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HTTP/1.1 200 OKx-amz-id-2: vxJ2eib3qL8LZ8zOyEqvZsF6H5bCPVxYDaSc7ajDjFxxhqvGDODTa+hiIH9L35+XJerDzLZxRbKF0VJQPMfwJwx-amz-request-id: 010TP0HJ57JHM0HFDate: Thu, 26 Dec 2024 15:56:33 GMTx-amz-meta-s3cmd-attrs: md5:75ad053d9fda523d544e841752c25a0bLast-Modified: Thu, 27 Aug 2020 16:35:47 GMTETag: 75ad053d9fda523d544e841752c25a0bContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 30352Server: AmazonS3 !doctype html>html langen> head> meta charsetutf-8> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1, shrink-to-fitno> meta namedescription contentPersonal Website> meta nameauthor contentWilliam Caputo> title>William Caputo (logosity) - Home/title> link relicon typeimage/x-icon href/ico/favicon.ico?v2> !-- resume theme-specific links--> link href/vendor/resume-theme/vendor/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css relstylesheet> link href,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900 relstylesheet> link href,300i,400,400i,600,600i,700,700i,800,800i relstylesheet> link href relstylesheet> link relstylesheet href integritysha384-3AB7yXWz4OeoZcPbieVW64vVXEwADiYyAEhwilzWsLw+9FgqpyjjStpPnpBO8o8S crossoriginanonymous> link relstylesheet href> link href/vendor/resume-theme/vendor/simple-line-icons/css/simple-line-icons.css relstylesheet> link href/vendor/resume-theme/css/resume.min.css relstylesheet> link relstylesheet href/css/site.css> /head> body> nav classnavbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-light bg-primary fixed-top idsideNav> a classnavbar-brand js-scroll-trigger href#page-top> span classd-block d-lg-none>/span> span classd-none d-lg-block> img classimg-fluid img-profile rounded-circle mx-auto mb-2 src/images/resume-image-2.jpg alt> /span> /a> button classnavbar-toggler typebutton data-togglecollapse data-target#navbarSupportedContent aria-controlsnavbarSupportedContent aria-expandedfalse aria-labelToggle navigation> span classnavbar-toggler-icon>/span> /button> div classcollapse navbar-collapse idnavbarSupportedContent> ul classnavbar-nav> li classnav-item> a classnav-link js-scroll-trigger href#about>About/a>/li> li classnav-item> a classnav-link js-scroll-trigger href#hire-me>Working Together/a>/li> li classnav-item> a classnav-link js-scroll-trigger href#leadership>Leadership/a>/li> li classnav-item> a classnav-link js-scroll-trigger href#skills>Software Engineering/a>/li> li classnav-item> a classnav-link js-scroll-trigger href#interests>Writing & Other Stuff/a>/li> /ul> /div> /nav> div classcontainer-fluid p-0> section classresume-section p-3 p-lg-5 d-flex d-column idabout> div classmy-auto> h1 classmb-0 my-page-title>Bill span classtext-primary>Caputo/span> /h1> div classsubheading mt-3 mb-5 address-line>Chicago, IL · a>> /div> p classlead>Hello! My name is Bill Caputo and I have a passion for understanding computing, organizations, problem solving and people./p> p classmt-1>This page serves as an introduction to me and my career as a professional software engineer and technology leader. Over the past twenty years, I have had the privilege of working on many fascinating and valuable technology delivery efforts with some amazing and very smart people for companies like Redbox, ThoughtWorks & DRW Trading. Currently I work for a great Chicago startup named a href>Provi/a> where we are transforming how businesses buy and sell alcohol. Along the way, Ive developed an expertise in deliverying high-quality software quickly and efficiently today without placing unwanted debt onto tomorrow; and a drive to help others learn how to as well./p> ul classlist-inline list-social-icons mb-0> li classlist-inline-item> a href> span classfa-stack fa-lg> i classfa fa-circle fa-stack-2x>/i> i classfab fa-twitter fa-stack-1x fa-inverse>/i> /span> /a> /li> li classlist-inline-item> a href> span classfa-stack fa-lg> i classfa fa-circle fa-stack-2x>/i> i classfab fa-linkedin fa-stack-1x fa-inverse>/i> /span> /a> /li> li classlist-inline-item> a href> span classfa-stack fa-lg> i classfa fa-circle fa-stack-2x>/i> i classfab fa-github fa-stack-1x fa-inverse>/i> /span> /a> /li> /ul> /div> /section> section classresume-section p-3 p-lg-5 d-flex flex-column idhire-me> div classmy-auto> h2 classmb-5>Working Together/h2> p>If you are interested in exploring the possibilty of working together, then span classfont-italic>Welcome!/span>/p> p>First thing you should know about me: Im a doer. I have a deep need to be in the thick of the biggest challenges and to understand what it takes to solve them wherever that might lead. In a little over twenty years, Ive delivered software solutions for accounting, trading, insurance, kiosk automation, e-commerce, visualization, and real-time messaging systems—both as a hands-on programmer, and as a leader with nearly fifteen years of experience in roles ranging from lead-engineer to director. And not just software teams. Ive also developed and led successful security, facilities and customer service organizations. I also founded a href>Agnomia/a>, my research and consulting company. What every one of these experiences have in common is that each required me to roll up my sleeves and dig into whatever challenges stood between our teams and success, learning and doing whatever was needed to get the job done!/p> p>The next thing you should know, is Im a thinker. I span classfont-italic>love/span> the myriad theoretical and philosophical challenges that arise in the pursuit of finding technology solutions, particularly those that involve the interactions and complexities of people working with technology to solve difficult problems. I thus like to write about the nature of organizations, the constraints of technology and overall pursuit of peoples growth and happiness. p>Finally, you should know that Im a rabid learner. Im always looking for new ideas and techniquies to improve my leadership and technical skills. So that whatever the situation calls for, I am ready to help others succeed./p> p>span classlead font-italic>I am not currently actively looking for new opportunities./span> span classlead font-weight-bold>However,/span> Im always open to discussing interesting possibilities and meeting new people, so feel free to reach out if you have something you think would interest me./p> p>If you value:/p> ul classfa-ul mb-1> li> i classfa-li text-greek text-primary>⟡/i> Compassionate Leadership/li> li> i classfa-li text-greek text-primary>⟡/i> Getting things done/li> li> i classfa-li text-greek text-primary>⟡/i> Peoples happiness and welfare/li> li> i classfa-li text-greek text-primary>⟡/i> High-quality code/li> li> i classfa-li text-greek text-primary>⟡/i> Being able to adapt and pivot delivery efforts as the situation changes/li> /ul> p classmt-1 mb-1>And you offer:/p> ul classfa-ul mb-0> li> i classfa-li text-greek text-primary>⟡/i> An interesting problem-solving opportunity/li> li> i classfa-li text-greek text-primary>⟡/i> Competitive compensation/li> li> i classfa-li text-greek text-primary>⟡/i> An environment that allows delivery excellence/li> li> i classfa-li text-greek text-primary>⟡/i> The opportunity to interact with good people/li> li> i classfa-li text-greek text-primary>⟡/i> Diversity, honesty and mutual respect/li> /ul> p classmt-1 mb-3>Then perhaps we can do something amazing together!/p> div classsubheading mt-3 mb-3>Preferred Roles/div> p>These days, I am more interested in mid-level leadership roles such as CTO for a smaller organization or director-level positions in a larger one. I am particularly interested in growing and mentoring direct reports who are themselves taking their first steps into servent leadership./p> div classsubheading mt-3 mb-1>Resume/div> p>You can browse my full career history and also contact me via a href>LinkedIn/a>/p> p>The rest of this page is meant to give those interested additional insight into my interests, experience and approach to technology delivery in the hope that it might help you to better understand who I am and how I approach my profession.../p> /div> /section> section classresume-section p-3 p-lg-5 d-flex flex-column idleadership> div classmy-auto> h2 classmb-3>Leadership & Delivery Organizations/h2> p>The most dramatic impact a company will have on its technology-related results will be how they structure their technology organization and its leadership. Get either of these wrong, and no amount of strategic vision, goodwill or deep-pockets will save you from the escalating complexity, unmet demands and disaffected (followed by mediocre) employees that will result./p> p>Get both right however, and the results can be extraordinary. Here are some of the more important principles that Ive learned over the years:/p> ul classfa-ul mb-0> li> i classfa-li text-greek text-primary>ϕ/i> Technologists are best understood, not as typists or implementors, but as expert problem-solvers. Many of us a href>feel compelled to analyze any problem, at any time/a>! It thus follows.../li> li> i classfa-li text-greek text-primary>ϕ/i> ...that good technologists are already motivated by what they do. Effective leaders cultivate this by including software and other technical engineers span classfont-italic>early and often/span>; leveraging their unique expertise on how best to apply technology as partners in achieving the organizations goals/li> li> i classfa-li text-greek text-primary>ϕ/i> Relatedly, holding leaders accountable for a href>fostering a culture of eudamonia/a> ensures that interests to excel are aligned with interests to succeed financially & strategically/li> li> i classfa-li text-greek text-primary>ϕ/i> One-size-fits-all reviews, organizational models, processes, etc — while simplifying things for upper management, tend to reward the most ambitious or confident members of a tech organization, not its most skilled or effective./li> li> i classfa-li text-greek text-primary>ϕ/i> Empowerment is about a href>giving people authority and resources, then getting out of their way/a>. Effective orgs dont just pay lip service to this idea, or adopt the latest team-building fad, instead they continually invest in building and sustaining a culture that entrusts responsibility to small groups of technologists, so that they have true opportunities to succeed (and fail!) while learning to stand on their own. Such orgs adjust their bet size, instead of their control models in order to account for the risk such trust necessarily entails./li> li> i classfa-li text-greek text-primary>ϕ/i> Similarly, these organizations grow and cultivate leaders among their technologists while simultaneously avoiding the trap of requiring everyone to be leaders in order to advance their careers./li> /ul> /div> div classsubheading mt-3 mb-3>Side Bar: What about Agile?/div> p>My views on Agile are complex. For the better part of a decade—starting in 1999, when I discovered and joined the Extreme Programming mailing list (on a href>egroups!)/a>—I was an active and enthusiastic member of what became one of the most significant movements in the history of our software engineering; one based on a simple but profound idea: That people and their interactions are the most important consideration in what makes for successful software delivery. Everything Ive done for the past twenty years has embodied and built upon the ideas and practices that I first learned during those exciting years!/p> p>However, the process-centric nature of Agile as its widely understood today, has eroded the a href>principles of the manifesto/a> in favor of generalized, ritualistic approaches that are perhaps easier to adopt (and sell!), yet too often detrimental in achieving highly-effective technology organizations. As a dynamic system of social interactions, evolving opportunities and emerging complications, technology delivery is far too complex to be reduced to a set of standard tools and processes./p> p>Instead, I view processes and tool selection, not as an input into creating a great organization, but the i>result/i> of doing so. Rather than starting from pre-selected, best-practices, the best organizations develop and evolve their process, tools and organizations by considering the unique needs of the people and challenges in their delivery context/span>./p> p>When approached as an exericise in accounting for span classfont-italic>all/span> of the needs & demands of span classfont-italic>all/span> interested parties, process and team-building become perputal optimization opportunities; effective organizations span classfont-italic>continuously solve/span> for the structures and interactions needed to meet the demands of their ever changing environments./p> p>In short: Agile as practiced today, has become the very thing it orginally opposed: A formal process that too often causes the very inefficiencies that people hope to avoid by adopting them in the first place. Thus, while I have over two decades of experience as an agile practitioner, I cannot endorse Agile as it is commonly understood today./p> /section> section classresume-section p-3 p-lg-5 d-flex flex-column idskills> div classmy-auto> h2 classmb-3>Software Engineering/h2> div classsubheading mt-3 mb-3>Four Skills/div> p>There are many different ways for programmers to practice our craft. Some of us become language experts. Others specialize in certain business domains. Still others on specific technological problems and their solutions./p> p>I belong to the category that treats programming itself as a discipline to be mastered. I approach this by perpetually honing these skills (and I still code every day!):/p> ol classfa-ol mb-5> li> span classfont-weight-bold>Learning how to learn./span> Determined to go from ignorance to competence on any topic faster than anyone else./li> li> span classfont-weight-bold>Learning how to ship./span> Always finding a way to deliver a solution that provides the most value at the least cost span classfont-weight-bold>for everyone involved./span>/li> li> span classfont-weight-bold>Learning about computation./span> From the most theoretical to the most pragmatic; from circuits to the internet and everything in-between: Endlessly studying the power and beauty of these fascinating machines that we call computers./li> li> p classmt-3>Above all: span classfont-weight-bold>I never stop striving. To understand. To improve. To succeed!/span>/p>/li> /ol> div classsubheading mt-3 mb-3>My Philosophy/div> p>Here are some of things Ive come to believe about programming in general:/p> ul classfa-ul mb-0> li> i classfa-li text-greek text-primary>ϕ/i> Always be Deployable./li> li> i classfa-li text-greek text-primary>ϕ/i> A great way to increase value is to lower the cost of communication./li> li> i classfa-li text-greek text-primary>ϕ/i> Keeping code quality high is the best way to go fast./li> li> i classfa-li text-greek text-primary>ϕ/i> Effective testing methods do not verify, a href>they falsify/a>./li> li> i classfa-li text-greek text-primary>ϕ/i> Diversity increases the odds of finding the best solutions faster./li> li> i classfa-li text-greek text-primary>ϕ/i> Opinions must be allowed to flow freely, but also with accountability, kindness & respect—both for individuals and their responsibilities./li> li> i classfa-li text-greek text-primary>ϕ/i> a href>Conways Law/a> is not something that can (or should!) be avoided; it is an observation of how the context is reflected in the code./li> li> i classfa-li text-greek text-primary>ϕ/i> There are no (known) general best practices. Correct software process is a dynamic function of people and context./li> li> i classfa-li text-greek text-primary>ϕ/i> Make sure to understand (at least) the abstractions immediately above and below the code you are currently working on./li> /ul> div classsubheading mt-3 mb-3>Selected Programming Languages/div> div>I have delivered professional software using the following languages:/div> ul classlist-inline list-icons> li classlist-inline-item> i classdevicon-ruby-plain data-toggletooltip titleRuby>/i>/li> li classlist-inline-item> i classclojure-icon data-toggletooltip titleClojure>/i>/li> li classlist-inline-item> i classdevicon-python-plain data-toggletooltip titlePython>/i>/li> li classlist-inline-item> i classdevicon-nodejs-plain data-toggletooltip titleNodeJS>/i>/li> li classlist-inline-item> i classdevicon-go-plain data-toggletooltip titleGo>/i>/li> li classlist-inline-item> i classdevicon-cplusplus-line data-toggletooltip titleC++>/i>/li> li classlist-inline-item> i classbash-icon data-toggletooltip titleBASH Scripting>/i>/li> li classlist-inline-item> i classr-logo-icon data-toggletooltip titleR>/i>/li> li classlist-inline-item> i classdevicon-java-plain data-toggletooltip titleJava>/i>/li> li classlist-inline-item> i classdevicon-csharp-plain data-toggletooltip titleC#>/i>/li> li classlist-inline-item> i classfoxpro-icon data-toggletooltip titleFoxPro>/i>/li> /ul> div classsubheading mt-3 mb-3>Web Development Stack/div> div>Most of the websites Ive created (including this one!) were made with basic tools such as:/div> ul classlist-inline list-icons> li classlist-inline-item> i classdevicon-javascript-plain data-toggletooltip titleJavascript>/i> /li> li classlist-inline-item> i classdevicon-jquery-plain data-toggletooltip titleJQuery>/i> /li> li classlist-inline-item> i classdevicon-chrome-plain data-toggletooltip titleChrome>/i> /li> li classlist-inline-item> i classdevicon-css3-plain data-toggletooltip titleCSS3>/i> /li> li classlist-inline-item> i classdevicon-html5-plain data-toggletooltip titleHTML5>/i> /li> li classlist-inline-item> i classdevicon-bootstrap-plain data-toggletooltip titleBootstrap>/i> /li> li classlist-inline-item> i classdevicon-gimp-plain data-toggletooltip titleGimp>/i> /li> /ul> div classsubheading mt-3 mb-3>Selected Tools & Services/div> div>The following are some of the tools I use a lot (or used to!)/div> ul classlist-inline list-icons> li classlist-inline-item> i classdevicon-amazonwebservices-original data-toggletooltip titleAWS>/i>/li> li classlist-inline-item> i classdevicon-postgresql-plain data-toggletooltip titlePostgreSQL>/i>/li> li classlist-inline-item> i classdevicon-redis-plain data-toggletooltip titleRedis>/i>/li> li classlist-inline-item> i classdevicon-vim-plain data-toggletooltip titleVim>/i>/li> li classlist-inline-item> i classdevicon-mongodb-plain data-toggletooltip titleMongoDB>/i>/li> li classlist-inline-item> i classk8s-icon data-toggletooltip titleKubernetes>/i>/li> li classlist-inline-item> i classdevicon-docker-plain data-toggletooltip titleDocker>/i>/li> li classlist-inline-item> i classrabbitmq-icon data-toggletooltip titleRabbitMQ>/i>/li> li classlist-inline-item> i classdevicon-oracle-original data-toggletooltip titleOracle>/i>/li> li classlist-inline-item> i classsql-server-icon data-toggletooltip titleSQL Server>/i>/li> li classlist-inline-item> i classdevicon-mysql-plain data-toggletooltip titleMySQL>/i>/li> /ul> div classsubheading mt-3 mb-3>Preferred Operating Systems/div> div>Over the past decade, these have been my development (and deployment) platforms:/div> ul classlist-inline list-icons> li classlist-inline-item> i classdevicon-ubuntu-plain data-toggletooltip titleUbuntu>/i> /li> li classlist-inline-item> i classdevicon-apple-original data-toggletooltip titleMac OSX>/i> /li> li classlist-inline-item> i classdevicon-chrome-plain data-toggletooltip titleChrome>/i> /li> li classlist-inline-item> i classdevicon-java-plain data-toggletooltip titleJVM>/i> /li> li classlist-inline-item> i classdevicon-debian-plain data-toggletooltip titleDebian>/i> /li> li classlist-inline-item> i classdevicon-redhat-plain data-toggletooltip titleRedhat/Centos>/i> /li> /ul> div classsubheading mt-3 mb-3>Process Expertise/div> ul classfa-ul mb-0> li> i classfa-li fa fa-check>/i> Extreme Programming expert/li> li> i classfa-li fa fa-check>/i> Continuous Testing expert/li> li> i classfa-li fa fa-check>/i> 15sup>th/sup> signatory of the Agile Manifesto/li> li> i classfa-li fa fa-check>/i> Continuous Delivery practitioner/li> li> i classfa-li fa fa-check>/i> Very experienced at building cross-functional teams/li> /ul> /div> /section> section classresume-section p-3 p-lg-5 d-flex flex-column idinterests> div classmy-auto> h2 classmb-5>Writing & Other Stuff/h2> div classsubheading mt-3 mb-3>Blogs & Other Sites/div> p>I occasionally write things about and build sites for stuff Im interested in. Heres where to find them:/p> ul classfa-ul mb-0> li> i classfa-li far fa-sticky-note text-primary>/i> a href>> — My current notebook/blog/li> li> i classfa-li fas fa-pencil-alt text-primary>/i> a href/pages/blogindex.html>Thoughts On.../a> — My older writings (mostly old-school XP & Agile stuff)/li> li> i classfa-li agnomia-icon>/i> a href>Agnomia/a> — My consulting & research company/li> li> i classfa-li principle-icon>/i> a href>The 12sup>th/sup> Principle/a> — My homage to a key principle in the Agile Manifesto/li> /ul> div classsubheading mt-3 mb-3>Other Tidbits/div> p>I havent done much public speaking lately, and most of my work has been for my employers, but here are some of the more recent of those sorts of things: ul classfa-ul mb-0> li> i classfa-li fas fa-sun text-primary>/i> In 2016, I spoke about the a href>12sup>th/sup> principle/a> and the (mis)use of metaphor on the a href>Agile for Humans/a> podcast, hosted by Ryan Ripley./li> li> i classfa-li fas fa-sun text-primary>/i> In 2016, I implemented a version of the a href>TOY machine architecture/a> as a way to help others a href>Learn more about assembly language/a>/li> li> i classfa-li fas fa-sun text-primary>/i> In 2015, I did a a href>Demo on programming the Atari 2600/a> for Chicagos a href>Open Source Open Mic/a> project/li> li> i classfa-li fas fa-sun text-primary>/i> In 2013, I was invited to speak at a href>speakerconf/a> where I introduced the concept of: a href>Situational Context/a>. This has since evolved into my ongoing research into a href>Delivery Systems./a>/li> li> i classfa-li fas fa-sun text-primary>/i> In 2012, I spoke at the Clojure west conference on a href>Continuous Testing in Clojure./a>/li> /ul> /div> /section> /div> div idfooter> div classcontainer my-footer> div classtext-center> div> i>⟡/i> i>⟡/i> i>⟡/i>/div> div classsmall> div>Bootstrap theme adapted with gratitude from: a href>>/div> div>All other site content: Copyright © William E. Caputo. All rights reserved./div> /div> div> i>⟡/i> i>⟡/i> i>⟡/i>/div> /div> /div> /div> !-- resume theme-specific scripts--> script src/vendor/resume-theme/vendor/jquery/jquery.min.js>/script> script src/vendor/resume-theme/vendor/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js>/script> script src/vendor/resume-theme/vendor/jquery-easing/jquery.easing.min.js>/script> script src/vendor/resume-theme/js/resume.min.js>/script> /body>/html>
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