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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 14:11:43 GMTServer: Apache/2.4.56 (Unix)Last-Modified: Thu, 29 Feb 2024 12:20:38 GMTETag: 1eff-61284497a5180Accept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 7935Content-Type: text/html !DOCTYPE html>html> head> title>Caritas Alternative Karaoke/title> meta charsetUTF-8> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1> link relstylesheet href> link relstylesheet href> link relstylesheet href> link relstylesheet hrefcss/players.css?x202210011132> link relapple-touch-icon sizes180x180 href/caritaslogo-180.png?x202210011132> link relicon typeimage/png sizes32x32 href/caritaslogo-32.png?x202210011132> link relicon typeimage/png sizes16x16 href/caritaslogo-16.png?x202210011132> link relmanifest href/site.webmanifest?x202210011132> /head> body> !-- Side Navigation --> !-- nav classw3-sidebar w3-bar-block w3-card w3-animate-left w3-center styledisplay:none idmySidebar> h1 classw3-xxxlarge w3-text-theme>Side Navigation/h1> button classw3-bar-item w3-button onclickw3_close()>Close i classfa fa-remove>/i>/button> a href# classw3-bar-item w3-button>Link 1/a> a href# classw3-bar-item w3-button>Link 2/a> a href# classw3-bar-item w3-button>Link 3/a> a href# classw3-bar-item w3-button>Link 4/a> /nav> --> !-- Header --> header classw3-container w3-theme w3-padding idmyHeader> !-- i onclickw3_open() classfa fa-bars w3-xlarge w3-button w3-theme>/i> --> div idlogo_centred_bd>/div> div classw3-center> h1 classw3-xxxlarge w3-animate-bottom> span stylefont-size: 55pt!important>CARITAS/span>br> ALTERNATIVEbr> KARAOKE/h1> div classw3-padding-32> button classw3-btn w3-xlarge w3-dark-grey w3-hover-light-grey carRoundButton onclickdocument.getElementById(id01).style.displayblock stylefont-weight:900;>When & Where/button> /div> /div> /header> !-- Modal --> div idid01 classw3-modal> div classw3-modal-content w3-card-4 w3-animate-top car-dialogue> header classw3-container w3-theme-l1> span onclickdocument.getElementById(id01).style.displaynone classw3-button w3-display-topright car-xclose>×/span> h4 stylefont-family: CaslonAntique; font-size: 28pt; text-transform: capitalize>Candy/h4> h5> Friday Nightbr> 9pm-2ambr> /h5> /header> div classw3-padding> p>a href targetgooglemaps>904 NW Couch St, Portland, OR 97209/a>/p> /div> footer classw3-container w3-theme-l1> p>Singing starts when people are ready!/p> /footer> /div> /div> div classw3-row-padding w3-center w3-margin-top> div classw3-third> div classw3-card w3-container car-round stylemin-height:460px> h3>Song Library/h3>br> iframe src/songbook.html?d202309221600 idcar-songlib>/iframe> /div> /div> div classw3-third> div classw3-card w3-container car-round stylemin-height:460px> h3>Sing Online!/h3>br> iframe width400 height315 classyt-player src titleYouTube video player frameborder0 allowaccelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture allowfullscreen>/iframe> ul classnodot> li> a href targetyoutube>YouTube Videos/a> /li> li> a href targetyoutube>YouTube Playlists/a> /li> li> a href targetkaraokenerds>Caritas in the KaraokeNerds Database/a> /li> li stylemargin-top: 24px> a href targetdiscord>Join the Caritas Discord/a> /li> /ul> /div> /div> div classw3-third> div classw3-card w3-container car-round stylemin-height:460px> h3>Offline Tracks/h3>br> p> The following tracks are presented here because they either received spurious copyright strikes on YouTube, or because they are otherwise limited. /p> h4>Tuesday/h4> ul classnodot> li> a titleYouTube limits this track to Japan for some reason hrefThe Damned - Neat Neat Neat.html targetplayer>The Damned - Neat Neat Neat/a> /li> li> a titleYouTube only plays this track in Sweden or something hrefFever Ray - Keep the Streets Empty for Me.html targetplayer>Fever Ray - Keep the Streets Empty for Me/a> /li> li> a titleYouTube doesnt let this track be played at all, though its not a copyright strike hrefMétisse - Boom Boom Bâ.html targetplayer>Métisse - Boom Boom Bâ/a> /li> /ul> h4>Wednesday/h4> ul classnodot> li> a titleYouTube issued a copyright strike for this, even though it was listed as The owner is allowing you to use it and will run ads on your video hrefGuns N Roses - Bad Apples.html targetplayer>Guns N Roses - Bad Apples/a> /li> li> a titleWe removed all Guns N Roses tracks because of the one copyright strike hrefGuns N Roses - Dont Damn Me.html targetplayer>Guns N Roses - Dont Damn Me/a> /li> li> a titleWe removed all Guns N Roses tracks because of the one copyright strike hrefGuns N Roses - Get in the Ring.html targetplayer>Guns N Roses - Get in the Ring/a> /li> li> a titleWe removed all Guns N Roses tracks because of the one copyright strike hrefGuns N Roses - Oh My God.html targetplayer>Guns N Roses - Oh My God/a> /li> li> a titleSome sketchy company in Florida issued DMCA notices against all Tool songs even though they dont own rights to it. YouTube doesnt care hrefTool - Ænima.html targetplayer>Tool - Ænima/a> /li> li> a titleSome sketchy company in Florida issued DMCA notices against all Tool songs even though they dont own rights to it. YouTube doesnt care hrefTool - Disgustipated.html targetplayer>Tool - Disgustipated/a> /li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> !-- Footer --> footer classw3-container w3-theme-dark w3-padding-16 car-dim> !-- h3>Footer/h3 --> div styleposition:relative;bottom:55px; classw3-tooltip w3-right> span classw3-text w3-theme-light w3-padding>Go To Top/span> a classw3-text-white href#myHeader>span classw3-xlarge> i classfa fa-chevron-circle-up>/i>/span>/a> /div> p>©2022 YSI Productions™/p> /footer> /body>/html>
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