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The Agency in Charge Fell Short>header classentry-header>h2 classentry-title>a classentry-title-link relbookmark href>From the Wall Street Journal: Small Business Needed Federal Help. The Agency in Charge Fell Short/a>/h2>p classentry-meta>time classentry-time>June 17, 2021/time> By span classentry-author>a href classentry-author-link relauthor>span classentry-author-name>Thomas Fox/span>/a>/span> /p>/header>div classentry-content>p>Small Business Needed Federal Help. The Agency in Charge Fell Short./p>p>The Small Business Administration, overwhelmed by demand from ailing entrepreneurs, has been slow to distribute aid needed to survive the pandemicbr />By Amara Omeokwe and Ruth Simon/p>p>June 17, 2021 12:06 pm ET/p>p>In the pandemic shutdown last year, three-quarters of the nation’s small employers turned to the Small Business Administration for help. The portfolio that includes loans issued or guaranteed by the federal agency swelled more than five times to nearly $900 billion./p>p>The extraordinary demand has overwhelmed the SBA, best known for guaranteeing loans to small businesses, and left many entrepreneurs in limbo as they seek to recover. Business owners complain of unprocessed aid applications, waiting hours on the phone with questions that go unanswered and technological glitches. Its inspector general warned of signs of rampant fraud./p>p>At the heart of many of the problems is the Office of Disaster Assistance, a little-known unit that issued nearly a quarter of the agency’s pandemic loan volume. In normal times, the office provides loans after floods and other natural disasters./p>p>Since March 2020, the office has issued roughly $211 billion in pandemic-related Economic Injury Disaster Loans, three times as much aid as in the previous 68 years combined. In total, the office has provided roughly 9.8 million loans and grants totaling more than $230 billion, SBA data show. These pandemic responsibilities would have challenged even the best-run government agency. The office’s difficulties were compounded by the types of management and technological weaknesses identified over the years by government watchdog agencies./p>p>“On the disaster side, we did a terrible job,” said Robert Scott, a former SBA Regional Administrator who spent several weeks in Washington early in the pandemic helping coordinate the agency’s response. “The existing systems in place, the existing leadership in place, just have not adjusted to what is necessary to meet the demand right now.”/p>p>Small firms accounted for 47% of the private sector workforce in 2017, the most recent data available, and after being disproportionately hit by the pandemic, they are lagging behind bigger companies as the economy reopens. Nearly one-third of small employers say it will take them more than six months to recover from the pandemic, according to a Census Bureau survey./p>p>Business owner Samantha Harvey said glitches in an online application site in April made it impossible to submit documentation to request an increase in the amount of the disaster loan for her health-and-wellness company in Los Angeles. She said she called customer service three times and sent several emails but couldn’t learn what was causing the problem./p>p>Roughly two weeks later, Ms. Harvey was able to submit the forms. She is still awaiting a decision./p>p>Another request for a loan increase to support Ms. Harvey’s second business, a science communications and consulting firm, was denied because of a clerical error on her 2019 tax return, she said. Ms. Harvey tried explaining to customer service representatives that she had filed an amended return correcting the error. After trading several emails, she was finally told she had to begin a new, separate process to appeal the denial./p>p>Dealing with the SBA “puts you in a state of confusion and doesn’t allow you to focus on what you should be doing, and that is to continue to rebuild your business after a pandemic,” Ms. Harvey said./p>p>The SBA was responsible for administering the Paycheck Protection Program, which used private lenders to originate forgivable federal loans to pandemic-hit small businesses. The program, while hitting bumps, received bipartisan praise for issuing $800 billion in loans./p>p>One problem was that the Trump administration gave priority to the PPP, to the detriment of the disaster office, said Sen. Ben Cardin (D., Md.), chairman of the Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship. The disaster loan programs, he said, “suffered in the implementation speed, as well as the amount of resources small businesses should have been entitled to that they did not receive.”/p>p>SBA’s direct pandemic programs, including its new grant initiatives, are particularly important for minority-owned firms and businesses that may lack access to traditional financial institutions, he said./p>p>The pandemic highlighted existing shortcomings in an office accustomed to dealing with natural disasters, usually in limited geographic areas. The Government Accountability Office had criticized the agency’s performance after Hurricane Sandy in 2012. It said the agency had made improvements by 2017 during Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria, but still flagged problems with customer service./p>p>The GAO in March added the SBA to its list of high-risk government programs, citing evidence of fraud, program integrity risks and a need for greater oversight. KPMG, SBA’s independent auditor, declined to express an opinion on the agency’s fiscal 2020 financial statements, noting that the SBA had “inadequate processes and controls.”/p>p>Isabel Guzman, the SBA administrator since March, said the agency’s staff, including those in the disaster office, faced the challenge of rolling out national programs to help millions of small-business owners./p>p>“We’ve worked really hard to shift our focus and be as customer-centric as possible, and that’s a work in progress,” Ms. Guzman said. She cited the SBA’s partnership with financial technology companies to accept applications for a new $29 billion restaurant grant program. It launched smoothly May 3, coinciding with the easing of pandemic restrictions on public dining./p>p>In less than two weeks, the restaurant program, run by the SBA unit that administered the Paycheck Protection Program, had distributed $2.7 billion in grants./p>p>Live entertainment, including music and theater, has also begun to return. Yet a new $16 billion grant program for live venues, run by the disaster office, hasn’t kept pace. Roughly six months after Congress authorized the program, the SBA has awarded about $304 million in grants. On Wednesday, more than 200 members of Congress signed a letter asking the SBA to explain the delays and speed the flow of funds./p>p>Ms. Guzman said the program’s rollout was delayed because of how it was designed by law./p>p>The agency in the past week revamped its process to speed up reviews of venue grant applications, an SBA official said. Before the change, the process made it easy to shift responsibility for approvals from one person to another, delaying decisions, the official said. The SBA unit overseeing restaurant grants also recently began advising the venue program./p>p>Call waiting/p>p>Customer service problems at the SBA, long an issue, have been particularly acute in the past year. Some callers last year waited more than four hours to reach a customer service representative, the inspector general said in an October report. The SBA said average wait time has dropped to less than 90 seconds./p>p>The SBA’s customer service agents can answer basic questions about Covid-19 disaster aid, but early in the pandemic most representatives didn’t have access to applicant files. They can now provide status updates and insert notes into files, the SBA said. Yet many business owners continue to report that service agents can’t answer their questions about how to resolve issues that may be delaying their aid approvals./p>p>Callers are sometimes referred to SBA’s 68 district offices, where local businesses usually go for help. District office workers can check the status of traditional SBA-backed loan applications, but for much of the pandemic they didn’t have access to applications submitted to the Office of Disaster Assistance./p>p>“Every week, we would say, ‘Why can’t people in the field have access to the ODA system?’ ” said Michael Vallante, a former SBA associate administrator in charge of field operations who left the agency this year./p>p>Ms. Guzman granted field offices access to loan files within days of taking office in March, the agency said. The SBA attributed the previous policy to the Trump administration./p>p>The disaster office, which operates largely independently from the rest of the agency, has been led since 2009 by James Rivera, a career civil servant. He became a disaster loan specialist in 1989 and was put in charge of revamping the unit after criticism in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina./p>p>Mr. Vallante, Mr. Scott and other former SBA officials said Mr. Rivera and his leadership team were reluctant to share information or take suggestions. The SBA didn’t make Mr. Rivera available for comment but said he was committed “to strong and close coordination” with field offices and others./p>p>Congress charged the disaster assistance office at the start of the pandemic with issuing grants to small businesses, something it had never done. The SBA distributed $20 billion in grants last year, but it has been slow to hand out the $35 billion in additional grants authorized by Congress more recently. As of June, the SBA had approved nearly $1.8 billion of that money./p>p>ABC Airbrush in Dalton, Ga., which decorates helmets at youth baseball and softball events, was closed for six months last year. Owner Lisa Holmes applied for a grant on Feb. 7, the week the program opened./p>p>The SBA is supposed to deliver the money within 21 days, but Ms. Holmes didn’t receive her grant until May, roughly three months after she applied. “Seems like they’re moving along, just very slowly,” said Ms. Holmes. Trying to get answers about the status of her application was a full-time job, she said./p>p>Ms. Guzman said SBA was working to meet the 21-day goal./p>p>False claim/p>p>Beyond problems getting aid money into the hands of those who need it is the problem of keeping it from thieves. In its October report, the SBA’s inspector general said the agency had “lowered the guardrails” to get aid out quickly. The SBA has disputed this characterization./p>p>By February, the SBA had approved roughly $79 billion in potentially fraudulent disaster loans and advances, including multiple loans and advances made to applicants using the same IP addresses, email addresses, bank accounts or physical address, the inspector general’s office told Congress./p>p>The SBA said it has since added safeguards. More than 160 SBA employees are working to address fraud, Ms. Guzman said, adding that Congress initially barred the agency from accessing tax documents, an important fraud prevention tool./p>p>Last year, the SBA notified Neal Siegal, a commercial real-estate broker and property manager in Glen Cove, N.Y., that payments on his $9,400 SBA disaster loan were deferred with interest accruing, and the first payment was due on August 5, 2021. He had never taken out such a loan./p>p>After filing a Freedom of Information request, Mr. Siegal received a loan document with his name listing a false phone number and email address. He contacted the SBA, the police, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Federal Trade Commission./p>p>In late May, shortly after an inquiry from The Wall Street Journal about his situation, the SBA sent Mr. Siegal a letter that promised the government wouldn’t try to collect from him./p>p>“Damage has been done,” Mr. Siegal said in an email, “including the great many hours (possibly hundreds) it cost me and the expense of trying to re-secure my identity.”/p>p>Tech trouble/p>p>As of January 31, the SBA has agreed to pay more than $890 million during the pandemic to outside contractors to assist the Office of Disaster Assistance with loan processing, customer service and other functions, according to a June GAO report. The disaster office increased its staff to about 10,000 full-time, temporary, and contract workers, the SBA said, up from roughly 1,000./p>p>Loan processors were expected to review a dozen applications an hour, a task made more difficult because of shifting requirements and guidelines, said a former SBA official who helped process loans. The SBA said loan processors are now expected to review 22 applications a day and that the processing department provides written guidance to loan officers./p>p>Technology snafus marred the launch of the Shuttered Venue Operators Grant initiative, designed to provide $16 billion to stricken theaters and other live venues. When the program opened in April, business owners struggled to register, received error messages and couldn’t upload required documents. SBA temporarily closed the application portal within hours./p>p>A senior SBA official said the agency and Salesforce, its technology partner, had tested the portal for two weeks before the failed launch. At the time, a Salesforce spokeswoman said it worked with the SBA to resolve the initial technical issues, and that it was continuing to work with the agency./p>p>One problem was the file upload function didn’t work because certain technology licenses hadn’t been registered, an oversight the SBA official called “a forgotten detail.” The SBA on Thursday said Salesforce had been responsible for registering the licenses. Salesforce didn’t immediately provide comment./p>p>Elliott Cunningham, managing director of New London Barn Playhouse, said he spent about 50 hours preparing his grant application, gathering documents and studying a 57-page user guide. Income at the New Hampshire theater company had fallen 90% last year, he said. The technical glitches prevented Mr. Cunningham from submitting his application the day the program launched./p>p>He successfully completed an application when the program reopened in late April but still hasn’t heard whether it has been approved. The theater is slated to reopen this summer, he said, and “Right now, I’m spending that money, even though I don’t know if it’s coming.”/p>/div>footer classentry-footer>p classentry-meta>span classentry-categories>Filed Under: a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a>/span> /p>/footer>/article>article classpost-130 post type-post status-publish format-standard category-covid19 entry aria-labelPPP Loan Forgiveness Calculator>header classentry-header>h2 classentry-title>a classentry-title-link relbookmark href>PPP Loan Forgiveness Calculator/a>/h2>p classentry-meta>time classentry-time>April 23, 2020/time> By span classentry-author>a href classentry-author-link relauthor>span classentry-author-name>Thomas Fox/span>/a>/span> /p>/header>div classentry-content>p>Hopefully, you’ve managed to have your PPP application approved and the funds have been disbursed. If not, don’t lose hope. Round two is coming!/p>p>I’ve put together an Excel spreadsheet to help in calculating the amount of a PPP loan that may be forgiven. I say “may” because the final rules on forgiveness aren’t published yet, so the spreadsheet is based on my current research and published guidance so far./p>p>It’s a pretty basic sheet. The amounts you need to enter are shaded in green. Here are some tips:/p>ol>li>Enter the total amount of your PPP loan in the “PPP Loan Amount” field. This should be your total/net PPP />img decodingasync width180 height72 classalignnone wp-image-131 size-full src />/li>li>Enter the date the funds hit your account in the “Date funds disbursed” field. Current guidelines are that you have eight weeks to accumulate the amounts used to calculate the forgiveness component of your loan. This (hopefully) will change, but at the moment, you have 56 days from disbursement to allocate the />img decodingasync width201 height71 classalignnone wp-image-132 size-full src />/li>li>Enter your average number of full-time-equivalent employees (FTEs) for the period January 1, 2020 through February 29, 2020 in the “Avg FTEs 1/1 to 2/29” field. Calculate your average FTEs by averaging the number of FTE employees for each pay period in the look-back period. If you employ part time employees, it is possible this number could half a half FTE (i.e., 3.5). The spreadsheet will calculate your average number of FTEs during the eight week measurement />img decodingasync width371 height66 classalignnone wp-image-133 size-full src srcset 371w, 300w sizes(max-width: 371px) 100vw, 371px />/li>li>Begin entering your eligible expenses! I’ve broken the categories into broad sub-categories based on the PPP guidelines published by Treasury, and included a line for each date in the eight week measurement period, since you most likely pay various expenses on different days of the />img loadinglazy decodingasync width1875 height110 classalignnone wp-image-134 size-full src srcset 1875w, 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1536w sizes(max-width: 1875px) 100vw, 1875px />/li>/ol>p>Some general thoughts on expense categories, based on my reading of the guidance from Treasury and a couple of accountant websites./p>h1>Allowed Payroll Costs/h1>p>strong>Salary and wages/strong> are pretty self explanatory. Use the gross wages paid to your team members (including yourself if you take a paycheck)./p>p>strong>Commissions/strong> are again self explanatory. Be careful to only include commissions you’re normally pay. There are restrictions on front-loading payroll costs to get them into the eight week measurement period, the specifics of which I’ll leave for you to research./p>p>strong>Tips/strong> should be included if you report your team member’s tips as part of payroll./p>p>strong>Number of FTEs/strong> should be the number of full-time-equivalent employees on that payroll run./p>p>strong>Healthcare/strong> costs should be the amount the company pays for your team member’s healthcare – be sure to not include an amount the employee contributes out of their check toward the healthcare costs. For example, if the company pays half of the cost of insurance, and the employee has an amount deducted from their check to cover the other half, you can only include the amount the company pays./p>p>strong>Retirement/strong> costs would be any amount the company contributes toward the employee’s retirement costs, such as a 401k or SIMPLE-IRA contribution. Again, only include the actual amount the company pays, and not any amounts deducted from your team member’s payroll./p>p>strong>State Taxes/strong> would be an amount levied against the company based on the amount of compensation. The best example of this would be state unemployment insurance contributions. This amount should not include any state withholding taxes deducted from your employee’s checks – only an amount the company is required to pay as a result of compensation./p>p>strong>Local Taxes/strong> follow the same guidelines as the state taxes./p>p>The spreadsheet will calculate the the total payroll cost for the line, and accumulate payroll costs for the eight week measurement period./p>h1>Occupancy Costs/h1>p>strong>Mortgage Interest/strong> is pretty self explanatory – include the amount of mortgage interest you pay toward occupancy of your building. Do not include the principal portion. You also can’t front-load this expense by paying months ahead, in order to increase the forgiveness amount of your PPP loan. If you’d normally make two mortgage payments in eight weeks, only include two payments worth of mortgage interest in the spreadsheet./p>p>strong>Rent/strong> is obviously the amount of rent you pay for your business (or, the amount of your home office deduction if you regularly include home office deductions on your federal income tax return). Again, if you’d normally only pay two months of rent in the eight-week period, you can only include two months of rent here./p>p>The spreadsheet will calculate the total occupancy costs for the eight week measurement period./p>h1>Utilities/h1>p>There are multiple interpretations of what counts as a utility for purposes of PPP forgiveness, and I expect you’ll see this change over the next few months. In general, the consensus across the articles I read align with what I’ve included in the spreadsheet./p>p>strong>Electricity/strong> is the em>gross/em> amount of your electric bill./p>p>Gas is the gross amount of your natural gas bill./p>p>strong>Water/strong> is the em>gross/em> amount of your water bill. There’s no specific guidance on this, but if your municipality bills quarterly for water (as mine does), and you don’t get a bill during the eight week measurement period, I think it would be a fair interpretation to use two-thirds of the water bill in your forgiveness calculation. I am strong>NOT an accountant/strong> and I could be entirely wrong on this. Use your judgment or that of your accounting professional!/p>p>strong>Transportation/fuel/strong> has been interpreted to mean fuel costs for business vehicles during the measurement period./p>p>strong>Telephone/strong> would be your landline, VoIP and cell phone costs during the eight week measurement period./p>p>strong>Internet/strong> is your strong>gross/strong> Internet access costs incurred during the measurement period./p>h1>Forgiveness calculations (the good stuff!)/h1>p>These are tough calculations to do in a spreadsheet, because there are a bunch of if/then requirements. I’ve done my best, and I think the calculations will work and be accurate in most cases except where you’ve had a reduction of more than 25% in the total payroll costs for your team. For example, you’ve maintained FTE head count, but everyone has gotten a 50% pay cut. If that’s the case, stop here because this spreadsheet doesn’t take that into account at all./p>p>The spreadsheet calculates the total payroll cost by summing the totals of each payroll line during the eight week measurement period, and generates a percent of total PPP loan for informational purposes./p>p>Likewise the spreadsheet sums all non-payroll costs and calculates the percent of total PPP loan. This calculation is important, strong>because only 25% of the PPP loan may be forgiven for non-payroll costs./strong>/p>p>The amount forgiven for payroll costs will be the total of your payroll costs, up to the amount of your PPP loan less allowable non-payroll costs./p>p>The amount forgiven for non-payroll costs is calculated as the total of all non-payroll costs up to 25% of the PPP loan amount. Amounts above 25% of the PPP loan amount are discarded./p>p>The total forgivable amount is calculated as the sum of your total payroll costs plus the allowable amount of your non-payroll costs, up to the amount of your PPP loan./p>p>HOWEVER, the forgivable amount is reduced using the forgiveness calculation./p>p>The forgiveness calculation is computed simply as the number of FTEs during the period of January 1, 2020 through February 29, 2020 divided by the average number of FTEs during the eight week measurement period. If your forgiveness calculation is above 75%, you’re in good shape! If the forgiveness calculation is below 75%, the amount calculated as potentially forgivable is computed as the forgivable amount times the forgiveness calculation. For example, if you had 10 full time equivalent employees before the pandemic, and during the eight week measurement period you had only 5 FTEs (meaning you only had 50% of your FTE staff during the eight week measurement period), the forgivable amount of your PPP loan is only 50% of the potential forgivable amount./p>p>The final calculation is the amount you may owe – computed as the total of your PPP loan less the potential forgivable amount./p>h1>The important disclaimer/h1>p>em>strong>I am not an accountant or an attorney!/strong>/em>/p>p>I put the spreadsheet together based on my reading about the PPP and WSJ articles about the forgiveness component, some accounting blogs, and the websites of some of the banks and fintech companies participating in the PPP program./p>p>This spreadsheet is likely not 100% accurate, and may, in fact, be 100% wrong./p>p>Please only use it as a guide for helping you and your financial professional to track expenses related to your PPP loan./p>p>In our office, we are keeping track of the expenses in this spreadsheet, but I am also keeping copies of everything related to any expense I’m counting. So, paper copies of payroll journals, copies of payroll checks, copies of utility and health care bills along with the checks used to pay them (or if paid online, the credit card receipt). The goal for my company is to keep a super-clean journal of every expense, followed up with physical proof of the expense./p>p>That way, when “they” come – em>and, we know strong>they/strong> will/em> – I can simply hand whomever is auditing the forgiveness component a copy of the spreadsheet and a folder/binder of every check, invoice and receipt as backup for the expense./p>p>I hope you find the spreadsheet and information useful, and please let me know if you find any errors or updates!/p>p>Download the spreadsheet here: a href>PPP_Loan_Forgiveness_Calculator/a>/p>/div>footer classentry-footer>p classentry-meta>span classentry-categories>Filed Under: a href relcategory tag>COVID19/a>/span> /p>/footer>/article>article classpost-121 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail category-covid19 entry aria-labelThe new paradigm>header classentry-header>h2 classentry-title>a classentry-title-link relbookmark href>The new paradigm/a>/h2>p classentry-meta>time classentry-time>March 24, 2020/time> By span classentry-author>a href classentry-author-link relauthor>span classentry-author-name>Thomas Fox/span>/a>/span> /p>/header>div classentry-content>p>img loadinglazy decodingasync classwp-image-125 size-medium aligncenter src alt width300 height226 srcset 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w sizes(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px />/p>p>There’s a lot I could write about the new reality in which we live, and I’ll get around to that eventually./p>p>In the meantime, here’s the a href>PDF/a> and a href>Word/a> documents for the social distancing door sign we’re using./p>/div>footer classentry-footer>p classentry-meta>span classentry-categories>Filed Under: a href relcategory tag>COVID19/a>/span> /p>/footer>/article>article classpost-76 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail category-connectwise tag-connectwise tag-csat tag-gravity-forms entry aria-labelCSAT surveying alternative to paid services>header classentry-header>h2 classentry-title>a classentry-title-link relbookmark href>CSAT surveying alternative to paid services/a>/h2>p classentry-meta>time classentry-time>May 15, 2019/time> By span classentry-author>a href classentry-author-link relauthor>span classentry-author-name>Thomas Fox/span>/a>/span> /p>/header>div classentry-content>p>So here’s the info on how we set up CSAT using our WordPress website, Gravity Forms, and the ConnectWise surveys API./p>p>Someone asked about a href>BrightGauge/a> reporting – that’s the cool thing about this! Because it is using the ConnectWise survey API to record the responses on the ticket, standard BrightGauge reporting works./p>p>Here is the SQL to create the dataset in BrightGauge:/p>pre classbrush: plain; title: ; notranslate title>SELECTAVG([dbo.[v_rpt_Surveys.[Score)*100 AS 'Average(Score)',[dbo.[v_rpt_Surveys.[SurveyName AS 'Survey Name',NEWID() as idFROM [dbo.[v_rpt_Surveys WITH(NOLOCK)WHERE ([dbo.[v_rpt_Surveys.[SurveyName 'CSAT Survey')GROUP BY [dbo.[v_rpt_Surveys.[SurveyName/pre>p> /p>p>img loadinglazy decodingasync classalignnone wp-image-80 size-full src altBrightGauge CSAT gauge width721 height287 srcset 721w, 300w sizes(max-width: 721px) 100vw, 721px />/p>p>To get started, you’ll need to create your CSAT survey in ConnectWise. Most of this stuff won’t matter:/p>p> a href classmore-link>Read more… span classscreen-reader-text>about CSAT surveying alternative to paid services/span>/a>/p>/div>footer classentry-footer>p classentry-meta>span classentry-categories>Filed Under: a href relcategory tag>ConnectWise/a>/span> span classentry-tags>Tagged With: a href reltag>connectwise/a>, a href reltag>csat/a>, a href reltag>gravity forms/a>/span>/p>/footer>/article>article classpost-112 post type-post status-publish format-standard category-connectwise entry aria-labelCreating Daily Admin Time Wrap Entry>header classentry-header>h2 classentry-title>a classentry-title-link relbookmark href>Creating Daily Admin Time Wrap Entry/a>/h2>p classentry-meta>time classentry-time>May 9, 2019/time> By span classentry-author>a href classentry-author-link relauthor>span classentry-author-name>Thomas Fox/span>/a>/span> /p>/header>div classentry-content>p>At the beginning of each day, each service team member creates an admin time entry that is used to record all of the unassigned time between other tickets./p>p>This time entry should be 15 minutes or less each day. If it is longer, make sure there is an explanation written in the admin entry notes. Small tasks such as “Restarted ConnectWise to apply updates” would be recorded here./p>ol>li>After saving all other time entries for the day, note the strong>Total Hours/strong> number at the bottom of your time sheetbr />img loadinglazy decodingasync width583 height142 classalignnone wp-image-114 size-full src srcset 583w, 300w sizes(max-width: 583px) 100vw, 583px />/li>li>Click the strong>+/strong> icon to create a new time entrybr />img loadinglazy decodingasync width275 height78 classalignnone wp-image-115 size-full src />/li>li>Type strong>Admin/strong> in the strong>Charge To/strong> field, press strong>TAB/strong>, click strong>Adminbr />/strong>img loadinglazy decodingasync width199 height125 classalignnone wp-image-117 size-full src />/li>li>Type strong>8/strong> in the strong>Start Time/strong> field then press strong>TAB/strong>/li>li>Type strong>5/strong> in the strong>End Time/strong> field then press strong>TAB/strong>/li>li>Enter your strong>Total Hours number/strong> in the strong>Deduct/strong> field/li>li>Set strong>Work Type/strong> to strong>Admin/strong>/li>li>Set Billable to strong>Do Not Bill/strong>/li>li>strong>Save and Close/strong> this time entrybr />img loadinglazy decodingasync width633 height423 classalignnone wp-image-118 size-full src srcset 633w, 300w sizes(max-width: 633px) 100vw, 633px />/li>li>Check your strong>Total Hours/strong> at the bottom of your time sheet again, it should now be strong>9.00/strong>/li>li>If it is not 9 hours, modify the deduction time on the admin entry until it is/li>/ol>/div>footer classentry-footer>p classentry-meta>span classentry-categories>Filed Under: a href relcategory tag>ConnectWise/a>/span> /p>/footer>/article>div classarchive-pagination pagination rolenavigation aria-labelPagination>ul>li classactive >a href aria-currentpage>span classscreen-reader-text>Page/span> 1/a>/li>li>a href>span classscreen-reader-text>Page/span> 2/a>/li>li>a href>span classscreen-reader-text>Page/span> 3/a>/li>li classpagination-next>a href >span classscreen-reader-text>Go to/span> Next Page »/a>/li>/ul>/div>/main>aside classsidebar sidebar-primary widget-area rolecomplementary aria-labelPrimary Sidebar idgenesis-sidebar-primary>h2 classgenesis-sidebar-title screen-reader-text>Primary Sidebar/h2>section idsearch-2 classwidget widget_search>div classwidget-wrap>form classsearch-form methodget action rolesearch>label classsearch-form-label screen-reader-text forsearchform-1>Search this website/label>input classsearch-form-input typesearch names idsearchform-1 placeholderSearch this website>input classsearch-form-submit typesubmit valueSearch>meta content{s}>/form>/div>/section> section idrecent-posts-2 classwidget widget_recent_entries>div classwidget-wrap> h3 classwidgettitle widget-title>Recent Posts/h3> ul> li> a href>From the Wall Street Journal: Small Business Needed Federal Help. The Agency in Charge Fell Short/a> /li> li> a href>PPP Loan Forgiveness Calculator/a> /li> li> a href>The new paradigm/a> /li> li> a href>CSAT surveying alternative to paid services/a> /li> li> a href>Creating Daily Admin Time Wrap Entry/a> /li> /ul> /div>/section>section idsimple-social-icons-2 classwidget simple-social-icons>div classwidget-wrap>h3 classwidgettitle widget-title>Social/h3>ul classalignleft>li classssi-facebook>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>svg roleimg classsocial-facebook aria-labelledbysocial-facebook-2>title idsocial-facebook-2>Facebook/title>use xlink:href>/use>/svg>/a>/li>li classssi-linkedin>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>svg roleimg classsocial-linkedin aria-labelledbysocial-linkedin-2>title idsocial-linkedin-2>LinkedIn/title>use xlink:href>/use>/svg>/a>/li>li classssi-twitter>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>svg roleimg classsocial-twitter aria-labelledbysocial-twitter-2>title idsocial-twitter-2>Twitter/title>use xlink:href>/use>/svg>/a>/li>/ul>/div>/section>/aside>/div>/div>/div>/div>footer classsite-footer>div classwrap>p styletext-align: center;>©script>document.write(new Date().getFullYear())/script> Thomas Fox. 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