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Thank you!/p> /div>!-- end how to shop steps --> /div> div classspan3> h4 classm_title>SHOWROOM HOURS/h4> div classm_content> Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AMbr> Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PMbr> Sundays by appointment only! /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>!-- end support panel --> div classlogin_register_stuff hide>!-- Login/Register Modal forms - hidded by default to be opened through modal --> div idlogin_panel> div classinner-container login-panel> h3 classm_title>SIGN IN YOUR ACCOUNT TO HAVE ACCESS TO DIFFERENT FEATURES/h3> form idlogin_form namelogin_form methodpost> a href# classcreate_account onClickppOpen(#register_panel, 280);>CREATE ACCOUNT/a> input typetext idusername nameusername classinputbox placeholderUsername> input typepassword idpassword namepassword classinputbox placeholderPassword> input typesubmit idlogin namesubmit valueLOG IN> a href# classlogin_facebook>login with facebook/a> /form> div classlinks>a href# onClickppOpen(#forgot_panel, 350);>FORGOT YOUR USERNAME?/a> / a href# onClickppOpen(#forgot_panel, 350);>FORGOT YOUR PASSWORD?/a>/div> /div> /div>!-- end login panel --> div idregister_panel> div classinner-container register-panel> h3 classm_title>CREATE ACCOUNT/h3> form idregister_form nameregister_form methodpost> p> input typetext idreg-username nameusername classinputbox placeholderUsername> /p> p> input typetext idfullname namefullname classinputbox placeholderYour full name> /p> p> input typetext idreg-email nameemail classinputbox placeholderYour email> /p> p> input typepassword idreg-password namepassword classinputbox placeholderDesired password> /p> p> input typepassword idconfirm_password nameconfirm_password classinputbox placeholderConfirm password> /p> p> input typesubmit idsignup namesubmit valueCREATE MY ACCOUNT> /p> /form> div classlinks>a href# onClickppOpen(#login_panel, 800);>ALREADY HAVE AN ACCOUNT?/a>/div> /div> /div>!-- end register panel --> div idforgot_panel> div classinner-container forgot-panel> h3 classm_title>FORGOT YOUR DETAILS?/h3> form idforgot_form nameforgot_form methodpost> p> input typetext idforgot-email nameemail classinputbox placeholderEmail Address> /p> p> input typesubmit idrecover namesubmit valueSEND MY DETAILS!> /p> /form> div classlinks>a href# onClickppOpen(#login_panel, 800);>AAH, WAIT, I REMEMBER NOW!/a>/div> /div> /div>!-- end register panel --> /div>!-- end login register stuff --> div idpage_wrapper> header idheader classstyle2> div classcontainer> !-- logo --> h1 idlogo>a hrefindex.html>img srcimages/logo.png altKallyas HTML Template>/a>/h1> /div> /header> div idslideshow classgradient> div class iosSlider> div classslider> div class item> img srcimages/sliders/iosslider/slide1e.jpg alt /> div classcaption style1 > h2 classmain_title>FERRIS GARDEN DEVELOPMENTS/h2> h3 classtitle_big>At Ferris Garden every home is thoughtfully finished from top to bottom. /h3> a href classmore>img srcsliders/iosslider/arr01.png alt>/a> h4 classtitle_small>EXTERIOR & INTERIOR FINISHES, GOURMET KITCHEN, LUXURIOUS BATHROOMS /h4> /div> /div>!-- end item --> div class item> img srcimages/sliders/iosslider/slide1c.jpg alt /> div classcaption style2 fromright > h2 classmain_title>APOLLOS FAMILY PIZZERIA br>AND RESTAURANT/h2> h3 classtitle_big>Fresh ingredients daily/h3> a href classmore>img srcsliders/iosslider/arr01.png alt>/a> h4 classtitle_small>Satisfaction with every bite! Best Pizza Around!/h4> /div> /div>!-- end item --> div class item> img srcimages/sliders/iosslider/slide1b.jpg alt /> div classcaption style2 fromright > h2 classmain_title>CELTIC BREWSbr>/h2> h3 classtitle_big>Want quality beer at a fraction of the cost?/h3> a href classmore>img srcsliders/iosslider/arr01.png alt>/a> h4 classtitle_small>Let us custom brew a beer for you!/h4> /div> /div>!-- end item --> div class item> img srcimages/sliders/iosslider/slide2.jpg alt /> div classcaption style2 fromright > h2 classmain_title>A SMASHINGbr>SMORG/h2> h3 classtitle_big>Steak, Schnitzels, Ravioli, Vindaloo and Delicious Lunches/h3> a href classmore>img srcsliders/iosslider/arr01.png alt>/a> h4 classtitle_small>Dining next to the Gentle Trent!/h4> /div> /div>!-- end item --> div class item> img srcimages/sliders/iosslider/slide3.jpg alt /> div classcaption style1> h2 classmain_title>Campbellford Chrysler-Plymouth Ltd./h2> h3 classtitle_big>From our lot to your driveway/h3> a href classmore>img srcsliders/iosslider/arr01.png alt>/a> h4 classtitle_small>Dodge certified sales and service staff /h4> /div> /div>!-- end item --> div class item> img srcimages/sliders/iosslider/slide4.jpg alt /> div classcaption style2 fromright> h2 classmain_title>CAMPBELLFORDbr>FARMERS MARKET/h2> h3 classtitle_big>span classstronger>/span>We are a market for Producers of farm products/h3> a href classmore>img srcsliders/iosslider/arr01.png alt>/a> h4 classtitle_small>May to November br>/h4> /div> /div>!-- end item --> div class item> img srcimages/sliders/iosslider/slide5.jpg alt />!-- slide image --> div classcaption style1> h2 classmain_title>Chubbys br>Restaurant/h2> h3 classtitle_big>span classstronger>ONE OF A KIND br>BUFFET!/h3> a href classmore>img srcsliders/iosslider/arr01.png alt>/a> h4 classtitle_small>Monday - Thursday bookings of 45 people or more. Closed January and>/h4> /div> /div>!-- end item --> div class item> img srcimages/sliders/iosslider/slide7.jpg alt /> div classcaption style1 > h2 classmain_title>AMAZING STAFF FOR br> THAT SPECIAL OCCASION/h2> h3 classtitle_big>Our Menu is packed With handcrafted items/h3> a href classmore>img srcsliders/iosslider/arr01.png alt>/a> h4 classtitle_small>RUSTIC COZY ATMOSPHERE! /h4> /div> /div>!-- end item --> div class item> img srcimages/sliders/iosslider/slide8.jpg alt /> div classcaption style2 fromright > h2 classmain_title>Eurkwoods Sugar &br>Gluten Free Foods/h2> h3 classtitle_big>Across from Stedmans in Campbellford/h3> a href classmore>img srcsliders/iosslider/arr01.png alt>/a> h4 classtitle_small>Specialty Foods, Dairy Free, Nut Free, Soy Free, Vegan, Wheat Free /h4> /div> /div>!-- end item --> div class item> img srcimages/sliders/iosslider/slide9.jpg alt /> div classcaption style1 > h2 classmain_title>HAYSbr>CUSTOM CUTTING/h2> h3 classtitle_big> /h3> a href classmore>img srcsliders/iosslider/arr01.png alt>/a> h4 classtitle_small>Freezer Packs available at the store /h4> /div> /div>!-- end item --> div class item> img srcimages/sliders/iosslider/slide10.jpg alt /> div classcaption style2 fromright > h2 classmain_title>Chicken Kingdom And Seafood /h2> h3 classtitle_big>Homemade Fish and Chips/h3> a href classmore>img srcsliders/iosslider/arr01.png alt>/a> h4 classtitle_small>Specializing in delicious DEEP FRIED food!/h4> /div> /div>!-- end item --> div class item> img srcimages/sliders/iosslider/slide11.jpg alt /> div classcaption style1 > h2 classmain_title>Nicholson Brosbr>Concrete, Excavating & Landscape Supplies/h2> h3 classtitle_big>RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL or INDUSTRIAL /h3> a href classmore>img srcsliders/iosslider/arr01.png alt>/a> h4 classtitle_small>Decorative & Functional Concrete, Ponds, Landscaping /h4> /div> /div>!-- end item --> div class item> img srcimages/sliders/iosslider/slide12.jpg alt /> div classcaption style2 fromright > h2 classmain_title> COMPLETELY RENOVATED 2022 br>A RENAISSANCE WITH KOSTA and STEPHANIE /h2> h3 classtitle_big>Delicious Meals, Friendly Service /h3> a href classmore>img srcsliders/iosslider/arr01.png alt>/a> h4 classtitle_small>Great Owners/h4> /div> /div>!-- end item --> div class item> img srcimages/sliders/iosslider/slide13.jpg alt /> div classcaption style1 > h2 classmain_title>Exceptional Performances, br>Extraordinary Setting!/h2> h3 classtitle_big>From Bach to Broadway, World Music and Jazz/h3> a href classmore>img srcsliders/iosslider/arr01.png alt>/a> h4 classtitle_small>877-883-5777 /h4> /div> /div>!-- end item --> div class item> img srcimages/sliders/iosslider/slide14.jpg alt /> div classcaption style2 fromright > h2 classmain_title>DECADENT!br>/h2> h3 classtitle_big>Campbellford Ontario has been home to the Canadian Head Office since 1958 /h3> a href classmore>img srcsliders/iosslider/arr01.png alt>/a> h4 classtitle_small>Visit the Outlet!/h4> /div> /div>!-- end item --> div class item> img srcimages/sliders/iosslider/slide16.jpg alt /> div classcaption style2 fromright > h2 classmain_title>STAPLEYS TOWINGbr>/h2> h3 classtitle_big>3 generations with over 75 combined years of experience /h3> a href classmore>img srcsliders/iosslider/arr01.png alt>/a> h4 classtitle_small>Our Business is Picking Up!/h4> /div> /div>!-- end item --> div class item> img srcimages/sliders/iosslider/slide1.jpg alt /> div classcaption style2 fromright > h2 classmain_title>DOOHERS BAKERY/h2> h3 classtitle_big>Doohers of Campbellford started in November of 1955 /h3> a href classmore>img srcsliders/iosslider/arr01.png alt>/a> h4 classtitle_small>Mouth watering irresistible/h4> /div> /div>!-- end item --> /div> /div> div classprev> div classbtn-label>PREV/div> /div> div classnext> div classbtn-label>NEXT/div> /div> div classselectorsBlock bullets> div classselectors> div classitem first selected>/div> div classitem>/div> div classitem>/div> div classitem>/div> div classitem>/div> div classitem>/div> div classitem>/div> div classitem>/div> div classitem>/div> div classitem>/div> div classitem>/div> div classitem>/div> div classitem>/div> div classitem>/div> div classitem>/div> div classitem>/div> /div> /div> /div>!-- end iosSlider --> div classscrollbarContainer>/div> /div>!-- end slideshow --> div idaction_box data-arrowposcenter> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classspan8> a href classbtn>BUSINESS DIRECTORY/a> /div> div classspan4 align-center> a href classbtn>JOIN OUR CAMPBELLFORD AND AREA DATABASE!/a> /div> /div> /div> /div>!-- end action box --> section idcontent> div classcontainer> p>strong>Trent Hills...the Perfect destination/strong>/a>strong> /strong>/p> p>a href>/a>/p> p>Campbellford offers so-o-o-o much: span classstyle4>strong>a href>resorts or B&Bs/a>/strong>./span> A dynamite strong>a href>arts scene/a>/strong>, cycling, explore the strong>a href>scenic trails/a> /strong>... or just take in a show at one of our strong>a href>many festivals/a> /strong>or events. a href>strong>Westben Arts Festival/strong>/a> Theatre provides world class music in wide open spaces ... a very unique venue you wont want to miss. We have our own strong>a href>film theatre/a>/strong>, Aron Cinema offering first run movies as well as live performances. The a href>strong>Business Improvement Area (BIA)/strong>/a> sponsors some fantastic events like the a href>strong>Antique, Classic & Street Rod Show & Shine/strong>/a> and the Water Front Festival. br /> br /> Artists and artisans have congregated in the Campbellford area. We have a href>strong>Spirit of the Hills/strong>/a> and a href>strong>Northumberland Arts and Crafts/strong>/a> . Support your local creatives who are involved in all art forms and including the performing and visual arts, media, design, and literature. br />br /> We are home to one of the last cheddar cheese producing factories in Ontario, a href>strong>Empire Cheese/strong>/a>, which is proudly run and owned by local farmers. Hoards Station Sale Barn is one of the last strong>a href>Livestock Sale Barns/a> /strong>in the area. Every Tuesday is "Sale Barn Day" ... the experience is one youll remember. The second weekend in August is a href>strong>Campbellford Fair Weekend/strong>/a> which gives us a showcase to bring our rural community to you in a fun, family-oriented way. For the ecological frame of mind, a href>strong>straw-bale experiments/strong>/a> are under way in the "Hills". br /> br /> Campbellford has its own strong>a href>Hospital/a>/strong> with a newly constructed Medical Center located right beside it. Our recently renovated Public Librarystrong> /strong>is located in the middle of our downtown and is open to all. br /> br /> Along with many unique a href>strong>downtown shops and eateries/strong>/a>, Campbellford has alot to offer those who love to browse. Our Farmers Market is open every Saturday morning with fresh local produce and baking. During July and August the market is also open Wednesday afternoons. The strong>a href>Meyersburg Flea Market/a> /strong>is the perfect place to go when antiquing or looking for just the right piece. After spending the day in town, drop by strong>a href>Worlds Finest Chocolate Factory Outlet/a>/strong> , or a href>strong>Church Key Brewing/strong>/a> for a treat before you go./p> p>And dont forget a href>strong>Ferris Provincial Park! /strong>/a>, just south of Campbellford Town boasting the innovative Ranney Suspension /> br /> You are always welcome to visit Campbellford. /p> p>Easy to discover if you know how .../span>/p> p>Campbellford is a gem situated along the banks of the a href>strong>Trent Severn Waterwa/strong>y/a> in the rolling hills of Northumberland a href>strong>(slideshow)/strong>/a>br /> Centrally located between Ottawa and Toronto via Highway # 30 - north of the 401 at the Brighton exit or south of Highway 7 at the Havelock exit - See a href target_top>Area Map /p> p>Sports and Recreation.../span>/p> p>Come to the Campbellford area to enjoy a href>strong>golfing/strong>/a>, fishing, hiking and biking. For the young at heart, skateboarding, in-line skating and bmx biking, lacrosse and soccer all have facilities locally. br />Hockey has always been popular as shown through the support our community has for our a href>strong>Minor Hockey and Junior C teams/strong>/a>. The a href target_self>strong>Campbellford Curling and Racquet Club/strong>/a> has curling, two squash courts, a raquetball court and an exercise room. Sign up for a season online! /p>p>The Campbellford Lawn Bowling Club has been a vital part of the community for almost 100 years and provides an opportunity for people of all ages to lead an active lifestyle. a href>strong>Campbellford Lawn Bowling Club/strong>/a>. p>Campbellfords History and Heritage /p> p>br /> a href>strong>em>The Campbellford/Seymour Heritage Society/em>/strong>/a> is a group working to preserve the areas history for future generations. strong>em>a href>Gleanings/a>/em>/strong> is the book that they have produced on this area. a href classmore>Read more… /p> h2> /h2> /div> /div> !-- end latest-post --> !-- start recent-posts --> div idrecent-posts> !-- end row // imgboxes_style1 --> section idcontent> div classcontainer> div classrow image-boxes imgboxes_style1> a href# classhoverBorder> /a> div classrow services_box> div classspan4> div classbox fixclear> div classicon>img srcimages/icons/services_box/ico-01.png alt>/div> h4 classtitle>WEB DESIGN SERVICES/h4> ul classlist-style1> li>Content management systems/li> li>Virtual shops and ecommerce /li> li>Presentation websites/li> li>Responsive Mobile/Desktop Sites/li> li>Portal systems/li> li>& any other dynamic website /li> /ul> /div>!-- end box --> /div> div classspan4> div classbox fixclear> div classicon>img srcimages/icons/services_box/ico-02.png alt>/div> h4 classtitle>GRAPHIC DESIGN SERVICES/h4> ul classlist-style1> li>Logo design/li> li>Flyers & Brochures/li> li>Business Cards/li> li>Stationery Design/li> li>Powerpoint presentation/li> li>Print Ads / Magazine/li> li>Banners/li> /ul> /div>!-- end box --> /div> div classspan4> div classbox fixclear> div classicon>img srcimages/icons/services_box/ico-03.png alt>/div> h4 classtitle>INTERNET MARKETING/h4> ul classlist-style1> li>Search engine optimisation/li> li>Search engine marketing/li> li>Internet advertising/li> li>Web analysis/li> li>Blog marketing/li> /ul> /div>!-- end box --> /div> /div>!-- end row // services_box --> div classrow recentwork_carousel default-style> div classspan3> h5 classtitle>span>OUR PARTNERS // TECHNOLOGIES USED/span>/h5> /div> div classspan16> ul idpartners_carousel classfixclear> li>a href#>img srcimages/partners/css3.png alt />/a>/li> li>a href#>img srcimages/partners/html5.png alt />/a>/li> li>a href#>img srcimages/partners/brit.png alt />/a>/li> li>a href#>img srcimages/partners/wordpress.png alt />/a>/li> li>a href#>img srcimages/partners/themeforest.png alt />/a>/li> li>a href#>img srcimages/partners/aws.png alt />/a>/li> li>a href#>img srcimages/partners/cf.png alt />/a>/li> /ul> /div> /div>!-- end row // partners carousel --> div classrow> div classspan12> div classkeywordbox>Thanks for using our Rural Tourism Database!/div> /div> /div>!-- end row // keywords--> /div>!-- end container --> /section>!-- end #content --> footer idfooter> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classspan5> h3 classm_title>A FEW OF OUR CUSTOM WEB BUILDS/h3> ul classmenu> li>a href target_blank>Capers Restaurant in Campbellford, Ontario/a>/li> li>a href target_blank>Nicholson Bros Concrete, Campbellford, Ontario/a>/li> li>a href target_blank>The Campbellford River Inn/a>/li> li>a href target_blank>NB Rental/a>/li> li>a href target_blank>Village of Hastings, Ontario/a>/li> li>a href target_blank>Redtail Paddle Company/a>/li> li>a href target_blank>Steve Stapley Car Care & Towing, Taxi / Model T Ford Restoration/a>/li> li>a href target_blank> Chicken Kingdom & Seafood/a>/li> li>a href target_blank>Chubbys Restaurant /a>/li> li>/li> /ul> !-- end footer menu --> /div> div classspan4> div classnewsletter-signup> ul> iframe src width350 height600 styleborder:none;overflow:hidden scrollingno frameborder0 allowfullscreentrue allowautoplay; 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Best Pizza Around!/h4> /div> /div>!-- end item --> div class item> img srcimages/sliders/iosslider/slide1b.jpg alt /> div classcaption style2 fromright > h2 classmain_title>CELTIC BREWSbr>/h2> h3 classtitle_big>Want quality beer at a fraction of the cost?/h3> a href classmore>img srcsliders/iosslider/arr01.png alt>/a> h4 classtitle_small>Let us custom brew a beer for you!/h4> /div> /div>!-- end item --> div class item> img srcimages/sliders/iosslider/slide2.jpg alt /> div classcaption style2 fromright > h2 classmain_title>A SMASHINGbr>SMORG/h2> h3 classtitle_big>Steak, Schnitzels, Ravioli, Vindaloo and Delicious Lunches/h3> a href classmore>img srcsliders/iosslider/arr01.png alt>/a> h4 classtitle_small>Dining next to the Gentle Trent!/h4> /div> /div>!-- end item --> div class item> img srcimages/sliders/iosslider/slide3.jpg alt /> div classcaption style1> h2 classmain_title>Campbellford Chrysler-Plymouth Ltd./h2> h3 classtitle_big>From our lot to your driveway/h3> a href classmore>img srcsliders/iosslider/arr01.png alt>/a> h4 classtitle_small>Dodge certified sales and service staff /h4> /div> /div>!-- end item --> div class item> img srcimages/sliders/iosslider/slide4.jpg alt /> div classcaption style2 fromright> h2 classmain_title>CAMPBELLFORDbr>FARMERS MARKET/h2> h3 classtitle_big>span classstronger>/span>We are a market for Producers of farm products/h3> a href classmore>img srcsliders/iosslider/arr01.png alt>/a> h4 classtitle_small>May to November br>/h4> /div> /div>!-- end item --> div class item> img srcimages/sliders/iosslider/slide5.jpg alt />!-- slide image --> div classcaption style1> h2 classmain_title>Chubbys br>Restaurant/h2> h3 classtitle_big>span classstronger>ONE OF A KIND br>BUFFET!/h3> a href classmore>img srcsliders/iosslider/arr01.png alt>/a> h4 classtitle_small>Monday - Thursday bookings of 45 people or more. Closed January and>/h4> /div> /div>!-- end item --> div class item> img srcimages/sliders/iosslider/slide7.jpg alt /> div classcaption style1 > h2 classmain_title>AMAZING STAFF FOR br> THAT SPECIAL OCCASION/h2> h3 classtitle_big>Our Menu is packed With handcrafted items/h3> a href classmore>img srcsliders/iosslider/arr01.png alt>/a> h4 classtitle_small>RUSTIC COZY ATMOSPHERE! /h4> /div> /div>!-- end item --> div class item> img srcimages/sliders/iosslider/slide8.jpg alt /> div classcaption style2 fromright > h2 classmain_title>Eurkwoods Sugar &br>Gluten Free Foods/h2> h3 classtitle_big>Across from Stedmans in Campbellford/h3> a href classmore>img srcsliders/iosslider/arr01.png alt>/a> h4 classtitle_small>Specialty Foods, Dairy Free, Nut Free, Soy Free, Vegan, Wheat Free /h4> /div> /div>!-- end item --> div class item> img srcimages/sliders/iosslider/slide9.jpg alt /> div classcaption style1 > h2 classmain_title>HAYSbr>CUSTOM CUTTING/h2> h3 classtitle_big> /h3> a href classmore>img srcsliders/iosslider/arr01.png alt>/a> h4 classtitle_small>Freezer Packs available at the store /h4> /div> /div>!-- end item --> div class item> img srcimages/sliders/iosslider/slide10.jpg alt /> div classcaption style2 fromright > h2 classmain_title>Chicken Kingdom And Seafood /h2> h3 classtitle_big>Homemade Fish and Chips/h3> a href classmore>img srcsliders/iosslider/arr01.png alt>/a> h4 classtitle_small>Specializing in delicious DEEP FRIED food!/h4> /div> /div>!-- end item --> div class item> img srcimages/sliders/iosslider/slide11.jpg alt /> div classcaption style1 > h2 classmain_title>Nicholson Brosbr>Concrete, Excavating & Landscape Supplies/h2> h3 classtitle_big>RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL or INDUSTRIAL /h3> a href classmore>img srcsliders/iosslider/arr01.png alt>/a> h4 classtitle_small>Decorative & Functional Concrete, Ponds, Landscaping /h4> /div> /div>!-- end item --> div class item> img srcimages/sliders/iosslider/slide12.jpg alt /> div classcaption style2 fromright > h2 classmain_title> COMPLETELY RENOVATED 2022 br>A RENAISSANCE WITH KOSTA and STEPHANIE /h2> h3 classtitle_big>Delicious Meals, Friendly Service /h3> a href classmore>img srcsliders/iosslider/arr01.png alt>/a> h4 classtitle_small>Great Owners/h4> /div> /div>!-- end item --> div class item> img srcimages/sliders/iosslider/slide13.jpg alt /> div classcaption style1 > h2 classmain_title>Exceptional Performances, br>Extraordinary Setting!/h2> h3 classtitle_big>From Bach to Broadway, World Music and Jazz/h3> a href classmore>img srcsliders/iosslider/arr01.png alt>/a> h4 classtitle_small>877-883-5777 /h4> /div> /div>!-- end item --> div class item> img srcimages/sliders/iosslider/slide14.jpg alt /> div classcaption style2 fromright > h2 classmain_title>DECADENT!br>/h2> h3 classtitle_big>Campbellford Ontario has been home to the Canadian Head Office since 1958 /h3> a href classmore>img srcsliders/iosslider/arr01.png alt>/a> h4 classtitle_small>Visit the Outlet!/h4> /div> /div>!-- end item --> div class item> img srcimages/sliders/iosslider/slide16.jpg alt /> div classcaption style2 fromright > h2 classmain_title>STAPLEYS TOWINGbr>/h2> h3 classtitle_big>3 generations with over 75 combined years of experience /h3> a href classmore>img srcsliders/iosslider/arr01.png alt>/a> h4 classtitle_small>Our Business is Picking Up!/h4> /div> /div>!-- end item --> div class item> img srcimages/sliders/iosslider/slide1.jpg alt /> div classcaption style2 fromright > h2 classmain_title>DOOHERS BAKERY/h2> h3 classtitle_big>Doohers of Campbellford started in November of 1955 /h3> a href classmore>img srcsliders/iosslider/arr01.png alt>/a> h4 classtitle_small>Mouth watering irresistible/h4> /div> /div>!-- end item --> /div> /div> div classprev> div classbtn-label>PREV/div> /div> div classnext> div classbtn-label>NEXT/div> /div> div classselectorsBlock bullets> div classselectors> div classitem first selected>/div> div classitem>/div> div classitem>/div> div classitem>/div> div classitem>/div> div classitem>/div> div classitem>/div> div classitem>/div> div classitem>/div> div classitem>/div> div classitem>/div> div classitem>/div> div classitem>/div> div classitem>/div> div classitem>/div> div classitem>/div> /div> /div> /div>!-- end iosSlider --> div classscrollbarContainer>/div> /div>!-- end slideshow --> div idaction_box data-arrowposcenter> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classspan8> a href classbtn>BUSINESS DIRECTORY/a> /div> div classspan4 align-center> a href classbtn>JOIN OUR CAMPBELLFORD AND AREA DATABASE!/a> /div> /div> /div> /div>!-- end action box --> section idcontent> div classcontainer> p>strong>Trent Hills...the Perfect destination/strong>/a>strong> /strong>/p> p>a href>/a>/p> p>Campbellford offers so-o-o-o much: span classstyle4>strong>a href>resorts or B&Bs/a>/strong>./span> A dynamite strong>a href>arts scene/a>/strong>, cycling, explore the strong>a href>scenic trails/a> /strong>... or just take in a show at one of our strong>a href>many festivals/a> /strong>or events. a href>strong>Westben Arts Festival/strong>/a> Theatre provides world class music in wide open spaces ... a very unique venue you wont want to miss. We have our own strong>a href>film theatre/a>/strong>, Aron Cinema offering first run movies as well as live performances. The a href>strong>Business Improvement Area (BIA)/strong>/a> sponsors some fantastic events like the a href>strong>Antique, Classic & Street Rod Show & Shine/strong>/a> and the Water Front Festival. br /> br /> Artists and artisans have congregated in the Campbellford area. We have a href>strong>Spirit of the Hills/strong>/a> and a href>strong>Northumberland Arts and Crafts/strong>/a> . Support your local creatives who are involved in all art forms and including the performing and visual arts, media, design, and literature. br />br /> We are home to one of the last cheddar cheese producing factories in Ontario, a href>strong>Empire Cheese/strong>/a>, which is proudly run and owned by local farmers. Hoards Station Sale Barn is one of the last strong>a href>Livestock Sale Barns/a> /strong>in the area. Every Tuesday is "Sale Barn Day" ... the experience is one youll remember. The second weekend in August is a href>strong>Campbellford Fair Weekend/strong>/a> which gives us a showcase to bring our rural community to you in a fun, family-oriented way. For the ecological frame of mind, a href>strong>straw-bale experiments/strong>/a> are under way in the "Hills". br /> br /> Campbellford has its own strong>a href>Hospital/a>/strong> with a newly constructed Medical Center located right beside it. Our recently renovated Public Librarystrong> /strong>is located in the middle of our downtown and is open to all. br /> br /> Along with many unique a href>strong>downtown shops and eateries/strong>/a>, Campbellford has alot to offer those who love to browse. Our Farmers Market is open every Saturday morning with fresh local produce and baking. During July and August the market is also open Wednesday afternoons. The strong>a href>Meyersburg Flea Market/a> /strong>is the perfect place to go when antiquing or looking for just the right piece. After spending the day in town, drop by strong>a href>Worlds Finest Chocolate Factory Outlet/a>/strong> , or a href>strong>Church Key Brewing/strong>/a> for a treat before you go./p> p>And dont forget a href>strong>Ferris Provincial Park! /strong>/a>, just south of Campbellford Town boasting the innovative Ranney Suspension /> br /> You are always welcome to visit Campbellford. /p> p>Easy to discover if you know how .../span>/p> p>Campbellford is a gem situated along the banks of the a href>strong>Trent Severn Waterwa/strong>y/a> in the rolling hills of Northumberland a href>strong>(slideshow)/strong>/a>br /> Centrally located between Ottawa and Toronto via Highway # 30 - north of the 401 at the Brighton exit or south of Highway 7 at the Havelock exit - See a href target_top>Area Map /p> p>Sports and Recreation.../span>/p> p>Come to the Campbellford area to enjoy a href>strong>golfing/strong>/a>, fishing, hiking and biking. For the young at heart, skateboarding, in-line skating and bmx biking, lacrosse and soccer all have facilities locally. br />Hockey has always been popular as shown through the support our community has for our a href>strong>Minor Hockey and Junior C teams/strong>/a>. The a href target_self>strong>Campbellford Curling and Racquet Club/strong>/a> has curling, two squash courts, a raquetball court and an exercise room. Sign up for a season online! /p>p>The Campbellford Lawn Bowling Club has been a vital part of the community for almost 100 years and provides an opportunity for people of all ages to lead an active lifestyle. a href>strong>Campbellford Lawn Bowling Club/strong>/a>. p>Campbellfords History and Heritage /p> p>br /> a href>strong>em>The Campbellford/Seymour Heritage Society/em>/strong>/a> is a group working to preserve the areas history for future generations. strong>em>a href>Gleanings/a>/em>/strong> is the book that they have produced on this area. a href classmore>Read more… /p> h2> /h2> /div> /div> !-- end latest-post --> !-- start recent-posts --> div idrecent-posts> !-- end row // imgboxes_style1 --> section idcontent> div classcontainer> div classrow image-boxes imgboxes_style1> a href# classhoverBorder> /a> div classrow services_box> div classspan4> div classbox fixclear> div classicon>img srcimages/icons/services_box/ico-01.png alt>/div> h4 classtitle>WEB DESIGN SERVICES/h4> ul classlist-style1> li>Content management systems/li> li>Virtual shops and ecommerce /li> li>Presentation websites/li> li>Responsive Mobile/Desktop Sites/li> li>Portal systems/li> li>& any other dynamic website /li> /ul> /div>!-- end box --> /div> div classspan4> div classbox fixclear> div classicon>img srcimages/icons/services_box/ico-02.png alt>/div> h4 classtitle>GRAPHIC DESIGN SERVICES/h4> ul classlist-style1> li>Logo design/li> li>Flyers & Brochures/li> li>Business Cards/li> li>Stationery Design/li> li>Powerpoint presentation/li> li>Print Ads / Magazine/li> li>Banners/li> /ul> /div>!-- end box --> /div> div classspan4> div classbox fixclear> div classicon>img srcimages/icons/services_box/ico-03.png alt>/div> h4 classtitle>INTERNET MARKETING/h4> ul classlist-style1> li>Search engine optimisation/li> li>Search engine marketing/li> li>Internet advertising/li> li>Web analysis/li> li>Blog marketing/li> /ul> /div>!-- end box --> /div> /div>!-- end row // services_box --> div classrow recentwork_carousel default-style> div classspan3> h5 classtitle>span>OUR PARTNERS // TECHNOLOGIES USED/span>/h5> /div> div classspan16> ul idpartners_carousel classfixclear> li>a href#>img srcimages/partners/css3.png alt />/a>/li> li>a href#>img srcimages/partners/html5.png alt />/a>/li> li>a href#>img srcimages/partners/brit.png alt />/a>/li> li>a href#>img srcimages/partners/wordpress.png alt />/a>/li> li>a href#>img srcimages/partners/themeforest.png alt />/a>/li> li>a href#>img srcimages/partners/aws.png alt />/a>/li> li>a href#>img srcimages/partners/cf.png alt />/a>/li> /ul> /div> /div>!-- end row // partners carousel --> div classrow> div classspan12> div classkeywordbox>Thanks for using our Rural Tourism Database!/div> /div> /div>!-- end row // keywords--> /div>!-- end container --> /section>!-- end #content --> footer idfooter> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classspan5> h3 classm_title>A FEW OF OUR CUSTOM WEB BUILDS/h3> ul classmenu> li>a href target_blank>Capers Restaurant in Campbellford, Ontario/a>/li> li>a href target_blank>Nicholson Bros Concrete, Campbellford, Ontario/a>/li> li>a href target_blank>The Campbellford River Inn/a>/li> li>a href target_blank>NB Rental/a>/li> li>a href target_blank>Village of Hastings, Ontario/a>/li> li>a href target_blank>Redtail Paddle Company/a>/li> li>a href target_blank>Steve Stapley Car Care & Towing, Taxi / Model T Ford Restoration/a>/li> li>a href target_blank> Chicken Kingdom & Seafood/a>/li> li>a href target_blank>Chubbys Restaurant /a>/li> li>/li> /ul> !-- end footer menu --> /div> div classspan4> div classnewsletter-signup> ul> iframe src width350 height600 styleborder:none;overflow:hidden scrollingno frameborder0 allowfullscreentrue allowautoplay; 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