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idmenu-item-22911 classmenu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-22911>a href>Boys Footwear/a>/li> /ul> /li> /ul> /nav> !-- /nav --> /header> div classclearfix>/div> div id slider> script srcacsjs/js/jquery-1.9.1.min.js>/script> script srcacsjs/js/jquery.onImagesLoad.min.js>/script> script srcacsjs/js/jquery.responsiveSlides.js>/script> div idcontent> img srcimages/Home Banner-1.jpg> img srcimages/Home Banner-2.jpg> img srcimages/Home Banner-3.jpg> img srcimages/Home Banner-4.jpg> img srcimages/home_banner-5.jpg> /div> script languagejavascript> var p $(#slider).responsiveSlides({ height: 800, // slides conteiner height background: #FFF, // background color and color of overlayer to fadeout on init autoStart: true, // boolean autostart startDelay: 0, // start whit delay effectInterval: 5000, // time to swap photo effectTransition: 1000, // time effect pagination: { active: true, // activate pagination inner: true, // pagination inside or aouside slides conteiner 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min-height: 1600px; } /style> div idpromo2 class stylebackground-position: 0% 0px;> div classbg2 parallax-bg stylebackground-position: 100% -945.2px;>/div> div classpage> !--h6 idservices classscroll-milestone>/h6>--> section classcontainer-fluid> div classrow-fluid> section idpage-top classlight-bg> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-lg-12 text-center> div classsection-title> h2>HOME TEXT/h2> /div> /div> /div> div classrow> div classcol-lg-12> h2 stylecolor:black; text-align:center;margin-top:-10px;>SINCE 1999, UNICODE span stylecolor:red; font-weight:bold;>LIMITED/span> HAS BEEN SOURCING AND PRODUCING SWEATERS, GARMENTS AND ACTIVEWEAR/h2> div class wow fadeInRight> h3 styleborder-bottom:5px solid red; font-family: Raleway, sans-serif;>span stylecolor:#000; font-weight:bold;>Unicode/span> span stylecolor:red; font-weight:bold;>Limited/span>/h3> p>span stylecolor:red;>20 years of expertise in Fashion./span>/p> p styletext-align:justify;>span stylecolor:#000;>Unicode/span>span stylecolor:red;> Limited/span> was started in 1999 as the exclusive sourcing and manufacturing arm of a highly successful direct marketing retailer. From inception our mission has been to develop and produce upper end, medium quantity product that is very competitively priced that has a high degree of make. We particularly excel at sourcing and working in products made of better piece goods. And, because of our core experience servicing just-in-time retail direct demand, we have an unmatched reputation in the industry for our prompt delivery and flexible sourcing. In 1999 the company was spun off as a separate entity and began supplying products to the general wholesale and retail marketplace. Today UnicodeLimited quietly produces apparel, accessories, home products, activewear and other general merchandise in Bangladesh, India China and Vietnam. /p> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- /.container --> /section> /div> /section> /div> !-- page : ends --> /div> div idpromo3 classpromo-parallax stylebackground-position: 0% 0px;> div classbg3 parallax-bg stylebackground-position: 50% -418px;>/div> div classpage> !--h6 idteam classscroll-milestone>/h6>--> section classcontainer-fluid> div classrow-fluid> section idabout classlight-bg> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-lg-12 text-center> div classsection-title> h2>ABOUT US/h2> !--p>strong>SINCE 1999, b>UNICODE/b>b stylecolor: red>LIMITED/b> HAS BEEN SOURCING AND PRODUCING SWEATERS, GARMENTS AND ACTIVEWEAR/strong>/p>--> /div> /div> /div> div classrow> div classcol-lg-4> h2 styleborder-bottom: 5px solid red;padding-bottom: 5px;>Welcome/h2> div classtext-justify> p stylefont-family:lato;>Ahashan Habib founded the company after working in the industry for over 18 years in UK and Bangladesh. Orient works can lower the landed cost of your imports, streamline your internal processes and improve the quality and timeliness of your product. We are headquartered in Cambridge, UK with country offices in Bangladesh. We service the needs of specialty and department stores, catalogue companies, wholesalers and importers from anywhere in the world/p> p stylefont-family:lato;>We devote great care to our total production process. In addition to our own requirements in terms of Social Compliance, we work exclusively with producers who are members of the BSCI. /p> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-4> h2 styleborder-bottom: 5px solid red;padding-bottom: 5px;>About Unicode/h2> div classtext-justify> p stylefont-family:lato;>Unicode Clothing & Fashion Business headquarters is based in United Kingdom with country offices in Bangladesh. All activities are carried out from this location. Our goal is to provide an optimal price-quality ratio to our customers, combined with a good fit. Quality tests are done in-house or in cooperation with accredited laboratories. The creative team of Unicode Clothing & Fashion Business with three experienced stylists constantly follows the latest trends and developments, ideas and updates are produced directly by our own suppliers. /p> p stylefont-family:lato;>The stylists translate trends to models and materials for our own collection and those of the customers./p> p stylefont-family:lato;>What you’d expect from the leading provider of end-to-end solutions to softgoods specialty and general merchandise retailers. But they’re not what really count./p> p stylefont-family:lato;>What matters more to us as we expect does to you is the actual value we can deliver to your business: the difference we can make in taking your business from where it is today to where you want it to be tomorrow by driving customer engagement, productivity, profitability and growth. And that depends on four things./p> /div> /div> style typetext/css> .b{ font-weight: bold; font-size: 16px; color: #a89c9c; } .z{ font-weight: bold; font-size: 16px; color: #a89c9c; } /style> div classcol-lg-4> h2 styleborder-bottom: 5px solid red;padding-bottom: 5px;>What we do/h2> div classtext-justify> div classaccordion idaccordion1> div classaccordion-group> div classpanel-group idfaqAccordion> div classpanel panel-default > div classpanel-heading accordion-toggle question-toggle collapsed data-togglecollapse data-parent#faqAccordion data-target#question0> h4 classpanel-title> div classing>Collection/div> /h4> /div> div idquestion0 classpanel-collapse collapse styleheight:0px;> div classpanel-body> p styletext-align:justify; font-size:12px; font-family:lato;>We work with our customers to manufacture their garments in> We have managed manufacturing orders for millions of garments for apparel buyers from Italy, Denmark, Netherlands, Ireland, UK, Germany, and the> We usually act as a local production unit for our clients and can provide the full range of production services including:br> • Factory selection, price negotiations and span stylemargin-left:16px;>placing orders at best terms and conditions./span>br> • Trim and fabric sourcing and supplies to span stylemargin-left:16px;>factories/span>br> • CAD/CAM services (pattern making, grading span stylemargin-left:16px;>and printing of markers), sampling services/span>br> • Technological assistance to the factories to span stylemargin-left:13px;>ensure quality as per customer requirementsbr> • Production supervision and communicating span stylemargin-left:16px;>production status on weekly basisbr> • Ensuring timely deliveriesbr> • Quality control as per AQLbr> • Assistance in payment issues, logistics,span stylemargin-left:16px;> checking all documents br> We can also help develop sales of collections in our country. Our team includes highly experienced merchandisers, technologists, pattern developers and quality controllers with perfect knowledge of the local market and the world> If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at> /div> /div> /div> div classpanel panel-default > div classpanel-heading accordion-toggle collapsed question-toggle data-togglecollapse data-parent#faqAccordion data-target#question1> h4 classpanel-title> div classing>Method/div> /h4> /div> div idquestion1 classpanel-collapse collapse styleheight: 0px;> div classpanel-body> p styletext-align:justify;font-family:lato;font-size:12px;>Unicode Clothing & Fashion Business is proud to introduce as one of the promising state of the art in the Garment sector as Manufacturer, Merchandising and Sourcing solution houses in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, China, Turkey, Morocco, Tunisia, & Italy. Over the years we have served different clients in different capacity with different area. Now, we have put together all of our collective efforts and experience to create a Legend of our own. The family business has started from 1999 as a manufacturer in Garments Sector. The new generation took over the whole garment business in the year 2004 and following till today with most modern system and with latest technologies./p> /div> /div> /div> div classpanel panel-default > div classpanel-heading accordion-toggle collapsed question-toggle data-togglecollapse data-parent#faqAccordion data-target#question2> h4 classpanel-title> div classing>Short term/div> /h4> /div> div idquestion2 classpanel-collapse collapse styleheight: 0px;> div classpanel-body> p styletext-align:justify;font-family:lato;font-size:12px;>Unicode Limited Garment Production is a direct, factory owned, full service garment sourcing and production company. We specialize in managing every aspect of your product program from materials development and testing to finished product quality assurance. Unicode Limited is your partner, supporting the entire process at every stage and providing competitive pricing, flexibility, and quick turn around. Following are the services we can provide. br>br> • Fabric and Trim Sourcingbr> • Garment Developmentbr> • Garment Sourcing and Productionbr> • Quality Control, Packing and Logisticsbr> /p> /div> /div> /div> div classpanel panel-default > div classpanel-heading accordion-toggle collapsed question-toggle data-togglecollapse data-parent#faqAccordion data-target#question3> h4 classpanel-title> div classing>Sales & Merchandising/div> /h4> /div> div idquestion3 classpanel-collapse collapse styleheight: 0px;> div classpanel-body> p styletext-align:justify;font-family:lato;font-size:12px;>We believe we are very competitive in the field of Sales & Merchandising, and as an experienced garments supplier, we know the significance of being best. For competitive prices, we make any number of counter samples requested by our buyer free of cost. Our sales & merchandising teams are highly experienced well skilled to fulfill our Buyers>br> If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at /p> /div> /div> /div> div classpanel panel-default > div classpanel-heading accordion-toggle collapsed question-toggle data-togglecollapse data-parent#faqAccordion data-target#question4> h4 classpanel-title> div classing>Contact/div> /h4> /div> div idquestion4 classpanel-collapse collapse styleheight: 0px;> div classpanel-body> p styletext-align:justify;font-family:lato;font-size:12px;>b>UK Head Office:/b>br> Unit 3, Lion Works Station Road, Whittlesford Cambridge, United Kingdom CB22 4WL./p> p styletext-align:justify;font-family:lato;font-size:12px;>Phone: +44 (0) 796 403 6135br> Email: /p> p styletext-align:justify;font-family:lato;font-size:12px;>b>Bangladesh Office:/b>br> 275/A (1st Floor) br> Road No: 20, Mohakhali DOHS br> Dhaka-1206, Bangladesh /p> p styletext-align:justify;font-family:lato;font-size:12px;>Phone: +880 2 9333342br> Email: info@unicodeltd.combr> Ahashan Habib, Director & CEObr> Phone: +880 2 9341259br> Cell Phone: +880 1706314222/p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- /.container --> !-- /.container --> /section> /div> /section> /div> !-- page : ends --> /div> div idpromo4 classpromo-parallax stylebackground-position: 0% 0px;> div classbg4 parallax-bg stylebackground-position: 50% -418px;>/div> div classpage> !--h6 idteam classscroll-milestone>/h6>--> section classcontainer-fluid> div classrow-fluid> section idservices classdark-bg> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-lg-12 text-center> div classsection-title> h2>UNICODE SERVICES/h2> /div> p classptxt>span stylecolor:#fff;>We usually act as a local production unit for our clients and can provide the full range of production services including:/span>/p> div classrow> link relstylesheet hrefdist/jquery.flythat.css> !--link relstylesheet hrefdist/demos.css />--> div classflythat-backdrop styleposition: absolute; inset: 0px; z-index: 8887; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75); transform-style: preserve-3d; display: none; visibility: hidden; opacity: 0;>div classflythat data-autoopenfalse idmodal-text stylebackground: #FFF;padding: 15px;> a href#close classclose flythat-close>×/a> div classtext-fly ptxt styletext-align: left> h4>b>Factory selection, price negotiations and placing orders at best terms and conditions:/b>/h4> p classptxt> Negotiating with manufacturers can be a difficult process taking into account cultural and language barriers. We will take care of all negotiating with manufacturers as well as the suppliers. We work closely with you and our manufacturers and suppliers to secure you the best prices. The negotiating of prices will be continuously reviewed. It may be adjusted based on volumes and complexity of design over time. In addition to the negotiation of prices, we will be negotiating with manufacturers to get you the minimum order quantity (MOQ) that is best suited for your needs. /p> p classptxt> Both sides should conclude a negotiation feeling comfortable and happy with the agreement. Negotiations can be unsuccessful if either side feels forced into a corner. This guide sets out how to negotiate a deal, including setting your objectives, understanding your suppliers position and using the right tactics./p> p classptxt> • Setting objectives when negotiating with suppliersbr> • Understand your supplierbr> • Developing a negotiating strategybr> • Negotiating teambr> • Conduct negotiationsbr> • Negotiating on pricebr> • Running checks on your supplierbr> • Drawing up a contract for your purchasebr> /p> /div> /div>/div> div classflythat-backdrop styleposition: absolute; inset: 0px; z-index: 8887; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75); transform-style: preserve-3d; display: none; visibility: hidden; opacity: 0;>div classflythat data-autoopenfalse idmodal-text1 stylebackground: #FFF;padding: 15px;> a href#close classclose flythat-close>×/a> div classtext-fly styletext-align: left> h4>b>Trim and fabric sourcing and supplies to factories:/b>/h4> p classptxt>The process begins when we plug your concept into our fabric and trim network which has been developed over the last 19 years. We help make your selection from the vendors that can meet your target cost. When existing fabrics wont do, Unicodes staff has the expertise to help you create your own specialty fabrics. Well then present trial weaves, strike offs, lab dips and sample yardage runs - making certain that every element is within the specification and timeline. Our services include; fabric and trim sourcing and management and development, trial weaves, strikeoffs and lab dips./p> p classptxt>Our merchandisers keep samples and up-to-date information about the materials and trims available on the local market. They can immediately organize supply and delivery upon request./p> p classptxt>We have built strong working relationships to develop a team of suppliers specializing in different areas. This allows us to source the majority of fabrics, materials and accessories within Indonesia which will save you time and money./p> p classptxt>All of our suppliers specialize in certain areas. Whether it is fabrics such as, bamboo, rayon, cotton, silks, or lace or other materials such as leather, or accessories such as zippers, clasps, or buttons, we will work with you to source all materials needed./p> p classptxt>If you have a desire to create your own fabrics and print, we have the ability to do screen, digital and batik printing. Just provide us the designs and we will take care of the rest./p> p>/p> /div> /div>/div> div classflythat-backdrop styleposition: absolute; inset: 0px; z-index: 8887; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75); transform-style: preserve-3d; display: none; visibility: hidden; opacity: 0;>div classflythat data-autoopenfalse idmodal-text2 stylebackground: #FFF;padding: 15px;> a href#close classclose flythat-close>×/a> div classtext-fly styletext-align: left> h4>b>CAD/CAM services (pattern making, grading and printing of markers), sampling services:/b>/h4>h4> p classptxt>Once you provide us with your detailed design drawings and supporting images we will help create the patterns and samples for you. Patterns can be created on a thin tissue like paper or a thick stock paper . These are the templates that will be used to cut the fabric to make your sew samples. Sew samples are the first attempt at having your design turned into a physical garment. Once this sample is made, minor adjustments may be necessary and if not then this will be used as the “blue print” for your clothing in mass production. During the process of making your patterns and sew samples, we will use RFD fabric; this is ready for dying. It is a slightly off white colour and the base for adding your own colours or prints. In the sampling process, you want to ensure the sew sample is correct before you move onto the testing of colourways or printing of fabrics./p>br> p classptxt> Once the fabric has been finalized, Unicodes expert technicians develop the pattern, make suggestions, review the specifications package, bill of material, and grade rules. We will also develop style markers, submit proto samples, and fit samples. Signature labels as well as care and content labels can be handled in-house or coordinated with the customers contacts. Critical attention is to always paid to delivering photo samples and salesman samples on time. Our services include; pattern development, developing spec package, pre-production grading, marker making, label and care/content development, proto, fit and photo samples and salesman> /p> /h4>/div> /div>/div> div classflythat-backdrop styleposition: absolute; inset: 0px; z-index: 8887; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75); transform-style: preserve-3d; display: none; visibility: hidden; opacity: 0;>div classflythat data-autoopenfalse idmodal-text3 stylebackground: #FFF;padding: 15px;> a href#close classclose flythat-close>×/a> div classtext-fly styletext-align: left> h4>b>Technological assistance to the factories to ensure quality as per customer requirements:/b>/h4> p classptxt>b> MASS PRODUCTION AND QUALITY CONTROL/b>/p> p classptxt>Once all the patterns and sew samples are made, inspected and reviewed for any possible adjustments and the decision is made to go into mass production other factors need to be keep in mind. Lead time, production time, minimum order quantity and quality control need to be considered./p> p classptxt>b>LEAD TIME AND PRODUCTION TIME/b>/p> p classptxt>Lead time is the time prior to the production of your garments. It is necessary to allow the manufacturer time to finish other projects on the go but also to ensure all the necessary fabrics and materials are ready for the mass production. Lead time can vary anywhere from 1-4 weeks on average with our manufacturers and supplier but this is also dependent on your material choice and timeframes if there is special production required. Production time follows lead time in which the amount of time it will take to produce all of your order. Production time can range from 8-12 weeks depending on the complexity of your pieces and size of your line./p>br> p classptxt>b>QUALITY CONTROL - CUSTOMISED CHECKLIST/b>/p> p classptxt> Quality control is the most important aspect of any mass production phase. If this process is not overseen very closely on a regular basis, the quality may diminish overtime when dealing with other manufacturers. This is never what anyone wants. During the mass production phase, we will utilise our specialised quality control checklist. This will ensure a high standard of quality if met. With utilising our services as your agent, we will use our specially designed quality control checklist on a weekly basis to 10% of all garments manufactured. In addition to the weekly inspections, a final random inspection of your garments will happen prior to shipping. If the total amount of pieces in your production is less that 1000 pieces, we will check every single piece. Once it goes over this amount, we will check 75% of the production./p>br> p classptxt>All stages of the production cycle have quality control in place and a final inspection before the garments are packaged. At your option, we can provide all package materials and bar coding. All logistics such as letters of credit, scheduling shipments, documents, quota allocations, and visas are all handled by our in house staff. Our services include quality control, bar coding, packaging and logistics. /p> /div> /div>/div> !--production text--> div classflythat-backdrop styleposition: absolute; inset: 0px; z-index: 8887; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75); transform-style: preserve-3d; display: none; visibility: hidden; opacity: 0;>div classflythat data-autoopenfalse idmodal-text4 stylebackground: #FFF;padding: 15px;> a href#close classclose flythat-close>×/a> div classtext-fly styletext-align: left> h4>b>Production supervision and communicating production status on weekly basis:/b>/h4> p classptxt>Unicode Clothing & Fashion Business is proud to introduce as one of the promising state of the art in the Garment sector as Manufacturer, Merchandising and Sourcing solution houses in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, China, Turkey, Morocco, Tunisia, & Italy. Over the years we have served different clients in different capacity with different area. Now, we have put together all of our collective efforts and experience to create a Legend of our own. The family business has started from 1999 as a manufacturer in Garments Sector. The new generation took over the whole garment business in the year 2004 and following till today with most modern system and with latest technologies./p>/div> p classptxt styletext-align:left>b>METHODS:/b>/p> div styletext-align:left;>p classptxt>• Unicode Limited Technicians and QC staff educate and train factory technical staff in making the garments with the required quality in the pre-span stylemargin-left:13px;>production phase./span>/p>p classptxt>• Unicode Limited QC staff does daily quality control checking all steps of production. /p>p classptxt>• Quality control and production mistakes are personalized and documented in the daily quality report./p>p classptxt>• Process control is accompanied by immediate instructions for corrective actions and their implementation is strictly monitored./p> /div> div stylemargin-left:-35px; classcontainer>div classrow>div classcol-md-12>div classcontainer even_tab> div classrow divider_row> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-4 col-xs-4> h4 classtext-center>Stage:/h4> /div> div classcol-md-8 col-sm-8 col-xs-8> h4 classtext-center>Unicode Limited QC staff will:/h4> /div> /div> div classrow divider_row > div classcol-md-4 col-sm-4 col-xs-4 text-left> p classptxt>b>1. Piece-Goods Quality Checking:/b>/p> /div> div classcol-md-8 col-sm-8 col-xs-8> p classptxt styletext-align:left; margin-left:-20px;>•Make sure the factory does 10 % inspection of the in-coming fabrics for visual defects, roll span stylemargin-left:13px;>length and width, and fabric shrinkage./span>br>• Send photos or samples of visual defects to the Buyer to verify the acceptable ones. In case of span stylemargin-left:13px;>disputes with the fabric mill, Unicode Limited will act as a mediator and will facilitate/span> span stylemargin-left:13px;>negotiations./span>br>• Initiate and instruct the factory on corrective actions on avoiding and cutting out fabric>/p> /div> /div> div classrow divider_row > div classcol-md-4 col-sm-4 col-xs-4 text-left> p classptxt>b>2. Cutting Department Quality Control:/b>/p> /div> div classcol-md-8 col-sm-8col-xs-8> p classptxt styletext-align:left; margin-left:-20px;> • Supervise making a size set of garments and assure measurements are according tospan stylemargin-left:13px;> specification./span>br>• Review the markers to make sure the layout is>• Monitor that specific instructions for cutting the fabrics are followed. /p> /div> /div> div classrow divider_row > div classcol-md-4 col-sm-4 col-xs-4 text-left> p classptxt>b> 3. Inline Quality Control:/b>/p> /div> div classcol-md-8 col-sm-8col-xs-8> p classptxt styletext-align:left; margin-left:-20px;>• Make sure the operators know the requirements and all the machines are regulated. Keep span stylemargin-left:13px;>records for each Operator until the final audit has been completed./span>br>• Provide in-line control for all operations as per instructions and document the findings. Advice span stylemargin-left:13px;>on corrective actions and provide instructions for handling rejected bundles/span>/p> /div> /div> div classrow divider_row > div classcol-md-4 col-sm-4 col-xs-4 text-left> p classptxt>b>4. Final Statistical Auditing:/b>/p> /div> div classcol-md-8col-sm-8 col-xs-8> p classptxt styletext-align:left; margin-left:-20px;>• Conduct final audit by selecting at random according to statistical plan to verify client’s span stylemargin-left:13px;>specifications. Inspect for quality and size problems as per instructions and accuracy in labels./span>br>• Verify merchandise to>• Lots with acceptable quality level are released for shipment. Unicode Limited technician signs span stylemargin-left:13px;>Final Inspection Report and Inspection Certificate. /span>/p> /div>/div>/div> !--row-->/div> !--container-->/div> /div> /div>/div> !--production text--> div classflythat-backdrop styleposition: absolute; inset: 0px; z-index: 8887; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75); transform-style: preserve-3d; display: none; visibility: hidden; opacity: 0;>div classflythat data-autoopenfalse idmodal-text5 stylebackground: #FFF;padding: 15px;> a href#close classclose flythat-close>×/a> div classtext-fly styletext-align: left;> h4>b> Ensuring timely deliveries, logistics, checking all documents:/b>/h4> p classptxt> b> SHIP YOUR MERCHANDISE/b>/p> p classptxt>Once all the production is complete, we will ship your merchandise to your desired location. We will package each piece in a clear plastic sleeve marked with the size. They will also have the swing tags already attached if this option is chosen. Any additional packaging required prior to them being sent to your end clients will need to be competed by you once the bulk delivery is received. We will ensure that it is sent via sea or air based on your preferences./p> br> p classptxt>b>SHIPPING BY SEA/b>/p> p classptxt>Sea shipments are better for larger orders which weigh more. However, they can take 35-45 days to arrive. We use specialized exporting partners for this process. Costs are generally lower when choosing this option but not always feasible due to the length of time it can take. Also, if you are not located near the shipping port, additional freight forwarders may be required to ship your merchandise to your door step. The MOQ for shipping by sea is 3cbm./p> br> p classptxt>b>SHIPPING BY AIR/b>/p> p classptxt>Air shipments are slightly higher in cost but only take on average 4-14 days. Choosing air shipments will avoid the need for freight forwarders./p> br> p classptxt>Alternatively, we can use DHL or Pack and Send to send your shipment which will allow for direct billing and a faster delivery - should you have to pay any duties, this will be billed directly on your account./p> br> p classptxt>Most clients prefer air shipments due to the much shorter delivery time frames as well as for ease of> Customs, duties, taxes and insurance are not included. Please check the rates on the Duty Calculator/p>p> /p> /div> /div>/div> script srcdist/>/script> div classcol-lg-4> h2 styleborder-bottom: 5px solid red;padding-bottom: 5px;>img classimg-responsive srcimages/services/factory_selection.jpg altman>/h2> div classtext-left> h5 stylecolor:#adadad; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight:bold;>Factory selection/h5> p>a href# data-flythat#modal-text classbtn btn-primary>View more/a>/p> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-4> h2 styleborder-bottom: 5px solid red;padding-bottom: 5px;>img classimg-responsive srcimages/services/trim_fabric.jpg altman>/h2> div classtext-left> h5 classshtxt stylecolor:#adadad; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight:bold;>Trim and fabric sourcing/h5> p>a href# data-flythat#modal-text1 classbtn btn-primary>View more/a>/p> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-4> h2 styleborder-bottom: 5px solid red;padding-bottom: 5px;>img classimg-responsive srcimages/services/cad_cam.jpg altman>/h2> div classtext-left> h5 classshtxt stylecolor:#adadad; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight:bold;>CAD/CAM services/h5> p>a href# data-flythat#modal-text2 classbtn btn-primary>View more/a>/p> /div> /div> /div> div stylemargin-bottom:20px; classrow> div classcol-lg-4> h2 styleborder-bottom: 5px solid red;padding-bottom: 5px;>img classimg-responsive srcimages/services/technological_assistance.jpg altman>/h2> div classtext-justify> h5 classshtxt stylecolor:#adadad; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight:bold;>Technological assistance /h5> p>a href# data-flythat#modal-text3 classbtn btn-primary>View more/a>/p> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-4> h2 styleborder-bottom: 5px solid red;padding-bottom: 5px;>img classimg-responsive srcimages/services/pd_supervision.jpg altman>/h2> div classtext-justify> h5 classshtxt stylecolor:#adadad; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight:bold;>Production supervision/h5> p>a href# data-flythat#modal-text4 classbtn btn-primary>View more/a>/p> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-4> h2 styleborder-bottom: 5px solid red;padding-bottom: 5px;>img classimg-responsive srcimages/services/ensure_delivery.jpg altman>/h2> div classtext-justify> h5 classshtxt stylecolor:#adadad; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight:bold;>Ensuring timely deliveries/h5> p>a href# data-flythat#modal-text5 classbtn btn-primary>View more/a>/p> /div> /div> /div> p classptxt>span stylecolor:#fff;>We can also help develop sales of collections in our country./span>/p> p classptxt>span stylecolor:#fff;>Our team includes highly experienced merchandisers, technologists, pattern developers and quality controllers with perfect knowledge of the local market and the world standards./span>/p> p classptxt>span stylecolor:#fff;>If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at>/p> /div> /div> /div> /section> /div> /section> /div> !-- page : ends -->/div> div idpromo5 classpromo-parallax> div classbg5 parallax-bg>/div> div classpage> !--h6 idcontact classscroll-milestone>/h6>--> section classcontainer-fluid pad-top-main full-bg> div classrow-fluid> section idteam classlight-bg> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-lg-12 text-center> !--div classsection-title> h1 classmain-heading>span>Our/span>Team/h1> /div>--> div classsection-title> h2>OUR TEAM/h2> /div> p>Team Unicode Fashion has an extensive network and works with manufacturers in Bangladesh. Internally, we have our own styling, purchasing, sales and Logistics Department. We would like to introduce our team for:/p> /div> !-- /.container --> /div> div classrow> div classcol-lg-4> h2 styleborder-bottom: 5px solid red;padding-bottom: 5px;>img classimg-responsive srcimages/sales.jpg altman>/h2> div classtext-justify> p classptxt>Export Department/p> p classptxt>> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-4> h2 styleborder-bottom: 5px solid red;padding-bottom: 5px;>img classimg-responsive srcimages/purchase.jpg altman>/h2> div classtext-justify> p classptxt>Purchase Department/p> p classptxt>> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-4> h2 styleborder-bottom: 5px solid red;padding-bottom: 5px;>img classimg-responsive srcimages/styling.jpg altman>/h2> div classtext-justify> p classptxt>Styling Department/p> p classptxt>> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> /div>!-- row-fuild : ends --> /section> !-- container-fluid : ends--> /div> !-- page : ends -->/div>!-- Team-->!--end team-->!-- collection-->div idpromo2 classpromo-parallax> div classbg2 parallax-bg>/div> div classpage> !--h6 idcontact classscroll-milestone>/h6>--> section classcontainer-fluid pad-top-main full-bg> div classrow-fluid> section idcollection classlight-bg> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-lg-12 text-center> !-- div classsection-title> h1 classmain-heading>span>Our/span>Collection/h1> p>Team Unicode Fashion has an extensive network and works with manufacturers in Bangladesh. Internally, we have our own styling, purchasing, sales and Logistics Department. We would like to introduce our team for:/p> /div> --> div classsection-title> h2>OUR COLLECTION/h2> /div> /div> !-- /.container --> /div> div classrow> div classcol-lg-3> h2 style text-align:center; font-size: 20px; border-bottom: 5px solid red;padding-bottom: 5px;>MENS/h2> div classtext-justify> img classimg-responsive srcimages/man.jpg altman> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-3> h2 style text-align:center; font-size: 20px; border-bottom: 5px solid red;padding-bottom: 5px;>WOMEN/h2> div classtext-justify> img classimg-responsive srcimages/women.jpg altman> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-3> h2 style text-align:center; font-size: 20px; border-bottom: 5px solid red;padding-bottom: 5px;>BOYS/h2> div classtext-justify> img classimg-responsive srcimages/boy.jpg altman> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-3> h2 style text-align:center; font-size: 20px; border-bottom: 5px solid red;padding-bottom: 5px;>GIRLS/h2> div classtext-justify> img classimg-responsive srcimages/girl.jpg altman> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> /div>!-- row-fuild : ends --> /section> !-- container-fluid : ends--> /div> !-- page : ends -->/div>!-- end collection-->section idcontact classdark-bg> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-lg-12 text-center> div classsection-title> h2>CONTACT US/h2> p>span stylecolor:#fff;font-family:lato;>If you have some Questions or need Help! Please Contact Us!/span>/p> /div> /div> /div> div classrow> div classcol-md-3> div classsection-text stylecolor:#fff;> p>/p>h4>UK Head Office:/h4>p>/p> p classptxt>span stylecolor:#ccc;>Unit 3, Lion Worksbr> Station Road, Whittlesfordbr> Cambridge, United Kingdombr> CB22 4WLbr> +44 (0) 796 403 6135br>>/p>br> /div> !-- div classsection-text stylecolor:#fff;> a href# classsocial-icon> i classfa fa-facebook>/i>/a> a href# classsocial-icon> i classfa fa-youtube>/i>/a> a href# classsocial-icon> i classfa fa-linkedin>/i>/a> a href# classsocial-icon> i classfa fa-google-plus>/i>/a> /div>br>--> /div> div classcol-md-3> div classsection-text stylecolor:#fff;> p>/p>h4>Bangladesh Office:/h4>p>/p> p classptxt>span stylecolor:#ccc;>House No: 275/A (1st Floor)br> Road No: 20, Mohakhali DOHSbr> Dhaka-1206, Bangladeshbr> Ahashan Habibbr> Director & CEObr> Phone: +880 2 48810309br> Fax: +880 2 48810310br> Email: habib@unicodeltd.combr> Cell Phone: +880 1706314222 br> Web: /span>/p> /div> /div> div classcol-md-6> form namesentMessage idcontactForm methodPOST novalidate> div classrow> div classcol-md-6> div classform-group> input typetext classform-control placeholderYour Name * namename idname required data-validation-required-messagePlease enter your name.> p classhelp-block text-danger>/p> /div> /div> div classcol-md-6> div classform-group> input typeemail classform-control placeholderYour Email * nameemail idemail required data-validation-required-messagePlease enter your email address.> p classhelp-block text-danger>/p> /div> /div> /div> div classrow> div classcol-md-12> div classform-group> textarea classform-control placeholderYour Message * idmessage namemessage required data-validation-required-messagePlease enter a message.>/textarea> p classhelp-block text-danger>/p> /div> /div> div classclearfix>/div> /div> div classrow> div classcol-lg-12 text-center> div idsuccess>/div> button typesubmit namesinglebutton classbtn >Send Message/button> /div> /div> /form> /div> /div> /div> /section> p idback-top> a href#top>i class>img stylemargin: 10px;srcimages/botom-top.png/>/i>/a>/p>footer> div classcontainer text-center> p>a href#>span>All rights reserved. @ 2021 Unicode Fashion/p> /div> /footer> script src>/script> script src>/script> script srcacsjs/js/bootstrap.min.js>/script> script srcacsjs/js/owl.carousel.min.js>/script> script srcacsjs/js/cbpAnimatedHeader.js>/script> script srcacsjs/js/jquery.appear.js>/script> script srcacsjs/js/SmoothScroll.min.js>/script> script srcacsjs/js/theme-scripts.js>/script> /body> /html> script typetext/javascript> $(.bc > .b > .c).hide(); $(.bc > .b).click(function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); $(this).children().toggle(function (e) { if (!$(this).is(:visible)) { $(this).find(.b).hide(); $(this).find(sub).show(); } ; }); $(this).siblings().each(function (i) { if ($(this).children(.b).length > 0) { if ($(this).children(.b).css(display).toLowerCase() block) { $(this).children().toggle(function (e) { if (!$(this).is(:visible)) { $(this).find(.b).hide(); $(this).find(sub).show(); } ; }); } } }); }); $(ul > li).each(function (i) { if ($(this).children(ul).length > 0) { $(this).css(cursor, pointer).children(ul).before($().text()); } else { $(this).css(cursor, default); } ; });/script> script typetext/javascript> $(.bc > .z > .c).hide(); $(.bc > .z).click(function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); $(this).children().toggle(function (e) { if (!$(this).is(:visible)) { $(this).find(.z).hide(); $(this).find(sub).show(); } ; }); $(this).siblings().each(function (i) { if ($(this).children(.z).length > 0) { if ($(this).children(.z).css(display).toLowerCase() block) { $(this).children().toggle(function (e) { if (!$(this).is(:visible)) { $(this).find(.z).hide(); $(this).find(sub).show(); } ; }); } } }); }); $(ul > l i).each(function (i) { if ($(this).children(ul).length > 0) { $(this).css(cursor, pointer).children(ul).before($().text()); } else { $(this).css(cursor, default); } ; }); /script>
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href>T-Shirts & Tops/a>/li> li idmenu-item-22896 classmenu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-22896>a href>Legwear/a>/li> li idmenu-item-22897 classmenu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-22897>a href>Accessories/a>/li> li idmenu-item-22898 classmenu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-22898>a href>Footwear/a>/li> /ul> /li> li idmenu-item-22899 classmenu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-has-children menu-item-22899>a href>Girls/a> ul classsub-menu> li idmenu-item-22900 classmenu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-22900>a href>Jackets/a>/li> li idmenu-item-22901 classmenu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-22901>a href>Fleece & Hoodies/a>/li> li idmenu-item-22902 classmenu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-22902>a href>Softshells/a>/li> li idmenu-item-22903 classmenu-item menu-item-type-custom 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min-height: 1600px; } /style> div idpromo2 class stylebackground-position: 0% 0px;> div classbg2 parallax-bg stylebackground-position: 100% -945.2px;>/div> div classpage> !--h6 idservices classscroll-milestone>/h6>--> section classcontainer-fluid> div classrow-fluid> section idpage-top classlight-bg> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-lg-12 text-center> div classsection-title> h2>HOME TEXT/h2> /div> /div> /div> div classrow> div classcol-lg-12> h2 stylecolor:black; text-align:center;margin-top:-10px;>SINCE 1999, UNICODE span stylecolor:red; font-weight:bold;>LIMITED/span> HAS BEEN SOURCING AND PRODUCING SWEATERS, GARMENTS AND ACTIVEWEAR/h2> div class wow fadeInRight> h3 styleborder-bottom:5px solid red; font-family: Raleway, sans-serif;>span stylecolor:#000; font-weight:bold;>Unicode/span> span stylecolor:red; font-weight:bold;>Limited/span>/h3> p>span stylecolor:red;>20 years of expertise in Fashion./span>/p> p styletext-align:justify;>span stylecolor:#000;>Unicode/span>span stylecolor:red;> Limited/span> was started in 1999 as the exclusive sourcing and manufacturing arm of a highly successful direct marketing retailer. From inception our mission has been to develop and produce upper end, medium quantity product that is very competitively priced that has a high degree of make. We particularly excel at sourcing and working in products made of better piece goods. And, because of our core experience servicing just-in-time retail direct demand, we have an unmatched reputation in the industry for our prompt delivery and flexible sourcing. In 1999 the company was spun off as a separate entity and began supplying products to the general wholesale and retail marketplace. Today UnicodeLimited quietly produces apparel, accessories, home products, activewear and other general merchandise in Bangladesh, India China and Vietnam. /p> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- /.container --> /section> /div> /section> /div> !-- page : ends --> /div> div idpromo3 classpromo-parallax stylebackground-position: 0% 0px;> div classbg3 parallax-bg stylebackground-position: 50% -418px;>/div> div classpage> !--h6 idteam classscroll-milestone>/h6>--> section classcontainer-fluid> div classrow-fluid> section idabout classlight-bg> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-lg-12 text-center> div classsection-title> h2>ABOUT US/h2> !--p>strong>SINCE 1999, b>UNICODE/b>b stylecolor: red>LIMITED/b> HAS BEEN SOURCING AND PRODUCING SWEATERS, GARMENTS AND ACTIVEWEAR/strong>/p>--> /div> /div> /div> div classrow> div classcol-lg-4> h2 styleborder-bottom: 5px solid red;padding-bottom: 5px;>Welcome/h2> div classtext-justify> p stylefont-family:lato;>Ahashan Habib founded the company after working in the industry for over 18 years in UK and Bangladesh. Orient works can lower the landed cost of your imports, streamline your internal processes and improve the quality and timeliness of your product. We are headquartered in Cambridge, UK with country offices in Bangladesh. We service the needs of specialty and department stores, catalogue companies, wholesalers and importers from anywhere in the world/p> p stylefont-family:lato;>We devote great care to our total production process. In addition to our own requirements in terms of Social Compliance, we work exclusively with producers who are members of the BSCI. /p> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-4> h2 styleborder-bottom: 5px solid red;padding-bottom: 5px;>About Unicode/h2> div classtext-justify> p stylefont-family:lato;>Unicode Clothing & Fashion Business headquarters is based in United Kingdom with country offices in Bangladesh. All activities are carried out from this location. Our goal is to provide an optimal price-quality ratio to our customers, combined with a good fit. Quality tests are done in-house or in cooperation with accredited laboratories. The creative team of Unicode Clothing & Fashion Business with three experienced stylists constantly follows the latest trends and developments, ideas and updates are produced directly by our own suppliers. /p> p stylefont-family:lato;>The stylists translate trends to models and materials for our own collection and those of the customers./p> p stylefont-family:lato;>What you’d expect from the leading provider of end-to-end solutions to softgoods specialty and general merchandise retailers. But they’re not what really count./p> p stylefont-family:lato;>What matters more to us as we expect does to you is the actual value we can deliver to your business: the difference we can make in taking your business from where it is today to where you want it to be tomorrow by driving customer engagement, productivity, profitability and growth. And that depends on four things./p> /div> /div> style typetext/css> .b{ font-weight: bold; font-size: 16px; color: #a89c9c; } .z{ font-weight: bold; font-size: 16px; color: #a89c9c; } /style> div classcol-lg-4> h2 styleborder-bottom: 5px solid red;padding-bottom: 5px;>What we do/h2> div classtext-justify> div classaccordion idaccordion1> div classaccordion-group> div classpanel-group idfaqAccordion> div classpanel panel-default > div classpanel-heading accordion-toggle question-toggle collapsed data-togglecollapse data-parent#faqAccordion data-target#question0> h4 classpanel-title> div classing>Collection/div> /h4> /div> div idquestion0 classpanel-collapse collapse styleheight:0px;> div classpanel-body> p styletext-align:justify; font-size:12px; font-family:lato;>We work with our customers to manufacture their garments in> We have managed manufacturing orders for millions of garments for apparel buyers from Italy, Denmark, Netherlands, Ireland, UK, Germany, and the> We usually act as a local production unit for our clients and can provide the full range of production services including:br> • Factory selection, price negotiations and span stylemargin-left:16px;>placing orders at best terms and conditions./span>br> • Trim and fabric sourcing and supplies to span stylemargin-left:16px;>factories/span>br> • CAD/CAM services (pattern making, grading span stylemargin-left:16px;>and printing of markers), sampling services/span>br> • Technological assistance to the factories to span stylemargin-left:13px;>ensure quality as per customer requirementsbr> • Production supervision and communicating span stylemargin-left:16px;>production status on weekly basisbr> • Ensuring timely deliveriesbr> • Quality control as per AQLbr> • Assistance in payment issues, logistics,span stylemargin-left:16px;> checking all documents br> We can also help develop sales of collections in our country. Our team includes highly experienced merchandisers, technologists, pattern developers and quality controllers with perfect knowledge of the local market and the world> If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at> /div> /div> /div> div classpanel panel-default > div classpanel-heading accordion-toggle collapsed question-toggle data-togglecollapse data-parent#faqAccordion data-target#question1> h4 classpanel-title> div classing>Method/div> /h4> /div> div idquestion1 classpanel-collapse collapse styleheight: 0px;> div classpanel-body> p styletext-align:justify;font-family:lato;font-size:12px;>Unicode Clothing & Fashion Business is proud to introduce as one of the promising state of the art in the Garment sector as Manufacturer, Merchandising and Sourcing solution houses in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, China, Turkey, Morocco, Tunisia, & Italy. Over the years we have served different clients in different capacity with different area. Now, we have put together all of our collective efforts and experience to create a Legend of our own. The family business has started from 1999 as a manufacturer in Garments Sector. The new generation took over the whole garment business in the year 2004 and following till today with most modern system and with latest technologies./p> /div> /div> /div> div classpanel panel-default > div classpanel-heading accordion-toggle collapsed question-toggle data-togglecollapse data-parent#faqAccordion data-target#question2> h4 classpanel-title> div classing>Short term/div> /h4> /div> div idquestion2 classpanel-collapse collapse styleheight: 0px;> div classpanel-body> p styletext-align:justify;font-family:lato;font-size:12px;>Unicode Limited Garment Production is a direct, factory owned, full service garment sourcing and production company. We specialize in managing every aspect of your product program from materials development and testing to finished product quality assurance. Unicode Limited is your partner, supporting the entire process at every stage and providing competitive pricing, flexibility, and quick turn around. Following are the services we can provide. br>br> • Fabric and Trim Sourcingbr> • Garment Developmentbr> • Garment Sourcing and Productionbr> • Quality Control, Packing and Logisticsbr> /p> /div> /div> /div> div classpanel panel-default > div classpanel-heading accordion-toggle collapsed question-toggle data-togglecollapse data-parent#faqAccordion data-target#question3> h4 classpanel-title> div classing>Sales & Merchandising/div> /h4> /div> div idquestion3 classpanel-collapse collapse styleheight: 0px;> div classpanel-body> p styletext-align:justify;font-family:lato;font-size:12px;>We believe we are very competitive in the field of Sales & Merchandising, and as an experienced garments supplier, we know the significance of being best. For competitive prices, we make any number of counter samples requested by our buyer free of cost. Our sales & merchandising teams are highly experienced well skilled to fulfill our Buyers>br> If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at /p> /div> /div> /div> div classpanel panel-default > div classpanel-heading accordion-toggle collapsed question-toggle data-togglecollapse data-parent#faqAccordion data-target#question4> h4 classpanel-title> div classing>Contact/div> /h4> /div> div idquestion4 classpanel-collapse collapse styleheight: 0px;> div classpanel-body> p styletext-align:justify;font-family:lato;font-size:12px;>b>UK Head Office:/b>br> Unit 3, Lion Works Station Road, Whittlesford Cambridge, United Kingdom CB22 4WL./p> p styletext-align:justify;font-family:lato;font-size:12px;>Phone: +44 (0) 796 403 6135br> Email: /p> p styletext-align:justify;font-family:lato;font-size:12px;>b>Bangladesh Office:/b>br> 275/A (1st Floor) br> Road No: 20, Mohakhali DOHS br> Dhaka-1206, Bangladesh /p> p styletext-align:justify;font-family:lato;font-size:12px;>Phone: +880 2 9333342br> Email: info@unicodeltd.combr> Ahashan Habib, Director & CEObr> Phone: +880 2 9341259br> Cell Phone: +880 1706314222/p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- /.container --> !-- /.container --> /section> /div> /section> /div> !-- page : ends --> /div> div idpromo4 classpromo-parallax stylebackground-position: 0% 0px;> div classbg4 parallax-bg stylebackground-position: 50% -418px;>/div> div classpage> !--h6 idteam classscroll-milestone>/h6>--> section classcontainer-fluid> div classrow-fluid> section idservices classdark-bg> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-lg-12 text-center> div classsection-title> h2>UNICODE SERVICES/h2> /div> p classptxt>span stylecolor:#fff;>We usually act as a local production unit for our clients and can provide the full range of production services including:/span>/p> div classrow> link relstylesheet hrefdist/jquery.flythat.css> !--link relstylesheet hrefdist/demos.css />--> div classflythat-backdrop styleposition: absolute; inset: 0px; z-index: 8887; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75); transform-style: preserve-3d; display: none; visibility: hidden; opacity: 0;>div classflythat data-autoopenfalse idmodal-text stylebackground: #FFF;padding: 15px;> a href#close classclose flythat-close>×/a> div classtext-fly ptxt styletext-align: left> h4>b>Factory selection, price negotiations and placing orders at best terms and conditions:/b>/h4> p classptxt> Negotiating with manufacturers can be a difficult process taking into account cultural and language barriers. We will take care of all negotiating with manufacturers as well as the suppliers. We work closely with you and our manufacturers and suppliers to secure you the best prices. The negotiating of prices will be continuously reviewed. It may be adjusted based on volumes and complexity of design over time. In addition to the negotiation of prices, we will be negotiating with manufacturers to get you the minimum order quantity (MOQ) that is best suited for your needs. /p> p classptxt> Both sides should conclude a negotiation feeling comfortable and happy with the agreement. Negotiations can be unsuccessful if either side feels forced into a corner. This guide sets out how to negotiate a deal, including setting your objectives, understanding your suppliers position and using the right tactics./p> p classptxt> • Setting objectives when negotiating with suppliersbr> • Understand your supplierbr> • Developing a negotiating strategybr> • Negotiating teambr> • Conduct negotiationsbr> • Negotiating on pricebr> • Running checks on your supplierbr> • Drawing up a contract for your purchasebr> /p> /div> /div>/div> div classflythat-backdrop styleposition: absolute; inset: 0px; z-index: 8887; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75); transform-style: preserve-3d; display: none; visibility: hidden; opacity: 0;>div classflythat data-autoopenfalse idmodal-text1 stylebackground: #FFF;padding: 15px;> a href#close classclose flythat-close>×/a> div classtext-fly styletext-align: left> h4>b>Trim and fabric sourcing and supplies to factories:/b>/h4> p classptxt>The process begins when we plug your concept into our fabric and trim network which has been developed over the last 19 years. We help make your selection from the vendors that can meet your target cost. When existing fabrics wont do, Unicodes staff has the expertise to help you create your own specialty fabrics. Well then present trial weaves, strike offs, lab dips and sample yardage runs - making certain that every element is within the specification and timeline. Our services include; fabric and trim sourcing and management and development, trial weaves, strikeoffs and lab dips./p> p classptxt>Our merchandisers keep samples and up-to-date information about the materials and trims available on the local market. They can immediately organize supply and delivery upon request./p> p classptxt>We have built strong working relationships to develop a team of suppliers specializing in different areas. This allows us to source the majority of fabrics, materials and accessories within Indonesia which will save you time and money./p> p classptxt>All of our suppliers specialize in certain areas. Whether it is fabrics such as, bamboo, rayon, cotton, silks, or lace or other materials such as leather, or accessories such as zippers, clasps, or buttons, we will work with you to source all materials needed./p> p classptxt>If you have a desire to create your own fabrics and print, we have the ability to do screen, digital and batik printing. Just provide us the designs and we will take care of the rest./p> p>/p> /div> /div>/div> div classflythat-backdrop styleposition: absolute; inset: 0px; z-index: 8887; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75); transform-style: preserve-3d; display: none; visibility: hidden; opacity: 0;>div classflythat data-autoopenfalse idmodal-text2 stylebackground: #FFF;padding: 15px;> a href#close classclose flythat-close>×/a> div classtext-fly styletext-align: left> h4>b>CAD/CAM services (pattern making, grading and printing of markers), sampling services:/b>/h4>h4> p classptxt>Once you provide us with your detailed design drawings and supporting images we will help create the patterns and samples for you. Patterns can be created on a thin tissue like paper or a thick stock paper . These are the templates that will be used to cut the fabric to make your sew samples. Sew samples are the first attempt at having your design turned into a physical garment. Once this sample is made, minor adjustments may be necessary and if not then this will be used as the “blue print” for your clothing in mass production. During the process of making your patterns and sew samples, we will use RFD fabric; this is ready for dying. It is a slightly off white colour and the base for adding your own colours or prints. In the sampling process, you want to ensure the sew sample is correct before you move onto the testing of colourways or printing of fabrics./p>br> p classptxt> Once the fabric has been finalized, Unicodes expert technicians develop the pattern, make suggestions, review the specifications package, bill of material, and grade rules. We will also develop style markers, submit proto samples, and fit samples. Signature labels as well as care and content labels can be handled in-house or coordinated with the customers contacts. Critical attention is to always paid to delivering photo samples and salesman samples on time. Our services include; pattern development, developing spec package, pre-production grading, marker making, label and care/content development, proto, fit and photo samples and salesman> /p> /h4>/div> /div>/div> div classflythat-backdrop styleposition: absolute; inset: 0px; z-index: 8887; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75); transform-style: preserve-3d; display: none; visibility: hidden; opacity: 0;>div classflythat data-autoopenfalse idmodal-text3 stylebackground: #FFF;padding: 15px;> a href#close classclose flythat-close>×/a> div classtext-fly styletext-align: left> h4>b>Technological assistance to the factories to ensure quality as per customer requirements:/b>/h4> p classptxt>b> MASS PRODUCTION AND QUALITY CONTROL/b>/p> p classptxt>Once all the patterns and sew samples are made, inspected and reviewed for any possible adjustments and the decision is made to go into mass production other factors need to be keep in mind. Lead time, production time, minimum order quantity and quality control need to be considered./p> p classptxt>b>LEAD TIME AND PRODUCTION TIME/b>/p> p classptxt>Lead time is the time prior to the production of your garments. It is necessary to allow the manufacturer time to finish other projects on the go but also to ensure all the necessary fabrics and materials are ready for the mass production. Lead time can vary anywhere from 1-4 weeks on average with our manufacturers and supplier but this is also dependent on your material choice and timeframes if there is special production required. Production time follows lead time in which the amount of time it will take to produce all of your order. Production time can range from 8-12 weeks depending on the complexity of your pieces and size of your line./p>br> p classptxt>b>QUALITY CONTROL - CUSTOMISED CHECKLIST/b>/p> p classptxt> Quality control is the most important aspect of any mass production phase. If this process is not overseen very closely on a regular basis, the quality may diminish overtime when dealing with other manufacturers. This is never what anyone wants. During the mass production phase, we will utilise our specialised quality control checklist. This will ensure a high standard of quality if met. With utilising our services as your agent, we will use our specially designed quality control checklist on a weekly basis to 10% of all garments manufactured. In addition to the weekly inspections, a final random inspection of your garments will happen prior to shipping. If the total amount of pieces in your production is less that 1000 pieces, we will check every single piece. Once it goes over this amount, we will check 75% of the production./p>br> p classptxt>All stages of the production cycle have quality control in place and a final inspection before the garments are packaged. At your option, we can provide all package materials and bar coding. All logistics such as letters of credit, scheduling shipments, documents, quota allocations, and visas are all handled by our in house staff. Our services include quality control, bar coding, packaging and logistics. /p> /div> /div>/div> !--production text--> div classflythat-backdrop styleposition: absolute; inset: 0px; z-index: 8887; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75); transform-style: preserve-3d; display: none; visibility: hidden; opacity: 0;>div classflythat data-autoopenfalse idmodal-text4 stylebackground: #FFF;padding: 15px;> a href#close classclose flythat-close>×/a> div classtext-fly styletext-align: left> h4>b>Production supervision and communicating production status on weekly basis:/b>/h4> p classptxt>Unicode Clothing & Fashion Business is proud to introduce as one of the promising state of the art in the Garment sector as Manufacturer, Merchandising and Sourcing solution houses in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, China, Turkey, Morocco, Tunisia, & Italy. Over the years we have served different clients in different capacity with different area. Now, we have put together all of our collective efforts and experience to create a Legend of our own. The family business has started from 1999 as a manufacturer in Garments Sector. The new generation took over the whole garment business in the year 2004 and following till today with most modern system and with latest technologies./p>/div> p classptxt styletext-align:left>b>METHODS:/b>/p> div styletext-align:left;>p classptxt>• Unicode Limited Technicians and QC staff educate and train factory technical staff in making the garments with the required quality in the pre-span stylemargin-left:13px;>production phase./span>/p>p classptxt>• Unicode Limited QC staff does daily quality control checking all steps of production. /p>p classptxt>• Quality control and production mistakes are personalized and documented in the daily quality report./p>p classptxt>• Process control is accompanied by immediate instructions for corrective actions and their implementation is strictly monitored./p> /div> div stylemargin-left:-35px; classcontainer>div classrow>div classcol-md-12>div classcontainer even_tab> div classrow divider_row> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-4 col-xs-4> h4 classtext-center>Stage:/h4> /div> div classcol-md-8 col-sm-8 col-xs-8> h4 classtext-center>Unicode Limited QC staff will:/h4> /div> /div> div classrow divider_row > div classcol-md-4 col-sm-4 col-xs-4 text-left> p classptxt>b>1. Piece-Goods Quality Checking:/b>/p> /div> div classcol-md-8 col-sm-8 col-xs-8> p classptxt styletext-align:left; margin-left:-20px;>•Make sure the factory does 10 % inspection of the in-coming fabrics for visual defects, roll span stylemargin-left:13px;>length and width, and fabric shrinkage./span>br>• Send photos or samples of visual defects to the Buyer to verify the acceptable ones. In case of span stylemargin-left:13px;>disputes with the fabric mill, Unicode Limited will act as a mediator and will facilitate/span> span stylemargin-left:13px;>negotiations./span>br>• Initiate and instruct the factory on corrective actions on avoiding and cutting out fabric>/p> /div> /div> div classrow divider_row > div classcol-md-4 col-sm-4 col-xs-4 text-left> p classptxt>b>2. Cutting Department Quality Control:/b>/p> /div> div classcol-md-8 col-sm-8col-xs-8> p classptxt styletext-align:left; margin-left:-20px;> • Supervise making a size set of garments and assure measurements are according tospan stylemargin-left:13px;> specification./span>br>• Review the markers to make sure the layout is>• Monitor that specific instructions for cutting the fabrics are followed. /p> /div> /div> div classrow divider_row > div classcol-md-4 col-sm-4 col-xs-4 text-left> p classptxt>b> 3. Inline Quality Control:/b>/p> /div> div classcol-md-8 col-sm-8col-xs-8> p classptxt styletext-align:left; margin-left:-20px;>• Make sure the operators know the requirements and all the machines are regulated. Keep span stylemargin-left:13px;>records for each Operator until the final audit has been completed./span>br>• Provide in-line control for all operations as per instructions and document the findings. Advice span stylemargin-left:13px;>on corrective actions and provide instructions for handling rejected bundles/span>/p> /div> /div> div classrow divider_row > div classcol-md-4 col-sm-4 col-xs-4 text-left> p classptxt>b>4. Final Statistical Auditing:/b>/p> /div> div classcol-md-8col-sm-8 col-xs-8> p classptxt styletext-align:left; margin-left:-20px;>• Conduct final audit by selecting at random according to statistical plan to verify client’s span stylemargin-left:13px;>specifications. Inspect for quality and size problems as per instructions and accuracy in labels./span>br>• Verify merchandise to>• Lots with acceptable quality level are released for shipment. Unicode Limited technician signs span stylemargin-left:13px;>Final Inspection Report and Inspection Certificate. /span>/p> /div>/div>/div> !--row-->/div> !--container-->/div> /div> /div>/div> !--production text--> div classflythat-backdrop styleposition: absolute; inset: 0px; z-index: 8887; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75); transform-style: preserve-3d; display: none; visibility: hidden; opacity: 0;>div classflythat data-autoopenfalse idmodal-text5 stylebackground: #FFF;padding: 15px;> a href#close classclose flythat-close>×/a> div classtext-fly styletext-align: left;> h4>b> Ensuring timely deliveries, logistics, checking all documents:/b>/h4> p classptxt> b> SHIP YOUR MERCHANDISE/b>/p> p classptxt>Once all the production is complete, we will ship your merchandise to your desired location. We will package each piece in a clear plastic sleeve marked with the size. They will also have the swing tags already attached if this option is chosen. Any additional packaging required prior to them being sent to your end clients will need to be competed by you once the bulk delivery is received. We will ensure that it is sent via sea or air based on your preferences./p> br> p classptxt>b>SHIPPING BY SEA/b>/p> p classptxt>Sea shipments are better for larger orders which weigh more. However, they can take 35-45 days to arrive. We use specialized exporting partners for this process. Costs are generally lower when choosing this option but not always feasible due to the length of time it can take. Also, if you are not located near the shipping port, additional freight forwarders may be required to ship your merchandise to your door step. The MOQ for shipping by sea is 3cbm./p> br> p classptxt>b>SHIPPING BY AIR/b>/p> p classptxt>Air shipments are slightly higher in cost but only take on average 4-14 days. Choosing air shipments will avoid the need for freight forwarders./p> br> p classptxt>Alternatively, we can use DHL or Pack and Send to send your shipment which will allow for direct billing and a faster delivery - should you have to pay any duties, this will be billed directly on your account./p> br> p classptxt>Most clients prefer air shipments due to the much shorter delivery time frames as well as for ease of> Customs, duties, taxes and insurance are not included. Please check the rates on the Duty Calculator/p>p> /p> /div> /div>/div> script srcdist/>/script> div classcol-lg-4> h2 styleborder-bottom: 5px solid red;padding-bottom: 5px;>img classimg-responsive srcimages/services/factory_selection.jpg altman>/h2> div classtext-left> h5 stylecolor:#adadad; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight:bold;>Factory selection/h5> p>a href# data-flythat#modal-text classbtn btn-primary>View more/a>/p> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-4> h2 styleborder-bottom: 5px solid red;padding-bottom: 5px;>img classimg-responsive srcimages/services/trim_fabric.jpg altman>/h2> div classtext-left> h5 classshtxt stylecolor:#adadad; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight:bold;>Trim and fabric sourcing/h5> p>a href# data-flythat#modal-text1 classbtn btn-primary>View more/a>/p> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-4> h2 styleborder-bottom: 5px solid red;padding-bottom: 5px;>img classimg-responsive srcimages/services/cad_cam.jpg altman>/h2> div classtext-left> h5 classshtxt stylecolor:#adadad; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight:bold;>CAD/CAM services/h5> p>a href# data-flythat#modal-text2 classbtn btn-primary>View more/a>/p> /div> /div> /div> div stylemargin-bottom:20px; classrow> div classcol-lg-4> h2 styleborder-bottom: 5px solid red;padding-bottom: 5px;>img classimg-responsive srcimages/services/technological_assistance.jpg altman>/h2> div classtext-justify> h5 classshtxt stylecolor:#adadad; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight:bold;>Technological assistance /h5> p>a href# data-flythat#modal-text3 classbtn btn-primary>View more/a>/p> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-4> h2 styleborder-bottom: 5px solid red;padding-bottom: 5px;>img classimg-responsive srcimages/services/pd_supervision.jpg altman>/h2> div classtext-justify> h5 classshtxt stylecolor:#adadad; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight:bold;>Production supervision/h5> p>a href# data-flythat#modal-text4 classbtn btn-primary>View more/a>/p> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-4> h2 styleborder-bottom: 5px solid red;padding-bottom: 5px;>img classimg-responsive srcimages/services/ensure_delivery.jpg altman>/h2> div classtext-justify> h5 classshtxt stylecolor:#adadad; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight:bold;>Ensuring timely deliveries/h5> p>a href# data-flythat#modal-text5 classbtn btn-primary>View more/a>/p> /div> /div> /div> p classptxt>span stylecolor:#fff;>We can also help develop sales of collections in our country./span>/p> p classptxt>span stylecolor:#fff;>Our team includes highly experienced merchandisers, technologists, pattern developers and quality controllers with perfect knowledge of the local market and the world standards./span>/p> p classptxt>span stylecolor:#fff;>If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at>/p> /div> /div> /div> /section> /div> /section> /div> !-- page : ends -->/div> div idpromo5 classpromo-parallax> div classbg5 parallax-bg>/div> div classpage> !--h6 idcontact classscroll-milestone>/h6>--> section classcontainer-fluid pad-top-main full-bg> div classrow-fluid> section idteam classlight-bg> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-lg-12 text-center> !--div classsection-title> h1 classmain-heading>span>Our/span>Team/h1> /div>--> div classsection-title> h2>OUR TEAM/h2> /div> p>Team Unicode Fashion has an extensive network and works with manufacturers in Bangladesh. Internally, we have our own styling, purchasing, sales and Logistics Department. We would like to introduce our team for:/p> /div> !-- /.container --> /div> div classrow> div classcol-lg-4> h2 styleborder-bottom: 5px solid red;padding-bottom: 5px;>img classimg-responsive srcimages/sales.jpg altman>/h2> div classtext-justify> p classptxt>Export Department/p> p classptxt>> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-4> h2 styleborder-bottom: 5px solid red;padding-bottom: 5px;>img classimg-responsive srcimages/purchase.jpg altman>/h2> div classtext-justify> p classptxt>Purchase Department/p> p classptxt>> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-4> h2 styleborder-bottom: 5px solid red;padding-bottom: 5px;>img classimg-responsive srcimages/styling.jpg altman>/h2> div classtext-justify> p classptxt>Styling Department/p> p classptxt>> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> /div>!-- row-fuild : ends --> /section> !-- container-fluid : ends--> /div> !-- page : ends -->/div>!-- Team-->!--end team-->!-- collection-->div idpromo2 classpromo-parallax> div classbg2 parallax-bg>/div> div classpage> !--h6 idcontact classscroll-milestone>/h6>--> section classcontainer-fluid pad-top-main full-bg> div classrow-fluid> section idcollection classlight-bg> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-lg-12 text-center> !-- div classsection-title> h1 classmain-heading>span>Our/span>Collection/h1> p>Team Unicode Fashion has an extensive network and works with manufacturers in Bangladesh. Internally, we have our own styling, purchasing, sales and Logistics Department. We would like to introduce our team for:/p> /div> --> div classsection-title> h2>OUR COLLECTION/h2> /div> /div> !-- /.container --> /div> div classrow> div classcol-lg-3> h2 style text-align:center; font-size: 20px; border-bottom: 5px solid red;padding-bottom: 5px;>MENS/h2> div classtext-justify> img classimg-responsive srcimages/man.jpg altman> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-3> h2 style text-align:center; font-size: 20px; border-bottom: 5px solid red;padding-bottom: 5px;>WOMEN/h2> div classtext-justify> img classimg-responsive srcimages/women.jpg altman> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-3> h2 style text-align:center; font-size: 20px; border-bottom: 5px solid red;padding-bottom: 5px;>BOYS/h2> div classtext-justify> img classimg-responsive srcimages/boy.jpg altman> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-3> h2 style text-align:center; font-size: 20px; border-bottom: 5px solid red;padding-bottom: 5px;>GIRLS/h2> div classtext-justify> img classimg-responsive srcimages/girl.jpg altman> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> /div>!-- row-fuild : ends --> /section> !-- container-fluid : ends--> /div> !-- page : ends -->/div>!-- end collection-->section idcontact classdark-bg> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-lg-12 text-center> div classsection-title> h2>CONTACT US/h2> p>span stylecolor:#fff;font-family:lato;>If you have some Questions or need Help! Please Contact Us!/span>/p> /div> /div> /div> div classrow> div classcol-md-3> div classsection-text stylecolor:#fff;> p>/p>h4>UK Head Office:/h4>p>/p> p classptxt>span stylecolor:#ccc;>Unit 3, Lion Worksbr> Station Road, Whittlesfordbr> Cambridge, United Kingdombr> CB22 4WLbr> +44 (0) 796 403 6135br>>/p>br> /div> !-- div classsection-text stylecolor:#fff;> a href# classsocial-icon> i classfa fa-facebook>/i>/a> a href# classsocial-icon> i classfa fa-youtube>/i>/a> a href# classsocial-icon> i classfa fa-linkedin>/i>/a> a href# classsocial-icon> i classfa fa-google-plus>/i>/a> /div>br>--> /div> div classcol-md-3> div classsection-text stylecolor:#fff;> p>/p>h4>Bangladesh Office:/h4>p>/p> p classptxt>span stylecolor:#ccc;>House No: 275/A (1st Floor)br> Road No: 20, Mohakhali DOHSbr> Dhaka-1206, Bangladeshbr> Ahashan Habibbr> Director & CEObr> Phone: +880 2 48810309br> Fax: +880 2 48810310br> Email: habib@unicodeltd.combr> Cell Phone: +880 1706314222 br> Web: /span>/p> /div> /div> div classcol-md-6> form namesentMessage idcontactForm methodPOST novalidate> div classrow> div classcol-md-6> div classform-group> input typetext classform-control placeholderYour Name * namename idname required data-validation-required-messagePlease enter your name.> p classhelp-block text-danger>/p> /div> /div> div classcol-md-6> div classform-group> input typeemail classform-control placeholderYour Email * nameemail idemail required data-validation-required-messagePlease enter your email address.> p classhelp-block text-danger>/p> /div> /div> /div> div classrow> div classcol-md-12> div classform-group> textarea classform-control placeholderYour Message * idmessage namemessage required data-validation-required-messagePlease enter a message.>/textarea> p classhelp-block text-danger>/p> /div> /div> div classclearfix>/div> /div> div classrow> div classcol-lg-12 text-center> div idsuccess>/div> button typesubmit namesinglebutton classbtn >Send Message/button> /div> /div> /form> /div> /div> /div> /section> p idback-top> a href#top>i class>img stylemargin: 10px;srcimages/botom-top.png/>/i>/a>/p>footer> div classcontainer text-center> p>a href#>span>All rights reserved. @ 2021 Unicode Fashion/p> /div> /footer> script src>/script> script src>/script> script srcacsjs/js/bootstrap.min.js>/script> script srcacsjs/js/owl.carousel.min.js>/script> script srcacsjs/js/cbpAnimatedHeader.js>/script> script srcacsjs/js/jquery.appear.js>/script> script srcacsjs/js/SmoothScroll.min.js>/script> script srcacsjs/js/theme-scripts.js>/script> /body> /html> script typetext/javascript> $(.bc > .b > .c).hide(); $(.bc > .b).click(function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); $(this).children().toggle(function (e) { if (!$(this).is(:visible)) { $(this).find(.b).hide(); $(this).find(sub).show(); } ; }); $(this).siblings().each(function (i) { if ($(this).children(.b).length > 0) { if ($(this).children(.b).css(display).toLowerCase() block) { $(this).children().toggle(function (e) { if (!$(this).is(:visible)) { $(this).find(.b).hide(); $(this).find(sub).show(); } ; }); } } }); }); $(ul > li).each(function (i) { if ($(this).children(ul).length > 0) { $(this).css(cursor, pointer).children(ul).before($().text()); } else { $(this).css(cursor, default); } ; });/script> script typetext/javascript> $(.bc > .z > .c).hide(); $(.bc > .z).click(function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); $(this).children().toggle(function (e) { if (!$(this).is(:visible)) { $(this).find(.z).hide(); $(this).find(sub).show(); } ; }); $(this).siblings().each(function (i) { if ($(this).children(.z).length > 0) { if ($(this).children(.z).css(display).toLowerCase() block) { $(this).children().toggle(function (e) { if (!$(this).is(:visible)) { $(this).find(.z).hide(); $(this).find(sub).show(); } ; }); } } }); }); $(ul > l i).each(function (i) { if ($(this).children(ul).length > 0) { $(this).css(cursor, pointer).children(ul).before($().text()); } else { $(this).css(cursor, default); } ; }); /script>
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