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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Fri, 27 Dec 2024 05:57:07 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 14368Connection: keep-aliveServer: openrestyLast-Modified: Wed, 25 Dec 2024 09:10:56 GMTETag: 676bcc20-3820Cache-Control: no-storeAccept-Ranges: bytes !DOCTYPE html>html langen classdark> head> meta charsetUTF-8 /> link relicon href /> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width,initial-scale1,user-scalableno /> meta nameapple-mobile-web-app-capable contentyes /> meta namemobile-web-app-capable contentyes /> meta nameapple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style content#da532c /> link relapple-touch-icon sizes114x114 href /> link relapple-touch-startup-image href /> meta namemsapplication-TileColor content#da532c /> meta nametheme-color content#131521 /> title>Slotshour/title> style> :root { --theme-color: linear-gradient(#FE87AB, #FB4A7D); --theme-text-color: #fff; --theme-color2: #3B74FF; --navbar-height: 60px; --tabbar-height: 60px; --main-background: #191A2C; --main-content-width: 1200px; --body-height: 100vh; --separator: #35415d; --dark: #272b41; --dark-two: #0f1923; --white: #fff; --red-pink: #f9305b; --pinkish-red: #e81538; --dark-seafoam: #1bb67f; --dark-three: #1f2236; --slate: #40465c; --dark-four: #181a27; --red-pink-two: #f92c6d; --cool-grey: #9599a8; --dark-five: #202232; --black: #000; --tealish: #22c7a7; --cool-grey-two: #b8bbc8; --butterscotch: #ffc648; --dark-six: #1b1d2b; --blue-grey: #7b8ca9; --mud: #6c4f11; --slate-grey: #53586b; --cornflower: #5f6af2; --very-light-pink: #fffdfd; --blue-blue: #142dcc; --lightish-blue: #4860f9; --cloudy-blue: #acb1cd; --weird-green: #3eed80; --pastel-blue: #a6b4ff; --slate-two: #3e425a; --blush: #f8c0b7; --pinkish-tan: #d98b7c; --dark-seven: #33364d; --separator: #1e2939; --background-two: #2b3747; --background-three: #252f38; --background-four: #2B324D; --background-five: #2b2b2c; --dark-background: #0f1923; --dark-background-four: #262f3c; --dark-background-five: #2e3142; --light-background: #1b242f; --light-grey: #59657b; --light-grey-two: #8c9099; --light-grey-three: #9095ab; --dark-grey: #8a90a2; --white-grey: #aab0c3; --white-grey-two: #e2e6f4; --white-two: #fefefe; --background: #0f1923; --lime-green: #04d47c; --lime-green-two: #06e385; --dark-green: #006d3f; --red: #f12c4c; --dark-red: #cc2843; --dark-separator: #15202b; --charcoal-grey: #343b4a; --bronze: #c5a075; --silver: #cadee0; --gold: #ffd764; --platinum: #6edae4; --diamond: #fff; --separator-two: #353e4c; --footer-color: #1a242d; --dark-text: #333b46; --dark-grey-two: #464d5e; --rouge: #8c1024; --tealish-green: #04d47c; --bluey-grey: #9095ab; --dark-gradient: #15202c; --black-one: #1a2633; --dark-40: rgba(18, 29, 40, 0.4); --dark-separator-two: #28313c; --bluey-grey-two: #9095ac; --bluey-grey-three: #aab0c4; --separator-three: #515963; } body { height: 100%; margin: 0; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; text-rendering: optimizeLegibility; background-color: var(--main-background); } ::selection { background-color: #b3d4fc; color: #000; text-shadow: none; } * { -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; /* box-sizing: border-box; */ -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); } /style> script typetext/javascript src >/script> script> // function getSearchVar(key) { // let s // if (!s) return // s s.substring(1).split(&) // for (let index 0; index s.length; index++) { // const e sindex // const k, v e.split() // if (key k) return v // } // return // } /script> !-- kwaiq --> script> !(function (e, t) { object typeof exports && object typeof module ? 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Port 443
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o i; o++) (!r && o in t) || (r || (r, 0, o)), (ro to)) return e.concat(r || } !(function (e) { var t window ;(t.KwaiAnalyticsObject e), (te te || ) var n te n.methods page, track, identify, instances, debug, on, off, once, ready, alias, group, enableCookie, disableCookie var o function (e, t) { et function () { var n Array.from(arguments), o r(t, n, !0) e.push(o) } } n.methods.forEach(function (e) { o(n, e) }), (n.instance function (e) { var t n._ie || return ( n.methods.forEach(function (e) { o(t, e) }), t ) }), (n.load function (t, r) { ;(n._i n._i || {}), (n._it ), (n._it._u, (n._t n._t || {}), (n._tt +new Date()), (n._o n._o || {}), (n._ot r || {}) var o document.createElement(script) ;(o.type text/javascript), (o.async !0), (o.src + t + &lib + e) var i document.getElementsByTagName(script)0 i.parentNode.insertBefore(o, i) }) })(kwaiq) } ) }) /script> script> kwaiq.load(399012253414732194) /script> style> :root { --apploading-w: 200px; } .app-loading-wrap { position: fixed; top: 45%; 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