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HTTP/1.1 200 OKx-amz-id-2: CMoTecpvnMQ9q9M784Gw4V9mtquKuxaOz57YzbKywNXnVz/c7rs7V6EeieKE8+FAFcho2VZ4n4Ax-amz-request-id: FT9ZJPS8NMJJR2TXDate: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 02:15:49 GMTLast-Modified: Mon, 22 May 2017 06:21:57 GMTETag: 2106de52d5c38215f0ce5a82ba3b49b9Content-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 30136Server: AmazonS3 !DOCTYPE html>html langen-us> head> meta charsetUTF-8> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1> meta namegenerator contentHugo 0.20.2> meta nametheme contentTranquilpeak 0.3.1-BETA> title>Thomas' blog/title> meta nameauthor contentThomas Meire> meta namekeywords content> link relicon href/favicon.png> link relalternate typeapplication/rss+xml titleRSS href/index.xml> meta namedescription contentThomas' blog> meta propertyog:description contentThomas' blog> meta propertyog:type contentblog> meta propertyog:title contentThomas' blog> meta propertyog:url content/> meta propertyog:site_name contentThomas' blog> meta nametwitter:card contentsummary> meta nametwitter:title contentThomas' blog> meta nametwitter:description contentThomas' blog> meta nametwitter:creator content@tmeire_> meta propertyog:image content//> link relstylesheet href// /> link relstylesheet href// /> link relstylesheet href// /> link relstylesheet href/css/style-u6mk0ojoywresbx8iepslrmmhl4stuhrsxuwhkpwrkrx7mryjcaimasnk4pi.min.css /> link relstylesheet href/css/custom.css> script>(function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){iGoogleAnalyticsObjectr;irir||function(){(ir.qir.q||).push(arguments)},ir.l1*new Date();as.createElement(o),ms.getElementsByTagName(o)0;a.async1;a.srcg;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m)})(window,document,script,,ga);ga(create, UA-45737340-1, auto);ga(send, pageview);/script> /head> body> div idblog> header idheader data-behavior1> i idbtn-open-sidebar classfa fa-lg fa-bars>/i> div classheader-title> a classheader-title-link href/>Thomas' blog/a> /div> a classheader-right-picture href/#about> img classheader-picture src// altAuthor's picture /> /a> /header> nav idsidebar data-behavior1> div classsidebar-container> div classsidebar-profile> a href/#about> img classsidebar-profile-picture src// altAuthor's picture /> /a> h4 classsidebar-profile-name>Thomas Meire/h4> h5 classsidebar-profile-bio>My name is Thomas Meire. I’m a software engineer at a href>Acquia/a>, dad of a wonderful girl named Lucie and based near the wonderful city of a href,+Belgium>Gent, Belgium/a>./h5> /div> ul classsidebar-buttons> li classsidebar-button> a classsidebar-button-link> i classsidebar-button-icon fa fa-lg fa-envelope-o>/i> span classsidebar-button-desc>Mail/span> /a> /li> li classsidebar-button> a classsidebar-button-link href> i classsidebar-button-icon fa fa-lg fa-facebook>/i> span classsidebar-button-desc>Facebook/span> /a> /li> li classsidebar-button> a classsidebar-button-link href> i classsidebar-button-icon fa fa-lg fa-instagram>/i> span classsidebar-button-desc>Instagram/span> /a> /li> /ul> ul classsidebar-buttons> li classsidebar-button> a classsidebar-button-link href> i classsidebar-button-icon fa fa-lg fa-github>/i> span classsidebar-button-desc>GitHub/span> /a> /li> li classsidebar-button> a classsidebar-button-link href> i classsidebar-button-icon fa fa-lg fa-twitter>/i> span classsidebar-button-desc>Twitter/span> /a> /li> li classsidebar-button> a classsidebar-button-link href> i classsidebar-button-icon fa fa-lg fa-google-plus>/i> span classsidebar-button-desc>Google+/span> /a> /li> /ul> ul classsidebar-buttons> li classsidebar-button> a classsidebar-button-link href/1mailer> span classsidebar-button-desc>About 1Mailer/span> /a> /li> /ul> /div>/nav> div idmain data-behavior1 class hasCoverMetaIn > section classpostShorten-group main-content-wrap> article classpostShorten postShorten--thumbnailimg-bottom itemscope itemType> div classpostShorten-wrap> div classpostShorten-header> h1 classpostShorten-title itempropheadline> a classlink-unstyled href/2017/running-down-the-road/> Running down the road /a> /h1> div classpostShorten-meta post-meta> time itempropdatePublished datetime2017-05-22T20:00:00Z> May 22, 2017 /time> span>in/span> a classcategory-link href/categories/uncategorized>Uncategorized/a> /div> /div> div classpostShorten-excerpt itemproparticleBody> p> Oh wow, it’s a good thing “Regular blogging” was no new years resolution for 2017. Can you believe we are already five months into it. Just WOW! I guess it’s definitely time for an update.On the personal health front, all things are looking good so far. I’ve started biking to work regularly around March. The counter is now on 1488km, meaning an average of 10.55km per day. That’s about 6km per day less than what I should be doing to get to the 6000km though. br> a href/2017/running-down-the-road/ classpostShorten-excerpt_link link>Continue reading/a> /p> /div> /div> /article> article classpostShorten postShorten--thumbnailimg-bottom itemscope itemType> div classpostShorten-wrap> div classpostShorten-header> h1 classpostShorten-title itempropheadline> a classlink-unstyled href/2017/the-road-ahead-for-2017/> The road ahead for 2017 /a> /h1> div classpostShorten-meta post-meta> time itempropdatePublished datetime2017-01-03T20:18:52Z> January 3, 2017 /time> span>in/span> a classcategory-link href/categories/uncategorized>Uncategorized/a> /div> /div> div classpostShorten-excerpt itemproparticleBody> p> Ah yes, it’s that time of the year again. Everyone makes some promises for the year to come. Some make it until the end of the year. Others, well… To make sure my promises do make it until the end of 2017, I’ll try to make them SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound.First things first, my personal health. Back in 2015, I tried to change my diet by removing all sugar. br> a href/2017/the-road-ahead-for-2017/ classpostShorten-excerpt_link link>Continue reading/a> /p> /div> /div> /article> article classpostShorten postShorten--thumbnailimg-bottom itemscope itemType> div classpostShorten-wrap> div classpostShorten-header> h1 classpostShorten-title itempropheadline> a classlink-unstyled href/2016/varivoor-scared-of-failure/> Varivoor: scared of failure. /a> /h1> div classpostShorten-meta post-meta> time itempropdatePublished datetime2016-11-18T08:24:15Z> November 18, 2016 /time> span>in/span> a classcategory-link href/categories/uncategorized>Uncategorized/a> /div> /div> div classpostShorten-excerpt itemproparticleBody> p> Here ‘s the thing about my side-project, it’s live for everyone to see, I’m talking about on twitter, and I received some nice feedback. But I’m barely making any progress. I have two high-value TODO items that have been on my list since mid-summer (contact a lawyer to verify that it would be legally ok and contact an online grocery shop to collaborate with). And I just can’t get myself to do execute them. br> a href/2016/varivoor-scared-of-failure/ classpostShorten-excerpt_link link>Continue reading/a> /p> /div> /div> /article> article classpostShorten postShorten--thumbnailimg-bottom itemscope itemType> div classpostShorten-wrap> div classpostShorten-header> h1 classpostShorten-title itempropheadline> a classlink-unstyled href/2016/clapping_for_funding/> Clapping for funding /a> /h1> div classpostShorten-meta post-meta> time itempropdatePublished datetime2016-09-20T08:24:21Z> September 20, 2016 /time> span>in/span> a classcategory-link href/categories/uncategorized>Uncategorized/a> /div> /div> div classpostShorten-excerpt itemproparticleBody> p> Have you ever seen a marathon race? At the halfway point, a band is playing and they’re handing out drinks to thirsty athletes. The sides of the road are packed with supporters who are cheering the athletes towards the finish line.Should they be cheering and clapping because an athlete was able to reach the halfway point? Should they be cheering because he was able to grab a cup of water that allows him to keep going? br> a href/2016/clapping_for_funding/ classpostShorten-excerpt_link link>Continue reading/a> /p> /div> /div> /article> article classpostShorten postShorten--thumbnailimg-bottom itemscope itemType> div classpostShorten-wrap> div classpostShorten-header> h1 classpostShorten-title itempropheadline> a classlink-unstyled href/2016/running-wordpress-on-amazon-aws-for-free/> Running WordPress on Amazon AWS – For Free! /a> /h1> div classpostShorten-meta post-meta> time itempropdatePublished datetime2016-03-27T15:24:20Z> March 27, 2016 /time> span>in/span> a classcategory-link href/categories/tech>Tech/a> /div> /div> div classpostShorten-excerpt itemproparticleBody> p> As some of you may have noticed, I have updated my blog a while ago. The previous version ran on some custom Go code on top of Google AppEngine. It ran fine, it was free, but because it was some custom piece of code, it was very basic. For instance, there was no way to upload images yet and I didn’t feel like implementing it.So what platform to run on? br> a href/2016/running-wordpress-on-amazon-aws-for-free/ classpostShorten-excerpt_link link>Continue reading/a> /p> /div> /div> /article> article classpostShorten postShorten--thumbnailimg-bottom itemscope itemType> div classpostShorten-wrap> div classpostShorten-header> h1 classpostShorten-title itempropheadline> a classlink-unstyled href/2015/the-7-day-startup-and-the-quest-for-an-idea/> The 7 Day Startup and the quest for an idea /a> /h1> div classpostShorten-meta post-meta> time itempropdatePublished datetime2015-07-07T00:00:33Z> July 7, 2015 /time> span>in/span> a classcategory-link href/categories/uncategorized>Uncategorized/a> /div> /div> div classpostShorten-excerpt itemproparticleBody> p> No, no, I have not started a startup in 7 days (yet!). It’s the title of a book by Dan Norris on his failures to create a profitable, scalable business and how he finally managed to launch his current startup WPCurve in just 7 days.Now, 7 days is a really short time and it’s deliberate by design. By having only 7 days, and forcing yourself to adhere strictly to those 7 days, you force yourself to focus on the task at hand and only on those task. br> a href/2015/the-7-day-startup-and-the-quest-for-an-idea/ classpostShorten-excerpt_link link>Continue reading/a> /p> /div> /div> /article> article classpostShorten postShorten--thumbnailimg-bottom itemscope itemType> div classpostShorten-wrap> div classpostShorten-header> h1 classpostShorten-title itempropheadline> a classlink-unstyled href/2015/three-months-in-shipping-sugar/> Three months in – shipping sugar /a> /h1> div classpostShorten-meta post-meta> time itempropdatePublished datetime2015-03-31T00:00:06Z> March 31, 2015 /time> span>in/span> a classcategory-link href/categories/uncategorized>Uncategorized/a> /div> /div> div classpostShorten-excerpt itemproparticleBody> p> Oh, wow, another month passed. Three months into 2015, I guess it’s time to give you guys another update.First the good news: I’m still not eating sugar, or at least less sugar than I used to eat. No croissants or “koffiekoeken”. No biscuits, no candy, no cookies, no chocolate milk and above all, no soda. When i started it, I only had a couple of expectations: I would lose some weight and I would be more energetic. br> a href/2015/three-months-in-shipping-sugar/ classpostShorten-excerpt_link link>Continue reading/a> /p> /div> /div> /article> div classpagination-bar> ul classpagination> li classpagination-next> a classbtn btn--default btn--small href/page/2/> span>OLDER POSTS/span> i classfa fa-angle-right text-base icon-ml>/i> /a> /li> li classpagination-number>page 1 of 2/li> /ul> /div> /section> footer idfooter classmain-content-wrap> span classcopyrights> © 2017 Thomas Meire. All Rights Reserved /span>/footer> /div> /div> div idabout> div idabout-card> div idabout-btn-close> i classfa fa-remove>/i> /div> img idabout-card-picture src// altAuthor's picture /> h4 idabout-card-name>Thomas Meire/h4> div idabout-card-bio>My name is Thomas Meire. I’m a software engineer at a href>Acquia/a>, dad of a wonderful girl named Lucie and based near the wonderful city of a href,+Belgium>Gent, Belgium/a>./div> /div>/div> div idalgolia-search-modal classmodal-container> div classmodal> div classmodal-header> span classclose-button>i classfa fa-close>/i>/span> a href target_blank classsearchby-algolia text-color-light link-unstyled> span classsearchby-algolia-text text-color-light text-small>by/span> img classsearchby-algolia-logo src> /a> i classsearch-icon fa fa-search>/i> form idalgolia-search-form> input typetext idalgolia-search-input namesearch classform-control input--large search-input placeholderSearch /> /form> /div> div classmodal-body> div classno-result text-color-light text-center>no post found/div> div classresults> div classmedia> div classmedia-body> a classlink-unstyled href/2017/running-down-the-road/> h3 classmedia-heading>Running down the road/h3> /a> span classmedia-meta> span classmedia-date text-small> May 5, 2017 /span> /span> div classmedia-content hide-xs font-merryweather>Oh wow, it’s a good thing “Regular blogging” was no new years resolution for 2017. Can you believe we are already five months into it. Just WOW! I guess it’s definitely time for an update.On the personal health front, all things are looking good so far. I’ve started biking to work regularly around March. The counter is now on 1488km, meaning an average of 10.55km per day. That’s about 6km per day less than what I should be doing to get to the 6000km though./div> /div> div styleclear:both;>/div> hr> /div> div classmedia> div classmedia-body> a classlink-unstyled href/2017/the-road-ahead-for-2017/> h3 classmedia-heading>The road ahead for 2017/h3> /a> span classmedia-meta> span classmedia-date text-small> Jan 1, 2017 /span> /span> div classmedia-content hide-xs font-merryweather>Ah yes, it’s that time of the year again. Everyone makes some promises for the year to come. Some make it until the end of the year. Others, well… To make sure my promises do make it until the end of 2017, I’ll try to make them SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound.First things first, my personal health. Back in 2015, I tried to change my diet by removing all sugar./div> /div> div styleclear:both;>/div> hr> /div> div classmedia> div classmedia-body> a classlink-unstyled href/2016/varivoor-scared-of-failure/> h3 classmedia-heading>Varivoor: scared of failure./h3> /a> span classmedia-meta> span classmedia-date text-small> Nov 11, 2016 /span> /span> div classmedia-content hide-xs font-merryweather>Here ‘s the thing about my side-project, it’s live for everyone to see, I’m talking about on twitter, and I received some nice feedback. But I’m barely making any progress. I have two high-value TODO items that have been on my list since mid-summer (contact a lawyer to verify that it would be legally ok and contact an online grocery shop to collaborate with). And I just can’t get myself to do execute them./div> /div> div styleclear:both;>/div> hr> /div> div classmedia> div classmedia-body> a classlink-unstyled href/2016/clapping_for_funding/> h3 classmedia-heading>Clapping for funding/h3> /a> span classmedia-meta> span classmedia-date text-small> Sep 9, 2016 /span> /span> div classmedia-content hide-xs font-merryweather>Have you ever seen a marathon race? At the halfway point, a band is playing and they’re handing out drinks to thirsty athletes. The sides of the road are packed with supporters who are cheering the athletes towards the finish line.Should they be cheering and clapping because an athlete was able to reach the halfway point? Should they be cheering because he was able to grab a cup of water that allows him to keep going?/div> /div> div styleclear:both;>/div> hr> /div> div classmedia> div classmedia-body> a classlink-unstyled href/2016/running-wordpress-on-amazon-aws-for-free/> h3 classmedia-heading>Running WordPress on Amazon AWS – For Free!/h3> /a> span classmedia-meta> span classmedia-date text-small> Mar 3, 2016 /span> /span> div classmedia-content hide-xs font-merryweather>As some of you may have noticed, I have updated my blog a while ago. The previous version ran on some custom Go code on top of Google AppEngine. It ran fine, it was free, but because it was some custom piece of code, it was very basic. For instance, there was no way to upload images yet and I didn’t feel like implementing it.So what platform to run on?/div> /div> div styleclear:both;>/div> hr> /div> div classmedia> div classmedia-body> a classlink-unstyled href/2015/the-7-day-startup-and-the-quest-for-an-idea/> h3 classmedia-heading>The 7 Day Startup and the quest for an idea/h3> /a> span classmedia-meta> span classmedia-date text-small> Jul 7, 2015 /span> /span> div classmedia-content hide-xs font-merryweather>No, no, I have not started a startup in 7 days (yet!). It’s the title of a book by Dan Norris on his failures to create a profitable, scalable business and how he finally managed to launch his current startup WPCurve in just 7 days.Now, 7 days is a really short time and it’s deliberate by design. By having only 7 days, and forcing yourself to adhere strictly to those 7 days, you force yourself to focus on the task at hand and only on those task./div> /div> div styleclear:both;>/div> hr> /div> div classmedia> div classmedia-body> a classlink-unstyled href/2015/three-months-in-shipping-sugar/> h3 classmedia-heading>Three months in – shipping sugar/h3> /a> span classmedia-meta> span classmedia-date text-small> Mar 3, 2015 /span> /span> div classmedia-content hide-xs font-merryweather>Oh, wow, another month passed. Three months into 2015, I guess it’s time to give you guys another update.First the good news: I’m still not eating sugar, or at least less sugar than I used to eat. No croissants or “koffiekoeken”. No biscuits, no candy, no cookies, no chocolate milk and above all, no soda. When i started it, I only had a couple of expectations: I would lose some weight and I would be more energetic./div> /div> div styleclear:both;>/div> hr> /div> div classmedia> div classmedia-body> a classlink-unstyled href/2015/introducing-1mailer/> h3 classmedia-heading>Introducing 1Mailer/h3> /a> span classmedia-meta> span classmedia-date text-small> Mar 3, 2015 /span> /span> div classmedia-content hide-xs font-merryweather>As a developer, I’m able to create a solution for the tiny annoyances that I encounter while using my android phone. One of those annoyances is the “read it later” functionality. Sometimes a smartphone is not enough to read a long article or watch an interesting video while commuting. There are a couple of dedicated apps out there to read thing later, like Pocket. They allow you to save a web page or video to an external system and you can read it on your phone using the app or on their website./div> /div> div styleclear:both;>/div> hr> /div> div classmedia> div classmedia-body> a classlink-unstyled href/2015/no-sugar-2015-one-month-in/> h3 classmedia-heading>No sugar 2015, One month in./h3> /a> span classmedia-meta> span classmedia-date text-small> Feb 2, 2015 /span> /span> div classmedia-content hide-xs font-merryweather>We’re one month in, I guess it’s time for an update: it’s not easy. There are way more things that contain sugar than you would expect. You wanted a wiener schnitzel? Sorry, there’s sugar in the bread-coating. Kroepoek? Sorry, sugar. Ham? Sorry, sugar. Sometimes you’re lucky and you can find a brand that doesn’t contain come kind of sugar, but you have to search and be careful.The good news is, I completely quit soda and energy drinks./div> /div> div styleclear:both;>/div> hr> /div> div classmedia> div classmedia-body> a classlink-unstyled href/2014/stop-talking-start-doing-and-dont-sugarcoat-it/> h3 classmedia-heading>Stop Talking, Start Doing And Don’t Sugarcoat It./h3> /a> span classmedia-meta> span classmedia-date text-small> Dec 12, 2014 /span> /span> div classmedia-content hide-xs font-merryweather>I’m one of those people who makes resolutions for the new year. I’m also one of those people who rarely makes it past the end of January. And yet, I’m giving it another shot in 2015. I’m even going for a double this year: one ‘professional’, one personal.Let’s talk about the ‘professional’ resolution first. I have a couple of active pet projects at any given time. Unfortunately, that’s all they ever are, pet projects./div> /div> div styleclear:both;>/div> hr> /div> /div> /div> div classmodal-footer> p classresults-count text-medium data-message-zerono post found data-message-one1 post found data-message-other{n} posts found> 12 posts found /p> /div> /div>/div> div idcover stylebackground-image:url(;>/div> script src//>/script>script src//>/script>script src//>/script>script src//>/script>script src/js/script-wl33z0n6ocaypepiqrazthtivfrliqijej4rq8ek8gvrv1awftmgjuv8k4zc.min.js>/script>script>$(document).ready(function() { hljs.configure({ classPrefix: , useBR: false }); $(pre.code-highlight).each(function(i, block) { var code ; hljs.highlightAuto(block.innerText).value.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/).forEach(function(line) { code + span class\line\> + line + /span>br>; }); if (code.length > 0) { block.innerHTML code; } }); $(pre > code).each(function(i, block) { $(this).addClass(codeblock); hljs.highlightBlock(block); });});/script> /body>/html>
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