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Please go instead to a href>>/p>/div> div stylefloat:right; margin-right:10; margin-top:-30;>a href# classbuttonBox onClickshowHide(newSiteBanner,hide);>Close panel/a>/div> div classnewPara>strong>The new UKOTCF web-site is a href>>. Our original website -> - has, through many evolutions, served the UKOTCF network for some 20 years. In its early years, it introduced several features which were then ground-breaking for the web. With the use nowadays of web-browsing by tablets and smart-phones (neither of which existed in the early years of this web-site), it has become impracticable to take full advantage of many potential capacities while still using this platform./div> div classnewPara>Therefore, over the year 2017-8, we have developed a new site, a href>strong>>/a>, which is now live. Our original site was developed primarily for conservation practitioners in the UK Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies, but became increasingly used also by wider audiences – and was often the most consulted site on many aspects of UKOTs/CDs. We have tried to make sure that all the information on the old site is accessible on the new site – plus the new facilities, which will be expanded progressively./div> div classnewPara>Some facilities are still more practicable on the old platform than the new one. Therefore, the old site will remain functional, and there are direct links through for those functions from the new site. And the old site can still be accessed directly by its existing address. We will not, however, be updating most functions on the old site, such as news items, future copies of newsletters, contact details etc. These will be covered in the new site. We will be leaving existing material on the site to be available as an archive: we are not one of those organisations that offhandedly delete access to history!/div> div classnewPara>Please note that email addresses of UKOTCF personnel will not be changed. Generally, these are initial& However, a few more general-purpose email addresses may start to appear for some purposes./div> div classnewPara>We hope that users like the new facilities, and our measures to avoid losing any existing ones. Comments are welcome; please use the contact mechanisms on the new site. /div> div classnewPara>Examples of page tops on the new site (if you click on these, you will be re-directed to the new site):/div>div styleclear:both;>/div>p> p>div idraisingITimage>a href>img srcimages/raisingIT/banner1.jpg width450 height200>/a> /div> div idraisingITimage stylemargin-left:15;>a href>img srcimages/raisingIT/banner2.jpg width450 height200>/a> /div>/p> /div> div idtopBanner>table width1115 border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td width150 height120 classgreenCell aligncenter>img srcimages/logos/titledGlobe130.gif alt width130 height86 border0>/td> td width974 alignleft valigntop classgreenCell> div classtopImage>img srcimages/banner_new/Basking-Shark75h-2.jpg width99 height75>/div> div classtopImage>img srcimages/banner_new/BuffyFlowerBat75h.jpg width80 height75>/div> div classtopImage>img srcimages/banner_new/GardenPond75h-2.jpg width106 height75>/div> div classtopImage>img srcimages/banner_new/LeopardSeal2_75h.jpg width99 height75>/div> div classtopImage>img srcimages/banner_new/HendersonRail75h.jpg width112 height75>/div> div classtopImage>img srcimages/banner_new/greenturtle75h.jpg width112 height75>/div> div classtopImage>img srcimages/banner_new/MountainChicken75h.jpg width112 height75>/div> div classtopImage>img srcimages/banner_new/SpectacledPetrel75h.jpg width53 height75>/div> div classtopImage>img srcimages/banner_new/045_75h.jpg width113 height75>/div> /td> /tr> tr> td classgreenCell>img srcimages/design/1px.gif width10 height30>/td> td rowspan2 alignleft valigntop>img srcimages/design/quadGrnTL.jpg alt width30 height30 border0>/td> /tr> tr> td> /td> /tr>/table> div idUKOTCFtitle> img srcimages/titles/ukotcf.gif alt width500 height25 border0> /div> /div>div idmainText> table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td alignleft valigntop>span classmessageTextSpaced>b>The UK Overseas Territories Conservation Forum UKOTCF exists to promote the coordinated conservation of the diverse and increasingly threatened plant and animal species and natural habitats of the UK Territories Overseas/b>. It aims to do this by providing assistance in the form of expertise, information and liaison between non-governmental organisations and governments, both in the UK and in the Territories themselves./span> div idbuttonsBox> table width300 border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td aligncenter valignmiddle>a href target_blank>img srcimages/logos/facebook30w.jpg altFollow UKOTCF on Facebook width30 height30 border0>/a> /td> td aligncenter valignmiddle>a href classtwitter-follow-button data-show-countfalse data-langen>Follow @UKOTCF/a>/td> /tr>/table> div idpayPalBox> div idpayPal_Logo>/div>Support the UKOTCF br />- subscribe or donate via PayPal: p /> div idpayPalSubscribe> form action methodpost> input typehidden namecmd value_s-xclick> input typehidden namehosted_button_id valueY3K2UZL84F2VL> table> tr>td>input typehidden nameon0 valuePayment Options>Subscription Options/td>/tr>tr>td>select nameos0> option valueIndividual Bronze>Individual Bronze: £15.00 GBP - yearly/option> option valueIndividual Silver>Individual Silver: £50.00 GBP - yearly/option> option valueIndividual Gold>Individual Gold: £100.00 GBP - yearly/option> option valueIndividual Platinum>Individual Platinum: £1,000.00 GBP - yearly/option> option valueCorporate Bronze>Corporate Bronze: £150.00 GBP - yearly/option> option valueCorporate Silver>Corporate Silver: £500.00 GBP - yearly/option> option valueCorporate Gold>Corporate Gold: £1,000.00 GBP - yearly/option> option valueCorporate Platinum>Corporate Platinum: £5,000.00 GBP - yearly/option> /select> /td>/tr> tr>td>img srcimages/design/1px.gif alt width10 height5 border0>/td>/tr> /table> input typehidden namecurrency_code valueGBP> input typeimage srcimages/buttons/payPal_btn_subscribe_LG.gif height20 border0 namesubmit altSubscribe to the UKOTCF via PayPal titleSubscribe to the UKOTCF via PayPal> /form> div idpayPalDonate> form action methodpost> input typehidden namecmd value_s-xclick> input typehidden namehosted_button_id valueAEGTTUDMBMREE> input typeimage srcimages/buttons/payPal_btn_donate_LG.gif height20 border0 namesubmit altDonate any amount to the UKOTCF via PayPal titleDonate any amount to the UKOTCF via PayPal> /div> /div> /div> /div> /td> /tr> tr> td alignleft valigntop> /td> /tr> tr> td alignleft valigntop>img srcimages/design/1px.gif alt width10 height10 border0>/td> /tr> tr> td alignleft valigntop classgreyCell>span classslightlySmallerText>This site makes use of popup windows, eg for T&C below. Please ensure your browser allows popups/span>./td> /tr> tr> td alignleft valigntop>img srcimages/design/1px.gif alt width10 height10 border0>/td> /tr> tr> td alignleft valigntop>a href# onClickMM_openBrWindow(TandC_PopUp.htm,TandC,scrollbarsyes,resizableyes,width650,height600,locationno)>Use of Cookies; Terms & Conditions of Site use >>/a>/td> /tr> tr> td alignleft valigntop>img srcimages/design/1px.gif alt width10 height10 border0>/td> /tr> /table>div idUKOTCFfooter> table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td alignleft valigntop width4>img srcimages/design/panelEnd5x15L.gif alt width5 height15 border0>/td> td classgreenPanelWtext aligncenter valigntop nowrap>- The UKOTCF is a Registered Charity (1058483) - RAILO/td> td alignleft valigntop>img srcimages/design/panelEnd5x15R.gif alt width5 height15 border0>/td> /tr> /table>/div>/div> div idglobeBG> table width99% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td classglobeBG colspan2 alignleft valigntop>img srcimages/design/1px.gif alt width370 height200 border0>/td> /tr> /table>/div>div idLHmenu> table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td alignleft valigntop> ul idudm classudm> li>a href>div stylefont-style:italic; color:#FF0>UKOTCF NEW SITE >/div>/a> li>a href>ORIGINAL SITE:/a> li>a hrefindex.cfm>Home/a> li>a hreffriends/index.cfm>UKOT Friends/a> ul> li>a hreffriends/index.cfm>About Friends/a> li>a hreffriends/become.cfm>Become a Friend/a> li>a hreffriends/know.cfm>Did you know....?/a> /ul> li>a hrefabout/index.cfm>About UKOTCF/a> ul> li>a hrefabout/index.cfm>Mission & Priorities/a> li>a hrefabout/background.cfm>Background/a> li>a hrefabout/biodiversity.cfm>Biodiversity & Map/a> li>a hrefabout/governance.cfm>Governance/a> /ul> li>a href#>Territories, Tours, br> & Videos/a> ul> li>a hrefterritories/index.cfm>The Territories/a> ul> li>a hrefterritories/anguilla.cfm>Anguilla/a> li>a hrefterritories/ascension.cfm>Ascension/a> li>a hrefterritories/bermuda.cfm>Bermuda/a> li>a hrefterritories/bat.cfm>Br. Antarctic Terr./a> li>a hrefterritories/biot.cfm>Br. Ind. Ocean Terr./a> li>a hrefterritories/bvi.cfm>Br. Virgin Is./a> li>a hrefterritories/cayman.cfm>Cayman Is./a> li>a hrefterritories/cyprus.cfm>Cyprus SBA/a> li>a hrefterritories/falkland.cfm>Falkland Is./a> li>a hrefterritories/guernsey.cfm>Guernsey, Bailw. of/a> li>a hrefterritories/gibraltar.cfm>Gibraltar/a> li>a hrefterritories/iom.cfm>Isle of Man/a> li>a hrefterritories/jersey.cfm>Jersey, Bailw. of/a> li>a hrefterritories/Montserrat.cfm>Montserrat/a> li>a hrefterritories/pitcairn.cfm>Pitcairn Is./a> li>a hrefterritories/stHelena.cfm>St. Helena/a> li>a hrefterritories/sgssi.cfm>S. Geo, S. Sand. Is./a> li>a hrefterritories/tristan.cfm>Tristan da Cunha/a> li>a hrefterritories/turksCaicos.htm>Turks & Caicos/a> /ul> li>a href1_vTours/intro.cfm target_blank>Virtual Tours/a> li>a hrefvideos/index.htm target_blank>Videos/a> /ul> li>a hrefconfs/index.cfm>Conferences/a> ul> li>a hrefconfs/gibraltar2015.cfm>2015 - Gibraltar/a> li>a hrefconfs/grandCayman2009.cfm>2009 - Grand Cayman/a> li>a hrefconfs/jersey2006.cfm>2006 - Jersey/a> li>a hrefconfs/bermuda2003.cfm>2003 - Bermuda/a> li>a hrefconfs/gibraltar2000.cfm>2000 - Gibraltar/a> li>a hrefconfs/london1999.cfm>1999 - London/a> /ul> li>a hrefforumNews/index.cfm>Forum News/a>/li> li>a href../WGnewsletterlist/WGNewsletterslinks.pdf target_blank>Working Groupbr /> Newsletters/a>/li> li>a hrefannualReports/index.cfm>Annual Reports/a>/li> li>a hrefcharters/index.cfm>Environment Charters/a> ul> li>a hrefcharters/progress.cfm>Implementation Progress/a> li>a hrefcharters/history.htm>History / Charters/a> li>a hrefcharters/strategyDevelop.cfm>Strategy devel./a> li>a hrefOTEP/index.htm>OTEP/a> /li>/ul> li>a href../members/index.cfm>Member Organisationsbr /> & other links/a> li>a hrefpubs/index.cfm>Publications/a> li>a hrefcontact/index.cfm>Contact Us/a> li>a hrefinfoDB/index.cfm>UKOTCF Database/a> ul> li>a hrefinfoDB/index.cfm>About the Database/a> li>a hrefinfoDB/infoSourcesSearchForm2.cfm?applnenvEduc>Environmental Education/a> li>a hrefinfoDB/infoSourcesSearchForm2.cfm?applnsites>Sites & Topics/a> li>a hrefinfoDB/infoSourcesSearchForm2.cfm?applnprojects>Projects/a> li>a hrefinfoDB/infoSourcesSearchForm2.cfm?applngenInfo>General Information/a> li>a hrefcp/index.cfm>Conservation Priorities/a> /ul> li>a hrefnews/index.cfm>Announcements/a> li>a idgreenMenuBar hrefsearch/index.cfm>Search/a> /ul> /td> /tr> /table> div idrecentNewsBlock> table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td alignleft valigntop width100%> table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td alignleft valigntop> table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding00> tr> td alignleft valigntop width2 height15>img srcimages/design/1px.gif alt width2 height35>/td> td classrecentNews alignleft width15 height15 valigntop>img srcimages/design/quadRecntNws_TL.gif alt width15 height15 border0>/td> td classrecentNews alignleft valigntop>img srcimages/design/1px.gif alt width20 height35 border0>/td> td classrecentNews aligncenter valignmiddle>span classheading3>Recent News/span>/td> td classrecentNews alignright valignmiddle>span classheading3>a hrefnews/recentItems.cfm>Full list >>/a>/span>/td> td classrecentNews alignleft valigntop>img srcimages/design/1px.gif alt width20 height35 border0>/td> td classrecentNews alignright valigntop>img srcimages/design/quadRecntNws_TR.gif alt width15 height15 border0>/td> td alignleft valigntop width2 height15>img srcimages/design/1px.gif alt width2 height15>/td> /tr> /table> table width100% border0 cellspacing2 cellpadding3 bgcolor#FFFFFF> tr> td classrecentNews alignleft valigntop width50%> table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td alignleft valigntop> span classheading3> a href> Future news items will be on our new web site (> /span> br>All future news items will appear on a hREF> our new website (> , rather than here, although this original site will remain available as an archive and certain other roles. BR>Users of certain old devices (especially early ipads and iphones) may need to use Menu for old systems, rather than the main menu, to navigate around the new site. /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td classrecentNews alignleft valigntop width50%> table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td alignleft valigntop> span classheading3> Sombrero Island – Anguilla’s first Ramsar Site designated /span> br>UKOTCF congratulates Anguilla National Trust and the Government of Anguilla on the designation on 22 May 2018 of Sombero Island as Anguilla’s first Wetland of International Importance under the Ramsar Convention. This follows the listing of Sombrero as a proposed Ramsar Site in 2005 by UKOTCF, with Anguillan colleagues, in its review for UK & UKOT/CD governments of actual and proposed UKOT/CD Ramsar Sites. a hREF> Read More/a> /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td classrecentNews alignleft valigntop width50%> table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td alignleft valigntop> span classheading3> a hrefpdf/News/UKparliamentEAC2017.pdf target_blank> Environmental Audit Committee reports on environment & EU referendum/a> /span> br>a hREF>Highlights/a> of UK Parliament Environmental Audit Committee reports on:BR>Future of the Environment after the EU Referendum;BR>Marine Protected Areas revisited;BR>Sustainable Development Goals in the UK,BR>with links to the reports themselves.a hREF> Read More/a>BR> /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td classrecentNews alignleft valigntop width50%> table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td alignleft valigntop> span classheading3> a hrefnews/recentItems.cfm> Environmental Audit Committees inquiry MPAs/a> /span> br>UKOTCF provided written evidence to three Environmental Audit Committee inquiries over the summer. In January 2017, we were invited to provide oral evidence to the inquiry on Marine Protected> a hREF> Read More/a> /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td classrecentNews alignleft valigntop width50%> table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td alignleft valigntop> span classheading3> a hrefnews/recentItems.cfm> Environmental Audit Committee publish report on EU referendum/a> /span> br>The Environmental Audit Committee has publishes its report on the Future of the Natural Environment after the EU Referendum.a hREF> Read More/a> /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td classrecentNews alignleft valigntop width50%> table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td alignleft valigntop> span classheading3> a hrefnews/recentItems.cfm> EUs BEST programme funds projects in UKOTs/a> /span> br>The European Commission has announced €2million funding for projects under the BEST scheme (Voluntary scheme for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Territories of the EU Outermost Regions and Overseas Countries and Territories).a hREF> Read More/a> /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td classrecentNews alignleft valigntop width50%> table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td alignleft valigntop> span classheading3> a href target_blank> Video from UKOT/CD environment ministers meeting/a> /span> br>The first videos from this meeting on 27-28 April in Alderney are now available a hREF> here./a> Hon. Sylvan Richards MP, Minister of Environment, Government of Bermuda, interviewed in Alderney a hREF> here./a> /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td classrecentNews alignleft valigntop width50%> table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td alignleft valigntop width80> a hreftreasureIslands/> img srcimages/whatsNew/treasureIslandsCover.jpg alt border0>/a> /td> td alignleft valigntop width10>img srcimages/design/1px.gif alt width10 height10 border0>/td> td alignleft valigntop> span classheading3> a hreftreasureIslands/> Britains Treasure Islands/a> /span> br>This new book filled with superb photos of wildlife of all UK Overseas Territories.BR>The book is linked to the series Britains Treasure Islands broadcast on BBC4 weekly in April 2016, and repeated twice since into 2017.BR>Buying via UKOTCF makes a contribution to UKOTCFs conservation work at no extra cost to yourself. /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td classrecentNews alignleft valigntop width50%> table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td alignleft valigntop> span classheading3> a hrefnews/recentItems.cfm> Joint Ministerial Council and UKOT Environment Ministers Council/a> /span> br>UK and UK Overseas Territory ministers met on 1-2 December in the annual Joint Ministerial Council. Paragraph 30 of their Joint Communique welcomes the creation of a Territories Environment Ministers Council. UKOTCF is pleased to have helped the Government of Gibraltar to initiate this and will continue to help ministers build on this start. p> For the whole document a href>click here/a> /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td classrecentNews alignleft valigntop width50%> table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td alignleft valigntop> span classheading3> a hrefnews/recentItems.cfm> Bermuda Ombudsman reports on legal status of Charters/a> /span> br>The Bermuda Ombudsman has published a report which looks at the legal status of the Environment Chartersa hREF> Read more/a> /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> /table> table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding00> tr> td alignleft valigntop width2 height15>img srcimages/design/1px.gif alt width2 height15>/td> td classrecentNews alignleft width15 height15 valigntop>img srcimages/design/quadD5E9D7_BL.gif alt width15 height15 border0>/td> td classrecentNews alignleft valigntop>img srcimages/design/1px.gif alt width2 height15>/td> td classrecentNews alignright valigntop>img srcimages/design/quadD5E9D7_BR.gif alt width15 height15 border0>/td> td alignleft valigntop width2 height15>img srcimages/design/1px.gif alt width2 height15>/td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> /table> /div> /div>div idWhatsNew> table width268 border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td alignleft valigntop width268>img srcimages/design/RHpanelTop.gif alt width268 height35 border0>/td> /tr> tr> td classwhatsNewPanel alignleft valigntop width268> table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td alignleft valigntop> span classheading3>UKOT/CD Environment Ministers Council in Isle of Man /span>br>Ministers and senior officials from UKOTs and CDs will travel to the Isle of Man to discuss on 6th and 7th February the future of the environment in their jurisdictions.BR>Further information in a hREF> the Isle of Man Governments press release/a>. a href>Know More/a>BR>BR> /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td classwhatsNewPanel alignleft valigntop width268> table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td alignleft valigntop> span classheading3> a hrefpdf/EnvMin/UKOTCD_EnvMin_Alderney_2017.pdf target_blank>Environment Ministers from the UK’s Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies call on UK Government to meet its commitments /a>/span>br>UKOT & CD Environment Ministers or equivalents have issued a statement resulting from their meeting in Alderney, Channel Islands: a hREF> full news item here. /a>a hREF> Just Statement as pdf here /a> or a hREF> as MS Word here/a . /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td classwhatsNewPanel alignleft valigntop width268> table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td alignleft valigntop> span classheading3>UKOT/CD Environment Ministers Council in Isle of Man /span>br>Ministers and senior officials from UKOTs and CDs will travel to the Isle of Man to discuss on 6th and 7th February the future of the environment in their jurisdictions.BR>Further information in a hREF> the Isle of Man Governments press release/a>. BR>BR> /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td classwhatsNewPanel alignleft valigntop width268> table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td alignleft valigntop> span classheading3> a hrefpdf/charters/indicatorsrev0912.pdf target_blank>Environment Charters Review/a>/span>br>Measures of performance by 2009 of UK Overseas Territories (& Crown Dependencies) and UK Government in implementing the 2001 Environment Charters or their equivalents. a href>br>Read More/a> /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td classwhatsNewPanel alignleft valigntop width268> table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td alignleft valigntop> span classheading3>Statement from 3rd UKOT/CD Environment Ministers Council /span>br>The 3rd UK Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies Environment Council Meeting, in the Isle of Man, 6th-7th February 2018, has agreed a statement, available in a hREF> pdf format/a> and a hREF> MS Word/a>. /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td classwhatsNewPanel alignleft valigntop width268> table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td alignleft valigntop width80> a hrefbirding-in-Monserrat/index.htm>img srcimages/whatsNew/Monserrat-cover.jpg alt border0>/a> /td> td alignleft valigntop width10>img srcimages/design/1px.gif alt width10 height10 border0>/td> td alignleft valigntop> span classheading3> a hrefbirding-in-Monserrat/index.htm>/a>/span>br>A new guide booklet on bird-watching and other heritage features in Montserrat. /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td classwhatsNewPanel alignleft valigntop width268> table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td alignleft valigntop> span classheading3> a href>Future news items will be on our new web site (>/span>br>All future news items will appear on a hREF> our new website (> , rather than here, although this original site will remain available as an archive and certain other roles. BR>Users of certain old devices (especially early ipads and iphones) may need to use Menu for old systems, rather than the main menu, to navigate around the new site. /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td classwhatsNewPanel alignleft valigntop width268> table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td alignleft valigntop> span classheading3> a hrefvideos/index.htm target_blank>Links to UKOTCF & other UKOT videos/a>/span>br>UKOTCFs Environmental Education Coordinator, Ann Pienkowski has taken a great deal of video of UKOTs over several years for several purposes, and some was used by Stewart McPherson to fill gaps in coverage for his shorts. Ann is now editing her material for wider use. The first two, on Montserrat and Grand Turk, are already available. The title above links to those, as well to the Britains Treasure Islands shorts. /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td classwhatsNewPanel alignleft valigntop width268> table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td alignleft valigntop> span classheading3> a href target_blank>St Helena joins UKOTCF Virtual Tours/a>/span>br>Virtual tour for strong>St Helena/strong>, is now available at the Virtual Tour page a hREF> here/a>, joining those for 9 other territories. Others will be joining them progressively over the coming months. BR> /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td classwhatsNewPanel alignleft valigntop width268> table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td alignleft valigntop> span classheading3>Good progress at UKOT/CD Environment Ministers Council meeting in Isle of Man /span>br>Ministers and senior officials from UKOTs and CDs met in the Isle of Man to discuss on 6th and 7th February the future of the environment in their jurisdictions.BR>Further information in a hREF> the Isle of Man Governments press release/a>. /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td classwhatsNewPanel alignleft valigntop width268> table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td alignleft valigntop> span classheading3>UKOT/CD Environment Ministers, Isle of Man, video /span>br>A 7-minute video reporting the 3rd UKOT/CD Environment Ministers Council meeting, in the Isle of Man, is now available a hREF> here./a> The meeting agreed a statement, available in a hREF> pdf format/a> and a hREF> MS Word/a>. /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td classwhatsNewPanel alignleft valigntop width268> table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td alignleft valigntop width80> a hrefforumNews/index.cfm target_blank>img srcimages/whatsNew/fn48cover.jpg alt border0>/a> /td> td alignleft valigntop width10>img srcimages/design/1px.gif alt width10 height10 border0>/td> td alignleft valigntop> span classheading3> a hrefforumNews/index.cfm target_blank>Forum News 48 available/a>/span>br>Articles include: BR>3rd Council of UKOT/CD Environment Ministers * Update from Montserrat initiatives * UK Government’s 25-year environment plan * World Heritage Site restoration on Gough Island * Team Rat back to South Georgia * Cayman Islands Land Reserve Fund drive * Coral reefs in peril * Blue Belt publication for schools...BR>....and more...BR>BR> /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td classwhatsNewPanel alignleft valigntop width268> table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td alignleft valigntop width80> a hrefannualReports/index.cfm>img srcimages/whatsNew/AR2017.jpg alt border0>/a> /td> td alignleft valigntop width10>img srcimages/design/1px.gif alt width10 height10 border0>/td> td alignleft valigntop> span classheading3> a hrefannualReports/index.cfm>2016-2017 Annual Report./a>/span>br>The 14-page 2016-2017 Annual Report is now available for download. /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td classwhatsNewPanel alignleft valigntop width268> table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td alignleft valigntop> span classheading3> a hrefpdf/UKOT&CD_EnvMinMtg2017.pdf target_blank>First report of UKOT/CD Environment Ministers Meeting/a>/span>br>Representatives from 13 UK Overseas Territories (UKOT) and Crown Dependencies met on 27-28 April in Alderney,to discuss actions to sustain the environment in these uniquely important wildlife areas. UKOTCF is pleased to have been asked to help organise the meeting. a hREF> First report of discussions/a> /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td classwhatsNewPanel alignleft valigntop width268> table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td alignleft valigntop width80> a hrefconfs/gibraltar2015.htm>img srcimages/whatsNew/2015confProc.jpg alt border0>/a> /td> td alignleft valigntop width10>img srcimages/design/1px.gif alt width10 height10 border0>/td> td alignleft valigntop> span classheading3> a hrefconfs/gibraltar2015.htm>Proceedings of 2015 Gibraltar Conference/a>/span>br>The Proceedings of the 2015 Conference Sustaining Partnerships are now available for download from here. Also available from the same page are the conclusions and recommendations and other reports and videos. a href>br>/a> /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td classwhatsNewPanel alignleft valigntop width268> table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td alignleft valigntop width80> a hrefcharters/progress.htm>img srcimages/whatsNew/envCharterReview2016h.jpg alt border0>/a> /td> td alignleft valigntop width10>img srcimages/design/1px.gif alt width10 height10 border0>/td> td alignleft valigntop> span classheading3> a hrefcharters/progress.htm>Progress for Environment Charters and Aichi Targets/a>/span>br>UKOTCF has published the latest review, collated from territory information, of progress in implementing the Environment Charters (or equivalents) and towards Aichi Targets. /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> div idearlierWhatsNew> tr> td classwhatsNewEndPanel alignleft valigntop width240> a classgreenLink hrefnews/index.cfm>Earlier "Whats New" items/a> >>/td> /tr>/div> tr> td alignleft valigntop width240>img srcimages/design/1px.gif alt width240 height20 border0>/td> /tr>/table> /div> div idWhatsNewTitle> table width99% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td classdarkGreenText alignleft valignmiddle nowrap>span classheading3>Whats New: 10 February 2025/span>/td> /tr> /table> /div> !-- end #container -->/div>/body>!-- menu script --> script typetext/javascript srcudm4/udm-resources/udm-dom.js>/script>!-- keyboard navigation module --> script typetext/javascript srcudm4/udm-resources/udm-mod-keyboard.js>/script>/html>
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