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/>/div> div classpanel-footer caption-footer clearfix> div classpull-left>a classimgtitle target_blank href>Water down the drain/a>/div> div classpull-right>a classimgauthor target_blank href>span classcc-icon aria-hiddentrue>c/span>span classsr-only>Creative Commons/span>David Blackwellimg classimgsource-icon src/Frontend/Capacitor/Images/flickr.png altImage Source Shortcut Icon />/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> p>Whether it is a troublesome toilet, a backed-up basement, or a stagnant shower, help is here to get things flowing again. Clogged or slowly flowing drains are among the most common home maintenance chores./p> p>The fact is we all depend on several drains functioning properly every day, so when a drain does begin to act up, it doesn’t take long to get to the top of the list. Not to mention most clogged drains are easily cleared with the proper tools, making this top-priority task one that is quickly crossed off./p> p>Proper equipment is essential for maintaining and clearing household drains. Homes should own at least one plunger for that rainy day, and active families will find a drain auger of some size of great help as well. These tools are easy to use and dependable for getting the job done, and all of them cost far less than a single service call from a drain professional./p> /div> div stylemargin: 1em 0;> script asynctrue src//>/script> ins classadsbygoogle styledisplay:block; data-ad-clientca-pub-9737873219102916 data-ad-slot6850718784 data-ad-formatauto>/ins> script>(adsbygoogle window.adsbygoogle || ).push({});/script> /div> ul classteasers> li> div classpanel panel-default teaser> div classpanel-heading> a classteaser-heading href/unclogging_toilets> h4>Unclogging Toilets/h4> /a> /div> div classpanel-body> div classintro> div classh1>How to Unclog a Toilet/div> div classh2>Tips & Tricks for Clearing Plugged Commodes/div> div classpull-right col-md-6> div classpanel panel-primary> div classpanel-body caption-body>img src/media/192bfb6f-f1d1-46dc-ba2e-6e00a63e3fb1/SD6HMg/Drains/Credited%20Images/flickr/PlungerPaperPotty1.jpg?w768 altWhite-tiled bathroom, with plunger, paper dispenser, and commode classimg-responsive col-xs-12 stylepadding: 0; />/div> div classpanel-footer caption-footer clearfix> div classpull-left>a classimgtitle target_blank href>Plunger, Paper, Potty/a>/div> div classpull-right>a classimgauthor target_blank href>span classcc-icon aria-hiddentrue>c/span>span classsr-only>Creative Commons/span>Gary J. Woodimg classimgsource-icon src/Frontend/Capacitor/Images/flickr.png altImage Source Shortcut Icon />/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classh3>Diagnosing a Clogged Toilet/div> p>Clogged toilets are a common household problem, although with a bit of family or roomie education and some common sense, many times they could have been avoided./p> p>A clogged toilet or commode does not drain when flushed. Water held in the tank of the toilet flows into the bowl, but does not wash away the contents down the drain. Instead the toilet bowl and drain become backed up behind a clog of waste, and the water stays in the bowl. When this happens, do not flush again! Most toilets can hold the contents of a single tank or flush of water without overflowing, but flushing an already backed up toilet is sure to cause a disgusting mess as the sewage flows over the rim of the bowl onto the bathroom floor./p> /div> /div> div classpanel-footer>a classteaser-footer href/unclogging_toilets>Read more about it.../a>/div> /div> /li> li> div classhidden-xs text-center teaser-linkunit> script asynctrue src//>/script> ins classadsbygoogle styledisplay:inline-block;width:468px;height:15px; data-ad-clientca-pub-9737873219102916 data-ad-slot8517425184>/ins> script>(adsbygoogle window.adsbygoogle || ).push({});/script> /div> /li> li> div classpanel panel-default teaser> div classpanel-heading> a classteaser-heading href/drain_services> h4>Drain Services/h4> /a> /div> div classpanel-body> div idintro> div classh1>Drain Services/div> div classh2>Finding the right pro for your drain emergency/div> div classpull-right col-md-6> div classpanel panel-primary> div classpanel-body caption-body>img src/media/3393014d-050d-479a-9cca-84496b8132ce/mqHOVw/Drains/Credited%20Images/flickr/AntarcticaPlumbersShop1.jpg?w768 altAntarctica: The Plumbers Shop 2008-2009 classimg-responsive col-xs-12 stylepadding: 0; />/div> div classpanel-footer caption-footer clearfix> div classpull-left>a classimgtitle target_blank href>The Plumbers Shop/a>/div> div classpull-right>a classimgauthor target_blank href>span classcc-icon aria-hiddentrue>c/span>span classsr-only>Creative Commons/span>Eli Dukeimg classimgsource-icon src/Frontend/Capacitor/Images/flickr.png altImage Source Shortcut Icon />/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> p>Normally so dependable that we never need to think about how many different things can actually go wrong with it, when a plumbing problem does arise, like a burst or frozen pipe, or a slow or stopped drain, or a backed up basement, or a clogged toilet—it is not always clear just who should be called for help./p> p>Modifications and repairs to water delivery systems should always be performed by a plumber or other contacted professional. When troubles arise in the other plumbing network in the home--the system of drains flowing to the lateral service line, then from the building to the utility main--there exist more options available, both for do-it-yourselfers and those ready to bring in the pros./p> /div> /div> div classpanel-footer>a classteaser-footer href/drain_services>Read more about it.../a>/div> /div> /li> li> div classpanel panel-default teaser> div classpanel-heading> a classteaser-heading href/drain_equipment> h4>Drain Equipment/h4> /a> /div> div classpanel-body> div classintro> div classh1>Drain Cleaning Equipment/div> div classh2>Learn about the tools used by the pros and homeowners alike for solving clogged drains quickly./div> p> div classpull-right col-md-6> div classpanel panel-primary> div classpanel-body caption-body>img src/media/e9bd5d50-3a06-44a8-8d88-279eaa58ebed/k68Qag/Drains/Credited%20Images/flickr/OldTool1.jpg?w768 altClose-up of slightly rusted, dirty pipe wrench classimg-responsive col-xs-12 stylepadding: 0; />/div> div classpanel-footer caption-footer clearfix> div classpull-left>a classimgtitle target_blank href>Old Tool/a>/div> div classpull-right>a classimgauthor target_blank href>span classcc-icon aria-hiddentrue>c/span>span classsr-only>Creative Commons/span>Randen Pedersonimg classimgsource-icon src/Frontend/Capacitor/Images/flickr.png altImage Source Shortcut Icon />/a>/div> /div> /div> /div>Drain cleaning has stayed as up to date as any home improvement area in terms of new tools on the market and in improvements made to old standbys. /p> p>Your modern drain servicing professional has a remarkably high-tech selection of tools at their disposal. Examples include remote operated video cameras for inspection of plumbing, and precision-machined high-pressure sprayers used in jet-washing of sewers./p> p>But a homeowner can handle most household clogs on their own if they have just one or two inexpensive tools. A plungerimg src width1 height1 border0 styleborder:none !important; margin:0px !important; data-mce-styleborder: none !important; margin: 0px !important; /> and / or a handheld drain augerimg src width1 height1 border0 styleborder:none !important; margin:0px !important; data-mce-styleborder: none !important; margin: 0px !important; /> appropriate for the troublesome drain(s) makes up its cost in the em>first saved service call/em> to a pro. But with such a wide variety of plungers and drain snakes available, consumers must be informed about their proper use to make the right purchase decisions./p> /div> /div> div classpanel-footer>a classteaser-footer href/drain_equipment>Read more about it.../a>/div> /div> /li> li> div classhidden-xs text-center teaser-linkunit> script asynctrue src//>/script> ins classadsbygoogle styledisplay:inline-block;width:468px;height:15px; data-ad-clientca-pub-9737873219102916 data-ad-slot8517425184>/ins> script>(adsbygoogle window.adsbygoogle || ).push({});/script> /div> /li> li> div classpanel panel-default teaser> div classpanel-heading> a classteaser-heading href/household_drains/utility_drains> h4>Utility Drains/h4> /a> /div> div classpanel-body> div classintro> div classh1>Laundry Sinks and Floor Drains/div> div classh2>utility sinks & basement drains/div> div classpull-right col-md-6> div classpanel panel-primary> div classpanel-body caption-body>img src/media/d4a07d5e-237e-4b84-a4a2-47e646570f10/JaSnHA/Drains/Credited%20Images/flickr/FloodedBasement3.jpg?w768 altFlooded basement - washing machine flood classimg-responsive col-xs-12 stylepadding: 0; />/div> div classpanel-footer caption-footer clearfix> div classpull-left>a classimgtitle target_blank href>Bathroom Tsunami/a>/div> div classpull-right>a classimgauthor target_blank href>span classcc-icon aria-hiddentrue>c/span>span classsr-only>Creative Commons/span>Frankiebimg classimgsource-icon src/Frontend/Capacitor/Images/flickr.png altImage Source Shortcut Icon />/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> p>Utility drains are the drains in garages, laundry rooms, basements, and outdoor areas. Most of these areas will have drainage of some form, the most common being a basic drain in the floor leading to the wastewater line for the house./p> div classh3>Necessity is the Mother of Invention/div> p>Sinks in utility areas are often different than those found in kitchens and bathrooms. Utility sinks in most homes are deeper basins with a separate stopper plug, unlike bathroom lavatory basins. Laundry sinks also usually lack a disposal unit as you find attached to many kitchen sinks. Some utility sink setups even forgo the standard U-trap, and instead dump into or near a floor drain nearby. This em>may sound crude/em>, but in areas where the floor is easily and frequently washed, catching and collecting all the waste matter that is rinsed down the sink can prevent larger problems from arising./p> /div> /div> div classpanel-footer>a classteaser-footer href/household_drains/utility_drains>Read more about it.../a>/div> /div> /li> /ul> div classtext-center> nav> ul classpagination> li classactive>span titleFirst page aria-labelFirst>span aria-hiddentrue>⇐/span>/span>/li> li classactive>span aria-labelPrevious titlePrevious page>span aria-hiddentrue>←/span>/span>/li> li classactive>span aria-labelCurrent titleCurrent page>1/span>/li> li>a href?Page2 titlePage 2>2/a>/li> li>a href?Page2 relNext titleNext page aria-labelNext>span aria-hiddentrue>→/span>/a>/li> li>a href?Page2 titleLast page aria-labelLast>span aria-hiddentrue>⇒/span>/a>/li> /ul> /nav> /div> /div> div classcol-md-3 col-md-pull-9> div classlist-group productlist> div classlist-group-item list-group-header> h5>Related Products/h5> /div> a classlist-group-item product href target_blank relnofollow>img src altClear clogged bathroom sinks with ease using this tool seen on TV classpull-left />span>strong>Turbo Snake Drain Hair Removal Tool/strong>em>Clear clogged bathroom sinks with ease using this tool seen on TV/em>/span>/a> a classlist-group-item product href target_blank relnofollow>img src altOur toughest hook & loop hair-clog tool. Reusable & works with most bathroom drains without disassembling the stopper classpull-left />span>strong>FlexiSnake Drain Millipede Hair Clog Tool/strong>em>Our toughest hook & loop hair-clog tool. Reusable & works with most bathroom drains without disassembling the stopper/em>/span>/a> a classlist-group-item product href target_blank relnofollow>img src altWorks on sinks, tubs, and toilets. Reusable, environmentally friendly, and easy to use. classpull-left />span>strong>BAAM! Drain Blaster Cleaner/strong>em>Works on sinks, tubs, and toilets. Reusable, environmentally friendly, and easy to use./em>/span>/a> div classlist-group-item list-group-footer>a href target_blank relnofollow>Amazon Preferences/a>/div> /div> div classwell center-block>a href titleUnclogging Drains 101 :: Learn to unclog any household drain>img src/media/46a80ff3-97c7-4e10-bcdc-1ff056a006c9/mHs9YQ/Drains/UD101-U%20Logo-336.png classvisible-md-block visible-lg-block full-width altLogo Graphic />img src/media/ae07b2dc-1046-46d5-bfed-27ab3f649660/GO2UYQ/Drains/UD101-Text%20Logo-Blue.png classvisible-xs-block visible-sm-block full-width altText Graphic />/a>/div> ul classlist-group blurbs> li classlist-group-item list-group-header> h5>Related Articles/h5> /li> li classlist-group-item blurb> a classblurbtitle href relnofollow>Unclogging Bathroom Sink Drains/a> p classblurbtext>Step-by-step instructions for making quick work of clogged or slowly flowing bathroom sink drains/p> a classblurbsource stylebackground-image: url(; href relnofollow titleEverything you need to know to tackle that slow or blocked drain today!>> /li> li classlist-group-item blurb> a classblurbtitle href relnofollow>Unclogging Floor Drains/a> p classblurbtext>Everything about unclogging floor drains, from the toughest job to the quickest maintenance/p> a classblurbsource stylebackground-image: url(; href relnofollow titleEverything you need to know to tackle that slow or blocked drain today!>> /li> li classlist-group-item blurb> a classblurbtitle href relnofollow>Drain Snakes and Closet Augers/a> p classblurbtext>When clogs form in bathroom sinks, showers, bathtubs, kitchen & utility sinks, or shop & laundry drains—then the preferred tool will be a drain auger./p> a classblurbsource stylebackground-image: url(; href relnofollow titleEverything you need to know to tackle that slow or blocked drain today!>> /li> li classlist-group-item blurb> a classblurbtitle href relnofollow>Who To Call In A Drain Emergency/a> p classblurbtext>Which Household Drain Problems Can Be Handled Without Calling A Pro?/p> a classblurbsource stylebackground-image: url(; href relnofollow titleEverything you need to know to tackle that slow or blocked drain today!>> /li> /ul> !-- f:function nameComposite.Web.Html.Template.PageTemplateFeature> f:param nameFeatureName valueBootstrap Margin /> /f:function> --> /div> /div> /div> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-md-4> div classlist-group productlist> div classlist-group-item list-group-header> h5>Top-Rated at Amazon/h5> /div> a classlist-group-item product href target_blank relnofollow>img src altYou might not have to call a plumber; get the most comprehensive, up-to-date book on home plumbing for DIYers of all skill levels instead classpull-left />span>strong>Black & Decker The Complete Guide to Plumbing/strong>em>You might not have to call a plumber; get the most comprehensive, up-to-date book on home plumbing for DIYers of all skill levels instead/em>/span>/a> a classlist-group-item product href target_blank relnofollow>img src altNever hassle with the tassle again. classpull-left />span>strong>PermaFLOW Never-Clog Drain/strong>em>Never hassle with the tassle again./em>/span>/a> div classlist-group-item list-group-footer>a href target_blank relnofollow>Amazon Preferences/a>/div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4> div classsidebar-ad> script asynctrue src//>/script> ins classadsbygoogle styledisplay:block; data-ad-clientca-pub-9737873219102916 data-ad-slot7128090380 data-ad-formatauto>/ins> script>(adsbygoogle window.adsbygoogle || ).push({});/script> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4> ul classlist-group blurbs> li classlist-group-item list-group-header> h5>Popular Articles/h5> /li> li classlist-group-item blurb> a classblurbtitle href relnofollow>Unclogging Bathroom Sink Drains/a> p classblurbtext>Step-by-step instructions for making quick work of clogged or slowly flowing bathroom sink drains/p> a classblurbsource stylebackground-image: url(; href relnofollow titleEverything you need to know to tackle that slow or blocked drain today!>> /li> li classlist-group-item blurb> a classblurbtitle href relnofollow>Drain Snakes and Closet Augers/a> p classblurbtext>When clogs form in bathroom sinks, showers, bathtubs, kitchen & utility sinks, or shop & laundry drains—then the preferred tool will be a drain auger./p> a classblurbsource stylebackground-image: url(; href relnofollow titleEverything you need to know to tackle that slow or blocked drain today!>> /li> li classlist-group-item blurb> a classblurbtitle href relnofollow>Drain Services/a> p classblurbtext>Deciding when it is time to call in a professional, and tips for selecting the right drain service/p> a classblurbsource stylebackground-image: url(; href relnofollow titleEverything you need to know to tackle that slow or blocked drain today!>> /li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> div classcontainer nav-footer> div classcol-xs-12 col-sm-3 text-center> div classcol-xs-6>a href/about> » About « /a>/div> div classcol-xs-6>a href/about/contact> » Contact « /a>/div> /div> div classcol-xs-12 col-sm-6 text-center>a classhttphost href/ titleLearn to unclog any household drain>>span> Copyright © Andam Persand 2011 - 2024/span>/div> div classcol-xs-12 col-sm-3 text-center> div classcol-xs-6>a href/about/privacy> » Privacy « /a>/div> div classcol-xs-6>a href/about/sitemap> » Sitemap « /a>/div> /div> /div> /body>/html>
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