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2003-11-17 00:00:00
2015-11-15 00:00:00
2016-11-17 00:00:00
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKServer: nginxDate: Sun, 26 Jan 2025 10:29:13 GMTContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8Transfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-aliveVary: Accept-Encoding !DOCTYPE html>!-- saved from url(0029)chrome-error://chromewebdata/ -->html dirltr langzh>head>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetUTF-8> meta namecolor-scheme contentlight dark> meta nametheme-color content#fff> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1.0, maximum-scale1.0, user-scalableno> title>无法访问此网站/title> style>/* Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */a { color: var(--link-color);}body { --background-color: #fff; --error-code-color: var(--google-gray-700); --google-blue-100: rgb(210, 227, 252); --google-blue-300: rgb(138, 180, 248); --google-blue-600: rgb(26, 115, 232); --google-blue-700: rgb(25, 103, 210); --google-gray-100: rgb(241, 243, 244); --google-gray-300: rgb(218, 220, 224); --google-gray-500: rgb(154, 160, 166); --google-gray-50: rgb(248, 249, 250); --google-gray-600: rgb(128, 134, 139); --google-gray-700: rgb(95, 99, 104); --google-gray-800: rgb(60, 64, 67); --google-gray-900: rgb(32, 33, 36); --heading-color: var(--google-gray-900); --link-color: rgb(88, 88, 88); --popup-container-background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.65); --primary-button-fill-color-active: var(--google-blue-700); --primary-button-fill-color: var(--google-blue-600); --primary-button-text-color: #fff; --quiet-background-color: rgb(247, 247, 247); --secondary-button-border-color: var(--google-gray-500); --secondary-button-fill-color: #fff; --secondary-button-hover-border-color: var(--google-gray-600); --secondary-button-hover-fill-color: var(--google-gray-50); --secondary-button-text-color: var(--google-gray-700); --small-link-color: var(--google-gray-700); --text-color: var(--google-gray-700); background: var(--background-color); color: var(--text-color); word-wrap: break-word;}.nav-wrapper .secondary-button { background: var(--secondary-button-fill-color); border: 1px solid var(--secondary-button-border-color); color: var(--secondary-button-text-color); float: none; margin: 0; padding: 8px 16px;}.hidden { display: none;}html { -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; font-size: 125%;}.icon { background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 100%;}@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { body { --background-color: var(--google-gray-900); --error-code-color: var(--google-gray-500); --heading-color: var(--google-gray-500); --link-color: var(--google-blue-300); --primary-button-fill-color-active: rgb(129, 162, 208); --primary-button-fill-color: var(--google-blue-300); --primary-button-text-color: var(--google-gray-900); --quiet-background-color: var(--background-color); --secondary-button-border-color: var(--google-gray-700); --secondary-button-fill-color: var(--google-gray-900); --secondary-button-hover-fill-color: rgb(48, 51, 57); --secondary-button-text-color: var(--google-blue-300); --small-link-color: var(--google-blue-300); --text-color: var(--google-gray-500); }}/style> style>/* Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. */button { border: 0; border-radius: 4px; box-sizing: border-box; color: var(--primary-button-text-color); cursor: pointer; float: right; font-size: .875em; margin: 0; padding: 8px 16px; transition: box-shadow 150ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1); user-select: none;}dirrtl button { float: left;}.bad-clock button,.captive-portal button,.https-only button,.insecure-form button,.lookalike-url button,.main-frame-blocked button,.neterror button,.pdf button,.ssl button,.enterprise-block button,.enterprise-warn button,.safe-browsing-billing button { background: var(--primary-button-fill-color);}button:active { background: var(--primary-button-fill-color-active); outline: 0;}#debugging { display: inline; overflow: auto;}.debugging-content { line-height: 1em; margin-bottom: 0; margin-top: 1em;}.debugging-content-fixed-width { display: block; font-family: monospace; font-size: 1.2em; margin-top: 0.5em;}.debugging-title { font-weight: bold;}#details { margin: 0 0 50px;}#details p:not(:first-of-type) { margin-top: 20px;}.secondary-button:active { border-color: white; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px 0 rgba(60, 64, 67, .3), 0 2px 6px 2px rgba(60, 64, 67, .15);}.secondary-button:hover { background: var(--secondary-button-hover-fill-color); border-color: var(--secondary-button-hover-border-color); text-decoration: none;}.error-code { color: var(--error-code-color); font-size: .8em; margin-top: 12px; text-transform: uppercase;}#error-debugging-info { font-size: 0.8em;}h1 { color: var(--heading-color); font-size: 1.6em; font-weight: normal; line-height: 1.25em; margin-bottom: 16px;}h2 { font-size: 1.2em; font-weight: normal;}.icon { height: 72px; margin: 0 0 40px; width: 72px;}inputtypecheckbox { opacity: 0;}inputtypecheckbox:focus ~ .checkbox::after { outline: -webkit-focus-ring-color auto 5px;}.interstitial-wrapper { box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 1em; line-height: 1.6em; margin: 14vh auto 0; max-width: 600px; width: 100%;}#main-message > p { display: inline;}#extended-reporting-opt-in { font-size: .875em; margin-top: 32px;}#extended-reporting-opt-in label { display: grid; grid-template-columns: 1.8em 1fr; position: relative;}#enhanced-protection-message { border-radius: 4px; font-size: 1em; margin-top: 32px; padding: 10px 5px;}#enhanced-protection-message label { display: grid; grid-template-columns: 2.5em 1fr; position: relative;}#enhanced-protection-message div { margin: 0.5em;}#enhanced-protection-message .icon { height: 1.5em; vertical-align: middle; width: 1.5em;}.nav-wrapper { margin-top: 51px;}.nav-wrapper::after { clear: both; content: ; display: table; width: 100%;}.small-link { color: var(--small-link-color); font-size: .875em;}.checkboxes { flex: 0 0 24px;}.checkbox { --padding: .9em; background: transparent; display: block; height: 1em; left: -1em; padding-inline-start: var(--padding); position: absolute; right: 0; top: -.5em; width: 1em;}.checkbox::after { border: 1px solid white; border-radius: 2px; content: ; height: 1em; left: var(--padding); position: absolute; top: var(--padding); width: 1em;}.checkbox::before { background: transparent; border: 2px solid white; border-inline-end-width: 0; border-top-width: 0; content: ; height: .2em; left: calc(.3em + var(--padding)); opacity: 0; position: absolute; top: calc(.3em + var(--padding)); transform: rotate(-45deg); width: .5em;}inputtypecheckbox:checked ~ .checkbox::before { opacity: 1;}#recurrent-error-message { background: #ededed; border-radius: 4px; margin-bottom: 16px; margin-top: 12px; padding: 12px 16px;}.showing-recurrent-error-message #extended-reporting-opt-in { margin-top: 16px;}.showing-recurrent-error-message #enhanced-protection-message { margin-top: 16px;}@media (max-width: 700px) { .interstitial-wrapper { padding: 0 10%; } #error-debugging-info { overflow: auto; }}@media (max-width: 420px) { button, dirrtl button, .small-link { float: none; font-size: .825em; font-weight: 500; margin: 0; width: 100%; } button { padding: 16px 24px; } #details { margin: 20px 0 20px 0; } #details p:not(:first-of-type) { margin-top: 10px; } .secondary-button:not(.hidden) { display: block; margin-top: 20px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .interstitial-wrapper { padding: 0 5%; } #extended-reporting-opt-in { margin-top: 24px; } #enhanced-protection-message { margin-top: 24px; } .nav-wrapper { margin-top: 30px; }}/** * Mobile specific styling. * Navigation buttons are anchored to the bottom of the screen. * Details message replaces the top content in its own scrollable area. */@media (max-width: 420px) { .nav-wrapper .secondary-button { border: 0; margin: 16px 0 0; margin-inline-end: 0; padding-bottom: 16px; padding-top: 16px; }}/* Fixed nav. */@media (min-width: 240px) and (max-width: 420px) and (min-height: 401px), (min-width: 421px) and (min-height: 240px) and (max-height: 560px) { body .nav-wrapper { background: var(--background-color); bottom: 0; box-shadow: 0 -12px 24px var(--background-color); left: 0; margin: 0 auto; max-width: 736px; padding-inline-end: 24px; padding-inline-start: 24px; position: fixed; right: 0; width: 100%; z-index: 2; } .interstitial-wrapper { max-width: 736px; } #details, #main-content { padding-bottom: 40px; } #details { padding-top: 5.5vh; } button.small-link { color: var(--google-blue-600); }}@media (max-width: 420px) and (orientation: portrait), (max-height: 560px) { body { margin: 0 auto; } button, dirrtl button, button.small-link, .nav-wrapper .secondary-button { font-family: Roboto-Regular,Helvetica; font-size: .933em; margin: 6px 0; transform: translatez(0); } .nav-wrapper { box-sizing: border-box; padding-bottom: 8px; width: 100%; } #details { box-sizing: border-box; height: auto; margin: 0; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1); } #details.hidden, #main-content.hidden { height: 0; opacity: 0; overflow: hidden; padding-bottom: 0; transition: none; } h1 { font-size: 1.5em; margin-bottom: 8px; } .icon { margin-bottom: 5.69vh; } .interstitial-wrapper { box-sizing: border-box; margin: 7vh auto 12px; padding: 0 24px; position: relative; } .interstitial-wrapper p { font-size: .95em; line-height: 1.61em; margin-top: 8px; } #main-content { margin: 0; transition: opacity 100ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1); } .small-link { border: 0; } .suggested-left > #control-buttons, .suggested-right > #control-buttons { float: none; margin: 0; }}@media (min-width: 421px) and (min-height: 500px) and (max-height: 560px) { .interstitial-wrapper { margin-top: 10vh; }}@media (min-height: 400px) and (orientation:portrait) { .interstitial-wrapper { margin-bottom: 145px; }}@media (min-height: 299px) { .nav-wrapper { padding-bottom: 16px; }}@media (max-height: 560px) and (min-height: 240px) and (orientation:landscape) { .extended-reporting-has-checkbox #details { padding-bottom: 80px; }}@media (min-height: 500px) and (max-height: 650px) and (max-width: 414px) and (orientation: portrait) { .interstitial-wrapper { margin-top: 7vh; }}@media (min-height: 650px) and (max-width: 414px) and (orientation: portrait) { .interstitial-wrapper { margin-top: 10vh; }}/* Small mobile screens. No fixed nav. */@media (max-height: 400px) and (orientation: portrait), (max-height: 239px) and (orientation: landscape), (max-width: 419px) and (max-height: 399px) { .interstitial-wrapper { display: flex; flex-direction: column; margin-bottom: 0; } #details { flex: 1 1 auto; order: 0; } #main-content { flex: 1 1 auto; order: 0; } .nav-wrapper { flex: 0 1 auto; margin-top: 8px; order: 1; padding-inline-end: 0; padding-inline-start: 0; position: relative; width: 100%; } button, .nav-wrapper .secondary-button { padding: 16px 24px; } button.small-link { color: var(--google-blue-600); }}@media (max-width: 239px) and (orientation: portrait) { .nav-wrapper { padding-inline-end: 0; padding-inline-start: 0; }}/style> style>/* Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. *//* Dont use the main frame div when the error is in a subframe. */htmlsubframe #main-frame-error { display: none;}/* Dont use the subframe error div when the error is in a main frame. */html:not(subframe) #sub-frame-error { display: none;}h1 { margin-top: 0; word-wrap: break-word;}h1 span { font-weight: 500;}a { text-decoration: none;}.icon { -webkit-user-select: none; display: inline-block;}.icon-generic { /* Cant access chrome://theme/IDR_ERROR_NETWORK_GENERIC from an untrusted * renderer process, so embed the resource manually. */ content: -webkit-image-set( url() 1x, url() 2x);}.icon-offline { content: -webkit-image-set( url() 1x, url() 2x); position: relative;}.icon-disabled { content: -webkit-image-set( url() 1x, url() 2x); width: 112px;}.hidden { display: none;}#suggestions-list a { color: var(--google-blue-600);}#suggestions-list p { margin-block-end: 0;}#suggestions-list ul { margin-top: 0;}.single-suggestion { list-style-type: none; padding-inline-start: 0;}#error-information-button { content: url(); height: 24px; vertical-align: -.15em; width: 24px;}.use-popup-container#error-information-popup-container #error-information-popup { align-items: center; background-color: var(--popup-container-background-color); display: flex; height: 100%; left: 0; position: fixed; top: 0; width: 100%; z-index: 100;}.use-popup-container#error-information-popup-container #error-information-popup-content > p { margin-bottom: 11px; margin-inline-start: 20px;}.use-popup-container#error-information-popup-container #suggestions-list ul { margin-inline-start: 15px;}.use-popup-container#error-information-popup-container #error-information-popup-box { background-color: var(--background-color); left: 5%; padding-bottom: 15px; padding-top: 15px; position: fixed; width: 90%; z-index: 101;}.use-popup-container#error-information-popup-container div.error-code { margin-inline-start: 20px;}.use-popup-container#error-information-popup-container #suggestions-list p { margin-inline-start: 20px;}:not(.use-popup-container)#error-information-popup-container #error-information-popup-close { display: none;}#error-information-popup-close { margin-bottom: 0; margin-inline-end: 35px; margin-top: 15px; text-align: end;}.link-button { color: rgb(66, 133, 244); display: inline-block; font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase;}#sub-frame-error-details { color: #8F8F8F; /* Not done on mobile for performance reasons. */ text-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,0.3);}jscontenthostName,jscontentfailedUrl { overflow-wrap: break-word;}.secondary-button { background: #d9d9d9; color: #696969; margin-inline-end: 16px;}.snackbar { background: #323232; border-radius: 2px; bottom: 24px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #fff; font-size: .87em; left: 24px; max-width: 568px; min-width: 288px; opacity: 0; padding: 16px 24px 12px; position: fixed; transform: translateY(90px); will-change: opacity, transform; z-index: 999;}.snackbar-show { -webkit-animation: show-snackbar 250ms cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1) forwards, hide-snackbar 250ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 1, 1) forwards 5s;}@-webkit-keyframes show-snackbar { 100% { opacity: 1; transform: translateY(0); }}@-webkit-keyframes hide-snackbar { 0% { opacity: 1; transform: translateY(0); } 100% { opacity: 0; transform: translateY(90px); }}.suggestions { margin-top: 18px;}.suggestion-header { font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 4px;}.suggestion-body { color: #777;}/* Decrease padding at low sizes. */@media (max-width: 640px), (max-height: 640px) { h1 { margin: 0 0 15px; } .suggestions { margin-top: 10px; } .suggestion-header { margin-bottom: 0; }}#download-link,#download-link-clicked { margin-bottom: 30px; margin-top: 30px;}#download-link-clicked { color: #BBB;}#download-link::before,#download-link-clicked::before { content: url(); display: inline-block; margin-inline-end: 4px; vertical-align: -webkit-baseline-middle;}#download-link-clicked::before { opacity: 0; width: 0;}#offline-content-list-visibility-card { border: 1px solid white; border-radius: 8px; display: flex; font-size: .8em; justify-content: space-between; line-height: 1;}#offline-content-list.list-hidden #offline-content-list-visibility-card { border-color: rgb(218, 220, 224);}#offline-content-list-visibility-card > div { padding: 1em;}#offline-content-list-title { color: var(--google-gray-700);}#offline-content-list-show-text,#offline-content-list-hide-text { color: rgb(66, 133, 244);}/* Hides the hide text div when the offline content list is collapsed/hidden * and, alternatively, hides the show text div when the offline content list * is expanded/shown. */#offline-content-list.list-hidden #offline-content-list-hide-text,#offline-content-list:not(.list-hidden) #offline-content-list-show-text { display: none;}/* Controls the animation of the offline content list when it is expanded/shown. */#offline-content-suggestions { /* Max-height has to be set for the height animation to work. The chosen value * is a little greater than the maximum height the list will have, when all * suggestions have images, so that it is never clamped. This makes so that * when the actual height is smaller then the animation is not as smooth. */ max-height: 27em; transition: max-height 200ms ease-in, visibility 0s 200ms, opacity 200ms 200ms linear;}/* Controls the animation of the offline content list when it is * collapsed/hidden. */#offline-content-list.list-hidden #offline-content-suggestions { max-height: 0; opacity: 0; transition: opacity 200ms linear, visibility 0s 200ms, max-height 200ms 200ms ease-out; visibility: hidden;}#offline-content-list { margin-inline-start: -5%; width: 110%;}/* The selectors below adjust the overflow of the suggestion cards contents * based on the same screen size based strategy used for the main frame, which * is applied by the `interstitial-wrapper` class. */@media (max-width: 420px) { #offline-content-list { margin-inline-start: -2.5%; width: 105%; }}@media (max-width: 420px) and (orientation: portrait), (max-height: 560px) { #offline-content-list { margin-inline-start: -12px; width: calc(100% + 24px); }}.suggestion-with-image .offline-content-suggestion-thumbnail { flex-basis: 8.2em; flex-shrink: 0;}.suggestion-with-image .offline-content-suggestion-thumbnail > img { height: 100%; width: 100%;}.suggestion-with-image #offline-content-list:not(.is-rtl).offline-content-suggestion-thumbnail > img { border-bottom-right-radius: 7px; border-top-right-radius: 7px;}.suggestion-with-image > img { border-bottom-left-radius: 7px; border-top-left-radius: 7px;}.suggestion-with-icon .offline-content-suggestion-thumbnail { align-items: center; display: flex; justify-content: center; min-height: 4.2em; min-width: 4.2em;}.suggestion-with-icon .offline-content-suggestion-thumbnail > div { align-items: center; background-color: rgb(241, 243, 244); border-radius: 50%; display: flex; height: 2.3em; justify-content: center; width: 2.3em;}.suggestion-with-icon .offline-content-suggestion-thumbnail > div > img { height: 1.45em; width: 1.45em;}.offline-content-suggestion-favicon { height: 1em; margin-inline-end: 0.4em; width: 1.4em;}.offline-content-suggestion-favicon > img { height: 1.4em; width: 1.4em;}.no-favicon .offline-content-suggestion-favicon { display: none;}.image-video { content: url();}.image-music-note { content: url();}.image-earth { content: url();}.image-file { content: url();}.offline-content-suggestion-texts { display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: space-between; line-height: 1.3; padding: .9em; width: 100%;}.offline-content-suggestion-title { -webkit-box-orient: vertical; -webkit-line-clamp: 3; color: rgb(32, 33, 36); display: -webkit-box; font-size: 1.1em; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis;}div.offline-content-suggestion { align-items: stretch; border: 1px solid rgb(218, 220, 224); border-radius: 8px; display: flex; justify-content: space-between; margin-bottom: .8em;}.suggestion-with-image { flex-direction: row; height: 8.2em; max-height: 8.2em;}.suggestion-with-icon { flex-direction: row-reverse; height: 4.2em; max-height: 4.2em;}.suggestion-with-icon .offline-content-suggestion-title { -webkit-line-clamp: 1; word-break: break-all;}.suggestion-with-icon .offline-content-suggestion-texts { padding-inline-start: 0;}.offline-content-suggestion-attribution-freshness { color: rgb(95, 99, 104); display: flex; font-size: .8em; line-height: 1.7em;}.offline-content-suggestion-attribution { -webkit-box-orient: vertical; -webkit-line-clamp: 1; display: -webkit-box; flex-shrink: 1; margin-inline-end: 0.3em; overflow: hidden; overflow-wrap: break-word; text-overflow: ellipsis; word-break: break-all;}.no-attribution .offline-content-suggestion-attribution { display: none;}.offline-content-suggestion-freshness::before { content: -; display: inline-block; flex-shrink: 0; margin-inline-end: .1em; margin-inline-start: .1em;}.no-attribution .offline-content-suggestion-freshness::before { display: none;}.offline-content-suggestion-freshness { flex-shrink: 0;}.suggestion-with-image .offline-content-suggestion-pin-spacer { flex-grow: 100; flex-shrink: 1;}.suggestion-with-image .offline-content-suggestion-pin { content: url(); flex-shrink: 0; height: 1.4em; margin-inline-start: .4em; width: 1.4em;}/* Controls the animation (and a bit more) of the launch-downloads-home action * button when the offline content list is expanded/shown. */#offline-content-list-action { text-align: center; transition: visibility 0s 200ms, opacity 200ms 200ms linear;}/* Controls the animation of the launch-downloads-home action button when the * offline content list is collapsed/hidden. */#offline-content-list.list-hidden #offline-content-list-action { opacity: 0; transition: opacity 200ms linear, visibility 0s 200ms; visibility: hidden;}#cancel-save-page-button { background-image: url(); background-position: right 27px center; background-repeat: no-repeat; border: 1px solid var(--google-gray-300); border-radius: 5px; color: var(--google-gray-700); margin-bottom: 26px; padding-bottom: 16px; padding-inline-end: 88px; padding-inline-start: 16px; padding-top: 16px; text-align: start;}htmldirrtl #cancel-save-page-button { background-position: left 27px center;}#save-page-for-later-button { display: flex; justify-content: start;}#save-page-for-later-button a::before { content: url(); display: inline-block; margin-inline-end: 4px; vertical-align: -webkit-baseline-middle;}.hidden#save-page-for-later-button { display: none;}/* Dont allow overflow when in a subframe. */htmlsubframe body { overflow: hidden;}#sub-frame-error { -webkit-align-items: center; -webkit-flex-flow: column; -webkit-justify-content: center; background-color: #DDD; display: -webkit-flex; height: 100%; left: 0; position: absolute; text-align: center; top: 0; transition: background-color 200ms ease-in-out; width: 100%;}#sub-frame-error:hover { background-color: #EEE;}#sub-frame-error .icon-generic { margin: 0 0 16px;}#sub-frame-error-details { margin: 0 10px; text-align: center; visibility: hidden;}/* Show details only when hovering. */#sub-frame-error:hover #sub-frame-error-details { visibility: visible;}/* If the iframe is too small, always hide the error code. *//* TODO(mmenke): See if overflow: no-display works better, once supported. */@media (max-width: 200px), (max-height: 95px) { #sub-frame-error-details { display: none; }}/* Adjust icon for small embedded frames in apps. */@media (max-height: 100px) { #sub-frame-error .icon-generic { height: auto; margin: 0; padding-top: 0; width: 25px; }}/* details-button is special; its a button> element that looks like a link. */#details-button { box-shadow: none; min-width: 0;}/* Styles for platform dependent separation of controls and details button. */.suggested-left > #control-buttons,.suggested-right > #details-button { float: left;}.suggested-right > #control-buttons,.suggested-left > #details-button { float: right;}.suggested-left .secondary-button { margin-inline-end: 0; margin-inline-start: 16px;}#details-button.singular { float: none;}/* download-button shows both icon and text. */#download-button { padding-bottom: 4px; padding-top: 4px; position: relative;}#download-button::before { background: -webkit-image-set( url() 1x, url() 2x) no-repeat; content: ; display: inline-block; height: 24px; margin-inline-end: 4px; margin-inline-start: -4px; vertical-align: middle; width: 24px;}#download-button:disabled { background: rgb(180, 206, 249); color: rgb(255, 255, 255);}#buttons::after { clear: both; content: ; display: block; width: 100%;}/* Offline page */htmldirrtl .runner-container,htmldirrtl.offline .icon-offline { transform: scaleX(-1);}.offline { transition: filter 1.5s cubic-bezier(0.65, 0.05, 0.36, 1), background-color 1.5s cubic-bezier(0.65, 0.05, 0.36, 1); will-change: filter, background-color;}.offline body { transition: background-color 1.5s cubic-bezier(0.65, 0.05, 0.36, 1);}.offline #main-message > p { display: none;}.offline.inverted { background-color: #fff; filter: invert(1);}.offline.inverted body { background-color: #fff;}.offline .interstitial-wrapper { color: var(--text-color); font-size: 1em; line-height: 1.55; margin: 0 auto; max-width: 600px; padding-top: 100px; position: relative; width: 100%;}.offline .runner-container { direction: ltr; height: 150px; max-width: 600px; overflow: hidden; position: absolute; top: 35px; width: 44px;}.offline .runner-container:focus { outline: none;}.offline .runner-container:focus-visible { outline: 3px solid var(--google-blue-300);}.offline .runner-canvas { height: 150px; max-width: 600px; opacity: 1; overflow: hidden; position: absolute; top: 0; z-index: 10;}.offline .controller { height: 100vh; left: 0; position: absolute; top: 0; width: 100vw; z-index: 9;}#offline-resources { display: none;}#offline-instruction { image-rendering: pixelated; left: 0; margin: auto; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 60px; width: fit-content;}.offline-runner-live-region { bottom: 0; clip-path: polygon(0 0, 0 0, 0 0); color: var(--background-color); display: block; font-size: xx-small; overflow: hidden; position: absolute; text-align: center; transition: color 1.5s cubic-bezier(0.65, 0.05, 0.36, 1); user-select: none;}/* Custom toggle */.slow-speed-option { align-items: center; background: var(--google-gray-50); border-radius: 24px/50%; bottom: 0; color: var(--error-code-color); display: inline-flex; font-size: 1em; left: 0; line-height: 1.1em; margin: 5px auto; padding: 2px 12px 3px 20px; position: absolute; right: 0; width: max-content; z-index: 999;}.slow-speed-option.hidden { display: none;}.slow-speed-option typecheckbox { opacity: 0; pointer-events: none; position: absolute;}.slow-speed-option .slow-speed-toggle { cursor: pointer; margin-inline-start: 8px; padding: 8px 4px; position: relative;}.slow-speed-option typecheckbox:disabled ~ .slow-speed-toggle { cursor: default;}.slow-speed-option-label typecheckbox { opacity: 0; pointer-events: none; position: absolute;}.slow-speed-option .slow-speed-toggle::before,.slow-speed-option .slow-speed-toggle::after { content: ; display: block; margin: 0 3px; transition: all 100ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 1, 1);}.slow-speed-option .slow-speed-toggle::before { background: rgb(189,193,198); border-radius: 0.65em; height: 0.9em; width: 2em;}.slow-speed-option .slow-speed-toggle::after { background: #fff; border-radius: 50%; box-shadow: 0 1px 3px 0 rgb(0 0 0 / 40%); height: 1.2em; position: absolute; top: 51%; transform: translate(-20%, -50%); width: 1.1em;}.slow-speed-option typecheckbox:focus + .slow-speed-toggle { box-shadow: 0 0 8px rgb(94, 158, 214); outline: 1px solid rgb(93, 157, 213);}.slow-speed-option typecheckbox:checked + .slow-speed-toggle::before { background: var(--google-blue-600); opacity: 0.5;}.slow-speed-option typecheckbox:checked + .slow-speed-toggle::after { background: var(--google-blue-600); transform: translate(calc(2em - 90%), -50%);}.slow-speed-option typecheckbox:checked:disabled + .slow-speed-toggle::before { background: rgb(189,193,198);}.slow-speed-option typecheckbox:checked:disabled + .slow-speed-toggle::after { background: var(--google-gray-50);}@media (max-width: 420px) { #download-button { padding-bottom: 12px; padding-top: 12px; } .suggested-left > #control-buttons, .suggested-right > #control-buttons { float: none; } .snackbar { border-radius: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; }}@media (max-height: 350px) { h1 { margin: 0 0 15px; } .icon-offline { margin: 0 0 10px; } .interstitial-wrapper { margin-top: 5%; } .nav-wrapper { margin-top: 30px; }}@media (min-width: 420px) and (max-width: 736px) and (min-height: 240px) and (max-height: 420px) and (orientation:landscape) { .interstitial-wrapper { margin-bottom: 100px; }}@media (max-width: 360px) and (max-height: 480px) { .offline .interstitial-wrapper { padding-top: 60px; } .offline .runner-container { top: 8px; }}@media (min-height: 240px) and (orientation: landscape) { .offline .interstitial-wrapper { margin-bottom: 90px; } .icon-offline { margin-bottom: 20px; }}@media (max-height: 320px) and (orientation: landscape) { .icon-offline { margin-bottom: 0; } .offline .runner-container { top: 10px; }}@media (max-width: 240px) { button { padding-inline-end: 12px; padding-inline-start: 12px; } .interstitial-wrapper { overflow: inherit; padding: 0 8px; }}@media (max-width: 120px) { button { width: auto; }}.arcade-mode,.arcade-mode .runner-container,.arcade-mode .runner-canvas { image-rendering: pixelated; max-width: 100%; overflow: hidden;}.arcade-mode #buttons,.arcade-mode #main-content { opacity: 0; overflow: hidden;}.arcade-mode .interstitial-wrapper { height: 100vh; max-width: 100%; overflow: hidden;}.arcade-mode .runner-container { left: 0; margin: auto; right: 0; transform-origin: top center; transition: transform 250ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 1, 1) 400ms; z-index: 2;}@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { .icon { filter: invert(1); } .offline .runner-canvas { filter: invert(1); } .offline.inverted { background-color: var(--background-color); filter: invert(0); } .offline.inverted body { background-color: #fff; } .offline.inverted .offline-runner-live-region { color: #fff; } #suggestions-list a { color: var(--link-color); } #error-information-button { filter: invert(0.6); } .slow-speed-option { background: var(--google-gray-800); color: var(--google-gray-100); } .slow-speed-option .slow-speed-toggle::before, .slow-speed-option typecheckbox:checked:disabled + .slow-speed-toggle::before { background: rgb(189,193,198); } .slow-speed-option typecheckbox:checked + .slow-speed-toggle::after, .slow-speed-option typecheckbox:checked + .slow-speed-toggle::before { background: var(--google-blue-300); }}/style> script>// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be// found in the LICENSE file./** * @typedef {{ * downloadButtonClick: function(), * reloadButtonClick: function(string), * detailsButtonClick: function(), * diagnoseErrorsButtonClick: function(), * portalSigninsButtonClick: function(), * trackEasterEgg: function(), * updateEasterEggHighScore: function(number), * resetEasterEggHighScore: function(), * launchOfflineItem: function(string, string), * savePageForLater: function(), * cancelSavePage: function(), * listVisibilityChange: function(boolean), * }} */// eslint-disable-next-line no-varvar errorPageController;const HIDDEN_CLASS hidden;// Decodes a UTF16 string that is encoded as base64.function decodeUTF16Base64ToString(encoded_text) { const data atob(encoded_text); let result ; for (let i 0; i data.length; i + 2) { result + String.fromCharCode(data.charCodeAt(i) * 256 + data.charCodeAt(i + 1)); } return result;}function toggleHelpBox() { const helpBoxOuter document.getElementById(details); helpBoxOuter.classList.toggle(HIDDEN_CLASS); const detailsButton document.getElementById(details-button); if (helpBoxOuter.classList.contains(HIDDEN_CLASS)) { /** @suppress {missingProperties} */ detailsButton.innerText detailsButton.detailsText; } else { /** @suppress {missingProperties} */ detailsButton.innerText detailsButton.hideDetailsText; } // Details appears over the main content on small screens. if (mobileNav) { document.getElementById(main-content).classList.toggle(HIDDEN_CLASS); const runnerContainer document.querySelector(.runner-container); if (runnerContainer) { runnerContainer.classList.toggle(HIDDEN_CLASS); } }}function diagnoseErrors() { if (window.errorPageController) { errorPageController.diagnoseErrorsButtonClick(); }}function portalSignin() { if (window.errorPageController) { errorPageController.portalSigninButtonClick(); }}// Subframes use a different layout but the same html file. This is to make it// easier to support platforms that load the error page via different// mechanisms (Currently just iOS). We also use the subframe style for portals// as they are embedded like subframes and cant be interacted with by the user.let isSubFrame false;if ( ! window.location || window.portalHost) { document.documentElement.setAttribute(subframe, ); isSubFrame true;}// Re-renders the error page using |strings| as the dictionary of values.// Used by NetErrorTabHelper to update DNS error pages with probe results.function updateForDnsProbe(strings) { const context new JsEvalContext(strings); jstProcess(context, document.getElementById(t)); onDocumentLoadOrUpdate();}// Adds an icon class to the list and removes classes previously set.function updateIconClass(newClass) { const frameSelector isSubFrame ? #sub-frame-error : #main-frame-error; const iconEl document.querySelector(frameSelector + .icon); if (iconEl.classList.contains(newClass)) { return; } iconEl.className icon + newClass;}// Implements button clicks. This function is needed during the transition// between implementing these in trunk chromium and implementing them in iOS.function reloadButtonClick(url) { if (window.errorPageController) { // // errorPageController.reloadButtonClick(); // } else { window.location url; }}function downloadButtonClick() { if (window.errorPageController) { errorPageController.downloadButtonClick(); const downloadButton document.getElementById(download-button); downloadButton.disabled true; /** @suppress {missingProperties} */ downloadButton.textContent downloadButton.disabledText; document.getElementById(download-link-wrapper) .classList.add(HIDDEN_CLASS); document.getElementById(download-link-clicked-wrapper) .classList.remove(HIDDEN_CLASS); }}function detailsButtonClick() { if (window.errorPageController) { errorPageController.detailsButtonClick(); }}let primaryControlOnLeft true;// clang-format off// function setAutoFetchState(scheduled, can_schedule) { document.getElementById(cancel-save-page-button) .classList.toggle(HIDDEN_CLASS, !scheduled); document.getElementById(save-page-for-later-button) .classList.toggle(HIDDEN_CLASS, scheduled || !can_schedule);}function savePageLaterClick() { errorPageController.savePageForLater(); // savePageForLater will eventually trigger a call to setAutoFetchState() when // it completes.}function cancelSavePageClick() { errorPageController.cancelSavePage(); // setAutoFetchState is not called in response to cancelSavePage(), so do it // now. setAutoFetchState(false, true);}function toggleErrorInformationPopup() { document.getElementById(error-information-popup-container) .classList.toggle(HIDDEN_CLASS);}function launchOfflineItem(itemID, name_space) { errorPageController.launchOfflineItem(itemID, name_space);}function launchDownloadsPage() { errorPageController.launchDownloadsPage();}function getIconForSuggestedItem(item) { // Note: |item.content_type| contains the enum values from // chrome::mojom::AvailableContentType. switch (item.content_type) { case 1: // kVideo return image-video; case 2: // kAudio return image-music-note; case 0: // kPrefetchedPage case 3: // kOtherPage return image-earth; } return image-file;}function getSuggestedContentDiv(item, index) { // Note: See AvailableContentToValue in // for the data contained in an |item|. // TODO(carlosk): Present |snippet_base64| when that content becomes // available. let thumbnail ; const extraContainerClasses ; // will try to replace src attributes with data URIs using a // simple regex. The following is obfuscated slightly to avoid that. const source src; if (item.thumbnail_data_uri) { extraContainerClasses.push(suggestion-with-image); thumbnail `img ${source}${item.thumbnail_data_uri}>`; } else { extraContainerClasses.push(suggestion-with-icon); const iconClass getIconForSuggestedItem(item); thumbnail `div>img class${iconClass}>/div>`; } let favicon ; if (item.favicon_data_uri) { favicon `img ${source}${item.favicon_data_uri}>`; } else { extraContainerClasses.push(no-favicon); } if (!item.attribution_base64) { extraContainerClasses.push(no-attribution); } return ` div classoffline-content-suggestion ${extraContainerClasses.join( )} onclicklaunchOfflineItem(${item.ID}, ${item.name_space})> div classoffline-content-suggestion-texts> div idoffline-content-suggestion-title-${index} classoffline-content-suggestion-title> /div> div classoffline-content-suggestion-attribution-freshness> div idoffline-content-suggestion-favicon-${index} classoffline-content-suggestion-favicon> ${favicon} /div> div idoffline-content-suggestion-attribution-${index} classoffline-content-suggestion-attribution> /div> div classoffline-content-suggestion-freshness> ${item.date_modified} /div> div classoffline-content-suggestion-pin-spacer>/div> div classoffline-content-suggestion-pin>/div> /div> /div> div classoffline-content-suggestion-thumbnail> ${thumbnail} /div> /div>`;}/** * @typedef {{ * ID: string, * name_space: string, * title_base64: string, * snippet_base64: string, * date_modified: string, * attribution_base64: string, * thumbnail_data_uri: string, * favicon_data_uri: string, * content_type: number, * }} */let AvailableOfflineContent;// Populates a list of suggested offline content.// Note: For security reasons all content downloaded from the web is considered// unsafe and must be securely handled to be presented on the dino page. Images// have already been safely re-encoded but textual content -- like title and// attribution -- must be properly handled here.// @param {boolean} isShown// @param {ArrayAvailableOfflineContent>} suggestionsfunction offlineContentAvailable(isShown, suggestions) { if (!suggestions || !loadTimeData.valueExists(offlineContentList)) { return; } const suggestionsHTML ; for (let index 0; index suggestions.length; index++) { suggestionsHTML.push(getSuggestedContentDiv(suggestionsindex, index)); } document.getElementById(offline-content-suggestions).innerHTML suggestionsHTML.join(\n); // Sets textual web content using |textContent| to make sure its handled as // plain text. for (let index 0; index suggestions.length; index++) { document.getElementById(`offline-content-suggestion-title-${index}`) .textContent decodeUTF16Base64ToString(suggestionsindex.title_base64); document.getElementById(`offline-content-suggestion-attribution-${index}`) .textContent decodeUTF16Base64ToString(suggestionsindex.attribution_base64); } const contentListElement document.getElementById(offline-content-list); if (document.dir rtl) { contentListElement.classList.add(is-rtl); } contentListElement.hidden false; // The list is configured as hidden by default. Show it if needed. if (isShown) { toggleOfflineContentListVisibility(false); }}function toggleOfflineContentListVisibility(updatePref) { if (!loadTimeData.valueExists(offlineContentList)) { return; } const contentListElement document.getElementById(offline-content-list); const isVisible !contentListElement.classList.toggle(list-hidden); if (updatePref && window.errorPageController) { errorPageController.listVisibilityChanged(isVisible); }}// Called on document load, and from updateForDnsProbe().function onDocumentLoadOrUpdate() { const downloadButtonVisible loadTimeData.valueExists(downloadButton) && loadTimeData.getValue(downloadButton).msg; const detailsButton document.getElementById(details-button); // If offline content suggestions will be visible, the usual buttons will not // be presented. const offlineContentVisible loadTimeData.valueExists(suggestedOfflineContentPresentation); if (offlineContentVisible) { document.querySelector(.nav-wrapper).classList.add(HIDDEN_CLASS); detailsButton.classList.add(HIDDEN_CLASS); document.getElementById(download-link).hidden !downloadButtonVisible; document.getElementById(download-links-wrapper) .classList.remove(HIDDEN_CLASS); document.getElementById(error-information-popup-container) .classList.add(use-popup-container, HIDDEN_CLASS); document.getElementById(error-information-button) .classList.remove(HIDDEN_CLASS); } const attemptAutoFetch loadTimeData.valueExists(attemptAutoFetch) && loadTimeData.getValue(attemptAutoFetch); const reloadButtonVisible loadTimeData.valueExists(reloadButton) && loadTimeData.getValue(reloadButton).msg; const reloadButton document.getElementById(reload-button); const downloadButton document.getElementById(download-button); if ( none && none) { detailsButton.classList.add(singular); } // Show or hide control buttons. const controlButtonDiv document.getElementById(control-buttons); controlButtonDiv.hidden offlineContentVisible || !(reloadButtonVisible || downloadButtonVisible); const iconClass loadTimeData.valueExists(iconClass) && loadTimeData.getValue(iconClass); updateIconClass(iconClass); if (!isSubFrame && iconClass icon-offline) { document.documentElement.classList.add(offline); new Runner(.interstitial-wrapper); }}function onDocumentLoad() { // Sets up the proper button layout for the current platform. const buttonsDiv document.getElementById(buttons); if (primaryControlOnLeft) { buttonsDiv.classList.add(suggested-left); } else { buttonsDiv.classList.add(suggested-right); } onDocumentLoadOrUpdate();}document.addEventListener(DOMContentLoaded, onDocumentLoad);/script> script>// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be// found in the LICENSE file.let mobileNav false;/** * For small screen mobile the navigation buttons are moved * below the advanced text. */function onResize() { const helpOuterBox document.querySelector(#details); const mainContent document.querySelector(#main-content); const mediaQuery (min-width: 240px) and (max-width: 420px) and + (min-height: 401px), + (max-height: 560px) and (min-height: 240px) and + (min-width: 421px); const detailsHidden helpOuterBox.classList.contains(HIDDEN_CLASS); const runnerContainer document.querySelector(.runner-container); // Check for change in nav status. if (mobileNav ! window.matchMedia(mediaQuery).matches) { mobileNav !mobileNav; // Handle showing the top content / details sections according to state. if (mobileNav) { mainContent.classList.toggle(HIDDEN_CLASS, !detailsHidden); helpOuterBox.classList.toggle(HIDDEN_CLASS, detailsHidden); if (runnerContainer) { runnerContainer.classList.toggle(HIDDEN_CLASS, !detailsHidden); } } else if (!detailsHidden) { // Non mobile nav with visible details. mainContent.classList.remove(HIDDEN_CLASS); helpOuterBox.classList.remove(HIDDEN_CLASS); if (runnerContainer) { runnerContainer.classList.remove(HIDDEN_CLASS); } } }}function setupMobileNav() { window.addEventListener(resize, onResize); onResize();}document.addEventListener(DOMContentLoaded, setupMobileNav);/script> script>// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be// found in the LICENSE file./** * T-Rex runner. * @param {string} outerContainerId Outer containing element id. * @param {!Object} opt_config * @constructor * @implements {EventListener} * @export */function Runner(outerContainerId, opt_config) { // Singleton if (Runner.instance_) { return Runner.instance_; } Runner.instance_ this; this.outerContainerEl document.querySelector(outerContainerId); this.containerEl null; this.snackbarEl null; // A div to intercept touch events. Only set while (playing && useTouch). this.touchController null; this.config opt_config || Object.assign(Runner.config, Runner.normalConfig); // Logical dimensions of the container. this.dimensions Runner.defaultDimensions; this.gameType null; Runner.spriteDefinition Runner.spriteDefinitionByTypeoriginal; this.altGameImageSprite null; this.altGameModeActive false; this.altGameModeFlashTimer null; this.fadeInTimer 0; this.canvas null; this.canvasCtx null; this.tRex null; this.distanceMeter null; this.distanceRan 0; this.highestScore 0; this.syncHighestScore false; this.time 0; this.runningTime 0; this.msPerFrame 1000 / FPS; this.currentSpeed this.config.SPEED; Runner.slowDown false; this.obstacles ; this.activated false; // Whether the easter egg has been activated. this.playing false; // Whether the game is currently in play state. this.crashed false; this.paused false; this.inverted false; this.invertTimer 0; this.resizeTimerId_ null; this.playCount 0; // Sound FX. this.audioBuffer null; /** @type {Object} */ this.soundFx {}; this.generatedSoundFx null; // Global web audio context for playing sounds. this.audioContext null; // Images. this.images {}; this.imagesLoaded 0; // Gamepad state. this.pollingGamepads false; this.gamepadIndex undefined; this.previousGamepad null; if (this.isDisabled()) { this.setupDisabledRunner(); } else { if (Runner.isAltGameModeEnabled()) { this.initAltGameType(); Runner.gameType this.gameType; } this.loadImages(); windowinitializeEasterEggHighScore this.initializeHighScore.bind(this); }}/** * Default game width. * @const */const DEFAULT_WIDTH 600;/** * Frames per second. * @const */const FPS 60;/** @const */const IS_HIDPI window.devicePixelRatio > 1;/** @const */const IS_IOS /CriOS/.test(window.navigator.userAgent);/** @const */const IS_MOBILE /Android/.test(window.navigator.userAgent) || IS_IOS;/** @const */const IS_RTL document.querySelector(html).dir rtl;/** @const */const ARCADE_MODE_URL chrome://dino/;/** @const */const RESOURCE_POSTFIX offline-resources-;/** @const */const A11Y_STRINGS { ariaLabel: dinoGameA11yAriaLabel, description: dinoGameA11yDescription, gameOver: dinoGameA11yGameOver, highScore: dinoGameA11yHighScore, jump: dinoGameA11yJump, started: dinoGameA11yStartGame, speedLabel: dinoGameA11ySpeedToggle,};/** * Default game configuration. * Shared config for all versions of the game. Additional parameters are * defined in Runner.normalConfig and Runner.slowConfig. */Runner.config { AUDIOCUE_PROXIMITY_THRESHOLD: 190, AUDIOCUE_PROXIMITY_THRESHOLD_MOBILE_A11Y: 250, BG_CLOUD_SPEED: 0.2, BOTTOM_PAD: 10, // Scroll Y threshold at which the game can be activated. CANVAS_IN_VIEW_OFFSET: -10, CLEAR_TIME: 3000, CLOUD_FREQUENCY: 0.5, FADE_DURATION: 1, FLASH_DURATION: 1000, GAMEOVER_CLEAR_TIME: 1200, INITIAL_JUMP_VELOCITY: 12, INVERT_FADE_DURATION: 12000, MAX_BLINK_COUNT: 3, MAX_CLOUDS: 6, MAX_OBSTACLE_LENGTH: 3, MAX_OBSTACLE_DUPLICATION: 2, RESOURCE_TEMPLATE_ID: audio-resources, SPEED: 6, SPEED_DROP_COEFFICIENT: 3, ARCADE_MODE_INITIAL_TOP_POSITION: 35, ARCADE_MODE_TOP_POSITION_PERCENT: 0.1,};Runner.normalConfig { ACCELERATION: 0.001, AUDIOCUE_PROXIMITY_THRESHOLD: 190, AUDIOCUE_PROXIMITY_THRESHOLD_MOBILE_A11Y: 250, GAP_COEFFICIENT: 0.6, INVERT_DISTANCE: 700, MAX_SPEED: 13, MOBILE_SPEED_COEFFICIENT: 1.2, SPEED: 6,};Runner.slowConfig { ACCELERATION: 0.0005, AUDIOCUE_PROXIMITY_THRESHOLD: 170, AUDIOCUE_PROXIMITY_THRESHOLD_MOBILE_A11Y: 220, GAP_COEFFICIENT: 0.3, INVERT_DISTANCE: 350, MAX_SPEED: 9, MOBILE_SPEED_COEFFICIENT: 1.5, SPEED: 4.2,};/** * Default dimensions. */Runner.defaultDimensions { WIDTH: DEFAULT_WIDTH, HEIGHT: 150,};/** * CSS class names. * @enum {string} */Runner.classes { ARCADE_MODE: arcade-mode, CANVAS: runner-canvas, CONTAINER: runner-container, CRASHED: crashed, ICON: icon-offline, INVERTED: inverted, SNACKBAR: snackbar, SNACKBAR_SHOW: snackbar-show, TOUCH_CONTROLLER: controller,};/** * Sound FX. Reference to the ID of the audio tag on interstitial page. * @enum {string} */Runner.sounds { BUTTON_PRESS: offline-sound-press, HIT: offline-sound-hit, SCORE: offline-sound-reached,};/** * Key code mapping. * @enum {Object} */Runner.keycodes { JUMP: {38: 1, 32: 1}, // Up, spacebar DUCK: {40: 1}, // Down RESTART: {13: 1}, // Enter};/** * Runner event names. * @enum {string} */ { ANIM_END: webkitAnimationEnd, CLICK: click, KEYDOWN: keydown, KEYUP: keyup, POINTERDOWN: pointerdown, POINTERUP: pointerup, RESIZE: resize, TOUCHEND: touchend, TOUCHSTART: touchstart, VISIBILITY: visibilitychange, BLUR: blur, FOCUS: focus, LOAD: load, GAMEPADCONNECTED: gamepadconnected,};Runner.prototype { /** * Initialize alternative game type. */ initAltGameType() { if (GAME_TYPE.length > 0) { this.gameType loadTimeData && loadTimeData.valueExists(altGameType) ? GAME_TYPEparseInt(loadTimeData.getValue(altGameType), 10) - 1 : ; } }, /** * Whether the easter egg has been disabled. CrOS enterprise enrolled devices. * @return {boolean} */ isDisabled() { return loadTimeData && loadTimeData.valueExists(disabledEasterEgg); }, /** * For disabled instances, set up a snackbar with the disabled message. */ setupDisabledRunner() { this.containerEl document.createElement(div); this.containerEl.className Runner.classes.SNACKBAR; this.containerEl.textContent loadTimeData.getValue(disabledEasterEgg); this.outerContainerEl.appendChild(this.containerEl); // Show notification when the activation key is pressed. document.addEventListener(, function(e) { if (Runner.keycodes.JUMPe.keyCode) { this.containerEl.classList.add(Runner.classes.SNACKBAR_SHOW); document.querySelector(.icon).classList.add(icon-disabled); } }.bind(this)); }, /** * Setting individual settings for debugging. * @param {string} setting * @param {number|string} value */ updateConfigSetting(setting, value) { if (setting in this.config && value ! undefined) { this.configsetting value; switch (setting) { case GRAVITY: case MIN_JUMP_HEIGHT: case SPEED_DROP_COEFFICIENT: this.tRex.configsetting value; break; case INITIAL_JUMP_VELOCITY: this.tRex.setJumpVelocity(value); break; case SPEED: this.setSpeed(/** @type {number} */ (value)); break; } } }, /** * Creates an on page image element from the base 64 encoded string source. * @param {string} resourceName Name in data object, * @return {HTMLImageElement} The created element. */ createImageElement(resourceName) { const imgSrc loadTimeData && loadTimeData.valueExists(resourceName) ? loadTimeData.getString(resourceName) : null; if (imgSrc) { const el /** @type {HTMLImageElement} */ (document.createElement(img)); resourceName; el.src imgSrc; document.getElementById(offline-resources).appendChild(el); return el; } return null; }, /** * Cache the appropriate image sprite from the page and get the sprite sheet * definition. */ loadImages() { let scale 1x; this.spriteDef Runner.spriteDefinition.LDPI; if (IS_HIDPI) { scale 2x; this.spriteDef Runner.spriteDefinition.HDPI; } Runner.imageSprite /** @type {HTMLImageElement} */ (document.getElementById(RESOURCE_POSTFIX + scale)); if (this.gameType) { Runner.altGameImageSprite /** @type {HTMLImageElement} */ (this.createImageElement(altGameSpecificImage + scale)); Runner.altCommonImageSprite /** @type {HTMLImageElement} */ (this.createImageElement(altGameCommonImage + scale)); } Runner.origImageSprite Runner.imageSprite; // Disable the alt game mode if the sprites cant be loaded. if (!Runner.altGameImageSprite || !Runner.altCommonImageSprite) { Runner.isAltGameModeEnabled () > false; this.altGameModeActive false; } if (Runner.imageSprite.complete) { this.init(); } else { // If the images are not yet loaded, add a listener. Runner.imageSprite.addEventListener(, this.init.bind(this)); } }, /** * Load and decode base 64 encoded sounds. */ loadSounds() { if (!IS_IOS) { this.audioContext new AudioContext(); const resourceTemplate document.getElementById(this.config.RESOURCE_TEMPLATE_ID).content; for (const sound in Runner.sounds) { let soundSrc resourceTemplate.getElementById(Runner.soundssound).src; soundSrc soundSrc.substr(soundSrc.indexOf(,) + 1); const buffer decodeBase64ToArrayBuffer(soundSrc); // Async, so no guarantee of order in array. this.audioContext.decodeAudioData(buffer, function(index, audioData) { this.soundFxindex audioData; }.bind(this, sound)); } } }, /** * Sets the game speed. Adjust the speed accordingly if on a smaller screen. * @param {number} opt_speed */ setSpeed(opt_speed) { const speed opt_speed || this.currentSpeed; // Reduce the speed on smaller mobile screens. if (this.dimensions.WIDTH DEFAULT_WIDTH) { const mobileSpeed Runner.slowDown ? speed : speed * this.dimensions.WIDTH / DEFAULT_WIDTH * this.config.MOBILE_SPEED_COEFFICIENT; this.currentSpeed mobileSpeed > speed ? speed : mobileSpeed; } else if (opt_speed) { this.currentSpeed opt_speed; } }, /** * Game initialiser. */ init() { // Hide the static icon. document.querySelector(. + Runner.classes.ICON).style.visibility hidden; this.adjustDimensions(); this.setSpeed(); const ariaLabel getA11yString(A11Y_STRINGS.ariaLabel); this.containerEl document.createElement(div); this.containerEl.setAttribute(role, IS_MOBILE ? button : application); this.containerEl.setAttribute(tabindex, 0); this.containerEl.setAttribute(title, ariaLabel); this.containerEl.className Runner.classes.CONTAINER; // Player canvas container. this.canvas createCanvas(this.containerEl, this.dimensions.WIDTH, this.dimensions.HEIGHT); // Live region for game status updates. this.a11yStatusEl document.createElement(span); this.a11yStatusEl.className offline-runner-live-region; this.a11yStatusEl.setAttribute(aria-live, assertive); this.a11yStatusEl.textContent ; Runner.a11yStatusEl this.a11yStatusEl; // Add checkbox to slow down the game. this.slowSpeedCheckboxLabel document.createElement(label); this.slowSpeedCheckboxLabel.className slow-speed-option hidden; this.slowSpeedCheckboxLabel.textContent getA11yString(A11Y_STRINGS.speedLabel); this.slowSpeedCheckbox document.createElement(input); this.slowSpeedCheckbox.setAttribute(type, checkbox); this.slowSpeedCheckbox.setAttribute( title, getA11yString(A11Y_STRINGS.speedLabel)); this.slowSpeedCheckbox.setAttribute(tabindex, 0); this.slowSpeedCheckbox.setAttribute(checked, checked); this.slowSpeedToggleEl document.createElement(span); this.slowSpeedToggleEl.className slow-speed-toggle; this.slowSpeedCheckboxLabel.appendChild(this.slowSpeedCheckbox); this.slowSpeedCheckboxLabel.appendChild(this.slowSpeedToggleEl); if (IS_IOS) { this.outerContainerEl.appendChild(this.a11yStatusEl); } else { this.containerEl.appendChild(this.a11yStatusEl); } announcePhrase(getA11yString(A11Y_STRINGS.description)); this.generatedSoundFx new GeneratedSoundFx(); this.canvasCtx /** @type {CanvasRenderingContext2D} */ (this.canvas.getContext(2d)); this.canvasCtx.fillStyle #f7f7f7; this.canvasCtx.fill(); Runner.updateCanvasScaling(this.canvas); // Horizon contains clouds, obstacles and the ground. this.horizon new Horizon(this.canvas, this.spriteDef, this.dimensions, this.config.GAP_COEFFICIENT); // Distance meter this.distanceMeter new DistanceMeter(this.canvas, this.spriteDef.TEXT_SPRITE, this.dimensions.WIDTH); // Draw t-rex this.tRex new Trex(this.canvas, this.spriteDef.TREX); this.outerContainerEl.appendChild(this.containerEl); this.outerContainerEl.appendChild(this.slowSpeedCheckboxLabel); this.startListening(); this.update(); window.addEventListener(, this.debounceResize.bind(this)); // Handle dark mode const darkModeMediaQuery window.matchMedia((prefers-color-scheme: dark)); this.isDarkMode darkModeMediaQuery && darkModeMediaQuery.matches; darkModeMediaQuery.addListener((e) > { this.isDarkMode e.matches; }); }, /** * Create the touch controller. A div that covers whole screen. */ createTouchController() { this.touchController document.createElement(div); this.touchController.className Runner.classes.TOUCH_CONTROLLER; this.touchController.addEventListener(, this); this.touchController.addEventListener(, this); this.outerContainerEl.appendChild(this.touchController); }, /** * Debounce the resize event. */ debounceResize() { if (!this.resizeTimerId_) { this.resizeTimerId_ setInterval(this.adjustDimensions.bind(this), 250); } }, /** * Adjust game space dimensions on resize. */ adjustDimensions() { clearInterval(this.resizeTimerId_); this.resizeTimerId_ null; const boxStyles window.getComputedStyle(this.outerContainerEl); const padding Number(boxStyles.paddingLeft.substr(0, boxStyles.paddingLeft.length - 2)); this.dimensions.WIDTH this.outerContainerEl.offsetWidth - padding * 2; if (this.isArcadeMode()) { this.dimensions.WIDTH Math.min(DEFAULT_WIDTH, this.dimensions.WIDTH); if (this.activated) { this.setArcadeModeContainerScale(); } } // Redraw the elements back onto the canvas. if (this.canvas) { this.canvas.width this.dimensions.WIDTH; this.canvas.height this.dimensions.HEIGHT; Runner.updateCanvasScaling(this.canvas); this.distanceMeter.calcXPos(this.dimensions.WIDTH); this.clearCanvas(); this.horizon.update(0, 0, true); this.tRex.update(0); // Outer container and distance meter. if (this.playing || this.crashed || this.paused) { this.dimensions.WIDTH + px; this.dimensions.HEIGHT + px; this.distanceMeter.update(0, Math.ceil(this.distanceRan)); this.stop(); } else { this.tRex.draw(0, 0); } // Game over panel. if (this.crashed && this.gameOverPanel) { this.gameOverPanel.updateDimensions(this.dimensions.WIDTH); this.gameOverPanel.draw(this.altGameModeActive, this.tRex); } } }, /** * Play the game intro. * Canvas container width expands out to the full width. */ playIntro() { if (!this.activated && !this.crashed) { this.playingIntro true; this.tRex.playingIntro true; // CSS animation definition. const keyframes @-webkit-keyframes intro { + from { width: + Trex.config.WIDTH + px } + to { width: + this.dimensions.WIDTH + px } + }; document.styleSheets0.insertRule(keyframes, 0); this.containerEl.addEventListener(, this.startGame.bind(this)); intro .4s ease-out 1 both; this.dimensions.WIDTH + px; this.setPlayStatus(true); this.activated true; } else if (this.crashed) { this.restart(); } }, /** * Update the game status to started. */ startGame() { if (this.isArcadeMode()) { this.setArcadeMode(); } this.toggleSpeed(); this.runningTime 0; this.playingIntro false; this.tRex.playingIntro false; ; this.playCount++; this.generatedSoundFx.background(); announcePhrase(getA11yString(A11Y_STRINGS.started)); if (Runner.audioCues) { this.containerEl.setAttribute(title, getA11yString(A11Y_STRINGS.jump)); } // Handle tabbing off the page. Pause the current game. document.addEventListener(, this.onVisibilityChange.bind(this)); window.addEventListener(, this.onVisibilityChange.bind(this)); window.addEventListener(, this.onVisibilityChange.bind(this)); }, clearCanvas() { this.canvasCtx.clearRect(0, 0, this.dimensions.WIDTH, this.dimensions.HEIGHT); }, /** * Checks whether the canvas area is in the viewport of the browser * through the current scroll position. * @return boolean. */ isCanvasInView() { return this.containerEl.getBoundingClientRect().top > Runner.config.CANVAS_IN_VIEW_OFFSET; }, /** * Enable the alt game mode. Switching out the sprites. */ enableAltGameMode() { Runner.imageSprite Runner.altGameImageSprite; Runner.spriteDefinition Runner.spriteDefinitionByTypeRunner.gameType; if (IS_HIDPI) { this.spriteDef Runner.spriteDefinition.HDPI; } else { this.spriteDef Runner.spriteDefinition.LDPI; } this.altGameModeActive true; this.tRex.enableAltGameMode(this.spriteDef.TREX); this.horizon.enableAltGameMode(this.spriteDef); this.generatedSoundFx.background(); }, /** * Update the game frame and schedules the next one. */ update() { this.updatePending false; const now getTimeStamp(); let deltaTime now - (this.time || now); // Flashing when switching game modes. if (this.altGameModeFlashTimer 0 || this.altGameModeFlashTimer 0) { this.altGameModeFlashTimer null; this.tRex.setFlashing(false); this.enableAltGameMode(); } else if (this.altGameModeFlashTimer > 0) { this.altGameModeFlashTimer - deltaTime; this.tRex.update(deltaTime); deltaTime 0; } this.time now; if (this.playing) { this.clearCanvas(); // Additional fade in - Prevents jump when switching sprites if (this.altGameModeActive && this.fadeInTimer this.config.FADE_DURATION) { this.fadeInTimer + deltaTime / 1000; this.canvasCtx.globalAlpha this.fadeInTimer; } else { this.canvasCtx.globalAlpha 1; } if (this.tRex.jumping) { this.tRex.updateJump(deltaTime); } this.runningTime + deltaTime; const hasObstacles this.runningTime > this.config.CLEAR_TIME; // First jump triggers the intro. if (this.tRex.jumpCount 1 && !this.playingIntro) { this.playIntro(); } // The horizon doesnt move until the intro is over. if (this.playingIntro) { this.horizon.update(0, this.currentSpeed, hasObstacles); } else if (!this.crashed) { const showNightMode this.isDarkMode ^ this.inverted; deltaTime !this.activated ? 0 : deltaTime; this.horizon.update( deltaTime, this.currentSpeed, hasObstacles, showNightMode); } // Check for collisions. let collision hasObstacles && checkForCollision(this.horizon.obstacles0, this.tRex); // For a11y, audio cues. if (Runner.audioCues && hasObstacles) { const jumpObstacle this.horizon.obstacles0.typeConfig.type ! COLLECTABLE; if (!this.horizon.obstacles0.jumpAlerted) { const threshold Runner.isMobileMouseInput ? Runner.config.AUDIOCUE_PROXIMITY_THRESHOLD_MOBILE_A11Y : Runner.config.AUDIOCUE_PROXIMITY_THRESHOLD; const adjProximityThreshold threshold + (threshold * Math.log10(this.currentSpeed / Runner.config.SPEED)); if (this.horizon.obstacles0.xPos adjProximityThreshold) { if (jumpObstacle) { this.generatedSoundFx.jump(); } this.horizon.obstacles0.jumpAlerted true; } } } // Activated alt game mode. if (Runner.isAltGameModeEnabled() && collision && this.horizon.obstacles0.typeConfig.type COLLECTABLE) { this.horizon.removeFirstObstacle(); this.tRex.setFlashing(true); collision false; this.altGameModeFlashTimer this.config.FLASH_DURATION; this.runningTime 0; this.generatedSoundFx.collect(); } if (!collision) { this.distanceRan + this.currentSpeed * deltaTime / this.msPerFrame; if (this.currentSpeed this.config.MAX_SPEED) { this.currentSpeed + this.config.ACCELERATION; } } else { this.gameOver(); } const playAchievementSound this.distanceMeter.update(deltaTime, Math.ceil(this.distanceRan)); if (!Runner.audioCues && playAchievementSound) { this.playSound(this.soundFx.SCORE); } // Night mode. if (!Runner.isAltGameModeEnabled()) { if (this.invertTimer > this.config.INVERT_FADE_DURATION) { this.invertTimer 0; this.invertTrigger false; this.invert(false); } else if (this.invertTimer) { this.invertTimer + deltaTime; } else { const actualDistance this.distanceMeter.getActualDistance(Math.ceil(this.distanceRan)); if (actualDistance > 0) { this.invertTrigger !(actualDistance % this.config.INVERT_DISTANCE); if (this.invertTrigger && this.invertTimer 0) { this.invertTimer + deltaTime; this.invert(false); } } } } } if (this.playing || (!this.activated && this.tRex.blinkCount Runner.config.MAX_BLINK_COUNT)) { this.tRex.update(deltaTime); this.scheduleNextUpdate(); } }, /** * Event handler. * @param {Event} e */ handleEvent(e) { return (function(evtType, events) { switch (evtType) { case events.KEYDOWN: case events.TOUCHSTART: case events.POINTERDOWN: this.onKeyDown(e); break; case events.KEYUP: case events.TOUCHEND: case events.POINTERUP: this.onKeyUp(e); break; case events.GAMEPADCONNECTED: this.onGamepadConnected(e); break; } }.bind(this))(e.type,; }, /** * Initialize audio cues if activated by focus on the canvas element. * @param {Event} e */ handleCanvasKeyPress(e) { if (!this.activated && !Runner.audioCues) { this.toggleSpeed(); Runner.audioCues true; this.generatedSoundFx.init(); Runner.generatedSoundFx this.generatedSoundFx; Runner.config.CLEAR_TIME * 1.2; } else if (e.keyCode && Runner.keycodes.JUMPe.keyCode) { this.onKeyDown(e); } }, /** * Prevent space key press from scrolling. * @param {Event} e */ preventScrolling(e) { if (e.keyCode 32) { e.preventDefault(); } }, /** * Toggle speed setting if toggle is shown. */ toggleSpeed() { if (Runner.audioCues) { const speedChange Runner.slowDown ! this.slowSpeedCheckbox.checked; if (speedChange) { Runner.slowDown this.slowSpeedCheckbox.checked; const updatedConfig Runner.slowDown ? Runner.slowConfig : Runner.normalConfig; Runner.config Object.assign(Runner.config, updatedConfig); this.currentSpeed updatedConfig.SPEED; this.tRex.enableSlowConfig(); this.horizon.adjustObstacleSpeed(); } if (this.playing) { this.disableSpeedToggle(true); } } }, /** * Show the speed toggle. * From focus event or when audio cues are activated. * @param {Event} e */ showSpeedToggle(e) { const isFocusEvent e && e.type focus; if (Runner.audioCues || isFocusEvent) { this.slowSpeedCheckboxLabel.classList.toggle( HIDDEN_CLASS, isFocusEvent ? false : !this.crashed); } }, /** * Disable the speed toggle. * @param {boolean} disable */ disableSpeedToggle(disable) { if (disable) { this.slowSpeedCheckbox.setAttribute(disabled, disabled); } else { this.slowSpeedCheckbox.removeAttribute(disabled); } }, /** * Bind relevant key / mouse / touch listeners. */ startListening() { // A11y keyboard / screen reader activation. this.containerEl.addEventListener(, this.handleCanvasKeyPress.bind(this)); if (!IS_MOBILE) { this.containerEl.addEventListener(, this.showSpeedToggle.bind(this)); } this.canvas.addEventListener(, this.preventScrolling.bind(this)); this.canvas.addEventListener(, this.preventScrolling.bind(this)); // Keys. document.addEventListener(, this); document.addEventListener(, this); // Touch / pointer. this.containerEl.addEventListener(, this); document.addEventListener(, this); document.addEventListener(, this); if (this.isArcadeMode()) { // Gamepad window.addEventListener(, this); } }, /** * Remove all listeners. */ stopListening() { document.removeEventListener(, this); document.removeEventListener(, this); if (this.touchController) { this.touchController.removeEventListener(, this); this.touchController.removeEventListener(, this); } this.containerEl.removeEventListener(, this); document.removeEventListener(, this); document.removeEventListener(, this); if (this.isArcadeMode()) { window.removeEventListener(, this); } }, /** * Process keydown. * @param {Event} e */ onKeyDown(e) { // Prevent native page scrolling whilst tapping on mobile. if (IS_MOBILE && this.playing) { e.preventDefault(); } if (this.isCanvasInView()) { // Allow toggling of speed toggle. if (Runner.keycodes.JUMPe.keyCode && this.slowSpeedCheckbox) { return; } if (!this.crashed && !this.paused) { // For a11y, screen reader activation. const isMobileMouseInput IS_MOBILE && e.type && e.pointerType mouse && this.containerEl || (IS_IOS && e.pointerType touch && document.activeElement this.containerEl); if (Runner.keycodes.JUMPe.keyCode || e.type || isMobileMouseInput || (Runner.keycodes.DUCKe.keyCode && this.altGameModeActive)) { e.preventDefault(); // Starting the game for the first time. if (!this.playing) { // Started by touch so create a touch controller. if (!this.touchController && e.type { this.createTouchController(); } if (isMobileMouseInput) { this.handleCanvasKeyPress(e); } this.loadSounds(); this.setPlayStatus(true); this.update(); if (window.errorPageController) { errorPageController.trackEasterEgg(); } } // Start jump. if (!this.tRex.jumping && !this.tRex.ducking) { if (Runner.audioCues) { this.generatedSoundFx.cancelFootSteps(); } else { this.playSound(this.soundFx.BUTTON_PRESS); } this.tRex.startJump(this.currentSpeed); } // Ducking is disabled on alt game modes. } else if ( !this.altGameModeActive && this.playing && Runner.keycodes.DUCKe.keyCode) { e.preventDefault(); if (this.tRex.jumping) { // Speed drop, activated only when jump key is not pressed. this.tRex.setSpeedDrop(); } else if (!this.tRex.jumping && !this.tRex.ducking) { // Duck. this.tRex.setDuck(true); } } } } }, /** * Process key up. * @param {Event} e */ onKeyUp(e) { const keyCode String(e.keyCode); const isjumpKey Runner.keycodes.JUMPkeyCode || e.type || e.type; if (this.isRunning() && isjumpKey) { this.tRex.endJump(); } else if (Runner.keycodes.DUCKkeyCode) { this.tRex.speedDrop false; this.tRex.setDuck(false); } else if (this.crashed) { // Check that enough time has elapsed before allowing jump key to restart. const deltaTime getTimeStamp() - this.time; if (this.isCanvasInView() && (Runner.keycodes.RESTARTkeyCode || this.isLeftClickOnCanvas(e) || (deltaTime > this.config.GAMEOVER_CLEAR_TIME && Runner.keycodes.JUMPkeyCode))) { this.handleGameOverClicks(e); } } else if (this.paused && isjumpKey) { // Reset the jump state this.tRex.reset();; } }, /** * Process gamepad connected event. * @param {Event} e */ onGamepadConnected(e) { if (!this.pollingGamepads) { this.pollGamepadState(); } }, /** * rAF loop for gamepad polling. */ pollGamepadState() { const gamepads navigator.getGamepads(); this.pollActiveGamepad(gamepads); this.pollingGamepads true; requestAnimationFrame(this.pollGamepadState.bind(this)); }, /** * Polls for a gamepad with the jump button pressed. If one is found this * becomes the active gamepad and all others are ignored. * @param {!ArrayGamepad>} gamepads */ pollForActiveGamepad(gamepads) { for (let i 0; i gamepads.length; ++i) { if (gamepadsi && gamepadsi.buttons.length > 0 && gamepadsi.buttons0.pressed) { this.gamepadIndex i; this.pollActiveGamepad(gamepads); return; } } }, /** * Polls the chosen gamepad for button presses and generates KeyboardEvents * to integrate with the rest of the game logic. * @param {!ArrayGamepad>} gamepads */ pollActiveGamepad(gamepads) { if (this.gamepadIndex undefined) { this.pollForActiveGamepad(gamepads); return; } const gamepad gamepadsthis.gamepadIndex; if (!gamepad) { this.gamepadIndex undefined; this.pollForActiveGamepad(gamepads); return; } // The gamepad specification defines the typical mapping of physical buttons // to button indicies: this.pollGamepadButton(gamepad, 0, 38); // Jump if (gamepad.buttons.length > 2) { this.pollGamepadButton(gamepad, 1, 40); // Duck } if (gamepad.buttons.length > 10) { this.pollGamepadButton(gamepad, 9, 13); // Restart } this.previousGamepad gamepad; }, /** * Generates a key event based on a gamepad button. * @param {!Gamepad} gamepad * @param {number} buttonIndex * @param {number} keyCode */ pollGamepadButton(gamepad, buttonIndex, keyCode) { const state gamepad.buttonsbuttonIndex.pressed; let previousState false; if (this.previousGamepad) { previousState this.previousGamepad.buttonsbuttonIndex.pressed; } // Generate key events on the rising and falling edge of a button press. if (state ! previousState) { const e new KeyboardEvent(state ? :, { keyCode: keyCode }); document.dispatchEvent(e); } }, /** * Handle interactions on the game over screen state. * A user is able to tap the high score twice to reset it. * @param {Event} e */ handleGameOverClicks(e) { if ( ! this.slowSpeedCheckbox) { e.preventDefault(); if (this.distanceMeter.hasClickedOnHighScore(e) && this.highestScore) { if (this.distanceMeter.isHighScoreFlashing()) { // Subsequent click, reset the high score. this.saveHighScore(0, true); this.distanceMeter.resetHighScore(); } else { // First click, flash the high score. this.distanceMeter.startHighScoreFlashing(); } } else { this.distanceMeter.cancelHighScoreFlashing(); this.restart(); } } }, /** * Returns whether the event was a left click on canvas. * On Windows right click is registered as a click. * @param {Event} e * @return {boolean} */ isLeftClickOnCanvas(e) { return e.button ! null && e.button 2 && e.type && ( this.canvas || (IS_MOBILE && Runner.audioCues && this.containerEl)); }, /** * RequestAnimationFrame wrapper. */ scheduleNextUpdate() { if (!this.updatePending) { this.updatePending true; this.raqId requestAnimationFrame(this.update.bind(this)); } }, /** * Whether the game is running. * @return {boolean} */ isRunning() { return !!this.raqId; }, /** * Set the initial high score as stored in the users profile. * @param {number} highScore */ initializeHighScore(highScore) { this.syncHighestScore true; highScore Math.ceil(highScore); if (highScore this.highestScore) { if (window.errorPageController) { errorPageController.updateEasterEggHighScore(this.highestScore); } return; } this.highestScore highScore; this.distanceMeter.setHighScore(this.highestScore); }, /** * Sets the current high score and saves to the profile if available. * @param {number} distanceRan Total distance ran. * @param {boolean} opt_resetScore Whether to reset the score. */ saveHighScore(distanceRan, opt_resetScore) { this.highestScore Math.ceil(distanceRan); this.distanceMeter.setHighScore(this.highestScore); // Store the new high score in the profile. if (this.syncHighestScore && window.errorPageController) { if (opt_resetScore) { errorPageController.resetEasterEggHighScore(); } else { errorPageController.updateEasterEggHighScore(this.highestScore); } } }, /** * Game over state. */ gameOver() { this.playSound(this.soundFx.HIT); vibrate(200); this.stop(); this.crashed true; this.distanceMeter.achievement false; this.tRex.update(100, Trex.status.CRASHED); // Game over panel. if (!this.gameOverPanel) { const origSpriteDef IS_HIDPI ? Runner.spriteDefinitionByType.original.HDPI : Runner.spriteDefinitionByType.original.LDPI; if (this.canvas) { if (Runner.isAltGameModeEnabled) { this.gameOverPanel new GameOverPanel( this.canvas, origSpriteDef.TEXT_SPRITE, origSpriteDef.RESTART, this.dimensions, origSpriteDef.ALT_GAME_END, this.altGameModeActive); } else { this.gameOverPanel new GameOverPanel( this.canvas, origSpriteDef.TEXT_SPRITE, origSpriteDef.RESTART, this.dimensions); } } } this.gameOverPanel.draw(this.altGameModeActive, this.tRex); // Update the high score. if (this.distanceRan > this.highestScore) { this.saveHighScore(this.distanceRan); } // Reset the time clock. this.time getTimeStamp(); if (Runner.audioCues) { this.generatedSoundFx.stopAll(); announcePhrase( getA11yString(A11Y_STRINGS.gameOver) .replace( $1, this.distanceMeter.getActualDistance(this.distanceRan) .toString()) + + getA11yString(A11Y_STRINGS.highScore) .replace( $1, this.distanceMeter.getActualDistance(this.highestScore) .toString())); this.containerEl.setAttribute( title, getA11yString(A11Y_STRINGS.ariaLabel)); } this.showSpeedToggle(); this.disableSpeedToggle(false); }, stop() { this.setPlayStatus(false); this.paused true; cancelAnimationFrame(this.raqId); this.raqId 0; this.generatedSoundFx.stopAll(); }, play() { if (!this.crashed) { this.setPlayStatus(true); this.paused false; this.tRex.update(0, Trex.status.RUNNING); this.time getTimeStamp(); this.update(); this.generatedSoundFx.background(); } }, restart() { if (!this.raqId) { this.playCount++; this.runningTime 0; this.setPlayStatus(true); this.toggleSpeed(); this.paused false; this.crashed false; this.distanceRan 0; this.setSpeed(this.config.SPEED); this.time getTimeStamp(); this.containerEl.classList.remove(Runner.classes.CRASHED); this.clearCanvas(); this.distanceMeter.reset(); this.horizon.reset(); this.tRex.reset(); this.playSound(this.soundFx.BUTTON_PRESS); this.invert(true); this.flashTimer null; this.update(); this.gameOverPanel.reset(); this.generatedSoundFx.background(); this.containerEl.setAttribute(title, getA11yString(A11Y_STRINGS.jump)); announcePhrase(getA11yString(A11Y_STRINGS.started)); } }, setPlayStatus(isPlaying) { if (this.touchController) { this.touchController.classList.toggle(HIDDEN_CLASS, !isPlaying); } this.playing isPlaying; }, /** * Whether the game should go into arcade mode. * @return {boolean} */ isArcadeMode() { // In RTL languages the title is wrapped with the left to right mark // control characters and but are invisible. return IS_RTL ? document.title.indexOf(ARCADE_MODE_URL) 1 : document.title ARCADE_MODE_URL; }, /** * Hides offline messaging for a fullscreen game only experience. */ setArcadeMode() { document.body.classList.add(Runner.classes.ARCADE_MODE); this.setArcadeModeContainerScale(); }, /** * Sets the scaling for arcade mode. */ setArcadeModeContainerScale() { const windowHeight window.innerHeight; const scaleHeight windowHeight / this.dimensions.HEIGHT; const scaleWidth window.innerWidth / this.dimensions.WIDTH; const scale Math.max(1, Math.min(scaleHeight, scaleWidth)); const scaledCanvasHeight this.dimensions.HEIGHT * scale; // Positions the game container at 10% of the available vertical window // height minus the game container height. const translateY Math.ceil(Math.max(0, (windowHeight - scaledCanvasHeight - Runner.config.ARCADE_MODE_INITIAL_TOP_POSITION) * Runner.config.ARCADE_MODE_TOP_POSITION_PERCENT)) * window.devicePixelRatio; const cssScale IS_RTL ? -scale + , + scale : scale; scale( + cssScale + ) translateY( + translateY + px); }, /** * Pause the game if the tab is not in focus. */ onVisibilityChange(e) { if (document.hidden || document.webkitHidden || e.type blur || document.visibilityState ! visible) { this.stop(); } else if (!this.crashed) { this.tRex.reset();; } }, /** * Play a sound. * @param {AudioBuffer} soundBuffer */ playSound(soundBuffer) { if (soundBuffer) { const sourceNode this.audioContext.createBufferSource(); sourceNode.buffer soundBuffer; sourceNode.connect(this.audioContext.destination); sourceNode.start(0); } }, /** * Inverts the current page / canvas colors. * @param {boolean} reset Whether to reset colors. */ invert(reset) { const htmlEl document.firstElementChild; if (reset) { htmlEl.classList.toggle(Runner.classes.INVERTED, false); this.invertTimer 0; this.inverted false; } else { this.inverted htmlEl.classList.toggle( Runner.classes.INVERTED, this.invertTrigger); } },};/** * Updates the canvas size taking into * account the backing store pixel ratio and * the device pixel ratio. * * See article by Paul Lewis: * * * @param {HTMLCanvasElement} canvas * @param {number} opt_width * @param {number} opt_height * @return {boolean} Whether the canvas was scaled. */Runner.updateCanvasScaling function(canvas, opt_width, opt_height) { const context /** @type {CanvasRenderingContext2D} */ (canvas.getContext(2d)); // Query the various pixel ratios const devicePixelRatio Math.floor(window.devicePixelRatio) || 1; /** @suppress {missingProperties} */ const backingStoreRatio Math.floor(context.webkitBackingStorePixelRatio) || 1; const ratio devicePixelRatio / backingStoreRatio; // Upscale the canvas if the two ratios dont match if (devicePixelRatio ! backingStoreRatio) { const oldWidth opt_width || canvas.width; const oldHeight opt_height || canvas.height; canvas.width oldWidth * ratio; canvas.height oldHeight * ratio; oldWidth + px; oldHeight + px; // Scale the context to counter the fact that weve manually scaled // our canvas element. context.scale(ratio, ratio); return true; } else if (devicePixelRatio 1) { // Reset the canvas width / height. Fixes scaling bug when the page is // zoomed and the devicePixelRatio changes accordingly. canvas.width + px; canvas.height + px; } return false;};/** * Whether events are enabled. * @return {boolean} */Runner.isAltGameModeEnabled function() { return loadTimeData && loadTimeData.valueExists(enableAltGameMode);};/** * Generated sound FX class for audio cues. * @constructor */function GeneratedSoundFx() { this.audioCues false; this.context null; this.panner null;}GeneratedSoundFx.prototype { init() { this.audioCues true; if (!this.context) { // iOS only supports the webkit version. this.context window.webkitAudioContext ? new webkitAudioContext() : new AudioContext(); if (IS_IOS) { this.context.onstatechange (function() { if (this.context.state ! running) { this.context.resume(); } }).bind(this); this.context.resume(); } this.panner this.context.createStereoPanner ? this.context.createStereoPanner() : null; } }, stopAll() { this.cancelFootSteps(); }, /** * Play oscillators at certain frequency and for a certain time. * @param {number} frequency * @param {number} startTime * @param {number} duration * @param {?number} opt_vol * @param {number} opt_pan */ playNote(frequency, startTime, duration, opt_vol, opt_pan) { const osc1 this.context.createOscillator(); const osc2 this.context.createOscillator(); const volume this.context.createGain(); // Set oscillator wave type osc1.type triangle; osc2.type triangle; volume.gain.value 0.1; // Set up node routing if (this.panner) { this.panner.pan.value opt_pan || 0; osc1.connect(volume).connect(this.panner); osc2.connect(volume).connect(this.panner); this.panner.connect(this.context.destination); } else { osc1.connect(volume); osc2.connect(volume); volume.connect(this.context.destination); } // Detune oscillators for chorus effect osc1.frequency.value frequency + 1; osc2.frequency.value frequency - 2; // Fade out volume.gain.setValueAtTime(opt_vol || 0.01, startTime + duration - 0.05); volume.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(0.00001, startTime + duration); // Start oscillators osc1.start(startTime); osc2.start(startTime); // Stop oscillators osc1.stop(startTime + duration); osc2.stop(startTime + duration); }, background() { if (this.audioCues) { const now this.context.currentTime; this.playNote(493.883, now, 0.116); this.playNote(659.255, now + 0.116, 0.232); this.loopFootSteps(); } }, loopFootSteps() { if (this.audioCues && !this.bgSoundIntervalId) { this.bgSoundIntervalId setInterval(function() { this.playNote(73.42, this.context.currentTime, 0.05, 0.16); this.playNote(69.30, this.context.currentTime + 0.116, 0.116, 0.16); }.bind(this), 280); } }, cancelFootSteps() { if (this.audioCues && this.bgSoundIntervalId) { clearInterval(this.bgSoundIntervalId); this.bgSoundIntervalId null; this.playNote(103.83, this.context.currentTime, 0.232, 0.02); this.playNote(116.54, this.context.currentTime + 0.116, 0.232, 0.02); } }, collect() { if (this.audioCues) { this.cancelFootSteps(); const now this.context.currentTime; this.playNote(830.61, now, 0.116); this.playNote(1318.51, now + 0.116, 0.232); } }, jump() { if (this.audioCues) { const now this.context.currentTime; this.playNote(659.25, now, 0.116, 0.3, -0.6); this.playNote(880, now + 0.116, 0.232, 0.3, -0.6); } },};/** * Speak a phrase using Speech Synthesis API for a11y. * @param {string} phrase Sentence to speak. */function speakPhrase(phrase) { if (speechSynthesis in window) { const msg new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(phrase); const voices window.speechSynthesis.getVoices(); msg.text phrase; speechSynthesis.speak(msg); }}/** * For screen readers make an announcement to the live region. * @param {string} phrase Sentence to speak. */function announcePhrase(phrase) { if (Runner.a11yStatusEl) { Runner.a11yStatusEl.textContent ; Runner.a11yStatusEl.textContent phrase; }}/** * Returns a string from loadTimeData data object. * @param {string} stringName * @return {string} */function getA11yString(stringName) { return loadTimeData && loadTimeData.valueExists(stringName) ? loadTimeData.getString(stringName) : ;}/** * Get random number. * @param {number} min * @param {number} max */function getRandomNum(min, max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;}/** * Vibrate on mobile devices. * @param {number} duration Duration of the vibration in milliseconds. */function vibrate(duration) { if (IS_MOBILE && window.navigator.vibrate) { window.navigator.vibrate(duration); }}/** * Create canvas element. * @param {Element} container Element to append canvas to. * @param {number} width * @param {number} height * @param {string} opt_classname * @return {HTMLCanvasElement} */function createCanvas(container, width, height, opt_classname) { const canvas /** @type {!HTMLCanvasElement} */ (document.createElement(canvas)); canvas.className opt_classname ? Runner.classes.CANVAS + + opt_classname : Runner.classes.CANVAS; canvas.width width; canvas.height height; container.appendChild(canvas); return canvas;}/** * Decodes the base 64 audio to ArrayBuffer used by Web Audio. * @param {string} base64String */function decodeBase64ToArrayBuffer(base64String) { const len (base64String.length / 4) * 3; const str atob(base64String); const arrayBuffer new ArrayBuffer(len); const bytes new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer); for (let i 0; i len; i++) { bytesi str.charCodeAt(i); } return bytes.buffer;}/** * Return the current timestamp. * @return {number} */function getTimeStamp() { return IS_IOS ? new Date().getTime() :;}//******************************************************************************/** * Game over panel. * @param {!HTMLCanvasElement} canvas * @param {Object} textImgPos * @param {Object} restartImgPos * @param {!Object} dimensions Canvas dimensions. * @param {Object} opt_altGameEndImgPos * @param {boolean} opt_altGameActive * @constructor */function GameOverPanel( canvas, textImgPos, restartImgPos, dimensions, opt_altGameEndImgPos, opt_altGameActive) { this.canvas canvas; this.canvasCtx /** @type {CanvasRenderingContext2D} */ (canvas.getContext(2d)); this.canvasDimensions dimensions; this.textImgPos textImgPos; this.restartImgPos restartImgPos; this.altGameEndImgPos opt_altGameEndImgPos; this.altGameModeActive opt_altGameActive; // Retry animation. this.frameTimeStamp 0; this.animTimer 0; this.currentFrame 0; this.gameOverRafId null; this.flashTimer 0; this.flashCounter 0; this.originalText true;}GameOverPanel.RESTART_ANIM_DURATION 875;GameOverPanel.LOGO_PAUSE_DURATION 875;GameOverPanel.FLASH_ITERATIONS 5;/** * Animation frames spec. */GameOverPanel.animConfig { frames: 0, 36, 72, 108, 144, 180, 216, 252, msPerFrame: GameOverPanel.RESTART_ANIM_DURATION / 8,};/** * Dimensions used in the panel. * @enum {number} */GameOverPanel.dimensions { TEXT_X: 0, TEXT_Y: 13, TEXT_WIDTH: 191, TEXT_HEIGHT: 11, RESTART_WIDTH: 36, RESTART_HEIGHT: 32,};GameOverPanel.prototype { /** * Update the panel dimensions. * @param {number} width New canvas width. * @param {number} opt_height Optional new canvas height. */ updateDimensions(width, opt_height) { this.canvasDimensions.WIDTH width; if (opt_height) { this.canvasDimensions.HEIGHT opt_height; } this.currentFrame GameOverPanel.animConfig.frames.length - 1; }, drawGameOverText(dimensions, opt_useAltText) { const centerX this.canvasDimensions.WIDTH / 2; let textSourceX dimensions.TEXT_X; let textSourceY dimensions.TEXT_Y; let textSourceWidth dimensions.TEXT_WIDTH; let textSourceHeight dimensions.TEXT_HEIGHT; const textTargetX Math.round(centerX - (dimensions.TEXT_WIDTH / 2)); const textTargetY Math.round((this.canvasDimensions.HEIGHT - 25) / 3); const textTargetWidth dimensions.TEXT_WIDTH; const textTargetHeight dimensions.TEXT_HEIGHT; if (IS_HIDPI) { textSourceY * 2; textSourceX * 2; textSourceWidth * 2; textSourceHeight * 2; } if (!opt_useAltText) { textSourceX + this.textImgPos.x; textSourceY + this.textImgPos.y; } const spriteSource opt_useAltText ? Runner.altCommonImageSprite : Runner.origImageSprite;; if (IS_RTL) { this.canvasCtx.translate(this.canvasDimensions.WIDTH, 0); this.canvasCtx.scale(-1, 1); } // Game over text from sprite. this.canvasCtx.drawImage( spriteSource, textSourceX, textSourceY, textSourceWidth, textSourceHeight, textTargetX, textTargetY, textTargetWidth, textTargetHeight); this.canvasCtx.restore(); }, /** * Draw additional adornments for alternative game types. */ drawAltGameElements(tRex) { // Additional adornments. if (this.altGameModeActive && Runner.spriteDefinition.ALT_GAME_END_CONFIG) { const altGameEndConfig Runner.spriteDefinition.ALT_GAME_END_CONFIG; let altGameEndSourceWidth altGameEndConfig.WIDTH; let altGameEndSourceHeight altGameEndConfig.HEIGHT; const altGameEndTargetX tRex.xPos + altGameEndConfig.X_OFFSET; const altGameEndTargetY tRex.yPos + altGameEndConfig.Y_OFFSET; if (IS_HIDPI) { altGameEndSourceWidth * 2; altGameEndSourceHeight * 2; } this.canvasCtx.drawImage( Runner.altCommonImageSprite, this.altGameEndImgPos.x, this.altGameEndImgPos.y, altGameEndSourceWidth, altGameEndSourceHeight, altGameEndTargetX, altGameEndTargetY, altGameEndConfig.WIDTH, altGameEndConfig.HEIGHT); } }, /** * Draw restart button. */ drawRestartButton() { const dimensions GameOverPanel.dimensions; let framePosX GameOverPanel.animConfig.framesthis.currentFrame; let restartSourceWidth dimensions.RESTART_WIDTH; let restartSourceHeight dimensions.RESTART_HEIGHT; const restartTargetX (this.canvasDimensions.WIDTH / 2) - (dimensions.RESTART_WIDTH / 2); const restartTargetY this.canvasDimensions.HEIGHT / 2; if (IS_HIDPI) { restartSourceWidth * 2; restartSourceHeight * 2; framePosX * 2; }; if (IS_RTL) { this.canvasCtx.translate(this.canvasDimensions.WIDTH, 0); this.canvasCtx.scale(-1, 1); } this.canvasCtx.drawImage( Runner.origImageSprite, this.restartImgPos.x + framePosX, this.restartImgPos.y, restartSourceWidth, restartSourceHeight, restartTargetX, restartTargetY, dimensions.RESTART_WIDTH, dimensions.RESTART_HEIGHT); this.canvasCtx.restore(); }, /** * Draw the panel. * @param {boolean} opt_altGameModeActive * @param {!Trex} opt_tRex */ draw(opt_altGameModeActive, opt_tRex) { if (opt_altGameModeActive) { this.altGameModeActive opt_altGameModeActive; } this.drawGameOverText(GameOverPanel.dimensions, false); this.drawRestartButton(); this.drawAltGameElements(opt_tRex); this.update(); }, /** * Update animation frames. */ update() { const now getTimeStamp(); const deltaTime now - (this.frameTimeStamp || now); this.frameTimeStamp now; this.animTimer + deltaTime; this.flashTimer + deltaTime; // Restart Button if (this.currentFrame 0 && this.animTimer > GameOverPanel.LOGO_PAUSE_DURATION) { this.animTimer 0; this.currentFrame++; this.drawRestartButton(); } else if ( this.currentFrame > 0 && this.currentFrame GameOverPanel.animConfig.frames.length) { if (this.animTimer > GameOverPanel.animConfig.msPerFrame) { this.currentFrame++; this.drawRestartButton(); } } else if ( !this.altGameModeActive && this.currentFrame GameOverPanel.animConfig.frames.length) { this.reset(); return; } // Game over text if (this.altGameModeActive && Runner.spriteDefinitionByType.original.ALT_GAME_OVER_TEXT_CONFIG) { const altTextConfig Runner.spriteDefinitionByType.original.ALT_GAME_OVER_TEXT_CONFIG; if (this.flashCounter GameOverPanel.FLASH_ITERATIONS && this.flashTimer > altTextConfig.FLASH_DURATION) { this.flashTimer 0; this.originalText !this.originalText; this.clearGameOverTextBounds(); if (this.originalText) { this.drawGameOverText(GameOverPanel.dimensions, false); this.flashCounter++; } else { this.drawGameOverText(altTextConfig, true); } } else if (this.flashCounter > GameOverPanel.FLASH_ITERATIONS) { this.reset(); return; } } this.gameOverRafId requestAnimationFrame(this.update.bind(this)); }, /** * Clear game over text. */ clearGameOverTextBounds() {; this.canvasCtx.clearRect( Math.round( this.canvasDimensions.WIDTH / 2 - (GameOverPanel.dimensions.TEXT_WIDTH / 2)), Math.round((this.canvasDimensions.HEIGHT - 25) / 3), GameOverPanel.dimensions.TEXT_WIDTH, GameOverPanel.dimensions.TEXT_HEIGHT + 4); this.canvasCtx.restore(); }, reset() { if (this.gameOverRafId) { cancelAnimationFrame(this.gameOverRafId); this.gameOverRafId null; } this.animTimer 0; this.frameTimeStamp 0; this.currentFrame 0; this.flashTimer 0; this.flashCounter 0; this.originalText true; },};//******************************************************************************/** * Check for a collision. * @param {!Obstacle} obstacle * @param {!Trex} tRex T-rex object. * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} opt_canvasCtx Optional canvas context for * drawing collision boxes. * @return {ArrayCollisionBox>|undefined} */function checkForCollision(obstacle, tRex, opt_canvasCtx) { const obstacleBoxXPos Runner.defaultDimensions.WIDTH + obstacle.xPos; // Adjustments are made to the bounding box as there is a 1 pixel white // border around the t-rex and obstacles. const tRexBox new CollisionBox( tRex.xPos + 1, tRex.yPos + 1, tRex.config.WIDTH - 2, tRex.config.HEIGHT - 2); const obstacleBox new CollisionBox( obstacle.xPos + 1, obstacle.yPos + 1, obstacle.typeConfig.width * obstacle.size - 2, obstacle.typeConfig.height - 2); // Debug outer box if (opt_canvasCtx) { drawCollisionBoxes(opt_canvasCtx, tRexBox, obstacleBox); } // Simple outer bounds check. if (boxCompare(tRexBox, obstacleBox)) { const collisionBoxes obstacle.collisionBoxes; let tRexCollisionBoxes ; if (Runner.isAltGameModeEnabled()) { tRexCollisionBoxes Runner.spriteDefinition.TREX.COLLISION_BOXES; } else { tRexCollisionBoxes tRex.ducking ? Trex.collisionBoxes.DUCKING : Trex.collisionBoxes.RUNNING; } // Detailed axis aligned box check. for (let t 0; t tRexCollisionBoxes.length; t++) { for (let i 0; i collisionBoxes.length; i++) { // Adjust the box to actual positions. const adjTrexBox createAdjustedCollisionBox(tRexCollisionBoxest, tRexBox); const adjObstacleBox createAdjustedCollisionBox(collisionBoxesi, obstacleBox); const crashed boxCompare(adjTrexBox, adjObstacleBox); // Draw boxes for debug. if (opt_canvasCtx) { drawCollisionBoxes(opt_canvasCtx, adjTrexBox, adjObstacleBox); } if (crashed) { return adjTrexBox, adjObstacleBox; } } } }}/** * Adjust the collision box. * @param {!CollisionBox} box The original box. * @param {!CollisionBox} adjustment Adjustment box. * @return {CollisionBox} The adjusted collision box object. */function createAdjustedCollisionBox(box, adjustment) { return new CollisionBox( box.x + adjustment.x, box.y + adjustment.y, box.width, box.height);}/** * Draw the collision boxes for debug. */function drawCollisionBoxes(canvasCtx, tRexBox, obstacleBox) {; canvasCtx.strokeStyle #f00; canvasCtx.strokeRect(tRexBox.x, tRexBox.y, tRexBox.width, tRexBox.height); canvasCtx.strokeStyle #0f0; canvasCtx.strokeRect(obstacleBox.x, obstacleBox.y, obstacleBox.width, obstacleBox.height); canvasCtx.restore();}/** * Compare two collision boxes for a collision. * @param {CollisionBox} tRexBox * @param {CollisionBox} obstacleBox * @return {boolean} Whether the boxes intersected. */function boxCompare(tRexBox, obstacleBox) { let crashed false; const tRexBoxX tRexBox.x; const tRexBoxY tRexBox.y; const obstacleBoxX obstacleBox.x; const obstacleBoxY obstacleBox.y; // Axis-Aligned Bounding Box method. if (tRexBox.x obstacleBoxX + obstacleBox.width && tRexBox.x + tRexBox.width > obstacleBoxX && tRexBox.y obstacleBox.y + obstacleBox.height && tRexBox.height + tRexBox.y > obstacleBox.y) { crashed true; } return crashed;}//******************************************************************************/** * Collision box object. * @param {number} x X position. * @param {number} y Y Position. * @param {number} w Width. * @param {number} h Height. * @constructor */function CollisionBox(x, y, w, h) { this.x x; this.y y; this.width w; this.height h;}//******************************************************************************/** * Obstacle. * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} canvasCtx * @param {ObstacleType} type * @param {Object} spriteImgPos Obstacle position in sprite. * @param {Object} dimensions * @param {number} gapCoefficient Mutipler in determining the gap. * @param {number} speed * @param {number} opt_xOffset * @param {boolean} opt_isAltGameMode * @constructor */function Obstacle( canvasCtx, type, spriteImgPos, dimensions, gapCoefficient, speed, opt_xOffset, opt_isAltGameMode) { this.canvasCtx canvasCtx; this.spritePos spriteImgPos; this.typeConfig type; this.gapCoefficient Runner.slowDown ? gapCoefficient * 2 : gapCoefficient; this.size getRandomNum(1, Obstacle.MAX_OBSTACLE_LENGTH); this.dimensions dimensions; this.remove false; this.xPos dimensions.WIDTH + (opt_xOffset || 0); this.yPos 0; this.width 0; this.collisionBoxes ; 0; this.speedOffset 0; this.altGameModeActive opt_isAltGameMode; this.imageSprite this.typeConfig.type COLLECTABLE ? Runner.altCommonImageSprite : this.altGameModeActive ? Runner.altGameImageSprite : Runner.imageSprite; // For animated obstacles. this.currentFrame 0; this.timer 0; this.init(speed);}/** * Coefficient for calculating the maximum gap. */Obstacle.MAX_GAP_COEFFICIENT 1.5;/** * Maximum obstacle grouping count. */Obstacle.MAX_OBSTACLE_LENGTH 3;Obstacle.prototype { /** * Initialise the DOM for the obstacle. * @param {number} speed */ init(speed) { this.cloneCollisionBoxes(); // Only allow sizing if were at the right speed. if (this.size > 1 && this.typeConfig.multipleSpeed > speed) { this.size 1; } this.width this.typeConfig.width * this.size; // Check if obstacle can be positioned at various heights. if (Array.isArray(this.typeConfig.yPos)) { const yPosConfig IS_MOBILE ? this.typeConfig.yPosMobile : this.typeConfig.yPos; this.yPos yPosConfiggetRandomNum(0, yPosConfig.length - 1); } else { this.yPos this.typeConfig.yPos; } this.draw(); // Make collision box adjustments, // Central box is adjusted to the size as one box. // ____ ______ ________ // _| |-| _| |-| _| |-| // | |->| | | |--->| | | |----->| | // | | 1 | | | | 2 | | | | 3 | | // |_|___|_| |_|_____|_| |_|_______|_| // if (this.size > 1) { this.collisionBoxes1.width this.width - this.collisionBoxes0.width - this.collisionBoxes2.width; this.collisionBoxes2.x this.width - this.collisionBoxes2.width; } // For obstacles that go at a different speed from the horizon. if (this.typeConfig.speedOffset) { this.speedOffset Math.random() > 0.5 ? this.typeConfig.speedOffset : -this.typeConfig.speedOffset; } this.getGap(this.gapCoefficient, speed); // Increase gap for audio cues enabled. if (Runner.audioCues) { * 2; } }, /** * Draw and crop based on size. */ draw() { let sourceWidth this.typeConfig.width; let sourceHeight this.typeConfig.height; if (IS_HIDPI) { sourceWidth sourceWidth * 2; sourceHeight sourceHeight * 2; } // X position in sprite. let sourceX (sourceWidth * this.size) * (0.5 * (this.size - 1)) + this.spritePos.x; // Animation frames. if (this.currentFrame > 0) { sourceX + sourceWidth * this.currentFrame; } this.canvasCtx.drawImage( this.imageSprite, sourceX, this.spritePos.y, sourceWidth * this.size, sourceHeight, this.xPos, this.yPos, this.typeConfig.width * this.size, this.typeConfig.height); }, /** * Obstacle frame update. * @param {number} deltaTime * @param {number} speed */ update(deltaTime, speed) { if (!this.remove) { if (this.typeConfig.speedOffset) { speed + this.speedOffset; } this.xPos - Math.floor((speed * FPS / 1000) * deltaTime); // Update frame if (this.typeConfig.numFrames) { this.timer + deltaTime; if (this.timer > this.typeConfig.frameRate) { this.currentFrame this.currentFrame this.typeConfig.numFrames - 1 ? 0 : this.currentFrame + 1; this.timer 0; } } this.draw(); if (!this.isVisible()) { this.remove true; } } }, /** * Calculate a random gap size. * - Minimum gap gets wider as speed increses * @param {number} gapCoefficient * @param {number} speed * @return {number} The gap size. */ getGap(gapCoefficient, speed) { const minGap Math.round( this.width * speed + this.typeConfig.minGap * gapCoefficient); const maxGap Math.round(minGap * Obstacle.MAX_GAP_COEFFICIENT); return getRandomNum(minGap, maxGap); }, /** * Check if obstacle is visible. * @return {boolean} Whether the obstacle is in the game area. */ isVisible() { return this.xPos + this.width > 0; }, /** * Make a copy of the collision boxes, since these will change based on * obstacle type and size. */ cloneCollisionBoxes() { const collisionBoxes this.typeConfig.collisionBoxes; for (let i collisionBoxes.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { this.collisionBoxesi new CollisionBox( collisionBoxesi.x, collisionBoxesi.y, collisionBoxesi.width, collisionBoxesi.height); } },};//******************************************************************************/** * T-rex game character. * @param {HTMLCanvasElement} canvas * @param {Object} spritePos Positioning within image sprite. * @constructor */function Trex(canvas, spritePos) { this.canvas canvas; this.canvasCtx /** @type {CanvasRenderingContext2D} */ (canvas.getContext(2d)); this.spritePos spritePos; this.xPos 0; this.yPos 0; this.xInitialPos 0; // Position when on the ground. this.groundYPos 0; this.currentFrame 0; this.currentAnimFrames ; this.blinkDelay 0; this.blinkCount 0; this.animStartTime 0; this.timer 0; this.msPerFrame 1000 / FPS; this.config Object.assign(Trex.config, Trex.normalJumpConfig); // Current status. this.status Trex.status.WAITING; this.jumping false; this.ducking false; this.jumpVelocity 0; this.reachedMinHeight false; this.speedDrop false; this.jumpCount 0; this.jumpspotX 0; this.altGameModeEnabled false; this.flashing false; this.init();}/** * T-rex player config. */Trex.config { DROP_VELOCITY: -5, FLASH_OFF: 175, FLASH_ON: 100, HEIGHT: 47, HEIGHT_DUCK: 25, INTRO_DURATION: 1500, SPEED_DROP_COEFFICIENT: 3, SPRITE_WIDTH: 262, START_X_POS: 50, WIDTH: 44, WIDTH_DUCK: 59,};Trex.slowJumpConfig { GRAVITY: 0.25, MAX_JUMP_HEIGHT: 50, MIN_JUMP_HEIGHT: 45, INITIAL_JUMP_VELOCITY: -20,};Trex.normalJumpConfig { GRAVITY: 0.6, MAX_JUMP_HEIGHT: 30, MIN_JUMP_HEIGHT: 30, INITIAL_JUMP_VELOCITY: -10,};/** * Used in collision detection. * @enum {ArrayCollisionBox>} */Trex.collisionBoxes { DUCKING: new CollisionBox(1, 18, 55, 25), RUNNING: new CollisionBox(22, 0, 17, 16), new CollisionBox(1, 18, 30, 9), new CollisionBox(10, 35, 14, 8), new CollisionBox(1, 24, 29, 5), new CollisionBox(5, 30, 21, 4), new CollisionBox(9, 34, 15, 4), ,};/** * Animation states. * @enum {string} */Trex.status { CRASHED: CRASHED, DUCKING: DUCKING, JUMPING: JUMPING, RUNNING: RUNNING, WAITING: WAITING,};/** * Blinking coefficient. * @const */Trex.BLINK_TIMING 7000;/** * Animation config for different states. * @enum {Object} */Trex.animFrames { WAITING: { frames: 44, 0, msPerFrame: 1000 / 3, }, RUNNING: { frames: 88, 132, msPerFrame: 1000 / 12, }, CRASHED: { frames: 220, msPerFrame: 1000 / 60, }, JUMPING: { frames: 0, msPerFrame: 1000 / 60, }, DUCKING: { frames: 264, 323, msPerFrame: 1000 / 8, },};Trex.prototype { /** * T-rex player initaliser. * Sets the t-rex to blink at random intervals. */ init() { this.groundYPos Runner.defaultDimensions.HEIGHT - this.config.HEIGHT - Runner.config.BOTTOM_PAD; this.yPos this.groundYPos; this.minJumpHeight this.groundYPos - this.config.MIN_JUMP_HEIGHT; this.draw(0, 0); this.update(0, Trex.status.WAITING); }, /** * Assign the appropriate jump parameters based on the game speed. */ enableSlowConfig: function() { const jumpConfig Runner.slowDown ? Trex.slowJumpConfig : Trex.normalJumpConfig; Trex.config Object.assign(Trex.config, jumpConfig); this.adjustAltGameConfigForSlowSpeed(); }, /** * Enables the alternative game. Redefines the dino config. * @param {Object} spritePos New positioning within image sprite. */ enableAltGameMode: function(spritePos) { this.altGameModeEnabled true; this.spritePos spritePos; const spriteDefinition Runner.spriteDefinitionTREX; // Update animation frames. Trex.animFrames.RUNNING.frames spriteDefinition.RUNNING_1.x, spriteDefinition.RUNNING_2.x; Trex.animFrames.CRASHED.frames spriteDefinition.CRASHED.x; if (typeof spriteDefinition.JUMPING.x object) { Trex.animFrames.JUMPING.frames spriteDefinition.JUMPING.x; } else { Trex.animFrames.JUMPING.frames spriteDefinition.JUMPING.x; } Trex.animFrames.DUCKING.frames spriteDefinition.RUNNING_1.x, spriteDefinition.RUNNING_2.x; // Update Trex config Trex.config.GRAVITY spriteDefinition.GRAVITY || Trex.config.GRAVITY; Trex.config.HEIGHT spriteDefinition.RUNNING_1.h, Trex.config.INITIAL_JUMP_VELOCITY spriteDefinition.INITIAL_JUMP_VELOCITY; Trex.config.MAX_JUMP_HEIGHT spriteDefinition.MAX_JUMP_HEIGHT; Trex.config.MIN_JUMP_HEIGHT spriteDefinition.MIN_JUMP_HEIGHT; Trex.config.WIDTH spriteDefinition.RUNNING_1.w; Trex.config.WIDTH_JUMP spriteDefinition.JUMPING.w; Trex.config.INVERT_JUMP spriteDefinition.INVERT_JUMP; this.adjustAltGameConfigForSlowSpeed(spriteDefinition.GRAVITY); this.config Trex.config; // Adjust bottom horizon placement. this.groundYPos Runner.defaultDimensions.HEIGHT - this.config.HEIGHT - Runner.spriteDefinitionBOTTOM_PAD; this.yPos this.groundYPos; this.reset(); }, /** * Slow speeds adjustments for the alt game modes. * @param {number} opt_gravityValue */ adjustAltGameConfigForSlowSpeed: function(opt_gravityValue) { if (Runner.slowDown) { if (opt_gravityValue) { Trex.config.GRAVITY opt_gravityValue / 1.5; } Trex.config.MIN_JUMP_HEIGHT * 1.5; Trex.config.MAX_JUMP_HEIGHT * 1.5; Trex.config.INITIAL_JUMP_VELOCITY Trex.config.INITIAL_JUMP_VELOCITY * 1.5; } }, /** * Setter whether dino is flashing. * @param {boolean} status */ setFlashing: function(status) { this.flashing status; }, /** * Setter for the jump velocity. * The approriate drop velocity is also set. * @param {number} setting */ setJumpVelocity(setting) { this.config.INITIAL_JUMP_VELOCITY -setting; this.config.DROP_VELOCITY -setting / 2; }, /** * Set the animation status. * @param {!number} deltaTime * @param {Trex.status} opt_status Optional status to switch to. */ update(deltaTime, opt_status) { this.timer + deltaTime; // Update the status. if (opt_status) { this.status opt_status; this.currentFrame 0; this.msPerFrame Trex.animFramesopt_status.msPerFrame; this.currentAnimFrames Trex.animFramesopt_status.frames; if (opt_status Trex.status.WAITING) { this.animStartTime getTimeStamp(); this.setBlinkDelay(); } } // Game intro animation, T-rex moves in from the left. if (this.playingIntro && this.xPos this.config.START_X_POS) { this.xPos + Math.round((this.config.START_X_POS / this.config.INTRO_DURATION) * deltaTime); this.xInitialPos this.xPos; } if (this.status Trex.status.WAITING) { this.blink(getTimeStamp()); } else { this.draw(this.currentAnimFramesthis.currentFrame, 0); } // Update the frame position. if (!this.flashing && this.timer > this.msPerFrame) { this.currentFrame this.currentFrame this.currentAnimFrames.length - 1 ? 0 : this.currentFrame + 1; this.timer 0; } if (!this.altGameModeEnabled) { // Speed drop becomes duck if the down key is still being pressed. if (this.speedDrop && this.yPos this.groundYPos) { this.speedDrop false; this.setDuck(true); } } }, /** * Draw the t-rex to a particular position. * @param {number} x * @param {number} y */ draw(x, y) { let sourceX x; let sourceY y; let sourceWidth this.ducking && this.status ! Trex.status.CRASHED ? this.config.WIDTH_DUCK : this.config.WIDTH; let sourceHeight this.config.HEIGHT; const outputHeight sourceHeight; let jumpOffset Runner.spriteDefinition.TREX.JUMPING.xOffset; // Width of sprite changes on jump. if (this.altGameModeEnabled && this.jumping && this.status ! Trex.status.CRASHED) { sourceWidth this.config.WIDTH_JUMP; } if (IS_HIDPI) { sourceX * 2; sourceY * 2; sourceWidth * 2; sourceHeight * 2; jumpOffset * 2; } // Adjustments for sprite sheet position. sourceX + this.spritePos.x; sourceY + this.spritePos.y; // Flashing. if (this.flashing) { if (this.timer this.config.FLASH_ON) { this.canvasCtx.globalAlpha 0.5; } else if (this.timer > this.config.FLASH_OFF) { this.timer 0; } } // Ducking. if (!this.altGameModeEnabled && this.ducking && this.status ! Trex.status.CRASHED) { this.canvasCtx.drawImage(Runner.imageSprite, sourceX, sourceY, sourceWidth, sourceHeight, this.xPos, this.yPos, this.config.WIDTH_DUCK, outputHeight); } else if ( this.altGameModeEnabled && this.jumping && this.status ! Trex.status.CRASHED) { // Jumping with adjustments. this.canvasCtx.drawImage( Runner.imageSprite, sourceX, sourceY, sourceWidth, sourceHeight, this.xPos - jumpOffset, this.yPos, this.config.WIDTH_JUMP, outputHeight); } else { // Crashed whilst ducking. Trex is standing up so needs adjustment. if (this.ducking && this.status Trex.status.CRASHED) { this.xPos++; } // Standing / running this.canvasCtx.drawImage(Runner.imageSprite, sourceX, sourceY, sourceWidth, sourceHeight, this.xPos, this.yPos, this.config.WIDTH, outputHeight); } this.canvasCtx.globalAlpha 1; }, /** * Sets a random time for the blink to happen. */ setBlinkDelay() { this.blinkDelay Math.ceil(Math.random() * Trex.BLINK_TIMING); }, /** * Make t-rex blink at random intervals. * @param {number} time Current time in milliseconds. */ blink(time) { const deltaTime time - this.animStartTime; if (deltaTime > this.blinkDelay) { this.draw(this.currentAnimFramesthis.currentFrame, 0); if (this.currentFrame 1) { // Set new random delay to blink. this.setBlinkDelay(); this.animStartTime time; this.blinkCount++; } } }, /** * Initialise a jump. * @param {number} speed */ startJump(speed) { if (!this.jumping) { this.update(0, Trex.status.JUMPING); // Tweak the jump velocity based on the speed. this.jumpVelocity this.config.INITIAL_JUMP_VELOCITY - (speed / 10); this.jumping true; this.reachedMinHeight false; this.speedDrop false; if (this.config.INVERT_JUMP) { this.minJumpHeight this.groundYPos + this.config.MIN_JUMP_HEIGHT; } } }, /** * Jump is complete, falling down. */ endJump() { if (this.reachedMinHeight && this.jumpVelocity this.config.DROP_VELOCITY) { this.jumpVelocity this.config.DROP_VELOCITY; } }, /** * Update frame for a jump. * @param {number} deltaTime */ updateJump(deltaTime) { const msPerFrame Trex.animFramesthis.status.msPerFrame; const framesElapsed deltaTime / msPerFrame; // Speed drop makes Trex fall faster. if (this.speedDrop) { this.yPos + Math.round(this.jumpVelocity * this.config.SPEED_DROP_COEFFICIENT * framesElapsed); } else if (this.config.INVERT_JUMP) { this.yPos - Math.round(this.jumpVelocity * framesElapsed); } else { this.yPos + Math.round(this.jumpVelocity * framesElapsed); } this.jumpVelocity + this.config.GRAVITY * framesElapsed; // Minimum height has been reached. if (this.config.INVERT_JUMP && (this.yPos > this.minJumpHeight) || !this.config.INVERT_JUMP && (this.yPos this.minJumpHeight) || this.speedDrop) { this.reachedMinHeight true; } // Reached max height. if (this.config.INVERT_JUMP && (this.yPos > -this.config.MAX_JUMP_HEIGHT) || !this.config.INVERT_JUMP && (this.yPos this.config.MAX_JUMP_HEIGHT) || this.speedDrop) { this.endJump(); } // Back down at ground level. Jump completed. if ((this.config.INVERT_JUMP && this.yPos) this.groundYPos || (!this.config.INVERT_JUMP && this.yPos) > this.groundYPos) { this.reset(); this.jumpCount++; if (Runner.audioCues) { Runner.generatedSoundFx.loopFootSteps(); } } }, /** * Set the speed drop. Immediately cancels the current jump. */ setSpeedDrop() { this.speedDrop true; this.jumpVelocity 1; }, /** * @param {boolean} isDucking */ setDuck(isDucking) { if (isDucking && this.status ! Trex.status.DUCKING) { this.update(0, Trex.status.DUCKING); this.ducking true; } else if (this.status Trex.status.DUCKING) { this.update(0, Trex.status.RUNNING); this.ducking false; } }, /** * Reset the t-rex to running at start of game. */ reset() { this.xPos this.xInitialPos; this.yPos this.groundYPos; this.jumpVelocity 0; this.jumping false; this.ducking false; this.update(0, Trex.status.RUNNING); this.midair false; this.speedDrop false; this.jumpCount 0; },};//******************************************************************************/** * Handles displaying the distance meter. * @param {!HTMLCanvasElement} canvas * @param {Object} spritePos Image position in sprite. * @param {number} canvasWidth * @constructor */function DistanceMeter(canvas, spritePos, canvasWidth) { this.canvas canvas; this.canvasCtx /** @type {CanvasRenderingContext2D} */ (canvas.getContext(2d)); this.image Runner.imageSprite; this.spritePos spritePos; this.x 0; this.y 5; this.currentDistance 0; this.maxScore 0; this.highScore 0; this.container null; this.digits ; this.achievement false; this.defaultString ; this.flashTimer 0; this.flashIterations 0; this.invertTrigger false; this.flashingRafId null; this.highScoreBounds {}; this.highScoreFlashing false; this.config DistanceMeter.config; this.maxScoreUnits this.config.MAX_DISTANCE_UNITS; this.canvasWidth canvasWidth; this.init(canvasWidth);}/** * @enum {number} */DistanceMeter.dimensions { WIDTH: 10, HEIGHT: 13, DEST_WIDTH: 11,};/** * Y positioning of the digits in the sprite sheet. * X position is always 0. * @type {Arraynumber>} */DistanceMeter.yPos 0, 13, 27, 40, 53, 67, 80, 93, 107, 120;/** * Distance meter config. * @enum {number} */DistanceMeter.config { // Number of digits. MAX_DISTANCE_UNITS: 5, // Distance that causes achievement animation. ACHIEVEMENT_DISTANCE: 100, // Used for conversion from pixel distance to a scaled unit. COEFFICIENT: 0.025, // Flash duration in milliseconds. FLASH_DURATION: 1000 / 4, // Flash iterations for achievement animation. FLASH_ITERATIONS: 3, // Padding around the high score hit area. HIGH_SCORE_HIT_AREA_PADDING: 4,};DistanceMeter.prototype { /** * Initialise the distance meter to 00000. * @param {number} width Canvas width in px. */ init(width) { let maxDistanceStr ; this.calcXPos(width); this.maxScore this.maxScoreUnits; for (let i 0; i this.maxScoreUnits; i++) { this.draw(i, 0); this.defaultString + 0; maxDistanceStr + 9; } this.maxScore parseInt(maxDistanceStr, 10); }, /** * Calculate the xPos in the canvas. * @param {number} canvasWidth */ calcXPos(canvasWidth) { this.x canvasWidth - (DistanceMeter.dimensions.DEST_WIDTH * (this.maxScoreUnits + 1)); }, /** * Draw a digit to canvas. * @param {number} digitPos Position of the digit. * @param {number} value Digit value 0-9. * @param {boolean} opt_highScore Whether drawing the high score. */ draw(digitPos, value, opt_highScore) { let sourceWidth DistanceMeter.dimensions.WIDTH; let sourceHeight DistanceMeter.dimensions.HEIGHT; let sourceX DistanceMeter.dimensions.WIDTH * value; let sourceY 0; const targetX digitPos * DistanceMeter.dimensions.DEST_WIDTH; const targetY this.y; const targetWidth DistanceMeter.dimensions.WIDTH; const targetHeight DistanceMeter.dimensions.HEIGHT; // For high DPI we 2x source values. if (IS_HIDPI) { sourceWidth * 2; sourceHeight * 2; sourceX * 2; } sourceX + this.spritePos.x; sourceY + this.spritePos.y;; if (IS_RTL) { if (opt_highScore) { this.canvasCtx.translate( this.canvasWidth - (DistanceMeter.dimensions.WIDTH * (this.maxScoreUnits + 3)), this.y); } else { this.canvasCtx.translate( this.canvasWidth - DistanceMeter.dimensions.WIDTH, this.y); } this.canvasCtx.scale(-1, 1); } else { const highScoreX this.x - (this.maxScoreUnits * 2) * DistanceMeter.dimensions.WIDTH; if (opt_highScore) { this.canvasCtx.translate(highScoreX, this.y); } else { this.canvasCtx.translate(this.x, this.y); } } this.canvasCtx.drawImage( this.image, sourceX, sourceY, sourceWidth, sourceHeight, targetX, targetY, targetWidth, targetHeight, ); this.canvasCtx.restore(); }, /** * Covert pixel distance to a real distance. * @param {number} distance Pixel distance ran. * @return {number} The real distance ran. */ getActualDistance(distance) { return distance ? Math.round(distance * this.config.COEFFICIENT) : 0; }, /** * Update the distance meter. * @param {number} distance * @param {number} deltaTime * @return {boolean} Whether the acheivement sound fx should be played. */ update(deltaTime, distance) { let paint true; let playSound false; if (!this.achievement) { distance this.getActualDistance(distance); // Score has gone beyond the initial digit count. if (distance > this.maxScore && this.maxScoreUnits this.config.MAX_DISTANCE_UNITS) { this.maxScoreUnits++; this.maxScore parseInt(this.maxScore + 9, 10); } else { this.distance 0; } if (distance > 0) { // Achievement unlocked. if (distance % this.config.ACHIEVEMENT_DISTANCE 0) { // Flash score and play sound. this.achievement true; this.flashTimer 0; playSound true; } // Create a string representation of the distance with leading 0. const distanceStr (this.defaultString + distance).substr(-this.maxScoreUnits); this.digits distanceStr.split(); } else { this.digits this.defaultString.split(); } } else { // Control flashing of the score on reaching acheivement. if (this.flashIterations this.config.FLASH_ITERATIONS) { this.flashTimer + deltaTime; if (this.flashTimer this.config.FLASH_DURATION) { paint false; } else if (this.flashTimer > this.config.FLASH_DURATION * 2) { this.flashTimer 0; this.flashIterations++; } } else { this.achievement false; this.flashIterations 0; this.flashTimer 0; } } // Draw the digits if not flashing. if (paint) { for (let i this.digits.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { this.draw(i, parseInt(this.digitsi, 10)); } } this.drawHighScore(); return playSound; }, /** * Draw the high score. */ drawHighScore() { if (parseInt(this.highScore, 10) > 0) {; this.canvasCtx.globalAlpha .8; for (let i this.highScore.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { this.draw(i, parseInt(this.highScorei, 10), true); } this.canvasCtx.restore(); } }, /** * Set the highscore as a array string. * Position of char in the sprite: H - 10, I - 11. * @param {number} distance Distance ran in pixels. */ setHighScore(distance) { distance this.getActualDistance(distance); const highScoreStr (this.defaultString + distance).substr(-this.maxScoreUnits); this.highScore 10, 11, .concat(highScoreStr.split()); }, /** * Whether a clicked is in the high score area. * @param {Event} e Event object. * @return {boolean} Whether the click was in the high score bounds. */ hasClickedOnHighScore(e) { let x 0; let y 0; if (e.touches) { // Bounds for touch differ from pointer. const canvasBounds this.canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); x e.touches0.clientX - canvasBounds.left; y e.touches0.clientY -; } else { x e.offsetX; y e.offsetY; } this.highScoreBounds this.getHighScoreBounds(); return x > this.highScoreBounds.x && x this.highScoreBounds.x + this.highScoreBounds.width && y > this.highScoreBounds.y && y this.highScoreBounds.y + this.highScoreBounds.height; }, /** * Get the bounding box for the high score. * @return {Object} Object with x, y, width and height properties. */ getHighScoreBounds() { return { x: (this.x - (this.maxScoreUnits * 2) * DistanceMeter.dimensions.WIDTH) - DistanceMeter.config.HIGH_SCORE_HIT_AREA_PADDING, y: this.y, width: DistanceMeter.dimensions.WIDTH * (this.highScore.length + 1) + DistanceMeter.config.HIGH_SCORE_HIT_AREA_PADDING, height: DistanceMeter.dimensions.HEIGHT + (DistanceMeter.config.HIGH_SCORE_HIT_AREA_PADDING * 2), }; }, /** * Animate flashing the high score to indicate ready for resetting. * The flashing stops following this.config.FLASH_ITERATIONS x 2 flashes. */ flashHighScore() { const now getTimeStamp(); const deltaTime now - (this.frameTimeStamp || now); let paint true; this.frameTimeStamp now; // Reached the max number of flashes. if (this.flashIterations > this.config.FLASH_ITERATIONS * 2) { this.cancelHighScoreFlashing(); return; } this.flashTimer + deltaTime; if (this.flashTimer this.config.FLASH_DURATION) { paint false; } else if (this.flashTimer > this.config.FLASH_DURATION * 2) { this.flashTimer 0; this.flashIterations++; } if (paint) { this.drawHighScore(); } else { this.clearHighScoreBounds(); } // Frame update. this.flashingRafId requestAnimationFrame(this.flashHighScore.bind(this)); }, /** * Draw empty rectangle over high score. */ clearHighScoreBounds() {; this.canvasCtx.fillStyle #fff; this.canvasCtx.rect(this.highScoreBounds.x, this.highScoreBounds.y, this.highScoreBounds.width, this.highScoreBounds.height); this.canvasCtx.fill(); this.canvasCtx.restore(); }, /** * Starts the flashing of the high score. */ startHighScoreFlashing() { this.highScoreFlashing true; this.flashHighScore(); }, /** * Whether high score is flashing. * @return {boolean} */ isHighScoreFlashing() { return this.highScoreFlashing; }, /** * Stop flashing the high score. */ cancelHighScoreFlashing() { if (this.flashingRafId) { cancelAnimationFrame(this.flashingRafId); } this.flashIterations 0; this.flashTimer 0; this.highScoreFlashing false; this.clearHighScoreBounds(); this.drawHighScore(); }, /** * Clear the high score. */ resetHighScore() { this.setHighScore(0); this.cancelHighScoreFlashing(); }, /** * Reset the distance meter back to 00000. */ reset() { this.update(0, 0); this.achievement false; },};//******************************************************************************/** * Cloud background item. * Similar to an obstacle object but without collision boxes. * @param {HTMLCanvasElement} canvas Canvas element. * @param {Object} spritePos Position of image in sprite. * @param {number} containerWidth * @constructor */function Cloud(canvas, spritePos, containerWidth) { this.canvas canvas; this.canvasCtx /** @type {CanvasRenderingContext2D} */ (this.canvas.getContext(2d)); this.spritePos spritePos; this.containerWidth containerWidth; this.xPos containerWidth; this.yPos 0; this.remove false; getRandomNum(Cloud.config.MIN_CLOUD_GAP, Cloud.config.MAX_CLOUD_GAP); this.init();}/** * Cloud object config. * @enum {number} */Cloud.config { HEIGHT: 14, MAX_CLOUD_GAP: 400, MAX_SKY_LEVEL: 30, MIN_CLOUD_GAP: 100, MIN_SKY_LEVEL: 71, WIDTH: 46,};Cloud.prototype { /** * Initialise the cloud. Sets the Cloud height. */ init() { this.yPos getRandomNum(Cloud.config.MAX_SKY_LEVEL, Cloud.config.MIN_SKY_LEVEL); this.draw(); }, /** * Draw the cloud. */ draw() {; let sourceWidth Cloud.config.WIDTH; let sourceHeight Cloud.config.HEIGHT; const outputWidth sourceWidth; const outputHeight sourceHeight; if (IS_HIDPI) { sourceWidth sourceWidth * 2; sourceHeight sourceHeight * 2; } this.canvasCtx.drawImage(Runner.imageSprite, this.spritePos.x, this.spritePos.y, sourceWidth, sourceHeight, this.xPos, this.yPos, outputWidth, outputHeight); this.canvasCtx.restore(); }, /** * Update the cloud position. * @param {number} speed */ update(speed) { if (!this.remove) { this.xPos - Math.ceil(speed); this.draw(); // Mark as removeable if no longer in the canvas. if (!this.isVisible()) { this.remove true; } } }, /** * Check if the cloud is visible on the stage. * @return {boolean} */ isVisible() { return this.xPos + Cloud.config.WIDTH > 0; },};/** * Background item. * Similar to cloud, without random y position. * @param {HTMLCanvasElement} canvas Canvas element. * @param {Object} spritePos Position of image in sprite. * @param {number} containerWidth * @param {string} type Element type. * @constructor */function BackgroundEl(canvas, spritePos, containerWidth, type) { this.canvas canvas; this.canvasCtx /** @type {CanvasRenderingContext2D} */ (this.canvas.getContext(2d)); this.spritePos spritePos; this.containerWidth containerWidth; this.xPos containerWidth; this.yPos 0; this.remove false; this.type type; getRandomNum(BackgroundEl.config.MIN_GAP, BackgroundEl.config.MAX_GAP); this.animTimer 0; this.switchFrames false; this.spriteConfig {}; this.init();}/** * Background element object config. * Real values assigned when game type changes. * @enum {number} */BackgroundEl.config { MAX_BG_ELS: 0, MAX_GAP: 0, MIN_GAP: 0, POS: 0, SPEED: 0, Y_POS: 0, MS_PER_FRAME: 0, // only needed when BACKGROUND_EL.FIXED is true};BackgroundEl.prototype { /** * Initialise the element setting the y position. */ init() { this.spriteConfig Runner.spriteDefinition.BACKGROUND_ELthis.type; if (this.spriteConfig.FIXED) { this.xPos this.spriteConfig.FIXED_X_POS; } this.yPos BackgroundEl.config.Y_POS - this.spriteConfig.HEIGHT + this.spriteConfig.OFFSET; this.draw(); }, /** * Draw the element. */ draw() {; let sourceWidth this.spriteConfig.WIDTH; let sourceHeight this.spriteConfig.HEIGHT; let sourceX this.spriteConfig.X_POS; const outputWidth sourceWidth; const outputHeight sourceHeight; if (IS_HIDPI) { sourceWidth * 2; sourceHeight * 2; sourceX * 2; } this.canvasCtx.drawImage( Runner.imageSprite, sourceX, this.spritePos.y, sourceWidth, sourceHeight, this.xPos, this.yPos, outputWidth, outputHeight); this.canvasCtx.restore(); }, /** * Update the background element position. * @param {number} speed */ update(speed) { if (!this.remove) { if (this.spriteConfig.FIXED) { this.animTimer + speed; if (this.animTimer > BackgroundEl.config.MS_PER_FRAME) { this.animTimer 0; this.switchFrames !this.switchFrames; } if (this.spriteConfig.FIXED_Y_POS_1 && this.spriteConfig.FIXED_Y_POS_2) { this.yPos this.switchFrames ? this.spriteConfig.FIXED_Y_POS_1 : this.spriteConfig.FIXED_Y_POS_2; } } else { // Fixed speed, regardless of actual game speed. this.xPos - BackgroundEl.config.SPEED; } this.draw(); // Mark as removable if no longer in the canvas. if (!this.isVisible()) { this.remove true; } } }, /** * Check if the element is visible on the stage. * @return {boolean} */ isVisible() { return this.xPos + this.spriteConfig.WIDTH > 0; },};//******************************************************************************/** * Nightmode shows a moon and stars on the horizon. * @param {HTMLCanvasElement} canvas * @param {number} spritePos * @param {number} containerWidth * @constructor */function NightMode(canvas, spritePos, containerWidth) { this.spritePos spritePos; this.canvas canvas; this.canvasCtx /** @type {CanvasRenderingContext2D} */ (canvas.getContext(2d)); this.xPos containerWidth - 50; this.yPos 30; this.currentPhase 0; this.opacity 0; this.containerWidth containerWidth; this.stars ; this.drawStars false; this.placeStars();}/** * @enum {number} */NightMode.config { FADE_SPEED: 0.035, HEIGHT: 40, MOON_SPEED: 0.25, NUM_STARS: 2, STAR_SIZE: 9, STAR_SPEED: 0.3, STAR_MAX_Y: 70, WIDTH: 20,};NightMode.phases 140, 120, 100, 60, 40, 20, 0;NightMode.prototype { /** * Update moving moon, changing phases. * @param {boolean} activated Whether night mode is activated. */ update(activated) { // Moon phase. if (activated && this.opacity 0) { this.currentPhase++; if (this.currentPhase > NightMode.phases.length) { this.currentPhase 0; } } // Fade in / out. if (activated && (this.opacity 1 || this.opacity 0)) { this.opacity + NightMode.config.FADE_SPEED; } else if (this.opacity > 0) { this.opacity - NightMode.config.FADE_SPEED; } // Set moon positioning. if (this.opacity > 0) { this.xPos this.updateXPos(this.xPos, NightMode.config.MOON_SPEED); // Update stars. if (this.drawStars) { for (let i 0; i NightMode.config.NUM_STARS; i++) { this.starsi.x this.updateXPos(this.starsi.x, NightMode.config.STAR_SPEED); } } this.draw(); } else { this.opacity 0; this.placeStars(); } this.drawStars true; }, updateXPos(currentPos, speed) { if (currentPos -NightMode.config.WIDTH) { currentPos this.containerWidth; } else { currentPos - speed; } return currentPos; }, draw() { let moonSourceWidth this.currentPhase 3 ? NightMode.config.WIDTH * 2 : NightMode.config.WIDTH; let moonSourceHeight NightMode.config.HEIGHT; let moonSourceX this.spritePos.x + NightMode.phasesthis.currentPhase; const moonOutputWidth moonSourceWidth; let starSize NightMode.config.STAR_SIZE; let starSourceX Runner.spriteDefinitionByType.original.LDPI.STAR.x; if (IS_HIDPI) { moonSourceWidth * 2; moonSourceHeight * 2; moonSourceX this.spritePos.x + (NightMode.phasesthis.currentPhase * 2); starSize * 2; starSourceX Runner.spriteDefinitionByType.original.HDPI.STAR.x; }; this.canvasCtx.globalAlpha this.opacity; // Stars. if (this.drawStars) { for (let i 0; i NightMode.config.NUM_STARS; i++) { this.canvasCtx.drawImage( Runner.origImageSprite, starSourceX, this.starsi.sourceY, starSize, starSize, Math.round(this.starsi.x), this.starsi.y, NightMode.config.STAR_SIZE, NightMode.config.STAR_SIZE); } } // Moon. this.canvasCtx.drawImage( Runner.origImageSprite, moonSourceX, this.spritePos.y, moonSourceWidth, moonSourceHeight, Math.round(this.xPos), this.yPos, moonOutputWidth, NightMode.config.HEIGHT); this.canvasCtx.globalAlpha 1; this.canvasCtx.restore(); }, // Do star placement. placeStars() { const segmentSize Math.round(this.containerWidth / NightMode.config.NUM_STARS); for (let i 0; i NightMode.config.NUM_STARS; i++) { this.starsi {}; this.starsi.x getRandomNum(segmentSize * i, segmentSize * (i + 1)); this.starsi.y getRandomNum(0, NightMode.config.STAR_MAX_Y); if (IS_HIDPI) { this.starsi.sourceY Runner.spriteDefinitionByType.original.HDPI.STAR.y + NightMode.config.STAR_SIZE * 2 * i; } else { this.starsi.sourceY Runner.spriteDefinitionByType.original.LDPI.STAR.y + NightMode.config.STAR_SIZE * i; } } }, reset() { this.currentPhase 0; this.opacity 0; this.update(false); },};//******************************************************************************/** * Horizon Line. * Consists of two connecting lines. Randomly assigns a flat / bumpy horizon. * @param {HTMLCanvasElement} canvas * @param {Object} lineConfig Configuration object. * @constructor */function HorizonLine(canvas, lineConfig) { let sourceX lineConfig.SOURCE_X; let sourceY lineConfig.SOURCE_Y; if (IS_HIDPI) { sourceX * 2; sourceY * 2; } this.spritePos {x: sourceX, y: sourceY}; this.canvas canvas; this.canvasCtx /** @type {CanvasRenderingContext2D} */ (canvas.getContext(2d)); this.sourceDimensions {}; this.dimensions lineConfig; this.sourceXPos this.spritePos.x, this.spritePos.x + this.dimensions.WIDTH; this.xPos ; this.yPos 0; this.bumpThreshold 0.5; this.setSourceDimensions(lineConfig); this.draw();}/** * Horizon line dimensions. * @enum {number} */HorizonLine.dimensions { WIDTH: 600, HEIGHT: 12, YPOS: 127,};HorizonLine.prototype { /** * Set the source dimensions of the horizon line. */ setSourceDimensions(newDimensions) { for (const dimension in newDimensions) { if (dimension ! SOURCE_X && dimension ! SOURCE_Y) { if (IS_HIDPI) { if (dimension ! YPOS) { this.sourceDimensionsdimension newDimensionsdimension * 2; } } else { this.sourceDimensionsdimension newDimensionsdimension; } this.dimensionsdimension newDimensionsdimension; } } this.xPos 0, newDimensions.WIDTH; this.yPos newDimensions.YPOS; }, /** * Return the crop x position of a type. */ getRandomType() { return Math.random() > this.bumpThreshold ? this.dimensions.WIDTH : 0; }, /** * Draw the horizon line. */ draw() { this.canvasCtx.drawImage(Runner.imageSprite, this.sourceXPos0, this.spritePos.y, this.sourceDimensions.WIDTH, this.sourceDimensions.HEIGHT, this.xPos0, this.yPos, this.dimensions.WIDTH, this.dimensions.HEIGHT); this.canvasCtx.drawImage(Runner.imageSprite, this.sourceXPos1, this.spritePos.y, this.sourceDimensions.WIDTH, this.sourceDimensions.HEIGHT, this.xPos1, this.yPos, this.dimensions.WIDTH, this.dimensions.HEIGHT); }, /** * Update the x position of an indivdual piece of the line. * @param {number} pos Line position. * @param {number} increment */ updateXPos(pos, increment) { const line1 pos; const line2 pos 0 ? 1 : 0; this.xPosline1 - increment; this.xPosline2 this.xPosline1 + this.dimensions.WIDTH; if (this.xPosline1 -this.dimensions.WIDTH) { this.xPosline1 + this.dimensions.WIDTH * 2; this.xPosline2 this.xPosline1 - this.dimensions.WIDTH; this.sourceXPosline1 this.getRandomType() + this.spritePos.x; } }, /** * Update the horizon line. * @param {number} deltaTime * @param {number} speed */ update(deltaTime, speed) { const increment Math.floor(speed * (FPS / 1000) * deltaTime); if (this.xPos0 0) { this.updateXPos(0, increment); } else { this.updateXPos(1, increment); } this.draw(); }, /** * Reset horizon to the starting position. */ reset() { this.xPos0 0; this.xPos1 this.dimensions.WIDTH; },};//******************************************************************************/** * Horizon background class. * @param {HTMLCanvasElement} canvas * @param {Object} spritePos Sprite positioning. * @param {Object} dimensions Canvas dimensions. * @param {number} gapCoefficient * @constructor */function Horizon(canvas, spritePos, dimensions, gapCoefficient) { this.canvas canvas; this.canvasCtx /** @type {CanvasRenderingContext2D} */ (this.canvas.getContext(2d)); this.config Horizon.config; this.dimensions dimensions; this.gapCoefficient gapCoefficient; this.obstacles ; this.obstacleHistory ; this.horizonOffsets 0, 0; this.cloudFrequency this.config.CLOUD_FREQUENCY; this.spritePos spritePos; this.nightMode null; this.altGameModeActive false; // Cloud this.clouds ; this.cloudSpeed this.config.BG_CLOUD_SPEED; // Background elements this.backgroundEls ; this.lastEl null; this.backgroundSpeed this.config.BG_CLOUD_SPEED; // Horizon this.horizonLine null; this.horizonLines ; this.init();}/** * Horizon config. * @enum {number} */Horizon.config { BG_CLOUD_SPEED: 0.2, BUMPY_THRESHOLD: .3, CLOUD_FREQUENCY: .5, HORIZON_HEIGHT: 16, MAX_CLOUDS: 6,};Horizon.prototype { /** * Initialise the horizon. Just add the line and a cloud. No obstacles. */ init() { Obstacle.types Runner.spriteDefinitionByType.original.OBSTACLES; this.addCloud(); // Multiple Horizon lines for (let i 0; i Runner.spriteDefinition.LINES.length; i++) { this.horizonLines.push( new HorizonLine(this.canvas, Runner.spriteDefinition.LINESi)); } this.nightMode new NightMode(this.canvas, this.spritePos.MOON, this.dimensions.WIDTH); }, /** * Update obstacle definitions based on the speed of the game. */ adjustObstacleSpeed: function() { for (let i 0; i Obstacle.types.length; i++) { if (Runner.slowDown) { Obstacle.typesi.multipleSpeed Obstacle.typesi.multipleSpeed / 2; Obstacle.typesi.minGap * 1.5; Obstacle.typesi.minSpeed Obstacle.typesi.minSpeed / 2; // Convert variable y position obstacles to fixed. if (typeof (Obstacle.typesi.yPos) object) { Obstacle.typesi.yPos Obstacle.typesi.yPos0; Obstacle.typesi.yPosMobile Obstacle.typesi.yPos0; } } } }, /** * Update sprites to correspond to change in sprite sheet. * @param {number} spritePos */ enableAltGameMode: function(spritePos) { // Clear existing horizon objects. this.clouds ; this.backgroundEls ; this.altGameModeActive true; this.spritePos spritePos; Obstacle.types Runner.spriteDefinition.OBSTACLES; this.adjustObstacleSpeed(); Obstacle.MAX_GAP_COEFFICIENT Runner.spriteDefinition.MAX_GAP_COEFFICIENT; Obstacle.MAX_OBSTACLE_LENGTH Runner.spriteDefinition.MAX_OBSTACLE_LENGTH; BackgroundEl.config Runner.spriteDefinition.BACKGROUND_EL_CONFIG; this.horizonLines ; for (let i 0; i Runner.spriteDefinition.LINES.length; i++) { this.horizonLines.push( new HorizonLine(this.canvas, Runner.spriteDefinition.LINESi)); } this.reset(); }, /** * @param {number} deltaTime * @param {number} currentSpeed * @param {boolean} updateObstacles Used as an override to prevent * the obstacles from being updated / added. This happens in the * ease in section. * @param {boolean} showNightMode Night mode activated. */ update(deltaTime, currentSpeed, updateObstacles, showNightMode) { this.runningTime + deltaTime; if (this.altGameModeActive) { this.updateBackgroundEls(deltaTime, currentSpeed); } for (let i 0; i this.horizonLines.length; i++) { this.horizonLinesi.update(deltaTime, currentSpeed); } if (!this.altGameModeActive || Runner.spriteDefinition.HAS_CLOUDS) { this.nightMode.update(showNightMode); this.updateClouds(deltaTime, currentSpeed); } if (updateObstacles) { this.updateObstacles(deltaTime, currentSpeed); } }, /** * Update background element positions. Also handles creating new elements. * @param {number} elSpeed * @param {ArrayObject>} bgElArray * @param {number} maxBgEl * @param {Function} bgElAddFunction * @param {number} frequency */ updateBackgroundEl(elSpeed, bgElArray, maxBgEl, bgElAddFunction, frequency) { const numElements bgElArray.length; if (numElements) { for (let i numElements - 1; i > 0; i--) { bgElArrayi.update(elSpeed); } const lastEl bgElArraynumElements - 1; // Check for adding a new element. if (numElements maxBgEl && (this.dimensions.WIDTH - lastEl.xPos) > && frequency > Math.random()) { bgElAddFunction(); } } else { bgElAddFunction(); } }, /** * Update the cloud positions. * @param {number} deltaTime * @param {number} speed */ updateClouds(deltaTime, speed) { const elSpeed this.cloudSpeed / 1000 * deltaTime * speed; this.updateBackgroundEl( elSpeed, this.clouds, this.config.MAX_CLOUDS, this.addCloud.bind(this), this.cloudFrequency); // Remove expired elements. this.clouds this.clouds.filter((obj) > !obj.remove); }, /** * Update the background element positions. * @param {number} deltaTime * @param {number} speed */ updateBackgroundEls(deltaTime, speed) { this.updateBackgroundEl( deltaTime, this.backgroundEls, BackgroundEl.config.MAX_BG_ELS, this.addBackgroundEl.bind(this), this.cloudFrequency); // Remove expired elements. this.backgroundEls this.backgroundEls.filter((obj) > !obj.remove); }, /** * Update the obstacle positions. * @param {number} deltaTime * @param {number} currentSpeed */ updateObstacles(deltaTime, currentSpeed) { const updatedObstacles this.obstacles.slice(0); for (let i 0; i this.obstacles.length; i++) { const obstacle this.obstaclesi; obstacle.update(deltaTime, currentSpeed); // Clean up existing obstacles. if (obstacle.remove) { updatedObstacles.shift(); } } this.obstacles updatedObstacles; if (this.obstacles.length > 0) { const lastObstacle this.obstaclesthis.obstacles.length - 1; if (lastObstacle && !lastObstacle.followingObstacleCreated && lastObstacle.isVisible() && (lastObstacle.xPos + lastObstacle.width + this.dimensions.WIDTH) { this.addNewObstacle(currentSpeed); lastObstacle.followingObstacleCreated true; } } else { // Create new obstacles. this.addNewObstacle(currentSpeed); } }, removeFirstObstacle() { this.obstacles.shift(); }, /** * Add a new obstacle. * @param {number} currentSpeed */ addNewObstacle(currentSpeed) { const obstacleCount Obstacle.typesObstacle.types.length - 1.type ! COLLECTABLE || (Runner.isAltGameModeEnabled() && !this.altGameModeActive || this.altGameModeActive) ? Obstacle.types.length - 1 : Obstacle.types.length - 2; const obstacleTypeIndex obstacleCount > 0 ? getRandomNum(0, obstacleCount) : 0; const obstacleType Obstacle.typesobstacleTypeIndex; // Check for multiples of the same type of obstacle. // Also check obstacle is available at current speed. if ((obstacleCount > 0 && this.duplicateObstacleCheck(obstacleType.type)) || currentSpeed obstacleType.minSpeed) { this.addNewObstacle(currentSpeed); } else { const obstacleSpritePos this.spritePosobstacleType.type; this.obstacles.push(new Obstacle( this.canvasCtx, obstacleType, obstacleSpritePos, this.dimensions, this.gapCoefficient, currentSpeed, obstacleType.width, this.altGameModeActive)); this.obstacleHistory.unshift(obstacleType.type); if (this.obstacleHistory.length > 1) { this.obstacleHistory.splice(Runner.config.MAX_OBSTACLE_DUPLICATION); } } }, /** * Returns whether the previous two obstacles are the same as the next one. * Maximum duplication is set in config value MAX_OBSTACLE_DUPLICATION. * @return {boolean} */ duplicateObstacleCheck(nextObstacleType) { let duplicateCount 0; for (let i 0; i this.obstacleHistory.length; i++) { duplicateCount this.obstacleHistoryi nextObstacleType ? duplicateCount + 1 : 0; } return duplicateCount > Runner.config.MAX_OBSTACLE_DUPLICATION; }, /** * Reset the horizon layer. * Remove existing obstacles and reposition the horizon line. */ reset() { this.obstacles ; for (let l 0; l this.horizonLines.length; l++) { this.horizonLinesl.reset(); } this.nightMode.reset(); }, /** * Update the canvas width and scaling. * @param {number} width Canvas width. * @param {number} height Canvas height. */ resize(width, height) { this.canvas.width width; this.canvas.height height; }, /** * Add a new cloud to the horizon. */ addCloud() { this.clouds.push(new Cloud(this.canvas, this.spritePos.CLOUD, this.dimensions.WIDTH)); }, /** * Add a random background element to the horizon. */ addBackgroundEl() { const backgroundElTypes Object.keys(Runner.spriteDefinition.BACKGROUND_EL); if (backgroundElTypes.length > 0) { let index getRandomNum(0, backgroundElTypes.length - 1); let type backgroundElTypesindex; // Add variation if available. while (type this.lastEl && backgroundElTypes.length > 1) { index getRandomNum(0, backgroundElTypes.length - 1); type backgroundElTypesindex; } this.lastEl type; this.backgroundEls.push(new BackgroundEl( this.canvas, this.spritePos.BACKGROUND_EL, this.dimensions.WIDTH, type)); } },};/script> script>// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be// found in the LICENSE file./* @const * Add matching sprite definition and config to Runner.spriteDefinitionByType. */const GAME_TYPE ;/** * Obstacle definitions. * minGap: minimum pixel space between obstacles. * multipleSpeed: Speed at which multiples are allowed. * speedOffset: speed faster / slower than the horizon. * minSpeed: Minimum speed which the obstacle can make an appearance. * * @typedef {{ * type: string, * width: number, * height: number, * yPos: number, * multipleSpeed: number, * minGap: number, * minSpeed: number, * collisionBoxes: ArrayCollisionBox>, * }} */let ObstacleType;/** * T-Rex runner sprite definitions. */Runner.spriteDefinitionByType { original: { LDPI: { BACKGROUND_EL: {x: 86, y: 2}, CACTUS_LARGE: {x: 332, y: 2}, CACTUS_SMALL: {x: 228, y: 2}, OBSTACLE_2: {x: 332, y: 2}, OBSTACLE: {x: 228, y: 2}, CLOUD: {x: 86, y: 2}, HORIZON: {x: 2, y: 54}, MOON: {x: 484, y: 2}, PTERODACTYL: {x: 134, y: 2}, RESTART: {x: 2, y: 68}, TEXT_SPRITE: {x: 655, y: 2}, TREX: {x: 848, y: 2}, STAR: {x: 645, y: 2}, COLLECTABLE: {x: 2, y: 2}, ALT_GAME_END: {x: 121, y: 2}, }, HDPI: { BACKGROUND_EL: {x: 166, y: 2}, CACTUS_LARGE: {x: 652, y: 2}, CACTUS_SMALL: {x: 446, y: 2}, OBSTACLE_2: {x: 652, y: 2}, OBSTACLE: {x: 446, y: 2}, CLOUD: {x: 166, y: 2}, HORIZON: {x: 2, y: 104}, MOON: {x: 954, y: 2}, PTERODACTYL: {x: 260, y: 2}, RESTART: {x: 2, y: 130}, TEXT_SPRITE: {x: 1294, y: 2}, TREX: {x: 1678, y: 2}, STAR: {x: 1276, y: 2}, COLLECTABLE: {x: 4, y: 4}, ALT_GAME_END: {x: 242, y: 4}, }, MAX_GAP_COEFFICIENT: 1.5, MAX_OBSTACLE_LENGTH: 3, HAS_CLOUDS: 1, BOTTOM_PAD: 10, TREX: { WAITING_1: {x: 44, w: 44, h: 47, xOffset: 0}, WAITING_2: {x: 0, w: 44, h: 47, xOffset: 0}, RUNNING_1: {x: 88, w: 44, h: 47, xOffset: 0}, RUNNING_2: {x: 132, w: 44, h: 47, xOffset: 0}, JUMPING: {x: 0, w: 44, h: 47, xOffset: 0}, CRASHED: {x: 220, w: 44, h: 47, xOffset: 0}, COLLISION_BOXES: new CollisionBox(22, 0, 17, 16), new CollisionBox(1, 18, 30, 9), new CollisionBox(10, 35, 14, 8), new CollisionBox(1, 24, 29, 5), new CollisionBox(5, 30, 21, 4), new CollisionBox(9, 34, 15, 4), , }, /** @type {ArrayObstacleType>} */ OBSTACLES: { type: CACTUS_SMALL, width: 17, height: 35, yPos: 105, multipleSpeed: 4, minGap: 120, minSpeed: 0, collisionBoxes: new CollisionBox(0, 7, 5, 27), new CollisionBox(4, 0, 6, 34), new CollisionBox(10, 4, 7, 14), , }, { type: CACTUS_LARGE, width: 25, height: 50, yPos: 90, multipleSpeed: 7, minGap: 120, minSpeed: 0, collisionBoxes: new CollisionBox(0, 12, 7, 38), new CollisionBox(8, 0, 7, 49), new CollisionBox(13, 10, 10, 38), , }, { type: PTERODACTYL, width: 46, height: 40, yPos: 100, 75, 50, // Variable height. yPosMobile: 100, 50, // Variable height mobile. multipleSpeed: 999, minSpeed: 8.5, minGap: 150, collisionBoxes: new CollisionBox(15, 15, 16, 5), new CollisionBox(18, 21, 24, 6), new CollisionBox(2, 14, 4, 3), new CollisionBox(6, 10, 4, 7), new CollisionBox(10, 8, 6, 9), , numFrames: 2, frameRate: 1000 / 6, speedOffset: .8, }, , BACKGROUND_EL: { CLOUD: { HEIGHT: 14, MAX_CLOUD_GAP: 400, MAX_SKY_LEVEL: 30, MIN_CLOUD_GAP: 100, MIN_SKY_LEVEL: 71, OFFSET: 4, WIDTH: 46, X_POS: 1, Y_POS: 120, }, }, BACKGROUND_EL_CONFIG: { MAX_BG_ELS: 1, MAX_GAP: 400, MIN_GAP: 100, POS: 0, SPEED: 0.5, Y_POS: 125, }, LINES: {SOURCE_X: 2, SOURCE_Y: 52, WIDTH: 600, HEIGHT: 12, YPOS: 127}, , },};/script> /head>body idt classneterror stylefont-family: 'Segoe UI',Arial,'Microsoft Yahei',sans-serif; 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When error-information-popup-container has the use-popup-container class, this information is provided in a popup instead.--> div iderror-information-popup-container jstcache0> div iderror-information-popup jstcache0> div iderror-information-popup-box jstcache0> div iderror-information-popup-content jstcache0> div idsuggestions-list style jsdisplay(suggestionsSummaryList && suggestionsSummaryList.length) jstcache16> p jsvalues.innerHTML:suggestionsSummaryListHeader jstcache18>/p> ul jsvalues.className:suggestionsSummaryList.length 1 ? 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Use * load_time_data.ts in all new code. * * This file defines a singleton which provides access to all data * that is available as soon as the pages resources are loaded (before DOM * content has finished loading). This data includes both localized strings and * any data that is important to have ready from a very early stage (e.g. things * that must be displayed right away). * * Note that loadTimeData is not guaranteed to be consistent between page * refreshes ( and should not contain values that might * change if the page is re-opened later. *//** @type {!LoadTimeData} */// eslint-disable-next-line no-varvar loadTimeData;class LoadTimeData { constructor() { /** @type {?Object} */ this.data_ null; } /** * Sets the backing object. * * Note that there is no getter for |data_| to discourage abuse of the form: * * var value; * * @param {Object} value The de-serialized page data. */ set data(value) { expect(!this.data_, Re-setting data.); this.data_ value; } /** * @param {string} id An ID of a value that might exist. * @return {boolean} True if |id| is a key in the dictionary. */ valueExists(id) { return id in this.data_; } /** * Fetches a value, expecting that it exists. * @param {string} id The key that identifies the desired value. * @return {*} The corresponding value. */ getValue(id) { expect(this.data_, No data. Did you remember to include strings.js?); const value this.data_id; expect(typeof value ! undefined, Could not find value for + id); return value; } /** * As above, but also makes sure that the value is a string. * @param {string} id The key that identifies the desired string. * @return {string} The corresponding string value. */ getString(id) { const value this.getValue(id); expectIsType(id, value, string); return /** @type {string} */ (value); } /** * Returns a formatted localized string where $1 to $9 are replaced by the * second to the tenth argument. * @param {string} id The ID of the string we want. * @param {...(string|number)} var_args The extra values to include in the * formatted output. * @return {string} The formatted string. */ getStringF(id, var_args) { const value this.getString(id); if (!value) { return ; } const args; args0 value; return this.substituteString.apply(this, args); } /** * Returns a formatted localized string where $1 to $9 are replaced by the * second to the tenth argument. Any standalone $ signs must be escaped as * $$. * @param {string} label The label to substitute through. * This is not an resource ID. * @param {...(string|number)} var_args The extra values to include in the * formatted output. * @return {string} The formatted string. */ substituteString(label, var_args) { const varArgs arguments; return label.replace(/\$(.|$|\n)/g, function (m) { expect(m.match(/\$$1-9/), Unescaped $ found in localized string.); return m $$ ? $ : varArgsm1; }); } /** * As above, but also makes sure that the value is a boolean. * @param {string} id The key that identifies the desired boolean. * @return {boolean} The corresponding boolean value. */ getBoolean(id) { const value this.getValue(id); expectIsType(id, value, boolean); return /** @type {boolean} */ (value); } /** * As above, but also makes sure that the value is an integer. * @param {string} id The key that identifies the desired number. * @return {number} The corresponding number value. */ getInteger(id) { const value this.getValue(id); expectIsType(id, value, number); expect(value Math.floor(value), Number isn\t integer: + value); return /** @type {number} */ (value); } /** * Override values in loadTimeData with the values found in |replacements|. * @param {Object} replacements The dictionary object of keys to replace. */ overrideValues(replacements) { expect(typeof replacements object, Replacements must be a dictionary object.); for (const key in replacements) { this.data_key replacementskey; } }}/** * Checks condition, throws error message if expectation fails. * @param {*} condition The condition to check for truthiness. * @param {string} message The message to display if the check fails. */function expect(condition, message) { if (!condition) { throw new Error(Unexpected condition on + document.location.href + : + message); }}/** * Checks that the given value has the given type. * @param {string} id The id of the value (only used for error message). * @param {*} value The value to check the type on. * @param {string} type The type we expect |value| to be. */function expectIsType(id, value, type) { expect(typeof value type, + value + ( + id + ) is not a + type);}expect(!loadTimeData, should only include this file once);loadTimeData new LoadTimeData();// Expose |loadTimeData| directly on |window|, since within a JS module the// scope is local and not all files have been updated to import the exported// |loadTimeData| explicitly.window.loadTimeData loadTimeData;console.warn(crbug/1173575, non-JS module files deprecated.);/script>script jstcache0>const pageData {details:详情,errorCode:DNS_PROBE_POSSIBLE,fontfamily:Segoe UI,Arial,Microsoft Yahei,sans-serif,fontsize:75%,heading:{hostName:网址,msg:无法访问此网站},hideDetails:隐藏详细信息,iconClass:icon-generic,language:zh,reloadButton:{msg:重新加载,reloadUrl:http://网址/},suggestionsDetails:,suggestionsSummaryList:{summary:\u003Ca href\javascript:diagnoseErrors()\ id\diagnose-link\>尝试运行 Windows 网络诊断\u003C/a>。},summary:{failedUrl:http://网址/,hostName:网址,msg:无法找到 \u003Cstrong jscontent\hostName\>\u003C/strong> 的 \u003Cabbr id\dnsDefinition\>DNS 地址\u003C/abbr>。正在诊断该问题。},textdirection:ltr,title:网址}; pageData;var tp document.getElementById(t);jstProcess(new JsEvalContext(pageData), tp);/script>/body>/html>
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