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If your computer has a hardware fault, would it kill you in your sleep? Would your microwave turn on only when it was opened? What about robots living a life of crime, Asimov’s 3 Laws of Robotics be damned?/p>p>The only real requirements for this anthology will be that a major character must be mechanical or electronic in nature and they’re doing something nefarious. All submitted stories must have a dark undertone to qualify for the HWA. Humor is welcome, as long as something is causing some harm or damage to those pesky “organics”. Stories must be 5,000 words to 10,000 words. Query for longer, shorter stories will not be entertained. Tortured, maybe, but that’s a hard minimum./p>p>Modified Shunn format (see blind reading note): (Times New Roman 12pt font; .docx/.doc/.rtf formats only; single paragraph spacing; one space after a period; do not use tabs to indent; American quote mark usage; both American and UK English acceptable.) No reading fee./p>p>BLIND READING RULES: These will be read blind, so put your name, address, phone, email(s), and a 100-200 word bio on a cover page and do not put any identifying information on the rest of the manuscript. Include a running page count starting with page #2 (cover page will be #1)./p>p>Payment on publication, scheduled for first quarter 2019./p>p>Submission period: September 22, 2018 through November 30, 2018 (which is during NaNoWriMo, so hit two birds with one Nerf stone.)/p>p>No simultaneous submissions, acceptances will be on a rolling basis until December 15, 2018, when all acceptances should be finalized. A paper copy will be produced first, with a Kindle version planned afterwards. Contact Annik . Valkanberg @ ascarystory . com with any questions or cannot submit via Submittable./p>p>This project is designed to be a qualifying market for the Horror Writers Association, strong>paying $25 per accepted story/strong> and a digital copy when it is produced to allow folks to join or move up to the Affiliate level of HWA membership./p>p>Authors will be able to purchase books at a 40% discount from cover price + shipping./p>p>This anthology will feature some original artwork from several artists./p>p>We will be using several new production methods with this anthology, including switching over to Ingram LightningSource./p>p>ISBN: TBDbr />To submit, go to: a href>> or email Annik./p>p>Report submissions to a href>The Submissions Grinder/a> and a href>Duotrope/a>./p>p> /p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-utility>div classmeta-info-wrap> span classcat-links>span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links>Posted in/span> a href relcategory tag>Open Call/a>, a href relcategory tag>The Villains Blog/a> /span> span classsep> | /span> span classtag-links>span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links>Tagged/span> a href reltag>anthology/a>, a href reltag>open call/a>, a href reltag>submissions/a> /span> /div>!-- .entry-meta-icons --> /footer>!-- #entry-utility --> /article>!-- #post-430 --> article idpost-437 classcontent-default post-even post-order-2 post-437 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-the-villains-blog tag-distribution tag-ingramspark tag-kdp tag-lightningsource> header classentry-header> div classentry-hdr>h2 classentry-title> a href titlePermalink to CreateSpace to Ingram LightningSource/Spark relbookmark>CreateSpace to Ingram LightningSource/Spark/a>/h2>/div> div classentry-meta> div classmeta-info-wrap> span classsep posted-on>Posted on /span>a href title05:27 relbookmark>time classentry-date datetime2018-09-09T05:27:04-06:00>September 9, 2018/time>/a>span classby-author> span classsep> by /span> span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Villainous Press relauthor>Villainous Press/a>/span>/span>span classupdated>October 16, 2018/span> /div>!-- .entry-meta-icons --> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content cf>p>Transitional work is in progress on moving all titles from CreateSpace to IngramSpark and Ingram LightningSource. Since CreateSpace is going away and will be absorbed by Amazon’s KDP system, we felt it to be in our best interest to diversify our printing and distribution./p>p>In the past we have had excellent results when contacting CreateSpace to correct any issues. Unfortunately, KDP has made multiple errors and odd demands including for one author to have a contract with himself to publish his own book under his own name. We have no trust in the KDP system so we will just use them to sell Kindle and Amazon hard copies of our books in print./p>p>Ingram will handle all other hard copy outlets including Barnes & Noble, Books-a-Million, Powell’s, and any bookstore near you./p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-utility>div classmeta-info-wrap> span classcat-links>span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links>Posted in/span> a href relcategory tag>The Villains Blog/a> /span> span classsep> | /span> span classtag-links>span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links>Tagged/span> a href reltag>distribution/a>, a href reltag>IngramSpark/a>, a href reltag>KDP/a>, a href reltag>LightningSource/a> /span> /div>!-- .entry-meta-icons --> /footer>!-- #entry-utility --> /article>!-- #post-437 --> article idpost-422 classcontent-default post-odd post-order-3 post-422 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-new-releases category-print tag-anthology tag-milehicon tag-new-releases> header classentry-header> div classentry-hdr>h2 classentry-title> a href titlePermalink to Adventures in Zookeeping Anthology relbookmark>Adventures in Zookeeping Anthology/a>/h2>/div> div classentry-meta> div classmeta-info-wrap> span classsep posted-on>Posted on /span>a href title17:30 relbookmark>time classentry-date datetime2016-10-25T17:30:47-06:00>October 25, 2016/time>/a>span classby-author> span classsep> by /span> span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Villainous Press relauthor>Villainous Press/a>/span>/span>span classupdated>October 25, 2016/span> /div>!-- .entry-meta-icons --> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content cf>p>Adventures in Zookeeping, an anthology that will support MileHiCon Denver with the net proceeds, will be released on October 28, 2016 at a href target_blank>MileHiCon/a>./p>p>a href>img loadinglazy classalignright src,204,203,200_.jpg altAdventures in Zookeeping Cover width324 height499 />/a>At MileHiCon 47, several authors, publishers, and editors headed a panel called em>So You Want to Be in an Anthology?/em> The audience selected the theme for the anthology, and only the people who attended the panel were eligible to submit short stories for publication. The authors would experience having their manuscript run through the editing process and receiving a contract, which included notes about what to watch out for when reading a contract. The stories in the anthology will be copyrighted in the author’s name./p>p>All proceeds beyond actual costs will go to support MileHiCon./p>p>Don’t forget, MileHiCon 48 will be held in Denver on October 28-30, 2016. There will not be an anthology for 2017./p>p>ISBN: 978-1-62225-198-8br />Cover design by Sam Knight/p>p>The Contributors:/p>blockquote>p>strong>Edited by Sam Knight/strong>/p>/blockquote>ul>li>Foreword – Sam Knight/li>li>Zookeeper’s Dilemma – Beverly Coutts/li>li>Eternity’s Ark – J.L. Zenor/li>li>The Jeweled Black Quaver – C.S. Peterson/li>li>Bound by Death – Ashley Vasquez/li>li>Picket Line – Sheila Hartney/li>li>The Corpse Flower – Carolyn Kay/li>li>So Who Would You Tell? – Aylah Foureste & Deena Larsen/li>li>The Niwotlei Fund Raiser – Ian Brazee-Cannon/li>li>Nightmare Menagerie – Jessica Lauren Gabarron/li>li>Plant a Zoo & Watch It Grow – Aaron Spriggs/li>li>The Menace of Markenshire – N. Alan Miller/li>li>Love Hunters – Rod Spurgeon/li>li>Ari’s Song – Rick Duffy/li>li>All in a Day’s Work – Tonya L. De Marco/li>li>Sanctuary – Susan Adams/li>li>A Tale of an African Zoo – Sean Jones/li>li>The Glass Fairy – Sage Gabarron/li>li>The Lost Phoenix – Jodi M. Franklin/li>li>The Looking Glass – Patrick F. Smythe/li>li>The ReligioZoo – Lisa Mahoney/li>li>The Fourth Lemur – Sarena Ulibarri/li>li>Monsters of Yesterday – Alicia Cay/li>li>Afterword – Guy Anthony De Marco/li>/ul> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-utility>div classmeta-info-wrap> span classcat-links>span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links>Posted in/span> a href relcategory tag>New Releases/a>, a href relcategory tag>Print/a> /span> span classsep> | /span> span classtag-links>span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links>Tagged/span> a href reltag>anthology/a>, a href reltag>MileHiCon/a>, a href reltag>New Releases/a> /span> /div>!-- .entry-meta-icons --> /footer>!-- #entry-utility --> /article>!-- #post-422 --> article idpost-371 classcontent-default post-even post-order-4 post-371 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-new-releases category-print tag-annik-valkanberg tag-horror> header classentry-header> div classentry-hdr>h2 classentry-title> a href titlePermalink to The Thing from the Lake by Eleanor M. Ingram relbookmark>The Thing from the Lake by Eleanor M. Ingram/a>/h2>/div> div classentry-meta> div classmeta-info-wrap> span classsep posted-on>Posted on /span>a href title06:11 relbookmark>time classentry-date datetime2015-10-30T06:11:09-06:00>October 30, 2015/time>/a>span classby-author> span classsep> by /span> span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Villainous Press relauthor>Villainous Press/a>/span>/span>span classupdated>October 30, 2015/span> /div>!-- .entry-meta-icons --> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content cf>p>From the Classic Horror Series.a href>img loadinglazy classalignright wp-image-372 src altTheThingFromTheLake_FrontCover width159 height241 />/a>/p>p>For those who love the weird and mysterious, this novel will bring a creepy thrill. Roger Locke, successful composer, buys a Connecticut farm. On the first night after he moves in, he is startled by two nocturnal visitors: one a “thing of dread” and the other apparently bent on saving his life from it. Up to the very last the suspense is sustained without a break, until in a sudden flash the whole astounding truth is revealed. The reader may take their choice of either an occult or scientific explanation of the matter./p>ul>li>Foreword by Annik Valkanberg./li>li>204 pages./li>li>ISBN 9781622254705/li>/ul>p>Available in paperback from a href target_blank>Amazon/a>, a href target_blank>Barnes & Noble/a>./p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-utility>div classmeta-info-wrap> span classcat-links>span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links>Posted in/span> a href relcategory tag>New Releases/a>, a href relcategory tag>Print/a> /span> span classsep> | /span> span classtag-links>span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links>Tagged/span> a href reltag>annik valkanberg/a>, a href reltag>Horror/a> /span> /div>!-- .entry-meta-icons --> /footer>!-- #entry-utility --> /article>!-- #post-371 --> article idpost-361 classcontent-default post-odd post-order-5 post-361 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-ebook category-new-releases category-print tag-anthology tag-milehicon tag-sidekicks> header classentry-header> div classentry-hdr>h2 classentry-title> a href titlePermalink to Sidekicks Anthology relbookmark>Sidekicks Anthology/a>/h2>/div> div classentry-meta> div classmeta-info-wrap> span classsep posted-on>Posted on /span>a href title12:42 relbookmark>time classentry-date datetime2015-10-12T12:42:27-06:00>October 12, 2015/time>/a>span classby-author> span classsep> by /span> span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Villainous Press relauthor>Villainous Press/a>/span>/span>span classupdated>October 30, 2015/span> /div>!-- .entry-meta-icons --> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content cf>p>Sidekicks, an anthology that will support MileHiCon Denver with the net proceeds, will be released on October 23, 2015 at a href target_blank>MileHiCon/a>./p>p>At MileHiCon 46, several authors, publishers, and editors headed a panel called em>So You Want to Be in an Anthology?/em> The audience selected the theme for the anthology, and only the people who attended the panel were eligible to submit short stories for publication. The authors would experience having their manuscript run through the editing process and receiving a contract, which included notes about what to watch out for when reading a contract. The stories in the anthology will be copyrighted in the author’s name.a href>img loadinglazy classalignright size-full wp-image-362 src altSidekicks - Front Cover V1-72dpi width401 height631 srcset 401w, 191w, 150w, 250w sizes(max-width: 401px) 100vw, 401px />/a>/p>p>Originally, the contributors were to receive an ebook version, but the principles decided to switch it to a physical copy so the contributors could sign each other’s copy at MileHiCon 47. The authors will also be able to pick up additional copies at a discount should they decide to pick up books for selling at a convention or for Christmas presents./p>p>All proceeds beyond actual costs will go to support MileHiCon./p>p>Don’t forget, MileHiCon 47 will be held in Denver on October 23-25, 2015. We will be running another panel for the 2016 anthology on Saturday, October 24th in the Mesa Verde B room at noon. You must be in attendance and sign the attendance sheet to have the opportunity to contribute to next year’s anthology./p>p>We’ll see you in Denver!/p>p> /p>p>The Contributors:/p>blockquote>p>strong>Edited by Sam Knight/strong>/p>/blockquote>ul>li>Foreword by Sam Knight/li>li>A Matter of Measure by Holly Roberds/li>li>Mourning Bell by Benjamin Jacobson/li>li>Cupcakes and Villainy by Stephanie Parriott/li>li>The Chamber by Patrick Smythe/li>li>The Devil’s Contract by Rod Spurgeon/li>li>Transcript Attached by Sheila Hartney/li>li>Tracking the Trickster by Carolyn Kay/li>li>Job Security by Jodi M Franklin/li>li>Regarding the Incident on the Yellow Planet by Sarena Ulibarri/li>li>Ether and Chrome by Jessica Lauren Gabarron/li>li>The Pale Horse by Susan Adams/li>li>Mutualistic Sidekicks by Aaron Spriggs/li>li>Bragging Rights by Kenneth Ray Hager/li>li>The Goblin’s Guide to Being Fabulous by DM Daniel/li>li>Sidekick for Hire by Jess Roth/li>li>Afterword by Guy Anthony De Marco/li>/ul>h3>a href target_blank>Kindle/a>, a href target_blank>Amazon/a>/h3>p>Available for Kindle Universe./p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-utility>div classmeta-info-wrap> span classcat-links>span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links>Posted in/span> a href relcategory tag>eBook/a>, a href relcategory tag>New Releases/a>, a href relcategory tag>Print/a> /span> span classsep> | /span> span classtag-links>span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links>Tagged/span> a href reltag>anthology/a>, a href reltag>MileHiCon/a>, a href reltag>Sidekicks/a> /span> /div>!-- .entry-meta-icons --> /footer>!-- #entry-utility --> /article>!-- #post-361 --> article idpost-352 classcontent-default post-even post-order-6 post-352 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-new-releases category-print tag-anthology tag-science-fiction tag-steampunk> header classentry-header> div classentry-hdr>h2 classentry-title> a href titlePermalink to Steampunk: The Other Worlds relbookmark>Steampunk: The Other Worlds/a>/h2>/div> div classentry-meta> div classmeta-info-wrap> span classsep posted-on>Posted on /span>a href title15:50 relbookmark>time classentry-date datetime2015-03-23T15:50:35-06:00>March 23, 2015/time>/a>span classby-author> span classsep> by /span> span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Villainous Press relauthor>Villainous Press/a>/span>/span>span classupdated>March 25, 2015/span> /div>!-- .entry-meta-icons --> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content cf>p>The anthology em>strong>STEAMPUNK: The Other Worlds/strong>/em> will officially debut at a href target_blank>AnomalyCon/a> in Denver, Colorado on March 28, 2015. Edited by Sam Knight, senior editor at Villainous Press, this collection of steampunk-themed stories go beyond the typical boring Victorian earth-based confines./p>ul>li>Black Box by Peter J. Wacks/li>li>Odd Goods by Jessica Brawner/li>li>Apprentice in the Steam Library by Daniel Ausema/li>li>Eggs Full of Flame by K. C. Shaw/li>li>The Chaos Specimen by Matthew Pedersen/li>li>Under a Shattered Sky by Chris Wong Sick Hong/li>li>Ayelen by Igor Rendic/li>li>The Intuition of Future Truths by David Boop/li>li>Willowrunner by B. J. Beck/li>li>Venerian Twilight by DJ Tyrer/li>li>Keeping It Fresh by R. Joseph Maas/li>li>The Perfect Pastry by J. A. Campbell/li>li>Burying Engines by Marilyn K. Martin/li>li>Crystalline Clouds by Sam Knight/li>/ul>p>Cover designed by Peter J. Wacks./p>h3>STEAMPUNK: The Other Worldsbr />233 Pages, Print Editionbr />ISBN: 978-1-62225-253-4/h3>p>Available on Amazon on March 30, 2015./p>p>a href>img loadinglazy class size-full wp-image-354 aligncenter src altSTOW-Cover-V1-72dpi-Small width650 height481 srcset 650w, 300w, 600w, 250w, 405w sizes(max-width: 650px) 100vw, 650px />/a>/p>p> /p>p>Listed in Bowker’s em>Books in Print/em> database and available from any reputable book dealer. This book will debut at AnomalyCon in Denver, CO./p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-utility>div classmeta-info-wrap> span classcat-links>span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links>Posted in/span> a href relcategory tag>New Releases/a>, a href relcategory tag>Print/a> /span> span classsep> | /span> span classtag-links>span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links>Tagged/span> a href reltag>anthology/a>, a href reltag>Science Fiction/a>, a href reltag>steampunk/a> /span> /div>!-- .entry-meta-icons --> /footer>!-- #entry-utility --> /article>!-- #post-352 --> article idpost-356 classcontent-default post-odd post-order-7 post-356 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-the-villains-blog tag-art tag-branding tag-logo tag-small-press tag-templates> header classentry-header> div classentry-hdr>h2 classentry-title> a href titlePermalink to Small Press Branding relbookmark>Small Press Branding/a>/h2>/div> div classentry-meta> div classmeta-info-wrap> span classsep posted-on>Posted on /span>a href title15:53 relbookmark>time classentry-date datetime2015-03-10T15:53:09-06:00>March 10, 2015/time>/a>span classby-author> span classsep> by /span> span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Villainous Press relauthor>Villainous Press/a>/span>/span>span classupdated>March 23, 2015/span> /div>!-- .entry-meta-icons --> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content cf>p>One of the things a small press needs is to have a brand. Examples of branding include the use of logos, such as our dapper Villainous Press villain with a top hat./p>p styletext-align: center;>a href>img loadinglazy class size-full wp-image-33 aligncenter src altVillainous-Press-Simple-Small width260 height250 />/a>/p>p>This logo was designed by artist a href target_blank>Chaz Kemp/a>, who is available for cover and logo designs. He also works on graphic novels, using a unique renaissance-inspired framing that stands out from the usual fare. His rates are reasonable, and we have always been overjoyed at the work he produced for us./p>p>Another way for a small press to brand is to use a special interior template for print books. Villainous Press uses a modified interior template designed by a href target_blank>Quincy J. Allen/a> over at a href target_blank>>. All of our print books are designed for ease of reading. When you purchase a new Villainous Press book, you know exactly how the interior will look. When readers know they will always be able to enjoy a well-designed book no matter which title they choose, that becomes part of your branding./p>p>If you’re a small press or an author venturing out into the world of self-publishing, we highly recommend you use a standard print template that shows your interiors are well-designed and are quality works. If you’re a Microsoft Word guru, you can make your own detailed template, or you can contact Quincy at Runewrite. His rates are very reasonable, and once you have your template set, every book you publish will be professionally laid out and beautiful in your hands./p>h4 styletext-align: right;>em>— The Villain/em>/h4> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-utility>div classmeta-info-wrap> span classcat-links>span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links>Posted in/span> a href relcategory tag>The Villains Blog/a> /span> span classsep> | /span> span classtag-links>span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links>Tagged/span> a href reltag>art/a>, a href reltag>branding/a>, a href reltag>logo/a>, a href reltag>small press/a>, a href reltag>templates/a> /span> /div>!-- .entry-meta-icons --> /footer>!-- #entry-utility --> /article>!-- #post-356 --> article idpost-347 classcontent-default post-even post-order-8 post-347 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-new-releases category-print tag-anthology tag-charity tag-freakend-madness> header classentry-header> div classentry-hdr>h2 classentry-title> a href titlePermalink to Freakend Madness Volume 1 Released relbookmark>Freakend Madness Volume 1 Released/a>/h2>/div> div classentry-meta> div classmeta-info-wrap> span classsep posted-on>Posted on /span>a href title13:16 relbookmark>time classentry-date datetime2015-02-23T13:16:32-07:00>February 23, 2015/time>/a>span classby-author> span classsep> by /span> span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Villainous Press relauthor>Villainous Press/a>/span>/span>span classupdated>March 23, 2015/span> /div>!-- .entry-meta-icons --> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content cf>p>The charity anthology Freakend Madness was released on February 1, 2015. Edited by Villainous Press Senior Editor a href target_blank>Sam Knight/a>, with an afterword by Bram Stoker Award® Finalist a href target_blank>Guy Anthony De Marco/a>, this book will benefit Asbury House, a battered woman’s shelter in Fort Collins, Colorado./p>p>The original idea for this anthology came about from a bored author stuck in a hotel room. He put out a challenge to write a dark story in a single weekend. Many answered the call, but only a handful followed through. When the original author became unable to assemble the final stories into a finished anthology, Villainous Press was asked to take over the project. For many of the authors, this was a chance to go through a full editing experience and to receive some training on manuscripts and contracts./p>p>Freakend Madness will be a recurring charity anthology series to help new authors get published alongside their more experienced peers./p>h3>Freakend Madness, Volume 1br />122 pages, Print Edition/h3>ul>li>b>ISBN-10:/b> 1622252527/li>li>b>ISBN-13:/b> 9781622252527/li>/ul>p>Available on a href target_blank>Amazon/a>./p>p styletext-align: center;>a href>img loadinglazy class size-full wp-image-350 aligncenter src altFreakendMadnessCover-300dpi width404 height630 srcset 404w, 192w, 150w, 250w sizes(max-width: 404px) 100vw, 404px />/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-utility>div classmeta-info-wrap> span classcat-links>span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links>Posted in/span> a href relcategory tag>New Releases/a>, a href relcategory tag>Print/a> /span> span classsep> | /span> span classtag-links>span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links>Tagged/span> a href reltag>anthology/a>, a href reltag>charity/a>, a href reltag>Freakend Madness/a> /span> /div>!-- .entry-meta-icons --> /footer>!-- #entry-utility --> /article>!-- #post-347 --> article idpost-312 classcontent-default post-odd post-order-9 post-312 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-new-releases category-print tag-ancient-terrors tag-horror tag-new-release tag-news> header classentry-header> div classentry-hdr>h2 classentry-title> a href titlePermalink to Ancient Terrors Volume 3 relbookmark>Ancient Terrors Volume 3/a>/h2>/div> div classentry-meta> div classmeta-info-wrap> span classsep posted-on>Posted on /span>a href title08:33 relbookmark>time classentry-date datetime2013-12-19T08:33:22-07:00>December 19, 2013/time>/a>span classby-author> span classsep> by /span> span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Villainous Press relauthor>Villainous Press/a>/span>/span>span classupdated>December 19, 2013/span> /div>!-- .entry-meta-icons --> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content cf>p>Available now at bookstores and Amazon./p>p>strong styleline-height: 1.4em;>a href>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-full wp-image-285 altVPSS-ATv3 src width150 height150 />/a>/strong>/p>p>strong>Ancient Terrors (Volume 3)br />Edited by Guy Anthony De Marco/strong>/p>p>An anthology of atmospheric horror and creepy ghost stories./p>blockquote>p>Editor Guy Anthony De Marco selected a wide range of author styles for this volume. This is the third volume of an ongoing series of eerie horror and ghost stories. Look for additional volumes of Ancient Terrors in January 2014./p>/blockquote>p>ISBN: 978-1-62225-112-4/p>p>$12.95US/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-utility>div classmeta-info-wrap> span classcat-links>span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links>Posted in/span> a href relcategory tag>New Releases/a>, a href relcategory tag>Print/a> /span> span classsep> | /span> span classtag-links>span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links>Tagged/span> a href reltag>Ancient Terrors/a>, a href reltag>Horror/a>, a href reltag>New Release/a>, a href reltag>News/a> /span> /div>!-- .entry-meta-icons --> /footer>!-- #entry-utility --> /article>!-- #post-312 --> article idpost-310 classcontent-default post-even post-order-10 post-310 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-new-releases category-print tag-ancient-terrors tag-horror tag-new-release tag-news> header classentry-header> div classentry-hdr>h2 classentry-title> a href titlePermalink to Ancient Terrors Volume 2 relbookmark>Ancient Terrors Volume 2/a>/h2>/div> div classentry-meta> div classmeta-info-wrap> span classsep posted-on>Posted on /span>a href title08:31 relbookmark>time classentry-date datetime2013-12-19T08:31:30-07:00>December 19, 2013/time>/a>span classby-author> span classsep> by /span> span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Villainous Press relauthor>Villainous Press/a>/span>/span>span classupdated>December 19, 2013/span> /div>!-- .entry-meta-icons --> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content cf>p>a styleline-height: 1.4em; href>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-full wp-image-283 altVPSS-ATv2 src width150 height150 />/a>/p>p>Available now at bookstores and Amazon./p>p>strong styleline-height: 1.4em;>Ancient Terrors (Volume 2)/strong>/p>p>strong> Edited by Guy Anthony De Marco/strong>/p>p>span stylefont-style: italic; line-height: 1.4em;>An anthology of atmospheric horror and creepy ghost stories./span>/p>blockquote>p>Editor Guy Anthony De Marco selected a wide range of atmospheric stories for this volume. This is the second volume of an ongoing series of eerie horror and ghost stories. Look for additional volumes of Ancient Terrors in December 2013./p>/blockquote>p>ISBN: 978-1-62225-111-7/p>p>$12.95US/p>p>a href> /a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-utility>div classmeta-info-wrap> span classcat-links>span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links>Posted in/span> a href relcategory tag>New Releases/a>, a href relcategory tag>Print/a> /span> span classsep> | /span> span classtag-links>span classentry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links>Tagged/span> a href reltag>Ancient Terrors/a>, a href reltag>Horror/a>, a href reltag>New Release/a>, a href reltag>News/a> /span> /div>!-- .entry-meta-icons --> /footer>!-- #entry-utility --> /article>!-- #post-310 --> nav idnav-below> h3 classassistive-text>Post navigation/h3> div classnav-previous>a href >span classmeta-nav>←/span> Older posts/a>/div> div classnav-next>/div> /nav>div classweaver-clear>/div>!-- #nav-below --> /div>!-- #content --> /div>!-- #container --> /div>!-- #container_wrap --> div idsidebar_wrap_right classright-1-col equal_height> div idsidebar_primary classwidget-area weaver-clear rolecomplementary>aside idsearch-2 classwidget widget_search>form rolesearch stylebackground:transparent; methodget classsearchform action > label classscreen-reader-text fors>Search for:/label> input typesearch value names ids placeholderSearch Site /> input classsearchformimg typeimage src/wp-content/themes/weaver-ii-pro/images/search_button.gif altSearch /> /form>/aside>aside idmeteor-slides-widget-2 classwidget widget_meteor-slides-widget> div idmeteor-slideshow classmeteor-slides navnone> div classmeteor-clip> img stylevisibility: hidden; classmeteor-shim src alt /> div classmslide mslide-1> img width150 height150 src classattachment-featured-slide size-featured-slide wp-post-image alt loadinglazy titleVPSS-VAG /> /div>!-- .mslide --> div classmslide mslide-2> img width150 height150 src classattachment-featured-slide size-featured-slide wp-post-image alt loadinglazy titleVPSS-GGM /> /div>!-- .mslide --> div classmslide mslide-3> img width150 height150 src classattachment-featured-slide size-featured-slide wp-post-image alt loadinglazy titleVPSS-PAG /> /div>!-- .mslide --> div classmslide mslide-4> img width150 height150 src classattachment-featured-slide size-featured-slide wp-post-image alt loadinglazy titleVPSS-BISL /> /div>!-- .mslide --> div classmslide mslide-5> img width150 height150 src classattachment-featured-slide size-featured-slide wp-post-image alt loadinglazy titleVPSS-ATv3 /> /div>!-- .mslide --> /div>!-- .meteor-clip --> /div>!-- .meteor-slides --> /aside>aside idtext-3 classwidget widget_text>h3 classwidget-title>Newsletter Subscription/h3> div classtextwidget>To sign up for our newsletter, usually one per month, enter your email address below. 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