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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Mon, 30 Dec 2024 22:17:09 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Sat, 15 Sep 2018 15:12:32 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 15829Vary: Accept-Encodinghost-header: c2hhcmVkLmJsdWVob3N0LmNvbQContent-Type: text/html !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN>html xmlns>!-- InstanceBegin template/Templates/main.dwt codeOutsideHTMLIsLockedfalse -->head>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetUTF-8 />!-- InstanceBeginEditable namedoctitle -->title>Winterset Incorporated/title>!-- InstanceEndEditable -->link hrefstylewinter.css relstylesheet typetext/css />link relstylesheet hrefmm_assets/minimenu1a.css typetext/css />script typetext/javascript srcmm_assets/minimenuS.js>/script>script typetext/javascript srcjs/rollover.js>/script>script typetext/javascript srcsrc/jquery.min.js>/script>script typetext/javascript srcjs/tinyfader.js>/script>!-- include Cycle plugin -->script typetext/javascript srcsrc/jquery.cycle.all.2.74.js>/script>!-- InstanceBeginEditable namehead -->link hrefrotationstyle.css relstylesheet typetext/css />!-- InstanceEndEditable -->script typetext/javascript>!--function MM_validateForm() { //v4.0 if (document.getElementById){ var i,p,q,nm,test,num,min,max,errors,argsMM_validateForm.arguments; 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/script>/td> /tr> tr> td colspan2>img srcimages/dot.gif altspacer width1 height15 />/td> /tr> tr> td colspan2>table width890 border0 aligncenter cellpadding0 cellspacing0 classH2> tr> td valigntop>strong>font colora1090f>Welcome to Wintersfont color#a1090f>et, In/font>c./font>/strong>/td> /tr> tr> td valigntop> /td> /tr> tr> td valigntop> div alignjustify>Established in 1977, Winterset has been an evolving business in the construction industry since its very first bridge project in Huntington, Vermont. As a general contractor, Winterset, Inc. operates primarily in Vermont and northern New Hampshire. Because of the companys high quality work and dedicated employees, the company name has become well-known around the area. Winterset has played an especially big role in the Lyndonville, Vermont community, where the main office is located. Winterset, Inc. has become renowned for such projects as the bridge in Randolph, Vermont, the Riverwalk Bridge in Littleton, New Hampshire, the rehabilitation of I-89 in Hartford, Vermont, and the reconstruction of US Route 2 in Cabot. Each of these projects has received accolades that are featured on our a hrefawards.html classlinktxt_link>Awards page./a>/div>/td> /tr> tr> td valigntop> /td> /tr> tr> td valigntop>Winterset, Inc. is known for its solid commitment to its employees and their safety. The company recognizes that employees are one of the major strengths; their strong work ethic, qualifications, and continual commitment to safety are why Winterset, Inc. is where it is /> br /> Visit the rest of the website for more information about the company./td> /tr> tr> td valigntop> /td> /tr> tr> td valigntop>div aligncenter>strong>font color#0D0D0D>Winterset, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer./font>/strong>/div>/td> /tr> tr> td valigntop> /td> /tr> tr> td valigntop>After a successful 2018 season, Winterset, Inc. is looking forward to what the next season will bring. The company would like to thank everyone who has supported the company and allowed it to grow successfully through the years./td> /tr> tr> td valigntop> /td> /tr> tr> td valigntop>div alignleft>em>Gary Burrington, President/em>/div>/td> /tr> tr> td valigntop> /td> /tr> tr> td valigntop> /td> /tr> tr> td valigntop>Our job application is located on our a hrefemployment_application.html classlink_pagelink>Employment page/a>./td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> tr> td colspan2>img srcimages/dot.gif altspacer width1 height20 />/td> /tr> !-- InstanceEndEditable --> tr> td colspan2>/td> /tr>/table>div classfooter> div idfooter> div classH2 idfooter_top>table width890 border0 aligncenter cellpadding0 cellspacing0> tr> td width108>a hrefindex.html classbt_footlink>Home/a> /td> td width76>font color#FFFFFF>Firm/font>/td> td width69>font color#FFFFFF>About Us/font>/td> td width83>font color#FFFFFF>Projects/font>/td> td width96>font color#FFFFFF>Employment/font>/td> td width143>a hrefcontact_us.html classbt_footlink>Contact Us/a>/td> td width195>div alignright>font color#FFFFFF>Winterset Inc, © 2015/font>/div>/td> /tr> tr> td colspan7>img srcimages/dot.gif altspacer width1 height8 />/td> /tr> tr> td colspan7>img srcimages/dot_white.jpg altline width890 height1 />/td> /tr> tr> td colspan7>img srcimages/dot.gif altspacer width1 height4 />/td> /tr> tr> td valigntop> /td> td valigntop>a hrefnews.html classbt_footlinksm>News/a>br /> a hrefawards.html classbt_footlinksm>Awards/a>br /> a hrefcommunity.html classbt_footlinksm>Community/a> /td> td valigntop>a hrefhistory.html classbt_footlinksm>History/a>br /> a hrefmembership.html classbt_footlinksm>Membership/a>/td> td valigntop>a hrefphoto_album.html classbt_footlinksm>Photo Album/a>/td> td valigntop nowrapnowrap> a hrefemployees.html classbt_footlinksm>Employees/a>br /> a hrefemployment_application.html classbt_footlinksm>Employment Application/a>br /> a hrefsafety.html classbt_footlinksm>Safety/a>/td> td valigntop> /td> td valigntop>div alignright>font color#FFFFFF>Address: P.O. Box 968 br /> 128 Winterset Drive br /> Lyndonville, Vermont 05851 br /> Fax: (802) 626-8933br /> Phone: (802) 626-9330/font>/div>/td> /tr> tr> td>img srcimages/dot.gif altspacer width80 height1 />/td> td>img srcimages/dot.gif altspacer width74 height1 />/td> td>img srcimages/dot.gif altspacer width108 height1 />/td> td>img srcimages/dot.gif altspacer width103 height1 />/td> td>img srcimages/dot.gif altspacer width124 height1 />/td> td>img srcimages/dot.gif altspacer width136 height1 />/td> td>img srcimages/dot.gif altspacer width266 height1 />/td> /tr> tr> td colspan7>div idfooterbottom_left> ul> li> div aligncenter>img srcimages/agc_logo_01.jpg altMembers of AGC Vermont />/div> /li> li> div aligncenter>Associated General Contractors of Vermont/div> /li> /ul> /div> div idfooterbottom_center> ul> li> div aligncenter>img srcimages/agc_logo_02.jpg altagc />/div> /li> li> div aligncenter>Associated General Contractors of New Hampshire/div> /li> /ul> /div> div idfooterbottom_right> ul> li> div aligncenter>img srcimages/agc_logo_03.jpg altNH Good Roads Association width232 height149 />/div> /li> li> div aligncenter>Good Roads Association of New Hampshire/div> /li> /ul> /div> /td> /tr>/table>/div> /div>/div>!-- End ImageReady Slices -->/body>!-- InstanceEnd -->/html>
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