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HTTP/1.1 200 OKCache-Control: s-maxage31536000, stale-while-revalidateContent-Type: text/html; charsetutf-8Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 06:13:42 GMTEtag: obe7r7cnbarj2Vary: Accept-EncodingVary: RSC, Next-Router-State-Tree, Next-Router-Prefetch, Accept-EncodingX-Nextjs-Cache: HITX-Powered-By: Next.jsTransfer-Encoding: chunked !DOCTYPE html>html langen class__className_d7237b>head>meta charSetutf-8/>meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1/>link relpreload href/_next/static/media/3d9ea938b6afa941-s.p.woff2 asfont crossorigin typefont/woff2/>link relstylesheet href/_next/static/css/2679fcdf8ff198dc.css data-precedencenext/>link relpreload asscript fetchPrioritylow href/_next/static/chunks/webpack-41582aa15a1eab8e.js/>script src/_next/static/chunks/fd9d1056-be48aeae6e94b8d1.js async>/script>script src/_next/static/chunks/23-91c0e4dcb148d57c.js async>/script>script src/_next/static/chunks/main-app-6de3c3100b91a0a9.js async>/script>script src/_next/static/chunks/173-622e5b7fab7fc2f6.js async>/script>script src/_next/static/chunks/app/page-27149f09f68900bc.js async>/script>script src/_next/static/chunks/231-cf2c52372c264fa9.js async>/script>script src/_next/static/chunks/app/layout-41ae136ce6704110.js async>/script>meta nametheme-color media(prefers-color-scheme: light) content#FF9800/>meta nametheme-color media(prefers-color-scheme: dark) content#BD6F30/>title>Tucson Bee Removal Company/title>meta namedescription contentContact Tucson Bee Removal Company for all of your bee removal needs./>meta namekeywords contentbee removal,Tucson bee removal,wasp removal,Tucson wasp removal/>link relcanonical href>link relicon href/favicon.ico typeimage/x-icon sizes16x16/>meta namenext-size-adjust/>script src/_next/static/chunks/polyfills-78c92fac7aa8fdd8.js noModule>/script>/head>body class__className_d7237b>header>div classHeader_topbar__ZHDEd>div classHeader_topBarContainer__pCmw1>a href/coupons>Click Here for Money Saving Coupons/a>/div>/div>nav classMobileNav_mobileNav__Al_kE>div classMobileNav_menuButtonWrapper___wWdw>button>Menu/button>/div>div classMobileNav_menuWrapper__G5G_5 aria-hiddentrue>ul>li>a href/our-services tabindex-1>Our Services/a>/li>li>a href/ tabindex-1>Why Use Us/a>/li>li>a href/swarms tabindex-1>Bee Swarms/a>/li>li>a href/bee-scent-damage tabindex-1>Bee Scent Damage/a>/li>li>a href/insurance-coverage tabindex-1>Insurance Coverage/a>/li>li>a href/competitor-methods tabindex-1>Competitor Methods/a>/li>li>a href/free-bee-removal tabindex-1>Free Bee Removal/a>/li>li>a href/live-bee-removal tabindex-1>Live Bee Removal Services/a>/li>li>a href/reviews tabindex-1>Customer Reviews/a>/li>li>a href/coupons tabindex-1>Money-Saving Coupons/a>/li>/ul>/div>/nav>div classHeader_banner__K2IO8>div classHeader_logo__Z4fX_>img altAAA Africanized Bee Removal Specialists Logo loadinglazy width107 height128 decodingasync data-nimg1 stylecolor:transparent srcSet/_next/image? 1x, /_next/image? 2x src/_next/image?>/div>h1 classHeader_title__v5GNb>Tucson!-- --> Bee Removal Company/h1>p classHeader_phoneNumber__uJVGG>520-840-8000/p>div classHeader_socialBar__FRhey>span>Connect with us:/span>a href>img altFollow us on Facebook loadinglazy width64 height64 decodingasync data-nimg1 stylecolor:transparent srcSet/_next/image? 1x, /_next/image? 2x src/_next/image?>/a>a href>img altfollow us on Twitter loadinglazy width64 height64 decodingasync data-nimg1 stylecolor:transparent srcSet/_next/image? 1x, /_next/image? 2x src/_next/image?>/a>a href>img altcheck out our YouTube videos loadinglazy width64 height64 decodingasync data-nimg1 stylecolor:transparent srcSet/_next/image? 1x, /_next/image? 2x src/_next/image?>/a>a href>img altsee our Pinterest board loadinglazy width64 height64 decodingasync data-nimg1 stylecolor:transparent srcSet/_next/image? 1x, /_next/image? 2x src/_next/image?>/a>/div>/div>nav classHeader_nav__k_TN_>ul>li>a href/our-services>Our Services/a>/li>li>a href/>Why Use Us/a>/li>li>a href/swarms>Bee Swarms/a>/li>li>a href/bee-scent-damage>Bee Scent Damage/a>/li>li>a href/insurance-coverage>Insurance Coverage/a>/li>li>a href/competitor-methods>Competitor Methods/a>/li>li>a href/free-bee-removal>Free Bee Removal/a>/li>li>a href/live-bee-removal>Live Bee Removal Services/a>/li>li>a href/reviews>Customer Reviews/a>/li>li>a href/coupons>Money-Saving Coupons/a>/li>/ul>/nav>/header>main>h2 classcontentHeader>Why use us?/h2>p classsubHeader>Why is Beekeeping & Bee Removal Experience Crucial in Properly Removing Bees & Wasps?/p>p>Our parent company is a large, Tucson based commercial beekeeping company called Arizona Bee Products. It has been in business since 1970. One of its founders is Thomas Martin, who is an Apicultural Researcher. He also founded !-- -->Tucson!-- --> Bee Removal Company in 1980, and is the president of !-- -->Tucson!-- --> Bee Removal Company. In 1988, it was clear to Thomas Martin and other experienced beekeepers in our parent company Arizona Bee Products that African honeybees were going cross the US Mexico border and quickly expand into Arizona./p>img altAAA Bee Removal company trucks in a driveway loadinglazy width350 height263 decodingasync data-nimg1 classfloatLeft stylecolor:transparent srcSet/_next/image? 1x, /_next/image? 2x src/_next/image?>p>For over 40 years Thomas Martin has been a commercial beekeeper and honey and pollen producer following his family tradition of !-- -->Tucson!-- --> beekeeping and pollination service as a !-- -->Tucson!-- --> bee farmer with several thousand beehives. During the 1970s, he also worked as an Apiculture Researcher for the US Department of Agriculture at the USDA Carl Hayden Honeybee Research Laboratory in !-- -->Tucson!-- -->, Arizona. During that time, Thomas Martin gained extensive knowledge about honeybees, their unique behaviors, bee biology and the comparative morphology of different honeybee bee species. Because of his commercial beekeeping experience, bee removal experience, wasp removal experience, honeycomb removal experience and his research work at that USDA Federal Bee Lab, Thomas Martin left the USDA Carl Hayden Honeybee Research Laboratory in!-- --> !-- -->Tucson!-- -->, Arizona, to do field beekeeping research for other!-- -->Tucson!-- --> beekeeping companies and beekeeping services. Because of his reputation as a honeybee and beekeeping expert, Thomas Martin was hired by Arizona Bee Products who had beehives and honey farms in !-- -->Tucson!-- -->. Thomas Martin has worked for !-- -->Tucson!-- --> Bee Removal Company ever since./p>p>Many homeowners in !-- -->Tucson!-- --> are part time winter residents and not at home to notice when an African Bee Colony goes into a cavity on their home or property. Therefore, they may not be able to call a !-- -->Tucson!-- --> bee removal specialist or call a!-- --> !-- -->Tucson!-- --> beekeeper when the bees first arrive. Without general public awareness of this problem, many Africanized bee colonies quickly become established in a vacant home, and neighbors are not sure what to do. Valuable time is lost, and the colony becomes aggressive as the bees defend their hive and more serious bee attacks and bee stinging incidents occur and increase neighborhood public danger. In little time, bee populations can become lethal, increase the number of individual beehives in a neighborhood, and truly earn the name Africanized Killer Bees. Call the !-- -->Tucson!-- -->Bee Experts at !-- -->Tucson!-- --> Bee Removal Company, and DON'T RISK THE DAMAGE OF A POORLY DONE BEE REMOVAL JOB!/p>p>Any pest control applicator who applies pesticides to kill, treat, or control bees in!-- --> !-- -->Tucson!-- -->, is regulated and required to be licensed by the Arizona Department of Agriculture, Office of Pest Management. Despite the fact that our bee removal and wasp removal specialists are all trained !-- -->Tucson!-- --> bee keepers and bee removal specialists and are bee experts, we are also required by the Arizona Department of Agriculture, Office of Pest Management to surpass the regulations and standards of all other pest control operators who do termite and pest control, not solely exterminate bees and wasps. Therefore, !-- -->Tucson!-- --> Bee Removal State Licensed and Arizona Department of Agriculture Certified Bee Removal Specialists have far more bee and wasp removal and extermination experience and have much more bee removal training, bee removal expertise and beekeeping knowledge than any !-- -->Tucson!-- -->pest control applicators that are trained only in general pest control. Therefore, our bee removal specialists provide you with a huge advantage over using pest control applicators trained only in !-- -->Tucson!-- --> pest control./p>img altMan in a AAA Bee Removal Company beekeeper suit loadinglazy width350 height283 decodingasync data-nimg1 classfloatRight stylecolor:transparent srcSet/_next/image? 1x, /_next/image? 2x src/_next/image?>p>Some !-- -->Tucson!-- --> residents erroneously believe the "honeybees" that they see at their home, are not Africanized bees or Killer Bees and therefore these!-- --> !-- -->Tucson!-- --> homeowners do not think that bees should be exterminated. Also, many!-- --> !-- -->Tucson!-- --> homeowners mistakenly believe that African honeybees will leave or move on from an irrigation valve box, overhang eave, soffit, rafter, gable, a storage shed, floor, conex container, perimeter patio block wall, stucco wall, garage wall foundation, stucco pillar, bird board, vent board, scupper, drain pipe, rain gutter, viga beam, parapet, cricket, tile roof, shingle roof, roof vent, vacant or foreclosed house. Once bees go into these cavities, they will not leave, and precious time is lost because the bees are not aggressive when they were first noticed. Also, there is no Free Bee Removal Service and beekeepers in all of Arizona are forced to exterminate African bee swarms that move into their commercial beehives./p>p>Commercial beekeeping and bee removal is extremely hard work, especially doing beekeeping in!-- --> !-- -->Tucson!-- -->, Arizona. Commercial beekeeping requires a beekeeper to wear a full heavy protective beekeeper suit. Although the beekeeping suits help reduce the bees stings, commercial beekeepers in !-- -->Tucson!-- --> must have the ability to sustain getting stung many times every day, while working in the extreme heat that exits in the Arizona agricultural farm land and deserts. During his commercial beekeeping field research and work, Thomas Martin knew that once African honeybees crossed the Mexico, Arizona border, beekeeping in Arizona would likely change forever. In the future, any progressive beekeeping company would have to be equipped, and knowledgeable to fight this invasive, aggressive species of African honeybees and develop safe, effective bee removal and honeycomb removal methods to successfully remove bees and honeycomb from residential and commercial homes and building structures./p>p>As Arizona law requires a company to be a licensed pest control company in order to control any pest, the chore of becoming a pest control company was completed in early 1993. Hence, our company, !-- -->Tucson!-- --> Bee Removal Company was founded immediately after it completed the rigorous task of becoming a Licensed Pest Control Company, and with our unique beekeeping heritage, became the first true bee removal, wasp removal and honeycomb removal specialists in Arizona serving !-- -->Tucson!-- -->./p>/main>footer classFooter_footer__loR6W>div classFooter_footerContainer__z_HbE>h3>Bees In The News/h3>div classFooter_oneQuarter__5GsAc>a href target_blank>img altScreenshot from Fox 40 news station reporting on bee attacks loadinglazy width220 height165 decodingasync data-nimg1 classFooter_video__EvbjI stylecolor:transparent srcSet/_next/image? 1x, /_next/image? 2x src/_next/image?>/a>/div>div classFooter_oneQuarter__5GsAc>a href target_blank>img altScreenshot from KGUN 9 news station reporting on bee attacks loadinglazy width220 height165 decodingasync data-nimg1 classFooter_video__EvbjI stylecolor:transparent srcSet/_next/image? 1x, /_next/image? 2x src/_next/image?>/a>/div>div classFooter_oneQuarter__5GsAc>a href target_blank>img altScreenshot from San Diego news station reporting on dog attacked by African bees loadinglazy width220 height165 decodingasync data-nimg1 classFooter_video__EvbjI stylecolor:transparent srcSet/_next/image? 1x, /_next/image? 2x src/_next/image?>/a>/div>div classFooter_oneQuarter__5GsAc>a href target_blank>img altScreenshot from a Tucson news station reporting on bee attacks loadinglazy width220 height165 decodingasync data-nimg1 classFooter_video__EvbjI stylecolor:transparent srcSet/_next/image? 1x, /_next/image? 2x src/_next/image?>/a>/div>div classFooter_footerLeft__1DeqA>h3>About Us/h3>p>Bee Removal in !-- -->Tucson!-- --> honey bee removal and African killer bee control, honeycomb removal, and wasp removal and wasp control. It is ALL we do, not a sideline like all of our pest control competitors. Certified, Bonded, Licensed, Insured | OPM License # I 5180 B | ADOA Cert. # TO-893/p>a href/privacy-policy>Privacy Policy/a>p>Copyright © !-- -->2024!-- --> | All Rights Reserved/p>/div>div classFooter_footerRight__1Iu0t>h3>Partner Links/h3>p>a href target_blank>>br/>a href target_blank>>br/>a href target_blank>>/p>/div>/div>/footer>script src/_next/static/chunks/webpack-41582aa15a1eab8e.js async>/script>script>(self.__next_fself.__next_f||).push(0);self.__next_f.push(2,null)/script>script>self.__next_f.push(1,1:HL\/_next/static/media/3d9ea938b6afa941-s.p.woff2\,\font\,{\crossOrigin\:\\,\type\:\font/woff2\}\n2:HL\/_next/static/css/2679fcdf8ff198dc.css\,\style\\n)/script>script>self.__next_f.push(1,3:I5751,,\\\n5:I8173,\173\,\static/chunks/173-622e5b7fab7fc2f6.js\,\931\,\static/chunks/app/page-27149f09f68900bc.js\,\Image\\n6:I231,\173\,\static/chunks/173-622e5b7fab7fc2f6.js\,\231\,\static/chunks/231-cf2c52372c264fa9.js\,\185\,\static/chunks/app/layout-41ae136ce6704110.js\,\\\n7:I6290,\173\,\static/chunks/173-622e5b7fab7fc2f6.js\,\231\,\static/chunks/231-cf2c52372c264fa9.js\,\185\,\static/chunks/app/layout-41ae136ce6704110.js\,\default\\n8:I9275,,\\\n9:I1343,,\\\nb:I6130,,\\\nc:\n)/script>script>self.__next_f.push(1,0:\$\,\link\,\0\,{\rel\:\stylesheet\,\href\:\/_next/static/css/2679fcdf8ff198dc.css\,\precedence\:\next\,\crossOrigin\:\$undefined\},\$\,\$L3\,null,{\buildId\:\cZEtzhlf90oDV3G84ER-w\,\assetPrefix\:\\,\initialCanonicalUrl\:\/\,\initialTree\:\\,{\children\:\__PAGE__\,{}},\$undefined\,\$undefined\,true,\initialSeedData\:\\,{\children\:\__PAGE__\,{},\$L4\,\$\,\main\,null,{\children\:\$\,\h2\,null,{\className\:\contentHeader\,\children\:\Why use us?\},\$\,\p\,null,{\className\:\subHeader\,\children\:\Why is Beekeeping \u0026 Bee Removal Experience Crucial in Properly Removing Bees \u0026 Wasps?\},\$\,\p\,null,{\children\:\Our parent company is a large, Tucson based commercial beekeeping company called Arizona Bee Products. It has been in business since 1970. One of its founders is Thomas Martin, who is an Apicultural Researcher. He also founded \,\Tucson\,\ Bee Removal Company in 1980, and is the president of \,\Tucson\,\ Bee Removal Company. In 1988, it was clear to Thomas Martin and other experienced beekeepers in our parent company Arizona Bee Products that African honeybees were going cross the US Mexico border and quickly expand into Arizona.\},\$\,\$L5\,null,{\src\:\\,\alt\:\AAA Bee Removal company trucks in a driveway\,\width\:350,\height\:263,\className\:\floatLeft\},\$\,\p\,null,{\children\:\For over 40 years Thomas Martin has been a commercial beekeeper and honey and pollen producer following his family tradition of \,\Tucson\,\ beekeeping and pollination service as a \,\Tucson\,\ bee farmer with several thousand beehives. During the 1970s, he also worked as an Apiculture Researcher for the US Department of Agriculture at the USDA Carl Hayden Honeybee Research Laboratory in \,\Tucson\,\, Arizona. During that time, Thomas Martin gained extensive knowledge about honeybees, their unique behaviors, bee biology and the comparative morphology of different honeybee bee species. Because of his commercial beekeeping experience, bee removal experience, wasp removal experience, honeycomb removal experience and his research work at that USDA Federal Bee Lab, Thomas Martin left the USDA Carl Hayden Honeybee Research Laboratory in\,\ \,\Tucson\,\, Arizona, to do field beekeeping research for other\,\Tucson\,\ beekeeping companies and beekeeping services. Because of his reputation as a honeybee and beekeeping expert, Thomas Martin was hired by Arizona Bee Products who had beehives and honey farms in \,\Tucson\,\. Thomas Martin has worked for \,\Tucson\,\ Bee Removal Company ever since.\},\$\,\p\,null,{\children\:\Many homeowners in \,\Tucson\,\ are part time winter residents and not at home to notice when an African Bee Colony goes into a cavity on their home or property. Therefore, they may not be able to call a \,\Tucson\,\ bee removal specialist or call a\,\ \,\Tucson\,\ beekeeper when the bees first arrive. Without general public awareness of this problem, many Africanized bee colonies quickly become established in a vacant home, and neighbors are not sure what to do. Valuable time is lost, and the colony becomes aggressive as the bees defend their hive and more serious bee attacks and bee stinging incidents occur and increase neighborhood public danger. In little time, bee populations can become lethal, increase the number of individual beehives in a neighborhood, and truly earn the name Africanized Killer Bees. Call the \,\Tucson\,\Bee Experts at \,\Tucson\,\ Bee Removal Company, and DONT RISK THE DAMAGE OF A POORLY DONE BEE REMOVAL JOB!\},\$\,\p\,null,{\children\:\Any pest control applicator who applies pesticides to kill, treat, or control bees in\,\ \,\Tucson\,\, is regulated and required to be licensed by the Arizona Department of Agriculture, Office of Pest Management. Despite the fact that our bee removal and wasp removal specialists are all trained \,\Tucson\,\ bee keepers and bee removal specialists and are bee experts, we are also required by the Arizona Department of Agriculture, Office of Pest Management to surpass the regulations and standards of all other pest control operators who do termite and pest control, not solely exterminate bees and wasps. Therefore, \,\Tucson\,\ Bee Removal State Licensed and Arizona Department of Agriculture Certified Bee Removal Specialists have far more bee and wasp removal and extermination experience and have much more bee removal training, bee removal expertise and beekeeping knowledge than any \,\Tucson\,\pest control applicators that are trained only in general pest control. Therefore, our bee removal specialists provide you with a huge advantage over using pest control applicators trained only in \,\Tucson\,\ pest control.\},\$\,\$L5\,null,{\src\:\\,\alt\:\Man in a AAA Bee Removal Company beekeeper suit\,\width\:350,\height\:283,\className\:\floatRight\},\$\,\p\,null,{\children\:\Some \,\Tucson\,\ residents erroneously believe the \\\honeybees\\\ that they see at their home, are not Africanized bees or Killer Bees and therefore these\,\ \,\Tucson\,\ homeowners do not think that bees should be exterminated. Also, many\,\ \,\Tucson\,\ homeowners mistakenly believe that African honeybees will leave or move on from an irrigation valve box, overhang eave, soffit, rafter, gable, a storage shed, floor, conex container, perimeter patio block wall, stucco wall, garage wall foundation, stucco pillar, bird board, vent board, scupper, drain pipe, rain gutter, viga beam, parapet, cricket, tile roof, shingle roof, roof vent, vacant or foreclosed house. Once bees go into these cavities, they will not leave, and precious time is lost because the bees are not aggressive when they were first noticed. Also, there is no Free Bee Removal Service and beekeepers in all of Arizona are forced to exterminate African bee swarms that move into their commercial beehives.\},\$\,\p\,null,{\children\:\Commercial beekeeping and bee removal is extremely hard work, especially doing beekeeping in\,\ \,\Tucson\,\, Arizona. Commercial beekeeping requires a beekeeper to wear a full heavy protective beekeeper suit. Although the beekeeping suits help reduce the bees stings, commercial beekeepers in \,\Tucson\,\ must have the ability to sustain getting stung many times every day, while working in the extreme heat that exits in the Arizona agricultural farm land and deserts. During his commercial beekeeping field research and work, Thomas Martin knew that once African honeybees crossed the Mexico, Arizona border, beekeeping in Arizona would likely change forever. In the future, any progressive beekeeping company would have to be equipped, and knowledgeable to fight this invasive, aggressive species of African honeybees and develop safe, effective bee removal and honeycomb removal methods to successfully remove bees and honeycomb from residential and commercial homes and building structures.\},\$\,\p\,null,{\children\:\As Arizona law requires a company to be a licensed pest control company in order to control any pest, the chore of becoming a pest control company was completed in early 1993. Hence, our company, \,\Tucson\,\ Bee Removal Company was founded immediately after it completed the rigorous task of becoming a Licensed Pest Control Company, and with our unique beekeeping heritage, became the first true bee removal, wasp removal and honeycomb removal specialists in Arizona serving \,\Tucson\,\.\}},null,null},\$\,\html\,null,{\lang\:\en\,\className\:\__className_d7237b\,\children\:\$\,\body\,null,{\className\:\__className_d7237b\,\children\:\$\,\header\,null,{\children\:\$\,\div\,null,{\className\:\Header_topbar__ZHDEd\,\children\:\$\,\div\,null,{\className\:\Header_topBarContainer__pCmw1\,\children\:\$\,\$L6\,null,{\href\:\/coupons\,\children\:\Click Here for Money Saving Coupons\}}},\$\,\$L7\,null,{},\$\,\div\,null,{\className\:\Header_banner__K2IO8\,\children\:\$\,\div\,null,{\className\:\Header_logo__Z4fX_\,\children\:\$\,\$L5\,null,{\src\:\\,\width\:107,\height\:128,\alt\:\AAA Africanized Bee Removal Specialists 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Coupons\}}}}},\$\,\$L8\,null,{\parallelRouterKey\:\children\,\segmentPath\:\children\,\error\:\$undefined\,\errorStyles\:\$undefined\,\errorScripts\:\$undefined\,\template\:\$\,\$L9\,null,{},\templateStyles\:\$undefined\,\templateScripts\:\$undefined\,\notFound\:\$\,\title\,null,{\children\:\404: This page could not be found.\},\$\,\div\,null,{\style\:{\fontFamily\:\system-ui,\\\Segoe UI\\\,Roboto,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif,\\\Apple Color Emoji\\\,\\\Segoe UI Emoji\\\\,\height\:\100vh\,\textAlign\:\center\,\display\:\flex\,\flexDirection\:\column\,\alignItems\:\center\,\justifyContent\:\center\},\children\:\$\,\div\,null,{\children\:\$\,\style\,null,{\dangerouslySetInnerHTML\:{\__html\:\body{color:#000;background:#fff;margin:0}.next-error-h1{border-right:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.3)}@media (prefers-color-scheme:dark){body{color:#fff;background:#000}.next-error-h1{border-right:1px solid 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Us\},\$\,\p\,null,{\children\:\Bee Removal in \,\Tucson\,\ honey bee removal and African killer bee control, honeycomb removal, and wasp removal and wasp control. It is ALL we do, not a sideline like all of our pest control competitors. 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