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Sunday , opens: 9:00, closes: 21:00 }, sameAs:,,, }/script> /div> /div> /div>/div> /section> section idtext>div classoutermost astrip stripGrid bg-white text-black style > div classmt-0 mb-0 pt-4 pb-10> div classcontainer > div classrow align-items-center > div classcol-md-2 align-items-center > /div> div classcol-md-8 align-items-center > h2 classwhite-background styletext-align: center;>span classsubheading>GRE, SAT, & ACT Tutoring + personal statements in San Diego, near you, and Online/span>/h2>p> /p>p styletext-align: left;>Even if you dont picture them as span classtext-primary>evil robots/span> (see above pic), you still probably dont em>like/em> standardized tests. strong>Good news - Matt, Blake, and I are SAT, ACT, and GRE tutoring specialists./strong> Were also lucky enough to have Lauren - an expert grad school personal statement tutor - on our team./p>p styletext-align: left;>Unlike our competitors - who tend to employ a rotating cast of 23-year-olds - we em>each/em> have 15+ years of experience./p>p styletext-align: left;>strong>If test prep was em>Star Wars/em>, wed be Obi-Wan Kenobi. Or if this was a Flaming Lips album, wed obviously be Yoshimi./strong>/p>p styletext-align: left;>a relnoopener href target_blank data-anchor?gm>/a>Read the 250+ 5-star Google reviews for our a relnoopener href,-118.1653469,8z/data!4m10!1m2!2m1!1svince+kotchian+test+prep+san+diego!3m6!1s0x80dc01c76899d955:0x65faa7503348c76c!8m2!3d33.0169302!4d-116.8460104!15sCiJ2aW5jZSBrb3RjaGlhbiB0ZXN0IHByZXAgc2FuIGRpZWdvWiQiInZpbmNlIGtvdGNoaWFuIHRlc3QgcHJlcCBzYW4gZGllZ2-SARB0dXRvcmluZ19zZXJ2aWNl4AEA!16s%2Fg%2F1pty_5jtx?entryttu target_blank data-anchor?entryttu>main office/a> and the 30+ for our a relnoopener href,-119.5467542,8z/data!3m1!5s0x80dc089e18f9008b:0xd84b6aa1cebc6ec5!4m10!1m2!2m1!1svince+kotchian+test+prep+san+diego!3m6!1s0x80dc091a895a942f:0x7b522396f15892b9!8m2!3d32.9474586!4d-117.2396253!15sCiJ2aW5jZSBrb3RjaGlhbiB0ZXN0IHByZXAgc2FuIGRpZWdvWiQiInZpbmNlIGtvdGNoaWFuIHRlc3QgcHJlcCBzYW4gZGllZ2-SARB0dXRvcmluZ19zZXJ2aWNl4AEA!16s%2Fg%2F11hyndts9q?entryttu target_blank data-anchor?entryttu>Carmel Valley location/a>. Or read oura data-udiumb://document/12b45a2fcf844bcab1e90219975f4857 href/reviews titleReviews> review page here./a>/p>p styletext-align: left;>Feel free to a data-udiumb://document/24ceb394c44d43019c43efbafb454119 href/contact-us titleContact Us>text / call / email/a> any of us directly if youd like to talk about working together./p>p styletext-align: left;>- Vince Kotchian/p>p styletext-align: left;> /p>p styletext-align: left;>span>strong>Learn more about:/strong>/span>/p>ul>li>h3>a data-udiumb://document/19ca04c39b53475c92dfadd52091a858 href/gre-tutoring titleGRE Tutoring>GRE tutoring/a>/h3>/li>li>h3>a data-udiumb://document/d4fa0bcddb9c49708d4d8e264fc621ea href/sat-tutoring titleSAT Tutoring>SAT tutoring/a>/h3>/li>li>h3>a data-udiumb://document/a85c1b4bdaa741c2bbd6ce653d4c35a4 href/act-tutoring titleACT Tutoring>ACT tutoring/a>/h3>/li>li styletext-align: left;>h3>a data-udiumb://document/7cc0dac821ee44c697b8c370e450898b href/digital-sat-tutoring titleDigital SAT Tutoring>Digital SAT tutoring/a>/h3>/li>li styletext-align: left;>h3>a data-udiumb://document/ba2c8934967e4b27becc41040bdf5ca6 href/isee-tutoring titleISEE Tutoring>ISEE tutoring/a>/h3>/li>li styletext-align: left;>h3>a data-udiumb://document/e28f32a4b4ec4dbaa296fb8273b87ab7 href/graduate-school-personal-statements titleGraduate School Personal Statements>Personal statements/a>/h3>/li>/ul>p> /p>p>img src/media/39232/sdchamber-proud-member-logo-2025.png?width203&height339 altSan Diego Chamber of Commerce Member 2025 width203 height339 data-udiumb://media/939607bd5ffa43b7810489dd41759864 />/p>p styletext-align: center;> /p> div classtext-center text-md-center bootstrapButtonWidget >a classbtn btn-primary btn-md d-block d-md-inline-block center href/contact-us>span>Contact Us/span>/a>/div> p> /p>hr />h2 styletext-align: left;>Meet Our Tutors/h2>p styletext-align: left;>img src/media/28807/chico-branding-session-ashley-carlascio-photography-julie-0183.jpg?width313&height477 altVince Kotchian GRE tutor width313 height477 data-udiumb://media/1fb39917664e4d309dd057e95927c59f />/p>p styletext-align: left;>strong>Vince Kotchian/strong> specializes in helping a data-udiumb://document/5adee48c22d045e1904b5ff8b0171637 href/gre-prep-for-mba titleGRE Prep For MBA>MBA applicants/a> score above 320 on the GRE. Claims to fame include publishing GRE a relnoopener href target_blank>books/a>, a data-udiumb://document/9b4f860f852c4d70bc9a45988d2752ff href/blog/gre/my-favorite-way-to-learn-vocabulary-for-the-gre titleMy Favorite Way to Learn Vocabulary for the GRE>apps/a>, a data-udiumb://document/f2c63e68805f44a1bd02eeffc5346e7d href/gre-verbal-course titleGRE Verbal Course>video courses/a>, teaching for Gregmat, and scoring a data-udiumb://document/99c0cf9ecbf14c86985c22d2190a2085 href/blog/gre/vinces-gre-score-report titleVinces GRE Score Report>170V 167Q/a>. He meets clients online via Zoom. a data-udiumb://document/3e9119bd952e44b4a0c6c873392742a5 href/about-us titleAbout Us>Learn more about Vince/a>./p>p styletext-align: left;>a data-udiumb://document/639da47fe0964c5b938e29cded3641f5 href/act-tutoring-carmel-valley titleACT Tutoring Carmel Valley>img src/media/20782/medium-headshot-fix-edited-convertimage.jpg altBlake Jensen ACT and SAT tutor data-udiumb://media/61648fbe40834d43aab44ddb8730583e />/a>/p>p styletext-align: left;>Outrageously tall and outrageously dedicated to refining his craft (test prep is his full-time job), former college basketball player strong>Blake Jensen/strong> will draw on his 15 years of tutoring experience to help you raise your a data-udiumb://document/d4fa0bcddb9c49708d4d8e264fc621ea href/sat-tutoring titleSAT Tutoring>SAT/a>, a data-udiumb://document/a85c1b4bdaa741c2bbd6ce653d4c35a4 href/act-tutoring titleACT Tutoring>ACT/a>, a data-udiumb://document/19ca04c39b53475c92dfadd52091a858 href/gre-tutoring titleGRE Tutoring>GRE/a>, or a data-udiumb://document/f08cff965ee740ba8b3870b6584f8e6d href/gmat-tutoring-for-military titleGMAT Tutoring For Military>GMAT/a> score in his a data-udiumb://document/639da47fe0964c5b938e29cded3641f5 href/act-tutoring-carmel-valley titleSAT / ACT Tutoring Carmel Valley>Carmel Valley office/a> or online via Zoom. a data-udiumb://document/3e9119bd952e44b4a0c6c873392742a5 href/about-us titleAbout Us>Learn more about Blake/a>./p>p styletext-align: left;>a data-udiumb://document/d4fa0bcddb9c49708d4d8e264fc621ea href/sat-tutoring titleSAT Tutoring>img src/media/20781/ezgif-6-b1565bb315.jpg altMatt Sheelen data-udiumb://media/9f36d6053d2f4a549ab123182392bef5 />/a>/p>p styletext-align: left;>Theres no such thing as a boring session with strong>Matt Sheelen/strong>. 15 years of experience tutoring the a data-udiumb://document/d4fa0bcddb9c49708d4d8e264fc621ea href/sat-tutoring titleSAT Tutoring>SAT/a>, a data-udiumb://document/a85c1b4bdaa741c2bbd6ce653d4c35a4 href/act-tutoring titleACT Tutoring>ACT/a>, and a data-udiumb://document/ba2c8934967e4b27becc41040bdf5ca6 href/isee-tutoring titleISEE Tutoring>ISEE/a> as well as a great sense of humor make him one of our most popular and well-reviewed tutors. He meets with clients online via Zoom. a data-udiumb://document/3e9119bd952e44b4a0c6c873392742a5 href/about-us titleAbout Us>Learn more about Matt/a>./p>p styletext-align: left;>span>img src/nothing.jpg alt data-udiumb://media/9b7abfce286e4f7bb4898890e708026d />a data-udiumb://document/e28f32a4b4ec4dbaa296fb8273b87ab7 href/graduate-school-personal-statements titleGraduate School Personal Statements>img src/media/23719/img_1513.jpg?width322&height389 altLauren Hammond Graduate School Personal Statements width322 height389 data-udiumb://media/ba92a99ee76b484f87ce9d4fd0c4b113 />/a>/span>/p>p styletext-align: left;>span>a data-udiumb://document/12b45a2fcf844bcab1e90219975f4857 href/reviews titleReviews>Loved/a> by her clients,strong> Lauren Hammond/strong> (PhD) is our resident wordsmith and helps people with a data-udiumb://document/e28f32a4b4ec4dbaa296fb8273b87ab7 href/graduate-school-personal-statements titleGraduate School Personal Statements>personal statements/a>, a data-udiumb://document/375a497b06474693a69750bcd65ed370 href/graduate-school-statements-of-purpose titleGraduate School Statements Of Purpose>statements of purpose/a>, and much more. She meets with clients online via Zoom. a data-udiumb://document/3e9119bd952e44b4a0c6c873392742a5 href/about-us titleAbout Us>Learn more about Lauren/a>./span>/p>p styletext-align: left;> /p>h2 styletext-align: left;>We Actually Are Different/h2>p styletext-align: left;> /p>p styletext-align: left;>The factor that matters most in test prep is em>the person working with you/em>./p>p styletext-align: left;>We dont hire new tutors and train them, since we realize that tutor is not a long-term career for most, and that wed inevitably have lots of turnover if we hired a bunch of recent college graduates like our local competitors do. Just because someone is smart and went to a great college does NOT mean theyre a good tutor - effective tutoring goes way beyond the ability to explain how to do a question. a data-udiumb://document/e97f7e6d7a9d44cd8fd33e13e7fe180c href/blog/satact/does-your-hairdresser-do-your-taxes titleDoes Your Hairdresser Do Your Taxes?>Your hairdresser doesnt do your taxes/a>, right?/p>p styletext-align: left;>Our tutors not only can explain the test well, but will help you with everything from content to strategy to things like a data-udiumb://document/09a146111bc84cecb3d0d3ed3c1fc9d9 href/gre-test-anxiety titleGRE Test Anxiety>test anxiety/a>, a data-udiumb://document/53f5ebde3ee041d3a781fdac0c0b0b38 href/blog/gre/vinces-gre-test-taking-tips titleVinces GRE test-taking tips>test-taking skills/a>, time management, and how to get more out of the studying and homework you do./p>p styletext-align: left;>Experience really matters. Weve learned what works and a data-udiumb://document/27ea7fa45f154ec4bf09db563c9f7f06 href/blog/satact/5-bad-ideas-for-your-kids-sat-or-act-prep title5 Bad Ideas For Your Kids SAT or ACT Prep>what doesnt work/a>, so you can raise your scores as efficiently and effectively as possible - if youre willing to a relnoopener data-udiumb://document/de0ecb9078574f479ed405ed19feb3e9 href/gre-motivation target_blank titleGRE Motivation>work hard/a>, that is!/p>p styletext-align: left;> /p>h2 styletext-align: left;>Our Values/h2>p> /p>ul>li>strong>Animal welfare + supporting military:/strong> we offer two yearly a data-udiumb://document/dd048820fe5e438687c6dc45d3ba6b08 href/blog/gre/vinces-pre-veterinary-student-scholarship titleVinces Pre-Veterinary Student Scholarship>scholarships for pre-veterinary undergraduate/a> students. Vince also offers a a data-udiumb://document/08440a07ea744db5baf1864ca9789814 href/gre-prep-for-military titleGRE Prep For Military>15% military discount /a>for his GRE clients./li>li>strong>People over profits:/strong> Our tutors have complete autonomy and are paid more than em>four times/em> the industry average./li>li>strong>Convenience: /strong>Our tutors phone numbers are listed on our a data-udiumb://document/24ceb394c44d43019c43efbafb454119 href/contact-us titleContact Us>contact page/a> so you can call or text any of us directly. Your tutor handles all your questions./li>li>strong>Kindness and compassion:/strong> In todays a data-udiumb://document/9f2fbf3ed2444df3b6a1ef7222009c03 href/act-tutoring-for-test-anxiety titleACT Tutoring for Test Anxiety>stressful/a> world, empathy and a holistic learning approach are even more important for successful teacher - student relationships./li>li>strong>Excellence:/strong> We eat, sleep, and breathe test prep, and Matt, Blake, and Vince each have 15 years of experience delivering high-quality, personalized teaching./li>/ul>p styletext-align: left;> /p>h2 styletext-align: left;>span>Our San Diego Locations/span>/h2>p styletext-align: left;> /p>p styletext-align: left;>span>The San Diego communities we serve include Alpine, Bonsall, Borrego Springs, Camp Pendleton, Cardiff By The Sea, Carlsbad, a data-udiumb://document/639da47fe0964c5b938e29cded3641f5 href/act-tutoring-carmel-valley titleSAT / ACT Tutoring Carmel Valley>Carmel Valley/a>, Chula Vista, Coronado, Del Mar, Downtown San Diego, Dulzura, El Cajon, Encinitas, Escondido, Imperial Beach, Jamul, La Jolla, Lakeside, La Mesa, Lemon Grove, Miramar, Mt. Palomar, National City, Ocean Beach, Oceanside, Pacific Beach, Pala, Pine Valley, Point Loma, Poway, Ramona, Rancho Bernardo, Rancho Santa Fe, San Diego, San Marcos, Santa Ysabel, Santee, San Ysidro, Solana Beach, Spring Valley, Valley Center, Vista, and Warner Springs./span>/p>p styletext-align: left;>span>strong>Note:/strong> For our clients who dont happen to live in San Diego, or for San Diegans who just prefer online tutoring, we meet online via Zoom. /span>/p>p styletext-align: left;>span>We meet people in person at the below locations and also offer all of our services online via Zoom. (Click an address to see a map / get directions.)/span>/p>ul>li styletext-align: left;>a relnoopener href,-117.1967469,17z/data!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x80dc01c76899d955:0x65faa7503348c76c!8m2!3d32.8915477!4d-117.1945582 target_blank>Sorrento Valley location: 5230 Carroll Canyon Rd., Suite 206, San Diego, CA, 92121 /a>(corner of Carroll Canyon Rd. and Youngstown Way, close to the 805 freeway and Sorrento Valley). This is our main location./li>li styletext-align: left;>span>a relnoopener href,-117.241814,17z/data!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x80dc091a895a942f:0x7b522396f15892b9!8m2!3d32.9474586!4d-117.2396253 target_blank>Carmel Valley location: 12625 High Bluff Dr. #113, San Diego, CA 92130/a> (near the corner of Del Mar Heights Rd. and High Bluff Drive in North County San Diego) Go down the stairs into the courtyard, and Blakes office is in the back right corner. Blake offers a data-udiumb://document/d4fa0bcddb9c49708d4d8e264fc621ea href/sat-tutoring titleSAT Tutoring>SAT/a>, a data-udiumb://document/a85c1b4bdaa741c2bbd6ce653d4c35a4 href/act-tutoring titleACT Tutoring>ACT/a>, a data-udiumb://document/19ca04c39b53475c92dfadd52091a858 href/gre-tutoring titleGRE Tutoring>GRE/a>, and a data-udiumb://document/f08cff965ee740ba8b3870b6584f8e6d href/gmat-tutoring-for-military titleGMAT Tutoring For Military>GMAT/a> tutoring at this office./span>span>/span>span>/span>/li>li styletext-align: left;>span>We also serve the a relnoopener href,-117.6577465,12z/data!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x46fe4bf9ac01bdf3:0x27ccf3e028f190cd!8m2!3d33.603315!4d-117.6577465!16s%2Fg%2F11rgdb5rbx?hlen&entryttu&g_epEgoyMDI1MDMxMi4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D target_blank data-anchor?hlen&entryttu&g_epEgoyMDI1MDMxMi4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D>Mission Viejo, CA area/a>, offering SAT, ACT, GRE, and ISEE prep, as well as grad school personal statements./span>/li>li styletext-align: left;>span>Finally, Vince has an affiliation with Chico State and offers GRE prep and GRE tutoring at discounted rates to students in the Chico, CA area as well as a data-udiumb://document/0f3faa41ca774db791624b0afa316242 href/personal-statement-tutor-in-chico titlePersonal Statement Tutor in Chico>personal statement tutoring/a>. Chico location: Stoble Coffee, 418 Broadway St, Chico, CA 95928/span>/li>/ul>p> /p>hr />h2 styletext-align: center;>Our Services/h2>p> /p>h2 styletext-align: left;>a data-udiumb://document/19ca04c39b53475c92dfadd52091a858 href/gre-tutoring titleGRE Tutoring>Online GRE Tutoring/a>/h2>p styletext-align: left;>Vince and Blake are our expert GRE tutors - each of them has 15+ years experience helping people raise their scores. Our GRE tutoring is completely flexible and customized to your ability, needs, and schedule. Its designed to help you improve as efficiently as possible, and to study as effectively as possible outside of the tutoring sessions. In-depth conversations about the GRE and the rules its playing will help you understand the test better. If we can see what youre thinking, we can give you feedback on how to perfect your approach to the different kinds of GRE questions youll need to be ready for. Having a coach in your corner for this tricky test can be invaluable -- even if you have to a data-udiumb://document/1517f42a2e43426d877c5e8088859439 href/last-minute-gre-prep titleLast-Minute GRE Prep>cram for the test/a>!/p>p styletext-align: left;>span>My experience working with Vince was extremely positive, he is a fantastic tutor and Id recommend him to people of all ages/levels. I used Vince as a GRE tutor and was blown away by how helpful he was throughout our 3-4 months working together. He is very organized, gives clear guidance, and provides the perfect amount of structure within his study plans / follow-ups. Vinces focus on fundamentals/content first and test strategy second worked really well for me, I felt very prepared taking the test. He also helped me stay positive and remain confident in myself when practice test scores were wavering. Lastly, I appreciated his test-taking tips and mental strategies as I would probably have overlooked these details on my own. I achieved my target score on the first test I took after working with Vince and he played a big role in this! Highly recommend using him. - em>Abigail Quirk/em> (a relnoopener href target_blank>see review on Google Maps/a>)/span>/p>p styletext-align: left;> /p>h2 styletext-align: left;>a data-udiumb://document/d4fa0bcddb9c49708d4d8e264fc621ea href/sat-tutoring titleSAT / ACT Tutoring>SAT Tutoring/a>/h2>p styletext-align: left;>For SAT tutoring students, we completely customize the experience: every minute is focused on what the student needs. Surprisingly, most of our local competitors - that charge as much as we do for a data-udiumb://document/d4fa0bcddb9c49708d4d8e264fc621ea href/sat-tutoring titleSAT Tutoring>one-on-one SAT tutoring/a> - will restrict their tutors to a rigid curriculum. Weve found that a personalized approach tailored to each students personality, ability, and learning style works much better. If your score really matters on the SAT, working one-on-one with an experienced expert can be a great investment - in fact, we specialize in working with a data-udiumb://document/b26f5aa46ad1465b914cc291b874965c href/sat-tutoring-for-high-scorers titleSAT Tutoring for High Scorers>high scorers/a>. We offer tutoring for the entire SAT, including the a data-udiumb://document/cd4705a63633447788830cc9965a593c href/sat-tutoring-for-reading titleSAT Tutoring for Reading>Reading/a>, a data-udiumb://document/1f4b5d26a7fb4b86a2d3a3dabe38b589 href/sat-tutoring-for-writing-language titleSAT Tutoring for Writing & Language>Writing & Language/a>, and a data-udiumb://document/766b9a49cc8246b593fc02ba3e644372 href/sat-tutoring-for-math titleSAT Tutoring for Math>Math/a> sections. We also have extensive experience a data-udiumb://document/a522eed87dee4a84ac7146c75c4d54a9 href/sat-tutoring-for-ld-adhd-students titleSAT Tutoring for LD / ADHD Students>helping LD/ADHD students succeed/a> on the SAT and often work with a data-udiumb://document/e68c02d6f7744c939eb83d26dac8a304 href/sat-tutoring-for-homeschool-students titleSAT Tutoring for Homeschool Students>homeschooled students /a>and kids experiencing a data-udiumb://document/5db291594f504ca48998c6121e5c3c22 href/sat-tutoring-for-test-anxiety titleSAT Tutoring for Test Anxiety>test anxiety/a>. Tutoring is a data-udiumb://document/be39724e721f4e238424f54355a1812a href/online-sat-tutoring titleOnline SAT Tutoring>online/a> or in-person./p>p styletext-align: left;>iframe classlazy data-src allowaccelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture allowfullscreen width320 height240 frameborder0>/iframe>/p>p styletext-align: left;>(Subject - verb agreement on an old SAT question - you need to know this for the current SAT!)/p>p styletext-align: left;>span>SAT SCORED RAISED 260 POINTS!!! My daughter tutored with a data-udiumb://document/639da47fe0964c5b938e29cded3641f5 href/act-tutoring-carmel-valley titleSAT / ACT Tutoring Carmel Valley>Blake/a> for 3 months to improve her SAT score. He is extremely patient, kind and understanding. He pushed her when he knew she could do better or if she got a bit lazy. She really enjoyed his style of teaching. He taught her good study habits and test taking skills. Blake was even able to ease her test anxiety. strong>I will be recommending Blake to every parent I know. He is worth every penny!!/strong> - em>Jennifer Murdoch /em>(a relnoopener href target_blank>see review on Google Maps/a>)/span>/p>p styletext-align: left;>span>I was tutored by Matt Sheelen for SAT Prep. Matt is very thorough and has a number of strategies to teach a section. He made me feel comfortable when I didnt understand something. And I got into my reach school! I know if I didnt have Matt, I wouldnt be at my dream university. strong>If youre ready to buckle down and put in some blood, sweat, and tears, I recommend Matt!/strong> Hard work really does pay off. - em>Aliana Witt /em>(a relnoopener href target_blank>see review on Google Maps/a>)/span>/p>p styletext-align: left;> /p>h2 styletext-align: left;>a data-udiumb://document/7cc0dac821ee44c697b8c370e450898b href/digital-sat-tutoring titleDigital SAT Tutoring>Digital SAT Tutoring/a>/h2>p>The new Digital SAT is here! The test is now exclusively taken online, using College Board software. Its only 2 hours long, but its very similar to the old, paper SAT. However, there are some significant differences and challenges that youll want to be ready for./p>p>a data-udiumb://document/7cc0dac821ee44c697b8c370e450898b href/digital-sat-tutoring titleDigital SAT Tutoring>Get the latest news about the new Digital SAT here/a>./p>p> /p>h2 styletext-align: left;>a data-udiumb://document/a85c1b4bdaa741c2bbd6ce653d4c35a4 href/act-tutoring titleACT Tutoring>ACT Tutoring/a>/h2>p styletext-align: left;>Like our a data-udiumb://document/d4fa0bcddb9c49708d4d8e264fc621ea href/sat-tutoring titleSAT Tutoring>SAT tutoring/a>, our ACT tutoring allows our tutors to tailor your childs study plan and instruction to make the most of their learning style, strengths, and personality. Tutoring conversations allow us to get at the heart of understanding ACT questions, so that the student can learn lessons that will help them solve similar problems in the future. This conversational style is often what a data-udiumb://document/b4c83d6364924eaa958fb938494db83f href/act-tutoring-for-high-scorers titleACT Tutoring for High Scorers>higher scorers/a> need to get from good to great. We offer tutoring for the entire ACT, including the a data-udiumb://document/8a6465a4ad2e4bc18026ac25284f13f1 href/act-tutoring-for-english titleACT Tutoring for English>English/a>, a data-udiumb://document/7b4b70e5ed9e4f6383453db4f06f4c62 href/act-tutoring-for-math titleACT Tutoring for Math>Math/a>, a data-udiumb://document/b221d31c900b47e6a38795fa2a7cdd45 href/act-tutoring-for-reading titleACT Tutoring for Reading>Reading/a>, and a data-udiumb://document/260a4d1645df42edbb1299d380227334 href/act-tutoring-for-science titleACT Tutoring for Science>Science/a> sections. We also have extensive experience helping a data-udiumb://document/599c223a97d44393a250af6fbc3f2ab6 href/act-tutoring-for-ld-adhd-students titleACT Tutoring For LD / ADHD Students>LD / ADHD students/a> succeed on the ACT and often work with a data-udiumb://document/7d0875a142764b919f17ebd99a40d132 href/act-tutoring-for-homeschool-students titleACT Tutoring for Homeschool Students>homeschool students/a> and kids experiencing a data-udiumb://document/9f2fbf3ed2444df3b6a1ef7222009c03 href/act-tutoring-for-test-anxiety titleACT Tutoring for Test Anxiety>test anxiety/a>. Tutoring is a data-udiumb://document/b0b495f05a284467bf762a68eec3cfa7 href/online-act-tutoring titleOnline ACT Tutoring>online/a> or in-person./p>p styletext-align: left;>iframe classlazy data-src allowaccelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture allowfullscreen width320 height240 frameborder0>/iframe>/p>p styletext-align: left;>(Vince explains who vs. whom)/p>p styletext-align: left;>span>My daughter worked via a data-udiumb://document/b0b495f05a284467bf762a68eec3cfa7 href/online-act-tutoring titleOnline ACT Tutoring>Skype and Facetime/a> with Matt Sheelen for about 6 months to prepare for taking the ACT, and she improved her scores to a high level, but equally important, I think, she developed a positive spirit toward taking the test. strong>In a nutshell, Matt is an excellent instructor on every level./strong> Matt identified her weaknesses and tailored their work to build skills, strategy, and confidence. He is gifted in his ability to explain or reason with students creatively. Matt -- with a rare combination of seriousness and humor -- made the process feel less overwhelming. His work and personal kindness also made my daughter (and me!) feel supported in the college application process. As a parent, I particularly appreciate the positive attitude Matt inspires. - em>Susan L. /em>(a relnoopener href target_blank>see review on Google Maps/a>)/span>/p>p styletext-align: left;>span>We have had an excellent experience working with Blake. He worked with our son last year, and he scored a 34 on his first ACT exam. strong>This year he has brought our daughter from a 24 to 31 after her first group of sessions./strong> Easy to communicate with & really cares about our children’s personal as well as academic success. Very highly recommend! - em>Karen Hallinan/em>/span>/p>p styletext-align: left;> /p>h2 styletext-align: left;>a data-udiumb://document/124f1df57c10431380e24e4362f812a2 href/gre-verbal-tutoring titleGRE Verbal Tutoring>GRE Verbal Tutoring/a>/h2>p styletext-align: left;>In our GRE verbal tutoring sessions, youll have the opportunity to talk through a data-udiumb://document/222b7d7c89454c37a83d895d8b81ad87 href# titleHardest GRE Verbal Question>verbal questions/a> with an experienced tutor, get feedback on a minute-by-minute basis, and receive customized homework assignments based on your skill level and goals. Its the most efficient and effective way to master the test. If youre an a data-udiumb://document/0b9159358249403d8cc89f60d6d77c84 href/gre-tutoring-for-older-students titleGRE Tutoring For Older Students>older or non-traditional student/a>, or if you have a data-udiumb://document/7205e67e606c40c0961b40699a6fe4f0 href/gre-tutoring-for-ld-adhd-students titleGRE Tutoring For LD / ADHD Students>LD / ADHD/a>, we are happy to help! Tutoring is a data-udiumb://document/7002959c58454e329f64e102ecb18d36 href/online-gre-tutoring titleOnline GRE Tutoring>online/a> or in-person./p>p styletext-align: left;>span>I started prepping for the GRE in January 2021. Since I was starting essentially from scratch (it had been almost a decade since I last took a real math class or even written a full multi-page essay), I knew I wanted to spend January reviewing the essentials both on the quantitative side and on the verbal side, primarily by re-learning a data-udiumb://document/5040ff01dfae4d6da3b7a1eacf07df7a href/blog/gre/complete-gre-math-concept-list titleComplete GRE Math Concept List>fundamental math concepts/a> and building up my vocabulary. I also knew that at some point I wanted to engage a tutor to help drive accountability and ensure I was studying efficiently. I researched two potential tutors: one that was local to the Bay Area and Vince, who I had come across through various Google searches and who I also noticed was very active on the /GRE subreddit. I initially settled on the local Bay Area tutor, since he had received a decent amount of 5-star reviews and even wrote his own textbook with strategies that seemingly cracked the GRE test. Long story short, this first tutor was much too formulaic in his approach, and perhaps even rigid. And, while the test demands the test taker to play by the rules, to achieve a high score on quant and especially to attain a 165+ on the verbal, one needs to approach the test not only with a sound methodology, but one must also be able to finesse the verbal section. **This is what Vince helped bring to my GRE prep.** I started working with Vince about 4 months into my GRE prep. Prior to working with Vince, I had previously studied exclusively third party material, including going through the entire a data-udiumb://document/55f4ab91824b499c92b3c7b9c9cdd94d href/blog/gre/a-gre-tutors-review-of-magoosh-gre-videos titleA GRE Tutors Review of Magoosh GRE Videos>Magoosh/a> program (a data-udiumb://document/55f4ab91824b499c92b3c7b9c9cdd94d href/blog/gre/a-gre-tutors-review-of-magoosh-gre-videos titleA GRE Tutors Review of Magoosh GRE Videos>not helpful/a>). Vince tutored me remotely a data-udiumb://document/7002959c58454e329f64e102ecb18d36 href/online-gre-tutoring titleOnline GRE Tutoring>via Zoom/a>. His remote setup enabled us to have fruitful exchanges as he was equipped with technology that facilitated easy learning. Im including this in my review because my previous tutor did not have the technology to properly conduct remote learning. Vince helped to focus my GRE prep on the right materials (he will advocate strongly for ETS material, especially for the verbal, and recommend only going to third party material for quant). He also worked with me to create weekly a data-udiumb://document/b73141bb0bf34248af76e3a39af59786 href/blog/gre/2-month-gre-study-plan title2 Month GRE Study Plan>study plans/a> that matched the time commitment I had previously discussed with him. During our tutoring sessions, we spent our time mostly discussing verbal topics. Especially important was how these discussions with Vince built indispensable experience that helped me understand how ETS presents the logic in the TC/SE questions types and what ETS is looking for when presenting their a data-udiumb://document/878bc695494a4b2a9db00be85aa4b9e7 href/gre-tutoring-for-reading-comprehension titleGRE Tutoring for Reading Comprehension>RC question types/a>. As a native English speaker, I had to re-engineer how I read the passages and questions presented in the GRE. strong>My tutoring sessions with Vince helped me acquire the test taking finesse in the verbal section that I needed to go from scoring in the 70th percentile (May 2021 test) to scoring in the 96th percentile (July 2021 test)./strong> If you have the resources or know you want to engage a tutor for your GRE prep, I strongly recommend connecting with Vince. And, finally, for some general a data-udiumb://document/53f5ebde3ee041d3a781fdac0c0b0b38 href/blog/gre/vinces-gre-test-taking-tips titleVinces GRE test-taking tips>test-taking advice/a> re: the GRE. Do not let the test take control of you. You are in control of your experience with the GRE. The GRE is a game and youre there to play its 80 little puzzles. One of the best pieces of advice I got from Vince himself: Be patient, build experience, and take your time with the test. I took that advice to heart and got the score I wanted. So, to my fellow test taker: Be patient, build experience, and take your time with the test./span>span> - em>Terence Looi /em>(a relnoopener href target_blank>see review on Google Maps/a>)/span>/p>p styletext-align: left;> /p>h2 styletext-align: left;>a data-udiumb://document/e69620b32b57455e98c444927e66cb89 href/gre-math-tutoring titleGRE Math Tutoring>GRE Math Tutoring/a>/h2>p styletext-align: left;>Whether youre really a data-udiumb://document/09a146111bc84cecb3d0d3ed3c1fc9d9 href/gre-test-anxiety titleGRE Test Anxiety>anxious/a> and struggling with GRE quant or youre trying to get a perfect score, working with an experienced tutor can really help in two ways: 1. Youll learn exactly what to do outside of tutoring to make the most of your time, and 2. Well share the insight that weve gained by dissecting a data-udiumb://document/77508dbdff0c4c9ba62e87d12ed87460 href/blog/gre/the-hardest-gre-math-question-ive-ever-seen titleThe Hardest GRE Math Question Ive Ever Seen>GRE math problems/a> with hundreds of students over the years. Going to a data-udiumb://document/5adee48c22d045e1904b5ff8b0171637 href/gre-prep-for-mba titleGRE Prep For MBA>business school/a> or a data-udiumb://document/2f0acd0fde5a4e64a590acf8292ecfa5 href/gre-prep-for-law-school titleGRE Prep For Law School>law school/a>? We can help get you ready for this test. Tutoring is a data-udiumb://document/7002959c58454e329f64e102ecb18d36 href/online-gre-tutoring titleOnline GRE Tutoring>online/a> or in-person./p>p styletext-align: left;>span>I opted for 1:1 tutoring and had a consultation with Vince who suggested Blake Jensen as the best tutor for my goal, which was to increase my quant score. I really wanted someone who could help me identify my weaknesses and mitigate them. I had taken the GRE twice before but my quant score had plateaued, despite studying and working with another tutor (who was not from VKTP). Having used another tutoring service prior, I can definitely say that Blakes explanations were much clearer and his methods much more effective. He didnt just show me how to solve individual problems, but instead taught me the broader concepts and tools that would allow me to tackle a variety of problems. He has in-depth familiarity with all of the test prep material as well, which was really beneficial when it came to crafting a study plan. After studying with Blake, I was able to increase my quant score to above a 160 and get the score I wanted for my programs. Definitely recommend!/span>span> em>- Hina Malik/em> (a relnoopener href target_blank>see review on Google Maps/a>)/span>/p>p styletext-align: left;> /p>h2 styletext-align: left;>a data-udiumb://document/f2c63e68805f44a1bd02eeffc5346e7d href/gre-verbal-course titleGRE Verbal Course>GRE Verbal Video Course/a>/h2>p styletext-align: left;>!-- 16:9 aspect ratio -->/p>p styletext-align: left;>In his a data-udiumb://document/f2c63e68805f44a1bd02eeffc5346e7d href/gre-verbal-course titleGRE Verbal Course>GRE Verbal Precision video course/a>, Vince explains the a data-udiumb://document/efd9045c2bcf4ef8b49d52fc84b94743 href# titleVinces GRE Verbal Question Walkthroughs>verbal strategies/a> and techniques he teaches to his private a data-udiumb://document/19ca04c39b53475c92dfadd52091a858 href/gre-tutoring titleGRE Tutoring>GRE tutoring/a> students. A great way to learn GRE verbal and a data-udiumb://document/c1874ca48469465caaecc5c1c3defaf7 href/blog/gre/gre-for-high-scorers-part-6-gre-issue-essays titleGRE For High Scorers, Part 6: GRE Issue Essays>essay strategies/a> from an expert - at an affordable price. Its only $39 for lifetime access, and that includes access to Vinces private GRE prep squad Discord, where you can discuss questions directly with Vince!/p>p styletext-align: left;>span>Vince knows what he is doing. His experience shows. He has been responsive, respectful, and encouraging throughout my time working with him. I took his online course to improve in the verbal section, and strong>my GRE score improved by 5 in a data-udiumb://document/124f1df57c10431380e24e4362f812a2 href/gre-verbal-tutoring titleGRE Verbal Tutoring>verbal/a> to a 166 out of 170, making my dream schools seem attainable./strong> I would highly recommend Vince to anyone who is willing to put in the work to improve. - em>James Thompson/em>/span>/p>p> /p>h2 styletext-align: left;>a data-udiumb://document/762a6a934b8d4a9db817479cf8b8a0ac href/personalized-gre-study-plan titlePersonalized GRE Study Plan>Personalized GRE Study Plans/a>/h2>p styletext-align: left;>!-- 16:9 aspect ratio -->/p>p styletext-align: left;>Vince offers a data-udiumb://document/762a6a934b8d4a9db817479cf8b8a0ac href/personalized-gre-study-plan titlePersonalized GRE Study Plan>personalized GRE study plans/a> based on your unique situation, timeline, and goals - our #1 most popular GRE service!/p>p styletext-align: left;>span>In the strong>personalized GRE study plan/strong>, well create a complete schedule with daily and weekly to-dos for math, verbal, and essays that is based on your unique situation and goals, and well incorporate my favorite productivity, time management, test anxiety, and study strategies./span>/p>p styletext-align: left;>span classwiI7pd>When I came to Vince, I had already taken the GRE twice after self-studying and leveraging Gregmat. My score was not where I wanted it to be, but I felt I could still improve it with a different way of studying. With the help of the customized study plan, discord discussions, and having someone else invested in my success, I was able to raise my score 8 points in 2 months. I dont have people in my network to discuss/study with, so I really took advantage of Vinces willingness to discuss on the discord channel. It was invaluable to work with someone in this way without having to pay the high costs of private tutoring. - em>Caitlin McHugh/em> /span>span stylefont-size: 1.125rem; letter-spacing: 0.0125em; background-color: #ffffff;>(/span>a relnoopener href target_blank>see review on Google Maps/a>span stylefont-size: 1.125rem; letter-spacing: 0.0125em; background-color: #ffffff;>)/span>/p>p styletext-align: left;> /p>h2 styletext-align: left;>a data-udiumb://document/ec108fc52e1b48fa94a515a4032bb13a href/vinces-free-gre-resources titleVinces Free GRE Resources>Free GRE Resources/a>/h2>p styletext-align: left;>Vince has put together a lot of free GRE prep resources over the years. If youre self-studying for the test, at least some of these should be helpful!/p>ul>li>a data-udiumb://document/5040ff01dfae4d6da3b7a1eacf07df7a href/blog/gre/complete-gre-math-concept-list titleComplete GRE Math Concept List>All the math concepts on the GRE/a>/li>li styletext-align: left;>a data-udiumb://document/4630cac933824d68b67d382dda30689d href/blog/gre/how-to-study-for-the-gre-a-beginners-guide titleStart Here: A Beginners Guide to GRE Prep>Beginners guide to GRE prep/a>/li>li styletext-align: left;>GRE a data-udiumb://document/5eecd7651e804072bad3e0f02b828a35 href/blog/gre/gre-faq titleGRE FAQ>FAQ/a>/li>li styletext-align: left;>a data-udiumb://document/55f4ab91824b499c92b3c7b9c9cdd94d href/blog/gre/a-gre-tutors-review-of-magoosh-gre-videos titleA GRE Tutors Review of Magoosh GRE Videos>Vinces review of Magoosh/a>/li>li styletext-align: left;>a data-udiumb://document/9b4f860f852c4d70bc9a45988d2752ff href/blog/gre/my-favorite-way-to-learn-vocabulary-for-the-gre titleMy Favorite Way to Learn Vocabulary for the GRE>Learn GRE vocabulary with cartoons & mnemonics/a>/li>li styletext-align: left;>GRE a data-udiumb://document/b6fa73fc233d4668943afa821ec6b0de href/blog/gre/gre-words-of-the-day titleGRE Words Of The Day>word of the day/a>/li>li styletext-align: left;>Vinces a data-udiumb://document/cfcc7e42a4ba4f3c9e535da6099cecfc href/blog/gre/1-month-gre-study-plan title1-Month GRE Study Plan>1-month/a>, a data-udiumb://document/b73141bb0bf34248af76e3a39af59786 href/blog/gre/2-month-gre-study-plan title2 Month GRE Study Plan>2-month/a>, and a data-udiumb://document/a3aff95299ee4e2995fa04ebe99faa1d href/blog/gre/3-month-gre-study-plan title3-Month GRE Study Plan>3-month/a> GRE study plans/li>li styletext-align: left;>a data-udiumb://document/f6436385006e4cfba511a48e8cad9332 href/blog/gre/vinces-free-gre-videos titleVinces Free GRE Videos>Free GRE prep videos/a>/li>li>a data-udiumb://document/ec108fc52e1b48fa94a515a4032bb13a href/vinces-free-gre-resources titleVinces Free GRE Resources>All Vinces free GRE prep resources/a>/li>/ul>p>iframe classlazy data-src allowaccelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture allowfullscreen width360 height203 frameborder0>/iframe>/p>p>(Learn GRE math with a data-udiumb://document/5040ff01dfae4d6da3b7a1eacf07df7a href/blog/gre/complete-gre-math-concept-list titleComplete GRE Math Concept List>GRE Math Knight/a>!)/p>div classGHT2ce>p classDU9Pgb>span>Vinces blog helped me understand the nuances of the GRE and structure a study plan for myself. This first step in my whole a data-udiumb://document/e28f32a4b4ec4dbaa296fb8273b87ab7 href/graduate-school-personal-statements titleGraduate School Personal Statements>grad school application/a> process definitely helped set the tone for all the other parts of my application! Though I only used the free resources, what I was able to glean from them cannot be overstated. Ive even helped a friend of mine do well on the GRE since. His vocabulary app called a data-udiumb://document/9b4f860f852c4d70bc9a45988d2752ff href/blog/gre/my-favorite-way-to-learn-vocabulary-for-the-gre titleMy Favorite Way to Learn Vocabulary for the GRE>GRE Vocabulary Cartoons/a> gamifies vocab flashcards and is actually, dare I say, fun? Its leagues ahead of everything else out there because of all of the (hilarious) different ways it tries to create neural hooks for your brain to remember the meaning of each new word. The algorithm perfectly applies spaced repetition as well, making the app great for prepping for the GRE months in advance! - /span>em>Aishwarya Vishwanath /em>(a relnoopener href target_blank>see review on Google Maps/a>)/p>p> /p>/div>h2 styletext-align: left;>a data-udiumb://document/bf22e4683e2d40cda1e958188d0e6e65 href/psat-tutoring titlePSAT Tutoring>PSAT Tutoring/a>/h2>p styletext-align: left;>The cool thing about PSAT prep is that its really SAT prep... the PSAT is just like the SAT except its about 2% easier. Not only will preparing for the PSAT help you do your best, but (very) high PSAT scores can qualify you for a a data-udiumb://document/3bd5a0c557894435ad8b301eb31c89bc href/blog/satact/getting-merit-aid-from-test-scores titleGetting Merit Aid From Test Scores>National Merit Scholarship/a>. Plus, literally all your PSAT prep will pay off if you ever take its big brother - the a data-udiumb://document/7cc0dac821ee44c697b8c370e450898b href/digital-sat-tutoring titleDigital SAT Tutoring>SAT/a>./p>p styletext-align: left;> /p>h2 styletext-align: left;>a data-udiumb://document/f08cff965ee740ba8b3870b6584f8e6d href/gmat-tutoring-for-military titleGMAT Tutoring For Military>GMAT Tutoring/a>/h2>p styletext-align: left;>The GMAT is a beast, but it can be conquered through hard work and smart work. In our GMAT tutoring sessions, youll have the opportunity to talk through questions with our expert Blake Jensen, get feedback on a minute-by-minute basis, and receive customized homework assignments based on your skill level and goals. If youre concerned about your GMAT score, tutoring is the best way to improve it efficiently so you can get on with the rest of the stuff you need to do to apply to business schools. /p>p styletext-align: left;> /p>h2 styletext-align: left;>a data-udiumb://document/ba2c8934967e4b27becc41040bdf5ca6 href/isee-tutoring titleISEE Tutoring>ISEE/a>, a data-udiumb://document/3c66ef66fae5409fb8e31318a755dbf8 href/ssat-tutoring titleSSAT Tutoring>SSAT/a> and a data-udiumb://document/f82f6b7b65ed455b8ad8ba4648f6aaa1 href/hspt-tutoring titleHSPT Tutoring>HSPT/a> Tutoring/h2>p>Matt Sheelen does all of our a data-udiumb://document/ba2c8934967e4b27becc41040bdf5ca6 href/isee-tutoring titleISEE Tutoring>ISEE tutoring/a>, a data-udiumb://document/3c66ef66fae5409fb8e31318a755dbf8 href/ssat-tutoring titleSSAT Tutoring>SSAT tutoring/a>, and a data-udiumb://document/f82f6b7b65ed455b8ad8ba4648f6aaa1 href/hspt-tutoring titleHSPT Tutoring>HSPT tutoring/a>. He has over 15 years of experience helping kids raise their scores on these tricky exams. If your child is applying to a selective private school, Matt can help them perform their best on the entrance exam./p>p>span>Matt is a true professional who sincerely cares about his students. My daughter prepared for the ISEE with Matt for several weeks. Not only was Matt cognizant of what was required on the test, but he also provided support and guidance on how to remain positive and focused in the lead up to the test. strong>My daughter really enjoyed her zoom tutoring sessions and Matt was able to effectively conduct all of her sessions a data-udiumb://document/c206801510f24fb8b4f3ef2297bce631 href/online-isee-tutoring titleOnline ISEE Tutoring>online/a>./strong> He used her time well, knew where she had weaknesses and had a clear plan of how to help her improve on weaker areas. I have no hesitation in recommending Matt. We also used Matt for our other daughter who also sat the ISEE two years prior and she was accepted into her first choice school. em>- Therese Collins /em>(a relnoopener href target_blank>see review on Google Maps/a>)/span>/p>p>span>Matt also offers a data-udiumb://document/c206801510f24fb8b4f3ef2297bce631 href/online-isee-tutoring titleOnline ISEE Tutoring>online ISEE tutoring/a>./span>/p>p> /p>h2 styletext-align: left;>a relnoopener href/graduate-school-personal-statements target_blank>Graduate School Personal Statements /a>and a data-udiumb://document/375a497b06474693a69750bcd65ed370 href/graduate-school-statements-of-purpose titleGraduate School Statements Of Purpose>Statements of Purpose/a>/h2>p>It can be hard to condense your life into 500 words! Dont worry - we can help. Lauren Hammond, PhD is our grad school personal statement / statement of purpose expert, and will be happy to give you feedback on your draft or take you from square one to a polished final product that will help your graduate school admissions essay stand out. /p>p>Lauren can help with:/p>ul>li>MS in a data-udiumb://document/c03edcf6773c460d9d70462186997eac href/ms-in-business-analytics-personal-statements titleMS in Business Analytics Personal Statements>Business Analytics/a> personal statements/li>li>a data-udiumb://document/9bb2b2694a894778a6aba56605ef4844 href/personal-statements-for-mba titlePersonal Statements for MBA>MBA/a> personal statements/li>li>a data-udiumb://document/0c0d0ceb83f949b2ad621be4e6c9f1ae href/law-school-personal-statements titleLaw School Personal Statements>Law School/a> personal statements/li>li>a data-udiumb://document/ea4686f48b6b49c3a1f240497a958269 href/psyd-personal-statements titlePsyD Personal Statements>PsyD/a> personal statements/li>li>a data-udiumb://document/bdcb60fa5153420c8aa9a4d2fe2eba7c href/physician-assistant-personal-statements titlePhysician Assistant Personal Statements>Physician Assistant/a> personal statements/li>li>a data-udiumb://document/ece17a9d63034a3e8dfa965dba0932d3 href/dpt-personal-statements titleDPT Personal Statements>Physical Therapy/a> personal statements/li>li>a data-udiumb://document/9899398345384d2196ddeeb5f68ba9e7 href/slp-personal-statements titleSLP Personal Statements>Speech-Language Pathology/a> personal statements/li>li>a data-udiumb://document/e1bbd7e3c1864ac7a126d0eacd76de46 href/occupational-therapy-personal-statements titleOccupational Therapy Personal Statements>Occupational Therapy/a> personal statements/li>li>a data-udiumb://document/7f1292d0260442b093e934e66451597d href/mft-personal-statements titleMFT Personal Statements>Marriage and Family Therapy/a> personal statements/li>li>a data-udiumb://document/068007dca8344971bfd4a05636ea9487 href/masters-degree-personal-statements titleMasters Degree Personal Statements>Masters degree/a> personal statements/li>li>a data-udiumb://document/016242d792fd4bcba300508ca082502a href/mph-statements-of-purpose titleMPH Personal Statements>Masters of Public Health/a> personal statements/li>li>a data-udiumb://document/8c0ddc8919c44a76b934b3705003b2ca href/mpp-statements-of-purpose titleMPP Personal Statements>Masters of Public Policy/a> personal statements/li>li>a data-udiumb://document/1a4c32ce1da5448d8558cdfa9c49dd12 href/medical-residency-personal-statements titleMedical Residency Personal Statements>Medical Residency/a> personal statements/li>li>a data-udiumb://document/71224e8ab9d14aaa8b536d15311b2179 href/nursing-school-personal-statements titleNursing School Personal Statements>Nursing school/a> personal statements/li>li>a data-udiumb://document/0a8fd2ef841e4eb385eaf7723a04984b href/vet-school-personal-statements titleVet School Personal Statements>Veterinary School/a> personal statements/li>li>a data-udiumb://document/d40822b0da204ae39780457be0b951ad href/phd-personal-statements titlePhD Personal Statements>PhD/a> personal statements/li>li>a data-udiumb://document/a92f8b0d816a43e9bd0b0df3ffbda56d href/post-doc-personal-statements titlePost Doc Personal Statements>Post Doc/a> personal statements/li>li>a data-udiumb://document/425ceb1263894e06a720e17e402dc614 href/fellowships-and-grants-personal-statements titleFellowships and Grants Personal Statements>Fellowships and Grants/a> personal statements/li>/ul>p>span>I highly recommend working with Lauren Hammond, the programs writing specialist, for anyone going through the grad app writing process. Lauren has a real talent for getting you to explicate your experiences. Not to mention shes also a great conversationalist who can get students to talk through the significance of their experiences. In the end, I received admission into my first choice graduate program! Great people, ideas, and strategies. Highly recommend! em>- Mohammad Khan /em>(a relnoopener href target_blank>see review on Google Maps/a>)/span>/p>p> /p>h2 styletext-align: left;>a data-udiumb://document/01fe660c72d8447382dcacb1aea59b17 href/writing-tutoring titleWriting Tutoring>Writing Tutoring/a>/h2>p>Lauren Hammond is our writing specialist, and can help you with anything from essays to papers to cover letters to research writing. Whether you just need some help editing a draft or youre staring at a blank Word doc with no idea where to begin, shes happy to help!/p>p> /p>h2 styletext-align: left;>a data-udiumb://document/07c6e9294b9d4e72838ba31954146a5b href/ap-pre-calculus-tutoring titleAP Pre-Calculus Tutoring>AP Pre-Calculus Tutoring/a>/h2>p>Blake Jensen has been teaching and tutoring pre-calculus for over 15 years, and is available for one-on-one tutoring for AP Pre-Calculus. Whether youre looking for help with the new AP Pre-Calculus course or just the test, Blake is your guy!/p>p> /p>h2>a data-udiumb://document/fde8609fb8274b5a876e50fe225efaab href/toefl-speaking-listening-tutoring titleTOEFL Speaking & Listening Tutoring>TOEFL Speaking & Listening/a>/h2>p>Julie Cunningham (Vinces wife) is a speech-language pathologist who specializes in helping people improve their TOEFL scores. You can work with Julie one-on-one to get feedback on your TOEFL speaking and listening performance. Learn more about how Julie can help a data-udiumb://document/fde8609fb8274b5a876e50fe225efaab href/toefl-speaking-listening-tutoring titleTOEFL Speaking & Listening Tutoring>here/a>./p>p> /p>h2 styletext-align: left;>Higher Scores More Options/h2>p styletext-align: left;>strong>The result of our methods?/strong> More efficiency, more student engagement, and more effective test prep, which leads to higher scores and happy clients. We have more 5-star a data-udiumb://document/12b45a2fcf844bcab1e90219975f4857 href/reviews titleReviews>reviews/a> on a relnoopener href target_blank>Yelp/a> and a relnoopener href target_blank data-anchor?qvince+kotchian+test+prep&oqvince+kotchian+test+prep&aqschrome..69i57j69i60l2.8143j0j7&sourceidchrome&ieUTF-8>Google /a>than any other local test-prep company./p>p styletext-align: left;> /p>p styletext-align: left;>span>strong>Ready to get started?/strong>/span>/p>ul>li>a data-udiumb://document/19ca04c39b53475c92dfadd52091a858 href/gre-tutoring titleGRE Tutoring>GRE tutoring/a>/li>li>a data-udiumb://document/d4fa0bcddb9c49708d4d8e264fc621ea href/sat-tutoring titleSAT Tutoring>SAT tutoring/a>/li>li>a data-udiumb://document/a85c1b4bdaa741c2bbd6ce653d4c35a4 href/act-tutoring titleACT Tutoring>ACT tutoring/a>/li>li styletext-align: left;>a data-udiumb://document/bf22e4683e2d40cda1e958188d0e6e65 href/psat-tutoring titlePSAT Tutoring>PSAT tutoring/a>/li>li styletext-align: left;>a data-udiumb://document/f08cff965ee740ba8b3870b6584f8e6d href/gmat-tutoring-for-military titleGMAT Tutoring For Military>GMAT tutoring/a>/li>li styletext-align: left;>a data-udiumb://document/ba2c8934967e4b27becc41040bdf5ca6 href/isee-tutoring titleISEE Tutoring>ISEE tutoring/a>/li>li styletext-align: left;>a data-udiumb://document/3c66ef66fae5409fb8e31318a755dbf8 href/ssat-tutoring titleSSAT Tutoring>SSAT tutoring/a>/li>li styletext-align: left;>a data-udiumb://document/f82f6b7b65ed455b8ad8ba4648f6aaa1 href/hspt-tutoring titleHSPT Tutoring>HSPT tutoring/a>/li>li>a relnoopener data-udiumb://document/e28f32a4b4ec4dbaa296fb8273b87ab7 href/graduate-school-personal-statements titleGraduate School Personal Statements>Graduate School Personal Statements/a>/li>li>a data-udiumb://document/fde8609fb8274b5a876e50fe225efaab href/toefl-speaking-listening-tutoring titleTOEFL Speaking & Listening Tutoring>TOEFL Speaking and Listening/a>/li>/ul>p> /p>div styleposition: static !important;>/div>div styleposition: static !important;>/div>div styleposition: static !important;>/div>div styleposition: static !important;>/div>div styleposition: static !important;>/div>div styleposition: static !important;>/div>div styleposition: static !important;>/div>div styleposition: static !important;>/div> div classtext-center text-md-center bootstrapButtonWidget >a classbtn btn-primary btn-md d-block d-md-inline-block center href/contact-us>span>Contact Us/span>/a>/div> /div> div classcol-md-2 align-items-center > /div> /div> /div> /div>/div> /section> section idhome-footer>div classoutermost astrip small stripGrid bg-black text- style > div classmt-0 mb-0 pt-2 pb-2> div classcontainer > div classrow > div classcol-md-4 > /div> div classcol-md-4 > p styletext-align: center; classtext-white>Copyright 2025 Vince Kotchian Test Prepbr />5230 Carroll Canyon Road, Suite 206, San Diego CA 92121 Phone or text: 760-542-8395/p>p styletext-align: center; classtext-white>span>Vince Kotchian Test Prep Carmel Valley: 12625 High Bluff Dr. #113, San Diego, CA 92130 /span>Phone or text: 858-367-0187/p>p styletext-align: center; classtext-white>Vince Kotchian Test Prep Mission Viejo, CA: Phone or text: 760-542-8395/p>p styletext-align: center; classtext-white>Vince Kotchian GRE Prep Chico, CA: Phone or text: 760-542-8395/p>p styletext-align: center; classtext-white>We meet with clients in San Diego and work online with people throughout the U.S. and around the world. span>GREsup>®/sup> is a registered trademark of ETS. 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