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classcol-md-6 column> div > h1 classtext-left text-primary>br />WE BUILD BODIES./h1>h1 classtext-left text-primary>FITTER. /h1>h1 classtext-left text-primary>FASTER. /h1>h1 classtext-left text-primary>STRONGER./h1>h1 classtext-left >span>Let go of your limitations and unleash your true potential./span>/h1>p classtext-left pt-3>a data-udiumb://document/ecca13896a30431c9a49e1cc15ff845c href/contact titleContact classbtn btn-lg btn-primary>Start Today/a>/p>p> /p> /div> /div> div classcol-md-6 column> div > /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/header>style typetext/css> .stripheaderimagebrowserheight { background-image: url(/media/3386/girlback_halfcrop.png?anchorcenter&modecrop&width1920&height1280&rnd131980008900000000&quality75); } @media (min-width: 480px) { .stripheaderimagebrowserheight { background-image: url(/media/3386/girlback_halfcrop.png?anchorcenter&modecrop&width1920&height1280&rnd131980008900000000&quality75); } } @media (min-width: 992px) { .stripheaderimagebrowserheight { background-image: url(/media/3386/girlback_halfcrop.png?anchorcenter&modecrop&width1920&height1280&rnd131980008900000000&quality75); } }/style> div classmain-content HomePage parent-holderStandard> section idopening-paragraph>div classoutermost astrip stripGridManual slant-left-primary stripGrid2Cell bg-primary text-white style > div classcontainer-fluid mt-0 mb-0 pt-7 pb-7 > div classrow justify-content-center > div classcol-md-5 bg- pt-0 pb-0 style > p>We are an independent custom fitness center located in the heart of West Palm Beach. We pride ourselves on combining customer service with state-of-the-art technology and equipment, to create a personalized fitness program that works for you./p> /div> /div> /div>/div> /section> section idresults-not-distractions-classes->div classoutermost astrip stripGridManual stripGrid2Cell bg- text- vh-90 style > div classcontainer-fluid mt-0 mb-0 pt-0 pb-0 vh-90 > div classrow vh-90 align-items-center row-eq-height > div classcol-md-6 bg- has-background vh-70 d-flex pt-0 pb-0 stylebackground-image: url(''); > img src classd-block d-md-none w-100 col-bg-img /> div classmy-auto> /div> /div> div classcol-md-6 bg- d-flex px-4 px-md-5 py-7 py-md-9 pt-0 pb-0 style > div classmy-auto>h2>Results, not Distractions/h2>p>At The Factory, you’re not going to find endless rows of treadmills, racks of heavy weights, or confusing machines with no guidance. Instead, you’ll get a curated combination of equipment, specifically selected to deliver efficient, effective workouts and precise results. We’re fully equipped with the right tools to help you achieve a fitter, faster, stronger you./p>p>br />a relnoopener data-udiumb://document/019d6eb9a1c84c0eba2922f6fa123124 href/classes target_blank titleClasses classbtn btn-md btn-outline-primary>Our Classes/a>/p>/div> /div> /div> /div>/div> /section> section idefficient-effective>div classoutermost astrip stripGridManual stripGrid2Cell bg- text- vh-80 style > div classcontainer-fluid mt-0 mb-0 pt-0 pb-0 vh-80 > div classrow vh-80 align-items-center row-eq-height > div classcol-md-6 bg- d-flex order-2 order-md-1 px-4 px-md-5 py-6 py-md-5 pt-0 pb-0 style > div classmy-auto>h2>Efficient & Effective/h2>p>Our process is designed to achieve maximum results in the most targeted, efficient, and safe way. We use advanced heart-rate monitors to custom-design an individual workout for each client, creating a sustained calorie burn that can last up to 36 hours post-workout./p>p>br />a relnoopener data-udiumb://document/6708e9bc14d6471bbb81d7b2b9b37135 href/our-process target_blank titleOur Process classbtn btn-md btn-outline-primary>Our Process/a>/p>/div> /div> div classcol-md-6 bg- has-background order-1 order-md-2 pt-0 pb-0 stylebackground-image: url(''); > img src classd-block d-md-none w-100 col-bg-img /> /div> /div> /div>/div> /section> section idour-classes-opening-paragraph>div classoutermost astrip stripGridManual stripGrid2Cell bg-primary text- style > div classcontainer-fluid mt-0 mb-0 pt-7 pb-7 > div classrow justify-content-center > div classcol-md-6 bg- pt-0 pb-0 style > h2 classtext-white text-center>Get Factory Fit With Us/h2>p classtext-white text-center>Our facility and our specialized fitness programs are designed to satisfy the diverse needs of our members. We use the most effective training systems to create a custom, comprehensive platform for our members to achieve their fitness goals./p> /div> /div> /div>/div> /section> section idour-classes>div classoutermost astrip stripGridManual stripGrid2Cell bg- text- style > div classcontainer-fluid mt-0 mb-0 pt-0 pb-0 p-0 > div classrow no-gutters row-eq-height > div classcol-md bg-white d-flex px-4 px-md-5 py-7 py-md-9 col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-3 pt-0 pb-0 style > div classmx-auto text-center>img src/media/3489/box-fit.png altboxfit icon />h3 classpt-4>BoxFit/h3>p>Based on the training used by world-class boxers, BOXFIT utilizes pad and bag work, jump rope, and boxing drills./p>p>br />a data-udiumb://document/019d6eb9a1c84c0eba2922f6fa123124 href/classes#boxfit titleClasses classbtn btn-primary btn-sm mt-4 data-anchor#boxfit>Learn More/a>/p>/div> /div> div classcol-md bg-gray-lightest d-flex px-4 px-md-5 py-7 py-md-9 col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-3 pt-0 pb-0 style > div classmx-auto text-center>img src/media/3490/full-body-hiit.png althiit icon />h3 classpt-4>Full Body HIIT/h3>p>High-intensity interval training is a technique in which you give one hundred percent effort through quick intense burst of />a data-udiumb://document/019d6eb9a1c84c0eba2922f6fa123124 href/classes#resistance-training titleClasses classbtn btn-primary btn-sm mt-4 data-anchor#resistance-training>Learn More/a>/p>/div> /div> div classcol-md bg-white d-flex px-4 px-md-5 py-7 py-md-9 col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-3 pt-0 pb-0 style > div classmx-auto text-center>img src/media/3492/strength-boot-camp.png altboot camp />h3 classpt-4>Strength Boot Camp/h3>p>Full body cardiovascular and strength workout done as a team. Improves cardiovascular endurance and lean muscle mass./p>a data-udiumb://document/019d6eb9a1c84c0eba2922f6fa123124 href/classes#boot-camp titleClasses classbtn btn-primary btn-sm mt-4 data-anchor#boot-camp>Learn More/a>/div> /div> div classcol-md bg-gray-lightest d-flex px-4 px-md-5 py-7 py-md-9 col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-3 pt-0 pb-0 style > div classmx-auto text-center>img src/media/3491/resistance-training.png altresistance training />h3 classpt-4>Resistance Training/h3>p class>TRX Suspension training, ropes, bands, free weights or kettlebells and machines. Great to avoid tightening of muscles./p>a data-udiumb://document/019d6eb9a1c84c0eba2922f6fa123124 href/classes#resistance-training titleClasses classbtn btn-primary btn-sm mt-4 data-anchor#resistance-training>Learn More/a>/div> /div> /div> /div>/div> /section> section idcontact-us-questions->div classoutermost astrip py-8 py-md-0 stripGrid bg- text- vh-70 stylebackground: transparent url(/media/3399/class.jpg?center0.5,0.505&modecrop&width1600&quality75&filtergreyscale) no-repeat center center; background-size: cover; > div classoverlay stylebackground: rgba(46, 111, 156, 0.74)>/div> div classmt-0 mb-0 pt-0 pb-0> div classcontainer-fluid > div classrow align-items-center vh-70 no-gutters > div classcol-md-3 align-items-center > /div> div classcol-md-6 align-items-center > div classtext-center text-white>h2 classtext-center text-white>No More Excuses/h2>p classtext-center text-white>span styleletter-spacing: 0.175px;>Whether/span>span styleletter-spacing: 0.175px;> /span>span styleletter-spacing: 0.175px;>youre a novice setting foot in a gym for the first time, or an experienced athlete seeking to achieve peak performance, our team of trainers is ready to help you meet your goals. Get started today./span>/p>p>br />a data-udiumb://document/ecca13896a30431c9a49e1cc15ff845c href/contact titleContact classbtn btn-md btn-outline-white>Contact Us/a>/p>/div> /div> div classcol-md-3 align-items-center > /div> /div> /div> /div>/div> /section> /div> footer class> div >div classoutermost astrip stripGridManual stripGrid2Cell bg-primary text- style > div classcontainer mt-0 mb-0 pt-5 pb-4 > div classrow align-items-start row-eq-height > div classcol-md-3 bg- pl-3 pl-md-0 col-logo-footer pt-0 pb-0 style > div classwidget imageBasicWidget mb-4 text-center text-md-left no-content> img src alt classdesktop d-none d-xl-block /> !--desktop/default--> img src alt classtablet d-none d-sm-block d-xl-none /> img src alt classmobile d-none d-block d-sm-none /> div classextra1>/div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 bg- pl-3 pl-md-0 pl-lg-3 pt-0 pb-0 style > p classpl-0 pl-md-2>208 South Olive Avenuebr />West Palm Beach, FL 33401br />(561) 370-3071/p>p classpl-0 pl-md-2> /p> ul classwidget-social-links >li>a aria-labelFacebook Page target_blank href>i aria-hiddentrue classfa fa-facebook-square>/i>/a> /li> li>a aria-labelInstagram Page target_blank href>i aria-hiddentrue classfa fa-instagram>/i>/a> /li> /ul> /div> div classcol-md-2 bg- px-3 px-md-0 ml-auto pt-0 pb-0 style > div classlistNodesWidget > ul> li classmanual> a href/schedule> Schedule /a> /li> li classmanual> a href/classes> Classes /a> /li> li classmanual> a href/our-process> Our Process /a> /li> li classmanual> a href/trainers> Trainers /a> /li> li classmanual> a href/contact> Contact /a> /li> /ul> /div> /div> div classcol-md-12 bg- pt-0 pb-0 style > p classmy-auto text-right>Hand-Crafted by a href titleHand Crafted by Flylight Media in Portsmouth, NH> Flylight Media/a>/p> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> /footer> /div> script>var observer lozad(.lazy, { threshold: .1, enableAutoReload: !0, load: function (e) { e.src e.getAttribute(data-src), e.onload function () { } } }); var backgroundObserver lozad(.lazybg, { threshold: .1 }); observer.observe(); backgroundObserver.observe();/script> script src >/script> script src >/script> script src typetext/javascript >/script> script src typetext/javascript >/script> script src >/script> script src >/script> script src >/script> script src >/script> script src >/script> script src >/script> script src >/script> script src >/script> /body>/html>
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