./topcities/index.htm>img srcbutton-biggest4k.gif altListing of the 4519 largest world cities by population width105 height45 border0>/a> a href>img srcbutton-personalpics.gif altPhotos of cities I have taken myself width105 height45 border0>/a>br> strong>font size+1>EVEN MORE a hrefURLs.txt>WEB URLs/a> FOR MORE CITY PHOTOS!/font> br> List consolidated and ordered, giving over 1180 URLs to photo sites Ive gathered from./strong>/font>/p> p aligncenter>font size+1 faceCourier New, Courier, mono>strong>LOOKING FOR SOME FANTASTIC VIEWS OF ENGLISH TOWNS AND CITIES?/strong>/font>br> a href>img srcwebbaviation-logo.jpg width250 height50 border0>br> /a>font size-2>Mr. Webb has placed many thousands of oblique aerial photos over dozens of English towns and cities on his site for free viewing at a generous size and the opportunity to buy much larger originals. Much of middle and northern England is represented along with a bit of Wales and some scattered German cities. Its definitely worth your visit. The page on Manchester has far and away the largest representation and coverage of that city than any page on the internet. br> . /font>/p> /td> /tr> /table> table border0 cellspacing1 width800 bgcolor#EDFCEB bordercolor#000000 bordercolordark#000000 bordercolorlight#000000> tr> td width250 valigntop bgcolor#FFFFCC> p aligncenter>font size2 faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif>strong>Other Sites worth visiting/strong>/font>font size2 faceCourier New, Courier, mono>br> a href> img srcbutton-skyscrapercity.gif altHead over to the forums! width250 height45 border0>br> /a> a href>img srcbutton-skyscraperpage.gif altDylan LeBlancs Skyscraperpage width250 height45 border0>br> /a> a href>img srcbutton-urbanphoto.gif altChris DeWolf and Chris Szablas width250 height45 border0>br> /a> a href>img srcbutton-skyscraperscom.gif - a skyscraper database width250 height60 border0>br> /a> a href>img srcbutton-cityskylinesde.gif - a German -made skyline site by Blackhawk width250 height50 border0>br> /a> a href>img srcbutton-brazilwcp.gif altJohnathan Enns similarly named photo site in Brazil width250 height45 border0>br> /a> a href>img srcbutton-fotopaises.gif altPartially a mirror site of this site and a site allowing photo submissions as well! width250 height45 border0> br> /a>/font>br> font size2 faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif>strong>Thanks to the following individuals who have graciously submitted their photos or gave special permission for me to use them. Ive probably missed a few folks, I apologize! The star (*) denotes a person who has gone above and beyond the call of duty in aiding me by sending dozens of photos from numerous places:/strong>/font>/p> p aligncenter>font size-2>Wouter Adamse - (*) Augusto Cesar Baptista Areal - Matt Branham - Sumon Chakrabarti - Vincent Chan - Bernard Cloutier - Devin Cohen - João da Costa (*) Sourav Dasgupta - Michael Davis - (*) Marco Deluca - Jean-Michel Delebecque - (*) Chris DeWolf - John Dickins - Mauricio Duque Boris Eryomin - Felipe Fernandez - Eric Floyd Jonathan Fobear - Alejandro Vasquez Gaete - Louis Georgakakis - Jim Goddard - Arjan van Grol Ken Grunstra - Thomas Hawk - Arthur van den Heuval - Marcus Hoy - Masaya Inaba -Damijan Jeric - (*) Teoh Ren Jie - William Johnson - Riste Kalinov - Andy Kay - Bill Kammermeier - Pauli Kruhse - (*) Christian Lantadilla - (*) Dylan LeBlanc - Keith Lawrence - Chris Losinger Dan MacQueen - Leonard Mamchenkov - Max at - Bob Nagel - Tiago Pedro - Ronald Pineda - Dale Ray - R. Ros - (*) Lee Rothman - Bob Sacha - Elberth Santos - Wolfgang Schunn - Jeff Schwartzmann - Gilberto Simon - Denis Solovyov - Lee Sojot - Jesus Antonio Soto - (*) Chris Szabla - Rob Verhulst - Fernando Villanueva - (*) Renaldo Vives - Waxweazle/font>/p> p aligncenter>font size1 faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif>strong>7.07 Update/strong> br> Claire Bourdois - Koen Butink - Sumon Chakrabarti - Heidi Farrow - Farukkap - (*) Warren Loveridge - Dave Lovering - David Nording - Andy Oakes - Jeroen Pater - Caecilia Piere - Denis Rodrigues - Massimo Schiavetta - Ross Tabak - Josh Wiltshire - Ken Stewart - Santiago Tamayo - Yulia Weit(?)/font>/p> p aligncenter>font size1 faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif>strong>7.50 Update/strong> br> Raymond Blom - Cameron Owens - Roland from Chelm, Poland - Bunny Saranita & David Umstead/font>/p> p aligncenter>font size2 faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif>strong>Thanks also to the following individuals who pointed out excellent links I have missed, pointed out errors and bugs, or em>politely/em> asked me to remove photos they didnt want on the site:/strong>/font>/p> p aligncenter>font size1 faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif>Carol Brown br> Rand Carterbr> Ced Chenbr> Stephen Dudleybr> Jonathan Ennsbr> Chuck Fultonbr> Victor Hernandez br> Greg Hildnerbr> Keith Kingsbr> Jeff in Las Vegasbr> Joeymegbr> Raphael Lima br> Herly Lopesbr> Michal Matyjewiczbr> Miek Moncrieff br> Kostas Patourasbr> Douglas Pulsipher br> Sam Sautterbr> Mark Schnitzius br> Jose Sousabr> Chris Stephenson br> Mohamed Suldanbr> Ron Weatherredbr> Cameron Webster br> Sterling Wilkinsbr> /font> /p> p aligncenter>font size2 faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif>strong>Im honored to have won the 2000 and 2001 Best Skyline Site award from voters at Ryan Ramseys a href>The Scrapers/a>, a part of a href>Richmond City Watch/a>./strong>/font> p aligncenter>strong>font size2 faceVerdana>WHATS CHANGED?/font>/strong> p alignleft>font size-2>7.50 - October 26, 2006br> Major upload of nearly 1400 images covering the world. 190+ Russia alone./font> p alignleft>font size1 faceVerdana>7.08 - Dec. 1, 2005br> Uploaded 180 new photos of dozens of Japanese cities collected from Webshots and other sites, see the updated a hrefweburls2.htm>Weburls.txt/a> file for more Japan photosbr> br> 7.07br> Uploaded 25 recently e-mailed photos, including some beautiful new panoramas from New Zealandbr> br> 7.05br> Small changes to file locations and Honduras typo corrected. East Timor now has Dili in it. The Kenya photos hiding in Kazakhstan have been moved. /font> p alignleft> /p>/td> td valigntop width530 bgcolor#FFFFFF>p aligncenter>font size2 faceVerdana>strong>Again, if you find photos on this site that belong to you and they are mislabelled or you do not want them here:/strong> E-mail me at either of the following address and theyll be amended or deleted the minute I read the message. They are not here for any commercial purpose! I dont make a dime on this site, quite the contrary. Im not here to make people mad or play anarchist with copyright law, just share my love of urban scenery and form with those of similar interests. Other questions about the site can be found in the FAQ (click on the button above)/font>/p> p aligncenter>font size2 faceVerdana>My old comments e-mail address has been thoroughly annihilated with spam (500+ per day). Please note the new address> br> /font>font size2 faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif>Send comments/questions to font color#0000FF>feedback-(at)>br> (copy and paste the text and replace the -(at)- with @ in your mail program)/font>/p> p aligncenter>font size1 faceVerdana>b>br> /b>/font>font faceVerdana>u>CHOOSE A COUNTRY OR TERRITORY FROM THE LIST BELOW/u>/font>/p> div alignleft> table width530 border0 aligncenter> tr> td valigntop width170>p>font size5 faceVerdana>A/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./Afghanistan>Afghanistan/a>br> a href./Albania>Albania/a>br> a href./Algeria>Algeria/a>br> a href./AmericanSamoa>American Samoa/a>br> a href./Andorra>Andorra/a> br> a href./Angola>Angola/a>br> a href./Anguilla>Anguilla/a>br> a href./Antarctica>Antarctica/a>br> a href./Antigua>Antigua and Barbuda/a>br> a href./Argentina>Argentina/a>br> a href./Armenia>Armenia/a>br> a href./Aruba>Aruba/a>br> a href./Ascension>Ascension Island/a> br> a href./Australia>Australia/a>br> a href./Austria>Austria/a>br> a href./Azerbaijan>Azerbaijan/a>br> /font>font size5 faceVerdana>B/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./Bahamas>Bahamas/a> br> a href./Bahrain>Bahrain/a> br> a href./Bangladesh>Bangladesh/a>br> a href./Barbados>Barbados/a> br> a href./Belarus>Belarus/a>br> a href./Belgium>Belgium/a>br> a href./Belize>Belize/a>br> a href./Benin>Benin/a>br> a href./Bermuda>Bermuda/a> br> a href./Bhutan>Bhutan/a>br> a href./Bolivia>Bolivia/a>br> a href./Bosnia>Bosnia and Herzegovina/a>br> a href./Botswana>Botswana/a>br> a href./Bouvet>Bouvet Island/a>br> a href./Brazil>Brazil/a>br> a href./Brunei>Brunei/a>br> a href./Bulgaria>Bulgaria/a>br> a href./BurkinaFaso>Burkina Faso/a>br> a href./Burundi>Burundi/a>br> /font>font size5 faceVerdana>C/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./Cambodia>Cambodia/a> br> a href./Cameroon>Cameroon/a> br> a href./Canada>Canada/a>br> a href./CapeVerde>Cape Verde/a>br> a href./CAR>Central African Republic/a>br> a href./Cayman>Cayman Islands/a>br> a href./Chad>Chad/a>br> a href./Chile>Chile/a>br> a href./China>China/a>br> a href./Christmas>Christmas Island (Aus.)/a>br> a href./Cocos>Cocos and Keeling Isls./a>br> a href./Colombia>Colombia/a>br> a href./Comoros>Comoros Islands/a>br> a href./CongoDR>Congo, Dem. Republic/a>br> a href./CongoRep>Congo, Republic of/a>br> a href./Cook>Cook Islands/a>br> a href./CostaRica>Costa Rica/a>br> a href./CotedIvorie>Cote dIvorie (Ivory Coast)/a>br> a href./Croatia>Croatia/a>br> a href./Cuba>Cuba/a>br> a href./Cyprus>Cyprus/a>br> a href./Czech>Czech Republic/a>br> /font>font size5 faceVerdana>D/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./Denmark>Denmark/a>br> a href./Djibouti>Djibouti/a>br> a href./Dominica>Dominica/a>br> a href./DominicanRep>Dominican Republic/a>br> /font>font size5 faceVerdana>E/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./EastTimor>East Timor (Timor Leste)/a>br> a href./Ecuador>Ecuador/a>br> a href./Egypt>Egypt/a>br> a href./ElSalvador>El Salvador/a>br> a href./EqGuinea>Equatorial Guinea/a>br> a href./Eritrea>Eritrea/a>br> a href./Estonia>Estonia/a>br> a href./Ethiopia>Ethiopia/a>br> /font>font size5 faceVerdana>F/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./Falkland>Falklands (Islas Malvinas)/a>br> a href./Faroe>Faroe Islands/a>br> a href./Fiji>Fiji/a>br> a href./Finland>Finland/a>br> a href./France>France/a>br> a href./FrenchGuiana>French Guiana/a>br> a href./FrenchPolynesia>French Polynesia/a>br> a href./FrenchSTerr>French S. Territories/a>br> /font>font size5 faceVerdana>G/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./Gabon>Gabon/a>br> a href./Gambia>Gambia/a>br> a href./Georgia>Georgia/a>br> a href./Germany>Germany/a>br> a href./Ghana>Ghana/a>br> a href./Gibraltar>Gibraltar/a>br> a href./Greece>Greece/a>br> a href./Greenland>Greenland/a>br> a href./Grenada>Grenada/a>br> a href./Guadeloupe>Guadeloupe/a>br> a href./Guatemala>Guatemala/a>br> a href./Guinea>Guinea/a>br> a href./GuineaBissau>Guinea Bissau/a>br> a href./Guyana>Guyana/a>/font>/p> /td> td valigntop width170>font size5 faceVerdana>H/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./Haiti>Haiti/a>br> a href./HeardMcDonald>Heard and McDonald Isls./a>br> a href./Honduras>Honduras/a>br> a href./Hungary>Hungary/a>br> /font>font size5 faceVerdana>I/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./Iceland>Iceland/a>br> a href./India>India/a>br> a href./Indonesia>Indonesia/a>br> a href./Iran>Iran/a>br> a href./Iraq>Iraq/a>br> a href./Ireland>Ireland/a>br> a href./Israel>Israel/a>br> a href./Italy>Italy/a>br> /font>font size5 faceVerdana>J/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./Jamaica>Jamaica/a>br> a href./Japan>Japan/a>br> a href./Jordan>Jordan/a>br> /font>font size5 faceVerdana>K/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./Kazakhstan>Kazakhstan/a>br> a href./Kenya>Kenya/a>br> a href./Kiribati>Kiribati/a>br> a href./KoreaDPR>Korea, DPR./a> (North Korea)br> a href./KoreaRep>Korea, Rep./a> (South Korea)br> a href./Kuwait>Kuwait/a>br> a href./Kyrgyzstan>Kyrgyzstan/a>br> /font>font size5 faceVerdana>L/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./Laos>Laos/a>br> a href./Latvia>Latvia/a>br> a href./Lebanon>Lebanon/a>br> a href./Lesotho>Lesotho/a>br> a href./Liberia>Liberia/a>br> a href./Libya>Libya/a>br> a href./Liechtenstein>Liechtenstein/a>br> a href./Lithuania>Lithuania/a>br> a href./Luxembourg>Luxembourg/a>br> /font>font size5 faceVerdana>M/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./Macedonia>Macedonia/a>br> a href./Madagascar>Madagascar/a>br> a href./Malawi>Malawi/a>br> a href./Malaysia>Malaysia/a>br> a href./Maldives>Maldives/a>br> a href./Mali>Mali/a>br> a href./Malta>Malta/a>br> a href./Marshall>Marshall Islands/a>br> a href./Martinique>Martinique/a>br> a href./Mauritania>Mauritania/a>br> a href./Mauritius>Mauritius/a>br> a href./Mayotte>Mayotte/a>br> a href./Mexico>Mexico/a>br> a href./Micronesia>Micronesia/a>br> a href./Moldova>Moldova/a>br> a href./Monaco>Monaco/a>br> a href./Mongolia>Mongolia/a>br> a href./Monserrat>Monserrat/a>br> a href./Morocco>Morocco/a>br> a href./Mozambique>Mozambique/a>br> a href./Myanmar>Myanmar/a>br> /font>font size5 faceVerdana>N/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./Namibia>Namibia/a>br> a href./Nauru>Nauru/a>br> a href./Nepal>Nepal/a>br> a href./NethAntilles>Netherlands Antilles/a>br> a href./Netherlands>Netherlands/a>br> a href./NewCaledonia>New Caledonia/a>br> a href./NewZealand>New Zealand/a>br> a href./Nicaragua>Nicaragua/a>br> a href./Niger>Niger/a>br> a href./Nigeria>Nigeria/a>br> a href./Niue>Niue/a>br> a href./NMarianas>Northern Marianas/a>br> a href./Norfolk>Norfolk Island/a>br> a href./Norway>Norway/a>br> /font>font size5 faceVerdana>O/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./Oman>Oman/a>br> /font>font size5 faceVerdana>P/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./Pakistan>Pakistan/a>br> a href./Palau>Palau/a>br> a href./Palestine>Palestinian Territories/Gaza/a>br> a href./Panama>Panama/a>br> a href./PapuaNewGuinea>Papua New Guinea/a>br> a href./Paraguay>Paraguay/a>br> a href./Peru>Peru/a>br> a href./Phillipines>Phillipines/a>br> a href./Pitcairn>Pitcairn Island/a>br> a href./Poland>Poland/a>br> a href./Portugal>Portugal/a>br> /font>font size5 faceVerdana>Q/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./Qatar>Qatar/a>/font>/td> td valigntop width170>p>font size5 faceVerdana>R/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./Reunion>Reunion/a>br> a href./Romania>Romania/a>br> a href./Russia>Russia/a> strong>(over font color#FF0000>200/font> new!)/strong>br> a href./Rwanda>Rwanda/a>br> /font>font size5 faceVerdana>S/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./Samoa>Samoa/a>br> a href./SanMarino>San Marino/a>br> a href./SaoTome>Sao Tome e Principe/a>br> a href./SaudiArabia>Saudi Arabia/a>br> a href./Senegal>Senegal/a>br> a href./Seychelles>Seychelles/a>br> a href./SierraLeone>Sierra Leone/a>br> a href./Singapore>Singapore/a>br> a href./Slovakia>Slovakia/a>br> a href./Slovenia>Slovenia/a>br> a href./Solomons>Solomon Islands/a>br> a href./Somalia>Somalia/a>br> a href./SouthAfrica>South Africa/a>br> a href./SouthGeorgia>South Georgia Islands/a>br> a href./Spain>Spain/a>br> a href./SriLanka>Sri Lanka/a>br> a href./StHelena>St. Helena/a>br> a href./StKitts>St. Kitts and Nevis/a>br> a href./StLucia>St. Lucia/a>br> a href./StPierre>St. Pierre et Miquelon/a>br> a href./StVincent>St. Vincent and Grenadines/a>br> a href./Sudan>Sudan/a>br> a href./Suriname>Suriname/a>br> a href./Svalbard>Svalbard and Jan Mayen/a>br> a href./Swaziland>Swaziland/a>br> a href./Sweden>Sweden/a>br> a href./Switzerland>Switzerland/a>br> a href./Syria>Syria/a>br> /font>font size5 faceVerdana>T/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./Taiwan>Taiwan/a>br> a href./Tajikistan>Tajikistan/a>br> a href./Tanzania>Tanzania/a>br> a href./Thailand>Thailand/a>br> a href./Togo>Togo/a>br> a href./Tokelau>Tokelau/a>br> a href./Tonga>Tonga/a>br> a href./Trinidad>Trinidad and Tobago/a>br> a href./Tunisia>Tunisia/a>br> a href./Turkey>Turkey/a>br> a href./Turkmenistan>Turkmenistan/a>br> a href./TurksCaicos>Turks and Caicos/a>br> a href./Tuvalu>Tuvalu/a>br> /font>font size5 faceVerdana>U/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./UAE>United Arab Emirates/a>br> a href./Uganda>Uganda/a>br> a href./UK>United Kingdom/a>br> a href./Ukraine>Ukraine/a>br> a href./USA-AC>United States/a>, A-Cbr> a href./USA-DM>United States/a>, D-Mbr> a href./USA-NR>United States/a>, N-Rbr> a href./USA-SZ>United States/a>, S-Z br> a href./Uruguay>Uruguay/a>br> a href./Uzbekistan>Uzbekistan/a>br> /font>font size5 faceVerdana>V/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./Vanuatu>Vanuatu/a>br> a href./Vatican>Vatican/a> - see Italybr> a href./Venezuela>Venezuela/a>br> a href./Vietnam>Vietnam/a>br> a href./VirginIsBrit>Virgin Islands, British/a>br> a href./VirginIsUS>Virgin Islands, US/a>br> /font>font size5 faceVerdana>W/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./WallisFutuna>Wallis and Futuna/a>br> a href./WesternSahara>Western Sahara/a>br> /font>font size5 faceVerdana>Y/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./Yemen>Yemen/a>br> a href./Yugoslavia>Yugoslavia/a>br> /font>font size5 faceVerdana>Z/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./Zambia>Zambia/a>br> a href./Zimbabwe>Zimbabwe/a>/font> /p> p>a href./Misc>font size1 faceVerdana>Miscellaneous Places/font>/a>/p>/td> /tr> /table> /div> div aligncenter>p>font size3>br> strong>Site Stats and Records/strong>/font> /p> /div> ul> font size1 faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif> li>Most hits in a day: 7,005 (November 23, 2004)br> /li> li>Most hits in a month: 86,619 (March 2004)br> /li> li>Most commonly referring search engines: br> Google (68%)br> Yahoo (16%)br> MSN (6%)br> AOL (2%)br> All others (8%), including Altavista, Dogpile, Metacrawler, Excite, Webcrawler, Lycosbr> /li> li>Most common query terms: br> "photos" (this is unbelievable...just the word photos puts me that far up in Google!)br> "worldcityphotos"br> "world city"br> "city skylines"br> "city photos", "city photo", "city skyline"br> "world cities"br> "photographs of cities"br> /li> li>Search engines supply only 24% of referrals to the site, the vast majority of other referrers are bloggers and bulletin boards. This is in part why I have had to initiate a ban on direct image> /li> li>57% of visitors are on the site for two minutes or less, and 96% are here less than 5> /li> li>The average visitor views just one page (the photo they clicked a link for), 30% of souls hang around to view a couple more pages, then leave. 7% of visitors love the site so much they view at least 10 pages. A few naughty, evil bandwidth abusers, and likely photo pirates, download THE ENTIRE FING SITE, which is rude beyond mere> /li> li>The average day sees 80% of the sites traffic from new visitors, only 20% are> /li> li>Heaviest traffic times are by far during work and school hours, you naughty slackers ;-). Most people visit from 8-9 AM and 1-4 PM local time. Insomniacs also visit as there is a distinct spike from 3-5 AM local> /li> li>Countries most often visiting are (in order): USA, Brazil, UK, France, Canada, Netherlands, Germany, Australia, Spain, Switzerland, Mexico, Belgium, Sweden, Japan, Poland, Turkey, Portugal, China, Finland, Denmark, Austria, Greece...on a typical day visitors from at least 90 countries> /li> li>Rarest countries to visit the site in 2004 were: Armenia, Cambodia, Chad, Fiji, Gibraltar, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Montserrat(!), Papua New Guinea, Swaziland, Uganda, and Zimbabwe...just one visit> /li> li>Not counting unknowns, 93% of site visitors run Windows, including some poor desperate people STILL running Windows 3.1! Macs account for 5%, Linux just 1%, everyone else combined make up the final 1%./li> /font> /ul> div alignleft>div aligncenter>/div> /div>/td> /tr> /table> p>!-- BEGIN ADDFREECOUNTER CODE -- AddFreeCounter need of AddFreestats button code! htpp://>SCRIPT languagejavascript src>/SCRIPT>!-- END AddFreeCounter CODE --> !-- URL : -->!-- PAGE NUMBER :0 -->center>SCRIPT languagejavascript>!--document.write(a href\\ target\_blank\>);document.write(img src\;document.write(/cgi-bin/connect.cgi?);document.write(usr00140819P000);document.write(&refer+escape(document.referrer)+);document.write(&tips+Math.random()+);document.write(\ alt\AddFreeStats\ border0>/A>);//-->/SCRIPT>noscript>a href target_blank>img src border0 Free Web Stats in real-time !>/A>/noscript>/center>!-- -->!-- END ADDFREESTATS.COM NORMAL CODE V2 - Free Web Stats -->/p> p aligncenter> /p> p> font faceCourier New, Courier, mono> map nameMap> area shaperect coords1,1,298,100 altCalgary, Alberta - Chris DeWolf> area shaperect coords2,99,299,197 altSan Francisco, California - Karen Nichols> area shaperect coords297,1,500,197 altSydney, Australia - M. Thicke> area shaperect coords499,0,793,101 altFrankfurt, Germany - Oliver K. Graf> area shaperect coords499,100,792,256 altSalt Lake City, Utah - Sean Breazeal> /map> /font> /p> /div> /body>/html>
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Thu, 07 Nov 2024 13:39:11 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Tue, 30 Jun 2015 19:54:36 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 41505Vary: Accept-Encoding,User-AgentContent-Type: text/html !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN>html>head>title>World City Photo Archive/title>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetiso-8859-1>/head>body backgroundbackground.gif>div aligncenter> p>font faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif>img srcmainlogov6.jpg width800 height200 border0 usemap#Map>/font> /p> table width800 border0> tr> td>p aligncenter>font size2 faceCourier New, Courier, mono>strong>Serving up aerial photos and skyline views of world cities on the internet since 1998br> Housing /strong>/font>strong>font color#008000 size3 faceCourier New, Courier, mono>12,000+/font>font size2 faceCourier New, Courier, mono> photos from Aalborg to Zurich and many cities in between!br> Update 7.50 - October 26, 2006/font>/strong>/p> p aligncenter>strong>font color#FF0000 size4 faceCourier New, Courier, mono> /font>/strong>strong>font size2 faceCourier New, Courier, mono>All non-photographic content ©1998-2006 Sean Breazeal, Salt Lake City, Utahbr> All photographs are assumed to be copyrighted by their photographer and no commercial use of them can be allowed on any website. No photo may be used in a printed paper form for any publication whatsoever./font>/strong>/p> p aligncenter>font faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif>strong> font color#FF0000>These photos are not mine! I did not take them and they MAY NOT be used by ANY company, magazine, commercial website, or any other use other than personal enjoyment on a private computer./font>/strong>font color#FF0000> /font>/font>/p> p aligncenter>font size-1 faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif> I do not own the images, I am not a stock photo company, and I cannot give permission to commercially use them. Youll have to ask the original photographer. Read the FAQ on how to find and contact them. If you simply want to download some for desktop wallpaper, a school report, or another completely personal use, be my guest!/font>/p> p aligncenter>font size-1 faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif>If you, Webshots users and city forum posters especially, find a personal photo of yours on this site that I downloaded and you do not want it also displayed here, e-mail me at the address below and it will be deleted ASAP. I have tried to be as diligent as possible in asking permission but I also, in my zeal and excitement at finding great photos, no doubt have forgotten to ask a number of people./font>font faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif> /font>/p> p aligncenter>font size2 faceCourier New, Courier, mono>a hreffaq.htm>img srcbutton-faq.gif altFrequently Asked Questions width105 height45 border0>/a> a hreflandmarks.htm>img srcbutton-landmarks.gif altFamous world landmarks width105 height45 border0>/a> a hreflinks.htm>img srcbutton-links.gif altLinks to more city photo sites width105 height45 border0>/a> a hrefweburls.txt>img srcbutton-weburls.gif altURLs to pages from which these photos came from width105 height45 border0>/a> a href./topcities/index.htm>img srcbutton-biggest4k.gif altListing of the 4519 largest world cities by population width105 height45 border0>/a> a href>img srcbutton-personalpics.gif altPhotos of cities I have taken myself width105 height45 border0>/a>br> strong>font size+1>EVEN MORE a hrefURLs.txt>WEB URLs/a> FOR MORE CITY PHOTOS!/font> br> List consolidated and ordered, giving over 1180 URLs to photo sites Ive gathered from./strong>/font>/p> p aligncenter>font size+1 faceCourier New, Courier, mono>strong>LOOKING FOR SOME FANTASTIC VIEWS OF ENGLISH TOWNS AND CITIES?/strong>/font>br> a href>img srcwebbaviation-logo.jpg width250 height50 border0>br> /a>font size-2>Mr. Webb has placed many thousands of oblique aerial photos over dozens of English towns and cities on his site for free viewing at a generous size and the opportunity to buy much larger originals. Much of middle and northern England is represented along with a bit of Wales and some scattered German cities. Its definitely worth your visit. The page on Manchester has far and away the largest representation and coverage of that city than any page on the internet. br> . /font>/p> /td> /tr> /table> table border0 cellspacing1 width800 bgcolor#EDFCEB bordercolor#000000 bordercolordark#000000 bordercolorlight#000000> tr> td width250 valigntop bgcolor#FFFFCC> p aligncenter>font size2 faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif>strong>Other Sites worth visiting/strong>/font>font size2 faceCourier New, Courier, mono>br> a href> img srcbutton-skyscrapercity.gif altHead over to the forums! width250 height45 border0>br> /a> a href>img srcbutton-skyscraperpage.gif altDylan LeBlancs Skyscraperpage width250 height45 border0>br> /a> a href>img srcbutton-urbanphoto.gif altChris DeWolf and Chris Szablas width250 height45 border0>br> /a> a href>img srcbutton-skyscraperscom.gif - a skyscraper database width250 height60 border0>br> /a> a href>img srcbutton-cityskylinesde.gif - a German -made skyline site by Blackhawk width250 height50 border0>br> /a> a href>img srcbutton-brazilwcp.gif altJohnathan Enns similarly named photo site in Brazil width250 height45 border0>br> /a> a href>img srcbutton-fotopaises.gif altPartially a mirror site of this site and a site allowing photo submissions as well! width250 height45 border0> br> /a>/font>br> font size2 faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif>strong>Thanks to the following individuals who have graciously submitted their photos or gave special permission for me to use them. Ive probably missed a few folks, I apologize! The star (*) denotes a person who has gone above and beyond the call of duty in aiding me by sending dozens of photos from numerous places:/strong>/font>/p> p aligncenter>font size-2>Wouter Adamse - (*) Augusto Cesar Baptista Areal - Matt Branham - Sumon Chakrabarti - Vincent Chan - Bernard Cloutier - Devin Cohen - João da Costa (*) Sourav Dasgupta - Michael Davis - (*) Marco Deluca - Jean-Michel Delebecque - (*) Chris DeWolf - John Dickins - Mauricio Duque Boris Eryomin - Felipe Fernandez - Eric Floyd Jonathan Fobear - Alejandro Vasquez Gaete - Louis Georgakakis - Jim Goddard - Arjan van Grol Ken Grunstra - Thomas Hawk - Arthur van den Heuval - Marcus Hoy - Masaya Inaba -Damijan Jeric - (*) Teoh Ren Jie - William Johnson - Riste Kalinov - Andy Kay - Bill Kammermeier - Pauli Kruhse - (*) Christian Lantadilla - (*) Dylan LeBlanc - Keith Lawrence - Chris Losinger Dan MacQueen - Leonard Mamchenkov - Max at - Bob Nagel - Tiago Pedro - Ronald Pineda - Dale Ray - R. Ros - (*) Lee Rothman - Bob Sacha - Elberth Santos - Wolfgang Schunn - Jeff Schwartzmann - Gilberto Simon - Denis Solovyov - Lee Sojot - Jesus Antonio Soto - (*) Chris Szabla - Rob Verhulst - Fernando Villanueva - (*) Renaldo Vives - Waxweazle/font>/p> p aligncenter>font size1 faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif>strong>7.07 Update/strong> br> Claire Bourdois - Koen Butink - Sumon Chakrabarti - Heidi Farrow - Farukkap - (*) Warren Loveridge - Dave Lovering - David Nording - Andy Oakes - Jeroen Pater - Caecilia Piere - Denis Rodrigues - Massimo Schiavetta - Ross Tabak - Josh Wiltshire - Ken Stewart - Santiago Tamayo - Yulia Weit(?)/font>/p> p aligncenter>font size1 faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif>strong>7.50 Update/strong> br> Raymond Blom - Cameron Owens - Roland from Chelm, Poland - Bunny Saranita & David Umstead/font>/p> p aligncenter>font size2 faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif>strong>Thanks also to the following individuals who pointed out excellent links I have missed, pointed out errors and bugs, or em>politely/em> asked me to remove photos they didnt want on the site:/strong>/font>/p> p aligncenter>font size1 faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif>Carol Brown br> Rand Carterbr> Ced Chenbr> Stephen Dudleybr> Jonathan Ennsbr> Chuck Fultonbr> Victor Hernandez br> Greg Hildnerbr> Keith Kingsbr> Jeff in Las Vegasbr> Joeymegbr> Raphael Lima br> Herly Lopesbr> Michal Matyjewiczbr> Miek Moncrieff br> Kostas Patourasbr> Douglas Pulsipher br> Sam Sautterbr> Mark Schnitzius br> Jose Sousabr> Chris Stephenson br> Mohamed Suldanbr> Ron Weatherredbr> Cameron Webster br> Sterling Wilkinsbr> /font> /p> p aligncenter>font size2 faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif>strong>Im honored to have won the 2000 and 2001 Best Skyline Site award from voters at Ryan Ramseys a href>The Scrapers/a>, a part of a href>Richmond City Watch/a>./strong>/font> p aligncenter>strong>font size2 faceVerdana>WHATS CHANGED?/font>/strong> p alignleft>font size-2>7.50 - October 26, 2006br> Major upload of nearly 1400 images covering the world. 190+ Russia alone./font> p alignleft>font size1 faceVerdana>7.08 - Dec. 1, 2005br> Uploaded 180 new photos of dozens of Japanese cities collected from Webshots and other sites, see the updated a hrefweburls2.htm>Weburls.txt/a> file for more Japan photosbr> br> 7.07br> Uploaded 25 recently e-mailed photos, including some beautiful new panoramas from New Zealandbr> br> 7.05br> Small changes to file locations and Honduras typo corrected. East Timor now has Dili in it. The Kenya photos hiding in Kazakhstan have been moved. /font> p alignleft> /p>/td> td valigntop width530 bgcolor#FFFFFF>p aligncenter>font size2 faceVerdana>strong>Again, if you find photos on this site that belong to you and they are mislabelled or you do not want them here:/strong> E-mail me at either of the following address and theyll be amended or deleted the minute I read the message. They are not here for any commercial purpose! I dont make a dime on this site, quite the contrary. Im not here to make people mad or play anarchist with copyright law, just share my love of urban scenery and form with those of similar interests. Other questions about the site can be found in the FAQ (click on the button above)/font>/p> p aligncenter>font size2 faceVerdana>My old comments e-mail address has been thoroughly annihilated with spam (500+ per day). Please note the new address> br> /font>font size2 faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif>Send comments/questions to font color#0000FF>feedback-(at)>br> (copy and paste the text and replace the -(at)- with @ in your mail program)/font>/p> p aligncenter>font size1 faceVerdana>b>br> /b>/font>font faceVerdana>u>CHOOSE A COUNTRY OR TERRITORY FROM THE LIST BELOW/u>/font>/p> div alignleft> table width530 border0 aligncenter> tr> td valigntop width170>p>font size5 faceVerdana>A/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./Afghanistan>Afghanistan/a>br> a href./Albania>Albania/a>br> a href./Algeria>Algeria/a>br> a href./AmericanSamoa>American Samoa/a>br> a href./Andorra>Andorra/a> br> a href./Angola>Angola/a>br> a href./Anguilla>Anguilla/a>br> a href./Antarctica>Antarctica/a>br> a href./Antigua>Antigua and Barbuda/a>br> a href./Argentina>Argentina/a>br> a href./Armenia>Armenia/a>br> a href./Aruba>Aruba/a>br> a href./Ascension>Ascension Island/a> br> a href./Australia>Australia/a>br> a href./Austria>Austria/a>br> a href./Azerbaijan>Azerbaijan/a>br> /font>font size5 faceVerdana>B/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./Bahamas>Bahamas/a> br> a href./Bahrain>Bahrain/a> br> a href./Bangladesh>Bangladesh/a>br> a href./Barbados>Barbados/a> br> a href./Belarus>Belarus/a>br> a href./Belgium>Belgium/a>br> a href./Belize>Belize/a>br> a href./Benin>Benin/a>br> a href./Bermuda>Bermuda/a> br> a href./Bhutan>Bhutan/a>br> a href./Bolivia>Bolivia/a>br> a href./Bosnia>Bosnia and Herzegovina/a>br> a href./Botswana>Botswana/a>br> a href./Bouvet>Bouvet Island/a>br> a href./Brazil>Brazil/a>br> a href./Brunei>Brunei/a>br> a href./Bulgaria>Bulgaria/a>br> a href./BurkinaFaso>Burkina Faso/a>br> a href./Burundi>Burundi/a>br> /font>font size5 faceVerdana>C/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./Cambodia>Cambodia/a> br> a href./Cameroon>Cameroon/a> br> a href./Canada>Canada/a>br> a href./CapeVerde>Cape Verde/a>br> a href./CAR>Central African Republic/a>br> a href./Cayman>Cayman Islands/a>br> a href./Chad>Chad/a>br> a href./Chile>Chile/a>br> a href./China>China/a>br> a href./Christmas>Christmas Island (Aus.)/a>br> a href./Cocos>Cocos and Keeling Isls./a>br> a href./Colombia>Colombia/a>br> a href./Comoros>Comoros Islands/a>br> a href./CongoDR>Congo, Dem. Republic/a>br> a href./CongoRep>Congo, Republic of/a>br> a href./Cook>Cook Islands/a>br> a href./CostaRica>Costa Rica/a>br> a href./CotedIvorie>Cote dIvorie (Ivory Coast)/a>br> a href./Croatia>Croatia/a>br> a href./Cuba>Cuba/a>br> a href./Cyprus>Cyprus/a>br> a href./Czech>Czech Republic/a>br> /font>font size5 faceVerdana>D/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./Denmark>Denmark/a>br> a href./Djibouti>Djibouti/a>br> a href./Dominica>Dominica/a>br> a href./DominicanRep>Dominican Republic/a>br> /font>font size5 faceVerdana>E/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./EastTimor>East Timor (Timor Leste)/a>br> a href./Ecuador>Ecuador/a>br> a href./Egypt>Egypt/a>br> a href./ElSalvador>El Salvador/a>br> a href./EqGuinea>Equatorial Guinea/a>br> a href./Eritrea>Eritrea/a>br> a href./Estonia>Estonia/a>br> a href./Ethiopia>Ethiopia/a>br> /font>font size5 faceVerdana>F/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./Falkland>Falklands (Islas Malvinas)/a>br> a href./Faroe>Faroe Islands/a>br> a href./Fiji>Fiji/a>br> a href./Finland>Finland/a>br> a href./France>France/a>br> a href./FrenchGuiana>French Guiana/a>br> a href./FrenchPolynesia>French Polynesia/a>br> a href./FrenchSTerr>French S. Territories/a>br> /font>font size5 faceVerdana>G/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./Gabon>Gabon/a>br> a href./Gambia>Gambia/a>br> a href./Georgia>Georgia/a>br> a href./Germany>Germany/a>br> a href./Ghana>Ghana/a>br> a href./Gibraltar>Gibraltar/a>br> a href./Greece>Greece/a>br> a href./Greenland>Greenland/a>br> a href./Grenada>Grenada/a>br> a href./Guadeloupe>Guadeloupe/a>br> a href./Guatemala>Guatemala/a>br> a href./Guinea>Guinea/a>br> a href./GuineaBissau>Guinea Bissau/a>br> a href./Guyana>Guyana/a>/font>/p> /td> td valigntop width170>font size5 faceVerdana>H/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./Haiti>Haiti/a>br> a href./HeardMcDonald>Heard and McDonald Isls./a>br> a href./Honduras>Honduras/a>br> a href./Hungary>Hungary/a>br> /font>font size5 faceVerdana>I/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./Iceland>Iceland/a>br> a href./India>India/a>br> a href./Indonesia>Indonesia/a>br> a href./Iran>Iran/a>br> a href./Iraq>Iraq/a>br> a href./Ireland>Ireland/a>br> a href./Israel>Israel/a>br> a href./Italy>Italy/a>br> /font>font size5 faceVerdana>J/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./Jamaica>Jamaica/a>br> a href./Japan>Japan/a>br> a href./Jordan>Jordan/a>br> /font>font size5 faceVerdana>K/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./Kazakhstan>Kazakhstan/a>br> a href./Kenya>Kenya/a>br> a href./Kiribati>Kiribati/a>br> a href./KoreaDPR>Korea, DPR./a> (North Korea)br> a href./KoreaRep>Korea, Rep./a> (South Korea)br> a href./Kuwait>Kuwait/a>br> a href./Kyrgyzstan>Kyrgyzstan/a>br> /font>font size5 faceVerdana>L/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./Laos>Laos/a>br> a href./Latvia>Latvia/a>br> a href./Lebanon>Lebanon/a>br> a href./Lesotho>Lesotho/a>br> a href./Liberia>Liberia/a>br> a href./Libya>Libya/a>br> a href./Liechtenstein>Liechtenstein/a>br> a href./Lithuania>Lithuania/a>br> a href./Luxembourg>Luxembourg/a>br> /font>font size5 faceVerdana>M/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./Macedonia>Macedonia/a>br> a href./Madagascar>Madagascar/a>br> a href./Malawi>Malawi/a>br> a href./Malaysia>Malaysia/a>br> a href./Maldives>Maldives/a>br> a href./Mali>Mali/a>br> a href./Malta>Malta/a>br> a href./Marshall>Marshall Islands/a>br> a href./Martinique>Martinique/a>br> a href./Mauritania>Mauritania/a>br> a href./Mauritius>Mauritius/a>br> a href./Mayotte>Mayotte/a>br> a href./Mexico>Mexico/a>br> a href./Micronesia>Micronesia/a>br> a href./Moldova>Moldova/a>br> a href./Monaco>Monaco/a>br> a href./Mongolia>Mongolia/a>br> a href./Monserrat>Monserrat/a>br> a href./Morocco>Morocco/a>br> a href./Mozambique>Mozambique/a>br> a href./Myanmar>Myanmar/a>br> /font>font size5 faceVerdana>N/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./Namibia>Namibia/a>br> a href./Nauru>Nauru/a>br> a href./Nepal>Nepal/a>br> a href./NethAntilles>Netherlands Antilles/a>br> a href./Netherlands>Netherlands/a>br> a href./NewCaledonia>New Caledonia/a>br> a href./NewZealand>New Zealand/a>br> a href./Nicaragua>Nicaragua/a>br> a href./Niger>Niger/a>br> a href./Nigeria>Nigeria/a>br> a href./Niue>Niue/a>br> a href./NMarianas>Northern Marianas/a>br> a href./Norfolk>Norfolk Island/a>br> a href./Norway>Norway/a>br> /font>font size5 faceVerdana>O/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./Oman>Oman/a>br> /font>font size5 faceVerdana>P/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./Pakistan>Pakistan/a>br> a href./Palau>Palau/a>br> a href./Palestine>Palestinian Territories/Gaza/a>br> a href./Panama>Panama/a>br> a href./PapuaNewGuinea>Papua New Guinea/a>br> a href./Paraguay>Paraguay/a>br> a href./Peru>Peru/a>br> a href./Phillipines>Phillipines/a>br> a href./Pitcairn>Pitcairn Island/a>br> a href./Poland>Poland/a>br> a href./Portugal>Portugal/a>br> /font>font size5 faceVerdana>Q/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./Qatar>Qatar/a>/font>/td> td valigntop width170>p>font size5 faceVerdana>R/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./Reunion>Reunion/a>br> a href./Romania>Romania/a>br> a href./Russia>Russia/a> strong>(over font color#FF0000>200/font> new!)/strong>br> a href./Rwanda>Rwanda/a>br> /font>font size5 faceVerdana>S/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./Samoa>Samoa/a>br> a href./SanMarino>San Marino/a>br> a href./SaoTome>Sao Tome e Principe/a>br> a href./SaudiArabia>Saudi Arabia/a>br> a href./Senegal>Senegal/a>br> a href./Seychelles>Seychelles/a>br> a href./SierraLeone>Sierra Leone/a>br> a href./Singapore>Singapore/a>br> a href./Slovakia>Slovakia/a>br> a href./Slovenia>Slovenia/a>br> a href./Solomons>Solomon Islands/a>br> a href./Somalia>Somalia/a>br> a href./SouthAfrica>South Africa/a>br> a href./SouthGeorgia>South Georgia Islands/a>br> a href./Spain>Spain/a>br> a href./SriLanka>Sri Lanka/a>br> a href./StHelena>St. Helena/a>br> a href./StKitts>St. Kitts and Nevis/a>br> a href./StLucia>St. Lucia/a>br> a href./StPierre>St. Pierre et Miquelon/a>br> a href./StVincent>St. Vincent and Grenadines/a>br> a href./Sudan>Sudan/a>br> a href./Suriname>Suriname/a>br> a href./Svalbard>Svalbard and Jan Mayen/a>br> a href./Swaziland>Swaziland/a>br> a href./Sweden>Sweden/a>br> a href./Switzerland>Switzerland/a>br> a href./Syria>Syria/a>br> /font>font size5 faceVerdana>T/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./Taiwan>Taiwan/a>br> a href./Tajikistan>Tajikistan/a>br> a href./Tanzania>Tanzania/a>br> a href./Thailand>Thailand/a>br> a href./Togo>Togo/a>br> a href./Tokelau>Tokelau/a>br> a href./Tonga>Tonga/a>br> a href./Trinidad>Trinidad and Tobago/a>br> a href./Tunisia>Tunisia/a>br> a href./Turkey>Turkey/a>br> a href./Turkmenistan>Turkmenistan/a>br> a href./TurksCaicos>Turks and Caicos/a>br> a href./Tuvalu>Tuvalu/a>br> /font>font size5 faceVerdana>U/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./UAE>United Arab Emirates/a>br> a href./Uganda>Uganda/a>br> a href./UK>United Kingdom/a>br> a href./Ukraine>Ukraine/a>br> a href./USA-AC>United States/a>, A-Cbr> a href./USA-DM>United States/a>, D-Mbr> a href./USA-NR>United States/a>, N-Rbr> a href./USA-SZ>United States/a>, S-Z br> a href./Uruguay>Uruguay/a>br> a href./Uzbekistan>Uzbekistan/a>br> /font>font size5 faceVerdana>V/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./Vanuatu>Vanuatu/a>br> a href./Vatican>Vatican/a> - see Italybr> a href./Venezuela>Venezuela/a>br> a href./Vietnam>Vietnam/a>br> a href./VirginIsBrit>Virgin Islands, British/a>br> a href./VirginIsUS>Virgin Islands, US/a>br> /font>font size5 faceVerdana>W/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./WallisFutuna>Wallis and Futuna/a>br> a href./WesternSahara>Western Sahara/a>br> /font>font size5 faceVerdana>Y/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./Yemen>Yemen/a>br> a href./Yugoslavia>Yugoslavia/a>br> /font>font size5 faceVerdana>Z/font>font size1 faceVerdana>br> a href./Zambia>Zambia/a>br> a href./Zimbabwe>Zimbabwe/a>/font> /p> p>a href./Misc>font size1 faceVerdana>Miscellaneous Places/font>/a>/p>/td> /tr> /table> /div> div aligncenter>p>font size3>br> strong>Site Stats and Records/strong>/font> /p> /div> ul> font size1 faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif> li>Most hits in a day: 7,005 (November 23, 2004)br> /li> li>Most hits in a month: 86,619 (March 2004)br> /li> li>Most commonly referring search engines: br> Google (68%)br> Yahoo (16%)br> MSN (6%)br> AOL (2%)br> All others (8%), including Altavista, Dogpile, Metacrawler, Excite, Webcrawler, Lycosbr> /li> li>Most common query terms: br> "photos" (this is unbelievable...just the word photos puts me that far up in Google!)br> "worldcityphotos"br> "world city"br> "city skylines"br> "city photos", "city photo", "city skyline"br> "world cities"br> "photographs of cities"br> /li> li>Search engines supply only 24% of referrals to the site, the vast majority of other referrers are bloggers and bulletin boards. This is in part why I have had to initiate a ban on direct image> /li> li>57% of visitors are on the site for two minutes or less, and 96% are here less than 5> /li> li>The average visitor views just one page (the photo they clicked a link for), 30% of souls hang around to view a couple more pages, then leave. 7% of visitors love the site so much they view at least 10 pages. A few naughty, evil bandwidth abusers, and likely photo pirates, download THE ENTIRE FING SITE, which is rude beyond mere> /li> li>The average day sees 80% of the sites traffic from new visitors, only 20% are> /li> li>Heaviest traffic times are by far during work and school hours, you naughty slackers ;-). Most people visit from 8-9 AM and 1-4 PM local time. Insomniacs also visit as there is a distinct spike from 3-5 AM local> /li> li>Countries most often visiting are (in order): USA, Brazil, UK, France, Canada, Netherlands, Germany, Australia, Spain, Switzerland, Mexico, Belgium, Sweden, Japan, Poland, Turkey, Portugal, China, Finland, Denmark, Austria, Greece...on a typical day visitors from at least 90 countries> /li> li>Rarest countries to visit the site in 2004 were: Armenia, Cambodia, Chad, Fiji, Gibraltar, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Montserrat(!), Papua New Guinea, Swaziland, Uganda, and Zimbabwe...just one visit> /li> li>Not counting unknowns, 93% of site visitors run Windows, including some poor desperate people STILL running Windows 3.1! Macs account for 5%, Linux just 1%, everyone else combined make up the final 1%./li> /font> /ul> div alignleft>div aligncenter>/div> /div>/td> /tr> /table> p>!-- BEGIN ADDFREECOUNTER CODE -- AddFreeCounter need of AddFreestats button code! htpp://>SCRIPT languagejavascript src>/SCRIPT>!-- END AddFreeCounter CODE --> !-- URL : -->!-- PAGE NUMBER :0 -->center>SCRIPT languagejavascript>!--document.write(a href\\ target\_blank\>);document.write(img src\;document.write(/cgi-bin/connect.cgi?);document.write(usr00140819P000);document.write(&refer+escape(document.referrer)+);document.write(&tips+Math.random()+);document.write(\ alt\AddFreeStats\ border0>/A>);//-->/SCRIPT>noscript>a href target_blank>img src border0 Free Web Stats in real-time !>/A>/noscript>/center>!-- -->!-- END ADDFREESTATS.COM NORMAL CODE V2 - Free Web Stats -->/p> p aligncenter> /p> p> font faceCourier New, Courier, mono> map nameMap> area shaperect coords1,1,298,100 altCalgary, Alberta - Chris DeWolf> area shaperect coords2,99,299,197 altSan Francisco, California - Karen Nichols> area shaperect coords297,1,500,197 altSydney, Australia - M. Thicke> area shaperect coords499,0,793,101 altFrankfurt, Germany - Oliver K. Graf> area shaperect coords499,100,792,256 altSalt Lake City, Utah - Sean Breazeal> /map> /font> /p> /div> /body>/html>
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