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Notorious for our … Continue reading Vas Deferens Organization />meta propertyog:url content />meta propertyog:site_name contentVas Deferens Organization />meta propertyog:image content />meta nametwitter:card contentsummary/>meta nametwitter:description contentVas Deferens Organization As musicians, producers and former Mutant Sound blog authors, Vas Deferens Organization (Matt Castille, Eric Lumbleau & Christopher Moock) have been tirelessly creating and advocating for adventurous, outrageous and outre’ sounds for over two decades, as a psychic bulwark against the soul sucking inertial drag of contemporary social reality. 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font-size: 10pt;>As musicians, producers and former Mutant Sound blog authors, Vas Deferens Organization (strong>Matt Castille/strong>, strong>Eric Lumbleau/strong> & strong>Christopher Moock/strong>) have been tirelessly creating and advocating for adventurous, outrageous and outre’ sounds for over two decades, as a psychic bulwark against the soul sucking inertial drag of contemporary social reality./span>/p>p styletext-align: left;>span styleline-height: 1.6471;>a href>img classsize-full wp-image-135 aligncenter src altmainVDO width1000 height1000 />/a>/span>/p>p styletext-align: left;>span stylefont-size: 10pt;>Notorious for our collaborative work alongsidestrong> Ariel Pink, Brad Laner/strong> andstrong> Mercury Re/strong>v and our musical productions for psych, prog and space rock units like strong>Yeti, Ohm and J. Bone Cro/strong>, We’ve amassed a substantial discography spread over labels like em>Beta-Lactam Ring, Charnel Music, Eerie Matierials, Timothy’s Brain, Aether and Pure Pop For Now People/em> along with a raft of releases on our own labels over the years./span>/p>p styletext-align: left;>span stylefont-size: 10pt;>VDO have also revived Mutant Sounds, though not as a blog but in the form of Mutant Sounds Radio with strong>Vas Deferens Organization/strong> on strong>Dublab/strong>, occurring the span styletext-decoration: underline;>second Friday of each month from 8-10 PM./span> We’re also in the process of constructing VDO Studios in Costa Mesa, California for an prospective opening early next year./span>/p>p styletext-align: left;>span stylefont-size: 10pt;>Our latest track “Delphic Collapse” can be found on the 15th Anniversary Beta-Lactam Ring CD compilation “A Brained Hefty Yeti Fry” and our newest video (for the forthcoming track “Morte Code”) can be found on our span stylebackground-color: #ffff99;>a stylebackground-color: #ffff99; href>video page/a>./span>/span>/p>p styletext-align: left;> /div>!-- .entry-content --> /article>!-- #post-## --> /main>!-- .site-main --> /div>!-- .content-area -->hr />div idfooter rolecontentinfo>!-- If youd like to support WordPress, having the powered by link somewhere on your blog is the best way; its our only promotion or advertising. --> p> Vas Deferens Organization is proudly powered by a href>WordPress/a> br />a href>Entries (RSS)/a> and a href>Comments (RSS)/a>. !-- 36 queries. 0.113 seconds. --> /p>/div>/div>!-- Gorgeous design by Michael Heilemann - --> script typetext/javascript src>/script>script typetext/javascript>/* !CDATA */var screenReaderText {expand:span class\screen-reader-text\>expand child menu\/span>,collapse:span class\screen-reader-text\>collapse child menu\/span>};/* > *//script>script typetext/javascript src>/script>script typetext/javascript src>/script> script typetext/javascript> (function zedityResponsive(){var old_resize window.onresize||function(){};window.onresize(function resize(){ old_resize.apply(this,arguments);var edocument.querySelectorAll(.zedity-editor.zedity-responsive);for(var ie.length-1;i>0;--i){var pwei.parentNode.offsetWidth;var origWei.getAttribute(data-origw);var origHei.getAttribute(data-origh);var ph,s;if(origH && origW>pw){var rpw/origW;sscale(+r+);phorigH*r+px;}else{phs;};;} edocument.querySelectorAll(.zedity-responsive > iframe);for(var ie.length-1;i>0;--i){var pwei.parentNode.offsetWidth;var owei.parentNode.getAttribute(data-origw);var ohei.parentNode.getAttribute(data-origh);if(oh&&ow&&pwow){;*pw/ow)+px;}} return resize;})();})(); /script> script typetext/javascript src>/script> /body>/html>
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Notorious for our … Continue reading Vas Deferens Organization />meta propertyog:url content />meta propertyog:site_name contentVas Deferens Organization />meta propertyog:image content />meta nametwitter:card contentsummary/>meta nametwitter:description contentVas Deferens Organization As musicians, producers and former Mutant Sound blog authors, Vas Deferens Organization (Matt Castille, Eric Lumbleau & Christopher Moock) have been tirelessly creating and advocating for adventurous, outrageous and outre’ sounds for over two decades, as a psychic bulwark against the soul sucking inertial drag of contemporary social reality. 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font-size: 10pt;>As musicians, producers and former Mutant Sound blog authors, Vas Deferens Organization (strong>Matt Castille/strong>, strong>Eric Lumbleau/strong> & strong>Christopher Moock/strong>) have been tirelessly creating and advocating for adventurous, outrageous and outre’ sounds for over two decades, as a psychic bulwark against the soul sucking inertial drag of contemporary social reality./span>/p>p styletext-align: left;>span styleline-height: 1.6471;>a href>img classsize-full wp-image-135 aligncenter src altmainVDO width1000 height1000 />/a>/span>/p>p styletext-align: left;>span stylefont-size: 10pt;>Notorious for our collaborative work alongsidestrong> Ariel Pink, Brad Laner/strong> andstrong> Mercury Re/strong>v and our musical productions for psych, prog and space rock units like strong>Yeti, Ohm and J. Bone Cro/strong>, We’ve amassed a substantial discography spread over labels like em>Beta-Lactam Ring, Charnel Music, Eerie Matierials, Timothy’s Brain, Aether and Pure Pop For Now People/em> along with a raft of releases on our own labels over the years./span>/p>p styletext-align: left;>span stylefont-size: 10pt;>VDO have also revived Mutant Sounds, though not as a blog but in the form of Mutant Sounds Radio with strong>Vas Deferens Organization/strong> on strong>Dublab/strong>, occurring the span styletext-decoration: underline;>second Friday of each month from 8-10 PM./span> We’re also in the process of constructing VDO Studios in Costa Mesa, California for an prospective opening early next year./span>/p>p styletext-align: left;>span stylefont-size: 10pt;>Our latest track “Delphic Collapse” can be found on the 15th Anniversary Beta-Lactam Ring CD compilation “A Brained Hefty Yeti Fry” and our newest video (for the forthcoming track “Morte Code”) can be found on our span stylebackground-color: #ffff99;>a stylebackground-color: #ffff99; href>video page/a>./span>/span>/p>p styletext-align: left;> /div>!-- .entry-content --> /article>!-- #post-## --> /main>!-- .site-main --> /div>!-- .content-area -->hr />div idfooter rolecontentinfo>!-- If youd like to support WordPress, having the powered by link somewhere on your blog is the best way; its our only promotion or advertising. --> p> Vas Deferens Organization is proudly powered by a href>WordPress/a> br />a href>Entries (RSS)/a> and a href>Comments (RSS)/a>. !-- 36 queries. 0.120 seconds. --> /p>/div>/div>!-- Gorgeous design by Michael Heilemann - --> script typetext/javascript src>/script>script typetext/javascript>/* !CDATA */var screenReaderText {expand:span class\screen-reader-text\>expand child menu\/span>,collapse:span class\screen-reader-text\>collapse child menu\/span>};/* > *//script>script typetext/javascript src>/script>script typetext/javascript src>/script> script typetext/javascript> (function zedityResponsive(){var old_resize window.onresize||function(){};window.onresize(function resize(){ old_resize.apply(this,arguments);var edocument.querySelectorAll(.zedity-editor.zedity-responsive);for(var ie.length-1;i>0;--i){var pwei.parentNode.offsetWidth;var origWei.getAttribute(data-origw);var origHei.getAttribute(data-origh);var ph,s;if(origH && origW>pw){var rpw/origW;sscale(+r+);phorigH*r+px;}else{phs;};;} edocument.querySelectorAll(.zedity-responsive > iframe);for(var ie.length-1;i>0;--i){var pwei.parentNode.offsetWidth;var owei.parentNode.getAttribute(data-origw);var ohei.parentNode.getAttribute(data-origh);if(oh&&ow&&pwow){;*pw/ow)+px;}} return resize;})();})(); /script> script typetext/javascript src>/script> /body>/html>
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