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All glories to your lotus feet. The perfect lives and teachings of saintly devotees confer a precious eternal inheritance upon the souls of this world. Infused with love of Krishna, they personify His compassion, grace, and blessings. 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Relationships become pure and holy by coming together, singing and dancing with the Holy Name in the center, and sacrificing false ego on the altar of sankirtan.Without relationships!-- -->.../p>button classwriting-item_btn__N_iuE>a href/various/sankirtan-and-dancing>Read More/a>/button>/div>/article>article classwriting-item_article__x_AD2>figure classwriting-item_cover__9nNDZ imgRadius>span stylebox-sizing:border-box;display:block;overflow:hidden;width:initial;height:initial;background:none;opacity:1;border:0;margin:0;padding:0;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;bottom:0;right:0>img altSri Vyasa Puja Offering 2020 src decodingasync data-nimgfill styleposition:absolute;top:0;left:0;bottom:0;right:0;box-sizing:border-box;padding:0;border:none;margin:auto;display:block;width:0;height:0;min-width:100%;max-width:100%;min-height:100%;max-height:100%;object-fit:cover/>noscript>img altSri Vyasa Puja Offering 2020 sizes100vw srcSet/_next/image?url%2Fwritings%2Fsrila-prabhupada-on-vyasasana.jpeg&w640&q75 640w, /_next/image?url%2Fwritings%2Fsrila-prabhupada-on-vyasasana.jpeg&w750&q75 750w, /_next/image?url%2Fwritings%2Fsrila-prabhupada-on-vyasasana.jpeg&w828&q75 828w, /_next/image?url%2Fwritings%2Fsrila-prabhupada-on-vyasasana.jpeg&w1080&q75 1080w, /_next/image?url%2Fwritings%2Fsrila-prabhupada-on-vyasasana.jpeg&w1200&q75 1200w, /_next/image?url%2Fwritings%2Fsrila-prabhupada-on-vyasasana.jpeg&w1920&q75 1920w, /_next/image?url%2Fwritings%2Fsrila-prabhupada-on-vyasasana.jpeg&w2048&q75 2048w, /_next/image?url%2Fwritings%2Fsrila-prabhupada-on-vyasasana.jpeg&w3840&q75 3840w src/_next/image?url%2Fwritings%2Fsrila-prabhupada-on-vyasasana.jpeg&w3840&q75 decodingasync data-nimgfill styleposition:absolute;top:0;left:0;bottom:0;right:0;box-sizing:border-box;padding:0;border:none;margin:auto;display:block;width:0;height:0;min-width:100%;max-width:100%;min-height:100%;max-height:100%;object-fit:cover loadinglazy/>/noscript>/span>/figure>div classwriting-item_info__3wDlf>p classwriting-item_date__LiUpd>August 13, 2020/p>h3 classwriting-item_title__AsQ5P>Sri Vyasa Puja Offering 2020/h3>p classwriting-item_excerpt__SpjeT>Dear Srila Prabhupāda,Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to you.There is more to a story than the narrator knows, more rhythm in a poem than the poet is aware of, more music to a song than the composer can hear. 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Such a lifestyle has detrimental effects on mother earth's life support systems, our individual immune systems, and healthy relationships. 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All glories to your lotus feet. All glories to your divine appearance.In this world where hearts are breakingBeing given to mortals who perishWhose tender arms once held so dearlyCannot be reached once they are goneGentle lips who sang so sweetlyFall silent in the!-- -->.../p>button classwriting-item_btn__N_iuE>a href/vyasa-puja/sri-vyasa-puja-offering-2019>Read More/a>/button>/div>/article>article classwriting-item_article__x_AD2>figure classwriting-item_cover__9nNDZ imgRadius>span stylebox-sizing:border-box;display:block;overflow:hidden;width:initial;height:initial;background:none;opacity:1;border:0;margin:0;padding:0;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;bottom:0;right:0>img altSri Vyasa Puja Offering 2018 src decodingasync data-nimgfill styleposition:absolute;top:0;left:0;bottom:0;right:0;box-sizing:border-box;padding:0;border:none;margin:auto;display:block;width:0;height:0;min-width:100%;max-width:100%;min-height:100%;max-height:100%;object-fit:cover/>noscript>img altSri Vyasa Puja Offering 2018 sizes100vw srcSet/_next/image?url%2Fwritings%2Fsp-vyasa-puja-pic.webp&w640&q75 640w, /_next/image?url%2Fwritings%2Fsp-vyasa-puja-pic.webp&w750&q75 750w, /_next/image?url%2Fwritings%2Fsp-vyasa-puja-pic.webp&w828&q75 828w, /_next/image?url%2Fwritings%2Fsp-vyasa-puja-pic.webp&w1080&q75 1080w, /_next/image?url%2Fwritings%2Fsp-vyasa-puja-pic.webp&w1200&q75 1200w, /_next/image?url%2Fwritings%2Fsp-vyasa-puja-pic.webp&w1920&q75 1920w, /_next/image?url%2Fwritings%2Fsp-vyasa-puja-pic.webp&w2048&q75 2048w, /_next/image?url%2Fwritings%2Fsp-vyasa-puja-pic.webp&w3840&q75 3840w src/_next/image?url%2Fwritings%2Fsp-vyasa-puja-pic.webp&w3840&q75 decodingasync data-nimgfill styleposition:absolute;top:0;left:0;bottom:0;right:0;box-sizing:border-box;padding:0;border:none;margin:auto;display:block;width:0;height:0;min-width:100%;max-width:100%;min-height:100%;max-height:100%;object-fit:cover loadinglazy/>/noscript>/span>/figure>div classwriting-item_info__3wDlf>p classwriting-item_date__LiUpd>August 25, 2018/p>h3 classwriting-item_title__AsQ5P>Sri Vyasa Puja Offering 2018/h3>p classwriting-item_excerpt__SpjeT>Dear Srila Prabhupada,Please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Your Divine Grace and sacred mission!_Among the host of your guru's disciples__You alone fulfilled the order__To carry his message, more brilliant than the sun,_ _To dissipate darkness on western shores.__Through storms that swept the ocean__You brought tidings from afar__To proclaim!-- -->.../p>button classwriting-item_btn__N_iuE>a href/vyasa-puja/sri-vyasa-puja-offering-2018>Read More/a>/button>/div>/article>/section>section classhome-founder_section__1qpKd>div classinner>div classhome-founder_info__ripdW>figure classhome-founder_founder__Ml8gc imgRadius>span stylebox-sizing:border-box;display:block;overflow:hidden;width:initial;height:initial;background:none;opacity:1;border:0;margin:0;padding:0;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;bottom:0;right:0>img altfounder src decodingasync data-nimgfill styleposition:absolute;top:0;left:0;bottom:0;right:0;box-sizing:border-box;padding:0;border:none;margin:auto;display:block;width:0;height:0;min-width:100%;max-width:100%;min-height:100%;max-height:100%/>noscript>img altfounder sizes100vw srcSet/_next/image?url%2F_next%2Fstatic%2Fmedia%2Ffounder.32478ab2.jpg&w640&q75 640w, /_next/image?url%2F_next%2Fstatic%2Fmedia%2Ffounder.32478ab2.jpg&w750&q75 750w, /_next/image?url%2F_next%2Fstatic%2Fmedia%2Ffounder.32478ab2.jpg&w828&q75 828w, /_next/image?url%2F_next%2Fstatic%2Fmedia%2Ffounder.32478ab2.jpg&w1080&q75 1080w, /_next/image?url%2F_next%2Fstatic%2Fmedia%2Ffounder.32478ab2.jpg&w1200&q75 1200w, /_next/image?url%2F_next%2Fstatic%2Fmedia%2Ffounder.32478ab2.jpg&w1920&q75 1920w, /_next/image?url%2F_next%2Fstatic%2Fmedia%2Ffounder.32478ab2.jpg&w2048&q75 2048w, /_next/image?url%2F_next%2Fstatic%2Fmedia%2Ffounder.32478ab2.jpg&w3840&q75 3840w src/_next/image?url%2F_next%2Fstatic%2Fmedia%2Ffounder.32478ab2.jpg&w3840&q75 decodingasync data-nimgfill styleposition:absolute;top:0;left:0;bottom:0;right:0;box-sizing:border-box;padding:0;border:none;margin:auto;display:block;width:0;height:0;min-width:100%;max-width:100%;min-height:100%;max-height:100% loadinglazy/>/noscript>/span>/figure>article classhome-founder_article__MTUWi>h3>His Divine Grace/h3>h2>A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada/h2>h4>Founder Acharya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness/h4>div classhome-founder_links__YxtzT>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>>/div>/article>/div>/div>/section>/main>footer>span stylebox-sizing:border-box;display:inline-block;overflow:hidden;width:initial;height:initial;background:none;opacity:1;border:0;margin:0;padding:0;position:relative;max-width:100%>span stylebox-sizing:border-box;display:block;width:initial;height:initial;background:none;opacity:1;border:0;margin:0;padding:0;max-width:100%>img styledisplay:block;max-width:100%;width:initial;height:initial;background:none;opacity:1;border:0;margin:0;padding:0 alt aria-hiddentrue src>/span>img altwave styling src decodingasync data-nimgintrinsic classwave 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decodingasync data-nimgfill styleposition:absolute;top:0;left:0;bottom:0;right:0;box-sizing:border-box;padding:0;border:none;margin:auto;display:block;width:0;height:0;min-width:100%;max-width:100%;min-height:100%;max-height:100% loadinglazy/>/noscript>/span>/figure>/div>/section>/div>section classlayout-footer_copyright___1WMe>p>© !-- -->2024!-- --> Varsana Swami/p>/section>/div>/footer>/div>/div>script id__NEXT_DATA__ typeapplication/json>{props:{pageProps:{allPosts:{id:sri-vyasa-puja-offering-2022,category:vyasa-puja,date:2022/08/20,title:Sri Vyasa Puja Offering 2022,cover:/public/writings/sp-with-cow-walk_nv.jpg,content:Dear Srila Prabhupada, \n Please accept my humble obeisances. All Glories to you.\n\nHow appropriate is Sri Krishna’s arrangement for your appearance on the most holy occasion of Nandotsava, when news of Krishnas birth invigorated all the Vrajavasis. All glories to your Vyasa Puja, foretelling the day when Lord Chaitanya’s message would inevitably cast its unfailing luster upon the entire world.\n\nYour appearance in the western world was the answer to our prayer that the Lord send someone fashioned after His loving heart to lead us back to Him. In you, we discovered the treasure of divine wisdom. You were a trustworthy, true, and faithful guide – an ambassador of the spiritual world who descended to direct our hearts back to home. Finding confidence and respect in you and for the Lord who you represent, we came to know and love Krishna, who extended His loving hand in you, who spoke to you, who revealed the beauty, sweetness, charm, and splendor of Vrindavan through you.\n\nRecently, a photo was given to me of a most meaningful experience with you. In it, you are pictured on a New Vrindavan path following a single cow. The devotees trail behind you in the frame. Upon viewing this image, the surge of memories, emotions, and insights all clamoring for attention and acceptance testify to the potency of smaranam. How touching, powerful, and influential are remembrances of you savored over time. I, therefore, submit this recollection unto you.\n\nThe picture captures a moment from your final visit to New Vrindavan when you returned to the community’s original farmhouse temple for guru puja, class, and darshan. That day in 1976, we had followed in your physical footsteps on the last stretch of the Agasura Trail, which forms a portion of the Govardhana Parikrama marg here in New Vrindavan. As the path transitioned from forest to the pasturing grounds, Kaliya – the first cow in ISKCON, who you called your “old friend” – left her sisters in the meadow below and hastened up the slope to greet you. From there, she led the devotees the rest of the way to the doorstep of the farmhouse temple where Sri Sri Radha Vrindavanath had been awaiting your return.\n\nIt was in that same farmhouse temple in 1969 that you first tasted Kaliyas rich milk, further sweetened with New Vrindavan honey. Upon drinking, you proclaimed New Vrindavan to be a _land of milk and honey._ These simple words convey vast symbolism to me, as if acknowledging, articulating, and echoing the hopes and dreams of our ancient Biblical forefathers. Forsaking the world of bondage in Egypt, they ventured across the vast desert searching for the land said to flow with milk and honey. An entire generation perished in the wilderness, due to their disobedience of God’s commandments, but with time and faithfulness, their descendants finally reached that promised land.\n\nAfter our journey up the path following you, you entered Radha Vrindavanaths temple. Kaliya stood at the gateway as if to grant us entry. I realized at that moment that I was experiencing déjà vu, transported back to my childhood days when I was irresistibly drawn to herding and serving cows by a mysterious sense that the cowherd path would lead me closer to God. And now, finally, seeing you as the central figure in this scene and the rest of us following in your lotus footprints, who are following the cow, it dawned on me that the missing element had always been the most crucial component in the search for God: the embodiment of the Lord’s Divine Grace – you.\n\nWith this realization, the wisdom of Sarvajna, the astrologer in Lord Caitanyas parable, rang true, _if you simply turn to the east and dig below the surface you will find the treasure bequeathed to you_. With your appearance on the Eastern horizon, this dark and dreary world awakened to a new dawn cast by the treasure of a Vedic perspective, granted to so many lost souls by your causeless mercy\n\nHere in New Vrindavan, the embassy of our eternal motherland offered a sweet foretaste of spiritual fulfillment, a promise of the fruit of our maturing along the path. You granted us a sampling of the nectar for which we ever hanker, yet still had no qualification to experience. As any earthly mother nurses her infant to strengthen and equip them before they must be weaned to become accustomed to a more substantial diet of grains, you too cared for us attentively with providential grace.\n\nYou drew our hearts onto the path of bhakti, thereby weaning us from material pursuits. Later, you provided bread to sustain us during the journey through the challenging and prolonged stretches of our own spiritual deserts. Traversing such terrain, we are given the opportunity to acknowledge and come to terms with our neophyte condition. You patiently prepared us for such times with the assurance that vani seva is eternal, containing and expanding everything that had been nourishing us during your mortal presence.\n\nWe find that bread of life truly by returning to your books and memories of you. Therein we discover universal truths presented as deeply personal messages. Your words uncover the aspects of thinking, feeling, and willing that both perpetuate our dark bondage to pain, as well as reveal our vast potential for joy and satisfaction – found perfected in a world beyond our most creative imaginings.\n\nThe symbols and figures within scripture, which you dedicated yourself to making accessible to us, continue speaking to the range of hidden potentials concealed in our souls. Although we may deny the possibility of our ever becoming so depraved as Kamsa, vindictive as Duryodhana, or envious like Shishupala, can we truly deny the spark of recognition that, at times, we have all experienced such anarthas?\n\nIf we can humble ourselves to recognize such a reality, then the subtler and deeper voices of the divine become audible and inspire us to embody even a hint of Dhruva’s determination, Bhismadeva’s fearlessness, Haridas Thakur’s forgiveness, Queen Kunti’s forbearance, and Draupadi’s total dependence, expressed in her crying out Krishnas holy name. We have found the inspiration offered by all these great souls to be coalesced in you.\n\nSuch emotions, though neophyte feelings at first, give strength and illumination by touching our hearts with the many voices who talk to us through sastra. And although they may speak in languages and cultures unfamiliar to our modern condition, their unified voices and hearts all resonate in your pastimes and precepts.\n\nIn you we find the empowerment of the original guru, Lord Nityananda, who directed his disciple Krishna das to proceed in the direction of Vrindavan, with the promise, _there you will attain everything_. Sambanda, abhideya, and prayojana awaited Krishna das in Vraja through the pastimes and precepts of the six Goswamis residing there. You embody the essence of their teachings, rendering deep philosophical truths into a language that can be understood, embraced, and practiced by all. This is a mark of your exceptional empowerment.\n\nThe promised land, which western civilization has pursued for ages – unachievable through the best efforts of the ascending process – has appeared at last by divine descent. You planted the seed for Vraja Dhama, the true land of milk and honey, to bestow her nurturing support and influence upon all. This benediction equips and prepares us for our final journey back to Godhead. In time, we have seen here, above and beyond symbolic or figurative imagery, actual milk flowing from the cows’ udders onto the path as they approach the barn, as well as honey literally overflowing from local bee hives due to an abundance of wildflowers.\n\nAfter countless lifetimes of wandering in the desert of material existence, allured by fleeting mirages promising relief, parched and depleted of all hope and joy, we have finally arrived at an oasis of immortal nectar – Sri Dham, our motherland, overflowing with milk and honey. Vraja-shakti, who you carry within your heart, emerged and expanded to reveal her divine nature here in Appalachia by the power of your bhakti.\n\nContemplating our inconceivable good fortune in receiving the treasure of service to Sri Dham, which nourishes Krishna Nama and leads to Krishna Prema, the only explanation is your causeless mercy. Such beauty, sweetness, and charm as revealed in Sri Dham convey the depths of affection in the heart of her Creator. It is a love so dynamic that Krishna cannot contain it within Himself, so it has to manifest outwardly as well, assuming form and features worthy to serve as the abode of His confidential relationships.\n\nKrishna’s love can be tangibly experienced as the compassion of His pure devotee which provides the impetus for the Lord’s original abode to expand and replicate wherever He desires for the spiritual welfare of lost souls throughout various regions of the earth. Your Divine Grace has invoked that same Vraja Dham here in New Vrindavan unveiling yet another face, character, and aspect of the same divine essence.\n\nMemories of your pastimes abound throughout this sacred landscape. If we attune our spiritual senses to the deeper resonance, we can feel your heartbeat, the tap root from which New Vrindavan emerged, here at the original farmhouse. From this root of communion, a vibrant community has grown, where devotees are immersed in the terrestrial manifestation of your spiritual vision.\n\nYou have bequeathed to us a legacy of love capable of softening and opening the hardest of hearts. Bless us, we pray, that our souls blossom in the sun-like nature of your wisdom, blending with the moon-like rays of your compassion, to illumine the passages of sastra and the confirmation found in nature, reminding us to always serve in love. Guard our hearts, lest offenses and anarthas lead us astray.\n\nToday I return to the path Kaliya tread on that eventful day so many decades ago. Visions of bygone times blend with memories of the future. Daylight is now fading, shadows fall, the return path is calling me back to the pasture and the meadow beyond. In the background, the world as it continues its chaotic course. I walk again with you, Kaliya, and the devotees in the picture. From where I am now, I cannot see you physically, though I still hear your voice and hold onto the blessings you bestowed.\n\nReturning to the present moment I see a monsoon-like cloudbank slowly moving westward. While a curtain of rain falls, the setting sun casts a golden aura tinged with saffron across the sky. Sacred texts of my childhood resurface, describing the vision of God within a shower of golden light. This scene is followed, confirmed, and concluded by the appearance of a spectacular rainbow, the symbol of Gods covenant, reminding us to be steadfast in following His Divine Grace. And then, within this vast archway, subtle pastel colors begin to form into a second rainbow. This display blends the eastern and western reading of the symbol as well as contributing a more esoteric perspective. To the Vrajabasis, this image serves as an invitation for Radha and Krishna to meet in the forest beyond the pasturing grounds.\n\nAll these scriptural images integrate during the sunset, enhancing my memories and appreciations of you, the person Bhagavat, living embodiment of the cream of all Vedic scriptures. Your presence endures in the Bhaktivedanta purports which unify and harmonize other sacred texts into a higher synthesis.\n\nAs I begin the return journey down the slopes of the Agasura trail, I meditate upon the festival of Nanda, when you appeared within our mortal world. Bless us, we pray, to become worthy servants of the Vrajabasis by following in your footsteps. Let us forever assist you in serving Lord Chaitanya’s mood by expanding the glories of Krishna to every town and village. May His Holy Name, intertwined with Vraja Prema, continue to encircle the earth like a vibrant garland of divine fortune.\n\nYour servant,\n\nVarsana Swami},{id:vyasa-puja-offering-2021,category:vyasa-puja,date:2021/08/31,title:Sri Vyasa Puja Offering 2021,cover:/public/writings/srila-prabhupada.jpeg,content:Dear Śrīla Prabhupāda,\n\nPlease accept my humble obeisances. All glories to your lotus feet. \n\nThe perfect lives and teachings of saintly devotees confer a precious eternal inheritance upon the souls of this world. Infused with love of Krishna, they personify His compassion, grace, and blessings. They teach us how to see Krishna’s glories, feel His love, and hear His message in and through every aspect of His natural world.\n\nAs such, the sun can represent Śrī Krishna—the active principle of illumination. The moon then becomes the more passive and intuitive nature, whose wisdom is received through reflection. Expanding further, the stars of heaven, assembling as constellations to dance across the vast tapestry of the night time sky, symbolize the ācāryas. With celestial powers beyond the scope of mortal vision, they expand the luster of Krishna consciousness. Even in the absence of the sun and moon, the influence of these saintly devotees serves as our guiding light, especially during the dark night of the soul.\n\nTheir pastimes and precepts reveal profound spiritual realities, shedding light on the inevitable challenges, obstacles, victories, and realizations of all who have gone before. For those who follow in their footsteps, they brighten the horizon, showing the way while teaching us how to perceive and reach our ultimate aspiration. They extend an invitation to join with their associates, to be included among those most fortunate souls who dance the journey on an enlightened pilgrimage of the transcendental song. Through their ability to touch, inspire, connect, and empower us, their stories become our story.\n\nThey come to this world only for the benefit of others. Their selfless service, the hardships they endure while here, the thankless tasks they undertake on our behalf, and the affectionate personal care displayed in all their dealings instill in us a desire to emulate them.\n\nMine was a generation lost in its quest for truth. We pursued sets of ideals, abstract philosophies, impersonal concepts, and future circumstances to fill the inner void, as if the key to peace and love awaited somewhere and sometime outside of us. With your appearance, our hearts awakened to the truth already living both amidst and within us. How rare in life is the golden opportunity to meet a pure devotee of Våndävana bearing messages from home!\n\nIn the barren soil of the Western world, you discerned some potential that had not yet become manifest. Your humility softened our hearts, transforming them into fertile ground made receptive to the seeds of devotion. Having initially planted the seed of faith, you continued to serve as gardener, cultivating our tender creepers with compassion, encouragement, and love.\n\nOur first meeting seems so long ago and yet so near at hand. Those of us in New Vrindavan were exceptionally blessed with your physical presence here in 1972. We had the extraordinary experience of celebrating both Śrī Krishna-janmāshtamī and Śrī Vyāsa-pūjā with you, allowing us to witness how you worshiped Krishna on the day of His appearance and, in reciprocation, how He glorified you on Śrī Vyāsa-pūjā.\n\nWe followed your footsteps physically and spiritually as they led us into a vast new frontier concealed behind the veil of all we had once accepted as reality. In the light of this dawning truth, the most precious concepts of love, devotion, compassion, forgiveness, and sacrifice took on a life beyond mere words. We saw them personified in you as sacraments, touching and revitalizing the very essence of our existence, the deepest core of our hearts.\n\nNever had we met anyone who loved so unconditionally. It was self-evident that you carried Śrī Krishna in your heart. Gradually, you bestowed insight into the wonderful nature of Krishna’s mysterious heart. You are the one to grant that realization, for as Krishna dwells in the heart of His pure devotees, they reside in His heart as well.\n\nRising in the east to spread light and life as foretold, the dawning rays of your influence reached western shores in due course of time. The blessings of Krishna followed in your footsteps as you circumambulated the globe, transforming lives, like a touchstone, everywhere you journeyed. The poetic prophecy Kavirāja Gosvāmī offered in praise of Lord Caitanya was fulfilled in you, who strung a garland of the Holy Name and prema to embrace all of the earth.\n\nYou came to prepare, train, and accompany us on our journey back to home. You restored life to our comatose souls with the immortal nectar of the Holy Name. You revealed the purport of “die to live,” granting us entrance into the munificent current of vraja-rasa, as it flows in and through the paramparā.\n\nWe so yearned for you to stay with us physically so that your vision for New Vrindavan would properly become manifest through your continuous guidance. Instead, unprecedented darkness befell when you withdrew your mortal pastimes from the vision of this world. It all seemed so dissonant. In your disappearance pastime, we felt that we had not only lost you, but we had lost ourselves as well. The darkness we endured before meeting you seemed to have returned with a vengeance. The light of your association vanished beneath the horizon; our lives were plunged into the dark night of the soul.\n\nAll of nature reflected and confirmed the depth of our loss. Flowers which had blossomed in your footsteps now wilted, joining in our mourning. The sun and moon seemed to fade. The breezes stirred leaves in the trees, whispering your message. Autumn showers felt as though devas were crying. Trees shed their foliage, covering the paths on which your footprints had lingered.\n\nUpon your departure from this world, our hope seemed utterly crushed, leaving no other recourse than to turn, in renewed earnest, to your instructions, books, and memories. You told us numerous times that everything is contained within your books, that you live forever in your instructions. You assured us that since you were always chanting Hare Krishna, if we did the same there would be no disconnect between us. While we had accepted this with faith, our realization had remained theoretical. It was now clear that your vānī was our only remaining shelter.\n\nAlthough we had been studying your books all along, it was always with the benefit of your personal presence. Deprived of that advantage, we were led to go deeper, seeking the essence of all that you had taught and exemplified. Yearning like cātaka birds, we kept our sights turned upward awaiting rains of mercy, never looking back to the ground below where you initially found us.\n\nWith the introduction to love-in-separation came memories of my childhood pastor echoing meaningful statements from Jesus: “Seek and ye shall find…I have so much more to teach you, but you cannot bear to hear it now…It is better that I leave so that the Holy Spirit can lead you into deeper intimacy…\\so\\ that the spirit of truth can come upon you, as your ongoing counselor and comforter. He will lead you into deeper communion with me.”\n\nSeeking further insight and confirmation, we turned to our favorite—Krishna book, where your voice and mood are quite tangible. You describe how the Vrajavāsīs found solace and shelter while enduring separation from Krishna by remembering His loving words, absorbing their hearts in His pastimes, and living life to the fullest, all in eager anticipation of His imminent return. For He had promised he would, indeed, return. From the pages of Krishna book a parallel experience emerged as we found the dynamic of ever-increasing love of the Vrajavāsīs for their beloved Krishna being reflected in our relationship with you, Krishna’s dearmost representative.\n\nWhile we had formerly sustained our enthusiasm with the eager anticipation and preparation for your next visit, your physical presence in our lives remained all too close for deeper reflection.\n\nFollowing in the footsteps of the Vrajavāsīs in the absence of their Krishna, we found our hearts naturally drawn to go more deeply into your vānī. At long last, all that we had seen and heard before began to fall into proper place as the larger story opened in new chapters, inviting our eager participation. It was as if further volumes of Caitanya-caritāmrita were unfolding before our eyes.\n\nThese subsequent chapters awakened an inner wisdom to discern subtle light within the darkness and a deeper love within the pain. Thereafter, a new dawn approached on an internal dimension.\n\nWithin the darkest times, the self-effulgent jewels of blessings, pulsating like the stars above, appear more prominent. Indeed, even Śrī Krishna appeared in this world at the hour of midnight, and Lord Caitanya appeared in the shadow cast by a lunar eclipse.\n\nThe ecstasy of separation in and of itself cannot remain the final goal. Rather, it serves as a catalyst to encourage the heart to grow fonder, to nourish certain reunion. And when reunion takes place at last, it is witnessed and reflected in eyes that have been anointed with the salve of enhanced devotion. Thus the object of love appears even more attractive and radiant than before.\n\nTruly, after those joyous times of walking and talking with you, followed by the painful anguish of separation, we are now invited to enter the deepest mystery of communion as it unfolds in your physical absence. The fundamental lessons you initially imparted were the seeds which blossomed in time. Therein a new realm unfolded where you personally extend the sweetest assurance.\n\nThe way you continue to deal with us makes it increasingly clear how intensely Krishna yearns to develop a deep relationship with His parts and parcels; one that is so intimate, so close, so enduring and steadfast that nothing and no one can disrupt it. In this light, joy reawakens refreshed in the hope that within one ending, a new beginning awaits. One that awards a relationship with you even more profound than what we had known before. Now you are calling us to look within, to confront the subtler shadows lingering in the valleys of our internal landscapes.\n\nThe deep darkness gradually gave way to new light, revealing that solitude of heart need not be lonely or isolating. A true encounter with you transcends past remembrances and future hopes, integrating time and space within the present moment. Here and now is the opportunity to gaze into the mirror as you hold it before our eyes. Therein awaits the liberating power of your presence, which frees us from past regrets and future fears. Your loving example grants us courage to face the shadows within and around us, which are not to be feared as much as the initial temptation to repress and deny them. Turning toward our shadows, accepting them as teachers, reveals within our greatest despair the first indications of everlasting light, directing us to the areas in our lives still in need of love, compassion, understanding, and grace.\n\nTruly, separation from you has compelled us to descend to the furthest and darkest recesses of our own hearts, to invite the Holy Name to illumine us from deep inside. Communion in the solitude of heart progresses to sharing within a community of the faithful, and from there, by Lord Caitanya’s grace, to the mission of preaching and distributing the love of Vrindāvana, thereby expanding the rays of the benediction moon.\n\nAlthough you, the external manifestation of the Supersoul, are no longer physically walking beside us, the realization that you are now living within us dawns as we attempt to delve more deeply into the Vrajavāsìs spirit; to share your gifts with others, to touch their hearts as you did ours, to find how you are dictating our thoughts, words, and actions. May our transformed lives testify to your ongoing presence. Following in the footsteps of the Vrajavāsìs, who sustained their lives by krishna-kathā, we will nourish our hearts by the process increasingly known and loved as Śrīla Prabhupāda Memories. This keeps your legacy ever fresh, alive, and growing.\n\nThe final pastimes of your mortal presence shook our lives to the very core, serving as a challenge to test our faith. As the representative of Lord Nityānanda, you remain forever the firm foundation on which to build our spiritual lives. You serve as the perfect mediator between God and man, fully understanding and representing both parties and endearing yourself to the hearts of all.\n\nIn gratitude for the fond memories you have impressed upon our hearts, we worship Nandotsava, the most perfect day for your Vyāsa-pūjā. Krishna’s mysterious appearance occurred while darkness covered Mathurā; it was only on the following day, Nandotsava, when the truth dawned in the hearts of the Vrajavāsīs that the long-anticipated son of Yaśodā had appeared in order to fulfill all their desires. How appropriate and significant for your appearance to take place on the joyful festival day of Nandotsava.\n\nAmong countless souls wandering aimlessly through dark labyrinths of material nature, amidst the clouds of worldliness, shadows of empiric theology, and mists of illusion, you have appeared as our Morning Star, a luminary bearing special significance. You rise daily to brighten the predawn sky, heralding the sun’s rebirth at daybreak, thereby representing the process of initiation. Foretelling eventual homecoming, you continue to shine in the world, guiding souls who have lost their way back to the path from creation to Creator. May the light of your pastimes and precepts dawn within our hearts and continue spreading to all the world, lifting our consciousness high above the dark and fearful shadows. Bless us that we may internalize the truth in all you have taught and exemplified.\n\nBy watching over us in japa, during the precious brāhma-muhūrta, the Morning Star reflects the revelation of the Holy Name from His initial dim glimmer in nāmābhāsa to the full luster rising in śuddhanāma, highlighting krishna-prema as the ultimate goal. May you continue to grant us access to the substantial nature personified in that transcendental sound, who is more radiant than the sun.\n\nMay this spirit of Śrī Vyāsa-pūjā awaken daily remembrance of your ongoing appearance as you continue to light up this world and shine within our hearts until the darkness is completely dispelled. Guide us, we pray, onward across the ocean of birth and death to the self-effulgent landscape on the distant shore, to the embrace of our eternal homeland. With this blessed assurance, each year we celebrate Śrī Vyāsa-pūjā with ever-increasing joy and appreciation, acknowledging the reality of your enduring presence in our lives moment after moment, here, now, and forevermore.\n\nYour eternal servant,\n\nVarsana Swami},{id:sankirtan-and-dancing,category:various,date:2021/03/01,title:Sankirtan and Dancing,cover:/public/writings/1-1bcesaw2dmzxspbcrssobg-2.jpeg,content:Excerpt from a lecture\n\nRelationships that place Krishna in the center are sanctified sites where the Lord resides, keeping everything harmonized and balanced. Relationships become pure and holy by coming together, singing and dancing with the Holy Name in the center, and sacrificing false ego on the altar of sankirtan.\n\nWithout relationships we become stagnant, lifeless, and wither away, overwhelmed by the fears and insecurities that material life breeds. Therefore, Caitanya Mahaprabhu emphasized sankirtan, the congregational chanting of the holy name – yuga dharma. Moreover, singing and dancing in kirtan is deeply inspiring and healing on many levels.\n\nJapa, our personal chanting of the Holy Name, is for individual purification of our hearts and souls. Thus, internal purity is a product of japa. Sankirtan complements our japa by purifying relationships. How? By singing and dancing congregationally, with the Holy Name in the center.\n\nBy coming together in harinam sankirtan, we are preparing ourselves for entrance into that land where all speech is a song, all motion is dance, and the vibration which activates everything is the sound of Krishnas flute. The song of Krishnas flute is non-different from the sankirtan of Caitanya Mahaprabhu in that they both inspire a love for Krishna.\n\nDance is an important form of worship in many traditions. Some of us are old and have health issues. Thus, we may think we cannot dance, but there is no mundane obstacle to pure devotional service. Narada Muni, always accompanied by his vina, made everyone in the universe dance. In the purport to the song \_Narada muni bajay vina_\ Srila Prabhupada explained that those devotees who could not dance were dancing in their hearts.\n\nDance is an expression of joy and unity in the Lords presence. We can dance in the spirit of love and connection. Dance involves graceful movements. We can extend that into our lives and be graceful in all we do, as grace is essential to moving through life and navigating different transitions and relationships.\n\nWeve all heard the phrase, a leap of faith. It doesnt mean a dive into the irrational. A leap of faith means to lift your spirits beyond the weight of sin and sorrow which holds us down in this world. Srila Prabhupada taught us how to dance with arms up-raised, similar to how Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and his associates did. This style of dancing expresses communion with God and is a way of aligning our inner life with our outer relationships. It also means reaching outward and upward through time and space into higher realms of harmony, rhythm, and creative potency.\n\nDance is a way of expressing joy in a life of celebration, service, and dedication to the Lord. It is a means of moving beyond the world as we know it into the world as we would like it to be. This way, dance can help overcome the inertia that brings stagnancy to our spiritual lives.\n\nThis material world will never become pleasant, but it is a place to practice what we are meant to perform eternally in a world where love, sweetness, beauty, and charm reign supreme. By celebrating and preparing for eternal life, we can overcome the sorrow and stagnancy of living in a world where mortality reigns.\n\nKrishna is the only male. That means there is only one independent enjoyer and everyone else is dependent. Therefore, our joy, satisfaction, and fulfillment depend on His pleasure. By serving Krishnas desires, our individual desires become sanctified and fulfilled. Thus, when we come together and dance in nama-sankirtan, it should be for the pleasure of Krishna, the guru, and the Vaishnavas. The Vaishnavas are personified in their divine archetype -- Advaita Acharya. The ontological form of Guru is Balaram, Sri Nityananda Prabhu, and the supreme male is Krishna. Therefore, we should come together to sing and dance for Their pleasure.\n\nSankirtan has two meanings. Everyone coming together to sing and dance is the first. The second is that everything is used in the missionary work of Srila Prabhupada and Mahaprabhu to develop love for Krishna, the purpose of our chanting.\n\nThe chanting awakens our dormant Krishna consciousness and counteracts all the evil tendencies of the age of Kali. It perfects the human form of life, benefits all living entities, and ultimately takes us back home, where everyone lives and dances eternally in perfect peace and harmony.},{id:sri-vyasa-puja-offering-2020,category:vyasa-puja,date:2020/08/13,title:Sri Vyasa Puja Offering 2020,cover:/public/writings/srila-prabhupada-on-vyasasana.jpeg,content:Dear Srila Prabhupāda,\n\nPlease accept my humble obeisances. All glories to you.\n\nThere is more to a story than the narrator knows, more rhythm in a poem than the poet is aware of, more music to a song than the composer can hear. Ultimately, the souls of this world express their heartfelt emotions and creative potential with a yearning hope to resonate with the universal story of enduring love that conquers any separation caused by impending death. This longing for a reality beyond the confines of samsāra stirs in the depths of the archetypal world.\n\nInspiration has always been drawn from our planet, who adorns herself in attire perfectly appropriate for each season and occasion, from springtime flowers to autumn’s crimson foliage. She forever infuses her various cultures with endless exuberance to celebrate the gift of life containing the treasure of a potential relationship with God. Such hope forever resides in our individual and collective remembrance.\n\nBy acknowledging and giving voice to the unspoken wonders of God’s creation, we are ushered toward a greater Reality beyond the relative. There, shining forever in the spiritual sky, we are introduced to the Beauty Who is Truth, the Truth Who is Beauty.\n\nThe nature of this highest realm is revealed in the Vedas, yet even they are unable to understand the mysteries hidden within their own pages. Srila Vyāsadeva therefore continues to write, either directly or through the ācāryas, to reveal the inner treasure of Vedānta—the pastimes and precepts of the Golden Avatāra, who joyfully declares that Krishna’s Holy Name personifies the essence and goal of all the scriptures.\n\nThere is so much more to Srila Vyāsadeva and his representatives than that which they speak about themselves. Therefore, the predecessor is often known more fully through his successors. This was perfectly demonstrated in the offering you wrote to your beloved Guru Mahārāja for his Vyāsa-pūjā in 1935. Srila Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī was so pleased with your words that he shared them with the assembled devotees. One verse in particular clearly reveals the heart of your guru:\n\n_Absolute is sentient,_\n\n_Thou hast proved,_\n\n_Impersonal calamity_\n\n_Thou hast moved._\n\nOvercoming impersonalism necessitates addressing its root: our conception of God, which is the basis of our worldview and relationship with everyone and everything within it. The personal feature of Bhagavān, which your Guru Mahārāja was dedicated to exalting, while minimized in empiric epistemology, is essential on the spiritual quest. Your Divine Grace perfectly embodies this legacy of your guru. Our invocation prayers, meant to acknowledge and beseech your guidance, grace, and blessings, further serve to highlight your mission of dispelling the darkness of impersonalism with the brilliance of Lord Caitanya’s vānī.\n\ntad viddhi pranipātena paripraśnena sevayā\n\n“Just try to learn the truth by approaching a bona fide spiritual master.” (Bhagavad-gītā 4.34)\n\nPrior to my second birth with you as my father, I had turned to the only scripture I knew, yearning for a personal understanding of a gracious God. But bereft of the dynamic effects of the guru-paramparā, despite my sincere efforts and prayers I found the Bible very perplexing, both as a dutiful child who love the stories of the Good Book in my Sunday School, and later as a student of theology in a Christian college.\n\nBiblical culture places great significance on names, which are carefully selected to indicate the nature of a person. Understanding someone’s name assists in developing a relationship with them. Yet, according to the Bible, God’s foremost name is too sacred, too powerful, too dangerous, too fearsome to be spoken aloud except under the most exclusive conditions. Instead, He is primarily addressed with formal titles and reverential adjectives. How can a close relationship develop with a God when His intimate name can never be known? How was I to honor the Biblical mandate to praise the Holy Name of the Lord without knowing His confidential name or even being able to freely speak His generic name? Biblical teachings go so far as to warn that to see His face would cause one’s death. How can the most pure, sweet, and innocent sentiments of the soul find fulfillment in a relationship with a vastly distant, faceless, and often fearsome deity?\n\nThe notion of divine fecundity within the living, immortal, sacred Word—the seed of creation and first manifestation of Godhead, germinating as the physical forms of material elements—finds expression in the Bible’s opening words, where God speaks: “Let there be light . . .” The Old Testament introduces the Word of God and His form of wisdom as spoken with creation to reveal His hidden design for this world.\n\nStudying the etymological origin of logos—the Word—drew me into a community of theologians, seekers, and philosophers who had also pursued a clear understanding of the concept for millennia. Personally, I felt called to the Gospel of John, knowing intuitively that I needed to pursue the deep truth within his writings. The Apostle John was creative and unconventional in articulating, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” In John’s Gospel the Word is equated with God, who first spoke creation into existence and later incarnates as His representative here on Earth.\n\nJohn’s perspective was gleaned from the commentaries of those who had come before him. It left rich sustenance to nourish the church fathers who would come after. And yet, for me, the Word of God in the New Testament remained as ambiguous as its parallel, the Name of God in the Old Testament, though they clearly had a significant connection. I became increasingly confused and frustrated as the actual meaning and realization continued to evade my grasp. My attempts to establish a personal relationship with the God of the Bible left me with one clear conclusion: the empiric approach to spiritual truth is helpful mainly insofar as it leads to realizing the crucial need for a spiritual master’s guidance and shelter.\n\nAt this critical juncture, the quest for truth becomes synonymous with the search for a bona fide spiritual master. The empiricist accepts, to varying degrees, that seeing is believing. Sri Guru, from his higher perspective, declares that believing is seeing. In other words, submissively hearing from a proper spiritual authority kindles faith, granting us the assurance of all we hope for and the firm vision in what is yet to come.\n\nFrom the stage of finding, serving, and surrendering to the proper source, the instructions of Sri Guru form the crux of the spiritual quest. The Biblical tradition alludes to the living dynamics of the guru-paramparā in one of the final statements of Jesus: “I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear to hear them now. However, when He, the Spirit of Truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth.” (John 16.12)\n\nThese words ringing in my ears marked the conclusion of my empiric theological studies. I became vigilant, attentively seeking any intimation of the Spirit of Truth, open to whatever tradition He chose to reveal himself in.\n\nIt was only in hearing first about you from your disciples, and later hearing directly from you, that I recognized the voice of the Spirit of Truth within you, who had been guiding me all along to find your shelter and guidance. In your presence, the Word of God, Spirit of Truth, and Holy Name all became perfectly integrated in a most confidential, relational, and personal dynamic. They verily came to life before my eyes and within my heart. Finally, all that I had heard and seen before began to fall into proper place and make perfect sense. It was as if you had me step back far enough to reflect on the larger picture in which God continues to write the script. And you, as ācārya, bring the story to life, integrating the spiritual fruits of wonder, truth, and love with the security of knowing that eternal service is our birthright—an inheritance bequeathed, by Your Divine Grace, even to those of us who are deficient in comprehensive knowledge.\n\nYour commentary on Biblical verses, given from the Vedic view, illuminated all areas of my former uncertainty, granting congruity within the nutshell verse, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” In a conversation in Paris on June 9th, 1974, while discussing these very words, you crystallized vast theological commentaries into one conclusive truth by citing a verse from the Padma Purāna: “Just parallel to this Bible passage I’ll quote one Sanskrit verse from the Vedas. Therefore, it is said, nāma cintāmanih Krishnaś caitanya-rasa-vigrahah / pūrnah śuddho nitya-mukto ’bhinnatvān nāma-nāminoh.” Your translation of this verse at Caitanya-caritāmrita Madhya 17.133 reads, in part, “The holy name of Krishna is transcendentally blissful . . . because the name of Krishna and Krishna Himself are identical.”\n\nThe supreme theology revealed by Lord Caitanya, elaborated by the Six Gosvāmīs, and synthesized by yourself explains every word, letter, and verbal root in relation to the Supreme Truth—the Holy Name, who is unique in personifying both the means and the goal of spiritual perfection. Your elaborations on the absolute nature of everything connected with Krishna make it clear as day that, objectively speaking, the Word is the Holy Name.\n\nSubjectively, the Word expands as all the instructions needed for the guidance of disciples under the direction of Sri Guru, the agent and representative of Vyāsa. By the grace and blessings of Sri Guru, the truth of the Vedas is presented comprehensibly in a most personal manner. All of our relationships are thereby uplifted to a more personal nature.\n\nThe grace and blessing of Sri Guru are likened to cintāmani dust upon his feet. The influence of that dust purifies the heart, enlightens the consciousness, and fulfills the most cherished desires of the soul. In your presence we experienced firsthand that the Word of God does indeed take human form; that the book Bhāgavata speaks to us in and through the person Bhāgavata, who, for us, is you, Srila Prabhupāda.\n\nYou objected to us literally taking the dust of your lotus feet upon our heads, assuring us that we could achieve the same result by sitting and submissively hearing as you spoke from the vyāsāsana. We were like cakora birds, subsisting only on moonlight, nourished by the benediction moon shining in the spiritual sky as you reflected, extended, and revealed it to us. As we heard your narrations with rapt attention, the spiritual world took shape in our consciousness. Your words and deeds revealed the luster and wonder of Vrindāvana to those living in a mere shadow of reality. Indeed, sacred sound is the reality it conveys, above and beyond merely representing the greater reality.\n\nThrough your grace, we see this truth manifest in countless ways. In the beginning of your mission there were no buildings, no students, no books. You came to the United States without men or money, equipped only with conviction in Sri Guru’s instructions, an implicit faith in the Holy Name, and Srimad-Bhāgavatam, the literary incarnation of Krishna. By your purely delivering the message of Godhead and chanting Hare Krishna, all of ISKCON manifested. Thus, you offered us a living example of the creative power of the Word.\n\nThe Spirit of Truth lives in the immortal nectar of your words and in the echo of your kīrtana. They form the crest jewel of theology, the very fulfillment of the teachings of Lord Caitanya. The Holy Name continues to resound and expand to every town and village by your divine grace. You being the senāpati-bhakta in Lord’s Caitanya’s entourage, the essence of your gift to the world, especially here in the godforsaken Western lands, is the Hare Krishna mahā-mantra, the most confidential hymn of Goloka Vrindāvana, comprised of the most endearing names of the Divine Couple. Their ever-expanding līlā is the original story to which no narration can reach its completion, no poem can convey in full, no melody sung can be concluded. For as soon as Krishna approaches the extent of His glory, it further expands.\n\nYour cintāmani words bless the earth. They made manifest a magnanimous place of pilgrimage in the Western world, a replica of Vrindāvana in the hills of Appalachia. Here, in New Vrindavan, the effects of Sri Dhāma enhance all the nine processes of devotional service for residents and pilgrims alike. Even tourists sense something special when visiting, thereby reaping the benefits of ajñāta-sukriti.\n\nOur only access to vraja-līlā is found through your pastimes and precepts, which are an open book inviting us into its unending story. Your words form the choicest poetry, suitable for sublime truths, articulating and echoing the rhyme of endless spiritual rhythms. Your kīrtana is the hymn of life eternal. You have transformed our lives into a dance as we follow in your footsteps on the path back to home.\n\nThe Spirit of Truth is likened to the wind breathing new life into hearts who are open to receiving and serving. Your unfailing influence has touched and transformed countless lives. In your global community, many stories are told in remembrance and glorification of you. These accounts may be very different from one another, some may even seem to conflict. And yet, if we continue our pursuit to serve the Spirit of Truth, our understanding will mature by the many ways your love and compassion have touched and continue to touch countless souls.\n\nBy hearing such stories shared, whether through tears or smiles, words or silence, inquiry or explanation, tenderness or boldness, we will gradually overcome impersonalism by the supremely personal touch conveyed in all your words and deeds. We will discern the truth that we can all remain united and empowered, by the influence of a Spirit greater than our own, to overcome the quarrel and hypocrisy so characteristic of this age. We will be reminded that pleasing you is the most important consideration in life. May we all demonstrate our love for you in the cooperation needed to extend your legacy.\n\nUnto you, Srila Prabhupāda, the representative of Vyāsa, who expand and distill the language of śāstra for the understanding and welfare of the world, worship is offered on your appearance day as Sri Vyāsa-pūjā, the Most Blessed Event. As the outward manifestation of Paramātmā, you are the eternal companion, counselor, and comforter of all souls who find shelter in you. May every Vyāsa-pūjā offering express our gratitude more deeply, reveal your heart more clearly, amplify your glories more fully, and bless the world with ongoing remembrance of you.\n\nYour servant,\n\nVarsana Swami},{id:few-reflections-on-eco-ethics,category:earth-culture,date:2020/03/30,title:Few Reflections on Eco-Ethics ,cover:/public/writings/antoine-giret-7_tszqjms4w-unsplash.jpg,content:From time to time, Krishna presses the pause button to give us time to reflect upon the consequences of our overstimulated lifestyles. Such a lifestyle has detrimental effects on mother earths life support systems, our individual immune systems, and healthy relationships. This pause gives us the opportunity to reconsider the choices we have made.\n\nThe ecological crisis means that mother earths life support systems are shutting down. Our air, water, soil, and food supply are becoming compromised due to the excessive pollution created by the plundering of multinational corporations and industries. Consequently, every living entitys physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual welfare is compromised.\n\nOur privileged life on the most blessed planet is in jeopardy. Already much of Mother Earths former splendor and glory has been reduced to ashes, foreshadowing further distraction and destruction if we fail to heed her warning.\n\nEarth can process a certain amount of toxic waste, but when the overconsumption of mankind overloads natures purifying effects, we all succumb to collective toxicity. Breathing, drinking, and eating polluted substances poisons the body and mind rendering them incapable of registering the messages from the archetypal world. So let us acknowledge and confess the truth awaiting beneath the denial fueled by our toxic conditioning.\n\nThe archetypal world contains vast wisdom conveyed through signs, symbols, images, visions, and dreams. Mother Earth stores that wisdom in the multiple depths of her being. She is more than our collective body; she is our collective psyche.\n\nLet us pray that mankind will learn these crucial lessons, and further still will recognize and create opportunities for Earth to heal and her children to benefit. Let us take time to rewrite the script in order that a new life may follow, away from modern plundering, pollution, and intoxication. A script granting a glimpse of the mighty Himalayas reappearing from the curtain of smog and of dolphins returning to the clean waters of Venice.\n\nMay Phoenix arise from the ashes in time to remind us that beneath our denial, cynicism, and criticism is a deeply rooted longing for a healthy community. Let us remember Srila Prabhupadas important directive of \plain living and high thinking\, expressed in a life of self-sufficiency.},{id:sri-vyasa-puja-offering-2019,category:vyasa-puja,date:2019/08/25,title:Sri Vyasa Puja Offering 2019,cover:/public/writings/sp.jpeg,content:Dear Srila Prabhupāda,\n\nPlease accept my humble obeisances. All glories to your lotus feet. All glories to your divine appearance.\n\nIn this world where hearts are breaking\n\nBeing given to mortals who perish\n\nWhose tender arms once held so dearly\n\nCannot be reached once they are gone\n\nGentle lips who sang so sweetly\n\nFall silent in the night\n\nVigilant eyes who once watched over\n\nHave lost their precious sight\n\nEarthly joys and the sorrows that follow\n\nLead alike unto the grave\n\nWhere to turn for lasting relationships\n\nIn a world which only fades\n\nYou introduced us to a vibrant land\n\nShaped by the song of Krishna’s flute\n\nWhere loving relationships endure\n\nGrowing sweeter deeper newer eternally\n\nIn that homeland of our souls\n\nThe glory of your tender-hearted Lord\n\nExtends beyond Vaikuntha\n\nHis grace runs deeper than the causal ocean\n\nIn 1896 He blessed this earth\n\nand all the souls herein\n\nSending His most magnanimous servant\n\nYou our eternal servant\n\nOur hearts were forever transformed in 1972\n\nWhen you visited New Vrindaban\n\nTo lead us in the worship\n\nFor Krishna Janmāstamī and your Vyāsa-pūjā\n\nTo kindle love for sacred teachings\n\nIn the temple room\n\nAs Janmāstamī’s midnight ārati neared\n\nDevotees sat at your lotus feet\n\nLike ancient sages gathered around their guru\n\nFor a Bhāgavat recital in some timeless holy place\n\nAs we read chapters of Krishna book aloud\n\nCulminating in the Lords advent\n\nYou appeared to have entered the very līlā described\n\nWe were unable to follow\n\nBy your kindness\n\nOur inability to share in your experience\n\nWas overcome on the following day\n\nNandotsava began with eager anticipation\n\nWhat a rare joy and true gift\n\nTo celebrate your appearance\n\nWhile you were here with us\n\nAs you approached the pandal\n\nIt was like a scene from the spiritual realm unfolding\n\nAs if Sri Dhām was already preparing\n\nAn offering of her own\n\nCows grazed peacefully\n\nAcross the verdant hillsides\n\nEach one decorated\n\nWith patterns drawn in various hues\n\nOf New Vrindaban clay\n\nWhen you stepped out of Hayagrīva’s Volkswagen\n\nTo walk the final stretch\n\nDaisies in the field bowed their gentle heads\n\nAlong the path you tread\n\nThe gracious way you smiled upon us\n\nLike the index of your soul\n\nSpoke volumes of precious siddhānta\n\nMore than any book or scroll\n\nConveying sweet assurance\n\nFulfilling our deepest aspiration\n\nThat you would feel at home\n\nHere in New Vrindaban\n\nHonoring Their loving envoy\n\nRādhā-Dāmodara came to be with you\n\nTo preside over the festivities\n\nOn this most blessed occasion\n\nAs you came before Their Lordships\n\nTo offer your pranāms\n\nYou began to lead the indelible kirtan\n\nAnd the spiritual frontier\n\nEmerged before our vision\n\nYour ecstasy was contagious\n\nEveryone was affected\n\nHundreds of eyes shed joyous tears\n\nHundreds of arms reached upward\n\nUndulating with grace\n\nCelestial voices joined with ours\n\nSongs of nature formed the chorus\n\nEchoes responded from surrounding hills\n\nNoontime sun from high above\n\nShone down on us to see\n\nFaces beaming with new-found hope\n\nIn brighter worlds beyond the sky\n\nWhile our praise rose upward\n\nBlessings descended in return\n\nYour Vyāsa-pūjā lecture\n\nThereby affirmed\n\nIt seemed as if the heavens opened\n\nFor the mellows of Vrindāvana to shower upon us\n\nCleansing the mirror of my soul from the dust of illusion\n\nWhile subduing samsāra’s raging fire\n\nAwakening a taste for devotional life\n\nA euphoric feeling surpassing all comprehension\n\nDistinct from all worldly experience\n\nImmersed us in the ecstasy of unbounded joy\n\nAmidst a delicate assemblage of fragrance and warmth\n\nColor beauty luster and rasa\n\nThis impression grows ever more vivid\n\nWith the passage of time\n\nI reflect on it often\n\nFor inspiration\n\nIn the half century that has passed\n\nMy steps have tried to move forward\n\nWhile my heart still lags behind\n\nAbsorbed in precious memory\n\nLet past and present now embrace\n\nIn memory of future homecoming\n\nYou represent Paramātmā\n\nOur eternal guide and companion\n\nWho emerged from the core of our hearts\n\nTo appear before our eyes\n\nIn the mortal form we knew\n\nHow we would love to know\n\nYour eternal form in Vrindāvan\n\nAnd how we will serve you there\n\nWe are confident that all Truths\n\nWill be revealed in course of time\n\nTo those who embrace the essence\n\nIn all you taught and exemplified\n\nYou personify the potency of Sri Nityānanda Rām\n\nCome to rescue the most fallen\n\nWhile revealing the holy Dhām in the Western world\n\nFrom the realm of sacred sound\n\nBeyond the touch of corporeal senses\n\nThe scope of empiric ability\n\nYou continue to reach out\n\nThe touch of your loving hand tangible still\n\nYou beckon us to go deeper\n\nSeek darśan in your vānī\n\nThe immortal feature of yours\n\nWhere we commune with you still\n\nThroughout all the ages\n\nYour vānī rings true\n\nAmplified as it drifts\n\nThrough the corridors of time\n\nEnshrined in hearts\n\nWho are given to you\n\nLiving in the praise\n\nThey sing anew\n\nIn this way we catch glimpses\n\nOf the Golden Age’s dawn\n\nPainting the sky with good fortune\n\nFor ten thousand years as Kali-yuga recedes\n\nBy holding tightly to your instructions\n\nWe find your presence\n\nAs vivid as ever\n\nLiving on in nāma-sankīrtan\n\nThe divine dispensation\n\nSweetest sound on all the earth\n\nSong bestowing second birth\n\nDancing upon your lotus lips\n\nResound in me today\n\nThis world fades and its light grows dim\n\nShadows move across the landscape\n\nWorldly songs fall silent\n\nMortal memories are all erased\n\nLead us through this tangled maze\n\nBurn the pages of karmic store\n\nCarry us over the shifting patterns\n\nOf burning desert sand\n\nAs we cross this barren wasteland homeward bound\n\nClear the slate of my mind\n\nWipe away unholy images from the mirror of my soul\n\nImpress our hearts with message never ending\n\nEnduring in the praise we sing\n\nO beloved Gurudeva\n\nDeliver us from duality\n\nWhere division and conflict rage\n\nTake us to that higher realm\n\nWhere you wait for us today\n\nGuide my steps on narrow path\n\nAs we serve you here and now\n\nEager to see your smile once again\n\nExtend the offer of enduring love\n\nTo lonely souls of this world\n\nHeal the broken hearts\n\nThat they too may sing\n\nIn fellowship with your devotees\n\nWhere you live with us still\n\nMay all who give their lives to you\n\nReflect the joy of your eternal shelter\n\nLiving in the sacrament we celebrate today\n\nSri Vyāsa-pūjā, the most blessed event\n\nYour servant,\n\nVarsana Swami\n\nIntroduction by Dravida Dasa\n\nVarsana Swami offers an exquisite poem. Here is an excerpt describing the kirtana Srila Prabhupāda led at his 1972 Vyāsa-pūjā celebration in New Vrindāvana. I’ve heard this extraordinary kirtana described before, but never so beautifully:\n\nAs you came before Their Lordships\n\nTo offer your pranāms\n\nYou began to lead the indelible kirtan\n\nAnd the spiritual frontier\n\nEmerged before our vision\n\nYour ecstasy was contagious\n\nEveryone was affected\n\nHundreds of eyes shed joyous tears\n\nHundreds of arms reached upward\n\nUndulating with grace\n\nCelestial voices joined with ours\n\nSongs of nature formed the chorus\n\nEchoes responded from surrounding hills\n\nNoontime sun from high above\n\nShone down on us to see\n\nFaces beaming with new-found hope\n\nIn brighter worlds beyond the sky\n\nWhile our praise rose upward\n\nBlessings descended in return\n\nYour Vyāsa-pūjā lecture\n\nThereby affirmed\n\nIt seemed as if the heavens opened\n\nFor the mellows of Vrindāvana to shower upon us\n\nCleansing the mirror of my soul from the dust of illusion\n\nWhile subduing samsāra’s raging fire\n\nAwakening a taste for devotional life\n\nA euphoric feeling surpassing all comprehension\n\nDistinct from all worldly experience\n\nImmersed us in the ecstasy of unbounded joy\n\nAmidst a delicate assemblage of fragrance and warmth\n\nColor beauty luster and rasa\n\nThis impression grows ever more vivid\n\nWith the passage of time\n\nI reflect on it often\n\nFor inspiration},{id:sri-vyasa-puja-offering-2018,category:vyasa-puja,date:2018/08/25,title:Sri Vyasa Puja Offering 2018,cover:/public/writings/sp-vyasa-puja-pic.webp,content:Dear Srila Prabhupada,\n\nPlease accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Your Divine Grace and sacred mission!\n\n_Among the host of your gurus disciples_\n\n_You alone fulfilled the order_\n\n_To carry his message, more brilliant than the sun,_ \n\n_To dissipate darkness on western shores._\n\n_Through storms that swept the ocean_\n\n_You brought tidings from afar_\n\n_To proclaim that night was ending_ \n\n_Like the early morning star._\n\n_Seemingly alone . . . impoverished_\n\n_You arrived within our midst_\n\n_Giving to all . . . looking for one Who might understand_\n\n_The treasure of divine love Overflowing from your heart._\n\n_You found a generation born of wealth_ \n\n_Who nothing of this world could satisfy_ \n\n_Children lost . . . unfulfilled_ \n\n_Our hearts starving . . . dry . . . suppressed._\n\n_Drawn to follow you_\n\n_Leaving all else behind We found spiritual fulfilment_ \n\n_And our hearts were satisfied._\n\n_Bhakti became our daily bread_\n\n_Rasa quenched our deepest thirst_ \n\n_And in Krsnas holy name_ \n\n_We found lifes very breath._\n\n_What followed would be unbelievable_\n\n_Other than the fact that it is true_\n\n_The prophesized Golden Age_\n\n_Dawning in your words, before our very eyes._\n\n_As you sang praise of Lord Gauranga_\n\n_And chanted Krsnas name_\n\n_Sleeping souls arose to the light of truth_ \n\n_Finding new hope in the dawning day._\n\n_Suddha-nama descended_\n\n_To dance upon your lips_ \n\n_Resonating in our hearts_ \n\n_Awakening our love._\n\n_You sang of your beautiful homeland_ \n\n_Surrendered souls most treasured goal_ \n\n_Where there is neither birth nor death_ \n\n_Though years of eternity roll._\n\n_Successive chapters have opened_\n\n_As previous ones have closed_\n\n_Twilight has come and darkness ensues_ \n\n_Shades of night cast shadowy hues_\n\n_The messenger of the waters_\n\n_Is with us no more_\n\n_Jaladutas last voyage sailed Back to her eastern shore._\n\n_Yet you still hold the helm_\n\n_And continue to chart the course_\n\n_Guiding the way_\n\n_To our final destination._\n\n_With the music of your homeland_ \n\n_Resounding in our ears_\n\n_Our hearts are drawn to join you there_ \n\n_Beyond the veil of tears._\n\n_The way you lead us now_\n\n_Is deeper than before._\n\n_For communion speaks through separation_\n\n_Cleansing comes through tears._\n\n_By hearing we can see_\n\n_You are closer to us_\n\n_Than we are to ourselves_\n\n_In the loving embrace of your vani._\n\n_The treasure of our inheritance awaits_\n\n_In the literary temple you created_\n\n_Admittance to the inner sanctum granted_\n\n_To those who serve your mission._\n\n_The lotus feet of Lord Gauranga_\n\n_Are there enshrined_\n\n_Leading beyond majestic Vaikuntha_ \n\n_To that charming land, Cintamani-dham._\n\n_The enchanting pastoral realm_\n\n_Where the sweetness of Krsnas love abounds_\n\n_Eclipsing the notion that He is God_ \n\n_Proclaiming that bhakti reigns supreme._\n\n_From there, your eternal residence, so far away from here_ \n\n_We hear your voice calling ever so clear_\n\n_Even though I lag behind, bound to mortal frame_\n\n_In your words I find my guide, my life, my home -everything to sustain._\n\n_It is with this assurance_\n\n_That we celebrate this day_\n\n_When you blessed the earth_\n\n_By your glorious birth._\n\n_On this most sacred occasion_\n\n_Please enrich our remembrance of the love we found in you_ \n\n_Who remains our faithful companion_\n\n_In times of joy as well as tears._\n\n_Unite us in the memories Growing fonder every day_ \n\n_Bestow the faith and patience_\n\n_To nurture us all the way._\n\n_Bless our attempts to follow your footprints_\n\n_In word and deed as well_\n\n_To harmonize through endless praise_\n\n_Every heartbeat, moment, breath and day._\n\n_May the Divine Grace of Srila Vyasadeva_\n\n_Who descended with your appearance_ \n\n_Continue to sing in your living words_\n\n_To breathe new and eternal life_\n\n_Into the hearts of all the world._\n\nYour dasa anu dasa, \n\nVarsana Swami}},__N_SSG:true},page:/,query:{},buildId:MmbjZP2KG61sBmJsU1iwG,isFallback:false,gsp:true,scriptLoader:}/script>/body>/html>
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