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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Thu, 20 Mar 2025 19:52:02 GMTServer: NetscapeLast-Modified: Thu, 25 May 2017 17:13:11 GMTETag: 1a6dd-5505c55d837c0Accept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 108253Content-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8Content-Language: en-us !DOCTYPE html>html>head> meta http-equivX-UA-Compatible contentIEEDGE/> meta charsetutf-8/> meta nameGenerator contentXara HTML filter v.> meta nameXAR Files contentindex_html_files/xr_files.txt/> title>United Industrial Products (Singapore) Pte Ltd/title> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1 /> meta namekeywords contentUnited Industrial Products Pte Ltd, United Industrial Trading, diamond wheel, CBN wheel, grinding wheel, abrasives, superabrasives grinding, Minimo, Sentan Tools, SFIDA, Machines Tools Accessories, Singapore/> meta namedescription contentUnited industrial products - diamond wheel, CBN wheel, Machine Tools, Supersbrasives Grinding wheels, Minimo, Sentan Tools, Premo, SFIDA, Abrasives products in Singapore/> link relstylesheet hrefindex_html_files/xr_fonts.css/> script>!-- if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf(MSIE)!-1 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf(Trident)!-1){ document.write(link relstylesheet hrefindex_html_files/xr_fontsie.css/>);} -->/script> script>document.documentElement.classNamexr_bgh0;/script> link relstylesheet hrefindex_html_files/highslide.css /> !--if lt IE 7>link relstylesheet hrefindex_html_files/highslide-ie6.css />!endif--> script srcindex_html_files/highslide.js>/script> link relstylesheet hrefindex_html_files/xr_main.css/> link relstylesheet hrefindex_html_files/xr_text.css/> link relstylesheet hrefindex_html_files/custom_styles.css/> link relshortcut icon typeimage/ico hrefindex_html_files/favicon.ico/> link relicon typeimage/ico hrefindex_html_files/favicon.ico/> script srcindex_html_files/roe.js>/script> script srcindex_html_files/replaceMobileFonts.js>/script> script srcindex_html_files/prs4.js>/script> link relstylesheet hrefindex_html_files/xr_all.css idxr_mvcss/> !--if lt IE 9>link relstylesheet hrefindex_html_files/xr_ie.css/>!endif--> script> var xr_multivar1;xr_ios_ini2();/script> script srcindex_html_files/jquery.js>/script> link relstylesheet hrefindex_html_files/ani.css/> style>.xr_pbd {position: absolute; 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All Rights Reserved./span>/span> span classxr_tc xr_s1 styleleft: -126.02px; top: 4.54px; width: 255px;>Tel: (+65) 6746 9835 Fax: (+65) 6745 0385 /span> span classxr_tc xr_s1 styleleft: -114.81px; top: 19.95px; width: 230px;> a onclickreturn(xr_nn()); onmousemovexr_mo(this,0) >CLICK HERE TO SENT US AN EMAIL/a>/span> /div>/div>div classxr_group> span classxr_ar styleleft:0px;top:1131px;width:1500px;height:10px; background-color: #666666;>/span>/div>div classxr_group> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcindex_html_files/40252.jpg alt title styleleft:19px;top:82px;width:161px;height:64px;/>/div> div classxr_txt xr_s2 styleposition: absolute; left:232px; top:759px; width:413px; height:10px;font-family:Times New Roman;font-weight:normal;font-feature-settings:kern,liga 0,clig 0,calt 0;color:#000000;> h3 classxr_tc Heading_1 Heading_3 styleleft: 145.8px; top: -14.26px; width: 121px;font-family:Times New Roman;font-weight:normal;color:#000000;margin:0;>- OUR VISION -/h3> span classxr_tc Normal_text styleleft: 43.72px; 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top:64px; min-width:115px;> ul classxr_nb4> li classxr_nb1>a hrefjavascript:; target_self onmouseoverxr_nbr(this,0);>Diamond & CBN Wheels/a> ul classxr_nb2 styleleft:100%; top:0px;> li>a href>Diamond & CBN Wheel Shape/a> /li> li>a href>Request for Quotation/a> /li> li>div>div classxr_nb6>/div>/div> /li> li>a href>Grit Size Chart/a> /li> li>a href>Core Material & Bond Selection/a> /li> li>a href>Defining Wheel Shapes/a> /li> li>a href>Marking of Superabrasives Wheel/a> /li> li>a href>Our Services/a> /li> li>div>div classxr_nb6>/div>/div> /li> li>a href>Diamond Compound/a> /li> /ul> /li> li>div>div classxr_nb6>/div>/div> /li> li classxr_nb1>a hrefjavascript:; target_self onmouseoverxr_nbr(this,0);>Machine Tools/a> ul classxr_nb2 styleleft:100%; top:0px;> li>a href>Punch Former/a> /li> li>a href>Dresser for Grinding Wheel/a> /li> li>a href>Grinding Machine Wheel Flange / Wheel Balancing Stand/a> /li> li>a href>ToolMakers Vise/a> /li> li>a href>EDW Wirecut & EDM Products/a> /li> li>a href>Magnetic Induction Block / Magnetic Square & V Block / Sine Plate / Magnetic Chuck/a> /li> li>a href>Vacuum Chuck / Magnetic Lifter / Demagnetizer / Chuck Controller/a> /li> li>a href>Magnetic Tools / Magnetic Base / Magnetic Holder / Magnetic Indicator / Magnetic Universal Arm/a> /li> li>a href>Angle Plate / V Block / Sine Bar / Sqaure Ruler / Gauge Block / Pin Gauge/a> /li> li>a href>Edge Finder / Z Axis Pre-Setter / 3D Taster / Dial Indicator/a> /li> li>a href>Dial Comparator / Centering Indicator / Digital Indicator / Caliper & Micrometer/a> /li> li>a href>Height Gauge / Concentricity & Eccentric Instrument / Tool Pre-setter / Tool Cabinet/a> /li> li>a href>Fixture for Coordinate Measuring Machine (FCMM) / Precision Measurement Pedestal/a> /li> li>div>div classxr_nb6>/div>/div> /li> li>a href>Boring System/a> /li> li>a href>Milling Arbors & Collet/a> /li> li>a href>Milling Chuck for Drill & Tap/a> /li> li>a href>Machine Vise/a> /li> li>a href>Universal Dividing Head / Horizontal & Vertical Table / Indexing Spacer / Super Divider/a> /li> li>a href>Tilting Rotary Table / Precsion Index Table / Angle Plate / Angle Block / Parallel Bar Set/a> /li> li>a href>Clamps for Milling & Turning/a> /li> li>a href>Turning Chuck/a> /li> li>a href>Lathe Live & Dead Center / Carbide Tipped Center/a> /li> li>a href>Tool Holder for Lathe Machine/a> /li> li>a href>Clamps for Milling & Turning/a> /li> li>a href>Chamfering Equipment / Belt & Disc Sander / Cut-Off Machine/a> /li> li>a href>Tool & Cutter Grinder / Endmill & Drill Sharpening Equipment / Tapping Equipment/a> /li> /ul> /li> li>div>div classxr_nb6>/div>/div> /li> li classxr_nb1>a hrefjavascript:; target_self onmouseoverxr_nbr(this,0);>MINIMO One Series Ver. 2/a> ul classxr_nb2 styleleft:100%; top:0px;> li>a href>01 - Power Pack/a> /li> li>a href>02 - Handpiece/a> /li> li>a href>03 - Motor/a> /li> li>a href>04 - Head/a> /li> li>a href>05 - Clamp Head / Joint/a> /li> li>a href>06 - Conformity of Motor & Head/a> /li> li>a href>07 - Combination & Portable Set/a> /li> li>a href>08 - Accessories/a> /li> li>a href>09 - Medium Load Power Pack/a> /li> li>a href>10 - Special Machinery/a> /li> li>a href>11 - POLYTOR Ultrasonic Handpiece/a> /li> li>a href>12 - Appliance/a> /li> li>a href>13 - Safety Instruction/a> /li> /ul> /li> li classxr_nb1>a hrefjavascript:; target_self onmouseoverxr_nbr(this,0);>SENTAN Tools/a> ul classxr_nb2 styleleft:100%; top:0px;> li>a href>Table of Contents/a> /li> li>a href>AD - Diamond & CBN Tools/a> /li> li>a href>BC - Carbide Cutters/a> /li> li>a href>BS - Steel Cutters/a> /li> li>a href>CA - Mounted Points/a> /li> li>a href>DB - Abrasive Rubber Points/a> /li> li>a href>DE - Elastic Points/a> /li> li>a href>EA - Abrasives Sanders/a> /li> li>a href>ES - Attachment Sanders/a> /li> li>a href>FC - Brushes/a> /li> li>a href>FD - Special Brushes/a> /li> li>a href>GA - Polishing Tools/a> /li> li>a href>HD - Polishing Compounds/a> /li> li>a href>JA - Precision Grinding Tools/a> /li> li>a href>KA - Drills/a> /li> li>a href>MC - Cut-Off Tools/a> /li> li>a href>NA - Wheel Tools/a> /li> li>a href>PA - Auxillary Tools/a> /li> li>a href>RD - Hand Tools/a> /li> li>a href>SA - MINIMO® Specialized Tools/a> /li> li>a href>ZC - Tool Sets/a> /li> li>a href>INDEX - Product Codes/a> /li> /ul> /li> li>a href>PREMO - Micro Grinder/a> /li> li>a href>SFIDA - Brushless Motor Spindle/a> /li> /ul> /div> /div> div classxr_ar xr_nb0> a href target_self onclickreturn(xr_nn());> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcindex_html_files/25.png altCONTACT US title onmousemovexr_mo(this,19,event) styleleft:0px;top:96px;width:115px;height:28px;/> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap xr_ro xr_ro0 xr_tt3 srcindex_html_files/2717.png altCONTACT US title onmousemovexr_mo(this,19) styleleft:0px;top:96px;width:115px;height:28px;/> /a> /div> div classxr_ar xr_nb0> a href target_self onclickreturn(xr_nn());> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcindex_html_files/26.png altSITEMAP title onmousemovexr_mo(this,19,event) styleleft:0px;top:128px;width:115px;height:28px;/> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap xr_ro xr_ro0 xr_tt3 srcindex_html_files/2718.png altSITEMAP title onmousemovexr_mo(this,19) styleleft:0px;top:128px;width:115px;height:28px;/> /a> /div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classxr_ap xr_mvp_1 styletop:0px; left:0px; width:0px; height:0px; text-align:left;> div classxr_ap xr_stickie styleposition:fixed;top:0px;width:100%;height:58px;> span classxr_ar style left: 0px; width: 100%; height: 58px; position: fixed; background-color: #FD0217;>/span> /div>div classxr_xpos xr_stickie styleposition:fixed; left: 50%; margin-left: -702px; top: 31px; width:1404px; height:27px;>div idxr_nb3 classxr_ar> div classxr_ar xr_nb0> a href onclickreturn(xr_nn());> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcindex_html_files/2649.png altHOME title onmousemovexr_mo(this,19,event) styleleft:0px;top:0px;width:177px;height:27px;/> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap xr_ro xr_ro0 xr_tt3 srcindex_html_files/2719.png altHOME title onmousemovexr_mo(this,19) styleleft:0px;top:0px;width:177px;height:27px;/> /a> /div> div classxr_ar xr_nb0> a href onclickreturn(xr_nn());> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcindex_html_files/34953.png altABOUT US title onmousemovexr_mo(this,19,event) styleleft:176px;top:0px;width:176px;height:27px;/> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap xr_ro xr_ro0 xr_tt3 srcindex_html_files/35003.png altABOUT US title onmousemovexr_mo(this,19) styleleft:176px;top:0px;width:176px;height:27px;/> /a> /div> div classxr_ar xr_nb0> a hrefjavascript:; onclickreturn(xr_nn());> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcindex_html_files/34954.png altMACHINE TOOLS title styleleft:351px;top:0px;width:176px;height:27px;/> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap xr_ro xr_ro0 xr_tt3 srcindex_html_files/35004.png altMACHINE TOOLS title onmousemovexr_mo(this,19) styleleft:351px;top:0px;width:176px;height:27px;/> /a> div classxr_nb2 xr_nb5 xr_smp351_-527 styleleft:351px; top:27px; min-width:176px;> ul classxr_nb4> li>a href>01 - Punch Former/a> /li> li>a href>02 - Dresser for Grinding Wheel/a> /li> li>a href>03 - Wheel Flange / Wheel Balancing Stand/a> /li> li>a href>04 - Toolmakers Vise/a> /li> li>a href>05 - Wirecut & EDM Products/a> /li> li>a href>06 - Magnetic Induction Block / Magnetic Square & V Block / Sine Plate / Magnetic Chuck/a> /li> li>a href>07 - Vacuum Chuck / Magnetic Lifter / Demagnetizer / Chuck Controller/a> /li> li>a href>08 - Magnetic Tools / Magnetic Base / Magnetic Holder / Magnetic Indicator & Universal Arm/a> /li> li>a href>09 - Angle Plate / V Block / Sine Bar / Square Ruler / Gauge Blocks / Pin Gauges/a> /li> li>a href>10 - Edge Finder / Z Axis Pre-Setter / 3D Taster / Dial Indicator/a> /li> li>a href>11 - Dial Comparator / Centering Indicator / Digital Indicator / Caliper & Micrometer/a> /li> li>a href>12 - Height Gauge / Concentricity & Eccentric Instrument / Tool Pre-Setter / Tool Cabinet/a> /li> li>a href>13 - Fixture for Coordinate Measuring Machine (FCMM) / Precision Measurement Pedestal/a> /li> li>div>div classxr_nb6>/div>/div> /li> li>a href>14 - Boring System/a> /li> li>a href>15 - Milling Arbor & Collet/a> /li> li>a href>16 - Milling Chuck for Drill & Tap/a> /li> li>a href>17 - Machine Vise/a> /li> li>a href>18 - Universal Diving Head / Horizontal & Vertical Table / Indexing Spacer / Super Divider/a> /li> li>a href>19 - Tilting Rotary Table / Precision Index Table / Angle Plate & Block / Parallel Bar Set/a> /li> li>a href>20 - Clamps for Milling & Turning/a> /li> li>a href>21 - Turning chuck/a> /li> li>a href>22 - Lathe Live & Dead Center / Carbide Tipped Center/a> /li> li>a href>23 - Tool Holder for lathe Machine/a> /li> li>a href>24 - Cutting Tools - Carbide Center Drill / Carbide Drill / Milling Cutter & Insert/a> /li> li>a href>25 - Chamfering Equipment / Belt & Disc Sander / Cut-off Machine/a> /li> li>a href>26 - Tool & Cutter Grinder / Endmill & Drill Sharpening Equipment / Tapping Equipment/a> /li> /ul> /div> /div> div classxr_ar xr_nb0> a hrefjavascript:; onclickreturn(xr_nn());> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcindex_html_files/2652.png altSUPER-ABRASIVES title styleleft:526px;top:0px;width:176px;height:27px;/> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap xr_ro xr_ro0 xr_tt3 srcindex_html_files/2722.png altSUPER-ABRASIVES title onmousemovexr_mo(this,19) styleleft:526px;top:0px;width:176px;height:27px;/> /a> div classxr_nb2 xr_nb5 xr_smp526_-702 styleleft:526px; top:27px; min-width:176px;> ul classxr_nb4> li>a href>DIAMOND & CBN WHEEL SHAPE/a> /li> li>a href>REQUEST FOR QUOTATION/a> /li> li>div>div classxr_nb6>/div>/div> /li> li>a href>GRIT SIZE CHART/a> /li> li>a href>CORE MATERIALS & BOND/a> /li> li>a href>DEFINING WHEEL SHAPES/a> /li> li>a href>MARKING OF SUPERABRASIVES WHEEL/a> /li> li>a href>OUR SERVICES/a> /li> li>div>div classxr_nb6>/div>/div> /li> li>a href>DIAMOND COMPOUND/a> /li> /ul> /div> /div> div classxr_ar xr_nb0> a hrefjavascript:; onclickreturn(xr_nn());> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcindex_html_files/2653.png altMINIMO ONE SERIES Ver. 2 title styleleft:702px;top:0px;width:176px;height:27px;/> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap xr_ro xr_ro0 xr_tt3 srcindex_html_files/2723.png altMINIMO ONE SERIES Ver. 2 title onmousemovexr_mo(this,19) styleleft:702px;top:0px;width:176px;height:27px;/> /a> div classxr_nb2 xr_nb5 xr_smp702_-878 styleleft:702px; top:27px; min-width:176px;> ul classxr_nb4> li>a href>01 - POWER PACK/a> /li> li>a href>02 - HANDPIECE/a> /li> li>a href>03 - MOTOR/a> /li> li>a href>04 - HEAD/a> /li> li>a href>05 - CLAMP HEAD / JOINT/a> /li> li>a href>06 - COMFORMITY of MOTOR & HEAD/a> /li> li>a href>07 - COMBINATION & PORTABLE SET/a> /li> li>a href>08 - ACCESSORIES/a> /li> li>a href>09 - MEDIUM LOAD POWER PACK/a> /li> li>a href>10 - SPECIAL MACHINERY/a> /li> li>a href>11 - POLYTOR ULTRASONIC HANDPIECE/a> /li> li>a href>12 - APPLIANCE/a> /li> li>a href>13 - SAFETY INSTRUCTION/a> /li> li>div>div classxr_nb6>/div>/div> /li> li>a href>PREMO/a> /li> li>a href>SFIDA/a> /li> /ul> /div> /div> div classxr_ar xr_nb0> a hrefjavascript:; onclickreturn(xr_nn());> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcindex_html_files/34957.png altSENTAN TOOLS title styleleft:877px;top:0px;width:176px;height:27px;/> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap xr_ro xr_ro0 xr_tt3 srcindex_html_files/35007.png altSENTAN TOOLS title onmousemovexr_mo(this,19) styleleft:877px;top:0px;width:176px;height:27px;/> /a> div classxr_nb2 xr_nb5 xr_smp877_-1053 styleleft:877px; top:27px; min-width:176px;> ul classxr_nb4> li>a href>Table of Contents/a> /li> li>a href>AD - Diamond & CBN Tools/a> /li> li>a href>BC - Carbide Cutters/a> /li> li>a href>BS - Steel Cutters/a> /li> li>a href>CA - Mounted Points/a> /li> li>a href>DB - Abrasive Rubber Points/a> /li> li>a href>DE - Elastic Points/a> /li> li>a href>EA - Abrasives Sanders/a> /li> li>a href>ES - Attachment Sanders/a> /li> li>a href>FC - Brushes/a> /li> li>a href>FD - Special Brushes/a> /li> li>a href>GA - Polishing Tools/a> /li> li>a href >HD - Polishing Compounds/a> /li> li>a href>JA - Precision Grinding Tools/a> /li> li>a href>KA - Drills/a> /li> li>a href>MC - Cutt-Off Tools/a> /li> li>a href>NA - Wheel Tools/a> /li> li>a href>PA - Auxillary Tools/a> /li> li>a href>RD - Hand Tools/a> /li> li>a href>SA - MINIMO® Specialized Tools/a> /li> li>a href>ZC - Tool Sets/a> /li> li>a href>INDEX - Product Codes/a> /li> /ul> /div> /div> div classxr_ar xr_nb0> a href target_self onclickreturn(xr_nn());> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcindex_html_files/34958.png altCONTACT US title onmousemovexr_mo(this,19,event) styleleft:1052px;top:0px;width:176px;height:27px;/> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap xr_ro xr_ro0 xr_tt3 srcindex_html_files/35008.png altCONTACT US title onmousemovexr_mo(this,19) styleleft:1052px;top:0px;width:176px;height:27px;/> /a> /div> div classxr_ar xr_nb0> a href target_self onclickreturn(xr_nn());> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcindex_html_files/2656.png altSITEMAP title onmousemovexr_mo(this,19,event) styleleft:1227px;top:0px;width:177px;height:27px;/> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap xr_ro xr_ro0 xr_tt3 srcindex_html_files/2726.png altSITEMAP title onmousemovexr_mo(this,19) styleleft:1227px;top:0px;width:177px;height:27px;/> /a> /div>/div>/div>/div>div classxr_ap xr_mvp_3 xr_mvpo styletop:0px; 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onclickreturn(xr_nn());> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcindex_html_files/36080.png altMACHINE TOOLS title styleleft:145px;top:0px;width:122px;height:27px;/> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap xr_ro xr_ro0 xr_tt3 srcindex_html_files/36102.png altMACHINE TOOLS title onmousemovexr_mo(this,19) styleleft:145px;top:0px;width:122px;height:27px;/> /a> div classxr_nb2 xr_nb5 xr_smp145_-267 styleleft:145px; top:27px; min-width:122px;> ul classxr_nb4> li>a href>01 - Punch Former/a> /li> li>a href>02 - Dresser for Grinding Wheel/a> /li> li>a href>03 - Wheel Flange / Wheel Balancing Stand/a> /li> li>a href>04 - Toolmakers Vise/a> /li> li>a href>05 - Wirecut & EDM Products/a> /li> li>a href>06 - Magnetic Induction Block / Magnetic Square & V Block / Sine Plate / Magnetic Chuck/a> /li> li>a href>07 - Vacuum Chuck / Magnetic Lifter / Demagnetizer / Chuck Controller/a> /li> li>a href>08 - Magnetic Tools / Magnetic Base / Magnetic Holder / Magnetic Indicator & Universal Arm/a> /li> li>a href>09 - Angle Plate / V Block / Sine Bar / Square Ruler / Gauge Blocks / Pin Gauges/a> /li> li>a href>10 - Edge Finder / Z Axis Pre-Setter / 3D Taster / Dial Indicator/a> /li> li>a href>11 - Dial Comparator / Centering Indicator / Digital Indicator / Caliper & Micrometer/a> /li> li>a href>12 - Height Gauge / Concentricity & Eccentric Instrument / Tool Pre-Setter / Tool Cabinet/a> /li> li>a href>13 - Fixture for Coordinate Measuring Machine (FCMM) / Precision Measurement Pedestal/a> /li> li>div>div classxr_nb6>/div>/div> /li> li>a href>14 - Boring System/a> /li> li>a href>15 - Milling Arbor & Collet/a> /li> li>a href>16 - Milling Chuck for Drill & Tap/a> /li> li>a href>17 - Machine Vise/a> /li> li>a href>18 - Universal Diving Head / Horizontal & Vertical Table / Indexing Spacer / Super Divider/a> /li> li>a href>19 - Tilting Rotary Table / Precision Index Table / Angle Plate & Block / Parallel Bar Set/a> /li> li>a href>20 - Clamps for Milling & Turning/a> /li> li>a href>21 - Turning chuck/a> /li> li>a href>22 - Lathe Live & Dead Center / Carbide Tipped Center/a> /li> li>a href>23 - Tool Holder for lathe Machine/a> /li> li>a href>24 - Cutting Tools - Carbide Center Drill / Carbide Drill / Milling Cutter & Insert/a> /li> li>a href>25 - Chamfering Equipment / Belt & Disc Sander / Cut-off Machine/a> /li> li>a href>26 - Tool & Cutter Grinder / Endmill & Drill Sharpening Equipment / Tapping Equipment/a> /li> /ul> /div> /div> div classxr_ar xr_nb0> a hrefjavascript:; onclickreturn(xr_nn());> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcindex_html_files/36081.png altSUPER-ABRASIVES title styleleft:267px;top:0px;width:137px;height:27px;/> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap xr_ro xr_ro0 xr_tt3 srcindex_html_files/36103.png altSUPER-ABRASIVES title onmousemovexr_mo(this,19) styleleft:267px;top:0px;width:137px;height:27px;/> /a> div classxr_nb2 xr_nb5 xr_smp267_-404 styleleft:267px; top:27px; min-width:137px;> ul classxr_nb4> li>a href>DIAMOND & CBN WHEEL SHAPE/a> /li> li>a href>REQUEST FOR QUOTATION/a> /li> li>div>div classxr_nb6>/div>/div> /li> li>a href>GRIT SIZE CHART/a> /li> li>a href>CORE MATERIALS & BOND/a> /li> li>a href>DEFINING WHEEL SHAPES/a> /li> li>a href>MARKING OF SUPERABRASIVES WHEEL/a> /li> li>a href>OUR SERVICES/a> /li> li>div>div classxr_nb6>/div>/div> /li> li>a href>DIAMOND COMPOUND/a> /li> /ul> /div> /div> div classxr_ar xr_nb0> a hrefjavascript:; onclickreturn(xr_nn());> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcindex_html_files/36082.png altMINIMO ONE SERIES Ver. 2 title styleleft:403px;top:0px;width:176px;height:27px;/> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap xr_ro xr_ro0 xr_tt3 srcindex_html_files/36104.png altMINIMO ONE SERIES Ver. 2 title onmousemovexr_mo(this,19) styleleft:403px;top:0px;width:176px;height:27px;/> /a> div classxr_nb2 xr_nb5 xr_smp403_-579 styleleft:403px; top:27px; min-width:176px;> ul classxr_nb4> li>a href>01 - POWER PACK/a> /li> li>a href>02 - HANDPIECE/a> /li> li>a href>03 - MOTOR/a> /li> li>a href>04 - HEAD/a> /li> li>a href>05 - CLAMP HEAD / JOINT/a> /li> li>a href>06 - COMFORMITY of MOTOR & HEAD/a> /li> li>a href>07 - COMBINATION & PORTABLE SET/a> /li> li>a href>08 - ACCESSORIES/a> /li> li>a href>09 - MEDIUM LOAD POWER PACK/a> /li> li>a href>10 - SPECIAL MACHINERY/a> /li> li>a href>11 - POLYTOR ULTRASONIC HANDPIECE/a> /li> li>a href>12 - APPLIANCE/a> /li> li>a href>13 - SAFETY INSTRUCTION/a> /li> li>div>div classxr_nb6>/div>/div> /li> li>a href>PREMO/a> /li> li>a href>SFIDA/a> /li> /ul> /div> /div> div classxr_ar xr_nb0> a hrefjavascript:; onclickreturn(xr_nn());> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcindex_html_files/36083.png altSENTAN TOOLS title styleleft:578px;top:0px;width:116px;height:27px;/> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap xr_ro xr_ro0 xr_tt3 srcindex_html_files/36105.png altSENTAN TOOLS title onmousemovexr_mo(this,19) styleleft:578px;top:0px;width:116px;height:27px;/> /a> div classxr_nb2 xr_nb5 xr_smp578_-694 styleleft:578px; 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top: 9.46px; width: 326px;font-family:Times New Roman;font-size:16px;color:#000000;>“We aim to be your best tool room specialist.”/span> /div> div classxr_txt xr_s2 styleposition: absolute; left:234px; top:835px; width:407px; height:10px;font-family:Times New Roman;font-weight:normal;font-feature-settings:kern,liga 0,clig 0,calt 0;color:#000000;> h3 classxr_tc Heading_1 Heading_3 styleleft: 136.5px; top: -14.26px; width: 134px;font-family:Times New Roman;font-weight:normal;color:#000000;margin:0;>- OUR MISSION -/h3> span classxr_tc Normal_text styleleft: 7.41px; top: 9.46px; width: 397px;font-family:Times New Roman;font-size:16px;color:#000000;>To supply quality products at a competitive price and to /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text styleleft: 33.15px; top: 30.72px; width: 341px;font-family:Times New Roman;font-size:16px;color:#000000;>maximize our customers productivity and profit./span> /div> span classxr_ar styleleft:209px;top:726px;width:457px;height:7px; background-color: #A2246D;>/span> span classxr_ar styleleft:209px;top:801px;width:457px;height:7px; 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All Rights Reserved./span> span classxr_tc xr_s3 styleleft: -104.88px; top: 4.12px; width: 210px;>Tel: (+65) 6746 9835 Fax: (+65) 6745 0385/span> span classxr_tc xr_s3 styleleft: -94.14px; top: 17.29px; width: 188px;>a onclickreturn(xr_nn()); onmousemovexr_mo(this,12) >CLICK HERE TO SENT US AN EMAIL/a>/span> /div>/div>div classxr_group>/div> span classxr_ar styleleft:0px;top:1156px;width:480px;height:10px; background-color: #666666;>/span> div classxr_txt xr_s2 styleposition: absolute; left:33px; top:380px; width:413px; height:10px;font-family:Times New Roman;font-feature-settings:kern,liga 0,clig 0,calt 0;color:#000000;> h3 classxr_tc Heading_3_a styleleft: 143.34px; top: -14.26px; width: 126px;font-family:Times New Roman;color:#000000;margin:0;>- OUR VISION -/h3> span classxr_tc Normal_text_a styleleft: 43.72px; top: 11.46px; width: 326px;font-family:Times New Roman;font-size:16px;color:#000000;>“We aim to be your best tool room specialist.”/span> /div> div classxr_txt xr_s2 styleposition: absolute; left:36px; top:456px; width:407px; height:10px;font-family:Times New Roman;font-feature-settings:kern,liga 0,clig 0,calt 0;color:#000000;> h3 classxr_tc Heading_3_a styleleft: 133.57px; top: -14.26px; width: 140px;font-family:Times New Roman;color:#000000;margin:0;>- OUR MISSION -/h3> span classxr_tc Normal_text_a styleleft: 7.41px; top: 11.46px; width: 397px;font-family:Times New Roman;font-size:16px;color:#000000;>To supply quality products at a competitive price and to /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text_a styleleft: 33.15px; top: 29.18px; width: 341px;font-family:Times New Roman;font-size:16px;color:#000000;>maximize our customers productivity and profit./span> /div> span classxr_ar styleleft:9px;top:347px;width:462px;height:7px; background-color: #A2246D;>/span> span classxr_ar styleleft:9px;top:422px;width:462px;height:7px; background-color: #A2246D;>/span> div classxr_txt xr_s4 styleposition: absolute; left:11px; top:287px; width:458px; height:10px;> span classxr_tc xr_s5 styleleft: 165.19px; top: -19.81px; width: 128px;>Welcome to/span> span classxr_tc xr_s6 styleleft: 27.16px; top: 5.57px; width: 404px;>UNITED INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS PTE LTD/span> span classxr_tc xr_s7 styleleft: 130.25px; top: 25.68px; width: 198px;>> /div> a href onclickreturn(xr_nn());> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcindex_html_files/40329.jpg altMACHINE TOOLS title onmousemovexr_mo(this,12,event) styleleft:241px;top:548px;width:231px;height:97px;/> /a> a href onclickreturn(xr_nn());> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcindex_html_files/5640.jpg alt SuperAbrasives title onmousemovexr_mo(this,12,event) styleleft:3px;top:553px;width:236px;height:95px;/> /a> a href onclickreturn(xr_nn());> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcindex_html_files/5439.jpg alt title onmousemovexr_mo(this,12,event) styleleft:2px;top:656px;width:237px;height:93px;/> /a> a href onclickreturn(xr_nn());> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcindex_html_files/5440.jpg alt title onmousemovexr_mo(this,12,event) styleleft:0px;top:759px;width:240px;height:95px;/> /a> a href onclickreturn(xr_nn());> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcindex_html_files/5441.jpg alt title onmousemovexr_mo(this,12,event) styleleft:241px;top:758px;width:236px;height:94px;/> /a> a href onclickreturn(xr_nn());> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcindex_html_files/5442.jpg alt title onmousemovexr_mo(this,12,event) styleleft:242px;top:657px;width:235px;height:93px;/> /a> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcindex_html_files/40335.jpg altAbrasive wheel title styleleft:132px;top:860px;width:240px;height:94px;/> span classxr_ar styleleft:0px;top:545px;width:480px;height:9px; 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onclickreturn(xr_nn());> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcindex_html_files/35040.png altMACHINE TOOLS title styleleft:0px;top:46px;width:251px;height:23px;/> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap xr_ro xr_ro0 xr_tt3 srcindex_html_files/35067.png altMACHINE TOOLS title onmousemovexr_mo(this,12) styleleft:0px;top:46px;width:251px;height:23px;/> /a> div classxr_nb2 xr_nb5 xr_smp0_-251 styleleft:0px; top:69px; min-width:251px;> ul classxr_nb4> li>a href>01 - Punch Former/a> /li> li>a href>02 - Dresser for Grinding Wheel/a> /li> li>a href>03 - Wheel Flange / Wheel Balancing Stand/a> /li> li>a href>04 - Toolmakers Vise/a> /li> li>a href>05 - Wirecut & EDM Products/a> /li> li>a href>06 - Magnetic Induction Block / Magnetic Square & V Block / Sine Plate / Magnetic Chuck/a> /li> li>a href>07 - Vacuum Chuck / Magnetic Lifter / Demagnetizer / Chuck Controller/a> /li> li>a href>08 - Magnetic Tools / Magnetic Base / Magnetic Holder / Magnetic Indicator & Universal Arm/a> /li> li>a href>09 - Angle Plate / V Block / Sine Bar / Square Ruler / Gauge Blocks / Pin Gauges/a> /li> li>a href>10 - Edge Finder / Z Axis Pre-Setter / 3D Taster / Dial Indicator/a> /li> li>a href>11 - Dial Comparator / Centering Indicator / Digital Indicator / Caliper & Micrometer/a> /li> li>a href>12 - Height Gauge / Concentricity & Eccentric Instrument / Tool Pre-Setter / Tool Cabinet/a> /li> li>a href>13 - Fixture for Coordinate Measuring Machine (FCMM) / Precision Measurement Pedestal/a> /li> li>div>div classxr_nb6>/div>/div> /li> li>a href>14 - Boring System/a> /li> li>a href>15 - Milling Arbor & Collet/a> /li> li>a href>16 - Milling Chuck for Drill & Tap/a> /li> li>a href>17 - Machine Vise/a> /li> li>a href>18 - Universal Diving Head / Horizontal & Vertical Table / Indexing Spacer / Super Divider/a> /li> li>a href>19 - Tilting Rotary Table / Precision Index Table / Angle Plate & Block / Parallel Bar Set/a> /li> li>a href>20 - Clamps for Milling & Turning/a> /li> li>a href>21 - Turning chuck/a> /li> li>a href>22 - Lathe Live & Dead Center / Carbide Tipped Center/a> /li> li>a href>23 - Tool Holder for lathe Machine/a> /li> li>a href>24 - Cutting Tools - Carbide Center Drill / Carbide Drill / Milling Cutter & Insert/a> /li> li>a href>25 - Chamfering Equipment / Belt & Disc Sander / Cut-off Machine/a> /li> li>a href>26 - Tool & Cutter Grinder / Endmill & Drill Sharpening Equipment / Tapping Equipment/a> /li> /ul> /div> /div> div classxr_ar xr_nb0> a hrefjavascript:; onclickreturn(xr_nn());> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcindex_html_files/33540.png altSUPER-ABRASIVES title styleleft:0px;top:68px;width:251px;height:24px;/> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap xr_ro xr_ro0 xr_tt3 srcindex_html_files/33552.png altSUPER-ABRASIVES title onmousemovexr_mo(this,12) styleleft:0px;top:68px;width:251px;height:24px;/> /a> div classxr_nb2 xr_nb5 xr_smp0_-251 styleleft:0px; top:92px; min-width:251px;> ul classxr_nb4> li>a href>DIAMOND & CBN WHEEL SHAPE/a> /li> li>a href>REQUEST FOR QUOTATION/a> /li> li>div>div classxr_nb6>/div>/div> /li> li>a href>GRIT SIZE CHART/a> /li> li>a href>CORE MATERIALS & BOND/a> /li> li>a href>DEFINING WHEEL SHAPES/a> /li> li>a href>MARKING OF SUPERABRASIVES WHEEL/a> /li> li>a href>OUR SERVICES/a> /li> li>div>div classxr_nb6>/div>/div> /li> li>a href>DIAMOND COMPOUND/a> /li> /ul> /div> /div> div classxr_ar xr_nb0> a hrefjavascript:; onclickreturn(xr_nn());> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcindex_html_files/33541.png altMINIMO ONE SERIES Ver. 2 title styleleft:0px;top:91px;width:251px;height:23px;/> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap xr_ro xr_ro0 xr_tt3 srcindex_html_files/33553.png altMINIMO ONE SERIES Ver. 2 title onmousemovexr_mo(this,12) styleleft:0px;top:91px;width:251px;height:23px;/> /a> div classxr_nb2 xr_nb5 xr_smp0_-251 styleleft:0px; top:114px; min-width:251px;> ul classxr_nb4> li>a href>01 - POWER PACK/a> /li> li>a href>02 - HANDPIECE/a> /li> li>a href>03 - MOTOR/a> /li> li>a href>04 - HEAD/a> /li> li>a href>05 - CLAMP HEAD / JOINT/a> /li> li>a href>06 - COMFORMITY of MOTOR & HEAD/a> /li> li>a href>07 - COMBINATION & PORTABLE SET/a> /li> li>a href>08 - ACCESSORIES/a> /li> li>a href>09 - MEDIUM LOAD POWER PACK/a> /li> li>a href>10 - SPECIAL MACHINERY/a> /li> li>a href>11 - POLYTOR ULTRASONIC HANDPIECE/a> /li> li>a href>12 - APPLIANCE/a> /li> li>a href>13 - SAFETY INSTRUCTION/a> /li> li>div>div classxr_nb6>/div>/div> /li> li>a href>PREMO/a> /li> li>a href>SFIDA/a> /li> /ul> /div> /div> div classxr_ar xr_nb0> a hrefjavascript:; onclickreturn(xr_nn());> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcindex_html_files/35043.png altSENTAN TOOLS title styleleft:0px;top:114px;width:251px;height:23px;/> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap xr_ro xr_ro0 xr_tt3 srcindex_html_files/35070.png altSENTAN TOOLS title onmousemovexr_mo(this,12) styleleft:0px;top:114px;width:251px;height:23px;/> /a> div classxr_nb2 xr_nb5 xr_smp0_-251 styleleft:0px; top:137px; min-width:251px;> ul classxr_nb4> li>a href>Table of Contents/a> /li> li>a href>AD - Diamond & CBN Tools/a> /li> li>a href>BC - Carbide Cutters/a> /li> li>a href>BS - Steel Cutters/a> /li> li>a href>CA - Mounted Points/a> /li> li>a href>DB - Abrasive Rubber Points/a> /li> li>a href>DE - Elastic Points/a> /li> li>a href>EA - Abrasives Sanders/a> /li> li>a href>ES - Attachment Sanders/a> /li> li>a href>FC - Brushes/a> /li> li>a href>FD - Special Brushes/a> /li> li>a href>GA - Polishing Tools/a> /li> li>a href >HD - Polishing Compounds/a> /li> li>a href>JA - Precision Grinding Tools/a> /li> li>a href>KA - Drills/a> /li> li>a href>MC - Cutt-Off Tools/a> /li> li>a href>NA - Wheel Tools/a> /li> li>a href>PA - Auxillary Tools/a> /li> li>a href>RD - Hand Tools/a> /li> li>a href>SA - MINIMO® Specialized Tools/a> /li> li>a href>ZC - Tool Sets/a> /li> li>a href>INDEX - Product Codes/a> /li> /ul> /div> /div> div classxr_ar xr_nb0> a href target_self onclickreturn(xr_nn());> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcindex_html_files/35044.png altCONTACT US title onmousemovexr_mo(this,12,event) styleleft:0px;top:136px;width:251px;height:24px;/> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap xr_ro xr_ro0 xr_tt3 srcindex_html_files/35071.png altCONTACT US title onmousemovexr_mo(this,12) styleleft:0px;top:136px;width:251px;height:24px;/> /a> /div> div classxr_ar xr_nb0> a href target_self onclickreturn(xr_nn());> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcindex_html_files/33544.png altSITEMAP title onmousemovexr_mo(this,12,event) styleleft:0px;top:159px;width:251px;height:23px;/> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap xr_ro xr_ro0 xr_tt3 srcindex_html_files/33556.png altSITEMAP title onmousemovexr_mo(this,12) styleleft:0px;top:159px;width:251px;height:23px;/> /a> /div>/div>/div>/div>div idxr_mvp_3 classxr_mvp_3 xr_bgn_2_-768_2126 xr_mvpo styleposition:absolute; width:1024px; height:1390px;>div classxr_ap xr_pp> span classxr_ar styleleft:0px;top:0px;width:1024px;height:1390px; background-color: #FFFFFF;>/span>/div>div idxr_xrc3 classxr_ap xr_xri_ xr_xrc stylewidth: 1024px; height: 1390px; overflow:hidden;>div classxr_group>/div>div classxr_group> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcindex_html_files/40252.jpg alt title styleleft:19px;top:82px;width:161px;height:64px;/>/div> div classxr_txt xr_s2 styleposition: absolute; left:68px; top:974px; width:413px; height:10px;font-family:Times New Roman;font-weight:normal;font-feature-settings:kern,liga 0,clig 0,calt 0;color:#000000;> h3 classxr_tc Heading_1 Heading_3 styleleft: 145.8px; top: -14.26px; width: 121px;font-family:Times New Roman;font-weight:normal;color:#000000;margin:0;>- OUR VISION -/h3> span classxr_tc Normal_text styleleft: 43.72px; top: 9.46px; width: 326px;font-family:Times New Roman;font-size:16px;color:#000000;>“We aim to be your best tool room specialist.”/span> /div> div classxr_txt xr_s2 styleposition: absolute; left:70px; top:1050px; width:407px; height:10px;font-family:Times New Roman;font-weight:normal;font-feature-settings:kern,liga 0,clig 0,calt 0;color:#000000;> h3 classxr_tc Heading_1 Heading_3 styleleft: 136.5px; top: -14.26px; width: 134px;font-family:Times New Roman;font-weight:normal;color:#000000;margin:0;>- OUR MISSION -/h3> span classxr_tc Normal_text styleleft: 7.41px; top: 9.46px; width: 397px;font-family:Times New Roman;font-size:16px;color:#000000;>To supply quality products at a competitive price and to /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text styleleft: 33.15px; top: 30.72px; width: 341px;font-family:Times New Roman;font-size:16px;color:#000000;>maximize our customers productivity and profit./span> /div> span classxr_ar styleleft:45px;top:941px;width:457px;height:7px; background-color: #A2246D;>/span> span classxr_ar styleleft:45px;top:1016px;width:457px;height:7px; background-color: #A2246D;>/span> span classxr_ar styleleft:45px;top:1110px;width:458px;height:7px; background-color: #A2246D;>/span> div classxr_txt Normal_text styleposition: absolute; 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target_self onmouseoverxr_nbr(this,0);>MINIMO One Series Ver. 2/a> ul classxr_nb2 styleleft:100%; top:0px;> li>a href>01 - Power Pack/a> /li> li>a href>02 - Handpiece/a> /li> li>a href>03 - Motor/a> /li> li>a href>04 - Head/a> /li> li>a href>05 - Clamp Head / Joint/a> /li> li>a href>06 - Conformity of Motor & Head/a> /li> li>a href>07 - Combination & Portable Set/a> /li> li>a href>08 - Accessories/a> /li> li>a href>09 - Medium Load Power Pack/a> /li> li>a href>10 - Special Machinery/a> /li> li>a href>11 - POLYTOR Ultrasonic Handpiece/a> /li> li>a href>12 - Appliance/a> /li> li>a href>13 - Safety Instruction/a> /li> /ul> /li> li classxr_nb1>a hrefjavascript:; target_self onmouseoverxr_nbr(this,0);>SENTAN Tools/a> ul classxr_nb2 styleleft:100%; top:0px;> li>a href>Table of Contents/a> /li> li>a href>AD - Diamond & CBN Tools/a> /li> li>a href>BC - Carbide Cutters/a> /li> li>a href>BS - Steel Cutters/a> /li> li>a href>CA - Mounted Points/a> /li> li>a href>DB - Abrasive Rubber Points/a> /li> li>a href>DE - Elastic Points/a> /li> li>a href>EA - Abrasives Sanders/a> /li> li>a href>ES - Attachment Sanders/a> /li> li>a href>FC - Brushes/a> /li> li>a href>FD - Special Brushes/a> /li> li>a href>GA - Polishing Tools/a> /li> li>a href>HD - Polishing Compounds/a> /li> li>a href>JA - Precision Grinding Tools/a> /li> li>a href>KA - Drills/a> /li> li>a href>MC - Cut-Off Tools/a> /li> li>a href>NA - Wheel Tools/a> /li> li>a href>PA - Auxillary Tools/a> /li> li>a href>RD - Hand Tools/a> /li> li>a href>SA - MINIMO® Specialized Tools/a> /li> li>a href>ZC - Tool Sets/a> /li> li>a href>INDEX - Product Codes/a> /li> /ul> /li> li>a href>PREMO - Micro Grinder/a> /li> li>a href>SFIDA - Brushless Motor Spindle/a> /li> /ul> /div> /div> div classxr_ar xr_nb0> a href target_self onclickreturn(xr_nn());> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcindex_html_files/25.png altCONTACT US title onmousemovexr_mo(this,19,event) styleleft:0px;top:96px;width:115px;height:28px;/> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap xr_ro xr_ro0 xr_tt3 srcindex_html_files/2717.png altCONTACT US title onmousemovexr_mo(this,19) styleleft:0px;top:96px;width:115px;height:28px;/> /a> /div> div classxr_ar xr_nb0> a href target_self onclickreturn(xr_nn());> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcindex_html_files/26.png altSITEMAP title onmousemovexr_mo(this,19,event) styleleft:0px;top:128px;width:115px;height:28px;/> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap xr_ro xr_ro0 xr_tt3 srcindex_html_files/2718.png altSITEMAP title onmousemovexr_mo(this,19) styleleft:0px;top:128px;width:115px;height:28px;/> /a> /div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classxr_ap xr_mvp_1 styletop:0px; 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onclickreturn(xr_nn());> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcindex_html_files/2652.png altSUPER-ABRASIVES title styleleft:526px;top:0px;width:176px;height:27px;/> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap xr_ro xr_ro0 xr_tt3 srcindex_html_files/2722.png altSUPER-ABRASIVES title onmousemovexr_mo(this,19) styleleft:526px;top:0px;width:176px;height:27px;/> /a> div classxr_nb2 xr_nb5 xr_smp526_-702 styleleft:526px; top:27px; min-width:176px;> ul classxr_nb4> li>a href>DIAMOND & CBN WHEEL SHAPE/a> /li> li>a href>REQUEST FOR QUOTATION/a> /li> li>div>div classxr_nb6>/div>/div> /li> li>a href>GRIT SIZE CHART/a> /li> li>a href>CORE MATERIALS & BOND/a> /li> li>a href>DEFINING WHEEL SHAPES/a> /li> li>a href>MARKING OF SUPERABRASIVES WHEEL/a> /li> li>a href>OUR SERVICES/a> /li> li>div>div classxr_nb6>/div>/div> /li> li>a href>DIAMOND COMPOUND/a> /li> /ul> /div> /div> div classxr_ar xr_nb0> a hrefjavascript:; onclickreturn(xr_nn());> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcindex_html_files/2653.png altMINIMO ONE SERIES Ver. 2 title styleleft:702px;top:0px;width:176px;height:27px;/> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap xr_ro xr_ro0 xr_tt3 srcindex_html_files/2723.png altMINIMO ONE SERIES Ver. 2 title onmousemovexr_mo(this,19) styleleft:702px;top:0px;width:176px;height:27px;/> /a> div classxr_nb2 xr_nb5 xr_smp702_-878 styleleft:702px; top:27px; min-width:176px;> ul classxr_nb4> li>a href>01 - POWER PACK/a> /li> li>a href>02 - HANDPIECE/a> /li> li>a href>03 - MOTOR/a> /li> li>a href>04 - HEAD/a> /li> li>a href>05 - CLAMP HEAD / JOINT/a> /li> li>a href>06 - COMFORMITY of MOTOR & HEAD/a> /li> li>a href>07 - COMBINATION & PORTABLE SET/a> /li> li>a href>08 - ACCESSORIES/a> /li> li>a href>09 - MEDIUM LOAD POWER PACK/a> /li> li>a href>10 - SPECIAL MACHINERY/a> /li> li>a href>11 - POLYTOR ULTRASONIC HANDPIECE/a> /li> li>a href>12 - APPLIANCE/a> /li> li>a href>13 - SAFETY INSTRUCTION/a> /li> li>div>div classxr_nb6>/div>/div> /li> li>a href>PREMO/a> /li> li>a href>SFIDA/a> /li> /ul> /div> /div> div classxr_ar xr_nb0> a hrefjavascript:; onclickreturn(xr_nn());> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcindex_html_files/34957.png altSENTAN TOOLS title styleleft:877px;top:0px;width:176px;height:27px;/> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap xr_ro xr_ro0 xr_tt3 srcindex_html_files/35007.png altSENTAN TOOLS title onmousemovexr_mo(this,19) styleleft:877px;top:0px;width:176px;height:27px;/> /a> div classxr_nb2 xr_nb5 xr_smp877_-1053 styleleft:877px; top:27px; min-width:176px;> ul classxr_nb4> li>a href>Table of Contents/a> /li> li>a href>AD - Diamond & CBN Tools/a> /li> li>a href>BC - Carbide Cutters/a> /li> li>a href>BS - Steel Cutters/a> /li> li>a href>CA - Mounted Points/a> /li> li>a href>DB - Abrasive Rubber Points/a> /li> li>a href>DE - Elastic Points/a> /li> li>a href>EA - Abrasives Sanders/a> /li> li>a href>ES - Attachment Sanders/a> /li> li>a href>FC - Brushes/a> /li> li>a href>FD - Special Brushes/a> /li> li>a href>GA - Polishing Tools/a> /li> li>a href >HD - Polishing Compounds/a> /li> li>a href>JA - Precision Grinding Tools/a> /li> li>a href>KA - Drills/a> /li> li>a href>MC - Cutt-Off Tools/a> /li> li>a href>NA - Wheel Tools/a> /li> li>a href>PA - Auxillary Tools/a> /li> li>a href>RD - Hand Tools/a> /li> li>a href>SA - MINIMO® Specialized Tools/a> /li> li>a href>ZC - Tool Sets/a> /li> li>a href>INDEX - Product Codes/a> /li> /ul> /div> /div> div classxr_ar xr_nb0> a href target_self onclickreturn(xr_nn());> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcindex_html_files/34958.png altCONTACT US title onmousemovexr_mo(this,19,event) styleleft:1052px;top:0px;width:176px;height:27px;/> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap xr_ro xr_ro0 xr_tt3 srcindex_html_files/35008.png altCONTACT US title onmousemovexr_mo(this,19) styleleft:1052px;top:0px;width:176px;height:27px;/> /a> /div> div classxr_ar xr_nb0> a href target_self onclickreturn(xr_nn());> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcindex_html_files/2656.png altSITEMAP title onmousemovexr_mo(this,19,event) styleleft:1227px;top:0px;width:177px;height:27px;/> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap xr_ro xr_ro0 xr_tt3 srcindex_html_files/2726.png altSITEMAP title onmousemovexr_mo(this,19) styleleft:1227px;top:0px;width:177px;height:27px;/> /a> /div>/div>/div>/div>div classxr_ap xr_mvp_3 xr_mvpo styletop:0px; left:0px; width:0px; height:0px; text-align:left;> div classxr_ap xr_stickie styleposition:fixed;top:0px;width:100%;height:58px;> span classxr_ar style left: 0px; width: 100%; height: 58px; position: fixed; background-color: #FD0217;>/span> /div>div classxr_xpos xr_stickie styleposition:fixed; left: 50%; margin-left: -435px; top: 31px; width:870px; height:27px;>div idxr_nb27 classxr_ar> div classxr_ar xr_nb0> a href onclickreturn(xr_nn());> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcindex_html_files/36078.png altHOME title onmousemovexr_mo(this,19,event) styleleft:0px;top:0px;width:60px;height:27px;/> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap xr_ro xr_ro0 xr_tt3 srcindex_html_files/36100.png altHOME title onmousemovexr_mo(this,19) styleleft:0px;top:0px;width:60px;height:27px;/> /a> /div> div classxr_ar xr_nb0> a href onclickreturn(xr_nn());> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcindex_html_files/36079.png altABOUT US title onmousemovexr_mo(this,19,event) styleleft:59px;top:0px;width:87px;height:27px;/> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap xr_ro xr_ro0 xr_tt3 srcindex_html_files/36101.png altABOUT US title onmousemovexr_mo(this,19) styleleft:59px;top:0px;width:87px;height:27px;/> /a> /div> div classxr_ar xr_nb0> a hrefjavascript:; onclickreturn(xr_nn());> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcindex_html_files/36080.png altMACHINE TOOLS title styleleft:145px;top:0px;width:122px;height:27px;/> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap xr_ro xr_ro0 xr_tt3 srcindex_html_files/36102.png altMACHINE TOOLS title onmousemovexr_mo(this,19) styleleft:145px;top:0px;width:122px;height:27px;/> /a> div classxr_nb2 xr_nb5 xr_smp145_-267 styleleft:145px; top:27px; min-width:122px;> ul classxr_nb4> li>a href>01 - Punch Former/a> /li> li>a href>02 - Dresser for Grinding Wheel/a> /li> li>a href>03 - Wheel Flange / Wheel Balancing Stand/a> /li> li>a href>04 - Toolmakers Vise/a> /li> li>a href>05 - Wirecut & EDM Products/a> /li> li>a href>06 - Magnetic Induction Block / Magnetic Square & V Block / Sine Plate / Magnetic Chuck/a> /li> li>a href>07 - Vacuum Chuck / Magnetic Lifter / Demagnetizer / Chuck Controller/a> /li> li>a href>08 - Magnetic Tools / Magnetic Base / Magnetic Holder / Magnetic Indicator & Universal Arm/a> /li> li>a href>09 - Angle Plate / V Block / Sine Bar / Square Ruler / Gauge Blocks / Pin Gauges/a> /li> li>a href>10 - Edge Finder / Z Axis Pre-Setter / 3D Taster / Dial Indicator/a> /li> li>a href>11 - Dial Comparator / Centering Indicator / Digital Indicator / Caliper & Micrometer/a> /li> li>a href>12 - Height Gauge / Concentricity & Eccentric Instrument / Tool Pre-Setter / Tool Cabinet/a> /li> li>a href>13 - Fixture for Coordinate Measuring Machine (FCMM) / Precision Measurement Pedestal/a> /li> li>div>div classxr_nb6>/div>/div> /li> li>a href>14 - Boring System/a> /li> li>a href>15 - Milling Arbor & Collet/a> /li> li>a href>16 - Milling Chuck for Drill & Tap/a> /li> li>a href>17 - Machine Vise/a> /li> li>a href>18 - Universal Diving Head / Horizontal & Vertical Table / Indexing Spacer / Super Divider/a> /li> li>a href>19 - Tilting Rotary Table / Precision Index Table / Angle Plate & Block / Parallel Bar Set/a> /li> li>a href>20 - Clamps for Milling & Turning/a> /li> li>a href>21 - Turning chuck/a> /li> li>a href>22 - Lathe Live & Dead Center / Carbide Tipped Center/a> /li> li>a href>23 - Tool Holder for lathe Machine/a> /li> li>a href>24 - Cutting Tools - Carbide Center Drill / Carbide Drill / Milling Cutter & Insert/a> /li> li>a href>25 - Chamfering Equipment / Belt & Disc Sander / Cut-off Machine/a> /li> li>a href>26 - Tool & Cutter Grinder / Endmill & Drill Sharpening Equipment / Tapping Equipment/a> /li> /ul> /div> /div> div classxr_ar xr_nb0> a hrefjavascript:; onclickreturn(xr_nn());> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcindex_html_files/36081.png altSUPER-ABRASIVES title styleleft:267px;top:0px;width:137px;height:27px;/> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap xr_ro xr_ro0 xr_tt3 srcindex_html_files/36103.png altSUPER-ABRASIVES title onmousemovexr_mo(this,19) styleleft:267px;top:0px;width:137px;height:27px;/> /a> div classxr_nb2 xr_nb5 xr_smp267_-404 styleleft:267px; top:27px; min-width:137px;> ul classxr_nb4> li>a href>DIAMOND & CBN WHEEL SHAPE/a> /li> li>a href>REQUEST FOR QUOTATION/a> /li> li>div>div classxr_nb6>/div>/div> /li> li>a href>GRIT SIZE CHART/a> /li> li>a href>CORE MATERIALS & BOND/a> /li> li>a href>DEFINING WHEEL SHAPES/a> /li> li>a href>MARKING OF SUPERABRASIVES WHEEL/a> /li> li>a href>OUR SERVICES/a> /li> li>div>div classxr_nb6>/div>/div> /li> li>a href>DIAMOND COMPOUND/a> /li> /ul> /div> /div> div classxr_ar xr_nb0> a hrefjavascript:; onclickreturn(xr_nn());> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcindex_html_files/36082.png altMINIMO ONE SERIES Ver. 2 title styleleft:403px;top:0px;width:176px;height:27px;/> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap xr_ro xr_ro0 xr_tt3 srcindex_html_files/36104.png altMINIMO ONE SERIES Ver. 2 title onmousemovexr_mo(this,19) styleleft:403px;top:0px;width:176px;height:27px;/> /a> div classxr_nb2 xr_nb5 xr_smp403_-579 styleleft:403px; top:27px; min-width:176px;> ul classxr_nb4> li>a href>01 - POWER PACK/a> /li> li>a href>02 - HANDPIECE/a> /li> li>a href>03 - MOTOR/a> /li> li>a href>04 - HEAD/a> /li> li>a href>05 - CLAMP HEAD / JOINT/a> /li> li>a href>06 - COMFORMITY of MOTOR & HEAD/a> /li> li>a href>07 - COMBINATION & PORTABLE SET/a> /li> li>a href>08 - ACCESSORIES/a> /li> li>a href>09 - MEDIUM LOAD POWER PACK/a> /li> li>a href>10 - SPECIAL MACHINERY/a> /li> li>a href>11 - POLYTOR ULTRASONIC HANDPIECE/a> /li> li>a href>12 - APPLIANCE/a> /li> li>a href>13 - SAFETY INSTRUCTION/a> /li> li>div>div classxr_nb6>/div>/div> /li> li>a href>PREMO/a> /li> li>a href>SFIDA/a> /li> /ul> /div> /div> div classxr_ar xr_nb0> a hrefjavascript:; onclickreturn(xr_nn());> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcindex_html_files/36083.png altSENTAN TOOLS title styleleft:578px;top:0px;width:116px;height:27px;/> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap xr_ro xr_ro0 xr_tt3 srcindex_html_files/36105.png altSENTAN TOOLS title onmousemovexr_mo(this,19) styleleft:578px;top:0px;width:116px;height:27px;/> /a> div classxr_nb2 xr_nb5 xr_smp578_-694 styleleft:578px; top:27px; min-width:116px;> ul classxr_nb4> li>a href>Table of Contents/a> /li> li>a href>AD - Diamond & CBN Tools/a> /li> li>a href>BC - Carbide Cutters/a> /li> li>a href>BS - Steel Cutters/a> /li> li>a href>CA - Mounted Points/a> /li> li>a href>DB - Abrasive Rubber Points/a> /li> li>a href>DE - Elastic Points/a> /li> li>a href>EA - Abrasives Sanders/a> /li> li>a href>ES - Attachment Sanders/a> /li> li>a href>FC - Brushes/a> /li> li>a href>FD - Special Brushes/a> /li> li>a href>GA - Polishing Tools/a> /li> li>a href >HD - Polishing Compounds/a> /li> li>a href>JA - Precision Grinding Tools/a> /li> li>a href>KA - Drills/a> /li> li>a href>MC - Cutt-Off Tools/a> /li> li>a href>NA - Wheel Tools/a> /li> li>a href>PA - Auxillary Tools/a> /li> li>a href>RD - Hand Tools/a> /li> li>a href>SA - MINIMO® Specialized Tools/a> /li> li>a href>ZC - Tool Sets/a> /li> li>a href>INDEX - Product Codes/a> /li> /ul> /div> /div> div classxr_ar xr_nb0> a href target_self onclickreturn(xr_nn());> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcindex_html_files/36084.png altCONTACT US title onmousemovexr_mo(this,19,event) styleleft:693px;top:0px;width:101px;height:27px;/> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap xr_ro xr_ro0 xr_tt3 srcindex_html_files/36106.png altCONTACT US title onmousemovexr_mo(this,19) styleleft:693px;top:0px;width:101px;height:27px;/> /a> /div> div classxr_ar xr_nb0> a href target_self onclickreturn(xr_nn());> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcindex_html_files/36085.png altSITEMAP title onmousemovexr_mo(this,19,event) styleleft:793px;top:0px;width:77px;height:27px;/> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap xr_ro xr_ro0 xr_tt3 srcindex_html_files/36107.png altSITEMAP title onmousemovexr_mo(this,19) styleleft:793px;top:0px;width:77px;height:27px;/> /a> /div>/div>/div>/div>/div >!--if lt IE 7>script srcindex_html_files/png.js>/script>!endif-->!--if IE>script>xr_aeh()/script>!endif-->!--if !IE>-->script>xr_htm();repMobFonts();window.addEventListener(load, xr_aeh, false);/script>!--!endif-->/body>/html>
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