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Visual. Habitual./title> meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetiso-8859-1> meta namekeywords contentdigital art gallery 250 two fifty twofifty shockwave flash java gif jpeg html dhtml> meta namegenerator contentUltraEdit-32> meta nameauthor contentAtes Goral> meta namedescription contentThis site is a showcase for digital artwork, strictly 250 by 250 pixels in dimensions.> link relstylesheet typetext/css hreftf4.css> link relalternate typeapplication/rss+xml href/feeds/rss/recent titleRecent Contributions> link relalternate typeapplication/rss+xml href/feeds/rss/picks titlePicks> script srctf41.js>/script>/head>body classmain>table width100% cellspacing0>tr> td rowspan3 width250 height72 bgcolor#626262>img srci4/logo.gif width250 height72 altTwofifty>/td> td colspan3 width486 height25 classnavbar> table cellspacing0> tr> td>img srci4/l_left.gif width19 height25 alt>/td> td> table cellspacing0> tr idid_nav>td classnavbar>Loading.../td>/tr> /table> /td> /tr> /table> /td> td rowspan4 width* stylebackground: url(i4/bg_body.gif) left top repeat-x valigntop>a nametop> /a>/td>/tr>tr> td rowspan2 width210 height47 stylebackground: url(i4/bg_mid.gif) valigntop> table cellspacing0 stylevisibility: hidden idid_tbl_rnd> tr>td height7>img srci4/s.gif alt>/td>/tr> tr> td height22 valigntop>img srci4/l_left2.gif width19 height21 alt>/td> td>a hrefJavaScript:startSlideShow(); classnav>img srci4/l_slide.gif width91 height21 border0 alt>/a>/td> td>img srci4/l_sep3.gif width1 height21 alt>/td> td>a hrefJavaScript:showArt(0); classnav>img srci4/l_random.gif width80 height21 border0 alt>/a>/td> /tr> /table> /td> td rowspan2 width19>img srci4/c_right.gif width19 height47 alt>/td> td width257 height27 stylebackground: url(i4/bg_hdr.gif)>img srci4/s.gif height13 alt>br />span idid_hdr>/span>/td>/tr>tr>td bgcolor#383838 height20 valigntop idid_subhdr> /td>/tr>tr>td colspan4> table cellspacing0> tr>!-- Left Column --> td width170 valigntop idid_leftcol> table width170 cellspacing0>!-- About --> tr> td rowspan2 width19 valigntop>img srci4/c_left.gif width19 height23 alt>/td> td colspan2 width151 height14>img srci4/t_left.gif width151 height14 alt>/td> /tr> tr classleft>td height9 colspan2 valigntop>img srci4/h_about.gif width34 height5 altAbout>/td>/tr> tr classleft> td width19> /td> td width132> img srci4/s.gif height4 alt>br /> This site is a showcase for digital artwork, strictly 250 by 250 pixels in dimensions and on various platforms including GIF, PNG, JPEG, Java, DHTML, Flash and Shockwave. div>img srci4/s.gif height6 alt>/div> Click a href/faq/ targetinjector>here/a> for /> /td> td width19> /td> /tr> tr>td colspan3>img srci4/b_left.gif width170 height10 alt>br />img srci4/t_left.gif width170 height14 alt>/td>/tr>!-- Membership --> tr classleft> td width19> /td> td width132> img srci4/h_membership.gif width69 height5 altMembership>br /> img srci4/s.gif height8 alt>br /> span idid_memb>Loading.../span> form action/signin/ methodpost targetinjector> div idid_memb0 styledisplay: none> table width132 cellspacing0> tr> td width65 classleft>Username/td> td width2 rowspan3>img srci4/s.gif width2 alt>/td> td width65 classleft>Password/td> /tr> tr> td classleft>input typetext nameu classleft maxlength32 idid_username>/td> td>input typepassword namep classleft maxlength16 idid_password>/td> /tr> tr> td>img srci4/s.gif height2 alt>br />input typeimage srci4/i_signin.gif classplain altSign In stylebackground: #f0f0f0; width: 65px; height: 13px; onMouseOverstyle.backgroundColor white; onMouseOutstyle.backgroundColor #f0f0f0;>/td> td>/td> /tr> /table> img srci4/s.gif height5 alt>br /> span idid_signinhlp>You must be signed in as a member to use some of the features at Twofifty. Click a href/regform/ targetinjector>here/a> to become a member./span> div>img srci4/s.gif height6 alt>/div> a href/regform/ targetinjector>Register/a> | a href/reqpassform/ targetinjector>Password?/a> /div> /form> div idid_memb1 styledisplay: none> span idid_signininfo>/span> div>img srci4/s.gif height6 alt>/div> a href/signout/ targetinjector>Sign out/a> !-- | a href/proform/ targetinjector>Edit profile/a> -->br /> /div> /td> td width19> /td> /tr> tr classleft>td colspan3>img srci4/s.gif height20 alt>/td>/tr> tr>td colspan3>img srci4/d_left.gif width170 height20 alt>/td>/tr>!-- Legal Stuff --> tr> td rowspan2 width19 valigntop>img srci4/c_left.gif width19 height23 alt>/td> td colspan2 width151 height14>img srci4/t_left.gif width151 height14 alt>/td> /tr> tr classleft>td height9 colspan2 valigntop>img srci4/h_claimer.gif width46 height5 altClaimer>/td>/tr> tr classleft> td width19> /td> td width132> img srci4/s.gif height7 alt>br /> All materials are original works and have exclusive permission from the respective creators. No unauthorized reproduction of images (or any parts of an image), applets, code, or other material from this site can be made. /td> td width19> /td> /tr> tr>td colspan3>img srci4/b_left.gif width170 height10 alt>br />img srci4/t_left.gif width170 height14 alt>/td>/tr> tr classleft> td width19> /td> td width132> img srci4/h_disclaimer.gif width63 height5 altDisclaimer>br /> img srci4/s.gif height8 alt>br /> Twofifty is not accountable for the graphic and written content generated by its users. /td> td width19> /td> /tr> tr>td colspan3>img srci4/b_left.gif width170 height10 alt>br />img srci4/t_left.gif width170 height14 alt>/td>/tr> tr classleft> td width19> /td> td width132> © 1999-2012br /> a href>Ates Goral/a>br /> /td> td width19> /td> /tr> tr classleft>td colspan3>img srci4/s.gif height20 alt>/td>/tr> tr>td colspan3 height28 valigntop>img srci4/d_left.gif width170 height20 alt>/td>/tr> /table> /td>!-- Middle Column --> td width290 valigntop> table cellspacing0>!-- Full Size --> tr classmid> td rowspan2 width19> /td> td width252 height252 aligncenter stylebackground: black>iframe width250 height250 srcfull4.html frameborder0 namefull scrollingno>/iframe>/td> td rowspan2 width19> /td> /tr>!-- Details --> tr classmid>td> div alignright>table cellspacing0>tr>td classtoppad>a href# classnav onClickreturn actComment(0); idid_rate stylevisibility: hidden>img srci4/i_rate.gif width45 height13 border0 altRate>/a>/td>/tr>/table>/div> br /> span idid_details>Loading.../span> /td>/tr> tr>td colspan3>img srci4/b_mid.gif width290 height10 alt>br />img srci4/t_mid.gif width290 height14 alt>/td>/tr>!-- Comments --> tr classmid> td width19> /td> td width252> table width252 cellspacing0> tr> td width214>img srci4/h_comments.gif width59 height5 altComments>br />img srci4/s.gif height8 alt>/td> td width38 height13>a href# classnav onClickreturn actComment(0); idid_addcmnt stylevisibility: hidden>img srci4/i_add.gif width38 height13 border0 altAdd Comment>/a>/td> /tr> /table> /td> td width19> /td> /tr> tr classmid>td colspan3 idid_cmnt> table width290 cellspacing0> tr> td width19> /td> td width252>Loading.../td> td width19> /td> /tr> /table> /td>/tr> tr>td colspan3>img srci4/b_mid.gif width290 height10 alt>br />img srci4/t_mid.gif width290 height14 alt>/td>/tr>!-- Similar Artwork --> tr classmid> td width19> /td> td width252> table width252 cellspacing0> tr> td width286>img srci4/h_similar.gif width98 height5 altSimilar Artwork>br />img srci4/s.gif height8 alt>/td> td width66 height13>a href# classnav onClickreturn editCat(); idid_editsimilar stylevisibility: hidden>img srci4/i_edit.gif width66 height13 border0 altAdd Comment>/a>/td> /tr> /table> span idid_similar>Loading.../span> /td> td width19> /td> /tr> tr classmid>td colspan3>img srci4/s.gif height20 alt>/td>/tr> tr>td colspan3 height28 valigntop>img srci4/d_mid.gif width290 height20 alt>/td>/tr> /table> /td>!-- Right Column --> td width276 valigntop> table cellspacing0> tr classright> td width19>img srci4/s.gif width19 alt>/td> td width257 valigntop idid_content>Loading.../td> /tr> tr classright>td colspan2>img srci4/s.gif height20 alt>/td>/tr> tr>td colspan2 height28 valigntop>img srci4/d_right.gif width276 height20 alt>/td>/tr> /table> /td> /tr> /table>/td>/tr>/table>!-- Progress -->table width1 cellspacing0 classprog> tr>td height35 classprog>a href/art/ targetinjector onClickreturn init;>img srci4/s.gif width1 height35 border0 altTwofifty Home idid_prog>/a>/td>/tr>/table>!-- Injector -->iframe width1 height1 frameborder0 nameinjector scrollingno styledisplay: none>/iframe>!-- Templates -->div styledisplay: none> table cellspacing0>tr idtmp_nav>td>a href# targetinjector classnav>img srci4/s.gif width1 height25 border0 alt>/a>/td>td>img srci4/l_sep.gif width1 height25 alt>/td>/tr>/table> div idtmp_news> div alignright>Date/div> div>News/div> div>a href# onClickreturn actNews(;>Edit/a>/div> div>img srci4/s.gif height6 alt>/div> /div> div idtmp_icons> div>img srci4/s.gif height8 alt>/div> div>img srci4/s.gif width1 height5 altalt>br />img srci4/s.gif height4 alt>/div> span>a href#>img srci4/s.gif width20 height20 border0 alt classico>/a>/span> /div> span idtmp_thumb>a href# targetinjector>img srci4/s.gif width50 height50 classthumb alt>/a>img srci4/m_th.gif width10 height9 styleposition: relative; left: -9; top: -10 alt>/span> div idtmp_index>a href#>#. 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