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relbookmark titlePermanent Link to NFL 2024 Week 18 Recap>NFL 2024 Week 18 Recap/a>/h2> small>January 5th, 2025 !-- by blacktygrrrr -->/small> div classentry> p>strong>NFL 2024 Week 18 Recap/strong>/p>p>strong>Cleveland Browns at Baltimore Ravens/strong> was the Saturday afternoon game. The Browns are done for the year. The 11-5 Ravens are one game up in the AFC North. They are currently the three seed. If they win, they win the division. A loss coupled with a Pittsburgh win would cost them the division and drop them to the five seed Wildcard. The Ravens were a whopping 20 point favorites, an unthinkable spread in the NFL. The Browns with a loss would be guaranteed a top 3 Draft pick and possibly the top pick. Yet earlier in the year, the Browns defeated the Ravens. The Browns were starting newly acquired fourth string quarterback Bailey Zappe, who was previously on Kansas City’s practice squad. Lamar Jackson was having a lights out year, entering the game with 39 touchdowns and only 4 interceptions.Derrick Henry was running like a beast. Last year the Ravens had the AFC Title Game at home and lost. In the first quarter Zappe threw a sideline route to Wiggins. Problem: Wiggins plays defense for he Ravens. Wiggins glided 26 yards for the interception touchdown to make it 7-0 Ravens./p>p>The Browns soon faced 3rd and 1 at their own 39. Foreman got stopped short. Kevin Stefanski gambled. On 4th and 1 Zappe went deep incomplete. With a short field the Ravens moved to a 3rd and 1 at the Cleveland 9. Mark Andrews got stopped short. John Harbaugh went for it on 4th and 1. Jackson tried ro run and at the last moment flipped a pass to a wide open Henry in the end zone. Jackson overthrew Henry incomplete. Both coaches got too cute by half and turned it over on downs./p>p>Late in the first quarter Zappe was already taken out as Dorian Thompson-Robinson took over. Later in the first half, zapped was back in. A shanked 26 yard punt gave the Ravens the ball at the Cleveland 47 to start the second quarter. On 3rd and 6 Jackson went to Henry for 10. Bay Flowers gained 9 and caught a pass from Jackson for 12. Jackson went to Andrews for a 12 yard touchdown to make it 14-0 Ravens. A strong kickoff return had the Browns at their own 40. They moved to a 4th and goal at the 5. Stefanski played it safe. Dustin Hopkins hit from 23 to get the Browns on the board. The Ravens after a third quarter touchback saw Henry run for 25. Jackson hit Isaiah Likely for 14. On 2nd and 15 from the Cleveland 35, Jackson went deep to Andrews. Andrews made a sliding catch for a 30 yard gain. Jackson went to Rashad Bateman for a 7 yard touchdown to have the Ravens cruising up 21-3./p>p>Late in the third quarter the Browns faced 3rd and 4 at their own 34. Zappe found Jerry Jeudy for 10. The fourth quarter began with the Browns facing 3rd and 16 at their own 38. Zappe was sacked but the defense jumped offsides. On 3rd and 11, Zappe threw incomplete but defensive pass interference meant a 17 yard gain. Zappe found Jeudy for 10. On 3rd and 5 from the Baltimore 25, Zappe went to Moore for 8. On 3rd and 9 from the Baltimore 16, Zappe hit Akins for the touchdown. With 11 1/2 minutes left in regulation, the Browns were only down 21-10. The Ravens soon faced 3rd and 8 at their own 32. Jackson went to Bateman for 24 and again for 20. Henry ran for 15. Jackson hit Picard for 14. Henry ran for the 2 yard touchdown to make it 28-10 Ravens to ice the game with 6:45 to play./p>p>In desperation mode the Browns and to go for it on 4th and 4 just past midfield. Zappe threw incomplete. Henry delivered the exclamation point, running for 8 and then for a 42 yard touchdown to complete the scoring. The Ravens finished with 220 yards rushing on 35 carries, led by Henry’s 138 yards on 20 carries. With the win, the 12-5 Ravens clinched the AFC North and locked up the three seed. They will host a playoff game on Wildcard weekend. The Browns assured themselves that they will at worst pick third in the Draft. 35-10 Ravens/p>p>strong>Cincinnati Bengals at Pittsburgh Steelers/strong> was the Saturday night game. The 8-8 Bengals have won 4 straight but are on the outside looking in. They need to win and get help to sneak into the playoffs. The 10-6 Steelers are one game back in the AFC North. If the Steelers lose, they settle for a Wildcard. Yet if they win and Baltimore loses, the Steelers win the tie-breaker and the division. They would vault to the three seed. Yet Baltimore won earlier in the day, putting the division out of reach. The Steelers began the game at best a five seed Wildcard who would be playing road playoff games. Nevertheless, Mike Tomlin played his starters in an attempt to prevent the Steelers from possibly falling to the six seed. Very light snow flurries fell throughout the game, but not enough to make any impact. The Bengals began the game at their own 27. Joe Burrow hit Mike Gesicki for 12, Tee Higgins for 9 and Gesicki again for 16. On 3rd and 1 from the Pittsburgh 27, Burrow went to Chase for gains of 8, 7, and finally the 12 yard touchdown o make it 7-0 Bengals. Despite dominating the game, the Bengals would not reach the end zone again in the final 54 minutes. The Bengals moved from their own 33 to a 2nd and 6 at the Pittsburgh 26. Burrow threw incomplete and was then sacked. Cade York hit the 48 yard field goal to make it 10-0 Bengals./p>p>The Steelers got it back at their own 27. Najee Harris ran for 10. On 3rd and 11 Russell Wilson went deep ti Williams for a 25 yard gain to end the first quarter. The second quarter had the Steelers facing 3rd and 5 at the Cincinnati 34. Wilson threw incomplete but defensive pass interference meant a 5 yard gain. Harris gained 11. On 3rd and 1 from the Cincinnati 9, Wilson got the yard. On 3rd and goal at the 6 Wilson threw incomplete but defensive pass interference meant 1st and goal at the one. Harris got in to have the Steelers within 10-7. With 49 seconds left in the half, the Steelers faced 3rd and 1 at their own 37. Wilson took the quarterback sneak. After initially being ruled to have the first down, officials reversed it to 4th and inches. Mike Tomlin went for it. Jalen Warren was initially ruled to have gotten the first down but officials again reversed it to short./p>p>The Bengals took the short field and moved to a 1st and goal at the 9 with 27 seconds left. Burrow threw 3 straight incompletions. York hit from 27. In the third quarter the Bengals took over at their own 36 and moved 47 yards on 11 plays in 6 1/2 minutes. On 3rd and 2 from the Pittsburgh 5, Burrow was sacked. York hit from 35 to make it 16-7 Bengals. The Bengals got it back at their own 13 and moved 82 yards in 15 plays, taking 8 1/2 minutes off the clock. On 3rd and goal at the 5, Burrow threw incomplete. York hit the 23 yarder. 3 straight drives saw the Bengals reach the red zone. 3 straight drives saw the settle for field goals. The Bengals led 19-7 with 11 minutes left in regulation, but their inability for their normally high octane offense to score touchdowns put their season at risk./p>p>The Steelers took over at their own 35. Short passes led to a 3rd and 2 at the Cincinnati 47. Wilson hit Harris for 4 and again for 12. Wilson ran for 12. Wilson went to Pat Freiermuth for a 19 yard touchdown. Midway through the fourth quarter, the Steelers were right back in it down 19-14. The Steelers got a major break when the Bengals fumbled a punt to set up the Steelers at the Cincinnati 38. On 2nd and 9 from the Cincinnati 27, a sack followed by offensive holding killed the drive. Chris Boswell nailed a 54 yard field goal. With 2:40 to play, the Steelers were within two points. They had all 3 timeouts and the 2 minute warning. A strong kickoff return had the Bengals taking over at their own 44. One or 2 first downs would end the game. Yet on 3rd and 3 just past midfield, Burrow was sacked./p>p>The Steelers took over at their own 24 with one timeout and 1:51 left needing only a field goal to win. The Cincinnati defense had been porous all year. They were stout for most of this game but were on the verge of blowing it. On 3rd and 9 from his own 25, Wilson fired to Freiermuth for 17. Yet rather than spike the ball, Wilson decided to scramble. He gained only 3 yards and was tackled in bounds. Then Wilson was sacked, forcing the Steelers to take their final timeout with 20 seconds left. Wilson threw deep to Pickens but the throw was off the mark and incomplete. Pickens had a miserable game, catching only one ball for 0 yards while dropping 3 passes. So with Pickens shaky, on 4th and 12 from his own 40 with 15 seconds left, Wilson went to reliable Freiermuth. The pass was perfectly thrown and this time Freiermuth just dropped it. The Steelers are in the playoffs at 10-7, but they enter having lost 4 straight. They dropped to the six seed, but if the Chargers lose on Sunday, the Steelers move back up to the five seed. The 9-8 Bengals ended the regular season winning 5 straight. They did their part but it might be enough. The Bengals needed Denver and Miami to both lose on Sunday. Otherwise the Bengals are out. 19-17 Bengals/p>p> /p>p>strong>Houston Texans at Tennessee Titans/strong> — The Titans are done for the year. The 9-7 Texans are AFC South Division champs and are locked into the four seed. Demeco Ryans was able to rest his starters for the playoffs./p>p>strong>Carolina Panthers at Atlanta Falcons/strong> — The Panthers are done for the year. The 8-8 Falcons are on the outside looking in. They are one game back in their division. If they win and Tampa Bay loses, the Falcons win the tie-breaker and the NFC South and are the four seed. Otherwise, the Falcons are out./p>p>strong>New Orleans Saints at Tampa Bay Buccaneers/strong> — The Saints are done for the year. The 9-7 Buccaneers are one game up in their division. They win the NFC South with a win or if they lose and Atlanta also loses. If the Buccaneers lose and Atlanta wins, the Buccaneers lose the tie-breaker and are out of the playoffs./p>p>strong>Buffalo Bills at New England Patriots/strong> — The Patriots are done for the year. The 13-3 Bills have clinched the AFC East and are locked into the two seed. This allowed Sean McDermott to rest his starters for the playoffs./p>p>strong>Jacksonville Jaguars at Indianapolis Colts/strong> — Both teams are done for the year./p>p>strong>Washington Commanders at Dallas Cowboys/strong> — The Cowboys are done for the year. The 11-5 Commanders have clinched a Wildcard and are currently the six seed. If the Commanders lose and Green Bay wins, the Commanders fall to the seven seed./p>p>strong>New York Giants at Philadelphia Eagles/strong> — The Giants are done for the year. The 13-3 Eagles have clinched the NFC East and are locked into the two seed. Saquon Barkley needs 101 yards to break Eric Dickerson’s all time single season NFL rushing record. Yet coach Nick Sirianni made the controversial decision to sit Barkley to keep him rested for the playoffs. It was not a popular decision, given the chance to make history./p>p>strong>Chicago Bears at Green Bay Packers/strong> — The Bears are done for the year. The 11-5 Packers have clinched a Wildcard and are currently the seven seed. If they win and Washington loses, the Packers can move up to the six seed./p>p>strong>Seattle Seahawks at Los Angeles Rams/strong> — The 9-7 Seahawks are done for the year. The 10-6 Rams have clinched the NFC West. They are currently the three seed./p>p>strong>Miami Dolphins at New York Jets/strong> — The Jets are done for the year. The 8-8 Dolphins are on the outside looking in. If they win and Denver loses, the Dolphins grab the Wildcard seven seed. Otherwise, the Dolphins are out./p>p>strong>Kansas City Chiefs at Denver Broncos/strong> — The 15-1 Chiefs have locked up the AFC West and the top seed in the conference with the first round bye. This allowed Walrus Andy Reid to rest his starters in the finale. The 9-7 Broncos are currently the seven seed Wildcard but have clinched nothing. If the Broncos win, they are in. If the Broncos lose, they still get in if Miami and Cincinnati also lose. Yet Cincinnati won on Saturday, making the Broncos finale a do or die game. If the Broncos win they are in. If they lose, the Broncos lose the tie-breaker and are out./p>p>strong>Los Angeles Chargers at Las Vegas Raiders/strong> — The Raiders have won 2 straight but are done for the year. the 10-6 Chargers have clinched a Wildcard and entered the weekend as the six seed. Yet with Pittsburgh losing on Saturday, the Chargers moved up to the five seed. A win would keep them at the five seed but a loss would drop them back to the six seed./p>p>strong>San Francisco 49ers at Arizona Cardinals/strong> — Both teams are done for the year./p>p>strong>Minnesota Vikings at Detroit Lions/strong> is the regular season finale Sunday night game. This is for all the marbles. The Vikings are 14-2. The Lions are 14-2. The Lions hold the tie-breaker, which is meaningless. The winner of this game wins the NFC North and is the top seed in the conference with the first round bye. The loser tumbles to the five seed Wildcard with the best Wildcard record in NFL history. This game is why we watch football./p>script typetext/javascript> !-- //OBSTART:do_NOT_remove_this_comment var OutbrainPermaLink; if(typeof(OB_Script)!undefined){OutbrainStart();} else { var OB_PlugInVer7.0.0.0_Regular;;var OB_raterModestars;var OB_recModerec;var OBITm1224169547;var OB_Scripttrue;var OB_langJS;document.write(unescape(%3Cscript src typetext/javascript%3E%3C/script%3E));} //OBEND:do_NOT_remove_this_comment //--> /script> /div> p classpostmetadata> Posted in a href relcategory tag>SPORTS/a> | span>Comments Closed/span>/p> /div> div classpost-27254 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-politics idpost-27254> h2>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to Restoring public safety after the New Orleans RADICAL ISLAMIC terrorist attack>Restoring public safety after the New Orleans RADICAL ISLAMIC terrorist attack/a>/h2> small>January 2nd, 2025 !-- by blacktygrrrr -->/small> div classentry> p>a href>>/p>p> /p>p> /p>script typetext/javascript> !-- //OBSTART:do_NOT_remove_this_comment var OutbrainPermaLink; if(typeof(OB_Script)!undefined){OutbrainStart();} else { var OB_PlugInVer7.0.0.0_Regular;;var OB_raterModestars;var OB_recModerec;var OBITm1224169547;var OB_Scripttrue;var OB_langJS;document.write(unescape(%3Cscript src typetext/javascript%3E%3C/script%3E));} //OBEND:do_NOT_remove_this_comment //--> /script> /div> p classpostmetadata> Posted in a href relcategory tag>POLITICS/a> | span>Comments Closed/span>/p> /div> div classpost-27252 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized idpost-27252> h2>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to We…can…do…this…2025>We…can…do…this…2025/a>/h2> small>January 1st, 2025 !-- by blacktygrrrr -->/small> div classentry> h3 idpost-26971>a titlePermanent Link to We…can…do…this…2024 href relbookmark>We…can…do…this…2025/a>/h3>p>small>January 1st, 2025/small>/p>div classentry>p>strong>2025…We…can…do…this/strong>/p>div classentry>p classp1>span classs1>What the heck is that beeping sound?/span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>(Knocks the phone off the hook, keeps banging the snooze alarm)/span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>A voice tells me it’s my pager. My pager is black, so finding it in the dark is the needle in the haystack equivalent. A lucky smack knocks it against the wall, where it may or may not have shattered. The beeping continues. Why does anyone need a pager anymore anyway?/span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>Who the heck is texting me at this ungodly hour of…(either 7 a.m., 1 p.m., or 1 a.m. …it looks blurry)?/span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>Oh, no. It is 5 a.m., and my first radio interview of the New Year is with the morning man of an East Coast station. Time to pretend to sound coherent and go back to sleep. Oh no, wait, that radio interview was several years ago./span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>Great, happy wishes for the new year. Thanks. Whoever you are, it is too early to talk to you./span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>One year the person on the telephone insisted it was 1 p.m. After explaining to them that they were on the East Coast, and that 1 p.m. EST is 10 a.m. in Los Angeles, they grew impatient. They knew how to tell time, and that it was 4 p.m. EST, hence 1 p.m. my time./span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>Sure, getting up and writing my column is an option. It’s a new year, and starting the year off with a flurry of brilliance might be helpful. Forget it. This column is recycled from years ago. It’s also hours late. That is what happens when people get no sleep because of stressful December football games followed by New Year’s Eve revelry./span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>Election 2024? The first person to talk politics gets blistered in my column … tomorrow./span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>Bowl games? There is DVR. Besides, does anybody care who wins the Poulan Weed Eater Bowl, the Lack of Bowl, the Fishbowl, the RU486 Morning After Bowl, The California Metrosexual Pride Bowl, or any other game that may or may not be made up?/span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>Speaking of the morning after, does anybody remember the David Byrne Talking Heads song from the movie “Less than Zero? (which the temperature feels like right now in some parts of the country. No wonder I live in this insane city of LA)” The song is called “Once In A Lifetime.”/span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>“This is not my beautiful house. This is not my beautiful wife. What have I done? How did I get here?”/span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>It then occurs to me that the beeping sounds are the voices in my head telling me I am too old, even at 52, to stay out this late. Even without alcohol, exhaustion has set in./span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>Get out of bed? Work calls in (whenever) hours. Better rest up before my tyrant of a boss complains. Such is the life of the self-employed./span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>Get up now? Somehow stagger to the shower, get dressed, make it out of my condo to go … where?/span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>The stores are closed. Maybe they are open. Too tired to find out./span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>My birthday is in just over a week. Time to pace myself./span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>Work on my website? All that takes is staggering to my couch. Oh, no. My IT guy has not finished it yet. Oh, wait, he did years ago. I clicked on the wrong site./span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>Go on Jdate and search for women? Not a bad idea, except it is too tiring to check their Adams Apples. This is not the year for a boyfriend, and am not sure that my eyes can tell the difference right now. Besides, Jdate is so 2014. Now it is Tinder, JSwipe and JCrush. Oh, wait. I’m married. No more Internet dating./span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>Shop on eBay? No. bad idea. Buying stuff when not at full capacity is problematic. Who needs another mountain goat? Dang creature gets his horns in my hide. Not a comfy way to wake up. Calm down boy, you’ll get some straw to graze on upon my waking up./span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>Work on my record album? Although again, world, just because my hair is long, that does not mean my band exists. The best instrument is the triangle, because that tells me lunch is ready. Oh wait, my hair is not even that long anymore. I could work on that, although I didn’t do much. I sat. It grew./span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>Ahh, yes, lunch. Get up and eat something. My microwave is slow, and a five minute microwave dinner takes almost 15 minutes. Read the paper? It is cold outside my building where the stand is, and it only takes coins. Reading the paper online is tiring, and my printer is not working. At least the lifestyle section makes a great placemat for eating. Oh, wait. That stand does not exist anymore. Reading the paper online it is./span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>Staying in bed for only a couple more hours until (whatever the big and little hands say) would allow me to stay up all night and be totally exhausted for work tomorrow. Again, my boss is a tyrant./span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>Running errands … not gonna happen./span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>Every morning, a four word prayer starts my day. My elbows are used to try and leverage them against my bed to prop me up. Placing my alarm clock on the other side of the room failed, since ripping the cord out of the wall solved that problem./span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>As for the Jewish brunette who stole the covers, her voice was not a problem last night, although if she opens her trap today she will receive a more caustic reception than usual./span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>Oh wait, she already left. Here is a note. “Tried to wake you, but that was a losing battle. By the way, you have nothing but soda in your fridge. Talk to you soon.” oh, wait, I think that happened over a decade ago. My wife stocked the fridge. /span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>There are also potato chips in my fridge as well. Why they are there remains a mystery, but it saves having to remember which cabinet they are in. One-stop shopping is the way to go./span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>Besides, combing my hair for her was enough. Not doing it this morning, proud “a href>span classs2>retrosexual/span>/a>” that is me./span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>At least having the decency to say some morning prayers would be appropriate./span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>“Hey God…those people I pray for every night…yeah those people, the same ones…look after them again.”/span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>Back to sleep, despite every attempt to wake up. The home phone is turned off, the cell is off as well, and the pager is still shattered, in addition to being disconnected years ago./span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>There may have been a car crash outside my building followed by 911 calls and sirens, but telling everybody to “keep it down,” solved that problem. A brief nightmare of me being late for work was averted when I realized my location to me was known if necessary./span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>Four televisions in the living room, and none in the bedroom. Who thought that up? Oh yeah, a television in the bedroom would promote laziness. Besides, trying to figure out which remote to use would cause me to break them all as if they were my pager./span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>Ok, here it is. Come on, elbows, do your stuff. Rise, young lad, rise! Awaken thy exhausted tired eyes!/span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>Why is God shouting? Oh wait, that is my over-dramatization of God./span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>Time to set the alarm now to avoid missing work tomorrow. Where was it thrown? Threw it? Oh, screw it./span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>Ok, time for my four word prayer. It has gotten me this incredibly terribly far. Time to contemplate getting out of bed./span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>“We…can…do…this.”/span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>Happy 2025 all. Except for the person who woke me up earlier. Whoever you are, I still can’t stand you, even though you are doing me a favor./span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>Ten hours and 16 bowl games later, there is only one thing left to do./span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>Time for a nap. Happy 2025./span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>Zzzzz./span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>eric/span>/p>/div>/div>script typetext/javascript> !-- //OBSTART:do_NOT_remove_this_comment var OutbrainPermaLink; if(typeof(OB_Script)!undefined){OutbrainStart();} else { var OB_PlugInVer7.0.0.0_Regular;;var OB_raterModestars;var OB_recModerec;var OBITm1224169547;var OB_Scripttrue;var OB_langJS;document.write(unescape(%3Cscript src typetext/javascript%3E%3C/script%3E));} //OBEND:do_NOT_remove_this_comment //--> /script> /div> p classpostmetadata> Posted in a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> | span>Comments Closed/span>/p> /div> div classpost-27250 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-music category-politics category-women idpost-27250> h2>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to New Year’s Eve 2024 with Lil Jon and Senator Schatz>New Year’s Eve 2024 with Lil Jon and Senator Schatz/a>/h2> small>December 31st, 2024 !-- by blacktygrrrr -->/small> div classentry> h3 idpost-26964>a titlePermanent Link to New Years Eve 2023 with Lil Jon and Senator Schatz href relbookmark>New Years Eve 2024 with Lil Jon and Senator Schatz/a>/h3>div classentry>p>strong>December 31, 2024:/strong>/p>div classentry>p>strong>LOS ANGELES:/strong> New Year’s Eve is a truly magical night. On this one night, many of Earth’s seven billion inhabitants temporarily cast aside religion, politics, and even sports rivalries./p>p>Peace on Earth briefly breaks out. We bid farewell to a tough year and pray that the incoming new year will be better, perhaps even peaceful./p>p>We pray for peace, love, and a better world./p>p>After over three years of parties being canceled, the parties in 2024 are back on like Donkey Kong!/p>p>On January 20, America will honor the late Martin Luther King Jr. We will vow to honor his legacy of peaceful non-violent civic activism. MLK is universally beloved because he believed in fighting for change peacefully./p>p>New politicians will take office on Wednesday, January 3./p>p>Yet the hours leading into January 1 are not about the Republican Party or the Democrat Party./p>p>It is about house parties, club parties, rooftop parties, and the party for the sake of partying parties./p>p>This is before getting to the after-party./p>p>We eat and drink to excess, dance badly, and upload pictures to social media that should never be uploaded./p>p>For one night, much of the entire civilized world is a happy, peaceful, global family united in sheer joy and revelry./p>p>In Gotham City, 2025 commences, and peaceful behavior erodes./p>p>All hell breaks loose with the dropping of the ball in Times Square. People kiss, sing, and then try to escape the freezing weather they have been standing in for the last ten hours./p>p>Of all the global celebrations welcoming the end of 2024, nothing says New Year’s Eve like the convergence of a rap star and an unknown politico./p>p>The rapper is a long-haired, gold-toothed entrepreneur and former Trump Celebrity Apprentice semi-finalist Lil Jon. Dave Chapelle lampooned him as the guy who only says “what” and “ok.”/p>p>Lil Jon brought the world one of the greatest party songs, “Shots.”/p>p>A celebration of alcohol and fun, plenty of shots will be consumed as 2024 ticks down./p>p>While Lil Jon’s celebrity is established, the senior United States Senator from Hawaii is still barely known on the mainland./p>p>The Senator’s name is spelled “Schatz,” although his last name is pronounced “shots.”/p>p>The U.S. Senate has long been about partying, alcohol, and law-breaking in between occasional bouts of governing./p>p>Therefore, the upper chamber of Congress should treat Schatz as a celebrity./p>p>Let Lil Jon do the swearing-in ceremony as the Republican Party and the Democrat Party continue to spend like drunken sailors/p>p>at a never-ending New Year’s Eve Party./p>p>Happy New Year Schatzie! Party time!/p>p>strong>“When I arrive on the Hill, all eyes on me./strong>br />strong>Congressional bender, all drinks are free./strong>br />strong>We’re drunken spenders, we’re so far gone. It’s free money time, so come on down!/strong>br />strong>Schatz, Schatz, Schatz, Schatz Schatz, Schatz, Schatz, Schatz, Schatz, Schatz, Schatz, Schatz, Schatz, Schatz, Schatz, Schatz, everybody!/strong>br />strong>Schatz, Schatz, Schatz, Schatz, Schatz, Schatz, Schatz, Schatz, Schatz Schatz, Schatz, Schatz, Schatz, Schatz, Schatz, Schatz, everybody!/strong>br />strong>The ladies love us, when we give free stuff,/strong>br />strong>We spend your money, on needless fluff,/strong>br />strong>We’re drunk on power, how ‘bout you? Bottoms up, let’s go round two!/strong>br />strong>Schatz, Schatz, Schatz, Schatz, Schatz, Schatz, Schatz, Schatz, Schatz Schatz, Schatz, Schatz, Schatz, Schatz, Schatz, Schatz, everybody!/strong>br />strong>Schatz, Schatz, Schatz, Schatz, Schatz, Schatz, Schatz, Schatz, Schatz Schatz, Schatz, Schatz, Schatz, Schatz, Schatz, Schatz, everybody!/strong>br />strong>If you ain’t drunk on power, get out of Congress now!/strong>br />strong>If you ain’t drunk on power, get out of the White House now!/strong>br />strong>If you ain’t drunk on power, get out of government now!/strong>br />strong>Now where are my spendaholics? Printing presses go!/strong>br />strong>Schatz, Schatz, Schatz, Schatz, Schatz, Schatz, everybody!”/strong>/p>p>Party hearty, Senator Schatz! Greece, California, and Detroit are only a few trillion wasted dollars away!/p>p>To everyone else, may 2025 be a year of peace, love, and most importantly for revelers, fun!/p>p>Also, in honor of the junior Hawaii Senator Mazie Hirono, do not hit on strangers after getting drunk. Friends don’t let friends beer-goggle. This is the Hirono rule, when a guy wakes up the next day, realizes what he has done, and yells, “Her? Oh, no!”/p>p>Let’s party! What??????/p>p>Happy 2025! Ok!!!!!!!!/p>p>eric/p>/div>p>span idoutbrainCurrentPosition>/span>/p>div classoutbrainGlobalClass>/div>div idoutbrain_widget_0 classOB_default>/div>/div>script typetext/javascript> !-- //OBSTART:do_NOT_remove_this_comment var OutbrainPermaLink; if(typeof(OB_Script)!undefined){OutbrainStart();} else { var OB_PlugInVer7.0.0.0_Regular;;var OB_raterModestars;var OB_recModerec;var OBITm1224169547;var OB_Scripttrue;var OB_langJS;document.write(unescape(%3Cscript src typetext/javascript%3E%3C/script%3E));} //OBEND:do_NOT_remove_this_comment //--> /script> /div> p classpostmetadata> Posted in a href relcategory tag>MUSIC/a>, a href relcategory tag>POLITICS/a>, a href relcategory tag>WOMEN/a> | span>Comments Closed/span>/p> /div> div classpost-27248 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-sports idpost-27248> h2>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to NFL 2024 Week 18 Prequel>NFL 2024 Week 18 Prequel/a>/h2> small>December 31st, 2024 !-- by blacktygrrrr -->/small> div classentry> p classp1>b>NFL 2024 Week 18 Prequelspan classApple-converted-space> /span>/b>/p>p>strong>THIS. IS. WHEN. THE. BIG. DOGS. COME. OUT./strong>/p>p classp1>b>Saturday, January 4, 2025, 4:30pm/b>/p>p classp1>b>Cleveland Browns at Baltimore Ravens (-17 1/2) /b>— The 11-5 Ravens with a win lock up the AFC North and the three seed. If they lose and Pittsburgh wins, the Ravens lose the division and drop to the Wildcard, meaning road playoff games. A Browns win would be the upset of the year. It is not going to happen. The Ravens are too focused and Lamar Jackson and Derrick Henry will put this game away early. A garbage touchdown could defeat the spread. Ravens win but fail to cover/p>p classp1>b>8pm/b>/p>p classp1>b>Cincinnati Bengals (-2 1/2) at Pittsburgh Steelers /b>— The 8-8 Bengals have won four straight but they need to win and have Denver lose to sneak into the playoffs as a Wildcard. The 10-6 Steelers are already a Wildcard. If they win and Baltimore loses, the Steelers win the AFC North and are the three seed. Yet Baltimore is heavily favored and their game will be over by the time this game starts. If Baltimore wins, the Steelers have nothing to play for. Mike Tomlin could rest his starters. Joe Burrow has been lights out but has not gotten much help from his defense. If the Steelers play their starters, the calculus changes. Assuming the Steelers play the backups, go with the hot offense playing the starters. Bengals cover/p>p classp1>b>Sunday, January 5, 1pm/b>/p>p classp1>b>Houston Texans at Tennessee Titans (-4 1/2) /b>— The 9-7 Texans won the AFC South and are locked into the four seed. DeMeco Ryans will most likely rest his starters. Yet the Titans are so awful that the Texans might still defeat the point spread. Titans win but fail to cover/p>p classp1>b>Carolina Panthers at Atlanta Falcons (-7 1/2) /b>— The 8-8 Falcons need to win and have Tampa Bay lose to win the NFC South and sneak into the playoffs as the four seed. The Panthers are done for the year but they have been playing better football in recent weeks. Rookie Michael Penix has serious talent. He will make sure the Falcons handle their business, although the Panthers could get a garbage touchdown to beat the spread. Falcons win but fail to cover/p>p classp1>b>New Orleans Saints at Tampa Bay Buccaneers (-14) /b>— The 9-7 Buccaneers have a simple mission. Win at home and win the NFC South to be the four seed in the playoffs. If the Buccaneers lose and Atlanta wins, the Buccaneers are out. The Buccaneers with a win and a Rams loss can even move up to the three seed. With everything to play for, the Buccaneers will put this game away early. Baker Mayfield has been on fire. He has so many weapons. The Saints are down to their fourth string quarterback. Buccaneers cover/p>p classp1>b>Buffalo Bills (-2 1/2) at New England Patriots /b>— The 13-3 Bills clinched the AFC East and are locked into the two seed. Sean McDermott may rest his starters. The Patriots put up a fight a couple of weeks ago in Buffalo. The Patriots with a loss are guaranteed the top pick in the 2025 Draft, but Jerod Mayo could be coaching for his job. Drake Maye has talent. The Bills have nothing to play for. The Patriots would love to end their miserable season on a high note. Upset special, Patriots win outright/p>p classp1>b>Jacksonville Jaguars at Indianapolis Colts (-5 1/2) /b>— Both teams are eliminated from playoff contention. The Jaguars still have a shot at the top Draft pick.span classApple-converted-space> /span>Joe Flacco is better than Mac Jones. Jonathan Taylor still runs well. Colts cover/p>p classp1>b>Washington Commanders (-3) at Dallas Cowboys /b>— The 11-5 Commanders have clinched a Wildcard spot and are currently the six seed. A loss combined with a Green Bay win would drop the Commanders to the seven seed. This means Dan Quinn will probably play his starters. The Cowboys have been terrible at home all year. Jayden Daniels has been spectacular. Commanders cover/p>p classp1>b>New York Giants at Philadelphia Eagles (-3 1/2) /b>— The 13-3 Eagles clinched the NFC East and are locked into the two seed. Nick Sirianni will rest his starters with one notable exception. Former Giants running back Saquon Barkley has passed 2,000 yards rushing and needs another 101 yards to break Erick Dickerson’s all time single season rushing record. It would be even sweeter to break the record against the team that let him walk. Yet he may be pulled early if he struggles while playing with backups. The Giants are terrible and still have a shot at the top Draft pick. Even playing against backups, asking the Giants to win this game on the road is too much to ask. Eagles cover/p>p classp1>b>Chicago Bears at Green Bay Packers (-9 1/2) /b>— The 11-5 Packers clinched the seven seed Wildcard. Yet if they win and Washington loses, the Packers can move up to the six seed. This means Matt LaFleur will most likely be playing his starters. That is bad news for the Bad News Bears, who have lost 10 straight. Packers cover/p>p classp1>b>4pm/b>/p>p classp1>b>Seattle Seahawks (-2 1/2) at Los Angeles Rams /b>— The 10-6 Rams clinched the NFC West and are the current three seed. This point spread makes no sense unless Sean McVay rests his starters.. Yet the Rams should play their starters. If they lose and Tampa Bay wins, the Rams fall to the four seed. So the Rams do have something to play for. Upset special, Rams cover/p>p classp1>b>Miami Dolphins (-2 1/2) at New York Jets /b>— The 8-8 Dolphins are on the outside looking in. They need to win and hope Denver loses to sneak into the playoffs as the seven seed wildcard. The Dolphins have everything to play for. The Jets are horrendous. This could be Aaron Rodgers’s final game in his only season with the Jets. Dolphins cover/p>p classp1>b>Kansas City Chiefs at Denver Broncos (-9 1/2) /b>— The 15-1 Chiefs have nothing to play for. They have clinched the AFC West and the top seed with home field advantage throughout the playoffs with the first round bye. Walrus Andy Reid will rest his starters. The 9-7 Broncos have everything to play for. They are currently the seven seed Wildcard. If they win, they are in. If they lose and either Miami or Cincinnati wins, the Broncos are out. While the Chiefs would love to keep their rivals from the playoffs for the 9th straight year, getting healthy for the postseason matters more. Yet the spread is still too high. Broncos win but fail to cover/p>p classp1>b>Los Angeles Chargers (-5 1/2) at Las Vegas Raiders /b>— The Raiders have won two straight after losing 10 straight, but the 10-6 Chargers are on a mission. The Chargers have clinched a Wildcard and are currently the six seed. If the Chargers win and Pittsburgh loses, the Chargers move up to the five seed. Pittsburgh plays the day before so by the time this game kicks off, the Chargers could already be locked into the six seed. In that scenario Jim Harbaugh might rest his starters, Either way, the Chargers have more talent than a Raiders team with very little talent on offense. Home field advantage has rarely mattered in this rivalry. Chargers win but fail to cover/p>p classp1>b>San Francisco 49ers (-1) at Arizona Cardinals /b>— Both teams are eliminated from the playoffs. Neither one is in position for a top 10 Draft pick. Go with Kyler Murray and James Conner even though home field does not matter in this series. Upset special, Cardinals win outright/p>p classp1>b>8pm/b>/p>p classp1>b>Minnesota Vikings at Detroit Lions (-2 1/2) /b>— This is why we watch football. The 272nd and last game of the regular season is also its best. For the first time in NFL history, two 14-2 teams will compete in the regular season. This is winner take all. The winner clinches the NFC North and the top seed in the conference along with home field advantage throughout the playoffs and a the first round bye. The loser drops to the five seed Wildcard and plays road playoff games. The Lions have the better offense but more injuries on defense. Dan Campbell gambles are the X factor. Go with the home field. The Vikings are a great team but the Lions seem to be a team of destiny. This could be a shootout for the ages. Lions cover/p>script typetext/javascript> !-- //OBSTART:do_NOT_remove_this_comment var OutbrainPermaLink; if(typeof(OB_Script)!undefined){OutbrainStart();} else { var OB_PlugInVer7.0.0.0_Regular;;var OB_raterModestars;var OB_recModerec;var OBITm1224169547;var OB_Scripttrue;var OB_langJS;document.write(unescape(%3Cscript src typetext/javascript%3E%3C/script%3E));} //OBEND:do_NOT_remove_this_comment //--> /script> /div> p classpostmetadata> Posted in a href relcategory tag>SPORTS/a> | span>Comments Closed/span>/p> /div> div classpost-27246 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-sports idpost-27246> h2>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to NFL 2024 Black Monday Head Coach Firing Predictions>NFL 2024 Black Monday Head Coach Firing Predictions/a>/h2> small>December 31st, 2024 !-- by blacktygrrrr -->/small> div classentry> p classp1>b>NFL 2024 Black Monday Head Coach Firing Predictions/b>/p>p classp3>span classs1>Happy New Year. You’re history. Happy Hanukkah. Clean out your desk. Merry Christmas. You’re fired. The NFL coaching carousel is about to spin like a dreidel. The NFL is a cold place in losing environments. The annual ritual of firing coaches on Black Monday is a long-established NFL tradition. As retired coach Jerry Glanville used to say, the NFL stands for “Not For Long.”/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>Thankfully, Black Monday now comes past the holiday season, allowing coaches to enjoy time with their families. The pink-slips come afterward./span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>This season’s NFL 2024 Black Monday Coach Firing Carousel/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>The 2024 regular season coaching carousel saw three coaches fired during the season. The Chicago Bears fired Matt Eberflus. The New Orleans Saints fired Dennis Allen. The New York Jets fired Robert Sales. More changes will come Black Monday.span classApple-converted-space> /span>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>A time to fire: Rules of the Black Monday coach firing ritual/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>Owners can fire any employee they want whenever they want, but that does not mean they should. There are certain unwritten rules that owners should consider before firing (or not) NFL coaches on Black Monday./b>/span>/p>ul classul1>li classli4>span classs1>Never fire a coach after a winning season. No matter how badly the team underachieves, some teams would kill to go 9-8./span>/li>li classli4>span classs1>Do not fire a coach unless it is absolutely definite that a better replacement option exists./span>/li>li classli4>span classs1>Do not fire a coach after one season unless there is zero hope for improvement. Bill Parcells won only three games in his first season as an NFL head coach. Jimmy Johnson won one game. Tom Landry won zero games and tied one./span>/li>li classli4>span classs1>Do not fire a coach after two losing seasons if they had four or five winning seasons prior. Allow two or even three bad seasons if the coach has the ability to turn things around./span>/li>li classli4>span classs1>If a coach has won a Super Bowl for you, leave him alone for a few years./span>/li>li classli4>span classs1>If he has won two Super Bowls for you in non-consecutive years, give him a lifetime contract./span>/li>li classli4>span classs1>Lastly, if it is a close call, give the coach one more year./span>/li>/ul>p classp3>span classs1>b>With that, here are the NFL 2024 Black Monday Coach Firing predictions./b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>Black Monday firings that are necessary:/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>New York Jets: Jeff Ulbrich/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>What should happen:/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>Jeff Ulbrich is just a placeholder. The Jets may also move on from Aaron Rodgers. The team needs a quarterback whisperer who will unleash Rodgers or nurture his replacement.span classApple-converted-space> /span>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>What will happen:/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>Ulbrich is gone.span classApple-converted-space> /span>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>Chicago Bears:/b> b>Thomas Brown/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>What should happen:/b> Thomas Brown is also just a placeholder. The Bears need to develop rookie quarterback Caleb Williams. This team also needs a quarterback whisperer./span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>What will happen:/b> Brown is gone.span classApple-converted-space> /span>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>New York Giants: Brian Daboll/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>What should happen: /b>Brian Daboll just saw the Giants snap their 10 game losing streak. Yet the Giants have no talent whatsoever. Ownership traded away Saquon Barkley, who is lighting up the league in Philadelphia. The Giants have no quarterback.span classApple-converted-space> /span>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>What will happen:span classApple-converted-space> /span>/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>Despite being utterly bereft of talent, the Giants ownership will make the coach the fall guy to deflect from their own organizational bungling. Daboll is gone.span classApple-converted-space> /span>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>Deserve to stay but will be fired: None./b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>Deserve to stay and will stay:/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>Las Vegas Raiders: Antonio Pierce/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>What should happen:/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>Josh McDaniels was an unmitigated disaster. Antonio Pierce inherited a mess. The defense was a mess. Now with Patrick Graham as defensive coordinator, the defense is vastly improved. The secondary is even improved. The Raiders have very little talent on offense. They have no quarterback, no running back, and no offensive line. Despite a 10 game losing streak, Pierce held the team together and they won consecutive games heading into their finale. He deserves to continue, especially if the Raiders finally draft offensive talent./span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>What will happen:/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>Mark Davis is already paying money to ex-coaches Jon Gruden and Josh McDaniels. He knows the cupboard is bare. Pierce stays, but the team must improve in 2025.span classApple-converted-space> /span>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>New England Patriots: Jerod Mayo/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>What should happen: /b>After 24 years of Bill Belichick, Mayo is in his first season. Going into the finale the Patriots have the top pick in the Draft. Drake Maye has showed promise as a rookie quarterback. Mayo deserves another year to see what he can do./span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>What will happen:/b>span classApple-converted-space> /span>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>Robert Kraft is a beloved owner. He would lose some of that luster if he quickly fires Mayo. Mayo will be given more time.span classApple-converted-space> /span>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>Jacksonville Jaguars: Doug Pederson/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>What should happen: /b>This team was 8-3 last year before Trevor Lawrence got injured and the team fell apart. This year has been a disaster. Lawrence went down again on an illegal hit but the team was already a mess before his injury.span classApple-converted-space> /span>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>What will happen:/b> Shad Khan is known as a patient owner. Pederson is a good coach who took the Jaguars to the playoffs two years ago. The team is in rebuilding mode and he deserves to be part of it. He fixed Lawrence once and can do so again. Barring a shocking development, Pederson isn’t going anywhere.span classApple-converted-space> /span>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>Dallas Cowboys: Mike McCarthy/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>What should happen: /b>After three straight 12 win seasons, the Cowboys were embarrassed at home in the Wildcard round last year. This year the Cowboys suffered several blowout home losses. Dak Prescott became the highest paid player in the league and CeeDee Lamb became the highest paid receiver. The roof caved in. Prescott is out injured, but the real problem is Prescott is overrated. Jerry Jones shelled out dollars to players that did not deserve it. Jerry desperately wants to win another Super Bowl, but a better alternative is not out there./span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>What will happen: /b>Jerrah will huff and puff and count his money, but McCarthy isn’t going anywhere. He has never been a good fit in Dallas, but he is a good coach. Jerrah has gotten more patient with coaches in his older years after driving away good coaches in his younger years. If McCarthy leaves, it’s because he is fed up. That is not his style.span classApple-converted-space> /span>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>Could go either way:/b>span classApple-converted-space> /span>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>Tennessee Titans: Brian Callahan/b>span classApple-converted-space> /span>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>What should happen: /b>Mike Vrabel never should have been fired. Brian Callahan is only 3-13, but the team has little talent. They let Derrick Henry leave, and he is now crushing it in Baltimore.span classApple-converted-space> /span>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>What will happen: /b>Flip a coin. A coach needs more than one year, but the Titans ownership may just decide to call this a failed experiment.span classApple-converted-space> /span>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>New Orleans Saints: Darren Rizzi/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>What should happen:/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>Dennis Allen is a terrific defensive coordinator who is not a head coach. Darren Rizzi is a good special teams coach who briefly sparked the Saints upon taking over on an interim basis. The Saints regressed in their last two games, but they have been devastated by injuries. They were down to their fourth string quarterback last week and their third stringer this week. Rizzi has the fire and passion to be an NFL head coach.span classApple-converted-space> /span>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>What will happen:/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>Rizzi should stay unless a better option exists. Right now it does not. Rizzi is given a chance.span classApple-converted-space> /span>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>Cleveland Browns: Kevin Stefanski:/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>What should happen: /b>After the Browns went on the road in the playoffs and shocked Pittsburgh, Stefanski was a hero. Then owner Jimmy Haslam got rid of Baker Mayfield in favor of Deshaun Watson. Injuries had the Browns starting their fourth stringer Dorian Thompson-Robinson by the end of the year.span classApple-converted-space> /span>Stefanski deserves to see if Watson has any gas left in the tank.span classApple-converted-space> /span>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>What will happen: /b>This is another case of ownership possibly throwing a coach under the bus to hide the incompetence of the ownership. Stefanski could be gone, but keeping him would not be the worst decision. The Browns make awful decisions, which bodes badly for Stefanski./span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>Tampa Bay Buccaneers: Todd Bowles:/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>This may seem odd given that the Buccaneers are 9-7 and on the verge of winning their fourth straight NFC South Championship. Todd Bowles is a very good defensive coordinator. Yet this year his offense is playing well as Baker Mayfield is lighting up the league. The problem is Bowles wins just enough games to survive but does not seem to be able to get a team with talent to the next level.span classApple-converted-space> /span>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>What will happen:/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>If the Buccaneers make the playoffs, Bowles isn’t going anywhere. If the Buccaneers collapse against a weak Carolina team in their finale and miss the playoffs, he probably still stays.span classApple-converted-space> /span>He may be gone next year unless he can finally make a deep playoff run with a talented roster.span classApple-converted-space> /span>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>eric/span>/p>script typetext/javascript> !-- //OBSTART:do_NOT_remove_this_comment var OutbrainPermaLink; if(typeof(OB_Script)!undefined){OutbrainStart();} else { var OB_PlugInVer7.0.0.0_Regular;;var OB_raterModestars;var OB_recModerec;var OBITm1224169547;var OB_Scripttrue;var OB_langJS;document.write(unescape(%3Cscript src typetext/javascript%3E%3C/script%3E));} //OBEND:do_NOT_remove_this_comment //--> /script> /div> p classpostmetadata> Posted in a href relcategory tag>SPORTS/a> | span>Comments Closed/span>/p> /div> div classpost-27242 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-sports idpost-27242> h2>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to NFL 2024-2025 NFC Playoff Permutations and Combinations>NFL 2024-2025 NFC Playoff Permutations and Combinations/a>/h2> small>December 31st, 2024 !-- by blacktygrrrr -->/small> div classentry> p classp1>b>NFL 2024-2025 NFC Playoff Permutations and Combinations/b>/p>p classp3>span classs1>The first 17 weeks of the 2023 NFL regular season are in the history books. Week 18 is here. /span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>This week football jargon not used for 51 weeks is said over and over. We learn who controls their own destiny and who needs help making the playoffs. Some years it seems almost everybody has a shot at the playoffs. This year the NFC playoff picture has very few possibilities. Only one playoff spot remains for two teams. Everything else is a fight for seeding among teams that have already clinched playoff berths./span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>This brings my assessment of the 2024-2025 NFC playoff permutations and combinations./span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>Only the top seed with home-field advantage throughout the playoffs gets the first-round bye./span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>The AFC Playoff picture is also fairly straightforward.span classApple-converted-space> /span>/span>/p>blockquote classwp-embedded-content data-secret3wMxCmbcpD>p>a href>NFL 2024-2025 AFC Playoff Permutations and Combinations/a>/p>/blockquote>p>iframe classwp-embedded-content sandboxallow-scripts securityrestricted styleposition: absolute; visibility: hidden; title“NFL 2024-2025 AFC Playoff Permutations and Combinations” — THE TYGRRRR EXPRESS src data-secret3wMxCmbcpD width450 height254 frameborder0 marginwidth0 marginheight0 scrollingno>/iframe>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>Six of the eight NFC Week 18 games have playoff implications. Only two of the four NFC Divisions have been clinched./b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>Now for the NFC Playoff picture.span classApple-converted-space> /span>/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>1.) Detroit Lions (14-2): The Lions have clinched a playoff spot but nothing more. Right now they are the top seed. Next week they have a winner take all showdown at home against Minnesota. If they win against Minnesota, the Lions win the NFC North and retain the top seed with home field advantage throughout the playoffs and the first round bye. If they lose, the Lions drop to the five seed and play a road game on Wildcard Weekend.span classApple-converted-space> /span>/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>2.) Philadelphia Eagles (13-3): The Eagles have clinched the NFC East and are locked into the two seed. They will host a game on Wildcard Weekend.span classApple-converted-space> /span>/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>3.) Los Angeles Rams (10-6): The Rams have clinched the NFC West. They are currently the three seed and will host a playoff game on Wildcard weekend. They cannot move higher than the three seed. However, if they lose their finale and Tampa Bay wins, the Rams fall to the four seed.span classApple-converted-space> /span>/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>4.) Tampa Bay Buccaneers (9-7): The Buccaneers are one game up in the NFC South, but they do not hold the tie-breaker and have not have clinched anything. They control their own destiny. If the Buccaneers win their Week 18 finale at home against New Orleans, the Buccaneers win the NFC South and the four seed. They would host a Wildcard playoff game. If the Buccaneers lose, they can still win the division and the four seed if Atlanta also loses. If the Buccaneers lose and Atlanta wins, the Buccaneers are out. Conversely, if the Buccaneers win and the Rams lose, the Buccaneers move up to the three seed.span classApple-converted-space> /span>/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>5.) Minnesota Vikings (14-2): The Vikings are tied atop the NFC North but they do not hold the tie-breaker. They are currently the five seed Wildcard. Nevertheless, they still control their own destiny. They have a winner take all showdown at Detroit next week in their regular season finale. If the Vikings lose, they stay at the five seed and play a road playoff game on Wildcard Weekend. If the Vikings win, they win the NFC North and vault to the top seed with home field advantage throughout the playoffs and the first round bye.span classApple-converted-space> /span>/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>6.) Washington Commanders (11-5): The Commanders are currently the six seed. They have clinched a Wildcard and will be play road playoff games. Yet if they lose next week and Green Bay wins, the Commanders fall to the seven seed./b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>7.) Green Bay Packers (11-5): The Packers are currently the seven seed. They have clinched a Wildcard and will be play road playoff games. Yet if they win next week and Washington loses, the Packers move up to the six seed./b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>On the outside looking in:/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>8.)span classApple-converted-space> /span>Atlanta Falcons (8-8): The Falcons are on the outside looking in. They only have one path to the playoffs. If they win their finale and Tampa Bay loses, both teams would be 9-8. The Falcons would win the tie-breaker and win the NFC South. They would be the four seed and host a Wildcard playoff game. The Falcons cannot make the playoffs as a Wildcard. If the Falcons lose or Tampa Bay wins, the Falcons are out.span classApple-converted-space> /span>/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>Here are all eight NFC games with playoff implications:/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>Carolina Panthers (4-12) at Atlanta Falcons (8-8)/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>New Orleans Saints (5-11) at Tampa Bay Buccaneers (9-7)/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>Washington Commanders (11-5) at Dallas Cowboys (7-9)/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>Seattle Seahawks (9-7) at Los Angeles Rams (10-6)span classApple-converted-space> /span>/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>Minnesota Vikings (14-2) at Detroit Lions (14-2)span classApple-converted-space> /span>/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>Chicago Bears (4-12) at Green Bay Packers (11-5)/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>Predictions:/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>1.) Lions 15-2/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>2.) Eagles 14-3 (They may rest their starters)/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>3.) Rams 11-6/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>4.) Buccaneers 10-7span classApple-converted-space> /span>/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>5.) Vikings 14-3/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>6.) Commanders 12-5/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>7.) Packers 11-6/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>Out: Falcons 9-8/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>Wildcard Round:span classApple-converted-space> /span>/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>7.) Packers at 2.) Eagles/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>6.) Commanders at 3.) Ramsspan classApple-converted-space> /span>/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>5.) Vikings at 4.) Buccaneers/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>Divisional Round:/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>5.) Vikings at 1.) Lions/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>3.) Rams at 2.) Eagles span classApple-converted-space> /span>/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>NFC Title Game: 2.) Eagles at 1.) Lions/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>The Lions are a team of destiny. They came up one game short last year on the road. This year they will be at home. The Lions have some injuries on defense, but their pinball offense can score at will. This team has heart. The Vikings and Eagles are both great teams, but this is the year the Lions roar.span classApple-converted-space> /span>/b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>The Lions will hoist the George Halas NFC Championship Trophy and reach the Super Bowl. Bringing home the Vince Lombardi Trophy will be very tough. Baltimore and Kansas City are playing well, and Buffalo beat the Lions this year in Buffalo. Nevertheless, the Lions have the firepower to win it all. The Super Bowl in New Orleans will be played indoors in a dome, which favors the Detroit track meet pinball offense. The Lions will finally eliminate the curse of Bobby Layne and win their first Super Bowl./b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>ericspan classApple-converted-space> /span>/b>/span>/p>script typetext/javascript> !-- //OBSTART:do_NOT_remove_this_comment var OutbrainPermaLink; if(typeof(OB_Script)!undefined){OutbrainStart();} else { var OB_PlugInVer7.0.0.0_Regular;;var OB_raterModestars;var OB_recModerec;var OBITm1224169547;var OB_Scripttrue;var OB_langJS;document.write(unescape(%3Cscript src typetext/javascript%3E%3C/script%3E));} //OBEND:do_NOT_remove_this_comment //--> /script> /div> p classpostmetadata> Posted in a href relcategory tag>SPORTS/a> | span>Comments Closed/span>/p> /div> div classpost-27240 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-sports idpost-27240> h2>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to NFL 2024-2025 AFC Playoff Permutations and Combinations>NFL 2024-2025 AFC Playoff Permutations and Combinations/a>/h2> small>December 31st, 2024 !-- by blacktygrrrr -->/small> div classentry> p>strong>NFL 2024-2025 AFC Playoff Permutations and Combinations/strong>/p>p>The first 17 weeks of the 2024 NFL regular season are in the history books. Week 18 is />This week football jargon not used for 51 weeks is said over and over. We learn who controls their own destiny and who needs help making the playoffs. Some years it seems almost everybody has a shot at the playoffs. This year the AFC playoff picture has very few possibilities./p>p>That’s our assessment of the 2024-2025 AFC playoff permutations and combinations./p>p>Only the top seed with home-field advantage throughout the playoffs gets the first-round bye./p>p>The NFC playoff picture also has very few possibilities./p>blockquote classwp-embedded-content data-secretFQgi20PQsu>p>a href>NFL 2024-2025 NFC Playoff Permutations and Combinations/a>/p>/blockquote>p>iframe classwp-embedded-content sandboxallow-scripts securityrestricted styleposition: absolute; visibility: hidden; title“NFL 2024-2025 NFC Playoff Permutations and Combinations” — THE TYGRRRR EXPRESS src data-secretFQgi20PQsu width450 height254 frameborder0 marginwidth0 marginheight0 scrollingno>/iframe>/p>p>strong>Five of the eight AFC Week 18 games have playoff implications. Three of the four AFC Divisions have been clinched./strong>/p>p>strong>Now for the AFC Playoff picture. /strong>/p>p>strong>1.) Kansas City Chiefs (15-1):/strong> The Chiefs clinched the AFC West for the ninth straight season and are locked into the one seed. They have home field advantage throughout the playoffs and the first round bye./p>p>strong>2.) Buffalo Bills (13-3):/strong> The Bills clinched the AFC East for the fourth straight season and are locked into the two seed. They will host a game on Wildcard Weekend./p>p>strong>3.) Baltimore Ravens (11-5):/strong> The Ravens have clinched a playoff spot and are one game up in the AFC North. They are currently the three seed and cannot move higher. They would play a game at home on Wildcard weekend. Yet if they lose and Pittsburgh wins, the Ravens lose the tie-breaker and the division. They would fall to the five seed Wildcard and play road playoff games./p>p>strong>4.) Houston Texans (9-7):/strong> The Texans have clinched the AFC South. They are locked into the four seed and will host a playoff game on Wildcard Weekend./p>p>strong>5.) Pittsburgh Steelers (10-6):/strong> The Steelers have clinched a Wildcard and would play road playoff games. They are one game back in the AFC North and are currently the five seed. If the Steelers win and Baltimore loses, the Steelers win the tie-breaker and the AFC North. The Steelers would then be the three seed and be at home for a Wildcard playoff game. If Pittsburgh loses and the Chargers win, the Steelers fall to the six seed./p>p>strong>6.) Los Angeles Chargers (10-6):/strong> The Chargers have clinched a Wildcard and will play road playoff games. As of now they are the six seed. Yet if they win their finale and Pittsburgh loses, the Chargers move up to the five seed./p>p>strong>7.) Denver Broncos (9-7):/strong> The Broncos have not clinched anything but they control their own destiny. They have a Week 18 showdown against Kansas City, who might be resting starters. If the Broncos win, they clinch the seven seed Wildcard and play a road playoff game on Wildcard Weekend. If they lose they can still grab the seven seed if Miami and Cincinnati also lose. If the Broncos lose and either Miami or Cincinnati wins, the Broncos are out./p>p>strong>Outside looking in: /strong>/p>p>strong>8.) Miami Dolphins: 8-8):/strong> If the Dolphins win in Week 18 and Denver loses, the Dolphins win the tie-breaker and grab the seven seed Wildcard spot. If the Dolphins lose or Denver wins, the Dolphins are out./p>p>strong>9.) Cincinnati Bengals (8-8):/strong> The Bengals have the longest shot. They can make the playoffs as the seven seed Wildcard only if they win their regular season finale against Pittsburgh and Denver and Miami both lose. If the Bengals lose, they are out. If either Denver or Miami win, the Bengals are out./p>p>strong>Here are the AFC games with playoff implications:/strong>/p>p>strong>Cleveland Browns (3-13) at Baltimore Ravens (11-5)/strong>br />strong>Cincinnati Bengals (8-8) at Pittsburgh Steelers (10-6) /strong>br />strong>Miami Dolphins (8-8) at New York Jets (4-12)/strong>br />strong>Kansas City Chiefs (15-1) at Denver Broncos (9-7)/strong>br />strong>Los Angeles Chargers (10-6) at Las Vegas Raiders (4-12)/strong>/p>p>strong>Predictions:/strong>/p>p>strong>1.) Chiefs 15-2/strong>br />strong>2.) Bills 14-3/strong>br />strong>3.) Ravens 12-5/strong>br />strong>4.) Texans 10-7/strong>br />strong>5.) Steelers 11-6/strong>br />strong>6.) Chargers 11-6/strong>br />strong>7.) Broncos 10-7/strong>/p>p>strong>Out — Miami 9-8, Cincinnati 8-9/strong>/p>p>strong>Wildcard Round:/strong>/p>p>strong>7.) Broncos at 2.) Bills/strong>br />strong>6.) Chargers at 3.) Ravens/strong>br />strong>5.) Steelers at 4.) Texans/strong>/p>p>strong>Divisional Round:/strong>/p>p>strong>5.) Steelers at 1.) Chiefs/strong>br />strong>3.) Ravens at 2.) Bills /strong>/p>p>strong>AFC Title Game: 2.) Bills vs 1.) Chiefs/strong>/p>p>strong>The Baltimore Ravens are a wrecking machine, but the one team they don’t want to play on the road is the Bills. Last year the Bills lost to the Chiefs in the playoffs. Even though the game is in Kansas City, it is the Bills who will hold the Lamar Hunt Trophy as the AFC Champion. Yet for the fifth time, the Vince Lombardi Trophy will elude them./strong>/p>p>eric/p>script typetext/javascript> !-- //OBSTART:do_NOT_remove_this_comment var OutbrainPermaLink; if(typeof(OB_Script)!undefined){OutbrainStart();} else { var OB_PlugInVer7.0.0.0_Regular;;var OB_raterModestars;var OB_recModerec;var OBITm1224169547;var OB_Scripttrue;var OB_langJS;document.write(unescape(%3Cscript src typetext/javascript%3E%3C/script%3E));} //OBEND:do_NOT_remove_this_comment //--> /script> /div> p classpostmetadata> Posted in a href relcategory tag>SPORTS/a> | span>Comments Closed/span>/p> /div> div classpost-27236 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-politics category-uncategorized idpost-27236> h2>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to The Top 10 Powerful Bald White Guys (PBWGs) of 2024>The Top 10 Powerful Bald White Guys (PBWGs) of 2024/a>/h2> small>December 30th, 2024 !-- by blacktygrrrr -->/small> div classentry> p>strong>Top 10 Powerful Bald White Guys (PBWGs) of 2024/strong>/p>p>This list is dedicated to the strong>late radio host Austin Hill./strong> He was a great guy who left us far too soon. He loved this list and gave it more attention than it ever deserved. May he never be forgotten./p>p>This list was inspired by strong>Dann Florek, who played Police Captain Donald Cragen on the “Law & Order” franchises/strong> for a couple decades./p>p>A lot of people did not make the list. President Joe Biden is ineligible because he never admitted his baldness, choosing instead to hide behind hair plugs. Vladimir Putin is ineligible because he is a ruthless killer and I do not wish to die. If he asks, I think he has lovely hair. Congressmen Bob Good of Virginia and Chip Roy of Texas came up short. Let’s see if these House Freedom Caucus members do anything in 2025. If they get a conservative agenda passed, they will make the list.Rupert Murdoch seems to be retired. He was on this list for many years./p>p>strong>With that, here are the 2024 Austin Hill Awards dedicated to the Top 10 PBWGs of 2024./strong>/p>p>strong>10.) Jeff Bezos:/strong> He is no longer the richest man in the world or the CEO of Amazon. Being rich is not the same as being powerful. Bring powerful requires doing things. Bezos is now obsessed with space. He is determined to beat Elon Musk in the space race and retake his position atop the world’s wealthiest list. If he succeeds, he will move up the PBWG list as well./p>p>strong>9.) Kevin O’Leary:/strong> Shark Tank’s “Mr. Wonderful” is one of the sharpest investors around. He speaks plainly and with common sense. He actually ran to be the leader of Canada’s Conservative Party in 2017. He should have been on this list for years but 2023 was his breakout year in terms of exposure. He went from being almost everywhere to everywhere. His insights are valuable. He would rank higher except sometimes it is hard to figure out exactly what it is he does./p>p>strong>The next 4 guys are all incoming members of the Trump administration. Normally they would not make the list until they take office, but the Trump administration has gotten an unofficial early start. These guys are already up and running. If they succeed in passing the Trump agenda, they will rank much higher on the list./strong>/p>p>strong>8.) Stephen Miran:/strong> He is the incoming Charman of the Council of Economic Advisers. For those who have no idea what that even means, he is the head pontificator. Yet unlike many pontificators, he does real work. He is the senior strategist at asset management firm Hudson Bay Capital Management. This means that unlike the rest of the pontificators, he actually knows what he is talking about./p>p>strong>7.) Howard Lutnick:/strong> He is the incoming Commerce Secretary and the current head of Cantor Fitzgerald. That was the firm that lost 658 employees on September 11th, 2001. Lutnick will be a unique Commerce secretary. Unlike previous Republican Commerce Secretaries, Lutnick is pro-tariff. Lutnick will be the first Commerce Secretary who will have to navigate cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin. Lutnick is pro-crypto./p>p>strong>6.) Tom Homan:/strong> He is the incoming Border Czar. He has over 35 years of experience dealing with the Border. He came out of retirement to take this job. He has threatened to arrest elected officials who run illegal sanctuary cities. Time will tell if the Trump administration is truly willing to cross that bridge. That will drastically affect Homan’s position on the 2025 PBWG list./p>p>strong>5.) Steven Miller:/strong> He is the incoming Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy. He is seen as an immigration hardliner, a badge he wars with honor. Like Homan, his fate on the 2025 PBWG list depends on whether or not his tough talk can be transferred into substantive actions./p>p>strong>It’s one thing to be a powerful incoming member of the government. It’s quite another to be a current member of the government. Biden administration officials have a ton of power until they leave office. They will not be on this list in 2025, but they absolutely deserve to top the list in 2024. Three of the top four spots including the top two spots are the same as last year./strong>/p>p>strong>4.) Gary Gensler:/strong> The Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission is a political activist with a thirst for regulating everything in sight. With the stock market hitting all time highs, he again threw cold water on the party. Gensler implicitly mandated that corporations enact woke DEI policies. His calls to regulate cryptocurrencies gave Gensler even more power. He is a former Goldman Sachs guy, which propelled his access to power. Republicans will be firing him on January 20th, 2025. He would rank higher but most of what he has implemented is already being reversed, limiting his long-term impact./p>p>strong>3.) Alejandro Mayorkas:/strong> The current Border Czar will also be fired on January 20th, 2025, but he is implementing his border vision up until the last moment. Unlike Gensler, Mayorkas’s policies will have much longer lasting effects and be far more difficult to reverse. While he will not be on the 2025 PBWG list, he has the ability to completely derail Homan and Miller from the list as well. That is power. Until Inauguration Day, he is the highest ranking PBWG in the current Executive Branch./p>p>strong>2.) John Fetterman:/strong> The Pennsylvania Senator might be the most confounding member of Congress. He spent his early years as a rich white leftist doing hard drugs and leeching off of his parents. After getting elected, he was expected to vote leftist down the line. Then he shocked the political world by offering startlingly lucid thoughts that broke from leftist Orthodoxy. He came out as a staunch supporter of Israel in a Democrat Party with an increasingly influential and militant anti-Israel left wing. He also called for more border security. He even declared that he was not a progressive. When he was verbally accosted by an angry leftist who accused him of betrayal, he showed a surprising sense of humor. He pointed out his recent stroke and claimed that this left him unable to understand what the angry protester was saying. Senator Fetterman is less than two years into his term, and he has already angered people across the political spectrum. He has at least four more years to confound people without consequences. That is power. Yet for the third year in a row, Fetterman comes up one spot short./p>p>strong>1.) David Solomon:/strong> Normally the Head Sled at Golden Sachs is the top PBWG because Goldman Sachs runs the world. Goldman Sachs has a history of flitting in between corporate power and government power. Jon Corzine, Hank Paulson, and Lloyd Blankfein are all former Goldman Sachs PBWG top dogs. Solomon initially missed out on the top spot in recent years due to tough economic times, war raging across the world, and an anti-Wall Street climate. Yet in 2024, happy days are here again. The stock market hit an all time high. Goldman Sachs now has its usual level of undue influence over the government. The company that is too big to fail with executives who are too big to jail escaped scrutiny during financial meltdowns. They are not going to lose power when Wall Street is making money hand over fist./p>p>strong>For being the most powerful guy at the most powerful company, for the second consecutive year in a row, David Solomon is the Top Powerful Bald White Guy of 2024./strong>/p>p>eric/p>script typetext/javascript> !-- //OBSTART:do_NOT_remove_this_comment var OutbrainPermaLink; if(typeof(OB_Script)!undefined){OutbrainStart();} else { var OB_PlugInVer7.0.0.0_Regular;;var OB_raterModestars;var OB_recModerec;var OBITm1224169547;var OB_Scripttrue;var OB_langJS;document.write(unescape(%3Cscript src typetext/javascript%3E%3C/script%3E));} //OBEND:do_NOT_remove_this_comment //--> /script> /div> p classpostmetadata> Posted in a href relcategory tag>POLITICS/a>, a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> | span>Comments Closed/span>/p> /div> div classpost-27234 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-sports idpost-27234> h2>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to NFL 2024 Week 17 Recap>NFL 2024 Week 17 Recap/a>/h2> small>December 29th, 2024 !-- by blacktygrrrr -->/small> div classentry> p classp1>b>NFL 2024 Week 17 Recap/b>/p>p classp1>b>This is when the big dogs come out./b>/p>p classp1>b>Kansas City Chiefs at Pittsburgh Steelers was the Christmas Wednesday morning game. /b>The 14-1 Chiefs were one win from clinching home field throughout the playoffs. The 10-5 Steelers were tied atop their division and they held the tie-breaker, but they had not clinched their division yet. The game was live-streamed on Netflix and played on a Wednesday to anger players and viewers alike. A 25 yard punt return early on had the Chiefs with a short field at the Pittsburgh 42. On 4th and 1, Walrus Andy Reid gambled early on. Kareem Hunt gained 4. Patrick Mahomes gained 12. MAhomes found Xavier Worthy for a 7 yard touchdown. The extra point was no good as the Chiefs led 6-0. The Chiefs got it back and faced 3rd and 11 at their own 20. Mahomes went to Perine for 14 and then went deep to Watson for 49. On 3rd and 4 from the Pittsburgh 11, Mahomes went to Watson for the touchdown to make it 13-0 Chiefs./p>p classp1>The Steelers finally got going from their own 23 and soon had a 2nd and 4 at the Kansas City 8. Jalen warren ran it up the gut for the touchdown, but offensive holding nullified the score. On the next play Russell Wilson went to the end zone and was intercepted for a touchback. The Steelers got it back at their own 28 to start the second quarterback. Wilson went to George Pickens for 7 and to Washington for 8. Wilson found Pat Freiermuth for 15. Warren ran for 11. On 3rd and 8 from the Kansas City 20, Wilson went to Freiermuth for 15. From the one, Wilson faked the handoff, rolled out to his left, and raced to the corner pylon. He got there just in time and stretched the ball over the plane of the goal for the touchdown to get the Steelers within 13-7. The Chiefs in the third quarter moved from their own 33 to a 1st and 10 at the Pittsburgh 13. Mahomes threw 3 straight incompletions. Harrison Butker hit from 32 to make it 16-7 Chiefs. The Steelers after a touchback moved to a 3rd and 5 at the Kansas City 12. Wilson was sacked. Chris Boswell hit from 36 to get the Steelers within 16-10./p>p classp1>The Chiefs took over and soon faced 2nd and 14 at their own 19. Mahomes went to Hollywood Brown for 17 and again for 12. Mahomes found Travis Kelce for 19, Worthy for 11, and Kelce again for 7. On the first play of the fourth quarter Karim Hunt ran for a 2 yard touchdown. The 2 point try failed but the Chiefs led 22-10. The Steelers on 3rd and 15 from their own 25 fumbled the ball away. The Chiefs recovered at the Pittsburgh 34. Mahomes hit Kelce for 20 and again for a 12 yard touchdown to complete the scoring. Although they are in the playoffs, the 10-6 Steelers second third straight loss had them at risk of losing the division race. They are now one game back in their division, needing to win and get help to have a chance. They are in the playoffs as a Wildcard at worst. As for the 15-1 Chiefs, they have now officially clinched the top seed in the AFC, home field advantage throughout the playoffs, and the coveted first round bye. This makes Andy Reid a most happy Walrus indeed. 29-10 Chiefsspan classApple-converted-space> /span>/p>p classp1>b>Baltimore Ravens at Houston Texans was the Christmas Wednesday afternoon game. /b>The 10-5 Ravens began the day tied for their division lead but not holding the tie-breaker. Before kickoff, a Pittsburgh loss meant the Ravens could seize control of the division with a win. The 9-6 Texans had already clinched their division. The Ravens began the game at their own 25 and Derrick Henry ran for a pair of 6 yard gains. On 2nd and 13 from their own 34, Lamar Jackson ran for a 25 yard gain. Henry ran for 7 and 5. Jackson’t first pass of the game and only pass on the drive was a 27 yard connection to Bay Flowers. Henry ran for a 2 yard touchdown to make it 7-0 Ravens. The Ravens got it back at their own 30 and moved to a 2nd and 6 at the Houston 31. Ali lost 3 yards and Jackson threw incomplete. Justin Tucker hit form 52 to make it 10-0 Ravens. A good punt pinned the Ravens at their own 4. Henry got the carry, went backward, and was tackled in his own end zone for a safety. The Texans were down 10-2 and took the free kick at their own 43. They moved to a 2nd and goal at the 3 looking to tie the game. Joe Mixon lost a yard and CJ Stroud threw incomplete. DeMeco Ryans went for it on 4th and goal at the 4. Stroud went to Mixon, who gained 3 but got bottled up at the one. After the goal line stand, the game got out of hand.span classApple-converted-space> /span>/p>p classp1>From their own one, Hery gained 7 and Jackson went to Rashad Bateman for 12. Jackson then went deep to Mark Andrews for a 67 yard gain. Jackson hit Isaiah Likely for the 9 yard touchdown to make it 17-2 Ravens at the half. In the third quarter, an interception of Stroud set up the Ravens at their own 39. Henry ran for 13 and Jackson then faked a handoff and raced for a 48 yard touchdown to make it 24-2 Ravens. The Ravens got it back and faced 3rd and 3 at their own 45. Jackson gained 8. A defensive facemaska dded 15. Jackson hit Henry for 14. On 3rd and 1 from the Houston 2, Henry gained one. Jackson then hit Andrews for the touchdown. Although 6 minutes remained in the third quarter, the remaining 21 minutes were scoreless as backups on both teams finished the fourth quarter. The 9-7 Texans are in the playoffs but they are looking like a potential first round exit. They are most likely the four seed.The 11-5 Ravens are now one game ahead in their division. If they win next week, they clinch the division. The Ravens even have a very slim chance of moving up from the three seed to the two seed, but that would require they win next week and get help. 31-2 Ravensspan classApple-converted-space> /span>/p>p classp1>b>Seattle Seahawks at Chicago Bears was the Thursday night game. /b>The Seahawks came in one game back in their division. The Bears were done. 0 touchdowns were scored. Jason Myers kicked a 27 yard field goal for the Seahawks on their opening drive. Cairo Santos tied the game from 42 yards out with 2 1/2 minutes left in the half. Myers hit from 50 with 20 seconds left in the half. A horrendous effort saw the Bears finally reach a 1st and 10 at the Seattle 40 with 37 seconds left in the entire miserable game. Caleb Williams threw 3 straight incompletions. Rather than try a 58 yard field goal to tie the game, the Bears decided to go for it. Williams went deep and was intercepted with 20 seconds left to keep the second half scoreless. That was the entire game as league officials vowed to burn the tape so that future generations would never have to suffer through watching this wretched game. The 9-7 Seahawks still needed help to make the playoffs. They would not get it and would be eliminated by Sunday night. The 4-12 Bears lost their 10th straight. 6-3 Seahawks/p>p classp1>b>Los Angeles Chargers at New England Patriots was the Saturday morning game. /b>The Chargers needed only a win in one of their final two games to lock up a playoff Wildcard. The Patriots are done for the year. The Chargers took over at their own 9 yard line in the first quarter. Runs and short passes including runs of 5 and 6 by JK Dobbins had the Chargers facing 3rd and 2 at their own 35. Justin Herbert went to Ladd McConkey for 6 and to Hasan Haskins for 10. Jim Harbaugh went for it on 4th and 3 at the New England 42. Herbert went to McConkey for 5. Herbert went to Johnston for 19. Finally, Herbert hit Davis for a 23 yard touchdown. The 11 play, 91 yard, 6 minute drive made it 7-0 Chargers. The Chargers got it back at their own 24 and moved to a 4th and 5 at the New England 9 in the second quarter. Cameron Dicker hit a 27 yard fieldspan classApple-converted-space> /span>goal to make it 10-0 Chargers. After a touchback, a simple pitchout went horribly wrong when it was fumbled. The Chargers took over at the New England 44.Herbert went to Will Dissly for 7 and to McConkey for 10. On 3rd and 1 from the New England 10, Haskins gained 4. Herbert hit McConkey for a 6 yard touchdown to make it 17-0 Chargers.span classApple-converted-space> /span>/p>p classp1>The Patriots took over at their own 27. Drake Maye went to Kendrick Bourne for 18. Maye ran for 12. When the Chargers jumped offside, Maye realized he had a free play and threw deep into double coverage. Pop Douglas made a diving catch near the goal line and rolled over into he end zone before being touched for a 36 yard touchdown. The Patriots were within 17-7 with 1:25 left in the half. The Chargers after a touchback moved to a 3rd and 3 at the New England 44 with 28 seconds left. Herbert threw deep incomplete. Harbaugh went for it on 4th and 3. Herbert went to Smartt for 9 as the Chargers took their last timeout with 17 seconds left. A mindless unnecessary roughness penalty for a late shove on Herbert gifted the Chargers 15 yards. Dicker’s 38 yard field goal try barely snuck inside the right upright. In fact, it appeared the kick was no good. Yet officials ruled it good as the Chargers took a 20-7 lead to the locker rooms.span classApple-converted-space> /span>/p>p classp1>The second half was a formality. Early in the third quarter the Chargers took over at their own 6 yard line. On 3rd and 5, Herbert went to Johnston for 7. Herbert found Dissly for 14. On 3rd and 3 from their own 41, Herbert went to Palmer for 19. Herbert went deep to McConkey for a 40 yard touchdown. The 10 play, 94 yard, 5 1/2 minute drive had the Chargers up 27-7. Jerod Mayo gambled on 4th and 2 from his own 38. Maye was sacked for a 15 yard loss. Dicker hit a 41 yard field goal to make it 30-7 Chargers. Mayo went for it again on 4th and 7 from the Chargers 31. Maye was sacked again. On 3rd and 3 from their own 44, Dobbins gained 13 with a horse collar tackle adding 15 more. The fourth quarter began with the Chargers facing 3rd and 2 at the New England 20. Dobbins gained 8, 4 and 2. On 3rd and 4 from the New England 6, Herbert ran for 4. Dobbins ran for a 2 yard touchdown to make it 37-7 Chargers. Dicker tacked on a 35 yard field goal to complete the scoring. The 10-6 Chargers are officially in the playoffs. 40-7 Chargers/p>p classp1>b>Denver Broncos at Cincinnati Bengals was the Saturday afternoon game. /b>The 9-6 Broncos with a win in either of their final 2 games would make the playoffs as a wildcard. The 7-8 Bengals needed to win out and get help to have a chance at making the playoffs. The Broncos after an opening touchback moved to a 3rd and 2 at the Cincinnati 12. Bo Nix threw incomplete and Sean Payton was not in a gambling mood. Wil Lutz hit from 30 to make it 3-0 Broncos. The Bengals after a touchback moved to a 4th and 1 at the Denver 22. Zac Taylor went for it and Brown got stopped for no gain. The Bengals got it back at their own 27 and moved to a 1st and goal at the one. Burrow threw incomplete twice sandwiched around a run that lost a yard. On 4th and goal at the 2, Taylor gambled again. Burrow was sacked. The Bengals got it back at their own 38. Brown gained 5 and 8. Burrow went to Iosivas for 17, to Tee Higgins for 8, and to Jamarr Chase for 13. This time Burrow hit Higgins for the 2 yard touchdown. With 1:49 left in the half, the Bengals finally took the 7-3 lead. The Bengals moved from their own 28 in the first half to a 1st and goal at the 3. Burrow threw 3 straight incompletions. Cade York hit from 22 to make it 10-3 Bengals./p>p classp1>The Broncos after a touchback son faced 3rd and 1 at their own 39. Nix ran for 2. On 3rd and 2 from the Cincinnati 40, Nix went to Marvin Mims for 8. McLaughlin ran for 11 and 13. Nix went to Cortland Sutton for a 6 yard touchdown to cap the 12 play, 70 yard, 6 minute drive. The game was tied 10-10 with 3 minutes left in the third quarter. The Bengals took over at their own 37. On 3rd and 13 from their own 45, Burrow scrambled for 19 as the third quarter ended. Early in the fourth quarter Zac Taylor gambled on 4th and 2 at the Denver 28. Burrow hit Brown for 11. Burrow went to Higgins for a 12 yard touchdown. The Bengals led 17-10 with 11 1/2 minutes left in regulation. The Broncos took over at their own 25. Nix went to Sutton for 13. Nix then went bombs away to Mims, who beat the double coverage and caught a perfectly thrown ball for a 51 yard touchdown. With 9 minutes left, the game was tied again 17-17.span classApple-converted-space> /span>/p>p classp1>The Bengals after a touchback moved to a 3rd and 4 at midfield. Burrow went over the middle to Higgins, who had the ball chopped out of his hands by Patrick Surtain. Initially the call was ruled an incomplete pass. Sean Payton challenged the call and it was reversed to a fumble and a recovery by the Broncos at their own 40 with 5 minutes left. On 3rd and 15 from their own 46, Nix fired over the middle and was intercepted. The Bengals took over at their own 41 with 2 1/2 minutes left. Burrow immediately went deep to Chase for 38 yards. On 3rd and 6 from the Denver 17, Burrow went to Chase for 11. On 1st and goal at the 6, Chase Brown could have scored but purposely gave himself up at the one. Yet he injured himself on the slide and had to come out. The plan was to force the Broncos to use their timeouts, bleed the clock, and kick a field goal. Yet because of the injury the Broncos kept their last timeout. So the plan changed. Burrow took the quarterback sneak up the middle for the touchdown. The Bengals led by 7, but the Broncos after a touchback had 90 seconds and one timeout to make a comeback.span classApple-converted-space> /span>/p>p classp1>After a touchback, Nix went to Sutton for 15 and 14. With 14 seconds left the Broncos were down to their last gasp facing 4th and 1 from the Denver 25 with 14 seconds left. Nix rolled out to his right. With a defender in his face he threw a Hail Mary to Mims, who was blanketed by 2 defenders. All 3 players went up for the ball and Mims came down with it. Replay showed that Mims did not fully secure the ball until everyone was out of bounds. Yet it was ruled a touchdown. After initially deciding to go for 2 and the win, Sean Payton changed his mind and opted for the extra point. The game was tied 24-24 with 8 seconds left. The Bengals won the overtime coin toss and each team punted on their first drive. The Bengals took over at their own 46. Burrow went to Higgins for 6, to Mike Gesicki for 12, and to Higgins for 19. The Bengals were well within field goal range. Khalil Herbert, in for the injured Brown, ran for 8 as the Broncos took their 2 overtime timeouts on defense. On 3rd and 2 from the Denver 14, York came in for the 33 yard field goal try to win it. York doinked it off the left upright no good in front of a shellshocked home Cincinnati crowd. York was playing due to an injury to regular kicker Evan McPherson.span classApple-converted-space> /span>/p>p classp1>The Broncos took over with 2:43span classApple-converted-space> /span>left in overtime. Yet a tie game would automatically get the Broncos into the playoffs, so they could afford to be very conservative as long as the Bengals did not get the ball back. Now it was the Bengals taking their 2 overtime timeouts on defense. On 3rd and 9, a first down would let the Broncos run out the clock. The Bengals desperately needed a stop. A run would take the clock down to the 2 minute warning. Sean Payton called a pass and Nix threw incomplete. The Bengals had life. A relatively short 39 yard punt gave the Bengals the ball at their own 37 with 2:20 left in overtime. York prayed for a chance at redemption. Burrow fired to Iosivas for 16 as the clock hit the 2 minute warning. A pitchout to Herbert gained 13. Now a field goal try would be 53 yards. Rather than just gain a few more yards, Burrow went for it all and found Tee Higgins for a 31 yard gain down to the Denver 3 yard like with 1:10 left in overtime.span classApple-converted-space> /span>/p>p classp1>Rather than rely on a field goal try even from that short distance, Burrow fired to Higgins in the front corner of the end zone for the 3 yard touchdown. Despite being sacked 7 times, Burrow was a lights out 39 of 49 with 412 yards passing, 3 touchdowns, and 0 interceptions. Despite starting 0-3 and 1-4 and once sitting at 4-8, the Bengals have won 4 straight to get to 8-8. The Broncos were 9-5 and needed to win one of their last 3 games to make the postseason. Consecutive losses have the Broncos at 9-7. The Broncos still control their own destiny. If they win next week, they are in the playoffs. The downside is they will be playing 15-1 Kansas City. The upside is the game will be in Denver and Kansas City might be playing their backups having locked up the top seed. The Bengals still have a much tougher road. They need to go on the road next week and beat a Pittsburgh team with everything to play for. The Bengals also need other teams including Denver to lose. Nevertheless, this was a thrilling football game. 30-24 Bengals, OT/p>p classp1>b>Arizona Cardinals at Los Angeles Rams was the Saturday night game. /b>— The Cardinals ere done for the year. The 9-6 Rams had a one game lead in their division and looked to move one step closer to locking it up. The first quarter was scoreless. In the second quarter the Cardinals had 4th and 1 at the Rams 14. Jonathan Gannon went for it. James Conner got stuffed for no gain. After more defense, the Rams took over at their own 40 with 6 1/2 minutes left in the half. Matthew Stafford went to Cooper Kupp for 29. On 3rd and 10 from the Arizona 31, Stafford went to Puka Nacua for 15. Stafford ran for 12. On 3rd and goal at the one, Williams got in to make it 7-0 Rams with 3 1/2 minutes left. The Rams got it back at their own 23 with 1:41 left and moved to a 2nd and 3 at the Arizona 35 with 39 seconds left. Stafford threw incomplete twice. Joshua Harty hit from 53 to make it 10-0 Rams. The Cardinals began the third quarter facing 3rd and 2 at their own 40. Kyler Murray went to McBride for 14. On 3rd and 5 at the Rams 41, Murray found McBride for 7. Murray hit Wilson for 9 and then ran for 12 himself. On 3rd and goal at the 2, Murray threw incomplete but defensive holding meant a new set of downs. Murray hit McBride for a one yard touchdown. In a major play, the extra point attempt was blocked. The Cardinals trailed 10-6. The Cardinals got it back at their own 10 and moved to a 3rd and 4 at the Rams 10 early in the fourth quarter. Murray threw incomplete. Ryland hit from 28 to get the Cardinals within 10-9. The Rams moved from their own 33 to a 3rd and goal at the 7. Stafford threw incomplete. Harty hit the 25 yarder to put the Rams back up by 4 with 6 1/2 minutes left in regulation. With 3:15 to play on 4th and 10 from the Rams 40, Murray went deep and was intercepted. The Arizona defense held and the Cardinals got it back at their own 36 with 2:01 left. The Cardinals moved to a 1st and goal at the 5 with 42 seconds left. Then came chaos. Murray rifled a pass that was batted up in the air. Witherspoon made a diving interception. While the nose of the ball hit the ground, Withersppn never lost control. The rule now allows the ball to hit the ground as long as possession is maintained. Officials also missed defensive holding on the play. The Rams took over at their own one. The Cardinals only had 2 timeouts left. On 3rd down in the shadow of his own goal, Stafford took a knee out of the end zone to avoid a safety. It was harrowing, but the 10-6 Rams got one step closer to clinching their division pending the outcome of other games. The blocked extra point was the difference. By Sunday night, the results of other games went the Rams way. The Rams clinched the NFC West. 13-9 Rams/p>p classp1>b>New York Jets at Buffalo Bills /b>— The Jets are done for the year. The Bills with a win would lock up the two seed although the top seed is out of reach. After an opening touchback, the Bills faced 3rd and 5 at their own 35. Josh Allen hit Shakir for 12. On 2nd and 17span classApple-converted-space> /span>from their own 45, Allen threw incomplete but defensive illegal contact meant 5 yards and a new set of downs. On 3rd and 13 from their own 47, Allen went to Mack Hollins for 23. Allen went back to Hollins for 10 and to Kincaid for 11. On 2nd and goal at the 6, Allen threw incomplete but defensive pass interference meant 1st and goal at the one. Allen got in to make it 7-0 Bills. The Jets moved from their own 28 to a 4th and 1 at the Buffalo 24. Jeff Ulbrich went for it and Allen got stopped for no gain. In the second quarter the Jets moved from their own 26 to a 2nd and 8 at the Buffalo 12. Aaron Rodgers was intercepted. The Jets got it back at their own 5. From their own 2 on 2nd and 13, Rodgers was sacked in the end zone for a safety. With 2 1/2 minutes left in the half the Bills led 9-0. The Bills took the free kick at their own 32 and moved to a 4th and 2 at the Jets 21 with 2 seconds left. Tyler Bass hit the 39 yard field goal to make it 12-0 Bills. Midway through the third quarter of a game that was still close, On 3rd and 19 from the Buffalo 41, Rodgers was intercepted. Benford returned the pick 24 yards with another 15 tacked on for unnecessary roughness against Rodgers of all people. From the Jets 38, the Bills turned out the lights. On 2nd and 14 from the Jets 30, Allen went to Amari Cooper for the touchdown to make it 19-0 Bills. A 25 yard punt return gave the Bills a short field at the Jets 37. Allen hit Kincaid for 13. Defensive unnecessary roughness added 10. Cook ran for 4 and then the one yard touchdown to make it 26-0 Bills. On the very next play from scrimmage, the Jets fumbled a swing pass and the Bills recovered at the Jets 15. On 3rd and 9, Allen went to Coleman for the touchdown to make it 33-0 Bills. The fourth quarter began with Josh Allen being given the rest of the day off to prepare for the playoffs. Mitchell Trubisky took over at his own 35. On his third play from scrimmage on 3rd and 14, a short pass from Trubisky to Shavers saw Shavers break several attempts at tackling and race down the sideline for a 69 yard touchdown to make it 40-0 Bills.span classApple-converted-space> /span>Only after Rodgers headed to the bench did the Jets show any signs of life as backup Tyrod Taylor led a couple of garbage time scoring drives. The Bills locked up the two seed. 40-14 Bills/p>p classp1>b>Tennessee Titans at Jacksonville Jaguars /b>— This week’s Stupor Bowl between 3-12 teams is for Draft position. The Jaguars took over at their own 32 and moved to a 3rd and 5 at their own 30. Mac Jones threw incomplete. Little hit the 48 yard field goal to make it 3-0 Jaguars. A second quarter interception of Mason Rudolph gave the Jaguars a short field at the Tennessee 43. Jones went to Thomas for 17. Thomas ran for 18. Jones went to Washington for a 2 yard touchdown to make it 10-0 Jaguars. The Jaguars got it back at their own 20 and moved to a 1st and 10 at the Tennessee 26. Jones threw 3 straight incompletions. Little hit from 44 to make it 13-0 Jaguars. The Titans took over at their own 29 at the 2 minute warning. They moved to a 4th and 4 at the Jacksonville 21 with 3 seconds left. Matt Wright hit from 39 to get the Titans on the board. The Titans began the third quarter facing 3rd and 2 at their own 23. Rudolph went to Okonkwo for 18. Spears ran for 12. Spears then fumbled but Calvin Ridley picked it up for the offense and gained 19. On 3rd and 8 from the Jacksonville 45, Rudolph went to Ridley for 19. On 3rd and 2 from the Jacksonville 18, Spears got just enough. On 3rd and 2 from the Jacksonville 8, Rudolph went to Vannett for the touchdown The 13 play, 85 yard, 8 minute drive had the Titans within 13-10. The Jaguars took over at their own 26 late in the third quarter. Travis Etienne ran for 8 and 2. Offensive penalties had the Jaguars facing 1st and 25 at their own 21 to start the fourth quarter. Jones hit Thomas for 9 and Washington for 24. On 3rd and 1 from the Tennessee 37, Jones gained 2. On 3rd and 1 from the Tennessee 26, Jones again gained 2. On 3rd and 1 from the Tennessee 15, Tyler Bigsby gained 4. On 3rd and 10 from the Tennessee 11, Jones went to Thomas for the touchdown. The staggering 16 play, 74 yard, 9 minute drive had the Jaguars up 20-10 midway through the fourth quarter. After a touchback the Titans moved to a 4th and 9 at the Jacksonville 10. Needing 2 scores, Brian Callahan opted for the field goal. Wright hit from 28 to get the Titans within 7 with 2:02 to play. The Titans held on defense and forced a 3 and out. The Titans took over at their own 26 with 90 seconds left. They reached a 1st and 10 at the Jacksonville 26 with 30 seconds left. Rudolph threw 4 straight incompletions. 20-13 Jaguars/p>p classp1>b>Carolina Panthers at Tampa Bay Buccaneers /b>— The Panthers are done for the year. The 8-7 Buccaneers are tied atop their division but do not hold the tie-breaker. They need to win and get help to make the playoffs. After an opening touchback, Irving ran for 6, 10 and 12. Baker Mayfield went deep to Durham for 31. Mayfield went to Mike Evans for a 2 yard touchdown to make it 7-0 Buccaneers. After a touchback Bryce Young went deep to Adam Thielen for 31. Young went to Coker for 15 and back Thielen for a 17 yard touchdown to make it 7-7. The Buccaneers moved from their own 20 to a 1st and goal at the 2. Irving got stopped for no gain and then lost a yard. On 3rd and goal at the 3, Mayfield was sacked. Chase McLaughlin hit the 23 yarder to make it 10-7 Buccaneers. The Buccaneers in the second quarter moved from their own 39 to a 3rd and 8 at the Carolina 16. Mayfield threw incomplete. McLaughlin hit from 34 to make it 13-7 Buccaneers. The Buccaneers got it back at their own 19. Irving ran for 34 and caught a pass from Mayfield for 42 down to the one. From there, Mayfield went to Evans for the touchdown to make it 20-7 Buccaneers. The Buccaneers got it back at their own 36. Roughing the passer added 15. An offensive penalty and a sack had the Buccaneers facing 2nd and 27 at their own 34. Mayfield went to Miller for 23. On 3rd and 4, Mayfield hit Evans for 10. On 3rd and 4 from the Carolina 27, Irving gained 5 and 9 as the clock hit the 2 minute warning. Mayfield went to McMillan for a 10 yard touchdown. With 1:11 left in the half, the Buccaneers were dominating up 27-7.span classApple-converted-space> /span>/p>p classp1>After a touchback on 3rd and 5 from their ow 35, Young went to Leggette for 10. On the next play Young went deep to Thielen for a 40 yard touchdown. The Panthers were within 27-14. The Panthers got it back quickly but Eddie Pineiro’s 53 yard field goal try to end the half was no good. In the third quarter the Buccaneers took over at their own 6 yard line. On 3rd and 1, McMillan gained 9. Mayfield went deep to Evans for 34 and to Irving for 16 and 15. On 3rd and goal at the 5, Mayfield hit Durham for the touchdown to make it 34-14 Buccaneers. The Panthers tried to punt and Johnny Hekker had his punt blocked. JJ Russell picked it up and raced 23 yards for another touchdown to make it 41-14 Buccaneers. The Buccaneers got it back and moved 85 yards. On 3rd and 2 from the Carolina 16, Mayfield went to McMillan for the touchdown 90 seconds into the fourth quarter to complete the carpet-bombing. The 9-7 Buccaneers awaited results of other games knowing they were still alive. By Sunday night, the other games went the Buccaneers way. They had a one game lead in the division, If they win next week, they win their division and are in the playoffs. 48-14 Buccaneers/p>p classp1>b>Las Vegas Raiders at New Orleans Saints /b>— Both teams are done for the year. Derek Carr did not get his chance to make NFL history by losing to all 32 NFL teams. His injured hand has not healed. He is still out. Spencer Rattler started in his place. The Raiders team plane had mechanical issues. They did not arrive in New Orleans until late Saturday night. After snapping their 10 game losing streak last week, the Raiders began this game in promising fashion. A statement drive took 17 plays. From their own 27, they moved 69 yards. They took 9 minutes off the clock. On 3rd and 4 from the New Orleans 13, a short pass from Aidan O’Connell to Amir Abdullah saw him leap for the pylon for the touchdown. Yet Darren Rizzi challenged the score. On further review, Abdullah was down inside the one. Yet even 1st and goal at the one is too much to ask of these Raiders. The conclusion was inevitable. Abdullah got stopped for no gain. Then he got taken down for a 2 yard loss. On 3rd and goal at the 3, O’Connell was sacked. Daniel Carlson hit the 31 yard field goal for a 3-0 Raiders lead. Yet for a team that frequently sputters on offense after their opening drive, it was not a good sign. This team cannot run the ball.span classApple-converted-space> /span>/p>p classp1>After a touchback on their first play from scrimmage, Rattler ripped off a 28 yard gain. The saints moved to a 2nd and 6 at the Raiders 38. Rattler found a receiver over the middle, but he got blasted and dropped the ball for an incompletion. On 3rd and 6 Miller gained nothing. A field goal would be 56 yards so Darren Rizzi decided to go for it. After a false start, Rizzi opted to punt. The Raiders took over at their own 6 and soon faced 3rd and 7 at their own 9. O’Connell went to Alexander Mattison for what appeared to be an 8 yard gain. A horrendous spot reduced it to a 6 yard gain and 4t and 1. Antonio Pierce challenged the spot and lost. The Raiders punted. A 21 yard punt return had the Saints starting at midfield. Rattler went to Miller for 16. On the first play of the second quarter, Rizzi went to his bag of tricks. A perfectly executed flea flicker saw Rattler go deep to a wide open Foster Moreau. The former Raiders tight end caught the ball for a Big Easy 30 yard touchdown and a 7-3 Saints lead.span classApple-converted-space> /span>/p>p classp1>The Raiders moved from their own 26 to a 3rd and 5 at the New Orleans 21. O’Connell threw incomplete. Carlson hit from 39 to get the Raiders within 7-6. The Saints after a touchback moved to a 3rd and 10 at the Raiders 40. Rattler went deep to Johnson for what might have been 39 yards and down to the one, although Johnson did roll over into the end zone before being touched. It didn’t matter as offensive holding wiped out the gain. The Saints ended up punting and another great punt pinned the Raiders at their own 5 yard line. On 2nd and 12 Abdullah broke free for a 17 yard gain. O’Connell went to Bowers for 13. On 3rd and 5 from their own 38 at the 2 minute warning, O’Connell went deep to Jakobi Meyers for 29. O’Connellspan classApple-converted-space> /span>went to Bowers for 17. Abdullah ran for 13. On 1st and goal at the 3, a play action pass saw O’Connell hit Meyers for the touchdown. With one minute left in the half the Raiders led 13-7. After a touchback that was plenty of time for the Saints. They moved to a 2nd and 9 at the Raiders 16 with 9 seconds left in the half. Rattler threw deep incomplete, leaving only 3 seconds. Blake Grupe hit the 34 yard field goal. Despite being dominated statistically, the Saints only trailed 13-10.span classApple-converted-space> /span>/p>p classp1>The Raiders took over at their own 15 in the third quarter and moved to a 3rd and 5 at the New Orleans 37. A designed draw play to Abdullah gained only one yard. Carlson nailed the 54 yard field goal to make it 16-10 Raiders. The Raiders got it back at their own 39 and moved to a 3rd and 3 at the New Orleans 7 to start the fourth quarter. O’Connell threw incomplete. Carlson hit his 4th field goal from 25 to make it 19-10 Raiders. After a touchback the Saints moved to a 2nd and 6 at midfield. Rattler went to Wilson for 16, but the gain was wiped out by offensive holding. On the next play Rattler was intercepted by Jack Jones. The Raiders had a short field at the New Orleans 40. On 3rd and 5 O’Connell went to Bowers for 13. On 3rd and 6 from the New Orleans 18, O’Connell backpedaled and threw a prayer to the corner of the end zone. Tre Tucker came down with it for a touchdown with 8 1/2 minutes left in regulation. With 3 minutes left in regulation the Saints took over at their own 10. The Saints moved to a 3rd and 2 at the Raiders 20 with 1:12 left. Rattler went to Johnson for 16 but the gain was wiped out by offensive pass interference. On the next play Rattler was intercepted by Harper. The Raiders defense pitched a second half shutout. A tee 10 straight losses, the Raiders have won 2 straight in what was their most complete team win to date. Brock Bowers broke Mike Ditka’s record for yards by a rookie tight end that had stood for decades. Bowers also set a rookie record for most receptions by a tight end in a season. These records were accomplished 16 games, not in 17. Bowers still has one week to add to his totals. 25-10 Raidersspan classApple-converted-space> /span>/p>p classp1>b>Dallas Cowboys at Philadelphia Eagles /b>— The Cowboys are done for the year. The 12-3 Eagles enter this game the two seed. With a win the Eagles lock up their division. The Eagles need to win and get help to have a shot at the top seed. They would have to do it without Jalen Hurts, who was out with a concussion. Kenny Pickett got the start. After an opening touchback the Cowboys moved to a 3rd and 3 at the Dallas 35. Yet Rush was then intercepted by Gardner-Johnson, who returned the pick 65 yards for a defensive touchdown and a 7-0 Eagles lead. After a touchback on 3rd and 1 from their own 39, Rush gained 2. Rush hit Brooks for 12. On 3rd and 9 from the Philadelphia 34, Rush went to Cooks for 22. On 3rd and 7 from the Philadelphia 9, Rush threw incomplete but defensive holding meant 5 yards and an automatic first down. Rush went to Jalen Tolbert for a 4 yard touchdown to make it 7-7. In the second quarter the Eagles took over at their own 19. On 3rd and 2 from their own 37, Saquon Barkley gained 7. On 3rd and 8 from their own 46, Pickett went to Calcaterra for 34. Pickett went to Smith for a 22 yard touchdown to make it 14-7 Eagles. On the first play from scrimmage after a touchback, the Cowboys fumbled the ball away. The Eagles took over at the Dallas 39 and moved to a 2nd and 9 at the Dallas 13. Pickett threw incomplete twice. Jake Elliott hit a 31 yard field goal to have the Eagles up 17-7 with 1:55 left in the half.span classApple-converted-space> /span>/p>p classp1>The Cowboys took over at their own 26. On 3rd and 6 from their own 42, Rush was intercepted. It was Gardner-Johnson again, and he returned the pick 25 yards to his own 35. Barkley gained 15. Pickett went deep to Smith for a 49 yard gain down to the one. Pickett got the yard to have the Eagles up 24-7 at the break. In the third quarter the Eagles moved from their own 33 to a 2nd and goal at the 7. Barkley got stopped and a touchdown pass by Pickett was nullified by offensive holding. Elliott hit the 26 yard field goal to make it 27-7 Eagles. Yet in the third quarter Pickett got injured and had to leave the game. The Eagles 3rd string quarterback Tanner McKee came in having never taken an NFL snap. With a 20 point lead, handing the ball to Barkley on every pay seemed ideal. Barkley gained 9 and 23. On 3rd and 8 from the Dallas 20, McKee went to AJ Brown, who made a leaping touchdown catch. In his very first NFL game, McKee had a touchdown pass as the Eagles led 34-7. The Eagles began the fourth quarter at their own 25 after recovering a Cowboys fumble. On 2nd and 12 from the Dallas 25, McKee went to Smith for his McKee’s 2nd NFL touchdown to complete the blowout. The Eagles clinched the NFC East and the two seed. Based on the results of other games, the top seed and 1st round bye is out of reach.span classApple-converted-space> /span>41-7 Eaglesspan classApple-converted-space> /span>/p>p classp1>b>Indianapolis Colts at New York Giants /b>— The Giants are done for the year. With 2 more losses the 2-13 Giants are guaranteed the top pick in the Draft.span classApple-converted-space> /span>The 7-8 Colts need to win out and get help to make the playoffs. The Colts had to do so without Anthony Richardson, who is out for this game injured. Joe Flacco started in his place. Early on Flacco was intercepted. The Colts got it back and moved from their own 37 to a 3rd and 2 at the Giants 10. Flacco was sacked. Matt Gay hit a 32 yard field goal to make it 3-0 Colts. After a touchback, Tyrone Tracy ripped off a 40 yard gain. On 3rd and 14 from the Indianapolis 31, Drew Lock went to Nabors for the touchdown and the 7-3 Giants lead.In the second quarter Gay missed a 54 yard field goal try. The Giants took over at their own 44. Lock went to Nabers for 19. On 3rd and 8 from the Indianapolis 32. Lock went to Darrius Slayton for the touchdown as the Giants had the surprising 14-3 lead. The Colts after a touchback moved to a 3rd and 9 at the Giants 11. Flacco threw incomplete. Gay hit from 29 to get the Colts within 14-6. After a touchback Singletary ran for 5 and 13. Lock went deep to Nabers for 34. On 2nd and goal at the 20 after an offensive penalty, Lock went to Nabers for 19. After a false start, on 3rd and goal at the 5, Lock went to Robinson for the touchdown.With 6 minutes left in the half, the worst team in football had a 21-6 Giants lead.span classApple-converted-space> /span>/p>p classp1>The Colts after a touchback faced 3rd and 1 at their own 39. Jonathan Taylor gained 2. Flacco went to Pierce and Pittman for a pair of 13 yard gains. On 3rd and 2 from the Giants 25, Taylor gained 12. On 4th and 5 from the Giants 8 with one minute left in the half, Shane Steichen went for it. Flacco hit Granson for 6. Taylor ran for a 3 yard touchdown with 20 seconds left to get the Colts within 21-13. Yet the Giants gave the home crowd a thunderbolt of energy when Smith-Marsette returned the second half kickoff 100 yards for a touchdown and a 28-13 Giants lead. After a touchback Flacco went to Pittman for 19. Taylor ran for 6, 5, 9 and 0. On 3rd and 1 from the Giants 25, Taylor got it again and ran for the touchdown. Just like that, the Colts were back in it down 28-20. The Colts got it back at their own 26 and moved to a 3rd and 1 at the Giants 23. Taylor got stopped for no gain and Shane Steichen went for it. Taylor got the carry again up the gut and ran into a brick Big Blue wall for no gain. The Giants moved from their own 22 to a 4th and 1 at their own 42. Brian Daboll went for it and this time it was Tracy running into the teeth of the defense for no gain. In the fourth quarter the Colts took over at their own 39. Flacco went to Pittman for 14. Defensive pass interference added 19. On 3rd and 3 from the Giants 13, Flacco went to Alex Pierce, who out-jumped the defender for the touchdown. The 2 point conversion try to tie the game failed but the Colts were within 28-26. span classApple-converted-space> /span>/p>p classp1>After a touchback the Giants soon faced 3rd and 3 at their own 37. Lock went to Robinson for 4. Lock then found Naebers, who escaped everyone for a 59 yard touchdown. With 8 1/2 minutes left ire gelatin the Giants led 35-26. After a touchback, Flacco quickly went to Pierce for a 49 yard gain. Flacco hit Downs for 10. On 3rd and 6 from the Giants 7, Flacco went to Pittman for the touchdown. With 6 1/2 minutes left, the Colts were right back in it down 35-33. After a touchback and a 6 yard defensive pass interference penalty, Lock went to Robinson for 18. On 3rd and 8 from the Indy 44, Lock went to Robinson for a 35 yard gain. On 3rd and goal at the 5, Lock ran for the touchdown. The Giants again had breathing room up 42-33 with 3 minutes left. On the first play from scrimmage after a touchback, Flacco was intercepted. Phillips returned the pick 25 yards to the indy 17. After 6 touchdowns, this time the Giants settled for a 30 yard Graham Gano field goal. After another touchback, Flacco was sacked and fumbled. The Giants took over at the Indianapolis 22 with 1:53 left. Lock took 3 knees. The Giants snapped their 10 game losing streak. They may no longer end up with the top Draft pick, but thankfully there is no tanking in the NFL. Teams try to win. As for the Colts, it was a bitter defeat. At 7-9, they are eliminated from the playoffs. 45-33 Giantsspan classApple-converted-space> /span>/p>p classp1>b>Miami Dolphins at Cleveland Browns /b>— The Browns are done for the year. The 7-8 Dolphins need to win and out and get help to make the playoffs. They would have to do so without Tua Tagovailoa, who is out of this game with an injured hip. Tyler Huntley got the start in his place. A hideous first half saw Jason Sanders hit a 54 yard first quarter field goal for the Dolphins. Dustin Hopkins answered from 25 early in the second quarter. Sanders hit from 39 to end the half with the Dolphins up 6-3. The Dolphins took over at their own 28 in the third quarter. Tyler Huntley went to Tyreek Hill for 13 with 15 more tacked on for a defensive facemark. Huntley went to Washington for 15. On 3rd and 8 from the Cleveland 29, Huntley found Cracraft for 16. Huntley ran for a 13 yard touchdown to make it 13-3 Dolphins. With 4 minutes left in regulation Kevin Stefanski gambled on 4th and 5 from his own 18 yard line. Dorian Thompson-Robinson completed a pass for only 3 yards. Huntley hit Hill for 13. Huntley went to Smith for a 7 yard complete the scoring. The 8-8 Dolphins are still alive, but they must win next week and get help to make the playoffs. 20-3 Dolphins/p>p classp1>b>Green Bay Packers at Minnesota Vikings /b>— The 11-4 Packers and 13-2 Vikings are both in the playoffs. The Packers are a Wildcard. The Vikings are tied atop their division and the conference but they do not hold the tie-breaker. The Vikings need to win and get help to grab the top seed. In the first quarter will Reichard missed a 57 yard field goal try for the Vikings. The Packers reached a 3rd and 7 at the Minnesota 8. Jordan Love threw incomplete. Brandon McManus hit from 22 to make it 3-0 Packers. The Vikings took over at their own 23. Aaron Jones ran for 5 and 9. The second quarter began with the Vikings facing 3rd and 4 at their own 43. Sam Darnold went to Jordan Addison for a pair of 13 yard gains. Darnold went deep to Nailor for a 31 yard touchdown and a 7-3 Vikings lead. After a touchback the Packers moved to a 4th and 2 at the Minnesota 23. Rather than kick a 41 yard field goal, Matt LaFleur gambled and Love thew incomplete. The Vikings moved from their own 24 to a 3rd and goal at the 7. Darnold threw incomplete. Reichard hit from 25 to make it 10-3 Vikings with 2:16 left in the half. The Vikings got it back at their own 16 with 1:16 left. They moved to a 3rd and 3 at the Green Bay 37 with 4 seconds left. From 55 yards out, Reichard was no good. Yet the defense jumped offsides. Given another chance from 50, Reichard was good as the Vikings took a 13-3 lead to the locker rooms. After a third quarter touchback the Vikings faced 3rd and 3 at their own 37. Darnold hit Jones for 4. On 3rd and 8 from their own 43, Darnold went to Nailor for 22. Darnold went to Justin Jefferson for 7 and 15 and to Addison for an 18 yard touchdown. 20 unanswered points had the Vikings cruising up 20-3./p>p classp1>The Vikings got it back and this time Darnold was intercepted. Valentine returned the pick 31 yards to the Minnesota 16. Josh Jacobs ran for a 2 yard touchdown to get the Packers within 20-10. After a touchback Darnold hit Jones for 7, Jefferson for 6, Jones for 13, and Addison for 20. Jones ran for 13. Darnold went to Cam Akers for a 9 yard touchdown to have the Vikings up 27-10 after three quarters. With 9 minutes left in regulation, a 43 yard field goal that would have extended the lead doinked off the upright for Reichard no good. The Packers soon faced 3rd and 10 at their own 33. Love went to melton for 13 and to Kraft for 35. On 3rd and 6 from the Minnesota 15, Love went to Romeo Doubs for just enough. Wilson ran for a 5 yard touchdown. Matt LaFleur decided on a pointless 2 point conversion try. It succeeded as Love hit Doubs to have the Packers within 27-18 with 6:12 to play in regulation. The Packers got it back and soon faced 3rd and 7 at their own 31. Love went to Doubs for 13. On 3rd and 1 from the Minnesota 19, Love went to wicks for 18 down to the one. After a loss, Love went to Heath for a 3 yard touchdown. The Packers were right back in it down 27-25 with 2:18 to play. After a touchback, Darnold went to Ham for 13 as the clock hit the 2 minute warning. The Packers took their timeouts on defense. Everything came down to 3rd and 2 just past midfield. with everyone expecting a run, a play action pass saw Darnold roll out and toss a soft lob to a wide open Akers. Akers nearly fell down, but he barely caught the ball at his shoe strings for the first down. Darnold then took 3 knees. Darnold finished 33 of 43 for 377 yards, 3 touchdowns and one interception. The 14-2 Vikings have a showdown next week at Detroit. It is winner take all for the division and the conference with the first round bye. The loser of that game is the Wildcard. The 11-5 Packers are locked in as a Wildcard. 27-25 Vikingsspan classApple-converted-space> /span>/p>p classp1>b>Atlanta Falcons at Washington Commanders was the Sunday night game. /b>The 8-7 Falcons are tied atop their division. They hold the tie-breaker but have not clinched anything. If the Falcons win out, they win their division and go to the playoffs. The 10-5 Commanders are in the driver’s seat for a Wildcard but have not yet clinched a playoff spot. A win in either of their final 2 games would clinch a Wildcard. Their division became out of reach earlier in the day. An early inception of Michael Penix was returned 29 yards by Martin to set up the Commanders at the Atlanta 38. Jayden Daniels went to Zaccheaus for 12 and 9. On 4th and 2 from the Atlanta 7, Dan Quinn went for it. Daniels went to Zaccheaus for the touchdown to make it 7-0 Commanders. After a touchback Bijan Robinson gained 13. Penix went to Pitts for 23. On 4th and 4 from the Washington 28, Riley Patterson hit the 46 yard field goal, but the defense jumped offsides. Raheem Morris took the points off the board. Penix hit London for 13. On 3rd and goal at the 6, Penix through incomplete but defensive pass interference meant 1st and goal at the one. Robinson got in for a 7-7 game. In the second quarter the Commanders moved from their own 28 to a 1st and 10 at the Atlanta 12. After offensive holding, Daniels was intercepted. The Falcons took over at their own 28. Tyler Allgeier ran for 8 and 5. Penix hit London for 14. Robinson gained 5 and 12. Allgeier gained 6 and roughing the passer added 10. Robinson gained 8, 3, and finally the one yard touchdown to make it 14-7 Falcons with 4 1/2 minutes left in the half. The Falcons got it back at their own 28 with 1:52 left in the half. The Falcons moved to a 2nd and 7 at the Washington 21 with 16 seconds left. Penix threw incomplete twice, leaving 2 seconds. Patterson hit from 39 to have the Falcons up 17-7 at the intermission.span classApple-converted-space> /span>/p>p classp1>The Commanders began the third quarter at their own 31. On 3rd and 22 from their own 19, Daniels was sacked but defensive illegal contact meant 5 yards and an automatic first down. Brian Robinson gained 10. Zaccheays gained 11. Daniels went to Zac Ertz for 37. On 3rd and 5 from the Atlanta 34, Daniels gained 9. On 4th and 1 from the Atlanta 16, Dan Quinn went for it. Daniels gained 4. On 3rd and 8 from the Atlanta 10, Daniels went to hertz for the touchdown. The 15 play, 69 yard, 7 1/2 minute drive had the Commanders within 17-14. After a touchback Daniels ran for 13 and again for 18. On 4th and 5 from the Atlanta 39, Quinn gambled again rather than try a 57 yard field goal. Daniels hit McNichols for 6. Zaccheays caught a pass from Daniels for 6 and ran for 8 himself. On 3rd and 1 from the Atlanta 10, Rodriguez gained 2. Rodgriuez ran for a 2 yard touchdown early in the fourth quarter to have the Commanders up 21-17. The Commanders got it back at their own 36 and moved to a 1st and goal at the one looking to put in the dagger. On 3rd and goal at the 2, a touchdown pass from Daniels to Zaccheaus was nullified by offensive holding. Zane Gonzalez hit a 31 yard field goal. 17 unanswered second half points had the Commanders up 24-17, but they did not slam the door shut.span classApple-converted-space> /span>/p>p classp1>The Falcons took over at their own 32 with 4 1/2 minutes left. On 4th and 11 from midfield with 2 1/2 minutes left, Penix went to London for 31. On 1st and goal at the 5, a wild snap sailed over Penix’s head. By the time Penix recovered it, it was a 21 yard loss. The Falcons faced 2nd and goal from the 26 at the 2 minute warning. On 4th and goal at the 13, Penix fired over the middle to Pitts for the touchdown. Raheem Morris took no chances on a 2 point try. The extra point tied the game 24-24 with 80 seconds left.span classApple-converted-space> /span>The Commanders went 3 and out when a 3rd and 10 pass to Zaccheays was just dropped. The Falcons took over at their 19 with 40 seconds left. On 3rd and 10 from their own 44 with 7 seconds left, the defense jumped. On 3rd and 5 under heavy pressure, Penix threw incomplete but defensive pass interference meant 1st and 10 at the Washington 38. With 2 seconds left, Patterson came in for a 56 yard try to win it. Patterson’s kick was dead center but a bit short no good. The Commanders won the overtime coin toss. After a touchback and a false start, Daniels had a pair of 7 yard runs sandwiched around a 10 yard completion to Ertz. On 3rd and 2 from midfield, Daniels ran for 16. Daniels hit Rodriguez for 12. On 3rd and goal at the 2 with 2:45 left in overtime, Dan Quinn called timeout to give Daniels a chance to catch his breath. A touchdown would end the game but a field goal would give the Falcons a chance with the ball. Daniels fired over the middle to Ertz, who caught the ball just above the ground and hung on for dear life. Touchdown. Ballgame. The 11-5 Commanders are in the playoffs. The 8-8 Falcons are one game back in their division. They need to win next week and have Tampa Bay lose to make the playoffs. Otherwise they are out. In a special life note, after the game Commanders special teamer Jeremy Reaves proposed to his girlfriend on the sideline and is now an engaged man. 30-24 Commanders, OT/p>p classp1>b>Detroit Lions at San Francisco 49ers is the Monday night game. /b>This is the rematch of last year’s NFC Title Game. The Lions had a big lead but the 49ers came storming back.b> /b>This year the 49ers crashed and burned, and are done for the year. Meanwhile the 13-2 Lions are tied atop their division and the conference. The Lions hold the tie-breaker. This was almost a meaningless game for them. Whether they win or lose, their home game next week against Minnesota will decide if they win the division and the top seed in the conference with the first round bye. Yet Dan Campbell said the Lions would be going full throttle and not resting starters. The 49ers began at their own 39. Brock Purdy went to Conley for 13. Deebo Samuel ran for 9 and Purdy hit George Kittle for 18. On 4th and 1 from the Detroit 5, Kyle Shanahan went for it and Purdy gained 2. Purdy went to Pearsall for a 3 yard touchdown to make it 7-0 49ers. The Lions soon faced 3rd and 2 at their own 43. Jahmyr Gibbs gained 6 and 21. Jared Goff went to Reynolds for 26. On 3rd and goal at the 3 Williams got in for the touchdown. The extra point was blocked as the Lions trailed 7-6.span classApple-converted-space> /span>/p>p classp1>After a touchback the 49ers faced 3rd and 4 at their own 41. Purdy hit Pearsall for 14. Guerendo gained 11. Purdy hit Kittle for 20. On the first play of the second quarter, Purdy hit Kyle Juszczky for a 9 yard touchdown to make it 14-6 49ers. The Lions soon faced 3rd and 3 at their own 32. Goff hit Sam LaPorta for 6. Gibbs gained 15. On 3rd and 12 from the San Francisco 41, Goff connected with Amra St Brown for the touchdown to have the Lions within 14-13. After a touchback Purdy hit Jennings for 9. On 3rd and 7 just past midfield, Purdy went deep to Pearsall for 40. Purdy ran for a 9 yard touchdown. 3 touchdowns on their first 3 drives had the 49ers up 21-13 with 6 minutes left in the half. After a touchback the Lions moved to a 4th and 3 at the San Francisco 8. Goff threw incomplete. The 49ers took over with 1:13 left in the half and moved to a 3rd and 2 at the Detroit 30 with 20 seconds left. Purdy went to Kittle but offensive pass interference nullified the gain. On the last play of the half, Jake Moody’s 51 yard field goal try to extend the lead was no good./p>p classp1>The Lions began the third quarter at their own 34. Goff went to St Brown for 13 and 6. On 3rd and 5 from the San Francisco 48, Goff went to Williams for 12. On 3rd and 5 from the San Francisco 31, Goff went to Robinson for 21. On 3rd and goal at the 6, Goff went to LaPorta for the touchdown. Dan Campbell went for 2 and Goff hit Patrick for a 21-21 game. The 49ers took over at their own 16. Purdy hit Jennings for 13. Purdy went to Pearsall for 39 and to Kittle for 22. Purdy hit Deebo Samuel for a 5 yard touchdown to put the 49ers back up 28-21.span classApple-converted-space> /span>/p>p classp1>The Lions after a touchback moved to a 3rd and 3 at the San Francisco 26. Goff was sacked. Dan Campbell went with a 57 yard field goal try and Jeremy Bates delivered to have the Lions within 28-24. Purdy went deep from midfield and was intercepted. The Lions took over with a short field at the San Francisco 43. Goff went to Reynolds for 9 and St Brown for 13. On 4th and goal at the 4, rather than just kick the field goal, Campbell gambled again. Goff hit St Brown for the touchdown to have the Lions up 31-28. Early in the fourth quarter kyle Shanahan tried a 58 yard field goal to tie the game. Moody was no good. Bates connected from 42 to have the Lions up 34-28 with 10 1/2 minutes left in regulation. Another interception of Purdy gave the Lions the ball at their own 38. Gibbs ran for 8 and 4. On 3rd and 2 from the San Francisco 30, Gibbs took an end around all the way for the touchdown. The extra point was no good but the Lions led 40-28. Purdy got knocked out with 1:36 left. Joshua Dobbs finished the game. Dobbs ran for a 7 yard touchdown with 43 seconds left. Moody’s bad night continued as he missed the extra point and drilled the onside kick out of bounds. The 14-2 Lions are at home next week for their showdown with Minnesota. The division, the conference, and the first round bye with home field advantage throughout the playoffs, it’s winner take all. 40-34 Lions/p>script typetext/javascript> !-- //OBSTART:do_NOT_remove_this_comment var OutbrainPermaLink; if(typeof(OB_Script)!undefined){OutbrainStart();} else { var OB_PlugInVer7.0.0.0_Regular;;var OB_raterModestars;var OB_recModerec;var OBITm1224169547;var OB_Scripttrue;var OB_langJS;document.write(unescape(%3Cscript src typetext/javascript%3E%3C/script%3E));} //OBEND:do_NOT_remove_this_comment //--> /script> /div> p classpostmetadata> Posted in a href relcategory tag>SPORTS/a> | span>Comments Closed/span>/p> /div> div classnavigation> div classalignleft>a href >« Older Entries/a>/div> div classalignright>/div> /div> /div> div idsidebar rolecomplementary> ul> li idlinkcat-142 classwidget widget_links>h2 classwidgettitle>BUSINESS/h2> ul classxoxo blogroll>li>a href relnoopener target_blank>BUY MY BOOKS & T-SHIRTS NOW/a>/li> /ul>/li>li idmeta-2 classwidget 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