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title-font font-medium mb-2>Top standards /h2> p classleading-relaxed text-base>At our company, we pride ourselves on providing exceptional, high-quality services that exceed our clients' expectations. Our team of dedicated professionals are committed to delivering the best possible experience for our clients. /p>/div>/div> div classp-4 md:w-1/3 flex>div classw-12 h-12 inline-flex items-center justify-center rounded-full bg-indigo-100 text-indigo-500 mb-4 flex-shrink-0>svg classsvelte-fa svelte-1cj2gr0 styleheight:1em;font-size:1.5em;vertical-align:-.125em;transform-origin:center;overflow:visible viewBox0 0 640 512 aria-hiddentrue roleimg xmlns>g transformtranslate(320 256) transform-origin160 0>g transformtranslate(0,0) scale(1,1)>path dM144 160A80 80 0 1 0 144 0a80 80 0 1 0 0 160zm368 0A80 80 0 1 0 512 0a80 80 0 1 0 0 160zM0 298.7C0 310.4 9.6 320 21.3 320H234.7c.2 0 .4 0 .7 0c-26.6-23.5-43.3-57.8-43.3-96c0-7.6 .7-15 1.9-22.3c-13.6-6.3-28.7-9.7-44.6-9.7H106.7C47.8 192 0 239.8 0 298.7zM320 320c24 0 45.9-8.8 62.7-23.3c2.5-3.7 5.2-7.3 8-10.7c2.7-3.3 5.7-6.1 9-8.3C410 262.3 416 243.9 416 224c0-53-43-96-96-96s-96 43-96 96s43 96 96 96zm65.4 60.2c-10.3-5.9-18.1-16.2-20.8-28.2H261.3C187.7 352 128 411.7 128 485.3c0 14.7 11.9 26.7 26.7 26.7H455.2c-2.1-5.2-3.2-10.9-3.2-16.4v-3c-1.3-.7-2.7-1.5-4-2.3l-2.6 1.5c-16.8 9.7-40.5 8-54.7-9.7c-4.5-5.6-8.6-11.5-12.4-17.6l-.1-.2-.1-.2-2.4-4.1-.1-.2-.1-.2c-3.4-6.2-6.4-12.6-9-19.3c-8.2-21.2 2.2-42.6 19-52.3l2.7-1.5c0-.8 0-1.5 0-2.3s0-1.5 0-2.3l-2.7-1.5zM533.3 192H490.7c-15.9 0-31 3.5-44.6 9.7c1.3 7.2 1.9 14.7 1.9 22.3c0 17.4-3.5 33.9-9.7 49c2.5 .9 4.9 2 7.1 3.3l2.6 1.5c1.3-.8 2.6-1.6 4-2.3v-3c0-19.4 13.3-39.1 35.8-42.6c7.9-1.2 16-1.9 24.2-1.9s16.3 .6 24.2 1.9c22.5 3.5 35.8 23.2 35.8 42.6v3c1.3 .7 2.7 1.5 4 2.3l2.6-1.5c16.8-9.7 40.5-8 54.7 9.7c2.3 2.8 4.5 5.8 6.6 8.7c-2.1-57.1-49-102.7-106.6-102.7zm91.3 163.9c6.3-3.6 9.5-11.1 6.8-18c-2.1-5.5-4.6-10.8-7.4-15.9l-2.3-4c-3.1-5.1-6.5-9.9-10.2-14.5c-4.6-5.7-12.7-6.7-19-3L574.4 311c-8.9-7.6-19.1-13.6-30.4-17.6v-21c0-7.3-4.9-13.8-12.1-14.9c-6.5-1-13.1-1.5-19.9-1.5s-13.4 .5-19.9 1.5c-7.2 1.1-12.1 7.6-12.1 14.9v21c-11.2 4-21.5 10-30.4 17.6l-18.2-10.5c-6.3-3.6-14.4-2.6-19 3c-3.7 4.6-7.1 9.5-10.2 14.6l-2.3 3.9c-2.8 5.1-5.3 10.4-7.4 15.9c-2.6 6.8 .5 14.3 6.8 17.9l18.2 10.5c-1 5.7-1.6 11.6-1.6 17.6s.6 11.9 1.6 17.5l-18.2 10.5c-6.3 3.6-9.5 11.1-6.8 17.9c2.1 5.5 4.6 10.7 7.4 15.8l2.4 4.1c3 5.1 6.4 9.9 10.1 14.5c4.6 5.7 12.7 6.7 19 3L449.6 457c8.9 7.6 19.2 13.6 30.4 17.6v21c0 7.3 4.9 13.8 12.1 14.9c6.5 1 13.1 1.5 19.9 1.5s13.4-.5 19.9-1.5c7.2-1.1 12.1-7.6 12.1-14.9v-21c11.2-4 21.5-10 30.4-17.6l18.2 10.5c6.3 3.6 14.4 2.6 19-3c3.7-4.6 7.1-9.4 10.1-14.5l2.4-4.2c2.8-5.1 5.3-10.3 7.4-15.8c2.6-6.8-.5-14.3-6.8-17.9l-18.2-10.5c1-5.7 1.6-11.6 1.6-17.5s-.6-11.9-1.6-17.6l18.2-10.5zM472 384a40 40 0 1 1 80 0 40 40 0 1 1 -80 0z fillcurrentColor transformtranslate(-320 -256)>/path>/g>/g>/svg>/div> div classflex-grow pl-6>h2 classtext-gray-900 text-lg title-font font-medium mb-2>Client driven /h2> p classleading-relaxed text-base>We are constantly striving to innovate and improve our service. We take feedback from our clients seriously, using it to guide our decisions and actions. Our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction has earned us repeated clients'. /p>/div>/div> div classp-4 md:w-1/3 flex>div classw-12 h-12 inline-flex items-center justify-center rounded-full bg-indigo-100 text-indigo-500 mb-4 flex-shrink-0>svg classsvelte-fa svelte-1cj2gr0 styleheight:1em;font-size:1.5em;vertical-align:-.125em;transform-origin:center;overflow:visible viewBox0 0 512 512 aria-hiddentrue roleimg xmlns>g transformtranslate(256 256) transform-origin128 0>g transformtranslate(0,0) scale(1,1)>path dM0 32C0 14.3 14.3 0 32 0H160c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32V416c0 53-43 96-96 96s-96-43-96-96V32zM223.6 425.9c.3-3.3 .4-6.6 .4-9.9V154l75.4-75.4c12.5-12.5 32.8-12.5 45.3 0l90.5 90.5c12.5 12.5 12.5 32.8 0 45.3L223.6 425.9zM182.8 512l192-192H480c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32V480c0 17.7-14.3 32-32 32H182.8zM128 64H64v64h64V64zM64 192v64h64V192H64zM96 440a24 24 0 1 0 0-48 24 24 0 1 0 0 48z fill#1A9E4A transformtranslate(-256 -256)>/path>/g>/g>/svg>/div> div classflex-grow pl-6>h2 classtext-gray-900 text-lg title-font font-medium mb-2>In house, innovative technology /h2> p classleading-relaxed text-base>We develop and use the latest technology and techniques to ensure that our services are of the highest quality and meet or exceed industry standards. We believe that our dedication to providing exceptional service sets us apart from our competitors. /p>/div>/div>/div>/div>/section> section classtext-gray-600 body-font>div classcontainer px-5 py-12 mx-auto>div classflex flex-wrap w-full mb-20>div classlg:w-1/2 w-full mb-6 lg:mb-0>h1 classsm:text-3xl text-2xl font-medium title-font mb-2 text-gray-900>Popular Destinations/h1> div classh-1 w-20 bg-green-500 rounded>/div>/div> p classlg:w-1/2 w-full leading-relaxed text-gray-500>Whatever on holidays or business trip, our experienced drivers will provide a comfortable and reliable service to your destination./p>/div> div>div>/div>/div>/div>/section> section classtext-gray-600 body-font>div classcontainer px-5 py-12 mx-auto>div classflex flex-wrap w-full mb-5>div classlg:w-1/2 w-full mb-6 lg:mb-0>h1 classsm:text-3xl text-2xl font-medium title-font mb-2 text-gray-900>Local Tour suggestions/h1> div classh-1 w-20 bg-green-500 rounded>/div>/div> p classlg:w-1/2 w-full leading-relaxed text-gray-500 text-2xl>Premium, Unforgettable Tours by our local experts/p>/div>/div> div>div>/div>/div>/section> div>div>/div>/div> footer classtext-gray-600 body-font>div classbg-gray-100>div classcontainer px-5 py-6 mx-auto flex items-center sm:flex-row flex-col>a classflex title-font w-52 font-medium items-center md:justify-start justify-center text-gray-900 href/>img src/_app/immutable/assets/logo.3417a700.png logo>/a> p classtext-sm text-gray-500 sm:ml-6 sm:mt-0 mt-4>© 2024 /p> span classinline-flex sm:ml-auto sm:mt-0 mt-4 justify-center sm:justify-start>p classtext-sm text-gray-500 sm:ml-6 sm:mt-0 mt-4>a classtext-gray-500 text-lg href/terms>Terms and Conditions/a> | a classtext-gray-500 text-lg href/faq>F.A.Q./a> | a classtext-gray-500 text-lg href/privacy>Privacy Policy/a> | a classtext-gray-500 text-lg href/about>About/a> | a classtext-gray-500 text-lg href/contact>Contact/a>/p> /span>/div>/div>/footer> script> { __sveltekit_6h69mg { base: new URL(., location).pathname.slice(0, -1), env: {} }; const element document.currentScript.parentElement; const data null,null; Promise.all( import(./_app/immutable/entry/start.f5cf852a.js), import(./_app/immutable/entry/app.9b94794b.js) ).then((kit, app) > { kit.start(app, element, { node_ids: 0, 3, data, form: null, error: null }); }); } /script> /div> /body>/html>
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