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For rebelling. For being the first when it counts the most; from education to civil liberties, equality, technology, and the way we connect. It started with the American Revolution in 1775 and lives on today in the spirit of its people. Are we proud of our city? You bet./p>p>a data-udiumb://document/1cbdec64d48d42fe9f6eb156d4c8574c href/plan-your-stay/boston-directory titleBoston Directory classbtn btn-primary data-anchor#>Explore Boston/a>/p>p>a data-udiumb://document/eea0b12e2ec24f5c983f55d06a5a6233 href/about-the-hotel/contact-us titleContact Us classbtn btn-primary data-anchor#>Get in Touch/a>/p>p>a data-udiumb://document/1cbdec64d48d42fe9f6eb156d4c8574c hreftel:+16177492972 titleText Us classbtn btn-primary d-inline-block d-md-none data-anchor#>Text Us/a>/p>/div> /div> /div> /div>/div> /section> section idabout->div classoutermost astrip stripGridManual stripGrid2Cell bg- text- style > div classcontainer-fluid mt-0 mb-0 pt-0 pb-0 px-0 > div classrow no-gutters > div classcol-md-7 bg- col-xl-6 px-3 py-7 px-md-5 py-md-8 p-lg-8 p-xl-10 d-flex align-items-center bg-striped-paper-vert border-red-double-left pt-0 pb-0 style > div>h2>span classtext-primary>A ONE OF A KIND urban boutique hotel/span> celebrating Boston’s revolutionary spirit/h2>p classlead>We are inspired by the great city of Boston, and the innovative spirit of its people. We are one of a kind and we don’t take no for an answer./p>p>Breaking the norm is our norm and it starts when you walk through our doors. Our lobby bleeds Boston with a 65ft masterwork in spray paint that wraps the lobby’s interior by world renowned artist Tristan Eaton. But we didn’t stop there. At every turn, from check-in to check-out, you’ll find a piece of Boston’s history that inspires the energy of the city we love today./p>p>We offer modern accommodations, in the best neighborhood, where every visit is an experience that leaves you inspired and ready to take on the world./p>p>a relnoopener href target_blank titleBook Now | Revolution Hotel classbtn btn-tertiary data-anchor?Hotel38158&Chain29375&promoQAINO>Book Now/a>/p>/div> /div> div classcol-md-5 bg- col-xl-6 d-flex mt-md-n10 pt-0 pb-0 style > div classgrid-gallery1 row no-gutters p-1> div classcol-xl-7 d-flex flex-column> div classflex-fill p-1 h-xl-75> img src alt classimg-fit obj-pos-cc> /div> div classrow no-gutters h-xl-25 d-none d-lg-flex> div classcol-6 d-flex> div classflex-fill p-1> img src alt classimg-fit obj-pos-cc> /div> /div> div classcol-6 d-flex> div classflex-fill p-1> img src altboutique boston hotel best south end hotel classimg-fit obj-pos-cc> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-xl-5 d-flex flex-xl-column> div classflex-fill p-1 h-xl-60> img src altBest Boutique Boston Hotels promotions classimg-fit obj-pos-lc> /div> div classflex-fill p-1 h-xl-40> img src althotels near TD garden the revolution hotel boutique classimg-fit obj-pos-rc> /div> /div>/div> /div> /div> /div>/div> /section> section idsection-spacer>div classoutermost astrip stripGridManual rev-section-spacer bg-fixed stripGrid2Cell bg- text- stylebackground: transparent url( no-repeat center center; > div classcontainer mt-0 mb-0 pt-0 pb-0 > div classrow > div classcol-md bg- pt-0 pb-0 style > /div> /div> /div>/div> /section> section idroom-types>div classoutermost astrip stripGridManual stripGrid2Cell bg-white text- style > div classcontainer mt-0 mb-0 pt-5 pb-5 > div classrow justify-content-around > div classcol-md-12 bg- pt-0 pb-0 style > h2 classtext-center>Our Rooms/h2> /div> div classcol-md-4 bg- d-flex pt-0 pb-0 style > div classcard room-card widget-card mb-3>div classcard-body>div classimg-wrap mb-3>img classoverlay-halftone src/media/22115/overlay-halftone3.png?center0.5,0.5&modecrop&width600px&height600px alt /> img classroom-card-img src/media/22736/studio-suite-couch-add-to-suite.jpg?center0.5,0.5&modecrop&width600px&height600px alt />/div>h3 classcard-title text-center>a data-udiumb://document/25b3474d91634276a328467fb4a4e0fb href/rooms/revolution-lofts-suites#lofts-and-suites titleRevolution Lofts & Suites classstretched-link text-dark data-anchor#lofts-and-suites>Lofts and Suites/a>/h3>img classroom-card-mark mark2 src/media/22090/revolution-logo-red.svg altThe Revolution Hotel />/div>/div> /div> div classcol-md-4 bg- d-flex pt-0 pb-0 style > div classcard room-card widget-card mb-3>div classcard-body>div classimg-wrap mb-3>img classoverlay-halftone src/media/22115/overlay-halftone3.png?center0.5,0.5&modecrop&width600px&height600px alt /> img classroom-card-img src/media/21988/king-shared.jpg?center0.5,0.5&modecrop&width600px&height600px alt />/div>h3 classcard-title text-center>a data-udiumb://document/6d7e9bc8d836437cac8c79ab18dc3f5d href/rooms/bath-down-the-hall#bath-down-the-hall titleBath: Down the Hall classstretched-link text-dark data-anchor#bath-down-the-hall>Bath: Down the Hall/a>/h3>img classroom-card-mark mark2 src/media/22090/revolution-logo-red.svg altThe Revolution Hotel />/div>/div> /div> div classcol-md-4 bg- d-flex pt-0 pb-0 style > div classcard room-card widget-card mb-3>div classcard-body>div classimg-wrap mb-3>img classoverlay-halftone src/media/22115/overlay-halftone3.png?center0.5,0.5&modecrop&width600px&height600px alt /> img classroom-card-img src/media/22085/premium-king.jpg?center0.5,0.5&modecrop&width600px&height600px alt />/div>h3 classcard-title text-center>a data-udiumb://document/892098b7047c4aabb15d129a480c7f07 href/rooms/bath-in-room titleBath: In Room classstretched-link text-dark>Bath: In Room/a>/h3>img classroom-card-mark mark3 src/media/22090/revolution-logo-red.svg altThe Revolution Hotel />/div>/div> /div> /div> /div>/div> /section> section idamenities>div classoutermost astrip stripGridManual stripGrid2Cell bg- text- style > div classcontainer-fluid mt-4 mb-4 pt-0 pb-0 px-0 > div classrow no-gutters > div classcol-md-12 bg- col-lg-6 order-lg-last mb-2 mb-lg-0 pt-0 pb-0 style > div classborder-left border-dark bg-secondary ml-1 ml-lg-2 h-100>div classbg-striped-paper-horiz p-5>h2 classmb-2 h1>Amenities/h2>p classh3 font-monospace>You want it? We got it./p>/div>div classp-5>!--p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Architecto dicta tempore similique mollitia facere exercitationem harum laborum, unde, eveniet velit./p>-->ul classmb-5>li>Complimentary WI-FI/li>li>Fitness Center with Peloton bikes/li>li>Water station on each guest floor/li>/ul>div classrow>div classcol-md-6 d-flex>div classcard>div classcard-body d-flex flex-column>h3 classcard-title mb-2>Cosmica/h3>h4 classcard-subtitle mb-2 text-primary-dark h5>Mexican Food & Bar/h4>p classcard-text>Serving Cal-Mex specialties, tacos, snacks and vacation cocktails that soothe the senses./p>a relnoopener href target_blank classbtn btn-outline-primary mr-auto mt-auto stretched-link>Visit website/a>/div>/div>/div>div classcol-md-6 d-flex>div classcard>div classcard-body d-flex flex-column>h3 classcard-title mb-2>Kohi Coffee Co./h3>h4 classcard-subtitle mb-2 text-primary-dark h5>Craft Coffee/h4>p classcard-text>Focused on providing quality coffee, espresso and tea beverages, one cup at a time./p>a relnoopener href target_blank classbtn btn-outline-primary mr-auto mt-auto stretched-link>Visit website/a>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div> /div> div classcol-md-12 bg- col-lg-6 order-lg-first pt-0 pb-0 style > div classd-flex flex-column h-100> div classrow no-gutters flex-fill> div classcol-md-9 mb-md-2 p-3 p-md-5 text-light stylebackground-color: rgb(204, 0, 0)> div classw-xl-75> h3>Take a Ride/h3> p>Explore the south end on a hand-assembled bike from our friends over at Public Bikes. Ask about them at the front desk for a fun way to get around town./p> /div> /div> div classcol-md-3 mb-2 d-flex> div classflex-fill pl-md-2> img src alt classimg-fit obj-pos-cc> /div> /div> /div> div classrow no-gutters flex-fill> div classcol-md-4 d-flex> div classflex-fill pr-md-2> img src alt classimg-fit obj-pos-cc> /div> /div> div classcol-md-8 p-3 p-md-5 d-md-flex text-light stylebackground-color: rgb(52, 58, 64)> h3 classtext-md-right>Dogs Welcome Here/h3> p classmt-auto pl-md-4>Can’t leave home without fido? We’ll roll out the red carpet with a comfy bed, a bowl, and savory snacks for a small amenity fee of $25./p> /div> /div>/div> /div> /div> /div>/div> /section>div idrevinate_modal classrevinate_modal> div classrevinate_modal_content> span classrevinate_modal_close idrevinate_modal_close>×/span> div classcontainer clearfix> div classleft>img src width100%>/div> div classright> form idrevinate_contact_api_form token13ec3484-2af9-4584-8c21-6b082fe6b1c3 onsubmitrevFormOnSubmit(); event.preventDefault(); classrevinate_form > fieldset> div>h2>Dont leave just yet!/h2> h3>Be the strong>first to know about special offers/strong> and events by entering your information below./h3>/div> div> input classlong typetext namefirstName placeholderFirst Name* required/> /div> div> input classlong typetext namelastName placeholderLast Name* required /> /div> div> input classlong typetel namephone placeholderPhone Number/> /div> div> input classlong typeemail nameemail placeholderYour Best Email* required/> 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