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HTTP/1.1 200 OKServer: nginxDate: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 01:30:02 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlTransfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-aliveKeep-Alive: timeout5 !DOCTYPE html>html langen>head> meta charsetUTF-8>meta http-equivX-UA-Compatible contentIEedge>meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width,initial-scale1.0,minimum-scale1.0,maximum-scale1.0,user-scalableno>meta namekeywords content中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所杨维才实验组>meta namedescription content中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所杨维才实验组>meta namerobots contentindex,follow>meta nameapplication-name content中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所杨维才实验组> title>Weicai Yangs Lab/title> link relicon href sizes16*16>!-- css引入 -->link href relstylesheet>link href relstylesheet>link href relstylesheet>!-- 样式 -->link href relstylesheet>link href relstylesheet> script src typetext/javascript>/script>style>.index-banner{height:auto;}.index-banner .banner-img p.titlep *,.index-banner .banner-img div.title *{color:#fff!important;}.index-banner .banner-img p.titlep,.index-banner .banner-img div.title{ width: auto; 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line-height: 1em; margin-top: 8px;>a href target_blank needdownloadfalse data-needdownloadfalse data-needparsefalse stylecolor: rgb(11, 119, 205);>strong>span data-index4 stylefont-family: "comic sans ms"; font-size: 29px;>Pollen Tube Penetration/span>/strong>/a>/p>p stylefont-size: 14px; text-indent: 0em; line-height: 1em; margin-top: 8px; margin-bottom: 8px;>a href target_blank needdownloadfalse data-needdownloadfalse data-needparsefalse stylecolor: rgb(11, 119, 205);>strong>span data-index10 stylefont-size: 14px;>Homeostasis of flavonoids and triterpenoids most likely modulates starch metabolism for pollen tube penetration in rice/span>/strong>/a>/p>/div>/div> /div> /div> /div> div> div classbox-img> div classbanner-img > img src./lb/202209/W020220916607173692474.jpg alt /> p classtitlep>Osmoregulation determines sperm cell geometry and integrity for double fertilization in flowering plants/p>div classtitle>div classview TRS_UEDITOR trs_paper_default trs_web>p stylefont-size: 14px;>a href target_self needdownloadfalse data-needdownloadfalse stylewhite-space: normal;color: rgb(11, 119, 205)>strong>span stylefont-family: "comic sans ms"; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-size: 29px;>/span>/strong>/a>a href target_blank needdownloadfalse data-needdownloadfalse stylecolor: rgb(11, 119, 205);>strong>span stylefont-size: 29px; font-family: "comic sans ms";>Cell-Autonomous Osmoregulation/span>/strong>/a>/p>p stylefont-size: 14px;>a href target_blank needdownloadfalse data-needdownloadfalse stylecolor: rgb(11, 119, 205);>strong>span data-index10 stylefont-size: 14px;>Osmoregulation determines sperm cell geometry and integrity for double fertilization in flowering plants/span>/strong>/a>/p>/div>/div> /div> /div> /div> div> div classbox-img> div classbanner-img > img src./lb/202112/W020220816605377252631.png alt /> p classtitlep>ovule/p>div classtitle>div classview TRS_UEDITOR trs_paper_default trs_web>p stylefont-size: 29px;>span data-index4 stylefont-size: 29px;>em>strong>Arabidopsis ovule/strong>/em>/span>/p>/div>/div> /div> /div> /div> div> div classbox-img> div classbanner-img > img src./lb/202208/W020220816637717367590.jpg alt /> p classtitlep>Pollen tube guidance/p>div classtitle>div classview TRS_UEDITOR trs_paper_default trs_web>p>em stylefont-size: 29px;white-space: normal>strong>Pollen tube guidance/strong>/em>/p>/div>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classpart1 fix> div class index-tit> span>Group Leader/span> a href./teammembers/groupleader/ classmore >MORE+/a> /div> div classywc-pep> img src./teammembers/groupleader/images/P020211215415639788444.png alt /> /div> div classpep-txt> h1>Weicai Yang/h1> span>Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Professor of Plant Developmental Biology at the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology./span> p> Main research areas:br> 1.Molecular mechanisms governing the interaction between the male and female gametophytes, fertilization and early embryogenesis in flowering plants. br>2.Intercellular interactions between Rhizobium and host cell in soybean root nodule. /p> /div> /div> div classpart2> div class index-tit> span>Research Interests/span> a href./researchinterests/ classmore targetblank>MORE+/a> /div> div classrow part-tpbox> div classcol-md-3 col-sm-6 part-tplist > a href./researchinterests/202112/t20211220_7764.html classpart-tpa> div classpar2img-box> img src./researchinterests/202112/W020211220625938409610.png alt /> span>Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation Mechanism in Legumes/span> /div> p>The root nodules of legumes have the ability of symbiotic nitrogen fixation, which is an environmentally friendly and efficient nitrogen use method in agricultural production.Symbiotic nitrogen fixation requires beneficial interaction between rhizobia and the plant host cells. To fix nitrogen, the plant needs to provide a low oxygen environment as bacterial nitrogenase is highly sensitive to oxygen./p> /a> /div> div classcol-md-3 col-sm-6 part-tplist > a href./researchinterests/202112/t20211220_7761.html classpart-tpa> div classpar2img-box> img src./researchinterests/202112/W020211220624850858542.jpg alt /> span>Development of Embryo and Endosperm/span> /div> p>Double fertilization is a flowering plant mechanism whereby two immotile sperm cells fertilize two different female gametes. After double fertilization, a seed consists of the embryo, the endosperm and the seed coat, which develop from the zygote, the fertilized central cell and the maternal integuments, respectively./p> /a> /div> div classcol-md-3 col-sm-6 part-tplist > a href./researchinterests/202112/t20211220_7758.html classpart-tpa> div classpar2img-box> img src./researchinterests/202112/W020211220622825045678.png alt /> span>Female Gametophyte Development/span> /div> p>In female gametophytes, eight nuclei are separated into four cell types after three rounds of nuclear divisions without cell division. After the cellularization and nuclear fusion, they develop into a mature seven-cell embryo sac, including an egg cell(ec), a central cell(cc), two synergid cells(sc) and three antipodal cells. It’s important to ensure that all the cells in the embryo sac have normal functions, so that they are well prepared for the double fertilization. In this part,/p> /a> /div> div classcol-md-3 col-sm-6 part-tplist > a href./researchinterests/202112/t20211220_7753.html classpart-tpa> div classpar2img-box> img src./researchinterests/202112/W020211220618310402758.png alt /> span>Pollen Tube Guidance Mechanism/span> /div> p>In angiosperms, the fertilization between female and male gametes is unique when compares to other species. Angiosperms’ sperm cell which has no autonomous mobility needs pollen tube to be delivered to female gamete. When pollen tubes grow in pistil, there are complex communication systems between male and female to regulate pollen tubes target to female gametophytes./p> /a> /div> /div> /div> div classpart3> div class index-tit> span>Students/span> a href./teammembers/students/ classmore targetblank>MORE+/a> /div> div classspecial-list> div> div classbox-s> div classbox-img> a classpart-tpa part-tpa2> div classpar2img-box> img src./teammembers/students/202112/W020211221629648196236.jpg alt /> div> p>B.S. in Bioengineering, Zhengzhou>M.S. in Botany, Lanzhou>Research interest: Pollen tube polar growth./p> /div> /div> p>Fei Yang/p> /a> /div> /div> /div> div> div classbox-s> div classbox-img> a classpart-tpa part-tpa2> div classpar2img-box> img src./teammembers/students/202112/W020211221630338881630.jpg alt /> div> p>B.S.A. in Agronomy, Shandong Agricultural University. br>Research interest: Synthetic biology about nitrogenase./p> /div> /div> p>Juan Sun/p> /a> /div> /div> /div> div> div classbox-s> div classbox-img> a classpart-tpa part-tpa2> div classpar2img-box> img src./teammembers/students/202112/W020211221633451443638.jpg alt /> div> p>B.S.A. in Agronomy, Nanjing Agricultural>Research interest: Haploid induction and synthetic apomixis in soybean./p> /div> /div> p>Jing Wang/p> /a> /div> /div> /div> div> div classbox-s> div classbox-img> a classpart-tpa part-tpa2> div classpar2img-box> img src./teammembers/students/202112/W020211221636329878759.jpg alt /> div> p>B.S.A. in Facility Agricultural Science and Engineering, Henan Agricultural Universitybr>Research interest: Reproductive development of soybean/p> /div> /div> p>Shungeng Jia/p> /a> /div> /div> /div> div> div classbox-s> div classbox-img> a classpart-tpa part-tpa2> div classpar2img-box> img src./teammembers/students/202112/W020240229696628088908_ORIGIN.jpg alt /> div> p>B.S. in Hainan>Research interest: Pollen tube guidance./p> /div> /div> p>Xinya He/p> /a> /div> /div> /div> div> div classbox-s> div classbox-img> a classpart-tpa part-tpa2> div classpar2img-box> img src./teammembers/students/202112/W020211221637622194096.jpg alt /> div> p>B.S.A. in Agronomy, Northwest A&F University. br>Research interest: Gamete fusion in Arabidopsis./p> /div> /div> p>Lan Wang/p> /a> /div> /div> /div> div> div classbox-s> div classbox-img> a classpart-tpa part-tpa2> div classpar2img-box> img src./teammembers/students/202112/W020211221638017360546.jpg alt /> div> p>B.S.A. in Forstry, Northwest Agriculture and Forestry Universitybr>Research interest: Plant reproductive development/p> /div> /div> p>YiLin Yang/p> /a> /div> /div> /div> div> div classbox-s> div classbox-img> a classpart-tpa part-tpa2> div classpar2img-box> img src./teammembers/students/202112/W020211221638619158540.jpg alt /> div> p>B.S.A. in plant protection.Qingdao Agricultural>Research interest:Regulation mechanism of plant reproductive development./p> /div> /div> p>Chunlin Song/p> /a> /div> /div> /div> div> div classbox-s> div classbox-img> a classpart-tpa part-tpa2> div classpar2img-box> img src./teammembers/students/202206/W020220628365251020588.jpg alt /> div> p>B.S. in Biological Sciences, Jiangsu Normal>M.S. in Botany, Institute of Botany,the Chinese Academy of>Research interest: Pollen tube growth./p> /div> /div> p>Rui Song/p> /a> /div> /div> /div> div> div classbox-s> div classbox-img> a classpart-tpa part-tpa2> div classpar2img-box> img src./teammembers/students/202309/W020230909699398497953_ORIGIN.jpg alt /> div> p>B.S.A. in Plant protection, Nanjing Agricultural>Research interest: Sink-source relationship./p> /div> /div> p>Chaohao Ding/p> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcontact> div class index-tit> span>Contact/span> a href./contact/ classmore targetblank>MORE+/a> /div> style> .my-map { margin: 0 auto; 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