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Tin tức Việt Nam, thế giới về xã hội, kinh doanh, pháp luật, khoa học, công nghệ, sức khoẻ, đời sống, văn hóa, rao vặt, ... />meta namekeywords contentHome,Tin nhanh, cập nhật, báo điện tử, việt báo, tin việt, VietNews, Kinhte, Kinh te, Kinhdoanh, mua bán, rao vặt, tư vấn,việc làm,Hà Nội,Sài Gòn,tin tức,Huế,Đà Nẵng,VDC,Netnam,Saigonnet,Sggp,VET,Nhân dân,Lao động,Kinh tế,Kinh doanh,Tin nhanh,cap nhat,bao />meta namenews_keywords contentHome,Tin nhanh, cập nhật, báo điện tử, việt báo, tin việt, VietNews, Kinhte, Kinh te, Kinhdoanh, mua bán, rao vặt, tư vấn,việc làm,Hà Nội,Sài Gòn,tin tức,Huế,Đà Nẵng,VDC,Netnam,Saigonnet,Sggp,VET,Nhân dân,Lao động,Kinh tế,Kinh doanh,Tin nhanh,cap nhat,bao />meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetutf-8 />meta namerobots contentnoodp,max-image-preview:large,index,follow />meta namepagegen content29-03-2025 08:09:54 />meta namecopyright contentCopyright (c) by />meta nameauthor contentVIETNAM ECONOMIC NEWS />meta http-equivaudience contentGeneral />meta nameresource-type contentDocument />meta namedistribution contentGlobal />meta namerevisit-after content1 days />meta nameGENERATOR content />meta propertyfb:admins content100000170835517 />meta propertyfb:app_id content256691024665615 /> meta propertyog:locale contentvi_VN />meta propertyog:type content />meta propertyog:url content />meta propertyog:site_name contentVIETNAM ECONOMIC NEWS />meta propertyog:title contentVIETNAM ECONOMIC NEWS | VIETNAM ECONOMIC NEWS />meta propertyog:image contentstores/tpl_site_cfg_logo/2023/012023/03/08/logo-venvn20230103082653.png?rt20230103082653 />meta propertyog:image:width content1200 />meta propertyog:image:height content630 />meta propertyog:description contentThông tin nhanh, mới nhất được cập nhật hàng giờ. Tin tức Việt Nam, thế giới về xã hội, kinh doanh, pháp luật, khoa học, công nghệ, sức khoẻ, đời sống, văn hóa, rao vặt, ... />meta propertyarticle:section contentHome Page />meta propertyarticle:tag contentHome,Tin nhanh, cập nhật, báo điện tử, việt báo, tin việt, VietNews, Kinhte, Kinh te, Kinhdoanh, mua bán, rao vặt, tư vấn,việc làm,Hà Nội,Sài Gòn,tin tức,Huế,Đà Nẵng,VDC,Netnam,Saigonnet,Sggp,VET,Nhân dân,Lao động,Kinh tế,Kinh doanh,Tin nhanh,cap nhat,bao />meta propertyarticle:published_time content />meta propertyog:updated_time content /> meta nameapplication-name contentVIETNAM ECONOMIC NEWS />meta http-equivX-UA-Compatible contentIEedge />meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width />link relalternate href hreflangvi-vn/>link relcanonical href />link relalternate typeapplication/rss+xml titleRSS Feed for VIETNAM ECONOMIC NEWS href />!-- favicon -->link relapple-touch-icon sizes57x57 href/modules/frontend/themes/ven/images/favicon/apple-icon-57x57.png?v2.620240727075605 />link 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FDI enterprises to ease difficulties>Dong Nai holds dialogue with FDI enterprises to ease difficulties/a> a href titleVietnam-Canada Business Association expands operation>Vietnam-Canada Business Association expands operation/a> a href titleEarthquake triggers emergency in Thailand, sparks widespread tremors in regional countries>Earthquake triggers emergency in Thailand, sparks widespread tremors in regional countries/a> a href titleSymposium discusses ways to encourage womens engagement in science-technology>Symposium discusses ways to encourage womens engagement in science-technology/a> /marquee> /div> div classrt> a classhna-ico-btn hna-ico-facebook lt href target_blank relnoopener>/a> a classhna-ico-btn hna-ico-tiktok lt href target_blank relnoopener>/a> a classhna-ico-btn hna-ico-tel lt hreftel:0249366400>/a> a classhna-ico-btn hna-ico-youtube lt href target_blank relnoopener>/a> /div> /div>/div> div classhna-qc-full-center fw clearfix stylemargin-top: 28px;> div classsiteCenter clearfix> script async src crossoriginanonymous>/script>!-- Ven-Top-banner-1 -->ins classadsbygoogle styledisplay:inline-block;width:728px;height:90px data-ad-clientca-pub-8008827448533365 data-ad-slot5416622440>/ins>script> (adsbygoogle window.adsbygoogle || ).push({});/script> /div> /div> main idmain classfw clearfix> div classmain-body fw lt cleafix> div classsiteCenter clearfix> div classbox-grid-cover fw lt clearfix> div classhna-cover-left lt> div classbx-cat-content fw lt clearfix> div classhna-ven-cover-slider> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleState President hosts welcome ceremony for Brazilian counterpart> img classmastercms_lazyload src altState President hosts welcome ceremony for Brazilian counterpart /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleState President hosts welcome ceremony for Brazilian counterpart> State President hosts welcome ceremony for Brazilian counterpart /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>14:57 | 28/03/2025/span> a classarticle-cat href>News and Events/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>President Lula da Silva is paying a state visit to Vietnam from March 27-29 at the invitation of President Cuong, marking his second visit to Vietnam after the first trip in 2008./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titlePrime Minister welcomes Skoda Auto’s support for Vietnam’s automobile industry> img classmastercms_lazyload src altPrime Minister welcomes Skoda Auto’s support for Vietnam’s automobile industry /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titlePrime Minister welcomes Skoda Auto’s support for Vietnam’s automobile industry> Prime Minister welcomes Skoda Auto’s support for Vietnam’s automobile industry /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>08:46 | 28/03/2025/span> a classarticle-cat href>News and Events/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh expressed his hope that the Czech Republic’s Skoda Auto a.s. would help develop Vietnam’s automotive industry ecosystem at a reception in Hanoi on March 27 for its Chairman and CEO Klaus Zellmer./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleBrazilian President begins state visit to Vietnam> img classmastercms_lazyload src altBrazilian President begins state visit to Vietnam /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleBrazilian President begins state visit to Vietnam> Brazilian President begins state visit to Vietnam /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>08:42 | 28/03/2025/span> a classarticle-cat href>News and Events/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva arrived in Hanoi on March 27 afternoon, beginning his three-day state visit to Vietnam at the invitation of State President Luong Cuong./div> /div> /div> /div> script> $(document).ready(function(e) { $(.hna-ven-cover-slider).bxSlider({minSlides: 1,maxSlides: 1,moveSlides: 1,slideMargin: 0,prevText: i classfa fa-caret-left>/i>,nextText: i classfa fa-caret-right>/i>,speed: 500,controls: true,pager: false,auto: true,touchEnabled: false,pause: 6000}); }); /script> /div> div classhna-cover-right rt> div classhna-cover-spotlight fw mb3 clearfix> div classbx-cat-content fw lt clearfix> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleAddressing bottlenecks in Vietnam’s rice industry> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altAddressing bottlenecks in Vietnam’s rice industry /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleAddressing bottlenecks in Vietnam’s rice industry> Addressing bottlenecks in Vietnam’s rice industry /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>19:02 | 28/03/2025/span> a classarticle-cat href>Society/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>To enhance the competitiveness of rice and fully leverage its potential, experts believe Vietnam must improve rice quality and establish a strong, distinctive brand in the global market./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleDong Nai holds dialogue with FDI enterprises to ease difficulties> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altDong Nai holds dialogue with FDI enterprises to ease difficulties /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleDong Nai holds dialogue with FDI enterprises to ease difficulties> Dong Nai holds dialogue with FDI enterprises to ease difficulties /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>17:16 | 28/03/2025/span> a classarticle-cat href>Economy/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>At the event, businesses raised concerns related to value-added tax refunds, increased land rental costs, reduced LNG supply, labour shortages, the issuance of construction ownership certificates, and environmental hygiene and traffic safety on roads within industrial zones./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleVietnam-Canada Business Association expands operation> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altVietnam-Canada Business Association expands operation /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleVietnam-Canada Business Association expands operation> Vietnam-Canada Business Association expands operation /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>17:10 | 28/03/2025/span> a classarticle-cat href>Cooperation/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>The establishment of the Eastern Chapter not only marks a significant step in the Vietnam-Canada Business Associations growth but also addresses the rising demand for networking and collaboration among Vietnamese and Canadian entrepreneurs in the region./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleEarthquake triggers emergency in Thailand, sparks widespread tremors in regional countries> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altEarthquake triggers emergency in Thailand, sparks widespread tremors in regional countries /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleEarthquake triggers emergency in Thailand, sparks widespread tremors in regional countries> Earthquake triggers emergency in Thailand, sparks widespread tremors in regional countries /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>17:01 | 28/03/2025/span> a classarticle-cat href>Environment/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>A 30-story building under construction in Bangkok collapsed, trapping at least 43 workers./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleSymposium discusses ways to encourage womens engagement in science-technology> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altSymposium discusses ways to encourage womens engagement in science-technology /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleSymposium discusses ways to encourage womens engagement in science-technology> Symposium discusses ways to encourage womens engagement in science-technology /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>16:59 | 28/03/2025/span> a classarticle-cat href>Science - Technology/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>Tuyen stressed that the VWU has been carrying out practical activities to encourage women’s engagement in science and technology development, including promoting the establishment of the Vietnam Association for Intellectual Women, issuing a resolution on supporting women’s international integration by 2030, and launching initiatives like the Kovalevskaia Awards to encourage scientific research, innovation, startup and participation in digital economy and society among women./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleBinh Dinh approves 62 investment projects worth over 9 billion USD> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altBinh Dinh approves 62 investment projects worth over 9 billion USD /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleBinh Dinh approves 62 investment projects worth over 9 billion USD> Binh Dinh approves 62 investment projects worth over 9 billion USD /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>16:54 | 28/03/2025/span> a classarticle-cat href>Economy/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>With a sound investment climate, Binh Dinh has become an attractive destination for investors, positioning itself as one of the most dynamic economic hubs in the country, and a leading development province in the region./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleOver 6.2 billion USD needed for expanding North-South expressway> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altOver 6.2 billion USD needed for expanding North-South expressway /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleOver 6.2 billion USD needed for expanding North-South expressway> Over 6.2 billion USD needed for expanding North-South expressway /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>16:50 | 28/03/2025/span> a classarticle-cat href>Society/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>The Ministry of Construction has proposed expanding the 1,144-km eastern wing of North-South expressway from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City from four to six lanes, at an estimated cost of 152.1 trillion VND (around 6.2 billion USD)./div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classhna-qc-center-full fw lt mb2 clearfix> div classsiteCenter clearfix> div classhna-banner-slider cleafix> div classhna-banner-item> img src stylevertical-align:middle; altcong-ty-cp-vedan-viet-nam width900 height/> /div> div classhna-banner-item> img src stylevertical-align:middle; alttong-cong-ty-khi-viet-nam-pv-gas width900 height/> /div> div classhna-banner-item> img src stylevertical-align:middle; alttong-cong-ty-dien-luc-dau-khi-viet-nam width900 height90/> /div> /div> /div> /div> div idhna-for-event classmain-body fw lt mb2 clearfix> div classsiteCenter clearfix> div classhna-for-event fw lt clearfix> div classbx-cat-title fw lt mb3> h2 classbx-cat-name f3 lt> span classbx-cat-link>Highlights/span> /h2> /div> div classbx-cat-content fw lt> div classhna-for-u-slider> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleAddressing bottlenecks in Vietnam’s rice industry> img classmastercms_lazyload src altAddressing bottlenecks in Vietnam’s rice industry /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleAddressing bottlenecks in Vietnam’s rice industry> Addressing bottlenecks in Vietnam’s rice industry /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>19:02/span> | span classformat_date>28/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Society/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>To enhance the competitiveness of rice and fully leverage its potential, experts believe Vietnam must improve rice quality and establish a strong, distinctive brand in the global market./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleDong Nai holds dialogue with FDI enterprises to ease difficulties> img classmastercms_lazyload src altDong Nai holds dialogue with FDI enterprises to ease difficulties /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleDong Nai holds dialogue with FDI enterprises to ease difficulties> Dong Nai holds dialogue with FDI enterprises to ease difficulties /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>17:16/span> | span classformat_date>28/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Economy/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>At the event, businesses raised concerns related to value-added tax refunds, increased land rental costs, reduced LNG supply, labour shortages, the issuance of construction ownership certificates, and environmental hygiene and traffic safety on roads within industrial zones./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleVietnam-Canada Business Association expands operation> img classmastercms_lazyload src altVietnam-Canada Business Association expands operation /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleVietnam-Canada Business Association expands operation> Vietnam-Canada Business Association expands operation /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>17:10/span> | span classformat_date>28/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Cooperation/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>The establishment of the Eastern Chapter not only marks a significant step in the Vietnam-Canada Business Associations growth but also addresses the rising demand for networking and collaboration among Vietnamese and Canadian entrepreneurs in the region./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleEarthquake triggers emergency in Thailand, sparks widespread tremors in regional countries> img classmastercms_lazyload src altEarthquake triggers emergency in Thailand, sparks widespread tremors in regional countries /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleEarthquake triggers emergency in Thailand, sparks widespread tremors in regional countries> Earthquake triggers emergency in Thailand, sparks widespread tremors in regional countries /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>17:01/span> | span classformat_date>28/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Environment/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>A 30-story building under construction in Bangkok collapsed, trapping at least 43 workers./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleSymposium discusses ways to encourage womens engagement in science-technology> img classmastercms_lazyload src altSymposium discusses ways to encourage womens engagement in science-technology /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleSymposium discusses ways to encourage womens engagement in science-technology> Symposium discusses ways to encourage womens engagement in science-technology /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>16:59/span> | span classformat_date>28/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Science - Technology/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>Tuyen stressed that the VWU has been carrying out practical activities to encourage women’s engagement in science and technology development, including promoting the establishment of the Vietnam Association for Intellectual Women, issuing a resolution on supporting women’s international integration by 2030, and launching initiatives like the Kovalevskaia Awards to encourage scientific research, innovation, startup and participation in digital economy and society among women./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleBinh Dinh approves 62 investment projects worth over 9 billion USD> img classmastercms_lazyload src altBinh Dinh approves 62 investment projects worth over 9 billion USD /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleBinh Dinh approves 62 investment projects worth over 9 billion USD> Binh Dinh approves 62 investment projects worth over 9 billion USD /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>16:54/span> | span classformat_date>28/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Economy/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>With a sound investment climate, Binh Dinh has become an attractive destination for investors, positioning itself as one of the most dynamic economic hubs in the country, and a leading development province in the region./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleOver 6.2 billion USD needed for expanding North-South expressway> img classmastercms_lazyload src altOver 6.2 billion USD needed for expanding North-South expressway /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleOver 6.2 billion USD needed for expanding North-South expressway> Over 6.2 billion USD needed for expanding North-South expressway /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>16:50/span> | span classformat_date>28/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Society/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>The Ministry of Construction has proposed expanding the 1,144-km eastern wing of North-South expressway from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City from four to six lanes, at an estimated cost of 152.1 trillion VND (around 6.2 billion USD)./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleBelgian King’s visit to Vietnam to open up new cooperation opportunities: Ambassador> img classmastercms_lazyload src altBelgian King’s visit to Vietnam to open up new cooperation opportunities: Ambassador /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleBelgian King’s visit to Vietnam to open up new cooperation opportunities: Ambassador> Belgian King’s visit to Vietnam to open up new cooperation opportunities: Ambassador /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>16:34/span> | span classformat_date>28/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Cooperation/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>Over the past 50 years, the relationship between Vietnam and Belgium has achieved significant accomplishments in various fields. However, the potential for bilateral cooperation remains huge, according to Vietnamese Ambassador to Belgium Nguyen Van Thao./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleTuna exports hit record high but face major regulatory barriers> img classmastercms_lazyload src altTuna exports hit record high but face major regulatory barriers /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleTuna exports hit record high but face major regulatory barriers> Tuna exports hit record high but face major regulatory barriers /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>16:25/span> | span classformat_date>28/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Trade/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>Statistics from Vietnam Customs show that the value of tuna exports in February reached nearly 73 million USD, which marks a 41% increase on-year and the highest level for the same period over the past five years./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleState President hosts welcome ceremony for Brazilian counterpart> img classmastercms_lazyload src altState President hosts welcome ceremony for Brazilian counterpart /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleState President hosts welcome ceremony for Brazilian counterpart> State President hosts welcome ceremony for Brazilian counterpart /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>14:57/span> | span classformat_date>28/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>News and Events/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>President Lula da Silva is paying a state visit to Vietnam from March 27-29 at the invitation of President Cuong, marking his second visit to Vietnam after the first trip in 2008./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleQuang Ngai seaport system requires over 420 mln USD in investment by 2030> img classmastercms_lazyload src altQuang Ngai seaport system requires over 420 mln USD in investment by 2030 /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleQuang Ngai seaport system requires over 420 mln USD in investment by 2030> Quang Ngai seaport system requires over 420 mln USD in investment by 2030 /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>11:09/span> | span classformat_date>28/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Investment/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>The seaport system in the central province of Quang Ngai will need about 10.83 trillion VND (423.54 million USD) in investment by 2030, according to the detailed development plan for local seaport land and water areas for the 2021–2030 period, with a vision to 2050./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleVietnam, Indonesia strengthen partnership, friendship> img classmastercms_lazyload src altVietnam, Indonesia strengthen partnership, friendship /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleVietnam, Indonesia strengthen partnership, friendship> Vietnam, Indonesia strengthen partnership, friendship /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>10:52/span> | span classformat_date>28/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Cooperation/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>The Vietnam-Indonesia Friendship Association (VIFA) and the Indonesian Embassy in Vietnam on March 27 held a seminar on cooperation and friendship between the two countries./div> /div> /div> /div> script> $(document).ready(function(e) { $(.hna-for-u-slider).bxSlider({slideWidth: 280,minSlides: 4,maxSlides: 4,moveSlides: 4,slideMargin: 25,prevText: i classfa fa-caret-left>/i>,nextText: i classfa fa-caret-right>/i>,speed: 500,controls: true,pager: true,auto: true,touchEnabled: false,pause: 6000}); }); /script> /div> /div> /div> div classhna-qc-full-center fw lt mb3 clearfix> div classsiteCenter clearfix> div classhna-banner-slider cleafix> div classhna-banner-item> img src stylevertical-align:middle; altdam-phu-my width900 height90/> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classmain-body fw lt clearfix> div classsiteCenter clearfix> div classbx-cat bx-cat-special fw lt mb3 clearfix> div classbx-cat-title fw lt mb> h2 classbx-cat-name f2 lt> a classbx-cat-link href>News & Events/a> /h2> /div> div classbx-cat-content fw lt> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleState President hosts welcome ceremony for Brazilian counterpart> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altState President hosts welcome ceremony for Brazilian counterpart /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleState President hosts welcome ceremony for Brazilian counterpart> State President hosts welcome ceremony for Brazilian counterpart /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>14:57 | 28/03/2025/span> a classarticle-cat href>News and Events/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>President Lula da Silva is paying a state visit to Vietnam from March 27-29 at the invitation of President Cuong, marking his second visit to Vietnam after the first trip in 2008./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titlePrime Minister welcomes Skoda Auto’s support for Vietnam’s automobile industry> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altPrime Minister welcomes Skoda Auto’s support for Vietnam’s automobile industry /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titlePrime Minister welcomes Skoda Auto’s support for Vietnam’s automobile industry> Prime Minister welcomes Skoda Auto’s support for Vietnam’s automobile industry /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>08:46 | 28/03/2025/span> a classarticle-cat href>News and Events/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh expressed his hope that the Czech Republic’s Skoda Auto a.s. would help develop Vietnam’s automotive industry ecosystem at a reception in Hanoi on March 27 for its Chairman and CEO Klaus Zellmer./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleBrazilian President begins state visit to Vietnam> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altBrazilian President begins state visit to Vietnam /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleBrazilian President begins state visit to Vietnam> Brazilian President begins state visit to Vietnam /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>08:42 | 28/03/2025/span> a classarticle-cat href>News and Events/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva arrived in Hanoi on March 27 afternoon, beginning his three-day state visit to Vietnam at the invitation of State President Luong Cuong./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titlePM welcomes newly-appointed Austrian Ambassador to Vietnam> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altPM welcomes newly-appointed Austrian Ambassador to Vietnam /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titlePM welcomes newly-appointed Austrian Ambassador to Vietnam> PM welcomes newly-appointed Austrian Ambassador to Vietnam /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>09:16 | 27/03/2025/span> a classarticle-cat href>News and Events/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh hosted a reception in Hanoi on March 26 evening for newly-appointed Austrian Ambassador to Vietnam Philipp Agathonos./div> /div> /div> /div> div classhna-qc-center fw lt mb3 clearfix styletext-align: center;> div classsiteCenter clearfix> div classhna-banner-slider cleafix> /div> /div> /div> div classbx-cat bx-cat-special fw lt mb3 clearfix> div classbx-cat-title fw lt mb> h2 classbx-cat-name f2 lt> a classbx-cat-link href>Economy/a> /h2> /div> div classbx-cat-content fw lt> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleDong Nai holds dialogue with FDI enterprises to ease difficulties> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altDong Nai holds dialogue with FDI enterprises to ease difficulties /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleDong Nai holds dialogue with FDI enterprises to ease difficulties> Dong Nai holds dialogue with FDI enterprises to ease difficulties /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>17:16 | 28/03/2025/span> a classarticle-cat href>Economy/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>At the event, businesses raised concerns related to value-added tax refunds, increased land rental costs, reduced LNG supply, labour shortages, the issuance of construction ownership certificates, and environmental hygiene and traffic safety on roads within industrial zones./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleBinh Dinh approves 62 investment projects worth over 9 billion USD> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altBinh Dinh approves 62 investment projects worth over 9 billion USD /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleBinh Dinh approves 62 investment projects worth over 9 billion USD> Binh Dinh approves 62 investment projects worth over 9 billion USD /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>16:54 | 28/03/2025/span> a classarticle-cat href>Economy/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>With a sound investment climate, Binh Dinh has become an attractive destination for investors, positioning itself as one of the most dynamic economic hubs in the country, and a leading development province in the region./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleSteel industry must brace for new EU trade measures> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altSteel industry must brace for new EU trade measures /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleSteel industry must brace for new EU trade measures> Steel industry must brace for new EU trade measures /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>22:25 | 27/03/2025/span> a classarticle-cat href>Economy/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>Vietnam’s steel and aluminum manufacturers and exporters should reassess their production and export activities to the European Union (EU) while closely monitoring market developments to formulate timely response strategies if necessary./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleVGMF 2025 boosts cooperation in smart manufacturing> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altVGMF 2025 boosts cooperation in smart manufacturing /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleVGMF 2025 boosts cooperation in smart manufacturing> VGMF 2025 boosts cooperation in smart manufacturing /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>17:09 | 27/03/2025/span> a classarticle-cat href>Economy/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>VGMF 2025 connects businesses with partners, showcases technological trends, and provides insights into Vietnam’s latest policies on investment, industry, and digital transformation./div> /div> /div> /div> div classbx-cat bx-cat-special fw lt mb3 clearfix> div classbx-cat-title fw lt mb> h2 classbx-cat-name f2 lt> a classbx-cat-link href>Cooperation/a> /h2> /div> div classbx-cat-content fw lt> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleVietnam-Canada Business Association expands operation> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altVietnam-Canada Business Association expands operation /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleVietnam-Canada Business Association expands operation> Vietnam-Canada Business Association expands operation /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>17:10 | 28/03/2025/span> a classarticle-cat href>Cooperation/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>The establishment of the Eastern Chapter not only marks a significant step in the Vietnam-Canada Business Associations growth but also addresses the rising demand for networking and collaboration among Vietnamese and Canadian entrepreneurs in the region./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleBelgian King’s visit to Vietnam to open up new cooperation opportunities: Ambassador> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altBelgian King’s visit to Vietnam to open up new cooperation opportunities: Ambassador /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleBelgian King’s visit to Vietnam to open up new cooperation opportunities: Ambassador> Belgian King’s visit to Vietnam to open up new cooperation opportunities: Ambassador /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>16:34 | 28/03/2025/span> a classarticle-cat href>Cooperation/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>Over the past 50 years, the relationship between Vietnam and Belgium has achieved significant accomplishments in various fields. However, the potential for bilateral cooperation remains huge, according to Vietnamese Ambassador to Belgium Nguyen Van Thao./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleVietnam, Indonesia strengthen partnership, friendship> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altVietnam, Indonesia strengthen partnership, friendship /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleVietnam, Indonesia strengthen partnership, friendship> Vietnam, Indonesia strengthen partnership, friendship /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>10:52 | 28/03/2025/span> a classarticle-cat href>Cooperation/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>The Vietnam-Indonesia Friendship Association (VIFA) and the Indonesian Embassy in Vietnam on March 27 held a seminar on cooperation and friendship between the two countries./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleVietnam, China forge ahead with transport cooperation> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altVietnam, China forge ahead with transport cooperation /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleVietnam, China forge ahead with transport cooperation> Vietnam, China forge ahead with transport cooperation /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>16:06 | 26/03/2025/span> a classarticle-cat href>Cooperation/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>From late 2023 to December 2024, the Vietnamese Ministry of Transport (now the Ministry of Construction - MoC), China’s National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), and the China International Development Cooperation Agency (CIDCA) signed six documents to advance the construction of railways linking the two nations./div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classhna-qc-full-center fw lt mb3 clearfix> div classsiteCenter clearfix> script async src crossoriginanonymous>/script>!-- Ven-middle-banner-1 -->ins classadsbygoogle styledisplay:inline-block;width:728px;height:90px data-ad-clientca-pub-8008827448533365 data-ad-slot7008125463>/ins>script> (adsbygoogle window.adsbygoogle || ).push({});/script> /div> /div> div classhna-multimedia fw lt mb3 clearfix> div classsiteCenter clearfix> div classhna-multimedia-title fw lt mb2> h2 classbx-cat-name lt f6> span classbx-cat-link>Multimedia/span> /h2> div classhna-multimedia-sub lt f5> a classhna-multimedia-video href>Video/a> a classhna-multimedia-emag href>Longform/a> a classhna-multimedia-info href>Infographic/a> a classhna-multimedia-photo href>Photo/a> /div> /div> div classbx-cat-content fw lt> div classarticle> a classarticle-image hrefvietnam-singapore-comprehensive-strategic-partnership-57097.html titleVietnam – Singapore Comprehensive Strategic Partnership> img classmastercms_lazyload src altvietnam singapore comprehensive strategic partnership /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 hrefvietnam-singapore-comprehensive-strategic-partnership-57097.html titleVietnam – Singapore Comprehensive Strategic Partnership> Vietnam – Singapore Comprehensive Strategic Partnership /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>16:03/span> | span classformat_date>26/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Infographic/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>At the invitation of Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and his spouse, Singaporean Prime Minister Lawrence Wong and his spouse will pay an official visit to Vietnam on 25-26 March 2025. The two countries established diplomatic ties in 1973, upgraded to a Strategic Partnership in 2013, and further elevated relations to a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership in March 2025. This new framework strengthens political trust, expands cooperation, and sets a model for international partnerships based on mutual respect, sovereignty, and international law./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image hrefprivate-sector-contributes-about-51-of-gdp-57068.html titlePrivate sector contributes about 51% of GDP> img classmastercms_lazyload src altprivate sector contributes about 51 of gdp /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 hrefprivate-sector-contributes-about-51-of-gdp-57068.html titlePrivate sector contributes about 51% of GDP> Private sector contributes about 51% of GDP /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>16:08/span> | span classformat_date>24/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Infographic/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>With nearly one million enterprises and approximately five million individual business households, the private economic sector plays a crucial role in Vietnams economy. It currently contributes 51% of GDP, generates over 30% of state budget revenue, and provides employment for more than 40 million people, accounting for 82% of the total workforce./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image hrefby-2025-localities-nationwide-assigned-to-complete-100275-social-housing-units-57037.html titleBy 2025, localities nationwide assigned to complete 100,275 social housing units> img classmastercms_lazyload src altby 2025 localities nationwide assigned to complete 100275 social housing units /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 hrefby-2025-localities-nationwide-assigned-to-complete-100275-social-housing-units-57037.html titleBy 2025, localities nationwide assigned to complete 100,275 social housing units> By 2025, localities nationwide assigned to complete 100,275 social housing units /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>18:12/span> | span classformat_date>22/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Infographic/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh has signed Decision No. 444, dated February 27, 2025, setting targets for the completion of social housing by 2025 and the following years up to 2030. These targets will be incorporated into local socio-economic development plans./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image hrefvietnams-outbound-investment-increases-by-95-times-in-two-months-56988.html titleVietnam’s outbound investment increases by 9.5 times in two months> img classmastercms_lazyload src altvietnams outbound investment increases by 95 times in two months /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 hrefvietnams-outbound-investment-increases-by-95-times-in-two-months-56988.html titleVietnam’s outbound investment increases by 9.5 times in two months> Vietnam’s outbound investment increases by 9.5 times in two months /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>17:32/span> | span classformat_date>19/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Infographic/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>Vietnams overseas investment in the first two months of 2025 totalled nearly 239 million USD, 9.5 times higher than the same period last year./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image hrefvietnam-indonesia-strategic-partnership-56847.html titleVietnam - Indonesia Strategic Partnership> img classmastercms_lazyload src altvietnam indonesia strategic partnership /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 hrefvietnam-indonesia-strategic-partnership-56847.html titleVietnam - Indonesia Strategic Partnership> Vietnam - Indonesia Strategic Partnership /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>16:50/span> | span classformat_date>10/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Infographic/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>Party General Secretary To Lam and his spouse, accompanied by a high-ranking Vietnamese delegation, departed from Hanoi on March 9 for a state visit to Indonesia, an official visit to the ASEAN Secretariat headquartered there, and an official visit to Singapore. The trip, taking place from March 9 to 13, is made at the invitation of Indonesian President and Chairman of the Great Indonesia Movement Party Prabowo Subianto, ASEAN Secretary-General Kao Kim Hourn, and Singaporean Prime Minister and Secretary-General of the Peoples Action Party (PAP) Lawrence Wong./div> /div> /div> /div>/div>div classmain-body fw lt clearfix> div classsiteCenter clearfix> div classhna-cat-items fw lt mb3 clearfix> div classbx-cat lt clearfix> div classbx-cat-title fw lt mb1> h2 classbx-cat-name f2 lt> a classbx-cat-link href>Policy/a> /h2> /div> div classbx-cat-content fw lt> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href title52 provincial-level administrative units to be reorganised: draft resolution> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src alt52 provincial-level administrative units to be reorganised: draft resolution /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href title52 provincial-level administrative units to be reorganised: draft resolution> 52 provincial-level administrative units to be reorganised: draft resolution /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>16:06/span> | span classformat_date>27/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Policy/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>Administrative units with isolated locations and limited transport connectivity with adjacent administrative units, as well as those holding special importance to national defence and security, will not be compulsorily subject to re-organisation, according to the draft resolution./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleMoF seeks feedback on VAT cut plan to boost economy> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altMoF seeks feedback on VAT cut plan to boost economy /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleMoF seeks feedback on VAT cut plan to boost economy> MoF seeks feedback on VAT cut plan to boost economy /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>16:17/span> | span classformat_date>26/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Policy/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>The proposal suggests extending the 2% VAT reduction from July 1, 2025, until the end of 2026 for goods and services currently taxed at 10%, lowering them to 8%./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleMinistry proposes tripartite coordination mechanism to manage cryptocurrency exchanges> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altMinistry proposes tripartite coordination mechanism to manage cryptocurrency exchanges /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleMinistry proposes tripartite coordination mechanism to manage cryptocurrency exchanges> Ministry proposes tripartite coordination mechanism to manage cryptocurrency exchanges /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>16:34/span> | span classformat_date>24/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Policy/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>The Ministry of Finance has proposed a pilot programme for issuing and trading cryptocurrencies and digital assets, with oversight from three key agencies: the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Public Security, and the State Bank of Vietnam./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleDecree on foreign investment in Vietnamese financial institutions amended> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altDecree on foreign investment in Vietnamese financial institutions amended /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleDecree on foreign investment in Vietnamese financial institutions amended> Decree on foreign investment in Vietnamese financial institutions amended /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>15:30/span> | span classformat_date>20/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Policy/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>Decree No. 69/2025/ND-CP amends several provisions of Decree No. 01/2014/ND-CP regarding foreign investment in Vietnamese financial institutions. The changes specifically address purchase methods, ownership limits, and investor obligations./div> /div> /div> /div> div classbx-cat lt clearfix> div classbx-cat-title fw lt mb1> h2 classbx-cat-name f2 lt> a classbx-cat-link href>Industry & Trade/a> /h2> /div> div classbx-cat-content fw lt> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleNuclear power plant development in Vietnam: Many key steps taken> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altNuclear power plant development in Vietnam: Many key steps taken /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleNuclear power plant development in Vietnam: Many key steps taken> Nuclear power plant development in Vietnam: Many key steps taken /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>17:37/span> | span classformat_date>22/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Industry/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>The reactivation of nuclear power projects will help Vietnam diversify its energy supply sources, guarantee energy security, and achieve its economic growth target as well as its commitment to reaching net-zero emissions by 2050./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleSteel sector faces challenges> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altSteel sector faces challenges /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleSteel sector faces challenges> Steel sector faces challenges /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>16:41/span> | span classformat_date>21/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Industry/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>Vietnam’s steel sector is grappling with mounting challenges, including a rising volume of Chinese steel exports, domestic oversupply and global trade barriers, experts warn./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titlePM sets higher requirements for 500 kV Lao Cai – Vinh Yen transmission line project> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altPM sets higher requirements for 500 kV Lao Cai – Vinh Yen transmission line project /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titlePM sets higher requirements for 500 kV Lao Cai – Vinh Yen transmission line project> PM sets higher requirements for 500 kV Lao Cai – Vinh Yen transmission line project /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>22:25/span> | span classformat_date>16/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Industry/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>The 500 kV Lao Cai – Vinh Yen transmission line is a strategic national infrastructure project approved by the Government, with Vietnam Electricity (EVN) as the investor. The double-circuit transmission line will span 229.5 kilometers, with 468 tower foundations across the four northern provinces of Lao Cai, Yen Bai, Phu Tho, and Vinh Phuc. The total investment for the project is over 7.41 trillion VND (290.41 million USD)./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleVietnams oil venture in Algeria advances to second phase with promising results> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altVietnams oil venture in Algeria advances to second phase with promising results /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleVietnams oil venture in Algeria advances to second phase with promising results> Vietnams oil venture in Algeria advances to second phase with promising results /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>18:49/span> | span classformat_date>15/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Industry/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>A joint oil exploration and extraction project in Algeria, involving Vietnam’s Petrovietnam Exploration Production Corporation (PVEP), Algeria’s state-owned Sonatrach, and Thailand’s PTTEP, has entered its second phase, building on a track record of success./div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classhna-cat-items fw lt mb3 clearfix> div classbx-cat lt clearfix> div classbx-cat-title fw lt mb1> h2 classbx-cat-name f2 lt> a classbx-cat-link href>Investment/a> /h2> /div> div classbx-cat-content fw lt> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleQuang Ngai seaport system requires over 420 mln USD in investment by 2030> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altQuang Ngai seaport system requires over 420 mln USD in investment by 2030 /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleQuang Ngai seaport system requires over 420 mln USD in investment by 2030> Quang Ngai seaport system requires over 420 mln USD in investment by 2030 /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>11:09/span> | span classformat_date>28/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Investment/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>The seaport system in the central province of Quang Ngai will need about 10.83 trillion VND (423.54 million USD) in investment by 2030, according to the detailed development plan for local seaport land and water areas for the 2021–2030 period, with a vision to 2050./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleFDI attraction to prioritise green projects> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altFDI attraction to prioritise green projects /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleFDI attraction to prioritise green projects> FDI attraction to prioritise green projects /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>16:24/span> | span classformat_date>26/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Investment/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>Nearly 40% of Vietnams land area posseses wind speeds suitable for wind power development. Many regions also have favourable radiation levels for solar energy. It is time for Vietnam to stop attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) at all costs and instead become more selective./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleWork begins on two construction material plants in Hue> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altWork begins on two construction material plants in Hue /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleWork begins on two construction material plants in Hue> Work begins on two construction material plants in Hue /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>15:21/span> | span classformat_date>26/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Investment/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>Work commenced on two large-scale construction material plants in Hue Citys Phong Dien Industrial Zone with a total investment exceeding 4.18 trillion VND (over 163 million USD) on March 25./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleEU businesses willing to expand investment in Vietnam> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altEU businesses willing to expand investment in Vietnam /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleEU businesses willing to expand investment in Vietnam> EU businesses willing to expand investment in Vietnam /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>15:32/span> | span classformat_date>24/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Investment/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>(VEN) - The European Chamber of Commerce (EuroCham) in Vietnam has emphasized the importance of a stable and transparent legal framework and called for reforms to enhance Vietnam’s attractiveness to international investors./div> /div> /div> /div> div classbx-cat lt clearfix> div classbx-cat-title fw lt mb1> h2 classbx-cat-name f2 lt> a classbx-cat-link href>Finance-Banking/a> /h2> /div> div classbx-cat-content fw lt> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleComprehensive financial ecosystem for Vietnamese SMEs needed> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altComprehensive financial ecosystem for Vietnamese SMEs needed /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleComprehensive financial ecosystem for Vietnamese SMEs needed> Comprehensive financial ecosystem for Vietnamese SMEs needed /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>10:29/span> | span classformat_date>27/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Finance-Banking/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>Vietnam’s economy has shown remarkable resilience and growth in recent years, particularly in the realm of small and medium enterprises (SMEs)./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleBanks ramps up share payouts to meet Basel III> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altBanks ramps up share payouts to meet Basel III /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleBanks ramps up share payouts to meet Basel III> Banks ramps up share payouts to meet Basel III /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>16:23/span> | span classformat_date>24/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Finance-Banking/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>Vietnamese banks are ramping up share-based dividend payouts to increase charter capital, meet Basel III capital adequacy standards and enhance their competitive edge./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleTechcombank named best digital bank in Vietnam for third year in a row> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altTechcombank named best digital bank in Vietnam for third year in a row /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleTechcombank named best digital bank in Vietnam for third year in a row> Techcombank named best digital bank in Vietnam for third year in a row /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>16:36/span> | span classformat_date>21/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Finance-Banking/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>Techcombank has won the award for ‘Digital Bank of the Year in Vietnam’ and ‘Best Mobile Banking app in Vietnam’ at The Asset Triple A Digital Awards 2025./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleIFC, Switzerland expand support for supply chain finance in Vietnam> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altIFC, Switzerland expand support for supply chain finance in Vietnam /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleIFC, Switzerland expand support for supply chain finance in Vietnam> IFC, Switzerland expand support for supply chain finance in Vietnam /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>15:26/span> | span classformat_date>19/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Finance-Banking/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>The International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the Swiss government have launched the second phase of their supply chain finance (SCF) programme in Vietnam, aiming to improve access to working capital for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)./div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classhna-cat-items-type fw lt mb1 clearfix> div classbx-cat lt clearfix> div classbx-cat-title fw lt mb1> h2 classbx-cat-name f2 lt> a classbx-cat-link href>Environment/a> /h2> /div> div classbx-cat-content fw lt> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleEarthquake triggers emergency in Thailand, sparks widespread tremors in regional countries> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altEarthquake triggers emergency in Thailand, sparks widespread tremors in regional countries /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleEarthquake triggers emergency in Thailand, sparks widespread tremors in regional countries> Earthquake triggers emergency in Thailand, sparks widespread tremors in regional countries /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>17:01/span> | span classformat_date>28/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Environment/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>A 30-story building under construction in Bangkok collapsed, trapping at least 43 workers./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleVietnam contributes solutions to reduce air pollution> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altVietnam contributes solutions to reduce air pollution /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleVietnam contributes solutions to reduce air pollution> Vietnam contributes solutions to reduce air pollution /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>16:37/span> | span classformat_date>27/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Environment/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>Key measures proposed included promoting clean energy transitions to reduce reliance on fossil fuels, developing sustainable transportation, cutting emissions from motor vehicles, managing industrial and household waste efficiently, and having stricter regulations on industrial emissions control./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleReducing environmental pollution from waste-to-energy plant> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altReducing environmental pollution from waste-to-energy plant /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleReducing environmental pollution from waste-to-energy plant> Reducing environmental pollution from waste-to-energy plant /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>15:25/span> | span classformat_date>24/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Environment/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>(VEN) - Processing 5,000 tonnes of waste per day, the Soc Son Waste-to-Energy Plant significantly contributes to reducing environmental pollution, promoting a circular economy, and supplying clean electricity to the economy./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleDuyen Hai Thermal Power Plant expands green production> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altDuyen Hai Thermal Power Plant expands green production /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleDuyen Hai Thermal Power Plant expands green production> Duyen Hai Thermal Power Plant expands green production /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>15:10/span> | span classformat_date>24/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Environment/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>(VEN) - For years, Duyen Hai Thermal Power Company as a member of Power Generation Corporation 1 (EVNGENCO1) has always strictly complied with the legal regulations on environmental protection./div> /div> /div> /div> div classbx-cat lt clearfix> div classbx-cat-title fw lt mb1> h2 classbx-cat-name f2 lt> a classbx-cat-link href>Science - Technology/a> /h2> /div> div classbx-cat-content fw lt> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleSymposium discusses ways to encourage womens engagement in science-technology> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altSymposium discusses ways to encourage womens engagement in science-technology /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleSymposium discusses ways to encourage womens engagement in science-technology> Symposium discusses ways to encourage womens engagement in science-technology /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>16:59/span> | span classformat_date>28/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Science - Technology/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>Tuyen stressed that the VWU has been carrying out practical activities to encourage women’s engagement in science and technology development, including promoting the establishment of the Vietnam Association for Intellectual Women, issuing a resolution on supporting women’s international integration by 2030, and launching initiatives like the Kovalevskaia Awards to encourage scientific research, innovation, startup and participation in digital economy and society among women./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleVietnam harnesses AI to transform public services> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altVietnam harnesses AI to transform public services /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleVietnam harnesses AI to transform public services> Vietnam harnesses AI to transform public services /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>16:39/span> | span classformat_date>27/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Science - Technology/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>The Government is accelerating AI application to reduce the paper workload and improve operation efficacy./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleAI disaster forecasting: Future technological trend> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altAI disaster forecasting: Future technological trend /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleAI disaster forecasting: Future technological trend> AI disaster forecasting: Future technological trend /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>10:10/span> | span classformat_date>27/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Science - Technology/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>In the past, disaster forecasting relied heavily on experience and complex mathematical models, but now, AI is opening up a new era./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleVietnam, Russia hold promising scientific collaboration> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altVietnam, Russia hold promising scientific collaboration /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleVietnam, Russia hold promising scientific collaboration> Vietnam, Russia hold promising scientific collaboration /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>16:33/span> | span classformat_date>26/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Science - Technology/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>Since 1982, when the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST) became the official representative of Vietnam at JINR, the training of scientific personnel has been systematised, laying the foundation for the development of a high-quality scientific and technological workforce, playing a significant role in the countrys renewal process./div> /div> /div> /div> div classbx-cat lt clearfix> div classbx-cat-title fw lt mb1> h2 classbx-cat-name f2 lt> a classbx-cat-link href>Society/a> /h2> /div> div classbx-cat-content fw lt> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleAddressing bottlenecks in Vietnam’s rice industry> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altAddressing bottlenecks in Vietnam’s rice industry /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleAddressing bottlenecks in Vietnam’s rice industry> Addressing bottlenecks in Vietnam’s rice industry /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>19:02/span> | span classformat_date>28/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Society/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>To enhance the competitiveness of rice and fully leverage its potential, experts believe Vietnam must improve rice quality and establish a strong, distinctive brand in the global market./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleOver 6.2 billion USD needed for expanding North-South expressway> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altOver 6.2 billion USD needed for expanding North-South expressway /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleOver 6.2 billion USD needed for expanding North-South expressway> Over 6.2 billion USD needed for expanding North-South expressway /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>16:50/span> | span classformat_date>28/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Society/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>The Ministry of Construction has proposed expanding the 1,144-km eastern wing of North-South expressway from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City from four to six lanes, at an estimated cost of 152.1 trillion VND (around 6.2 billion USD)./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleDien Bien promotes high-tech agriculture to drive development in ethnic minority areas> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altDien Bien promotes high-tech agriculture to drive development in ethnic minority areas /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleDien Bien promotes high-tech agriculture to drive development in ethnic minority areas> Dien Bien promotes high-tech agriculture to drive development in ethnic minority areas /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>10:34/span> | span classformat_date>27/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Province/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>(VEN) - The application of high technology in the agricultural sector is an inevitable trend, as it helps improve productivity, increase product quality, and expand the market. Despite not having many natural advantages, the northwestern province of Dien Bien has made significant strides in developing high-tech agriculture, especially in ethnic minority areas./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleHo Chi Minh City is favored to be an international financial hub: Experts> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altHo Chi Minh City is favored to be an international financial hub: Experts /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleHo Chi Minh City is favored to be an international financial hub: Experts> Ho Chi Minh City is favored to be an international financial hub: Experts /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>17:33/span> | span classformat_date>25/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Society/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>Experts believe that Ho Chi Minh City is well-positioned to be a commodities exchange center, given its strength in exporting key goods on a global scale./div> /div> /div> /div> div classbx-cat lt clearfix> div classbx-cat-title fw lt mb1> h2 classbx-cat-name f2 lt> a classbx-cat-link href>Vietnamese Brands/a> /h2> /div> div classbx-cat-content fw lt> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titlePhilosophy 3C and story of smart consumption> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altPhilosophy 3C and story of smart consumption /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titlePhilosophy 3C and story of smart consumption> Philosophy 3C and story of smart consumption /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>09:15/span> | span classformat_date>22/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Vietnamese Brands/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>(VEN) - Pharmacist Nguyen Xuan Hoang - Chairman of International Medical Consultants Co., Ltd. - IMC shared, “In modern society, in order for a product to reach consumers, aside from quality and technology, attention must also be paid to the story behind the product and the smart consumption habits of consumers.”/div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleVietnamese rice exporters urged to boost global competitiveness> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altVietnamese rice exporters urged to boost global competitiveness /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleVietnamese rice exporters urged to boost global competitiveness> Vietnamese rice exporters urged to boost global competitiveness /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>16:48/span> | span classformat_date>10/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Vietnamese Brands/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>Vietnamese and Thai 5% broken rice have seen declines of 38-45%, with Vietnam’s prices falling from 680-700 USD per tonne to 390-400 USD per tonne, an unprecedented decrease./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleImproving product value and people’s lives> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altImproving product value and people’s lives /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleImproving product value and people’s lives> Improving product value and people’s lives /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>16:52/span> | span classformat_date>06/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Vietnamese Brands/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>(VEN) - The production and consumption chain for “Mien dong” - a type of vermicelli made from the starch of the dong root (a kind of arrowroot) in Bac Kan Province has been helping enhance product quality, create stable output, and improve the lives of ethnic minorities in the province./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleVietnamese products rise from villages to global markets> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altVietnamese products rise from villages to global markets /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleVietnamese products rise from villages to global markets> Vietnamese products rise from villages to global markets /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>20:26/span> | span classformat_date>01/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Vietnamese Brands/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>Many Vietnamese brands like VinFast, Hoa Phat, Viettel, Vinamilk, and GrowMax have steadily increased their market share at home, expanded their export markets, and built production and value chains, all while contributing to the country’s economic growth./div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/div>div classmain-body fw lt clearfix> div classsiteCenter clearfix> div classhna-cat-items fw lt mb3 clearfix> div classbx-cat lt clearfix> div classbx-cat-title fw lt mb1> h2 classbx-cat-name f2 lt> a classbx-cat-link href>Culture/a> /h2> /div> div classbx-cat-content fw lt> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleNghe An to host ASEAN exhibition this May> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altNghe An to host ASEAN exhibition this May /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleNghe An to host ASEAN exhibition this May> Nghe An to host ASEAN exhibition this May /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>16:47/span> | span classformat_date>24/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Culture/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>The beauty of ASEAN’s people and landscapes will be on show from May 10 to May 20 at an exhibition held in Nghe An province./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleCultural exchange showcases Japanese, Vietnamese traditions> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altCultural exchange showcases Japanese, Vietnamese traditions /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleCultural exchange showcases Japanese, Vietnamese traditions> Cultural exchange showcases Japanese, Vietnamese traditions /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>16:54/span> | span classformat_date>21/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Culture/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>This year, the Vietnam – Japan Cultural Exchange marked its 10th edition at Dong A University in Da Nang city./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleMuong Ang Coffee - The “Green Gold” on majestic highlands> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altMuong Ang Coffee - The “Green Gold” on majestic highlands /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleMuong Ang Coffee - The “Green Gold” on majestic highlands> Muong Ang Coffee - The “Green Gold” on majestic highlands /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>11:10/span> | span classformat_date>19/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Culture/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>(VEN) - Located in the Northwestern region of Vietnam, Muong Ang District (Dien Bien Province) has long been known for its climate and soil conditions that are especially suitable for coffee cultivation. With the orientation to become a key coffee-growing area in the province, local authorities have been implementing various support policies to improve product quality and the lives of the local ethnic minorities./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleVietnamese artists to showcase AI-driven performance at AI for Good Global Summit> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altVietnamese artists to showcase AI-driven performance at AI for Good Global Summit /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleVietnamese artists to showcase AI-driven performance at AI for Good Global Summit> Vietnamese artists to showcase AI-driven performance at AI for Good Global Summit /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>11:47/span> | span classformat_date>18/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Culture/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>Resonant Augmenta is an original composition from Re.Imagine, Vietnam’s first-ever classical music concert integrating creative technology and interactive media./div> /div> /div> /div> div classbx-cat lt clearfix> div classbx-cat-title fw lt mb1> h2 classbx-cat-name f2 lt> a classbx-cat-link href>Tourism/a> /h2> /div> div classbx-cat-content fw lt> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleHue gears up for new tourism opportunities> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altHue gears up for new tourism opportunities /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleHue gears up for new tourism opportunities> Hue gears up for new tourism opportunities /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>09:02/span> | span classformat_date>27/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Tourism/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>(VEN) - The National Tourism Year – Hue 2025 has officially commenced, bringing new growth expectations for Vietnam’s tourism industry as well as Hue City./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleInternational visitors to HCM City increase by 18.2% in Q1> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altInternational visitors to HCM City increase by 18.2% in Q1 /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleInternational visitors to HCM City increase by 18.2% in Q1> International visitors to HCM City increase by 18.2% in Q1 /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>16:18/span> | span classformat_date>26/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Tourism/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>Ho Chi Minh Citys total tourism revenue rose 26.7% year-on-year to 56.66 trillion VND ( 2.21 billion USD), achieving 21.8% of the 2025 plan./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleChef Hideki Maeda of Nobu Singapore debuts in Vietnam> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altChef Hideki Maeda of Nobu Singapore debuts in Vietnam /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleChef Hideki Maeda of Nobu Singapore debuts in Vietnam> Chef Hideki Maeda of Nobu Singapore debuts in Vietnam /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>09:40/span> | span classformat_date>26/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Tourism/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>Chef Hideki Maeda of Nobu restaurant at Four Seasons Hotel Singapore will join Chef Alex Moranda of NAYUU restaurant at Four Seasons Resort The Nam Hai, Hoi An to present an exclusive four-hands dining experience for the very first time, from April 18-20./div> /div> div classarticle> a classarticle-image href titleMoscow - Cam Ranh commercial air route launched> img classmastercms_lazyload src data-src altMoscow - Cam Ranh commercial air route launched /> /a> h3 classarticle-title> a classarticle-link f0 href titleMoscow - Cam Ranh commercial air route launched> Moscow - Cam Ranh commercial air route launched /a> /h3> p classarticle-info> span classarticle-date>span classformat_time>16:53/span> | span classformat_date>24/03/2025/span>/span> a classarticle-cat href>Tourism/a> /p> div classarticle-desc>The Khanh Hoa Department of Culture, Sports, and Tourism, in coordination with relevant agencies, welcomed the first commercial flight from Moscow to Cam Ranh International Airport on March 23./div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classhna-cat-items fw lt mb3 clearfix> /div> /div>/div>script> $(document).ready(function(){ $(.hna-cat-items).each(function(){ if($(this).find(.bx-cat).length0){ $(this).remove(); 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