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All you have to do is let us know WITHIN 60 days of purchasing your speech package!/p> div classlatest_news> h1 aligncenter>Latest News /h1> p aligncenter>a href>img srcimages/fta.gif altFTA width94 height55 />/a>/p> p>We are a verified merchant of the Fair Trade Authority so you know you can order from me with full confidence!/p> p>The Fair Trade Authority certifies that, as a member, our identity has been verified, that we agree to the FTA Merchants Code of Ethics and that you can buy with confidence, from us, as you are insured for up to $300./p> p>strong>Please Note: This is in addition to our 60 day 100% money back guarantee that we have always had./strong> If you order one of our speech packages and are unsatisfied for any reason just email us within 60 days for a full and prompt refund/p> /div> br /> div aligncenter> - a href/>Home/a> - a href/contact.php>Contact Us/a> - a href/faq/>Help/a> - a href/members/>Members Login/a> - a href/affiliates/index.php>Affiliates/a> - a href/reviews.php>Wedding Speech4U Reviews -/a>br /> - a href/bride/bride-speeches.php>Bride Speeches/a> - a href/groom/groom-speech.php>Groom Speeches /a> - a href/maidofhonor/maid-of-honor-speeches.php>Maid of Honor Speeches/a> - a href/bestman/best-man-speeches.php>Best Man Speeches/a> -br /> - a href/motherofbride/mother-of-the-bride-speeches.php>Mother of the Bride Speeches /a> - a href/fatherofbride/father-of-the-bride-speeches.php>Father of the Bride Speeches /a> - a href>br /> /a>- a href>Master Wedding Planning Guide /a> - a href/wedding_speech_resources.php>Wedding Speech Resources/a> - a href/site_map.php>Site Map/a>br /> p>img src/images/details2.png altAddress Details width375 height49 />/p>p>img src/images/copyscape.gif altCopyScape width234 height16 />/p>Copyright © Unica Publications Ltd. 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