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columns-box ided-470896210>div classinner>div classed-element ed-text custom-theme ided-470896213>p>Nos especializamos en la seguridad de tu empresa con la activación, instalación y reparación de los sistemas de alarmas, CCTV, Controles de Acceso, Controles Vehiculares, audio y video porteros, sistemas de rondineros y accesorios para guardias de diversas marcas, siendo uno de los pocos INTEGRADORES de México, donde agrupamos varias soluciones y marcas entre sí./p>p>br>/p>p>A demás de contar con sistemas de seguridad Lógica en antivirus, sistemas de bloqueo de ataques cibernéticos, respaldos de información./p>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classed-element ed-container full-width ided-470895847>div classbackground>div classed-element ed-image wv-bg ided-470895850>div classbackground-image-holder ed-lazyload data-backgroundurl("/images/1920/5283929/photo-1519636125090-67a506cc7c74.jpg.jpeg") stylebackground-image: none;>/div>/div>/div>div classoverlay stylebackground-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 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36s-40 56 -40 89c0 26 11 51 27 73l19 26v-0c5 6 9 13 13 21c17 29 21 58 21 75h16v-112l-32 -64h17l31 64v112h32v-112l31 -64h17l-32 64v112h16c0 -17 4 -45 21 -75c8 -14 16 -25 24 -36c1 -1 1 -2 2 -3zM112 32v-16h64v16h-64zM96 -0v-16h96v16h-96zM96 -32v-16h96v16h-96z>/path>/svg>/div>div classed-element ed-container boxes-box-inner ided-470895910>div classinner>div classed-element ed-headline custom-theme ided-470895913>h3>energía/h3>/div>div classed-element ed-text custom-theme ided-470895916>p>Instalación y reparación de equipos de respaldo de energía, instalación de paneles solares de autoconsumo o de interconexión a la red, tierras físicas y cableado eléctrico./p>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classed-element ed-container boxes-box wv-overflow_visible ided-471644892>div classinner>div classed-element ed-icon boxes-icon ided-471644895>svg xmlns viewBox0 0 512 512 data-iconfa-light-cash-register preserveAspectRatioxMidYMid styleoverflow: hidden;>path dM272 32c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16V80c0 8.8 -7.2 16 -16 16H80c-8.8 0 -16 -7.2 -16 -16V48c0 -8.8 7.2 -16 16 -16H272zM80 0C53.5 0 32 21.5 32 48V80c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h80v32H87.5c-31.8 0 -58.9 23.4 -63.4 54.9L0.6 379.5c-0.4 3 -0.6 6 -0.6 9V448c0 35.3 28.7 64 64 64H448c35.3 0 64 -28.7 64 -64V388.5c0 -3 -0.2 -6.1 -0.6 -9L487.8 214.9c-4.5 -31.5 -31.5 -54.9 -63.4 -54.9H192V128h80c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48V48c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48H80zM32 448V416H480v32c0 17.7 -14.3 32 -32 32H64c-17.7 0 -32 -14.3 -32 -32zM456.2 219.5L479.7 384H32.3L55.8 219.5C58.1 203.7 71.6 192 87.5 192h337c15.9 0 29.4 11.7 31.7 27.5zM112 232a24 24 0 1 0 0 48 24 24 0 1 0 0 -48zm72 24a24 24 0 1 0 48 0 24 24 0 1 0 -48 0zm-24 56a24 24 0 1 0 0 48 24 24 0 1 0 0 -48zm120 -56a24 24 0 1 0 48 0 24 24 0 1 0 -48 0zm-24 56a24 24 0 1 0 0 48 24 24 0 1 0 0 -48zm120 -56a24 24 0 1 0 48 0 24 24 0 1 0 -48 0zm-24 56a24 24 0 1 0 0 48 24 24 0 1 0 0 -48z>/path>/svg>/div>div classed-element ed-container boxes-box-inner ided-471644898>div classinner>div classed-element ed-headline custom-theme ided-471644901>h3>POS/h3>/div>div classed-element ed-text custom-theme ided-471644904>p>Venta de programas RP, terminales y accesorios como cajones de dinero, lectoras de código de barras, impresoras, soluciones de auto pago./p>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classed-element ed-container boxes-box wv-overflow_visible ided-471644907>div classinner>div classed-element ed-icon boxes-icon ided-471644910>svg xmlns viewBox0 0 640 512 data-iconfa-regular-usb-drive preserveAspectRatioxMidYMid styleoverflow: hidden;>path dM64 144c-8.8 0 -16 7.2 -16 16V352c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16H400V144H64zM0 160c0 -35.3 28.7 -64 64 -64H416c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32V384c0 17.7 -14.3 32 -32 32H64c-35.3 0 -64 -28.7 -64 -64V160zm608 -32c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32V352c0 17.7 -14.3 32 -32 32H480V128H608zm-48 56a24 24 0 1 0 0 48 24 24 0 1 0 0 -48zM536 304a24 24 0 1 0 48 0 24 24 0 1 0 -48 0z>/path>/svg>/div>div classed-element ed-container boxes-box-inner ided-471644913>div classinner>div classed-element ed-headline custom-theme ided-471644916>h3>consumibles/h3>/div>div classed-element ed-text custom-theme ided-471644919>p>Venta de diversas marcas y tipos de consumibles como cintas, tóner, tintas, papel térmico, papel bond, memorias USB y SD/p>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classed-element ed-container boxes-box wv-overflow_visible ided-471644922>div classinner>div classed-element ed-icon boxes-icon ided-471644925>svg xmlns viewBox0 -735 1000 769 data-iconico-imac preserveAspectRatioxMidYMid styleoverflow: hidden;>path dM655.607 13.643s-17.315 -14.665 -26.84 -24.19c-9.53 -9.53 -12.11 -19.743 -12.11 -19.743l-7.536 -79.34H399.14l-7.57 79.374S388.968 -18.636 379.44 -9.11C369.91 0.423 352.586 14.46 352.586 14.46s-15.585 12.286 7.8 15.75c13.397 1.983 73.126 4.7 121.122 4.7h45.31c48.977 -0 107.68 -3.065 121.07 -5.05 23.39 -3.463 7.716 -16.22 7.716 -16.22zM978.907 -735H28.59C14.975 -735 0 -725.384 0 -711.635V-153.533C0 -139.783 14.974 -124.38 28.59 -124.38h950.317c13.62 -0 21.093 -15.404 21.093 -29.153v-558.102c0 -13.75 -7.473 -23.365 -21.093 -23.365zM958.702 -168.628H38.348v-522.124h920.354V-168.628z>/path>/svg>/div>div classed-element ed-container boxes-box-inner ided-471644928>div classinner>div classed-element ed-headline custom-theme ided-471644931>h3>computadoras/h3>/div>div classed-element ed-text custom-theme ided-471644934>p>Venta de equipo de computo de marca y caja blanca, especializado uso general o de desiño, en sistemas Windows, Mac, IOS, Android y Google, portátil y de escritorio, terminales tontas./p>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classed-element ed-container boxes-box wv-overflow_visible ided-471644937>div classinner>div classed-element ed-icon boxes-icon ided-471644940>svg xmlns viewBox0 -384 416 384 data-iconion-ion-ios-printer-outline preserveAspectRatioxMidYMid styleoverflow: hidden;>path dM384 -336c18 -0 32 13 32 31v159c0 18 -14 32 -32 32h-48v114h-256v-114h-48c-18 -0 -32 -14 -32 -32v-159c0 -18 14 -31 32 -31h32v-48h288v48h32zM80 -368v32h256v-32h-256zM320 -16v-192h-224v192h224zM400 -146v-159c0 -9 -7 -15 -16 -15v-0h-352c-9 -0 -16 6 -16 15v159c0 9 7 16 16 16h48v-94h256v94h48c9 -0 16 -7 16 -16z>/path>/svg>/div>div classed-element ed-container boxes-box-inner ided-471644943>div classinner>div classed-element ed-headline custom-theme ided-471644946>h3>impresoras/h3>/div>div classed-element ed-text custom-theme ided-471644949>p>Todo tipo de impresoras tanto de tinta, tinta continua, laser a color y mono, térmicas y de rollo, de matriz. Reparación de impresoras y equipo multifuncional así como varios modelos de copiadoras especializadas./p>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classed-element ed-container boxes-box wv-overflow_visible ided-471644952>div classinner>div classed-element ed-icon boxes-icon ided-471644955>svg xmlns viewBox0 -379 160 379 data-iconion-ion-paperclip preserveAspectRatioxMidYMid styleoverflow: hidden;>path dM149 -293c6 -0 11 5 11 12v195c0 28 -10 49 -24 63c-15 15 -36 23 -56 23c-40 -0 -80 -31 -80 -88v-234c0 -24 11 -44 29 -54s39 -11 57 -0s29 30 29 54l-1 225c0 13 -3 24 -9 32s-16 12 -25 12c-17 -0 -34 -15 -34 -44v-173c0 -6 6 -12 12 -12s11 6 11 12v173c0 14 5 21 11 21c2 -0 5 -2 7 -4c3 -4 5 -10 5 -17v-225c0 -15 -6 -28 -17 -34s-24 -6 -35 -0s-17 19 -17 34v234c0 44 29 64 57 64s57 -19 57 -63v-195c0 -6 6 -11 12 -11z>/path>/svg>/div>div classed-element ed-container boxes-box-inner ided-471644958>div classinner>div classed-element ed-headline custom-theme ided-471644961>h3>papelería/h3>/div>div classed-element ed-text custom-theme ided-471644964>p>A demás de los consumibles, suministramos papelería diversa para el funcionamiento de una empresa u oficina. Desde un clip hasta sillas o escritorios./p>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classed-element ed-container boxes-box wv-overflow_visible ided-472398524>div classinner>div classed-element ed-icon boxes-icon ided-472398527>svg xmlns viewBox0 0 576 512 data-iconfa-light-camera-cctv preserveAspectRatioxMidYMid styleoverflow: hidden;>path dM128 32L32 200 320 320 512 192 128 32zM100.2 16.1c8 -14 25.2 -19.9 40.1 -13.7l384 160c10.9 4.5 18.4 14.7 19.5 26.5s-4.3 23.2 -14.1 29.7l-192 128c-8.9 5.9 -20.2 7 -30.1 2.9l-85.6 -35.7L175 437.7c-2.4 6.2 -8.3 10.3 -15 10.3H32v48c0 8.8 -7.2 16 -16 16s-16 -7.2 -16 -16V432 368c0 -8.8 7.2 -16 16 -16s16 7.2 16 16v48H149l43.6 -114.4 -172.9 -72c-8.5 -3.5 -15 -10.5 -18 -19.2s-2 -18.2 2.5 -26.2l96 -168zM396.9 345.6l31.4 -20.9 83.3 37.9 27.6 -66.3 -41 -18.2 31.5 -21 36.7 16.3c7.9 3.5 11.6 12.8 8.3 20.8l-40 96c-3.3 8 -13.5 12 -21.4 8.4L396.9 345.6z>/path>/svg>/div>div classed-element ed-container boxes-box-inner ided-472398530>div classinner>div classed-element ed-headline custom-theme ided-472398533>h3>seguridad/h3>/div>div classed-element ed-text custom-theme ided-472398536>p>Contamos con el catálogo mas completo de CCTV, alarmas, sitemas Vs incendios. /p>/div>div classed-element ed-button custom-theme ided-474086623>a href/seguridad classbutton center titleSeguridad>saber mas/a>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classed-element ed-container boxes-box wv-overflow_visible ided-472398539>div classinner>div classed-element ed-icon boxes-icon ided-472398542>svg xmlns viewBox0 0 640 512 data-iconfa-duotone-person-walking-dashed-line-arrow-right preserveAspectRatioxMidYMid styleoverflow: hidden;>defs>/defs>path classfa-secondary d>/path>path classfa-primary dM392 0c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24V72c0 13.3-10.7 24-24 24s-24-10.7-24-24V24c0-13.3 10.7-24 24-24zM505.4 153.4c12.5-12.5 32.8-12.5 45.3 0l80 80c12.5 12.5 12.5 32.8 0 45.3l-80 80c-12.5 12.5-32.8 12.5-45.3 0s-12.5-32.8 0-45.3L530.7 288H384c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32H530.7l-25.4-25.4c-12.5-12.5-12.5-32.8 0-45.3zM416 152v16c0 13.3-10.7 24-24 24s-24-10.7-24-24V152c0-13.3 10.7-24 24-24s24 10.7 24 24zM392 320c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24v16c0 13.3-10.7 24-24 24s-24-10.7-24-24V344c0-13.3 10.7-24 24-24zm24 120v48c0 13.3-10.7 24-24 24s-24-10.7-24-24V440c0-13.3 10.7-24 24-24s24 10.7 24 24zM160 48a48 48 0 1 1 96 0 48 48 0 1 1 -96 0zM126.5 199.3c-1 .4-1.9 .8-2.9 1.2l-8 3.5c-16.4 7.3-29 21.2-34.7 38.2l-2.6 7.8c-5.6 16.8-23.7 25.8-40.5 20.2s-25.8-23.7-20.2-40.5l2.6-7.8c11.4-34.1 36.6-61.9 69.4-76.5l8-3.5c20.8-9.2 43.3-14 66.1-14c44.6 0 84.8 26.8 101.9 67.9L281 232.7l21.4 10.7c15.8 7.9 22.2 27.1 14.3 42.9s-27.1 22.2-42.9 14.3L247 287.3c-10.3-5.2-18.4-13.8-22.8-24.5l-9.6-23-19.3 65.5 49.5 54c5.4 5.9 9.2 13 11.2 20.8l23 92.1c4.3 17.1-6.1 34.5-23.3 38.8s-34.5-6.1-38.8-23.3l-22-88.1-70.7-77.1c-14.8-16.1-20.3-38.6-14.7-59.7l16.9-63.5zM68.7 398l25-62.4c2.1 3 4.5 5.8 7 8.6l40.7 44.4-14.5 36.2c-2.4 6-6 11.5-10.6 16.1L54.6 502.6c-12.5 12.5-32.8 12.5-45.3 0s-12.5-32.8 0-45.3L68.7 398z>/path>/svg>/div>div classed-element ed-container boxes-box-inner ided-472398545>div classinner>div classed-element ed-headline custom-theme ided-472398548>h3>control de acceso/h3>/div>div classed-element ed-text custom-theme ided-472398551>p>Manejamos relojes checadores, controles de acceso personal y controles vehiculares con amplia experiencia para empresas, reconocimiento vehicular y de Placas/p>/div>div classed-element ed-button custom-theme ided-472884242>a href/conotrol-de-acceso classbutton center titleControl de Acceso>saber mas/a>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classed-element ed-container boxes-box wv-overflow_visible ided-472492994>div classinner>div classed-element ed-icon boxes-icon ided-472493000>svg xmlns viewBox0 0 512 512 data-iconfa-light-cash-register preserveAspectRatioxMidYMid styleoverflow: hidden;>path dM272 32c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16V80c0 8.8 -7.2 16 -16 16H80c-8.8 0 -16 -7.2 -16 -16V48c0 -8.8 7.2 -16 16 -16H272zM80 0C53.5 0 32 21.5 32 48V80c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h80v32H87.5c-31.8 0 -58.9 23.4 -63.4 54.9L0.6 379.5c-0.4 3 -0.6 6 -0.6 9V448c0 35.3 28.7 64 64 64H448c35.3 0 64 -28.7 64 -64V388.5c0 -3 -0.2 -6.1 -0.6 -9L487.8 214.9c-4.5 -31.5 -31.5 -54.9 -63.4 -54.9H192V128h80c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48V48c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48H80zM32 448V416H480v32c0 17.7 -14.3 32 -32 32H64c-17.7 0 -32 -14.3 -32 -32zM456.2 219.5L479.7 384H32.3L55.8 219.5C58.1 203.7 71.6 192 87.5 192h337c15.9 0 29.4 11.7 31.7 27.5zM112 232a24 24 0 1 0 0 48 24 24 0 1 0 0 -48zm72 24a24 24 0 1 0 48 0 24 24 0 1 0 -48 0zm-24 56a24 24 0 1 0 0 48 24 24 0 1 0 0 -48zm120 -56a24 24 0 1 0 48 0 24 24 0 1 0 -48 0zm-24 56a24 24 0 1 0 0 48 24 24 0 1 0 0 -48zm120 -56a24 24 0 1 0 48 0 24 24 0 1 0 -48 0zm-24 56a24 24 0 1 0 0 48 24 24 0 1 0 0 -48z>/path>/svg>/div>div classed-element ed-container boxes-box-inner ided-472493003>div classinner>div classed-element ed-headline custom-theme ided-472493006>h3>CAJONES DE DINERO/h3>/div>div classed-element ed-text custom-theme ided-472493009>p>Sistemas de auto pago, eficientando el flujo de efectivo asi como avitando la perdida de dinero por malos manejos o distracciones/p>/div>div classed-element ed-button custom-theme ided-472492997>a href/cashprotect classbutton center titleCash Protect World MX relalternate>Saber mas/a>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classed-element ed-container full-width ided-470895919>div classbackground>div classed-element ed-image wv-bg ided-470895922>div classbackground-image-holder ed-lazyload data-backgroundurl("/images/1920/5284071/pexels-photo-196644.jpeg") stylebackground-image: none;>/div>/div>/div>div classoverlay stylebackground-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.506);>/div>div classinner>div classed-element ed-container preset-separator-v3-reverse full-width ided-470895925>div classinner data-parallax-amount50>div classed-element ed-html separator-container ided-470895928>svg classdouble-triangle xmlns version1.1 width100% height100 viewBox0 0 100 100 preserveAspectRationone>path classpath1 dM0 0 L50 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Z>/path>path classpath2 dM50 100 L100 40 L100 0 Z>/path>path classpath3 dM0 40 L50 100 L0 0 Z>/path>/svg> svg classcircle xmlns version1.1 width100% height100 viewBox0 0 100 100 preserveAspectRationone>path classpath1 dM0 100 C40 0 60 0 100 100 Z>/path>/svg>svg classpolygon1 width100% height100% viewBox0 0 1280 140 preserveAspectRationone xmlns> path classpath1 dM0 70.35l320-49.24 640 98.49 320-49.25V140H0V70.35z>/path>/svg>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classed-element ed-container wv-boxed wv-spacer ided-470896030>div classinner>div classed-element ed-container wv-boxed wv-spacer preset-text-with-image-v3-boxed ided-470896033>div classinner>div classed-element ed-image text-with-image-image style /* text-align: center; */ width: 30%; ided-470896036>img srcdata:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20width100%20viewBox0%200%20100%20Infinity%20xmlns alt styleobject-fit: cover; data-src/images/0/3007023/pexels-photo-860379.jpeg classed-lazyload srcset/images/0/3007023/pexels-photo-860379.jpeg 0w, 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productividad./li>/ul>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classed-element ed-container wv-boxed wv-spacer preset-text-with-image-v3-boxed ided-470896048>div classinner>div classed-element ed-container text-with-image-box ided-470896051>div classinner>div classed-element ed-headline custom-theme ided-470896054>h3>span classcolor-default>seguridad logica y fisica/span>/h3>/div>div classed-element ed-text custom-theme ided-470896057>ul idisPasted>li>Implementamos seguridad a empresas que no están conscientes de sus riesgos, colocando sistemas de control de ingreso y checadores para su personal facilitando sus nóminas, seguido de un sistemas de CCTV para rastrear robos, damos de mercancías y evidencias de negligencias laborales, todo protegido al no estar con sistemas alarmas que protegen el negocio de intrusiones, toda la información de sus clientes facturas y finanzas protegidas por servidores siempre actualizados con sistemas de comunicación privados o VPN./li>/ul>/div>/div>/div>div 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creando correos corporativos con respaldos en los servidores, ampliando las líneas de comunicación telefónicas con conmutadores telefónicos o en su caso ampliando las sucursales con comunicación IP o radios de frecuencia privada./li>/ul>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classed-element ed-container wv-boxed wv-spacer preset-text-with-image-v3-boxed ided-470896078>div classinner>div classed-element ed-container text-with-image-box ided-470896081>div classinner>div classed-element ed-headline custom-theme ided-470896084>h3>span classcolor-default>soluciones de software/span>/h3>/div>div classed-element ed-text custom-theme ided-470896087>ul idisPasted>li>Hacemos programas para aplicaciones especiales como envio masivo de correos, adaptaciones de sistemas de RP, interconexiones a sistemas existentes de control de inventarios, sistemas de administración y contabilidad a la medida, portales de venta./li>/ul>/div>/div>/div>div classed-element ed-image text-with-image-image style /* text-align: 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