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Why Polygon? 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Why Polygon? 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srcc906b3b581b4d1dfff45a2ed561a3447af30dd9e.png altavatar>/div> div classinline-flex overflow-hidden rounded-circle -ml-xs border border-background-primary first:ml-none>img width24 height24 src8e7e7ca4bb64ac7bcb46020f2584e4af79dfe4e6.png altavatar>/div> div classinline-flex overflow-hidden rounded-circle -ml-xs border border-background-primary first:ml-none>img width24 height24 srcd9ecb20004ff0d49b49d8848d33448c566bcd812.png altavatar>/div> div classinline-flex overflow-hidden rounded-circle -ml-xs border border-background-primary first:ml-none>img width24 height24 srcQma5kWn2fwZMkAcEv3NMGFKNYyBkUxfGumbVktGMhMwMzJ.jpeg altavatar>/div> /div> p classbody text-3xs text-content-primary>45076 participants/p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classflex flex-col gap-3xs> div classw-full cursor-default rounded-sm p-none bg-background-secondary> div classflex w-full p-lg mobile:px-md mobile:py-20px> div classflex w-full items-center justify-between gap-md> div classflex h-xl w-xl min-w-32px 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