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HTTP/1.1 200 OKServer: openrestyDate: Tue, 04 Feb 2025 04:24:32 GMTContent-Type: text/html; charsetutf-8Content-Length: 37246Connection: keep-aliveCache-Control: privateX-MiniProfiler-Ids: d39dc800-c01a-4e49-9e7c-dd80bf5e6e7e,f8637bb7-888a-47bf-87ae-1c6a7e6d21c5,ba11cef4-31f8-4c5b-9121-494dd2ce2048,77e00405-4816-493f-91d8-986398b3b075,c6340195-da42-4d5a-a3a1-6466f7f3b310,831e4bdb-e3b3-4db7-b307-a6ae3fe1a069,c906db30-6115-4d48-a117-2ca5d2577229,9b745ab5-ca89-49a1-92e2-1d8c3ddec22e,e82922ec-bd53-47e7-9cf2-3cf5a2292cd2,fddcbc17-29e3-41ef-9aca-3731e0e1686e,69627627-dd42-45ce-baa8-440af0c2770b,e466d65a-3b8f-47fa-aa59-13ff92cce4a1,d9b17f9e-7f34-470c-a1ba-f03ac9be6b7b,39bbaebd-ef92-4ae5-881d-558e1c0861bb,351e8ec0-ef4b-4ec4-8584-0be4bd87fb85,668f4f5a-9e5f-4740-b12f-caa676efe950,8e20e8df-a34e-473e-ba25-2e9ed53a94ca,9cc84bbf-69a0-4d99-88fc-7b2f3d8e8ad4,013d52e4-0739-4052-9723-abcf5bc8705d,359a59fb-0e27-4bf8-a99a-21bdb4a9111b,0fbbf9d2-a348-4757-a9aa-b126b6b3140bX-Served-By: !DOCTYPE html>!--if lt IE 7> html langen classno-js lt-ie9 lt-ie8 lt-ie7> !endif-->!--if IE 7> html langen classno-js lt-ie9 lt-ie8> !endif-->!--if IE 8> html langen classno-js lt-ie9> !endif-->!--if gt IE 8>!-->html langen classno-js>!--!endif-->head> meta charsetutf-8> meta http-equivX-UA-Compatible contentIEedge> title>Usable Interface | UX Research and Usability Testing Consulting/title> meta namedescription contentUsable Interface is an independent UX research consulting company specializing in user research and usability testing. Our services include conducting research on end users of a wide range of products, everything from websites to touchscreen devices. We are located in Kingston, NH (near Boston), but our clients are everywhere. We go where the users are!> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1, maximum-scale1, user-scalableno> link relstylesheet href/css/font-awesome.css /> link relstylesheet href/css/bootstrap.css /> link relstylesheet href/css/bootstrap-theme.css /> link relstylesheet href/css/swiper.css /> link relstylesheet href/css/styles.css /> script src/js/modernizr-latest.js>/script> script src typetext/javascript> /script> script typetext/javascript> _uacct UA-134478-1; urchinTracker(); /script> !-- HTML5 shim and Respond.js IE8 support of HTML5 elements and media queries --> !--if lt IE 9> script src/js/html5.js>/script> script src/js/respond.src.js>/script> !endif-->/head>body> !-- BEGIN: SlideOutNavigation --> div idmenu classmenu slideout-menu> section classmenu-section> ul classmenu-section-list> li>a hrefjavascript: void(0); classcloseswipe>i classfa fa-times>/i>Close/a>/li> /ul> /section> section classmenu-section menu-section-with-sub> ul classmenu-section-list> li classtop-level>a href/services/>Services/a>/li> li classmenu-sub>a href/services/user-research/>i classfa fa-chevron-right>/i> User Research/a>/li> li classmenu-sub>a href/services/usability-testing/>i classfa fa-chevron-right>/i> Usability Testing/a>/li> li classmenu-sub>a href/services/training-speaking/>i classfa fa-chevron-right>/i> Training & Speaking/a>/li> /ul> /section> section classmenu-section> ul classmenu-section-list> li>a href/clients/>Clients/a>/li> /ul> /section> section classmenu-section menu-section-with-sub> ul classmenu-section-list> li classtop-level>a href/case-studies/>Case Studies/a>/li> li classmenu-sub>a href/case-studies/viator/>i classfa fa-chevron-right>/i> Viator/a>/li> li classmenu-sub>a href/case-studies/epicurious/>i classfa fa-chevron-right>/i> Epicurious/a>/li> li classmenu-sub>a href/case-studies/electrolux/>i classfa fa-chevron-right>/i> Electrolux/a>/li> li classmenu-sub>a href/case-studies/youtube-tv/>i classfa fa-chevron-right>/i> YouTube TV/a>/li> li classmenu-sub>a href/case-studies/intuit/>i classfa fa-chevron-right>/i> Intuit/a>/li> li classmenu-sub>a href/case-studies/theladders/>i classfa fa-chevron-right>/i> TheLadders/a>/li> li classmenu-sub>a href/case-studies/russound/>i classfa fa-chevron-right>/i> Russound/a>/li> li classmenu-sub>a href/case-studies/dicks-sporting-goods/>i classfa fa-chevron-right>/i> Dick's Sporting Goods/a>/li> li classmenu-sub>a href/case-studies/scholastic/>i classfa fa-chevron-right>/i> Scholastic/a>/li> li classmenu-sub>a href/case-studies/keysight-technologies/>i classfa fa-chevron-right>/i> Keysight Technologies/a>/li> /ul> /section> section classmenu-section> ul classmenu-section-list> li>a href/articles/>Articles/a>/li> /ul> /section> section classmenu-section> ul classmenu-section-list> li>a href/podcast/>Podcast/a>/li> /ul> /section> section classmenu-section> ul classmenu-section-list> li>a href/about/>About/a>/li> /ul> /section> section classmenu-section> ul classmenu-section-list> li>a href/contact/>Contact/a>/li> /ul> /section>/div>!-- BEGIN: Main Content Area -->main idpanel> !-- BEGIN: Main Navigation --> nav classnavbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-top> div classcontainer> !-- Brand and toggle --> div classnavbar-header> button typebutton classnavbar-toggle collapsed data-togglecollapse data-target#ui-main-nav> span classsr-only>Toggle navigation/span> MENU /button> button typebutton classnavbar-toggle slideoutmenu-toggle collapsed> span classsr-only>Toggle navigation/span> MENU /button> a classnavbar-brand href/> img src/media/12876/usable-interface-y104.png altUsable Interface logo> /a> /div> !-- Nav toggle container --> div classcollapse navbar-collapse idui-main-nav> ul classnav navbar-nav navbar-right> li classisdropdown> a href/services/ classdropdown-toggle disabled data-toggledropdown rolebutton aria-expandedfalse>Services i classfa fa-chevron-down stylefont-size:10px; position: relative; top: -3px; font-weight: lighter;>/i>/a> ul classdropdown-menu rolemenu> li>a href/services/user-research/>User Research/a>/li> li>a href/services/usability-testing/>Usability Testing/a>/li> li>a href/services/training-speaking/>Training & Speaking/a>/li> /ul> /li> li class> a href/clients/>Clients/a> /li> li classisdropdown> a href/case-studies/ classdropdown-toggle disabled data-toggledropdown rolebutton aria-expandedfalse>Case Studies i classfa fa-chevron-down stylefont-size:10px; position: relative; top: -3px; font-weight: lighter;>/i>/a> ul classdropdown-menu rolemenu> li>a href/case-studies/viator/>Viator/a>/li> li>a href/case-studies/epicurious/>Epicurious/a>/li> li>a href/case-studies/electrolux/>Electrolux/a>/li> li>a href/case-studies/youtube-tv/>YouTube TV/a>/li> li>a href/case-studies/intuit/>Intuit/a>/li> li>a href/case-studies/theladders/>TheLadders/a>/li> li>a href/case-studies/russound/>Russound/a>/li> li>a href/case-studies/dicks-sporting-goods/>Dick's Sporting Goods/a>/li> li>a href/case-studies/scholastic/>Scholastic/a>/li> li>a href/case-studies/keysight-technologies/>Keysight Technologies/a>/li> /ul> /li> li classisdropdown> a href/articles/>Articles/a> /li> li classisdropdown> a href/podcast/>Podcast/a> /li> li class> a href/about/>About/a> /li> li class> a href/contact/>Contact/a> /li> /ul> /div> /div> !-- /.container-fluid --> /nav>!-- END: Main Navigation -->!-- BEGIN: Hero Area -->div classpgHero> img src/img/hero-image-sm.jpg alt classheroImg> div classcontent> h1>Whats the secret to creating a usable interface?/h1>h2>Involving your end users in the design process./h2> div classtriangle> img src/img/hero-triangle.png alt> /div> /div> a href#competencies classarrow fancyscroll>i classfa fa-chevron-down fa-2x>/i>/a>/div> !-- /.pgHero -->!-- Core Competencies -->div classcontainer-fluid bgLtGray band idcompetencies> br> div classrow> div classcol-md-12> h2>How We Do It/h2> br>div classrow> div classcol-md-4> div classrow> div classcol-sm-2 col-md-12> br classvisible-xs visible-sm> a href/services/user-research/>img src/media/1098/user-research-icon.png altUser Research classicon-right-sm>/a> /div> div classcol-sm-10 col-md-12> h3> a href/services/user-research/>User Research i classfa fa-angle-right>/i>/a> /h3> p>p>Do you know what your users need and want? Have you talked with them yet? Its impossible to create any kind of user-centered design without knowing who your users are. User requirements gathering is one of the most important steps in building a usable interface./p>/p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4> div classrow> div classcol-sm-2 col-md-12> br classvisible-xs visible-sm> a href/services/usability-testing/>img src/media/1097/usability-testing-icon.png altUsability Testing classicon-right-sm>/a> /div> div classcol-sm-10 col-md-12> h3> a href/services/usability-testing/>Usability Testing i classfa fa-angle-right>/i>/a> /h3> p>p>Dont let the launch of your product, website, or application be the first time its put in front of an end user. You can find out long before your product goes live if its easy to use and meets your users needs./p>/p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4> div classrow> div classcol-sm-2 col-md-12> br classvisible-xs visible-sm> a href/services/training-speaking/>img src/media/1100/training-icon.png altTraining & Speaking classicon-right-sm>/a> /div> div classcol-sm-10 col-md-12> h3> a href/services/training-speaking/>Training & Speaking i classfa fa-angle-right>/i>/a> /h3> p>p>Does your team lack the skills needed to bring UX research in-house? Are you looking for a speaker for your next UX event? A span>custom talk or workshop on various topics in UX research can be crafted to fit your needs./span>/p>/p> /div> /div> /div>/div>br/> /div> /div> !-- /.row.bgLtGray --> br> br classhidden-xs> br classhidden-xs>/div>!-- Case Studies -->div classcontainer-fluid bgDrkGray band> div idresultsBand classrow> div classcol-md-6> div classrow row-centered> div classcol-md-12 col-lg-11 col-centered> h2>The Results/h2> div classresultDetails> h4>Company Name/h4> p>Description/p> a href# idcaseStudyBtn classbtn btn-default>Read Case Study/a> a href/case-studies classbtn btn-default>All Case Studies/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-6> !-- Slider main container --> div classswiper-container resultsSlider> !-- Additional required wrapper --> div classswiper-wrapper> !-- Slides --> div classswiper-slide data-image/media/12909/viator-main-image.png?anchorcenter&modecrop&width864&height539&rnd133355385470000000&quality100 data-url/case-studies/viator/ data-companyViator, a TripAdvisor Company data-descriptionViator is the world's largest online marketplace for tours, activities, and attractions. Usable Interface was hired to conduct a 6-week diary study and help create a journey map for Viator about their prospective end users. The purpose of the diary study was to better understand the goals, needs, and activities of travelers prior to taking a planned trip.> /div> !-- Slides --> div classswiper-slide data-image/media/16400/epicurious-case-study-image.png?anchorcenter&modecrop&width864&height539&rnd133355579950000000&quality100 data-url/case-studies/epicurious/ data-companyEpicurious data-descriptionBon Appétit and Epicurious are renowned for their food and cooking content. Prior to 2021, each brand had their own separate mobile app. Usable Interface was hired to conduct 4 rounds of iterative usability testing on a new design of the Epicurious app that would incorporate the recipes from Bon Appétit. The main objective of this study was to identify usability issues, refine the prototypes of the new mobile app design, and enable the UX and product management teams to prioritize future sprints.> /div> !-- Slides --> div classswiper-slide data-image/media/16992/electrolux-current-dishwasher-design2.jpeg?anchorcenter&modecrop&width864&height539&rnd133511887140000000&quality100 data-url/case-studies/electrolux/ data-companyElectrolux data-descriptionElectrolux is a Swedish multinational home appliance manufacturer, headquartered in Stockholm. It is consistently ranked the world's second largest appliance maker by units sold, after Whirlpool. Usable Interface began working with Electrolux in 2017 and has since been involved in multiple studies for microwaves, wall ovens, washing machines, and dishwashers.> /div> !-- Slides --> div classswiper-slide data-image/media/16406/main-header.png?anchorcenter&modecrop&width864&height539&rnd133511848630000000&quality100 data-url/case-studies/youtube-tv/ data-companyYouTube TV data-descriptionYouTube TV is a streaming television service operated by YouTube, a wholly owned subsidiary of Google. Usable Interface joined a team of researchers that were brought on to conduct field research interviews in people’s homes. The main objective of this study was to understand people’s behaviors while watching their favorite television shows with their friends.> /div> !-- Slides --> div classswiper-slide data-image/media/1083/quick-books-online.jpg?crop0,0,0.0000000000000007579122514774,0.25427879415165483&cropmodepercentage&width864&height539&rnd133511848630000000&quality100 data-url/case-studies/intuit/ data-companyIntuit data-descriptionIntuit is a leader in developing financial and tax preparation software and related services for small businesses, accountants and individuals. Usable Interface first began working with Intuit back in 2007 while conducting research for Quicken Loans and has more recently conducted a research study for QuickBooks.> /div> !-- Slides --> div classswiper-slide data-image/media/1127/theladders_screenhot3.jpg?crop0,0,0.43094619666048239,0.0000000000000002024849057750&cropmodepercentage&width864&height539&rnd133511903180000000&quality100 data-url/case-studies/theladders/ data-companyTheLadders data-descriptionTheLadders is an online community of more than 8 million professionals and 95,000 employers nationwide to help job seekers and employers connect.TheLadders introduced a mobile app for job seekers, called Job Search by TheLadders, and when they wanted to create an app for recruiters they turned to us to conduct the user research.> /div> !-- Slides --> div classswiper-slide data-image/media/1195/russound-uno-ts2.jpeg?crop0.0485855638716224,0.044403080189277612,0,0.15138790697400745&cropmodepercentage&width864&height539&rnd133511920010000000&quality100 data-url/case-studies/russound/ data-companyRussound data-descriptionRussound offers a complete range of multi-room A/V systems, multichannel amplifiers, and loudspeakers.Usable Interface was hired to conduct foundational research with end users and conduct usability testing on prototypes of a new design of the UNO-TSV interface -– a touchscreen device that allows users to pick what music they’d like to play in different rooms in their home.> /div> !-- Slides --> div classswiper-slide data-image/media/1128/dicks_slanted.jpg?crop0.0849660036754929,0.0707801476717676,0.021960673020056193,0.38013379022283894&cropmodepercentage&width864&height539&rnd133511921460000000&quality100 data-url/case-studies/dicks-sporting-goods/ data-companyDick's Sporting Goods data-descriptionUsable Interface was hired to conduct a usability test on the proposed redesign of the Dick’s Sporting Goods website ( The purpose of the test was to assess the usability of the new website design and learn if prospective users could find and purchase the products they need.> /div> !-- Slides --> div classswiper-slide data-image/media/1126/scholastic-website.jpg?crop0.0000000000000005052748343183,0.015294310051107322,0,0.056912532651901979&cropmodepercentage&width864&height539&rnd133511916620000000&quality100 data-url/case-studies/scholastic/ data-companyScholastic data-descriptionScholastic is the world’s largest publisher and distributor of children’s books and a leader in educational technology and children’s media. Usable Interface began working with Scholastic in 2013 and has since been involved in multiple studies for Scholastic Reading Club, Storia® School Edition, and Scholastic Art & Writing Awards.> /div> !-- Slides --> div classswiper-slide data-image/media/1204/keysight-top-banner.jpg?crop0.12420888494817628,0,0.015883450025987914,0.14168475657606389&cropmodepercentage&width864&height539&rnd133511907990000000&quality100 data-url/case-studies/keysight-technologies/ data-companyKeysight Technologies data-descriptionUsable Interface was first hired by Keysight to conduct a usability study on the existing website. The success of this study has led to six other usability studies conducted by Usable Interface for Keysight over the course of two years. Usable Interface has tested over one hundred Keysight customers, both domestic and international.> /div> /div> !-- If we need pagination --> !-- div classswiper-pagination>/div> --> !-- If we need navigation buttons --> !-- div classswiper-button-prev>/div> --> !-- div classswiper-button-next>/div> --> !-- If we need scrollbar --> !-- div classswiper-scrollbar>/div> --> /div> /div> /div>/div>div classcontainer-fluid bgMedGray band resultsLogoContainer> div classinnerresultswrapper> div classsliderCtls sliderCtlsleft> a href# idresultPrevSlide classsliderCtl>i classfa fa-chevron-left>/i>/a> /div> div classsliderCtls sliderCtlsright stylemargin-right:0> a href# idresultNextSlide classsliderCtl>i classfa fa-chevron-right>/i>/a> /div> div classcaseStudyLogoSliderHolder> div classswiper-container resultsLogoSlider> !-- Additional required wrapper --> div classswiper-wrapper> !-- Slides --> div classswiper-slide> img src/media/12910/viator-logo-case-study.jpg alt logo/> /div> div classswiper-slide> img src/media/12911/ba-epi-logo.png alt logo/> /div> div classswiper-slide> img src/media/16999/electrolux-logo.png alt logo/> /div> div classswiper-slide> img src/media/16401/youtube_tv_logo.png alt logo/> /div> div classswiper-slide> img src/media/1229/intuit-logo-home.png alt logo/> /div> div classswiper-slide> img src/media/1074/theladders_logo.png alt logo/> /div> div classswiper-slide> img src/media/1193/russound_wide.jpg alt logo/> /div> div classswiper-slide> img src/media/1072/dicks_logo.png alt logo/> /div> div classswiper-slide> img src/media/1095/scholastic_logosvg.png alt logo/> /div> div classswiper-slide> img src/media/17000/keysight-logo-01_orig.png alt logo/> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/div>!-- Testimonials and about -->div classcontainer-fluid band> br> div classrow> div idtestimonialContent classcol-md-6> h2>Testimonials/h2> div classswiper-container testimonialSlider> div classswiper-wrapper> div classswiper-slide> blockquote> p>p>Kyle is one of the sharpest minds in todays world of usability research and interaction design. Because of this, Usable Interface floats at the top of list of firms we recommend most to our key clients for solving critical design problems. Everyone weve referred to her has come back glowing about the improvements to their design and how pleased they are with Kyles insights and professional results./p>/p> p classtext-right testimonial-info> Jared Spoolbr /> Founding Principalbr /> User Interface Engineering (UIE) /p> /blockquote> /div> div classswiper-slide> blockquote> p>p>Kyle is one of the best usability interviewers I have worked with... She is able to easily turn the business needs into a research guide, clearly synthesize and present the findings, and work well with the internal team. On top of all this, she brings the projects in on-time and within-budget. Kyle is a pleasure to work with and produces exceptional work. I strongly recommend her./p>/p> p classtext-right testimonial-info> Holly Phillipsbr /> Usability, Research, and Optimization Managerbr /> Keysight Technologies /p> /blockquote> /div> div classswiper-slide> blockquote> p>p>Kyle is an absolute gem. She is professional, organized and tuned into the fine details, while at the same time putting clients and participants at ease with her pleasant and approachable demeanor. I will engage Kyle in as many future user research and usability studies as I can. When shes running a study, its definitely in good hands./p>/p> p classtext-right testimonial-info> Megan Grockibr /> Experience Strategy Directorbr /> Mad*Pow /p> /blockquote> /div> div classswiper-slide> blockquote> p>p>Kyles professionalism and dedication to delivering quality at every milestone enable our UE team to meet and exceed the businesss expectations relative to user testing, interaction design and user research. We look forward to opportunities to work with her going forward./p>/p> p classtext-right testimonial-info> Thomas Squeobr /> Director, Internet Strategy & Operationsbr /> McGraw-Hill /p> /blockquote> /div> div classswiper-slide> blockquote> p>p>The user research and usability testing that was conducted for us by Kyle was invaluable. We now understand what areas of our site are not meeting the needs of our users and how to go about offering a better online experience./p>/p> p classtext-right testimonial-info> Amy Christopherbr /> Web Managerbr /> University of the Sciences in Philadelphia (USP) /p> /blockquote> /div> div classswiper-slide> blockquote> p>p>Usable Interface helped make the launch of our Intranet a success! Kyle demonstrated the importance of iterative usability testing to our team. She shared her knowledge and methodology to help us incorporate user-centered design and testing in future projects./p>/p> p classtext-right testimonial-info> Robert Bonsallbr /> Director, eBusiness Communicationsbr /> Penn Mutual /p> /blockquote> /div> div classswiper-slide> blockquote> p>p>As a search engine optimization company I know that our efforts to drive traffic are not fully realized if the processes by which people interact with our sites are not intuitive and easy to use. That is precisely why Kyle Soucy has worked with us on numerous web projects in various capacities as it relates to user focused design/web process optimization./p>/p> p classtext-right testimonial-info> Wil Reynoldsbr /> Founding Principalbr /> Seer Interactive /p> /blockquote> /div> div classswiper-slide> blockquote> p>p>Kyle constantly impresses me on her ability to utilize user-centered design techniques to solve real business problems, not just boxes and arrows that explain concepts. The results achieved from her work are the best demonstration of her skills./p>/p> p classtext-right testimonial-info> Chris Nagelebr /> Founding Principalbr /> Wildbit /p> /blockquote> /div> div classswiper-slide> blockquote> p>p>Kyle delivered the answers we needed quickly. Before the testing, she was a font of good ideas and practical advice about research methods, tools, and approaches. Her testing was diligent and her report was actionable and detailed. I would definitely work with Kyle again./p>/p> p classtext-right testimonial-info> James Melzerbr /> User Experience Leadbr /> EightShapes, LLC /p> /blockquote> /div> /div> /div> div classslideControls> div classsliderCtls> a href# idtmlPrevSlide classsliderCtl>i classfa fa-chevron-left>/i>/a> a href# idtmlNextSlide classsliderCtl>i classfa fa-chevron-right>/i>/a> /div> a href/clients classbtn btn-default>All Testimonials/a> /div> /div> div classcol-md-6> div classaboutContent> h2>Who We Are/h2>p>Usable Interface is an independent UX research consulting company specializing in user research and usability testing. Our services include conducting research on end users of a wide range of products, everything from websites to touchscreen devices. We are located in Kingston, NH (near Boston), but our clients are everywhere. strong>We go where the users are!/strong>/p>p>Weve been improving the experience of our clients products for the last 20 years. During that time, weve conducted research and testing with all types of end users for a variety of products, including:/p>ul>li>Websites (e-commerce, corporate, non-profit, intranets, media, and brochure)/li>li>Desktop and mobile apps (everything from span>data governance to /span>recipe apps)/li>li>Medical devices/li>li>Consumer electronics/li>li>Kitchen and home appliances/li>/ul>p>br />a href/about classbtn btn-default>About Us/a>/p> /div> /div> /div> br> br classhidden-xs>/div>!-- Call to action -->div idcallToAction classcontainer-fluid bgBlueGrad band> br> div classrow> div classcol-md-12 text-center> div classh1>Lets Discuss Your Project Today /div> a href/contact-us classbtn btn-default-alt>Get In Touch/a> /div> /div> br>/div>/main> div classcontainer-fluid> footer idfooter classrow> div classcol-md-12 text-center> p> a>i classfa fa-envelope-square fa-2x>/i>/a> a href target_blank>i classfa fa-linkedin-square fa-2x>/i>/a> /p> p classlead>(603) 205-0315/p> p classsmall>© Usable Interface 2025 All Rights Reserved /p> /div> /footer>/div>script src/js/jquery-1.11.2.min.js>/script>script src/js/bootstrap.min.js>/script>script src/js/swiper.jquery.min.js>/script>script src/js/jquery-ui.js>/script>script src/js/slideout.min.js>/script>script src/js/main.js>/script> script typetext/javascript> var _gaq _gaq || ; _gaq.push(_setAccount, UA-19804350-1); _gaq.push(_trackPageview); (function () { var ga document.createElement(script); ga.type text/javascript; ga.async true; ga.src (https: document.location.protocol ? https://ssl : http://www) +; var s document.getElementsByTagName(script)0; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); })(); /script>/body>/html>
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