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so.addParam(wmode,opaque); so.addVariable(file,; so.addVariable(image,); so.addVariable(controlbar,none); so.addVariable(autostart,true); so.addVariable(stretching,fill);so.write(mediaspace);/script>/div>!-- This is the end of the Player Codes --> /div> div classaclear>/div> /div>!--close videocontainer--> !-- Start Share bar--> !--End Share Bar--> !--OPEN Optin Box #2-->!--CLOSE Optin Box #2-->!-- OPEN Headline Under Video -->h1 classlaunchbottomheadline>“Are You Ready To Stop Playing ‘Diet Roulette...’ And Get To The Root Cause Of Hard To Lose, Stubborn Body Fat and Fatigue... Without Feeling Like You’re Walking A Tightrope?”/h1>!-- CLOSE Headline Under Video -->div idlaunchinnermain> h2 styletext-align: center;>strong>span stylecolor: #333333;>If You Think You’re Doomed To Remain On The Endless Treadmill Of Dieting and Exercising, Just To Lose A Few Pounds And Gain It Back The Minute You Step Off Course… You Are About To See There Is A Way Out!/span>/strong>/h2>p>strong>The fact of the matter is…/strong>/p>p stylepadding-left: 30px;>span stylecolor: #000000;>strong>You span styletext-decoration: underline;>em>can/em>/span> start to lose weight again without having to walk a tightrope./strong>/span>/p>p stylepadding-left: 30px;>span stylecolor: #000000;>strong>You span styletext-decoration: underline;>em>can/em>/span> make sense of all the conflicting and opposing diet and weight loss information driving you crazy./strong>/span>/p>p stylepadding-left: 30px;>span stylecolor: #000000;>strong>You span styletext-decoration: underline;>em>can/em>/span> start to relax and stop fighting your body and instead learn how to tell it to turn off its fat signals./strong>/span>/p>p stylepadding-left: 30px;>span stylecolor: #000000;>strong>You span styletext-decoration: underline;>em>can/em>/span> enjoy food while slimming down, (and not just because you’re telling yourself to enjoy it.) I mean you can have food you genuinely enjoy and feel is a treat./strong>/span>/p>p>strong>Look, I know you’re not trying to look like a supermodel./strong> You’re not trying to attain some unrealistic and unhealthy self-image. You just want to be able to get your old figure back!/p>p>The figure you had before it stopped listening to you. strong>/strong>/p>p>strong>Well, there’s something you should know…/strong> If you continue to follow the “eat less and exercise more” advice, you will be doomed because it doesn’t work./p>p>It never has and never will./p>p>The only way to gain control of your weight without stress and deprivation is to understand the em>true/em> causes of weight gain (that no one is telling you!)… and to stop chasing the symptoms. strong>/strong>/p>p>strong>I wrote a span styletext-decoration: underline;>special report/span> for you…/strong> just to show you how dieting and exercising is a futile effort when you know what really causes your body to hold on to fat. Here are some facts that you may not know: div classdividerbar-wide>/div>div classfeatures-box-paper-white stylewidth:85%;border-width:1px!important;>h1 styletext-align: center;>span stylebackground-color: #ffff00;>span styletext-decoration: underline;>tt>strong>Special Report:/strong>/tt>/span>/span>/h1>h2 styletext-align: center;>tt>strong>Hormones: Work With Them Or Fight A Losing Battle.../strong>/tt>/h2>p>strong>Fact:/strong> Hormones are the most powerful fat-burning force in your body. In fact, all weight loss drugs and fat-burners are created to mimic and copy your very own hormones!/p>p>Think about this for a minute… When does a person go through the most dramatic physical change in their life? That’s right! strong>Adolescence./strong> This is the age the greatest changes in our bodies occur. strong>And what is causing this dramatic change?/strong> Hormones!/p>p>Hormones are so powerful that they actually cause a change in your bone structure./p>p>When it comes to burning fat and building lean, toned muscle, hormones have the most powerful effect of all. em>strong>/strong>/em>/p>p>em>strong>Please get this as clearly as you can…/strong>/em>/p>h2 styletext-align: center;>tt>strong>span stylebackground-color: #ffff00;>span styletext-decoration: underline;>Fact:/span>/span> All Fat Burning Starts With Hormones. Hormones are THE Body Chemicals That Start and Stop span styletext-decoration: underline;>span stylebackground-color: #ffff00;>All /span>/span>Fat-Burning... em>If You Are Not Addressing Your Hormone Imbalances You Will Remain In Constant Struggle and Frustration With Your Weight.../em>/strong>/tt>/h2>p>Hormones also determine your muscle growth, skin tightness, hair thickness, bone density, water-retention… just to name a few. What are some of these hormones called? Maybe you have heard of them… div stylewidth:100%;margin:0px auto;>ul classgreen_plus_2_list>li>Growth Hormone/li>li>Testosterone/li>li>Thyroxine/li>/ul>/div> strong>Growth Hormone:/strong> Growth hormone is literally the elixir of youth. The more you have of it, the younger you get, the younger you get, the tighter your skin, the firmer your muscles, and the faster your fat is burned. strong>/strong>/p>p>strong>Testosterone:/strong> Testosterone is the accelerator. It does all the same things as growth hormone, but testosterone has other facets – increased mental focus and concentration, faster muscle recovery, increased sex drive, increased confidence and increased mental and emotional outlook. strong>/strong>/p>p>strong>Thyroxine:/strong> Thyroxine is a hormone produced by an organ in your body called, the Thyroid. This hormone literally determines how fast your food is burned into energy. Every one of us know that one girl who is skinny and can eat ice cream for lunch and never gain a pound! Her levels of thyroid hormones turn that ice cream into energy. But if your thyroid hormones are low, lettuce will make you fat./p>h2 styletext-align: center;>tt>strong>Your Fat-Storing Hormones.../strong>/tt>/h2>p>But you also have hormones that will cause you to store fat with a vengeance. I’m talking, unmovable, stubborn fat that is completely unresponsive. It’s hormones at work. Have you heard of these hormones? div stylewidth:100%;margin:0px auto;>ul classgreen_plus_2_list>li>Insulin/li>li>Cortisol/li>li>Estrogen/li>li>Ghrelin/li>li>Leptin/li>/ul>/div> Each of these hormones has the ability to make your body store fat and eat away your lean muscle. In the span styletext-decoration: underline;>“Stubborn Fat Loss Solution For Supermoms”/span> you will be learning about all of them./p>p>But there is one hormone you should know about right now. And that is strong>“Insulin.”/strong>/p>p>Insulin is necessary for our survival. We need it. But when it comes to stubborn fat, cravings for sugar, fatigue and even depression, it all has to do with an imbalance with em>insulin./em> strong>/strong>/p>p>strong>There is one fact you want to know about insulin…/strong>/p>blockquote>p>When insulin is elevated above normal levels, ALL fat-burning hormones STOP WORKING./p>/blockquote>p>span styletext-decoration: underline;>strong>If this one hormone was understood and controlled by you, it would be like giving you the gas pedal on your fat-burning./strong>/span>/p>blockquote>p>If you can get insulin out of way of the fat-burning hormones mentioned above, which your body already produces, they can do their job and burn fat. And, you’ll start losing weight faster without exercising any more than you are and without dieting./p>/blockquote>p>strong>Celebrity Anti-Aging Clinics/strong> You know those anti-aging clinics? That’s what they specialize in – hormones. They create a cocktail of hormones to inject into their clients. This is also what celebrities and VIP’s do to keep their appearance young. But…/p>h2 styletext-align: center;>strong>tt>...Instead of Spending $2,000 A Month On Hormone Injections Every Month, You Have Something Equally As Powerful.../tt>/strong>/h2>h2 styletext-align: center;>span styletext-decoration: underline;>strong>tt>...Your Food!/tt>/strong>/span>/h2>h2 styletext-align: center;>strong>span stylebackground-color: #ffff00;>tt>Did You Know You Have A Virtual Anti-Aging Clinic In Your Own Kitchen?/tt>/span>/strong>/h2>p>strong>T/strong>strong>he food you eat has a em>direct/em> and em>immediate/em> effect on your hormone levels…/strong> How direct? How about 10 – 15 minutes from fat-storing to fat-burning and vice versa. Yes, it is that fast. strong>In “The Stubborn Fat-Loss Solution For Supermoms,” you will…/strong> div stylewidth:100%;margin:0px auto;>ul classgreen_tick_2_list>li>strong>Learn how food can increase your fat-burning and anti-aging hormones…/strong> Imagine having one of those anti-aging clinics at home. Well, you already have it! It’s in your pantry and your fridge!/li>li>strong>You will also have a very simple and practical understanding of the foods that increase your fat-storing hormones…/strong> and how to identify them and replace them./li>li>strong>You’ll learn the 3 main causes of high insulin that are unique to women above the age of 30… /strong>When you learn these causes of high insulin, you will be shocked to find that all the diet advice you’ve been following so faithfully has been shooting your insulin levels sky high for years… or maybe even decades. And in the process, practically shutting down any ability of your body to burn fat./li>li>strong>You will be taught the most powerful, yet simple ways to take control of your hormone levels…/strong> By finding foods you enjoy and that stimulate fat-burning hormones like growth hormone, testosterone and thyroxine./li>/ul>/div>h2 styletext-align: center;>tt>strong>span stylebackground-color: #ffff00;>span>The You Diet:/span>/span> Stop Trying Some New Diet Hoping It Will Be The Answer./strong>.. strong> Instead, Discover span styletext-decoration: underline;>The You Diet.../span>/strong>/tt>/h2>p>strong>Fact: We each have our own Genetic response To Food…/strong>/p>p>Everywhere you look, there is a diet, proclaiming that if everyone eats this way, they will lose weight and get healthy./p>p>This is what does not make sense at all… You have one diet, like the Atkins diet, which is low carbs and eating a lot of meat and even a lot of fat. And you have people having successes… Even rave successes!/p>p>Then you get an opposite diet, like the em>raw food diet, or the vegan diet, or the 80-10-10 diet (80% carbs, 10% fat and 10% protein)/em> and you also get incredible successes. em>/em>/p>p>em>Both of these diets could not be farther apart!/em> Yet they work for some people and don’t work for other people./p>h2 styletext-align: center;>tt>strong>Let’s Ask A Different Question... What Does span styletext-decoration: underline;>em>YOUR/em>/span> Body Need?/strong>/tt>/h2>p>Is it possible that your body responds to proteins differently than another person? Or maybe yours responds differently to carbs? Or to fat? strong>Well the answer is a big loud “YES!”/strong>/p>p>My body, for example, does well, eating mostly carbs, very little protein, and a little fat./p>p>My husband, however, will not survive a diet like that. He does best when he eats a lot of dense protein foods. That is when he is most fit./p>p>And there are people that are in the middle. The bottom line is that your body has its own way it “burns” through food./p>p>If your body burns through carbs very fast, you need more carbs. If your body burns through proteins very fast, you need more proteins. If your body metabolizes fat in the diet very fast, then it needs more fat./p>p>span stylebackground-color: #ffff00;>When you find what your body metabolizes best it can be like the clouds parting./span> There is no question about it. You feel it INSTANTLY. You get instant energy and mental focus and get to a high emotional state and it lasts a em>long/em> time. div stylewidth:100%;margin:0px auto;>ul classgreen_tick_2_list>li>strong>The response is immediate. At most it will take 3 days to find YOUR ideal diet./strong>/li>li>Cravings disappear/li>li>strong>You start to slim down faster because you are more energetic./strong>/li>li>Your hormones also get regulated very rapidly because your body is not under stress anymore from eating foods it cannot process well./li>li>strong>You sleep deeply and stop waking up in the middle of the night./strong>/li>li>You stop thinking about food./li>/ul>/div> strong>Not only will you be getting these benefits, you will be given the roadmap to follow with exact instructions on what to notice and what to look for./strong> You may be em>shocked/em> to find out that you have been eating the wrong way your whole life! But you will also be relieved because now you know why it is so hard to lose the weight you’ve been trying to lose./div>h2 styletext-align: center;>tt>strong>Putting It All Together In The span styletext-decoration: underline;>Real World/span>... Can Healthy, Natural Weight Loss With Boundless Energy Really Be That Easy?/strong>/tt>/h2>p>strong>Have you ever had these thoughts relative to your diet?/strong>/p>p styletext-align: center;>em>“Finding something I can stick to that is not too restrictive and regimented”/em>/p>p styletext-align: center;>em>“Ideas for what to eat that is healthy all the time, snacks, etc.”/em>/p>p styletext-align: center;>em>“I don’t have enough time to ‘make’ meals … so fast food is often my choice.”/em>/p>p styletext-align: center;>em>“Cooking or finding fast food that is healthy”/em>/p>p styletext-align: center;>em>“Eating healthy! It takes a lot of planning and prep work.”/em>/p>p styletext-align: center;>em>“Staying on a regimen & diets that are unrealistic to keep up”/em>/p>p styletext-align: center;>em>“I have a hard time with temptation – especially when eating out.”/em>/p>p>strong>Well, welcome to the club!/strong>/p>p>The biggest obstacle to a diet that “works” is the ability to even em>do/em> it!/p>p>I have tried lots of diets that I lost weight on but between work, kids, and just living in California, there was no way I could keep it up unless I went on a perpetual retreat!/p>p>This is where the “Stubborn Fat Loss Solution For Supermoms” really shines. strong>/strong>/p>p>strong>This program focuses on DOABLE steps you can implement and easily stick to./strong>/p>blockquote>p>The secret to making a big change is to take em>small/em> steps that all add up to em>major/em> changes in your body, your energy levels and even your life./p>/blockquote>p>span styletext-decoration: underline;>In addition to taking it step by step, I have em>carefully/em> chosen the em>exact/em> steps for you to take each week that make it em>easy/em> for you to continue./span>/p>div classdividerbar-wide>/div>h2 styletext-align: center;>strong>“Here Is Where The Magic Happens…”/strong>/h2>p>strong>You get easy to use lessons and action steps that are designed to:/strong> div stylewidth:100%;margin:0px auto;>ul classgreen_tick_2_list>li>strong>Naturally give you long sustained energy/strong> for the whole day…/li>li>strong>If you are a coffee drinker you may even find you don’t need the cup of coffee in the morning./strong> Hard to believe right? I wouldn’t believe it either if it didn’t happen to me!/li>li>strong>If you binge on candy in the afternoon…/strong> you may even find you don’t have the desire for candy anymore. Again, you have to experience it to believe it. Eliminate or drastically reduce sugar cravings. Look we all know sugar is the devil. But that is why the first set of action steps you do on the “Stubborn Fat Loss Solution for Supermoms” are there…/li>li>strong>When you eliminate cravings and fatigue… /strong>and can think clearly, the rest just becomes that much easier./li>li>strong>When you are not hungry or craving sugar…/strong> you are in control again./li>li>strong>And that is just the beginning of the program!/strong> You will find your ideal diet and when you do you will find that of all the diets and books out there in the world, only a very few foods and food combinations are ideal for you./li>li>strong>When you find this out you experience great relief, because the search is over!/strong> You now know “your” diet. These are foods that make you feel so good, so happy, you don’t think about food anymore./li>li>strong>And the food that gives you energy is the food that gives you fat loss./strong> That is what you will find./li>/ul>/div>p>In later weeks, you will take your list of ideal foods and you will be given fun easy projects every week on how to: div stylewidth:100%;margin:0px auto;>ul classgreen_tick_2_list>li>strong>Prepare your fat-burning foods the easy way…br />/strong>/li>li>How to order them in a restaurant so you don’t get derailed by social situations…/li>li>strong>How to find them in fast food places so you can get results while “on the go”…br />/strong>/li>li>How to deal with social events so you can end the worry and frustration of ruining your success when you go to a function…/li>li>strong>How to shop for your fat-burning foods so you have a house stocked and never get stuck with tempting sugary foods that you’ll regret eating…br />/strong>/li>li>How to order them online and make it “family friendly” so you can lose your hard to lose weight em>with/em> the food you prepare for the em>whole/em> family./li>/ul>/div>h2 styletext-align: center;>tt>strong>span styletext-decoration: underline;>Making It Easy:/span> Instead Of Giving You A Diet Or A Set Of Restrictive Rules, I’m Giving You New Simple Changes You Will em>Easily/em> Adopt Every Week.../strong>/tt>/h2>p>How do I know they are easy to adopt? I know because: div stylewidth:100%;margin:0px auto;>ul classgreen_tick_2_list>li>strong>They make you feel amazing and you will want that feeling,/strong>/li>li>They are so easy to do. Once you do an assignment, you will say, “This was so much easier than I thought! I can do this all the time!”/li>li>strong>They taste AMAZING! Your kids, your guests and your husband will want them over and over!/strong>/li>/ul>/div>p>Is this getting a bit hard to believe? I understand. I would have a hard time believing it too./p>p>But here’s the deal…/p>p>…The natural health market hasem> changed so much/em> over the last several years. Only someone like me who researches all this stuff every day will know what’s out there./p>p>And guess what… there is a whole new world of products that taste, feel and smell like the food you love but they do em>not/em> have harsh chemical ingredients that em>block/em> your fat-burning hormones from working./p>p>strong>So the result is… /strong>/p>blockquote>p>strong>…you get to have your cake and eat it too! /strong>/p>p>strong>And, your bread, and your cereal, and your steak and potatoes for that matter./strong>/p>/blockquote>p>But let me prove it to you even more…/p>h2 styletext-align: center;>strong>“What If One Of The Steps I Had You Do Was To Have A Thick, Rich, Icy, Chocolate Shake For Breakfast? Would That Be Easy Or Hard To Do?”/strong>/h2>p>em>strong>img classalignleft size-full wp-image-1713 titlechocolate_malt_shake src alt width247 height267 />/strong>/em>strong> Do you think you could commit to that?/strong> Of course you could! That’s not a change that is hard to make!/p>p>But this chocolate shake is going to taste and look and feel like any restaurant shake… span styletext-decoration: underline;>but it will have more protein than most people have for breakfast, it will be made of 6 superfoods and each superfood is a fat-burning food on its own./span>/p>blockquote>p>So yes, you can have a rich, thick, creamy, chocolate shake that em>raises your metabolism/em>, em>accelerates fat-loss/em>, makes you em>feel satisfied for hours/em> and even makes you feel em>guilty/em>!/p>/blockquote>p>strong>Do you see where I’m going with this?/strong>/p>p>This is span styletext-decoration: underline;>not/span> a diet./p>p>It is an education on how to replace foods that span styletext-decoration: underline;>block your fat-burning hormones/span> with span styletext-decoration: underline;>foods that release them/span> em>without feeling deprived one bit!/em>/p>blockquote>p>So, it goes without saying, this is NOT a crash diet where you will lose a gazillion pounds and land on the cover of a swimsuit magazine. strong>/strong>/p>/blockquote>p>strong>Nor is this a gimmick based on a cute gadget…/strong>/p>blockquote>p>It is making real life changes in a very creative ways that DO NOT interfere with your life as a mom, makes a healthy home for your kids and will sneakily get your husband eating more veggies without him knowing it./p>/blockquote>h2 styletext-align: center;>strong>“This Is The Best Health Insurance Plan You Can Ever Buy For Your Family… But Instead of Getting Paid After A Health Catastrophe, You Get Paid Today… And Everyday For the Rest of Your Life…”/strong>/h2>p>strong>The worst part about putting off health is as you get older it just gets worse…/strong> You miss out on quality time with your kids because you can’t keep up with them./p>p>You won’t get that time back, because they grow up so fast. There is a higher risk of developing serious and permanent health conditions, like diabetes, heart disease, and osteoporosis./p>p>strong>At the end of the day, so many moms are so tired that they have no quality time with their husband…/strong> not to mention a dwindling or nonexistent sex life. Heck, we don’t even like looking at ourselves in the mirror. strong>/strong>/p>p>strong>How can we feel sexy with our husband when we’re so tired at night and we don’t even like the way we look?/strong> This is such a shame, because there are solutions that are so simple if you just knew what to do first./p>p styletext-align: center;>div classtextbar_3 stylebackground-color:#F0F0F0;width:100%>Here’s What I’ve Got For You…/div>p>strong>In 4 short months I’m going to give you the tools and the training that you need to take complete control over your weight and your health./strong> div stylewidth:100%;margin:0px auto;>ul classgreen_tick_2_list>li>strong>It is a completely natural approach…/strong> addressing and benefiting every single system in your body, and transforming your life and your health through nutrition… I experimented quite a bit to come up with “The Stubborn Fat Loss Solutions for Supermoms” program./li>li>strong>12 weeks is the perfect amount of time to deliver the material…/strong> in a way that makes it easy to follow… never too much at once… and allows you to grow at your own, natural pace./li>li>strong>You never need to worry about scheduling…/strong> or if important events come up in your life, or if you want to take extra time to cement one of the week’s important lessons into your life before moving on to the next, because each week’s materials are prerecorded and downloadable for your convenience so that you can take as much time as you need to get your optimum results./li>li>strong>Each of the 12 weeks is synergistic and builds on the prior weeks…/strong> so that, by the end, you simply have a new lifestyle that is fat-burning and without fatigue. You don’t think about what you are doing because it is all routine!/li>li>strong>And because I’m GIVING you all of the tools and resources…/strong> this is an education that you will be able to take with you and do yourself. You will have everything you need to do everything simply for yourself and optimize your health for a lifetime./li>/ul>/div>h2 styletext-align: center;>strong>What You Have Waiting For You…/strong>/h2>p>strong>You will discover your own individual and personal road map to getting your old body back…/strong> to feeling young, and vibrant, like in your teens and 20s, to have energy all day, especially for the moments that matter the most, like the time you spend with your children when they get home from school and the time you get to spend with your husband. div stylewidth:100%;margin:0px auto;>ul classgreen_tick_2_list>li>strong>You will end the struggle with feeling deprived or hungry…/strong> having overwhelming uncontrollable cravings, and feeling tired and drained./li>li>strong>You will start to see the extra fat and water retention melt off your body…/strong> (especially on your waistline./li>li>strong>You are never going to “diet” again…/strong> because you are going to know your exact genetic food blueprint, you will be eating foods that make you feel amazing, give you long-lasting energy and sharp mental focus, and kill your cravings. You are going to get endless ways of how to eat these foods so you never get bored./li>li>strong>You will forever end the confusion of what you are supposed to eat/strong> for your own personal maximum results for the rest of your life./li>/ul>/div>h2 styletext-align: center;>strong>What Will the Program Be Like?/strong>/h2>p>Instead of throwing a whole bunch of information at you that makes you feel overwhelmed, I am going to give you one em>simple/em> yet em>life changing/em> action plan every week that will slowly start to change your body em>without/em> disrupting your lifestyle. div stylewidth:100%;margin:0px auto;>ul classgreen_tick_2_list>li>strong>We’re NOT going to give you a gazillion downloads all at once to get overwhelmed by./strong> We are going to give you em>only/em> the crucial simplified information that you need… one step at a time… so you won’t be overwhelmed and it’s easy to do./li>li>strong>We are not going to give you something you don’t need RIGHT NOW…/strong> We will take care of everything for you. Once you sign up you will get access to the member’s area. This is an exclusive area where you will get your lessons, meet other mom’s, partner up and use the buddy system, share notes, etc/li>li>strong>You will also instantly get your em>first /em>lesson, the worksheets and the action guide./strong>/li>li>strong>The lessons are on downloadable audio that you can listen to anywhere… but you can listen to it from the members’ area as well./strong> The downloadable audio lessons can be listened on your iPod, iPhone or iPad./li>li>strong>Every week, the next lesson will be automatically emailed to you./strong> You will go at your own pace. There is no test to pass or race to the finish line. It is not a competition./li>li>strong>There is also a live Q&A call scheduled bi-weekly. /strong>The members section also has the schedule of when the calls will be held. But you will also get an email reminder for all upcoming calls, with your access information. If you have a question and can’t make it on the call, you can submit your question and it will be answered for you. All those Q&A calls will be recorded and uploaded for you to download and listen to at your convenience./li>li>strong>As the weeks go on and you do the simple and fun exercises, you will start to see all your food choices changing effortlessly and easily. /strong>You won’t feel like you’re making a huge turnaround in your life./li>li>strong>You will find yourself living a new lifestyle because each of the changes starts to add up…/strong> but you are now used to them so you don’t think about them./li>li>strong>At the end of this program you’re going to see a new you/strong> and you won’t believe the changes you’ve made in all areas of your life because it was so smooth and gradual./li>li>strong>It’s going to be smooth…/strong> it’s not going to get in the way, it’s going to be simple and spoon fed to you so you don’t have to think about what to do next. I’m going to let you know every week what your next step is, and it’s going to be fun./li>/ul>/div>div classtextbar_3 stylebackground-color:#F0F0F0;width:100%>What You’re Going To Receive…/div>p>Each audio lesson is yours to keep. It will be part of your “Digital Health Library.” All the Q&A Calls are also yours to keep. strong>You can listen to them on your computer…/strong>/p>p styletext-align: center;>img classsize-full wp-image-517 aligncenter titlemacbookair src alt width620 height332 srcset 620w, 300w sizes(max-width: 620px) 100vw, 620px />/p>p>strong>You can listen to them on your iPod…/strong> img classaligncenter wp-image-518 titleipodhorizontal src alt width555 height379 srcset 555w, 300w sizes(max-width: 555px) 100vw, 555px /> strong>You can also listen to them on your tablet…/strong> img classaligncenter size-full wp-image-519 titleipadhorizontal src alt width600 height452 srcset 600w, 300w sizes(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px /> strong>You will get downloadable worksheets for each of the lessons./strong>/p>p styletext-align: center;>document file”” width”600″ height”400″p>strong>In addition you will receive:/strong>/p>ul>li>strong>Shopping guides/strong>/li>li>Cheat sheets/li>li>strong>Shopping lists/strong>/li>li>Most popular brand names/li>li>strong>Online shopping resources/strong>/li>li>Food delivery resources/li>li>strong>Child friendly menu items/strong>/li>li>Child friendly food brands and products/li>li>strong>And a recipe section for each individual body type./strong>/li>li>Private access to proven home workout videos I use to get massive results on my boot camp moms. You’ll never need a gym again!/li>/ul>p>You won’t need to go through trial and error or spend time finding out where to buy supplements, what to shop for, what to order at a restaurant, what equipment to get and where to get the best equipment, etc. div classdividerbar-wide>/div>h2 styletext-align: center;>strong>What’s All This Worth? /strong>/h2>div stylewidth:100%;margin:0px auto;>ul classgreen_plus_list>li>strong>Imagine having access to the latest and most advanced health, wellness and natural weight loss advice/strong> (in user friendly language) anywhere you have access to the internet… $100 per month. strong>/strong>/li>li>strong>Imagine meeting once a week a top-caliber, natural health expert, who can identify your exact problem and show you what to do naturally to fix it without overhauling your life./strong> But you don’t have to drive, you don’t have to sit in traffic or pay for gas. You’d be paying about $250 per visit… or… $3,000 for 12 visits. strong>/strong>/li>li>strong>Gain access to a member’s forum designed for women just like you and the health problems you’re facing…/strong> Where you can get support, get your questions answered, build camaraderie, work with a buddy, exchange ideas and have access to special bonuses, deals and events… $45 per month. strong>/strong>/li>li>strong>Get direct access to me…/strong> so I can personally answer all your questions, provide feedback, and clarify what steps you should take $250 per month… ($125 per visit). strong>/strong>/li>li>strong>Direct access to our exclusive Resources Section…/strong>You won’t need to go through trial and error or spend time finding out where to buy supplements, what to shop for, what to order at a restaurant, what equipment to get and where to get the best equipment, etc.My resources section will provide shopping guides, cheat sheets, shopping lists, most popular brand names, online shopping resources, food delivery resources, child friendly menu items, child friendly food brands and products, and a recipe section for each individual body type. $50 per month. strong>/strong>/li>li>strong>Private access to proven home workout videos…/strong> I use to get massive results on my boot camp moms. You’ll never need a gym again! These are not ordinary run-of-the mill workouts. They are specifically designed for a busy mom’s metabolism to burn a lot of fat in the least amount of time and keep it off. $100 per month./li>/ul>/div>p>If you paid for all these goodies separately, 2 things would happen./p>ol>li>strong>You, your children and your family would be set for life/strong> with abundant and optimum health, energy and fitness./li>li>strong>You’re going to be the envy of all your friends and family/strong> because they won’t know how you’re able to look so good and make it look so easy./li>/ol>p styletext-align: left;>But, instead of paying…/p>p styletext-align: center;>table style”1″table classaligncenter width358 border0 aligncenter>tbody>tr>td width216>Access to info/td>td width93>$100/td>/tr>tr>td>Weekly Meetings/td>td>$250/td>/tr>tr>td>Members Forum/td>td>$45/td>/tr>tr>td>Direct Access/td>td>$250/td>/tr>tr>td>Resources/td>td>$50/td>/tr>tr>td>Workout Videos/td>td>$100/td>/tr>tr>td>Total/td>td>$795/td>/tr>tr>td>3 Months (12 Weeks)/td>td>strong>$2,385/strong>/td>/tr>/tbody>/table>p styletext-align: center;>/tablep styletext-align: center;>strong>You will be given access to this for only…/strong>/p>p styletext-align: center;>strong>4 easy payments of $147.00/strong>/p>p styletext-align: center;>strong>Or…/strong>/p>p styletext-align: center;>strong>A one-time payment of $497.00 (you save $91.00!!!)/strong>/p>p styletext-align: center;>strong>And if that doesn’t make you take this final step to take charge of your and your family’s health, you have a 30 Day Unconditional Satisfaction Guarantee…/strong>/p>div idguaranteebox1>div idguaranteeboximage>/div>h3>Our 30 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee/h3>Follow the program for 30 days, and if you don’t see the value it brings to you or you are not completely satisfied just send me an email and I’ll send you a refund. You have absolutely nothing to lose and all the risk is on me./p>p>But! If you do follow the action step I give you I want to hear from you! I want to get your testimonial and feature you right here on this page!/p>/div>div classdividerbar-wide>/div>p>Look, I talk to women every day. They’ve told me about spending span styletext-decoration: underline;>$200 to $600 per month/span> for a boot camp or personal trainer span styletext-decoration: underline;>for over a year/span> and still are not getting results./p>p>I’ve also met many women who’ve paid span styletext-decoration: underline;>$1,000 per month/span> to see a nutritionist for a year, and still get nowhere…/p>p>…And what about the span styletext-decoration: underline;>thousands of dollars/span> we’ve all spent on span styletext-decoration: underline;>gym memberships we’re not even using./span>/p>p>And what about the books, videos and other programs over the years?/p>p styletext-align: center;>strong>Each of those things had something missing. And that missing thing kept forcing you to play an endless game of “diet roulette.”/strong>/p>p styletext-align: center;>strong>Heck, you might as well just play “pin the tail on the donkey” to figure out what your next diet is going to be./strong>/p>p styletext-align: center;>span styletext-decoration: underline;>strong>em>This/em> is the missing piece of your weight loss struggle./strong>/span>/p>p>You’re about to discover span styletext-decoration: underline;>your/span> individual roadmap to break through your fat loss plateau, get your energy back, boost your fat burning and antiaging hormones, and drop your fat-storing, age-accelerating hormones all by working out less and eating food your children and your family will love./p>p>strong>Just click the “GET ACCESS” button below and you’ll get started right this very minute. Get ready to say hello to a sexier, slimmer supermom looking back in the mirror!/strong>/p>div classorderbox3top>/div>div classorderboxbk>The “Stubborn Fat Loss Solution For Supermoms”/p>h2 styletext-align: center;>strong>4 Payments of $147/strong>/h2>center>a href target_self>img src> /a>/center>h2 styletext-align: center;>strong>1 Payment of $497/strong>/h2>center>a href target_self>img src> /a>/center>/div>div classorderboxbtm>/div>h2 styletext-align: center;>strong>Once You Sign Up You Are Immediately Going To Be Taken To The Members Section and Get Your First Lesson…/strong>/h2>p>I hate buying something online and getting a deluge of information without knowing where the heck to start and what to do next. This orientation is going to tell you exactly what you need to do right now, today, and what you need to do next, so you won’t get overwhelmed at all. Then, you’re automatically going to be emailed your very first two lessons called strong>“Clearing the Mental & Emotional Cobwebs”/strong> and strong>“Discovering Your Genetic Food Blueprint.”/strong>/p>h2 styletext-align: center;>strong>Starting Today, You Will Discover The Secret To Lifelong Fat-Burning!/strong>/h2>p>In this lesson, you’re going to ensure long-term success and never go on a diet again because you’re going to eliminate hunger and sugar cravings and double your energy starting immediately./p>p>Then every week for the next 16 weeks you will get your individual lesson where you will be given simple and easy assignments which will rebalance your fat-burning hormones, turn off your fat switch, and slowly makeover your pantry so you, your kids and your family are eating the foods you all love em>without/em> the fat-storing ingredients./p>p>So go ahead and choose which option is best for you so you can get access to your program! div classorderbox3top>/div>div classorderboxbk>Sign up for the “Stubborn Fat Loss Solution For Supermoms”/p>h2 styletext-align: center;>strong>4 Payments of $147/strong>/h2>center>a href target_self>img src> /a>/center>h2 styletext-align: center;>strong>1 Payment of $497/strong>/h2>center>a href target_self>img src> /a>/center>/div>div classorderboxbtm>/div>p>strong>Hear from other amazing moms that are finally getting results the healthy, natural way…/strong>/p>p> /p>note color”#EDF1F5″frame align”left”a href>img titleTheresaDuncan100 src alt width100 height100 />/a>/framep>“So far about 1 1/2 weeks, I’ve lost about 10 lbs. When i took my measurements, I would say that I’ve lost between 1/2″ and 1″ in most areas of my body…”/p>p>~Theresa D./p>/notenote color”EDF1F5″frame align”left”a href>img titleMelodyHaines100Modified src alt width100 height100 />/a>/framep>“… the next 10 pounds came off much more quickly, and I was a believer!”/p>p>~Melody Haines/p>p> /p>/notenote color”EDF1F5″p>“I am now down to 128 lbs from 156 lbs!! You’re great!! I can now wear anything I want!! I feel so much better at this weight!”/p>p>~Catherine DeHaan/p>/notenote color”EDF1F5″p>“I am in jeans I have not worn for 10 years! I look 10 years younger than I am! THIS IS FUN!”/p>p>~Eula P./p>/notenote color”EDF1F5″p>“EVERYBODY was asking me what I am doing!!! and that I lost a lot of weight YAY!!!!!! THANK YOU…”/p>p>~Hannan A./p>/notep>I cant’ wait to have you in the program!/p>p>To your dream body!/p>p>Love, Laura/p>/div>!--close launchinnermain-->div idlaunchcommentsblock>/div>!--close launchcommentsblock--> div classaclear>/div>/div>!--Close launchbk-->div idlaunchfooter>/div>/div>!--Close launchwrapper-->div idwrapper> /div>!--Close wrapper-->div idfooter>div idfooter-inside>div classfooter-left>Copyright © /div>div classfooter-right> /div>/div>/div>!--close footer-->script languagejavascript typetext/javascript>//!CDATA var exitsplashmessage Before You Go Get Access To 2 Free Lessons!; var exitsplashpage;function addLoadEvent(func) { var oldonload window.onload; if (typeof window.onload ! function) { window.onload func; } else { window.onload function() { if (oldonload) { oldonload(); } func(); }}}function addClickEvent(a,i,func) { if (typeof ai.onclick ! function) { ai.onclick func; } }var theDiv div idExitSplashDiv styledisplay:block; width:100%; height:100%; position:absolute; background:#FFFFFF; margin-top:0px; margin-left:0px; aligncenter>;theDiv theDiv + iframe src+exitsplashpage+ width100% height100% alignmiddle frameborder0>/iframe>;theDiv theDiv + /div>;theBody document.body; if (!theBody) {theBody document.getElementById(body); if (!theBody) {theBody document.getElementsByTagName(body)0;}}var PreventExitSplash false;function DisplayExitSplash(){ if(PreventExitSplash false){ window.scrollTo(0,0); PreventExitSplashtrue; divtag document.createElement(div); divtag.setAttribute(id,ExitSplashMainOuterLayer);;;;;;; divtag.innerHTMLtheDiv; theBody.innerHTML; theBody.topMargin0px; theBody.rightMargin0px; theBody.bottomMargin0px; theBody.leftMargin0px;; theBody.appendChild(divtag); return exitsplashmessage; }}var a document.getElementsByTagName(A); for (var i 0; i a.length; i++) { if( ! _blank) {addClickEvent(a,i, function(){ PreventExitSplashtrue; });} else{addClickEvent(a,i, function(){ PreventExitSplashfalse;});}}disablelinksfunc function(){ var a document.getElementsByTagName(A); for (var i 0; i a.length; i++) { if( ! _blank) {addClickEvent(a,i, function(){ PreventExitSplashtrue; });} else{addClickEvent(a,i, function(){ PreventExitSplashfalse;});} }}hideexitcancelbuttonimage function(){ document.getElementById(ExitCancelButtonImageDiv).style.displaynone; }addLoadEvent(disablelinksfunc);disableformsfunc function(){ var f document.getElementsByTagName(FORM); for (var i0;if.length;i++){ if (!fi.onclick){ fi.onclickfunction(){ PreventExitSplashtrue; } }else if (!fi.onsubmit){ fi.onsubmitfunction(){ PreventExitSplashtrue; }}}}addLoadEvent(disableformsfunc);window.onbeforeunload DisplayExitSplash;//>/script>script typetext/javascript>/* !CDATA */var wpcf7 {apiSettings:{root:http:\/\/\/wp-json\/contact-form-7\/v1,namespace:contact-form-7\/v1},recaptcha:{messages:{empty:Please verify that you are not a robot.}}};/* > *//script>script typetext/javascript src>/script>script typetext/javascript src>/script>/body>script typetext/javascript src>/script>script typetext/javascript src>/script>script typetext/javascript src>/script>script typetext/javascript>Cufon.replace(.sales-preheadline, { fontFamily: Impact });Cufon.replace(.sales-postheadline, { fontFamily: Impact }); Cufon.replace(.launchtop-preheadline, { fontFamily: Arial });Cufon.replace(.launchtopheadline, {fontFamily: Impact });Cufon.replace(.launchbottomheadline, { fontFamily: Vegur });Cufon.replace(.sharetext, { fontFamily: Hand Of Sean });Cufon.replace(#launchcommentstext, { fontFamily: Hand Of Sean });Cufon.replace(.launchoptin-headline, { fontFamily: Hand Of Sean });Cufon.replace(#headertext, { fontFamily: Vegur , textShadow: 1px 1px #333333 });Cufon.replace(.subheadcufonfont, { fontFamily: Impact });/script>/html>
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Without Feeling Like You’re Walking A Tightrope?”/h1>!-- CLOSE Headline Under Video -->div idlaunchinnermain> h2 styletext-align: center;>strong>span stylecolor: #333333;>If You Think You’re Doomed To Remain On The Endless Treadmill Of Dieting and Exercising, Just To Lose A Few Pounds And Gain It Back The Minute You Step Off Course… You Are About To See There Is A Way Out!/span>/strong>/h2>p>strong>The fact of the matter is…/strong>/p>p stylepadding-left: 30px;>span stylecolor: #000000;>strong>You span styletext-decoration: underline;>em>can/em>/span> start to lose weight again without having to walk a tightrope./strong>/span>/p>p stylepadding-left: 30px;>span stylecolor: #000000;>strong>You span styletext-decoration: underline;>em>can/em>/span> make sense of all the conflicting and opposing diet and weight loss information driving you crazy./strong>/span>/p>p stylepadding-left: 30px;>span stylecolor: #000000;>strong>You span styletext-decoration: underline;>em>can/em>/span> start to relax and stop fighting your body and instead learn how to tell it to turn off its fat signals./strong>/span>/p>p stylepadding-left: 30px;>span stylecolor: #000000;>strong>You span styletext-decoration: underline;>em>can/em>/span> enjoy food while slimming down, (and not just because you’re telling yourself to enjoy it.) I mean you can have food you genuinely enjoy and feel is a treat./strong>/span>/p>p>strong>Look, I know you’re not trying to look like a supermodel./strong> You’re not trying to attain some unrealistic and unhealthy self-image. You just want to be able to get your old figure back!/p>p>The figure you had before it stopped listening to you. strong>/strong>/p>p>strong>Well, there’s something you should know…/strong> If you continue to follow the “eat less and exercise more” advice, you will be doomed because it doesn’t work./p>p>It never has and never will./p>p>The only way to gain control of your weight without stress and deprivation is to understand the em>true/em> causes of weight gain (that no one is telling you!)… and to stop chasing the symptoms. strong>/strong>/p>p>strong>I wrote a span styletext-decoration: underline;>special report/span> for you…/strong> just to show you how dieting and exercising is a futile effort when you know what really causes your body to hold on to fat. Here are some facts that you may not know: div classdividerbar-wide>/div>div classfeatures-box-paper-white stylewidth:85%;border-width:1px!important;>h1 styletext-align: center;>span stylebackground-color: #ffff00;>span styletext-decoration: underline;>tt>strong>Special Report:/strong>/tt>/span>/span>/h1>h2 styletext-align: center;>tt>strong>Hormones: Work With Them Or Fight A Losing Battle.../strong>/tt>/h2>p>strong>Fact:/strong> Hormones are the most powerful fat-burning force in your body. In fact, all weight loss drugs and fat-burners are created to mimic and copy your very own hormones!/p>p>Think about this for a minute… When does a person go through the most dramatic physical change in their life? That’s right! strong>Adolescence./strong> This is the age the greatest changes in our bodies occur. strong>And what is causing this dramatic change?/strong> Hormones!/p>p>Hormones are so powerful that they actually cause a change in your bone structure./p>p>When it comes to burning fat and building lean, toned muscle, hormones have the most powerful effect of all. em>strong>/strong>/em>/p>p>em>strong>Please get this as clearly as you can…/strong>/em>/p>h2 styletext-align: center;>tt>strong>span stylebackground-color: #ffff00;>span styletext-decoration: underline;>Fact:/span>/span> All Fat Burning Starts With Hormones. Hormones are THE Body Chemicals That Start and Stop span styletext-decoration: underline;>span stylebackground-color: #ffff00;>All /span>/span>Fat-Burning... em>If You Are Not Addressing Your Hormone Imbalances You Will Remain In Constant Struggle and Frustration With Your Weight.../em>/strong>/tt>/h2>p>Hormones also determine your muscle growth, skin tightness, hair thickness, bone density, water-retention… just to name a few. What are some of these hormones called? Maybe you have heard of them… div stylewidth:100%;margin:0px auto;>ul classgreen_plus_2_list>li>Growth Hormone/li>li>Testosterone/li>li>Thyroxine/li>/ul>/div> strong>Growth Hormone:/strong> Growth hormone is literally the elixir of youth. The more you have of it, the younger you get, the younger you get, the tighter your skin, the firmer your muscles, and the faster your fat is burned. strong>/strong>/p>p>strong>Testosterone:/strong> Testosterone is the accelerator. It does all the same things as growth hormone, but testosterone has other facets – increased mental focus and concentration, faster muscle recovery, increased sex drive, increased confidence and increased mental and emotional outlook. strong>/strong>/p>p>strong>Thyroxine:/strong> Thyroxine is a hormone produced by an organ in your body called, the Thyroid. This hormone literally determines how fast your food is burned into energy. Every one of us know that one girl who is skinny and can eat ice cream for lunch and never gain a pound! Her levels of thyroid hormones turn that ice cream into energy. But if your thyroid hormones are low, lettuce will make you fat./p>h2 styletext-align: center;>tt>strong>Your Fat-Storing Hormones.../strong>/tt>/h2>p>But you also have hormones that will cause you to store fat with a vengeance. I’m talking, unmovable, stubborn fat that is completely unresponsive. It’s hormones at work. Have you heard of these hormones? div stylewidth:100%;margin:0px auto;>ul classgreen_plus_2_list>li>Insulin/li>li>Cortisol/li>li>Estrogen/li>li>Ghrelin/li>li>Leptin/li>/ul>/div> Each of these hormones has the ability to make your body store fat and eat away your lean muscle. In the span styletext-decoration: underline;>“Stubborn Fat Loss Solution For Supermoms”/span> you will be learning about all of them./p>p>But there is one hormone you should know about right now. And that is strong>“Insulin.”/strong>/p>p>Insulin is necessary for our survival. We need it. But when it comes to stubborn fat, cravings for sugar, fatigue and even depression, it all has to do with an imbalance with em>insulin./em> strong>/strong>/p>p>strong>There is one fact you want to know about insulin…/strong>/p>blockquote>p>When insulin is elevated above normal levels, ALL fat-burning hormones STOP WORKING./p>/blockquote>p>span styletext-decoration: underline;>strong>If this one hormone was understood and controlled by you, it would be like giving you the gas pedal on your fat-burning./strong>/span>/p>blockquote>p>If you can get insulin out of way of the fat-burning hormones mentioned above, which your body already produces, they can do their job and burn fat. And, you’ll start losing weight faster without exercising any more than you are and without dieting./p>/blockquote>p>strong>Celebrity Anti-Aging Clinics/strong> You know those anti-aging clinics? That’s what they specialize in – hormones. They create a cocktail of hormones to inject into their clients. This is also what celebrities and VIP’s do to keep their appearance young. But…/p>h2 styletext-align: center;>strong>tt>...Instead of Spending $2,000 A Month On Hormone Injections Every Month, You Have Something Equally As Powerful.../tt>/strong>/h2>h2 styletext-align: center;>span styletext-decoration: underline;>strong>tt>...Your Food!/tt>/strong>/span>/h2>h2 styletext-align: center;>strong>span stylebackground-color: #ffff00;>tt>Did You Know You Have A Virtual Anti-Aging Clinic In Your Own Kitchen?/tt>/span>/strong>/h2>p>strong>T/strong>strong>he food you eat has a em>direct/em> and em>immediate/em> effect on your hormone levels…/strong> How direct? How about 10 – 15 minutes from fat-storing to fat-burning and vice versa. Yes, it is that fast. strong>In “The Stubborn Fat-Loss Solution For Supermoms,” you will…/strong> div stylewidth:100%;margin:0px auto;>ul classgreen_tick_2_list>li>strong>Learn how food can increase your fat-burning and anti-aging hormones…/strong> Imagine having one of those anti-aging clinics at home. Well, you already have it! It’s in your pantry and your fridge!/li>li>strong>You will also have a very simple and practical understanding of the foods that increase your fat-storing hormones…/strong> and how to identify them and replace them./li>li>strong>You’ll learn the 3 main causes of high insulin that are unique to women above the age of 30… /strong>When you learn these causes of high insulin, you will be shocked to find that all the diet advice you’ve been following so faithfully has been shooting your insulin levels sky high for years… or maybe even decades. And in the process, practically shutting down any ability of your body to burn fat./li>li>strong>You will be taught the most powerful, yet simple ways to take control of your hormone levels…/strong> By finding foods you enjoy and that stimulate fat-burning hormones like growth hormone, testosterone and thyroxine./li>/ul>/div>h2 styletext-align: center;>tt>strong>span stylebackground-color: #ffff00;>span>The You Diet:/span>/span> Stop Trying Some New Diet Hoping It Will Be The Answer./strong>.. strong> Instead, Discover span styletext-decoration: underline;>The You Diet.../span>/strong>/tt>/h2>p>strong>Fact: We each have our own Genetic response To Food…/strong>/p>p>Everywhere you look, there is a diet, proclaiming that if everyone eats this way, they will lose weight and get healthy./p>p>This is what does not make sense at all… You have one diet, like the Atkins diet, which is low carbs and eating a lot of meat and even a lot of fat. And you have people having successes… Even rave successes!/p>p>Then you get an opposite diet, like the em>raw food diet, or the vegan diet, or the 80-10-10 diet (80% carbs, 10% fat and 10% protein)/em> and you also get incredible successes. em>/em>/p>p>em>Both of these diets could not be farther apart!/em> Yet they work for some people and don’t work for other people./p>h2 styletext-align: center;>tt>strong>Let’s Ask A Different Question... What Does span styletext-decoration: underline;>em>YOUR/em>/span> Body Need?/strong>/tt>/h2>p>Is it possible that your body responds to proteins differently than another person? Or maybe yours responds differently to carbs? Or to fat? strong>Well the answer is a big loud “YES!”/strong>/p>p>My body, for example, does well, eating mostly carbs, very little protein, and a little fat./p>p>My husband, however, will not survive a diet like that. He does best when he eats a lot of dense protein foods. That is when he is most fit./p>p>And there are people that are in the middle. The bottom line is that your body has its own way it “burns” through food./p>p>If your body burns through carbs very fast, you need more carbs. If your body burns through proteins very fast, you need more proteins. If your body metabolizes fat in the diet very fast, then it needs more fat./p>p>span stylebackground-color: #ffff00;>When you find what your body metabolizes best it can be like the clouds parting./span> There is no question about it. You feel it INSTANTLY. You get instant energy and mental focus and get to a high emotional state and it lasts a em>long/em> time. div stylewidth:100%;margin:0px auto;>ul classgreen_tick_2_list>li>strong>The response is immediate. At most it will take 3 days to find YOUR ideal diet./strong>/li>li>Cravings disappear/li>li>strong>You start to slim down faster because you are more energetic./strong>/li>li>Your hormones also get regulated very rapidly because your body is not under stress anymore from eating foods it cannot process well./li>li>strong>You sleep deeply and stop waking up in the middle of the night./strong>/li>li>You stop thinking about food./li>/ul>/div> strong>Not only will you be getting these benefits, you will be given the roadmap to follow with exact instructions on what to notice and what to look for./strong> You may be em>shocked/em> to find out that you have been eating the wrong way your whole life! But you will also be relieved because now you know why it is so hard to lose the weight you’ve been trying to lose./div>h2 styletext-align: center;>tt>strong>Putting It All Together In The span styletext-decoration: underline;>Real World/span>... Can Healthy, Natural Weight Loss With Boundless Energy Really Be That Easy?/strong>/tt>/h2>p>strong>Have you ever had these thoughts relative to your diet?/strong>/p>p styletext-align: center;>em>“Finding something I can stick to that is not too restrictive and regimented”/em>/p>p styletext-align: center;>em>“Ideas for what to eat that is healthy all the time, snacks, etc.”/em>/p>p styletext-align: center;>em>“I don’t have enough time to ‘make’ meals … so fast food is often my choice.”/em>/p>p styletext-align: center;>em>“Cooking or finding fast food that is healthy”/em>/p>p styletext-align: center;>em>“Eating healthy! It takes a lot of planning and prep work.”/em>/p>p styletext-align: center;>em>“Staying on a regimen & diets that are unrealistic to keep up”/em>/p>p styletext-align: center;>em>“I have a hard time with temptation – especially when eating out.”/em>/p>p>strong>Well, welcome to the club!/strong>/p>p>The biggest obstacle to a diet that “works” is the ability to even em>do/em> it!/p>p>I have tried lots of diets that I lost weight on but between work, kids, and just living in California, there was no way I could keep it up unless I went on a perpetual retreat!/p>p>This is where the “Stubborn Fat Loss Solution For Supermoms” really shines. strong>/strong>/p>p>strong>This program focuses on DOABLE steps you can implement and easily stick to./strong>/p>blockquote>p>The secret to making a big change is to take em>small/em> steps that all add up to em>major/em> changes in your body, your energy levels and even your life./p>/blockquote>p>span styletext-decoration: underline;>In addition to taking it step by step, I have em>carefully/em> chosen the em>exact/em> steps for you to take each week that make it em>easy/em> for you to continue./span>/p>div classdividerbar-wide>/div>h2 styletext-align: center;>strong>“Here Is Where The Magic Happens…”/strong>/h2>p>strong>You get easy to use lessons and action steps that are designed to:/strong> div stylewidth:100%;margin:0px auto;>ul classgreen_tick_2_list>li>strong>Naturally give you long sustained energy/strong> for the whole day…/li>li>strong>If you are a coffee drinker you may even find you don’t need the cup of coffee in the morning./strong> Hard to believe right? I wouldn’t believe it either if it didn’t happen to me!/li>li>strong>If you binge on candy in the afternoon…/strong> you may even find you don’t have the desire for candy anymore. Again, you have to experience it to believe it. Eliminate or drastically reduce sugar cravings. Look we all know sugar is the devil. But that is why the first set of action steps you do on the “Stubborn Fat Loss Solution for Supermoms” are there…/li>li>strong>When you eliminate cravings and fatigue… /strong>and can think clearly, the rest just becomes that much easier./li>li>strong>When you are not hungry or craving sugar…/strong> you are in control again./li>li>strong>And that is just the beginning of the program!/strong> You will find your ideal diet and when you do you will find that of all the diets and books out there in the world, only a very few foods and food combinations are ideal for you./li>li>strong>When you find this out you experience great relief, because the search is over!/strong> You now know “your” diet. These are foods that make you feel so good, so happy, you don’t think about food anymore./li>li>strong>And the food that gives you energy is the food that gives you fat loss./strong> That is what you will find./li>/ul>/div>p>In later weeks, you will take your list of ideal foods and you will be given fun easy projects every week on how to: div stylewidth:100%;margin:0px auto;>ul classgreen_tick_2_list>li>strong>Prepare your fat-burning foods the easy way…br />/strong>/li>li>How to order them in a restaurant so you don’t get derailed by social situations…/li>li>strong>How to find them in fast food places so you can get results while “on the go”…br />/strong>/li>li>How to deal with social events so you can end the worry and frustration of ruining your success when you go to a function…/li>li>strong>How to shop for your fat-burning foods so you have a house stocked and never get stuck with tempting sugary foods that you’ll regret eating…br />/strong>/li>li>How to order them online and make it “family friendly” so you can lose your hard to lose weight em>with/em> the food you prepare for the em>whole/em> family./li>/ul>/div>h2 styletext-align: center;>tt>strong>span styletext-decoration: underline;>Making It Easy:/span> Instead Of Giving You A Diet Or A Set Of Restrictive Rules, I’m Giving You New Simple Changes You Will em>Easily/em> Adopt Every Week.../strong>/tt>/h2>p>How do I know they are easy to adopt? I know because: div stylewidth:100%;margin:0px auto;>ul classgreen_tick_2_list>li>strong>They make you feel amazing and you will want that feeling,/strong>/li>li>They are so easy to do. Once you do an assignment, you will say, “This was so much easier than I thought! I can do this all the time!”/li>li>strong>They taste AMAZING! Your kids, your guests and your husband will want them over and over!/strong>/li>/ul>/div>p>Is this getting a bit hard to believe? I understand. I would have a hard time believing it too./p>p>But here’s the deal…/p>p>…The natural health market hasem> changed so much/em> over the last several years. Only someone like me who researches all this stuff every day will know what’s out there./p>p>And guess what… there is a whole new world of products that taste, feel and smell like the food you love but they do em>not/em> have harsh chemical ingredients that em>block/em> your fat-burning hormones from working./p>p>strong>So the result is… /strong>/p>blockquote>p>strong>…you get to have your cake and eat it too! /strong>/p>p>strong>And, your bread, and your cereal, and your steak and potatoes for that matter./strong>/p>/blockquote>p>But let me prove it to you even more…/p>h2 styletext-align: center;>strong>“What If One Of The Steps I Had You Do Was To Have A Thick, Rich, Icy, Chocolate Shake For Breakfast? Would That Be Easy Or Hard To Do?”/strong>/h2>p>em>strong>img classalignleft size-full wp-image-1713 titlechocolate_malt_shake src alt width247 height267 />/strong>/em>strong> Do you think you could commit to that?/strong> Of course you could! That’s not a change that is hard to make!/p>p>But this chocolate shake is going to taste and look and feel like any restaurant shake… span styletext-decoration: underline;>but it will have more protein than most people have for breakfast, it will be made of 6 superfoods and each superfood is a fat-burning food on its own./span>/p>blockquote>p>So yes, you can have a rich, thick, creamy, chocolate shake that em>raises your metabolism/em>, em>accelerates fat-loss/em>, makes you em>feel satisfied for hours/em> and even makes you feel em>guilty/em>!/p>/blockquote>p>strong>Do you see where I’m going with this?/strong>/p>p>This is span styletext-decoration: underline;>not/span> a diet./p>p>It is an education on how to replace foods that span styletext-decoration: underline;>block your fat-burning hormones/span> with span styletext-decoration: underline;>foods that release them/span> em>without feeling deprived one bit!/em>/p>blockquote>p>So, it goes without saying, this is NOT a crash diet where you will lose a gazillion pounds and land on the cover of a swimsuit magazine. strong>/strong>/p>/blockquote>p>strong>Nor is this a gimmick based on a cute gadget…/strong>/p>blockquote>p>It is making real life changes in a very creative ways that DO NOT interfere with your life as a mom, makes a healthy home for your kids and will sneakily get your husband eating more veggies without him knowing it./p>/blockquote>h2 styletext-align: center;>strong>“This Is The Best Health Insurance Plan You Can Ever Buy For Your Family… But Instead of Getting Paid After A Health Catastrophe, You Get Paid Today… And Everyday For the Rest of Your Life…”/strong>/h2>p>strong>The worst part about putting off health is as you get older it just gets worse…/strong> You miss out on quality time with your kids because you can’t keep up with them./p>p>You won’t get that time back, because they grow up so fast. There is a higher risk of developing serious and permanent health conditions, like diabetes, heart disease, and osteoporosis./p>p>strong>At the end of the day, so many moms are so tired that they have no quality time with their husband…/strong> not to mention a dwindling or nonexistent sex life. Heck, we don’t even like looking at ourselves in the mirror. strong>/strong>/p>p>strong>How can we feel sexy with our husband when we’re so tired at night and we don’t even like the way we look?/strong> This is such a shame, because there are solutions that are so simple if you just knew what to do first./p>p styletext-align: center;>div classtextbar_3 stylebackground-color:#F0F0F0;width:100%>Here’s What I’ve Got For You…/div>p>strong>In 4 short months I’m going to give you the tools and the training that you need to take complete control over your weight and your health./strong> div stylewidth:100%;margin:0px auto;>ul classgreen_tick_2_list>li>strong>It is a completely natural approach…/strong> addressing and benefiting every single system in your body, and transforming your life and your health through nutrition… I experimented quite a bit to come up with “The Stubborn Fat Loss Solutions for Supermoms” program./li>li>strong>12 weeks is the perfect amount of time to deliver the material…/strong> in a way that makes it easy to follow… never too much at once… and allows you to grow at your own, natural pace./li>li>strong>You never need to worry about scheduling…/strong> or if important events come up in your life, or if you want to take extra time to cement one of the week’s important lessons into your life before moving on to the next, because each week’s materials are prerecorded and downloadable for your convenience so that you can take as much time as you need to get your optimum results./li>li>strong>Each of the 12 weeks is synergistic and builds on the prior weeks…/strong> so that, by the end, you simply have a new lifestyle that is fat-burning and without fatigue. You don’t think about what you are doing because it is all routine!/li>li>strong>And because I’m GIVING you all of the tools and resources…/strong> this is an education that you will be able to take with you and do yourself. You will have everything you need to do everything simply for yourself and optimize your health for a lifetime./li>/ul>/div>h2 styletext-align: center;>strong>What You Have Waiting For You…/strong>/h2>p>strong>You will discover your own individual and personal road map to getting your old body back…/strong> to feeling young, and vibrant, like in your teens and 20s, to have energy all day, especially for the moments that matter the most, like the time you spend with your children when they get home from school and the time you get to spend with your husband. div stylewidth:100%;margin:0px auto;>ul classgreen_tick_2_list>li>strong>You will end the struggle with feeling deprived or hungry…/strong> having overwhelming uncontrollable cravings, and feeling tired and drained./li>li>strong>You will start to see the extra fat and water retention melt off your body…/strong> (especially on your waistline./li>li>strong>You are never going to “diet” again…/strong> because you are going to know your exact genetic food blueprint, you will be eating foods that make you feel amazing, give you long-lasting energy and sharp mental focus, and kill your cravings. You are going to get endless ways of how to eat these foods so you never get bored./li>li>strong>You will forever end the confusion of what you are supposed to eat/strong> for your own personal maximum results for the rest of your life./li>/ul>/div>h2 styletext-align: center;>strong>What Will the Program Be Like?/strong>/h2>p>Instead of throwing a whole bunch of information at you that makes you feel overwhelmed, I am going to give you one em>simple/em> yet em>life changing/em> action plan every week that will slowly start to change your body em>without/em> disrupting your lifestyle. div stylewidth:100%;margin:0px auto;>ul classgreen_tick_2_list>li>strong>We’re NOT going to give you a gazillion downloads all at once to get overwhelmed by./strong> We are going to give you em>only/em> the crucial simplified information that you need… one step at a time… so you won’t be overwhelmed and it’s easy to do./li>li>strong>We are not going to give you something you don’t need RIGHT NOW…/strong> We will take care of everything for you. Once you sign up you will get access to the member’s area. This is an exclusive area where you will get your lessons, meet other mom’s, partner up and use the buddy system, share notes, etc/li>li>strong>You will also instantly get your em>first /em>lesson, the worksheets and the action guide./strong>/li>li>strong>The lessons are on downloadable audio that you can listen to anywhere… but you can listen to it from the members’ area as well./strong> The downloadable audio lessons can be listened on your iPod, iPhone or iPad./li>li>strong>Every week, the next lesson will be automatically emailed to you./strong> You will go at your own pace. There is no test to pass or race to the finish line. It is not a competition./li>li>strong>There is also a live Q&A call scheduled bi-weekly. /strong>The members section also has the schedule of when the calls will be held. But you will also get an email reminder for all upcoming calls, with your access information. If you have a question and can’t make it on the call, you can submit your question and it will be answered for you. All those Q&A calls will be recorded and uploaded for you to download and listen to at your convenience./li>li>strong>As the weeks go on and you do the simple and fun exercises, you will start to see all your food choices changing effortlessly and easily. /strong>You won’t feel like you’re making a huge turnaround in your life./li>li>strong>You will find yourself living a new lifestyle because each of the changes starts to add up…/strong> but you are now used to them so you don’t think about them./li>li>strong>At the end of this program you’re going to see a new you/strong> and you won’t believe the changes you’ve made in all areas of your life because it was so smooth and gradual./li>li>strong>It’s going to be smooth…/strong> it’s not going to get in the way, it’s going to be simple and spoon fed to you so you don’t have to think about what to do next. I’m going to let you know every week what your next step is, and it’s going to be fun./li>/ul>/div>div classtextbar_3 stylebackground-color:#F0F0F0;width:100%>What You’re Going To Receive…/div>p>Each audio lesson is yours to keep. It will be part of your “Digital Health Library.” All the Q&A Calls are also yours to keep. strong>You can listen to them on your computer…/strong>/p>p styletext-align: center;>img classsize-full wp-image-517 aligncenter titlemacbookair src alt width620 height332 srcset 620w, 300w sizes(max-width: 620px) 100vw, 620px />/p>p>strong>You can listen to them on your iPod…/strong> img classaligncenter wp-image-518 titleipodhorizontal src alt width555 height379 srcset 555w, 300w sizes(max-width: 555px) 100vw, 555px /> strong>You can also listen to them on your tablet…/strong> img classaligncenter size-full wp-image-519 titleipadhorizontal src alt width600 height452 srcset 600w, 300w sizes(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px /> strong>You will get downloadable worksheets for each of the lessons./strong>/p>p styletext-align: center;>document file”” width”600″ height”400″p>strong>In addition you will receive:/strong>/p>ul>li>strong>Shopping guides/strong>/li>li>Cheat sheets/li>li>strong>Shopping lists/strong>/li>li>Most popular brand names/li>li>strong>Online shopping resources/strong>/li>li>Food delivery resources/li>li>strong>Child friendly menu items/strong>/li>li>Child friendly food brands and products/li>li>strong>And a recipe section for each individual body type./strong>/li>li>Private access to proven home workout videos I use to get massive results on my boot camp moms. You’ll never need a gym again!/li>/ul>p>You won’t need to go through trial and error or spend time finding out where to buy supplements, what to shop for, what to order at a restaurant, what equipment to get and where to get the best equipment, etc. div classdividerbar-wide>/div>h2 styletext-align: center;>strong>What’s All This Worth? /strong>/h2>div stylewidth:100%;margin:0px auto;>ul classgreen_plus_list>li>strong>Imagine having access to the latest and most advanced health, wellness and natural weight loss advice/strong> (in user friendly language) anywhere you have access to the internet… $100 per month. strong>/strong>/li>li>strong>Imagine meeting once a week a top-caliber, natural health expert, who can identify your exact problem and show you what to do naturally to fix it without overhauling your life./strong> But you don’t have to drive, you don’t have to sit in traffic or pay for gas. You’d be paying about $250 per visit… or… $3,000 for 12 visits. strong>/strong>/li>li>strong>Gain access to a member’s forum designed for women just like you and the health problems you’re facing…/strong> Where you can get support, get your questions answered, build camaraderie, work with a buddy, exchange ideas and have access to special bonuses, deals and events… $45 per month. strong>/strong>/li>li>strong>Get direct access to me…/strong> so I can personally answer all your questions, provide feedback, and clarify what steps you should take $250 per month… ($125 per visit). strong>/strong>/li>li>strong>Direct access to our exclusive Resources Section…/strong>You won’t need to go through trial and error or spend time finding out where to buy supplements, what to shop for, what to order at a restaurant, what equipment to get and where to get the best equipment, etc.My resources section will provide shopping guides, cheat sheets, shopping lists, most popular brand names, online shopping resources, food delivery resources, child friendly menu items, child friendly food brands and products, and a recipe section for each individual body type. $50 per month. strong>/strong>/li>li>strong>Private access to proven home workout videos…/strong> I use to get massive results on my boot camp moms. You’ll never need a gym again! These are not ordinary run-of-the mill workouts. They are specifically designed for a busy mom’s metabolism to burn a lot of fat in the least amount of time and keep it off. $100 per month./li>/ul>/div>p>If you paid for all these goodies separately, 2 things would happen./p>ol>li>strong>You, your children and your family would be set for life/strong> with abundant and optimum health, energy and fitness./li>li>strong>You’re going to be the envy of all your friends and family/strong> because they won’t know how you’re able to look so good and make it look so easy./li>/ol>p styletext-align: left;>But, instead of paying…/p>p styletext-align: center;>table style”1″table classaligncenter width358 border0 aligncenter>tbody>tr>td width216>Access to info/td>td width93>$100/td>/tr>tr>td>Weekly Meetings/td>td>$250/td>/tr>tr>td>Members Forum/td>td>$45/td>/tr>tr>td>Direct Access/td>td>$250/td>/tr>tr>td>Resources/td>td>$50/td>/tr>tr>td>Workout Videos/td>td>$100/td>/tr>tr>td>Total/td>td>$795/td>/tr>tr>td>3 Months (12 Weeks)/td>td>strong>$2,385/strong>/td>/tr>/tbody>/table>p styletext-align: center;>/tablep styletext-align: center;>strong>You will be given access to this for only…/strong>/p>p styletext-align: center;>strong>4 easy payments of $147.00/strong>/p>p styletext-align: center;>strong>Or…/strong>/p>p styletext-align: center;>strong>A one-time payment of $497.00 (you save $91.00!!!)/strong>/p>p styletext-align: center;>strong>And if that doesn’t make you take this final step to take charge of your and your family’s health, you have a 30 Day Unconditional Satisfaction Guarantee…/strong>/p>div idguaranteebox1>div idguaranteeboximage>/div>h3>Our 30 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee/h3>Follow the program for 30 days, and if you don’t see the value it brings to you or you are not completely satisfied just send me an email and I’ll send you a refund. You have absolutely nothing to lose and all the risk is on me./p>p>But! If you do follow the action step I give you I want to hear from you! I want to get your testimonial and feature you right here on this page!/p>/div>div classdividerbar-wide>/div>p>Look, I talk to women every day. They’ve told me about spending span styletext-decoration: underline;>$200 to $600 per month/span> for a boot camp or personal trainer span styletext-decoration: underline;>for over a year/span> and still are not getting results./p>p>I’ve also met many women who’ve paid span styletext-decoration: underline;>$1,000 per month/span> to see a nutritionist for a year, and still get nowhere…/p>p>…And what about the span styletext-decoration: underline;>thousands of dollars/span> we’ve all spent on span styletext-decoration: underline;>gym memberships we’re not even using./span>/p>p>And what about the books, videos and other programs over the years?/p>p styletext-align: center;>strong>Each of those things had something missing. And that missing thing kept forcing you to play an endless game of “diet roulette.”/strong>/p>p styletext-align: center;>strong>Heck, you might as well just play “pin the tail on the donkey” to figure out what your next diet is going to be./strong>/p>p styletext-align: center;>span styletext-decoration: underline;>strong>em>This/em> is the missing piece of your weight loss struggle./strong>/span>/p>p>You’re about to discover span styletext-decoration: underline;>your/span> individual roadmap to break through your fat loss plateau, get your energy back, boost your fat burning and antiaging hormones, and drop your fat-storing, age-accelerating hormones all by working out less and eating food your children and your family will love./p>p>strong>Just click the “GET ACCESS” button below and you’ll get started right this very minute. Get ready to say hello to a sexier, slimmer supermom looking back in the mirror!/strong>/p>div classorderbox3top>/div>div classorderboxbk>The “Stubborn Fat Loss Solution For Supermoms”/p>h2 styletext-align: center;>strong>4 Payments of $147/strong>/h2>center>a href target_self>img src> /a>/center>h2 styletext-align: center;>strong>1 Payment of $497/strong>/h2>center>a href target_self>img src> /a>/center>/div>div classorderboxbtm>/div>h2 styletext-align: center;>strong>Once You Sign Up You Are Immediately Going To Be Taken To The Members Section and Get Your First Lesson…/strong>/h2>p>I hate buying something online and getting a deluge of information without knowing where the heck to start and what to do next. This orientation is going to tell you exactly what you need to do right now, today, and what you need to do next, so you won’t get overwhelmed at all. Then, you’re automatically going to be emailed your very first two lessons called strong>“Clearing the Mental & Emotional Cobwebs”/strong> and strong>“Discovering Your Genetic Food Blueprint.”/strong>/p>h2 styletext-align: center;>strong>Starting Today, You Will Discover The Secret To Lifelong Fat-Burning!/strong>/h2>p>In this lesson, you’re going to ensure long-term success and never go on a diet again because you’re going to eliminate hunger and sugar cravings and double your energy starting immediately./p>p>Then every week for the next 16 weeks you will get your individual lesson where you will be given simple and easy assignments which will rebalance your fat-burning hormones, turn off your fat switch, and slowly makeover your pantry so you, your kids and your family are eating the foods you all love em>without/em> the fat-storing ingredients./p>p>So go ahead and choose which option is best for you so you can get access to your program! div classorderbox3top>/div>div classorderboxbk>Sign up for the “Stubborn Fat Loss Solution For Supermoms”/p>h2 styletext-align: center;>strong>4 Payments of $147/strong>/h2>center>a href target_self>img src> /a>/center>h2 styletext-align: center;>strong>1 Payment of $497/strong>/h2>center>a href target_self>img src> /a>/center>/div>div classorderboxbtm>/div>p>strong>Hear from other amazing moms that are finally getting results the healthy, natural way…/strong>/p>p> /p>note color”#EDF1F5″frame align”left”a href>img titleTheresaDuncan100 src alt width100 height100 />/a>/framep>“So far about 1 1/2 weeks, I’ve lost about 10 lbs. When i took my measurements, I would say that I’ve lost between 1/2″ and 1″ in most areas of my body…”/p>p>~Theresa D./p>/notenote color”EDF1F5″frame align”left”a href>img titleMelodyHaines100Modified src alt width100 height100 />/a>/framep>“… the next 10 pounds came off much more quickly, and I was a believer!”/p>p>~Melody Haines/p>p> /p>/notenote color”EDF1F5″p>“I am now down to 128 lbs from 156 lbs!! You’re great!! I can now wear anything I want!! I feel so much better at this weight!”/p>p>~Catherine DeHaan/p>/notenote color”EDF1F5″p>“I am in jeans I have not worn for 10 years! I look 10 years younger than I am! THIS IS FUN!”/p>p>~Eula P./p>/notenote color”EDF1F5″p>“EVERYBODY was asking me what I am doing!!! and that I lost a lot of weight YAY!!!!!! THANK YOU…”/p>p>~Hannan A./p>/notep>I cant’ wait to have you in the program!/p>p>To your dream body!/p>p>Love, Laura/p>/div>!--close launchinnermain-->div idlaunchcommentsblock>/div>!--close launchcommentsblock--> div classaclear>/div>/div>!--Close launchbk-->div idlaunchfooter>/div>/div>!--Close launchwrapper-->div idwrapper> /div>!--Close wrapper-->div idfooter>div idfooter-inside>div classfooter-left>Copyright © /div>div classfooter-right> /div>/div>/div>!--close footer-->script languagejavascript typetext/javascript>//!CDATA var exitsplashmessage Before You Go Get Access To 2 Free Lessons!; var exitsplashpage;function addLoadEvent(func) { var oldonload window.onload; if (typeof window.onload ! function) { window.onload func; } else { window.onload function() { if (oldonload) { oldonload(); } func(); }}}function addClickEvent(a,i,func) { if (typeof ai.onclick ! function) { ai.onclick func; } }var theDiv div idExitSplashDiv styledisplay:block; width:100%; height:100%; position:absolute; background:#FFFFFF; margin-top:0px; margin-left:0px; aligncenter>;theDiv theDiv + iframe src+exitsplashpage+ width100% height100% alignmiddle frameborder0>/iframe>;theDiv theDiv + /div>;theBody document.body; if (!theBody) {theBody document.getElementById(body); if (!theBody) {theBody document.getElementsByTagName(body)0;}}var PreventExitSplash false;function DisplayExitSplash(){ if(PreventExitSplash false){ window.scrollTo(0,0); PreventExitSplashtrue; divtag document.createElement(div); divtag.setAttribute(id,ExitSplashMainOuterLayer);;;;;;; divtag.innerHTMLtheDiv; theBody.innerHTML; theBody.topMargin0px; theBody.rightMargin0px; theBody.bottomMargin0px; theBody.leftMargin0px;; theBody.appendChild(divtag); return exitsplashmessage; }}var a document.getElementsByTagName(A); for (var i 0; i a.length; i++) { if( ! _blank) {addClickEvent(a,i, function(){ PreventExitSplashtrue; });} else{addClickEvent(a,i, function(){ PreventExitSplashfalse;});}}disablelinksfunc function(){ var a document.getElementsByTagName(A); for (var i 0; i a.length; i++) { if( ! _blank) {addClickEvent(a,i, function(){ PreventExitSplashtrue; });} else{addClickEvent(a,i, function(){ PreventExitSplashfalse;});} }}hideexitcancelbuttonimage function(){ document.getElementById(ExitCancelButtonImageDiv).style.displaynone; }addLoadEvent(disablelinksfunc);disableformsfunc function(){ var f document.getElementsByTagName(FORM); for (var i0;if.length;i++){ if (!fi.onclick){ fi.onclickfunction(){ PreventExitSplashtrue; } }else if (!fi.onsubmit){ fi.onsubmitfunction(){ PreventExitSplashtrue; }}}}addLoadEvent(disableformsfunc);window.onbeforeunload DisplayExitSplash;//>/script>script typetext/javascript>/* !CDATA */var wpcf7 {apiSettings:{root:https:\/\/\/wp-json\/contact-form-7\/v1,namespace:contact-form-7\/v1},recaptcha:{messages:{empty:Please verify that you are not a robot.}}};/* > *//script>script typetext/javascript src>/script>script typetext/javascript src>/script>/body>script typetext/javascript src>/script>script typetext/javascript src>/script>script typetext/javascript src>/script>script typetext/javascript>Cufon.replace(.sales-preheadline, { fontFamily: Impact });Cufon.replace(.sales-postheadline, { fontFamily: Impact }); Cufon.replace(.launchtop-preheadline, { fontFamily: Arial });Cufon.replace(.launchtopheadline, {fontFamily: Impact });Cufon.replace(.launchbottomheadline, { fontFamily: Vegur });Cufon.replace(.sharetext, { fontFamily: Hand Of Sean });Cufon.replace(#launchcommentstext, { fontFamily: Hand Of Sean });Cufon.replace(.launchoptin-headline, { fontFamily: Hand Of Sean });Cufon.replace(#headertext, { fontFamily: Vegur , textShadow: 1px 1px #333333 });Cufon.replace(.subheadcufonfont, { fontFamily: Impact });/script>/html>
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