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img-center homepage-image-offset text-center text-md- no-content> img src altthe benson hotel and faculty club exterior classdesktop d-none d-xl-block /> !--desktop/default--> img src altthe benson hotel and faculty club exterior classtablet d-none d-sm-block d-xl-none /> img src altthe benson hotel and faculty club exterior classmobile d-none d-block d-sm-none /> div classextra1>/div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-5 bg- pt-0 pb-0 style > div classbreakpoint-intro-padding text-white>h2>The Benson Hotel and Faculty Club is at the center of innovation and progress where people can come together./h2>p>It is a place where people gather, and relationships are built. Embodying the value of hospitality, the Benson Hotel and Faculty Club provides a refreshing oasis composed of warm and gracious spaces reminiscent of home. The Benson Hotel and Faculty Club salutes the Spirit of the West – a land where business leaders, global thinkers, teachers and students, writers and artists, pioneers and inventors embrace innovation. Here, there are new discoveries around every corner./p>/div> /div> /div> /div>/div> /section> section idnow-open>div classoutermost astrip stripGridManual stripGrid2Cell bg-primary text- style > div classcontainer-fluid mt-0 mb-0 pt-4 pb-4 p-0 > div classrow align-items-center justify-content-end no-gutters > div classcol-md-5 bg- pt-0 pb-0 style > div classbreakpoint-section-padding text-white>h2>Now Open/h2>p>A gathering place that celebrates our vibrant community. Where guests are invited to rest, recover, and rejuvenate./p>p>a data-udiumb://document/76c4c4996e694154a7654ffc0098460a href/about/contact-us titleContact Us classbtn btn-white>Subscribe/a>/p>/div> /div> /div> /div>/div> /section> section idstunning-rooms>div classoutermost astrip stripGridManual stripGrid2Cell bg-secondary text- style > div classcontainer-fluid mt-0 mb-0 pt-0 pb-0 p-0 > div classrow align-items-center justify-content-between no-gutters > div classcol-md-8 bg- pt-0 pb-0 style > section classwidget swiperBasicWidget > div classswiper-container swiper-container-b0c40a51-652e-4fd0-8dc5-b5e5e33d3132 > div classswiper-wrapper> div classswiper-slide> a classmagnific-link href> img src altthe benson hotel double bedrooms /> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide> a classmagnific-link href> img src altking bedroom the benson hotel /> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide> a classmagnific-link href> img src altking bedroom the benson hotel aurora co /> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide> a classmagnific-link href> img src altbedroom suites the benson aurora co /> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide> a classmagnific-link href> img src altking bedroom the benson hotel aurora co /> /a> /div> /div> div classslider-prev>i classfa fa-chevron-left>/i>/div> div classslider-next>i classfa fa-chevron-right>/i>/div> /div>/section>script> $(window).on(load,function () { var swiperWidget new Swiper(.swiper-container-b0c40a51-652e-4fd0-8dc5-b5e5e33d3132, { // Optional parameters loop: true, speed: 2000, effect: slide, slidesPerView: auto, /**/ navigation: { nextEl: .slider-next, prevEl: .slider-prev, }, parallax: false, spaceBetween: 0, centeredSlides: false, zoom: false, }) $(.magnific-link).magnificPopup({ type: image, gallery: { enabled: true, navigateByImgClick: true, preload: 1, 3 }, mainClass: mfp-with-zoom, // this class is for CSS animation below zoom: { enabled: true, // By default its false, so dont forget to enable it duration: 300, // duration of the effect, in milliseconds easing: ease-in-out, // CSS transition easing function // The opener function should return the element from which popup will be zoomed in // and to which popup will be scaled down // By defailt it looks for an image tag: opener: function (openerElement) { // openerElement is the element on which popup was initialized, in this case its a> tag // you dont need to add opener option if this code matches your needs, its defailt one. return ? openerElement : openerElement.find(img); } } }); })/script> /div> div classcol-md-4 bg- pt-0 pb-0 style > div classpy-4 py-md-0 px-4 px-md-6 px-lg-4 px-xl-6 text-white>h2>Stunning Roomsbr />& Appointments/h2>p>Inspired by our home where the Rockies meet the Great Plains, four distinct design schemes celebrate our environment and our community. Each guestroom is layered with comfort, functionality, and whimsical character to create truly unique stays. Visit and discover each of the schemes: Campus, Mountain, Garden and Plains. Find your favorite that inspires you./p>p>a data-udiumb://document/219092a2aa9643cc86866621c6c84a3f href/accommodations/rooms titleRooms classbtn btn-white>View Accommodations/a>/p>/div> /div> /div> /div>/div> /section> section idartisan-food>div classoutermost astrip stripGridManual stripGrid2Cell bg-primary text- style > div classcontainer-fluid mt-0 mb-0 pt-0 pb-0 p-0 > div classrow align-items-center justify-content-center no-gutters > div classcol-md-8 bg- order-lg-last pt-0 pb-0 style > section classwidget swiperBasicWidget > div classswiper-container swiper-container-4740c8bb-3f9b-4a10-acb0-7dcacee3c691 > div classswiper-wrapper> div classswiper-slide> a classmagnific-link href> img src altdining room at the benson hotel Aurora /> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide> a classmagnific-link href> img src altthe common good seating /> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide> a classmagnific-link href> img src altthe common good restaurant aurora co /> /a> /div> /div> div classslider-prev>i classfa fa-chevron-left>/i>/div> div classslider-next>i classfa fa-chevron-right>/i>/div> /div>/section>script> $(window).on(load,function () { var swiperWidget new Swiper(.swiper-container-4740c8bb-3f9b-4a10-acb0-7dcacee3c691, { // Optional parameters loop: true, speed: 2000, effect: slide, slidesPerView: auto, /**/ navigation: { nextEl: .slider-next, prevEl: .slider-prev, }, parallax: false, spaceBetween: 0, centeredSlides: false, zoom: false, }) $(.magnific-link).magnificPopup({ type: image, gallery: { enabled: true, navigateByImgClick: true, preload: 1, 3 }, mainClass: mfp-with-zoom, // this class is for CSS animation below zoom: { enabled: true, // By default its false, so dont forget to enable it duration: 300, // duration of the effect, in milliseconds easing: ease-in-out, // CSS transition easing function // The opener function should return the element from which popup will be zoomed in // and to which popup will be scaled down // By defailt it looks for an image tag: opener: function (openerElement) { // openerElement is the element on which popup was initialized, in this case its a> tag // you dont need to add opener option if this code matches your needs, its defailt one. return ? openerElement : openerElement.find(img); } } }); })/script> /div> div classcol-md-4 bg- order-lg-first pt-0 pb-0 style > div classpy-4 py-md-0 px-4 px-md-6 px-lg-4 px-xl-6 text-white>h2>Artisan Foodbr />& Drink/h2>p>The Common Good celebrates ingredients that are local, seasonal, and simply good. Here, we believe that global food is comfort food, while taking pride in sourcing locally from family farms and regional producers. Our full-service bar and restaurant invites guests, members and the community to enjoy a refuge of hospitality delivered with demonstrated excellence and quality./p>p>a relnoopener data-udiumb://document/76c4c4996e694154a7654ffc0098460a href target_blank titleVisit The Common Good classbtn btn-white>The Common Good/a>/p>/div> /div> /div> /div>/div> /section> section idmicro-community>div classoutermost astrip stripGridManual stripGrid2Cell bg-tertiary text- style > div classcontainer-fluid mt-0 mb-0 pt-0 pb-0 p-0 > div classrow align-items-center justify-content-between no-gutters > div classcol-md-8 bg- pt-0 pb-0 style > section classwidget swiperBasicWidget > div classswiper-container swiper-container-8c676293-bf96-4844-bea8-8ab96977f2bb > div classswiper-wrapper> div classswiper-slide> a classmagnific-link href> img src altthe benson hotel lobby aurora /> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide> a classmagnific-link href> img src altthe benson hotel lobby seating area /> /a> /div> /div> div classslider-prev>i classfa fa-chevron-left>/i>/div> div classslider-next>i classfa fa-chevron-right>/i>/div> /div>/section>script> $(window).on(load,function () { var swiperWidget new Swiper(.swiper-container-8c676293-bf96-4844-bea8-8ab96977f2bb, { // Optional parameters loop: true, speed: 2000, effect: slide, slidesPerView: auto, /**/ navigation: { nextEl: .slider-next, prevEl: .slider-prev, }, parallax: false, spaceBetween: 0, centeredSlides: false, zoom: false, }) $(.magnific-link).magnificPopup({ type: image, gallery: { enabled: true, navigateByImgClick: true, preload: 1, 3 }, mainClass: mfp-with-zoom, // this class is for CSS animation below zoom: { enabled: true, // By default its false, so dont forget to enable it duration: 300, // duration of the effect, in milliseconds easing: ease-in-out, // CSS transition easing function // The opener function should return the element from which popup will be zoomed in // and to which popup will be scaled down // By defailt it looks for an image tag: opener: function (openerElement) { // openerElement is the element on which popup was initialized, in this case its a> tag // you dont need to add opener option if this code matches your needs, its defailt one. return ? openerElement : openerElement.find(img); } } }); })/script> /div> div classcol-md-4 bg- pt-0 pb-0 style > div classpy-4 py-md-0 px-4 px-md-6 px-lg-4 px-xl-6>h2>A Micro Communitybr />Rich with Activities/h2>p>Located at the heart of the Anschutz Medical Campus and the Fitzsimons Innovation Community, the Benson Hotel and Faculty Club is a central gathering place for our diverse community. At the Benson Hotel and Faculty Club, doctors, professors and University Executives meet with innovators in health. Venture capitalists meet with start-up founders and industry leaders. And patients and their families enjoy a consistent and gracious welcome./p>p>a relnoopener href target_blank titleVisit Aurora classbtn btn-primary>Visit Aurora/a>/p>/div> /div> /div> /div>/div> /section> section idfaculty-club>div classoutermost astrip stripGridManual stripGrid2Cell bg-secondary text- style > div classcontainer-fluid mt-0 mb-0 pt-0 pb-0 p-0 > div classrow align-items-center justify-content-center no-gutters > div classcol-md-8 bg- order-lg-last pt-0 pb-0 style > section classwidget swiperBasicWidget > div classswiper-container swiper-container-3263bed0-baeb-4293-aceb-22b6a230f691 > div classswiper-wrapper> div classswiper-slide> a classmagnific-link href> img src altthe benson hotel meeting room /> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide> a classmagnific-link href> img src altmeeting spaces aurora co /> /a> /div> /div> div classslider-prev>i classfa fa-chevron-left>/i>/div> div classslider-next>i classfa fa-chevron-right>/i>/div> /div>/section>script> $(window).on(load,function () { var swiperWidget new Swiper(.swiper-container-3263bed0-baeb-4293-aceb-22b6a230f691, { // Optional parameters loop: true, speed: 2000, effect: slide, slidesPerView: auto, /**/ navigation: { nextEl: .slider-next, prevEl: .slider-prev, }, parallax: false, spaceBetween: 0, centeredSlides: false, zoom: false, }) $(.magnific-link).magnificPopup({ type: image, gallery: { enabled: true, navigateByImgClick: true, preload: 1, 3 }, mainClass: mfp-with-zoom, // this class is for CSS animation below zoom: { enabled: true, // By default its false, so dont forget to enable it duration: 300, // duration of the effect, in milliseconds easing: ease-in-out, // CSS transition easing function // The opener function should return the element from which popup will be zoomed in // and to which popup will be scaled down // By defailt it looks for an image tag: opener: function (openerElement) { // openerElement is the element on which popup was initialized, in this case its a> tag // you dont need to add opener option if this code matches your needs, its defailt one. return ? openerElement : openerElement.find(img); } } }); })/script> /div> div classcol-md-4 bg-secondary order-lg-first pt-0 pb-0 style > div classpy-4 py-md-0 px-4 px-md-6 px-lg-4 px-xl-6 text-white>h2>The Faculty Club/h2>p>An exclusive gathering place to celebrate, empower, and connect medical professionals./p>p>a data-udiumb://document/ff0e6f3ae8764556b895e112897dd18d href/faculty-club/faculty-club-faq titleFaculty Club FAQ classbtn btn-white>Learn More/a>/p>/div> /div> /div> /div>/div> /section> section idcontact-us>div classoutermost astrip stripGridManual stripGrid2Cell bg-primary text- style > div classcontainer-fluid mt-0 mb-0 pt-0 pb-0 p-0 > div classrow align-items-center justify-content-center no-gutters > div classcol-md-8 bg- pt-0 pb-0 style > section classwidget swiperBasicWidget > div classswiper-container swiper-container-d8640811-62bf-4743-ac6b-73332ce2b437 > div classswiper-wrapper> div classswiper-slide> a classmagnific-link href> img src altthe benson hotel and faculty club exterior /> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide> a classmagnific-link href> img src altthe benson hotel and faculty club lobby /> /a> /div> /div> div classslider-prev>i classfa fa-chevron-left>/i>/div> div classslider-next>i classfa fa-chevron-right>/i>/div> /div>/section>script> $(window).on(load,function () { var swiperWidget new Swiper(.swiper-container-d8640811-62bf-4743-ac6b-73332ce2b437, { // Optional parameters loop: true, speed: 2000, effect: slide, slidesPerView: auto, /**/ navigation: { nextEl: .slider-next, prevEl: .slider-prev, }, parallax: false, spaceBetween: 0, centeredSlides: false, zoom: false, }) $(.magnific-link).magnificPopup({ type: image, gallery: { enabled: true, navigateByImgClick: true, preload: 1, 3 }, mainClass: mfp-with-zoom, // this class is for CSS animation below zoom: { enabled: true, // By default its false, so dont forget to enable it duration: 300, // duration of the effect, in milliseconds easing: ease-in-out, // CSS transition easing function // The opener function should return the element from which popup will be zoomed in // and to which popup will be scaled down // By defailt it looks for an image tag: opener: function (openerElement) { // openerElement is the element on which popup was initialized, in this case its a> tag // you dont need to add opener option if this code matches your needs, its defailt one. return ? openerElement : openerElement.find(img); 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