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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 01 Feb 2025 02:49:17 GMTServer: Apache/2.4.29 (Ubuntu)Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMTCache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidatePragma: no-cacheSet-Cookie: PHPSESSIDn7i3npdj960nvjiu4v3pju1soe; expiresSat, 08 Feb 2025 02:49:17 GMT; Max-Age604800; path/; HttpOnlyVary: Accept-EncodingTransfer-Encoding: chunkedContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8 !DOCTYPE HTML>html langen-GB>head> meta charsetUTF-8> title>Trailers for mountain bike, canoe, kayak, rowing and windsurfing - Trevor Steels Trailers/title> meta namekeywords content> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1.0> base href>link href/assets/TST-template/css/bootstrap.min.css relstylesheet typetext/css mediaall />link href/assets/TST-template/css/trevor-steel-trailers.css relstylesheet typetext/css mediaall />link href/assets/TST-template/fontawesome/css/all.min.css relstylesheet typetext/css mediaall />link href/assets/TST-template/fontawesome/css/brands.css relstylesheet typetext/css mediaall />link href/assets/TST-template/fontawesome/css/solid.css relstylesheet typetext/css mediaall />/head>body> !-- Page Loader --> div idloader-wrapper> div idloader>/div> div classloader-section section-left>/div> div classloader-section section-right>/div> /div> nav classnavbar navbar-expand-lg> div classcontainer-fluid> a classnavbar-brand href> img src/assets/TST-template/img/tst-trevor-steels-trailers.png altTrevor Steels Trailers /> /a> button classnavbar-toggler typebutton data-togglecollapse data-target#navbarSupportedContent aria-controlsnavbarSupportedContent aria-expandedfalse aria-labelToggle navigation> i classfas fa-bars>/i> /button> div classcollapse navbar-collapse idnavbarSupportedContent> ul classnavbar-nav ml-auto mb-2 mb-lg-0 > li classnav-item> a classnav-link nav-link-1 active aria-currentpage href titleTST - Windsurf Bike Canoe Trailers>Trailers/a> /li> li classnav-item> a classnav-link nav-link-1 active aria-currentpage hrefprices/ titlePrices includes VAT>Prices/a> /li> li classnav-item> a classnav-link nav-link-1 active aria-currentpage hrefabout-tst.html titleAbout TST>About TST/a> /li> li classnav-item> a classnav-link nav-link-1 active aria-currentpage hreftype-approval.html titleType Approval>Type Approval/a> /li> li classnav-item> a classnav-link nav-link-1 active aria-currentpage hrefcontact/ titleContact>Contact Us/a> /li>/ul> /div> /div> /nav> div classtm-hero d-flex justify-content-center align-items-center data-parallaxscroll data-image-src/assets/TST-template/img/hero.jpg> form classd-flex tm-search-form actionsearch-results.html methodget> input classform-control tm-search-input typesearch placeholderSearch aria-labelSearch value namesearch idsearch> input typehidden nameid value13 /> button classbtn btn-outline-success tm-search-btn typesubmit> i classfas fa-search>/i> /button> /form> /div> div classcontainer-fluid tm-container-content tm-mt-60> div classrow mb-4> h2 classcol-12 tm-text-primary> TST - Windsurf Bike Canoe Trailers /h2> h3 classcol-12 tm-text-primary> Trailers for mountain bike, canoe, kayak, rowing and windsurfing /h3> p>TST have been designing and manufacturing trailers to transport Windsurfing equipment, Canoes, Kayaks and Mountain Bikes, here, in the UK (East Yorkshire), since 1997. As we are active participants in these sports we understand our customers requirements./p>p>Each trailer is manufactured to order allowing us to build in any modifications customers may require. All our trailers are professionally galvanized providing long-lasting protection. TST build a wide range of trailers from a single kayak trailer up to trailers for 8 Canadians. Please browse through our website to see what we have to offer./p>p>In October 2012 new legislation came into force regarding trailers; all trailers with a first-used date post October 2012 must be approved before they can be used on the road. All of our trailers are inspected by VOSA and issued with the relevant certificates to meet these standards./p>p> /p> /div> div classrow tm-mb-90 tm-gallery> div classcol-xl-3 col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-12 mb-5> figure classeffect-ming tm-video-item> img src/assets/components/phpthumbof/cache/about-trevor-steels-trailers-tst.ee1abcf2c3591d77762593e3a74c72ff.jpg altCanoe Kayak classimg-fluid /> figcaption classd-flex align-items-center justify-content-center> h2>Canoe Kayak/h2> a hrefcanoe-kayak-trailers/>View more/a> /figcaption> /figure> div classd-flex justify-content-between tm-text-gray> a hrefcanoe-kayak-trailers/>i classfas fa-trailer mr-2>/i>span classtm-text-gray-dark>Canoe Kayak/span>/a> /div> /div>div classcol-xl-3 col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-12 mb-5> figure classeffect-ming tm-video-item> img src/assets/components/phpthumbof/cache/20190801-151308-copy.ee1abcf2c3591d77762593e3a74c72ff.jpg altBike classimg-fluid /> figcaption classd-flex align-items-center justify-content-center> h2>Bike/h2> a hrefbike/>View more/a> /figcaption> /figure> div classd-flex justify-content-between tm-text-gray> a hrefbike/>i classfas fa-trailer mr-2>/i>span classtm-text-gray-dark>Bike/span>/a> /div> /div>div classcol-xl-3 col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-12 mb-5> figure classeffect-ming tm-video-item> img src/assets/components/phpthumbof/cache/img20240508110841.11fe100d9c876d17950547d102ea789d.jpg altWindsurf classimg-fluid /> figcaption classd-flex align-items-center justify-content-center> h2>Windsurf/h2> a hrefwindsurf/>View more/a> /figcaption> /figure> div classd-flex justify-content-between tm-text-gray> a hrefwindsurf/>i classfas fa-trailer mr-2>/i>span classtm-text-gray-dark>Windsurf/span>/a> /div> /div>div classcol-xl-3 col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-12 mb-5> figure classeffect-ming tm-video-item> img src/assets/components/phpthumbof/cache/stand-up-paddle.ce1d724ec0f0a2d7e3a8755d017f3ce1.jpg altSUP (Stand Up Paddle) classimg-fluid /> figcaption classd-flex align-items-center justify-content-center> h2>SUP (Stand Up Paddle)/h2> a hrefsup-(stand-up-paddle)/>View more/a> /figcaption> /figure> div classd-flex justify-content-between tm-text-gray> a hrefsup-(stand-up-paddle)/>i classfas fa-trailer mr-2>/i>span classtm-text-gray-dark>SUP (Stand Up Paddle)/span>/a> /div> /div>div classcol-xl-3 col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-12 mb-5> figure classeffect-ming tm-video-item> img src/assets/components/phpthumbof/cache/rowing-boat-trailer-3-web.a0978d478d71ee96cdb061a9cb08363b.jpg altRowing classimg-fluid /> figcaption classd-flex align-items-center justify-content-center> h2>Rowing/h2> a hrefrowing/>View more/a> /figcaption> /figure> div classd-flex justify-content-between tm-text-gray> a hrefrowing/>i classfas fa-trailer mr-2>/i>span classtm-text-gray-dark>Rowing/span>/a> /div> /div>div classcol-xl-3 col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-12 mb-5> figure classeffect-ming tm-video-item> img src/assets/components/phpthumbof/cache/canoe-bike-board-trailer.ee1abcf2c3591d77762593e3a74c72ff.jpg altCanoe & Bike Custom Trailers classimg-fluid /> figcaption classd-flex align-items-center justify-content-center> h2>Canoe & Bike Custom Trailers/h2> a hrefcanoe-bike-custom-trailers/>View more/a> /figcaption> /figure> div classd-flex justify-content-between tm-text-gray> a hrefcanoe-bike-custom-trailers/>i classfas fa-trailer mr-2>/i>span classtm-text-gray-dark>Canoe & Bike Custom Trailers/span>/a> /div> /div>div classcol-xl-3 col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-12 mb-5> figure classeffect-ming tm-video-item> img src/assets/components/phpthumbof/cache/Windsurf%20Trailer.ee1abcf2c3591d77762593e3a74c72ff.jpg altGallery classimg-fluid /> figcaption classd-flex align-items-center justify-content-center> h2>Gallery/h2> a hrefgallery/>View more/a> /figcaption> /figure> div classd-flex justify-content-between tm-text-gray> a hrefgallery/>i classfas fa-trailer mr-2>/i>span 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classmb-2>i classfas fa-phone fa-lg>/i> a hreftel:+441430 860882>+441430 860882/a>/li> li classmb-2>i classfas fa-mobile-alt fa-lg>/i> a hreftel:+447711 693337>+447711 693337/a>/li> li classmb-2>i classfas fa-envelope fa-lg>/i> a>>/li> /div> div classcol-lg-3 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-12 px-5 mb-5> h3 classtm-text-primary mb-4 tm-footer-title>Useful Links/h3> ul classtm-footer-links pl-0>li classfirst active>a href titleTST - Windsurf Bike Canoe Trailers >Trailers/a>/li>li>a href titlePrices includes VAT >Prices/a>/li>li>a href titleAbout TST >About TST/a>/li>li>a href titleType Approval >Type Approval/a>/li>li>a href titleContact >Contact Us/a>/li>li classlast>a href titleTerms of Use & Privacy Policy >Terms & Privacy Policy/a>/li>/ul> /div> div classcol-lg-3 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-12 px-5 mb-5> ul classtm-social-links d-flex justify-content-end pl-0 mb-5> li classmb-2>a href>i classfab fa-facebook>/i>/a>/li> li classmb-2>a href>i classfab fa-twitter>/i>/a>/li> li classmb-2>a href>i 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