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HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyServer: openrestyDate: Mon, 30 Dec 2024 20:44:23 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 166Connection: keep-aliveLocation: html>head>title>301 Moved Permanently/title>/head>body>center>h1>301 Moved Permanently/h1>/center>hr>center>openresty/center>/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKServer: openrestyDate: Mon, 30 Dec 2024 20:44:23 GMTContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8Transfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-aliveX-XSS-Protection: 1; modeblockX-Content-Type-Options: nosniffX-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies: master-onlyX-Served-By: !DOCTYPE html>html langen>head> meta charsetutf-8> meta http-equivX-UA-Compatible contentIEedge> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1> meta namedescription contentUbervault access portal. Remote business back-up drive online> meta nameauthor contentubervault> meta namekeywords contentubervault,backup,loca,remote,drive> title>uberVault Data Backups/title>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetiso-8859-1>link hrefsbin/css.css relstylesheet typetext/css>script src>/script>!-- Latest compiled and minified CSS -->link relstylesheet href>!-- Optional theme -->link relstylesheet href>!-- Latest compiled and minified JavaScript -->script src>/script>style>.topimage{max-width:100%; border-radius:6px;}.sectionback{ background-image: url(/images/losangeles.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position:center; background-attachment:fixed; background-color:#333; background-size:cover; height:100%;}.container{background-color:#fff; min-height:500px; margin-top:10px; padding-bottom:50px; border-radius:6px}/style>/head>body classsectionback>div classcontainer>div classrow>img srcimages/uberlogo3.jpg classtopimage>/div>div classrow>div classalert alert-danger>center>h4>Contact sales at 406-752-4335 or email a Web Sales Email Inquiry>MontanaSky UberVault Sales/a>/h4>/center>/div>div classcol-xs-12 ubermore> h2>uberVault Backup./h2>div classrow>div classcol-md-7>Our uberVult backup system was created in 2006 to fill the need of businesses to have an incremental backup of their data locally for day-to-day data loss or mistakes as well as an automated offsite version for major disasters that did not compete for bandwidth or processing power during the day. The increase in traffic volume and support requests we get from uber drivers has forced us to remove the phone number. Please email us with your questions regarding the real uberVault service and we will respond as quickly as we can./div>div classcol-md-5>div classthumbnail>img srcuber-vault-traffic.PNG classimg-rounded col-md-12 img-responsive altuber vault traffic increase />div classcaption>Search Trends for uber vault/div>/div>/div>/div>br>br>/div>/div>div classrow>div classcol-lg-4> div classrow> a href/ classbtn btn-default col-xs-12>HOME/a>br> a hrefindex.cfm?incorder1 classbtn btn-warning col-xs-12>GET STARTED/a> a hrefindex.cfm?inchowitworks classbtn btn-default col-xs-12>ABOUT/a> a hrefindex.cfm?inccontact classbtn btn-default col-xs-12>CONTACT/a> a hrefindex.cfm?inclogin classbtn btn-default col-xs-12>RESELLER LOGIN/a> /div> div classrow> div classpanel> div classpanel-heading> span classnav-pills text-center>div class col-xs-12 col-md-6 col-sm-6>h4>🔐 uberVault is an on-site + off-site encrypted data backup solution for your business featuring an EASY backup server in your office that also replicates nightly to our owned cloud. Professionally monitored with email status alerts. The Ultimate in Easy and Worry free, time tested data backup with 10 years of proven, time after time, easy recovery. You can defeat (even if you are infected with ransomware) usinguberVault. Pay no ransom! Read up and order today! 🔐/h4>/div> img srcimages/uberV.png classcol-xs-12 col-md-6 col-sm-6 stylemax-width:100% altUberVault /> /span> /div>/div> /div> br> /div> div classcol-lg-8> script languagejavascript>var reasonsnew Array();reasons0Once installed, you uberVault takes over the task of data backups. It will back up the data from any server or work station on your network and and keep a snapshot view of the current days data. No more CDs, Tapes, Thumb Drives or whatever media you may be using, and best of all. No human interaction. It will run and run, and if does not you will get notified. This is a direct savings in Labor cost and manyfold increase in quality and security.;reasons1The latest version of uberVault has build-it encryption that ensures its integrity when it goes off-site. Not even MontanaSky can read your files. The encryption algorithm is unique to your unit. Even if the remote storage server would be compromized, your data would be of no use to the intruder in its encrypted format. Our backup servers are also backed up to ensure total recovery even at two simultaneous points of failure.;reasons2Here is where the uberVault is truly unique. You may have heard of online remote backup solutions before. But we are the only backup service that offer a full local and remote backup with history. Each day is automatically saved in a folder and named according to the current date. It then contains a full directory of all your files that are being backed up. Now you may wonder, how is that possible? How can there be enough room. Herein lies the secret. The system backs up the changes of the changed files and creates a virtual copy based on the previous backup. It appears to be as large as the actual files (even if you check the properties of the folder), but when you check how much of the harddrive is being used, it is not much more than the initial amount. In this case 1+1 may only equal 1.01;reasons3This is a great added benefit to storing your files on a non-windows operating system. The uberVault runs on a Linux operating system which is known for its stability and security. Most viruses are written for Windows and when your server or workstation or possibly your entire network goes down due to a computer virus, you backed up files will be safe. Even if there was a virus written for Linux, it would not matter as the backup directories have read-only permission. The remote backup features a Solaris server with an extremely fault tolerant file system. They do not generally fail, but if it would fail, we have a complete backup in a second location.;reasons4Its not about backups, its about recovery. The uberVault makes this task a easy. Most businesses back up their data in one way or another, but will never use the backups except in case of a major failure. With the uberVault in your office, the backup files show up as a drive on your computer. If you accidentally delete or save over a file, getting the original is as easy as dragging and dropping in from the backup directory to any directory on your computer or in your network.;reasons5Unlike other online backup services that require you to download your lost files, your local uberVault will take care of all you recovery needs except for physical disasters such as burglery, theft, vandalism, fire, flood etc. Thats where the remote backup is crucial.;reasons6The off-site backup server is much larger than your local unit. It will sore up to 120 consecutive days of you backups and then a weekly copyup to 6 months and then a monthly copy up to a year. Then a quarterly copy will be saved for as long as you stay with uberVault.;reasons7Among those who back up to tape only 34% test their backups to make sure they recover. According to Gartner Group, 50% of those that did test their backups failed to recover. With uberVault, this is no longer an issue. You can easily browse to you local backup directory to see your backed up files. The remote backup process is tied in with an alert system that notifies MontanaSky should a backup fail to go through. Possible causes for such a failure could be a down Internet connection or a network reconfiguration. that prevents the uberVault to connect and do its job.;reasons8The uberVault features encryption not only during transit but also at the remote storage location. This is new for the He version. A digital key that seeds the encryption algorithm is assigned during signup and is different for each user.;reasons9HIPAA. (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act). Not only is the uberVault backup system HIPAA compliant, its technology is recomended in the Security Rule that was added to HIPAA on April 21st, 2003 Here is a quote right from the rule>br> "A contingency plan should be in place for responding to emergencies. Covered entities are responsible for backing up their data and having disaster recovery procedures in place. The plan should document data priority and failure analysis, testing activities, and change control procedures."br>br> If your business is in the medical field, is it HIPAA comapliant?;/script>div classrow>div classcol-xs-12> h4>☝Check our World Class Features:/h4> ul classlist-group list-inline btn-group btn-group-sm> li classlist-group-item btn btn-sm onClick$(#textlayer).html(reasons0);>☝b>Fully Automated/b>/li> li classlist-group-item btn btn-sm onClick$(#textlayer).html(reasons1);; >☝b>Fully Secure/b>/li> li classlist-group-item btn btn-sm onClick$(#textlayer).html(reasons2);; >☝b>Local & Remote /b>/li> li classlist-group-item btn btn-sm onClick$(#textlayer).html(reasons3);; >☝b>Virus Immune/b>/li> li classlist-group-item btn btn-sm onClick$(#textlayer).html(reasons4);; >☝b>Drag & Drop Recovery/b>/li> li classlist-group-item btn btn-sm onClick$(#textlayer).html(reasons5);; >☝b>30 days of local backups/b>/li> li classlist-group-item btn btn-sm onClick$(#textlayer).html(reasons6);; >☝b>One year of remote backups/b>/li> li classlist-group-item btn btn-sm onClick$(#textlayer).html(reasons7);; >☝b>Monitored by Professionals/b>/li> li classlist-group-item btn btn-sm onClick$(#textlayer).html(reasons8);; >☝b>Encrypted for full data security/b>/li> li classlist-group-item btn btn-sm onClick$(#textlayer).html(reasons9);; >☝b>HIPAA Compliant/b>/li> /ul>br>br>/div>div classcol-xs-12 idtextlayer stylefont-size:1.2em>h4>Beats Carbonite in speed and ease HANDS DOWN!/h4> ul> li>The uberVault backup system was designed for strong>all businesses with 1 to 50 employees/strong>.br /> br /> /li> li> The uberVault backup system removes the human factor and ensures successful and strong>secure on-site AND off-site backups/strong> while we go about our /> br /> /li> li> Restoring from a disaster isb> time tested and proven by customers like schools, cities, law offices and more/b>. Our professional techs are also on standby to get your new equipment configured and ready to accept the restored /> br /> /li> /ul>h4>Contact sales at 406-752-4335 or email a Web Sales Email Inquiry>MontanaSky UberVault Sales/a>/h4> /div>/div>!-- div classrow>/div> ---> /div>/div>div classclearfix>/div>script typetext/javascript>var gaJsHost ((https: document.location.protocol) ? https://ssl. : http://www.);document.write(unescape(%3Cscript src + gaJsHost + typetext/javascript%3E%3C/script%3E));/script>script typetext/javascript>var pageTracker _gat._getTracker(UA-3804732-2);pageTracker._initData();pageTracker._trackPageview();/script>script>function openmore(){ $(.ubermore).toggle(400); }openmore();/script>/div>/body>/html>
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